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davidrogillio · 1 year ago
Elvis Presley I Can’t Stop Loving You Aloha From Hawaii January 14th 1973
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bksphotographs · 6 years ago
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Help me wish @musicbykem a #HappyBirthday #CelebrityPhotographer #BKSPhotographs #Jazz #Soul #RnB #NeoSoul #Kem #Kemistry #LoveCalls #ICantStopLovingYou #Singer #Songwriter https://www.instagram.com/p/B0SDJ9bF7Zc/?igshid=bz59j24mgeqi
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taevisionceo · 2 years ago
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booraystrife · 3 years ago
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Got this certified hood classic at @sweetrepeatrecords_14 #icantstoplovingyou (at Asteroid M) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZIP4pkvTMl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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paulomicheli-blog · 4 years ago
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I can’t Stop Loving You 💿 Balance by Van Halen 🎸 @vanhalen @eddievanhalen @sammyhagar @mad_anthony_bassman #icantstoplovingyou #balance #vanhalen #vanhagar #vanhalenforever #vanhalenhistory #eddievanhalen #eddievanhalenguitar #wolfgang #evhwolfgang #evh #guitar #guitarstickers #guitarra #guitarplayer #guitarrista #guitarsolo #guitarcover #guitarist #guitarporn #guitartabsdaily #viral #viralvideos #live #show #record #hardrockcafe #fender (em Van Halen Vibe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNjM75jlPZD/?igshid=18hf85in4wggh
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bourbonstreet · 6 years ago
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25/09 • Quarta-Feira • Tributo a Ray Charles com Trítono Blues e Edu Camargo ​​“Ray Charles On My Mind”: uma homenagem a um dos maiores gênios da música! ​​ ​​Tendo apresentado seus maiores clássicos em nosso #palco em 1997, o #compositor, #cantor e #multiinstrumentista, #RayCharles imortalizou #sucessos como #HittheRoadJack, Unchain My Heart, #GeorgiaOnMyMind, #ICantStopLovingYou, What'd I Say, Bye Bye Love e muitas outras. ​​ ​​Sintetizou, de maneira única, elementos de #RhithmandBlues, #Gospel, #Country, #Jazz e #MúsicaRomântica, e abriu o caminho para a #SoulMusic na #décadade60, tornando-se a grande #referência da #músicanegranorteamericana. ​​ ​​Para homenagea-lo a Trítono Blues apresentao #show “Ray Charles on My Mind”, que além das #músicas já citadas traz outros grandes sucessos, todos com arranjos inéditos que transitam entre a inovação e a reverência, marca reconhecida da banda, além, claro, de sua sonoridade ímpar. ​​ ​​Convidado especial: Edu Camargo (teclado e voz) ​​ ​​Couvert Artístico Antecipado (por pessoa): ​​R$ 50,00 ​​ ​​: : : RESERVAS ONLINE : : : ​​ ​​IR: http://bit.ly/tributoraycharles ​​(até 1h antes da abertura da casa) ​​ ​​: : : CENTRAL DE ATENDIMENTOS : : : ​​ ​​Reservas : 11.5095.6100 (áudio) ​​Informações : +5511.9.70.600.113 (texto) ​​(2ª a Sábado das 13h00 as 20h30) ​​ ​​: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ​​ ​​Abertura: 20h00 ​​ShowTime: 22h00 ​​ ​​Bourbon Street Music Club ​​R. dos Chanés 127, Moema, São Paulo ​​​Ⓜ️​ Metrô Eucaliptos ​Ⓜ️​ ​​www.bourbonstreet.com.br ​​ ​​#BourbonStreetMusicClub #ParaDançar #Moema #Ibirapuera #VidaNoturna #SãoPaulo #BourbonStreet #ViagemSP #AgendaCultural #NewOrleans (em Bourbon Street Music Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ub5bAhJC4/?igshid=sn3qi522dv2t
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ourbeautifulreality · 6 years ago
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Those three screenshots are one of my favorites of the last time.
You are my favorite person, and it makes me so happy to have you with me...
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0xxiamuglyxx0-blog · 6 years ago
This is my very first edit and I’m excited to push it out there, there will be more in the future but I just wanted to show Elena and Damon some attention!
#Vampirediaries #Elena #Damon #Love #Icantstoplovingyou #Delana #Sunset
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vanessacantora · 5 years ago
I Can't Stop Loving You - Phil Collins #songsthatneverdie 💖🎤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #melhorbanda #philcollins #icantstoplovingyou #bestsong #melhormusica #bestband https://www.instagram.com/p/B6nou-YAlU7/?igshid=d2jbjjk4cvjo
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thom2maro · 7 years ago
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#LetsDoBrunch, in which we - @rachelhkaplan and myself - come together to begin celebrating @kimthalia88’s birthday a few weeks early. This year’s gonna be #KimberMerry. . . #ChaseFoundTheFood #AllYouNeedIsLove #ICantStopLovingYou #LoveLoveMeDo #LOVE we went to @thelovephilly, can’t ya tell? 😗 (at The Love.)
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ras1beats-blog · 7 years ago
#10yranniversary @lahness1 #reallove❤️ #electriclove #icantstoplovingyou #yourenergyrushingthroughme (at New York, New York)
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bourbonstreet · 6 years ago
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25/09 • Quarta-Feira • Tributo a Ray Charles com Trítono Blues e Edu Camargo ​​“Ray Charles On My Mind”: uma homenagem a um dos maiores gênios da música! ​​ ​​Tendo apresentado seus maiores clássicos em nosso #palco em 1997, o #compositor, #cantor e #multiinstrumentista, #RayCharles imortalizou #sucessos como #HittheRoadJack, Unchain My Heart, #GeorgiaOnMyMind, #ICantStopLovingYou, What'd I Say, Bye Bye Love e muitas outras. ​​ ​​Sintetizou, de maneira única, elementos de #RhithmandBlues, #Gospel, #Country, #Jazz e #MúsicaRomântica, e abriu o caminho para a #SoulMusic na #décadade60, tornando-se a grande #referência da #músicanegranorteamericana. ​​ ​​Para homenagea-lo a Trítono Blues apresentao #show “Ray Charles on My Mind”, que além das #músicas já citadas traz outros grandes sucessos, todos com arranjos inéditos que transitam entre a inovação e a reverência, marca reconhecida da banda, além, claro, de sua sonoridade ímpar. ​​ ​​Convidado especial: Edu Camargo (teclado e voz) ​​ ​​Couvert Artístico Antecipado (por pessoa): ​​R$ 50,00 ​​ ​​: : : RESERVAS ONLINE : : : ​​ ​​IR: http://bit.ly/tributoraycharles ​​(até 1h antes da abertura da casa) ​​ ​​: : : CENTRAL DE ATENDIMENTOS : : : ​​ ​​Reservas : 11.5095.6100 (áudio) ​​Informações : +5511.9.70.600.113 (texto) ​​(2ª a Sábado das 13h00 as 20h30) ​​ ​​: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ​​ ​​Abertura: 20h00 ​​ShowTime: 22h00 ​​ ​​Bourbon Street Music Club ​​R. dos Chanés 127, Moema, São Paulo ​​​Ⓜ️​ Metrô Eucaliptos ​Ⓜ️​ ​​www.bourbonstreet.com.br ​​ ​​#BourbonStreetMusicClub #ParaDançar #Moema #Ibirapuera #VidaNoturna #SãoPaulo #BourbonStreet #ViagemSP #AgendaCultural #NewOrleans (em Bourbon Street Music Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ua4Inhu35/?igshid=oh8k2spg6qc4
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well-hydrated · 7 years ago
A new year and I still want to die
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hjent · 8 years ago
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Had a session with #KEM (I Can't Stop Loving You / Share My Life) today. It was a pleasure. He is a brilliant mind. My boy Derek "DOA" Allen is a beast and he is my big bro. Gerald "Plaid" Isaac is the one that puts it all together. To say the least, it was a great day. @MusicByKem #HJENT #GenesoulUnplugged #HaskelJacksonEntertainment #PAISTATIONS #Grammys #Genesoul #newmusic #music #facebooklive #pop #songwriter #producers #songwriting #songwriters #artistmanagers #artistmanagement #musicengineer #audioengineer #recordingstudio #productionteam #fashion #ShareMyLife #singer #ICantStopLovingYou #photography #photographer #photooftheday ##nstadaily #LosAngelesCalifornia (at City Of Champions INGLEWOOD)
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meeeeeeeooooow · 8 years ago
Late night jams
Pressure suit- Aqualung Two spinning spheres in a bed of stars Silence is super Staring into space, I wonder where you are You're all that I've ever needed I know that you won't feel it Drift out into darkness Lost out on horizon It's alright It's alright I'll be your respirator I'll be your pressure suit It's alright It's alright
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adondeirhoy · 3 years ago
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Hoy en la historia de la música https://ift.tt/yxpL0fC (For English see below) 15 de febrero de 1962 Ray Charles grabó “I Can't Stop Loving You” en los United Studios, ubicados en Hollywood, California. La canción llegaría a lo más alto, de las listas de éxitos de los Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, y se incluyó en su LP: “Modern Sounds In Country / Western Music” - que lideró la lista de álbumes de Billboard, durante 14 semanas. Comenta y dinos que quieres escuchar en @pontikradio y taguea a tus amigos. Escucha nuestra estación de radio 24/7 sin anuncios SALVA este POST para que puedas volver a leer esta info.⁠ Today in music history February 15, 1962 Ray Charles recorded “I Can't Stop Loving You” at United Studios, located in Hollywood, California. The song would go on to top the US and UK charts, and was included on their LP: "Modern Sounds In Country/Western Music" - which topped the Billboard album chart for 14 weeks. Comment and tell us what you want to hear on @pontikradio and tag your friends. Listen to our radio station 24/7 without ads https://ift.tt/yxpL0fC ⁠ ⁠SAVE this POST so you can read this info again. ⁠------ #pontikradio #hoyenlamusica #thisdayinmusic #todayinmusichistory #oldies #oldiesbutgoodies #oldiesmusic⁠ #music #musica #retromusic #musictime #musiclegend #leyenda #RayCharles #ICantStopLovingYou #BornToLose #ModernSoundsInCountryWesternMusic #ABCRecords #DonGibson #Country #CountryMusic @RayCharles #sixties #singer #idol #celebrity #legend https://ift.tt/6zIaVLk
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