#idgaf about a deflection
flyhighisco · 3 hours
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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foolproof ‘winning the idgaf war’ process:
1. have your thoughts be in perfect harmony with your actions: “And what do I care if she does? [...] Yet he heard himself whisper”
2. provide detailed method of dissociation to deal with a traumatic event, that you do not care enough about happening, that surely gives zero insight regarding your own behavior and trauma
3. get kicked to the point of fainting for choosing to make an active attempt to prevent thing you do not care about happening
4. deflect when asked why
if step four fails, ramble on with the following:
5. i did it because you are sooo ugly and i would hate to be forced to look at you if you became uglier omfg
6. i wanted the guy with the lisp to pronounce the funny word for the bit
7. aren’t you lucky im such an evil no good bad man that lies #owned
if she still has the audacity to sincerely express gratitude:
8. ground your teeth and say you only did it to repay a debt. thoughts like “they will leave her a cripple too, but inside, where it does not show” did not cross your mind before you acted
you are winning so hard right now
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jimin trying to act nonchalant around JK lately since hiatus, is actually making it more sus, but the only thing I can think of is, JM wants to keep his working relationship separate from his personal relationship and now that Jikook are on hiatus, they finally have a chance to do that, when Jikook never had that before. Before, they had cameras on them consistently, catching every gravitational pull, footsie and ball jiggle they did. They just wanna hold hands in the dark at a album party, but those pesky cameras. Also, JM was smart not including JK in his album promotions, dance challenges, cause now his haters can't use it against him. And I don't wanna hear people use the excuse its "hate" keeping JM from doing things, because chile, in case you forgot, JM will still show up & slap the fuck out of the cult, when they get too cocky. It seems JM's been calling the shots all along based on JK's IDGAF I love my boyfriend, Jimin attitude lately. Look how he has excluded talking about JK's participation on his gay love confession, Letter & not even singing it with him (which he did like a post about doing Letter with JK, so maybe there's still a chance). I'm also tired of these antis flocking to Jikook spaces, acting like they are TK lives and we're a cult that they can easily brainwash & gaslight into thinking JK left JM or JK doesn't want anything to do with JM or JK doesn't support JM. GTFO, we have functioning brains & know better. JK is the one telling JM to come over everytime he sees him & telling JM he wants to come to his recordings & going live talking about JM & chasing JM around on weverse commenting on almost all his posts. He is definitely not holding back. I know JK wants that Jikook subunit & Jikook live as bad as we do & probably wanted to do challenges with JM etc. Like JM purposely reading a question about seeing JK, only to not answer & deflect. He knows army's are nosy & wanted details & he said NOPE, I'm pleading the 5th. However, JM blushing talking about Army hearing Letter & then smiling and lighting up as soon as JK comes in when singing it. Yeah, he knows he's not fooling anyone. He knows we know. Jikook knows that everyone knows. Just look at how everyone was staring at Jikook when they were interacting in JM's BTB when JK came to see him rehearse for Face. The dancers & staff in the back, stealing glances at Jikook. They know they're watching THE couple of BTS & THE couple of BTS knows they're being watched, therefore THE couple of BTS forgets how to act on camera or around people and overthinks their behavior, which I think has happened with Jikook for a while now. In case anyone forgot, JK shared a song Justin Park On The Low, on the 1500 day anniversary of GCF Tokyo, that says "We ain't gotta keep it on the low. Backstage pouring up before the show. When we stuntin, WE LOUD, WE LOUD, WE LOUD, just so they know". So in case you didn't JK's message lately. JK doesn't wanna be low key with Jimin anymore & even tho JM is quiet, don't let the silence fool you. He's loving every minute of what his man is doing with his lives & supporting him.
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buckera · 8 months
okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it, because I felt too washed-out yesterday to react to it but: do not vague about zionists and don't use an actual literal genocide as a fandom barometer.
I don't give a flying fuck about how popular or big or small your blog is and how much you wanna avoid getting into drama or whatever, don't just vague and don't just deflect.
this is not about not being on people's shitlist, standing with Palestine is not for brownie points. I cannot stress this enough; it's about an actual genocide, thousands of people dead, maimed, starving and homeless. I truly couldn't give less of a fuck about losing notes on your fics or edits or whatnot.
the only people whose shitlist you'd end up on by calling out zionists are the zionists themselves and if that's the crowd you wanna keep around, then you aren't much better than them.
if you know someone's a zionist don't just allude to it: say their name crisp and clear and then call them out, block them idgaf but don't just go around generating anon drama.
and when you're being told that you accidentally interacted with a zionist? well, the answer to that isn't 'I'm not checking their blogs so it's not my fault/problem' but 'I didn't realise, please tell me who it is so I can act accordingly' it's that fucking simple.
personally, I don't want to be associated with any zionists or anyone who just sidesteps them and knowingly feigns ignorance. not even on the blorbo website.
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I went to watch the first Aquaman movie because I wanted to support Amber Heard. I wasn't interested in the movie but I watched it in theaters to support her, exclusively. I am a woman, a feminist, and I believed her completely. I enjoyed the movie, she was a good, stunning Mera, and I was happy to see her thrive. But I am pretty conflicted about whether I should watch the sequel or not. Just to be clear: I am not a fan of Depp, so you can save anything negative you might want to say about him 'cause I don't care. It's not that I support him, it's just that I supported her and I am extremely disappointed. Most of her fans also disappoint me - from saying she is the "better Ariel" as opposed to Halle Bailey who is black, to attacking Rihanna, a black victim of abuse, for supporting Depp (it's giving white feminism) to saying Depp is a drunk, addict, unprofessional actor. Being those things is wrong but not morally wrong. And again, idgaf about Depp, I simply point this out because there are plenty of people going through addiction out there and they don't need to hear how much of a "failure" they are. You throw Depp under the bus for being an addict, you're throwing most addicts under the bus too. Not cool. I think they claim he's unprofessional and drunk and a mess because they know it's no longer smart to claim he's an abuser.
He is not a savior, he is not an angel, he is not perfect. The thing is, he's not the one who was speaking for us, representing feminism or movements like MeToo. So, deflecting attention by saying the things he did wrong is unhelpful. "He admitted the things he did!" He admitted he took drugs and he was rude to Heard. I'm still waiting for Heard to admit something, anything. I am a woman, I am often inclined to believe women; and because of that I believe all his ex-girlfriends who claimed he is a flawed partner, toxic at times but not the monster she made him out to be. I believe Rihanna who was not afraid to tell her story of abuse and I believe Courtney Love, who was the most hated woman back on her day, before and after Cobain's death, and said she had empathy for Amber yet still hoped justice would be served. What you're doing is sacrificing the word of other women to keep giving this one woman validation, spreading misinformation/trolling. Why does her word matter more than Kate Moss' word or Vanessa Paradis'? Take a look at known abusers from Hollywood - once one of their victims speaks out, so do the other victims. This wasn't the case but you all keep defending her. This is why a lot of people are no longer taking feminism seriously. We need to be more careful about who we choose to represent us. With that being said, don't use this post to be sexist. That's all I ask.
I'm still conflicted, I still don't know what I'm gonna do but I think I will watch the sequel. Even after the way she lied about abuse, I choose to support the movie because this is probably the last blockbuster she will make in a long long while and while she absolutely brought her ruin upon herself by being vindictive, some people on the internet took things way too far with her. And as I said at the start of this post, I ended up actually enjoying the first film, even though I was only watching it for her. The queue is long so this probably won't be posted before the movie comes out, but I want to thank this blog for giving all of us a haven and I also want to thank you for reading, whether you agree with me or not.
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terraliensvent · 2 months
They say CS brings out the worst in people. Obviously. Cause you made yet ANOTHER ripoff species from one YOU FAILED. You cant tell me that this species was not ripped off from terras. Its so very obvious.
Also- For someone who is done with Closed species. Why make a semi-closed species??? So you can keep all the pretty shiny traits locked behind a paywall that rraches 500+???? Cause calling it now... It'll just be a repeat of every other specoes yall ruined by being greedy.
Ginna wait for the argument too of "well its semi-open so!" Idgaf. This is insane of you to do after everything that was pulled by them and their partner.
Take accountability. Stop deflecting. Stop trying to ahove everything under the bus.
And for the dxck riders... Yall are THE MOST BLIND. But thats okay. Cause eventually they WILL pull the same shit on you. That will be how you guys learn to finally open ypur eyes and stop sucking their dxcks for free art, specoes stuff, and more. When the tables turn on yall, i hope you give THE BIGGEST apologies to everyone here who tried to point out how horrible these two have been and still are.
Good luck.
post related
i dont see many similarities to terras minus the facelessness which isnt really that original to begin with
but yeah, hilarious to see them jump ship to a new semi-closed species after fucking up so badly again and again
the deflection is off the charts too, they deleted comments calling them out and telling them to give the WHOLE STORY, not just "sorry guys i made mistakes"
and the dick riders are infuriating i agree, so easily manipulated by people you know will never give a fuck about them
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yackers · 1 year
Opinion on the peddie break up?
okay yes yeah I have soo many thoughts on this so please click below because this will get long
in my opinion, it was literally inevitable. it could've been stalled maybe if they hadn't been in the same country over summer but the way they were headed in season 2 they were going to have to make changes to last long term that neither of them were capable of doing without first blowing up at each other. they have two main consistent problems throughout their relationship: lack of communication and trust issues.
from the beginning of their relationship, their differences in past relationship experiences is always made very clear through the way that each of them interprets each other's behaviour. sure, maybe in their very first interaction eddie is genuinely annoyed at her, but by the time they meet again later in that same day, he's already started flirting, he's teasing her but he also calls her 'cute'. the enemies/rivals dynamic that they then have from there is a lot of the time him flirting with her and her deflecting and taunting the way that she is often seen to do as a means of protecting herself. this isn't to say that she isn't starting to like him and that her own behaviour isn't also flirty but she it takes her far longer to admit that to herself and to joy.
she also definitely had a slightly different mindset before she found out about the bet at the ball, but I don't honestly think that they wouldn't have gone on to have the same problems further down the line. if anything, the fact that she allowed herself to properly let her guard down romantically only to feel played and be embarrassed specifically in front of all the people she's spent years building a tough persona against only consolidated and made her double down on her trust issues, which were one of her key character traits that we see her develop further across the show and on of the biggest things that affects the way she treats people.
eddie's rebellious 'idgaf' attitude is a front he puts up to seem cool and piss off his dad and so he assumes that's what hers is too, as opposed to a coping mechanism that she uses in attempt to avoid getting hurt. it takes soo many attempts at admitting that he likes her and trying to ask her out (including her flat out denying the fact that he heard her admit her feelings to his face) for her to actually reciprocate and be vulnerable back. she only eventually does it by kissing him when that was her only form of communication and when she was starting to actually lose him by not being able to flirt back and confirm to him that she had any feelings at all. even then directly after that she responds by hiding from him instead of actually telling him that the reason she was behaving like this was because of how new it all was to her. this is the beginning of their communication problems.
throughout their various first date attempts, they develop a pattern of lashing out to get a reaction in order to prove that the other cares and an inability to convey the way that they're feeling with words. this continues throughout their relationship in the entire show, but it's especially apparent in the later parts of s2. if eddie is mad and he wants attention from patricia, he uses mara to make her jealous. if patricia is mad at him, she just starts insulting him without actually communicating why she's mad. it happens over and over, this lack of communication only worsening the way they react to the various problems that come up because they never find out what the other's intention behind their actions were until they eventually blow up at each other. their instincts about how to deal with each other don't really change from how they acted when they first met, with their defaults always being to deceive and spy on each other to find thing out instead of actually asking or discussing anything.
this whole cycle isn't helped by sibuna taking up more and more of patricia's time, but this would've been less of a problem if it weren't for the fact that they never really have a moment where they confirm that they're in a relationship, and that patricia has no idea what a relationship really even consists of. a kiss and a date progresses them to boyfriend and girlfriend without any acknowledgement of what that means. mara says it best when she says to eddie "when are you going to tell patricia that she's actually in a relationship?" and that's almost at the end of the season. patricia, for the most part, continues about her life in the exact same way she did when she was single, never really communicating with him about making plans or where she is half the time. both times she makes a conscious effort to actually date him are prompted by amber or mara telling her that she has to make more of an effort (one of which was also for a tunnel task) and even then, after doing that she considers the job done and leaves him alone again. the first time we actually hear either of them actually acknowledge that they're in a relationship is when eddie says to her "shame you can't miss your boyfriend like that" when he hears her talking about alfie in class. it makes sense that with the amount that she disappears and her half-assed ridiculous lies about her whereabouts leads him to think that she's cheating, because she never really sincerely assures him otherwise (which as walfie shows in s3 it can be done). but once again instead of really communicating this fear he just follows her??
and then yeah he gets caught up in the sibuna stuff which means he knows she wasn't seeing someone else and so they're just fine again. but what we're left with at the end of the season is a couple that despite having been together months (??) have no idea how to be in a relationship with each other, what each other's expectations of each other are and insanely ridiculous unhealthy methods of getting what they want from each other. patricia, who has barely tackled her issues with trust and vulnerability, has managed to end up dating someone without really having to think about what this means for herself, because up until this point she has been so preoccupied and focused on Not Dying and solving mysteries that it all just managed to pass her by a little.
and so once you take this disaster waiting to happen away from what was previously distracting them from dealing with the problems in their relationship and all their friends with braincells that have been prompting them to do half the work and shove them on a trip to america where they have no escape from each other for weeks, I don't really see how with their ways of coping and explosive tempers and egos, they could do anything other than break up. they probably would've 'broken up' a bunch of times at their problems before that if they could do that without acknowledging their relationship out loud and not had to see each other at every meal time. we're told that blame for the break up was more on patricia's side, which makes sense with everything I've said above and her lack of previous relationship experience and yeah.
I definitely think that the only way they last beyond s3 is eventually having to grow past all this as they face a lot of the same issues in s3 but they're definitely capable of it and they start to make some progress especially considering their circumstances.
basically what I'm trying to say is that I get that their break up annoys people and affects the way they view s3 but in what world could they have lasted the summer at the stage they were at by the end of s2
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taehyungfirst · 11 months
i need armys to stop making/liking tweets about corny taennie jokes. it legitimately pisses me off so badly. like idk if it's me being sensitive but tae has gotten so much hate for OVER A YEAR because of this goddamn rumor and they think it's okay to giggle about it online?? not to mention the fact that taehyung has never once acknowledged this at all. i feel like if any other member was involved in a dating rumor that spawned at the expense of their private life, armys would not be making careless jokes about the situation. but for some reason it's so normalized to joke about this and i just don't find it funny at all. do they really think taehyung would appreciate seeing these "jokes" about something he's never spoken about? do these people even care about him? and it's just even more frustrating because when these people are called out, they try to play the "oh you just can't accept he's dating, i'm so much more mature than you blah blah blah" card even though they're just deflecting because that's not what people are mad about. because even if you believe they're dating, why do you think you're allowed to make jokes about a situation that involved his privacy being invaded? how is that even remotely funny? it's like some of these people just view him as a source of entertainment. i think lots of people have taken the whole "taehyung's winning the idgaf war 😂" thing too seriously and have convinced themselves he just doesn't care about this at all. it's just such a nasty situation and it makes me so frustrated that people see no issue and then try to gaslight the people who call them out and make them seem crazy. i need people to let this go while tae's enlisting because i literally cannot take it.
Everything you said. Exactly.
Hopefully with military service they will leave Tae alone.
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grub-talk · 5 days
All offense but yall are typing shit out of your ass. Don't play the "Oh i looked up to you" or " I kept you at arms length" I'm sorry but you're throwing and pinning this all on me because your friend was lying and you don't want to actually hold them accountable. This dude have neglected, avoided me and made me think I was the issue when I tried to communicate any flaws we had during our relationship. [ Which, note, they also admitted this TO MY FUCKING FRIEND.] Whatever they fucking skewed or try to blame me on, they neither have communicated it with me or brought it up AT ALL, and even if they did; they used it against me TO HURT ME. I've always been upfront about my problems to you and my friends and if there is actually ANY point you're trying to come across, its not hitting the end goal here. You've seen how emotionally distressed I was, and if there is any thought of actually being genuine and honest with how my actions coudlve been viewed. None of yall did anything about it but said "learn self respect, learn self love" and even RELATED to me on what I was going through. You're fucked for being two faced cunts. I came to YOU for help, I MADE EFFORTS. But im not gonna sit there and let them treat me that fucking way. Its fucked how all of you guys are attacking me and using your good deeds, WHICH BTW, doesnt make your points anymore foul than what it actually is. It does not make you a good person. Thank you for having HUMAN DECENCY to try and help me when I was at my lowest and was considering to fucking end my life, I understand me being thrown into a bad mania episode had left me doing some deplorable behavior. WHICH I DO ADMIT, COULDVE BEEN HANDLE BETTER but your friend still was a piece of shit to me and said really hurtful things and done shit before we've broken up. Which you know, I wish I didn't fucking excuse and forced myself to let them keep doing it to me. DRAWING yourself killing me, calling me a black hole and claiming ive "taken" everything from them, when I have spent so much of my energy and fucking time to love and adore them. I wanted them to make sure they know that they are loved because I was so blind to believe they where an actual nice person. Hell, I went to a whole ass different COUNTRY just to meet them, only for them to be on their phone 24/7 saying they felt "rushed" when I told them about this planned trip SINCE SEPTEMBER. WHICH THEY COULDVE AT ANY POINT SAID "No thank you" oh yeah are we gonna forget they barely communicated about those plans too? Which they slapped that shit onto their friends and made them deal with it? Yes, thank you for inviting me, Kashi. I am so fucking embarrassed that everything came down to this point. I do bare so many regrets on every going because not you, or your room mates had to deal with the embarrassing tension that my ex and I gone through. It still eats me up everytime I think about it, cause its fucking disgusting and I never wanted to go home so fucking bad. Only to find out literally TWO DAYS AGO they've actually stolen OC'S that I praised them on making. Which, my other friends can fucking CONFIRM they claimed it was their art. Get the fuck out. Also, me not wanting them to have a new partner??? FELLA, what are you BULLSHITTING ABOUT. you're grasping at LITERAL STRAWS here. No one gives a FUCK about who they are dating. Least not with me? I don't care about their partner, whatever was exchanged between Evan and my Ex[ Their ex also.] had ZERO of my influence there if rather or not they will actually go to them about it. They told me they where gonna confront them, so they did. Im proud of them for even talking about this PUBLICLY. So DONT YOU DARE PIN THAT SHIT AGAINST ME. IDGAF ABOUT THEIR CURRENT SIGNIFICANT OTHER. WHATEVER THEY DO IS NOT MY BUSINESS. I'm thankful enough I have people who love me. You are deflecting and making yourselves even more stupid than I have thought. Im sorry but no one gives a FUCK about their current partner, youre going off the main point shows how actually blinded you are.
Also PLEASE shut the fuck up about stalking, literally all you guys ever done was do the SAME EXACT SHIT. Why where you on my toyhouse profile, why where you visting my tumblr, WHY where you on MY twitter account? I'm sorry no one gives a fuck about whos stalking who, you said it for yourself you fucking idiot. Its made public so therefore PEOPLE WILL SEE IT. MY FRIENDS CAN SEE IT, I CAN SEE IT. I am fully aware that what I post is public too and will eventually be seen, THATS FINE. OH YEAH, BY THE WAY, I HAVENT EVEN FUCKING VISITED YOUR PROFILE EVER SINCE OUR LAST DISCUSSION! I was hellbent on not checking anyones accounts. I was hellbent on moving on with the idea of ignorance is bliss. IVE ONLY WENT ON BECAUSE I FOUND OUT WHO THE REAL ARTIST WAS!!! I spent fucking time deleting and separating the character to find the signature, looked them up and BOOM. IT WAS YOUR EX?? the main issue here is that your friends A FUCKING LIAR. " My partner left me because of Hazbin" No you fucking idiot I left you because you're where making me run through hoops to try and FIX things that WHERE OUT OF MY CONTROL. Don't you dare ignore that I havent made actual efforts while you sat there doing fuck all nothing. And btw, i'm not the only person youve done this too and said "oh idk what to do" WE KEEP FUCKING TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO. Holy shit YOU'RE ALL SO FUCKING STUPID!! I SWEAR!!! ACTUALLY THINK FOR YOURSELVES, I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU ALL CIRCLE JERK EACH OTHER OFF. Literally SO OVER THIS.
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zumpietoo · 1 year
Wasn’t Gonna Bother, Buuut...
This popped up from mah stalker in mah askbox a couple of days ago (screenied cuz I shared in DMs to laugh).....in light of some other shit, I shall now post, after all....
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OML.....dude, first off? I’m sorry you can’t read/see the HUGE, pinned post by Amy (yourself?) detailing how she fully manipulated Cole into doing so and outing herself as a liar.....for the rest of them? IDGAF and why TF would I?
FT being a particularly notable case......oh and, FYI, it seems her opportunistic ass has also already left Peepster.....and she’s now following ARI.....because she’s that asshole and concerned ONLY with whomever might potentially benefit her.....and she knows it’s NOT and never will be, PP.....
Meanwhile, in the case of Cabana Boi? I’d legit think you’d be way moar concerned with that your kween is with a racist, sexist, elitist, hypocritical, cheating, thin skinned, douchebag jackass......but I guess I’m funny that way.
So if anybody’s “concerned about” anybody else, it’s myself about yourself.....along with your endless obsession. And assumption that I care if a bunch of, frankly, dickish strangers are so pathetically spineless they blocked me....And sorry, not sorry, no deflecting here and why TF do you care so much what, again, a complete (and presumably so unimportant) stranger does or thinks? And yes, why ARE you such a total hypocrite?
You were gifted a healthy life and you’ve wasted it on ME. I can’t.
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newjenns · 1 year
i think a looot of internet creators and even celebrities purposefully try to make fans feel like they are personal friends or in some sort of partnership. not necessarily always harmful but when you become aware of it, you really become aware of it! it's also interesting to me that a lot of these same people then complain about fans being too invested in their lives and parasocial. which is not to say they're wrong or that tons of people don't step over the line but it's odd to me that it's still taboo to acknowledge the ways that famous people will weaponize their fanbases and feed into certain relationships to further their coin + deflect from criticism.
i agree i also think that just by the very nature of being a celebrity and having a social media presence contributes to it whether u intend for it or not bc it’s such a direct gateway to a celeb like think about how there is 0 chance i will likely ever meet jack manifold and yet a throw away tumblr post i and an anon made lives in his head rent free like what are the chances you know and i think it’s interesting how the people who actively try to foster this kind of relationship are like. really fucking good at it and successful in turn even when it’s not malicious like do i think jungkook from bts is thinking about how many haters his fans are going to spam reply to with his fancams no i don’t but he’s thankful for their support and wants to continue to have their support in the future so he gets on vlive and does his finger hearts for the masses and ignores the stalker fans. also kind of related but not really i think it’s sooo funny whenever a celebrity gets criticism online (sometimes deserved sometimes not) and they start crying about their mental health or say they’re taking a break like I DONT KNOW YOU IDGAF ABOUT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 they just don’t wanna deal with whatever is being talked about Sorry this is about jenna ortega’s actors on actors interview
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alyjojo · 3 years
I need to know more about Jupiter squares. Ours are squared, his Cancer, mine Aries.
I know Mars is aggression, but I guess with our square, Jupiter plays a role too bc boy does it, at least afterwards.
He suddenly becomes parent of the year 🙄 So nice. So giving. Watch me BBQ. So papa bear. Aw. Please.
Mine is Aries. Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on. And other such rude & instigative comments.
Aka he does a lot of underhanded petty shit and I sit there with 😑 expression bc it’s bs (in that moment) but by all means, impress the masses, “kill my anger with kindness” even though I’m definitely gonna put you on the spot ohhh..3-5 more times till I actually get whatever it is I’m looking for. A sorry of sorts is a good place to start.
Tried impulsively buying Hamilton tickets.
Sir I’ve ridden that train right off the edge, I have the entire album memorized to the very note change in music...save the money, but if you wanna look me dead in the face and have a conversation...
Him *runs to BBQ where I can’t eye judge him*
I’m totally fine with looking like a dick, deserved or not, to strangers. Could give a fuck 😌
But, I hate looking like a dick in front of my kids.
And he knows this. AW let’s be sweet to mom. Psh. Sweet can include how this changes in the future. In mfn writing, signed in blood. Sick of that shit.
Psh. Smokes cream cheese psh. Smokes veggies psh. Shares with the whole neighborhood psh.
Eye judgement anyway I’m not easily swayed sir 😌
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1eos · 3 years
'everyone praises their lyrics but bitch i can't understand korean i need something to be pleasant to my earssssss' EXACTLY!!! like if this k-pop song sounds like ass idgaf about the meaningful lyrics like yeah good for them but im not listening to this !!I do like some lyrics in k-pop songs but that's only if the song itself is something I like listening to...thank u for understanding me
it literally kills me when ppl who don't even speak korean talk abt lyrics like girl.....I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE SAYING I CANNOT OPEN COLOR LYRICS.COM 24/7 THE SONG HAS TO SOUND GOOD!!!!!!! i can barely hear lyrics in english i have processing issues i just want to shake my ass *crawling on the ground* shut up abt artistry as a means to deflect from quality
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nakasomethingkun · 4 years
hi!! i have 2 questions: firstly, i’m about to write an aftg fic and i would love to know your technique in how you characterize andrew, because you write him, and everything else in general so well! your aftg fics, which are admittedly the only one’s of yours i’ve read, are amazing!! secondly, if you’re ever looking for prompts or requests, would you consider writing the twins and their recovery in the years after tkm? i absolutely adore your writing and would love to see your take on them!!
oh, wow. i never expected to receive a question like this, so now i’m kind of stumped lmao. when i wrote my first aftg fic, i was very conscious of how i portrayed andrew; i regularly checked some scenes in the books and the extra content to get his voice and characterization right (things like how he doesn’t speak often - so that’s one trait, and when he does speak, how does he sound like? what about any character quirks? how does neil describe his body language or his appearance? what are his principles/stances? etc.). even if i didn’t get it totally right, i at least wanted to do his character service by not making him ooc. that said, though, i rarely care if i make him ooc nowadays. the thing about joining a new fandom is that you’re always nervous when/if you’re about to write a fic and post it. it’s the same feeling, every single time. as you get used to writing for that fandom though, you stop being super fussy and anxious about keeping the characters “in character”, because you realize that if you wanted everything to fit canon to a tee, you’d just stick to the original source material and not engage in fandom in the first place. 
but i digress. going back to how i characterize andrew, i normally just try to remember some of the basic stuff, like how he’s an asshole (no, really, this is a genuine tip lol). he’s blunt but he doesn’t talk much (not unless you’re neil or bee, and maybe renee, and i’m mostly referring to sober!andrew, if you’re writing/focusing on canon compliant fics). he doesn’t lie per se, not actively, but he omits the truth and deflects a lot. he’s generally apathetic to almost everything and everyone, but when he cares, he cares very deeply; no going back, no half-assing it, which also extends to his promises (e.g. beating up people who tried to hurt nicky, almost breaking allison’s neck after she hit aaron, going berserk when neil got kidnapped, etc.). he’s petty and - i cannot stress this enough - he is a disaster gay (outwardly, he passes as a functioning gay, but hello? have you seen this boy “flirt”? if it can even be called that? anyway). 
for the more physical stuff, one of the things that i always make a point of remembering that he’s a heavy smoker, which means that he’s probably really bad at cardio lmao. ppl like to write him as this exy genius with natural born goal-keeping talent (which he is!), but also... pls remember that innate talent can only carry you so far. this is just me ranting about my pet peeve/squick but i hate it when ppl write him in situations where like, he hasn’t touched a racquet in years or put in the same amount of effort or training as the others but when he’s put in court suddenly he’s this invincible and undefeatable machine? what even? i mean, i know it’s fiction but like i said, it just irks me personally.
again, i digress. for AUs, i throw a lot of things out the window. that’s not to say that i’m writing a completely new character, but just that i rummage through the aspects of his character and choose only what floats my boat for that particular verse. it’s all part of that ‘idgaf about what canon says, this is my town now’ mentality lol. sometimes, even if it feels ooc, i just roll with it, because maybe i think that that particular scene is cute or the dialogue is funny, and i think that that’s more important than trying my damnest to squeeze him into the personality box that was created in canon. taking things from the source material and shaping them into your own product is what fandom is all about, after all :D
i don’t know if all these count as techniques to writing andrew, but i’m super touched that you’ve read my fics and like them!! thank you so much <3
and to answer your second question - yes, i would definitely consider writing something like that!
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vera-invenire · 5 years
For the character ask meme (not surprisingly): Wei WuXian plz
For this meme!  
Ahahaha, in the very first gifs I saw, Wei Wuxian’s stance vis a vis Lan Wangji made me think Wei Wuxian was the sidekick. (It was the shot at the Burial Mounds siege where WWX is playing the flute and LWJ steps in front of him to fight.)
aslkjakljsdl, I love him. I was gonna go into this whole spiel about his complexities as a character, how the darkness of the Yiling Patriarch was waiting under his skin from the very beginning even when he was a young thing, how Untamed!Wei Wuxian knows damn well he’s had a crush on Lan Zhan since they met and how, post-Burial Mounds, his actions/feelings aren’t obliviousness so much as deliberate downplaying and denial and, yes, I will die on this hill – but then this will turn into an essay and I’ll never finish this ask. So we’re gonna leave it at this:
When he walked into the tower and took the drink for Lan Wangji, staring Xerox Jin straight in the face. It sent so many messages (’idgaf about any of you’, ‘my patience with your posturing bullshit is zero’, ‘lan zhan is mine’, ‘try and stop me. go on, try it.’) and he meant every single one. Such a power move.
Also in the first ep – he’s running away from one of the Mo people like a clown but then he suddenly turns, snaps his fingers, and BAM the guy freezes in place, and suddenly you’re like, woah, okay, maybe don’t mess with the clown, wow.
Post-resurrection, based off of things people have said Wei Wuxian falls under the impression that Lan Wangji is in love with someone (else). It’s been a long, long time, after all, so even if there were moments in the past when it maybe felt like there could be something between them – well. Clearly that’s not an option anymore. So all through the murder mystery he sits with that and yearns and maybe there’s a bit in there about how he was never really envious of others (’Wuxian’/without envy, get it), but he keeps fighting how much he wants him and he can never say it because Lan Wangji is in love with someone else. (someone who won’t love him back!! how. how.) And he’s not gonna make LWJ choose him over the love of his life, so he leaves for his adventure.
And then at some point there’s a scene of the Chief Cultivator riding in for an inter-sect night hunt and Wei Wuxian throws him a flower from the crowd because he thinks he’s being wistfully subtle, idk.
(he’s being dumb. lan wangji is gonna find out and he’s gonna be pissed at the gossip and then he’s gonna marry the hell outta him.)
I went into this a bit above, but –
I know in the novel Wei Wuxian is completely oblivious re: LWJ for approximately ever, but I honestly think Untamed!Wei Wuxian isn’t oblivious at all. He knows exactly what he feels, he just thinks he’s never going to get it / he doesn’t deserve it / he doesn’t need it anyway / doesn’t trust that he can have it. It’s the difference between blithely unconscious attraction and attraction that gets deflected because looking at it too hard is just going to break your heart. (But then post-resurrection LWJ has clearly decided to fuck being subtle and Wei Wuxian can’t handle that so all the walls start tumbling down.)
Also WWX mentoring all the juniors. (I reeeeaaaalllllly want to read something with the Gusu Lan juniors interacting with Yunmeng Jiang juniors. Maybe in a competition? Look, WWX used to be the head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang, there’s going to be tension there and I want to seeeeee it.)
Untamed-verse: Mo Xuanyu gave up his body for WWX, meaning WWX’s present body was remade using MXY’s bodily material. And since MXY had a functioning golden core, WWX now also has the potential for making a golden core but *he doesn’t know it yet*, because unlike in the novel where WWX just plopped into a body with an established core, THIS body is new and golden cores have to be reformed / trained / grown over time. He figures it out post-canon on the road and has very mixed emotions about it. He goes back to Gusu to tell Lan Wangji and to try sword training again.
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
1x05: Bloody Mary
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A Season One Aesthetic
Toledo, Ohio
Sleepover Friends are playing a game of Truth or Dare. One girl tasks another to say “Bloody Mary” in the bathroom mirror three times. (The girl is Sam’s double in Mint Condition!) The girl, Lily, is impervious to the legends surrounding Bloody Mary so she heads to the bathroom to check off her Dare. Nothing happens and her friends and her laugh at their silly antics.
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Their noise alerts her father, who tells them to keep it down. As he’s walking back to bed, he passes 5,000 mirrors, and each one is reenacting The Ring. He heads to the bathroom to pop some happy pills --and there’s another mirror.
Downstairs, Lily’s older sister busts in, with some mild ribbing for her kid sister and a whole lotta IDGAF attitude about missing curfew. She heads upstairs and finds her dead father in a pool of his own blood.
Sam’s dreaming of his dead girlfriend. Dean wakes him and says, “Sooner or later we’re going to have to talk about this.” Sam deflects in true Winchester fashion. They’re in Toledo at the morgue, investigating the death of Lily’s father.
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The morgue attendant is less than impressed with the unannounced med students. I’m less than impressed with their cosplay. It is almost refreshing to watch these early episodes just to reflect on later seasons and know how much Dean embraces the things he loves about the job. He’s just cool bravado here, but no one’s buying the schtick. Sam cuts to the chase and throws money at the man. Dean balks at Sam’s careless use of Dean’s hard earned money. This appropriately timed post from @pinkandsatiny-blog showed up on my dash this AM.
Once inside and looking at the victim, they see his eyes have liquefied.
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Sam posits that maybe this is just “some freak medical thing.” Dean scoffs and assures him that this is supernatural.
They talk to the daughter. At the wake. In their hunter garb. At least Dean has presence of mind to note that they’re underdressed.  
On principle I refuse to stoop this low but, SAME, LADY, SAME:
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The boys talk to Donna, the older daughter, about her father’s stroke. Lily pops in to say it wasn’t a stroke. She caused his death because she said Bloody Mary in the mirror.
The brothers head inside to take a peek at the bathroom. Sam info dumps lore about Bloody Mary. The legend indicates that the person who says the words will die, but that’s not what happened here. One of Donna’s friends, Charlie, appears and demands that the Winchesters tell her the truth. They do --to a point, and ask her to contact them if her or her friends see anything weird.
They head to the library! Time to dig a little into public records and such to find a Mary who died in front of a mirror. Dean’s already pre-annoyed with research, and once Sam sees the computers are out of order, he too is annoyed.
Donna’s two friends, Charlie and Jill, are talking on the phone about Sam and Dean, and then Jill jokes about Bloody Mary. (So does this pass the Bechdel test or not? Hmm.) Charlie tells Jill to knock it off. Jill utters the words in the mirror anyway --and screams and laughs and so funny amirite? Jill and Charlie get off the phone. Jill strips down to her underwear in her mirror filled room, as one does. And Bloody Mary is waiting (she’s even waiting in the reflection on the television --which sends me down a rabbit hole of thought: What makes a mirror?) Jill heads back to the bathroom, and while at the mirror her reflection doesn’t mimic her. Instead, it stares her down and the eyes start to bleed. But so do Jill’s eyes.
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Then the reflection tells Jill, “You did it. You killed that boy.” Jill falls over dead.
Sam continues to dream of Jess burning on their ceiling. My heart aches for him. #GiveSamaDogandaTherapist2K05 He wakes and Dean asks what he dreamed about, but Sam deflects again. Dean’s been doing research but getting nowhere fast. Dean’s starting to doubt that it’s really the Bloody Mary legend at play. Sam gets a call from Charlie, who fills them in on Jill’s death. They enlist Charlie to help them with their plan. The boys do a sweep of Jill’s bedroom. Sam finds something on infrared and takes the bathroom mirror down. On the back, under blacklight, there’s a handprint and the name “Gary Bryman”. Research shows that Gary Bryman was an 8 year old boy killed in a hit and run that was never solved (like, Charlie knew instantly that it was Jill’s car, uh, what the hell DMV?) They head to Donna’s house to find the name “Linda Shoemaker” --Donna’s mother who overdosed on sleeping pills. Donna storms off after their inquiry. Charlie puts it together that their dad killed their mom.
Dean starts a nationwide search for their source.
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He finds an unsolved murder of a Mary Worthington in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Cut to Fort Wayne, Indiana. A retired detective tells Sam and Dean about the Mary Worthington murder. Mary wanted to leave town and make a name for herself, but she was killed before she could make good on any of her plans. She was found with her eyes cut out. YEESH. The detective pulls out her old files. One of the shots of her body shows letters written out across a mirror; he thinks she was trying to spell the name of her murderer.
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The detective’s bet? A local surgeon, Trevor Sampson. (He’s dead now.) So, a vengeful ghost! Sam asks where she’s buried but they learn that she was cremated. However, there was an ornate mirror in the photo of her body, which connects her to the mirror hauntings. The mirror is back in the family’s possession. The Winchesters are on the job! Huzzah!
Back with our tempestuous Toledo teens, they continue to argue over the existence of Bloody Mary. In a school bathroom.
Side note: I asked Boris to recap this episode because the Bloody Mary myth tapped into a deep phobia of mine. When I was in Kindergarten, we used to be ushered to the bathroom by our teacher and left there for ten minutes or so to use it as a class. Sometimes there were big kids using the bathroom at the same time, and a favorite way to scare the little kids was to turn off the lights and intone, “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, I killed your seven sons!” In our version of the myth, you turned around three times, repeating that phrase. Friends, I still get a little scared in front of a dark mirror, and refuse to do more than glance at one in passing. (Though after years of desensitizing myself, I can finally walk around dark mirrors without imagining that I’m seeing Bloody Mary’s dark visage.)
Anyway, back to the episode. Donna says “Bloody Mary” three times and then stalks out of the bathroom dismissively. Who’s gonna die? Who has a DARK SECRET? In chemistry class, we learn about ions and also that Charlie’s the one with the dark secret! She pulls out a compact mirror to look for monsters and spots Bloody Mary lurking behind her. She screams and flees the classroom.
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Meanwhile, Sam’s trying to use his charm to get ahold of the mirror, only to learn that it’s been sold to an estate business. A week ago. What a coincidink. The mirror’s now in Toledo, which explains our traveling Bloody Mary. Sam explains a piece of lore that we never see again - that people used to cover mirrors so the spirits of the recently departed don’t get trapped. Dean’s ready to SMASH that mirror and kill the ghost. Go for it, Dean Bean.
Charlie calls Sam and the next scene has the Winchesters covering every reflective surface in her room. Sam coaxes her to open her eyes. Hey, Sam. What about those limpid doe eyes you sport in every episode? THOSE things are killers, man.
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Eyes are the windows to vengeful ghosts
Dean grills Charlie about her deadly secret. She had a scary boyfriend who threatened to kill himself when she broke up with him. When he died, she blamed herself.
Later in the car, Sam spins out a theory that smashing the original mirror won’t do anything. They need to summon Mary to the mirror first and then they can smash it. Otherwise, her spirit will just flit from mirror to mirror like a sprite and never get caught. Sam thinks that Mary will go after him and Dean pulls over in disgust. Time for a parenting moment, friends.
Sam thinks that Jessica’s death was his fault. Dean gives Sam a rousing speech about not blaming himself which is R I C H coming from Dean. But…early days, right? Sam confesses that there are Further Sekrets of Sam Effing Winchester. Dean throws Sam some A grade bitch face.
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They break into the antique shop and stalk around, finding a giant storeroom full of mirrors. “Fuck my life,” Dean basically says. They explore the antique warehouse full of mannequins and insidious lamps. Sam calls for Bloody Mary and they get their smashin’ hands ready.
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When Mary doesn’t show, Dean double-checks the entrance and spots bright headlights. He heads outside to head off security. Meanwhile, Bloody Mary shows up in the surrounding mirrors. AS we watch, Mirror!Sam starts to bleed. “It’s your fault,” Mirror!Sam says. “You killed her.”
Outside, Dean is…incredibly awkward talking with security. He claimed he was the owner’s son but the owner is implied not to be white. Dean explains that he’s adopted and…oh lord, Dean. They’re not buying his story AT ALL, so Dean knocks them both out quickly.
Mirror!Sam tells us Sam’s dark secret. Sam had been having nightmares about Jessica’s horrific death months before she died.
Dean races back inside, only to find Sam crumpled to the ground. Dean smashes the mirror like the goddamn HULK. Dean hauls Sammy “It’s Sam” Winchester out of the room. Unfortunately, by smashing the mirror they’ve only freed Mary.
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She crawls out of the mirror Ring-style and starts to bleed out both brothers. Dean grabs a mirror and shines it on Mary. 
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Mirror!Mary actually seems more lucid that creepy-crawly Mary and tells her that she killed everyone. Mary dissolves in a puddle of blood.
Dean and Sam run Charlie back home. Be free, little butterfly! (I’m still super weirded out by your name.)
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Sam tells her that she needs to forgive herself for her boyfriend’s death. Sometimes bad things just happen. Dean whacks Sam on the arm and tells him that it’s good advice. Pot. Kettle. Black.
As they’re played off the screen, Dean asks what Sam’s secret was, but Sam holds his cards close for a little while longer. As Sam stares moodily out the window, he sees Jessica standing on the street corner, white dress fluttering dramatically.
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Yep. Everything’s fine.
(And because Boris loves those parallels, she’s just going to drop this gifset down and run away.)
Bloody Quotes, Bloody Quotes, Bloody Quotes:
Sooner or later we’re gonna have to talk.
How many times in Dad’s long career has it ever been a freak medical thing and not some sign of some awful supernatural death?
Spirits don’t exactly see shades of gray.
It’s Sam.
Hey Sam. It’s gonna be like six hundred years back luck?
You’re my brother, and I’d die for you. But there are some things I need to keep to myself.
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