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Japanese concept to create a life of meaning
1. 𝗪𝗮𝗯𝗶-𝗦𝗮𝗯𝗶 (侘寂) — Embrace Imperfection
↳ Acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them, and move forward.
↳ By embracing imperfection, you build trust and create an open and honest environment with your team.
2. 𝗜𝗸𝗶𝗴𝗮𝗶 (生き甲斐) — Find Your Purpose
↳ Reflect on where your passions, skills, and your organization’s needs intersect.
↳ The more you do work that both lights you up and makes a significant impact for the world, the more energized and engaged you’ll be.
3. 𝗞𝗮𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗻 (改善) — Continuous Improvement
↳ Set small, achievable goals every week to improve a specific skill or process.
↳ Focus on just 1% improvements, and at the end of the year you will be 37x better.
4. 𝗞𝗶𝗻𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗴𝗶 (金継ぎ) — The Art of Repairing with Gold
↳ Treat challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.
↳ Share your journey of overcoming setbacks and failures, and the lessons you’ve learned – that’s your gold!
5. 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗯𝘂𝗶 (渋い) — The Beauty of Subtlety
↳ Focus on clarity and simplicity in your communication.
↳ Use fewer, but more impactful words. Less is more!
6. 𝗜𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗼 𝗜𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲 (一期一会) — The Beauty of the Moment
↳ Be fully present in meetings and networking situations.
↳ Recognize that each interaction is a unique opportunity to connect, making people feel heard and valued.
7. 𝗠𝗮 (間) — The Power of Space and Silence
↳ Incorporate pauses throughout your day to create mental space.
↳ Use these moments to reflect, recharge, and improve focus on important tasks.
8. 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗻 (我慢) — Endure with Patience and Dignity
↳ When facing a tough situation, take a step back to evaluate calmly.
↳ Demonstrating patience and resilience will help you maintain integrity and stay focused on long-term goals.
#japanese culture#japaneseconcept#life#meaning#purpose#ikigai#wabisabi#kintsugi#kaizen#shibui#ichigoichi#ma#gaman#endurance#patience#calm#peace#beauty#moment#momentum#repairing#fixyou
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#ichigo ichie#ichigoichie#mind wave inc#line stickers#line sticker#kawaii#kawaiicore#y2k#2000s#gyaru#平成レトロ#heisei#heisei era#heisei retro
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一期一会 文房具 ❄
source: mercari jp
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by Ichigoichie
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Tagaytay Rustic Country House
Found this place in AIRBNB, the villa has a backyard pool, gazebo and playground for children. There’s one bedroom and one bathroom on the ground floor, while there two bedrooms in the second floor. The master bedroom has its own bathroom with jacuzzi, unfortunately the property is now turned off by the owner. We’re one of the last guest who was able to have a good time in this villa.
“Thank them that they kept you sane all throughout the journey. Prepare for the time that you won’t be able to see them, so enjoy this moment.” 📍Maitim II East Tagaytay 5.12.2019 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
#2019#2019May#quotes#summer#weekendgetaway#ichigoichie#onelasttime#tigasouthkaba#southies#southkids#Tagaytay#Maitim II East#villa#airbnb#staycation#wheninsouth#krizWanders#kristinemaebsnapshots#turnedoff#Tagaytay Rustic Country House
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Ichigoichie. Ichigo Ichie ( 一期一会, una volta, un incontro) descrive il concetto culturale giapponese facendo tesoro della natura irripetibile di un momento.
“Siamo nati in un giorno. Moriamo in un giorno. Possiamo cambiare in un giorno. E possiamo innamorarci in un giorno. Tutto può succedere in un solo giorno. »
(Angela P.)
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FULLTEN (Español)
Intérprete: Kurosaki Ranmaru (CV. Suzuki Tatsuhisa)
Fecha de lanzamiento: 3 de julio 2024
FULLTEN A todo volumen*
四角四面な答えが Shikakushimenna kotae ga Pensaba que las respuestas anticuadas
この世の全てだと思えた Kono yo no subete da to omoeta Eran todo en este mundo
不自由な自由だと縛られた鎖ちぎれば Fujiyuuna jiyuu da to shibarareta kusari chigireba Pero si rompía las cadenas que me ataban a una rígida libertad,
本当のおれの希望(のぞみ)が見えた Hontou no ore no nozomi ga mieta Podría ver mis verdaderos deseos
瞬間弾け飛ぶ魂 高まる全身を灼き Shunkan hajiketobu tamashii takamaru zenshi o yaki Mi alma estalla en un instante y todo mi cuerpo comienza a arder
絞り出してもまだ足りないFree SOUL Shiboridashite mo mada tarinai free soul Y por más que lo exprima, mi alma puede ser aún más libre
FULLTENの鼓動が叫ぶ Fullten no kodou ga sakebu Que los latidos de tu corazón griten a todo volumen
(Follow your heart, Burning SOUL) (Sigue a tu corazón, alma ardiente)
どんなときも真っ向勝負だ Give it all you've got! Donna toki mo makkou shoubu da give it all you got! Lucha de frente sin importar lo que pase ¡da todo lo que tienes!
でかい壁ほどぶち壊しがいあるだろ Dekai kabe hodo buchikowashi gai aru daro Mientras más alto sea el muro, más satisfactorio será derribarlo
解き放つMusic(As long as I live) Tokihanatsu music (as long as I live) Dejando salir la música (que mientras viva),
終わることなく燃え続ける Owaru koto naku moe tsuzukeru Seguiré ardiendo sin fin
理不尽だって責めても Rifujin datte semete mo Aunque me critiquen por ser irracional,
それだけじゃ何も変わらない Sore dake ja nani mo kawaranai Eso no cambiará nada
荒れ狂う葛藤も打ち付ける痛みでさえも Arekuruu kattou mo uchitsukeru itami de sae mo Incluso los conflictos que me hacen enojar y el dolor que me golpea
おれであるため 必要な��タイル Ore de aru tame hitsuyouna sutairu Son parte del estilo que necesito para ser yo
寝ぼけた細胞起こせば 全開に向けてCount down Nekobeta saibou okoseba zenkai ni mukete count down Si despierto mis células adormecidas y cuento hacia atrás hasta que acelere a fondo,
無限大の可能性を I'll show you all Bugendai no kanousei o I’ll show you all Les mostraré a todos que las posibilidades son infinitas
この一瞬に全てかけろ Kono isshun ni subete kakero Dalo todo por este momento
(Follow your heart, Burning SOUL) (Sigue a tu corazón, alma ardiente)
一期一会積み重ね つくられた居場所 Ichigoichie tsumikasane tsukurareta ibasho El lugar al que pertenezco está formado de encuentros únicos en la vida
おれの一部だと言い切れる おまえらへ Ore no ichibuda to ii kireru omaera e A aquellos que puedo decir con confianza que son parte de mí,
約束の歌を(As long as I live) Yakusoku no uta o (as long as I live) Con esta canción les prometo (que mientras viva)
いつまでも おれはおれらしく Itsumade mo ore wa ore rashiku Que siempre seré yo mismo
いつでも(Still more to come) Itsu demo (still more to come) Si en algún momento (hay más por venir)
おれたちだけの新しい(Stage) Ore tachi dake no atarashii (stage) Deseamos algo nuevo (en el escenario)
望めば(Never ending) Nozomeba (never ending) Sólo para nosotros, (que nunca termina)
サイコーに Let's rock it. Get the “Now” Saiko ni let’s rock it. Get the “now” Vamos a rockear con todo y conseguir el “ahora”
FULLTENの鼓動が叫ぶ Fullten no kodou ga sakebu Que los latidos de tu corazón griten a todo volumen
(Follow your heart, Burning SOUL) (Sigue a tu corazón, alma ardiente)
どんなときも真っ向勝負だ Give it all you've got! Donna toki mo makkou shoubu da give it you’ve got! Lucha de frente sin importar lo que pase ¡da todo lo que tienes!
でかい壁ほどぶち壊しがいあるだろ Dekai kabe hodo buchikowashi gai aru daro Mientras más alto sea el muro, más satisfactorio será derribarlo
解き放つMusic(As long as I live) Tokihanatsu music (as long as I live) Dejando salir la música (que mientras viva),
終わることなく燃え続ける Owaru koto naku moe tsuzukeru Seguirá ardiendo sin fin
*Fullten es un término que se refiere al estado en el que las perillas de control de un amplificador están configuradas al valor máximo ( 10 ). Así es como se lee cuando se escribe algo como "Full (= 10)" en la explicación de la configuración del amplificador. Originalmente se usó como abreviatura de "a todo volumen", que se refiere al estado en el que el volumen, que determina la cantidad de distorsión, está completamente abierto. A pesar que es un término en inglés, solamente es usado en Japón.
Si te gusta mi trabajo, considera apoyarme en ko-fi nwn PV Apoya comprando el original
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A couple of my recent posts showcasing some of my favourite shoemakers. #zatorres #gazianogirling #ascotshoes #meermin #ichigoichie #mensshoes #andrel42
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c_img_param=[‘max’,’6′,’3′,’80’,’normal’,’FFFFFF’,’on’,’sp’,’9′]; //img-c.net/output/site/202.js c_img_param=[‘max’,’3′,’1′,’0′,’list’,’0009FF’,’off’,’pc’,’14’]; //img-c.net/output/site/292.js 1: 以下、名無しにかわりましてネギ速がお送りします 2024/08/19(月) 20:32:35.43 ID:0HmD/s800 https://www.mindwave.co.jp/character/product/ichigoichie/index.html https://amzn.to/3SWl4c9 2: 以下、名無しにかわりましてネギ速がお送りします 2024/08/19(月)…
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Reproduction. J'ai entendu une personne dire qu'elle trouvait dommage de faire pour la première fois une expérience d'un lieu ou d'une activité avec un ami alors que cet ami l'avait déjà réalisé dans le passé. Ça cassait en quelque sorte la magie de la première fois partagée. Cet échange m'a rappelé la notion de ichigo ichie. Je vois les yeux s'écarquiller au fond de la salle à la notion de ces deux mots. Ichigo signifie "un moment", ichie signifie "une rencontre". Cette expression japonaise signifie donc littéralement : "Un moment, une rencontre". Moins littéralement, elle sous-entend que chaque moment de notre vie est à la fois unique et non reproductible. Il s'agit d'un appel à la prise de conscience que chaque instant que nous vivons est en lui-même précieux. Oui, c'est plutôt une expression préférant profiter du présent plutôt que de se gargariser des expériences passées. Ainsi donc, même si une activité a déjà été réalisée ou un lieu déjà visité, cela ne change rien au fait que l'expérience vécue reste unique en son genre. Déjà, parce que nous ne sommes pas vraiment la même personne. Parce que le moment n'est pas le même non plus. Et si, en plus, nous ne sommes pas accompagnés des mêmes compagnons d'aventure, cela change complètement la donne. On pourrait croire que les multiples expériences donnent lieu à comparaison. Après tout, il serait totalement possible de s'abreuver pleinement de cette nouvelle occasion tout en se rappelant comment c'était avant. En vérité, la comparaison peut faire partie de l'expérience. Le rapport entre ce qui était et ce qui est, entre notre mémoire et la réalité est aussi une manière de s'enrichir du moment présent. Profiter du présent ne signifie pas renier le passé ni ce qui a été. Tout comme penser au passé ne signifie pas que le présent est moins bien ou qu'il n'est pas aussi précieux. Il ne s'agit pas de comparer pour évaluer. Mais de s'épanouir dans ce nouveau moment avec ou sans aide du passé. En chérissant ce que nous vivons. En appréciant l'instant autant que la compagnie de celui ou celle avec qui on le partage. Peut-être que c'est ça qu'il faut retenir à la fin. Ce partage. #temps #passé #présent #ichigoichie
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wk10: class work
Initial rough unfinished idea;
Instead of having a coding system, I thought about using the I Spy system where the viewer tries to find the item within the frame. The working title for my essay is Ichigoichie which is a Japanese saying translating to One Chance One Meeting relating to the common themes of Japanese culture and ancestry.
Contextual Inquiry: At the moment it isn't showing enough historical influences. While there is a lot of links to inspiration it feels unorganised and not well integrated. I Spy books might be random compared to all the Japanese influences thought there's a lot of talking about childhood and parental influences? The visual references could be pushed much further through image-making. and typography. Explore more typographic options.
Research Skills: Method and stylistic choice could be considered to make it more connected to influences.
Critical Analysis:
I took inspiration from the Studio Ghibli exhibition of having a desk space of a creator and their assets all laid out naturally:
I also like the dense subject matter that is often seen in traditional Japanese art as well as those from Perimetron.
I want to add more Japanese inspired elements, particularly from the Taisho period design style in which my great-grandmother was born. They tend to have these cool framing with patterns and ornaments along with iconic Japanese typography that is unique to its era.
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RAAAAAAGHHHHKoi no miryoku koi no fushigi
koi no katachi koi no nyuansu
Honey Sweet Angel
gyaku no imi de "suki" ttenani yo!
Chō waka n'na
I sarani gyaku ni iikaeru to
Suki mitaina ndesu yo
Metcha amazuppai
itchi go miruku
son'na kanji ne
Koi no miryoku koi no fushigi
koi no katachi koi no nyuansu
Honey Sweet Angel
gyagu no tsumori? "Kisu" ttenani yo!
Chō waka n'nai
demo ne gyakuni fui janakerya
Dame mitaina ndesuyo
metcha amae tcha e
son'na kanji ne
kono shunkan
koi no iryoku koi no mahō
koi no akashi koi no baransu
Honey Sweet Angel
koi no miryoku koi no fushigi
koi no katachi koi no nyuansu
Honey Sweet Angel
koi no iryoku koi no mahō
koi no akashi koi no baransu
Honey Sweet Angel
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The SML Podcast - Episode 885: Wall-E Spoilers
Download Episode 885 --
David Ventura of Ichigoichie returns to the show for another chat, so let's dive right in!
The show kicks off with Pernell Vaughan on hand to welcome David Ventura of Ichigoichie back to the show to get our chat on once again! We chat about the weather, Backbeat's newest updates and features, music suggestions, indie game pricing, and tons more! Plus a PartyCast with Pernell, Chris Taylor, and Brooke Poole with a big ol batch of reviews and a few massive world shattering spoilers for Wall-E!
0:00 - Intro/David Ventura 58:41 - PartyCast Chatter 1:08:44 - Charade Maniacs - Idea Factory, Idea Factory International (Brooke) 1:20:11 - Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - Marvelous Inc (Brooke) 1:35:35 - Ray'z Arcade Chronology - ININ Games (Chris) 1:53:16 - Kingdom of Shattered Stone - AKrCos, Casey D'Ambrosio (Brooke) 2:20:00 - Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 2 - Agate International, PQube (Pernell) 2:37:27 - GOODBYE WORLD - Isolation Studio, PM Studios, Flyhigh Works (Chris) 2:43:53 - SOULVARS - Ginolabo, Shueisha Games (Pernell) 2:54:38 - Garlic - SYLPH, Ratalaika Games (Chris) 3:04:47 - Yomi 2 - Sirlin Games (Pernell)
The show ends with some Secret of Mana goodness from Christian Pacaud & Kunal Majmudar!
3:14:22 - Christian Pacaud & Kunal Majmudar - On the Day the World Changed (Secret of Mana)
https://ichigoichie.org/ https://backbeatgame.com/ https://www.ideaf.co.jp/ http://www.ideafintl.com/ https://marvelousgames.com/ https://www.iningames.com/ https://home.dorian.live/ https://agate.id/ https://pqube.co.uk/ https://yo-fujii.itch.io/ https://www.pm-studios.com/ http://flyhighworks.com/ http://ginolabo.com/sv/ https://shueisha-games.com/ https://twitter.com/sylpharcade https://www.ratalaikagames.com/ https://www.sirlingames.com/ https://www.christianpacaud.com/ http://www.pixeltonemusic.com/ https://www.keymailer.co/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sml-podcast/id826998112 https://open.spotify.com/show/6KQpzHeLsoyVy6Ln2ebNwK https://twitter.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://www.facebook.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://store.streamelements.com/thesmlpodcast ALL REVIEWED GAMES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR FREE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ANY COVERAGE ON THE SHOW #PS5 #Xbox #Switch #Keymailer
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Stepped Out . Setelah berhari-hari penuh dengan segala jajanan ide dan luapan informasi yang tumpah ruah. Saatnya rapihkan meja dan pergi keluar menyusuri aspal dan "have a me time" sejenak... . Nggak mesti harus ke alam pegunungan yang asri dan sejuk, yang penting "be present" dan menikmati momen yang ada. . "Ichigo ichi" sebuah konsep untuk bisa menghargai setiap kesempatan dan waktu yang ada. Bagaimana kita dapat memaknai momen yang berlaku saat ini: *Sadar Penuh, hadir Utuh* . Sekedar duduk santai di tepi kolam, menata dan menyiangi koleksi tanaman, hingga merawat hewan peliharaan, ichigo ichi-- the art of making the most of every moment. 🙂 . salam PPKM level kesekian dalam syukur dan sabar yang berpilin erat dalam hati. 😌😌😌 #mindfulness #ichigoichi #selfawareness #selfreminder (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSa9ad-FPHq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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by Ichigoichie
#autumn#nature#landscape#seasons#fall#foliage#outdoors#trees#woods#forest#naturecore#photography#curators on tumblr#uploads
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