twilightarcade · 2 years
hehehe hello :)
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I've seen a good chuch of them before I sodnt kknwo why i don't like thjbgs soory
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anemoia-blue · 8 months
Help me
Tell me what to draw. I like to draw characters, People, and I can't draw non anthro animals for shit. Maybe something about My ocs, or yours. help me. im idecisive as fuck.
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d-e-c-i-f-r-a-me · 1 year
Sempre que eu amo transbordo. Então te pergunto: Você sabe nadar?
-Just Idecision
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penguinpigeon · 9 months
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drew a single card for a general guidance or waypoint forward and it gave me this
idecision…. great
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girasolcol-blog · 5 years
A veces me sulfuro por no saber qué es lo que deseo en mi vida amorosa. Llegan personas increíbles, maravillosas, que quieren brindarme lo mejor y hacerme sentir el ser humano más afortunado, pero siempre mis indecisiones, mis miedos, mis tristezas y el no atreverme a intentarlo, hacen que pierda la oportunidad de sentirme amada y de experimentar cosas nuevas. A veces siento que soy un desastre en el amor.
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sanderstalker · 6 years
The Fault In Our Sides Chapter 4: Bold
Warnings: Name calling and hurt feelings. Let me know if there are any I missed 
Word Count: 986
Thomas, after much debate, finally called Angel, and asked if she wanted to meet somewhere, to which the answer, surprisingly, was ‘yes’. They decided to meet up in a park, a public place, but not so crowded that Thomas would be recognized, considering his internet fame. It was decided that the most ideal time, was around 5 the next day.
        “Are you sure we should be doing this?” Virgil asked Thomas as they walked to the center of the park.
        “Well, now that I think about it, no.” Thomas said truthfully, “But I think she needs our help.”
        “YEAH!” Morality hollered as he popped up, “Did you hear her awful comments?! Violence was totally in control! And poor Timidness!”
Virgil thought back to the shaking creature he saw.
        “Well, I guess if we fail, nothing bad can really come of it… though we gain nothing if we succeed in turning her opinion of herself.”
        “Incorrect,” Logan showed up, “A logical conclusion would be that we gain a new ally.”
        “YAY, FRIENDS!”
Thomas chuckled as his Morality gained even more enthusiasm, that ability being surprisingly possible.
    The group, now joined by Roman, found their way to a small bench at the center of the vast grassy area, seeing Angel not to far off, sitting next to a patch of out of place color. Upon coming closer, Logan saw the odd color to be several small trinkets, and a blue bag.
        “I see you have made yourself comfortable already,” he noted, earning a startled squeak as Angel started to shove the trinkets in her bag before anyone could see them, to the onlookers confusion.
        “Sorry for startling you.” Thomas chuckled nervously, Virgil getting the better of him.
        “It’s… It’s fine.” Came the abrupt answer, “Why did you want to meet?”
Patton started to say something, but was stopped as Roman put a hand to his mouth, reminding him of the conversation they had on the car ride to the park about being subtle.
       “Well, I was thinking, since we both have… uh… these, as you called them… Faults? I thought maybe we should try and figure out why we see them together, you know, find things out and… stuff.”
Thomas’ explanation was met with silence.
        “Why?” Violence revealed herself, an accusing look turned towards Thomas, “And what makes you think we want anything to do with you and your nambi-pambi sides.”
        “LEAVE BAMBI OUT OF THIS!” Patton hollered.
        “I SAID PAMBI YOU NIMROD!” Violence hollered right back.
Patton shrunk back a bit, tears starting to form at the name calling.
        “Hey,” Virgil started, “That, was uncalled for.”
        “Said the one whose existence has always been uncalled for.” Violence stated, “Then again, we’re both in the same boat aren’t we?”
Violence felt a small tug on her baggy sleeve. Looking down, she saw the shrunken form of Timidness.
        “Violence…” the girl whispered, “Stop… you’re hurting both of their f-feelings.”
        “And suddenly you care?”
The teddy bear holding girl shrunk back as she whimpered, her expression that of an apology as she looked to Virgil and Patton.
        “Enough, both of you.” Angel sighed, “To answer you from before, sure, maybe I can find a way to get rid of these nuisances.”
Timidness seemed hurt at her choice, though it was not noticed as Violence shoved her back.
        “Do you… think you might come to understand them if you try?” Patton asked, wiping his earlier tears away, though they threatened to come back as Violence glared at him.
        “Angel never wished for that before, why would she now?” She snorted, then disappeared before Angel could make a retort. This left Timidness quite alone as she shook.
        “How much can one person hate themself?” Roman wondered, though he didn’t realize it was out loud until Logan elbowed him in the arm. This made the Prince figure look toward their ‘could-have-been’ friend, finding her looking at him, completely appalled.
        “You know nothing, you wanna-be royal pain.” She seethed, “Look, I just want to be normal, that’s all. Who wants a constant bombardment of voices in their head? Only someone INSANE would want something like that.” At this, Violence showed up again, Indecisiveness just behind her, “WHAT NOW?!” She turned to the two. Violence merely shrugged, a mocking smirk on her face.
        “This isn’t logical, Angel.” Indecisiveness stated, “We are wasting time.”
        “You stay out of this,” Angel pointed an accusing finger at her version of Logic, “Go back and be silent like you usually are when I need you.”
Indecisiveness sighed, and disappeared, though not before sending a glance toward Logan, an apology hidden behind it. She had tried.
        “I’d have to agree with Indecisivness,” Logan supported, “Your argument is rather flawed.”
        “Said the robot who wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between an emotion and an emoticon.”
Though Logan was badly hurt, he did not show it as he shook his head in dismay.
        “Perhaps, Thomas, we should give up on this foolish endeavor.”
        “Go ahead!” Angel laughed, “You won’t be the first!”
At this, three of five turned, already done, the only two being steadfast being Thomas, and Patton.
        “No.” Patton said firmly, standing tall as his usually cute and fun loving demeanor was replaced by that of someone who was saving a life, “We will be the first, the first to stay.”
Angel was silent as her eyes became wide, Timidness poking her head from behind her.
        “R-really?” She asked in awe, a wide smile growing on her face as Patton nodded his head, a sweet, familiar smile coming back to his face. “THANK YOU!” Timidness ran at him, and hugged him around his waist, the girl being only a fraction of his height, the teddy bear held firmly behind him.
    The three that started to leave, turned, seeing the whole of Angel’s sides beside her, all in awe of what was gracing their eyes. Timidness, was being bold.
This is my favorite chapter of this so far because I love the small been Timidness. Like she is so heckin cute. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. Sorry this chapter was so late. I got my wisdom teeth pulled last week and have ben kinda out of it since then. I am just now feeling like a normal person.  
Tag List: @mavisturtle, @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic, @anony-phangirl, @sleepyssnail, @phlying-squirrel, @virgilcrofters, @ierindoodles, @yangsembercelica, @barlibismi. Let me know if you want o be added or removed
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6thdarktriad · 4 years
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Every wayhaven fan on december 5th
Also all A-mancers who hope they will smooch A in book 3 this is for you
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Because your clownery is matched only by Angst du mortain themselves
Even tho im an LT route main...
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I needed to dump all my wayhaven memes now this last one is basically the LT route
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lovestay-remade · 4 years
okay so i've been thinking about this for a while and i have no idea how to word this but recently i've been feeling a very strong disconnect to my nickname... as you all know me as - cherry. i've had this name since i was a kid and have stuck with it throughout my time on tumblr so it was sort of inevitable sjhdjdhdj but if it's alright - i'd prefer to be called by seren from now on !!! 🥺
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moocha-muses · 5 years
Get To Know My Playstyle            
Got tagged by @deedee-sims and @katatty! Hi!
We’ve seen the Get to Know Me post going around and it’s really cute so here’s one for us Simmers that’s more our style.  
Family size at the start:
For Owl Creek I’ve been adding families based on ideas I have for households (and of course it started with a single sim per ancient legacy tradition) but lots of times I’ll use a random number generator and then several sim generators (I have a collection) until I come up with something I like. So, anywhere from 1-6.
The Lifespan of my sims:
I use Phaenoh’s age mod but I use the Sim Manipulator to tweak it fairly often. (Like I’m going to give all the adults in Owl Creek extra days because I don’t like it when Sims are elders as soon as their first born goes off to Uni.)
Favorite family I have played:
Oh gosh, that’s a really hard pick. My favorite OC fam is probably either the Links or the O’Doyles, depending on my mood, but tbh I love them all. My favorite family of all time is probably one of the ones I played in a non-public hood (maybe the Bradburys from Balaclava County? The Ishimoris? That one family where the wife was in permanent low-key Sailor Moon Cosplay?). My favorite Sim of all time is Kai Olmundson, from Mandrake Falls.
Am I a Malevolent or Benevolent God:
I always think of myself as extremely benevolent, but then there was the whole Kathleen thing and I did let my Sims eat a baby so maybe I’m more Old Testament than I realized? Would a loving deity allow a thing like Dan O’Doyle to exist? (Also, Achilles Alley.)
But usually I spoil my Sims pretty rotten. I almost never intentionally set them on fire.
What I like best about the current version of Sims I play:
I like how it naturally lends itself to micro-management! TS2 is my model train set, these days, I want to make all my own Sims and build all my own lots and create all my own CC. The longer I play the more DIY I get. TS3 and TS4 both take a lot of control out of the Simmer’s hands and that drives me more than a little crazy.
What I am most anticipating for the current version of the Sims:
I heard something about a Magic Pack? Gimme. But honestly, mostly mods? The TS2 modding community is amazing right now, as we all know, but I dabble in TS4 and there are some really impressive things happening there, too.
But everyone’s said mods so instead I’ll say I’m looking forward to whatever CC I make next (I have excellent taste).
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flowerjam · 2 years
also debating on if I should get a tattoo, and if I should go coloured or black and white style? Hmm. I've only been thinking about it for for 10+ years
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shotweb · 6 years
vent post in tags
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Always, Always,  We were together at all times. Always, Always,  I was thinking of you. Your company, Your time, My feelings are divided into two, baby. Right now, at a time like this, I would like to show you your pain. You told me I am the depth of your being. I am your hatred and your sadness. What you created is not a lie? Are you sure you didn't make an idol out of me? My heart changed at your convenience. False Memories, Narrow Mind Will change Slowly tell me a life lession from the fruit of your idecisive mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------ TeddyLoid - ME!ME!ME! feat. Daoko
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shandian-go · 3 years
Hi! About the Can Can Wenzhou merchies, I understand that handling orders of various stickers would be a hassle for you, but as an idecisive idiot who cannot choose and cannot afford full set of standees, I would like to humbly ask, how about an option of buying the full set of stickers? would that still be difficult for you to handle? i do not really know how they would package it and send it, sorry if this is a ridiculous question, I really appreciate all your hardwork! 🙏🏻
Sorry but it's a lot of hassle especially bc they're so small and I've already had sticker sets lost before :(
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moonlightjeno · 4 years
somebody help me n my idecisive ass 🙃 so im writmg for ateez now, bc theyve taken over my being, and have tow ideas. please help me out, if ya want. so shoot me an ask on which one you prefer?
choreographer wooyoung! au
the world seems to stop the moment the strings play through the speakers. it seems to stop and move in slow motions when you begin the routine. it stops when you reach the stage, light panning down. you swear the world pulls everything apart when your agent asks you to choreograph, with a certain black haired boy, whose gaze makes the world spin, and blood boil. you know the world spins, because everyday you spend with him, marks another flutter.
san/wooyoung rockband au!
your brother was in a band. which truly he had no right to be in because it wasn’t like they played anywhere outside your home garage. well at least that’s what you think, until you help them rehearse one day and the video goes viral, it doesn’t help that your crush is the bassist and the world seems to oull you too together. that is until the world pulls everything apart, and it seems that nothing will ever return to the loud vinyls and flimsy cassettes.
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radroller · 4 years
What's your favorite Spider-Man suit and/or your favorite Spider-Man in terms of character?
For favorite suits i don’t think you can beat the classic Spidey suit. It’s one of the most tightly designed superhero suits ever drawn. And i like it with the webby armpits too idk, it’s a weird choice but i dig that stuff. As for favorite Spider-Man in terms of character.....that’s tough. Im mostly familiar with Peter, but i like ALL the Spider-Men ive read about for different reasons, almost equally. Like Peter and Miles are for sure neck-and-neck, i love them both too much to choose a favorite between them. I almost wanna say Kaine is my favorite because of how much i adore characters who may not be the best suited for being superheroes but are damn sure gonna try. But yeah, chalk it up to me being idecisive for the umpteenth time.
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sanderstalker · 6 years
The Fault in Our Sides Chapter 5: Friends
Warnings: Really bad humor my friend and I have, minor cursing, frustration with ones self. Let me know if I missed anything.
Word Count: 985
It would be another few days, with the occasional text, until Thomas saw Angel again, though it was a chance encounter.
        “Oh, hey Angel.” He greeted, stopping in front of her, his hands laden with grocery bags from the store, “How’s it going?”
She stopped, finding his sudden appearence amusing somehow, especially since he just came out of the store, and she had just arrived.
        “Fine.” Was her simple answer, Indecisivness just behind her.
        “That is not the vocabulary I would have used, but in this scenario, it is acceptable.”
        “Seriously?” Angel turned, an unamused look plastered to her face. The safety ready girl’s response was a simple shrug as she disappeared.
        “So… I’m going to assume that you are in fact, not ‘fine’.” This wasn’t Logan, this was Thomas.
        “No shit Sherlock.” Angel growled.
        “Screw you Watson.”
The sudden come-back was rather unexpected, considering none of Thomas’ sides had shown themselves quite yet. The brunette had become silent as she became unsure of this man she had met just recently. The girl was startled when he started to laugh.
        “I’m just kidding!” He laughed harder, “There’s no need to be so serious!”
        “Now kiddo, that’s not very nice language.” Patton scolded.
        “Sorry Pat.” Thomas was still laughing.
All Angel heard was the laughter as her mind wandered to darker thoughts.
        Even they laugh. They’re no different.
She was brought back from her thoughts as she heard her name, and found that it was Logan calling her.
        “What?” She asked, quite confused.
        “We have to leave,” Logan replied, “I do believe you have some shopping of your own.”
        “Where you off to in such a hurry?” The girl asked, truly curious.
        “Oh, just making dinner for some friends of mine!” Thomas beamed, halfway to his car already.
        “Ah,” Angel nodded, “Have fun with that.” She stated, and entered the store, having nothing more to say.
    So. He has friends.
        “I bet they don’t know.” Indecisivness stated.
        “I bet they think he’s a freak!” Violence laughed.
        “Wh-what if they could be nice?” Timidness said, perking up, but it disappeared as she was ignored once again, walking at the back of the pack.
        “Who cares!” Obsession hollered, “Did you guys see the new Steven Universe episode last night?! IT WAS EPIC! They were all like WOOSH! AND BANG BANG! AND-”
        “NO SPOILERS!” Most hollered.
        “Shut it! You all saw it too!”
        “You know I have a two second attention span.” Violence whined.
        “Not my fault.” Obsession grumbled, then had an idea, “Okaaaaayyy. Who wants to see my fan art?!”
Violence zoomed to the princess-like girl, wanting to take a peak at her drawings, Indecisivnes and Timidness staying out of their infatuations, of course.
    Angel continued to walk, wishing for quiet, just once in her life she wished she could have complete silence, her mind refusing to let her rest as it went several direction at once. Violence hating most of the ships in any Fandom, Obsession loving everything, and not taking a break, ever. Indecisivness was constantly going over the shopping list, debating on whether one product was better than the other, and Timidness, was useless.
        “Can you all just, just shut up for once?” Angel stated, firmly, hoping no one heard her, though the short isle was oddly silent afterwards, “I need to think, for once, without your help.” She stated, softer than the first time, but still rather harshly. Her order was met with defiance.
        “Make us.” Violence smiled, knowing her threat to be a hard blow to the already suffering girl.
        “It would be illogical to not be involved when you often disregard your pocketbook.” Indecisivness said, matter-of-factly.
        “BUT STEVEN UNIVERSE!” Obsession screamed, making Angel second guess the fact that no one could hear them.
Shaking her head, she continued with the constant banter of voices, seen, and heard, only by her.
    Meanwhile, Thomas had finally made it to his home, and started making dinner. Pizza. He placed his usual groceries away, then, wanting a break, he turned on his TV, and found the newly uploaded Steven Universe episodes ready, and waiting. Sadly, he didn’t get to watch all of it as his two best friends came bursting through the door.
        “SOME BODY ONCE TOLD ME THAT YOU WERE MAKING PIZZA!” Joan burst out in song, of which Talyn finshed.
Thomas shreiked in his laughter, then answered just as dramatically.
The group of three laughed, until Thomas realized the odd smell that started to permeate the air was the pizza being close to burning. It was saved, though the edges were slightly burnt.
        “Uh… have you guys seen my pizza cutter?” Thomas asked.
        “We literally just got here,” Talyn laughed.
        “Never mind, I found scissors!”
        “WAIT!” Joan hollered, “What would Patton say?”
Thomas looked to the punny father figment, who merely shrugged.
        “As long as you don’t run with them kiddo!” With that he disappeared.
        “We’re good!”
The Pizza was served, though a little oddly shaped…
        “So,” Joan started around a mouthful off pizza, “How’s it going with the sides as a whole?”
Talyn nodded in agreement with the question.
        “Uh… Mine are fine.” Thomas placed his plate of pizza down, suddenly no longer hungry as he thought of Angel.
        “What’s that supposed to mean?” Talyn asked, trying to fit another slice into their mouth as they tilted their head upward.
        “Well… I met a girl-”
The two spit out their food.
Thomas dragged a hand over his face.
        “Not. Like. That you assuming shits.” He laughed.
        “We know,” Joan laughed, “We’re just messing with you!”
Throwing a pillow at Joan, Thomas continued his story.
        “Long story short, she ran me over with a shopping cart… and then I saw her sides… and she saw mine.”
*Cricket noise*
Sorry about this being a little late. I am really bad at keeping a consistent schedule. Hope you liked it. Also this is the last chapter my friend and I have written and she has limited internet so it may be a while before we have more of this.
Tag List: @mavisturtle, @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic, @anony-phangirl, @sleepyssnail, @phlying-squirrel, @virgilcrofters, @ierindoodles, @yangsembercelica, @barlibismi. Let me know if you want to b added or removed
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