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Ioan Muntean - ceaşca cu idile
Sursă: Ioan Muntean – ceaşca cu idile – Cronopediada grup – Cronopedia Maraton Panorama Literară 2024, august 24. (poezie, cyberpoem) ceaşca cu idile ~ idile [10] ~ în zori de vară cerul e senin o ceașcă de cafea aburind divin îmi încălzește mâinile și visul în liniștea dimineții regăsesc paradisul pe masă o floare galbenă strălucește în fiecare sorbitură inima îmi zâmbește o viață simplă dar…

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0 notes
someone left my cage open quick
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(8,800ish words) (holy fucking kill me mate)
•not dubcon? [omg they've grown guys]
•hints of size kink
•vaginal fingering [on herself]
•(so i guess) masturbation
•oral [m receiving]
•intercourse [M/F]
•discussions on contraception
•discussions on pregnancy
•mild possessive behaviour
•hint of slapping (he deserves it)
•mild horror themes [warp ptsd]
•tumblr's cancerous fucking formatting as always
hi guys :3 guess what i got you all good im not dead,,, the gods have let me live another fateful fortnight (fortnite) also i love you all so so so much pls enjoy!!!! @moodymisty, @lemon-russ, @bispecsual, @the-raven-lady, @egrets-not-regrets, @pluvio-tea, @kit-williams, @thevoidscreams, @mothiir, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sinistermojo, @beckyninja, @passionofthesith, @cosmic-cryptid-from-beyond, @allergymoose, @scriberye, @yestheantichrist, @ma1dmer, @cucunot!!! if anyone wants off or on taglist lmk!!! im more than happy to adjust this in post OK BYE ILY ALL AGAINNNN!!!
There should be higher security in this wing, Cato notes.
But compared to the rest of the vessel, it's safe—as in, there's senior Admech's leaving their doors open while they buff out the scratches in their mechadendrites sort of safe. He bets seeing a mouse around here would cause a stir. Honestly, he can fully render the pict in his mind of some haughty Seneschal turning their nose up to his Primarch because of that.
Cato can imagine the exact following happening, 'eugh, why doesn't Lord Guilliman virus bomb the pipes? That's what I had done on my pissy little rowboat of a void ship!' in that nasally, all too predictable tone that every single bloody one of them seems to have bar maybe a few.
Cato grits his teeth at the thought alone.
But it is safe. You're safe, here. He trusts his Primarch to ensure that for you. Being so cozy to Guilliman as a baseline certainly has its benefits. This place is good for you, unlike the bowels of the ship—where even Cato avoids going.
Not for any risk to his persons, of course. But simply because of the tightness of the hallways. And the stink of baseline sweat and oil that practically sticks to his senses for days afterward.
It's most certainly not because the low lumen count sends his mind wandering. And the flickering—damn those flickering lights—they make him uneasy. The impossible chance they'll flicker out and reveal a reality awash with fleshed decking is completely unrealistic. But still, down in those depths, he feels like he's stuck in a dying vessel, cracked at the bottom like a broken vase, leaking. Adrift, on a storm laden sea with the blackness pouring in—where within that black there is a barely perceptible colour in infinite abundance, like the phosphenes behind closed eyes—and there are eyes in that ocean—so, so many eyes, fixed with the glowing, molten hues of the warp itself; their shades a melted tapestry, a solvent thing, ever-changing.
Eyes and screaming. It sometimes returns to Cato like a bad case of tinnitus, ringing and shrill—but the mind crafts horror that pale reality in comparison, and in that wretched plane of existence those mental horrors bore real talons, and real hooves and real thought—and the caterwauling of its victims—his brothers—ever came from maws heaving and frothing in agony.
Cato hears himself stumble and slam a palm into the side wall to steady himself, but doesn't feel it. He feels like he's in free-fall, as if the ground has opened up and swallowed him hale and whole.
All time in that abominable realm was rendered simply nonexistent, without matter nor meaning to behold to any living creature. Naught but the notion of being practically alone and how chilling it was spiralling down the depthless lake of energy remained. No resistance of air lent to the sensation of plummeting, but he was sure he was for reason beyond any form of tongue. The distance was irrelevant and utterly unmeasurable. But the warp had no edge, no limit; and as it lacked a limit, the depth of him sinking was surely unbounded—just as it was eerily silent. A merciless wall of mute, dark unknown which swallowed all whole under it's cresting wave of solitude. Mute except the wailing, like song—song of sheer coincidence, where so many voices in unison chances harmony by mathematics beyond comprehension.
The sour taste on his tongue drags him loose of the claws about his mind.
He blinks, and sees and feels steel.
Cold, unforgiving steel walling like a soothing downpour on his nerves.
Cato groans as he rights himself, shaking his head, and then rolls his tongue around his mouth; gagging a little at the bitter, acrid aftertaste of his Betcher's gland acting on instinct.
He'd thought himself largely past this now. It had been so long since it happened, and Cato tries, he tries so painfully hard not to imagine the same thing happening here, because he's okay, you're okay—nothing would try to take this ship.
The vile taste on his tongue annoys him, because he'd scrubbed his teeth raw in an effort to seem as polished as he could; and now his tongue probably stinks like an empty las cartridge.
He spits on the floor and straightens up, it's fine—at least that's what he tells himself. You're close, and you're safe and that's all the encouragement he needs to fall back into step.
Cato takes a few strides down the corridor towards your quarters before realising something rather important.
He reaches into the folds of his rest attire and practically yanks out a sheathed knife.
It'd be closer to a dagger to you, and he doubts you know how to use it, but—but—
He wants to give it to you.
It's what he'd like to receive, at least. After all, it is what he was given, once.
The smith on Talassar is long dead, from age or sickness, but it matters little. All that matters is that Cato had received it ages ago when he'd yet to make anything of himself and he wants your hands to know its weight. You never carry weapons to diplomatic ventures in the past, and you've told him as much, but he gathers it's because there's never been place for you to put them on your persons in those stupid outfits of yours.
It's a little bit brutish of a gift, yes, he's well aware. But there's no possibility of bringing any sort of cliche boon to your door, like flowers, or something of the sort. Or whatever those waifs of yore would demand as a courting gift.
He doesn't even realise he's continued walking until he's stopped and standing outside your chamber like a kicked hound.
Cato stuffs the dagger back against his breast.
He's not sure if he should knock.
Maybe barging in is a more logical approach.
He knows the universal override to all the input pads, but there's something seemingly rooting him to the spot.
The nervousness hesitation he feels regarding seeing you is a lingering problem—the longer he stays beyond the confides of your room only adds to the chances of being caught. And he's not about to wait for hours outside for a hint you're actually in there. He has right to suspect you are, but the possibility of a serf being there instead of you is unrealistic but present. Actually no, he's sure that a cleaning serf would not lock the door.
So, finally, he raps a knuckle against the door and sets his footing to a martial stance.
The door clicks, then slides open a minute later.
There's a clear surprise that paints across your face as he stares down at you, before it dissolves into a small, flustered smile.
His hands twitch where they hang by his sides, itching to reach for the dagger he wants to give you. He had planned how he'd do this on the way here. Thought it through and prepared, rolling it over and over in his head. And yet, actually having you before him throws any precedent out the nearest air-lock.
You're not in any sort of prim and proper way—you're in bedding clothes, more than anything: pants and a top.
The trousers are a light shade of cyan, loose around your calves but more form fitting around your thighs. Your hips seeming to be the only thing holding the pants up from showing the warm, smooth skin beneath; that, and a small thread tied in a crude bow. Your tunic is more of a inched stola, low necked enough that he can sort of see the top of your breasts.
"I didn't.. uh," you mumble. "I didn't expect you so soon."
He knows he's earlier than he promised, but he grunts in answer and looks over your shoulder.
You blink, "What?"
"Am I to wait out here all cycle, then?"
A small 'oh, right—sorry' from you is all he receives before you take a step back to allow him entrance.
When the door slides shut and locks behind him, Cato notes the lack on downlight activated. Everything is hazed in a moody, misty (hi) sort of warm, amber glow from the candles you've left burning. He thankfully wrestles down the urge to stand there scenting the air with his lip curled up like a beast. Trying not to linger on the abundant stink of you, you, you on everything, pervading every sense he has. Promising himself he won't smother into your pillows and start humping them like a rabid dog.
He distracts himself by cataloguing his surroundings. Cato has consistently focused on utilitarianism over all else, and it shows in his room. His room is accessorised in the style befitting of his many years and achievements; with walls lined with trophies and weaponry made by the best of the Imperium. It contains just the basic necessities required: a work area, a seat, a couple of lights, an agreeably Astartes-sized cot at the middle, and close to it, a dependable incense holder.
Your room is much smaller—but the ensuite appears the same, though. Which Cato doesn't know how to feel about. He surmises it was likely a converted Captain's quarters. It's not standard issue, and neither are the copious amounts of, for lack of a better word, trinkets. But he supposes being the Primarch's favourite little diplomat-bookkeeper-pet-thing is a title full of unseemly rewards. His Father has a strange, uncouth way of interacting with baselines, and he doesn't dare linger on the hypocrisy behind that thought coming from him standing in your private quarters.
Be as that may, he still feels enormous standing there in the cramped space between you, the bed, and the desk behind you, unimpressed at the amount of clothing bundled near his feet.
You stand in your own mess without any hint of shame. A silent Ambassador is typically a welcomed novelty, but a silent you makes Cato jumpy.
You near and try to urge him to lean down, clearly trying to coax a kiss from him.
"Water," he says abruptly.
You don't seem to be listening, just looking at him with a distracted sort of fascination—then the request clicks, and you stumble into the bathroom and run the tap.
He hears the glass he's to be drinking from clink with the hardware before it fills, and them you step out and close to him to hand it over.
He takes a big gulp and swishes it around his mouth before swallowing, and gladly the wretched sourness of lingering acid is gone.
With the threat of burning your little nagging trap gone—and you none the wiser to the fact he's an Ultramarine who can, in-fact, spit acid—he rears down and gives you what you'd sought.
A slow kiss, nice and sweet and gentle; and he closes his eyes this time, in preparation.
You grin against his mouth and pull back after, and he smiles a tiny bit at the way your lips are a little redder.
Cato huffs in satisfaction and straightens back up, going in for another draught of water.
"I am surprised you live in squalor, despite all the benefits of your station," he murmurs offhandedly, looking aside the rim at the room once more between sculling down the rest of the cup.
You frown, and glance about the room, "It's not that bad."
"It looks like a drop zone," Cato grumbles, holding out the empty glass—and you take it, while he's fixed on staring disapprovingly at the messy stacks of data-slates stacked and leaning like two great spires. "Have you no discipline? No self-respect?"
"Clearly not," you mumble and glare at him, eyeing him up, then down, then up again with a judgmental leer. Suddenly, something about the situation is amusing to you—and you snort.
Cato scowls, crossing his dense arms over his chest, "And what's that suppose to mean?"
"Nothing," you huff.
He glares back at you in silence as you turn and set the glass upon the desk—what little free space there is, in that shitstorm bundle of random work.
"I just think it's funny that you say that," you start again abruptly, rounding about to look at him. "Given the circumstances."
The scoff that leaves him is nigh a bark, "Exceptional circumstances."
You snort amusedly, "So where's your discipline and self-respect?"
"Somewhere between your thighs," he says, and prides in the begrudgingly fought-back smile he earns out of you with it.
He sits himself down on the side of the bed and continues priding to himself at the wit of the remark he made.
Cato relishes in the moment, simple as it is—you're oblivious to his own troubles and there's a sweet, lulling sense of comfort in that.
"You're a real class act," You pout, manoeuvring your rear up onto the desk inelegantly. Something tumbles to the floor to accommodate, but you're evidently unbothered. Your pants ride down at the change just enough that it put the part where your hip met leg on display. Just the temptation has him fiending off an insidious amount of lust.
He wonders if it'll hold up against an Astartes fucking you on it. But it's not bolted down, so he doubts that.
The bed will hold, though. And even if it doesn't, he'll still manage—he's sure he'll take every bit of you he can, on every surface he can manage. It's just a matter of time before he goes down the checklist, really.
Cato, understandably, groans long and low at the thought.
"Something the matter, Commander?" You intone with an annoyingly obvious faux-stupidity, crossing your legs and tilting your head a little.
"No," he rasps, and tears his gaze from your hip.
You eye him, "You look a little stiff."
He grumbles, and reaches into the breast of his robes.
The sheathed dagger looks flimsy in his muscle and callous laced palm, and when he holds it out to you, you look bemused.
Your brow arches up and you scowl a little, "What's that for?"
"You," he harrumphs, and turns away. Then Cato cannot, for the life of him, look back at your eyes—so he fixes his stare at your sandals set by one another at the door frame.
A little giddy huff leaves you as he watches you scoot off the desk top and reach for the weapon in his peripheral vision.
"You didn't have to," you coo, wrapping your small fingers around the hilt and freeing the blade from its casing. A little kiss hits his cheek and then he hears the gleam of it being loosed—he'd polished the time-dulled filigree to a mirror finish in preparation for gifting you, and even sharpened it back to a killing edge.
Your sweet hum of fascination as he sees the reflected candlelight dancing off the steel has him finally look back at you.
There's a big smile on your face, and your cheeks are a little red—and it's exactly the reaction he was after.
Cato tips his chin up, noble in his smugness, and smiles back.
"It's lovely, but—" you say, "I remember having told you before I can't wear weapons."
He pouts, and then he's sour again, "There's a belt loop on this one so that you can."
"I don't wear them for a reason," you digress.
"What reason?"
"Because it looks bad for a diplomat to do so."
Cato huffs petulantly, "That's not good enough."
"Yes, it is," you huff back.
"It's just one knife," He grunts, and gestures at you vaguely. "Why not put it on the inside of your thigh?"
And for some reason a few neurones misfire in his head at the thought of his dagger being so, so close to your—
"Do me a favour, Sicarius," you simper abruptly, as if there's a hidden punchline to the entire conversation he's yet to discover, "Look under the bed."
Cato scowls, but ultimately allows the request, putting one big palm on the duvet to leer down.
Oh, that's—that's a small fortune of ceremonial weaponry.
"Throne, woman," he starts, still looking and a bit stunned. "Why? Do you just collect all these? You don't hang them up, or anything?"
"I don't collect them willingly," you mumble, "They're just... handed to me, most of the time. Sometimes by dignitaries, a few by other Astartes. I don't understand it much, either."
Cato arches lower and reaches his free hand out to the gilded sheath of a curved sword, blue and gold and embossed with jewels. It's crusade-era levels of ancient—and Cato swears he'd seen it upon the lobby wall before the broad doors of Guilliman's chambers. That, and the hundreds of other favoured tools of war his Primarch so loved to display. Some hadn't been touched since the heresy, but still. Their nostalgic sentiments held strong. He supposes age does that to someone. Even for someone as noble and mindful as his Father.
Cato purses his lips as he lays a hand on the sword and tugs it free from the pile with ease.
He holds it up as he rights himself back on the bed and scowls, "This is—"
"I know," you sigh, and your hand braces against the side of your neck as you tut, "He insisted."
"He insisted?"
"He insisted," you grumble, and Cato tries hard not to find the embarrassed colour on your cheeks painfully endearing. "I said I wouldn't wear it, but he said it'd be a good thing to keep 'incase of emergencies', or something."
"Guilliman is right," Cato says sourly, placing the sword back on the ground and using his heel to shuck it backwards back under the bed. "You're easily assailable."
"You're the fifth Astartes to say that to me," Your face scrunches up, "I feel like it's an insult at this point."
"It's a valid observation," he shoots back. "You may as well be held together with silk and ribbons—like some spoilt little princess. You should expect the fanfare with that behaviour."
You leave his dagger on the desk behind you and take a few bold steps closer to him, crossing your arms over your chest; scowling as you say, "Oh, so you're the knight in shining armour here, then?"
Cato scoffs, "I always have been."
"And that is so terribly hard?"
He raises a brow and straightens up a bit, "Yes—yes, it is."
He likes the haughty attitude you get when you're subtly seething, he likes the little scowl you wear, and the tiny crease that forms on your nose. It gets his blood up, and warp damn him if he doesn't thrill at the slightest chance to have you gratifying his antics.
"Well, you got a pretty good reward for your troubles."
He frowns sourly, "What did I get?"
"Laid," you snark.
Cato huffs, "You were desperate for it."
Your brow quirks sourly, and you cross your arms over your chest.
"Groxshit," you grumble.
Ah, so it's time for lying now. You weren't desperate, no—you haven't ever raised your ass to let him mount you, you haven't groped his cock—you most certainly haven't ridden him like an unruly beast, taking your pleasure—letting him fuck your tight cunt full, time and time again.
He ought to remind you, he ought to get you flushed with the words—because he knows you'll squirm, dithering, bright red in the face and aching between the thighs.
Instead, he snorts loudly, "Shut up and come here."
"I don't think so," you laugh.
Cato growls and rolls his eyes, "Suit yourself."
Still sitting, he lifts the folds of his robes aside and works his arms out of the sleeves, baring himself aside from the underclothes hanging on his hips.
With another huff, Cato shuffles himself back up against the headboard, settling into the pillows. He locks his fingers together, raising them above his head, stretching tall and taut; huge chest bulging as a strained groan slips free from his throat, earning a chain of muted cracks from his back in reward of his efforts.
Your eyes trace his torso where you stand aside the bed. Studying the ports and ancient scars that draw up from his hips in mirrored pathways, linear and geometrically precise—utterly surgical. Their routes turned up the sides of his ribs, stopping high on his serratus anterior, dodging his pectorals and wrapping around to his deltoids; where your gaze stayed—eyeing the tattoo of an inverted omega he had gotten so very, very long ago. It's faded a little, but the upside down Ω is still well defined.
He's got your attention now.
You shuffle forward, half on the edge of the bed; and lean close, flickering your eyes up to his—as if seeking some sort of allowance.
"Disgustingly predictable," He scoffs, cocking his head and relaxing a bit.
Seeing an Astartes out of their armour always was something to behold for baselines. Ever eye-catching even to those who'd seen it a thousand times over. It garnered awe and fear; but that was the reason the Emperor made them so large in the first place. Aside from the practical benefits of throwing their weight around, their presence alone was intended to be physically intimidating as a means to dissuade the uncooperative from resisting and to scare off contest.
To you though, his bared form is a source of lust. The stink of it in the air has him toey and eager.
But it is, afterall, the first time you've had a good, close look at him in his entirety.
Cato preens at the flush he earns when he smirks at you.
"I won't stop you, you know."
"I hope not," You muse and lay a hand on his sternum, kneeling onto the bed and scooting close as your fingers graze over the dark spread of hair dusting across his chest.
You scan from the tops of his broad shoulders down the definition of muscle to the interfaces on his fused ribs; your eyes trailing for a brief second to his dense abdomen where the hair went even lower. Arrowing down his under-cloth. His entire body was marked with brutal scars of every kind. Some raised and old, others raw and sunken.
He'd indulge a question or two about their origins if asked—or well, if asked nicely.
Oh, that meagre cicatrix below his left pectoral? That was a Carnifex he had fought. It was five of them all at once single handedly, actually—and he only had his great Talassarian Tempest blade. It was a lucky mark from the beast. It died seconds later. He's just that good—he's Cato Sicarius, afterall. You made the right choice letting him have you, please tell him that he's the right choice.
Instead, you sink down against him and lie against his side, tracing the ports on his chest.
Arguably, this is just as satisfying to Cato as gloating waxing on and on about his many successes. Your warm little body tucked against his like a perfect fit, and the feel of your fingers around the thinner skin rimming his interfacing ports isn't bad, either. It feels strange, yes, but it's a different sort of sensation. It's acutely sensitive. He almost feels like he's about to shiver at it.
But then your attention shifts to raking against the grain of the hair on his chest.
"I usually have it burned away," he says abruptly, because he's somewhat bemused by your fascination. Still, he puffs his chest out a little. "To allow greater synergy with my body-glove."
"Really?" You laugh, and it's a prettier sound than carillon bells to Cato's ears—all the while pawing at a thick hunk of his pectoral, "They toast you?"
"Only a single passing," Cato admits, "It doesn't hurt—stinks though. And then it's all hosed off."
You hum in acknowledgement and let your hand wander down his middle, following the trail of fluffy, coarse hair.
"Interesting," you hum, fingers tracing the path, stopping only when you're grazing just shy of the top wrap of his undercloth. "You feel a bit like a fur rug here."
Cato breathes in slowly, "Don't test your luck."
"It's an entirely valid statement, how am I testing my luck?" You grumble, glowering at him as you pull away.
"You ought to be reprimanded for insubordination," He says with a steely, disciplinary intonation, but the threat's hollow and you're seemingly well aware of that. He leans in and pulls you close again as his touch sweeps down your legs. His nose buries into your hair, big hands appraising groping.
You set about kissing his cheek, smothering yourself against him.
The airy gasp that leaves you when he squeezes your ass makes you bold, apparently, because the next words you choose to say are; "Do you accept bribes?"
Cato's immediate theoretical response is a snarky 'No,' but then the heel of your palm is sliding up the side of his cock through the wrapped linen.
So, pointedly, he eagerly groans out, "Yes."
You simper up at him, before fussing with the fabric. Exposing the dense plain of his hip, tugging and un-pleating a little more until he's bared from the navel down.
His cock's so hard it nearly bats you across the cheek as it springs free. To which Cato snorts, not even trying to hide his amusement.
You flinch a little in surprise, a hint flustered, and eye the hard length of him as if it's personally affronted you.
He sits a little more upright, thighs spreading, presenting himself. Offering his big, sturdy quads as a cushion to lean on as you slowly pump him in a steady motion.
"Well?" Cato snarks, "Get on with the bribery then."
You pout at him, glancing back—and huff, "You smell like an apothecarium."
Cato grumbles to himself, slow to gather his words as he watches you ogle him, "If I had... known that you wanted to get that damn snout of yours so close, I wouldn't've used such harsh soaps."
You raise an eyebrow and pout, "Wonder if they're toxic to ingest."
"I doubt it," he starts, "But I guess there's only one way to find out."
Your fingers glide over his big thighs, dodging his ports and smoothing upwards to trace the old paths of his surgeries.
And even with all his stoic, anally neurotic merit, Cato can't stifle the small subvocal hum that escapes him as you flatten your tongue, licking a warm stripe up the side of his cock.
The feeling of it is staggeringly new, and he's absolutely elated at the view. It's half the appeal, even if there's no way you're getting anywhere near as much cock in you as your cunt allows.
You wrap your lips around the fat tip, keeping it in your mouth as you stroke the thick base of him with a grip that can't even meet around the width; balancing yourself better on your knees by putting the other hand on his thigh—the sleeve of your top slipping down your arm.
"This may be a better use for your mouth than diplomacy," He says as he lets out a low sigh, hips jerking forward with shallow movements in time to the bobbing of your mouth.
When you pull off to swipe away the glaze of spit and pre-cum accumulating on your chin, you lap your bottom lip and huff, "You are a prick, you know that?"
Despite being enamoured by the sight of you disheveled, he grumbles petulantly and says, "And you had to take your tongue off mine to say that."
You frown at him, then acquiesce with a petulant little grunt.
Then your mouth descends on him once more, rocking back and forth, letting gravity angle him in. All Cato can do is relish in the sensation, finding no room in his brain for anything else. Just the feeling of the wet heat of your mouth swallowing around him, and the swirling counterpoint of your tongue—eagerness in your gaze as it flicks up to find his again—Throne, that makes him groan straight away.
You hum around his length in response, the vibrations ricocheting through his nerves and up his spine blindingly. His other palm is suddenly against his forehead, a bit stunned from the bombardment of new pleasure.
Your little fingers dig fruitlessly into his thigh, making him hyperaware, sending him grinding forward a bit only to be rewarded with another lurching buzz of ecstasy. The hand pumping the base of him shifts away, and then small nails rake across his navel, then his hip, tracing a port; and he buries his face into the crook of his elbow to stifle a heavy moan. They're only meagre claws, yet the pressure is strangely comforting as you lap at the blood flushed underside of his glans.
Cato's aware his voice catches as he keens aloud, pulling his arm away from his face to rest his forearm on his hairline. He's simply just enjoying the soft, hot drag your mouth around his tip again.
But a reedy little whine snags his attention, catching him unaware that he had even closed his eyes in the first place.
When he finally opens them, he swoons. Hard. Your cheeks are a stunning maroon, and your previously focused gaze now looks hazy and desperate, utterly lost in the act. He hadn't been cognisant he'd put his hand on your head, either. But watching you sink down around him again and again is intoxicating. How your pink tongue peeks out to lathe over a raised vein when you pull off for air has him dizzy. Your other hand's drifted down your pants and between your thighs at some point when he'd been lost in his own pleasure, fingers curling inside yourself. A deep inhale makes it clear you're absolutely soaking. And he's well aware that it is a meagre substitute—still, the eagerness of you is adorable lurid.
Distantly, he wonders just how many times you've had that hand there in this bed. It's the scene of the crime, really. You'd already admitted to it—and he ought to make sure you're full of his fingers to keep yours where there should be. That is, if he could move. He can't find the will to even sit up higher, let alone move the hand he's been using to keep your head steady. But, he does have the mind to comb his fingers through your tresses, at least.
You seem to realise he's realised what you're doing and you whine again, forcing yourself to take his cock further.
Cato lets out an approving moan and hisses out a feckless string of curses, thighs tensing sharply as his senses stagger at the heat that suffuses his belly.
The sick temptation to spend himself in your sweet vile maw is nigh all consuming, but it's nothing compared to the fact he's far more convinced on dumping it in your womb. Anywhere else feels like an injustice to the fact he's able to fill you—because just like some fang-toothed warp-spawn abomination, you've opened the door and invited him in, so he can make as much of a wreck of you as he likes, or as much as you like.
He yanks you off him by the reigns he's made of your hair and you choke a little.
The small groan at the messy handling of the situation is a testament to how badly you're after his end, "Wh-why...?" you rasp, the efforts having made your voice a little rough; the mix of your drool and his precum giving your chin and lips a wet, glossy sheen.
"Because—" he starts, and he's surprised by how ragged he sounds to his own ears. "Because, there's better holes to empty it in."
The little disappointed sigh that escapes you as you lick your slick bottom lip makes him immediately change his mind.
"Have it your way then," he heaves, and shoves your head back down—instinctively chasing the rising tide and rocking forward into your quickly opening mouth.
His hand is tight in your hair now, fist tangling the strands in his grip as you let him thrust freely. Your own hand grabs the side of his hip as his tempo stutters. By the Emperor, his father would kill him if he could see this. But, damn—the sight of you like this is sin. He's so much bigger than you it looks obscene with you servicing him like this. You're a mess, gagging and tearing up, but making no attempt to pull away. It's depraved, but if you're so desperate for a load down your throat, who's Cato to say no? He's more than happy to give you exactly that—and just on time, he feels his balls tighten up—static rising out up his spine as a groan tears from his throat. Caught daft not a millisecond later by a bodily shudder blinding him in a hot rush.
Cato pants as the shivers subside in heavy throbs, filling your mouth. He pets your head as you swallow, at first—and then the pockets of your cheeks puff out. And suddenly you're cringing and scrambling off of him and into the ensuite. The tap starts up, then you do, and all he hears spitting and sputtering.
You stumble out looking like you'd eaten something sour, swiping your hand across your lips before saying, "That tasted horrible."
"You wanted it," Cato growls.
A bright, wry smile plasters itself on your features, "And?"
"And, if you want more," he begins, eyeing you. "You'll have to lose the rags, woman."
You straighten, eager—and promptly start to wrestle your top over your head, just to throw it at his face.
Cato grumbles at the rudeness periodically, before he starts sniffing the article. Vomeronasal organ having a momentary frenzy. It smells of warm you, and a little bit of sleep. Like an embrace, and—fuck, his spent cock twitches back to life. He really shouldn't behave like this. It makes him assume he looks savage. Even he feels strange. So he wretches your top off himself and tosses it somewhere to the left.
Watching you suddenly appear on the bed, fighting your way out of your pants is much more entertaining.
He likes the way you shimmy onto your back and fuss yourself free; and the way you practically lunge back close to him when you're finally bare.
You lean over him and grin, and Cato appreciatively drags a hand down your back, palming your ass.
Promptly, he rolls himself and drags you along. He groans theatrically as if you're fifty times the effort to move than you are, simply because he can. And the shifting of his bulk makes the bed shake enough that the stack of slates on the table across the room falter, and tumble to the floor in a loud clatter of sound.
On your back under him, he preens at the flushed surprise on your face.
"That was too loud—you're too loud," you heave.
"I'm too loud?" He grumbles, pinning your far smaller shape down. "Says you."
That stirs a groan out of you, at least, squirming while Cato drags his tongue up the side of your neck.
"Someone can still pass by and hear," you whine, "We shouldn't make that much—"
"I doubt it," he grunts, cutting you off as he slides off the mattress and drags you to the lip of it. "We have a bed all to ourselves. Your bed—in your quarters, with six inches of steel in the way, might I add. They'd have to stand at the door to listen."
He flips you over, pressing you front down—slumping against you on his knees to grant a rough grind or two to make sure you're hyperaware of his thick erection plastered against your ass. Your legs kick out and you wriggle, a series of ragged gasps leaving you as you endure the onslaught. A small lick here, a small lick there—huffing and panting to stir an empathic response. Winding you up to writhe and flush as he groans next to your ear, only to start chuffing out mean spirited laughter when you moan back.
"See, you don't really care about anyone hearing, do you?" He rasps out against your throat before sucking the skin over a thudding little artery. "You're not sworn to chastity. They might just think, 'oh, the Ambassador's found another poor soul to suck the semen out of, shame,' or the likes."
"I don't know how you do it," You scoff, breathing hard into the covers as he pulls away and grabs you by the hips to hoist your rear up into that perfect taunting arch he remembers so well from the cabin. Aptly presenting yourself on your knees at mounting-height while he stands.
"Do what?"
You laugh, "Manage to find the worst possible thing to say every time."
Cato sneers haughtily, "Decades of practice."
Taking himself in hand, he angles the tip of his cock to kiss the soft rim of your entrance. And Throne, Cato's ecstatic. He finally gets to fill in the gaps of what he should've seen back in the cabin the first time. The theatrics you'd hidden under rags and your own embarrassment.
He hears the cartilage in your gullet click when you swallow dryly and grumble, "Fine then, but don't say I didn't—"
You're rudely interrupted by your own shuddering moan when he starts sliding into you, and Cato's never been happier to shut you up.
He bottoms out in you in one smooth thrust, and the sound you make next is a stellar thing. An eager, warbling 'Sicarius–' as his cockhead jars right up against your cervix. Warm, fluttering muscles around his length and the mewling of a whorish little Ambassador are ever a perfect combination.
But he wants to be closer—so, so much closer; he wants you pressed to his front, so he can absolutely smother himself against you. He wants to burn the feeling of you and him into his edict memory, so nothing can untangle it from him.
Cato has to bend himself at an awkward angle to manage it, but he's well aware of the fact he can manage a free hand to draw lethargic circles on your belly.
"And if they can hear, it's not like anyone will believe them," he pants, a little chuff of laughter chasing his words, looking down at your face buried in the sheets. "They'll think you're a busted piston, or maybe a whining pipe."
"You're such a—" you start as his hand slides slowly down your navel, and your voice tapers off, "You're a-ah..." he dips his fingers between your thighs, and you moan, "Thro—oh—ne..."
His pointer and ring finger spread the hooded peak of your folds, then the middle moves in and rolls over your clit again and again and again. Your smaller, folded body strains back from the new attention. Mewling at the stretch, and the hot, heavy press of trans-human dick inside you. It's just how he likes it. He's got you all to himself, his bulky hips flush to your ass, and his pleased rumbling beside your head. He's genuinely content, if not for the constant paranoia—but content is a feeling he never really appreciated before the warp everything went to shit. But that paranoia is inconsequential compared to the sheer amount of joy he feels with you near and receptive to his affections marauding.
"That's it," he rasps, and he has to swallow down how much he's raring to just blindly rut into you like a savage. "Now, be a good little whore—and say 'Cato, harder please,' for me."
The request falls on deaf... or rather, cock-drunk ears. You simply moan in answer and squeeze, over-eager for him to keep practically putting a dent your womb. It catches Cato by surprise when you climax all too suddenly, high-strung, and fuck, everything in that moment is absolutely perfect—Cato would gladly suffer for an eternity to stay, just like this, for as long as the accursed galaxy will allow. Your body reduced to a juddering wreck, arching forwards and suffering even more touch to your abused clit; your insides twitching in time around him with each passing graze of his finger over that sensitive nerve.
Rearing back isn't a safe choice either, because you end up getting even more of him in your cunt—unable to escape his efforts to hound you over the edge as soon as possible again.
"I c-can't, I-I—" you whine, and in response, like any reasonable Astartes, he keeps pounding until you're compliant.
"Say it," he pants.
"Ca—ah–Cato, h-harder, please—" you start crying as you shake underneath him.
His ears practically perk up at you finally using his first name; it was only quick and garbled, but he's so glad to hear it—he's already addicted to it, impropriety damned, because fuck does it sound good. It's always been Commander, and only recently had it been Sicarius—but now you're finally giving him the validation of crying out for Cato—for him, just him.
You can be louder, and clearer than smothered against the covers. So Cato acts on the brilliant idea to hoist you upright on your knees while he slams into you.
You're struggling erratically against the big hands holding you up, making the sound of a dying animal, now.
He fucks you right through your struggles, one hand keeping your head up under your jaw so he can arch down to tuck his chin on your shoulder. The mixed sound of your little rear making contact with his hips is a rushed, degenerate beat—Throne, the poor headboard of your cot against the wall too, it's almost like sabatons on steel, a rhythmic clank clank clank. And oh, then you make the sweetest little overstuffed sob, isn't that cute. Aren't you adorable.
He's only just started again and he's already liable to empty himself in you.
Suddenly, there's a scream of his name—and a quick, warm-wet splash from you that drips down his balls. Then you've apparently been struck daft and limp in his hold, sniffling out a wrecked little cry as you slacken. It's an entirely new phenomenon. It seems to be a good thing, seeing as you're squeezing on him like it's another orgasm—so he takes it at face value.
He keeps you upright and lets you cinch down around him, staying still—riding out the aftershocks of your finish and keeping his cock nice and warm and snug.
Cato is honestly surprised when you regain enough sense to weakly buck backwards and fuck yourself on him.
"Please... p-please," you slur, and it seems like all you needed was the incitement to be reduced to begging now; "Cato, in me, i-in me..."
Cato's completely enthralled, and he's never been more willing to follow an order faster. He'd walk right into an orbital barrage if you asked, right now.
He shifts his weight into the next thrust and meets your meagre attempts to get him to rut into you.
The loud, wet plap of him bucking forward is almost deafening.
His eyes roll back at the searing burr of pleasure that chases up his spine, panting through a clenched jaw, "So eager to be f-full of Astartes cum, huh?"
"Please, C-Cato—" You can barely even get the sentence around the pace of him practically rearranging your uterus into your stomach.
Fuck, he knows he's so beyond defective it's not even arguable, because he's practically feral for any hint of validation you'll give. And if you want to have your insides painted so badly, why should he deny you?
"I know," he pants, "I-I know."
You whine, well beyond words.
He's about as robbed of verbal sense as you are now, and he groans, your cries becoming hiccups.
He swears he almost blacks out for a moment when he actually finishes. His arrhythmic, choppy sighs chase each thrust. So suddenly seized by his end he slumps forward, pushing you with him, feeling half-dead and gritting his teeth as shudder after shudder wracks him. Persisting, his hips still keep pumping without a hint of respite, pinning you with his bulk while emptying himself inside you, just how you wanted. The subsequent leaking of his spend from you turns the pace of him still rutting into an even stickier cacophony of lewd wet sound. Hand splayed out beside your head supporting his weight, huffing and puffing to himself like a pissed-off bull as he works himself into overstimulation.
He stops at last with a long, trying sigh and pulls his slick and spent-wet fingers out from between your legs; dragging them across the sheets somewhere to the right before letting his palm splay on your hip, dry.
You're bent ass up under him, with your cunt still full of his cock, plus a thick load; moaning so lowly and continuously it's almost a purr.
Cato groans tiredly, rocking his hips a little for good measure despite the ache of it. "Does having me finish inside you feel that good to your little animal brain?"
Your voice is a fucked-out mumble as you say, "Well... 's not like... y'going to get me pregnant or anything."
Cato stays quiet, considering.
And that quiet seemingly sends you asking, "Are—are A-Astartes... sterile?"
"I'm actually not too sure," Cato huffs, and finally grows the spine to pull himself out.
Your gasp at his exit and subsequent little exhuasted 'hmm' is curiously without any hint of fear-smell.
He scowls, "And you're not at all concerned by that?"
A soft groan from you answers, "Got an i-implant... after the first t-time, just incase."
He doesn't have the balls energy to even begin to comment on the fact you'd correctly anticipated him trying after you again. Is he that predictable?
Cato rears back and makes an affirmative sound, groping at your ass, big thumb pulling one of your labia aside to ogle the fat pearls of cum dripping from you. You'd take another load, too. And if you ask him nicely enough, he might do just that right now—or have your mouth again. But he likes spending himself in your warm cunt far more. The way you squirm and squeeze on him when he's in you is intoxicating. Maybe later, given your exhaustion. You both have all cycle—or at least, whatever remains of his rest hours. Regardless, it's a genuine wonder the device hasn't succumbed to the stress of stonewalling an Astartes' draining his balls in you so many times these last few months.
He makes a soft tutting sound as his big palm smooths down your sides; his warm breath dancing across your inner thighs.
No better than some slavering beast, Cato gives into the urge sent by his hindbrain and licks a wide band from clit to taint in one smooth motion, and pulls away, seemingly briefly appeased.
Your squeal is priceless, but—eugh, his cum does taste foul. Nutrient gruel be damned, he needs to fix that somehow.
Sputtering as quietly as he can to avoid dignifying your similar reaction earlier, he grumbles to himself—still pawing and groping at your ass.
"You've ruined m-my sheets," you manage to say.
Cato grunts, "You're the one who decided to piss on them."
He says that, but knows it wasn't. It didn't smell like it—it smelt like satisfaction, and slick, and 'harder, please—please, Cato, harder.'
The sudden shiver that runs up his spine thinking about it surely isn't born of a vaguely possessive thrill.
Abruptly you roll onto your back and sit up, grimacing at him.
"That's n-not what that was," you hiss, flustered enough that you're stammering. "T-That was..."
Cato raises an eyebrow, "What was it, hm?"
Hook, line, sinker—
You dither, red in the face as you mumble, "It–it was nothing."
—and ta-da, he reels in an Ambassador.
"Oh, that's right," he grins and leans over you, "It was you finishing so hard you screamed my name."
Something bold rears it's head in you then, eyeing him petulantly; because you start swatting at him—and Cato's never had you actively physically retaliate for any jabs—so he just freezes, bemused.
They're barely even pats to his sturdy form, and it amuses him to no end that you're so small but still trying to annoy him.
So, he acquiesces; and starts using his own strength on you. He keeps it in check, of course; because you're still a twig of a baseline, even as grating as you are. He's practically tossing you around on the bed with minimal actual effort. Big hands stroking and kneading, rolling you around, pinning you beneath him and trying to annoy you back.
The efforts yield an entirely different result. You're laughing, hyperventilating, and every rough grope earns him a shrill little keen of excitement.
"Throne, you're a degenerate," Cato hums, giving you a wry look before reeling you back under him. "Getting off on being tossed around, are you?"
And with a yelp, you're made to watch him maraud his way up your body again.
You start grinning then, and it's not the typical sweet, coy smile of you luring him in; rather, it's one of a mad thing, feral and giddy.
You snigger sharply, a little breathless from struggling. "You say that like t-there's any downsides."
Cato scoffs, and rolls onto his back, pouting. "So anything that can rough you up will do, then?"
"I, unfortunately, have a very singular preference," you chuff, and snuggle up against him; tucking your chin against his neck, humming softly to yourself.
"Is that so?" He grunts, "And what would that be?"
The kiss to his jaw is heartachingly soft, and you snort a little when he turns to look down at you and your cheek is grated by his stubble.
Your big eyes are locked on his, half-lidded and lazy, and there's that familiar, honeyed look in them again. The soft, heady fixation of focused affection.
Cato feels like he's about to start weeping out of sheer joy. You're all his, your time, your gaze, your adoration—everything.
He's practically vibrating from elation.
"Despite your profession, you are terrible at hiding your emotions," he snarls, despite himself.
"Look at the time—aren't you expected somewhere, Commander Sicarius?" You ask sourly, but the warmth in your eyes stays the same.
Cato wonders if his expression betrays any of that sort of softness. If there's any residual capacity to show affection left in his face after all he's been through. He's sure there's something going on there that's got you looking at him with that sweet gaze. Or maybe you've gotten a good read on what's going on in his head now. He certainly feels as if he's been figured out. As if you've got him pried and nailed open like a xenos corpse in some creaking admech's lair. The prospect isn't anywhere near as daunting as it should be.
Still, he plays along.
"Probably, but you don't seem to really be complaining, Lady Ambassador," Cato quips low in his throat as he leans in close, only to pull away and sneer. Your lips part slightly as you swallow your words instead of speaking, clearly captivated. That said, he is also still a little breathless from teasing you so it was no surprise you seem dazed at his own attempt.
"No, I am—you've just more muscle than brain," you bite out with a flash of snark a second late, taunting him further by sticking your tongue out.
Retaliating immediately, he snares your mouth against his own; sliding his own tongue with yours and drinking in the soft moan that slips free. You nip his bottom lip vengefully, making him stifle a growl and lean away as he hisses, "Don't tempt me for a third."
It's no lie, because fuck, he probably could go for one more. Especially with the treatment he's receiving now.
"Why not?" you say in a tone that's so sweet one of his hearts aches.
"You want more already?" He drawls as he licks your jaw, your throat, everywhere and anywhere his mouth can reach. Tasting the salt of your sweat, and practically suffocating himself in the smell of you. Basking in his victory—Cato makes a sound like a great big feline, somewhere between a chuff and a growl against your neck; lazily entertaining himself by mouthing a bevy of bruises there. You almost immediately let him do as he pleases, your mouth hanging open, eyes half lidded and face flushed. Cato tries—and fails—to restrain the sudden amusement edging his tone at how easily you fall to your lusts. "You're going to overload that implant and end up gravid, woman."
"Throne, yes—" You slur, wriggling against him as he lathes his tongue across the top of one of your tits.
"What?" Cato barks.
Your face reddens, "What?"
Cato glares at you, and raises a brow. You're pretending you hadn't said anything and he's stunned you think he's stupid enough to miss it, "Baseline ducal protocol likely dictates... I would have to carry you off to be wed if that happened," he says, rushed. "Or... something of the likes, I suppose."
"R-Right," You fake a cough and avert your eyes, and you're breathing a little heavy.
"Within the context, of..." Cato backpedals, suddenly hyperaware of himself. "Of... that theoretical scenario."
You harrumph meekly, and then mumble, "Oh, of course... I agree, in that hypothetical situation."
He blinks, flabbergasted, "...really?"
You clear your throat and nod stuffily, only to tuck closer against him.
There's an entire subsector's worth of unpacking those statements need; you agree, but is that you saying it's a distant assurance? That you'd let him, one day, or is it merely conjecture? The primitive satisfaction of that base biological imperative is a heady one. Dangerous, too. If there is a chance of knocking you up, it would require significant subterfuge to keep hidden. Astartes can smell that sort of thing—and fuck, a Primarch could probably tell who's it was when given a source sample. He's got no litmus test for how easy you both would be caught. Maybe if you're suddenly on leave, for say, nine-months? That's one solution.
But where would you go—oh, Throne, he's thinking about Talassar again, and you in a pretty little slip, or in his rest robes, lying next to him notating; maybe resting against his chest in the crook of his arm—the fantasy is mundane, and domestic, and anathema to his status as High Suzerain of Ultramar, but still his cock throbs and his cheeks heat at the idea of calling you Lady Sicarius.
Your hands card through his hair abruptly, combing and petting him, and hm... that's nice, why are you looking at him like that—
"What do you think you've doing?" He growls, ever the hypocrite—his face doesn't feel hot at all, shut up.
You harrumph, "Stop pretending you don't like it."
"Whatever," Cato scoffs, and leans into your touch—not before mumbling; "Cunt."
Self-admittedly, he entirely deserves the feisty little smack he cops to the snout the very next second.
"Don't call me that," you pout.
The laugh it earns from him is just as genuine.
He's having you a third time just because of that, for sure.
#warhammer fanfic#reader insert#cato sicarius#warhammer 40k x reader#cato sicarius x reader#space marine x reader#ultramarines#writing#warhammer 40k#someone absolutely does pass by outside#WHO? THATS A QUESTION TO BE ANSWERED NEXT CHAPTER#oughgh my sweet idillic vanilla smut#my apolocheese for the lenght#they are in lobe your honour#next chapter shit hits the fan oopsieee#teehee#cato voxoogle history is my wife#—#backspace backspace backspace#is my girlfriend–#backspace backspace#can astarts#make woman#prgagnt#grenant#next search#can i make woman pegagnt#how many times for make woman pgagnant#(shes not)#haha.. unless yall want me to
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The shroud love lenguage: gives you a custom made helmet/headset bye.
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villain and violent (infant and innocent)

Egeria survives childbirth and is alive when Kastor stabs Damen the first time. It changes a few things.
read on ao3!
#captive prince#newartesvalentine2025#idil writes#*shaking a normal amount* here’s my new egeria fic 🙂
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Meztelenül a hotelben az ágyban
cigizni szex után Prágában
#idill#magyar#magyar tumblr#magyar tumblisok#saját#boldogság#boldog#szex#cigaretta#prága#hotel#szerelem
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bahtımıza düşen kar.. üzgünüz
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Son günlerin arka fonu..
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are you proud of me babe?
are you proud of me boy?
are you proud of me baby?
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A vidék hangjai beszűrődnek a szüleim házának ablakain. A madarak csiripelése, a fák lombjának susogása… a szomszéd gyerekek üvöltése, mintha nyúznák őket.
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Ioan Muntean - opţiuni introspective (conjugările ei)
Sursă: Ioan Muntean – opţiuni introspective (conjugările ei) – Cronopediada grup – Cronopedia Maraton Panorama Literară 2024, august 23. (poezie, cyberpoem) opţiuni introspective (conjugările ei) ~ idile [9] ~ o ceașcă de cafea aburind ușor îmi va fi încălzit mâinile și sufletul în fiecare sorbitură o nouă speranță o viață simplă dar frumoasă voi fi privit pe fereastră iarba verde un fluture-și…

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fatihin annesi bana eldiven örecekmis FATİHİN ANNESİ BANA ELDİVEN ÖRECEKMİS AAAAAAAA
#gecen idille(fatihin ayni zamanda süt kardesi) pintten örgü seylere bakiyoduk#ben sinavdan sonra örgü örmeyi ögrenmek istedigim icin panoya sürekli örgü seyler atiyodum#ikimiz bi eldiven modelini cok begendik idile söz verdim ben de sinavdan sonra ögrenince ikimize de örücem diye#idil de laf arasinda söyleyince ben örerim kizim size siz istediginiz modeli secin demis AGLİCAM COK TATLİ
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Little brothers being little shits and older siblings doing... stuff... y'know, like, going at each others throats :)
#minz doodles#will yuu#twst#twisted wonderland#idia shroud#ortho shroud#twst grim#twst fancomic#minz comics#idill
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for the wip game ‘yet another egeria lives au’ pls …i miss my wife… i need crumbs🧎🏽♀️🧎🏽♀️
HELLO SWEETIE!! 💞 so the idea for this fic was to write an au where egeria lives AND kastor stabs damen at 13 anyway 👀 i'm hoping i will get it done one day bc the whole thing was telenovela kind of messy and i love mess!!
“I won’t repeat myself,” Egeria doesn’t remember a single moment in her life where she felt her patience running out this quickly. “Either you’ll send your bastard away or I will take Damianos and leave. Forever.” “Take Damianos?” Theomedes asks with his cherry red face. “You think I’ll let you take away my heir?”In a single heartbeat, Egeria closes the distance between them and grips her husband’s face with her hand so tightly that her fingers ache. “Your heir?” she spits viciously. “I was the one who nearly died giving birth to him! You’ve done nothing but pump out your seed as usual! And now you have the audacity to tell me to look the other way while your bastard tries to kill my son!”
#hashtag a magnificent century kind of au somehow..... yeah that was the vibe#idil writes#asks#captive prince
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Short Sharp Shock (Kurz und schmerzlos) (1998) Fatih Akin
November 24th 2024
#short sharp shock#Kurz und schmerzlos#1998#fatih akin#Mehmet Kurtulus#Mehmet Kurtuluş#Aleksandar Jovanovic#Aleksandar Jovanović#Adam Bousdoukos#Regula Grauwiller#İdil Üner#Ralph Herforth
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Bartok | Piano Concerto No.2 (Idil Biret)
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