by Joe Kaufman
A prominent educator and activist in South Florida will be removed from two committees associated with the Broward County School Board, after officials learned of her ties to radical Muslim groups and promotion of antisemitism. The decision came after her connections to Islamist organizations and her own promotion of antisemitism were brought to their attention by this author.
Officials will remove Naima Khan-Ghany from her seats on the Broward County School Board Diversity and Human Relations Committees, at the end of June.
‘In light of what has taken place,’ Khan-Ghany’s duties have been ‘put on hold,’ and come July 1st, she will no longer be affiliated with either committee and will be replaced by other appointees.
Janysse Edouard, the Executive Secretary of School Board member Dr. Jeff Holness stated, on June 6th, that “in light of what has taken place,” Khan-Ghany’s duties have been “put on hold,” and come July 1st, she will no longer be affiliated with either committee and will be replaced by other appointees.
For over seven years, Trinidad-born Naima Khan-Ghany has served in different capacities within the Broward County School Board, most notably on the Diversity and Human Relations Committees, the latter of which she chairs. Through much of that time and well before, she has affiliated with several Islamist groups, many of which are extensions of international terrorist entities.
Khan-Ghany has worked with the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which, in July 2014, co-sponsored a Miami rally where event goers repeatedly chanted “We are Hamas” and “Let’s go Hamas.” She has worked with the South Asian terror-linked Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and spoke at a 2015 banquet for ICNA’s social services division, ICNA Relief. She has been photographed with ICNA Relief USA’s Government Affairs Coordinator Syed Ammar Ahmed, who once joked about threatening to blow up a school, and ICNA Relief USA’s COO Abdul Rauf Khan, who has used his social media to target Jews and gays.
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We don't have a Speaker's Corner here in Colorado, so we have to hold our debates wherever we can.  This Christian-Muslim debate occurred at an Marriott in Lone Tree, Colorado and involved famous (or infamous) Islamic scholar Yasir Qadhi and myself.  Apologies for the spotty audio, lots of wind and traffic noise, but I didn't shoot it.  It was shot without my knowledge by someone attending the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), who posted the video on Youtube. 
The occasion was an ICNA fundraiser whose keynote speaker was Yasir Qadhi, Salafist Islamic scholar and then faculty member of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee. In order to keep the Rhodes job Qadhi had to pretend to be “moderate.”  In fact, however, he had posted Youtube videos stating that Christians and Jews were filthy and that it was legitimate to take their lives and property in jihad.  As for the fundraiser, those familiar with Islamic charity (zakat) know that one of the eight categories for receipt of Islamic charitable donations is for soldiers for Islam that do not wear the uniform of a nation, in other words terrorists. 
The comments on the ICNA posting of the debate, mostly from ICNA sympathizers feel Qadhi won the debate (one referred to mas a "lone wolf") but don't go into detail.  The only comment that went into thorough discussion of the entire debate came from Adrian Russe and says that I won the debate handily.  Here are his comments, what do you think?:
This is the best comment concerning my debate with Yasir Qadhi that was posted to the ICNA video, thanks Adran Russe:
"OK! Good on him, he stayed on track and never fell for any of your bullshit. He is right about pretending to be Moderate, there is no such thing, just as Radical doesn't exist. There are the Pious and Munafiqun (munafiq, singular, Islamic Hypocrites). 1 min 19 in he starts deflecting. He is controlling this thus putting him in Dhimmitude. At 3;30 a great "fuck off"on your part. Then he starts lying about modifying Islam, it cannot ever happen, to do so would be to admit it isn't perfect, so he's lying. At 4:30 he says "I'm an American" that's bullshit. Their allegiance is to the Ummah, NEVER the host, a passport is another weapon of the age. Islam has no nationality.
6 minutes in, they have a duty to further Islam, so, another lie. Sahih Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar". 10:30 he starts talking about the cross (itas always going to happen) great move by the way. 10:45 he loves Jesus does he? The Quran agrees with the Bible about the virgin birth of Jesus (and his return), but not his resurrection. In fact, it even denies that he was crucified, which runs counter to all historical evidence. In the Islamic version, Jesus was taken to heaven andwill return to "destroy the cross" and all religions other than Islam. 12:00 heays "we are not preaching violence" another lie, they're muslims. Quran (2:216) –
"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense. 12:23 "food packages for abused women" MUSLIM women OR if not, Sahih Bukhari (55:558) - The Prophet said, "I give to them so as to attract their hearts to Islam."
The only example of Muhammad ever providing charity to non-Muslims was when it served the purpose of expanding personal power, either to buy conversions or loyalty. 12:40 Syrian refugess = Muslims, Any Christians coming out of Syria were missing by the time they reached international water because they wouldn't pray, and their children were kept to manipulate EU authorities. Those Syrian refugees who made it here do not need any charity from the U.S, there are enough arse lickers here to help them.
13:25 the last resort, Label Words. He knows Richard knows. Label words are another tactic to subdue. He has made up his mind and he is not falling for their deceit called Tawriya = Intentionally creating a false impression by saying something that is technically true, when knowing that the listener will interpret it in a different way. THAT was brilliant and God bless him for not falling for their deceptions. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that. Know whose enemy you are, and why."
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Islamist leader Yasir Qadhi debates me at fundraiser for ICNA
Love to be called “brilliant.”  But if nothing else my presence on the sidewalk in front of the Marriott with a sign that read “ICNA:  Terrorist Front,” clearly disrupted the event including having the keynote speaker feeling he had to confront me.
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akhynnahfound · 2 years
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plethoraworldatlas · 3 months
The American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force, a national coalition of American Muslim 501(c)4 political organizations, today called on President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race after losing the confidence of key voters due to widespread opposition to his support for the Gaza genocide and widespread concern about his ability to serve as president for another four years.
In a statement, task force members Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, CAIR Action, ICNA Council of Social Justice Action, Muslim American Society Action, Muslim Civic Coalition Activate and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations Civil Action Network said, in part: "President Biden should now step aside so that the Democratic Party can identify and nominate a new, able, and qualified candidate who better reflects the values and views of most voters, including opposition to U.S. support for the Gaza genocide."
The task force also said that President Biden’s withdrawal is the best and perhaps only way to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House
"As American Muslim political organizations that care deeply about the future of our country and justice for all people, we must today call on President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.
"Even before his deeply concerning and disappointing debate performance, President Biden's financial support for the mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza, his failure to effectively address anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia here at home, and his dishonest response to the diverse and overwhelmingly peaceful anti-genocide protests on college campuses had already alienated and made it difficult for many American Muslims, young people, and other voters to consider supporting him in the fall.
"Now widespread and growing concerns about President Biden's ability to continue serving in office for another four years have made the political status quo untenable. If President Biden remains the Democratic nominee, he could lose Michigan, Georgia, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and other key swing states, thereby returning President Trump to power.
"Just as many American Muslims cannot bring themselves to vote for President Biden, many American Muslims also do not want to see Donald Trump return to office. Former President Trump has made it clear that he plans to round up undocumented immigrants in mass camps, reinstate the Muslim Ban, entrench racial inequities in our economy and criminal justice system, stack the federal civil service with political loyalists, and pursue a foreign policy just as or even more immoral than the Biden foreign policy. 
"During the CNN presidential debate, President Trump even said the Israeli government should be allowed to complete its genocide, ignored the question of whether he would support the recognition of a Palestinian state to achieve peace, and weaponized Palestinian identity as a racist insult. 
“Meanwhile, President Biden touted his transfer of deadly weapons to Israel and falsely claimed that Netanyahu's government wants the genocide to end. Their positions on Gaza were despicable and their performances were deeply disturbing.
"The American people should not have to choose between such fatally flawed candidates. The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and this genocide should be a red line for any administration.
"President Biden should step aside so that the Democratic Party can identify and nominate a new, able, and qualified candidate who better reflects the values and views of most voters, including opposition to U.S. support for the Gaza genocide. In an ideal world, the Republican Party would also force President Trump--a failed president and convicted felon who sparked the Jan. 6th insurrection--to step aside.
"The American Muslim community is not a monolith. We are politically diverse. But our community is united in supporting basic principles of justice that all people should support. Human rights. Racial equality. Religious freedom. Free and fair elections. Economic opportunity. 
“American Muslim voters expect anyone who wants to lead our nation to support all of these basic principles. Opposing racism, occupation, and genocide are not big asks. They are basic asks. Both President Biden and President Trump have failed to clear this very low bar. American Muslims and the broader American people demand better options now.”
The American Muslim 2024 Election Taskforce is a coalition of American Muslim 501(c)4 political organizations formed to amplify the American Muslim community’s views on key policy issues, enhance its civic engagement, boost voter turnout, and, ultimately, issue a joint recommendation or endorsement in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election
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black-tie-beanie · 2 years
hi quackity! i uh don't know if you want company or help right now but i have a bit of extra potions if you want them? respawn can be rough (i've seen. far too many to not know that) and if you want i can bring them over? if you don't want me to that okay, i left some at the stage if you ever need them <3
where are you i don't knoww here you are i dont know if icna get there. i feel sicki don't thikn i can pull myself up i don't think ican get htere i can't. i cant. the stage is to ofar from my hosue i dotn know how tog et there.
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smallknowingjester · 1 year
Dearest Sasha smallknowingjester may you also sign my autograph icna rest happily knowing!!! That the real Sasha smallknowingjester who definitely is not my girlfriend I have no sapphic relations with has signed my autograph!!!
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:33 < yeas of course marcy gr33ngemofwit......💖💖💖💖(zero sapphic intentions or undertones!!)
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virginmiri99 · 1 year
Max's fake stan accHold on nxde just started olaying i cont do this i cnatd o this ic any icna
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duskcecropia · 1 year
I love all of my friend s amd fsmily so much and i regret nkt spentding a lot of time witg them bcof stupid insecurity amd anxiety bullshiy. I wnna be more open and have a deoper connection wiyh others but mh brain is at a constant standstill of “icna deal with iton my own” and imtoo stubborn ti accept help withouyt feeling godfuckinh awful after. Ithas to do with my perception of people in hgenerl tbfh, I think all people atr tryimg to hurt me unless proven othtr wise. I think mostbif not all of the world is hoorible snd hateful which im turn makes me be scared of everything. At tge same tomw I think I’m a botther and im in peopls way.
Itmwkes me think im so abnormal to others because of this ang I hatemyself for it
I,m trying to love myself as og recent so I can grt better, but itsso fivkiing hard to find a reason to
It’s literally thhe source of all my probvlems, I’mhard on mtsekf so I beat myself ip over every small issue which them leads me ti isolate for all eternity
And then iget to miss out on important things orf even the little thiings in the people I care about’s liges
Then before I know it, I don’t haventthat opportunity any,ore
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moon-soups · 7 days
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kathor · 10 days
Native Americans' Muslim Roots & History by Louis Butcher Jr. (ICNA-MAS ...
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latinodawah · 3 months
Juneteenth is a federal holiday, starting in 2021 when President Biden signed the holiday into federal law. Juneteenth celebrates the day that enslaved people in Galveston, Texas were freed, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. Juneteenth represents freedom,...
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latinomuslims · 3 months
Juneteenth is a federal holiday, starting in 2021 when President Biden signed the holiday into federal law. Juneteenth celebrates the day that enslaved people in Galveston, Texas were freed, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. Juneteenth represents freedom,...
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pacosemnoticias · 4 months
Estudo avaliou reações do cérebro de bombeiros em situações críticas
Uma investigação da Universidade de Coimbra (UC), hoje divulgada, analisou a resposta cerebral de bombeiros perante ações de resgate em incêndios e os cientistas acreditam que o estudo pode ser importante para melhorar as decisões em situações de risco.
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Otrabalho, liderado pela investigadora Isabel Duarte e por Miguel Castelo-Branco, coordenador científico do Centro de Imagem Biomédica e Investigação Translacional do Instituto de Ciências Nucleares Aplicadas à Saúde (CIBIT/ICNAS), implicou a realização de jogos virtuais de salvamento, por parte de 47 bombeiros de várias corporações do distrito de Coimbra.
A equipa de investigação concluiu que a visualização de imagens implicando decisões de resgate de pessoas em incêndios pode "ter grande importância para melhorar e treinar a tomada de decisão em situações de risco", referiu a UC, em comunicado enviado à agência Lusa.
"Ao analisar de que forma o cérebro resolve dilemas que envolvem decisões que podem salvar vidas, foi possível estudar o papel da experiência e o uso de estratégias de 'coping' [conjunto de estratégias cognitivas e comportamentais usadas pelas pessoas para enfrentar situações de stress, perante condições de elevada sobrecarga emocional para o indivíduo], por parte de bombeiros", explicou, citado na nota, o neurocientista Miguel Castelo-Branco.
O também docente da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra (FMUC) adiantou que a investigação permitiu perceber que os dilemas de decisão levaram à ativação de redes neuronais envolvidas na gestão da recompensa emocional e outras redes relacionadas com dilemas éticos e deontológicos.
A equipa científica, onde se incluiu, igualmente, o Centro de Prevenção e Tratamento do Trauma Psicológico do Centro de Responsabilidade Integrada de Psiquiatria da Unidade Local de Saúde de Coimbra, conseguiu verificar que "a atividade neural relacionada com a decisão de resgatar pessoas diminuía em certas regiões cerebrais quanto maior a capacidade de usar estratégias de 'coping', o que sugere uma aprendizagem compensatória adquirida com a prática", vincou o neurocientista.
Os bombeiros participantes no estudo "visualizaram cenários realísticos envolvendo vidas em risco para eles próprios e potenciais vítimas, tendo que tomar uma decisão de resgate", adiantou Miguel Castelo Branco.
O exercício simulava o combate a incêndios com situações de risco de vida, como casas a arder com pessoas em risco no interior, situação em que a formação prévia e a especialização dos bombeiros desempenham um papel importante, tendo o cérebro dos participantes sido estudado através de imagem por ressonância magnética funcional.
"Descobrimos ainda que a atividade cerebral em regiões relacionadas com a memória e a decisão -- como o hipocampo e a ínsula -- aumentava proporcionalmente à medida que o risco aumentava", ilustrou Miguel Castelo-Branco.
"Foi possível identificar áreas cerebrais cuja atividade se relacionava diretamente com o cálculo da probabilidade de eventos adversos, como a queda de uma casa em chamas ou a perda de vidas", notou o investigador.
Paralelamente, pessoas que não possuem a função de bombeiro, quando sujeitas às mesmas tarefas de decisão, apresentaram resultados cerebrais diferentes, levando os cientistas a concluir que a forma como o cérebro controla a decisão depende da experiência e do treino.
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kirk-rasta · 7 months
Ustadha Ieasha Prime | ICNA-MAS Convention 2022 | Baltimore, MD
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kbanews · 9 months
Sepuluh Prinsip Kepemimpinan Efektif
Bulan Agustus tahun 2023 lalu saya diundang jadi pembicara dalam konvensi pertama perang melawan Islamophobia di kota Missouri, Amerika Serikat. Pertemuan tahunan ini dihadiri oleh tokoh-tokoh Islam baik dari ISNA, CAIR, ICNA, dan lain-lain. Yang ingin saya tuliskan kali ini adalah sebuah makalah yang saya di majalah AA (American Airlines) yang tersimpan di counter bandara. Saya memang selalu…
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