#idc about all the people he murdered. he is a special guy. they probably deserved it anyways.
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this-hound · 1 year ago
soft gentlebeard + babygirl ed doodle compilation
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reblogs and comments are appreciated!!!
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mad-hats · 3 years ago
starred wars. full reign. all of starring wars.
Oh god… where do I even start do you realize how many characters are in Star Wars? How many blorbos and glup shittos fit in there?? This will be very long I apologize in advance.
Blorbo: honestly I have quite a few favorites I think. Probably Boba Fett mostly as of late though if not just because bobf has been eating at my brain. I am obsessed with his characterization like they took a random fucking guy the Fanboys™️ clung to and made him such an interesting character. Ahsoka is a blorbo too just because there is so much to think abt with her…. Oh and Omega I think of her way too much but I’ll discuss that more in poor little meow meows.
Scrunkly: hm. You know this is actually kind of hard. I’m just gonna say Din though my tin can man I admit he’s not actually scrunkly or baby but he is shaped and sometimes I want to throw a slice of cheese at his helmet because I think his confused reaction would be funny. Oh Echo is also shaped and my special guy. Not rlly scrunkly or a baby again but I think being an armored cyborg is perhaps one of the most shaped things you can do. He’s cute though I want to completely redesign his ugly whitewashed design and give him a gun attachment for his arm he deserves it <3
Scrimblo Bimblo: Max fucking Rebo my blue little guy rip j*zz legend you will be missed😔BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY Finn and Rose they were sidelined so hard and Star Wars has a nasty habit of doing this with their compelling poc characters my god they deserved such better writing and screen time and literally Everything. Oh also K-2SO? He was iconic in Rogue One literally one of my favorite droids and I think Rogue One should be discussed more in general but I just thought K-2was neat :]
Glup Shitto: That hot turquoise twi’lek guy from bobf. He doesn’t have a name but he is trans and he seems nice :]. Literally any handmaiden. They had to deal with So much. Basically any minor character from tcw because no one else knows who they are but I would freak out if they were mentioned. Bossk was in the originals too but if boba so much mentions him in the new content I will Talk Extensively about it.
Poor Little Meow Meow: Maul lol. He’s very popular he’s just such a weird evil fucked up terrifying but also kind of pathetic little guy. Uhhhh also Omega! She’s fine she’s just mildly controversial because the tbb writing was lacking to say the least and a lot of people thought she was annoying and doesnt make sense in the big picture and I get that but I can fix her. Oh and Commander Fox! He’s not pathetic or anything and didn’t even have much of an appearance but he is kinda controversial. A good chunk of the tcw fandom Hates him because killed Fives but I will defend him anyway, like I love Fives so so much but Fox did what he thought he had to do it’s all very nuanced you can learn more by sending me Star Wars sideblog asks someone please-
Horse Plinko: Tech and Crosshair in a fairly lighthearted way like they’re still clones so I’ll always support them to an extent but their designs are so so ugly and I like bullying them in discord servers. Less lighthearted with Cross though he’s kind of a dick. Obi-Wan in a lighthearted way too because he’s fun to see in pain. The Kryze sisters in a significantly less lighthearted way though they’re interesting but mass murder and irresponsible leadership is not inherently girlboss I’m sorry. I will also bully any Viszla for anything at any time.
Eeby Deeby: Palpatine lol he just sucks for obvious reasons. Oh and Kyle Ron. Kylo stannies dni I Do Not Care if he was redeemed I don’t care if his name is actually Ben and I don’t care about Reylo I simply Do Not Care For Him he’s so whiny and angsty and for what his backstory is not even THAT bad he gives incel vibes and idc if he’s a goth angsty sadboi Maul did it better and he did it with horns and cool tattoos.
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spencersawkward · 4 years ago
switchblade faith//spencer reid - chapter 7
summary: one month after joining the BAU, Clea is still settling in. between solving murders and getting acclimated to DC, the only comfortable thing in her life is her friendship with Dr. Spencer Reid.
relationship: Fem!OC/Spencer
word count: 4.3k
idc if i've used this gif before it's AMAZING and i love it.
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somewhat unfortunately, Halloween rolls around. between the most intense case of my career and the rest of the ones that have come in, the meaningless holiday has barely crossed my mind. it's only Penny's eager reminder to find a costume that brings it to the front of my mind. I could half-ass it and pick something stupid, but then I would feel bad. everyone else in the office is just so excited about it, I don't want to be a sour influence. 
plus, we deserve to have some fun. 
I decide on a simple costume and on the 31st of October, I find myself in Penelope Garcia's bathroom with a tube of cherry red lip gloss and a somewhat reluctant expression. 
"oh, c'mon." her voice is muffled through the door.
"quick question," I tighten the scarlet string around my neck, looking at myself in the mirror. "how full-out did you go?" 
"baby, you know I only go to the extreme." she quips. I roll my eyes playfully, then open the bathroom door, stepping into the purple hallway with what can only be feigned confidence. 
it's not that I don't look pretty; I think I look good. but it's the sheer silliness of it that makes my walk a little less than proud. I stopped dressing up for Halloween before I hit twelve. and now I'm twirling (at Penelope's command) in a short dress. 
"I'm not even joking, Little Red: you look hot." she says, eyeing me up and down. there's an enormous purple seashell clipped in her blonde curls, sparkles all over her skin. she looks exactly like herself-- beautiful and whimsical in every aspect. 
"thanks." I blush. 
"come show us!" JJ calls from the living room. Emily would be with us, but she said she had to run an errand beforehand. I glance at Penelope once and widen my eyes. why am I so nervous? I'm acting like a child. 
"go on, then!" Pen practically shoves me forward and I stumble a bit in my heels before walking out of the hallway and making my grand entrance by the couch. JJ is holding an enormous bowl of popcorn, dressed like Britney Spears. her jaw drops. 
"do a spin!" she squeals. I do so, and the red cape flutters around me like the petals of a blooming flower. she sets the bowl down, claps. "I love it!" 
"thanks." when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror on her wall, my cheeks are rosy. my hair tumbles over my shoulders and the cut of my dress is a bit low, but the cleavage is actually kind of a good addition. red ribbon falls just to my décolletage, a slight tease. 
"we should head out soon, though," JJ checks her phone. "wouldn't want Hotch to leave by the time we arrive."
"is he even coming?" I ask. 
"said he would. Pen made quite the case for herself." JJ pops a kernel into her mouth and I look to the tech analyst, who has a mischievous smirk on her candy pink lips. she raises an eyebrow. 
"I told him I'd bring candy corn."
"seriously?" I can't keep the surprise out of my voice. didn't realize someone that serious could be plied with the promise of candy. 
"yes, now come on." Penny scoops up her purse, which is shaped like a giant pearl, and goes to her cabinet to grab the candy corn. before long, we're out the door, chattering aimlessly on our way to the office. 
when we get there, I start to get nervous. although I'm not sure why, I get self-conscious about my dress and hood, about the secret black garter around my thigh. it's my personal secret, something I wore for myself. 
there are a few decorations up. some people from around the office are talking, and everyone is dressed to the nines. Garcia opens the door for me and I head straight for Emily's desk, where the rest of the team is gathered. Rossi works his way through a handful of hard candies in his palm. Emily is stunning in her black cat costume.  
"hey, you guys." she breaks into a grin when she sees JJ and Pen and me, the rest of the group parting to look at us. my eyes snag on Spencer, with his Frankenstein mask resting on the top of his head so he can talk normally. even Hotch is pleased to see the three of us. 
"thanks, Garcia!" he cheers as she hands him the bag of candy corn. 
"you know, you're lucky he left the house for that." Rossi raises his eyebrows and points at the unit chief. 
"oh, we know." JJ smirks. 
"you look great!" Emily gives each of us a hug. she smells like something slightly spicy and warm, a nice scent that makes me want to hold on tighter. I don't know how to explain it; Prentiss has a very calming presence to me. I always find myself hanging around her whenever I need to decompress after cases, even if it just means talking about regular life. 
"you do, too!" I grab a handful of caramel corn from the bowl she offers. "it looks pretty nice in here, actually." 
"don't sound so surprised. think we couldn't handle a few decorations and snacks?" Rossi questions. it's getting easier to be around him now, honestly. despite my initial hesitance about his seniority, he's never made me feel small for my lack of experience in this specific field. 
"she's against the whole holiday." Garcia makes a face as she berates me. Spencer shakes his head like I'm insane.
"that's not true!" I protest. "I never said I was against it, I just don't get why people are so excited about Halloween every year." 
"because it's fun." Spencer speaks up. I roll my eyes. 
"I'm not convinced." 
"well, I'm glad you said so, because I've actually planned a little activity for us!" Garcia is practically bursting with excitement as she says it, like she's been holding it in the whole evening. she probably has. 
my stomach twists. to be honest, I had been hoping for a relaxing evening and then an early night. an "activity" sounds like it'll interrupt those plans. but she's so elated that I can't help smiling. 
"what is it?" Prentiss feigns wariness. 
"well," Garcia simpers in a way that makes me think we're in for an interesting night. "I took the liberty of hiding certain candies around the office last night before we went home." 
"hiding them?" JJ repeats with a smirk. 
"in little plastic pumpkin cases. they're absolutely adorable, like Easter egg size--" 
"you're sending us on an Easter egg hunt?" Rossi looks at her disbelievingly. I let out a nonplussed noise. Penelope is ready to defend herself, however, pointing a finger at him and sounding as firm as she can manage. 
"it's going to be cute, dammit. whoever gets the most candies gets a special surprise at the end." 
"what's the surprise?" Emily asks. 
"it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" Penelope replies. 
there's a silence in the circle as we all try to figure out how to react. it's childish, for sure. nobody is arguing that point; but it also sounds kind of not that bad to me.
"oh come on, guys!" she addresses our lack of enthusiasm. "we've had a hard couple of weeks. let's at least try and have some fun." 
JJ starts to laugh, putting her arm around the tech analyst's waist while she snuggles into her shoulder. 
"if it'll make you happy, Pen." 
"it will!" Garcia nods vigorously and turns to us. I catch myself breaking into a smile. there are much worse things than going on a Halloween candy hunt, especially given the usual circumstances of being in the office. 
"alright!" I throw up my hands and Emily is next to concede. Spencer has been quiet this whole time, but he straightens up from his usual slouching position and tries to hide the grin spreading over his lips. Rossi and Hotch glance at each other. 
"alright." the Italian shrugs. 
"what do we have to do, then?" I ask. 
"well, there are a bunch of pumpkins hidden all over. you'll know them when you see them." she clasps her hands together. "I'm timing you, too, so you're going to have half an hour." 
"wait a second," Emily frowns. "what if some of the other people who aren't in on it find the candies first?" 
there's a sound of general assent from all of us. we aren't the only employees here. Penelope doesn't seem bothered by this, however. 
"then I guess you'd better move fast." she pulls out her phone and presses a button, and we disperse with a quickness that really does make me feel like a kid again. I never did Easter egg hunts as a child, but this is a welcome distraction. low stakes competition. 
I start to wander around, starting at my desk. there's a pumpkin behind my computer monitor, and one in my desk drawer, although that's it for my personal workspace. my feet carry me to other place around the office, my fingers trailing over the tops of cabinets and under desks. Penelope sits in Prentiss' chair with a sucker-- a smug, luminous mermaid as she watches all of us scramble. 
"you got Hotch to search for hidden candy. impressive." I pass her on my way to Anderson's desk. she hasn't hidden anything in too private a place, but maybe there's something in his paperclip dish. 
"I'm a witch." she wiggles her brows. 
"I thought you were a mermaid." I wink. she grabs the hem of my dress and tugs on it. 
"just go find your candy, silly." 
"is there anything in Hotch's office?" I nod towards the almost intimidating room. her eyes flicker around to see who might be around us. fortunately, everyone is too wrapped up in their current task to even look our way. I look like I'm just wasting time. 
"you didn't hear it from me," she whispers. "but yes." 
a sparkle of satisfaction burns in my chest.
"love you, Penny." I make my way towards the office. the door is shut and the actual usual inhabitant of it hasn't gone inside, so he must have overlooked the idea that Garcia would hide candy in there. I'm sure they'll be easy finds, too, since she's terrified of crossing any boundaries with him and wouldn't press her luck by touching his things. 
I head over to the couch by the door and see a plastic pumpkin resting on the table next to it, nestled between the wall and the surface. 
"ha!" I snatch the thing up, then keep poking around. there's another one on the bookshelf. without anywhere else to put them, I put the found objects in the hood of my cape, dropping them in before moving onto the next. 
I'm under the desk when I hear the door get pushed open slightly more. my head pops up from the inconspicuous spot and there's Reid, pockets stuffed while he peers around the space. 
"hey." I say. he jumps when he sees me kneeling on the floor. 
"oh, hi," he frowns. "why are you on the ground?"
I grab the little orange pumpkin package that's tucked against one of the desk legs, then show him smugly. "winning." 
"how many do you have?" he pretends to be curious, but I can sense an undercurrent of competitiveness. I stand and shrug. he eyes my costume to see if I have any spots that hint at a candy stash. he doesn't think to check the hood of my cape. 
"that's for me to know and you to find out." 
Spencer squints briefly. "are you secretly good at this?" 
"am I?" I raise my eyebrows. "don't try to profile me, Reid." 
"I'm not profiling you!" he lets out one of those rare laughs, the musical sound that lives in his throat. I wish he would laugh more; there's something kind of cute about his face when he does. 
"mhmm." I say doubtfully and come to stand in front of him. "let's see it, then." 
"see what?"
"what you have so far." I say the words and he immediately places his hands over his pockets. 
"no way! you didn't show me yours." he protests quickly. I wrinkle my nose. 
"oh come on, Reid." I roll my eyes. "if you show me yours, I'll show you where I keep mine." 
he watches me skeptically again. "why?" 
"because I think we could be allies." 
there's a silence after the suggestion. truthfully, the idea just popped into my head. we could win pretty easily, though, if we coordinate.
"really?" the corners of his lips flicker upwards. he's unsure whether or not he should give in.
"are you kidding? with your smartness and my generally conniving nature, we could really do some damage." I tease. he giggles. 
"I've never heard someone describe themselves as conniving." 
"call it self-awareness," I smirk. "are you in or not?" 
he glances behind him at the bullpen, our friends still searching for the pumpkin packages while Garcia twists a pen between her fingers. when she wants to, she can look intimidating. I raise an eyebrow and wait for Spencer's response. his face turns to mine. those irises are such a pretty shade. 
"alright, boy genius!" I cheer, then reach up to undo my cape. he looks slightly panicked for a second as I undo the red ribbon, but relaxes when I grab the hood and show him the stash of pumpkins. "see?"
it’s crammed with orange packages.
“that's pretty smart." he admits with an impressed smile.
"right?" I agree. "come on, then. I think I've practically swept this place clean." 
he follows me out the door in our search. 
by the time the thirty minutes are up, Spencer and I have made shocking progress in consolidating our supply. we've decided that if we beat everyone, we'll share the surprise. if it's something we can't split, we'll rock-paper-scissors for victory (two out of three, of course). but I'm not too concerned about it. 
when we wander over to Penelope's spot at the desk, we're practically strutting. 
"someone's confident." she notes. I take my cape off again and slam the thing down on the surface. Spencer has an amused look on his face. 
we ended up spending a lot of time arguing about the best spots to hide candy, though I mostly let him take the lead— in terms of hiding places, he's been here longer and knows more than I do. and, unrelated, but he's pretty funny when he's not busy thinking about a case. his references are a little nerdy, but I kind of enjoy listening to the explanations. 
"we kicked ass." I cross my arms over my chest and Spencer nods. everyone around us is suspicious; JJ points between us. 
"did you two team up?" 
"maybe." I glance at Spencer, who's already looking at me to gauge my reaction to the question. 
"that's cheating!" JJ laughs. Spencer shakes his head. 
"actually, Garcia never laid out any formal rules for the game."
"mhmm!" I nod in agreement, grateful to have him there with his factual authority. JJ sighs, but nobody can stay mad at Spencer. we share a grin before Emily eyes the separate piles on the desk. 
Garcia went out of her way to hide a lot of treats. that said, it's clear that the combined amount from Reid and me beats out everyone else's. we high five once she announces us the official winners. 
"what's our prize?" Spencer asks as everyone lightheartedly boo's our victory. 
"a gift card to that new fried chicken place that we ordered from a while ago." Garcia presents a shiny plastic card to me. it's a great treat, honestly, becuase I'm hungry and takeout is one of my favorite things in the world. 
the team congratulates us on our win and things start to wind down. Hotch makes an excuse to get home and Rossi muses about a pack of cigars that await him. I feel the energy in the office start to dissipate, but now I feel like I'm on a bit of a victory high. I got all dressed up and now everyone wants to leave? disappointing.
as Prentiss and JJ shrug on their coats, I run my fingertip over the edge of the gift card. Spencer is packing some extra books into his bag. he told me to keep the gift card and that it wasn't a big deal, but I don't feel right not sharing. especially not when we didn’t rock-paper-scissors for it.
"Reid." I walk over to his spot, lean against the desk. he glances up in surprise. 
"do you wanna share this with me?" I wave the reward in the air. his brows draw together for a fraction of a second. he seems confused. 
"right now?" 
"sure, why not?" I gesture to the bullpen, which is emptying quickly. "it's not even that late." 
he checks his watch as if to confirm my assertion, then stuffs his slim wrists into his pockets and stares at me for a second. I start to get the sense he’s going to say no, and something in me sinks. his tongue darts out over his bottom lip. he's got his mouth open a lot. "y-yeah, that sounds fun." 
I nod at the good news. "okay, cool. I'm too lazy to actually drive there, so I'll just order delivery?"
"okay." he gives me a small smile while I pull out my phone to call the place. I'm a little bit glad that it's just us. 
"try it." I pop the plastic cover off the sauce cup before setting it next to him. 
"that looks gross." Spencer shakes his head quickly through a mouthful of food. my jaw drops and I snatch the sauce right back, dipping the chicken into it and taking a hefty bite. 
"it's literally the perfect combination of salty and smooth." I protest. Reid looks dubious, however, and leans his head back against the side of the desk. we started the evening in the swivel chairs, but we're both fidgety at heart and now we're on the floor. 
he takes a swig of his drink. "I never knew lemonade could taste so good." 
"same." I laugh. "can I have your sauce thing, then?" 
he responds by dismissively pushing the thing over to me. we're sitting side-by-side, and somehow I think that's easier for him. we don't have to look each other in the eyes as we talk. 
"I'm proud of us." I announce. Spencer snorts. 
"we found so much candy! which we can now eat for dessert." I reach up to grab my cape off my desk, and the hood thuds to the ground. 
"we're a good team." he says it lightheartedly. Spencer is right, though; we work really well together on cases. it makes sense that it would translate into candy hunts. he's way smarter than I am, but it functions well. 
"we should do the Amazing Race." 
"I don't think either of us would like that." he takes a bite of his fry and I finish up the last of my chicken. 
"you wanna hear a secret?" my head turns to his. 
"what?" he reciprocates. his features appear especially delicate right now, almost suspended. I can see a darkness in his lids that contradicts the youth of his mien. I'm so close, I could kiss his nose if I wanted to. I don't, but I could. 
"aside from the team aspect, I don't really know what the Amazing Race is." I giggle. Spencer breaks into a laugh and turns away again, filling the office with the sound. I blush.
"then why did you bring it up?" his voice gets slightly high-pitched when he tries to speak through it. 
"I don't know, I feel like people say that all the time." 
"nobody has ever asked me to be in the Amazing Race with them." Spencer is still giggling when he looks over at me. I bite my lip before asking the thing that plagues me. 
"so, what is it?"
"the Amazing Race?"
"no, Newton's Laws." I deadpan. "yes, the Amazing Race." 
he throws his hands up and I chuckle. he straightens. 
"it's a reality game show where they race to travel the world." 
"that's it? no stats for me, genius boy?" I gesture for him to elaborate. Spencer shrugs. 
"I don't really care about reality shows." 
"you don't--" I blink exaggeratedly, as if the fact is shocking. "you don't care about reality shows?"
"we get enough reality here as it is."
"oh, Spence...." I sigh. "there are few things faker than reality tv."
"why do you like them?" he's genuinely curious. I see the glimmer of the Work Spencer with which I've become familiar. always trying to get under the surface, digging for answers even when they don't seem immediately relevant. 
"I like to turn my brain off sometimes, you know?" I close the lid of my food and take a drink of my lemonade while I wait for him to respond. although he doesn't look at me as he nods, I can tell he understands what I mean. if anything, he knows the feeling better than I do. 
"yeah, I get that." 
"everyone just acts really stupid and they care way too much about things that usually, like, don't even matter. it's sort of comforting in a weird, depressing, god-I'm-glad-that's-not-me way." 
"that's interesting," he peeks over at me for just a second. "you know, there's actually been studies done that show people with higher annual incomes suffer from higher levels of depression and anxiety."
"I believe it." I make a noncommittal sound and reach into the hood of my cape to grab a piece of candy. with the movement, I shift and the hem of my dress lifts enough to expose the garter on my thigh, and the object tucked within it. Reid's eyes pass briefly over me, but he does a double-take when he sees the thing. 
"is that--?" he points at my leg. I hitch up the garment a little so I can remove the knife that's been pressed to my thigh the whole evening. 
"a weapon? yeah, technically." I chuckle. Spencer's jaw drops in disbelief. even as I hold it in my hands, he seems afraid to touch it. 
it's not really a weapon. I got it from one of my friends as a gift a while ago, a lovely little resin dagger that's filled with red flower petals and gold flakes. it glints under the office lights. 
"you're really not supposed to have that in here." he gulps, glances up at the corners of the room, where I'm sure security cameras are mounted. I hand it to him, pressing the blade into his palm. 
"then stop looking at all the cameras so suspiciously." I scoff. he turns a bit to look at the thing, tilts the edges under the glow to examine it with a strange expression. his long, elegant fingers move over the handle.  
"where did you get this?" 
"it was a present. it's not dangerous." I shrug. the edges are pretty dull; it's more of a decorative piece. I would equate its actual risk level to that of a particularly pointy pen. 
"why did you bring it?" he hands it to me gingerly, our hands touching briefly before I slide it back into the garter on my thigh. his eyes follow my movements, and something in my stomach flips unexpectedly. 
"I collect them." 
"knives?" he doesn't seem taken aback, only interested, judging by the way he frowns quizzically. I nod and face him.
"yeah. I started as a kid, but I have a whole variety of them-- antique, new, ornate, plain-- I love 'em all." I explain enthusiastically. Spencer opens his mouth and I realize that he must have a million questions. he always has a million questions. 
"why knives?" 
I pull my mouth to the side of my face. it's not like there's some deep, dark reason behind my predilection for collecting sharp objects. and I’ve tried to answer that question myself, always coming up empty. some things people just... like. "I don't know." 
like I've put a damper over the conversation. 
"o-oh." Spencer's eyes drop into his lap, where he's been fidgeting with his hands for the past couple minutes. he thinks I'm withholding, that he's crossed some sort of line. my heart sinks. 
"I'm serious, Reid-- I don't know." I laugh it off. "I just think they're cool the same way that you think math is cool." 
"math is cool." he looks up for a second to smile. I nudge his shoulder with mine. his slight frame means he almost tips over and I laugh.  
"hard disagree, but sure."
Spencer stretches his legs out before him, and I'm reminded of how tall he is. he's prone to slouching, so it's easy to forget that his body is actually pretty lengthy. when he taps his Converse together absently, I notice the different colors of his socks. one has watermelon slices and the other has the Road Runner on them.  
"I like your mask, by the way." I compliment. 
"oh, you mean this?" he tugs the thing down over his face. it's gruesome, really, tinged green with baggy skin below the eye holes. I make a disgusted face and push his shoulder away from me.  
"something wrong?" he uses a funny monster voice when he says it, wiggling his fingers playfully. I cackle. he’s never done that.
"god, that thing is ugly." 
Spencer removes the mask again, a ghost of a grin on his face. for all of his shyness, he's enjoying himself right now. 
we sit there in silence for a bit, cracking open the plastic pumpkin packages that Garcia has stuffed with all sorts of candy. we trade jelly beans like currency, blue raspberry for orange and anything remotely citrus-flavored that he loves. he doesn't mind taking them from my open palm, which fills me with a strangely warm feeling. 
I realize that there's more to Spencer's anxiety than germs, a thin layer of something that he lays between each person and himself. we don't talk about weighty subjects; we aren't friends like that-- not yet, anyway. but I'm glad that he feels alright with this kind of proximity.
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lesbian-deadpool · 6 years ago
Tony, His Adopted Blue Murder Child, And Co.
Tony has created a chat.
Tony has renamed the chat: Fuck Space. Fuck This Shit. I Want Pizza.
Tony: All byyyyyy myyyyy seeeeelf.
Tony: Don't wanna be.
Tony: All byyyyyyyy myyyyyyy seeeeeeelf!
Nebula has joined the chat.
Tony: Tf? Leave me alone to my suffering.
Nebula: Bitch make me.
Tony: Okay, Smurfette fite me.
Nebula: Nah, can't be bothered.
Nebula: Come over here and let me shoot you.
Tony: Don't wanna walk.
Tony: Messing with this ship has exhausted me.
Nebula: Fuck that cable...
Wade has joined the chat.
Wade: I don't think I need to elaborate on that.
Wade has left the chat.
Nebula: What? Who was that?
Tony: I have absolutely no clue.
Nebula: Anyway... how long till we touch solid ground again?
Tony: Please refer to my previous answer.
Nebula: Well ain't you just 190lbs of sarcasm.
Tony: Hey! This body is a tight 171lbs.
Tony: But you're right, the majority of it is sarcasm, yes.
Nebula: And what's the rest of it?
Tony: Trauma.
Nebula: Well, I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that.
Tony: Peter used to help me.
Nebula: With your trauma??
Tony: Peter told me he was sorry.
Nebula: What?
Tony: Peter used to say that.
Nebula: Okay...
Tony: Peter used to say that, too!
Nebula: Are you crying?
Tony: Fuck no. Tony Stark doesn't cry for anybody. You can thank my abusive father for that :)
Nebula: I know how you feel.
Nebula: We both have bad fathers.
Nebula: Thanos will breathe his last breath soon enough. Then your son will be avenged.
Nebula: Tf?
Nebula: Seriously, stop crying.
Tony: I'm not crying.
Nebula: Then what's that coming out of your eyes?
Tony: Oh, this?
Tony: This is just some depression leaking from my eyes. It's a natural occurrence.
Nebula: ... so, crying?
Nebula: I can see you dude, you're bawling your fucking eyes out.
Tony: SHUT UP.
Nebula: Hey, now you can drink your tears!
Tony: I'M NOT CRYING. I told you, it's liquid depression!
Nebula: Ffs.
Nebula has renamed the chat: Drink your tears, Tony.
Tony has renamed the chat: Go fuck yourself, Nebula.
Nebula has renamed the chat: Drink your liquid depression, Tony.
Tony: That's more like it, thank you.
Nebula: Are all humans like this?
Tony: Only the ones with issues.
Tony: So yes.
Nebula: What a race.
Tony: You can't tell me you've never cried.
Nebula: When I was a child. Before Thanos removed my ability to cry, along with most of my body parts, and organs, replacing them with metal.
Tony: ...
Tony: You're my child now.
Tony: I'm signing your adoption papers. You're legally my child now.
Tony: I've always wanted a daughter.
Tony: You will be safe with me. I promise.
Nebula: ... that was really sweet, and I don't know how to reply to that.
Tony: My God, you are my daughter.
Tony: Don't worry, I will give you the fatherly love you deserve.
Nebula: Your son was so lucky.
Tony: Wait, son? Huh?
Nebula: Yes. That little spider child.
Tony: Peter?
Nebula: Yeah, that one.
Tony: Peter wasn't my son.
Nebula: He wasn't?
Tony: No.
Tony: Yes, I loved him like he was my son. Tried to guide him with what fatherly wisdom I may have. I tried to protect him with my heart and soul. Was proud of every-single-thing he did. Went to every special event he had. He won his high school decathlon you know. He's so smart. And special. I was lucky to have someone so happy in my life. OMG, I miss him so much. Come back, my son!
Tony: So, yeah. Not my son at all.
Nebula: Right... whatever you say...
Tony: Oh my, I almost forgot I was so excited. Consent is key.
Tony: Would you like to be my daughter?
Nebula: Aren't I a little too old to get adopted?
Tony: Idc.
Tony: ???
Nebula: .............. yespleaseIwouldlovethatverymuch............
Tony: Alrighty then. You are my child. I love you, daughter.
Tony: Don't worry. I'll teach you what love is. Me and my to be wife, Pepper. She's your mom now. If she's still alive, that is...
Nebula: Thank you.
Tony: You are welcome.
Korg has joined the chat.
Korg: Hey fellas, fancy joining a revolution?
Nebula: Fellas?
Tony: Who the fuck is this?
Korg: Hi, I'm Korg. I'm made out of rocks, but there's no need to be frightened. I'm a kind guy.
Wade has joined the chat.
Wade: The Thing. But space.
Wade has left the chat.
Nebula: There he is again!
Korg: Who was that? A friend of yours? Does he want to join a revolution?
Tony: I am way too sober for this.
Nebula: I can kill him for you.
Tony: How about we don't do that?
Valkrie has joined the chat.
Tony: Now who the hell is this?
Valkrie: Who the hell are you?
Tony: I'm the hell person whose chat this is.
Valkre: Oh. Well trust me, I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me to be here.
Nebula: So why are you then?
Valkrie: Korg. Stop talking to these weirdo's, and come help me build this fucking ship.
Korg: A revolutionary ship?
Valkrie: Korg, you do know that we don't need the revolution anymore? We won.
Korg: There's always a need for a revolution.
Tony: I actually agree with the space rock here.
Nebula: Same.
Nebula: Especially if it's against Thanos.
Tony: I'm pretty sure that's not how that works.
Nebula: Whatever. As long as I can stick my blade through Thanos, I couldn't care less.
Valkrie: Who's this Thanos?
Tony: You know how people/aliens/whatever turned to dust around you?
Valkrie: Yeah?
Tony: Yeah, well that was Thanos' doing.
Nebula: And also half of the universe turned to dust, not just the things around you.
Valkrie: Oh.
Valkrie: Yeah, let's kill him. Brutally.
Tony: Glad you agree.
Valkrie: Korg, come on, let's build this ship. And help kill this fucker.
Korg: ... a revolutionary ship?
Valkrie: It can be whatever type of ship you want. As long as you help me build it!
Korg: Okay! Bye guys, I'll send you some pamphlets, if I find out where you are.
Korg has left the chat.
Tony: Hold on, what revolution?
Valkrie: I don't actually know. I black out every time he talks about it. All I know is there was a lot of fighting, and we won.
Nebula: Who mentioned a revolution?
Valkrie: See? Just like that.
Valkrie: Anyway, I gotta go lose what's left of my sanity... maybe I can get drunk.
Tony: Get drunk?
Tony: Where? How? Can I have some?
Tony: Please. I'm so sad. I have lost so much, and I don't know who I've lost on Earth.
Tony: Please help me dull this pain.
Nebula: Jesus man. You need help.
Tony: Hey, that's dad to you. And yes. Yes, I do.
Tony: So, about that booze.
Valkrie: No. All mine.
Valkrie has left the chat.
Tony: Oh, gee thanks.
Nebula: Want me to kill her for you?
Tony: We really need to have a discussion about your immediate reaction with murder.
Nebula: So, is that a...?
Tony: No. That is a firm, no.
Nebula: Do you want me to kill ANYONE?
Tony: No, you don't have to murder for me, or my love.
Nebula: You really are the best dad.
Tony: That is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.
Nebula: Are you crying again?
Tony: No.
Nebula: I can clearly see you.
Tony: ... no, you can't.
Nebula: Just because you're now wearing your Iron Man helmet, doesn't mean you're not crying.
Tony: Yes it does.
The Grand Master has joined the chat.
The Grand Master has changed their name to: TGM.
TGM: Does my name sound weird like this?
Tony: Anybody who calls themselves 'The Grand Master' is a narcissistic weirdo.
Tony: At least 'TGM' can be an acronym for something better.
Nebula: Like 'The Great Mistake'.
Tony: And 'This Guy is Measly'.
Wade has joined the chat.
Wade: 'Tomg it's Gjeff Mgoldblum'.
Wade has left the chat.
Tony: Huh?
Korg has joined the chat.
Korg: 'To Ghost Men'.
Korg has left the chat.
Tony: What?
Valkrie has joined the chat.
Valkrie: 'To Get Masacered'.
Valkrie has left the chat.
Tony: What?!
Nebula: I like her.
Tony: Of course you do.
Tony: Oh my God, you and Nat are going to take over the world.
Tony: If she's still alive that is...
Nebula: Only one world?
TGM: Oh, oh, can I join?
Nebula: No.
Tony: Leave now.
TGM: This wouldn't happen if I still had my champion. Fucking sparkles.
TGM has been blocked from the chat.
Nebula: Who was he talking about?
Tony: Idk.
Tony: Probably some aliens or something.
Thanos has joined the chat.
Thanos: Sup losers?
Tony: Oh daughter of mine, do you notice something?
Thanos: Daughter?
Nebula: No, my father, I do not.
Thanos: Wait, father?!
Thanos: What have you done to my second favourite daughter, Tony?!
Tony: So, daughter. You were telling me about your sister... like an hour ago.
Thanos: Ahh, yes. My favourite daughter.
Nebula: Gammora. She was an assassin, just like me. I love her. But SOMEONE threw her off a cliff.
Thanos: It was the price to pay for the stone.
Tony: If she were still here I would adopt her, too. Skrew it! Dead or not! She is my daughter, too!
Thanos: WHAT?!
Nebula: She would have liked that.
Nebula: And so would I. Because it would annoy her boyfriend.
Tony: Who's her boyfriend?
Nebula: That imbecile Quill.
Tony: ...
Nebula: Nope.
Thanos: I hate him, too.
Tony: I suddenly like him more now.
Nebula: Same.
Thanos: Are you ignoring me?
Tony: Do you notice anyone else in this chat, daughter?
Nebula: No father, I do not.
Thanos: I know what you're trying to do.
Thanos: And I hate you both.
Thanos: I'm glad I destroied half of the universe.
Thanos: Well, screw you two. I'm not going anywhere.
Carol has joined the chat.
Thanos: Oh, shit...
Carol: Hey you purple fuck!
Carol: It's time for you to, gtfo!
Thanos has been blocked from the chat.
Tony: Well thanks for that.
Carol: It's aiite.
Tony: ...
Tony: I'm sorry what?
Tony: Why are you speaking like its the 90's?
Carol: Cuz I'm HELLA cool like that.
Tony: Oh God.
Nebula: Want me to kill her?
Tony: Thinking about it.
Carol: Geez chill. I'm on my way to get you right now.
Tony: Second thoughts! I love her!
Nebula: So do I!
Nebula: Do you have food?
Tony: And water?
Nebula: And oxygen?
Carol: Yes, yes, and yes.
Carol: I also have some guy named Phil, he says he knows you.
Tony: Oh, yeah... I'm hallucinating.
Carol: No you're not.
Tony: I gotta go pass out now.
Tony has been disconnected.
Carol: Drama queen.
Nebula: Good night, dad.
Nebula: See you soon, Carol.
Carol: Cool beans.
Nebula: I don't understand you...
Nebula has left the chat.
Carol: I dig that.
Carol has left the chat.
Somewhere in the soul world
Bucky has created a chat.
Bucky has added Sam, Peter.
Bucky: What is this place?
Peter: I don't know, Terminator Jesus Sir.
Sam: Terminator Jesus!
Sam: That's amazing!
Bucky: Can we be serious here?
Sam: I am being serious! That name is amazing. Screw you and your bad tastes.
Peter: Are we dead?
Bucky: I think so.
Peter: Meh.
Sam: Woah, kid, are you okay?
Peter: Yeah. Man, Aunt May's gonna kill me when she finds out I'm dead.
Bucky: H... how?
Peter: She'll find a way.
Peter: I hope Mr Stark doesn't blame himself.
Sam: Wait, 'Mr Stark'? Are you that spider-kid?!
Peter: Spider-MAN.
Sam: You are!
Bucky: Who is?!
Sam: He is!
Bucky: Oh!
Peter: What is going on?
Peter: Ohhhh, you're those guys.... hi?
Bucky: HI?!
T'Challa has joined the chat.
T'Challa: Death meeting. Now.
Sam: What?
Bucky: How did you even get everyone to listen to you so fast??
T'Challa: A king has his ways.
T'Challa has left the chat.
Peter: He's so cool.
Peter has left the chat.
Bucky: I'm cooler...
Sam: Dream on, Barnes.
Sam has kicked Bucky from the chat.
Sam has left the chat.
Carol has created a chat.
Carol has added Y/N, Natasha, Thor.
Carol: Right I'm gonna go get your friends.
Carol: Brb.
Carol: Oh, and don't let Goose eat you.
Y/N: Eat us? What?
Natasha: How can a CAT eat us?
Carol: You don't want to know.
Thor: But he is so tiny and fluffy.
Carol: Yeah, you'll be fine. Just don't lather yourself in bacon grease, or have him anywhere near your eyes.
Y/N: Well there goes my bathing plans.
Natasha: And why no eyes?
Thor: It's fine I've already lost one!
Carol: Exactly.
Carol has left the chat.
Y/N: Should we be scared of the cat?
Thor: Probably...
Natasha: We should be scared of every cat. This one more.
Thor: I agree.
Y/N: Hmmmm
Y/N: Gonna go poke him.
Natasha: Wait Y/N...
Y/N has been disconnected.
Natasha: Jesus Christ.
Natasha: Let's go help her.
Thor: And cuddle Goose!
Natasha: Thor no.
Thor has been disconnected.
Natasha: I work with children.
Natasha has left the chat.
254 notes · View notes
queensofmystery · 8 years ago
Re: this post
@elementary-said-ni said: Totally agree with the Joan thing. But the Sherlock being racist part? Are you sure? He definitely didn’t go by emotions when it came to Shinwell, he was always objective when it came to him, right from the start. But the only reason he was so hell bent on getting the truth out of Shinwell was because he has always believed that if you murder someone, you cannot be excused, no matter what the circumstances. I was reminded of Murder Ex Machina where Mason tries to justify the killer who murdered a bad person, and Sherlock says that the killer did not have the right to take a life, and so he must face the consequences.  I also believe that the writers want us to be in two minds, and want us to pick a side. I think this is what leads to the conflict between H and W that the writers have been talking about. Should SBK take priority (for now) or not…  And this doesn’t mean that Joan is wrong, I think she is right in prioritizing taking down SBK, I just don’t think that he is in the wrong either… The whole murder being a no-no thing is why he practically pleaded with Kitty not to murder Gruner, and was so relieved when she didnt have a murder on her hands…
I want to answer your comments in two parts - first, on Sherlock’s prejudices and second, on Sherlock’s attitude toward murder in general and the idea of Kitty committing murder. 
I want to highlight what @beanarie said here about 5x18 - it made me think of the double standard we’re seeing in how Sherlock is treating the event of Kitty mutilating a man who abused her vs. Shinwell murdering a man 12 years ago because a gang he belonged to manipulated him into doing so. I don’t think Sherlock thinks he’s being racist, of course not, but his distrust of Shinwell has been there from the beginning, and even after he’s been training Shinwell to succeed against SBK for weeks (months?), he’s immediately ready to turn on him once he has proved (to himself; we have a witness account and Shinwell’s indirect confession but so far no physical evidence - Idk what’s enough to make a conviction) that Shinwell committed murder. If it’s not racism in his character, it’s racism in the writing. Kitty, a white woman, was allowed to mutilate her rapist’s face and return to New York without any consequences because Gruner would implicate himself by revealing Kitty as his mutilator. 
In my view, Sherlock has never been objective about Shinwell—he has been the Devil’s Advocate from the beginning, I think purposefully on the writers’ part. They wanted to set up Sherlock as the side that believes Shinwell to be inherently bad because of his background. Joan was the side that believes Shinwell to be capable of doing good, of redeeming himself (as she wishes to by helping him, but no one writing the show cares about that). Sherlock then is the person who saves Shinwell from prison, and the person to offer to train Shinwell, even though both he and Joan do the training. After all these sacrifices Sherlock sees himself to be making for a man who he has always believed to be untrustworthy, to learn that Shinwell has committed murder 12 years ago puts Sherlock in a spot that, as you said, forces the audience to choose a side. Racism is inherent in this, because Shinwell is a victim of a racist system. 
Even with Sherlock’s comment in Murder Ex Machina, I don’t think Sherlock has a black-and-white view of murderers. I think he is black-and-white about intent, and what the killer in question did or didn’t deserve. There is Abigail in 2x04, his first “killer” who he didn’t give away (and the abused teenage boy who actually was the killer who he didn’t give away either), and the scene with him and Kitty in 3x12 was not him begging her not to kill Gruner. He hoped she wouldn’t murder him, but he did not dictate to her that murder was not the solution.  He said: “You, um... saved me. I'd like to return the favor. This is a favor. Interfering. If you decide that killing Gruner is going to make you feel whole again, I won't stop you. But I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you that we had found a way to expose him.” (Kitty: What does that have to do with me? With what he did to me?) “Nothing. Everything. Wish I could tell you. Whatever you decide, you must understand that you will always be special to me. You will always... be my friend.” (via transcripts.foreverdreaming.org)
He wanted to tell her it wasn’t necessary to murder Gruner to ensure he got the punishment he deserved. I think the issue with Sherlock and Shinwell is Sherlock assumed he knew Shinwell murdering Jameel was proof that he was right about Shinwell, that Shinwell was, in fact, the bad, untrustworthy, dangerous person he had believed from the beginning and this murder from 12 years ago was going to prove to the world, and to Joan, that he was right all along. But he didn’t take into account the circumstances of Jameel’s murder like he did with Abigail and her abusive father and Kitty and Gruner. He didn’t even try. He just wanted Shinwell to admit to the murder so he could get the guy back in prison and out of the way (remember he commented how the structure of a gang and prison gave no proof that Shinwell would make a good informant?) That’s what seems clearest to me, and that’s why I think Sherlock’s actions show racism. In this situation, Sherlock playing the Devil’s Advocate about Shinwell is going to have a racist tone no matter what, because Shinwell is black, and prisons and gangs are predisposed to victimize black people. Sure, the white writers may not be aware of the full social and racial weight of what they’ve written, but it’s there. That Joan, a WOC, is the one to want to help Shinwell move forward with his mission is just as significant (and I sincerely hope they don’t flip their views after this episode and have Joan turn completely against Shinwell I will be pissed because it wouldn’t make any sense).
I definitely admit I am coming at this while being firmly on Shinwell’s side. His murder of Jameel is not excusable, but nor should he be villainized for it. His last lines in 5x18 need to have an impact on people: “You looking for someone who killed one person. SBK kills dozens of people a year. Their drugs ruin thousands of lives, but don’t nobody care. They don’t get press. They’re not clever. They’re not fun. They’re just evil.” Sherlock focusing on the murder of a single person, by a person who has been trying to prove his willingness to destroy the very thing that made him a murderer, over the myriad of crimes committed by the gang he’s trying to take down—if I was Shinwell I’d probably want to beat up Sherlock too. (I don’t like that the show chose to show Shinwell acting that way toward Sherlock, they did not set it up well, I don’t think most of the audience will be discerning enough to not immediately villainize Shinwell…it’s happening already, and Idk which direction the show will go, but I don’t think it’ll be helpful.) 
(This might be a stretch for some but idc) Shinwell is like a more extreme version of Joan. He killed someone because he was manipulated into doing so (not that he doesn’t have free will, but think what might’ve happened to him if he’d refused to kill Jameel?), while Joan killed someone during a surgery. Both killed people that they cared about, to varying degrees. Both killed people they would’ve otherwise done everything to save if events had gone differently (Joan was trying to save her patient but did the exact opposite; Shinwell and Jameel were like brothers, and Shinwell would’ve done anything for Jameel if SBK hadn’t lied to him about someone he thought he could trust). Both came to regret those deaths to such an extreme they shaped their lives around redeeming themselves for those lives they had taken. The show won’t address it, but I think Joan sees herself in Shinwell. She sees a successful surgery, a positive memory from her disgraced medical career, a life that she was able to save that actually mattered. What does Sherlock see? A former criminal and gang member, a murderer, someone who doesn’t deserve redemption despite all the strides Shinwell’s been making toward that very thing, with Joan’s help (and if they’d approached 5x09 the way they should have, Joan would’ve had a direct say in saving Shinwell from prison—and there’s nothing in the canon to tell us she didn’t have a say in it /shameless self-promotion)
I hate even talking about what I want the show to do with Shinwell because I feel if I talk about it that means it won’t happen. And I know you didn’t say Shinwell should be villainized, I’m bristling against the writers who seem to want to deliver a moral message with Shinwell’s character that will only demonstrate that people like Shinwell are doomed, fighting a losing battle. Once a black criminal, always a black criminal. The violence against Sherlock in 5x18 rang like a nail in Shinwell’s coffin. So many people don’t excuse violence committed by MOC, while they will excuse it again and again when committed by white men. Like @nairobiwonders said here, Shinwell is Sherlock in season 1. She thinks Sherlock will come to want to see Shinwell redeemed…but what makes me angry about that idea is that the show won’t give us enough to make Sherlock’s turnabout convincing, I just can’t see it. They give so little to Joan I have to resign myself to seeing her emotions twisted whatever way suits the plot best, regardless of what little emotional development she might’ve had with Shinwell if this show actually cared about her.
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