#idk between the lack of alone time and having to be emotionally supportive for a friend who is Going Thru It... I'm tapped out
confirmed-for-trash · 2 years
ugh I want to Do Things but my brain won't let me. when I try to execute the functions I just get a busy signal and a voice telling me to try my call again later
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enden-agolor · 5 months
i fucking LOVE the way you draw/write jesse, as someone with a chubby/buff build i kind of struggle with insecurities about my size but the way you draw him makes me feel very good. idk im describing it badly but i wanted to ask if your design for him is more chubby or muscly?
Dude thank you 🥺🩵 You described it very well.
It really depends on which time frame I'm drawing Jesse in actually.
In the beginning, I imagine Jesse is quite scrawny. I mean did you see his work out routine in the beginning? He was was doing sit ups and punching flowers. He was definitely lacking muscle (but had enough to be able to lift Reuben up and down that ladder) and as the first couple episodes progress, he stays scrawny but progressively becomes more scarred up until the Portal Hallway episodes.
The Portal Hallway episodes, it takes place many months after the events of the Witherstorm. Jesse and his friends are going on many more adventures, really honing their skills that they acquired over the past few months. Jesse is much more built now. He's buff and tough with the true heart of a hero. Although, once he and his friends get stuck in the Portal Hall, that's when things take a really devastating turn for him. Feeling hopeless and lost for weeks on end, he begins to feel withdrawn from the positivity he was feeling before he ended up stuck here. Traumatic events keep occuring, and with these events, Jesse is of course drawn to remember and replay the events of Reuben's death in his head. He keeps the most of these feelings to himself because his group is already feeling so disheartened about their current situation that the last thing he'd want for them is to know that he's breaking emotionally, so he ends up taking less care of himself. He starts eating with the idea that he has to stay strong for his friends, but even those moments are rare. Food is scarce depending on what portal they are in, so when he finds food, he'll take anything that will keep his energy and strengths up.
By the end of it all, he's actually put on a significant amount of muscle. But it's kind of like a 'at what cost?' scenario.
Things get a bit better for him between then and Season 2 where he's eating better again and keeping all that muscle, but once Season 2 comes and goes, and with everything that happens in the Sunshine Institute and the Underneath, he loses a lot of weight.
It's only after Season 2, where he stays in BeaconTown and eventually finds a love life with Lukas when he really begins putting on weight once again. He's done with hero work. He's done with going on crazy life threatening adventures. Now he just wants to live life for himself rather than putting others first. Lukas helps him a lot through this, with body positivity and lots of love and affectionate touch, it's all the reassurance Jesse has ever needed to feel okay with being himself again. So he ends up putting on that happy weight that couples typically adopt over time when they're in a healthy relationship. Lukas treats him so, so unbelievably well. Finally Jesse gets to eat food for himself without the idea of needing to keep himself strong and powerful once he's finally retired. He indulges himself in his sweet tooth and loves to eat cookies, cakes, and other baked goods that Lukas will bake or bring home. He also really enjoys the fact that he doesn't have to eat alone anymore. He loves sitting at the table and enjoying a meal with his hubby. And the best part, which is something Jesse was horribly self conscious about, is that Lukas loves and adores his pudge. He is so supportive of Jesse's eating habits, but he doesn't hesitate to sneak veggies and fruits into Jesse's lunch box for work.
So yeah uh Jesse is chubby, buff and loved at the end of it all 😍
Here's some lil doodles of him I have lying around. The first one is pretty old and could probably use a touch up since now I don't see much of a difference, but you get the point ☠️
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knickynoo · 2 years
If Marty was officially diagnosed with ADHD (or ADD in those days), how would his family (including Doc) handle it, you think?
An ADHD Marty-themed ask? This is one of my favorite headcanons. Let's consider this scenario, shall we?
Doc would handle it very well. In fact, there's a decent chance Marty would fly through the door of the garage all flustered and crackly-voiced like, "Aw, Doc! They're tellin' me I got this ADD thing," and Doc would nod and go, "Yes, yes, of course you do. Hand me the socket wrench, Marty."
Really, though, I think it's quite possible that Doc would know a bit about ADD, even though it wasn't super well-known or understood in the 1980s. But I can see him having come across literature on it and being intrigued, sort of diving into whatever information he can get because--being an intelligent, science-minded guy--things involving the brain would fascinate him. Along the way, he'd likely connect the dots in the similarities between symptoms and Marty's own behavior and have a lightbulb moment. Be like, "Duh."
Doc would be more open-minded regarding ADD than most people were during that time. In the 80s, it was mostly seen as something only very young boys had, and it was typically only the "severe" cases that actually got diagnosed and treated. People thought it was something you grew out of in late teens/early adulthood, and many didn't even see it as a disorder but rather just a case of bratty, undisciplined kids. Doc wouldn't follow that line of thinking and would probably be ahead of the times in terms of his understanding of the disorder.
He'd be very supportive of Marty and use whatever knowledge he's able to gather to help his friend figure out tools and coping strategies. (And I wouldn't put it past post-trilogy Doc to use time travel to see what new developments there are in the realm of ADD--now ADHD!--in the future)
Side note: I also headcanon Doc's son Verne as having ADHD (going based off of the way he's written in the cartoon), so that would factor in as well. Doc would be well-versed in it.
Twin Pine McFlys
I've considered this many times, actually. I mean, Marty has SO many ADHD traits as it is in the movies, and it's interesting to consider what a kid like him would experience living in the environment that is the original timeline McFly house.
Basically, I don't think Twin Pines George and Lorraine would even acknowledge any signs of ADD in Marty, let alone take the initiative to seek a diagnosis for him. Even if they had the resources/money for it, which I don't think they would, they'd probably sort of wave away any concerns. George doesn't strike me as even being aware or involved enough to notice anything, and Lorraine may go the route of, "We didn't have this ADD thing when I was your age. Those kids are just poorly behaved, and you're not like them, Marty. If you ask me, you just need to apply yourself more." It wouldn't so much be a case of Lorraine purposely being uncaring or anything--that was just the thinking of the time, and Lorraine has enough issues of her own to be consumed by without having to take on the possibility that her son might be struggling.
Lone Pine McFlys
They're hip. Savvy. Lone Pine George and Lorraine are on top of things, so I think the likelihood of Marty's ADD being noticed and addressed would be much higher, even if it took a while to get to that point.
Idk how it would come about exactly. Considering the time period and lack of information, there'd probably still be a lot of, "Oh, that's just Marty/That's just how Marty is", etc for most of his childhood and into his teen years. Maybe by mid to late 80s, they'd start to notice things? Maybe Lorraine has a friend with a young son who gets diagnosed and medicated, and in talking to her about it, she sees the parallels to Marty and his "quirks". Then, being much more involved and emotionally present in this timeline, Lorraine would start figuring out where to go from there, broaching the topic with Marty, seeking a doctor who knows about ADD in older teens, and so on.
Thanks for the ask!
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Family Ties 🤍 - July 2023 - Aquarius
Overall energy: 6 Swords
You’ve moved away from your family for the most part, either putting literal distance in between you or emotional distance for sure with Queen of Swords, which is your air energy. I do get that you try to be impartial, and fair, and this may have been a long time coming after much thought and deliberation, with The Hermit. You’re better off alone. I don’t get fully alone, this Queen communicates, it’s just…few and far between. And these relationships lack love, substance, a deeper connection that one should feel with family. Not to say that you don’t, more that I don’t see it in the others either. You may have been on your own for a long time. Or you tried long enough, and gave up.
Mother: Strength & Judgement
Mom may have been sick or has passed on already. It’s possible she passed when you were very young, and you may not even remember her. It’s also possible she split from your father, who may have left and later returned, and she would not forgive him. Or that’s switched. Where you are concerned, I don’t get much energy from you regarding her. It’s like you don’t know her well. You don’t judge her, and you don’t have a relationship with her, staying very impartial. Fair. Balanced. You may have been raised predominantly by your father. She has heavy Scorpio energy.
Father: Page of Pentacles, 5 Pentacles, 2 Swords
Dad was/is a bit of a rolling stone, moving from place to place, you’ve probably lived in several places. Due to money, various jobs, it was necessary for him. The problem with that is the inability to form close bonds that last a long time, in childhood, which is probably why you’re so used to Hermit energy. You could be similar to him in many ways. You’ve never left him entirely, but there are long periods when you’re away from each other, it goes from feeling abandoned to a brand new start, feeling connected, and back to feeling abandoned. It’s a cycle between you. They can never seem to get it together, you may not either, in a financial or responsibility sense, and because of this, you don’t judge him either. Your Queen of Swords shows you being balanced & fair, above all else, though cautious. Naturally guarded & emotionally detached from any outcomes, you protect your heart. You’re always indecisive when it comes to Dad, but he’s that way too. You’re a lot alike.
Siblings: Queen of Wands & Ace of Pentacles
You have a sibling that married into money most likely, they’re courageous, headstrong, and have never let anything keep them down. When they have a goal, they go after it, no matter what it takes, and they probably have a good support system to help them get there. You probably talk to them the most, this shows you as being good friends and helping each other out often.
Grandparents: 9 Wands & 4 Cups
If you’re pissed at anyone, it’s a grandparent. I don’t know which one, Sag energy is here. When times were the hardest, these person/people could care less, and you have a lot of pent up anger, stress, hurt, and sadness regarding these people and their complete disregard of you, your parents, siblings, etc. There’s definitely no relationship with them.
Spiritual Ancestors: Page of Swords & Page of Cups
This seems to be referring to your sibling, and the need to use this Hermit mode you’re already in to sort through your feelings for this person. At one time, you were on the same level. But at some point, this person took a chance and it worked out for them. There are feelings of bitterness, jealousy, looking down on them, inside of you, only because they got a chance you felt you didn’t have the option to take. Idk if they flex on you and try to provoke a reaction, competitive nonsense and rubbing your face in things. It’s possible. Spirit wants you to be genuinely happy for them, yes for them but more so for you. You’re not to wish ill on anyone, and I don’t think you actually do, you try to be fair and they are that one person that knows how to trigger all of your buttons. You two could be opposites in every way. 6 Swords being your energy is the best energy for you to be in, it’s Aquarian energy, continue releasing things from the past and focusing on yourself. Be happy for your family’s successes while keeping your distance, like you do. I get that you’re in the thick of a spiritual awakening of sorts. Sibling got the money & love. You get the wisdom, spiritual gifts & generational baggage. For now. They’re going to be settling down as you’re waking up, you’re truly opposites…and nothing is set in stone, you’re still moving ❤️ You’ve faced these challenges together, they deserve happiness. So do you. And there’s some subtext in the clarifications that someday they’re going to need you, so celebrate their ups while they’re up, you’ll always be someone they can count on & vice versa, when things come down. But you don’t actually want that for them 🙏
Learn from the past and apply it to creating your vision of the future.
See beyond appearances, masks, cliches, and cultural stereotypes to gain insight.
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masterhandss · 3 years
Who do you think katarina will end up with?
Anonymous asked: Who do you ship katarina the most with ?
I got these two questions consecutively, I'm assuming they are coming from the same person so I'll combine them to a single reply, if that's okay.
People who have been following me since the first season can probably tell that I really like Geordo x Katarina (GeoKata) the most out of all ships. At first it was mostly just because I have an unintentional biases towards characters with blonde hair, which is why favorites were GeoKata and MariaKata, but then when I slowly got into the series more, my biases permanently shifted to the G-boy.
I'm not really a fan of laying out why I like certain ships through test to be honest. I usually get super frustrated when zine mods ask contributors to explain why they like a character or ship for contributor spotlight graphics because I can never really say everything I feel correctly hgdsjsdgfj, which is a good thing someone had already asked me a similar question before so I'll just copy paste my response here if that's okay :DD
TLDR; I ship Katarina with Geordo (Maria, Sora and Cezar behind him), and I think Katarina will end up with Geordo :))
You didn't really ask why but I'll give it anyways :)) -> major light novel spoilers, by the way <-
I'm not really the most deep person, if a ship has the bare minimum of something that I like (a trope or a hair color combination) then I stan it hard. That's why I used to be so equally adoring to both Maria and Geordo, because hurrdurr blonde hair hurrdurr. But the more I read the books and got into the community, I eventually liked him more than Maria. I didn't understand how or why at first, since Geordo and Maria are undergoing a very similar character arc: both characters wants to become better people in order to become worthy of Katarina (Geordo emotionally, and Maria physically? magically? in terms of her position/social status? I can't think of a right word but you get it). Again, Maria and Geordo's struggles are similarly written but one of them is more compelling to me. I feel like Maria's problems are easier to solve (her inability to rely on people, her attention seeking and her desire to be more magically powerful) imo, since she's already a well-liked figure in the Ministry and she's already a high-level magic user. Geordo's though; the series doesn't put too much attention on it, but despite the fact that Katarina gave his life color, he still somewhat sees the world in a desaturated light even post-childhood according to the novels and his lack of empathy still prevents him from completely absorbing all the colors. He's still learning how to see and he is happy that Katarina is always there to help him learn how.
I just love the irony that Katarina sees Geordo as a Perfect Prince and feels that she is inferior and unworthy of him, but then Geordo also seems himself as flawed, inferior and unworthy of Katarina and sees her as someone perfect. Geordo constantly wants to be better for Katarina (and for the people around him), and in time, maybe he could become a motivation for Katarina to be better too (on Katarina's side though, because on Geordo's she doesn't have to because she's already perfect the way she is). Geordo, while being self-centered and aggressive in his pursuits, isn't always selfish and thinks about what Katarina wants too. He'd fight tooth and nail for her and will do whatever he can so that Katarina will love him in the same way, but that doesn't mean he wont respect her decision if she falls in love with someone else, he just wont lose without a fight that's all (and fight, he'll give that's for sure).
Geordo is crazy in love with her; wants to protect her happiness, keep her safe whenever he can, and is even willing to both fight to become king and throw away the life he currently knows if it means he can live a life where he and Katarina can be together wherever she is most content and happy. He wouldn't lock her up in the castle like a caged bird like what Keith and some fans of the series thinks, whenever he does have thoughts like that like in Volume 6, its his internal response to the lack time they can have together alone, rather than being indicative of how he wants to treat her (like in his desire in Book of Desires, he conjured up a literal honeymoon because a honeymoon is the only time where he can spend it with her alone without someone butting in! It's weird and exaggerated, but his desire is simply to just be able to spend a day with her and be able to pursue her romantically without the threat of people like Keith and Mary).
Katarina sees him for himself, and she extends her hand of friendship to him despite all her fears of her bad ends involving him. She knows he's a "sadistic prince" but doesn't always tie him to that title. Out of everyone, Katarina has just as bad, if not worse, initial impression of Geordo compared to almost everyone around him (Others sees him as a Perfect Prince while she sees him as a Sadistic Prince and Future Murderer), and yet she accepts him and wants to learn more about him. She supports him and wants him to find happiness in love with Maria, even if it means she'll get exiled to another country or to a far off farm! (i'll edit this with citations later)
I can't help but want that for him, someone who there for you through thick and thin, who supports him despite everything she knows about her future involving him. Katarina is everything he would ever want in a partner: someone who isn't disturbed by his past, can see through his fake smiles, constantly cares for him, sees him beyond his princely façade, is one of his first friends who has helped him create friendships with other as well that prevented him to wallow in isolation and hate of the version of himself that society created for him, is genuinely interested in him as a person, is endlessly fun to be around and unpredictable, and is overall beautiful inside and out.
Again, a lot of Maria and Geordo's struggles are very similar to each other, but I'm more interested in Geordo's side. I find it more compelling. Geordo's scenes always almost provides something new, we get to see him angry, flustered & embarrassed, scheming/conniving, possessive, grateful, sad & frustrated and so much more. Maria has that too (we get to see her sad and thankful), but this might be my own perspective of reading the novels, but Maria's scenes kinda feel the same to me. It almost always starts with Katarina helping her and her realizing time and time again how much she loves her and become more motivated to be a better version of herself. I mean its unfair to say that they are all the same but that might just be me. (Maria: wow I'm so grateful for everything Katarina has given me, I want to be with her forever (rinse and repeat for the next 5 books))
Yes I know it's beautiful to see Maria falling deeper and deeper in love with Maria, but I'd rather see moments of someone who is trying to advance on those feelings rather than someone who is still trying to understand what they feel. Declarations and descriptions of love are beautiful in literary works and it always gets my heart fluttering, but I can read fanfics if I want to see that be written in 8 or more ways. Give me some action, some internal conflict!
It also doesn't help that it makes me really really happy for Geordo that he's made a dent in Katarina's baka shield? Katarina's heart skipped and fluttered for a second when Geordo was patting her head, and it makes me want to root for him even more! (Yes, go break the bubble! You can do it!!)
It's not even the same doki-doki as when she gets charmed at how pretty Maria is, to me its different in a way that my small vocabulary can't explain.
And besides, it really is just a battle between the protagonist that almost ruined her life (Maria) and the love interest that almost ruined her life (Geordo). Keith is part of that equation too, but he was never a threat after they became close (narratively, its seriously just Maria vs Geordo vs Keith, ignoring the changes to that narrative by FL2). It's always about Geordo (and Maria), everything she's doing in the Fortune Lover 1 Arc is because of Geordo (and arguably, Maria & Keith too) and the consequences of where he decides her future to would lead to.
It has to be Geordo, in my opinion, to show her that things aren't the same as the game (and he already kinda has, just a dent though) (If not Geordo, it should be Maria). He, who she feared and yet cared for so much
(I know Fortune Lover 2 basically removes that importance of Geordo and Maria specifically to Katarina's narrative by making her an active problem in all routes, finally becoming loyal to the title "All Routes Lead to Doom", but its not like the story is digging into Katarina's brain that she's sword training for the purpose of fighting back against all the boys, its still just Geordo, so idk I still count that in my shipper brain)
It also also helps that Geordo is basically the poor bullied animal in the hamefura community's eyes, regardless of how far he is into the battle (like in the reddit discord lmao). Yeah he has the best chances which is why many people both in and out of the series find it so fun to drag him under because of his unfair advantage, which is fair, but just like how you feel when you see a small wounded animal, you can't help but want to help someone who has the whole world against him (there's literally a canon manga page with that joke lmao), which is how I eventually felt over time. He's so misunderstood and bullied by people despite the authors dedication to flesh him out more beyond being a possessive prince fiancé of Katarina because of the anime's adaption, so I'd rather give my biases to someone who needs (and deserves it) rather than other contenders who are already overflowing with love and support. Also who doesn't love a perfect guy who breaks when his beloved is harm/who opens up to the person he cares about most?
I know people will read this and find it unfair that Katarina is giving so much to Geordo, but he isn't really giving anything to her. One thing I'll agree that Maria has over Geordo is that Maria makes Katarina want to try and work hard. Seeing Maria improve her magic wants Katarina to do the same, and whether or not it's from motivation or fear of getting left out depends on the reader. So far we don't really have anything like that for Katarina with Geordo because most things involving Geordo intimidates her, compared to Maria who is surrounded by mysteries and adventure (though arguably it's Katarina and not her lmao, but Kat doesn't know that).
Katarina is already the most well-adjusted character in the story even as a child so the only thing to really explore from her is mostly just her relationships and skewed sense of reality. That's why I hope that Geordo will not only help her realize that she can be loved by her peers romantically despite her self-perceived position/role, but also be one of the persons to make her completely realize that she isn't living inside a game. I mean like I said a few paragraphs ago, he's already kinda doing it by constantly confessing his feelings to her, reminding her that he is a person with his own feelings and not a character programmed to fall for a heroine.
So yeah, I ship Katarina with Geordo for those reasons and believe they should end up together for those reasons.
If you ask me who I think would she end up with objectively, I'd still say Geordo. The author's focus jumps between Geordo and Maria so that really depends on who you're asking. It also doesn't help that Geordo is always in the marketing with Katarina in the books and games, which pretty much cements his Male Lead status to Katarina's Female Lead status lmao
Thank you for the ask lmao, I'll be updating this with more thoughts and possibly citations later :))
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
hi! can i ask for a matchup with a male character pls? i’m a soft 🥺🥺 girl and the baby in my friend groups, kinda shy at first & may look like a snob because i’m not sure if they’re saying hi to me or the person behind me 👉👈 but i open up really quickly if u decide u want to be friends, i’m chill and relaxed but i’m also down to do anything, i usually match my vibe with the people i’m with, quiet night in? i’m down! wanna impulsively do something at 3 am? i’m in! i’m naturally clingy and
(2/2) affectionate since my love languages are physical touch and quality time, which can lead to many people mistaking my platonic actions (hugs, handholding, head on your shoulder) as flirting when i’m just expressing my love for my friends 🥺🥺, i’m a procrastinator but i also plan my day in an organized manner so idk how i’m still cramming my deadlines, i love doing yoga, reading, painting and calligraphy, i’m a horrible cook oops but it somehow ends up good and edible in the end :))
(( I used the name Patricia, since it’s your username 😅))
💜💜💜 💜💜💜💜 💜💜💜💜 💜💜💜
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(Sorry,I couldn’t find a great picture, but much love ❤️ for our good octo-boi)
Shoji, does not see you as a snob or anything....mostly because he didn’t look down the first time he ‘met’ you, didn’t even see you in fact.
The second time he meets you, he realizes he likes the soft shy nature. So he tries to strike up a conversation, apparently this man knows no fear, at least when it comes to talk to new people.
Mezo, loves how you can match his mode at almost any given instant, but, he loves it even more when you tell him, what you really want.
Not everyone agrees but, I feel like this boy is lacking in the physical affection area due to insecurities.... SO! It’s the moment you start to snuggle into his side under his arms, hugging his arm/s (True lovers will take the challenge to hug all three), hugging his waist and pressing your cheek into his chest. He will hold you in the tightest embrace and make sure no one will ever hurt the thing he holds closest to him.
Ever felt self conscious? He will crush those insecurities the way he crushes weight lifting. No body makes his girl cry, and if they do, he’s not going to hurt them...bad.
So how did you go from friends to dating? Well, it was the moment your platonic actions made him realize. “......This, it’s nice being the one who’s held, and not holding someone else.” Struck a heart string for him.
Alone it wasn’t just the soft and intimate touches, it was the small things, when you sat by his side, dropped your head against his shoulder, took a hand between both of yours and talked about your day, all the good, bad, lunch, anything, he loved your voice and hearing you be open. He loved how you complained sometimes that you did everything by the schedule, but still, somehow somewhere time slipped away form you. But he realized he loved it more when you cared enough to ask him about his day, and his feelings.
Admires the works of art you create, loves watching you sketch and paint creating something beautiful out of nothing. Cooking? He worries a bit when he sees you struggling, and wants to help, but doesn’t want you to feel insecure. So he sits back and encumourgaes you with words, praying to whoever is listening that it’ll be good. When things get a bit serious, he’ll try to slyly help you, and you’ll accept it because what’s more romantic then cooking with your boyfriend?
Shoji, loves you deeply, seeks out your soft touches and hushed whispers, will gladly hold you on his chest while he lays back on his bed, even though he knows he should approve of your procrastination.
“Hey! Shoji!” Patricia whispered screamed while knocking his door.
The sound of shuffling was heard and soon she came face to chest with the white haired male that had come to be her friend.
“I need help,” she entered his room as he stepped aside letting her in, “Momo wants me to study more but I can’t! I’m tired.” She plopped down on a cushion she had left in his room the other night when she brought tea.
He simply nodded and closed the door, “I won’t hide you for long, just a break.”
It was a lie, the afternoon turned late, followed by early night, and here they were talking in whispers about something that happened in Patricia’s past.
“It was embarrassing! I literally blew snot on my crush, he didn’t even talk to me or look at me! Luckily my crush didn’t last more than two weeks so I got over it quick.”
Patricia turned onto her left side to face Shoji, he was laying on his back, head turned to look at her. His left arms supporting his head and tight arms stretch out. Patricia lowered her head to rest on his shoulder and sighed, content and smiled. “Shoji, you probably know this already but you are the best.”
Her left arm stayed tucked by her side as her right arm hugged his broad chest, his free arms coming to hold her waist and shoulders pulling her closer.
“You’re the only one to tell me.” He said still looking down at her.
“Well, I’ll just have to say it more then.” She tried to squeeze him failing due to his hardened muscular structure.
“Maybe I should work out.” She mumbled looking down at her tummy, it wasn’t a models body, but to Shoji? It belonged to the most beautiful lady he’s met so far in his life, (mom excluded for survival reasons.)
“I think you’re beautiful,” the mouth moved before he realized what he was going to say out loud.
Patricia felt the heat in her cheeks, sure she’d been complimented before but this felt, different, she closed her eyes and smiled, “Thank you Shoji, I think you’re quite handsome.”
He quickly turned his face the other way glad his mask covered majority of his face.
You laid there, wiggling your way closer to his side taking his warmth, but truth be told, without you, he’d feel just as cold as he did before. Maybe now would be the time to tell you, how madly I love he thinks he is in with you. To tell you how he loves watching you mumble into his chest when you sleep on him when he’s at your dorm watching a movie up at three in the morning when you have early classes the next day. The way he ties your hair back when your painting your best or writing your finest print. The way your brows furrow as you mix ingredients, and then how your eyes widen and you blush’s heepishky realizing you may have messed up. How even when your booked all day, you procrastinate and use that time to busy up his free time.
“Let’s get you to your dorm before you fall asleep.” Was all he said as he lifted you and himself.
Carrying anyone bridal style was a simple task, the man could carry the hero endeavor on one side and all might on the other, people often forget with one side he can life a thousand pounds easy. But, you always felt a bit self conscious, but when would your weight ever compare to 1000 pounds? Even if you did, he’d do everything he could to make sure you love yourself.
Making it to your room, he took your kept and opened the door. Once inside he was hit with the wave of a familiar scent. It was the smell of faint sweets and mint. It wasn’t strong, just noticeable. He walked in you yawned in his arms. You gave his neck a tight hug and thanked him for what did. He simply nodded, not liking the reaction you grabbed his neck and pulled him down into you.
He quickly readjusted so his weight wouldn’t crush you, here he was, laying on his back having forced you into his chest, he held you safe with all his arms, you yawned resting your head on his cheek. “Don’t go Mezo.”
He sighed and squeezed you, “I shouldn’t spend the night.”
“Please?” You yawned again.
He tried to fight but he couldn’t, “once.”
Fell asleep on his chest, but woke up in panic when he turned to his side, you almost fell of the bed, but he caught you. He pulled you into his chest now chest to chest on your sides you held him, your eyes held lidded as you wanted to stay awake but sleep was much better.
“I should tell you something.” His voice was low and smooth.
“Mhmm,” you hummed enjoying his voice.
“I think, I’ve grown emotionally attracted to you.”
You didn’t process it to easy, emotionally attached? Oooo big words, big guy makes sense. The problem with being half weak, was that you didn’t process it. But your lips moved on their own as you pushed you self up to get level with him, kissing his cheek you nuzzled his clothed cheek, “Shoji I have confession.”
“I think I love you.” Patricia mumbled and continued to try and get closer to the boy.
He let out a single laughed and squeezed her closer, “Well talk when your awake.”
“Mkay, Good night Shoji, love you.” You yawned, and let your eyes close still catching his faint whispered into the darkness as his chin rested on your head, “Good night, I..... love you.”
Your heart warmed up at his soft whispered and you smield feeling yourself finally sleep, so soft, so sweet.
I hope you like it 🖤
Thank you for the request and being patient with me lol.
My ask box is open, and Anon is on. Remember to stay hydrated, and stay caught up with work!
Love to everyone 💛 Stay safe!
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
5, 6, 7 & 8 for OTP asks with Hiccanna!!
Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate?
Anna, hopeless romantic and “true love” fanatic that she is, is incredibly down to meet her soulmate. One of her biggest fears is being inherently unlovable and that no one will ever love her for who she is (parents dying and sister shunning you has to leave some abandonment issues babyyyy), so she takes a lot of comfort in the idea of a soulmate--at least one person is basically certain to love her, right?
Hiccup, meanwhile, is apathetic at best and annoyed by the idea of a higher power dictating who his girlfriend is at worst. Unlike Anna, he doesn’t really fear no one will ever really love him for who he is--rather, he just accepts it as fact. Growing up with no friends and an emotionally-distant father, Hiccup came to believe that he was never going to feel the kind of deep, boundless love he’d seen between other people--and he made his peace with it. Being a more introverted scientist and inventor-type, Hiccup tends to spend a lot of time alone anyways and believes (maybe not fully accurately) that he prefers it that way. Besides, the logician in him thinks the whole “magic cosmic soulmate” thing is probably bullshit, and he just can’t figure out how something like soulmates could ever be backed or supported by modern science. Ultimately, Hiccup figures he’s going to date who he’s going to date (if he can even find any girls who are interested, that is), and he really couldn’t care less what the stars have to say about it.
When Hiccup and Anna do finally meet, and eventually start dating (knowing how shy and awkward they’d both be about confessing, it would take months to years after them meeting to actually get together, even in a goddamn soulmate AU), it isn’t revealed that they’re soulmates right away. Maybe it’s revealed by their hearts glowing a certain color when they first realize they’re in love with the other person? Idk. 
When Anna finds out they’re soulmates, she’s absolutely stoked. Like the girl probably runs around their home for a solid 15 minutes planning a soulmate reveal party or something. Hiccup, meanwhile, is just kind of like “Oh! Neat!” and then immediately goes back to whatever he was doing XD
Anna is a bit hurt that Hiccup is so, ah...unconcerned about them being literally destined to be together. She’s mainly worried that it means that he doesn’t like...cherish their connection enough and whatnot. After he picks up on the fact that she’s kind of upset about his definitive lack of a strong reaction to the whole thing, he explains to her that he didn’t really care because he’d 100% date Anna whether or not she was his soulmate. Saying their souls were deeply connected was basically just putting a formal title on what he already knew.
And Anna has to take a minute, because honestly? Hiccup confidently saying he’d be with her in any reality, even one where he risks angering cosmic forces to do so, is actually much more romantic than them being supposedly “fated for each other” since the beginning.
Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
I think I’ll have Zephyr and Nuffink be the single parent kids because I Just Think They’re Neat! That, and I honestly can’t bear to make lovechildren for Anna with anyone but Hiccup XD (those of you who know me will know making Krist/anna lovechildren in any context is RIGHT OUT).
So in this AU things didn’t work out with Astrid and Hiccup is pretty heartbroken over it :( I imagine she ultimately left him because she wasn’t really feeling the spark anymore, and they have joint custody of the kids. Meanwhile, Hiccup and Anna were neighbors growing up, and were pretty close friends as kids until Anna moved away and they lost touch. She eventually comes back to their hometown as an adult, and she and Hiccup reconnect. They’re also both like “ah shit, my old buddy got HOT” XD
I actually think Anna and Zephyr would really hit it off, mainly because Anna sees a lot of what she loves the most about Hiccup in Zephyr. Zephyr has Hiccup’s anxiety, cynicism, inventive streak, overall social awkwardness--and because Anna knows Hiccup so well and knows how to best accommodate all of his quirks and oddities, it’s not hard for her to extrapolate how best to befriend a younger version of him XD Zephyr, meanwhile, has had trouble befriending kids her age due to her bluntness and general “nerdiness,” so she’s always happy to find someone who accepts her unconditionally and takes a genuine interest in her wacky inventions--even if it’s her dad’s new girlfriend, who by all accounts should be a weird person for her to get close to XD Zephyr also devours science books like they’re going out of style, and is very pleased that Anna is more than happy to listen to her ramble on and on about random science trivia. Zeph still loves her biological mom, for sure, but she starts thinking of Anna as a second mom. She brags to all the kids at school that she has two moms, which leaves them very confused and wondering if Astrid ended up marrying another woman after she divorced Hiccup (which, to be fair, wouldn’t be entirely out of character).
Nuffink, meanwhile, is a little more unsure about the whole situation, if mainly because I headcanon him as a bit of a mama’s boy. He doesn’t dislike Anna so much as he’s just...wary of her, and doesn’t know how to feel about his dad falling in love with someone who isn’t his mom. He also can’t help but feel out-of-place when he, Zephyr, Hiccup, and Anna go out on “family outings” because he kind of looks like he doesn’t belong. With her reddish-brown hair, her blue eyes, her aundance of freckles, and her fondness for wearing twin braids, Zephyr could definitely pass as Anna’s daughter (I’ve even seen Anna used as an older version of Zephyr in video edits, which is hilariously ironic). Although Nuffink has his dad’s eyes, he very much has his biological mom’s hair and doesn’t look like he’s related to Anna at all.
I think what helps them finally bond is that they both have a love of combat! Nuffink definitely does some kind of martial arts or fencing training if he can access it, and Anna is more than happy to teach him some swordplay and spar with him if he wants! Because Sword Anna is best Anna, fight me. Nuffink is also open-minded enough that hey, if his cool big sister likes someone that much, she can’t be that bad. Hiccup is just...continually super impressed with how much Anna knows about fighting--and it makes him fall all the more in love with her, because he loves that in a woman XD Once Nuffink warms up to Anna, he’s constantly trying to impress her ith how tough he is--mostly shown by him ramming his head into walls. Poor Anna worries about Nuffink a lot XD
I imagine there’s a little bit of tension between Anna and Astrid in this AU. Not really because Astrid resents Hiccup moving on--she’s actually pretty happy for Hiccup that he found someone better suited for him than her--but more because she worries Anna is trying to replace her as the kids’ “true mom” XD Anna, meanwhile, can’t help but resent Astrid a little for breaking Hiccup’s heart and doesn’t get why they kids can’t just have two moms! The more people who love them, the better, right???
I don’t imagine Anna and Hiccup having any biological kids in this AU, because I think two stepkids would be plenty for Anna! Of course, since Zephyr and Nuffink are Hiccup’s, she loves them with all her being and tries to be the best stepmom she can be. But I think having more than two kids would stress Anna’s ADHD ass the fuck out, and she doesn’t strike me as the sort of person who would feel a need to have biological kids with Hiccup if she already had Nuffink and Zephyr to parent. Our girl is perfectly happy adopting!
Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient?
Hiccup is the long-suffering doctor, although not entirely by choice. Often he wonders if being a doctor is actually what he wanted, but his dad was like “WELL SON! YOU’RE SMART, SO YOU GOTTA BE A DOCTOR SO YOU MAKE BIG BUCKS!” (I’m headcanoning in this AU Stoick is a professional athlete of some kind, and has made BANK since he was young. He can’t really conceive of his son NOT pursuing a well-paid profession). Hiccup doesn’t really want to disappoint his rather intimidating dad, so he goes along with it.
It’s not that he dislikes it, when all is said and done. He does care about people and wants to help them, although he hides it underneath about 10 layers of snark. Still, it’s stressful and thankless work, and often he worries about whether he took the right path. Too late to pursue something else now, he supposes.
Then he meets Anna, rushed to the ICU with a collection of third-degree electrical burns. She tried to plug all of her Christmas light strings into the same power strip, and uh...it did not go well. Hiccup is there monitoring her vitals when she wakes up, and she just kind of wearily sighs and admits to him that living on her own wasn’t nearly as fun or exciting as she thought it would be. As it turned out, Anna had insisted she could be trusted with putting up her apartment’s holiday decorations, and she very much should not have been.
Anna ends up having to stay a couple weeks. She needs a small skin graft (yeah, she fucked herself up THAT bad), and then needs a bit of time for the surgery wounds to heal. Hiccup is assigned to do checkups on her regularly, and starts to look forward to it. Her perky disposition (despite being stuck in the hospital with burn wounds) is contagious, and she never fails to make him laugh after a long, draining shift. As stressful as his job is, Anna becomes his one respite.
He has to admit, it’s nice to have at least one thing to look forward to.
Hiccup is a little sad to see Anna go. Of course, bumbling, socially awkward foot-in-mouth fool that he is, he doesn’t have the courage to ask for her number so they can keep in touch. That would, uh...probably be unprofessional or something. Besides, it would probably crush his heart and soul if she was weirded out by his soft spot for her so like...maybe best not to even open himself up to the possibility.
Then, not two weeks later, Anna shows up at the hospital again--this time having broken three bones in a hiking accident. Apparently she got too excited about a particularly nice view, and toppled right off the top of a very steep bluff. He, once again, takes on her care, and is delighted (albeit guiltily) to have her back. He, once again, has something to make work not suck as much!
Oddly enough, this turns out to be the first of many hiking accidents. Anna comes in next month claiming to have nearly burned her arm off in a rogue campfire, and then again the next month claiming to have been mauled by a bear (although Hiccup is pretty sure those bleeding gashes were just left by a very big dog, and Anna is too embarrassed to admit it). Odder still, Hiccup distinctly remembers talking to Anna during her first hospital stay about how much he loved hiking and the outdoors, and now all of her new string of injuries just happen to be hiking-related. He can’t help but be baffled about how her insurance even covers all of this, but apparently having a family lineage distantly related to Norwegian royalty has its perks.
On roughly her 7th hospital stay, Hiccup finally gathers up the courage to ask Anna for her number, if only because he figures it would be nice for them to see each other without Anna having to nearly get herself killed first every time XD
Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other?
What if Anna was sent to bodyguard Hiccup in an AU where Arendelle is a lot more militaristic???
Basically what I'm thinking is that this is in an alternate timeline, Hiccup didn't injure Toothless's tail when he shot him down. The beginning of HTTYD plays out the same, but Toothless can still fly and just yeets off after Hiccup frees him, supposedly never to be seen again. However, this still leads Hiccup to believe he may not be dragon-fighting material after all. The poor boy still yearns to find a way to prove his worth to Berk, though.
As Hiccup gets older, his strength doesn't really improve, and it becomes clear to Stoick that he's always going to be pretty scrawny. Because of this, he's hesitant to put Hiccup in dragon training for the sake of his son's own safety--and hey, Hiccup seems to have lost interest in dragon-fighting anyhow, so it's not like Hiccup will fight him on it. Nonetheless, the dragon raids are getting worse, and Stoick worries about Hiccup being able to protect himself at all. Knowing most of the older villagers are busy with dragon-fighting and other jobs, and honestly doubting any of the village's teenagers would protect Hiccup if push came to shove, Stoick sends out an appeal of sorts to neighboring villages and kingdoms requesting a bodyguard for his skinny disaster of a son.
Back in Arendelle, shut-in princess Anna is surprised yet intrigued when a messenger from the Viking village of Berk shows up at Elsa's coronation. In a timeline where Hans and Anna don’t have their chance encounter, Hans sets his wooing sights on the newly-crowned Queen Elsa (and fails), and no push ends up being strong enough to make Elsa lose control of her powers at the ceremony. Anna, however, still feels hurt by her sister’s seemingly reasonless rebuke earlier in the evening and finds herself aching to explore the world outside her castle and be close with someone--anyone--again.
When the Viking messenger requests a bodyguard for the Chief of Berk’s son, Anna is quick to volunteer. The messenger scoffs at first, but to his surprise, the soft-looking princess isn’t entirely unqualified. She filled many of her long, empty childhood hours training with the Arendelle guard, and her swordplay is admirable. To prove her worth, Anna faces off with one of the Berkian warriors in a duel--and holds her own shockingly well. While Queen Elsa is hesitant to let her sister run off to a faraway nation, Anna vehemently insists that Arendelle doesn’t need two monarchs, and this will be great for diplomatic relations in the long run. Of course, she also longs to explore and get away from the place she’s been trapped her entire life, but Elsa doesn’t need to know that part.
When Anna arrives in Arendelle, Hiccup has absolutely no idea what to make of his new bodyguard. On the one hand, a girl who’s good with a sword is hot, and he’s long since given up on Astrid anyways. On the other hand, Hiccup is definitely irked that his dad sees him as so weak and incapable that he’s the only Viking in the village who needs a full-on bodyguard, and he hates feeling like he’s being babied and coddled (not that this is Anna’s fault). Still, his bodyguard is essentially the only person who’s ever seemed to actually want to be friends with him in...well, his whole life, and honestly? He’ll take it.
Anna, meanwhile, still aching for love and connections of really any kind, is nigh-instantly smitten. His brains, his creativity, his constant snide jokes, his snark-coated good heart, his weird, messy hairdo--all of it has an 18-year-old Anna completely over the moon. Hiccup, feeling hopeless in the world of romance after being rejected by Astrid, is honestly just relieved to finally have a friend--to the point that it doesn’t even occur to him that Anna’s a girlfriend option.
Not long after she arrives in Berk, Anna is put into dragon training to prepare for raids. She does a bit of training of her own with Hiccup, teaching him some swordplay to try and boost his confidence. It’s not hard to tell that he has mixed feelings about having to have a protector, and Anna hopes that by teaching him some basic fighting skills he can at least feel a little better if he’s ever in a situation where she isn’t there to defend him.
As she gets deeper into her dragon training, Anna asks Hiccup why he never gave dragon training a go. Granted, him being as physically small as he is would be a disadvantage, but he could still learn to hold his own decently well using speed and stealth. It would help him be able to protect himself, if nothing else. Hiccup seems very reluctant to talk about the whole subject, but he says Anna needs to trust that he knows he can’t kill dragons. He tends to give the shortest answers possible to her questions, and nigh-instantly changes the subject. When Anna presses too much, he gets snippy.
As they get closer, Hiccup finally opens up to Anna about the time he shot down a Night Fury and couldn’t bring himself to make the final kill. He admits to cutting the creature free, and how the dragon nearly killed him--only to spare Hiccup just as Hiccup had spared him. “I saw more than just a ruthless killer when I looked into that dragon’s eye,” Hiccup tells her. “I saw myself. I think there’s so much more to them than anyone knows, but...you’re the only person I feel like would actually give me the benefit of the doubt on that.”
During the next raid, Anna pays closer attention to the dragons than before. She watches how they interact with the villagers, and notice that they never seem to go out of their way to go after people. They only fight Vikings when Vikings initiate, and the dragons’ main concern always seems to be taking sheep and fish. Left to their own devices, they don’t seem to want to hurt anyone.
Unfortunately, Anna standing off to the side and trying to watch what all the dragons are doing leaves her distracted--and vulnerable. She’s not prepared for a camouflaged changewing to melt out of the wall behind her, whipping around and backing her into a corner. Anna grabs for her sword but can hardly move, frozen in terror as the massive dragon stares her down.
She holds up an arm, bracing herself for a wall of fire, but none comes. There’s a swish of wings and a gust of wind blows her back. When she looks up, the dragon is gone.
It would’ve been beyond easy for the dragon to kill her. The creature clearly saw her--could have taken advantage in her moment of frozen stupor and burned her to a crisp. And yet...the dragon spared her. Just like the Night Fury had spared Hiccup.
Anna realizes Hiccup might be onto something.
Together, Hiccup and Anna decide they’re going to get to the bottom of what dragons are really like--and why they’re stealing the village’s food. While claiming to go out for “battle practice,” Hiccup and Anna track down dragons and study them in secret--observing them, writing about them, seeing how they behave and how they interact with one another. They’re surprised by what they see: left to their own devices, dragons are good-natured and compassionate, and they take care of their own. Strangely, they never seem to feed the stolen food to their young. Hiccup predicts they’re not actually keeping it for themselves, and taking it somewhere nigh unreachable for humans. For what actual purpose is anyone’s guess.
Anna starts using the info she gathers observing dragons with Hiccup in dragon-training. She finds ways to sooth them and calm them down in the ring by using things they seem to enjoy in the wild. Scented grass, bits of fish, soft touches, slow, gentle movements. The village marvels at her newfound skills, and can’t help but wonder where she developed such a knack for controlling dragons despite spending basically all her time around “Stoick’s little runt.” She couldn’t be training with him, of all people...could she? Astrid, for one, is definitely none too pleased about her spot at the top of the class being threatened.
Meanwhile, Anna and Hiccup can’t help but grow fond of the dragons they watch. They start becoming more bold, and leaving snacks of trout and mutton for the scaled creatures. Anna is delighted when the food ends up attracting none other than what she’s pretty sure is the same changewing who spared her, as well as a curious snaptrapper. She’s never gotten to see a snaptrapper up close before, and is completely undeterred by the triple-jawed four heads. Rather, she is far more preoccupied with coming up with the perfect name for each head.
“Omigod, he’s so PRETTY! And he smells like CHOCOLATE!”
“...you know they probably emit that scent to lure in prey so they can slice it in three, right?”
With each new meal, the local dragons grow more and more comfortable with Hiccup and Anna. After a while, the changewing and the snaptrapper even let Anna touch their noses. Anna falls in love with watching the changewing seem to melt around the forest as she camouflages, and rolling in the mud with the snaptrapper after a summer storm. Hiccup starts catching what seems to be glimpses of the Night Fury he freed, and it appears that the curious creature has come back to investigate him.
The Night Fury appears more and more, drawn in by Hiccup’s trout feast. Hiccup notices the dragon’s wing is injured, likely shot by someone from the village. Although he’s not completely helpless, he’s having trouble. Hiccup sets to work on his most daring project yet--making a “brace” of sorts that can mend the ripped wing.
When Hiccup and Anna attempt to distract the Night Fury long enough to climb up and put the wing brace on, something unexpected happens. The dragon shoots up to the sky, both unwitting passengers clinging onto his tail for dear life.
Once they get their bearings and clamber up to his back, the Night Fury (who Hiccup has nicknamed “Toothless” for his retractable teeth) takes them on a flight through the clouds. Unable to help herself, Anna laces her arms around Hiccup’s waist--if only so she can supposedly “hold on better.”
Hiccup, of course, still doesn’t get it.
The flight takes a sinister turn when Toothless takes them to the dragon nest, and Hiccup finally gets his answer about where all of the villages food has been going--to their queen. Unsure what to do or how to free their new friends from the Red Death, Hiccup and Anna promise each other one thing or sure--none of the rest of Berk can know about the dragon nest. If they attack it, it spells disaster for both dragons and Vikings--not to mention the question of how they got there is sure to dig up their secret dragon-related activities as of late.
With each dragon raid, Anna finds herself more and more reluctant to fight dragons--especially now that she knows what’s actually going on. She only does the bare minimum to protect the food and the village, never going out of her way to attack a dragon or landing a killing blow (although by this point, she’d definitely be skilled enough to). During one particularly intense raid, Anna is finding it harder and harder to fend dragons off without doing lethal damage. While driving out a particularly tenacious monstrous nightmare, Anna happens upon the same changewing she’s befriended in the forest, limping to safety.
It would be incredibly easy to finish the dragon off, but Anna refuses. The dragon knows she’s beat, and so Anna lets her leave without so much as a swing of the princess’s sword.
Unfortunately, Astrid sees.
After the raid, Astrid storms up to Anna and chews her out in front of the whole village, yelling about how weak she was to not go for a dragon kill when she had the chance. It turns out Astrid’s also been noticing Anna going intentionally easy on the dragons, and how much the Arendelle princess seems to hold back when fighting him. Astrid knows it’s not physical incompetence, or a lack of skill--she’s seen Anna subdue plenty of dragons in training.
No, it seems to be the princess’s heart that’s weak. Her kingdom must be nothing but a bunch of bleeding-hearted morons, and she’ll never be tough enough to really belong in Berk.
As he watches Astrid yell and the Berkians all turn to sneer at the scene, Hiccup feels a sudden rush of protectiveness for his friend. Tears are starting to form in the corners of her eyes, and something gives in him seeing her subjected to the very ostracization that left him completely alone for so many years.
He walks up beside Anna, and suddenly he’s shouting like he’s never quite had the courage to before.
“You’re wrong, Astrid! You’re all wrong!”
Before long, he’s spilling everything--how dragons are intelligent and caring creatures, how they’re only stealing food to feed a ruthless queen, how he’s sure humans have killed far more dragons than vice versa. The village stares, horrified. When Stoick storms forward, Hiccup and Anna know it’s nothing good.
Stoick is disgusted. The very bodyguard he had brought all the way out to Berk to give his son strength did nothing but fill Hiccup’s head with softness and dangerous lies. He banishes Anna, warning her never to set foot in Berk or speak to his son again.
Hiccup will not have it. He says if Anna’s leaving, he’s coming with her. He’s made his choice, and he’s standing by the only person who ever really treated him with unconditional love and kindness.
“Fine,” Stoick says simply. “We’ll be rid of two traitors, then.”
Cast out from Berk, Hiccup and Anna find themselves with a new mission: Find the nest before the rest of Berk does, and take out the Red Death once and for all.
With the help of Toothless, the Changewing (who Anna has nicknamed “Flicker”), and the Snaptrapper (whose heads Anna have very creatively named Leafy, Greeny, Spiky, and Badbreath. It’s beyond Hiccup how she tells all of them apart, but she’s very adamant about which is which.), they find the dragon hive again, and attempt the impossible--attacking the queen. It seems hopeless at first, but once more and more malcontented dragons see what they’re doing, they join in and rebel.
It’s a tough fight, but the two humans and the revolting dragons come out on top. Not before the Red Death has one last hurrah, though--letting out a final, massive blast of fire that knocks Hiccup askew and sends him tumbling down into the flames. Toothless, Flicker, Anna, and the Snaptrapper dive after, and are quickly engulfed in red and orange.
Meanwhile, the Berkians have sent out ships following Hiccup, Anna, and their dragons, guessing the nest is where they were headed. By the time they get there, the fight is over--and Stoick and Gobber just manage to catch a glimpse of Hiccup plummeting into the flames.
Anna screams Hiccup’s name until the smoke burns her throat so much she can’t anymore. She remembers swooping underneath him and just managing to grab hold of his limp body before everything goes dark.
When she comes to later, it’s still dark--but she feels something soft and warm in her arms, and feels scales pressed against her back. Her arm is searing with pain, but she barely notices it as her eyes adjust to the darkness. Hiccup is curled up against her--groaning, but alive.
Not sure she’ll ever get another chance, she puts a hand on his cheek and finally tells him the truth. “I love you.”
He opens his eyes and looks, gaze shocked until a slow realization washes over him. He smiles. “I love you, too.”
They both pass out, still wrapped up in each other.
When the flames clear, Stoick sees what looks like a pile of dragons, all pressed together with their wings folded in. Slowly, they lift their wings to reveal two humans--charred in places, but alive.
Wracked with guilt, Stoick realizes he was wrong. Hiccup’s new bodyguard helped his son become stronger and braver than the chief of Berk ever imagined.
It turns out taking down the queen saved the dragons and the humans, and thanks to Hiccup, Anna, and their dragon friends, Berk will never have to worry about dragon raids again.
It turns out Hiccup’s leg and Anna’s arm didn’t quite make it out of the fire. Luckily, Gobber has always been handy at prosthetics--and Hiccup manages to make a fairly dextrous and functional metal hand for Anna. Anna is utterly delighted with how cool it looks.
After the whole Red Death incident, it’s decided that Hiccup is probably competent enough that he doesn’t need his own bodyguard anymore. Nonetheless, Anna is welcome to stay in Berk as long as she likes. And with new dragon friends and an incredibly cute new boyfriend, she’s not going anywhere anytime soon!
This is in reference to this post! I’ve already done these questions for Moanida. Theoretically still willing to do any questions I haven’t yet for Hiccanna and Moanida, although these were exhausting to write out so I might not give as long of answers XD
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katzirra · 3 years
Waiting for the place to give me my file list from my hand drive recovery. Made an omelet with asparagus and bacon, and gave the boys a tiny bit for being good this morning and letting me sleep in past 8:06...
Hannibal woke me up with very loudly aggressively loving face rubs which is new, and has been demanding attention all morning by soft paw grabbing and holding my hand while cooking, also new. Usually he's very independent and wants nothing to do with us.
Still concerned with his audible breathing when he's SLIGHTLY distressed, for a cat with obvious anxiety, and when he's picked up or sitting/laying weird. It's very noticeable, and I'm wondering if it has to do with his nasal bridge being a tad flat.
Trying to manifest a good mood. I'm having a big existential crisis about being alive.
Which, I'll just throw that under a cut and pair it with an apology. 🤙✨
I feel like I have no purpose or meaning. Having a lot of those "why bother/what's the point" moments about a lot of things which...the depth of those feelings isn't just apathetic like most people experience? For me it's very much a red flag, so that's been fun. Usually it's doing something as simple as doing something nice for myself, thinking why bother, and having to ARGUE with myself why it matters. Like...having to validate EVERYTHING I do these days is exhausting. Honestly, it's been a low simmer scary JUST KEEP SWIMMING the last few months. But everything I feel is too much to talk to anyone about, and it doesn't HELP me to. It's me. It's my brain. It's scary and I don't like looking the beast directly in the face when people want me to open up. My demon, my problem, trust me when I say I'm trying and that I'm sincere when I say sorry I'm not all here or present.
I'm, like torn between wanting to message my friend first to talk about shit, but I'm also refusing because I was hurt and the comment about shit being too much to read just resonates in my brain yelling "you're not worth their time and effort, you dumb bitch!" because my brain has a FIELD day with that shit. Its.... Kicking a dead horse, repeating myself anyway probably. It hasn't seemed to stick after the last year of me apologizing monthly because I'm just a shit friend who is too busy working and trying to not kill myself. Suicide ideation is a thing, and it SUCKS when it's as invasive as it is for intruding thoughts. But I'll keep apologizing because I feel guilty for not being good enough. Present enough. Engaging enough. Because maybe that time it'll stick??
They'll probably be better off without me making them feel bad because I don't put in enough effort I guess? Which also just hurts because I know online I'm standoffish these days, so I put the extra effort into being a good host I thought and I hoped that mattered. I just feel like no matter what I'm doomed to disappoint them? So I don't mean they'd be better off in a dismissive way, it's a legit...way I think. Like I'm obviously causing distress, and yelling at me won't fix it because it makes me recoil emotionally. So maybe I'm just a bad friend in reality and it is what it is. I'm sorry so many people have fucked me up about inter personal relationships?? I don't know what to do this time because that stupid fight cut me very deep in core values in myself.
It...Fucked me up. And whether that's important to them or not, or whether it has an repercussive weight, whatever. We've both been hurt by people, and been there as much as we'd let eachother. I've tried to be crazy supportive in the last bout of shit they went through. Because I love a bitch, and they matter immensely to me, and I know I suffered alone through a LOT of things like that and know it sucks. I offered my home, attention and time any time I could give it.. Being told i don't give as much as them set weird on my heart in light of that. It hurt.
Idk...And maybe I'm just some dramatic bitch or whatever I guess. Doesn't matter. I matter, my feelings matter. I'm mentally ill and I fucking bust my ass to deal with it, AND be a loving and supportive fixture in people's lives. I suck, sure. But I'm ALWAYS there for people.
I mention I'm depressed or angry at life, sure, but the layers of distress aren't...on display? It's my shit to deal with, if I bring it up, it's for benefit of people knowing why I'm withdrawn usually. I don't talk about myself much anymore because everything is too much and I just start venting. And people don't care that deeply about how fucked up my head is. Or I over share too much. Or yeah, it's a lot to read and I start babbling because the cork is off and I HURT inside just being alive anymore. I don't feel like I'm living my life for me these days. I don't feel alive. I feel stagnant. I'm biding time for SOMETHING to happen??
Yet I'm constantly apologizing to people for not being able to do basic shit, that I'm upfront about being difficult for some dumb reason. I'm always having to explain myself to people. I am in this bubble so often of feeling like I was made wrong, a mistake, missing something important.
Or that I'm a bad person. I'm too open, too closed, withdrawn, outgoing - I can never seem to get the ratio right. And its the kind of discussion I feel leans into self pity and attention grabbing but it's...something I internally struggle with every week and keep to myself.
Oh Kat, get a psychiatrist - I dont know that it would help, honestly. I know 90% of my thoughts and fears are irrational, and pointless. But I know they have valid backing in trauma that I have mostly dealt with, and am unlearning. But I also know I see through people, can identify those markers, and understand outcomes way too easy and that ALSO makes people mad. So. What the fuck is a shrink gonna do for me? My depression is a background white noise to this stuff, and it's honestly just bullshit I deal with. I'm not keen on medication, I'm sure it would help quiet my brain, but I've been dealing with this shit almost 20 years now, ita just the added drama and bullshit from people that exacerbates the emotional brain rash, for lack of a better phrasing. My issues are all behavioral and some depression and anxiety in the mix that I manage.
For all I'm told people understand ahit wrong with me, it sure is something I repeatedly get bitched at over, honestly. And I partially get it, I also find it frustrating. But I've been battling depression since I was 12/13 and learning to stop thinking certain things only since 21, and that's the harder part. I'm not the person people think I am, I wish I was anymore. That bitch died in 2011/2012. That fissure in my foundation fucked me UP. The shaking I had one or two years ago, didn't help.
To be transparently honest the whole shitstorm two weeks ago really hit some raw nerves I'm trying to deal with, and not doing well. Because the more times that nerve is hit the more I don't feel like a valuable person and that I'm wasting people's time. But the reason I'm yelled at is that I am a valuable person, and they want more of my time in a way?? I don't know what people want from me.
Waves hand dismissively - they're being sweethearts by the back door for now.
I'm in a weird place emotionally and mentally. I don't feel alive. I don't feel real. I don't feel valid or... I don't know. Nothing I say or so actually matters in my own life or experiences. I can be an amazing person with communication and intention but it doesn't matter if the other person doesn't care, it's like arguing online.
You can have a valid discussion and someone can just say "you're a fucking moron, I'm not listening to this" and you can't do anything.
I just wasted two hours organizing my thoughts qnd emotions into a post that I'll delete in a week. What a great use of my time. I'm juat exhausted.
I turn 31 tomorrow and is rather be dead lmao. I'm so tired of the weight of being alive and aware of the world and people around me. About being considerate and kind to everyone and it's never god damn enough. I bleed myself dry emotionally for everyone and run my mental battery into the ground qnd it's never enough. It's never going to BE enough. I don't want mental.break downs and emotional roller-coasters. I want friends that understand I'm scatterbrained and severely damaged and abused and I'm TRYING. I'm sorry it's never good enough.
I'm so fucking tired these days. I just want to disappear. I want to have an actual breakdown and cry
I haven't actually cried in years. I.... Mm. I feel like.im a shell. I'm so tired. I'm trying AO hard to be a good person and functional and I'm just constantly having more dished and I'm just...what is my purpose qnd point these days. I can't even make people happy.
Tomorrow I'll turn 31. It'll be like any other day. 👍✨
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Honest thoughts on Maiko? I flip flop a lot. I like it and then i dont and idk. I love their fanart but something doesnt settle right and reading lim. made me realize the type of person zuko needs in a relationship to be happy. He fell for yue for and their relationship feels more canon than maiko. Im totally rambling i just love ur perspective because ur presence in the fandom is such a breath of fresh air 💓
You should know we love rambles, rants and overall randomness over here, don’t be shy~ 😉
But like, deadass - I’m curious to know how the Zuko, ATLA, etc. tags were on Tumblr before I joined. Because I feel like there was some WWW 3 going on over here and I just walked in the crossfire without realizing 😂😂😂😂
I understand the ‘flip flop’ you’ve described! I’ve said this before, but I actually LOVE Mai. I think she’s a fascinating character, and her personality is very telling about how growing up under the royal rule affects a person mentally, emotionally, and physically.
From her arc and Azula’s alone, we learn about the importance of being a dominating figure - that emotions are a sign of weakness in the Fire Nation. It’s all about being that head-strong, all-powerful being.
I feel like many people under-appreciate her because, on the surface, she appears bland, and don't get me wrong - I think they could've developed her more. But she is just a supporting character and was more-so an aid to Zuko’s arc and one of the causes of Azula’s downfall.
Now, just because I love Mai and Zuko as characters doesn't mean I like them together.
I think Zuko and Mai getting together in the show and having a relationship was a good thing.
I also think it was for the better they ended things in the comics.
Not all relationships we enter lead to an ever-lasting, fairytale romance. And I believe Zuko and Mai’s relationship was a perfect contrast to Katara and Aang’s.
If there was one thing Zuko and Mai lacked - it was communication - but in all honestly - it makes sense.
The one time Zuko tries to voice his opinion, show that he cares and do something right - it resulted in him getting his face burnt.
Now, we have two teenagers who were both taught that emotions are a bad thing - trying to enter a relationship.
That’s just asking for trouble.
All relationships require communication, some a little more.
Throughout the show, you have Mai and Zuko trying to open up to one another- but it always results in one of them brushing the other off (not all the time, but more often than not). I don’t think they do it intentionally because I believe they love each other - but they don’t know how to ‘relationship.’
They remind me of that high school couple who literally break-up, and get back together every week. They don’t do it because they hate each other, they do care. The problem is they both carry so much emotional baggage, and it’s hard for them to be the person they need to be for each other - and it seems they fell in love with the old selves of each other.
Mai fell in love with Zuko’s harsh, strong-willed attitude, and Zuko fell in love with Mai’s no bull-shit attitude. But as the show develops, they naturally change. They aren’t the people they fell in love with as kids anymore.
Zuko starts to show his emotions; he wants to let down his guard - and Mai’s attitude can be scary. While on the other hand, Zuko’s sudden soft side and need to voice his emotions would 100% take Mai off guard because the poor girl was never allowed to express her feelings, and now you’re trying to do feelings with her? I don’t blame the girl for yeeting - I would too 😂
Both wanted to open-up, but they don’t know how, and I think until they both learn how to love and accept themselves - their relationship was bound to fail from the start.
And that’s okay.
I think they make better friends than lovers, but honestly, Zuko wanted to return to his normal life so bad throughout the show - that Mai was a symbol of normality.
The show ending with them getting together makes sense in many ways because Mai was the symbol of ordinary. Zuko goes home, he becomes Fire Lord and ends up with the girl he fell in love with. And I think the comics (despite popular opinion) explores the idea that not everything ends perfectly after the ‘happily-ever-after.’
To this day, we don’t know who Zuko ends up with (although it is highly suggested by many that it’s Mai). And you know what, a part of me hopes it isn't Mai because I hope she ends up with someone even better.
I love Zuko - I didn’t write a whole fanfiction because I hate the guy! I just think they could find people who better fit their personalities. Zuko is excellent, but he has his flaws, just like Mai.
There can be love between people, it doesn’t mean it is romantic in nature. Just because two people went through similar experiences does not equate to a perfect, understanding, relationship.
I support Maiko - just not the longevity of it - if that makes sense?
I WENT ON ANOTHER RANT DAMNIT. I swear I think I opened a can of worms with this Zutara, Maiko, Kataang stuff 😂😂😂 But, this is just my opinion, and if you love or hate Maiko - doesn’t bother me 😉 Cause I get it. But highkey...can you imagine if Yue was canon? GAAAH the cuteness overload 😭😭
Okay, I’m done.
Take care, sweetie~! 💜💜
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Top 5 Things I Disliked About RWBY Volume 7
Well everyone, Volume 8 will soon be upon us. IDK about anyone else, but I’ve never been so anxious about a volume in the near seven years I’ve been watching this show. Not even V3 had me this nervous, and I knew by nature of it being a Tournament Arc that it was gonna be painful. But as we near the new volume, I want to reflect on the previous one. So I am bringing back my Likes/Dislikes posts… except this time I DON’T have to do twelve posts for six volumes in a week. Only gotta do one Volume for today and tomorrow. Phew!
While V6 remains my favorite volume,V7 was a very well done one and by far the best written thus far. It was honestly super hard to pick five things I didn’t like, and are all pretty minor honestly. Heck I expect V8 to address some of these since V7 was clearly the build-up. But I did manage to make a Top 5 Dislikes List. As always, this is just my personal opinion and you are free to disagree with me. Take everything here with a grain of salt. Anyways, that’s enough exposition. Let the countdown begin~!
#5. Too Many Characters/Lack of Focus
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RWBY has a lot of characters. A lot, loooot of them. You can tell it’s an anime for that reason alone, haha. Volume 8 thought might be the winner in the amount of it’s cast. We have our main cast, which consists of nine characters already (ten if you count Ozpin and eleven if you count Maria), which is already a lot to keep up with. But in this volume we have Ironwood, Penny, Winter, the Ace-Ops, Pietro, Robyn and her Happy Huntresses, the Schnee Family, Watts, Tyrian, and the list goes on. And those are just the relevant ones.
To the show’s credit, the volume mostly handles the focus well. They make sure that ones like Ironwood and Penny get a proper amount of focus considering their importance in this volume specifically. They also do a lot to showcase characters like Robyn, Clover, and Marrow so that we understand what they’re like and care about them, which makes how things end up even sadder. That being said, it did cause some of cast I think to get the short end of the stick a bit. Characters like Maria and Jaune pretty much got barely anything, and Blake and Yang would have also been out of luck if not for their talk with Robyn in Chapter 7. Some of the Ace-Ops, like Elm and Vine, and the Happy Huntresses who aren’t Robyn also didn’t get a lot of focus and the latter especially only got bare minimum glimpses into their personalities. Even with characters I was happy with like Ruby, Weiss, Ren, and Nora I feel could have had more done with their arcs here (the latter two especially but we’ll get tot hat later) had there been less characters and/or more time.
This is Number 5 because not only is it a minor issue, but it’s kind of inevitable. Shows only get so much time and the characters we focused on needed that time. Ironwood’s downfall wouldn’t have been nearly as powerful if it weren’t center stage. It’s one of those hard choices where you want to see more, but the show just had other things that took priority for the sake of both production and the story. Ultimately, it was the right decision and at most just makes me wish there was more.
#4. Emotionally Draining
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Again, minor. I wasn’t even sure if I should add this because really I think it’s more of a personal thing than anything. But I failed to come up with another option, so... gotta take what I can get.
As good as this volume was, it was a VERY emotionally draining one. It was probably the only time I was kind of happy when it was over because ie meant a chance to breathe until V8. There’s the whole political plot that hit way too close for comfort, Tyrian’s murder spree and Penny’s framing, Ironwood’s downfall, everything from the halfway point of Chapter 11 to the end. Heck eve the first two chapters, and even bits of 3 and 4, were super tense and on edge. We had plenty of light-hearted and fun moments in the beginning. But by Chapter 6, that came to an end (or I didn’t find funny, like JNR’s antics in Chapter 8, sorry guys) and it was V3 again, but somehow even more on-edge.
Like I said, this isn’t really a dislike and is on here because I couldn’t think up anything else. As I said, the writing was very strong and on-point. I was nervous, but I’m pretty sure that’s because the writers wanted the audience nervous. They wanted us to feel the tension and fear. hey wanted us to be as conflicted about everything as the characters that we were watching. It was effective too. But it did leave me relieved that it was all over. I didn’t watch V7 in full again until recently when I got my Blu-Ray copy to put into perspective how drained I had been. I was fine upon rewatch, but yeah... way to rise up my stress levels CRWBY!
#3. The Ren/Nora Conflict
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This is related to the Number 5 section. I think we can all agree that Ren and Nora tend to get the short end of the stick compared to Jaune and the rest of the main cast. V4 was an improvement, but 5 and 6 returned them to minor supporting roles and even V4 did more for Ren than Nora imo, who to this day is imo the least developed of the main cast. But clearly they wanted to start changing that, and given Jaune more or less got closure last volume it seemed like an ideal time to give the two development, especially where their relationship is concerned.
While Nora was overall fine, Ren... not so much? They do a god job setting up the two’s conflict, albeit the cliché ‘girl compliments boy, boy ignores her as they’re in the middle of something else’ joke in Chapter 3 was dumb. But Chapter 6 made it clear that there was far more going on. Nora is pushing to help Mantle and in the following chapter we have her snap at Ironwood for forcing so much sacrifice on it, but not on Atlas itself. Ren however is closed off (more tha usual), focus more or less solely on the task, is clealry afraid of their uncertain battle against Salem, and even seems to side with Ironwood in Chapter 7. It’s the first major conflict between the two with Nora just trying to get Ren to talk to her. She even finally kisses him... and we all know what happens after that.
The main issue here is two things. One, we NEVER get any clarity on why Ren is acting so cold to Nora, the one person he was always open around (well... for him anyways). I mean I have a good idea why and I’m 99% sure that V8 is going to go into it, but without any clarity it just comes off as him being unfair to Nora who is just concerned for him. The other issue is there is no closure to 9it. We have the final chapter where Ren tries to fight Neo, but as she’s disguised as Nora it goes badly. The poor boy is tearful, snaps at Nora when she tries to calm him down, and it ends in the boy looking like he’s about to have a nervous breakdown. It’s heart-wrenching, but still ultimately leaves the conflict unresolved. Plus we had a pretty large gap between the Renora Kiss (Chapter 6) and that moment (Chapter 13) with some brief moments sprinkled in. Otherwise, Ren acted as we’d expect even with the goofy plan in Chapter 8 where he seemed unusually chill considering. So it just kinda feels like for a while they... forgot about it.
This is right in the middle because as I said, I expect Volume 8 to go more into this. They’ve outright said that if there was something we were confused by or felt didn’t go anywhere, Volume 8 was going to address. This was set-up, and it leaves me anxious to see how things will go with these two especially going off the brief lines we heard in the trailer. But it still sucked that we got no closure and didn’t go further into why Ren is acting like he is. I know I was unsure of how to feel when it was all over. But I guess we’ll see the final result soon enough.
#2. The Truth Revelations
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If you were reading my Volume 7 reviews, you know that I REALLY did not like how Chapters 9 and 10 were done. Why? Because of the truth reveals. Now I now know why t was handled like it was, which actually saved it from being out at Number 1 on the list. But does that change me opinion of it? Nope.
First, I want to talk about how it more or less began. That being Blake and Yang revealing the Amity Project to Robyn in Chapter 7. While I DO like them taking matters into their own hands instead of being complacent, I STILL have major issues on how they didn’t talk to Ruby and Weiss about it. I’ve heard the arguments about it, but imo when we have Yang having major hang ups with lies and half-truths (it’s why she was enraged at Oz), her and Blake seeming to pull the same thing... doesn’t look good. There is zero on-screen indication that they let the other sin about it later, which had they done so then the group could have planned proper steps in helping the two sides which may have caused Ironwood to not jump off the slippery slope as badly. Will V8 mention this? IDK, but it does bother me and I would like it addressed especially concerning the themes of trust.
Then we get to Chapters 9 and 10, where my issues go into effect. Robyn drops the hostility and reveals her knowledge of the project, but wants to try and work with Ironwood. The heroes reveal everything to Ironwood and while understandably shocked, he otherwise takes Salem being unkillable well. Then the two leaders reveal this to Mantle, using Robyn’s Semblance to prove it, and... that makes the citizens okay. Yeah... even knowing what happens later I still have issues with this. Because even with that knowledge, there was NO GOOD REASON fo AY of this to go well.
Robyn may know why Ironwood was depleting Mantle resources, but it doesn’t change that he caused a LOT of damage to Mantle due to it. Ironwood, despite his expected reaction coming later, still took the Salem news far too well especially considering how on-edge of her he’d been at that point. The citizens of Mantle know about Salem, but not why ironwood was depleting resources. Plus it doesn’t change that he was a borderline tyrant towards them and he didn’t try explaining that part to them. The fact that THAT calmed them down so easily, even with Robyn’s presence, just came off as... too easy.
Which it was. All of this was an elaborate psyche out. We think that things are finally going well... then Chapter 11 happens, and it goes downhill from there. Can’t lie, they got me. Chapter 11 was a HUGE gut-punch for that reason. As such, I decided to put this at Number Two. But it’s only because of the psyche out. It was still done to make the shock effective and while it worked, it doesn’t change that it felt like things got downplayed far more than they should have. Still, it saved this form taking the top slot. So what DID make it? Well...
#1. Willow Guilting Weiss
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For a character that only got one major appearance, Willow left one Hell of an impact. All we knew about her prior was an off-handed remark by Whitley in V4 that implied that she was an unhappy drunk. Here? We see exactly what Jaques has done to this poor woman. She’s a drunk, unhappy, and her expression just screams exhaustion and broken. She knows that she did nothing for her children once she broke, something Weiss makes very clear, but she does make some amends by giving Weiss her Scroll and the evidence needed to expose Jaques and Watts, She’s even relieved when We3iss confirms that she’s never returning for good. It’s a very powerful scene that in minutes makes Willow one of the saddest, sympathetic characters in the show.
I do have one huge problem, however. That’s when she leaves. She has one request for Weiss, and that’s for her to not forget about Whitley. While it’s been becoming more and more clear that Whitley is a scared kid who has been just as abused by Jaques as his sisters, he WAS still a cocky jerk to Weiss. He was never nice to her, and when he was it was for his own benefit. He had zero issue rubbing into Weiss her misfortune in V4 after the concert and how he’s the new heir. Of course Weiss wouldn’t like him and be justified in believing that he didn’t like her. When she points that out, this is Willow’s line:
Of course not. You left him here... with us.
Yeah, this really pissed me off and I think is a problem on the writer’s end. They want to have Weiss realize, like the audience is, that Whitley is like he is because unlike her and Winter, he can’t escape, has none of the abilities that they do, and is thus still a prisoner and under his father’s control.. He succumbed to it instead of fight or get away because that was all that he could do, and hating his sisters kept him in his father’s favor. It’s all very understandable and yes, having Weiss realize this and make an effort to try and help Whitley would show how much she’s changed and allow the Schnee Family to all break free form Jaques once and for all.
But the way the line is worded make it feel like Willow, and in turn the narrative, is gui9lting Weiss into not realizing this and not helping Whitley prior. Umm... no. Hell no. Weiss was under zero obligation to help her brother, who at the time portrayed himself as an egotistical snake to her. He rubbed his success in her face. he rubbed getting the title in her face. He was even trying to do so again in the very same chapter Willow was introduced. Weiss HAD to help herself. And unlike her, who as far as we know never hated Winter and the two always treated each other well, as far as we can tell Whitley never had that relationship with them and we don’t know if he ever tried. Jaques made sure that Whitley and his sisters would be divided, and Weiss shouldn’t feel guilty at all for not seeing this.
I get why some may get after Weiss and what Willow was trying to hint to her. We know that Whitley is a victim. We know that because he had no one, he became the way he is. He still has hope, but Weiss is the only one in any position to get him the help that he needs. I expect V8 to go into this, especially since Weis sis why Jaques is now in prison and took away the only figure that Whitley had (a HORIRBLE one, but still the only). However Weiss did what she could in her position, and doesn’t have the advantage of NOT being in the audience to everything. Do I expect her to realize all of this and try to get Whitley to as well? Yes, and it’ll be her character coming full-circle as well. But did she deserve to be guilted? Hell No. Don’t think it was intentional, but it still rubbed me the wrong way and I still don’t like that bit. Thus, it is the moment I dislike most in RWBY Volume 7.
Okay, that’s it for now. Tomorrow, I’ll post my Top 5 Likes. Which trust me, I got plenty of ‘em~! See you all then~!
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Change of Heart (Follower Celebration Fic #3)
Title: Change of Heart
Pairing:  Jungkook x reader
Type: shifter!au, wolf!au, angst with a happy ending, Friday Night Lights meets Teen Wolf? Idk.
Word Count: 1,894
Rating: PG    
Warnings: mentions of depression post-bad breakup, language
A/N:   The third of five for my 200 follower celebration! Requested by a lovely anon. This literally wrote itself- I think you can tell sometimes when it flows easier. It was in the notebook that I carry around so I had a fun time deciphering my own handwriting lol. I was tempted to leave it open-ended and ambiguous as I am oft to do, but anon requested happy so I hope you love it. Except for the soulmate thing, it actually has very little to do with shifters.
A/N Update: Crap there are so many typos I’m sorry. Brain and fingers while typing don’t communicate well. Working on edits now, but was excited to get it out <3 
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How could you even express what Jungkook meant to you? Until now, you had always kind of taken him for granted. Being with him was like breathing. You didn’t think about it until it lost its usual ease. Clearly, you were now in the emotional equivalent of a head cold. Kook was literally the boy next door, and the two of you had been inseparable since the day his parents had dragged him along to welcome the new neighbors; apple pie still steaming in their hands.
If your parents were surprised by the small-town niceties, you couldn’t say. Kook and you had been in the midst of a stare-down, some kind of weird kindergarten dominance battle. Later in life, you would realize just how dumb it was to stare down a wolf-shifter, but at the time you hadn’t even realized what he was, let alone the finer points of inter-species etiquette. And it didn’t much matter, since had caved first, and bounded over to wrap you in a hug. Most of your childhood memories from that time were filled with warmth, whether from the hugs or the pie you couldn’t say for certain.
You thought that warmth would continue forever, and for a long time, it did. Your childhood adventures with Kook were filled with pillow forts, catching fireflies, and watching Ironman approximately ten thousand times. But then puberty hit you both like a train, and in very different ways. His shifts started, and he shot up and bulked up, while you filled out in different places, both of you mutually pimply and suddenly awkward.
Childhood warmth morphed into a flame. Pleasant in small amounts but dangerous if left unchecked. So you tried your hardest to keep a lid on your growing feelings. Jungkook had long ago explained that shifters get one mate for life, usually another shifter, so that the person wouldn’t be destroyed by the other not reciprocating their feelings. He had explained that while “mate” implied something physical, it was actually so much more than that-two halves of the same soul residing in different bodies. Not someone to fuck with, literally or metaphorically.  The way he had talked about it at the time made it seem like something far off, like college, marriage, or having kids, so the two of you worked hard in tiptoeing around what that might mean for your friendship. Instead, the two of you continued as you always had, and if his parents shot the two of you knowing looks, neither of you acknowledged it.
As high school dragged on, the two of you became busier, him with varsity football and you with drama club. Your friend groups diverged, but you both still made the time to hang out on the weekend and nerd out together, your friendship never losing that special spark.
Until he started dating a fellow wolf shifter from a nearby school. You presumed it to be serious, since shifters didn’t really date casually due to the soul bond. You were never really the jealous type, and Jungkook’s new and improved bunny smile helped you to welcome his girlfriend into your friendship.  She “got” him in ways that you never could, and not just because she was a wolf. Toned, tall, and golden, you were fairly certain that she could run both literal and metaphorical laps around you. It didn’t hurt that she was cool and genuinely gorgeous. Why even worry about competing when it was clearly impossible? And toxic?
But you would be lying if you denied the smaller, less secure part of yourself that felt jealous and displaced. Jungkook still tried to make time for your more occasional Friday night hangouts, but she kept taking up more and more of his headspace. When not actively talking about her, he was checking his phone incessantly. Maybe you were being petty, but you still wanted him to be present in your life as well.
Slowly but surely, you started staying later at theater rehearsals and investing more time into other friendships. Correspondingly, Jungkook’s text messages slowed to a trickle. The two of you still ate lunch together most days, but it had become less intense than it had once been. Occasionally, he still gave you those signature one-armed hugs that you secretly loved, his chin resting on the crown of your much lower head. Years ago, he had given you an overly vague description of pack dynamics, and the need for physical affection, which confused you now. Shouldn’t he be getting said attentions from his soulmate?A small part of you was flattered that his new relationship hadn’t completely displaced you from his pack. “Bros before….” whatever, as the expression went.
You convinced yourself it was innocent, particularly since you had started dating an equally nerdy lighting tech you had met through drama club. If his affinity for the MCU replicated someone else’s, you couldn’t say. If his penchant for video games reminded you of a childhood friend, well, everyone loved video games. Nothing to see there. If when kissing him, you envisioned someone else’s face, well you would never let on. It was never as serious as Kook’s relationship seemed to be.
Though all parties involved knew the inevitable outcome of the blossoming relationship between the two shifters, you had never actually heard Jungkook use the word “soulmate” in reference to his girlfriend. Because of books and movies, people tended to think of it as insta-love, but that wasn’t (usually) how it worked in real life. For as as much as their inner wolves guided them, they were people as well: emotions, ambitions, tics and traits as much as anyone else.  Even in the “wild” (though you often snorted at the dramatic image this conjured), there were trial periods, rituals,  and rites of passage. But from the outside, the two of them were the complementary faces of a coin, peas in a pod, tied by the strings of fate, and any other metaphor that someone wanted to use. Maybe it was one of those things Jungkook just knew,without the need to put a label on it.
Or so you thought. Clearly, you didn’t know as much about the natural world (or matters of the heart) as you had thought. Most of your knowledge you’d gleaned from NatGeo or Discovery Channel documentaries- you were a suburban kid like any other. Your knowledge of romance came from novels with Fabio or one of his five thousand lookalikes on the cover, CW shows, and your admittedly very lackluster current relationship.  When Kook had found out  he had growled slightly, and immediately tried to mask it with a cough. But you’d known him long enough to not fall for his bullshit. You were indignant though-you’d been supportive of his relationship, so why couldn’t he support yours? Sometimes, when the two of you walked down the hallway holding hands, Kook would shoot daggers with his eyes, which you would studiously ignore. But the guy was either oblivious or braver than you gave him credit for.
All these pointed looks and tension should have painted a sign for you (in neon letters) that all was NOT well in paradise, but you were working so hard to suppress what you felt for your childhood friend that it surprised you as much as anyone else when Kook’s girlfriend broke up with him. “Broke up” was giving her more than she deserved-she had simply taken off one day. Wolf shifters tended to the transient side (Kook’s family being the exception), and one day when another pack was passing through, she decided to run off with the alpha. You didn’t know if she’d found “the one” or was just flighty. And you certainly weren’t interested in the politics of the shifter world, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out the bump in status she would get from a high school kid to an established alpha. But you couldn’t spare her a second thought- your best friend was destroyed. Suddenly, the golden jock of the school was acting like one of the emo kids: dark circles from lack of sleep, appetite wrecked, small things irritating him, or at other times, complete indifference when he should have been irritated.
You didn’t know if Kook had it in him to love anyone else- maybe that part of him had left with her.  And it wasn’t particularly at the forefront of your mind, but you were genuinely worried about your friend. With the fall play winding down and winter finals fast approaching, you had extra time on your hands that you were supposed to be using to study. Instead, you spent every waking moment with Kook…and some decidedly not wakeful moments. It was around this time that your own boyfriend broke up with you, citing your emotional unavailability. You felt bad for wasting his time, but you also felt free. It was a relief, honestly, to be over and done with it.
All of the distance between you evaporated in a few weeks, if that. You watched Deadpool and Ant Man, played Overwatch, and tried to distract your friend from his heartbreak. Often, he would fall asleep, head resting on your lap, tears dripping from the corner of his eyes, even in sleep. But his parents had told you later that was the only time he was seemingly at ease enough to sleep at all.
You knew there were things unsaid, but it wasn’t the time-not when he was emotionally vulnerable. You didn’t want to feel predatory, and it was during this time, things started to fall into place for you. Your own feelings began to crystallize, and you realized that it didn’t matter in what way you had him, but that he needed to be in your life. Even if romantic love never materialized, there were other kinds of love that were just as deep and important. And you realized that you loved him, in that way too. Everything else-it was a distraction. It was thoughts like this that strengthened your resolve when things seemed particularly bleak.
Over time, everything you gave to him, he gave back tenfold. He slowly began to smile again, and sleep through the night. But the two of you continued to come and go from school together, one doing homework and waiting for the other if at practice or rehearsal. He never dated again while in high school, and you both ended up going to the local university. You for the in-state tuition breaks and well-rated course of study that you wanted, and him….well, you weren’t sure why, but if the ways his parents smirked was any indication, you might have had an inkling. After a mandatory first year spent in the dorms, the two of you got an apartment near the campus. And though neither of you were ones for lengthy confessions you had an understanding: you were soulmates in whatever way a damaged wolf shifter and human could be.  Never alone and always taking care of each other. Which was why, you were so shocked when, one average day like any other, he got down on one knee, and offered you a small velvet box, telling you that his heart was in your hands,  as it had always been and would always be.
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KH3 is like half a game, it feels incomplete and clunky. It sets up events that never happen and tries to force moments without having the build up to support them. The game does some things really well and reaches some truly heartfelt emotional beats and solid character moments.
3:48 PM - 31 Jan 20191 reply0 retweets1 likeReply 1 Retweet  Like 1 View Tweet activity
The Disney (and Pixar) worlds were pretty well incorporated and mostly able to contribute thematically to the game unlike sometimes in past games were the worlds were kind of just dropped into the game.
The Toy Box much like Halloween Town brings up how dolls/toys/those who begin as inanimate objects can gain hearts. Monstropolis allows a plausible  entry point for Vanitas with the connection between fear induced scream  energy and the negative emotions of the unversed.
Of all the worlds, I enjoyed Sora's time with the Big Hero 6 gang the most. Their interactions felt genuine and I had a lot of fun watching them. It also had the most complete arc of the worlds with the continuation of the movie's theme of living after loss.
Most of the worlds' story arcs felt incomplete. Starting in Olympus we are left hanging with Pete finding Pandora's box and the city in ruins. The story just kind of ends. There also was not enough time and build up to give significance to Hercules' choice to rejoin the mortals.
In Twilight Town, with all the discussion surrounding hearts and data from Coded to KH2 to KH3, that a whole other Twilight Town exists was completely dropped. It felt like the game was leading the audience somewhere and then never followed through.
With the Toy Box, the Sora, Goofy, and Donald leave and don't come back with Woody, Buzz, and the others still stranded in another world just hoping to one day meet Andy again. The search for Andy and the other toys is the main arc for this world and its never resolved.
While some worlds aren't quite as obviously half a story arc, all of them could have used more time. Many of them assume you have already seen the source material. In Frozen, Hans being the villian is the big twist but with the first half of the movie cut, there's no impact.
Pirates of the Caribbean makes no sense to anyone who hasn't seen the movies. I wish there was a scene of Sora unlocking Tia Dalma given how it was setup to happen. There was good characterization for Sora here though on how both he and Jack are free spirits.
The Winnie the Poo part while sweet (because I love Winnie the Poo sections) doesn't go anywhere. Sora just loses his connection with Poo and disappears from the cover, and then a few mini games later he's back. Sora's comment on how their bond has weakened never goes anywhere.
In the other games you search for lost pages or help Poo regain his memories, here there is no story. It's a lost opportunity to do, well something,  but that can be said of much of the game. They could have used this part to talk about how relationships must be nurtured.
The ending also fell a bit flat because of the buildup-payoff problem. The game tries to show the characters despairing only for someone to swoop in and give them hope. The problem is that in the Keyblade Graveyard they do this so many times it loses its impact.
Given the amount of stuff this game should have resolved, not enough time was spent on that. Instead precious time was spent trying to create sequel hooks. In doing so, the cohesiveness of the game as a unit was compromised. The game was too short for all they tried to achieve.
At times the narrative would point "Look! its a  happy/sad/intense/etc. scene", but without a proper build up, these  scenes lacked emotional weight.
I'm conflicted on KHUX in KH3.  I liked Chirithy reuniting with Ven, Laurium possibly remembering, and Strelitzia's maybe cameo. The black box stuff could have been cut. Its to connect  KHUX with future games, but it does nothing for the Xehanort saga and bogs KH3 down.
Then there is the mysterious girl with connections to Lea, Isa, and Ansem that we are only hearing of now. Who is she? Is she Ava? I don't know but they should have saved it for another game.
I thought all the keyblades of the Union members coming to help was a nice touch, but why did Ephemer of all people show up? He was a Dandelion; the player was the one who chose to stay (except the player has no canon appearance in khux which makes them hard to depict).
On one hand I got really excited looking for my KHUX username but on the other hand it was a little too 4th wall breaking and took me out of the game. The other 4th wall leaning scenes with Axel didn't do it for me either.
I did like the definitely-not-instagram loading screens. They were just this side of absurd to be amusing. It was cute. Humor is a subjective thing but I didn't like the increase in jokes in this game. It broke immersion for me.
Some were funny like Verum Rex. Others though felt forced. KH3 had more Donald, Sora, and Goofy poking fun at each other. At first it was fun, but then they kept doing it and it got old.
Maybe its because of all the jokes and narrative problems broke my immersion in the game or maybe its because I'm older now, but KH3 wasn't as magical an experience for me as the other games.
I don't mean magic in how many spells Donald can cast but in that sense wonder, that the extraordinary is possible. That sense of magic is why the Roxas prologue of KH2 is one of my favorite parts of the franchise.
Part of it also is that the section where Sora goes saving everyone's hearts from the Lich after they "died" didn't reach me emotionally. Which is a shame since the part right before where Sora runs around in the Final World and talks with the stars is one of my favorite parts.
I was surprised we didn't see more Dives to the Heart and battles at the center of the heart given the Terranort, Ventus-Vanitas, Xion, etc. After Sora got the power of awakening I was expecting him and Riku to use that to free Xion and Terra.
And then we would get an epic battle where Terra finally kicks Xehanort out of his own body. I also wanted to see Aqua beat up Xehanort. Aqua's suppose to be super strong from spending 10 years in the Realm of Darkness.
Kairi deserved better. Kairi deserved more. 3 games (II, 3D, III) on how Kairi trains to become a keyblade wielder and she doesn't get to do anything. Why was she kidnapped anyways? The answer is to give an excuse for Sora at the end to have a "I must do this alone" moment.
Kairi was kidnapped just so Sora could angst over her and so he could go save her. She deserved better.
The developers really pushed the Sora-Kairi romance this game. I was disoriented since we since the last game we saw a lot of romantic indications was 17 years ago in KH1. Riku got third-wheeled this game.
Enough complaining, parts that worked pretty well/were well executed: Big Hero 6, Monsters Inc, Sora finding the Door to Darkness in Destiny Islands and Aqua returning to the Realm of Light, Sora's interaction with other characters(Rapunzel, BH6, Jack, etc), the Final World.
Visually the environments are amazing! I was so happy running around everywhere. Its pretty. (and the heartless are cute)
KH3 was on the low side for number of worlds visited. Again, I'm surprised how (comparatively) short the game is. There was a lack on Final Fantasy characters as well (or well videogame characters given how TWEWY was in 3D).
I would have loved to see a Moana world. Moana, Maui, and Sora interactions would have been great. Thematically it would have worked too since Moana's plot centers on how Te Fiti losing her heart changed her.
In every KH there's always been some wham moments and that didn't happen to me at all in KH3... until the every end with Luxu. Many of us have been suspicious of Xigbar for a very long time. His organization chair height is too high. He seems to know more than he should...
As much as I am complaining, I do like the Kingdom Hearts III. Its a good game.
I've said it before, but KH:coded is a thematic summary of the entire series and one of the important points in that game is how Data Sora understands hurt. Data Sora understood how to live through hurt and this is something we see Sora learn as well through the games.
In CoM Sora did not understand this. All the way to 3D he did not know how to deal with hurt so when Roxas shared all his pain, that contributed to Sora sinking into darkness. In KH3 though Sora has grown and can accept hurt.
I would have though liked to have seen a more overt conclusion to Sora's relationship to darkness. Sora has always had darkness in him, he's not a princess of heart (or Ven) and there were hints before KH3 that he was falling to darkness.
Anti/Rage form are a manifestations of that darkness. Maybe this was just sloppy character writing, but Sora is noticeably meaner during KH2 and at the end he says "maybe the darkness has gotten to me, too". In KH3, besides rage form Sora's darkness isn't directly addressed.
Back to UX. The devs connected the epilogue, the secret reports, and UX well. That's all that was needed really. From Backcover we already know the black box is important. KH3 shouldn't have wasted time focusing on it.
And about X girl )Shuld?? idk). It really is awkward how they bring her into KH3. If she's the reason Lea and Isa got into this mess they should have dropped a line in 358/2 or one of the other games something like "Don't forget we're doing this for her"
Another good scene was Aqua giving Ven head pats. This gave me life.
Scala ad Caelum was built inverse on top of Daybreak Town. I didn't notice! Never mind what I said earlier, there's the "oh shit... what" moment. I'm just going to sit here mind blown thinking of all the implications...
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trcnquils-archive · 6 years
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hihi everyone !! lily here with my favourite son , raffy !!! but like .. if you call him that he’ll definitely get booty tickled :/ anymeme , i’m just gonna warn you guys now that this intro’s gonna be pure garbage . like i know people joke but srsly ... anyways i have a stats page for raf here and a wc tag here but no bio bc i ... don’t have the emotional energy for that SO here’s the run down !
* raul esparza , forty five , cismale — hey , have you seen rafael romero anywhere ? i’m hearing beyond the sea by bobby darin so he must be around here somewhere . hm , maybe they’re at home in commercial drive or at work . they’re a high school teacher , y’know . people also call them the academic ‘cause they can be pretty reserved & stubborn . but others say they’re also benevolent & empathetic , so i guess it balances out .
okay not to be dramatic but .. raf had a pretty rough childhood idk why but ... all of my muses did .. maybe i’m projecting or maybe i like 2 suffer but uk.. its wtvr ig :/ 
death tw / cancer tw
— born in dawson creek , british columbia , raf’s family had to move to the small city of grande prairie when he was around eight years old . his dad was laid off from his job at the oil patch and they moved to alberta for the supposedly better jop opportunities but with only a high school diploma and his lack of ambition , there really wasn’t much there for him . 
— with 5 kids in the family and an unemployed dad , raf always kinda knew the #struggle . and when he thought things couldn’t get any harder ! raf’s mom was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer his freshman year of high school , it kinda ran in her side of the family . then by the time sophomore year rolled around , raf was helping his dad plan her funeral .
— after that , things really started going downhill fast . his dad still couldn’t find a job and started pretty much flaking on them , disappearing multiple nights in a row , drinking heavily . raf’s dad was a good man , respectful , and care about his kids but just not enough . it came to a point when raf reached his eighteenth birthday that he just left them , with nothing more than a note apologizing , saying they’d do better without him . 
— throughout high school and up until his college years you better believe that raf was on that work grind™ . his mom left him and his siblings the house plus a decent amount of money but he wanted to save that money for their schooling so he was working multiple jobs at a time , some full time , just to support himself and his siblings . raf missed so much school one year that he almost failed his junior year of high school . but grande prairie was a small place and all of his teachers pretty much knew what was going on so they cut him some slack .
— really , they pitied the kid . they tried really hard to help him in whatever way they could his senior year since they knew raf actually had potential . they got him to focus more on his education and work just that much harder and it all paid off ! because raf got a full-ride scholarship to the university of british columbia . things really started looking up after this .
— since he refused to leave his siblings behind , raf sold their house in grande prairie and used the money from that with the money their mom left them to move himself and his siblings to the tiniest , cheapest apartment he could find in vancouver . while still working , in ubc he completed his bachelor’s in english and afterwards he got accepted into their law school .
— after law school , raf flitted around the city between different jobs at smaller firms for a couple of years until landing a decent one at one of the city’s top corporate law firms . there , he worked his way up and up through the years , earning a name for himself in the city until he reached the title of senior partner . throughout this , he supported his siblings , helping put them through college , etc .
— it was some time around this point in his life that raf fell in love , got married , and had a kid of his own . but he was so focused on work , not wanting his family to go through the same financial struggles he did , that he completely forgot about spending time with his wife and son . this was the main reason his wife divorced him and moved out of their condo and this kinda .. what led raf to ~reinvent~ himself and have a reverse mid-life crisis jfdijfing
— so he dropped his HIGH-PAYING JOB AT A TOP NOTCH CORPORATE LAW FIRM smh ,,, and picked up a teaching job at his sons high school :/ can u say .. embarrasing .. but he a smort binch and worked smth out money wise so that they’re not broke .... like a savings ? im a dum binch so idk but like ... yeah ....
— so like right now , raf just wants to spend time with his son , inspire kids , help them the way his old teachers helped them in high school . even tho ... he kinda fucked emotionally , doesn’t think his feelings are valid ... #relatable #toxic masculinity ,, but like hes TRYING ok 
— coworkers !! pls ! maybe they get along , maybe raf hates them , maybe they hate raf , gimme all of it !
— friends ! casual or more the ride or die , “i won’t let you go through this alone” type , whatever works !!
— former students . again , maybe they hated each other , or maybe ! raf changed someone’s life , a gal can only dream right ...
— neighbours . if ur muse lives in commercial drive in a maybe nicer condo , cause y’know , he spoils his son , then ! maybe they cld be neighbours !!
— uhhh people who are friends w his son ? idk that’s kinda weird but he’s like 17/18 sooo uk , go off
— someone that knew him from his #lawyerdays would be cool too ! so if your muse is in tht typa scene .. they cld meet him now n be like ... wow u rlly downgraded :/
— idk being a dad is natural to him , he’s been a dad since he was like 15 so if ur muse needs guidance ... the light ... a father figure ... big brother .... let a heaux know cause i think raf lowkey thrives off of being needed ....
— anything else ! if you have any other ideas or maybe we shld just surprise ourselves and completely do it chem based , that’s cool too ! i’m literally down for anything !!
there’s a bunch of personality stuff on  his stats page i don’t wanna make this any longer than it already is SO THATS IT IM DONE IM GOING TO STOP TYPING NOW BUT PLS !! give my sad boi some life
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little-lazuli · 3 years
Oooo. I really like where this is going! I don't know why but I was thinking Iduna and Benjen would go together instead of being separated when they die. ☹ Maybe it's just me but I've always thought that if Benjen didn't join the watch, the greyjoys wouldn't have taken winterfell, but the Boltons still would. Side note: What did Ned and Benjen argue about? Is Iduna a good fighter? When was she introduced to the winterfell Starks and how did it go? Did the whole family meet the King and Lannisters? Thank you so much (again) for answering all my questions 💕 -M
Thank you so much for all your questions 🥺💖
For Winterfell, I liked to think the fall of Winterfell by theon is a fixed point in theon’s character because it solidified in all ways that theon had f’d all the way up. I put Jocelyn in Winterfell to act as the failscape to get Bran and Rickon out of Winterfell because I wanted her story to follow one of constant sacrificing without break. And built her story off of one mixing with Arya and Bran. She becomes the three-eyed raven, but in that final moment says f it and heads on home with enough knowledge to help her save her family.
For the original timeline I had in mind, Iduna passed in childbirth leaving Benjen alone to raise his kids, smn that leaves him emotionally drained because he had grown to love Iduna a lot. Idk why but I like happy endings but I’m still a whore for angst, so by butchering off ben and Iduna in a similar sense to Ned and Cat was like my last final blow to them. Who knows there can always be a new timeline where Benjen and Iduna do head out of the world together; maybe they die fighting side by side against the Night King’s army.
Okay for the argument between Ben and Ned, I put some thought into Ben’s upbringing. His early years was nothing but watching death take his family. His mother, then Brandon, his father, news of his sister. All of these people who had been a constant in his life are gone now, while he was stuck sitting at home as “the Stark in Winterfell.” And now the only one left is his brother who had left for the vale and had found his own family. No child should have to go through that trauma. And now that Ned is back, Benjen can’t just get back to normal. Cause his normal was taken away, and he refuses to watch Ned just move on with his new wife and new children. I like to think Ben’s reluctance to move on with his life because he can’t bear to watch Ned be fine while he’s lost so much, is the reason why Ben ran to take the nights watch. And in canon Ned backs him up in his pursuit for it (or at least my knowledge he does). And that right there is a trigger for Benjen to be like “damn even my own last brother can see a life for himself without me in it.”
That’s where the fight happens. When Ben makes the quick trip from Skagos to Winterfell, he planned on clearing the air and all the rumors going on about him consorting with a skagosi lady to Ned. However, I think Ned would chastise Ben on his lack of honor in the series of events that had taken place; Ben had initially made his plans to join the watch clear, Ned supported him in whatever he did, Ben visited the different castles in the nights watch (which gave off the impression that he would possibly join). However instead of pulling through his honorable and noble journey in taking the black, he spent one night with a woman and BAM he’s now married with a kid on the way. And it wasn’t even a marriage for love but for one to protect the woman’s honor. (I was inspired by Robb’s wedding to Jeyne and how Ned would’ve possibly reacted to that). That would have been enough in my eyes to garner Ned’s displeasure. And at the very second Ned would question Ben’s honor and behavior, Ben would go off.
Ben would probably call out Ned for having Jon, taking him from his mother and forcing the boy to be raised under Catelyn’s glare. Ben would have a mental break I think during the fight, cause I think he would be thinking “who is he to judge? He wasn’t here for so long and now that dad and Brandon is dead and the circumstances gives him the right to belittle my character?!” I think it would be a fight that neither of them would really know what they were fighting about, it was just an eruption of emotions waiting to happen. And it did. So Ben decides to enter an unofficial exile to live his best life with his new wife and kid. While Ned’s life continues on as normal in canon.
Now let’s get into Iduna. My inspiration for her was Torvi from the Vikings. I like to think as Iduna as not so much a warrior but someone who is passionate and has the drive to go on. I’d say Iduna is familiar with combat but she wouldn’t chose it to be her forte. I see her as more as a good advisor and hands on everywhere Jack of all trades person and just easy to be around. Her easiness is what counters Ben’s usual reserved Stark persona. She ignites Ben’s wolf blood (this was not an intentional innuendo I promise). And just yeah, Iduna is good and lively spirit. So to go out the way she did, to be wounded in her own home and to feel as though she has failed her family whilst being forced to leave her children and husband, it’s such a horrible way to head out.
Iduna formally met the Starks after the Greyjoy rebellion, and after she gave birth to Beron. It was only during the Greyjoy Rebellion did Ben and Ned make up, and Ned invited Ben over. I’d think Ben would bring the family around the time Rickon’s birth to celebrate a new Stark. Everything went well as can be but everyone has their dark thoughts. Iduna would slightly be envious of Catelyn because of her lively fertility, smn Iduna wished she could give Ben, in Induna’s eyes “to better compensate the family Ben had lost.” But overall everything went well.
During the time of the kings arrival, only Jocelyn left for Winterfell. But most of Jocelyn’s character is built on the fact that she was envious of her brother because he was a man and he garnered attention and a lordship for just being a boy. So choosing to distance herself from an unhappy situation, she goes to Winterfell and is quite regretful of even coming for the sole fact that the royal family was shady and irritating. Jocelyn is a person who values perception, and she can easily see that the lannisters are not as shiny on the inside as they are in the outside. Jocelyn actually plays a large role in helping a disabled Bran in remaining faithful. She befriends Osha and chastises Robb for his treatment of Tyrion, cause the least he could have been is cordial or attempt to hide his contempt to not let the Lannister in on their emotions. And eventually Jocelyn aids Bran and becomes like a third sister to Bran and Rickon. Through their time together, Jocelyn grows regretful for leaving her family back in Skagos and does wish to go home.
And yeah that about covers all those points. Again thank you so much for your questions I so so so much appreciate all of it 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖
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alteabellerose · 7 years
”*Putting this under a submit since this might be long and I don’t wanna split it up in several asks that Tumblr might eat. Sorry for any inconvenience*”
”I have some thoughts about the latest chapter. I was not expecting the feels to hit me like they did. But I actually understand why MC did what she did. How she did it was harsh and unnecessary, but I do understand the point behind it.”
-This is a fairly long submission but it’s also worth a read bc anon makes a lot of good points about this whole mess but I don’t want to clog your dashes with this super long post so I’m putting the submission and my response under a read more-
”Something I felt hasn’t been addressed a lot in the story is the fact that MC gave up her whole life to be with Altea. She literally left her own world behind to move to an alternate universe. For Altea. Someone who is willing to give up everything to be with you is a big deal and shows a huge amount of trust, especially in the messy situation they’re in with the Witch Queen and an approaching war. Then she learns that Altea, who probably felt like an anchor, has been lying about a lot of things. Even something as trivial as the fact that she’s two years younger than she said/implied she was. From personal experience, I can say that that plants a seed of doubt that is REALLY hard to get over. Suddenly you’re questioning everything and you feel all alone. Even if you aren’t.”
”Even more so if, like MC, if she feels like she literally has no one to turn to. She didn’t just move to a different city, a different state or even a different country, she literally moved into another universe where no one from her past is. Where she has no way to contact them. And we know that Chicago is where she feels safe since Altea told her to think of a safe place and they ended up there. In Chicago, she probably would called Sophie or her parents or anyone else in her life to confide in/vent. In the L&L world, that person would most likely be Altea, but this time she’s also the one right in the middle of a huge mess.”
”MC only spoke to Iseul because he sought her out. The guys had to bring it up because of MCs aggressive behavior during training, MC didn’t go to the courtyard with the intention of talking to them. In fact, the one MC ended up confiding in was Helena (which kinda makes me suspicious btw).”
”Then add the fact that Mireille didn’t make a good first impression by threatening MC. Or the fact that she shoves MC out of conversations by talking to Altea in a language she knows MC doesn’t understand. Or hijacking the day she and Altea should’ve had together. Or the way she seems to have a thing for Altea or at the very least she seems to disapprove of MC and Altea’s relationship. Then, finally, saving Altea right in front of her.”
”I feel like MC probably had Helena’s words echoing in her head about people always being tempted by those who have been with them since the beginning. How Mireille will know Altea’s heart and have memories MC can’t touch. It probably doesn’t help that every other conversations Mireille and Altea has is basically “hey, remember when….” which would make anyone feel left out. Then Altea says she wants Mireille to stay with them in the castle…”
”Basically MC is feeling insecure as all hell and the only who seems to get it is Helena.”
”Sidenote: Considering you literally pick between Altea and Helena and how this chapter ended, I just have to say: If this is the point where Helena’s route starts, I’m gonna be livid! I want a clean beginning, not MC running to Helena because she and Altea are having problems! Not here for breaking Altea’s heart for Helena!”
”Anyway, there’s a distinct lack of communication between everyone, which is turning this into a bigger issue than it should’ve been. MC’s insecurities are very flawed, but also very real. And from her POV, Altea doesn’t seem to want to understand. She feels like Altea doesn’t get it, but really how can Altea get it when MC doesn’t communicate her feelings. Its irrational, but doubts and insecurities will do that unfortunately. ”
”No one is innocent in all this. MC should’ve communicated her feelings/thoughts to Altea. The necklace was an immature lashing out that’ll only cause more hurt. But Altea should been more upfront, should’ve considered how betrayed MC might feel given the trust she had shown Altea and communicated her thoughts instead if just announcing something like the fact that she wants Mireille to stay and expecting MC to be ok with it.”
”I feel like Iseul should take his own advice and tie both Altea and MC to Reiner’s chair until they actually talk to each other… They both have some apologizing to do. And, more importantly, they need to freaking TALK TO EACH OTHER. A real heart-to-heart where they both talk and they both listen.”
Okay so I’m gonna open by saying that I never saw a notification for this so idk how late I am at getting to it and I’m sorry if you sent this yesterday or this morning and I didn’t get to it earlier
But! Yeah honestly I think you’ve made nothing but good points here. I think literally every day about how hard it must be for MC to deal with the knowledge that she left literally everyone and everything she’s ever known behind, like sure she loves Altea and the guys are her friends but she left behind her best friend and who knows how much family all for Altea and this war with the witch queen when she could’ve easily gone back to her old life, not put herself in danger every single day, not left 25 years of her life behind. I wish we’d get more about that in the story, even if it was just in the form of comments from MC sometimes, like when she was talking to the witch queen about her memories of the garden her mother had, except wherein she’s talking to someone who will listen and care
I know that I’ve been making a fair few angry/hurt posts about this and generally siding with Altea, but I don’t want to make it seem like I think MC is completely at fault for things. I can’t say that I’ve been lied to on that scale, but I can say that I can relate to what Altea says about her parents and so I also understand why she would lie about that at the very least. I don’t mean that I approve of it, but I’m not exactly mad. I am, however, pretty much entirely on MC’s side in regards to the jealousy issue with Mireille, I’m secondhand jealous tbh, and it surprises me that Altea was oblivious enough to the issue to suggest that Mireille stay permanently. Definitely was not happy with her about that.
The main thing I’m upset with MC about isn’t necessarily leaving Altea, it’s leaving Altea when she barely addressed the jealousy issue with her. It’s not that I don’t understand MC’s reasoning. I had a similar problem in a relationship when I was 16 and I stewed for like, weeks, but instead of, interestingly enough, returning the necklace he’d given me and I had hardly taken off in the year and a half we were together in a symbolic breakup gesture, we talked it out and lo and behold, we stayed together for a while longer. MC walked off and GOD do I understand the “she saved you when I couldn’t comment” because I kind of have a protectiveness thing going on and christ that’d kill me, and Altea just says “I don’t hold a grudge against you for that, it was just chance” but like, I’d hold a grudge against myself for the rest of my life probably and now I’m rambling so anyway, Altea goes after her and asks what’s wrong you know, and MC is like “I’m jealous” and then hands her the charm???????? When they talked about her feelings for all of two minutes?????????????????????
I’m frustrated with the lack of communication happening, and from the perspective of someone outside the relationship of course it looks easy to solve so I’m trying to avoid judging too harshly but god if they would just talk to each other! I’m also frustrated because I’ve mentioned on this blog that I’ve played/am playing virtually every game I can get my hands on where you can play as a girl and romance a girl, and god only knows how many bi/pan/lesbian LIs I could rattle off right now, but Altea is my all-time favorite. So maybe I’ve been harsh on MC for doing what she did but god I just keep thinking about what my favorite girl ever must’ve been thinking when MC put the charm in her hands and it’s killing me and kind of clouding my fair judgment here
Like. I love MC and I support her always (usually) but TALK TO YOUR GIRL!!!!!!! I’m glad you said that the lack of communication is turning this into a bigger issue than it should’ve been because that’s by far my biggest problem with what’s going on. It just doesn’t need to be this bad.
Re: your sidenote god same. I was happy when Alain’s route started and I assumed they’d do the same thing with Helena, like have it be an AU type deal where MC just happened to get picked up by the generals instead of August and Iseul, but now I’m scared. I wouldn’t be able to play Helena’s route at first. I’d have to emotionally gear myself up for it, lmao. Helena getting a route is literally a dream come true for me, as in literally I wanted it so badly I dreamed about it once before they announced it, but I don’t know if it’s worth the expense of Altea’s heart. That’s a cheesy thing to say about fictional characters but it’d hurt her so much. I couldn’t do it.
Catch me crying like a baby when they have their inevitable heart-to-heart though, I’m a sucker for this stuff
Thanks for sending this in, I could talk forever about L&L lmao & I appreciate your apparently slightly more balanced perspective than my own
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abundantfrog · 8 years
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? : Pandora
is your room messy or clean?: Messy
what color are your Eyes?: Brown
do you like your name? why?: I’m content with my name. I like what it means and it has a real short abbreviation for nicknames
what is your relationship status?: Single
describe your personality in 3 words or less: Stubborn, Talkative, 
what color hair do you have?: Brown
what kind of car do you drive? color?: I do not own a car
where do you shop?: Wherever I can get a ride to. Walmart, Target, Pennies, Marshal’s, 
how would you describe your style?: Lazy
favorite social media account: I guess tumblr but I really just enjoy social media to kill time or talk extra when my friends are busy
what size bed do you have?: Twin extra long
any siblings?: 3 and a half
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?: I don’t really know.  Probably around where I am now.  I like the temperature range and the nearness to my family.  
favorite snapchat filter?: Idk man. I think the faceswaps are my fav. 
favorite makeup Brand(s): I don’t use makeup so I don’t have a real opinion
how many times a week do you shower?: anywhere between 5 and 10. Some days I shower before/after work so it can get to more than 7. Kind of depends on how I’m doing.  More showers for worse moods. 
favorite tv show?: Season 1 of Supergirl. 
shoe size?: 10? something like that. Wide. 
how tall are you?: 5′11? 
sandals or sneakers?: Sneakers. 
do you go to the gym?: No but I realllly should because of my back. 
describe your dream date: I have no idea.  I like the idea of doing something that involves dressing up fancy but also hiking is a great time.  I think I want like hiking somewhere fun/new to me/person I’m with followed by just hanging out/relaxing and food of some sort. I’m not too picky. 
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?: Wallet? Idk like 10 dollars maybe? I’m not big on keeping cash. 
what color socks are you wearing?: I’m not. But generally if I have socks they range from grey to black. 
how many pillows do you Sleep with?: Like 1-3 depending on the night
do you have a job? what do you do?: I manage a kitchen
how many friends do you have?: Wow that’s a large question. Like how are we describing friends? People who I’m actually close with the number is like maybe or less than 5. People who I like and enjoy hanging out with it’s a higher number to like 15. 
whats the worst thing you have ever done?: Oh gosh. I don’t know. like. There’s a lot of ways to interpret worst. worst to myself is like. the amount that I procrastinate. could be this very moment.  Most physically harmful was probably cutting that area between pointer and thumb on my brother’s hand with a scissors when very small, most like emotionally rude/assholeish was probably something with how my relationship with Lauren ended up ending.  I could think of a lot more things but let’s move on. 
whats your favorite candle scent?: Vanilla probably but I haven’t really explored candle scents enough to know
3 favorite boy names: I do not have an answer for this question.  I tend to like David. I’ll have David as an answer but that’s all I got. 
3 favorite girl names: I have no idea. 
favorite actor?: John Barrowman? 
favorite actress?: Melissa Benoist
who is your celebrity Crush?: Katie McGrath
favorite movie?: Captain America, Winter Soldier.  OR Lion King
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?: I used to read a lot, I’m very partial to the Pendragon or heralds of Valdemar series. both had like a large influence on my life. 
money or brains?: What does this mean? Brains are necessary to be alive and money is necessary to continue to purchase goods like food.  Talking about what I find attractive I’m going to say brains but it’s less being a smarty-pants and more personality-wise that gets along with me because like, as I said above stubborn and talkative I’m not /always/ easy to get along with for extended periods of time. 
do you have a nickname? what is it?: Not one that gets used really anymore.  Dippy is the one I used to have but I never liked it. 
how many times have you been to the hospital?: Idk. 3 or 4. Never for emergency purposes 
top 10 favorite songs: That’s a lot. Bohemian Rhapsody, Little Lion Man, The Phoenix, 1985, Mr. Brightside, Step in Time, Seize the Day, Bad Day, Move Along, Lord of the Dance.  These aren’t in a particular order and they’re mostly associated with like particularly good memories or specific people and make me happy for that.  
do you Take any medications daily?: Nah. I have some vitamins and pain killers I take intermittently. 
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc): Idk man. Probably oily because the previously mentioned working in a Kitchen 
what is your biggest Fear?: Being a burden to my family because I run out of motivation and fail to become financially independent. 
how many kids do you want?: I don’t know. I’m not confident I want kids. 
whats your go to hair style?: Wherever it falls at whatever length it is at the moment is fine. 
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc): Something that corresponds to the amount of people living there.  So like if it’s just me pretty small. if I have a significant other/family with me on the medium-large size. I’m personally content with like. A bathroom, a medium sized bedroom, and a kitchen if I’m alone.  
who is your role model?: I don’t know.  I love my older sister Steff.  But I try not to have a specific role model.  it’s weird. 
what was the last compliment you received?: I have no idea.  Brice probably said something last night that could be considered a compliment.  The last thing that really stuck with me was like a week ago when Brice told me he considers me like a reasonable enough person that I’m honest with myself about my limitations/skills as a magic player and he trusts my judgement of how I fair as a player compared to people around me.  
what was the last text you sent?: I told my friend tha tI’ll be free Saturday night as my only free time this weekend to see a movie 
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?: Officially? 5th grade but there was no surprise at this revelation.  When I like low key accepted but didn’t acknowledge the fakeness of it? no idea. 
what is your dream car?: Something with wheels and good gas mileage that’s reliable. 
opinion on smoking?: Yucky. I’m an asthmatic. 
do you go to college?: Yeah I’m a double major religion/psychology at rutgers. 
what is your dream job?: Solid questions I don’t know I don’t have aspirations in life anymore I’m kind of dead inside. 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?: I guess rural but like. Woodsie. I want something with trees. 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?: I tend to as souvenirs. I never use them. 
do you have freckles?: Nah I just have a pile of acne. 
do you smile for pictures?: I try to but I’m bad at it so I force a laugh and hold my face like that because it’s the only way I can smile. 
how many pictures do you have on your phone?: A fuck ton. 
have you ever peed in the woods?: Yeah man
do you still watch cartoons?: Yeah I do. 
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?: Wendy’s. 
Favorite dipping sauce?: Barbeque or Honey Mustard. 
what do you wear to bed?: What I wore that day, nothing, or gym shorts/big ole T-shirt
have you ever won a spelling bee?: I’ve never participated in one
what are your hobbies?: Magic the Gathering
can you draw?: Hell yeah I can. Not well. But I am capable of putting a pencil onto a piece of paper and making images. 
do you play an instrument?: I used to be a mediocre cello player and a mediocre percussion player for auxilliary percussion but I haven’t touched eithe rin years. 
what was the last concert you saw?: Panic At the Disco/Weezer.
tea or coffee?: Tea if I’m drinking black. Coffee if I have like a selection of stuff form Dunkin to put into it. 
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?: Only ever been to Dunkin
do you want to get married?: Idk. It would be nice to have the consistent support from someone in life but like. Previously stated lack of aspirations/ambitions for my life right now. 
what is your Crush’s first and last initial?: YM is an option
are you going to change your last name when you get married?: If I get married I’ll do whatever my significant other would like with names I’m not attached to traditional “girl must take guy’s name” things. 
what color looks best on you?: I really like purple and Jess says it looks great but it’s both of our favorite color.  I also like like sky blues. I don’t know specifically for what looks good for me. 
do you miss anyone right now?: Hell yeah I could probably list at least as many people that I miss as I could list people that I’m still friends with without overlap. 
do you Sleep with your door open or closed?: Closed (except that one time I accidentally left it open or if I’m really drunk and forget)
do you believe in ghosts?: I don’t have a firm belief in either direction
what is your biggest pet peeve?: I don’t know that it counts for pet peeve but I really don’t like when things I say get misinterpreted or like people read into things that I say I’m a pretty direct person. 
last person you called?: Nayirrah. She was late to work
favorite ice cream flavor?: Graham Central Station. It reminds me of Mrs. Foco. 
regular oreos or golden oreos?: Regular I’m not a fucking animal
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?: Rainbow
what shirt are you wearing?: Plain white T
what is your phone background?: The view from the tree I love climbing in the middle of the woods at the top of my home town area I hike in.  Or the view of the ocean at sunset by my grandparents, depending on which background. 
are you outgoing or shy?: I’m weird and it depends on the situation I’m in. 
do you like it when people play with your hair?: Idk man. I’m pretty neutral about it. 
do you like your neighbors?: I don’t know them. 
do you wash your face? at Night? in the morning?: I wash my face when I shower
have you ever been high?: Nope
have you ever been drunk?: Yeah I have
last thing you ate?: A family sized bag of Lays cheddar potato chips
favorite lyrics right now: Idk man I can only think of quotes form books right now so either “And so we go” or “There is no one true way” as quotes from books. 
summer or winter?: Summer much better for hiking
Day or Night?: Depends on the activity. 
dark, milk, or white chocolate?: Milk
favorite month?: Probably May it’s my birthday and semesters end and I get to see my school friends at the start and my home friends at the end. 
what is your zodiac sign: Taurus
who was the last person you cried in front of?: Idk man. I do’nt really cry in front of people. Maybe jess? Maybe Margaret. Crying is weird and I can’t do it so it doesn’t really happen. And I tend to pretend to be fine in front of people.  Maybe Anna? Could be Anna. or Peter. I have no memory of what it was but those are the options.  
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