#id take the roles reverse too
yeonzzzn · 5 months
flawless execution: sim jaeyun
roles reversed au of chilling & killing 🔪 | spotify playlist
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pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: 9.2k
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synopsis: when a masked serial killer is on the loose, jake, the head of the journalist department at his college, gets put in charge of the cases along side you as his second. as jake unfolds the mystery, other truths come out.
genre: ghostface!reader, journalist!jake, smut
warnings: swearing, blood + m*rder mentions, unprotected sex, knife play, dom!reader, switch!jake, hair pulling, jake gets cut at some point, tit sucking, lemme know if I missed anything. MINORS DNI!!!
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His cell phone rang once…twice…three times before he finally pulled the device from his pocket and answered the call. Before he could form a sentence, the other voice was speaking. 
“Turn on the campus news right now. More bodies were found.” 
Jake quickly turned from where he was standing and jumped over his couch, fumbling with the remote. 
“The masked killer ghost face has killed college students __ and __ and were found roughly an hour ago by the fountain on campus grounds—“ 
Jake didn’t finish listening before gathering his things and burst out his apartment door, running as quickly as possible to campus. 
A crowd was already forming around the famous fountain, caution tape, and police pushing back the students. Jake pushed his way through the crowd, holding up his campus journal ID to the policeman, “Let me through.” 
The officer side-eyed his ID and then Jake, opening his mouth to speak but Jake wasn’t having any of it, “Let. Me. Through.” 
“He’s with me,” you yelled at the officer from where you stood by the fountain, “Let him in.” 
The officer pulled up the tape with a groan, finally letting Jake through. 
He jogged over to your side, glaring back at the asshole officer, “How did you get here before me?”
You crossed your arms, looking at the fountain, “I’m just that good. You’re more worried about how I got here first when we have a job?” you giggled, giving him a wink. 
Jake chuckled at you. He loved that he had you as his partner. You were funny and a super genius at everything you do. Jake looked at the fountain as well, examining the two bodies that were propped on the fountain. They were players on the hockey team. 
Jake pulled his notepad and pen from his back pocket, taking note of who these guys were and the state of their bodies. Both men had their throats slashed, backs bent over the fountain, and heads completely submerged in the water. They each had roughly twelve stab wounds to their torso, with a few slashes to each of their arms and legs. The water of the fountain and the white marble of the fountain were stained red. He rubbed his fingers against his lips, deep in thought. Whoever this ghost face is, they didn’t go easy on these guys. 
“Do we know who found them?” Jake asked you, jotting more notes down on his notepad and glancing over at you.  
You slowly look over at him, “Crazy thing is,” you sigh, looking back to the bodies, “Yunjin and myself.” 
Jake placed his hands on your shoulders, turning you to completely face him, “That’s how you got here before me?!? YN, what happened?!” 
You pinch his bicep, giving him a smirk, “You’re still more concerned about how I got here first? This isn’t a competition, Jakey poo.” 
Jake rolled his eyes at the nickname you’ve given him, dropping his arms to his sides, “I kind of need to know what my partner knows, don’t I?” 
You smile at him, then turn your body back to the dead bodies. Jake could have sworn he saw a sparkle light up your eyes as you studied them. You always loved being on the scene of the crimes, Jake did too. Something about the thrill of finding evidence and solving the cases is so exhilarating. But you always seemed to enjoy it more than Jake did. It’s one factor that will help make you one damn good detective someday. You already have offers from multiple different offices looking to scout you. 
“Yunjin and I were just taking a walk. Talking about the drama going on with the other people in her major and that’s when we found the bodies.” 
Jake studied your face, watching how the early summer wind blew your hair into your eyes and how you fought to keep the strands pulled behind your ears, it was cute. “Where is Yunjin now?” Jake asked, scanning the crowd of students. 
You pointed off to your left, “She’s with an officer right now, sitting on the park bench with one of the campus professors. Think he’s a stem professor.” Jake spotted your best friend, her red hair covered her face as she rocked back and forth on the bench, arms holding herself and the professor trying to comfort her. He walked around you, preparing himself to ask Yunjin the questions he’ll need to, only to be stopped by you, “Don’t question her right now,” you said, pulling him towards you, resting your breasts against his bicep, pleading with him, “she’s not taking all this very well,” Jake opened his mouth to protest, to tell you he had a job to do. Still, you stopped him again, “Please, Jakey! She’s my best friend, I’ll handle it and get you up to date, I promise.” 
Jake knew he had no control over this matter, she was your best friend and it honestly might be easier for her to speak with you. So Jake nodded, letting you take that lead, and smiled at you. But there still was a job to do, so Jake pulled your arms off his gently, trying his best to not press his arm any closer to your breasts than it already was from your grip, “Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” 
You nodded, pulling out your own notebook from your bag. Jake asked you a few questions first about arriving on the scene and writing everything down. After that he pulled his camera from his bag, taking pictures around the fountain, the bodies, and the surrounding area. Not wanting to leave any details out. 
You watched him as he did his thing, following behind him taking your own notes and photographs, studying the area just as much as he was. Jake was in his element, that’s for sure. He wasn’t crowned head of the journalism department for no reason. Eventually Jake knelt to the ground, slinging his camera over his shoulder and jotting more notes down. You removed your gaze from him to look at your best friend, seeing her already staring back at you. 
You could see her bottom lip was trembling, and fear and concern spread throughout her whole face as she wrapped her arms tighter around herself, scooting closer to the officer. The small smile you had faded as you watched your friend, wanting to—
“YN,” Jake called you over, turning your attention back to him. He pulled two latex gloves from his bag and pulled them onto his hands, “I found something.” 
You knelt down beside him, watching as he lifted the camera and shot a couple of photos, “What did you find?” 
Jake reached over, picking up a broken earring from underneath one of the guy’s shoes, gently holding it between his gloved fingers and holding it up to the sky, “How did something like this get here?” 
Jake narrowed his eyes at her earring, it looked familiar. But he couldn’t pinpoint how or why. The earring wasn’t too feminine or too masculine, making it a perfect fit for any gender and nowhere even helping narrow down who this ghost face even was. All Jake knew was the killer had to have their ears pierced. 
“Maybe they had it on their person already?” you suggested, leaning closer to Jake to get a better view of the earring, “Or maybe the killer somehow dropped it?” 
“I’m thinking of the ladder,” Jake whispered, turning the earring between his index and thumb, “But that just means these boys fought whoever our ghost face is.” 
“That’s definitely a great possibility,” you said with a sigh, glancing over to Jake’s face, seeing how focused he was on this earring. 
Jake gave the earring to a forensics investigator to take back to their lab. The police eventually came over and shooed you and Jake off the scene to let the professionals take over, forcing the two of you to head to the journalism office on campus to finish the rest of your own investigations. Jake and you printed off the photos the both of you took and took notes on what the other wrote down in their own notebooks, making copies for each other to have. 
Jake was racking his brain on this case and the previous ones that ghost face had committed. He glanced up at the clock, seeing how late it was, and dismissing the meeting, the both of you going your separate ways. 
Jake stood at the edge of campus and watched as you made your way to your own apartment complex on the other side of the school, wanting to make sure you at least got halfway through campus safely before making his own way to his apartment. 
You weren’t completely new to the journalism scene but were still new as an official journalist in a way. Before you joined the club, it was just Jake and Danielle, a freshman who has a keen eye for writing and helped Jake out with every paper that was written and sent off to the news club. But with the mysterious ghost face killings, he needed an extra set of hands. Danielle wrote about everything with the school, not just the crimes that happened here. And with her still being a freshman, Jake needed that help. He tried to take it up alone, but as the body count started rising, the more it got harder to handle. That’s when you came in, answering Jake's application he posted around the campus and on the campus website. 
Jake has seen you around campus many times before you joined his team but knew next to nothing about you, so of course he did his research before just letting you join the team, can’t have a killer in the ranks huh? But everything about you came back clean. No criminal record or record of anything bad at all. You were a straight-A student back in school, were born and raised in the next town over, and was the sweetheart of that town. You graduated top of your class and was accepted into this college two years before your graduation. You volunteered and donated to charity and worked as an intern at the local police station every weekend to help land you a job there after graduating college. Jake was amazed at how smart you were and dedicated to the job of being a detective someday. And you’d make a killer one someday. 
You were perfect for the team, Jake would be stupid to not accept you. You fit into the team perfectly and became his second and partner super quickly. He taught you everything he knew, and you succeeded way past his expectations. You were honestly a blessing and Jake couldn’t be happier to have found you for the team. When you first joined, the ghost face killings were only at six…but with the ones that were found today, the count went up to seventeen. 
Jake found himself waving in and out of the club office in between classes the following week, adding photos and new news articles about the ghost face cases to the corkboard he kept in the office. Wrapping red string around the thumbtacks connecting to each murder and each suspect that was under Jake’s radar. 
He stared at the corkboard for what felt like hours, soon enough classes were done for the day and Danielle walked into the office, “I swear you were staring at that board when I walked past an hour ago.” 
So I have been looking at this thing for too long
Jake blinked a few times at Dani then released a sigh, “Been trying to wrap my brain around this for way too long.”
Danielle giggles, “Then why don’t you help me write this article about the victims from the hockey team.” 
Jake smiled, agreeing to help her. He sat down beside her at the table, advising as she typed out the article and pulled up the facts about the case from his notes and what the official news had stated. 
The longer Jake helped Dani write the paper, the more he came to the realization the two guys the ghost face killed were…kind of assholes. They apparently already were under investigation by the campus police for harassment of other females and even tipped one of the hockey refs to let any of their team's penalties go unnoticed. They weren’t great guys, but they didn’t deserve to die, not the way they were killed. 
As Danielle emailed the article to the news club and packed up her things, you made your appearance in the club, “Sorry I am late,” you said rushing in and setting your backpack to the floor, “My exam ran later than I thought it would, ran as fast as I could across campus to get here.” Jake smiled at you as he watched you pull your long hair back into a ponytail, taking notice of how flushed your face was from your run here. 
“It’s okay,” Jake finally said, glancing down at his notes, “Danielle and I wrote the article and I’ve been staring at that corkboard all day, we can push the meeting to tomorrow.” 
You sat down beside him, staring at Danielle as she stood up, “You heading out?” 
Danielle nodded, “Tryouts for the volleyball team for next semester are coming up, fixing to head off to one of the practices the coach is hosting for them.” 
You gave her a thumbs up, “You got this! You’ll be the best on the team Dani!” the younger blushed and thanked you, giving her own thumbs up as she rushed out of the office, closing the door behind her. 
Jake's eyes trailed from the door to you, finding how cute your flushed face looked. 
“How did writing the article go?” you asked, taking notice of how hard Jake was staring, forcing the ends of your lips to curl up. You pulled your laptop from your backpack, still waiting for his answer. 
But Jake was in a daze. He always found you super cute. And it’s not that often he gets to spend alone time with you like this. Most of the time the both of you are working on a project or the ghost face murders so there wasn’t time to just sit and hang out like there was right now. 
Jake bit the inside of his cheek, eyes trailing down from your eyes to your lips, to your jawline, and then…“What happened to your ear?” 
Your left ear lobe looked as if it were cut in half, clear stitches pulled the skin tight together and were a slight pink color, showing it was recent but healing properly. Normally you have your hair down or pulled half up and he wasn’t normally this close to you on your left side, so Jake never was able to notice this injury. 
You covered your ear, eyes locking with Jake’s, “Uhh, it happened not too long ago,” you said, giving him a small smile, “Yunjin and I were messing around, my earring got caught in her shirt and pulled a bit too hard.” 
Jake raised his brows and stuck his bottom lip out, “That sounds like it was painful.” 
You giggled at his concerned cute look, turning back to face your laptop, “It wasn’t fun, that’s for certain.” 
Speaking of Yunjin, “Hey,” Jake cleared his throat, “I still need to speak with Yunjin about what hap—“
You cut him off, “Please give her more time, Jake,” you quickly said, fumbling with some files on your laptop, “She’s still very shaken up. Hasn’t spoken much at the apartment after finding the bodies. I’ll get the police reports from her account soon and it’ll help us out a lot, I’m sure of it.” 
Another week has passed since the fountain murders and Jake’s brain was on overdrive. He moved the corkboard from the office to the kitchen in his apartment, hoping the fluorescent bulbs of his kitchen would illuminate the board in better ways than the ones at the office. 
Jake leaned against the back of his couch, cupping his jaw in his hand while the other hand gripped his elbow, his eyes trailing every inch of the board from the very first ghost face murder to the recent one. Every news article and photograph and police report possible from all cases was plastered on the board, the red string tying everything together but also totally not. 
Nothing made sense to him. Nothing connected together to help him have an eureka moment. Whoever this ghost face was, they were good at what they do. Covering their tracks in every possible way and not even leaving a single piece of DNA at the crime scenes, that was until the earring. 
Jake ran his hands through his dark hair and tangled his fingers at the back strand of his hair by his neck, letting out a groan. He needed that final police report that you have yet to give to him. Needed to get Yunjin’s account of what happened that day. These were important pieces to the puzzle that were missing and he needed them now. Jake glanced up at the clock above his kitchen sink, it was now one thirty in the morning. But Jake’s thoughts on needing those items didn’t care what time it was and didn’t stop him as he pulled his shoes on and bounced out the door. 
He now stood outside your apartment door, knocking loudly and not giving a damn who heard it. There was no answer. Jake knocked again. Still silent. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed your number. The line rang twice. 
Shuffling could be heard from the other side of the door, the knob turning and the door opening to reveal you in your pajamas and half awake with messy hair. You groaned, “Jake, don’t you know what time it is?” you yawned, stretching your arms out, “Why are you even here?” 
“Can I have the police report?” 
You blinked at him, “Huh?” 
Jake leaned back against the railing, crossing his arms, “The police report, YN. I need it. Can I have it?” 
You let out another yawn, “It’s at the school. In the office.” 
Of course, it was, why wouldn’t it be? The campus was closed and Jake could risk getting caught sneaking into the campus this late at night for a damned piece of paper. Jake sighs, “Thanks anyway” he lifts himself off the rail, turning to leave but then stops, “Can I speak to Yunjin?” 
You scoff and roll your eyes, leaning against the doorframe and crossing your arms, “Jake, it’s almost two in the morning, why are you even out and about? What if ghost face gets you?” 
Then they get me I guess. I’ll put up a fight. 
Jake knew it was a risk coming over here. Mostly because the killer had to be a student. They could be lurking anywhere on campus ground or the apartments/houses surrounding it. He knew it was dangerous. 
“YN,” he mumbled your name, “I can’t sit back and do nothing. I need to catch this murder.”!
You frowned at him, your eyes softening for him, “Jakey, you know you’re allowed to live a normal college life right? To be a normal student?” Jake just shrugs. He knew he could have a normal everyday life if he wished, but he couldn’t rest until he knew this town was safe from ghost face. You roll your eyes at him, “Jake, go home and go to sleep, I can see the bags under your eyes. Let the professionals take care of this, ya? We can only do so much as student detectives and journalists.” 
Jake tilted his head and raised a brow, never once had he ever heard you speak that way, “Let me speak to Yunjin.” 
You stood your ground, “No! Go home Sim Jaeyun, before you get yourself killed.”
Jake scoffs, “See you tomorrow then.” 
You repeated the words before slamming the door in his face. Jake quickly walked down the stairs, his anger fuming. He didn’t understand why you were so against him speaking with Yunjin. He thought maybe you were being protective over your best friend and for her peace of mind, but Yunjin didn’t look well after discovering the bodies and was completely shaken up to the point where she didn’t show up to campus for a handful of days. Knowing this information and you acting weird over it only made him want to speak to Yunjin even more. Jake’s interest peaked when he noticed Yunjin’s vehicle wasn’t in its normal parking spot. 
Meaning she wasn’t home. 
Jake has respected your wishes through this entire case on speaking with Yunjin, but this matter was getting series and he was growing desperate for answers. Talking to Yunjin just might be the big break he needed. The side of Jake’s lips curled in a smile as he quickly jogged to the entrance of your apartment complex and took one final look back at your door to make sure you were inside. Once he confirmed you weren’t in sight, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. 
“Yunjin, it’s Jake. Where are you right now?” 
Jake found Yunjin sitting on one of the park benches by the fountain. She stared with all her focus at the fountain, lips pulled into a thin line and hands clasped together in her lap. Jake bit at the inside of his cheek, feeling bad for her and the thoughts that could be running through her mind at this moment, or well, ever since the murders.
“You know,” Jake teased as he walked closer to her, trying to ease the tension, “There are other ways to get distractions from what happened.” 
Yunjin just glared at him through her dark red bangs, “I’m not in the mood to joke around, Sim.” 
Jake sighed, now biting at the skin on his lips as he sat down beside her, keeping his eyes locked on the fountain. It was clean now, obviously, but Jake could see the two bodies slumped over the marbled stone and blood pooling out onto it and in the water. If Jake didn’t take on crime scenes for a living—or well future living—he too probably would be losing his brains. 
“How are you holding up?” Jake asked after some time, already knowing the answer. 
Yunjin scoffs, wrapping her arms around herself, “Holding up as in two weeks ago I found two dead bodies bent over that fountain, or holding up as in I’ve been questioned left and right by literally everyone, or my best friend/roommate smothering me to stay home and just take time?” 
Jake truly felt terrible for Yunjin, mostly for what he was about to ask her. Jake could see that she wanted to forget about it, to push it to the back of her mind and act like it never happened. Who could blame her? It takes special people to look at a dead body and be completely unfazed by it. Jake just happened to be one of those special people. 
“I am so sorry for having to ask you to go through this again…” Jake said barely above a whisper, keeping his body as still as possible. 
Yunjin sighs, “If I am being honest, I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while about all this.” 
Jake quickly turns his body to face her, being a little too excited to finally get Yunjin’s account, “Yeah?” 
She nodded, turning to face him, pulling her legs to her chest, “YN was against it, talking to you,” she swallowed, staring off at something past Jake, “Something was off about her that day…I had a bad feeling the entire day.” 
“What do you mean?” Jake placed a hand on her elbow, “You’re safe, you can tell me anything. Start from the beginning?” 
Yunjin stared into his eyes and nodded, reverting her eyes back off into the distance, “She told me she was meeting up with some people from her class to work on a project,” she took a deep breath, “At first I thought nothing of it, she’s met up with classmates before. So you could probably understand my surprise when said classmates called me to ask where she was because they tried calling her wanting to ask about meeting up. Which was odd, so I told them that she said she was already heading to meet them, and they said they had zero clue what I was talking about.” 
Jake sat back on the bench, staring off into the distance now, the cogwheels of his brain slowly starting to turn, waiting for Yunjin to continue speaking. 
“I got terrified. I rushed out of the apartment and searched everywhere for her. Scared and thinking I was going to find my best friend murdered off somewhere, ya know?” Jake understood completely. With the ghost face on the run, everyone was watching their backs and keeping their loved ones close and being so afraid. It was a question of who would be next? Who is next? “But I found her lingering around the edge of campus digging through her duffle bag. My heart nearly stopped when I saw she was alive,” she took another deep breath, “I confronted her, and she played it off that she meant people from her volunteer job on the other side of campus.” 
Jake studied her face, trying to read it, seeing how pale she was getting now, “I believed her at first, thinking maybe I just misheard her that morning and we started walking back to the apartment. But she wasn’t acting normal, acting like herself. Kept touching her ears and digging through her duffle bag and saying she needed to go find something and just ran off. So I decided to follow her the best I could in the direction she ran off to. I couldn’t just let her go off on her own, not when there’s a crazy psycho ghost face killer on campus. I saw her go through the gates to the park, but once I reached there…I couldn’t find her and just kept walking until…the bodies…” Her eyes widened and tilted her head down to the bench, hands clenching her shins. 
Jake cupped her face with his hands, pulling her to look back up at him, doing his best to comfort her, “Hey, it’s all okay.” 
She nodded, pulling her face out of his hands and staring at the fountain, “I smelt the blood first and noticed their bodies second. And…I heard footsteps behind me and I just knew…I knew I would be next. Before I could turn around and face the killer, the stem professor was walking by, noticing the bodies and dropping everything he had in his hands to the grass and was screaming, locking eyes with me, and pointing saying that we did it. I whipped around to see YN standing behind me, her eyes were wide and her skin was pale and sweaty, staring back and forth between me, the professor, and the bodies. And she’s never been surprised to see bodies. She’s been working with you for over a year now, so when I saw how surprised she was…the look on her face…” 
Jake opened his mouth to speak, but Yunjin kept going, “The funniest thing is her duffle bag was missing,” she scoffed and shook her head, “How does a duffle bag just disappear.” It was a good question. A damned good question, “She hasn’t been the same since then.”!
Jake decided to try and lighten the mood, “Maybe you short-circuited her brain when the two of you were wrestling around not too long ago.” Yunjin gave him a confused look, “You know? She said the two of you were messing around and her earring got caught in her shirt and pulled it straight down her ear. She got stitches for it?” Jake pointed to his left ear lobe, tracing it down the middle where it was cut clean in half, “Right here.” 
Yunjin raised a brow, “I don’t know what you are talking about, Jake. We don’t wrestle each other or she’s never close enough to me where her jewelry would snag on my clothing. We barely hug each other too.” The smile Jake had faded, confusion pulled on his face. Before Jake could respond, Yunjin’s phone started vibrating in her pocket, She pulled it out and saw your caller ID on the screen, “Guess she figured out I’m not at the apartment.” She locked the phone, ignoring the call, “I don’t tell her when I leave the apartment. So I guess I’ll need to prepare myself for a lecture when I get back.” She stood up, stretching her arms out above her head, “Thank you for listening to me. I feel a lot better, honestly. I don’t want to suspect my best friend, and it more than likely isn’t even her. She’s just being weird, I guess.” 
Jake stayed on the bench and watched as Yunjin disappeared into the night before standing up and finally making his way back to his apartment and crawling into his bed. Jake replayed Yunjin’s story over and over and over, trying to piece together every bit of information she gave him tonight. It still didn’t make any sense. None of it did. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop Jake from pulling his phone off the charger and sending you a quick text to meet him at his apartment as soon as possible tomorrow. To his surprise, you responded back rather quickly saying you had some volunteer work that morning but will be there right after. 
“You know, you should really keep your front door locked Jakey poo, there’s a killer out there.” You teased him, making yourself at home and dropping your duffle bag into the chair at his kitchen table. Your eyes looked at him, then to the corkboard, “Make any kind of progress yet?” 
Jake took a quick glance at your duffle bag and then at you, then back to the board, “I haven’t. And I left my door unlocked on purpose since you were coming over. You always let yourself in anyways.” 
You smiled at him, walking to stand at his right, crossing your arms behind your back and staring directly at the board, eyes trailing the red string to each case. Jake let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. You glanced up at him, “Don’t worry, we’ll catch them. It’s no doubt, Jakey poo.” 
Jake looked down at you, his heart skipping a beat at the nickname you’ve given him, clenching his hands against his biceps. You looked back at the corkboard, giving Jake the perfect access to look at your left ear lobe. The ditches were gone, but the scar was still very much present. Jake bit at the skin on his cheek, processing his thoughts. 
You looked back up at him, noticing his stare, and gave him another smile, “Mind if I freshen up in your bathroom? I got kinda sweaty at my volunteer job today, I probably don’t smell like roses and sunshine.” 
Jake scrunched his nose in a joking matter, “Please do, you smell stinky.” 
You roll your eyes and pinch his arm, moving quickly away from his side before he can pinch you back, “I’m going to steal your deodorant and cologne, by the way.” 
Jake waited until you disappeared down the hallway and heard the bathroom door shut before slowly walking over to your duffle bag. He didn’t want to suspect you any more than Yunjin did. But Yunjin’s story from last night wasn’t adding up. Your actions weren't adding up. The story you told him wasn’t adding up. Nothing added up. The puzzle pieces weren’t fitting no matter how hard Jake tried to fit them in place. 
Jake took a quick glance down the hallway then back at your duffle, his hands moving on their own as he reached for the zipper and slowly opened the bag. Jake’s eyes widened as he stared inside the bag, biting at his lip to keep any deep breaths from escaping and alerting you. He forced himself to take a couple of calm breaths before looking deeper into the bag. 
The police report he had asked you multiple times for along with the earring from the crime scene in a ziplock bag was found. That wasn’t all. A matching earring was found in the bag and to Jake’s dismay, the ghost face mask and black suit sat inside. Jake picked up the ziplock and matching earring, staring at them and finally realizing where he’d seen them before: in your ears. Jake dropped the ziplock and earring back in and with shaky hands he picked up the ghost face mask. Why did you have these items? It was a stupid question to even ask himself. Jake knew exactly why you had these items. He knew and still tried to come up with any excuse as to why. But after seeing the contents of your bag, all the puzzle pieces fit all too perfectly. 
“Didn’t your mother ever teach you that it’s rude to go through people’s things, Jakey?” Before he could react, a knife was pressed to his neck, and your arm wrapped around his waist, “Didn’t think you were the snooping type. I expected more from you.” 
You stood on your tiptoes to reach his ear, your breath sending chills down his spine. Any doubts Jake had about you were now long gone and out the window. You are ghost face. You’re the killer. 
“Keeping secrets is also very rude,” Jake retorts, dropping the mask back in the bag, “We’re partners, there should be no secrets with us,” Jake swallowed, “But I figure you already knew that I knew. Because why else would you leave your bag for me to snoop in.” 
You giggle, wrapping your arm even tighter against his waist and pressing the knife more into his skin, “Hmm, can’t get nothing past you, can I Jakey?” 
You traced your nose against his cheek, forcing him to tilt his head to the side at your touch, “Why?” he asked. 
You continued to nuzzle your nose against his cheek, “Hmm why did I do it?” you giggle, “You’ll need to be a bit more specific.” 
Jake swallowed, “Everything.” 
You giggle again, “Because it’s fun.” It was a simple yet spine-chilling answer, “You think I played this fucking good girl act because I actually wanted to? No, no. I had to play this part, all to keep my secret well, a secret. This is all just fun and games to me, Jake.” 
“And that’s why you joined our team,” he growled, “To make it harder for us to figure you out.” 
You shrug, “I thought it would spice things up a bit, truly. Yeah working on the inside made it so much easier for me to keep my secret and tamper with evidence. It covered my tracks very well,” you gritted your teeth, “Until you started picking up on. Every. Fucking. Thing!” you hissed against his ear, almost losing your balance on your tiptoes, “You made it so much harder to keep my tracks covered. Picking apart every single fucking thing with each murder case. I was lucky you didn’t suspect me. That was until you started poking your perfect nose into my fucking business. Jake, don't think I didn’t know that you tore apart the damn office looking for the police report before showing up at my doorstep? Or that you talked to Yunjin after I strictly told you to not to?” 
Jake chuckled, “You have the office and our phones bugged.” Knowing that information should surprise him, but at this point nothing does. 
You smirked and pressed your cheek against his, “Smart boy! Think I wouldn’t bug your phone? Or my best friends?” 
Jake went still, “You were going to kill her, weren’t you YN?” 
You giggled, “Yes I was,” his body went cold, “It would have been a pity, truly, to kill off my best friend all because she also stuck her nose where it didn’t belong.”
Jake looked back into the bag at the ziplock containing the broken earring, “You fucked up and went back to your earring.” 
You pressed the knife tighter against his throat, “Shut the fuck up!” you growled, “That asshole fought me instead of taking what he deserved! Didn’t even realize my earring was ripped out of my fucking ear until I fled the scene after murdering them both and felt the blood dripping down my neck. I had to clean myself up so fast and knew I had to find where it broke off. Having to trace my steps throughout the whole park and go back to the crime scene to see her standing there. Had to ditch my bag behind a tree and slide my knife into my jeans, preparing to murder my best friend.” 
Jake scoffed, “All to keep your fucking secret.” 
“Watch it, Jakey,” you hissed, “You have a knife to your throat, remember?” 
Jake clenched his jaw, “He fought you right? Probably accidentally knocked off your mask and saw your face. You acted too hastily and sliced his throat, but not quick enough before he was yanking at your earring.” 
You nodded, a wide smile on your face, “Nothing gets past you, Jakey. You’d really make a good detective someday.” 
Jake needed to turn you in. He needed to get out of here safely and turn you in before you could commit any more crimes and hurt any more people. Seventeen. You’ve murdered seventeen people and probably more than that before you took on the ghost face persona. 
You pressed your breasts against his back, “You know,” you whisper, “I’ve dreamt about doing this with you, my knife being pressed to your throat,” you completely pressed the front of your body against his backside, “It’s really fucking hot.” 
It was now or never. Jake was bigger than you, he could easily take you on maybe. You did take on TWO hockey players alone. But Jake felt like he still stood a chance. Mostly if he catches you off guard. 
Jake leaned into you, feeling you struggle to keep upright on your tiptoes, and grabbed both your wrists, quickly twisting your wrist with the knife, “FUCK!” you shout, dropping the knife to the floor. Jake quickly kicked it from in front of him and twisted your arms and body around, making a quick move to press you face-first against the wall. 
You wiggled in his strong grip, clenching your jaw tightly as you attempted to break free, “Let me go!” he caught you off guard and now you were paying that price. 
“Stop fighting me!” he snapped, pushing you further against the wall and keeping his chest pressed to your back, “Turn yourself in!”
You chuckled, taking a couple of deep breaths in. Acting fast and wrapping your left leg around his and pulling at his knee, forcing it to bend. You used all your strength and pushed back at him, sending him to his ass on the floor and getting out of his grip. 
You climbed in his lap and pressed him to the floor, using one hand to pin his arms above his head and reaching for the knife with the other and placing it back to his neck. Jake was so in shock by your strength and quick thinking that it took him by surprise. Guess you both know how to outsmart the other. 
All Jake could do was breathe deeply and stare up at your beautiful face. Your beautifully killer face. 
You licked your tongue, tilting your head to the side, “You look so handsome, all underneath me like this.” You relaxed your legs and straddled him, feeling your arousal pool in your panties. It turned you on so bad seeing him under you like this with your weapon so close to his throat. You’ve only been able to dream of this. Dreamed what he’d look like under you and how he’d sound. This definitely exceeded your expectations. What made it even better? Feeling how hard he was getting against you and the look he was giving you? So full of anger? Your panties were soaked. 
Jake could feel your arousal seeping into his pants, trying hard to not be affected by it but his cock betrayed him. Jake also has dreamt what it would look and feel like to be underneath you. To feel your body moving against his. He just didn’t think it would be under these circumstances. So he chose to be angry, “Do your panties always get so wet when you’re killing someone?” Jake spat, the fire in his eyes burning. 
You tilt your head to the other side, “You aren’t afraid of me?” 
Jake lifted his head, staring down at you, “Why the fuck would I be afraid of someone who gets wet by killing people?” 
You laugh, rolling your hips against his clothed hard cock. Loving the way he struggled to keep quiet and calm, “Babe, you’re the only one I’ve ever got wet for. The others were just killings to kill. But you, Jake? You just do something to me.” 
From the very first day of seeing Jake on campus, you wanted nothing more than to have his buried balls deep in your cunt. Wanted to ride him so hard as you made cuts to his skin and watch as he moaned and bled out. Wanted to feel him cum so deep and make you his. 
You had more than just one reason to join the team than to hide your secret. You wanted to get closer to him. Get to know him and fuck him so good and kill him right after. You weren’t expecting your plan to be pushed up so soon. You wanted Jake afraid of you as you made the killing blow. You weren’t expecting him to look at you with such anger, so unafraid. 
You leaned down, being nearly inches away from his beautiful face, pressing the knife harder against his neck, “You get me so wet,” you rocked your heat against him. Jake’s composure failed him, his mouth falling slack and a small moan left his lips. The effect you had on him was obvious, you knew it too. 
Jake couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t crushing on you. He’s had heart eyes for you since the first day you walked into the office. How couldn’t he? You are perfect. Still was even with you sitting on top of him with your knife to his throat. 
Jake relaxed his body, “If you’re going to kill me, then do it and get it over with.” 
You smiled, “Want me to?” You released his hands and as if on instinct, he moved them to your thighs. You slide the knife from his neck and to his shirt, looping your fingers with the collar and pressing the knife into the fabric, cutting a line and using your hands to rip the shirt in two, revealing his toned chest and abs. You bit the inside of your cheek. 
Jake smirked, “Like what you see?” 
His words drew you back in. Tracing the tip of the knife down his and abs, tracing out their outline, “Where should I start then?” 
Any ounce of willpower Jake had was gone. He wanted you. Now. He squeezed your thighs and lifted his head up, closing in those few inches and pressing his lips to yours, taking in the sweet taste of your vanilla chapstick and the softness of your lips. You rock against him again, making him moan into your mouth, “Start by taking your clothes off and rid me of the rest of mine,” he whispered. 
You giggle against his lips and pull away, setting the knife down, “Yeah?” Jake nodded, sliding his hands from your thighs to the edge of your shirt, sneaking his fingers underneath and moving up, tracing the tips of his fingers against your skin all the way up until your shirt was off and thrown off somewhere in the apartment. 
Jake lifted his body up, pressing his chest to yours and flattening his palms to your back as he pulled you in for another kiss, shoving his tongue down your throat and unclasping your bra, and tossing it to the side. You placed your hands on his chest and shoved him down, pinning him back against the floor, “Don’t be so impatient, Jakey,” you cooed, “Should have known you’d be into serial killers.” 
Jake tugged at your shorts and kept eye contact with you as you unbuttoned his pants, lifting yourself up enough to roll his pants and boxers off his hips, Jake kicking out of them, leaving him completely bare to you. He kept tugging at your shorts, “Honey, please,” he begged. 
“I know,” you hummed, loving how submissive he was underneath you. You lifted yourself up, finally letting him pull your shorts and panties off your body. Jake was in heaven, roaming his hands over every inch of your naked body, bucking up his hips against your heat wanting to feel some type of friction, “Wanna be inside me that bad?” 
Jake nodded, biting at his lower lip, “Baby, please.” 
“Can’t keep the puppy waiting, now can we?” Jake moaned out at the new nickname. His hands flew to your breasts and squeezed the plush between his fingers. Fuck, you loved how he looks right now. Deciding you kept him waiting long enough, you took his length, pumping him a few times, and lined the tip to your entrance, “You ready, pup?” he nodded, biting his lower lip. He needed to be inside you. 
You slide yourself down him, gasping out in pleasure at the stretch his cock gave you, his tip kissing your cervix. Jake moaned out at the feeling of you wrapped around him, his hands moving down to your waist, squeezing tightly, “fuck honey,” Jake hissed, his heart rate speeding up faster once you take the knife back in your hands, “you feel so fucking good and you’re just sitting there.”
You slowly rocked your hips against him, tracing the knife against his bicep. Oh, how badly did you want to cut him open and see his blood drip down his body. Jake’s moans filled his apartment, hands pushing your hips down harder against him as you rode him, slowly picking up your pace. Hearing him beg for your sex puts you on such an ego trip. He was putty in your hands. You wanted nothing more than to make a complete mess out of him as he cums deep inside you. 
You started bouncing on his cock and making Jake tilt his head back against the floor and arch his back up, hands sure enough leaving bruises against your waist from his grip. He was a moaning mess. And you fucking loved it. 
You placed one hand against his chest, pushing his back flat to the floor and using it as leverage to fuck him faster. You used this opportunity to dig the knife into the skin of his bicep, slowly making a cut. 
Jake hissed through his teeth, feeling the small amount of blood drip down his arm. He pushed himself up in a sitting position, forcing your legs to wrap around his waist and hands now pressed to your back, “Keep moving.” he moaned against your neck and you obeyed the pup. 
Jake was losing his mind feeling you riding him, brain going fuzzy at the mixture of your pussy and the blood dripping down his arm. But he loved it. Was so addicted to it. 
“Cut me again,” he begged, biting your neck and sucking hard. 
You yelped at how hard he bit, cutting another line underneath the first wound but a bit deeper. 
He hissed against your skin, releasing his mouth and licking at the bruise, kissing down your chest and popping one of your nipples into his mouth, licking, biting, and sucking at the sensitive bud. Twirling his tongue around it and loving the moans that escaped your lips with each stroke of the muscle against your nipple. You threw your head back, hands gripping tightly against his shoulders as you kept up the pace of fucking yourself against his cock. 
“Deeper,” he groans against your breasts, “Cut me deeper,” 
You chuckled, “Your fucking crazy.” 
Jake released your tit and attached your lips to his, hands roaming to your ass, “Says the serial killer.” 
You pressed the tip of your knife to the back of his shoulder, “Why are you afraid of me, hmm?” you pressed the knife in and he hissed, dropping his face in your neck, “I could kill you right now.” 
Jake pushed you harder against him, his cock rubbing harder against your cervix, “I have my own secrets.” 
You moved the knife up, cutting a deep perfect line across his shoulder, the smell of his blood filling your senses, “Tell me your secrets, puppy.” 
Jake chuckled, placing open mouth kisses on your neck, his head spinning from the blood loss, “You’re my stacker, don’t you already know them all?” 
You hummed, watching the red liquid fall down his back and pool on his hardwood floor, “I only know what you’ve texted out or physically spoken,” you licked the shell of his ear and whispered, “Tell me anyway.” 
Jake felt a surge of power, pushing you off him and flipping you over, sending the knife dropping to the floor and pressing your face against the floor and ass up in the air. He didn’t hesitate to slide his cock back deep into your pussy, his hips making contact with your ass, “Why should I tell you?” He smirked. 
You shook at his sudden dominance over you, a smirk filling to your face as well, “I’m curious,” you cooed, rocking your hips back and forth against him, “Fuck me, Jake.” 
He kept a firm grip against your neck and hip, pulling himself out to the tip and quickly shoving himself back in, fucking you so hard and fast. Jake flung his head back, mouth slack and moaning out in pure pleasure at the feeling of your cunt sucking him so well. Your moans also filled his apartment, only making Jake pump into you faster. 
“I’m fucking in love with you,” Jake felt insane saying it out loud. Felt crazy that he even admitted it. Felt even crazier to admit it to the person he was fucking ruining. To a fucking murderer, “I’m so obsessed with you, honey.” 
You bit down on your lip, fingers clawing at the floor as the pleasure he was making you feel. And now knowing he was obsessed with you made this all the more enjoyable, mostly since you were just as obsessed with him as he was with you. You were fucking crazy, Jake knew that. But everything about you drew him in and made him want you even more. 
“Say you love me,” Jake demanded, “Tell me you’re fucking obsessed with me too.” 
You were in love with him too. It was crazy, but who cared? Not when he was fucking you into oblivion and had zero fucks that you murdered seventeen people and could very well murder him at any moment. 
The knot of your stomach was threatening to snap, “Jake,” you moaned his name, your hot breath fogging the wooden floor, “Pup, I’m going to cum.” 
Jake took a fist full of your hair and yanked you up, your back now pressing against his chest, “Admit your feelings and obsession with me and I’ll let you cum, honey.” He kept pounding into you relentlessly, showing no signs of slowing down until you clenched around him and he came to a full stop, “What did I fucking say?” 
You swallowed, leaning your head against his shoulder, “I’m in love with you,” you gasped out for air, “I’m so obsessed with you and have been ever first I laid my eyes on you.” 
Jake smirked, “Such a good girl for me.” 
He fucked back into you faster than before, your mouth going slack and nothing but moans escaping. 
“Pup!” you cried, reaching your arms up and tangling your fingers in his hair, “I’m going to cu-cum.” 
“Please,” he moaned, feeling his orgasm fast approaching, “Cum for me, baby. Let's cum together,” he kissed your temple, “Fucking cum around my cock, make a mess of me.” 
A few more thrusts and you came around him following Jake’s orgasm a couple of seconds later, his want cum filling you whole and some leaking out your hole and pooling on the floor. 
“Fuck,” he breaths against your ear, “Sex with you was so much better than I imagined it would be.” Jake was fucking insane. But that’s what made you love him so damn much, “Only imagined how good your cunt would feel wrapped around me and how it would feel to cum inside you. Holy fuck, honey.” 
You smiled and rested the side of your face against his. The sex was so much better than you imagined too. The only thing that was missing would be killing him. But how could you? You loved him deeply. But that didn’t stop your want to see how beautiful he’d bleed out for you. You looked for the knife, but Jake was too quick. 
“Awe babe,” he cooed, pressing the knife to your throat, his free hand grasping your hands and pressing them to your stomach, “You think you could pull a fast one on me?” he bit the shell of your ear and chuckled, “Here’s how things are going to go now,” he releases your hands and cupped your cheeks, pushing your head back to look at him, the knife pressing deeper, “You will keep your fucking mouth shut about these cases and let me take full control over it. You’ll sit in the office and look pretty while I close out the case and get rid of the evidence. You’ll give up this life as ghost face or else I’ll bury you six feet under myself, got it?” 
You swallowed, your arousal forming again, clenching around him. 
“You’d keep this a secret? All for me, pup?” 
Jake smirked, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips, “All for you baby, but do you understand me?” 
You nodded, not being able to say no to him. Not when he’s flipped the tables against you. He was fucking insane to keep this a secret when he has every opportunity to call the police and get you arrested. But it’s the fact that he is insane that he won’t do that. Not when he loves you oh so damn much. Jake was surprised he was so willing to drop the murder cases, all to keep you from harms way. He didn’t care if whatever this relationship was now was toxic. He just wanted you. 
Jake kissed you again, slowly sliding his tongue down your throat and sliding himself in and out of you slowly until you came around his cock again. 
Oh, what did Jake get himself into?
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—perm tags: @alvojake @ikeuverse @woniebae @shawnyle @kangnina
@jwnghyuns @in-somnias-world @zyvlxqht @aaa-sia @wonniethepoo
@addictedtohobi @eneiyri @skzenhalove @fakeuwus @cherry-park
@vousty @ladyartemesia @criminalyun @cmoundiamante @enhaverse713586
@wondipity @lhsvibez @jaeyunq @rikizm @kaykay11sworld
@pockettwinzz @vixialuvs @seunghancore @enha-cafe @ohdeerhee
@sunpov @zeeloveshee @hxxsxxng @moonrisearies @brownsugarbaybee @nshmrarki
—tags: @hearts4itoshi @jennifestival @neosexuals @i58ssj @seunghancore
@emi-en @jentlecoeur @seonghwa10ve @yzzyhee @xenkimmie
@niniissus @minjaexvz @capri-cuntz @heeseungsbabyy
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
re people regretting transition or detransitioning.
My little cousin experimented with gender for a bit in her late teens before deciding that she was a cis girl after all. The experiment involved clothes shopping, a haircut, and asking her friends to call her by different pronouns, and lasted for maybe two months tops.
Some of my our family members are generally supportive of that, and view it quite reasonably as a young person exploring various options before finding herself. The dumber and meaner ones, on the other hand, say she detransitioned and is proof that trans people are just playing around and that anyone teen who transitions will come to regret it.
And then they turn around and say they're happy for me and proud of my transition. Because I didn't get anything figured out until I was well into my twenties, and I didn't get to start HRT until I was past 30. These family members are actually dumb enough to think it's an age thing, and that my having to suffer for decades was somehow a good thing.
If the "worst" that happens as a side effect of trans acceptance is a bunch of teenagers getting dumb haircuts and wasting a few hundred bucks on clothes they won't wear again, I don't see how that's a negative side effect at all. That's just what teenagers do.
Grrr. Fucking assholes.
A lot of the "Oh noes, what if you regret it?" stuff comes with a huge side of "What if your WOMB is no longer able to make BABIES after you POISON yourself?" nonsense too. I see plenty of transphobia of all sorts in all directions, but the specific fretting over transition is so, so, so often about how every uterus should be used as a baby factory. People say this shit with a straight face who would never support that idea if you forced them to face the subtext of what they're saying.
There are, genuinely, rare people who do regret it, but it's way more common that someone either experiments with entirely reversible things or takes hormones for a while and then decides to stop taking hormones without actually characterizing it as "regret" themselves.
It's usually other people imposing that narrative from the outside, aside from rare cases where there was some level of coercion to do medical procedures the person was never that into in the first place (e.g. transitioning in order to be legally allowed to change pronouns on ID or getting a boob job at a partner's behest—a thing that afflicts cis women too).
I remember a friend from school years ago going "What if I'm wrong?" and even at the time, I was like "But what if you're right and then spend 20 years waiting to be sure while being miserable?"
In this, as in most other big life decisions, I think you should take your best shot, not second guess yourself, and if you change your mind years later, you can deal with that then. But yes, so many people think there's some sort of virtue in decades of misery as you either can't figure out what's wrong or know what's wrong and are denied access to medical care.
I questioned my gender in my teens back in the 90s. I just didn't do anything that made other people particularly aware of it at the time and ended up deciding that gender is a big lie and who cares. This is probably more common than people think.
The main upshot was that I ended up reading an incredibly dense book of journal articles on third gender roles that was a bit of a headache for a 14-year-old.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
I love the Reverse Robins AU very much and I love that both Red Hood/Joker Junior!Tim and Red Hood/Black Mask/Death Mask!Steph exist (Like alternating lines, both can coexist), I feel that both would be a tragic love story ~ But here also comes the Oracle role that they both use (mostly from the au); For example, I name Oracle!Steph Pythoness (The Priestesses of the Oracle of Delphi) and Oracle!Tim Heimdall (The All-Seeing Norse God)
I don't know, I like that Ship (I'm a multishipper and DC is screwing it up) and I don't know much about the comics but I feel that if Bruce had not interfered in their relationship it could be better and also they are both teenagers who had no idea what to do and that if there is a chance that they both came back as adults they could be better (as always I go around the bush…Hel)
Hmm... I personally don't ship Tim/Steph because it gives the vibes of friends who love each other so much they tried dating. After a messy breakup, it takes time but they end up being best of friends again. Everyone knows they dated, but they really don't see each other like that anymore. They mean the world to each other, but they also don't want to date.
I also agree that Bruce probably fucked up their relationship. We can blame some of Tim and Steph's bullshit on Bruce, some of it on them being kids who haven't had good role models for healthy relationships, and some of it on their circumstances. As adults, they might be able to work through all of it and be better off. I prefer them as platonic soulmates, but they might do better romantically as adults.
However, I wouldn't mind reading a tragic reverse Robins TimSteph.
Would they try dating before or after they turn into their respective roles?
For before, it'd be interesting to watch them "breakup" when they both "die." Joker tells the Bats that Tim died, and Steph dies momentarily on the table. Steph does the whole "is dead" thing for a bit and comes back as Black Mask, or whatever equivalent. Either Tim takes up Red Hood or Joker Junior (though I'd prefer both of them keep their identities from each other and the Bats for a bit). Obviously, Tim and Steph become enemies and try to figure out who's under each other's masks.
Maybe they end up working together, try a relationship again, and betray each other. Lots of fun to explore.
If it's after they both come back to Gotham, perhaps they were friends briefly before their respective tragedies. Thus, they would be friends to unknowingly enemies (because they don't know the other is under the mask or alive) to tentative allies to lovers.
It would be cool if, after they know the other is under the mask, they both take up an Oracle like role to help the other. They can't share an ID due to them arguing too much and wanting to do things their own ways, but they still look out for each other and pass along info.
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
Heyyy i just realized you’re the one I meant to send this ask to, sorry @ahoyimlosingmymind
have you heard the song “Youniverse” by Gabi Sklar? Do you think it’s good for broken up Sophitz?
What an amazing artist.
I’ve never thought about it but HOLY HECK YOU ARE SO RIGHT. That song is Fitz. I think it would be a little harsh on Sophie to say that the WHOLE thing is sung to her, but this is DEFINITELY his song
There was a time
I used to orbit your mind
Then a bang
We were half of a whole
Now we're whole lot of light-years away
^^thats about how their cognate relationship suffered when Sophie was keeping things from him and struggling with figuring out what she was feeling regarding Keefe
Expectations too high
That's on me
Cause the bare minimum
Was a minimum I couldn't reach
^^im not sure that’s to SOPHIE, but it’s definitely Fitz Vacker. “The bare minimum was a minimum I couldn’t reach” I’m gonna CRY it’s so him
In my youniverse
Space made everything worse
When I needed love
You needed time alone
^^i guess this could be to Sophie because Sophie wasn’t ready for a boyfriend and told Fitz so when they were just beginning to take off. But honestly? Id say it’s to his dad.
In my youniverse
If the roles were reversed
I'd give you the room to grow
Wouldn't let you go
Live in my shadow
^^uhhh ok so that might be to Sophie. Sorry Sophie I swear I love you and think you’re valid in your feelings! But… Fitz might feel that way.
You were my world
Felt so infinite
your world,
I was just in it
And I don't want gravity
Grabbing a hold anymore
^^this part is DEFINITELY to Sophie. Fitz definitely feels like the world sorta orbits around Sophie, and he’s just there…. He wonders if he’s even useful with such a powerful telepath around… he doesn’t want to experience a gravitational pull towards her anymore.
As far as I can see
If it's not meant for me
It's not meant to be
I starred in your galaxy
Far from reality
^^okay this is Fitz moving on from her because he realizes he isn’t really the one she wants… and he decides he doesn’t want to just “star in her galaxy” anymore
Then the chorus repeats.
LOOK. A breakup song is always a little harder on the other party than they deserve, and Sophie was totally valid IMO. But that doesn’t erase the fact that Fitz DEFINITELY feels like this
Anyway anon THANK YOU FOR BRINGING UP GABI SKLAR (I looooove her music!)
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yourdaddyfigure · 3 months
yo. i need some advice and i wasn’t really sure where to go to get some outsider perspective so i hope me coming here is okay.
i have a boyfriend. a fiancé actually, we just got engaged about 2 months ago. we’ve been together for 2 and a half years and he was my first boyfriend. when we met i knew that he had a past and had been with other girls and been in previous relationships. it bothered me a bit at first but not too much. i had only been with one guy before i met him (first kiss, first time all of that but it was a situationship/fwb type of vibe so not a boyfriend). he knew i hadn’t been in a relationship but that id done the deed already. through our relationship we never really brought up our past besides his most serious relationship before me. i was always curious to know how many girls he’d been with/slept with but i thought if i don’t know about it it would never affect me. the past is the past right? haha. fast forward to tn something brought it up and he ended up telling me. the number wasn’t as scary as i was expecting (like 10+) but it was enough (3, not incl me). our conversation was fine at first till i proceeded to ask him why he didn’t want know what mine was and if he expected it to bad to which he said yes. when i asked him if the tables were turned and my number was 3 or 4 would it be an issue.
he told me yes and said he’d break up with me. i proceeded to try and reason with him to get him to see how hypocritical that is and how it would mean he really doesn’t love me if he’d break up with me for that? like i get it’s hypothetical cause i’ve only been with one guy but it still really breaks my heart because i’d never think like that and it’s definitely not something i’d break up with him for but to know that that’s what he’d do if it were me and the roles were reversed like i’m just. i don’t know what to think. we got into a mini argument about (this is all over text btw) and yeah he proceeded to get majorly upset at me for ruining our lovely day and tell me he’s going to sleep and i should leave him alone.
haha dandelions and roses and all that isn’t it? i’m sorry i just don’t know what to think. am i being unreasonable or dumb here. i need an outside pov so if you have any advice on this pls lmk :( this isn’t something i’d want to break up with him for but i sfill feel hurt about it for some reason ?? AM I DELUSIONAL??
I totally understand why you're feeling hurt and confused right now. It's definitely not easy to deal with such situations, especially when it involves someone you deeply care about and are planning to spend your life with. Let's break this down a bit.
First, it's important to acknowledge your feelings. You're not being delusional or unreasonable for feeling hurt. Your fiancé's reaction to the hypothetical situation has understandably made you question his feelings and the fairness in your relationship. It's natural to feel upset when you realize there might be a double standard at play.
From what you've described, it seems like the core issue here is the perceived hypocrisy. You were okay with his past and didn't let it affect your relationship, but his response to the hypothetical situation where your past was similar to his is troubling. This discrepancy can indeed feel unfair and hurtful.
Here are a few steps you might consider taking:
1. **Reflect on Your Feelings**: Take some time to understand why his answer bothers you so much. Is it the double standard, the feeling of being judged, or something else? Knowing exactly what hurts will help you communicate your feelings better.
2. **Open Communication**: When both of you are calm, have a face-to-face conversation about how his response made you feel. Texting can sometimes escalate misunderstandings. Explain that it's not about the number but about the principle of fairness and mutual respect.
3. **Seek Understanding**: Try to understand why he feels the way he does. Sometimes, people have deep-seated beliefs or insecurities that they might not even be fully aware of. Understanding his perspective might help you both find common ground.
4. **Discuss Boundaries and Expectations**: Talk about what you both expect from each other and your relationship. Setting clear boundaries and understanding each other's viewpoints can prevent future misunderstandings.
5. **Consider Counseling**: If this issue feels too big to handle on your own, couples counseling can be a great way to navigate these tough conversations with the help of a professional. It can provide a safe space for both of you to express your feelings and work through them constructively.
Remember, every relationship has its ups and downs, and it's how you navigate through these challenges that often strengthens the bond. It's important that both of you feel respected and valued in the relationship. If this issue continues to bother you, it's crucial to address it rather than letting it fester.
Ultimately, you deserve to feel loved and respected for who you are, including your past. It might take some time and effort, but having these tough conversations is essential for a healthy and happy relationship.
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siberat · 8 months
Another little prompt idea for you: a bot baby talking and cooing at their partner’s jiggly belly? Bonus points if partner pretends to be exasperated but finds the attention very endearing lol
Sitting back in his chair never felt better! In fact, Vor/tex reclined the chair back to lessen the pressure on his overly stuffed tummy. This was new to him: usually, it was A/id who enjoyed packing down the food. However, the ‘C/on, being a smart-aft, spoke taunting words to the Auto/bot.
And the Auto/bot called him out on it.
So, the roles were reversed. Instead of Vor/tex proudly showing off and feeding his lover the full-course meal, A/id got his payback. And the chopper couldn’t back down- he never backed down from a challenge! What kind of Deceptic/on would he be if he chickened out? Especially to an Auto/bot?
He was way too proud for that.
Plus, it was rather rewarding to see A/id’s face light up with glee as he took charge for once. The once meek and timid Auto/bot finally grew a pair and had no qualms about throwing sass around. Vor/tex quite liked the new A/id with his fiercely stern glares and bold demands!
 The pair started with the hors d’oeuvres, which consisted of greasy, deep-fried mozzarella sticks smothered in marinara sauce. They were fed bite by bite, the melty cheese pulling off in gooey strings.
“Baby liked those, didn’t he?” A/id cooed, pushing the empty dish aside and replacing it with a bowl filled to the brim with soup.
“Oh, this is such a big-boy meal. Can my little mech handle this? For someone so small, it may be too much!” A large spoonful of hearty, robo-chicken corn chowder was flown into the awaiting mouth, airplane style. Tex, of course, rolled his optics at the antics. For Prim/us’ sake, he was a helicopter, at least! This dish was filling on its own, and Tex felt his stomach grow heavy when the spoon clinked in the empty bowl.
“Oh, such a good little baby, hmmm?” A/id spoke in a higher-pitched, squeaky voice. “Did you have enough?”
But the feeding was nowhere near finished.
The main course was a roasted cyber-duck with all the fixings. The sides included Hasselback butternut squash, mushroom rice, cranberry pecan stuffing, and bread dumplings. The squash was very sweet, and the mushroom rice had that distinct earthy taste. However, everything was just so filling! And A/id didn’t give up. Vor/tex was not about to call it quits- he would NOT lose this battle.
The interrogator’s belly ballooned out, painfully expanding against his plating. And dessert still had to be served! Of course, Fi/rst A/id asked if he needed to stop, but there was no way he’d admit defeat.
However, there was no objection to the medic removing his abdominal plating. And once that blubbery protoform was freed and exploded onto his lap, a smidge of relief was felt. This feeling was short-lived, for a colossal strawberry cheesecake awaited him.
“Are you sure you can handle this?” Fi/rst A/id spoke, trying to stifle a gloating smirk. “Such a big dish….”
Vor/tex furrowed his optics and matched the smirk. “No problem.”
“Oh, lookit this big, bad ‘C/on stepping up to the plate?” A/id giggled and winked as a plate holding a large slice of cake was pushed forward. “Let’s see how much of a big bot you really are, hmmm? Or is it all just hot air?” A spoon cut the tip off the yellow cake drizzled with red sauce and crystal strawberries and was pressed to his lips. “Open wide, big boy.”
Never taking his optics off the doctor’s, Vor/tex opened up. His mouth was filled with intoxicating sweetness. This was tasty, the sheer deliciousness awakening his taste receptors as if on fire, but he was just so full! His belly began to clench and groan in protest. Long, whiny gurgles erupted, registering warnings of pain at his more than overfilled tanks. But he swallowed. And opened his mouth for the next offering.
“Oh, lookit you go,” A/id cooed. You are so demanding… yelling at me as if I am not feeding you fast enough.”
Vor/tex rolled his optics. He didn’t speak a word. Prim/us, the way this dessert was shoveled in, he didn’t have time to speak. Bite after bite, the ‘C/on worked hard to win this unspoken challenge.
“I’m going as fast as possible.” A/id pouted, but eventually the last of the cake slice was consumed. “How are you feeling now, sweetie-pie?”
Vor/tex grimaced as he stifled a burp. His belly violently rumbled. Servos rubbed over his bloated paunch that heavily rested upon his lap. His tummy was no longer sleek and slim; now, it was as if he had swallowed a beachball filled with cement.
“Oh, you want more? Whatever you say, sweetcheeks!” A/id didn’t even bother cutting another slice; he stabbed another bite from the cake.
“Wha- “
His protests were silenced with another mouthful of dessert. Prim/us, he didn’t know how much more of this he could take! Breathing became more challenging, and sweat beaded from his brow. The room felt warm, yet more and more food was shoved into his maw. And the belly grumbles became angrier and more strained. His belly throbbed in agonizing pain as if daggers stabbed from the inside. Oh, how he yearned for relief from this torment!
“Aww, poor baby,” A/id pouted, setting down the fork and pushing the half-eaten cake away. “Was that too much to handle? Does baby need a break?”
The only response Vor/tex could muster was a sickening groan. His tanks were beyond stuffed. If he moved too quickly, he bet he’d get sick.
“Wanna sit down in that comfy-womfy recliner?” Vor/tex shook his helm yes as his belly gurgled and quivered like an earthquake. “Here, allow me to help you.” A/id’s servo gently patted at the rock-hard belly as he made a tsk sound, then held a hand out to help the bloated ‘C/on to his pedes, then to sA/id chair.
And now, Vor/tex sat relaxing, watching A/id rummaging through his tote. Some pink fluid was brought out and poured into a little cup. The medic walked over to the pained ‘C/on and held the cup out.
“Here, take this.”
“N-No more A/id,” Tec’s face contorted while his optics screamed for mercy. “If I eat anything else, I’ll pop!”
“It’s medicine,” A/id put the cup to the other’s lips. “It’ll help soothe that belly ache, babe.”
The pink fluid was tipped into parted lips, its chalky taste coating the mouth and throat when swallowed.
“Now, where were we?” A/id spoke as he pushed the chopper’s legs apart and dropped to his knees. “I think someone needs a reward…. Don’t you think?” Servos rubbed over that swollen beachball of a belly, ghosting the gentlest touch over that stretched protomesh. “Just lookit how big you got. Are you all full and cozy?”
Vor/tex rolled his optics, then clenched them shut as yet another gurgle rippled through his gut.
“Awwww, that’s it…. Let it out, baby.” A/id cooed. His servos rubbed in wide circles over the vast crest of the tummy, then his face dipped in to steal a kiss. “You did such a swell job. I think you need a reward, don’tcha think?”
Vor/tex’s engines nearly revved at that thought, and he repositioned his hips for what he thought he would receive. However, the medic’s hands stilled any movement.
“Oh, don’t worry. All my attention is going to be on you and you alone…” A/id sA/id sweetly, between pecking kisses to the rumbly belly. “I’ll make you feel all good in no time.”
“Hey A/id…. I’m up here…” Vor/tex pointed his servos upwards and gave his most alluring grin, but his partner paid him no mind.  Instead, he just felt the belly rub and kisses. “You know….” He sighed, resting his helm on the back of the chair. He could go for some kisses right about now…but his lover was too busy focusing on his bulging stomach. He couldn’t stop himself from rolling his optics at his lover’s actions.
 He wanted to be doted on…. Not his tummy.
“Oh, you are such a big boy, aren’t ya?” A/id hummed, giving a long smooch to the tummy while servo’s gently patted. “Such a lovely tum-tum! What a treat you are to behold.”
Oh, Prim/us! That patting, while gentle, just jostled around his stuffed gut, causing it to churn. He could feel cramps kicking in as the pressure built inside. This was the worst case of the bubble guts he had ever experienced! It felt as if pop rocks and soda were mixed in his gut as excess gas built up and tickled from the inside. Painful spasms erupted, and fingers chased the contracting areas but to no avail. Nothing would soothe this angry breast!
 That tickling sensation traveled upwards, and the ‘C/on’s optics shot open. Pressure rose up his throat, and without much warning, a large bark of a burp erupted and echoed through the room. His servo quickly covered his mouth, fearing the expulsion of stomach contents. Thankfully, it was just a loud, wet belch. However, the acidic tang of fluid did not serve well as an after-dinner mint.
“Oh, that sounds like someone’s a piggy-wiggy!” A/id used a higher-pitched, cutsey-wutsy tone to his voice as his nose was gently rubbed against the firm mesh. “Someone needs to learn some manners, doesn’t he? Hmmmm?”
Vor/tex growled, though from annoyance from his partner or relief of the built-up pressure, no one knew. But each time his belly quaked, fingers were quick to rub small, soothing circles over the erupting spasms. And every time pressure built in his gut, A/id worked to free the trapped gas, pressing the belly just enough to literally burp the air out of him.
“Does baby feel better now that he’s been burped?” A/id coddled, messaging his fingers on the still swelled but not quite as bloated belly. “There’s a good boy…you ate so well for me tonight…”
Fi/rst A/id prattled on complimenting the paunch, and Vor/tex just harrumphed. Until those hands and mouth travelled southward. He licked his lips and spread his legs in anticipation of what was to come.
And let out a frustrated whine when those digits danced and mouth sucked on his chubbed up thighs and not…well, somewhere else. “Prim/us A/id!” The ‘C/on all but shouted. “You’re such a fraggin’ tease!”
“Hmmmm?” The medic feigned innocence. “Oh, these juicy drumsticks need some loving, would you say?”
Vor/tex only responded with a yelp as a set of teeth sunk into the meaty inner thigh, followed by licking and sucking. And when the Auto/bot hummed, the vibrations tickled through his thigh, shooting up his neuronet like a lightning bolt. If only that humming was someplace else…
But having his plumper thighs messaged at felt erotic. While he would never admit this out loud, having his partner dote and coo over his swelled tummy was nice. Just knowing A/id enjoyed feeding him made him feel good. Just knowing the weight gain turned his partner on was invigorating. Hearing the happiness in the medic’s voice made it pleasurable. Plus, the enthusiasm the Doctor had over baby-talking his gut was cute and rather enjoyable.
He could do without the pain from overindulging. But the pampering being stuffed to the limits brought on- even if it was just to his belly and thighs- was well worth it.
….. …..
as much as I want to keep editing this, I need to stop! This is long enough as it is! I almost went with on/slaught (feede)with vor/tex being the feeder…. But I dont know too much about on/slaught and I just couldn’t pass up aid baby-talking that tummy! It’s your fault really for getting me hooked on t/ex a/id…. O.0. Hope you like!
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skuntank · 27 days
I like the idea of Diantha branching out into more villainous roles to take a break from her usual Pure Angelic Knight typecast. Especially makes sense considering the other two canon actors in Pokémon are best known for their villain roles, and could potentially play heroic roles alongside her. I’m curious, though, what sort of film villain do you see her being cast as? Noir, science fiction, fantasy, etc, there a lot of compelling options.
Oohh my god id love to see a role reversal sort of situation with Diantha being the villain and Brycen and Sabrina playing the heros ..... That's absolutely something I'm gonna chew on ....
Tbh I see her having an interest in all sorts of genres but she most often finds herself in dramas and romcoms, most often as the protagonist. I feel like those are the roles she's most expected to play, and like. I'm sure she loves dramas, and romcoms are like. Ok. In the junk food kind of way. But I think if she were to stick with one or two genres a lot she'd find herself itching to do something different.
I'd love to see her in a scifi flick. I think her audience would be very divided on her performance, some adoring it and loving her going so far outside of what she's usually in, and some thinking it's one of her worst roles ever (mostly just bc it's so different for her). Regardless of reception, I think she would have a blast with it or anything else entirely different from what she normally does.
This isnt really answering the villain part lmao sorry dbdjdb
The type of villain I see her really getting into in my head is like ..... The kind where their unhinged energy is just bubbling under the surface. I know I said it before but I really wanna see her go absolutely apeshit. I wanna see her lose her mind and like tear a scene apart and throw chairs and claw at her costar's character's face. I think it would be maybe a little startling when working with her to see her embrace such energy so easily and passionately and those who have worked with her on stuff where she's done stuff like that for a role come away from it with a bit of fear of her I think lmao
I think genres that might suit this best would be horror/thriller/suspence, tragedy, again drama, black comedies, and whatever a more introspective study on a specific character/person might be considered. Noir would be interesting for sure. Also just historical pieces, especially those focusing on the Victorian and Edwardian eras, the 20's, and probably the 50's? Idk btw I'm not a movie buff by any means lmao
I think these sorts of roles could probably be like your typical "woman scorned" archetype, I have a harder time seeing her in roles where the antagonist is evil just for the sake of being evil, unless it's like a children's movie or something. Tbh I think she would REALLY enjoy the roles where she can argue and debate that the character she plays isn't a villain at all despite them being listed as such. Or at the very least, even if they are outright a villain, they are either still an empathetic character to some degree, OR swing wildly into extremely over the top unhinged territory. I also see roles like fucked up matriarchs that are far too set in their ways and are an unfortunate part of the cycle in passing on trauma, black widow-types, vengeful spirits of those trapped in tragedy, ruthless criminals with a deceptively pretty face, characters driven by desperation, and the like being things she'd be stellar with....
The movie that keeps coming to mind for me is Pearl. Maybe not so much in terms of straightforward plot/character comparison, but absolutely in terms of raw energy. Or maybe you could make a one-to-one comparison and say "yeah I'd love to see Diantha in that specific role." She'd fucking kill it I think. Also fucking cast her in a movie about Lizzie Borden. God what a dream that would be. Also SUNSET BOULEVARD WITH HER AS NORMA DESMOND .... SIGN ME THE FUCK UPPP
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sammyhasspammy · 7 months
Switcheroo Brainstorming
I'm making an role reversal au! I'm going to post this along with my posts for Viva, Poppy, and Branch specifically, which you can find by clicking on their names! Here's some ideas I have:
So Branch and Poppy are basically going to be full-on switching lines, though their backstories will be very different cause... it's kinda hard to replace 4 people with 1 sister and a father. So band together is going to be the most different! More details in the individual posts for the characters
I want "Better Place" to be replaced with "It Takes Two" for the final confrontation in TBT :)
Not all characters are going to be switch 1-to-1. Again, the brothers are going to be hard to switch for. Also, not all characters readily have someone to replace them with
There will be a lot of trollstopia characters that will be in the world tour switch, but they'll mostly have the personalities of the trolls they switch with so watching the show isn't a must (But i still recommend both shows, they're pretty fun!)
Most of the troll tribe leaders will be replaced with a trollstopia character, EXCEPT for Queen Essence and King Quincy cause I need them to be in those roles. They'll just change lines and outfits maybe?
I have no idea what to do with the bounty hunters so if you have a recommendation id love to hear it!
There's not much to say other than character switches which will be put under the cut cause it'll be a long list. If you have any recommendations or questions, hit up my ask box!
Character Switches:
Branch ↔ Poppy
Gristle ↔ Bridget
Biggie ↔ Creek
Creek’s Mr Dinkle would be the little bug thing that makes him fly in canon
Satin and Chenille (Their names also change order and they switch which side they're usually on cause I think that's fun) ↔ DJ Suki
Guy Diamond ↔ Sky Toronto
Tiny Diamond doesn't have a counterpart so he's just kinda the same
Copper ↔ Darnell (personalities don't change only backstories)
Smidge ↔ Milton (not sure if I want to change their personalities or just professions... a loud vet and a sweet bodybuilder sounds fun)
Chad and Todd ↔ Chef (Not sure if I should change her name or just keep her as Chef)
Peppy ↔ JD
Cloud Guy ↔ Janet
Barb ↔ Val
Thrash ↔ Val's unnamed father that shows up for one frame in "Flyer's Ed" (Trollstopia season 4 episode 4b)
Riff ↔ Demo
Sid Fret ↔ Blaze (their personalities do not change, just their roles)
Carol ↔ Petra
Since there's no rock child Amp just kinda hangs around and takes the roll of that random rock kid in "Val Serves Murray Duty" (Trollstopia season 7 episode 6b)
Holly ↔ Delta Dawn (no personality change)
Growley Pete ↔ Gust
Pigtail is the one who bites Poppy instead of Clampers. Again, with Clampers there's no child country troll so she's just... around.
Minuet ↔ Wolfgang Trollzart
Dante ↔ Beetrollven
Not 100% sure what I wanna do with the show's funk trolls yet. It's either switch Lownote with Groovetavius and switch R&B with each other, OR have R switch with Lownote, B switch with Groovetavius
For the techno trolls it's going to be a triangle. Laguna-> Trollex -> Synth -> Laguna. The reason for this is changing Trollex and Synth would be too similar, and would leave Laguna with no one (Except for Bliss Marina)
Velvet ↔ Veneer
Crimp ↔ Ritz
The other BroZone members don't really have counterparts. Clay and Bruce stay mostly the same while Floyd joins the rock trolls.
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swordfright · 2 years
c!Sam, Pandora’s Vault, and the Abject
In light of the recent c!sam lore, I wanna ramble about something that’s been on my mind a ton recently, which is that all the stuff that plays out during the imprisonment arc (and its aftermath!!!) reminds me so much of The Abject, which is this theory of psychological horror that basically claims the impetus behind much of what we call horror is the breakdown of our understanding of where the Self ends and the Other begins. I realize this already sounds wack but so is dsmp as a piece of media so like, hear me out.
Sam demonstrably struggles with issues of control and autonomy, and especially with understanding himself in relation to them. But also, interestingly, a secondary definition of the Abject concerns the recognition of desire: when the individual's relationship to its objects of desire (id/the Other) and of representation (ego/the Self) breaks down in a way they find too disturbing to confront, horror is elicited.
I don’t think it’s a crazy stretch to say that c!Sam is a character who is constantly teetering on the brink of confronting the Abject. He prioritizes his job as warden over everything else in his life (there’s so much text evidence for this idek where to start) because being the warden is an important outlet for him. It’s a role he steps into that, over time, helps him understand himself - not in a way that’s necessarily accurate, but in a way that is agreeable to him! Sam’s relationship to his object of representation (being warden) is supported and maintained via the structure of the prison itself: the existence of a prison necessitates the existence of a prisoner (without which, the prison is just an empty building), which in turn necessitates the existence of a warden (someone to guard the prisoner.) Pandora’s Vault is a place where Sam’s worldview makes sense and his life has meaning and purpose.
The “breakdown” stage happens whenever Sam is forced to confront his object of desire, which is of course, control over the prisoner. Sam wants to control the prisoner at all costs (again, so much text evidence idk where to BEGIN). Sam tells himself that the warden is necessary for protecting the server, but ultimately his words and actions show that his true motivation is not protecting others, it’s controlling the prisoner. During Daedalus, all it takes is a couple days in the maximum security cell for Sam to start panicking and questioning his own actions/worldview, because suddenly the roles of prisoner and warden are reversed and c!Dream is forcing him to experience a small fraction of what dream experienced under Sam’s watch. the reversal is horrifying because the thing that gave Sam’s worldview structure and meaning (his role as warden in relation to both prison and prisoner) is being turned inside-out. He is not enjoying the Abject, and this is part of why i personally think he doubles down on defending his past actions as warden after dream kills him and lets him go - his only option is to repress.
Another definition of the Abject is “a place of immemorial violence where meaning collapses,” so i’ll leave y’all with my final thought on the subject: for Sam, the Abject is his own desire to control the prisoner. But for Dream, the Abject is the Pandora’s Vault itself. It’s the place where Dream was forced to confront the fact that he fucked up, that his trust in Sam (a former friend) was dangerously misplaced, that the person he thought would protect him is instead enabling his torture, that he may never escape the prison he designed himself. And he designed it to be a home! He wanted the prison, it exists because Dream wanted it! And now, post-jailbreak, it occupies this liminal space: at once a home and a hell. If that’s not the Abject, i don’t know what is.
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 months
Concubinage Behind the Scenes - ch.9
And finally a new one :)
It's been so long since I started this bts series, never mind updating the actual fic. I'm in a good mindspace for it atm tho, so maybe??? Soon??? But I'm not keeping my hopes up too much because I have lots of work things pending, so we'll see if I can maintain my fandom drive this time around...
(chapter | DW post | previous posts)
So, chapter 9...
This is the start of a sort of "filler" arc (if this were an anime lol); not much plot advancement, but character moments and development. This one is about Arst and Lin's improving relationship in particular, and also an excuse to extend the setting beyond the castle grounds, for once.
My mental image of the part of town they visit is inspired from Kyoto's Kamogawa river banks. In fact, ancient Kyoto and Chang'an are my main sources of inspiration for Xian Yang in terms of urban structure and architecture, though Xian Yang has a large river splitting the city in two, with the castle in the middle of the river. It's a completely different vibe from the towns we get to visit in the game, but the worldbuilding of Auj Oule being made of different tribes, plus the endless possibilities given by spirit climes made me want to develop other kinds of environments and structures.
(No but seriously spirit climes are such a brilliant worldbuilding elements. It's such a good excuse to have a town with hotter climate close to other mountainous and super cold areas XD Man I love Xillia's settings so much.)
Anyway. It's kinda funny to write Gaius going sight-seeing or leisurely eating ice cream at a terrace, but this is what fanfiction is for ;) That's especially something I love about this fic, it's that it's a more... "mundane" setting than Gaius' actual backstory. At this point of the story, he's just busy being married. That's it. Domestic life with a sprinkle of political intrigue: the fic. And there's nothing I love more than portraying characters in situations we don't get to see in canon x)
There's been a short time jump since the previous chapter, and in the weeks since then Arst and Lin's relationship has started improving a lot. They're still awkward around each other at times, but they're getting to know each other, are communicating, and are spending more and more time together. Of course, it's not all perfect yet, hence their discussion about trust (as an aside, the fact Arst is openly talking about it is a huge improvement in itself).
I didn't want things to be too smooth for them once they start getting along, because there's a lot of heavy baggage behind them. And this kinda reflects their canon backstory in reverse: Wingul was the one who used to see Gaius as an enemy and had to learn to trust him. Here it's Arst who has a lot of reservation about Lin and doesn't give his trust easily. This sort of "role reversal" from canon is also a major underlying theme of this fic.
And Arst, it is totally a date :p
Their talk about city defense is very Gaius and Wingul, though. Here I'll admit something: I haven't actually planned yet how they're going to take control of the clan. I have a number of ideas in mind, but I haven't decided yet. I think that's something that'll come more naturally when I get to that part of the story. So Arst's "strategy" to take the city could be foreshadowing... or not lol. If they go the "conquest from outside" way, I'm definitely keeping this bit in mind as to how to plan it. But it could also be a "take from the inside" thing. Or more like canon. As I said, haven't decided yet :p
The token thing is kinda inspired by MDZS/The Untamed (which I was very into at the time lol) and how the Gusu Lan clan uses jade tokens to enter/exit the Cloud Recesses. Here they don't have magical properties, and serve a bit as ID cards in a way; Arst gets the ones reserved for concubines, but there are actually many other types depending on the person. Servants have their own (though their uniform is usually enough for the guards, but if they want to be diligent they should check it's not just a disguise), as do courtiers or council members, official suppliers etc. And for everyone else, there are visitor tokens distributed at the entrance if their visit has been approved. Long Dau family members don't need one ofc, and could technically bring anyone in without handing them a token (though they should, but again, for all the security measures, they've become quite lax and complacent in some areas).
Concubines not being allowed to leave at will is not an Arst-exclusive thing in this case, they're all bound by the same restrictions. Gilded cage and all that...
Lin letting Arst hold on to his is a big thing. As much as he wants his respect and friendship and love (tho not yet atp), he doesn't entirely trust him yet either. After all, Arst does have a reputation as a troublemaker. Plus at this point of the story Lin is still very reluctant to go against clan rules. But this is a sign that he's already changing under Arst's influence: where he used to be passive and go with the flow before, he's now starting to make his own decisions, and this is one early significant example. He's looking at the future here, a future where he and Arst have a good life together. And that future won't come on its own, so he has to plant the seeds and nurture them. So this is his move.
Not being familiar with the system, I don't think Arst fully realized just how significant this was for Lin to do, but he does appreciate the gesture.
Last point, I don't know if readers noticed, but the narration (which is closely following Arst's POV) stopped referring to Lin as "Prince Lin" in this chapter. This shows the difference in Arst's view of him since the previous chapter. "Prince Lin", when not derogatory, was neutral/polite but distant. Now that they've become closer, he's started seeing him as just "Lin", a (tentative) friend. Of course, protocol still had him use his title when speaking to him, but in his mind he'd already dropped the "Prince" part, hence why he slipped at the end out of enthusiasm. And Lin welcomes this of course. It's a big step in their relationship.
At the end, Lin's totally changing the topic to hide a blush ;p
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jiminrings · 3 months
hey babyyy miss jmrings 🤍
just read phase 3 and honestly am excited to see how things goooo okie but ive got some thoughts id like to share about 478jk (pls dont get mad at me @ other readers.. heh heh)
tbh i think 478jks thoughts are pretty valid… especially so when hes navigating mariage and being a father… ive got friends whove shared that their lives really do change after marriage and getting children… and sometimes theyve mentioned how they barely see their past selves when they look in the mirror… people also tell me that love is sometimes not enough in marriage and that it rly takes so much more so i can see where 478jk is coming from… sigh
then again, maybe things could be dealt with better, like how they shouldve communicated things they wanted to hear from each, how they shudve assured, affirmed and acknowledged each other…. SO I CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW THE REDEMPTION ARC IS!!!! (youre so good at writing this arc that rly)
okie would love to hear your thoughts as well 🫶🏻
oh yes have i mentioned i love you and all the beautiful pieces that youve shared with us? Hehe love u 🤍🤍🤍 have a nice day/evening dear xx
U GOT MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!!! this phase in the series (aka this lengthy complicated chapter in their lives) is meant to be a moral dilemma :( i'm very much single n do not have a family of my own yet but i could only imagine that what my ogs r going thru now is only fitting for their circumstances :O esp if we look at it with their roles reversed, maybe then could the situation feel a little more "valid" . i'm not saying this to discount what oc is going thru (oh god knows how many Situations i've put her in) and i recognize too that jungkook's more at fault here (especially w his delivery n overall plan), but the latter shouldn't also discount that 478jk's dilemma with himself is Also Valid!!!! two things can be true at once :-) u are so so right!!! mwah thank u i love u more i hope u have a good week!!
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 3 months
Kind For You
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Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
O/C: Sebastian Sallow x Edwart Thompson x Ominis Gaunt ✨️platonic✨️ (My OC)
Warnings: explicit pain description, swearing
Word count: 1k>
Chapter 4
Part 3
“Crucio,” Edwart exclaimed, holding a firm wand but nothing came out. Just a few reddish lights.
“Try again!” Sebastian said nervously. so Edwart did quite a few times. But he was still unable to.
“Blasted!” Edwart said, frustrated. “I… cast it on me then.”
“Are you…?” Sebastian began, but Edwart interrupted him, annoyed. “Just do it. We have to get out of this place!”
Sebastian did cast it. He stood his ground and said, “ I shan't forget this…” When cast by Sebastian, it worked the first time.
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When hit with the Cruciatus Curse. At first, Edwart felt his scream rather than heard, he couldn't control it. As he fell to the floor. He felt every sense get overwhelmed in pain. He felt his cheeks burning from tears that fell down his face. His throat hurt from his scream. His hands felt like they were on fire as he touched the dusty floor. Edwart felt pain, a type of it he had never experienced before. White pulsating pain, boiling his veins and bones. His skin felt like ripped paper, and breathing became as hard as keeping his eyes open.
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He felt a spasm take over his muscles. He started twitching uncontrollably. He heard voices or a voice. Edwart wasn't sure. He could only hear a painful ringing in his ears. All his senses were in pieces, and he couldn't collect them. Soon enough, after the curse had subsided, he couldn't feel anything. He didn't feel himself moving. He was stuck on his knees. He couldn't feel the floor he slowly lowered himself to. He didn't even know when everything became quiet. No ringing, no boiling, hot pain. Nothing. Edwart thought he was dead for sure.
When suddenly he heard a soft voice, it was dimmed like the soft torches surrounding Edwart. Then, he finally was able to gather the strength to open his eyes. And remembered what had happened. Edwart decided that the pain couldn't get worse, so he powered through as he gritted his teeth so hard he was sure he would break one. He finally managed to sit up, leaning against a wall. With that, he felt a hand on his shoulder. After a few more minutes, he finally was able to take in his surroundings. Edwart felt this grip tighten as Ominis’s panicked voice was finally understandable to his ears. “Edwart can you hear me? Please say something.”
“I-” Edwart sounded quiet, but his voice was like a snuffed-out candle. “I need a minute.”
Ominis exhaled relieved “Of course.” he took his hand back.
Edwart looked around and noticed Sebastian was not in the room. He went on to explore the Scriptorium. Edwart wasn't sure why Sebastian was acting so distant and why Ominis suddenly became so attentive. It seems as if the roles have been reversed. Edwart took a few more deep breaths and decided it was time to leave this awful place. “Let's go.” He said weakly “Help me, please?”
Ominis took his hand away from Edward's arm and said. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. We shouldn't spend too much time here.” As Edwart got to his feet with the help of Ominis. His legs felt weak as ever but manageable to walk.
“Careful” Ominis caught Edwart, who stumbled a bit from his shakiness. “Let me help you, grab me by my shoulder.” Edwart took him up on that. He was able to hold himself up with Ominis’s help.
He looked one last time in Noctua's direction and decided to ask.
“Ominis, maybe we could take Noctua's remains? I know she meant a lot to you. She deserves a proper burial.”
Ominis was grief-stricken by that question, but he seemed appreciative. “I think that is a nice idea. But first, let's get you in order.”
“I am fine." Edwart lied. "We should take care of her. Here.” He left Ominis's shoulder, much to his protest. Edwart steadied himself against a nearby wall and grabbed a dusty vase, standing by the scriptorium's entrance. Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. Edwart used a gentle accio to put Noctua's remains in the found vase. “Here we can move her this way.”
Ominis took the vase, and his face expressed many conflicting emotions. As unusual for him, as it was, Edwart knew today was probably one of the worst and hardest days Ominis had ever had. Edwart was angry at himself for participating in making his day this way. “I am so sorry I dragged you into all this. We should leave this place. Right now.”
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Ominis shook his head. “Don't worry about that. How are you feeling?” He asked as they finally entered the scriptorium.
“I'm… okay." Edwart lied again. But it felt more natural than to tell Ominis he was feeling like someone had chewed on him and spat him back out onto the cold, dusty floor. "Let's just focus on getting out of here,” Edwart said with a weak voice.
“Sebastian?” Ominis's voice sounded through the cold stone room.
“I'm up here!” Sebastian spoke back loudly. Too loudly for Edwart's liking. He came down the stairs and spoke again. “Oh. You're awake. Good.” Sebastian said it in such a tone, for a moment Edwart couldn't recognise his friend from a few hours ago. It felt like Sebastian in front of him was a different person. “We made it. We found Salazar Slytherin's scriptorium.”
“I can't believe we're here,” Ominis said under his breath.
Edwart took a few careful steps around the room. He found something that caught his eye. “There's a book, just here.”
Sebastian quickly came over to Edwart. “What do you think?”
“Looks like a spellbook of some kind.” Sebastian said like an excited child “This is incredible A Hogwarts founder's possession, what an honour.”
Edwart was feeling more exhausted with every moment. So he looked towards Ominis and said “I'm glad you've got what you wanted. Can we leave now?”
“Yes.” Ominis cut in as he seemed to understand what Edwart's tone was implying. “We were lucky we could have died. We must swear never to do this again.”
“I don't want to leave but I owe you. Both of you.”
The three boys left the scriptorium, Sebastian already devouring the book, Ominis holding the vase and Edwart barely standing. He leaned onto a wall as Ominis kept scolding Sebastian.
“I meant what I said. We swear right now never to engage in anything to do with Dark Magic again.”
“I understand. I’m truly sorry about your aunt Ominis. I’m going to go study in the Undercroft. Edwart? Will you join me?”
Edwart shot him a look a thousand words wouldn't be able to express. “I think I'll just head to my common room. I'll see you both later.” Before Ominis could get a word in. Edwart left the dungeons in a painful hurry.
<Part 2 /// Part 4>
-------------- Author's notes:--------------
Thank you so much for reading Part 3! Wow, the worst pain's behind us! The next part will hold the aftermath with Ominis. Ahhh. A lot of fluff. Those pictures, tho!Thanks so much for reading:))
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unspokenspeakeasy · 4 months
I always wanted you to take control buy seeing you curled up against me, my hands in your hair, made me want to do nothing more than lift your head by your chin, make you stare at me til you couldn't any longer, tease you til you were begging me for more. When I feel so so inclined to submit to you, when I want to do so, so badly, I cant help but want to reverse those roles too, to show you how I feel.
I wanna show my pretty boy how pretty he really is.
But for now I'll let Arcadia have her fun. She's the one that belongs to you anyways isn't she? I'm simply a bystander, seeing so much potential in the fun I could be having in her place. You know how much she loves being your plaything... But Id love to see how many times I can write out how pretty you are til you're begging me to stop. You know the safe word. Of course you do.
But will you use it? Or see how far I'd like to see you slowly shatter.
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versegm · 1 year
Also gimme the deets on Theatre AU!!
Oh BOY this is gonna be a long one. I am incapable of making a normal modern au i NEED these bitches to be freaks in some way I literally can't help it.
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The cape Castoria finds is meant to be Saber's cape! The relationship between Castoria & anime girl king arthur would be way too long to explain in thsi post, but they're connected so I figured it would make a cute easter egg.
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I considered having Castoria freeload below the deck instead, because I've personally never played in a theater that had storage rooms above deck, but I really wanted to keep the Phantom Of The Opera vibe so I just went fuck it.
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Love my girl Castoria who is a paranoid little rat constantly looking for the closest escape route <3
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I have no idea how to write Oberon I just imitated Herlock's speech pattern and crossed my fingers
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Gray is in fact a different Fate character! the tl;dr of Gray is that she's a regular-ass human, but unfortunately she was born in a weird arthuriana cult, which lead to her body slowly turning into that of king arthur. She has issues with her face a lot because like, if your face shifted to become that of a perfect stranger wouldn't that be fucked up. Coincidentally, Castoria also has king arthur's face, though for arguably less angsty reasons.
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The Night of Wallachia is another nasuverse character (technically from Melty Blood rather than any fate work tho.) I will redirect you to Lance's post as to whomst this man is though because I have yet to play Melty Blood myself.
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Moly is a plant from Homer's Odysseus btw
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Deep fucking sigh I fucking wish. I fucking wish we had more stories about the aftermath of isekai adventures, my man. I want to know what's it like to see someone with medieval wartime reflexes who just refuses to talk about shit. Anyways the entire Guda subplot is just me not being normal about isekais, as per usual.
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So this scene was originally a lot longer, with Guda tricking Castoria into giving a lot more personal information (exact date of birth, last name) and ending with them taking a group selfie- all info they can use later on to forge her ID. But it was kinda boring so I just went the "Guda forges papers by winging it and she can't call them out on it without admitting that her own living situation is garbage" route.
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Didn't put nearly as much foreshadowing as I would have liked, but it's meant to be a hint of "hey maybe Castoria straight-up created Oberon, cuz how else would he know so much about her?"
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Castoria is so fucking gender.
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You probably saw me posting about it, but Guda's canon age in fgo is kinda nebulous. At the beginning of the game they are definitely "below the drinking age," but it's mentioned/implied a couple times later on that no one knows how old they are now (I think Vritra? Has a voice line along the lines of "oh you don't drink because you don't know how old you are so you're just being safe by assuming it's below 21? ok") What time travel and time loops and being locked outside of time does to a mf.
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The Guda-Castoria-Oberon banter is a fucking joy to write. Bitches who keep teaming up to dunk on the third one.
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This bit was inspired by my sister, who has collected all six of her chairs on the streets.
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SO FUNNY STORY. I didn't actually ship Castoria/Oberon going in. But like. There was no reason for me not to include them having weird sexual tension, especially considering I was gonna do that with GudaCas and ObeGuda. So I was like whatever I'll keep it ambiguous but I'm not closing any doors. And then like a fool I tricked myself into liking it. I literally never fucking learn.
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Ultra mega shout out to my cosplayer friend for their extensive knowledge of how to make fantasy armor.
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The Luik festival is in fact a real-life music festival.
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Lance was the one to point out that in a way the theater au is a role reversal from canon. In canon, Castoria and Oberon are both painfully aware of what they are and what they need to do, while Guda is increasingly unsure as to what they want and why they want it. Meanwhile here Oberon and Castoria are desperately grasping at any hint as to what is wrong with them, while Guda is crystal-clear on their singular goal of "I need to get the fuck out of here."
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I keep forgetting that sexual attraction is a thing so I tried to pay attention to it for once. Hope I didn't overdo it.
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Something something you have to let go of your past or you will only end up hurting the people who are in your life now.
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When you learn that your friend has been on a path of self-destruction and you are directly to blame bottom text.
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I think I already said it, but my original outline was for the three of them to have incredibly violent sex post fight, and then an extra chapter of "mh. Perhaps we should talk about things actually." I remember I wanted the dialogue to go along those lines:
Guda: ok so maybe we should talk about things actually
Oberon: not talking about things worked just fine for us until now
Castoria: it literally did not
Oberon: cranky because hatesex is so much better than regular sex aren't you
Castoria: I wouldn't know, only ever had one of those two
Guda: wait, shit, was that your first time? Oh my fucking god. what the fuck. let me give you an actual proper kiss instead of whatever the fuck this was. Oberon, you kiss her too.
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I rewatched a bit of lb6 for unrelated reasons recently and I'd. Completely forgotten that when they reunite with Mash at the end of part one they do in fact act like that.
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Quote from the lesson of the moth!
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Wanted to make it reminiscent of their first meetings, with Guda also dragging them through a door.
So yeah, that's my self indulgence! I had a lot of fun writing it :) I love... isekais.
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
id like to preface this by saying i like anne lmao but i also love Suffering so here we go:
1. in canon believes that sebastian should go to azkaban to pay for canceling their uncles life subscription (granted, if you agree with ominis, he does say she's torn about it now that its happening)
2. if u dont agree with turning seb in, ominis has to convince her it is the better choice... at which point she basically takes the "guilt will do the job" stance
3. loves him, but leaves him (dont blame her but wowza 6th year must have been a ride after this lmao)
4. if u dont turn seb in, he tries to contact anne via owl but she makes it clear it is Not Happening... seb believes hes lost her for good but still has hope it may change in the future (granted its all too fresh still and they're young... but hey, bad decisions run in the family)
5. +bonus hc: they're traumatised 15 year olds, but she has the curse that eroded her and no uncle as a support and seb just... goes back to school, to ominis (+mc), to a life? 🌟 suffering 🌟 no price, no penance, no pain, and she loses everything...? Slippery slope 👀
My personal hc is that anne has a firmer stance on which lines she allows people to cross and which ones she doesn't... even if it is her own brother. Also the curse must have taken its toll mentally as well, so, as I said, i dont blame her i just really like Suffering
Seb will REALLY have to live with that... ominis constantly torn between the twins
If u dont agree with ominis abt turning seb in, he is firm in his stance that u should... but If u agree with it, ominis almost pleads for u to reconsider, and u get a chance to agree and change ur mind... neat how the devs never give u a chance to contact anne urself (tho i think she wouldnt want to talk to the mc either)
If the roles had been reversed, what do you think, would anne had gone as far as seb to save him? Hoho
This has been your local Suffering anon, have a nice day~ :"D
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Everyone's life is destroyed and nothing good exists anymore, this is the worst timeline possible. WHAT HAVE YOU CREATED?
Thanks to this headcanon I now hate Anne, thanks (jk).
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quodekash · 1 year
first lemme make myself an ice tea and then we’ll get into the ridiculous commentary (which will probably be entirely keysmashes but anyway) 
fingers crossed for something benchopper 
also i find it rly interesting that the series i finished with when going through all the our skyy shows is the one that theyre start with 
also also idk anything about the order for our skyy but i do know that there’s no way bad buddy isnt the final one 
ICE TEA HAS NOW BEEN ACQUIRED, NOW WE SHALL COMMENCE THE COMMENTARY (that a lot of you seem to like, why do you like my commentary) 
literally shaking what the hell
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ok so judging from the intro, it’s nlmg first, and then simm, then THE ECLIPSE MY BOYS AAAAAA, AND THEN VICE VERSA, AND THEN MSP HEGUERIHBGKREJB, im literally vibrating with excitement rn help, and then abaab, AND THEN BAD BUDDY GERJHBGUKREJBKGURBJ, AND THEN 1000STARS 
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palms hair is so freaking pretty what the hell 
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i sense a sponsorship
palm is so happy to see him and he’s trying to be sweet but nueng is moody and i guess i get why but also pls just be happy to see him again 
okay they are happy now yayyy 
yup i was right theyre sponsored by suzuki thats kind of hilarious 
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damn, two sponsorships within like ten minutes of each other, they really went all out 
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well that guy was confusing. ‘you guys are soulmates and youre fate but also you cant be together but you will be but you wont’ 
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also like oh shoot they might be about to die 
but also just imagine walking around every day with a sword 
the power 
id never like actually hurt anyone with it and id probably rarely take it out of the sheath 
but seriously. sword. its so cool. 
not cool that theyre probably about to hurt nuengpalm and probably that poor woman 
holding hands and running for their lives, absolutely nothing new here 
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heh i paused it at a funny moment 
he’s such a good bodyguard/protector/boyfriend/whatever ghrjgbhr 
ill show you what happens to heroes. they wake up in historical clothing. 
why are the roles suddenly reversed 
and why is palm the only one with knowledge of the present time and the only one without a clue about whats going on in this au  version of events 
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see, at first i was pretty sure he was faking it cos it didnt make sense that only palm was aware of the present, surely it would be both of them, but then he confused me, but its fine cos he remembers him YAY 
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wait this entire thing is a complete repeat of the series just switched and historical
their first major interaction was being introduced via parent sending child to work for the other child 
their second major interaction was at the pool, and in this version its by the lake 
their third major interaction is the master making the servant eat with them because ‘theres too much food for me to eat by myself’ when really its just bc he wants to spend time with him 
wait please let chopper and ben be in this historical version of life 
phum is there 
surely its plausible to think that benchopper could be there too 
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i freaking love these two 
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its okay tho theyll iron out the conflict, its fine 
see, they figured out the conflict 
well that was wonderful but it is now 1am so i need to go to sleep 
goodnight folks! im gonna spend the next 24 hours Thinking About Them 
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