#idiot syndrome anon
jewelleria · 4 months
I know it's not how you rationalize it to yourself, but your posts about Israel/palestine come off as a support of the destruction of Gaza and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Insisting that it's a war (Palestine isn't allowed to have an army, and Israel cannot claim self-defence against a territory they occupy), denying that Israel is at fault, obscuring support of Palestine in general as being motivated by antisemitism - it paints a picture.
At least 30 000, probably closer to 100 000 Palestinians have been killed as of now. That is so monumentally worse than anything currently happening to Israel / zionists. So when you spend most of your energy focusing on those wrongs, or insisting that people talking about Palestine should focus on them, it comes off as brushing it off or trying to diminish its importance.
You don't have to answer, as I'll be blocking you, but I'm asking you to please consider what you're willing to support, excuse or tone down, and why. I know what it's like to be too focused on the discrimination we're facing to really take in what other groups might be going through.
hey anon, that's some great useful idiot syndrome you got there. how much college debt did you go into to earn it?
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Lily is making throwaways to talk to herself now cause she's too afraid to turn anons back on.
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[Lily's post]
There are so many golden nuggets in here. Since these are both most likely Lily lets look at a few!
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Lily's media takes are beyond just bad, she asserts that the creators of children's cartoons are dangerous extremists for perceived bad messaging in their works that Lily just makes up.
Even without that Lily's takes on symbolism, metaphor, and just basic narrative structure are worth examining because they are some of the most bizarre and ignorant many of us have ever encountered.
But no one "orients their life around you", Lily. It just feels that way because you sit in your subsidized apartment on the internet all day ordering Door Dash from a Subway you could easily walk to. I'd say get some sun but you'd probably turn to ash like a vampire.
As for me? I do something you're incapable of: putting on a show.
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No one cares you're trans, Lily. Get over it. Plenty of trans people exist in online nerd culture. You can't hide from the consequences of your own words and actions by using your demographic as shield.
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Pfft. They could try. Go ahead. Make videos about me. Hell, Lily, unlike you I don't even hold or delete comments. The little anklebiters who like to lecture me in my comment section don't seem to realize I'm the one allowing them to be there expressing their stupid ignorant opinions because that aligns with my principles.
Lily doesn't make a video about me because she knows I'd just react to and laugh at it. And with any luck YouTube has taken her ability to copyright strike away because she's used it maliciously 9 times.
Also retard. Just say retard, Lily. Not "tradigrade" not "child left behind" not "fetal alcohol syndrome". Just say retard.
You clearly want to. And are bitter you can't because of the insular audience you've cultivated.
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This is how I know it's you because only Lily Orchard could be upset I criticized the bland Antarctica anime for being a bland Antarctica anime the sole focus of which is to get 4 teenage moeblobs on a big technical ship. Which is written by a middle aged man who does nothing but moeblob shows and directed by a woman who does nothing but moeblob shows. They both worked on No Game No Life, Lily. You know. This:
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The one with the 11 year old loli in love with her step brother. Actually Lily it sounds right up your alley. You should watch it next.
Antarctica show is so full of so many plot contrivances. Why does Shirase just carry her wad of Antarctica cash everywhere and dropped it so carelessly? It's sure convenient that her and Kimari just happen to go to the same school and Kimari happens to hear her loudly wailing about the money in the bathroom. How does Hinata, a 16 year old high school drop out who works in a convenience store think she can even hope to afford this trip? Where are her parents in this anyway? We never see them.
The girls only get on the trip in the first place because another girl who is a child star vlogger just happens to be also going and just happens to contact them wanting them to go in her stead. And after making friends with them she tells her mother that she won't go without the other 3 girls but... the rest of the expedition that adamantly refused to let them on before just suddenly agrees to take them? Because this one minor celebrity and her manager mom who isn't even going said so? Takako only wanted to go to Antarctica because it just sounded neat, she's not an artic researcher, or engineer, or anything that would justify her being out there (a woman in STEM? Perish the thought says 50 year old Jukki Hanada I guess) and she died out in a blizzard trying to get a laptop to email her daughter who she has now left motherless for no good reason. And this is only ever treated as heartwarming and not idiotic.
Face it Lily. The entire show exists just to get 4 teenage girls on a big ship so otaku men can enjoy both brainless moeblobs and technical ship porn. The show sure likes to emphasize over and over how the girls are joshi kosei too. Why couldn't the show have been about the trip of the adult women (who incidentally also act like brainless teenage girls in the show)?
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Yeah you guys aren't winning against me on Utena lol. Here, have my post where I have the video walking people through the episode itself. If you want to ignore the actual text of the series in order to appear morally forthright that's your own problem:
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And everyone on the bus clapped, and that Asian woman's name? Albert Einstein. What does this have to do with anything except poisoning the well by linking this unsourced incident in peoples' minds to Ant and I?
Also it's Twitter. So Twitter is bad and unreasonable here, but they're not bad and unreasonable when they're squawking at me over a classic anime they've never even watched. Or squawking at Ant cause "L-L-Lily is totes a Native trans woman?? So you can't criticize any of the batshittery that spews constantly from her face hole??"
Ah now we're on to Lily's response to herself.
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Oh look out Ant, Lily's got damning screenshots she just can't show anybody right now.
Probably similar to when she happily accepted a screenshot from Poppy of Poppy being creepy to Courtney and tried to blame Courtney for it.
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Lily you attract attention when people talk about you because the wider nerdy internet knows your takes are insanely bad. And they know your takes are all tangled up in your personal dramas and heinous actions. They can tell. You're not as subtle as you think you are.
I cut together my response to your bad Utena takes in your 2023 Steven Universe video on a whim and slapped it on my completely unestablished personal YouTube account. It got 5k views in a few days. That's how disliked you are.
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Nobody knows who I am but you sure copyright struck 4 of my livestream VODs trying to take my channel down. The 4 VODs where I most talk about your blatantly obvious incest fetish at that. Nobody knows who I am but I've gained 10k subs in 6 months primarily from dunking on you. Because I'm better at YouTube than you are.
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And people do bitch at me for saying retard constantly. And you know why I keep doing it? Because the ones who most often tell me not to are some of the most annoying, entitled, self-righteous, puritanical control freaks and it's an easy way to weed them out.
By the way have fun trying to find a lawyer within 10 days who will tell you "Why yes, Lily, you can absolutely copyright these videos of yours full of footage that belong to Viacom, Netflix, Amazon, Toei Animation, Dreamworks, Activision-Blizzard, and many more!"
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Anon rebelde.
A Cait le ha costado pero ha aprendido como intentar hacer creíble su relación con Tony aunque el sigue tan poco colaborativo como se ve en el vídeo de IFTA
No hay llegada a los premios porque la ultima vez, el papel de guardabrigo de Tony a la salida del coche de Cait quedó bien patente y ese paso atrás como buen asistente ha quedado para la historia.
No hay desfile en la Red Carpet con Tony porque la velocidad de Cait para alejarse de el saben que es carne de gifs.
Las manos de Tony debajo de la mesa porque sus últimos aplausos denotaban un cierto manierismo muy poco varonil.
Cait radiante, esperando el barrido de la cámara, mientras Tony parece ajeno a lo que sucede alrededor con una sonrisa que podríamos describir como una mueca.
En resumen, la enésima puesta en escena del circo Tait. Si aún hay alguien que compre entradas para ese espectáculo es su problema, no el nuestro.
Dear, dear Anon Rebelde,
¡Te extrañé! Bienvenida de nuevo, en uno de los momentos más bajos que parece que nos gustan con tanto masoquismo, de este lado de la valla. Pero primero, la traducción:
'It did cost Cait, but she learned how to try and make her relationship to Tony look credible, even if he still doesn't seem willing to collaborate, as the IFTA clip shows us.
There is no arrival at the awards because last year, Tony's role as coat handler when leaving Cait's car was blatantly obvious and that relegation to good assistant went on record.
There is no parade on the Red Carpet with Tony because of Cait's haste in getting away from him. They know it's gif material.
Tony's hands are under the table because last year's applause denoted a certain, very unmanly, mannerism.
Cait beams, waiting for the camera to pan, while Tony seems oblivious to what is happening around him, with a smile that could rather be described as a grimace.
In short, the umpteenth staging of the Tait circus. If there is still someone who buys tickets for that show, it is their problem, not ours.'
I overall agree, as always, with your very balanced evaluation of the current state of play. But I also think tickets for that particular show will always be a hot sale in this fandom, either because it will be just up some people's alley (Mordor - I am amazed at the stupidity of their discussing the concept and some of them never heard of Tolkien: mind boggles), or because of the collective trauma/Stockholm syndrome many of us, here, still display. What I mean by that is very simple: for eight years now, we, shippers have been hostages of that Narrative and when something happens along those lines, we will surely react, giving all its toxicity renewed space and airtime. I am not judging anybody, here, because this is only human (and to many, the trauma is palpable) and there is nothing to judge. This is, however, a well-known group behavior dynamic that never fails to deliver. What she did was simply to double down on her PDA. But the experiment failed, because even five years after that Remarkable Week-end, the man still can't be arsed to show any organic enthusiasm or even involvement in his whereabouts. Cue in the SC nostalgia pic galore on shipping blogs and I have to say I am not really a fan: it just fuels that disco inferno cycle and exposes us to the same old, vile criticism, when the core of the shipping belief system is to be found elsewhere. Again, not judging anyone, just trying to understand behavior patterns, here.
Plus, I am really sorry, but he has been looking all sorts of terrible for quite a while, now. Blaming the camera angle (cortisone bloating) or the lighting systems is as mendacious and idiotic as the people circulating it. This kind of free propaganda is also known by all the interested parties and it also never fails to deliver, for many reasons it would be useless to further analyze.
Looking forward to read your witty take on things next time, darling. Siempre un placer leerte, corazon.
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aurae-rori · 3 months
It’s 🦋, I’m back. I have thoughts and opinions and (it ended up being long) broad character analysis! You’ll see what I mean by sounding like a cocky academic in a sec.
Dr. Ratio definitely has a lot of elements of gifted kid syndrome. The not being treated like a normal kid, the self deeply intwined with excellence, the being really amazing but never reaching your “full potential,” etc etc.
But the whole idea behind gifted kid syndrome is that those kids eventually burn out or plateau. They lose motivation, or they’ve got unaddressed issues, or they get cocky and stagnate.
Sometimes… Sometimes those kids just don’t. They just don’t stop. Sometimes those kids get continuously moved up to the next level, but every time, it’s not enough of a challenge. Even in adulthood. And these people only get there because they really do care about learning, so it gets really, really exhausting to only hear things like “genius” again and again without actually being taught. At some point you start to wonder if you’re just… at the top already. If you’re the final destination.
If you don’t make an active effort to reach out to people outside that bubble, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you’re on a different level. You’re desperate to satisfy an insatiable potential. That’s what the Genius Society is, essentially. People who are labeled geniuses are usually isolated by society, so when they find each other, they come to the conclusion that they’re a unique breed of their own in order to explain how achingly lonely it is with no one to keep up with them.
They aren’t.
That’s why Dr. Ratio is such a good character to me. He’s undergone the same kind of genius-isolation treatment, but instead of separating himself from humanity, he insists on being counted as no different, even if that leaves him mostly alone. And he doesn’t pretend he isn’t intelligent either! He’s not modest, which is very annoying sometimes, but it’s… a lot realer. I mean, isn’t it more disingenuous to have people tell you how genius you are all the time and just pretend not to know you’re smart? He’s not a superior specimen of man, but he’s also not an idiot. He’s a Mundanite.
So in the spirit of being absolutely shameless, I have to say that it feels good to see some actual empathy put into this archetype. Makes me feel less like a crazy person for having the same philosophy and similar struggles.
(Still figuring out an adequate balance of self-confidence and modesty though, the social skills really are the hardest part)
In my opinion, you don't sound like a cocky academic at all. You're explaining your own views on this prospect, and honestly, I really liked reading through this. I agree - Dr. Ratio holds a special place in my heart because he's been isolated due to his intellect, but he still tries to help people and be with them. He still actively expresses his empathy (even if it's in ways that aren't quote on quote, kind) and he does care for others and tries to better their lives and teach them. Self-isolation and isolation from society is absolutely hard to deal with, but seeing him react in that way is honestly really touching and heart-warming. To see a "Gifted Kid" who just kept on going, but who also chose to grow from that experience by choosing to interact with others despite his status.
Once again, really loved reading through this. I believe in you, and I'm glad that you can empathize with others and that you can still connect with others to some level despite going through that. You're doing great, anon. If my words are worth any salt, I'm proud of you for going this far and for trying your best. Please take care of yourself and remember that you're a person outside of your intellect, too. Feel free to drop by again with more takes, because this was really sweet to read and now I have more motivation for my Dr. Ratio angst. :)
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banes-favourite · 8 months
I would love more thoughts on Gortash having gender identity issues if you have them 👀
Gimme a deep dive 5 page essay /j
anon i am kissing u on the lips passionately for this ask btw 🙏
(tw for sexu@l and minor abuse)
ok so i think gortash is cis male and he didn't really question his identity as a kid, unless he was assigned like female roles in the games he played with other kids cause they thought he was a bit weird. he didn't mind them, mostly cause he had his own mommy issues and it was oddly healing to play as a mother figure (fic recommendation that gave me this idea in the first place).
in the house of hope, he was looked down upon in many ways, being called names was one of them. obviously there were the typical insults and "boy" in a derogatory way but i think since the whole point of being jailed was to be beaten down into an empty slate for Raphael to use and manipulate, it was also important to strip him of his identity as a whole. Nubaldin was probably great at that, providing equal amounts of both physical and emotional abuse, so i imagine there were points were he was punished for using his own name/pronouns. like, being asked what he is, enver giving a derogatory answer hoping it's the right one and nubaldin punching him anyway because "I used 'he' instead of 'it' for your pathetic ass, you should have corrected me"
once he hit the prepubescent age, they probably started having fun with calling him a girl (coupled with the sexu@l abuse he probably experienced), literally gaslighting him saying he was always a girl, he had no name, are you really that stupid? etc etc. obviously this confused him as it's difficult to keep a straight idea of your self-identity when you're concussed every other day. one minute he was less than dirt, the next he was a rat, then an idiot girl who can't even remember her own name, to the point he was so worn down he just accepted whatever they threw at him. If Raphael wanted him to be a boy, so be it, if he wanted a man, so be it, if he wanted a girl, so be fucking it.
he probably struggled a Lot with puberty too,, it came late to him, malnourished as he was, so the fact that he didn't even have body hair despite his body growing aided the gender misidentity. i think he'd often stare at the mirror, at his body and face, try to understand who he was behind the scars, losing control of himself and his mind. he didn't see himself as human, he was just a thing that was sold and then used and reshaped in whoever's hands he ended up like clay. he'd often ask Hope about it, try to understand how he was viewed by someone who wasn't malicious, and she'd answer as honestly and hopefully as she could but let's be honest, her riddles and tangents most likely just confused him further.
not to mention his twisted attractions?? like through all that, he had to somehow figure out what he was attracted to?? i think a healthy mix of sexu@l trauma and stockholm syndrome ended up contributing to his toxic view on relationships and sex as a whole. there's a reason Durge was the only one he was able to form a genuine relationship with.
anyway, all of it definitely ties in with his name change, too. not only did he struggle with rejoining society after HoH, he had to figure out himself all over again. i think he created the persona of a young, powerful and ambitious man named Enver Gortash and leaned into it so much it simply consumed him. he literally gaslit himself into curing his gender questioning like the girlboss he is.
also if you call him by she/her pronouns he'd most likely answer out of pure instinct
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johnslittlespoon · 4 months
fic/general updates bc i've been so quiet here, feel free to mute my yapping tag if ur just here for the brainrot posts idm one bit <3
dog coded fic ch4 is like 1/3rd done but it's a heavy one so it's taking me a bit aaa bear with me
I MADE MY FIC TAG SO SEXY i added moodboards to every single one. was this entirely self indulgent and unnecessary and an act of unintentional procrastination? yes. did it bring me joy while writing angst? also yes so
i have like 50 asks waiting for me again and I'VE READ THEM ALL OKAY and i've been losing my mind over them oh my god special mention to the anon leaving brainrot for my curtbuckbucky club au... you don't understand what you've done to me. i've almost opened a new doc so many times. i have Thoughts about what you've said and i will voice them and get back to as many other asks as i can soon!! just need an evening to lock in and sit down and reply, and there are so many fun prompt reqs to write too <3
i feel so fucking bad– i have not responded to ao3 comments or comments on my fics etc here for over a month and i reread them all so often and never want to seem like idc bc i DO they mean everything to me, literally the reason i stay motivated to write 😭💗 so i need to also sit down and go thru and reply to all of them, i just get overwhelmed by the love and sit there smiling like an idiot and then i feel the imposter syndrome and tell myself i'll reply later and the cycle repeats JDSGK <3
this week's gonna be pretty busy for me so i might still be a bit quiet, but after that i'm hoping i can get back to more regular brainrot in between writing my fic >:) me treating this like a job HSDGKJ jk i have so much fun here i rly do miss yapping all day :') anyway i think that's all, been making some edits too but i keep getting sidetracked before i finish them and i rly should be focusing on yad(iym) regardless smh! justice for pining bucky fr. but yeah if i'm ever not posting as much, just assume i'm either busy irl or focussing my energy on fic writing bc i'm so serious when i say every minute that i'm not busy irl is spent on these stupid men i'm literally plagued with thoughts of them 24/7 fml
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Re: the question about Grim in the fics (not the same anon, just throwing in my two cents)
I find that Grim, and mascot characters in general really, tend to be like marmite. Some people really like them, other's really hate them,
I'm more in the neutral territory. Grim is okay, and I mainly find him cute as a cat. However after a recent event in the JP server (which I shall not spoil save for this one thing that Grim does), where Grim literally rolls around on the floor and throws and honest to god tantrum like a toddler - I gotta say I can see where the "I hate mascots" people are coming from. I'm probably biased because it was in front of my favorite boy, so my view of "it's the most embarrassing thing Grim has ever done" is probably skewed there.
The point I was getting at, though, is that only including Grim when he has a decisive role to play in the story (like you're doing now) is probably the best route in my opinion. From both a writing and reading pov
I also admittedly go back and forth on Grim sometimes. Granted, I saw the new SR of him, in his robe with his lil' ears all poked up underneath and almost collapsed out of sheer cuteness, so like. There is that bias lol And I also think he's been allowed character growth from the beginning to where we are now, so I can't fault him for that. But he does, as you pointed out, frequently suffer from 'Anime Comedic Relief Syndrome.' I want to cuddle him endlessly and give him lots of treats, but like, I also wouldn't want to go on a full adventure with him necessarily. In the same way I like to cuddle my flatmate's cat, but when I have to do actual work for things the little idiot needs to be booted out of the room before I murder him
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not-gonna-lose · 6 months
Hey, uh. Kieran? If everything hurts and you're tired all the time... that's kinda serious. Chronic pain is measured by frequency, not severity. You said you'd see a doctor when all of this was over, and I'm holding you to that.
Fatigue can exist as a side effect of other things, or on its own/comorbing as chronic fatigue syndrome, or ME/CFS. The pain could be a lot of things; fibromyalgia comes to mind as Shitty Body Hurts All The Time Disorder, but you should check for autoimmune causes as well in case your body is attacking its joints.
....look. I don't talk about this as much. But a lot of disabled people I know only became disabled after a period of immense stress. Sometimes it's abuse, especially domestic, that triggers these disorders. Sometimes it's burned out gifted kids, or running for their lives, or a traumatic encounter with terrorists that they never recovered from. I know someone who... well, they were messed up by a couple Rockets for the duration of the team's existence, and after that, the ptsd sort of. migrated? I don't know how else to put it. They're on a liquid diet now because anything solid will give them severe abdominal pain.
Whether you choose to believe it or not, what's happening to you right now isn't healthy. And I don't think it's just burnout, either.
Yeah, I will... I promised a bunch of people I would already, so- Not gonna break it or anything... I don't do that... Even if I really hate hospitals and stuff...
...the anons on Atlas's blog yesterday were right, though... It's my own fault for overworking myself so much... Just- Dealing with the consequences of being such an idiot now...
I should be fine once everything's calmed down a little... Really doubt this is anything permanent- So nothing anyone should be worried about...
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sapphyreopal5 · 4 months
I don't mean to be rude but why does it matter so much that j3 have matching tattoos??
Hmmm another Anon who didn't read closely I see, nor do you read my other posts clearly. I made this post more or less because I wanted to make a point that it isn't a J2 thing. Also that what we see with them being all brotherly love and SPN family and such is just smoke and mirrors. I know people don't agree with me on a lot of stuff regarding J2. Heck, someone got uptight with me this morning when I talked about Jared being the third wheel stuff when it comes to JDM and Jensen, but these are just observations and facts. This isn't me being anti Jared, or anti Jensen, or even anti Jeff. I'm just someone who sees past the smoke and mirrors. I'm also tired of the idiots who say "OH HOW CUTE, THEY GOT MATCHING TATTOOS, THEY'RE LIKE BROTHERS!" without reading or hearing the actual story or getting to know the actual context. For anyone who is interested in what Anon is talking about, this is the post that went live last night on Mother's Day, 5/12/2024 at 6:45pm EST.
Also, since you're probably not real familiar with my blog, I consider this a bit more of an e-journal with my spiritual experiences, divination, interpretation of things, etc. and how they tie to things relevant to my interests and such than anything else at this point that I happen to interact with people on sometimes. If someone likes my stuff or comments on it or sends me asks about it, great! It makes this a whole lot more fun for me and them too (and it helps people understand their own experiences more). But if not, meh... this stuff is more for me and perhaps anyone else who happens to be interested. I'm not here to become super popular unlike what some have said of me in the past. To each their own I say.
I've been finding that my feeling compelled to make certain posts at certain times has been because of manifestations that are about to come. Timing is everything they say, right? In the case of the post you're talking about, merely a few min after I hit "post", I walked out of the car (as I was being driven to a restaurant for mother's day dinner) and did see someone with Down Syndrome. Also, it happened to be my son's birthday yesterday at the same time. He and one other person at the restaurant had a birthday today. Of course, the neon sign the staff at the restaurant held while singing to my son AND the other person has a crown on it.
Also, the table I was seated at was C12. If we wanted to throw in the numerical value of C as far as the alphabet goes, this could be read as 312, or 3 and 12 ('cause 3 kings and 1+2=3 in numerology). As an added bonus, the server's name was Justin. I said in multiple posts how I believe 11 is a bad luck number for Jensen... but suggested 12 maybe a good luck number for him in this post here with respect to Justin and Jensen on Tracker (new J2 in the making?). I talked about the number 12 being good for Jensen with respect to him joining Justin Hartley's show Tracker as Russell Shaw, Colter's brother he was estranged from for 20 years. Funny how timing of things work out, isn't it?
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As I'm getting close to posting this on 5/13/2024 at 3:48pm EST, my best friend told me at 3:41pm EST the following: "Omg girl I just saw a sticker on a car that shows stick figures of the family with the names? The parents names? Justin and Jenny" and my personal favorite which was literally JUST as I was typing about 312 being the numerical value of C12 the number number I was seated at in the last paragraph above... "SHUT THE FUCK UP WE HAVE 312 MILES TO GO I AM FREAKING OUT!!!!"
Because I also blog about numerology and with the possible ulterior motive on my part to deter other Anons who come at me with borderline rude asks without reading more closely, I'm gonna talk about the numerology of 312 below. This info is from Astrology.com.
Numerology Meaning of Angel Number 312 Angel Number 312 is a combination of the energies and vibrations of Number 3, Number 1, and Number 2. Number 3 relates to optimism, creativity, self-expression, and communication. Number 1 represents new beginnings, independence, leadership, and motivation. Number 2 resonates with balance, harmony, partnerships, and relationships. When these numbers are combined, Angel Number 312 signifies that you need to stay positive and trust your instincts as you embrace new beginnings and take charge of your life. Communication and relationships are also important, so keep your lines of communication open. Meaning of Seeing Angel Number 312 Seeing Angel Number 312 is a message from the angels to help you stay true to yourself and your vision. It may also indicate that positive changes are on the horizon, and you should trust the universe to guide you in the right direction. The angels may also be reminding you to pay attention to your relationships, and to trust your intuition if something doesn't feel quite right. Additionally, seeing Angel Number 312 may also be a sign to focus on your career and financial goals with a clear mind and positive attitude. Love and Relationships Meaning of Angel Number 312 Angel Number 312 may indicate that changes are coming in your love life. Whether you're single or in a relationship, trust that the universe has a plan for your romantic life. If you're in a relationship, this number sequence is a reminder to communicate openly and honestly with your partner while maintaining balance and harmony in the relationship. If you're single, seeing Angel Number 312 may be a sign that new beginnings and positive changes are on the horizon in terms of your love life. Trust that the universe is guiding you towards the perfect partner. Money and Career Meaning of Angel Number 312 Angel Number 312 is a positive sign when it comes to your money and career. It indicates that new opportunities and success are on the horizon, so stay positive and trust the universe to lead you towards financial abundance. This number may also indicate that you need to communicate effectively in your work life. Trust your instincts, stay motivated, and take charge of your career path to achieve success and fulfilment. Summary of Angel Number 312 In summary, Angel Number 312 is a powerful message from the angels and universe that signifies new beginnings, communication, partnerships, and trust in the divine plan. Trust your instincts, stay positive, and focus on your intentions to attract abundance in all areas of your life.
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madame-fear · 2 months
I am literally not taking it at face value? I can see that it is deeper than that, I am not a god damn idiot. I expressed my irritation at the writers. I did not call him terrible or a classist. I am also a team black stan by the way. I don't hate his character, I am not trashing him or tearing him down, I am upset about how the writers handle him sometimes. I know that he is scared for his claim if more bastards come in and his inferiorty complex and imposter syndrome are tearing him up inside and that they way his mother is acting hurts him immensely. I know my characters, I know Jace and saying/suggesting that I don't is hurtful to me.
It’s okay Izzy!! Please don’t get mad, love 🥺 Prev anon already said that they forgot to clarify that the message wasn’t directed at all towards you, but rather at the Green stans and people that actually called Jace terrible things. It wasn’t for you— here is the other message !! But I understand what you mean ♡
Jace is an absolutely MARVELLOUS character. He’s intelligent, he definitely knows his place, and Jace is most worthy of being the heir to the Throne— the blood of the dragon runs through his veins. The writers have LOTS of opportunities and more scenes to add to him, I do agree that the writers haven’t been doing the best of jobs and are massacring our sweet boys 🤦‍♀️
And with Nyra, it feels the exact same. They could write her character in a better way, instead of making her hurt her own son this way. 😭 Jace is so terribly appreciated in here, in every sense— and so are you. It was just a small misunderstanding, it’s okay 💗
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peachymilkandcream · 1 year
Some belt beating please.
Levi x Evelyn -> Corporal Punishment
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(A/N: Thank you so much for the suggestion Anon! I've been dying for these ideas and love doing oneshots. Any other oneshot or headcanon prompt hmu! ^^)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Levi had been silent the whole walk home, this was the first time he had graciously allowed Evelyn to leave the house since being confined to the house and grounds for months and she had fucked the whole thing up.
The only reason he had brought her out was because people were starting to ask questions, they were wondering what had happened to one of humanity's soldiers. People were beginning to rumour and speculate, some were more tame, like how she had married him to stay home all day but still get pay and benefits from the military. Others were out there, but still a little close to home, such as how he had murdered or kidnapped her and she was being held against her will. Granted, the latter was true. To save face he was forced to bring her out into society for just one night.
A party had been held because some officer he cared nothing about was retiring. He would have rather sat home and been balls deep in his wife but it was the perfect social event to keep people at bay. Erwin was on his side already plus most everyone knew to stay away from him and by association, his wife. And for the most part the evening had been fine, he had threatened her before they left that if she acted out he'd beat her and it seemed like that had startled her. He didn't expect her to act out in spite of it.
Things were going so well until he had gotten separated from her, which was idiotic on his part since he shouldn't have accepted to go and get her a drink. He had thought he'd just be gone a moment but then some drunken asshole started chatting him up.
By the time he came back Evelyn was talking to another soldier and from both of their expressions and the snippets he overheard he knew Evelyn had said a little too much. He couldn't forgive the look that soldier gave him when he separated the two and led Evelyn away. Thankfully he pointed out the soldier to Erwin and knew Erwin would take care of her and have her die a soldier's death before she could talk.
When they got home, he marched Evelyn straight into the dimly lit living room, throwing off his suit jacket and tossing it onto the sofa.
"Take your clothes off."
"But I-"
"I don't want to hear another word out of you take your fucking clothes off!"
"I'm sorry-"
"Sorry? Sorry won't cover the fact that I just had to needlessly sacrifice a soldier because you couldn't shut your mouth!" He steps back and rubs his jaw before turning back to her. "You condemned that soldier to death, you know that right?"
Her eyes widen. "Wait, no, please-! Don't kill her because of me- she doesn't deserve to die-"
"I know she doesn't, but because you said something, she dies. Don't you get it? Every time you try and be selfish, someone will get hurt or die. Even now, you can't take responsibility."
"Please don't kill her Levi- I'll take responsibility-"
Levi raises a brow. "You'll take a beating for some random person's life?"
She nods emphatically, peeling off her dress since she knows he likes to see the red marks.
He takes out his belt and loops it before pushing her to the ground and circling her slowly. He finally brings is belt down on her tender flesh, she winces but doesn't make a sound. Her face set to be brave for the sake of someone she didn't even know.
He brought down the belt again, his eyes shown with desire. The way her skin rippled with each blow was addictive, the red welts left behind a symbol of his property and power. As each mark was made he almost considered branding her for a moment. He would just have to be careful nothing went wrong and it scarred up nicely and there was no infection or risk of it messing up. It was certainly an idea to think about.
His erection grew with each sound he coaxed out of her from his efforts, her being vocal made his ego swell. Since he knew whatever he did had an effect no matter how much she denied it.
Finally her skin split and a small trickle of blood dripped down, at least that would take longer to heal than the rest of it, making sure she remembered what she had done and the consequences of it. By now he was practically weak with excitement, it wasn't about seeing her in pain, it was about her being disciplined and learning from her mistakes to eventually be trained into a good wife for him.
"Tell me you love me." He blurted suddenly.
"What..?" She was confused and her voice was quiet from silent crying.
"Tell me you love me, and I'll stop."
Evelyn takes a moment to process if she's actually heard right before she frowns. "I don't love you. I hate you."
He had expected this, but part of him had wished she had lied. "Very well then." His voice had lost the slight softness it had a moment ago, hardened again before he hit her with the belt even harder than before, now she screamed, with each blow she screamed. Levi was almost glad for this, she should be in more pain for saying such a thing to her husband.
"One day you'll love me, I swear it."
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akilice · 7 months
Yukari will be fine because… It's about time I confessed my worst crime: This whole AU was born because I came across a good yuri genderbend fanart from Tokiomi and like an idiot said "I can fix she", but I tried to do it in a funny way.
Basically, Tokimi's parents died in a family conflict with the Edelfelts and she was left under the care of a gatekeep gaslight girlboss, so she's not so obsessed with being an "elegant magus" and has abandonment problems, therefore she's not going to give her children to another family, she didn't want to divorce and kidnapped her ex's new wife until she develops Stockholm Syndrome.
You know anon, I may be Tokiomi's biggest hater, but I cannot say no to you pursuing your Yuri dreams, you gotta do what you have to do
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citadelofmythoughts · 2 years
What comforts me during Toxic Take RWBY Season is knowing that if Blake and Yang were an established Girlfriends with a capital G during volume 9 and still did the flirty banter and hand touches and blah being the haters who hide behind “I think it’s wrong crwby is baiting all you idiots” is that they would be foaming at the mouth falling over themselves to say that the bees were ignoring the issues and putting their relationship over the mission. That they focus too much on each other more than they did before (which is funny bc how can they focus on each other if it’s queerbait) and that “it’s fine or whatever if they wanna make them a couple I just wish they wouldn’t act like it all the time”. There is no winning. Ppl legit annoyed at the pacing my heart goes out to you I know what it’s like to feel stupid when a ship you were full on rooting for and thought would make sense not just for the characters but also the way the narrative set them up only for it Not to happen in such a way you felt foolish. But Blake and Yang are not that. You can trace their bond to volume one and the people who Actually care about lgbt fans being used for views and money Would Not call you an idiot for thinking a ship would be canon. So far whenever anyone bashes crwby it’s always with the air of “I can’t believe you’re too stupid to see RT is just using you for money to watch their show that was bad 8 years ago” so. Whenever Bees Rise they will do so beautifully and I hope half of volume 10 is just them going on dates and ignoring the mission because after “taking too long” to get together they deserve to make up for all that “wasted time” 💛💜
(This user does not believe the bee build has been wasted time all of the quotes are not my own views it’s for the bit I promise”
As I've said before, Blake & Yang's relationship isn't something separate from the plot. As two of the main protagonists their blossoming romance IS part of the plot. Just as much as Salem's machinations, as much as Ruby's impostor syndrome.
You can't expect them to NOT act like they're in love. It would be unrealistic and unsatisfying.
And yeah it's Schrodinger's Queerbait up in here. CRWBY time and again have gone out of their way, using time and resources to show that the Bees relationship is a thing THAT IS HAPPENING.
The argument that they're using those scarce resources and using valuable time just to try to lure in gullible lesbians is laughable.
And the pacing argument you mention REALLY bothers me. I know it's hard to pin down exact timeframes but they've legit only known each other for two years and were separated for months in the middle of that. I know it's easy to look at a nearly 10 year old show and say that it's taking too long but you can't apply our real-word view of time to RWBY any more than you can to a novel series that spans multiple years.
And you're right, there is no winning with people like that because they're ALWAYS acting in bad faith.
Anyone who gets annoying anons who whine about "queerbaiting". Do yourselves a favor and ignore/block. They don't care.
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cmweller · 1 year
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Challenge #03885-J233: Forewarned is...
The person had the power to predict the future. Sadly, it usually only worked when it was predicting disasters. Yet, each time they warned a village, or city, or kingdom of it, they were usually laughed at and told to go away. Only to be blamed when the disaster struck. Why won't people listen? It always broke their heart. -- Anon Guest
Cassandra Syndrome: The condition of exact prognostication, with the inherent curse of not being believed about it. -- The Multiversal Encyclopedia of Baffling Blessings and Curses.
Wandering beggars generally wander for a reason. Some, like the Hellkin, are routinely driven out of places where they once had succour. Some are oathbound to walk in search of things to mend. Some seek fortune. Some seek luck. Some are harried. Some are mad. One... sees the future. Accurately.
What Madsen Darsk was seeking was one place that was not doomed in one way or another. Or, failing that, a fucking cure for having imbibed an entire bottle of a vile beverage called Green Mist. It was a part of her tragic backstory that some idiot who assaulted her poured the smoky green beverage down her throat and it was swallow or die. Now she could see what was going to happen. Anywhere.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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sherlokiness · 1 year
It seems like you're a rhaelya shipper but also kinda weird you don't like Lyanna.
Hi, anon! Thanks for the ask.
I don't consider myself a rhaelya shipper. I just suspect that Rhaegar and Lyanna will be "in love" in the books as well. It's just that it won't be like in the show where Rhaegar annulled his marriage and that the rebellion was a "lie." The romanticization was off the charts!!!!
I don't like Lyanna precisely because her affair with Rhaegar will be consensual. If she were really the helpless maiden who was repeatedly raped by Rhaegar like Robert said then she would have my full sympathies. But Ned said she had the "wolf blood" and it led to her demise so we could assume she had some culpability in her death. That's not something a brother would say about his beloved sister being a rape victim. She's 15 and a grown woman in Westerosi standards. Cersei was only 15 when Tywin wanted to match her with Rhaegar. Lyanna might have ran away with Rhaegar bc she'd have been dead if Aerys' men found her but falling in love with him and even marrying him would have been of her own volition. Fairly certain Rhaegar would love her too since it's been confirmed that Lyanna was the woman's name he uttered while he was dying. Saying your rape victim's name in your last moment is just ridiculous. Alternatively, I have a hard time picturing Lyanna clutching the dead roses she loved that her supposed rapist had given her. Or you could argue she's so angry that she's clutching the flowers from the man who caused her all this misery? She should have dumped them in the chamberpot. Stockholm Syndrome? Arya and Sansa hated their captors more the longer they were with them. Lyanna was a selfish... bitch but their going in hiding would have been "forgiven" eventually by the parties involved, I believe. Rickard had southron ambitions and his only daughter just married the crown prince. He might need to soften the ruffled Baratheon feathers but he'd acquiesce. Let's remember that the rebellion happened only after Aerys called for Robert's and Ned's heads - months after the kidnapping.
In essence, R and L were both idiots. Rhaegar specially, thinking the prophecy would somehow protect him from dying.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
Punk isn't Dead, It's Disabled
punk isn't dead, it's disabled by lightning anon
Bakugou Katsuki never thought he'd see Midoriya Izuku again. Which was fine by him. Deku had moved away in elementary school and Katsuki quickly moved on, his own high school years turning tumultuous as he adjusted suddenly to becoming disabled and an ambulatory wheelchair user. Now, as an adult, Katsuki only reflects on Deku occasionally- mostly with regret with how he treated him growing up. But that's all Deku is- a face from his past, and so is the kid Katsuki used to be. He never expected to be confronted with Deku again.
But all of a sudden green hair shows back up in his life and Katsuki realizes he has a lot more of his past to unpack then he thought he did. - ft. cripple punk Bakugou, local pride festivals, an almost completely disabled cast, and a brand new couch!
Words: 3747, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Eri
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, (eventually), Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, (all eventually), Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu & Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Idiots in Love, Bakugou Katsuki-centric, Deaf Bakugou Katsuki, Hard of Hearing Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki has EDS- Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Ambulatory Wheelchair User Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku has Ulcerative Colitis, Todoroki Shouto has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder, Todoroki Shouto has PTSD, Kaminari Denki Has ADHD, kaminari denki has epilepsy, Ashido Mina has Post Cancer Effects, Ashido Mina is a Childhood Cancer Survivor, Shinsou Hitoshi has Narcolepsy, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, Bakugou Katsuki Has Issues, Bakugou Katsuki Has A Crush, Disability, Disability Culture and Pride, Queer Themes, Pride Parades, Ableism, Childcare and Youth Services, Bakugou Katsuki works in After School Care, Midoriya Izuku is a Preschool Teacher, Bakugou Katsuki is Good With Kids, Bakugou Katsuki is a good person, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Discord: No Writing Academia, Mini-Event 'Bring Your Fandom to Work Day'
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46792426
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