#idk he's kinda stuck in there
meowunmeow · 7 months
I'm so disconnected from reality that whenever I hear the word "undead", my first thought is "oh! like Andy :))"
Bitch, it means zombie
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spookberry · 9 months
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Idiot to Idiot communication
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pandebunuelo · 6 days
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but if he knows that you know that you know that he knows that he knows that you know that you
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marcelineuntitled · 2 months
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lil Gordon :((
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fistfuloflightning · 7 months
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You are without doubt the worst rogue cultivator I’ve ever heard of. Ah. But you have heard of me.
Some Mobei-jun/rogue cultivator!Shen Yuan brainrot—thanks to @neonghostcat I can no longer separate SY from the guandao 😭 (thank you from the bottom of my heart)
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juaneloriginal · 3 months
silly thingy
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@blackkatdraws's sillies
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a-stars-art-blog · 11 months
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Bonus: don’t worry. He loves him too :)
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Based on this comment I got a while back
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Except I made it wholesome
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artfartt · 7 days
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Here’s an idea: what if there was an au where max has electricity shooting out of him whenever he feels strong emotions but instead of something bad happening (like in that one au where Sam had electric powers) it just mildly gets in the way of their everyday life
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saw some speculation on FranklyDear in relation to the audios and i want to toss my two cents in
so all the thing's i've been seeing have been people talking about how they're a couple, but they're not acting like it, so that must be Playfellow's influence making them put distance between each other
but i immediately interpreted it as - they're not there yet. there might be feelings, but they aren't Together. cause in the 14 bug audios, i feel like it's pretty clear that these are snapshots of the neighborhood outside of the show. cameras aren't rolling, there are no influences, it's the neighbors just Existing on their own dime
'cause the conversations are more natural! the characters seem more nuanced! there aren't any sound effects! so if FranklyDear is already established, wouldn't we have "seen" that in their shared audio 8-14? wouldn't Eddie have just called Frank Frank, without the immediate (and somewhat flustered) correction to Mr. Frankly? and wouldn't Frank call him Eddie instead of Mr. Dear? plus, idk about y'all, but that scene was a lil romantically charged. a little flirty - especially from Frank's side. the kind of tension you get from budding emotions, not fully-realized ones
they just seem to be in a before state. the beginning stages. and anyway, i remember Clown saying that revealing FranklyDear as an endgame couple was sort of an Accident? i think we were meant to watch it evolve and figure it out along with the characters, the way we will with any other relationships (that we Definitely are not aware of / confident about yet).
we're still only in the prologue of the story, so it'd make so much sense if Frank and Eddie are not yet Involved. we're on this journey With them
#in a parallel universe there are people arguing over whether or not frank & eddie are a Thing#im kinda thankful that's not our reality lol#i think it's going to be fun just sitting back Fully Aware and watching these two Go Through It#i just highly highly HIGHLY doubt they're already together#plus how much more fun would it be to watch it Happen?#to see them experience the conflict and feelings and realizations and how their interactions will likely Change Accordingly#homebogging#welcome home theory#welcome home speculation#before the audios i had a feeling that it would be eddie being the more up-front flirty go-getter of the two#based on clown's art of them & such#but then with the audios eddie is a little more... reserved isnt the right word....#polite? restrained? trying to keep things Amicable and Professional?#cause in 8-14 frank was the more relaxed teasing one while eddie was a bit of a flustered mess#which might've been because of the bug#but yk... he Did rush to correct himself on how he addressed frank...#and the way frank spoke... idk it just sounded like a slightly different Tone than what they usually speak with#more of a casual drawl. more forward - there was a Weight to it#and the 'you don’t need to be that familiar with them in order to get to know them better'#imo that line stuck out as a kind of a wink wink nudge nudge thing#like a Hey. We Could Get To Know Each Other.#twas a classic 'talking about one thing while saying another' phrase - again imo#oh and also its just occurring to me#if the bug audios are 'present day' like i suspect#its entirely possible that franklydear can only 'now' develop bc theyre - well theyre not exactly Free#but playfellow is no longer 'ruling' over them. the influence and pressure - no matter how subconcious it was - is no longer there#freeing them up just enough to maybe... just maybe... truly Feel and perhaps Express interest in each other#just a thought!#that would be another tally in the box explaining why their interaction in the 8-14 audio was Different#there isn't anything holding them back anymore beyond their (possible) own internalized biases & fears & expectations etc
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have you posted about gelato before :o ?
honestly, every mention ive made of Gelato in the past month or so has just been through the tags of some posts ive reblogged on here, it's only been until now that ive gotten around to showing him off!
this is Gelato, a Flamingo/Secretarybird mix that my friend @meetthehelper put together!
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for a while, i've been wanting to figure out a bird fursona for myself, and i wanted one that had a similar silhouette to that of Scratch (i.e. Scratch & Grounder), and the bird that seemed to make the most sense to me was a flamingo. it was Helper's idea to mix him with another bird species, and i really like what she ended up with :)!
#ask#catboygirljoker#Gelato#my characters#his name is Gelato specifically because of Mario Sunshine. i wanted a name that translated from a different language#and i was saying this to a friend and they were just like ''name him Gelato'' and so i did :)#i think it fits given Gelato Beach is a pink sand beach. and the surf boards that appear on the beach (ill get into that in a second)#my lore for him atm is very barebones. besides his main hobby being surfing. and him living at friends places... couch surfer... etc. etc.#basically my friends bird's main hobby is skating. like jet set radio. and so i wanted something similar for my dude#the reason i chose surfing was to tie it in with him being a flamingo. his name being based off a beach from mario. and sims 2 on xbox#specifically sims 2 on xbox because of the surfing simulation object that appears on the second location of the story mode.#it's kinda stuck with me. probably because i couldn't ever get past the second location as a kid.#anyway. to continue. in the sketch he's wearing arm warmers. which he wears for emotional support.#primarily due to my hyperfixation with Zarbon and how much i think about arm warmers as a concept.#idk i think about what'd happen if i wore some and i feel like my brain would turn off#and so that kinda escalated into me applying that kind of attachment to Gelato#i imagine his voice being a deepish regal and flamboyant surfer voice. like think Zarbon's voice mixed with Bill (& Ted)'s#ive not heard such a voice combo. but for him im pretending it exists. it's allowed.#truthfully i wasn't sure how interested folks would be about him. probably cause i only talk about him in the tags.#anyway!!! thank you for asking about Gelato!!! ive been wanting to talk about him but havent found the right opportunity
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hailsatanacab · 8 months
I’m so curious about wip 1
Also I have like over a hundred wips and I can’t believe you did this to me 😭😭 /j
hey, you're welcome 😚🫴💕 i can't wait to see all your 100+ wips!
ooh I've had number 1 (a lot can change in a month) percolating for a while now and I've never been sure how far I want to go with it. I have pretty much all of it mapped out and it has the most bittersweet ending that I can't wait to write 😇✨ - anyway, have a wee little snippet :)
A month.
That's how long Danny Fenton had made his home with the Waynes before finding out his adoptive family's secret. The cave beneath the manor. Their hidden lives as vigilantes.
It was... a surprise, to say the least. One that he hadn't quite welcomed.
It threw him off, of course it did. This was meant to be his chance at living a normal life, a chance to leave behind his own heroics buried in the ruins of Amity, and then he had to go ahead and shack up with the birds and the bats, of all people! He just can't catch a break!
But... Well, after several tearful conversations and reassurances that no, he categorically did not have to join the team (thank the Ancients, because there's no way Danny's telling them about Phantom, not yet), things were starting to look pretty alright. The dust was finally settling and it felt like he was beginning to find his feet again.
That was last week.
This week, Bruce Wayne is dead and the family is falling apart.
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vyrion · 6 months
everything will said this chapter felt like him trying to play for some kind of favor while othering ada but it just. backfires. Horribly. because ada wouldn't agree with him out of principle of what he's saying, and monty is unconscious, and prospero doesn't care. he's trying to people please still but he'd gotten too used to appealing to monty that he veers off the wrong direction and panics when it backfires. he's trying to fill in montressor's place and attitude but it doesn't Work, and when he receives a negative response he turns to monty the same way that monty gets support from him. but he CAN'T GET IT
i strongly doubt that if montressor were somehow conscious that will would say anything like this at all. and would instead just. echo him like he always does. but instead we see this interesting situation where he Tries to do that but there isn't really anything to echo and instead he skews too far. so he tries to get prospero to agree and when He leaves. will panics. because he doesn't know what to do without that support. he's the one who Acts as support for monty and now he's left without backup
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zeb-z · 10 months
“Red team was so selfish looking past the cursed team like that” listen man they were thinking about it often, and had evidence they were cursed too. They were convinced they were cursed too. Bad (with Pierre’s help I’ll be honest) singlehandedly destroyed any sort of civil relations and good faith between the two teams and this shot Blue in the foot when they tried to make the case about them being cursed last minute, about trying to rig it in the cursed teams favor.
There was never a cursed team in the first place, it was all a tactic to build paranoia and that feeling of betrayal and to get them to tear eachother a part. And it worked super well! At the end, neither would listen to the other about their evidence, not with an honest open ear, not with the willingness to think the other team could be cursed. It’s not a case of ‘Red just refused to listen because they wanted to win more than they cared’ they thought they were cursed too - if they were selfish, then so were Blue in the same way.
Every time Red had tried to talk first early on, it was met with extreme violence - and with Bad consistently proving he’ll play dirty to win, they didn’t trust Blue enough to listen to them in the later game. Maybe they should have listened then. Maybe Blue have listened earlier. The game worked as intended to set them against eachother.
#link is to another post I made back when they were debating about the cursed teams in purgatory and why red couldn’t trust blue and blue#couldn’t believe red. they were both stuck#and bless Tubbo he tried. he did try. but he was just as convinced he was right as Phil at the end. it was about convincing one another#more than it was about coming together and piecing together the evidence. yknow what I mean? they all cared about it but because of tension#and they also could not trust blue. which sucks because that’s hardly Tubbo’s fault but yknow#I dunno. it’s not simple like that. it’s not a case of red blowing it off being selfish not caring. they also thought they were cursed#AGAIN I’ll say it again bad burning bridges fucked a lot of them over for when diplomacy had to win because there could not be benefit of#the doubt or good faith or any sort of trust#it’s not just cut and dry red wanted to win more or blue wanted to win more. it was complicated and had way more factors#red thought they were cursed too!! they had solid evidence for this too!!#and like. again it’s a case of both parties kinda suck purgatory sucked it was always going to be like that because the game worked as#intended#idk. blue should have listened to red early on. red should have listened to blue later on. they were never going to do that on either side#idk from Tina’s pov it’s understandable why she said what she said. but knowing the others pov and what actually went down that’s not what#happened at all yknow?#they’re all gonna be feeling the effects of ‘we killed and betrayed eachother for two weeks’ for a while to come#mcyt#qsmp#qsmp purgatory#z speaks
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b4kuch1n · 9 months
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#bakuspeech#and I guess this counts as#bakuspecial#ouuuuuu#my art! on cards! characters I kinda got to build with my visuals!!#also upon getting this which I had mailed to the senpai's place instead of mine in an effort to break the curse we immediately#ran a game. that was supposed to be short. but ended up extending past midnigt#AND had to stop for the night before act 2 even begins#but. its SO fun. the game pieces do just the right amount of heavy lifting for u that it frees u up to make up Real out there stuff#like. we ran a game on the browser version. and while it was also Really fun it got stressful to make stuff up#now if we're stuck we just pick up cards#and like. idk for kinda the first time really? I get the appeal of roleplaying with someone else#I'm usually such a control freak about the stories I tell lmao#with the visual aids in this set I get to imagine the character dynamics so much more easily#like this time around the senpai picked the scientist archetype#and he made that guy a white guy with some means who has been sending people to death to serve his science#and my character's an asian guy who was with a pest control service (yes I picked the trevor henderson character lmao)#who got drafted into the bureau and works as like cleanup/fodder#so immediately I got to go like oh so I hate your guts. and you condescend at me#which turned out to be a Very fun dynamic to roleplay lmao#throughout act 1 we've made this dynamic steadily Worse. one of them envies the other into oblivion#while the other can now communicate with No one except his mission partner#and we're gonna craft the second act as chase. a predator and a prey. gods. it was SO fun#its so funny both of them were touting to be smart or good at their job. and then they went into the zone and Immediately got fucked up#this game really gives u that satisfaction and fascination with like. when things go wrong in way too thematically fitting and messy ways#lmao my contract's fulfilled I do not have to talk this game up. its just really fun. man I enjoy that so much#sadly my pool of english speakers who can play this game with me is not big#I'll try and find time to run a few small games in the near future... maybe during lunar new year#I was over at the senpai's today to toast out birthdays lol. to get that out of the way we've been planning something like that for weeks#weve been both way too busy. with different sliding scales of uh. how pleasant that busy's been
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sea-jello · 1 year
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Day 21/October 21: Day of the Departed || Reminisce (??)
GRAHH ITS STILL THE 21ST SOMEWHERE i’m apparently using morrotober to try new things this one’s a new lineart brush that i’m sorta warming up to and the POSE and the BACKGROUND and the LIGHTING i’m surprised i finished this at all tbh. and also new morro design
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bg lineart and sword vs neither plus the green ghost fog thing i do basically if you zoom in really really close the lines aren’t smooth on the lineless bgs but icba the pedestal can be chipped or something. i kinda like without the sword and fog cause it gives him a more isolated feel yk (that was my original idea lmao)
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this one’s my attempt at funky mannequin hands
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marsbutterfly · 2 years
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Hanma has two moods when it comes to having sex:
He either wants you to call him Shuji, which means he wants to have caring sex, the kind where your bodies and souls are connected, where he wants to make sure everything he is doing feels good and that you are treated like a spoiled princess. The kind of sex where the two of you come at the same time before falling side by side on the bed, smiles and laughter while you lay on his arm.
Or he wants you to call him Hanma, which means he wants to own you. He wants to fuck you doggy style and wrap his hand around your hair, pulling it to bring your ear closer to his mouth while he whispers how much of a good girl you are and what a great job you are doing. He will smack your ass and leave the mark of his hand behind. Finally, he will release a load of his cum inside of you until you are dripping onto the bed.
There's no in-between.
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