transingthoseformers · 11 months
I just have to share this because I am very excited about a two birds one stone plot solution for Transformers: Iconoclast.
So, I had to figure out why Orion Pax became Optimus Prime when Primes aren't a thing in this universe AND how to connect the Jazz & Prowl Plotline to MegOP.
So the basic premise of the first part of MegOP is they both recognize the mistreatment and even more that the current general is corrupt. They set out to speak to Ultra Magnus, who is a folk hero figure and famously a free Transformer, and Quintessa, who is Ruler For Life of the Quintessons and has a Cult of Personality with them and is considered genuinely divine by some Transformers.
They both still believe Quintessa would listen and help. Somewhat naively. She is known as one of the original Creators and who famously fought in battle with Transformers during a famous War that nearly destroyed the Quintessons and that she freed her soldiers granting them citizen status and who enabled laws for "fair treatment" and that allowed other freed Transformers some partial rights as citizens. Ultra Magnus was the most famous example of this and is, allegedly, Supreme Head of the Military, and gives yearly speeches and appearances.
Orion and Megatron have been left for dead by their superior officer who is involved in shady things with their contracts with Xetaxxis and Lanarq working both sides. They succeed and get to Ultra Magnus first who immediately clocks onto the fact their behavior regulation modules are busted. He tells them to run but before they can the guards arrest them and take them to Quintessa. They plead their case and offer evidence while Ultra Magnus stands silent and obedient. Quintessa nods and listens saying she believes them and is every inch the regal figure they imagined.
She summons the General, reads him the riot act with the evidence and then finishes coldly with, "I cannot stand incompetence." before shooting him point blank and telling the guards to clean up. This is when she drops the act and turns cold eyes to explain she can excuse a little skimming the top and ambition but sloppiness enough that products figure things out is inexcusable and compromises operations. She tells the guards to restrain them and Orion and Megatron fight back with Megatron firing at her and scarring her face which infuriates her. They are restrained and separated.
She is cruel and decides to use Orion as a "bait mech" on Velocitron which is the entertainment colony famous for both its gladiatorial pits and racing. The battle mask is actually a muzzle and Quintessa removes his ability to speak. Megatron, a gunformer, is mode locked as a trophy for her due to him saying something along the lines of rather dying so she decides he can "serve his betters". Orion survives his first fight and though the pit runners are told to kill him the decide to paint him bright red and blue and rebrand him as Optimus Prime.
Here Optimus starts a rebellion with Jazz's people and meets people like Drift, Lugnut, Arcee, etc.
Optimus is his Gladiator name and I am so excited about it!
Ooooo??? Megs and Oppy teaming up together?
why do I get the vibe quintessa won't help /j
Behavior regulation modules
hmm. interesting interesting, noted.
goddamn, quintessa, that's. damn
OWO on the "bait mech" detail and Orion eventually becoming a gladiator THAT way? I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about that concept for my plotlines before, and the battle mask being a muzzle? Damn.
And Megs getting altmode locked? wow
So this is cool as fuck, gladiator!Optimus is an idea that always fascinates me, yes yes yes
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I'm fueled by trauma, spite, and occasionally, a caramel macchiato.
Black, probably
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Playlist for Transformers: Iconclast.
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xxmurd0ckm1gra1n3xx · 2 months
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im so iconclastic (im clastic)
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taintedpompom · 6 months
Rose Lalonde is a student, a beneficiary of Sassacre's Hallowed Academy for Potential Expansion, a esteemed boarding school that accepts only the finest and grooms all their students for success.
What Rose did not know is that the school assigns both clubs and curriculum FOR their students, taking our literary scholar and forcing her into cheerleadership.
What she still does not know is the school is shaping her, gradually stoking her competitive spirit, molding her soul and body, and cultivating her natural talents. As time passes she gradually and rapidly becomes bigger and better, thrust from goth out into Queen Bee of the school.
This is a slow burn story, Rose is not happy about her job (Yet), though she will occassionaly get flashes of fantization, visions of her future superiority that appear almost as intrusive wet dreams.
As Rose breaks her hips will swell accordingly, and may temporarily have spurts of power trip where shes vastly further along then she really is and will "Snap back", so far she's slightly pearshapped, tall, and somewhat gangly.
Rose will insist otherwise, but shes viciously competitive and entirely dominant, she rankles at any authority but her own. She accepts no quarter, she just doesn't like people telling her that because she thinks of herself as a iconclast rebel.
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sabakos · 8 months
Okay somebody must have already derived a link between contemporary theories of gender and Byzantine iconclastic debates over aesthetic form, likeness, and archetype. As in, if there is no "essence" of gender, there can be no blasphemy or mockery in the representation, etc.
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Makes sense.
How about Ryza plasma batteries?
Replace Havoc with Iconclast and much the same. Also someone who had a very up armored light cruiser called Flyswatter who killed escorts with it.
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videostak · 2 years
rly wanna get that tony conrad faust album... cause i have the CD of fausts two albums which are great but also like idk i guess im not a huge faust fan cause theres a lot of great moments but a lot of it like reminds me of cheesy late 60s early 70s pyschedlic film background music u kno like the music in lupin or like belladonna fo sadness or whatever i think its the acoustic guitar that gives me that vibe. not knocking it cause i think its cool but like compared to the other german bands like can neu cluster doesnt feel as revolutionary or iconclastic to me but i rly like that tony conrad album or atleast what  i heard of it. i mean i love thier first two albums especially their second theres still a great amazing sound like on the first song and it has that like hypnotic vibe to it it just tends to be a bit more not as apparent as it is with the previously mentioned bands. but i also like how they sound more overtly 60s and more overtly rock than their contemporaries while managing to also sound more to earth but also still not of earth like at different times. i just feel like ultimately my love for them doesnt seem as strong as what i see written about them but ya i rly like the drone of that tony conrad album but given how common it is i should be in no hurry to order it and since its so common i may as well wait and look around some CD stores first b4 ordering it cause its possible i could find it out since like this faust CD i found at the store downtown so ya. anyways ya im listening to the faust first 2 albums cd i have but it also is making me wish i had that tony conrad CD cause the great moments on this remind me of that. well ok not that much rn cause im on the second album and theres some rly great moments on that that are prolly equal to if not better than that tony conrad collab so like everything is p awesum rn
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orthodoxydaily · 4 months
Saints&Reading: Friday, May 24, 2024
may 11_may 24
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Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equals of the Apostles, and Enlighteners of the Slavs came from an illustrious and pious family living in the Greek city of Thessalonica. Saint Methodius was the oldest of seven brothers, Saint Constantine [Cyril was his monastic name] was the youngest. At first Saint Methodius was in the military and was governor in one of the Slavic principalities dependent on the Byzantine Empire, probably Bulgaria, which made it possible for him to learn the Slavic language. After living there for about ten years, Saint Methodius later received monastic tonsure at one of the monasteries on Mount Olympus (Asia Minor).
Saint Constantine distinguished himself by his great aptitude, and he studied with the emperor Michael under the finest teachers in Constantinople, including Saint Photius, the future Patriarch of Constantinople (February 6).
Saint Constantine studied all the sciences of his time, and also knew several languages. He also studied the works of Saint Gregory the Theologian. Because of his keen mind and penetrating intellect, Saint Constantine was called “Philosopher” (wise). Upon the completion of his education, Saint Constantine was ordained to the holy priesthood and was appointed curator of the patriarchal library at the church of Hagia Sophia. He soon left the capital and went secretly to a monastery.
Discovered there, he returned to Constantinople, where he was appointed as instructor in philosophy. The young Constantine’s wisdom and faith were so great that he won a debate with Ananias, the leader of the heretical iconclasts. After this victory Constantine was sent by the emperor to discuss the Holy Trinity with the Saracens, and again he gained the victory. When he returned, Saint Constantine went to his brother Saint Methodius on Olympus, spending his time in unceasing prayer and reading the works of the holy Fathers.
The emperor soon summoned both of the holy brothers from the monastery and sent them to preach the Gospel to the Khazars. Along the way they stayed in the city of Korsun, making preparations for their missionary activity. There the holy brothers miraculously discovered the relics of the hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome (November 25).
There in Korsun Saint Constantine found a Gospel and Psalter written in Russian letters [i.e. Slavonic], and a man speaking the Slavic tongue, and he learned from this man how to read and speak this language. After this, the holy brothers went to the Khazars, where they won a debate with Jews and Moslems by preaching the Gospel. On the way home, the brothers again visited Korsun and, taking up the relics of Saint Clement, they returned to Constantinople. Saint Constantine remained in the capital, but Saint Methodius was made igumen of the small Polychronion monastery near Mount Olympus, where he lived a life of asceticism as before.
Soon messengers came to the emperor from the Moravian prince Rostislav, who was under pressure from German bishops, with a request to send teachers to Moravia who would be able to preach in the Slavic tongue. The emperor summoned Saint Constantine and said to him, “You must go there, but it would be better if no one knows about this.”
Saint Constantine prepared for the new task with fasting and prayer. With the help of his brother Saint Methodius and the disciples Gorazd, Clement, Savva, Naum and Angelyar, he devised a Slavonic alphabet and translated the books which were necessary for the celebration of the divine services: the Gospel, Epistles, Psalter, and collected services, into the Slavic tongue. This occurred in the year 863.
After completing the translation, the holy brothers went to Moravia, where they were received with great honor, and they began to teach the services in the Slavic language. This aroused the malice of the German bishops, who celebrated divine services in the Moravian churches in Latin. They rose up against the holy brothers, convinced that divine services must be done in one of three languages: Hebrew, Greek or Latin.
Saint Constantine said, “You only recognize three languages in which God may be glorified. But David sang, ‘Praise the Lord, all nations, praise the Lord all peoples (Ps 116/117:1).’ And the Gospel of Saint Matthew (28:18) says, ‘Go and teach all nations....’” The German bishops were humiliated, but they became bitter and complained to Rome.
The holy brothers were summoned to Rome for a decision on this matter. Taking with them the relics of Saint Clement, Saints Constantine and Methodius set off to Rome. Knowing that the holy brothers were bringing these relics with them, Pope Adrian met them along the way with his clergy. The holy brothers were greeted with honor, the Pope gave permission to have divine services in the Slavonic language, and he ordered the books translated by the brothers to be placed in the Latin churches, and to serve the Liturgy in the Slavonic language.
At Rome Saint Constantine fell ill, and the Lord revealed to him his approaching death. He was tonsured into the monastic schema with the name of Cyril. On February 14, 869, fifty days after receiving the schema, Saint Cyril died at the age of forty-two.
Saint Cyril commanded his brother Saint Methodius to continue with their task of enlightening the Slavic peoples with the light of the true Faith. Saint Methodius entreated the Pope to send the body of his brother for burial in their native land, but the Pope ordered the relics of Saint Cyril to be placed in the church of Saint Clement, where miracles began to occur from them.
After the death of Saint Cyril, the Pope sent Saint Methodius to Pannonia, after consecrating him as Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia, on the ancient throne of Saint Andronicus (July 30). In Pannonia Saint Methodius and his disciples continued to distribute services books written in the Slavonic language. This again aroused the wrath of the German bishops. They arrested and tried Saint Methodius, who was sent in chains to Swabia, where he endured many sufferings for two and a half years.
After being set free by order of Pope John VIII of Rome, and restored to his archdiocese, Saint Methodius continued to preach the Gospel among the Slavs. He baptized the Czech prince Borivoi and his wife Ludmilla (September 16), and also one of the Polish princes. The German bishops began to persecute the saint for a third time, because he did not accept the erroneous teaching about the procession of the Holy Spirit from both the Father and the Son. Saint Methodius was summoned to Rome, but he justified himself before the Pope, and preserved the Orthodox teaching in its purity, and was sent again to the capital of Moravia, Velehrad.
Here in the remaining years of his life Saint Methodius, assisted by two of his former pupils, translated the entire Old Testament into Slavonic, except for the Book of Maccabbees, and even the Nomocanon (Rule of the Holy Fathers) and Paterikon (book of the Holy Fathers).
Sensing the nearness of death, Saint Methodius designated one of his students, Gorazd, as a worthy successor to himself. The holy bishop predicted the day of his death and died on April 6, 885 when he was about sixty years old. The saint’s burial service was chanted in three languages, Slavonic, Greek, and Latin. He was buried in the cathedral church of Velehrad.
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A Great Sign, p. 115): "The officer said he came from Kalloni, where he dwelt in a monastery. The officer explained how an empress built the Karyes Monastery. The officer described it as a large complex with an imperial suite or cell. The officer told Kanellos that there were three icons still remaining: one underneath the church, another at the holm-oak, and the third in the forecourt." Kontoglou believed the military officer was Saint Demetrios of Thessaloniki, since there is a church dedicated to him at Kalloni.
In 1235 the convent was attacked, demolished and set on fire by Turkish corsairs out of Crete. Many nuns were slain. The Abbess at the time was named Olympia, who attained great heights of virtue and sanctity. Her mother was from Constantinople and the daughter of a priest, and had three sisters and one brother; the latter eventually became an archimandrite. Her father, the priest, counseled his daughter Dorothea to become a nun, and in time she became the abbess at the Monastery of Karyes. Her three sisters married. Olympia's mother married a man who became a priest in the Peloponnese. It was there that Olympia was born and raised in the piety of the Orthodox faith. When Olympia was ten years old, both of her parents died, and was therefore sent to Karyes in Mytilene to her aunt, the Abbess Dorothea. There she decided to also dedicate her life to the Lord, and at the age of nineteen she was tonsured a nun. When she was twenty-five her aunt Dorothea reposed, and the sisterhood elected Olympia as her successor. She had thirty nuns under her spiritual direction, with eighteen cells at the convent.
On the 11th of May, in the year 1235, pirates attacked the convent, and at first tried to defile the nuns. Some escaped and fled into the mountains, but many were raped and slaughtered by the Turks.One of the elderly nuns, Mother Euphrosyne, who was infirm and could not walk and hide herself, was greatly tortured by the attackers. She was suspended on a tree and burned alive. All that remained of her were ashes.
Mother Olympia did not wish to flee. She chose to remain behind and endure the horrific torments she was to endure. The pirates took lit torches and burned her flesh. They then prepared a red-hot iron rod and hammered it into her ear forcing it out of the other ear. She was also tortured with candle flames. They then stripped her and stretched her on an iron door, and affixed her there to a wooden board using twenty large nails. The pirates then took three nails larger than the others and hammered them into her head. Two of the nails were driven into each ear. The third nail penetrated through her cranium. After she expired, they burned down the monastery as well as its beautiful church.
What was left of the monastery lay in ruins for about a hundred and fifty years, when a pious and wealthy woman named Melpomene undertook to rebuild it, though this time it would be a monastery for men. It was in this monastery where Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene were to suffer martyrdom at the hands of wrathful Turks.
In September of 1961, Vasiliki Rallis had a dream in which....Continue reading
Surce; Orthodox Christianity Then and Now
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ACTS 8:40-9:19
40 But Philip was found at Azotus. And passing through, he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea.
1 Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. 3 As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. 4 Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" 5 And he said, "Who are You, Lord?" Then the Lord said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads." 6 So he, trembling and astonished, said, "Lord, what do You want me to do?" Then the Lord said to him, "Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." 7 And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. 8 Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one. But they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus. 9 And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank. 10 Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and to him the Lord said in a vision, "Ananias." And he said, "Here I am, Lord." 11 So the Lord said to him, "Arise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he is praying. 12 And in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, so that he might receive his sight. 13 Then Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. 14 And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name. 15 But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. 16 For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake. 17 And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." 18 Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized. 19 So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus.
MATTHEW 5:14-19
14 You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. 17 Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
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tflegendarium · 10 months
Going to try and write more on this though I've been ironically focused more on @transformers-iconclast lately because I am closer to finishing up Part 1's outline for that and it's a little simpler, relatively than this universe.
I'm definitely excited to write more here, though, and will probably finish up editing my notes on the lore story on Ao3 for the next chapter there.
Both series start with Optimus/Orion though because I'm biased.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Glitch was a special music box/dancer toy designed to resemble Quintessa. Basically, Quintesson Barbie. She was a special Transformer released in small amounts designed to be a living Barbie. Most of the models didn't succeed because they were forced to split or taken too early to fit the mold. Glitch though would have naturally been a Minicon and survived the process. She became what was considered ultra rare because most didn't survive and they had to cancel pre-orders.
Brinnt (Quintesson Governor of Cybertron and Prowl’s owner) found out about her when she was going to be disposed of. She was basically turned on and then immediately failed "product testing".
(Unknown to everyone, Rung argued vehemently against the attempt to make them and then to let him keep Glitch, but once they found out she could short security doors, she was too much of a risk so Trepan said no.)
Brinnt had promised his nibling one and bribed the disposal unit to send him the rumored untouched model who was basically a newborn.
The moment she was turned on and asked to sing, though, he realized why she was marked for disposal. She was an Outlier as well and destroyed tech. He directed Prowl to get rid of her, and Prowl scooped the newborn up falsified disposal records and found Jazz.
Jazz answered and took the newborn away, who had by this time bonded with Prowl, who hid her in her rooms and plating as needed. Jazz took her home, and Aquarius was absolutely delighted by faer grandcreation. And helped her perfect her skills.
Glitch, called this since she woke up, and decided to name herself something different but can't settle on anything. She found that she became very good at killing if she needed to because Quintessons were technorganic.
She cannot be ordered around, something Jazz and Aquarius encourage and will only listen to her mothers, a term she picked up from organic soap operas Aquarius enjoys.
Prowl would teach her wait she new, paperwork, organizing, and bureaucracy.
Jazz taught her sabotage and planning missions and how to charm and sneak.
She becomes somewhat feral and threatening but adores music and singing.
She fits in most Cybertronians' hands.
Quintesson barbie
Quintesson barbie
Damnnn that's just. So awful of a process. And Glitch was to be destroyed as well? Fucking damn.
So Brinnt too sent for Glitch to be destroyed and Prowl internally said "fuck that shit I'm keeping her, where's Jazz"
Interesting that Glitch's ability applies to technoorganics (such as the Quintessons) too!
Amazing that Aquarius loves organic shows
Glitch is so little and deadly and amazing
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rethreads-blog · 2 years
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Untitled [Next Door Neighbor To The Abyss] be ESPO | Steve Powers ••• 20”x16”, 2-Color Screen Print ••• Edition of 200 | Signed Remarque ••• #stevepowers #stephenpowers #espo #graffitiposter #beautifullosers #iconclast (at Galerie F) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeNgR-GOvzh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vita-player · 7 years
Soon-to-be-Released Iconoclasts will Please Fans of Retro Video Games
Although there are plenty of advancements going on in the world of gaming, with the development of things like augmented and virtual reality, developers are also finding that going down a nostalgic path can generate sales. So while some games are looking to the future, others are bringing elements of the past to modern audiences. Iconoclasts fits into the latter group, and will most certainly…
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kayinnasaki · 7 years
It’s so intimidating to have BEP around so many beautiful cool games and also The TakeOver
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onlyhurtforaminute · 3 years
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Fantasy writing thoughts
One of the things that fantasy often gets bogged down is the details. As in, you need to explain the world to the audience and how it functions. The danger with this is obvious, the story can EASILY be buried under all that world building.
Then there are the species. It is far FAR too common to write your fantasy species à la Dungeons and Dragons aligment chart or Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. There are evil non-human looking species and there are good human-looking species.
By having the species be tied to overall morality, it robs the world of nuance. Because it doesn't treat the characters of the different species as people. It puts -hard- limits on where they may go in terms of actions, even though they are sentient beings who can make their own choices.
No elf may act a certain way, no warg may do thing x and so on. Only humans are allowed to be as morally complex as they are in reality.
What this means is, that your cast can end up very disjointed if it is made of iconclasts to their species. The non-typical member of a species can work only so far, until you start to question why only -this- character is different.
This rule-setting makes the species sound more like AIs than actual characters, as people do not have such harsh limits.
For intentionally evil species, I have written this long thing about how much work goes into establishing one.
Here are three hints that I think will help a lot in doing a better fantasy setting.
1. Instead of exposition, show us how the world works. Don't use made-up terms unless they come up later in the story. Keep the POV on the main characters and don't explain anything beyond what they'd know. Don't involve world-shattering events until you have established the setting fully.
2. Avoid using humans. Human-like, sure. But in a lot of settings, including humans means the other species look more limited in comparison.
3. Tie morality of character, not species. Don't go the 'only good drow' route, but instead have each species present be varied.
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