lacrosseroofer · 11 months
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oneclickcode · 1 year
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cowboydisaster · 1 year
Hey could you write a little fic about Arthur hearing fem reader crying and comforting her? Really pile up the fluff if you decide to write please 🩷🩷 love your stuff so much xxx
A Shoulder to Cry on
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pairing: Arthur Morgan x fem!reader
word count: 1000
a/n: Thank you for this sweet prompt, nonny! I was looking to write some fluff and this was perfect.
beta read by @margowritesthings
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You feel foolish for even crying, but you can't bring yourself to stop the glistening tears from streaming down your face. You’re petrified, miles away from your former camp, stuck up in the Grizzlies. The Pinkertons are on your tail like a cat on a mouse, and you know it’s only a matter of time before they inevitably catch you. Your time is running out. You’ve had a good run with the van der Linde gang, but it’s time is nigh on done. It's a daunting realization, especially after losing so many folks back in Blackwater. 
Because of your position in the gang, you’ve been given your own bedroom in the same cabin as Arthur, Dutch and Hosea. It's a cold room, but better than what most of the gang have. The wind whistles outside as thick snowflakes land on the roof, causing ice cold water to drip repetitively from the ceiling above. The wind and the leak intertwine with your cries, forming a sad, sad song. 
You sit on the bed with your knees hugged to your chest, sobbing into them with no sign of stopping. You try to keep quiet as your breathing comes in shudders, and your shoulders shake violently. There is an ache in your ribs from the sobs erupting from your chest, but it pales in comparison to the ache in your heart. You hiccup, catching your breath, and unknowingly alerting Arthur who is walking by to catch some shut eye. 
With his eyebrows pulled together in worry, he gently nudges your door open. You don’t even look up, and he stands in the doorway for a moment, glancing over your curled up, crumbling form. Of course, he knows what's wrong, and his heart shatters at the sight of you looking so broken. His heart– it’s been longing for your own for so long, and seeing you like this breaks him. 
“Oh, darlin…” He murmurs, stepping forward in only a few strides. You hear his boots clicking against the floor before the bed dips under his weight, and then his big, warm arms are around you. 
“I'm so sorry.” He whispers.
There’s something about his arms around you. They are sturdy and unmoving, and yet piece by piece, they begin to build your broken heart back together. There’s so much safety and comfort in his arms, you’re sure that he could protect you even from the storms raging in the Grizzlies with his hugs. You wrap your arms under his, hands on his back as you sniffle and cry into his shirt. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Arthur asks quietly, swaying you lightly in his arms as he shields you from your pain and the cold. Arthur doesn’t push you. He knows exactly how you feel, and opening up about these things is far from easy in his own experience. The gang– it’s coming to an end, and you both know it. Now you just have to find a way to exit peacefully, hopefully taking those that you love with you. 
"Shh, shh. You're okay." He coos, tucking your head under his chin.
Arthur is radiating with warmth, and you feel the frostbite leaving your nose as you nuzzle into his chest. His thumb reaches up to wipe away a fresh tear as he frowns lightly at the sight of you so upset. Your skin is soft against Arthur’s calloused hand, and your eyes slip closed as you savor the feeling of his touch.
“I’m scared, Arthur.” You admit, lip trembling as silent tears slide down your frozen cheeks. 
“I know you are, I know, but I will get you out of this mess. I promise you.” Arthur swears, resting back against the headboard as his mind runs rampant. He can’t let you die for this gang, and he’ll get you out safely if it's the last thing he does. 
“You just rest now, alright? You don’t gotta worry no more. I gotcha now.” Arthur murmurs, laying down with you nuzzled into his side. You cuddle against him as tightly as you can manage, placing your head on his chest as you nod your head. For the first time since Blackwater, the trails of tears from your reddened eyes cease.
Arthur’s hand runs soothingly up and down your back as he makes sure you’re comfortable and taking deep breaths. He wishes he could take this pain away from you, but he knows he can't. All he can do is hold you. 
Your eyes slip shut as you nuzzle against his blue wool coat, your cries dying down to soft sniffles. 
"Feelin' any better?" Arthur asks, watching as your breathing settles back to normal. Your cheeks are red from the cold, and your lashes stick together from sticky tears. Arthur pulls the blankets up over the two of you, not wanting you to catch a cold. 
"I am now that you’re here." You whisper, feeling a heavy tiredness fall over you. Arthur is so comfortable, and you feel safe enough to fall asleep in his arms. Arthur can tell you're drifting off, and he wraps his arms around you tighter for it. 
"It's okay, get some sleep. I'll still be here when you wake up." Arthur murmurs. Seeking more of his comfort, and taking another step towards telling him how you feel, you unwrap one of his arms from your body. Arthur's eyebrows pull together, and at first he's worried that he's crossed a line until you intertwine your fingers with his own and hold your joined hands against his chest. 
Arthur smiles down at your hands, watching your face relax as you finally drift to sleep. He'll hold you the rest of the night, making sure you're okay. 
"I'll get you outta this mess." He reiterates, "If it's the last thing I do, I won't let you die for these fools." 
He hopes that you'll go with him, run away to some place far. Arthur's never been one to daydream of pleasantries, but you make him want a home, a family. He'd leave the gang for you, he'd buy a home and work an honest job just so he could come home to you. He'd make you proud. 
But for now, all he can do is hold you, comfort you from the storm outside alongside the one raging in your mind. Now the only sounds in the room are the leaking roof and your light snores as you take comfort in the first safety you've felt in days. Arthur will always be that comfort for you. 
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taglist: @margofiore @mrsarthurmorgan7 @woman-with-no-name @tillith @luvliewriting @pine4pple-b0i @photo1030 @dudsparrow @holyratrimony
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ganondoodle · 8 months
totk cataclysm event wasnt just a great (but utterly missed) opportunity to change the map in techincally little ways that has drastic consequences both in stakes and in gameplay (like i mentioned before, flooding the gerudo desert would have meant devastating consequences for its ecosystem- like imagine little islands of sand still poking out, acting as a sort of last doomed refuge for sandseals- but also cahnged the entire gameplay of it, good chance to introduce some neat new ways to surf on water like a new ridable creature or an ice shield freezing a path while you surf on it, the gerudo being forced to save the city from drowing in various means or now living on the roofs, trying to adapt by building boats ect - also call back to older games?? since totk loves that so much ..-, vah naboris serving as the savest refuge being high above the water, even if non functional; similarly takign away ALL water from the zora region, gaving it all dry out would imemdiately turn into something way different and could mean death for the zora- forcing them to move to the lower parts of akkala for example- maybe vah ruta is still halfway functioning bc the faith the zora have to mipha, dorephan and sidon is, while not enough to keep it fully functional, but enough to generate some water so the most stubborn or brave zora set up around it like a last oasis; i know its somewhat done with death mountain but the gorons dont really suffer from it bc their only problem is a drugged rock that makes them mean and lazy ..- what about collapsing or exploding it, leaving a large crater that over the course of the game could start to grow with plant life since vulcanic earth is so fertile- some never seen before ones that was dormant in the lava and now that its cooled off is springing to life, which might seem good at first but for the area and its wildlife means loss of their habitat; the rito freezing over, but actually having to move, maybe into the tabantha canyon, building their new makeshift homes in between the walls of it- generally just switiching things around a bit would have done so much wihtout having to edit every last detail ((seriously tho, how did this game take so long given that botw took similar but they did that ENTIRE main map as detailed as it is AND made it all coherent with itself and its themes- im ranting again ..)
-but it ALSO would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce new weather types created by the sudden change in environment, somethign like a super strong wind that slows you when walking agaisnt and lets you jump much farther when with it- a darkness thing that clouds the world in utter darkness with only little light getting through anything that is caused by mushrooms from the udnerground invading the surface and their spores snuffs out all light (which could explain the weird darkness in the ruins from botw too!!), or just simply mist! making everything misty changes the entire feel of any environment drastically- you could make vertain enemies spawn only in certain weather conditions, lessening the repetive overuse of them; and that is only on the surface- what if the sky had sunbeams so strong it sets anything on fire if you dare to leave the shadows- to comabt it get a armor with a giant hat!! the underground could have been filled with different environments in the first place, but then of course thered be those dark spores of mushrooms, an entire forest you have to carefully travers other wise making them release their spores and make it all more difficult, glowy mushrooms, MORE glowy mushroms, theres so many weird ass shrooms IRL you could take inspo from!! maybe soemthing like a forest of kelp, long flowy plants obstructing view and making you anxious by any movement- there could be one thats a mimic or infected with miasma, slightly off color and its knobs are malice eyes that open only if it thinks you cant see it
(also for the idea of taking botws stuff and recontextualizing it, the guardians or shrines, now non fucntional, could be infected my miasma sometimes, maybe randomly to keep you guessing- an overgrown shrine suddenly lifting itself up with hands clawing at you when you get too close or do sth wrong to distrub it- similar with guardians tho the effect might be less since you know them as a threat already- or sth i mentioned in another post, a tower being used as a weapon by a gigatic miasma monster- the one in the gerudo region with the bottomless pit for example, perfect for an arena for you to run around in the spiral while its swinging at you etc etc)
JUST taking what botw had and mixing it up, expanding on it, even if technically little change, it could do so much but in the actual game death mountain and rito is the only ones that saw anything of a change like it, and it largely .. didnt change anything or was reversible easily, and had no actual consquences that meant anything, neither stakes nor environmental or narratively (the gerudo felt like it at first but its also largely reversible, its just kinda .. adding a bit of city)
i hhhhhhhhhhhhhh have so many thoughts still, i am just better at holding them back .... also dont wanna annoy lmao
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bunchesofoats · 2 years
Dancing In Your Downpour.
Feat — Rowan Laslow x Siren!Reader
Contains — Mutual Interest, No Established Relationship, Fluff, Only One Bed (/j) - Only One Umbrella, LIGHT WEDNESDAY SPOILERS (By that, I mean the absolute tiniest sprinkle), Literally saving this boy’s life from an asthma attack, etc
Length — ~1.4k words
Notes — Inspired by The Weekend Run Club’s song called Holliday and also the fact that Calum Ross is really really pretty. Also, Rowan had at most 10 lines, and here I am making this because he stole my heart… SO ENJOY! (Not proofread, I’m so sorry)
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“The rain’s getting a bit heavy, don’t you think?”
Everyone gathered around the windows as they watched the rain pour outside Ms. Thornhill’s Greenhouse. Class was already 3 minutes over, you were all sure to be late to your next ones due to the downpour.
“Children, I have a few extra umbrellas and rain coats! You can use them to get to your next class!” Your teacher called from the front, drawing everyone’s attention. They all scrambled to the front, grabbing umbrellas and coats and filtering out of the greenhouse in groups. The only people left were you and Rowan Laslow at the entrance of the class waiting your turns.
You didn’t know the boy personally well enough, just that he was Xavier Thorpe’s roommate, he had Telekinesis, and that he was fairly cute. You tried to make a habit of being nice to everyone despite most people’s assumptions of sirens. The most you’d ever spoken to him was being partnered with him for an English assignment. After that, it was nothing but Hellos and Heys in the hallways. You did catch him staring once during lunch, you had given him a small wave and he immediately looked away.
You were lost in your thoughts, hand outreached into the rainfall, feeling your scales slowly come out. You let out a smile, water was the element you always felt at home with, so what was a little rain gonna do to you?
“I only have one umbrella left.” Your attention turned to Ms. Thornhill and then to Rowan. He gave you a weak glance before attempting to hand you the umbrella.
“You can take it.” He mumbled shyly. You eyed the boy, brow creasing in confusion. Rowan Laslow looked like he’d get sick from eating an ice cube, why would he offer you the umbrella when he’d absolutely get drenched out there?
“What are you talking about? You’d practically die out there without this.” You joked grabbing his wrist, taking the umbrella within your other hand. He yelped as you pulled closely him to your side before opening the umbrella with the other. He understood what you were up to pretty quick, adjusting himself to a safe distance where he wasn’t squished against you but still under the umbrella. He hesitated wrapping his arm around you, balling his fist to avoid making you uncomfortable.
“Ready?” You awaited his response. He stared wide eyed into the rain, gulping before he gave you a small nod. That was all you needed before you both stepped into the rainfall. You could feel the heavy patters hit you almost as if it were hail. It wasn’t too bad to walk in, but it seemed the wind had other plans.
Your umbrella blew backwards, the wires breaking in on themselves. It was a useless shield now, you were both drenched head to toe. Your back hit Rowan’s chest as you both pushed against the wind. You both definitely couldn’t make it to class at this rate.
“Hold on, there’s a shed!” You could hear Rowan’s attempt to shout. You looked in his direction, finding Eugene’s Hummers shed. That would have to do.
Each step you took was harder than the last. You were going the opposed direction of the wind, the only thing keeping you from being blown away was Rowan holding onto you. Thankfully, you both made it in and set your belongings down on whatever dry surface you could find. There were a few leaks in the roof, you could tell it was handmade.
You had no time to think about that though. You could feel Rowan’s touch leave you as he dropped to the floor wheezing. You quickly reached for his bag, rummaging through unorganized bits of assignments and loose sheets of work. You’d expected the boy to be more organized considering how great his grades were, how neat his uniform was kept, and how he styled his hair so nicely to the side. Not that you were paying that close attention or anything. Who would do such a thing? Definitely not you. Totally.
You couldn’t find his inhaler anywhere, and to be frank, you were panicking. You were totally about to watch this kid die in some shed and you were gonna go to jail or something. It wasn’t until you felt Rowan’s touch lightly against your wrist that you snapped your attention his way. He peered up at you, brows creased, eyes leading you to his blazer pocket behind his fogged up glasses. You got the message, reaching into his pocket you brought his inhaler to his lips. He lifted his hand to yours, instructing you before he breathed in.
You let out a breath of relief, you hadn’t realized you were holding onto it. He was breathing easier now and you could feel him loosen up in your arms. You dropped your head into his chest before pulling back into a laugh.
“Gods almighty, do not scare me like that again!” You lightly punched him. Rowan looked up at you, the hand gripping yours loosened as he sat up. Realizing the position you two were in, he glanced away from you.
“I didn’t think you cared all that much.” He coughed out awkwardly. You tilted your head, what did he mean?
“Why would I not care about you?” His gaze met yours. You finally managed to see his deep blue eyes past the dissipating fog in his glasses.
“I just mean, I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts. Yet you seem to actually care.” He mumbled mostly to himself. Why wouldn’t you care about saving someone’s life? Was he stupid?
“I mean, is it not common sense to save someone who’s on the ground with breathing issues? What do you want me to do, mouth to mouth?” You questioned incredulously, the response managed to make him smile.
“Gods forbid one of the most popular sirens in the school is seen kissing the Telekinetic crazy kid.” He breathed out a laugh.
“Oh please, if I was popular then I’d be in the notoriously super secret Nightshades.” You rolled your eyes at the idea of the division in popularity standpoints, the kissing part didn’t seem so bad though.
“They kicked me out a couple weeks ago, you’re really not missing much.” He fiddled with his hands as you both fell into a comfortable silence. You had positioned yourself next to him, sitting upon the ground as your backs leaned against the shed walls. You two were absolutely missing class, but you were kind of glad it happened like this. The only thing that seemed bad was the fact that you were utterly freezing. Forget what you said about a little water not hurting you, it was terrible now that you were shivering.
“Here,” Rowan pushed off the wall, removing his blazer. He spread it out, presenting it like a blanket to you.
“You’re really stupid, aren’t you?” He gave you a confused look as you took his blazer and removed yours to spread them around you both. It wasn’t nearly enough, but it was the best you could do. He was literally on death’s door a second ago from an asthma attack, yet here he was offering you his coat. He froze as you curled your legs up, leaning into his side.
“Oh, I’m sorry, are you ok with this?” You pulled away, noticing his sudden change. He looked pained for a split second at the loss of your proximity.
“No, no. It’s fine! I just didn’t know if you were uncomfortable with me holding you or anything. I didn’t want to assume and-” He rambled on and on. You hushed him by wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling the blazers back on. You really wouldn’t have been this forward if he hadn’t approved.
“Let’s just take advantage of this rainstorm, we can wait out the downpour.” You hummed, listening to the sound of his breathing and the pitter patter of the rain. It was an easy rhythm to fall asleep to. Besides, what was one day of missing classes?
“O-M-G!” You heard not so hushed whispers ring through your ears. “I have to put this on my blog!”
“Enid, do you not remember the fact that they’ve been missing all day? They better have a good explanation for this!” That was definitely Principal Weems voice.
It took you a second to gather where you were. The warmth holding you was, in fact, a person. Not just any person, but Rowan Laslow. You began to remember what happened before you fell asleep. You bolted upright, looking at the source of all the commotion. Squinting, you managed to look past the beaming flashlight to find pretty much everyone you knew and their mothers’ at the door of the Hummers shed.
That was an exaggeration of course… but Principal Weems did not look happy.
Pt. 2, My Heart Is My Sleeve: Here
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admin-cock-creations · 3 months
Date a Merc: Chapter 13
Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Pairing: Pyro / Scout / Reader Summary: Date a Scout who plays on a slip n’ slide with Pyro. Warnings: N/A
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There was bound to be heat when you worked in the desert of New Mexico, but sometimes you were cursed when an extra potent heat wave rolled through the area. Such was one of those times, and right smack in the midst of summer. The Admins had some mercy on you mercs and gave you some ceasefire time until the temperatures were back within a reasonable heat index for fighting, so until that point, you were all working on keeping cool with limited supplies.
There was a benefit, however, of having near unlimited access to industrial grade and quantity materials. While nosing around in the somewhat cooler garage of Engie, Pyro came across a large roll of high-density polyethylene and was quick to share a rather brilliant idea with the aforementioned Texan and Scout. You were initially in the dark about their little plan as you were in the rec room sucking in ice water and air from the pathetic air-con unit, but it didn’t take long before you began to hear the construction sounds outside.
In a signature move of playful intellect, the trio was building a large slip n’ slide course using the roll of liner and some assorted materials Engineer had lying around the garage and wasn’t going to use anytime soon. There were sloped turns, Pyro had already begun digging for a holding pond to end in, and Scout was discussing a ramp sliding down from the base’s roof.
Scout and Pyro being your significant others, you knew them pretty well and chalked this up to Engie humoring their melted brain antics until the heat made them give up, but soon enough you were the one being proved wrong, and within only two days the trio had built a fully functional slip n’ slide course and pool-seized retention pond. Engie had even added a little ‘splash zone’ for those less inclined to sliding and swimming.
So, you currently lounged, watching Scout and Pyro slip, slide, and play while you relaxed in a chair under the gentle, cooling mist of the ‘splash zone’. Mostly you were there to make sure the pair were regularly applying sunscreen, but you weren’t going to deny that your little makeshift waterpark was doing wonders to beat the heat wave. From behind your sunglasses, you watched Scout make another pass down the slide, splashing into the retention pond a few feet away from Pyro who diligently shielded their little rubber ducks from the incoming wave. You couldn’t help but smile and laugh at your lovers.
“Come on, you two, time for another round of sunblock!” You called while waving the tube in the air to get their attention. Scout had initially groaned when you insisted on the sunscreen before they started playing, but now he was right beside Pyro in rushing up to meet you as getting the stuff applied was just an excuse to have your hands all over his body. Pyro wasn’t nearly as exposed as Scout with their wetsuit on, but they still had exposed arms and legs that needed covering, and they insisted on Scout lathering them up while you attended to him.
“Alright, fine, hold on a sec!”
You giggled at your two partners, taking care to lather up Scout’s back and shoulders while he first attended to Py’s arms. You waited patiently while he got the other’s legs, waiting your turn to do the same until Pyro piped up and offered to return the favor.
“Daaaaang, gettin’ fondled by both my hot babes? Go right ahead, Py!”
It was hard not to snort a little at Scout’s eagerness, leaning back in your chair as Pyro finished up the lather job on Scout. Once done, the pair gave you a spin so you could make sure they were thoroughly covered before returning to the water.
“You look good to me,” you started, getting excited shouts from the two as they turned to run back into the water before you shouted at them.
“You forgot something, though!”
Scout and Pyro stopped, turning to look back with expressions of confusion and slight embarrassment.
“I’d say I’m overdue a kiss from you two,” you grinned at them, sending them scampering back up to your side. Scout clutched your face in his hands with a grin of his own, smothering your face in a barrage of little kisses that made you giggle before placing a sloppy kiss on your mouth. Pyro nudged their mask into your neck and cheek, making you blush and giggle as you could hear their excited breathing through the air filter. They didn’t stop there, though, as they swiftly turned to Scout and gave a nudge to his cheek as well.
The three of you turned to look at where the shouting had come from, spying the rest of your team now suited up into their bathing suits and ready to join in on the slip n’ slide fun.
“Yer just jealous I got two hot partners and I can do a better slide down the ramp, Sol!” Scout taunted his fellow American, starting up one of their signature spats that resulted in them racing off to climb up the roof to the start of the slip n’ slide. You chuckled and shook your head at the two as Engie, Spy, and Medic came to join you in the ‘splash zone’ while Demo and Heavy joined Pyro in the retention pond and Sniper gave himself enough space to follow up to the roof without getting caught in Soldier and Scout’s little battle.
“At least the liner’s tough enough to withstand all the nonsense. I think we’re gonna have to keep this slip n’ slide around.”
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 18
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You dove to the stage floor as the bomb went off, sending tremors through the entire building. You glanced upwards, seeing Wanda on her feet, hands red as she held up the rubble that was threatening to collapse on the people in the bar. Wong and Stephen created two portals for people to run through which get them out into the parking lot. Along with that, Pietro was grabbing some of the small kids, running them out the door as fast as he could.
You could smell something burning and then remembered that Elizabeth had been right next to you.
You couldn't see her at the moment, but you could see that the fire was spreading around you on the stage, trapping you.
Shit, where was she?
And then suddenly, there was a whooshing sound and water started to run through the building, specifically around the stage, putting out the fire. You found Elizabeth standing on the stage, her feet planted firmly on the floor, hands out, eyes glowing blue as she maneuvered the water to put out the fire.
Pietro gaped as he watched her. Bucky leaped onto the stage, kneeling next to you as you pushed yourself up onto your knees. "You alright doll?"
"Yeah." You answered as the water slowly splashed to the floor, Elizabeth's eyes turning back to brown.
"Told you there were some suspicious people on this island." Elizabeth sighed, unfazed, before hopping down off the stage.
"Are you alright?" Vision asked while Pietro asked, "You have powers?"
"Yes and yes. I can control and manipulate water and flick ice out of my hands." Elizabeth stated as easily as though she was talking about the weather. She turned to me, "I'm supposing this is about the prophesy."
You flushed, "yeah."
Elizabeth nodded, "Makes sense. Well, do you at least know how to defend yourself with a gun or something?"
"I'll take that as a no." Elizabeth muttered.
"I have protection detail." You said, jabbing your thumb at your soulmates.
"Very true." Elizabeth said with a small smile and then looked up at the roof, "Perhaps we should move before the roof collapses on our heads."
"I wouldn't let that happen." Wanda said, still holding it up.
"Oh, I know, I was just suggesting that we get out of this building before the other bombs go off." Elizabeth said nonchalantly.
"There's more bombs? How do you know that?" Fury and Tony asked at the same time.
Elizabeth just looked at them over her shoulder, "You can't hear the ticking?"
Everyone fell silent. She was right. The ticking was actually really loud, but over the sound of us singing you couldn't have heard it.
We quickly left the building. Elizabeth's mother quickly bombarded her, asking her a thousand questions, and was extremely angry with the way that she had put herself in danger. Vision quickly interfered, though his calming words didn't little to appease her mother.
Meanwhile, Fury and Coulson were making calls to see if they could get some SHIELD agents- trustworthy ones only- and get them to check things out. Meanwhile, a Nassu bomb squad was called out and everyone was moved away from the karaoke stand and then the rest of you headed back to the hotel.
Back in the hotel, you guys all went up to Clint's room since it was completely empty and you all talked it out.
"The thing is," You added as they all had their own theories. "They knew that we'd be at the Scuba diving and then also Karaoke. Which means that either. . . well. . ."
You couldn't really finish the uncomfortable sentence. It felt to awkward or light to say that there was an imposter amongst you.
"Well we can rule out anyone soulmated to you." Loki said firmly. "Soulmates protect theirs, not hurt them."
"What if it's not a traitor?" Clint asked, "What if someone is bugged, or the rooms are bugged?"
"Maybe we should just do nothing for the next two days." You said, "We're lucky someone wasn't killed today."
Rhodey agreed.
"What about this Elizabeth chick?" Tony asked, "She seemed way to calm during the bombs. And how nonchalantly she talked about them."
"It's not her." Vision and Pietro said together.
"That's because it's what she's good at." You sighed. "She was our small town superhero, although no one actually knows its her, not even her parents. That's what she does. She stops bank robberies or shootings or solves kidnappings or puts out fires. She doesn't do anything big, just small things. So to her, the bombs were just another thing she's good at stopping. She probably waterlogged all the mechanisms and told us to leave as a precaution."
"Why hasn't she tested out her abilities with SHIELD or the Avengers?" Fury asked, leaning forward on his elbows.
"She doesn't want to be a big name superhero. She just wants to do stuff for the little people. She said she'd leave the saving the world to the professionals, but for now she'd just do her part to protect those she could."
"I like her." Steve said. "She has a good moral system. It's not her."
"Could FRIDAY possibly track any and all people that have visited the Scuba kiosk and the karaoke bar ahead of time and see if there are any similar peoples?" Rhodey asked.
"FRIDAY?" Tony asked.
"Right away Mr. Stark." FRIDAY's voice said from his watch.
There was some silence before T'Challa said, "So should we just stay in the hotel tomorrow?"
"If we do that the whole building will probably come down." Natasha muttered darkly.
Bruce gave her a warning look while Sam flat out glared at her.
You blanched a little.
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Here is something happy:
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Okay back to story  🥺 :
"We can just go out to the ocean." Stephen said. "Find a secluded spot away from people. That should benefit everyone."
"That sounds good." You said softly.
There was another moment of silence until FRIDAY's voice said, "Sir, I have a potential suspect."
"Good job sweetheart." Tony drawled, looking happier. "Send everything to you know what."
"Yes sir." FRIDAY replied.
Tony pulled out his laptop and then said, "This'll probably be a while. The rest of you should get some sleep, I'll let you know when I'm done."
You nodded, getting to your feet. You hugged the others good-bye and then you decided that you would go and stay with Loki and Thor tonight.
Loki and Thor had gotten separate beds and you climbed into Loki's for tonight. He sat up against the headboard, reading that poetry book again.
"What are you reading?" You asked softly as Thor started to snore. Despite popular belief, he didn't sound like an elephant. He was actually a very quiet snorer.
"It's a poem called 'Never trust a mirror'." Loki whispered. "Would you like me to read it to you?"
You nodded, pulling the covers over you while you laid your head down on his leg. He rested one hand in your hair as he read:
"Never trust a mirror, For a mirror always lies, It makes you think that all you're worth can be seen from the outside.
Never trust a mirror, It only shows what's skin deep You can't see how your eyelids flutter when you're drifting off to sleep.
It doesn't show you what the world sees When you're only being you or how your eyes light up When you're loving what you do
It doesn't capture when you're smiling Where no-one else can see And your reflection cannot tell you, How much you mean to me.
Never trust a mirror For it only shows your skin. And if you think it dictates your worth It's time you looked within"
And by the time he finished with the last word, you were fast asleep. 
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Saul silva/Farah x Student!reader - don’t need saving
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MAY I SUGGEST A FOLLOW UP? if not, that's cool! But an epic battle (maybe the school versus a massive hoard of burned one) and the reader just summons the entire sea and turns the sky into a stormy raining cloud, but can freeze the rain as well? - @casserole-from-dads-asserole 💜
Part two:
You had no clue what was happening, you were dragged along to the quad by some specialists who seemed worried and you tried finding someone for answers.
“Bloom! What’s going on!”
“I can’t talk!”
She rushed away and you looked around, finding Terra with her dad and her brother you rushed over.
“Sorry, I know you’re busy, but what’s going on Terra?”
“I.. I don’t know!”
She refused to meet your gaze, and you know she was lying so you sighed, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder.
“What’s going on?” You asked again.
“Burned ones, a whole hoard coming for the school.” She sighed.
You stepped back, eyes wide as you looked to where everyone was barricading everything.
“Terra!” Professor Harvey hissed.
He snapped his gaze to you.
“Don’t do anything reckless.” He warned.
You didn’t say anything, you just spun around and ran, dodging students or pushing past them as you tried to find a way outside.
Most of the entrances were blocked off, aside from one and you slipped out, running around the front of the side of the building you looked at the hoard of monsters that were approaching.
Eyes glowing a bright blue, you breathed deeply.
“(Y/N)!” Farah yelled.
Silva ran over, sword in front of him as he pulled you back.
“Get under the roof!” You yelled.
“We’re not leaving you here!” He snapped.
You pushed him back, raising your hand to create a wall of water to hold them there, and you turned back to the monsters.
You ignored the two teachers shouting your name and telling you to get inside.
You didn’t know why the burned ones where here, but you knew that protection wouldn’t last long and you didn’t want anyone getting hurt.
So you summoned all the magic inside of you and slowly raised your arms.
The grey clouds above began to rumble, and lightening lit up the sky as rain began to pour down, but that didn’t stop the burned ones from running closer.
The temperature dropped, and the rain turned to hail, and the hail slowly turned to ice shards that fell from the sky, picking off the burned ones.
Some of them fell, and others kept running.
You moved your hands to the right, slowly moving them across to the left, and the sound of rushing water grew closer and closer.
Farah and Silva went quiet, watching the scene play out knowing the couldn’t break the water shield you put in front of them.
The could see small streams of water coming through the trees, and the sound of wood being snapped in half.
When the burned ones were right in front of you, you swung your arms fully to the left, and a large wave came rushing through, sweeping them all away, and you kept it going.
Breathing heavily, you stared at the huge wave before you lowered your arms and it died down.
Small fish flopped on the floor, and the ice shards slowly stopped falling from the sky and turned into raining once more.
You took a breath, and watched as some of the burned ones stood back up and you raised your hands to the sky.
Freezing the rain you swiftly brought your hands back down, large ice spikes crashing down on the burned ones.
The spikes shattered on impact, but the killed the burned ones all the same.
Stepping forward, you collected the water from the ground around you, and thrust your arms forward, slamming the last remaining creatures back and you raised your arms up, moving the water into the sky and slammed them back into the ground.
The sound of them hitting the floor was barely audible over the thunder.
But you watched for a minute, waiting, and when you were sure they were dealt with, you turned around and lowered the barrier.
“What were you thinking?!” Silva yelled.
You stepped forward and fell into Farah.
She caught you and lowered you to the ground, holding your head.
“You’ve overdone it. You need to relax.” She said.
They were going to scold you, but not just yet. Right now it was more important they got you inside and somewhere so you could rest and regain your strength.
So, they both hauled you up, and Silva picked you up, carrying you back into the school, pushing past all the worried students who were asking if you were okay.
Setting you down on one of the tables, both him and Farah covered you with their jackets.
Your skin was freezing cold, a byproduct of you overusing your magic, but it wasn’t life threatening in any way.
You were so concerned, so protective of the other students you were willing to throw yourself in danger just to protect them.
The two teachers gathered more jackets and whatever they could find to cover you up with, and both of them stood over you.
“She’s reckless.” Farah said.
“She’s a protector, that’s not a bad trait.” Silva replied.
“Maybe not, but she needs to stop running headfirst into everything.” Farah sighed.
Silva nodded his head in agreement.
“We’ll have to keep her under a close watch from now on. And see what she can really do.” Silva said.
They needed to know the limits of your magic, know exactly what and how much you could do.
If you insisted on constantly running head first blindly into danger they had to know exactly what your magic was able to accomplish.
That way, they could help you strengthen it, and they could decide how much of a close eye they would really need to keep an eye on you
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Can we get a peak of the next chapter of Like real people do? Because I do love Dragon!Alec
I hope you have a great day and I just wanted to let you know that every time I see you have posted it makes me smile!
anon i knew exactly what i was going to write for this, because Magnus has needs and sometimes that means he really needs to be able to admire Alec. i am having a great day btw thank you and this ask is a part of why it's so awesome! and your ask made me smile so i'm glad there are mutual smiles all around! i hope you enjoy
Magnus finds himself back in the room of ice and secrets so priceless that sometimes he shudders to learn one. Magnus provided breakfast, marveling at Alexander’s delight at being introduced to chocolate and insisting on sharing his tea because while Alexander’s own brews were interesting and good, there were things that couldn’t be found in Alicante.
Like a nice delicate oolong or the delightful burn of ginseng, which Alexander seems to have immediately taken too.
He stole Magnus’ cup when his own ran empty and then he’d fallen to the ground and pouted until Magnus procured another cup. Like an overgrown cat taking advantage of its big, sad eyes to lure its person into a trap.
Alexander didn’t join him, which while Magnus resents a little, is also helpful because it’s much easier to concentrate on books when you’re not distracted by six-feet of gorgeous and human-shaped dragon.
It also gives Magnus time to browse the books and see if there is anything helpful concerning Alexander’s species.
There is a decided lack of what he seeks, for both Alexander and Lilith and Magnus trudges out of the room, grumpy from a lack of Alexander and progress
A roar tears him from his thoughts and Magnus runs to the nearest balcony, the wards keeping it shielded from the snow and weather and he throws the doors open and walks out.
The storm is gone, he realizes numbly.
The storm that he fought for days upon end is nowhere to be seen, even though Magnus’ magic warned it would continue for weeks upon months.
Magnus barely has time to register this before the roar sounds again and he watches, awestruck as a giant, black dragon crests the mountains, rising higher and higher until what he can only assume is Alexander is no more than a speck.
Magnus watches the sky, heart in his mouth as he wonders, foolishly, if he’s been abandoned and then Alexander is not flying, but falling. A controlled dive no doubt, but it makes Magnus’ magic itch to reach out and create a safety net for his giant form.
At the last possible moment, he snaps his wings out and Magnus watches with shock as what he thought was a valley of snow when he walks around it, explodes into ice and water that crystallises and shatters upon contact with the air.
It was a lake. 
A frozen lake whose thickly layered surface tore from the mere pressure of Alexander using his wings. 
His dragon glides towards him and Magnus knows the exact moment he’s noticed, because Alexander begins to dance in the sky. It’s a glorious sight and the sun dapples across his scales leaving it to dance with the colours of a prism awash over the black.
“Magnificent.” Magnus murmurs and he wishes he were closer, that he could see and touch and feel Alexander in this form and then his dragon is landing above him and Magnus reaches out for his signature and, uncaring of how this will turn out, forms a portal taking him to Alec.
The roof is wide and flat and doesn’t shiver even with the bulk of Alexander’s draconic form nestled on it. Magnus runs because he doesn’t want to wait, can’t bear it if Alexander transforms back before Magnus gets to appreciate it.
“Oh, aren’t you lovely like this—” He whispers, because it’s true and Alexander gives a pleased rumble and nudges him, nose pressing against the whole of Magnus’ body in greeting. 
“Sweet boy,” Magnus croons and he pets Alexander’s nose and runs a hand over scales half the size of his palm and getting bigger as they climb Alexander’s form. “So beautiful, incredible,” because Magnus doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know how to woo or compliment someone whose very existence is such a marvel.
Whatever he does seems to work because Alexander is purring, his entire body vibrating with delight, as though Magnus has stroked a livewire inside of him just with his rambling words. 
“Come back to me?” Magnus asks, because as much as he wants to explore Alexander like this, he wants the one that fits into his arms more, the Alexander that he can keep close and claim with kisses. 
Though, he does lean forward and press a soft little kiss to the great expanse of Alexander’s muzzle and then he has an armful of frigid, naked and delighted Alexander. 
"What were you doing?" He asks, because he's curious if it was something like checking the territory, or figuring out how Magnus got in or even hunting.
“I drove the storm off." Alexander says proudly, like he’s making any sense and Magnus realizes that perhaps, he is. 
“Did you?” Magnus hums, like he’s proud but unsurprised and hides how actually surprised he is. "Tell me about as we go inside, darling?”
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dogwaterdish · 26 days
hello @princelyre I can tell you all about snow !!!
it really depends on the type, but fresh snow can absolutely be as fluffy as it looks!!! some snow is very heavy and easy to pack, which is the best for snowballs and building forts, while other snow is more crumbly and fluffy. usually the heavier snow is when its warmer I think, since theres more water or smthn? idk exactly why, but when it melts a bit overnight and freezes up again, it can get a thin ice layer on top and it is so fun to crunch it!!! my favorite snowy weather is when theres a few feet of it and school gets cancelled, and we get to stay home all day. I LOVE when theres blizzards coming through, because everything gets all dark and stormy, the wind is loud and fast, and the snow swirls in such a beautiful way. then, these HUGE plows come through and sometimes you can only see the orange lights through the storm. Also, you can make snow ice cream (snow cream? idk what its called) with some snow and other stuff, and it melts kinda quick if its too warm so you gotta make sure you're either making it fast to throw in the freezer (its good for a few days usually) or you're making it in pretty cold temps. I mentioned the soft and crumbly snow earlier, and I can 100% confirm it is that fluffy, but usually its hard to notice since the cold stings so bad. the packing snow is fluffy also, but after a melt & freeze it can get hard on the outside (like I said earlier, an ice coating), but sometimes the inner parts are still fluffy!!! its so awesome. making snowmen is also super fun, but making really big ones can be pretty taxing if you're not too good at molding the snow, or if you keep overpacking it, kinda like stuffing plushies - its easy to put too much stuffing in and use more than needed!
its not snow, but theres also icicles which are so nice to eat - some people say its unsanitary, since the water runs off roofs which can have a bunch of crap on them, but I've never gotten sick from one. where I live, they can get to be several feet long!! they're super fun to try and knock down also, especially when theres a few feet of snow below them, cause then you can dig them out! sometimes they break, but usually the snow is a good shield and they'll stay intact. when you have enough of the packing snow, you can make snowballs to knock down icicles, and it makes a pretty fun game!
I love the snow so much, it's always such a great time when it comes down the first time. the way it peppers the grass during the first snow is always so beautiful to see, and catching it on your tongue is also very satisfying
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rainbowfey · 11 months
Day 1: Magic
This is written for @madatobiweek.
Madara shielded his face with his arm while hurrying along a dimly lit street, the ice-cold rain piercing the sleeve of his jacket like a myriad of tiny needles. He growled when his foot slipped in yet another puddle, almost sending him to the ground. He barely managed to keep his balance but he felt the water soak through his shoe, feeling like as if his foot was only seconds away from turning into an ice cube. Madara cursed under his breath and quickened his pace even more, sending a hint of chakra into his feet so that he wouldn’t stumble again. The sky had already looked rather dark when he had entered the training ground but he hadn’t expected a downpour like the world was about to end. Wind was howling through the empty streets of Konoha, rustling the trees between the houses aggressively until they were swaying like monsters preparing to attack.
Madara shook his head and ducked when he heard yet another loud crack, followed by a thud when the broken branch hit the ground only a couple steps away from him. If the storm decided to rage even a bit more furiously, falling branches wouldn’t be the only thing Madara had to worry about. He risked a peek at the closest roof from under his arm but he didn’t see any shingles trembling just yet. He sighed and rushed around a corner – when he suddenly hit something big. With a muffled yelp, someone stumbled backwards while Madara desperately tried to keep his footing. When he had caught his balance again, he angrily looked at the person who was straightening their clothes where they had bumped into each other. The other person looked up and Madara felt a wave of contempt washing over him when he noticed the red markings on a pale face.
“You,” he hissed without thinking, his eyes narrowing at the unwelcome sight.
Tobirama Senju’s face twisted with repulsion when he recognized who he had run into. “Ah,” he said in a voice that sounded like as if he had stepped into something particularly gross. “Madara.”
Madara felt his anger grow at this disrespectful tone. Out of all the people that lived in this village, of course the only other one outside in the rain was the most insufferable person imaginable. “You should better watch where you’re going,” he growled, staring at Tobirama. “Or else you might one day have an … accident.”
Tobirama furrowed an eyebrow and looked up at him with undisguised scorn. “As if you stood any chance against me,” he spit out, a sardonic smile playing around his lips. “It’ll be a cold day in hell when I get scared of a jackass like you.”
Madara clenched his fists. The only thing keeping him from bashing Tobirama’s head in was the fact that it would be hard to explain to Hashirama why he had murdered his brother. Especially since Hashirama was the Hokage and probably wouldn’t take it easy if he followed through with his fury. Instead, he forced an unfazed expression to his face and stared at Tobirama unblinkingly. “This doesn’t mean much from a person who’s too stupid to know what’s good for him,” he said calmly while raging internally. “Just you wait, Senju.”
Tobirama shrugged, his eyes full of disgust. “Go spew your bullshit somewhere else, Madara. Maybe you’ll find someone who’s willing to listen to your stammer.”
And before Madara could come up with an appropriate retribution, Tobirama had already walked past him, boldly jostling him in the process. Madara’s hand darted to his pocket which was filled with shuriken but he stopped himself just in time. From the corner of his eye, he saw Tobirama’s ghost like figure disappearing behind the corner he had just turned.
It took Madara a moment to collect himself again. His whole body felt like it had been set ablaze and he gritted his teeth, Tobirama’s scornful smile still fully present in his mind. He didn’t even remember when or how their feud had started but what he did know was that each of their encounters brought him closer to ambushing Tobirama and giving him the whipping he deserved. Over the past couple of months, they had had a handful of fights disguised as training sessions and each of them had only fueled Madara’s disdain for him even more. Tobirama was not only an insufferable person but he was also keen on playing foul, gloating over his own strength whenever one of his insidious strategies had worked. But the worst of it all was Tobirama’s contemptuous smile whenever he thought he had the upper hand.
Madara clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his skin. Only when he felt the sharp pain, he forcefully released his grip. This prick wasn’t worth the air he was breathing – and standing in the rain fuming also didn’t bring him closer to his own place. Thus, he set himself in motion again, heading for his place with big, aggressive steps. The rain kept coming down hard, washing against his body like a surge of icy water and a shiver ran down his spine. It was about time that he got home and changed into some dry clothes.
Madara tried to banish the thoughts about his fiend from his mind and fixed his gaze on the hazy shadow of a house at the end of the street. He would’ve recognized its silhouette everywhere. Like a silent threat, his house loomed over the other buildings of the street, its dark color seeming to devour all of the twilight that was left around it until it appeared to be a bottomless shadow. Madara smiled at the thought and he finally felt some of his tension fade away. When he was halfway there, he broke into a sprint, dashing through the heavy rainfall, water splashing from the puddles he stepped into. The closer he got to his place, the more it felt like as if the rain started pouring even worse, almost like as if someone or rather something wanted to quicken his steps, chasing him away from the outsides, luring him to the supposed safety of his home in the process.
Madara shook his head at this menacing thought and jumped over an enormous puddle right in front of his house. He climbed the slippery steps and already fumbled for his keys, when he noticed something strange. His doorstep was still dry, protected by the meager porch roof that barely even covered the steps. But in this small dry spot lay a narrow wooden box. Madara paused and stared at it. It was rather flat and not much bigger than the palm of his hand. The wood was entirely untouched by the rain but the tiny hinges seemed worn. He could see hints of silver between the scratches and tears and he was fairly sure that this box hadn’t been here when he had left his house earlier that day. He glanced at the empty, now almost entirely dark street but he couldn’t make out any movement or trace of someone having been there.
A sudden gust of wind made him shudder and he shrugged. He would surely find out eventually who left the box there. Madara grabbed the wooden box and noticed absentmindedly that it felt surprisingly heavy when he finally fumbled his keys out of pocket and unlocked his front door. He stepped over the threshold and for a moment, his body started trembling. A bit confused he paused but after a moment he concluded that it must have been due to the warmth of his house engulfing him and driving off the unhospitable weather behind him. With another shrug, he closed the door behind him and set the wooden box down on a cupboard next to his coatrack. With cold, stiff fingers he pried his jacket open and slipped out of it. Next were his shoes that he carelessly shoved into a corner where they would slowly dry without making a mess.
He sighed in relief when he had finally gotten rid of his wet clothes but he quickly noticed that his sweater and pants also felt rather damp. With an annoyed grown, he went up the stairs and grabbed a dry change of clothes, quickly putting them on and throwing his damp clothes into the hamper in his bathroom. Afterwards, he walked down the stairs, feeling a lot more comfortable now. He was about to head for his kitchen when he caught a glimpse of the wooden box that forlornly sat on his cupboard. Now that he wasn’t out in the pouring rain anymore, the box started to pique his interest. It was fairly odd for him to find something on his doorstep that he hadn’t known about before. Sure enough, sometimes Hashirama made a joke out of sending him random stuff but this didn’t seem to be the case this time since Hashirama had been on an extended mission for almost a week now. This did pose the question who had left it for him to find – and why.
Madara carefully lifted the box and this time he noticed how heavy it felt. If he had closed his eyes, he would have thought he had just picked up a flat stone, not a wooden box. His curiosity grew and he decided that the kitchen could wait. Instead, he carried the box to his living room and sat down on his sofa, the box in his lap. He switched on the lamp that sat next to his sofa and examined the box thoroughly. Now that he was out of the rain, he noticed the fine cut of the box. Its edges were soft, almost like as if countless hands had wandered over them. He noticed that the box didn’t have a lock and when he carefully lifted the lid, the box opened with a faint clicking sound.
Madara’s eyes widened when the lid revealed black velvet that filled the wooden box. He carefully grabbed one edge of the velvet and tugged at it. To his surprise, it gave way immediately – revealing a brilliant silver amulet. Madara held his breath and marveled at the delicate ornaments which formed a wheel around an obsidian in the middle of the amulet. Everything around him seemed to fade away when he examined the amulet, mesmerized by its beauty. The obsidian attracted his gaze and he leaned over it, staring into the black abyss that seemed to deepen with every second he looked at it. But somewhere deep down, seemingly at the bottom of it, he noticed a faint light. Madara leaned closer and closer until his face was almost touching the amulet. His body started feeling lighter and the world around him became quiet, the sound of the rain pattering against his windows drowned out by the all-embracing silence that had befallen his house. The light deep down in the obsidian started dancing and somewhere in the depths of his mind, Madara heard a faint voice calling for him, beckoning him to come closer.
“I’m coming,” he murmured to himself, his gaze lost in the abyss growing in front of him. As if in a trance, he slowly lifted his hand until it hovered directly above the amulet. The voice took on an urging tone, luring him in, growing louder with each second. And just when Madara felt like someone was standing directly behind him, his finger touched the amulet, grazing the obsidian in its middle.
Something surged through his body and his limbs started trembling violently. His eyes widened in horror and his mouth opened but the scream suffocated in his throat. He started seizing and choking on his own gasps for air. The world around him grew dim and shadows formed in the corners of the living room, closing in on him. His whole body shook and he desperately tried to move but something had taken over. Madara screamed silently when the world fell back, the abyss engulfing him.
And all at once, he was calm again. His body stopped trembling and he took a deep breath and then another one. After a moment, Madara glanced down at his hands that were still holding the amulet. And slowly, very slowly, a faint smile curled his lips.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
how many pokemon are in your dex, and how many are original? i’m unsure of how many to make lol
It’s actually a kind of checklist I go through:
What are my starters/starter evolutions?
Obligatory inclusions: every region has a Pikaclone (some kind of mouse with circle cheeks), a low-level wild bird, a low-level bug (usually with a cocoon stage), 2-3 box legendaries, some kind of minor legendary set with a matched theme, a pseudo-legendary 3-stage dragon, and a mythical.
Figure out what country/area you’re basing it on, and look up the area’s culture, see what sticks. For example, there’s a superstition in Poland that a squirrel on the roof means a fire’ll happen. So I made a fire-type, smoke-based squirrel.
Look at native animals to the area. See if you can mix these with the cultural things, and think of what type they would be in your head.
Work in the theme of your game as much as possible. If it’s time, make clock or ancient pottery Pokémon. If it’s volcanoes, use igneous rocks or those pine trees that only release seeds during a wildfire. And if your Pokémon versions have opposing themes, try to make equal amounts for each theme—those are your version exclusives.
With all of those done, NOW you start on including past Pokémon. They should fall in either the realm of “seldom used” or “I really like these,” ideally both. For example, I added in Comfey, because it’s only in Alola and the Sword/Shield DLC.
Add in the Pokémon that always show up—Magikarp, Ditto, the Eeveelutions, etc.
With established Pokémon, try to make a few regional variants that fit either your base country’s culture or your overall theme. I’ve got a Fire/Ground Skiddo and Ice/Normal Wooloo for Summer and Winter, and I have a variant on the Oddish line that makes them more poppy-like. Vileplume is modeled after a poppy, Bellossom after a Polish wedding crown.
If you get any other good ideas for variants, toss them in! I’ve got an Electric/Water Magikarp that turns into an Electric/Dragon Gyarados, because it sounded cool. Go for it!
After ALL THAT is done, take stock of how many types you have, and start adding Pokémon from past gens that fit the types you’re lacking. Try to keep your Pokédex between 150 and 200 total—Kanto was 151, and Hoenn was 202.
Tweak whatever types you have too much of/get new ideas for.
Then you’re done!
To answer your question, my Pokédex (margin of error for one or two, I just counted these by hand) has 159 entries, with 76 being totally original, and 20 being regional variants of established Pokémon.
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Round 1!
The TCAT, Tompkins County, NY, USA vs Seattle Center Monorail, Seattle, WA, USA
M1 (or Millennium Underground Railway, but also known as "the small underground" by locals), Budapest, Hungary vs Grande Recife, Recife, Brazil
London Underground, Greater London, England vs Rotterdam Metro, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Beamish Tramway, Beamish Museum, Beamish, England vs Catbus/Nekobus, Sayama Hills, Saitama Prefecture, Japan (My Neighbor Totoro)
The New York City Subway system, New York City, NY, USA vs Corviknight Flying Taxi, Galar (Pokémon Sword and Shield)
Buenos Aires Underground (Subte), Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina vs Monte Toboggan, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
The Stargate Network, throughout the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies (the Stargate franchise) vs the Deepsea Metro, Inkopolis Bay (Splatoon)
CAT, Perth, Western Australia vs SkyTrain, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Brolly Rail, Nevermoor (Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend) vs Métro Ligne 4, Paris, France
Tyne and Wear Metro, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom vs the REM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (upcoming)
Jeepney, the Philippines vs Sea Train, Water 7, connecting it with St. Poplar, San Faldo, and Pucci, as well as the Judicial Island Enies Lobby (One Piece)
The MTR, Hong Kong, PRC vs the Omnibus, New York, NY, USA (1832)
SeaBus, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada vs Wuppertaler Schwebebahn, Wuppertal, Germany
Ice Highway, the Nether Roof (Minecraft) vs Battle Subway, Unova (Pokémon Black and White)
WY Metro, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom vs Tunnelbana, Stockholm, Sweden
MRT (Moda Raya Terpadu/Mass Rapid Transit), Jakarta, Indonesia vs An Luas, Dublin, Ireland
RIPTA (Rhode Island public transit authority) (it’s buses), Rhode Island, USA vs Bakerloo Line, London Underground, London, England
Mount Vesuvius Funicular Railway, Mount Vesuvius, Italy (opened in 1880, destroyed by volcanic eruption in 1944) vs AquaBus, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Yarra Trams, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia vs SEPTA (southeast pennsylvania transportation authority), Pennsylvania, United States
Cable Cars, San Francisco, California, United States vs MAX Light Rail system, Portland, Oregon, United States
Amtrak, United States vs Fenelon Place Elevator, Dubuque, Iowa, United States
Ninky Nonk, Night Garden (In The Night Garden) vs Prague Metro, Prague, Czech Republic
Polar Bear Express, between Cochrane and Moosonee, Ontario, Canada vs the Crosstown Express, Robot City (Robots (2005))
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (the T), Greater Boston, Massachusetts, United States vs Worcester Regional Transit Authority, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States
Kakola Funicular, Turku, Finland vs Angkutan Kota (Angkot), Indonesia
Galaxy Railways, the Milky Way (The Galaxy Railways (銀河鉄道物語, Ginga Tetsudō Monogatari)) vs The Ride, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
MST Trolley, Monterey, California, United States vs People Mover, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Florida, United States
Public Transit Victoria, Victoria, Australia vs Carmelit, Haifa, Israel
The L, Chicago, Illinois, United States vs Leadhills and Wanlockhead Railway, South Lanarkshire, Scotland
Personal Rapid Transit (PRT), Morgantown, West Virginia vs Helsingin seudun liikenne/Helsingforsregionens trafik/Helsinki Regional Transport, Helsinki, Finland
Gondolas, Venice, Italy vs the Trolley from the Trolley Problem (Philippa Foot came up with it originally, but in media it was also presented in "the good place")
Zahnradbahn Stuttgart (die Zacke), Stuttgart (Marienplatz to Degerloch), Baden-Württemberg, Germany vs Detroit People Mover, Detroit, Michigan, United States
Warp Pipes (Super Mario Bros.) vs SCMaglev, Yamanashi, Japan
Transport Canberra Bus Network, Canberra, Australia vs Stagways, Hallownest (Hollow Knight)
Roosevelt Island Tram, Roosevelt Island, New York, NY, United States vs NJ Transit (Northeast Corridor), New Jersey, United States
Sunrail, Orlando, Florida, United States vs Bay Area Rapid Transit, Bay Area, California, United States
Purple Route (Charm City Circulator), Baltimore, Maryland, United States vs Alderney Ferry (Halifax Transit), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Millennium Line, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada vs MARTA, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Dual Mode Vehicle (DMV), Asa Coast Railway, Shikoku, Japan vs Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff Railway, Lynmouth, England, UK
Hovercraft, Portsmouth - Ryde, UK vs Funiculars, the Questionable Area (Psychonauts 2)
WildNorWester, Sodor (The Railway Series) vs Shinkansen, Japan
Métro de Paris, Paris, France vs Metro do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Deutsche Bahn, Germany vs UC Davis Unitrans Bus System, Davis, California
Vaporetti, Venice, Italy vs Harbour Bus, Copenhagen, Denmark
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High Tree Hall, seat of House Archer and Medieval! Lord Oromë
Rules and tag form here | Prompts for requests here.
A/n: Silverwood tree is something I invented purely for this AU.
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High Tree Hall is located deep within the ancient forests of Hunter’s Pass. The forests are rarely, if ever, infiltrated by an enemy, as the trees form confusing paths and dead-ends similar to the Labyrinth of Alqualondë. Still, elves and attendants loyal to Lord Oromë carry out regular patrols in and around the forests. Any guests or outsiders visiting High Tree are met on the outskirts of Hunter’s Pass and led down winding paths on horseback while blindfolded.
High Tree Hall and its outer buildings are surrounded by a curtain wall made of stone and mortar. There are two gates, the Hunter’s Gate and the River Gate, and the curtain wall has four bastions facing different directions.
High Tree has its own water supply due to the presence of pools fed by underground springs. Despite this, wells have been dug into the earth in case of necessity.
1.High Tree Hall: High Tree is a long house built around a giant Silverwood tree, and the structure itself is made out of a mixture of roughly hewn stone and mortar and thick wooden bark. The lower branches of the redwood tree spread out beneath the roof.
High Tree has one floor above ground, along with a basement. The floor above ground is partitioned into three separate sections. One corner section is for Oromë’s personal use. This section comprises a bath chamber, a small hall for when Oromë wishes to hold private meetings with his advisors, a little library, Oromë’s bed chamber, and his own armory. The other end is sectioned into small, but well-appointed bed chambers for Oromë’s guests. Each room has its own private bath. 
The center portion of High Tree is called the Great Hall. This hall is used for feasts, dances, and larger meetings. Even on days when there are no planned meetings or festivities, the residents of High Tree would all gather here for their daily meals. Pelts of animals slain during hunts are spread out all over the floor and furnishings, and the skulls are hung on the walls. There are no fireplaces here, only braziers and beeswax candles. The basement comprises a kitchen and cellar. Like all of the Great Houses of Valinor, High Tree has its own ice cellar.
2.The Stables
3.The Kennels
4.The warehouse and stores
5.These buildings are used by Oromë’s warriors, attendants, and their families. Each building comes complete with its own armory.
6.These buildings are used by Oromë’s servants and their families.
7.These buildings are guest manses, and are used to house the retinue of Oromë’s guests.
All buildings listed under 5, 6, and 7 come with their own bathhouse.
9.Sparring yard
House Shield coat of arms: A mounted archer on a green field
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Tags: @asianbutnotjapanese @cilil @edensrose @wandererindreams
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sailxrmxrs · 2 years
blacksmith milo many thoughts head so full. this has been floating around in my brain for like a month it's been agony in all the best ways. throwback to playing l4d2 in vc and going wild over blacksmith milo crumbs. anyway it was so powerful i had to go and make it a reality if only to stop the screaming in my brain. milo with his hair tied back and sleeves rolled up......sensational. mc is a travelling mercenary currently between jobs and they've just arrived in a town nearby the capital. before going on to find work, they come across a blacksmith with a face far too pretty to be anything other than some rich noble's son. the two get talking and the rest is history.
A gentle pattering of rain thrummed rhythmically against the deep green hood of your cloak. Since reaching the northern lands of the capital, the climate had shifted drastically from the generous sunshine of the southern desert. Even the town's cottages and taverns looked as gloomy as the skies above, thatched roofs one bad thunderstorm away from falling apart. Coming here directly after weeks of watching the sun reflect off crystal windows and sprawling oases was like being doused in ice water. Almost quite literally, given the light downpour that only seemed to worsen with every step your horse took down the muddied path. The sun was nowhere to be seen despite the early afternoon hour, hidden behind knitted clouds so heavy and grey they looked almost ready to burst. You hoped to find the local blacksmith's soon if only to find cover from the inevitable impending storm. There was also the matter of your sword's blade growing appallingly dull; if you didn't get it tended to soon you'd barely be able to cut a loose thread from your tunic.
It seemed fate was on your side today, the familiar sound of iron against steel like a metronome leading the chorus of town life. Tucked away just behind an inn was a blacksmith's workshop. The exterior looked a little more lively than the rest of the town's infrastructure, as though its owner had taken extra care to keep it in optimal condition during the harsher weathers. An orange glow from the fiery furnaces came from the open doorway, letting out a mild warmth to fight against the cold rain. Luckily for your horse, there was an awning canopy sheltering the side of the workshop complete with a water trough and a place to tie their reins. As you made your way inside removing the dampened cloak hood you were met with the sight of who you presumed owned the place. He seemed tall even when leaning over the anvil to inspect his work. His long hair was pulled back and tied with a strip of leather loosely atop his head. His sleeves were rolled back to reveal his forearms, no doubt in part to combat the raging heat of the furnace. Surveying the room was enough to tell you that he was no beginner to his trade. It may have been a small workshop, fitting for a small town you supposed, but it was cosy. The place was lit with amber lanterns, their warm light reflected in the metal sheen of swords and axes and shields. He just might sell his stock on to the capital judging by the sheer quality of it all. It seemed you'd struck gold coming across this small rural town.
Your fingers chimed the small bell sitting on the desk by the entrance, its tinny ring echoing against the walls. The blacksmith turned, seemingly surprised to hear a visitor. Whoever this man was, he was no ordinary blacksmith. Most held rugged faces, worn with age and wizened under the roaring heat of constant fire. No, this man looked more like a rich noble's son who'd been deposited in some poor, desolate town as punishment for mistreating one too many maids. His eyes were a rich purple and his skin surprisingly held a gentle tan, clear and smooth save for a few stray swipes of coal from where his fingers had brushed loose strands of hair away from his face. The man could only be described as pretty—beautiful even. Certainly a rare trait for one in such a profession, at least as far as you had encountered. Still, even if he did not quite look the part, his handiwork was enough to tell you he was no beginner. Even the small blade he held looked far more ornate and well-made than some of your own back home.
"Afternoon," he called out, setting aside his current project and pushing his hair back from his face, smearing another streak of charcoal across his forehead. It took a great deal of self-restraint to not let slip a bemused smile.
"Afternoon. I assume you're the one to go to for sharpening weapons?" You asked, removing the scabbard from your waist and setting it atop the counter.
The blacksmith didn't crack a smile, unwilling to put on the pretences most tradespeople offered visitors. "About the only one in town who knows how to hold one of these, let alone sharpen one. Just passing through?"
"On my way to the capital. Although I shall likely have to extend my stay if the weather doesn't ease up. Is it usually this dreary around here?" You leaned against the counter, watching as the blacksmith took your sword to the whetstone, hands working deftly to sharpen the steel. He was sat directly under a lantern, using the light to inspect his handiwork every few moments. His focus was as razor sharp as your blade's edge was soon to be, taking utmost care to ensure no room for mistakes.
"If you're planning to wait for the rain to clear then you might as well move here. No getting to the capital until a day or two in the summer season when the sun deigns to make a rare appearance."
You grimaced, chin resting on your hand. You'd thought as much but the confirmation was not on your list of favourite things to hear. It seemed you had a long, and damp, journey ahead of you yet. Today might be a choice day to invest in another spare cloak. One that was perhaps a tad more waterproof that what you currently wore.
"Anything else you need sharpening up? Low on arrows, maybe? Got plenty of stock so feel free to take your time. Stay out of the rain a little longer." You were not one to spit in the face of opportunity, especially given the bonus pay you'd received from your previous employer. So you went and retrieved your reserve weapons from the shelter in which you'd left your horse and offered them up to the blacksmith whose name, as you'd learnt, was Milo. Surprisingly, he made for rather pleasant conversation, asking after your line of work and where you'd travelled from. In response, he'd offered up a chapter or two of his own story. He'd been born and raised in the small town to grocer parents but had spent most of his time in the local blacksmith's workshop, bothering him with all sorts of questions about everything had worked until the old man had taken him on as an apprentice. Once he was old enough, Milo was taking requests and eventually took over the business once his boss was too old to work as proficiently as he once had. Since then he primarily did business with palace officials, supplying new stock and revitalising damaged weapons and materials.
As the day drew to a close, the sky somehow turning darker, you pulled yourself away from the workshop and its rather pleasant company. You'd tossed a few silvers onto the counter, leaving an extra as payment for the afternoon shelter despite Milo's protests. He had been in the middle of forging a formerly broken sword and couldn't pull himself away to try and refund some of your coin. When you peered through the window, Milo was shaking his head as he returned to his work, a whisper of a smile tugging at his lips. The first and only one you'd seen from him all day, no doubt because he believed no one could see. Still, it warmed you inside to know he had not thought of your presence as a complete bother.
After leaving town, it became a somewhat regular routine to revisit that little rural town whenever your travel plans allowed it. Every time, without fail, you'd spend a day sat inside the workshop, telling Milo all of your ventures to various corners of the realm. In turn, he'd tell you of the local goings on, most of it trivial and uninteresting in his eyes but the normality of it all was a welcome change of pace for you. Hearing about the friendly competition between the various townsmen or other affairs that took place was a far cry from the types of jobs you were taking on, leading you to all sorts of unsavoury characters hiding in dark places. Spending that time with Milo was a highlight of your journeying, even if those visits were few and far between. He would always welcome you in and offer up a seat in the workshop, sometimes even volunteering to cook a hot meal. He was a rare constant in the ever changing routine of your life and at some point along the way you began to wonder what life might look like if you had a more permanent place in town, as opposed to your constant moving from place-to-place with each job that came your way. It was easy to let your mind wander in the silence of solitude that your travels offered, daydreaming of scenes of you and Milo where you could greet each other whenever the desire struck, rather than waiting weeks or months for a job that sent you in that direction. Whether he wondered of the same or not was a complete mystery.
Despite the growing closeness between the both of you, Milo remained a mostly closed book, keeping his innermost feelings to himself. Any time you mentioned in passing that you had missed his company, Milo would merely hum in acknowledgement and not offer up his own feelings on the matter. If you tried to press for more of an answer, he'd change the subject or make a teasing remark about how you were growing attached. In spite of his apparent disdain for sentimental comments, Milo would always be trying, and failing, to suppress a smile that suggested he was not quite as emotionally guarded as he pretended to be. Usually you'd let it pass without acknowledgement, but it was rather satisfying to watch him scramble for a response that didn't implicate himself for enjoying your company.
As time passed by, it had been a good many months since your last visit to that little workshop. Circumstance had kept you away and busy with a larger job than usual from your latest client. It had been so brutal that you were already planning a few weeks of rest before taking on another job if only to recover from the various aches and pains you'd acquired along the way. Even if they were only minor injuries you felt deeply in need of a good long rest. Thankfully, as fate would have it, you were coming to the end of this particularly gruelling job and the end was on the horizon along with your long-awaited freedom. And with that oncoming freedom you intended to make your way toward that same old town. Naturally, by the time you reached its borders, the skies grew gradually more grey and bleak as though there was some vengeful god overlooking the people and deciding the enact their frustrations in the form of dull weather. Still, it wouldn't feel the same without the sharp winds and constant threat of rain at all times.
As the workshop came into view, you could feel all the tensions that the last months of work had instilled within your body evaporate as if by magic. Dismounting and walking into the familiar wall of warmth felt like it took hours, the anticipation of seeing Milo again building with each breath. But as you breached the threshold of the doorway, you were met with an empty workshop with no blacksmith in sight. There were signs of half-finished projects lying on the wooden benches and the fires of the furnace were still keeping the place enveloped in its usual heat but Milo was nowhere to be seen. It was hard to ignore the sting of disappointment that you had missed him. He was unlikely to be too far but there was always the chance Milo was away in the capital delivering his latest assignments. Still, it wasn't as if missing him today would mean you had to wait another number of weeks. You could easily return in a few days now that you had a moment's peace to breathe before continuing on to the next place. Sighing to yourself, you made to turn for the door when a familiar voice struck your ears.
"Long time no see. There was me starting to get worried you'd forgotten all about me." Milo was stood in the workshop's entrance, carrying a large box filled with materials. He set the box down and stood with one hand leaning against the counter while the other sat on his waist. His hair was loose over his shoulders, a rare sight given his usual spot by the furnace, but it suited him. Somehow made him seem even more princely than before.
"If anyone was to forget someone, I'd imagine it'd be you forgetting me," you teased, smiling at his exaggerated gasp of shock.
"Me? Forget my favourite visitor? Never. I'm appalled to hear you think so poorly of me."
You raised an eyebrow. "Favourite, hm? Interesting—" Before you could finish speaking, Milo stepped closer, raising a gentle hand toward your eyebrow and subsequently robbing you of your voice.
"What's this?" His thumb gently grazed over a small cut you'd sustained during your last job. It wasn't anything fatal nor did it hurt anymore, but the remnants still remained as it hadn't quite healed. You playfully swatted away his hand, putting a few steps between you both.
"Nothing you should be concerned with. Plenty more where that came from."
"That does not instil me with a great deal of confidence." His voice was deadpan once more, the slight hint of alarm having now dissipated. Despite the distance you'd put between the both of you, the air felt heavier and warmer than usual. Had it really been so long since you last saw him? And had that time somehow made him seem even more beautiful? Maybe it was just the lack of charcoal and dust that made Milo's appearance that bit more striking than usual.
"At least let me take a closer look," he murmured, eyes diverted from your gaze as a rare quietness seeped into his voice. You nodded, sucking in a breath as you stepped toward you, cautiously inspecting the minor wound. Seeming satisfied that you weren't at risk of toppling over, Milo removed his hands but didn't move away.
"Any other injuries I should know about? Aches or bruises to tend to?"
You hesitated for a moment, contemplating if you should answer honestly or not. There was a stubborn ache in your ankle that had worsened in recent days. That slight hesitation was enough to give Milo his answer. He sighed, taking your wrist gently in his grip and leading over to a workbench and sitting you down with a stern look on his face. "Where." It wasn't even a question, more of a demand than anything. Still, you didn't object nor deny its presence and silently held up your ankle. Milo was careful in his ministrations, making sure not to aggravate whatever ailed you and halting his movements whenever you made any noise to signal discomfort.
"Hope you don't have some fancy event in the capital planned because this ankle looks sprained to me. Granted I'm no doctor, but I'm still prescribing you a week or two of rest. At least. Definitely no adventuring for a while." Milo looked up at you, almost waiting for you to argue that you'd be fine or that you couldn't pass up on an important client. Any other time you might have done so. Might have protested that your horse could carry you with little need to use your injured ankle. But this time you knew it could wait.
"Then it's a good job I'm on break. Indefinitely. Well, not quite indefinitely, but at least until I feel like going off adventuring again. Think there's somewhere in town for me to stay?"
Milo offered a rare, genuine smile, one that he'd kept for himself after your past visits. He rose from his stool to sit beside you, eyes fixed on yours as he took your hands in his. Everything about his movements was gentle and soft, entirely removed from the usual strength of his smithing work. He reached a hand your cheek, smile still lighting his face as he whispered, "I think I might know someone."
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Verdict on All classic Sonic Zones pt 6 (Sonic 1, Sonic CD, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, & Sonic Mania)
Sonic Mania:
Angel Island Zone: Great Cutscene & Unless Ur in Encore Mode U Can't Play the Zone Regularly, but if Ur in Encore Mode, then this Zone Is Cool to be back in, i guess.
Green Hill Zone Act 1: Here Me Out! What if we Take Green Hill Zone and give it better level design and enhance its Music. I Like this version of Green Hill Zone Better than The Sonic 1 Version. Green Hill Zone Act 2: Awesome Visuals and Level Aesthetic with Great Music & Level Design + New Gimmicks!
Chemical Plant Zone Act 1: Great Music Remix and Better Level Design. Chemical Plant Zone Act 2: Syringes that change Raw Mega Mack to bouncy jelly? Yes Please! DNA Strands That take up And Sticky Jelly Platforms? I Like That! & A Boss Based around DR. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine! U Can't Go Wrong with This Act & Its Remixed Music! Studiopolis Zone Act 1: Lights, Camera, Action! The Music, Level Aesthetics, & Speed Sections are awesome. there's even a Throwback to the Sega Sonic Popcorn Shop and The Lock on Cartridge Technology Form Back in the Day when Sega Had Made Sonic & Knuckles! Studiopolis Zone Act 2: Its Prime Time! If Ur Looking for Gimmicks up the Wazoo & Better Level Design, Then This Act is Ur choice. It's Actually My Choice over Act 1 (Lights, Camera, Action!) but act one is a Very Close Second!
Flying Battery Zone Act 1: The Remixed Music Is Great, Better Level Design Than The original, And a great New Mechanic! (Electric Shield on the Electric Roofs) Flying Battery Zone Act 2: Great Act 2 Remix Music & Level Design. + the Rain aesthetics & Reference to wacky workbench were nice touches. Bad Boss Though...
Press Garden Zone Act 1: Working in the Tabloid Jargon! The Music Is Phenomenally Amaizing! The Level aesthetics and Gimmicks are Awesome & The Level Design Is Really Good + There's a lot of references to Launch Base Zone. This is Definitely a great Zone and My 2nd Favorite. It's also Great to listen to this while Ur working or cleaning! (I don't see a lot of people caring about the 1st act of PGZ, just listen to the Music and you'll see!) Press Garden Zone Act 2: Its A Blossom Haze! NGL, i think PGZ ACT 2 is Awesome. Blossom Haze Is Really Chill and Stuff with Ice Blowers From ICZ, Ice Spikes & New Mechanics. Though all that's Awesome, I don't want People to Forget Tabloid Jargon the Greatest Work Ethic Sonic Zone and also the only Sonic Work Ethic Zone, Cause many of People Forget Press Garden Zone (Mainly Act 1), But This Zone Should Be a National Zone Treasure. Act 2 Is Still Awesome but i Prefer Act 1.
Stardust Speedway Zone Act 1: Groovy Dude! The Sonic Mania Remix Was So Solid Man! They Bring Back Every Groovy Part of the original SSZ From CD with great Level Design, Groovy Elements, And Many References to Marble Garden Zone! Stardust Speedway Zone Act 2: Now here's The Superior Act Between The two, the first Act and The Second act are tied For Best act Music but there are lots of things to like in this act, especially the Metal Sonic Boss!
HydroCity Zone Act 1: I love HydroCity Zone, Especially Act 2 but Act 1 Really Wins the award for Most Gimmicks and Gameplay. Its Great to See a Zone Like This Return, Especially Since Sonic Mania Needed a good Water Zone and I'm Absolutely Astounded that it returned & That the Music Is Remixed to the point where i could sit and listen to it for hours. HydroCity Zone Act 2: NGL, I'm Just as Happy Seeing HydroCity Return in Sonic Mania as Etika & Cobanermani 456 are. HydroCity Was a Great Nostalgic Return, I Loved Everything about This Act in S3&K and I Love Everything About It Here! I'm Glad They Didn't Change the Gimmicks and just Stayed True to the original, And That Remix Is Fire!
Mirage Saloon Zone Act 1: Skyway Octane Is a Great Music Piece & The Zone Has Some Great Aesthetics, But I'm Not a Fan of the Plane Part or the Boss. I Do like That Team Hooligans returned as part of the act 2 Boss & I do Like the Knuckles Version of Act 1 Called Wildstyle Pistolero. Mirage Saloon Zone Act 2: So, as I Stopped by The Rogues Gallery, I Noticed, This Music Is Bomb! It's Really Great. Here's the Weirdest part, I used to hate MSZ Before I played Sonic Mania. Now that i Know that this Zone is Great, I can say that I love the Handguns, Pinatas, Lightbulbs, Bumpalos, The Water Sprayers, and The Boss!
Oil Ocean Zone Act 1: Well i didn't expect this one to return, they had to have a Balancer Zone (AKA control Variable) in there and here it is. I never Liked his zone until it got a Great Mania Remix & Better Level Design Oil Ocean Zone Act 2: Thí- Hey Wait a Minute... It's JUST SANDOPOLIS ZONE IN DISGUISE! WHY SONIC MANIA, WHY DID U THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA! OF ALL IDEAS YOU COULD HAVE BRUNG BACK, U BRING THIS BACK! (Calming Down) At least the music is great, but it gives off a Desert music Feeling which isn't the best feeling.
Lava Reef Zone Act 1: NGL, I love the Comeback, i Love the Mania Remix, I love the New Mechanics and Aesthetics like the bridges & Buttons, but I kind of prefer the Original Because 16-bit music for this zone is awesome & Nostalgia. This Music track is awesome whether or not the Original Inches forward or not. Lava Reef Zone Act 2: The Mystic Cave Feeling and The Cooled Crystal Feeling Have Been Amplified Due to the Music & Atmosphere. The Mechanic from Quartz Quadrant Was a Nice Touch & The Music Is Really Good with a Soft guitar Playing, Awesome!
Metallic Madness Zone Act 1: Bro, if you hate this act, u don't Know life. This Zones Music Is Fire, there's lots of Mechanics True to The Original and new Mechanics, the Music Is Phenomenal, The Level Aesthetics are Greatly Respected & The level Design is Great. I even thought out my own Lyrics (First verse: Check the Mic, Yō, We'll Break Down the Madness. Roll Out the Door, Straight Up, Storm the Castle. Imma Blast off, I Have No Fatigue. Out Of My League, Naughty Egg, You Can See the Crew. Second Verse: Now, Check Out my moves, check out My Speed, How's It really Feeling? Going Fast with The Doctor at My Feet. I Live in The Fast Track. You're Getting In my Way. I Carry the Day "Hey!" Cause I (Na, Na, Na, Na) RUN!). At least I think they're the right ones. Metallic Madness Zone Act 2: Oh Man! That Saxophone, The Level Aesthetics, Chibi Sonic, And the Music in General Is All So Awesome! Though Spikes up the wazoo are not fun, but the zone's music tells me to forget about it.
Titanic Monarch Zone Act 1: I'm in no Monarch... well unless u count this zone (Rim Shot). We All Know this Zone Was Built to Rule (Name of the Song), But It Has its Ups and Downs Like the Death Egg Act 1 Boss Came Back, The Mechanics & Gimmicks are awesome, The Spikes & Enemies Get even more tedious, and The Level aesthetic was heading for a Robot Building in Progress like Launch Base. so out of everything, this zone is just bad. Titanic Monarch Zone Act 2: If you hated final bosses in sonic Games, then you'll hate this One! I sure do! I don't like how if you're not careful, you'll get sent to the beginning of the area. Really tedious Stuff. The Steel Cortex music is good, but not the best music.
Egg Reverie Zone: The true final boss is pretty hard, but it doesn't have the best music compared to the big arms fight.
Part 7 Is Coming Soon (When I Play the new 2d Sonic Game)
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