#ice is slider's baby brother
katewritesss · 9 months
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Your dad is always mad and that must be why. And I think you should come live with me, And we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry Or hide in the closet, and just like a folk song, Our love will be passed on.
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otgo-brooklyn · 1 year
Older Brother!Slider with Baby Brother!Ice
Okay, so another contribution rant to the Top Gun Fandom:
Big Brother Slider, but ONLY, ONLY to Ice. And not the generic sibling relationship, no, but Ice is his Baby Brother.
For any who don't have that 'Baby' Sibling, as an eldest child, let me explain: A sibling is a younger, less better, version of yourself because your parents were a bit delusional and now there is Another™.
HOWEVER, a Baby Sibling, a BABY Sibling? No, they are essentially your own child, typically the youngest, they are your pride and joy, and when I tell you that with a Baby Sibling you become so protective over them you would commit horrible crimes for them- literally becoming an attack dog on a leash held by said Baby Sibling, that is a true Baby Sibling/Older Sibling relationship. The minute they are born they're just, your child, like so what the birth certificate says that their parents are my parents, that's obviously a lie. They legitimately become your child in more ways than one, whose only role in life is to be happy and loved. And this is SO the relationship between Slider and Ice.
Ice is the Baby Sibling™, with Slider as the protective older brother. Slider makes sure that Ice is happy, and cared for/loved, protected, everything for the Baby™. I cannot explain enough how much I love this head-cannon, and all the proof I'll ever need to explain it is this one GIF;
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Look at Slider, the protective arm around the shoulder, the glare, the judgement in his very being, the way his jaw tenses-, compared to Ice, who is just sitting there, not even noticing, focusing on something else all happy like (Or as happy as Ice can get while in Ice-man mode (Or as happy as one can get when translating languages, if you saw my other post about Russian!Ice ;D)).
Slider nearly getting kicked out of the Top Gun program due to beating a fellow pilot unconscious because he DARED shit talk Ice
So they never gave Slider a DOB/specified age in Top Gun, but his actor, Rick Rossovich is 2 years older than Val Kilmer, so that only furthers the point of Slider's Older Brother Agenda
One time Goose was showing Ice how to cartwheel after Ice was interested in how he did it on the deck of the ship they were stationed on and Slider refused to allow Ice to do it because "What if he falls and cracks his skull open on the tarmac Goose!"
When reassured that Ice cracking his skull open isn't going to happen, and Goose was only going to demonstrate, Slider still wont budge on it. Ice never learned how to do a cartwheel to this day
Ice's foot getting caught in the track and wheels of a stationary, not turned on/working tank on accident and one singular, quiet, whispered "ow" after pulling it out of said track/wheel, was all it took to have Slider screaming his head off carrying Ice into medical absolutely positive that Ice just "Broke his own god-damn ankle, GET A MEDIC-"
Someone shoving past Ice on their way to the mess hall in a rush, causing Ice to stumble back literally 2 steps, and Slider getting in their face, slamming them into a wall with a "I swear you put your hands on Ice one more time, your not gonna have hands AT ALL"
He then slings his arm around Ice's shoulder and directs him to the mess hall, glaring at any poor soul who dared look in Ice's direction
They were at the bar and a woman started to approach Ice, who, of course was not noticing (he only has eyes for a 5'7" gremlin named Mav), and Slider shuts that down REAL QUICK. Like, no, not today Lilith, pick a different naval guy-
Give Mav The Talk when he notices Mav giving eyes to Ice, and Goose because Slider can never be too sure, and everyone observing this is sitting there like 'what the actual fuck' after Slider threatens to, and I quote, "French braid your fuckin' nervous system you shitty dwarf" towards Maverick amongst other colorful threats
It gets to the point where Slider is so protective over Ice, people don't ask Ice anything without looking to Slider for some kind of acceptance or denial, like;
Hollywood: Hey Ice do you wanna- Slider, the coldest look ever seen, actively dropping the temperature in the room while promising a slow and tortuous death: Hollywood: -help me figure out this trajectory angle equation for this [classified] mission? Ice, absolutely oblivious to the entire situation: Sure? I guess?
Its single-handedly the funniest and most terrifying thing to ever happen in Top Gun history, aside from whoever decided to put Maverick Mitchell in a plane
And the cherry on top is that Ice DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE at the entire situation
When someone tries saying how terrifying Slider is to Ice he just brushes it off, like, "Oh Slider? No he's very nice, he even walks with me wherever I have to go in the day. He's all bark and no bite"
And everyone in the immediate vicinity just looking at Ice either with pity or like he's stupid because he doesn't know
He never figures it out either
(This overprotectiveness doubles, if not triples when he meets baby Bradley Bradshaw, and Slider just cant compute because now there is another person who has my undying love and protection-)
(Goose once lost Bradley on a very important, very large Naval destroyer and the entirety of the Top Gun Class of '86 is frantically searching the entire ship before Viper finds out and one of them just stumbling into Slider sitting on a couch with Ice and Bradley just absolutely passed out, sleeping like a brick, essentially using him as human furniture, and the look Slider gives them promises a 100 years of death if they wake either of them up-)
(After Goose's death when baby Bradley lives with IceMav, he just clings onto Slider whenever he's over because "I feel safest with Pops, but Pops feels safest with Uncle Sli', so I'm safest-est with Uncle Sli'")
(Mav doesn't know whether to cry because that is so cute- or be annoyed that Slider is preferred over himself)
(After Bradley reconciles with Mav, he's caught sleeping(read absolutely dead to the world) on Slider's chest like when he was as a child and no one knowing what to do because "Rooster that is a 2-STAR ADMIRAL OF THE US NAVY-" Slider is just like "I'm safest-est", and Bradley sleepily chiming in with a "safest-est" and deciding to just go back to sleep like nothing happened)
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tervaneula · 1 year
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Leonardo sighs into the white fur his snout is blissfully buried in. 
“You’re so soft,” he mumbles and burrows even further into the warmth in his lap, pulling Yuichi’s back flush against his plastron. 
“We’ve established that about thirty times in the last thirty minutes,” the rabbit chuckles and keeps letting himself be treated like the world’s largest teddy bear. “I should get going though. Your brother is giving me the stink eye.” 
Huh. Leonardo hadn’t even noticed anyone coming into the room from the midst of his trip to Fuzzy Land. 
“...which one?”
“Little Mikey.” 
Leonardo snorts, inadvertently giving Yuichi a light raspberry and he snickers at the tickle of it. 
“Don’t call him that where he can hear you, lest you evoke the fury of Dr. Delicate Touch.” 
“I think he heard me…” 
That gets Leonardo to lift his face up from the fluffy heaven he would’ve been content to spend the rest of eternity in and sure enough, Mikey is downright glaring at them at this point from his seat across the room, arms crossed, a refurbished and heavily modified N-Gage (provided by Genius Built™, of course) he’d apparently been playing games on now laying forgotten in his lap. 
It’s baffling until Leonardo remembers with a jolt that he had promised to go with him to Run of the Mill today. A cursory glance at the clock on the wall tells him that they’re well past the agreed time to leave. 
He audibly swallows. 
“Heyyyy, big man–” he starts but Mikey levels him with an icy glare that doesn’t let him continue and he shrinks, squeezing Yuichi’s middle as if the rabbit could hide him from the quiet fury of his little brother. Yuichi stays silent, no doubt amused by the much bigger man cowering behind him. He’s only heard about both Michelangelos’ different personas and he’s curious to see if any of the infamous doctors will make an appearance this time. Obviously, he’s partly to blame for whatever’s about to occur but while curiosity might kill the cat, satisfaction always brings it back. 
“You know what. It’s okay. It’s perfectly fine to forgo your promise and let your baby brother starve in favour of some cuddles you can get like, iunno, every dang day,” the box turtle says, ice dripping from his voice as he gets up from the armchair and saunters right up to the personal space of the two swordsmen. 
“And the stink eye was for Leo,” he adds and forcefully jabs Leonardo in the forehead with his finger. 
“I’m sorry!” Leonardo squeaks, his head retracting into his shell on instinct. Despite his foul mood, Mikey grins. 
Yuichi looks behind his shoulder… and freezes. 
The smugness radiating from Mikey changes into confusion as the rabbit just keeps staring at the space where Leonardo’s head used to be. 
“Wait, have you never seen him do that before?” he asks, and Yuichi slowly turns his head to look at him. Finally finding his tongue, he almost screeches, 
“That’s normal?!” 
Mikey bursts into laughter. 
“We’re turtles! Obviously! Look!” 
Yuichi’s eyes sting with how they’re nearly bulging out of their sockets as Mikey demonstrates his ability to retract all of his limbs with ease and his shell falls to the floor with a clang. 
“Ta-dah!” he exclaims from within and pushes his arms out enough to make jazz hands at Yuichi. 
“Oh my stars,” the rabbit mumbles and suddenly lightheaded, he leans against Leonardo’s body. The slider finally gets his nerves in check and pops his head back out with a grunt – it’s a tight fit, has been for years, and he’s inherently glad that only a few things are scary enough (Mikey being one of them doesn’t exactly make his life easier but that’s not here nor there) to make him retract any of his body parts. 
He nestles his chin in the crook of Yuichi’s neck and can’t keep the amusement out of his voice. 
“Did I actually spook you?” 
Yuichi draws a deep breath and slumps bonelessly into the slider’s hold. 
“You bet,” he mutters, “that’s so weird. You’re so weird.” 
Leonardo barks out a laugh. “Excuse me! You’re not exactly a model example of normal either, mister universe-hopping, not-a-yokai-nor-a-mutant bunny rabbit.” 
Mikey decides to pop out of his shell at that moment, groaning. 
“Uuuugh nooo, don’t start with the banter! You’re lucky your boyfriend is un excellent comic relief. I’m so hungry, Leo! Let’s go already!” 
Feeling bad for forgetting his promise, Leonardo relinquishes his hold on his heaven-on-earth with a quick peck on his cheek. 
“I’ll portal you home. See you tomorrow?” 
Yuichi sighs but can’t help the smile that tugs the corners of his mouth upwards. “See you tomorrow,” he replies and gets up from Leonardo’s lap. Mikey moves out of his way, having fished his phone out of a pocket on his belt. 
“I’m gonna text our order to Hueso,” he grumbles but the earlier fit of laughter seems to have drained all the venom out of his voice and he only sounds a little vexed. Yuichi almost reaches out to pat his head but thinks better of it and hides his hands in the sleeves of his yukata. 
“I’m sorry for keeping your brother,” he apologises with a small bow, “had I known he had a promise to keep, I would’ve excused myself earlier.” 
Mikey huffs, his thumbs still flying across the screen of his phone. No doubt Leonardo is going to pay for his transgressions in the form of a massive dinner order. “It’s not your responsibility, but I appreciate that!” 
Leonardo shakes his head fondly. He’s infinitely glad that his family has accepted Yuichi so quickly and therefore the rabbit could afford to lose some of that politeness, but he has to admit that it’s also pretty adorable. He gets up to retrieve a katana (formerly a butter knife – one of the more banged-up ones the Mikeys wouldn’t miss) from the conveniently placed wall mount and rotates his wrist to open a portal right to the middle of Yuichi’s living room. 
“I’m still not used to you doing that,” the rabbit says, staring at the swirling mystic energy with more than a little awe. “It’s so convenient! I don’t think there’s a single person in Neo Edo who can do magic like this.” 
“Well duh, only a Hamato can have ninpo like ours!” Mikey puts his phone away and demonstrates his abilities by manifesting a golden chain which he uses to yank the sword out of Leonardo’s grasp. 
“My turn!” Mikey giggles and swings the katana through the air, leaving it spinning near the ceiling. Leonardo sighs and hurries to walk Yuichi to the portal before his concentration fades and he has to make it again. The rabbit steps into it obediently but before Leonardo can bid him farewell, he turns around to lean back over the threshold and pulls Leonardo down to squish their snouts together. It’s not really a kiss, per se, but it has the desired effect anyway as the slider’s eyes widen comically and his cheeks flush crimson. Yuichi lets go and steps back with a huge grin, his eyes glinting with mirth. 
“Have fun at dinner! Give my regards to Señor Hueso!” 
Leonardo can only stare after him, the heat on his face practically rivalling the sun, and Mikey has to elbow him in the ribs to get him back in the present. 
“Y-yeah! Bye!” he says, a goofy smile plastered on his embarrassingly red face and Yuichi waves him goodbye as the portal closes. 
Now that there’s no more lovey-dovey nonsense in the way of their dinner, Mikey doesn’t waste a moment to manoeuvre the katana into his hand to grab the hilt in order to slice through the air to make a portal to the pizzeria. The crackling blue ring of magic that appears is small and it wavers before fizzling out and, lucky for the slider, Leonardo manages to suppress his snort in time. 
“Aw man, I thought I had it this time!” 
“No can do, big guy,” Leonardo salutes him and motions for the box turtle to give the sword back to him. Mikey sighs and acquiesces. The portal into the graffitied alleyway appears effortlessly and Mikey immediately jumps in, yelling at the slider to follow. 
Leonardo does, but not before brushing his fingers over his beak, still feeling the tingle Yuichi’s much softer nose left behind. 
He realises he’s irrevocably smitten, and frankly, despite the trouble it landed him in today, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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LMAOOO OKAY i've never written anything this long this fast so there's probably a bunch of stuff that needs to be fixed but I needed these cuddles and I needed them now. Thank you @spacemimz for requesting them I love you SO MUCH
As you can see though, this turned into something more than just cuddles and I'm kinda. Really happy about it hahjhjhashsdg
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sarahsmi13s · 11 months
Don't Take The Girl
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whumptober day 29: bargainning
pairing: tom 'iceman' kazansky x wife!reader
characters: tom kazansky, y/n kazansky, tommy kazansky, ron kerner, carole and bradley bradshaw
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, pregnancy, childbirth, blood, bargainning with God, praying, traumatic birth, crying, medical inaccuracies, please let me know if I missed any
word count: ~2.3k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
this is inspired by the song Don't Take the Girl by Tim McGraw
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: tom was so excited to welcome his daughter into the world... but he had no idea that he might have to say goodbye on the same day
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Beep beep beep
Ice chuckled as the student flying behind him tried to get a missile lock on him. 
Silver, the student on his tail, was rushing the hop because he was trying to beat Cobalt and prove to everyone that his call sign was not indicative of how he performs.
It reminded him of how Maverick flew when they were students in Top Gun. “Come on Silver, don’t be reckless. That’s not how you win,” Ice said, his voice cool and even as he rolled out of the way.
“You wanna win, you do it right. It’s how I-”
“Range control to Iceman.”
“Iceman to range control, everything alright?”
“Yo,” Slider’s voice broke through then. “Ice, hospital just called. Y/N’s gone into labor.” 
Tom nearly stopped at his friend’s words, slowing down as he processed it. “What?”
“Yeah, your baby girl is coming now, we gotta go. Tommy’s at a friend's house. We gotta go pick him up,” Ron said quickly, trying to convey his urgency.
Ice could only nod before ringing filled his cabin. Missile lock. 
“Alright, I’m down. Lesson over. I’ll lead the way back to base,” Ice said, not caring that he lost because he was distracted. You were in labor, and he needed to be there.
After landing and rushing out of his plane, Tom didn’t even bother changing out of his flight suit before leaving to go get your son from his friend’s house and going to the base hospital with Ron at his side.
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“Why are we going to the hospital, Daddy?” Tommy, your six year old son, asked from his carseat.
Tom looked over his shoulder at him before looking back at the road, “You know how we’ve been waiting on your baby sister to get here?” Tommy nodded. “Well, she’s on her way and we’re meeting Mama at the hospital to get her.” 
Tommy smiled and he bounced a little in his seat, “I’m gonna be a big brother!” Ron chuckled, “Yeah little man, you’re gonna be a big brother. The best big brother I bet.” He nodded, “I’m gonna try!”
Ice smiled as he finally pulled into the hospital parking lot.
Your son was so excited that he unbuckled himself and nearly bolted out of the car. “Thomas Jordan, do not just run off like that. I get that you’re excited, trust me I am too. But Aunt Carole and I can’t chase you around, okay?” Tom said, being firm but not mean.
Tommy stopped and ran back to him, grabbing his hand, “Yes sir.” Ice gave him a soft smile before picking him up, “Alright let’s go.” 
They walked in and went straight to labor and delivery, knowing the way after the last few moments of Braxton Hicks contractions. 
He spotted Carole in the waiting room first, Bradley was next to her playing on his Gameboy next to her. “Carole!” Her head jerked up to see him, “Tom, thank goodness you’re here. Y/N would have my head if you missed this.”
Tom nodded and chuckled, “Oh I know, but it’s mine she’ll want. Will you watch Slider and Tommy for me? I’ll come get you when we can have visitors.” Carole smiled as he sat Tommy down and she gave him a snack, “Yes, now go or you’re gonna miss it.” 
“Hey wait, why do I need a babysitter?” Ron asked as Ice went over to the desk. “Ronnie, don’t make me answer that. You want some snacks?” Carole asked, pulling out another zip-lock bag. “Oooh yes!” 
Tom rolled his eyes fondly as he walked up the nurse’s station.
“I’m Captain Thomas Kazansky, my wife is here. She would have come in a little bit ago?” The nurse looked at her sheet, “Y/N?” “Yes, yes that’s her.” She smiled at him, “Room 304, I can lead you to it.” He patted the counter top, “Thank you.” He followed the nurse down the hall and to the room.
When they got there the nurse knocked before stepping in, “The father is here.”
“Tom?” He heard your tired voice come from the bed before another contraction ripped through you and you had to push again. He smiled, “Yeah yeah I’m here, Sweet-” 
“I’m sorry Captain, you have to leave. You can’t be here,” the doctor said out of nowhere.
“What?” You and Tom said at the same time as you both looked at the doctor.
You whimpered a little, “W-Why?” The doctor shook his head, “Just get him out of here, we’ll come get him.” 
The nurse only nodded and tried to guide Tom back out. 
“No, no, please, I need him in here. Please why-” You got cut off by the next contraction and the nurse managed to get him out.
Tom looked at the nurse, “What is going on? Why can’t I be in there with her?” The nurse sighed a little and just shook her head, “I’m not sure, but we have to listen to the doctor. Let's go to the waiting room, he’ll be out to get you when it’s time.”
All he can do is nod as tears hit his eyes. Something wasn’t right, he had a gut feeling. But he just had to follow orders.
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It felt like a damn near eternity as Tom paced the floor. 
He had slid his aviators back on to hide the redness caused by his tears. He didn’t need Tommy seeing his normally calm father freaking out and crying. He didn’t want to worry him either, because he could be wrong. Everything could be just fine and it’s just his adrenaline from being in the air transferring to this moment. 
“Captain Kazansky?” 
Tom’s head whipped over and he looked at the doctor. “Yes?” He nodded down the hall, “May I speak with you? Privately?” Ice didn’t hesitate and followed him down back to the room they had you in.
“Are-are they okay? Why couldn’t I be in there?” Tom asked the doctor immediately as he took his sunglasses off.
“Your baby is fine, Captain. It was scary for a moment, but your baby girl is healthy,” he said, his hands in his coat pockets. 
If that was supposed to dampen Ice’s anxiety, it didn’t. It actually made it worse.
Tom huffed a little and gestured to the door, “My wife, how’s my wife? Why couldn’t I go in there?” 
The doctor sighed, “Captain, your wife… she lost a lot of blood. It was touch and go after the birth. We managed to get the bleeding stopped but we can’t be certain she’ll pull through.” Tom was silent as his heartbeat pounded in his ears. “I think it’s best if you go home, Captain…” 
“Go home? Go home?! How can I go home with my son while his mother lies in a hospital bed fighting for her life? What am I supposed to tell him? What do you say to a six year old that gained and lost someone on the same day?!”
The doctor took a deep breath, remaining calm as the normally collected blond shouted at him, “I understand that you’re angry and that you’re upset. But the only thing we can do now is wait.”
“Then let me wait with her. I won’t let her be alone. She shouldn’t be alone. Please… please let me be with her.” 
He thought about it, looking between the pilot and the room where you lay unconscious on the bed. He nodded, “Alright, you can stay.” “Thank you doc.” 
The doctor moved out of the way and opened the door. “Do you want them back here now or?” Tom shook his head, “No, not yet… I just.. I need a minute.” 
Tom walked in and the doctor shut the door to give him some privacy.
He looked at you on the bed, swallowing as his throat dried up. He knew what he walked in on wasn’t going to be pretty but the fact that it was you hooked up to wires and machines, it was heartbreaking. 
He’d seen colleagues and friends in this position, but to see you, his wife and mother of his children, in this position… it was earth shattering.
“Oh Sweetheart…” Tom whispered hoarsely as he walked over and held your hand. 
Your hand was clammy, nothing like the soft warmth he was used to and it’s what finally sent him to the floor.
Tom hit his knees, his forehead resting on your hand as he prayed.
“God… please, I can’t.. I can’t lose her. Please just... take the breath you gave me. Take the heart from my chest. Put me in her place. That’s how it’s supposed to be. That’s how it’s always supposed to happen. Me first. I’m the one with the dangerous job. Don’t take her, please… don’t take her from me…” 
He sobbed, letting out all of his emotions right there. His tears were wetting your hand and soaking into the blanket. 
Tom was terrified, he usually was good in stressful situations. But right now? This was a whole new kind of stress. 
He was sitting here begging to trade his life for yours. To die so you could live. And he meant every word.
Tom had never said anything without meaning it. Even in arguments he tried his damnedest to be honest and strategic with his words. He thought carefully about his words because he knew the impact of them. 
So his prayer was genuine. He would gladly die so you could live, so his kids could have a mother. He would trade places in a heartbeat.
Because you deserved to live.
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Tom gave himself enough time to calm down before leaving to go get Tommy. He wanted your son to get a chance to see you in case anything happened. Was letting him see you like this the best idea? Probably not. But he would regret it if he never let Tommy talk to you.
So, after he collected himself he let a nurse know that it was okay to bring them to the room.
Carole walked in first, Ron and Tommy behind her and Bradley behind them.
“H-How is she?” Carole asked, a little fear in her voice. “She’s um… She’s resting.” “What about the little one?” Ron asked as he put Tommy down. Ice wiped his mouth, “They’re doing check ups and everything, making sure she’s alright.” 
“Daddy?” Tommy whispered as he hugged his father’s leg. “Is Mama okay?” 
Ice sniffled a little, “She’s just resting right now Tommy. I’m sure she can hear you though, do you want to say something to her?” Tommy nodded, “Yes please.”
Tommy walked over and held your hand, “Hi Mama. Daddy said you were sleeping but that you could hear me. I wanted to tell you I love you. I hope you’re having good dreams.”
Ice smiled at his son as he came back over and clung to his leg again. “Are we going home?” Tom sighed and squatted down, “I’m gonna stay with Mama and baby Whitney, you’re gonna stay with Uncle Sli for a little bit okay?” Tommy nodded before hugging his dad, “Okay Daddy, I love you. Can we come in tomorrow?” 
He nodded, “Maybe, we’ll have to see okay? I love you too.” He kissed his forehead and Ron gave him a quick hug before they left. 
Carole sniffled as she looked at you and walked over to hold your hand. 
“Is she gonna pull through?” 
Tom sighed and walked over, “They don’t know…” Carole nodded, “I think she will. She’s a fighter. Always has been. And she wouldn’t leave you and those babies behind, not if she has a choice.” 
She wiped her eyes a little before leaning over to kiss your forehead, “We’ll come by tomorrow okay?”
Carole turned back to Tom, “Any updates, this is where we’re staying. Don’t hesitate to call.” He took the piece of paper, “Thank you Carole.” “Of course,” she said with a gentle smile before hugging him. “Bradley, c’mon, let’s get out of Tom’s hair.” 
Bradley nodded and gave Tom a quick hug, “Bye Uncle Ice.” “Bye kiddo.”
They left and Tom turned back to you. “It’s just us sweetheart.” 
He walks over and sits down, threading his fingers through yours. “I don’t really know if you can hear me right now… but I’m gonna talk to you like you can…”
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Tom sat there for hours talking to you. Whatever it was, whether it be what happened at work to reminiscing about the past, he talked about it.
He just kept talking. He knew that if he stopped he wouldn’t stop thinking about what might happen. He had to keep his mind busy.
At some point, they brought Whitney in. Everything was okay and she was in good health so she could be in the room.
Tom smiled and walked around with her as he talked to her, rambling on about her older brother, her aunts and uncles. He talked about you and how much you loved her even though you couldn’t tell her right now.
He eventually put her back in the bassinet before sitting by your bed again and holding your hand.
“I’ve been listening to that damn heart monitor for hours, Sweetheart. If I wake up and I don’t hear it…” His own words choked him up. He cleared his throat. “I know, I know… don’t think about it ‘if’s. But Sweetheart, I need you to wake up… please I can’t do this without you.”
Sniffling, he clasped his hands together one last time, your hand gently trapped in the middle. “Please… don’t take her from me… please.” 
He wiped his eyes before laying his head on your thigh gently, letting the rhythmic beat of your monitor lure him to sleep. 
Beep… Beep… Beep…
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taglist: @bradleybeachbabe @mamachasesmayhem @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @horseshoegirl @hangmansgbaby @fanboyswhore9 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @els-marvelvsp @valmare @startrekfangirl2233 @malindacath @nyx2021 @chaosofmanyfandoms
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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puzzledcretin · 11 days
Dad said I'm grounded, wanna stay for pizza?
(written for @tmnt-write-fight for @nights-flying-fox)
Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Prompt: Hop visiting your au!! Hop is the Dimension Hopper Leo AU Leo btw :3 I wanna see him interact with your sillies!! Hop masterpost Word Count: 1,455
Read On AO3
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Mass. I can’t bring you down to the Hidden City. Your dad said no. Now, I would love to bring you down to the city, you know that, but I really can’t do it.” 
Massy frowned as a large hand came down on his head. He huffed, looking up at his Uncle Leo. Leo gave him a sideways grin, a mix of pity and something else. 
“I don’t want to just.. Sit around and do nothing,” Massy muttered, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his beanbag. Tossed around the floor was a bunch of Leo’s old comic books, they had been searching through them before for some storyline Massy remembered when he was little. But then Leo’s phone rang, and it seemed important.
“I’m sorry, Messy! You know what your dad said, you are grounded for a month following your little dimension hopping incident. Let me tell you, your dad is a hard-”
“I’m a what?” Mikey questioned as he stepped past Leo, carrying a laundry basket. 
“You are a delight to this family and we all love you,” Leo responded, grabbing the knot of Massy’s mask. He jerked it to the side, covering up Massy’s eyes. Mikey scoffed lightly, but he smiled, waving his brother out. 
Leo shrugged, “Sorry, kid. Maybe next time.” The slider gave a half hearted salute before he dipped out the doorway of Massy’s room. 
Mikey shook his head, looking down at his son. He set the laundry basket down on Massy’s bed, looking to his son, “You better make your bed, got it? It’s nasty to sleep on mattresses without a sheet.”
“Dad..” Massy groaned, pulling the mask off his head as he looked up at his father. 
“I know, I know. Spoons and what not, but I’m telling you that it would be more comfortable if you used sheets. And your bed would stink less,” Mikey explained as walked over to Massy. He crouched down, licking his thumb before he started to wipe something off of Massy’s cheek.
“Guh- Dad, come on, please?” Massy turned his head away, trying to push Mikey’s hands away. 
“Fine! Fine, I will leave you alone. I get it, you’re a big boy now-” “I’m a teenager..”
“Yes, I know that. You will never let me forget it. But you were my baby boy once upon a time so let me have this, okay?” Mikey leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Massy’s forehead. Massy groaned, but a smile settled on his lips anyways. Mikey smiled, lightly poking Massy’s snout as he pushed himself back up to his feet. 
“Uncle Raph is bringing pizza home from Casey’s hockey game, are you going to join us or do you want me to bring you a slice?” Mikey questioned, cocking his head to the side. 
“No, no, I’ll join you. Now leave me alone.” Massy said dramatically. Mikey laughed, shaking his head once again as he turned on his heel 
“Make your bed!” Mikey called as he walked out of the room, leaving his son back in his room. 
Massy let out a soft sigh, pushing himself up from the beanbag. His fingers fidgeted with the fabric between his fingers. Massy pulled the mask up onto his head, playing with the tails. The comics were still spread out across the carpet, he needed to pick them all up before he got told to clean his room after making his bed. 
The young turtle started to pluck them all up one by one, setting them on the desk. As he was gathering them up, the telltale woosh of a portal appeared behind him and Massy turned quickly with a grin. 
He knew Leo would come back! Leo knew that Massy was able to hold his own, he would bring Massy along and-
Massy paused as he looked down to see a very familiar version of his uncle on his floor. The blue scarf was pulled up over his head, but Massy could recognize it clearly enough.
“... You come for more ice, Hop?”
“Massy!” The turtle on the floor very quickly pushed himself up onto his feet. He swayed a moment but then grinned, putting his hands on his hips. “Huh.. Actually, I didn’t mean to show up here…”
Hop stepped forward, looking down at the comics on Massy’s desk.
“Oh!! Oh, oh yes. I haven’t seen this one in a hot minute!” Hop shouted as he pulled the comic off the desk. He flipped it open, looking through all the panels with a small grin.
Massy cocked his head to the side, crossing his arms, “You know that one?” Massy asked curiously, sifting through the comics for a moment before he pulled out another one. 
“Do you know this one?” Massy asked, passing it over. Hop lifted his head and looked over at the comic. 
“Uh.. Yeah, yeah! I know that one. I never got to read how it ended because it was all burned up…” Hop muttered, setting the comic in his hands to the side and grabbing the one from Massy’s hands. 
Massy hummed, the gears in his head starting to turn. His own uncle was once a dimension hopping turtle, and he said he sometimes brought back souvenirs. But his uncle says he hasn’t been out of this dimension since before Massy was born. 
“... So, what have you been up to?” Massy asked as he moved to sit on his desk. Hop pulled his nose from the comic and grinned up at Massy. 
“Me? Oh you know, what I’ve always been doing. I have found tons of other versions of me, though. We are kind of making a family thing. I keep telling them that we should swing by and pick you up, but honestly, your dad’s light show kind of freaked us out and kidnapping is not a charge I want on my rap sheet.” Hop explained, rolling his wrist. 
“A family? .. Huh. Well, yeah, I shouldn’t really be joining any extracurriculars right now. I am grounded,” Massy explained, resting his chin on his palm. 
“Yeah.. I mean, I want to say that I can’t believe it but I don’t know, I probably will be on some kind of house arrest when I get home too.” Hop noted, but then he shrugged his shoulders, “What have you been up to?”
Massy looked down at his desk, “Oh uh.. Not much, really. I mean, I’ve been writing letters to everyone but I realized I had to idea how I was going to send them,” Massy explained, picking up a stack of envelopes from his desk. “Other than that, I’ve been doing chores. And school, really. Not the most exciting life.”
“Delivery? I’m great at delivery! Hand it over,” Hop snagged the letters, “Do I have one in here?” 
“You? Yeah, of course. It should be the blue one near the body, I color coded them,” Massy gestured to the stack. 
Hop let out a small ‘ooooh’ before tucking them away in his fanny pack. He did pause to pull his own letter out, tucking that in a separate pocket.
“I’ll get to delivering them ASAP! And maybe I’ll come back with some. I’ll be an interdimensional postman!” Hop grinned as he turned back to his portal. Massy’s eyes widened, a frown coming to his expression as he realized Hop was leaving. 
“You’re leaving already?” He asked softly, cocking his head to the side. Hop seemed to hesitate.
“I mean.. Yeah? I don’t mean to bombard your living space, you know? So, I’m going to head out..” Hop explained, gesturing back to his portal. 
“Massy! Raph is home with the pizza, come on!” 
Massy lifted his head, somewhat startled by his father’s voice coming from the kitchen, “One moment!” He shouted back. His hands fidgeted against the fabric on his arms. He let out a sigh, thinking for a long moment before he looked to Hop, “Join us for pizza? Come on, you’re like, the only friend I’ve spoken to since everything happened.”
Hop’s eyes lit up, setting the comic down on the desk. “Um.. Am I allowed? I don’t know if a version of me is going to appreciate uh… Me.” Hop gestured to himself, though he did glance over at the door. 
“Hm.. I say you’re allowed. My family loves strays,” Massy joked as he pushed himself off the desk. Massy pushed his door open, gesturing for his friend to walk through. 
Hop looked from the door to Massy, then back. He seemed to consider for a moment before he grinned and very quickly bounced through the door. Massy laughed some, following behind.
Luckily, his uncle bought a lot of pizza.
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edelfan · 1 year
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Ice could barely feel Slider's hand on his shoulder, but he was very aware of the looks Sarah and his former RIO were giving him. Despite Ice's initial refusal, they had turned up and never left his side since Maverick had been admitted to hospital.
"It's gonna be okay, Tom. You will see."
"How can you say that? Hmm? How do you know..."
Ice's raspy voice didn't let him continue. Sarah was about to hand him a bottle of water, even though they both knew it would barely soothe the damage the cancer had caused in his throat. However he just pushed her arm away as he stumbled up from the couch.
Knowing her brother all too well, she didn't take it personally - especially when she saw him hiding his face in his hands while leaning against the window towards the big garden beyond the porch.
"It's all my fault..." Tom's mumbled words barely made it past his lips, but the house was so silent without Maverick that Sarah and Ron could still hear it.
"That's not true. It's a disease, a world wide pandemic-"
"Shut up! He went to the hangar when he got sick because of me... I should have checked in more... should have called for help earlier-"
Ice's self-hate rant was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. They had waited for this call, but now they feared what news they might get, hesitating to answer it. Finally Slider picked it up, surprised that it was a video call.
Hey, uncle Sli.
Ron could barely recognize the young man he considered family. Rooster was wearing heavy medical gear, his face hidden behind a mask and a face shield.
Is Pops with you?
"Yeah, just a second."
Ice rushed back to the couch sitting down between Slider and Sarah. As soon as he saw Bradley, his heart broke.
"Hi, baby goose."
Hey, Pops. Before I get in there, I wanted to ask, if you really want to see this. It's bad...
"Define bad."
Dad's completely sedated. He's on a ventilator and... they also had to put him on ECMO. I can only get into his room for a moment, but uncle Chip pulled every favor for me to be here.
Tears were running down Tom's face. Slider and Sarah had pulled him in from both sides, both not faring any better than him.
"I want to see him..."
Bradley nodded and for a moment the camera went dark on the other side - only to reveal Pete's pale face in the next. Ice knew that the younger man didn't show all the medical equipment on purpose - instead getting the phone as close to Maverick's ear as possible.
Hi, Dad. There's someone here who wants to talk to you...
"Hey...b-babe... Oh my God, Pete... I love you, so much. Come back to me, okay? Be my impossible Maverick again, please... I can't... I just don't know how to live without you..."
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itzzaira · 4 months
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“Greetings from Cabin 11, I have come to inform you about how to correctly create a S’more”
Donnie will NOT tolerate any burnt marshmallows
We had met all of my babies except for our dear mystic warrior, hadn't we?
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"Oh, this is perfect!" If Mikey's eyes could sparkle, they would. First, he succeeds at using his powers, finally, then they meet their counterparts, get to this cool camp, and now he can have smores?! Oh, he had been craving all the sweets ever since he had woken up! Seriously. Ice cream, chocolate, sweet gummies. And now s'mores'? And not just S'mores', the perfect S'mores'! He knew all versions of Donnie were brilliant! "Thank you!!"
...His brother did not seem to share his enthusiasm.
For you see- Leo was worried, unable to look away from the youngest's hands. Even clasped together, they shook, the flinched, they hurt. Leo knew they did.
His grab on the IV-bag tightened.
Not to mention, Mikey looked very unstable on his feet- which is why no one had let him even leave the cabin. "...Are you sure it's even a good idea for you to join a campfire in your... condition, Hermanito?"
His smile fell at once, and the youngest glared at him. "I survived opening a portal. I can survive a campfire, Leo."
"I know that, but- you know."
"I don't, actually." His expression turned more sour. "Seriously! None of you let me leave! You have Leonardo watching me all the time! I wanna have fun too!"
"Donnie had a panic attack after meeting a Kraang, Miguel. I don't want you to-"
"She has a name."
"I know, I know- it's just. If that had been you..." his gaze trailed down to Mikey's arms. Said turtle took a shaky step back.
"You disappeared and still are allowed to do what you want! Why can't I?"
"Because you almost died?"
"Well I thought you did!"
Leo looked at the version of Donnie, who still just... stood there, looking confused. Then he looked at his baby brother, who once again was abusing his baby brother privileges, looking at him with those puppy eyes.
He supposed that maybe the oldest three had been a bit.. paranoid. Shell, even his counterpart was rooming around- so why couldn't Mikey? He sighed, and gave a defeated smile. "...As long as you promise to take it easy-"
"I knew you were my favorite!" Mikey squealed, running over to hug the slider, tripping over his own feet and almost falling flat-faced on the ground- but luckily, Leo reacted fast, catching him just in time. The box turtle didn't seem to care, gave a quick kiss on his cheek along with a hug, tail wagging as he quickly turned to the other Donnie to grab a paper. Said soft shell seemed relieved- maybe because Leo agreed. Maybe just because of the knowledge that there wouldn’t be any burned smores from cabin 10.
"Thank you- ouch ouch ouch."
Mikey pulled his hand back as soon as he touched the paper, wincing and squeezing his wrists. He was still smiling though, so it must be fine. So, the slider thanked his twin's counterpart, took two papers in case they lost the other one, got Mikey's sticker sheet because his little brother wanted to give a sticker to the Donnie as a thank you, and finally sat him down once Donnie left. "I'm making your s'mores'." He let him know, looking around. Were they supposed to invite their cabinmates too? Those baby versions of them maybe? Or the other group of their counterparts-
Mikey made a face.
"Nuh-uh. Raph can make them, I don't trust yourself to not burn them."
"I have instructions now! Written down! From a Donnie. It will be fine! I'm not that bad in the kitchen."
"Not so bad in the- did you forget about the time you managed to set WATER on FIRE?"
"...This isn't a kitchen, it's a campfire! That doesn't count!"
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hangmansgbaby · 5 months
Songbird P R O L O G U E
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"This is what I call a target-rich environment." Maverick smiles as they walk through the bar, their white naval uniforms on.
"You live your life between your legs, Mav." Goose replies to him.
"Goose, even you could get laid in a place like this." Mav smiles patting his back 
"I'm telling you, I'd be happy to find a girl who'd talk dirty to me." Goose replies walking up to the bar counter. He looks up and spots a pilot from earlier. "Mav, you want to know who the best is? That's him. Iceman. That's the way he flies, ice-cold, no mistakes. Just wears you down. You get bored, frustrated, do something stupid, and he's got you." Goose points out taking a swig of his beer before turning around. "Hey, hey, Slider. Thought you wanted to be a pilot, man. What happened?" Goose asks, playing with Slider's badges.
"Goose, you're such a dickhead. Whose butt did you kiss to get in here?" Slider questions.
"Well, the list is long but distinguished." Goose jokes.
"Yeah, well, so is my johnson." Slider returns, downing a shot.
"So you're flying with Iceman?" Goose asks.
"It's Mr Iceman to you." Slider bounces back.
"Hey, Mother Goose. How's it going?" Iceman says, shaking hands with Goose.
"Good, Tom." Goose shakes before introducing Maverick. "This is Pete Mitchell. Tom Kazansky."
"Congratulations on Top Gun." Iceman replies, turning to Pete.
"Thank you." Peter shakes his hand.
"Sorry to hear about Cougar. He and I were like brothers in flight school. He was a good man." Tom tells him.
"Still is a good man." Pete says.
"Yeah, that's what I meant." Tom replies.
"Thought so."
"Say, you need any help?" Tom asks Pete.
"With what?" Pete asks.
"You figured it out yet?" Tom questions, a smile on his face.
"What's that?"
"Who's the best pilot?" Tom smiles.
"No, I think I can figure that one out on my own." Peter returns.
"I heard that about you. You like to work alone."
"Mav, you must've soloed under a lucky star? I mean, first the MiG, and then you guys slide into Cougar's spot."
"We didn't slide into Cougar's spot. It was ours, okay?" Goose interjects.
"Yeah, well, some pilots wait their whole career just to see a MiG up close. Guess you guys are lucky and famous?" Slider takes another shot.
"No, you mean notorious. I'll see you later." Tom tells Maverick and Goose before him and Slider walk away.
"You can count on it." Pete replies. 
"They were abused children." Goose tells Pete.
"We're gonna have a good time." Pete smiles, clinking bottles with Goose.
"Always." Goose smiles before both take a drink.
"Okay, I guess it's my turn, isn't it?" Maverick says as a couple of girls smile and wave at him and Goose.
"All right, the bet is $20." Goose directs.
"$20." Pete nods.
"Right. You have to have carnal knowledge of a lady this time on the premises." Goose gives Pete.
"On the premises." Pete looks across the bar to see a blonde woman sit down, he smiles in her direction.
"Come on, Mav. A bet's a bet." Goose pushes, spotting who Maverick is looking at.
"I don't know, it just... It just doesn't seem fair. For you, I mean. But..." Pete places his hand on Goose's shoulder. "...she's lost that loving feeling."
"She's lost... No, she hasn't."
"Yes, she has."
"She has not lost that..."
"Goose, she's lost it." Pete walks away picking up a microphone.
"Mav. Come on." Goose follows him. "I hate it when she does that. Shit."
"Excuse me, miss." Pete taps the girl on her shoulder.
"Hey, hey, hey." Goose jumps between them with his aviators on. "Don't worry, I'll take care of this." 
"You never close your eyes any more, when I kiss your lips."Pete starts to sing.
"There's no tenderness, like before in your fingertips." Goose sings as the two boys rock back and forth snapping.
"You're trying hard not to show it." Pete sings.
"Baby but, baby Believe me I know it You've lost that loving feeling Whoa, that loving feeling You've lost that loving feeling Now it's gone, gone, gone Whoa, whoa, whoa Ba-doom, ba-doom ba-doom boom boom ba-doom." the whole bar starts singing along.
The girl smiles and nods to the seat next to her. "Sit down." Everyone cheers and claps as Pete takes a seat.
"Ba-doom ba-doom boom boom Ba-doom, ba-doom... Baby, baby get down on my knees for you Ba-doom, ba-doom Ba-doom boom boom."
"I love that song. I've never seen that approach." The girl smiles facing Pete. "How long have you two been doing this act?" She asks.
"Oh, I don't know, since..." Pete tries to come up with an excuse.
"Puberty?" She questions.
"Right, puberty." Pete laughs.
"I'm Charlotte Blackwood." She smiles.
"I'm Maverick." He introduces himself.
"Maverick? Did your mother not like you or something?" She laughs.
"No, it's my callsign."
"You're a pilot." She gasps.
"That's right, a naval aviator." He replies, matter of factly. 
"Oh." She nods.
"No, actually, we've only done this, twice." He tells her.
"Oh, how'd you do?"
"Well truthfully, I got my little girl out of the first. Not much else." Pete nods. 
"And second?" Charlie asks.
"I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow. But it's looking good so far."
"Well, uh, Maverick, my friend's just arrived, so it's been great talking to you." She turns to her friend and hands him her things. "Oh, I'll be with you in just a second, okay?" She turns back to Pete. "Listen, can I ask you a personal question?"
"That depends."
"Are you a good pilot?"
"I can hold my own." Pete answers
"Great. Then I won't have to worry about you making your living as a singer." She smiles and walks away from him.
"I'm gonna need a beer to put these flames out. Yo! Great, Mav. Real slick." Pete sighs, taking a drink from his bottle. He notices her get up from the booth and walk to the bathroom and he follows her immediately after she makes eye contact with him.
"It was a long cruise, was it, sailor?" She asks, washing her hands.
"It was too long." He smiles walking up to her.
"What did you wanna do, just drop right down on the tile and go for it?"
"No, I actually had," he tests the durability of the bathroom counter, "had this counter in mind."
"Great, that would be very, very comfortable. Yeah." She says, throwing away the paper towel.
"It could be." He smiles moving closer. "Actually, I came in here to save you from making a big mistake with that older guy."
"Really?" Charlotte asks. "So I could go on to a bigger one with a young guy like yourself?"
"Maybe. No?"
"I've gotta be at work very early in the morning." She turns to walk away.
"Then what are you doing here?" He asks following her.
A few moments later she walks by Goose who sits at the bar with a beer.
"Your friend was magnificent." She tells him, walking by. Pete walks up to stand beside him as Goose looks between his best friend and Charlotte's retreating figure. Maverick holds a smug smirk on his face.
"Nah. Nah."
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"You still awake?" Goose asks, walking into Maverick's place.
"Yeah. What's up?" Maverick asks.
"Can't sleep." Goose says sitting on the arm of one of the chairs. "You know, when I first realised that we were going to Top Gun, all I could think about was getting that trophy." He sighs. "I gotta be straight with you, Mav. Right now, I just hope we graduate. I got a family to think about. I can't afford to blow this." Goose sighs. "Hell, you've got that little girl to think about."
"Yeah, I guess that flyby wasn't such a big hit, huh?" Maverick laughs lightly.
"Look, man, I know it's tough for you. They wouldn't let you in the academy because you're Duke Mitchell's kid and you have to live with that reputation. But it's like every time we go up there, it's like you're flying against a ghost. It makes me nervous." Goose tells him, pausing before he continues. "Ya know, she's turning into you day by day. Carole called me and I could hear her in the background tell Carole that she wants to fly like you. You gotta change the Mitchell reputation, otherwise she's gonna struggle like you are."
"I know," Pete sighs. "Ya know you're the only family I've got, right? I appreciate what y'all have done for us. I'm not gonna let you down. I promise you." Goose laughs before getting up to leave. "Get out of here." Goose leaves and Maverick goes back to thinking about the days events. The hop, breaking the hard deck, Viper's words. 
"Lieutenant Mitchell. Top Gun rules of engagement exist for your safety and for that of your team. They are not flexible, nor am I. Either obey them or your history."
He sighs, turning out the lights before going to bed.
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"This music." Pete smiles listening to it in the Sun Room of Charlie’s home.
"An old friend?" Charlie asks, sitting down after turning on the music.
"My folks loved it. I haven't heard this in years. My mother used to call down from her room and have me play this over and over again. I got so sick of it. But not her, she... Just sit up there alone, just listening, hours. Just listening. She died shortly after him." Pete explains from the doorway.
"What happened to your father?" Charlie asks, sitting up from the bench.
"I guess I kind of figured, with your security clearance, you'd know more about him than I do." Pete tells her.
"Well, I didn't get that far."
"Well, it's a big mystery. He disappeared in an F-4, November 5th, 1965. The stink of it was, he screwed up. No way. My old man was a great fighter pilot. But who the hell knows? It's all classified."
"Somebody must know." Charlie says
"Yeah, somebody knows everything." Pete mutters.
"Is that why you're always second best up there?"
"You are direct, aren't you? I'm sorry I was late." Pete apologizes
"I'm sorry for being direct." Charlie apologizes.
"No apologies." Pete mimics her.
"Well how about your daughter?" Charlie questions. "You kind of mentioned her at the bar."
"Oh Delilah? She is awesome, honestly the best 4 year old you will ever meet." Pete laughs.
"Does she live with her mom? Ya know since you're so busy in the air?" Charlie asks.
"No, actually her mom passed away when Delilah was born. She, uh, was a naval aviator too, and was on maternity leave at 8 and a half months pregnant when there was a massive emergency and no other pilots available to go up and help so she jumped on a jet and rushed out to help, completely disregarding the orders being shouted at her." Pete looks down while he talks. "She got hit, both engines out, she ejected and hit her head in the landing. " By the time they found her they had two options, save her or save the baby. Obviously they chose Delilah." Pete laughs slightly, looking down at his shoes.
"What's she like? Delilah, I mean." Charlie asks.
"She's a handful. I don't know a whole lot because of how little I've been around since her first birthday. She stays with Goose's wife and his son during my missions. But, uh, she told Carole that she wanted to be a pilot just like me. And gets into a lot of trouble at daycare cause she doesn't like being told what to do. Her words, literally." Pete laughs.
"Sounds like someone I know." Charlie laughs.
"Yea," Pete laughs. "I honestly can't wait to see her, Carole is flying in with the kids tomorrow."
"Oh that's great." Charlie smiles.
"Yea, I should uh, get going." Pete stands. 
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna take a shower. Thank you. I enjoyed being here." Pete smiles before grabbing his jacket, climbing on his motorcycle and leaving.
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"I told her how tough it is here." Goose says, talking to Maverick. They sat in one of the booths at the airport. "You know, my ass dragging like an old, tired dog. I told her that you didn't even have a woman here." Goose says.
"Oh, really." Pete laughs picking up his gift for Delilah.
"You know what she said?" Goose starts laughing as he picks up a toy plane and a single rose. "Said, 'Oh, he probably doesn't have one, he's got eight'." The boys laugh as they walk out the doors to the tarmac. Goose takes off running at the sight of Carole and the kids.
"Ahhhhh hi!" Carole screams as Goose places the rose in her hand and wraps her in a large hug. 
"Daddy!" Bradley and Delilah shout simultaneously, Goose squats down to give Bradley a kiss on his head before picking him up in a huge hug. Delilah talks off running towards Pete, he smiles and drops down to her level as she reaches him, her arms wrapping around his neck quickly.
"Hey kiddo." Pete has a huge smile on his face and Delilah holds him tightly. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." The 4 year old leans back and looks at the toy in his hand. "Is that for me?" She questions softly.
"Of course it's for you, my future little pilot." He hands her the toy F-14 and plants a kiss on her cheek. Delilah giggles as she plays with her new toy. Carole and Goose walk up to them with Bradley in Goose's arms. 
"Uncle Pete!" Bradley shouts, reaching for Pete. 
"Bradley!" Pete cheers as Bradley jumps into his other arm.
"So, Maverick," Carole says as they walk out of the airport. Both of the kids are still in Pete's arms while Carole and Goose carry the luggage. "Goose tells me you're in love with one of your instructors."
"Is that right?" Pete asks glaring at Goose before walking off with the kids.
"I... I didn't tell her that." Goose defends himself.
"Yes, you did." Carole replies.
"I can't believe you said that. That was a secret." Goose mutters to her before kissing her again.
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Goose, Carole, Charlie, and Maverick sit in a booth with Delilah and Bradley sat in between Charlie and Carole. 
"What should we get?" Bradley whispers behind the menu to Delilah.
"Our usual." Delilah giggles, tucked behind her menu. 
"I like your thinking, princess." Bradley calls Delilah by his nickname for her. No one quite knows where the 4 year old boy learned that but they find it adorable how the two are with each other.
"Looks like I won't be chasing any boys away when they are older, Goose. Bradley here will be doing it for me." Pete laughs, his arm slung behind Charlie on the back rest.
"That or you'll be chasing Bradley from Lilah." Goose laughs.
"What can I get y'all?" The waitress asks. All of the adults order before Carole looks at the kids. "Honey what do you want?"
"My girl and me want chicken strips, please." Everyone busts up laughing.
"I'll get right on that." The waitress smiles.
"Oh I'm definitely in trouble." Pete laughs.
"Shall we dance, my lady?" Bradley offers to Delilah.
"We shall." Delilah giggles as her and Bradley crawl under the table and onto the dance floor, dancing together.
"Now where did our son learn that?" Carole laughs.
"Oh honey I think he's watching us a lot closer than we thought. Shall we dance, my lady?" Goose asks his wife, pulling her from her seat and onto the dance floor. 
Soon Charlie and Maverick join them laughing and dancing before Pete interrupts Delilah and Bradley's dance to pick up his daughter and dance with her. Goose picks up Bradley and sets him down on top of the piano as the music ends. Suddenly Delilah is up there too before Pete sits down with Charlie and Carole.
"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain! Too much love drives a man insane." Goose sings, playing the piano. The kids singing along. "You broke my will. Oh, what a thrill! Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" 
"Maverick, would you go fetch him?" Carole asks, jumping in her seat at Goose's singing. "Doesn't he ever embarrass you?"
"Goose? Hell, no." Maverick answers. "Well, there was the time..."
"Admiral's daughter." Carole elbows Mavericks side.
"What?" Pete reacts.
"Come on. He told me all about the time you went ballistic with Penny Benjamin." Carole laughs, causing Charlie to start laughing.
"Did he? Well, that's great." Maverick smiles softly, looking at Charlie.
"He tells me about all of them, Maverick." Carole laughs. "How my little angel, Goose, goes home early for church, and you, you always go home with the hot women."
"All right, thank you, Carole." Pete's cheeks flush as he gets up. "I'm gonna go embarrass myself with Goose for a while."
"Dancing!" Bradley and Delilah cheer from their spots.
"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain!" Pete joins Goose and the kids, messing with the kids while singing. "Too much love drives a man insane! You broke my will, oh, what a thrill! Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" Pete shouts with Goose, his head next to Goose's while they make funny faces making the two 4 year olds laugh.
"I would love to be able to warn you off about Maverick, but I just love him to death." Carole laughs. "You know, I've known Pete for a lot of years now, and I'm telling you, one thing's for certain. There are hearts breaking wide open all over the world tonight."
"Why?" Charlie questions.
"Because unless you are a fool, that boy is off the market. He is 100 percent, prime-time in love with you." Carole points to Charlie before turning back to the boys and kids. "Hey, Goose, you big stud!"
"That's me, honey." Goose calls back from the piano.
"Take me to bed or lose me forever." Carole calls back.
"Show me the way home, honey." Goose calls, still playing the piano. "Come on, kids, sing with the family." Goose looks up at the kids as Carole comes up to them and sits in Goose's lap."You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain! Too much love drives a man insane! You broke my will, oh, what a thrill! Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" Everyone sings as Charlie joins the group.
Taglist: @kmc1989 @og-baby-ob-14 @merishfit @mamamaystbr @atarmychick007 @hiireadstuff @els-marvelvsp @erospecies @mariaenchanted
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ghostlychaosfoil · 1 month
oc lore yap
warning its super long, this is mostly for me
So kirby and frida were mutated after the og boys were but they arent younger than them bc of their unmutanted turtles age. Kirby is a bit younger than raph (and hes not really build for big brothering) and I think frida is like aprils age. A year after Draxums lab was destroyed, he was in a semi stable living environment but was frankly bored. he managed to salvage some his mutagen notes from the ruins of his old lab. He used those notes and what he could still remeber to recreate a mutagen. He still had this obsession with creating mutants (sort of like how he was w his lil food mutant). He ended up making a stable and similar enough mutagen to his original design. He made about a bucketful. throughout this process, hugin and moonin are very skeptical and not super supportive of daxums spontaneous experiments. Draxum had stolen two different breeds of turtles from the local zoo to use for this experiment. one, a 3.5 year old yellow bellied slider(frida) and a 4 year old map turtle (kirby). He dropped those turtles into theat bucket of mutagen and to his (and hoogin and moonins) surprise it worked just fine. he now had two mutated turtle babies. Not soon after, his living conditions, which were bad already, got worse and he was unable to take care of his beloved children. He left the yellow bellied slider for big mama, who he knew always was looking for new warriors. Big mama did nit want the responsibility of two of them though. So draxum left the mao turtle somewhere else (idk where im still figuring that out hahdbd
At time the series takes place, he was encouraged by his caretaker to get a job (or repo is his caretaker?? im not 100%) so kirby gets a job working for repo mantis to do repo work. He definitely failed getting todds rv back before donnie and mikey attempted to. repo taught him to be tougher and how to be intimidating to better his repo skills. So it definitely plays into his personality later on.
movie period he was just living his life when the krang arrived. And he got krangified a little later in the krang invasion so he wasnt a krang zombie until about the point donnie was the spaceship. If he was krangified before the turtles were giving them trouble, he would have been utilized by the kraang like raph was. So in canon the main reason raph was with them and was different was because he was stronger than the other organisms on the earth. I dont think he really was thought of as anything else after they recovered the key. They didnt care about the turtles or anyone, they didn't truly believe they were a mayor threat until the space ship started going back into the prison dimension. Up until then their rebellion was amusement to the kraang. Ou im getting iff topic- Im saying I think the lraang would have brought all their strongest zombies to be close to them whether they be humans, animals, mutants, or yokai. Kirby, along with others would have been up there with raph if the kraang had more time. Kirby was kraangified abruptly and suddenly so he was in a state of shock and before he knew what had just happend, he was already kraangified. A bunch of kraang goo was launched at his face immediately blinding him and easily taking control of his body being that a bunch of kraang stuff already went in his eye.
in one of the qnas w ron corcillo, he said that he would to make a casey jr and casey focused spinoff series where they hunt KRAANG REMAINS. So its kind of canon that kraang did not fully disappear after the invasion. thats were I buikt off of. Kirby had so much kraang stuff in his body, that after the invasion, he was still kraangified just less strong. I would imagine his first encounter with the turtles would be with him being the hooded enemy. He would maybe be too strong the first time and get away. The turtles would obviously not be down witht this crazy kraang mutant running around so they would hunt him down. donnie would probably unkraagify him with techy tech that he probably composed, un hooding him in the process. Unkraangified he obviously does NOT trust these turtles. All he has seen of them was through the fuzzy krang memories of them trying to hurt him. That doesnt seem very trustworthy to him.
he doesnt go back to repo or whatever family he had after being unkraangified because he doesn't know where they are now, if they even survived the invasion, or if they even care about him anymore, given that he had been kraangified for so long after the invasion and nobody had come looking for him. The turtles come across him again (somewhere..?) where ever he is hiding out trying to get his strength back. He feels weaker than before but he is stronger than ever muscle wise (the kraang basically forcing hik to work out 24/7 for months) but mentally he is unwell. Its kind of a phantom pain kinda situation. Raph finds him o. one of his solo patrols (that he takes even though he doesn't love being alone for that long). Raph and him end up bonding over same trauma and shared interests.
-he roller blades😧😧
-his favorite color USED to be pink
-now he cant stand to look at pink
-regularly uses sarcasm but literally nobody can tell
-pretty good at manipulation if needed
-defaults to a tough guy persona but it really isnt suuper intimidating once he starts talking
-cannot read a clock
-really bad at crying, he wants too but it just doesnt work (his hypothesis was that the kraang stuff messed uo his tear glands but that was jot the case)
-overstimulated AF
-apologizing problem to people he respects
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katewritesss · 8 months
"Emma met a boy with eyes like a man, turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand. Now he'll be her shelter when it rains, little does he know, his whole world's about to change." - "When Emma Falls in Love" by Taylor Swift
but it's Slider watching Ice - his pilot, his best friend, his baby brother - fall in love with Maverick and although he's still a little wary of the shorter pilot, he's just happy that his little brother found someone who will love him for him.
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otgo-brooklyn · 1 year
Big Brother Slider, the true Mom Friend™
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So we all have that friend, who is 100% the mom friend. And listen, are both Slider and Ice little shits of their own devices? Yes, but i'd say that Ice can be a solid Mom friend, when needed. BUT, when with Slider it just goes out of the window, and pair that with Big Brother!Slider, and you have one hell of a head cannon there.
Every time that they go to the bar, Slider doesn't even leave Ice's side, guards his drink like a feral dog, and rounds Ice up when it's time to go home
Stops Ice from having fun recklessly endangering himself
Once at the bar Ice was on his 5th Whiskey sour before a table sent over 3 shots of tequila, Ice smiled and brought one up to toast, and using his mom senses common sense, Slider abandons his chat with Goose and is at Ice's side in about 3.5 seconds saying "no no no no" takes the shots and whiskey sours out of his hand and drags Ice home
Nearly had an aneurism when he found out Ice let someone else (Goose) drive him somewhere
Slider always, ALWAYS has snacks and Capri-Suns on his person incase Ice gets hungry
It's like clockwork, every time Ice starts to get hungry, hangry, cranky etc. Slider is there handing over a Capri-Sun and some carrot sticks or apple slices
"Well maybe if you didn-" Ice starts before being interrupted by Slider shoving an apple slice into his mouth mid sentence, and stopping what seems to be the next arguing match between him and Maverick in it's tracks. Ice just glowers at Slider with a pout and starts chewing on his apple slice. "I told you not to skip breakfast, now you're gonna be cranky" "Bite m-" and once more Ice is silenced with an apple slice, as Goose and Mav along with the rest of the flyboys watch on in fascinated horror as Ice's temper is swiftly and expertly derailed by Slider and his apple slices. When they're finished Slider promptly procured a Capri-Sun from somewhere and quickly shoved it within Ice's hands before he had a chance to protest. "No" Ice said looking at Slider "Drink it" "No" "Ice" "I don't want to, so im not" "Toma Mikhailovich so help me god" Slider starts, pinching the bridge of his nose, and Ice just huffs and starts to drink. The flyboys never recovered from this.
Once when filing paperwork Ice got a paper cut, as people do, and the cut is small but the tiniest, tiniest, itty bitty drop of blood wells forward and Slider already has a portable First Aid kit spread out on the desk, Neosporin on a bandaid before being wrapped around Ice's finger and Ice doesn't even blink
It's a whole 10 second ordeal and they just continue on with their lives like nothing happened
Ice coughed once after accidentally being caught out in the rain and Slider straight up commandeers the kitchen to make more soup than Ice could ever possibly consume fully convinced Ice is coming down with something
Admittedly, Ice did in fact get the flu, but Slider was too concerned to say "I told you so"
Despite everything, Slider and Ice (platonically) love each other, and Slider is 100% the mom friend between the two of them
If I forgot anything feel free to tell me!
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jackiequick · 11 months
Duck, duck, duck, duck, Goose! | Top Gun Fanfic 🧸
Top Gun AU✈️
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Pairing: Nick Bradshaw x Carole Bradshaw , Pete Mitchell & Tom Kazansky
Summary: When it came to kids Carole, Iceman and Maverick only had to worry about two. Bradley and his young brother, Dane. Then came Jenny. It seemed fit, 3 for 3! But when another Mitchell kid, came along they realized they had more on their hands. 4 for 4!
Characters mentioned/include: Audrey, Buzz, Wraith, Slider, Hazel, and the rest of the 86’ class
Timeline: Post-Top Gun (1986), Pre Top Gun Maverick
Warning: Canon character death mentioned
Fic type: Fluff and humorous, with small moments of angst
Previous fic —> Click here
There were moments like this where if you told Maverick and the others years ago, that kids would be part of the agenda they would’ve laughed at you so hard and through you were crazy.
But then the kids started coming over the years.
It started with Goose and Carole. High school sweethearts destined to get married and have kids of their own, where everyone can only wish to have a portion of what they had.
Of course, they had little Bradley Bradshaw or baby goose as he was nicknamed.
Adorable little blonde boy with cubby cheeks and a curious little smile that meant determination. He looked just like his father in every way, Maverick would tell his nephew that years to come.
It was great being a little group of 4. Memories made and laughs saved.
But sadly, then Goose died after a training accident while Carole and Bradley were there to visit them. Maverick felt horrible, so did Iceman, Audrey and the rest of the 86’ class. Gloomy painful days were to come after that.
However there was a flip side, a little surprise to come after the clouds were blowing away.
And that little beam of sunlight became Dane Bradshaw many months later.
Carole didn’t know she was pregnant at the time until Audrey pointed out how fuzzy she felt lately and honestly they couldn’t have been happier in that moment.
Maverick lightly joked, “Wow! I guess Goose really take you to bed.”
“Oh Mav, play nice and that was a little secret.” Replied the Carole with a smile joking back.
Sunset chuckled, “And made sure to leave a bag of surprises afterwards.”
Goose really did leave a bag of surprise afterwards but they didn’t know that yet until years later.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, Goose!
Dane Bradshaw was the spitting image of his mother with such a warmth and gentle smile to him, he was nicknamed pooh bear.
Him and Bradley were only 2-3 years apart in age, but there will be moments where they acted like they shared the same brain cell. Being silly little ducklings, surprising people with their charm and sweet tactics.
There were days Carole would come home to the kids (along with Maverick) causing a mess in the house baking. Days where the boys will go playing with water guns and end up getting Audrey’s clothes wet.
Or with Iceman, where Bradley would show their uncle an idea for an airplane to build with boxes and other items in the house. Meanwhile Dane would collect all the ideas, wanting to go big or go bold enough to shine with their plane where Ice couldn’t have the heart to say no.
Other times, Dane was the sweetest thing in the whole entire world. A gushing image is a gentle breeze holding up flowers to his aunties such as Hazel and Audrey, making get well cards for his mama. Hugging his uncle Mav and teasing his uncle Ice with a little grin.
But he was also very protective, him and his brother, being a guard dog when it comes their mother. That goes for Hazel, Valkyrie, Audrey and whatever other lady in their lives.
Speaking on ladies, they were surprised at the time she arrived. It was an unexpected surprise indeed as for she came at an old hour of the night. No alert, no phone call or an letter from the post man.
Just an knock on the door in a carrier held the first half of The Mitchell-Bradshaw clan. Jennifer Penelope Mitchell, or as she was nickname princess.
Don’t worry she gets a handful of nicknames later on, so do all the kids!
Pete and Ice were in total shock at the bundle of joy brought to their attention but welcomed her with open arms nonetheless.
It took Maverick a long couple of hours, even days to fully get his head around the fact he had a daughter.
It wasn’t until Carole met her and saw the cheeky little smile that she said, “Yup, Pete she’s yours alright!”
“Yes she is.” Audrey added, blowing raspberries into her cheek.
The girls fell in love with Jenny overnight, engulfed by her sweetness but since she was Mav’s kid the girl hated to sleep and very silly. According Iceman she was stubborn like her father but Audrey would say she’s stubborn like him instead.
When Carole brought the boys to meet their cousin/future best friend, Bradley was taken back by Jenny and Dane was curious rather shy about the ideas.
“Mama! Does that mean I have to share a room with her too?” Bradley asked pointed to the girl.
“Wha’ she do?” Dane added, his vocabulary and grammar not very accurate yet.
It was silly, since Dane Bradshaw was close enough be to around less than 2 years older than her but he was curious about the situation, not wanting to share the spotlight with anyone. Same thing when for Bradley, even though he was the oldest.
Carole had to correct them saying, “No boys, you don’t have to share a room with her. And she is just a baby, so she doesn’t do much yet. But I think you guys are gonna like her a lot.”
And as always, Carole Bradshaw is correct!
Since Bradley quickly warmed up to Jenny wanting to show her everything and take the girl everywhere he went like the big brother he is to Dane. Especially when Jenny got older he got to joke around, watching over her and and play with her a lot more.
Bradley nicknamed her Jenny Penny.
Dane, since they were somewhat closer in age range per say, the two were pretty close. Dane being softer, very silly toward the girl and more importantly being protective, catching up on new things with things he learned at school and playing with her a lot of the time.
He nicknamed her JenJen.
Eventually the boys would give her the classic nickname and future callsign, JenPen.
But Jenny Mitchell wasn’t the one who got nicknames, because to her Bradley was Brad Brad and Dane was Danny Boy.
Even though as the years went on, her nicknames for them changed to Chicken and Engineer.
Soon enough Baby Goose, Pooh Bear, and Princess had a 4th to complete the group (hopefully)…
…Daffy Duck!
Other name being used for Austin Mitchell.
If one Mitchell kid wasn’t enough, look no more to a second one! That was another surprise that left Carole, Iceman, Audrey and Maverick himself flabbergasted at the news. But it’s wasn’t an total surprise since Maverick was known for being in the dating scene a long time, falling in and out of love with several women because the attraction was a strong thing.
Like a lot things, it never lasted too long ending up in heartbreak, loneliness and confusion, thinking it was a short fling.
But as we learned that every actions has an equal opposite reaction. That resulted in his son, in which he chuckled and sighed in awe of the little smile that entered his world. He fell in love with his kid the moment he met him.
Slider joked, “Alright, either Maverick needs to do something about the love making around here or Goose had an grand ol’ conversation about bringing four ducklings with the big man upstairs when he left?!”
Iceman glared at his best friend jokingly, “Very funny, buddy. There is no way Mother Goose had this all figured out and planned for this to happened. It was just fate!”
Maverick shut them both up carrying his son in his arms and said, “Oh shut it you two! Before we know it you’re popping out kids of your own.”
Carole smiled, “My husband wouldn’t do such a thing, even if he did I think theses were gifts. Look how cute they are!”
Two blondes and two brunettes, all wrapped into a cute little gift baskets from Mother Goose himself.
“Yeah no Slider’s right, Nicholas Bradshaw brought down four ducking after his departure!” Audrey added a few minutes later.
Austin Mitchell was a spitting imagine and reminder of his father, times 10! From his brownish-green eyes to his nose, even the floppy mess of chocolate brown locks. His smile was no different, giggling about his favorite things and moving around with so much energy that he could become the next marathon runner for god’s sake.
But like any kid here, especially a kid that belongs to Maverick Mitchell, Austin was a clumsy boy knocking into everything and getting himself stuck in troubling situations. It was cute but also kinda annoying.
“A little tornado warning should come with him.” Joked Wraith once he met the boy with a smile.
Nonetheless he was loved. Jenny was only two years old when she got her baby brother, wanting to parenting him and keep the little guy out of danger with a pout. But then again, she was also very clumsy and cheeky herself so they both ended up in a little sticky situation.
Seriously, both kids were found in the kitchen once eating one of their father’s favorite sweet treat, being honeybuns, while on the floor giggling.
Iceman snorted so loud seeing his niece and nephew happily eating the dessert that his only questions was, “How did you two get your hands on it in the first place?”
“Unca Iceee!” Austin only yelled with a little smile and sticky fingers.
“You wan’ some?” Added Jenny with the similar little smile.
Other times, Austin would be the only one brave enough for certain things, dragging Bradley along to meet new people such as when they met Wraith or Buzz for the first time. Austin scared poor Wraith with his chaotic tendencies meanwhile Buzz laughed his ass off.
Plenty of times, that chaotic charm the young boy naturally held would bring a smile to the faces he meets, like when he met Ark and Hazel. When Austin finished hanging out with Hazel, she wanted to keep this boy for herself.
…but there were some moments where Austin’s shining personality mixed with the wrong crowd.
Let’s just say Ice and Mav enrolled him into little league baseball practice for one week, but midway through that same week the coach had to call Audrey to take the kid back home. Because due to Austin’s style, tiny temper and competitive nature when his team wasn’t winning, he decide to use his baseball bat and hit one of the kids from the other team with it.
The kid went as far as to chase the other children around the field in revenge and when Audrey heard that, she couldn’t help but laugh out loud. She knew it was a bad thing and they probably had to enroll him into a different sport, but the image in her head of her nephew chasing the other kids around like a Looney Tune character was too funny.
“Yup, he was definitely Pete’s son.” She said with a smile, picking up her nephew to take him out for ice cream and a small lecture onto how it’s not nice to hit people.
Let’s just say Audrey wasn’t the only one laughing at the news that day about why Austin Mitchell might not return to baseball practice that week.
Speaking of Austin, since he was hopefully the last baby for now at least, they decided to set up a color coordinated system for the kids.
That meant if gifts were given, certain items were being delivered, and everyday things like cups, hats, sweaters, backpacks, socks and or etc. each child had their own version of one.
Hell, each kid had certain days set on the calendar, where they all had to do something the other wanted. Like park, mall, trips to the beach and or going to the movie theater.
It was Carole’s idea! So there were no fighting, especially since they were all so little at the time.
Bradley’s things always had a cherry red dot, cute little red label or red post it note on them. (Sometimes apple or red-orange color)
Dane’s things always had a sunny yellow dot, little yellow label or yellow post it note on them. (Sometimes bumblebee or yellow-green color)
Jenny’s things always had a rosy pink dot, little pink label or pink post it note on them. (Sometimes lilac or pink-red color)
Austin’s things always had a sky blue dot, little blue label or blue post it note on them. (Sometimes olive or blue-green color)
And honestly, it was pretty helpful at the time when they were just little kids. Since they knew once they got older, all four of them would pick certain colors to wear, act differently for types of situations and understand the concept of what is not their stuff, don’t take.
But of course like any set of children, no matter what you did or how many times you had to lecture them about a topic, they will always fight about something. Like toys, bedding, backpacks, clothes, food and things to do together.
Like when Bradley and Dane were fighting over a certain Star Wars backpack they saw at Walmart to take for back to school time.
Or when Austin and Jenny were arguing about a DC LEGO sets they both wanted to buy, Batman or Superman sets.
They were kids! You can’t prepare for everything, so the parents always stepped in making the decision for them or had to settle on a small compromise on what’s the verdict. 
Nonetheless, they were good kids that’s what matters.
Yes, they were all different ages with vastly different views on things and personalities but that’s what makes them unique.
They care about their children way too much and thanked Goose for sending such a wonderful set of surprises and memories to come.
But the question that the adults tend to have on their minds was, how would the world handle their set of ducklings as they grow up?
What kind of experiences they will have?
Who will fall in love and who will get their heart broken?
Will there be friends or foes that come they’re way?
So many questions but only time will tell…
Thank you so much for reading this! 🎬 I know, it’s not exactly formatted like my other stories per say but it was an interesting way to introduce theses kids.
What was your favorite part? 💕
Please like, share and comment for more stuff like this! ✈️
Tags: @gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton @gaminggirlsstuff @topgun-imagines @starkleila @whitewiccan @comfortzonequeen @sherloquestea @theloveoftoms @mandylove1000 @mallowbee4 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @novavida and etc
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bayisdying · 2 years
Imagine being Iceman's daughter:
You are the youngest and only girl. So the prized little girl.
You were kind of an "oops" baby. They had your two older brothers back to back and decided two was enough. But a couple years later, here you come throwing yourself into their crazy lives.
The 5 of you are extremely close knit as a family. Your older brothers are protective of you and definitely teach you how to defend yourself (by practicing their WWE moves on you in the living room)
Whenever your Dad is home you are glued to his side. Unless your Uncles Slider, Maverick, or Wolfman were around. Those three love to dote on you the MOST. Want a Teddy bear from a carnival? Those three legit compete against each other to get you the biggest one.
You are the only child to follow in Iceman's footsteps by joining the Navy and becoming an aviator. Your brothers chose different paths but are super proud of their baby sister.
Ice totally gives you your wings at graduation and no he totally didn't cry (yes, yes he did.)
You got your callsign pretty quickly. Your entire life you had been called "Princess" but now that you were grown up? You were "Ice Queen" or "Queenie" for short
You finish 2nd in your Top Gun class, being beat only by one point and by one Mr. Jake "Hangman" Seresin.
Speaking of Jake. You hate the guy. He's cocky, arrogant, and an all around jackass. You probably gave him the callsign after him leaving you hanging too many times.
But really you two care about each other because you two work well together and get stationed together a ton.
Friends with Benefits? Yes. It happens a couple times.
When your Dads cancer comes back strings are pulled and you are reassigned to San Diego to be closer to your Dad. You spend as much time with him as possible. Mostly in the study.
Getting called back to Top Gun was scary for you. You knew you were one of the best but you didn't want to leave your Dad in case something happened.
When you enter the Hard Deck? Jake notices you immediately. He hugs you so tightly and asks how you're okay. He knows why you were reassigned and why.
You get introduced to the others that you don't know yet
Then Rooster walks in and you can't help but smile. He's been your best friend forever. You definitely sing Great Balls of Fire very, very loudly alongside him.
When it was your turn to dogfight you went up with Phoenix and Bob. You know most of Mav's moves from growing up with his wingman. You get close to shooting him down until he bests you instead.
Dogfight Football? You owned that shit. You grew up with two athletic brothers. You can throw a football better than some of the guys. Jake playfully tackles you and yall get a little *too* close.
When you get word that your father had passed, you are the one to walk into see Mav and Bradley fighting. You hate it. These two idiots that are your family are fighting and your Dad just died
"Mav..." he turns around and notices the tears threatening to fall. And he knows.
Rooster figures it out quickly too.
At the funeral you are in your dress whites standing next to your mother. Hand in hers until she is handed his flag. You don't cry during the service, you flinch when Mav pounds his wings into the casket but no other emotion showed on your face. You were strong for your mother.
Back at the house, you lock yourself in the study and sit in his well-worn leather chair. You breathe in his scent and that's when you allow yourself to cry. You start typing on the computer through the tears hoping that wherever he was, your Dad could read it.
You were not selected for the mission. You can't even be upset. Rooster is the man for the job.
When Mav and Rooster go down? You have a mental breakdown. You just buried your father. Now you would bury two more men you loved. It wasn't fair. You run and find a quiet place in the overcrowded, cramped ship to lose it.
You don't hear them get a signal from Rooster, or hear Jake defy orders to go after them. (Which he does partly for you. He knows how much they mean to you. And he may or may not have realized he loved you during this whole thing)
You don't know until you hear Jake whisper your name, and look up to see 3 of the very special men in your life looking back at you.
And Hangman also may or may not kiss you in front of everybody (he does.)
You know the pain of losing your Dad will never go away, but with Mav, Rooster, Hangman, and the rest of the Daggers by your side? You know you'll make it through it.
No I'm not crying from writing these. Not at all.
Tagging the besties: @kloofspeaks @itzyogurl92 @callsignthirsty @callsign-milano
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shelfwar · 2 years
Since requests are open could you write a fic with slider x fem!reader where his girlfriend is maverick's sister and they have a secret relationship but mav finds out
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Hi! Thanks so much for the request, sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy it!
Slider X Reader ~My sister!!~
WARNINGS: Suggestion to sex, use of words, angst
Waves crashed against the boat as you stared up at the metal ceiling hoping the sound would sooth you to sleep, but alas it never did. So you quietly climbed down from your shared bunk with your big brother Maverick (that slept on the bottom) and headed out of the room and wandered down to the room you knew all too well; your secret boyfriend Slider.
You rapped on the metal door as a grumble of "Come in" sounded behind it. You slowly opend the door and found Slider sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes of sleep. "Hey, I can't sleep." "C'mere love." He said as he scooted over so you could lay next to him. You quietly tip toed over not trying to wake Ice in the process and cuddled up next to Silder. "You okay?" "Yeah, just thinking?" "Care to explain?" "I dunno I hate boats, to begin with and my brothers stupid cause he dragged me onto this thing." "But you've got me." He said as he kissed your temple.
"True, true." "But your right about your brother, he is stupid." "Hey, keep it down, I'm trying to sleep lovebirds." You and Slider both glanced up to see Iceman glaring down at the two of you. "Sorry Ice." You said as you gave him a small smile. "Your lucky I like you both, now if it was-" "I know, if it was my brother, you'd chew his ass out the next day." "Slider, you've got the better Mitchell." "Thank you Iceman." Ice clicked his mouth and went back to bed. "Well, then. I love you." "Mm, love you two Slider." You snuggled up closer and he held you very close as if he was gonna loose you.
"Goose, have you seen my sister?" "No, Mav I haven't." "I swear she was in here last night." "Maybe she's in the cafeteria." "Good thinking Goose!" Maverick clapped his RIO on the back as he made his way down to the cafeteria, as for you. Well you were working out with Iceman and Slider in the gym.
"One more squat, one more!" You started to slowly squat down as you felt Sliders hands hovering your waist. "You got this baby." He whispered as you made the squat and slowly made your way up to the barbell holder. Once placed you felt a bit dizzy as you started leaning forward towards Ice, but luckily Slider still had his hands by you, so he caught you. "Easy there love." "Mmm, might need to lie down." "Ice go get something soft-" "I got her some water." "Thanks." You felt Silder place your head in his lap as he looked down at you making sure you were okay. "I think I out did that didn't I?" "No shit." Ice said as he looked over to the now opened door.
"Hey have you-" "OH MY GOD Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?" Maverick said as he stormed through the room ."Shes fine, right baby?" Slider said as he kissed your chapped lips"Yeah, just kinda out did it Mav. I'm fine just light headed." Maverick’s eyes widened as he saw the small intimate moment. "Slider get your fucking hands off my sister. NOW!" "Pete relax please." "How long, huh?"
You looked up at Slider as he looked over at your brother. "3 months." "3 MONTHS!" "Mav stop yelling please." You pleaded as you tried sitting up, with Slider helping you. "Hey Slider?" "Yeah, hun." "You have mmm. NOW RUN HES GONNA KILL YOU.!" You giggled as Silder ran out the room and your brother went right after him. "YOU BETTER OF NOT FUCKED MY SISTER!" "OH, MAVERICK I DID!" You and Ice just started laughing at the two as you heard there yells through out the small corridor.
After around 5 minutes of cat and mouse Slider ran back into the gym where he then picked you up with a yelp. "Slider." You giggled as he held you when your brother came back. "If you fucking break her heart Slider, your gonna die." "Mav your not gonna do that you pussy." "Ahem, pussy." Iceman said as Maverick glared at the 3 of you.
"Here let me rephrase that, you hurt her heart I know where to find you." "Now that sounds better."
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
I’m absolutely living for bitey ice and Jake just inheriting different traits from his dad. This has me thinking about what would’ve happened if during the classroom confrontation in TGM if Jake had snapped his teeth at Bradley (idk why he would, haven’t gotten that far) and Mav saw it instantly reminding him of a different arrogant Blonde pilot he flew with many years ago. That Vietnam flashbacks meme but it’s TGM Mav flashing back to the locker room teeth snapping incident of ‘86.
Then later Jake fidgeting with the same plane Ron fidgeted with in that scene and Mav walking by seeing him doing that and wondering why that is so familiar to him
Jake taking a comb out one day and preening his hair in the mirror muttering to himself that he needs to look perfect cause it has to be absolutely perfect in case some chicken might happen to walk by and Mav just thinking “wow that man is vain, sorta like how Hollywood used to be”
Jake showing up to Dagger functions with his cowboy hat on, southern twang flirting hard with rooster and Mav just wonders where that boy got his fashion sense from
And then finally hearing the famous “I’m too good to be true” line and Mav is just absolutely bothered cause he can’t seem to remember where he knows that from (viper from that one ask thing you wrote)
Then the one day that the daggers and the class of ‘86 have that bbq at Ice’s house after the mission and Mav just realizes why Hangman is the way he is. It’s because he’s basically a perfect cocktail in a blonde aviators body of the different traits of the people he knows.
I might just absolutely live for Mav meeting jakes parents (and uncles and grandpa) again after all the years post mission. And the dawning horror of who made Jake in to the way he is
I am such a sucker for this Chris Seresin x Ron x Tom AU with adult Jake
I’m so glad you love them oh my god. I literally can’t stop talking about them.
Jake is such a combo of the men he grew up around and that never ends. He has Chris’s tendency of stealing clothing. Doesn’t matter who. He’s taking it.
When Mav saw him in a 86 sweatshirt he froze for a second and then shook his head. Just a coincidence. Damn if Jake doesn’t look like Ice.
Mav walks into Tom’s backyard only to see Hangman and a few of the 86 crew already there. “Wolf?! Holly?” He’s caught in a hug and then set back on the ground. A voice piped up from behind the two. “Hey old man.”
He sighs. “Seresin. Being good?”
Jake snaps his gum and grins. “Never around these guys.” Wolf tosses an arm around Jake’s shoulders and steers him to the grill where Mav swears Slider is standing. Tom comes up to Mav and gives him a hug. It’s been so long since they’ve seen each other in a non professional setting.
“Hey Mav. I’d like you to meet my husbands.”
Mav blinks. Okay look. He always knew Ice wasn’t straight. No man with that hair was. No man that looked at Slider like that was. But husband is a bit of a surprise. Certainly no open invites. “Hey Chris come here a second?”
A blond man pops his head up from here he was sitting on the ground with a dog. He was fixing what looks to be a doggy sized wheelchair. Cute.
“Yeah Baby?”
Mav blinks again. Does Jake have a much older brother??
Holy shit. “Holy shit. He’s your kid??” Tom and the man he is assuming Chris smile at him. “Sure is! Ron’s too!”
Mav stares at them. Jake passes by with a beer and hands it to Mav, “drink old man. You’ll need this today.” Ron slips away from the grill and comes up next to the three of them. “Mav! Holy shit you’ve been killing it with the assignments over the years.”
Jake is a clone of the three of them. Oh lord. No wonder he’s evil sometimes. “This is your fault. He’s like this because of you oh n o.” Wolf spins Holly around in the background, “oh he’s all of you. Oh no I thought Bradley was bad.”
A voice comes from behind him. “What Maverick? Gonna leave me out of that count?” Mav can only slowly turn when he hears that voice. “Oh fuck me. You too??”
Viper grins at him from where he’s standing while hugging Jake. “Sure thing Pete. This is my grand baby right here.”
Mav thinks maybe he should’ve dragged Goose along with him early. He can’t handle all of this information. It makes too much sense.
“Surprised old man?” Mav looks at Jake who looks slightly nervous for the first time. “Surprised but not disappointed. Nice one Jake. How’d you hide it.”
Jake shrugs. “DADT made taking Dad’s last name the smart choice. Never changed it even when they all got married. Or whatever other hippy shit that counted as.”
Chris grabs Jake and pulls him in between the three of them. Viper comes to stand next to Mav. “I’ll show you some baby photos later. It’ll make more sense.”
Mav nods. Holly is wearing Wolf’s cowboy hat. He swears that’s Jake’s exact hat.
He’s got a lot of questions but knows he’ll get a hell of an answer for them all.
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tomcat-tapes · 11 months
Random Top Gun AU I thought about if anyone wants a brain rot with me
In which Ice is Jareth the goblin king.
A young Bradley upset with the passing of his father, and refuses to want anything to do with his stepfather, Ron, or his half sibling Jake.
One evening when his Mom and Step dad are away in a date and he’s stuck babysitting his kid brother who has not stopped crying. Frustrated and stressed, Bradley tells little Jake a tale of the Goblin King, the same story he heard from his father before his passing.
“Stop it! I’ll say the words! No I mustn’t,, I wish,, Oh I can bear it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Where ever you may be, take this child of mine far away from me!”
And Jake vanished, the Goblins have taken him. Bradley was mortified, he thought they were just stories his dad made up! And that’s when He appeared. The Goblin King. He refused to give Jake back, told Bradley to forget about the child but he couldn’t. Deep down Bradley knew he loved his brother, and oh god what will his parents say? He needed to get Jake back.
“You have thirteen (13) hours in which to solve the labyrinth, before your baby brother becomes one of us,,forever.”
It was a piece of cake. Bradley walked with confidence until he realized there was no openings inside the labyrinth.. luckily a nice worm told him the trick. The labyrinth is not at all as it seemed. There were stoned hands pointing in every-which direction. Bradley pulls out a marker he had stashed in his one of his pockets, this place is so confusing, he writes an arrow in the direction he’s going to keep track of where he had been. “I’m coming Jake,”
“I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry, what could I do? My baby’s love has gone, and left my baby blue! Nobody knew, what kind of magic spell to use.”
Among the many failings in Bradley’s journey, he did meet a short cranky Goblin with the name Jester, something he found quite odd, Hester’s were supposed to be funny and he was nothing but disdain, he was however fascinated with Bradley’s bracelets. The next goblin he met was tall, shy, and enjoyed talking to rocks and making friends, he called himself Slider.
And after a run in with a bunch of Fierys they ended up in the big of enteral stench. Where the encountered yet another Goblin. Small feisty and energetic creature that looked to be a mix of a fox and a squirrel, everyone called him Mav.
Onward the party went to the Goblin Kingdom, Jester offered Bradley a peach. Once Bradley took a bite of the peach he collapsed, and he dreamed of a glamorous ball you’d read in those fantasy books. Bradley himself was dressed in layers of flowy fabric and glitter. He laughed and he danced, smiling and never wanting to wake up from it.
“There's such a fooled heart beatin' so fast. In search of new dreams, a love that will last within your heart. I'll place the moon within your heart. As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you, every thrill is gone, wasn’t too much fun at all. But I’ll be there for you, as the Word falls down.”
When Bradley did awake he was in the comfort of his room with foggy memories. All his cherished possessions were there. His stuffed animals, his books, his slippers and his favorite board game. The posters and playbills lining the wall, his music box and vinyl records that he was gifted from his dad before he passed. Everything was in place and as it was, but something was wrong. A little book on his desk caught his eye, Labyrinth. The words of strength echoed in his head, “you have no power over me,” looking around. This was a distraction! He needed to get out. Tearing at the posters and walls everything crashing around him. Out, out, out!
As the hole in the wall opened, Mav and Slider were there helping him out. They quickly made it to the gates of the goblin kingdom. They came across a giant metal gollum standing guard at the gates where Jester came into the rescue to defeat it! At last inside the City! Goblin guards flooded to town to try and stop the party but thankfully with the help of Slider’s rock friends it was a breeze.
They arrive at the castle, “I need to go in alone, thank you for all of your help” “if you should ever need us, for anything at all, we’ll be here.”
Inside the castle was even more twists and turns, stairwells that were sideways, and upside down, leading to one room and out another. “JAKE!” And there baby Jake sat on the stairs giggling like he’s been having a good stay inside the caste. He doesn’t notice Bradley as he begins to crawl up the stairs. “Jake wait?!” Bradley dashes down the stairwell where he ended up on the opposite side of the room from his brother. He tried again and again to no avail as the Goblin walked along the stairs as well to watch the chaos.
Finally Bradley and The Goblin King confront each other.
“Everything that you have wanted, I have done. You asked for the child to be taken, I took him. You cowered before me, I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you! I am exhausted living up to your expectations of me. Isn’t that generous?”
Bradley was quiet as he tried his best to remember the lines from his book. The same book his dad always read, the one his dad worked hard to write and publish. His favorite story.
“Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered. I have fought my way here to the castle, beyond the Goblin City. For my will is as strong as yours, and my-“
“STOP! Wait, look Bradley, look what I’m offering you. Your dreams.”
“And my kingdom as great.”
The Goblin King became frantic, showing Bradley an orb that held his dreams
“I ask so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want.”
Bradley thought hard, this was the part he had trouble remembering.
“Kingdom as great,, Damn. I can never remember that line.”
“Just fear me, love, do as I say. And I will be your slave.”
King Ice demanded, he was at the end of his rope and Bradley knew it. If he could just remember the line!
“My kingdom as great,,,my kingdom as great,, you have no power over me!”
The orb was thrown up in the air. And King Ice disappeared and a snowy owl is what remained. The world began to fall into itself. Everything went black.
Bradley woke up in his bed once again. Was this another trick? Was this real? He looked aver at his shelf and noticed a bear was missing. He quickly got out of bed and stumbled down the hall to his parents room where the crib stood to the side. Peering into and seeing his baby brother, Jake, lay sleeping peacefully with the missing bear in his clutches. All is well and Bradley finally breathed easy. Turning of the lights to the room and returned to his own.
His parents arrived home and for once he didn’t feel angry for once. He tidied his room, putting the books away, and the playbills in the drawer of his desk. He sits down at the desk and stares off into near by mirror.
“Goodbye, Bradley” he saw Slider in the mirror, turning around Bradley saw nothing there. He looked back in the mirror. “And remember Master Bradley, should you need us,,” Mav said solemnly. “Yes, should you need us, for any reason at all” Jester appeared looking solemn.
“I’ll always need you, I don’t know why, but every now and again, for no reason at all. I’ll need you.”
“Well why did you say so!”
Bradley turned around in his chair again and there they were his friends and other goblins he’s met on his journey. It was the best night of his life.
There was a snowy owl that sat outside the window. Watching as the small party go down. With a subtle nod it flapped it’s wings and flew away.
The return to the Goblin Kingdom, the snowy owl formed back to King Ice, and he smiled.
“Good job everyone” he greeted, “That went perfectly, I think Nick would have been proud!”
Long ago before there was Bradley there Nick Bradshaw, he found the Goblin Kingdom and had the adventure of a life time and in the end he had asked the Goblin King to do the same for his future child. Ice had agreed, it had been a long time since a human has visited the kingdom and he delighted everyone he befriended. Not only that but he also introduced Mav, a spirited Goblin, to Ice. Helping young Nick out was the least Ice could do..
Doodles below⬇️🔮
(Ft. Wolfman and Hollywood Goblins hehe)
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