#ic. — open me up and watch the dogs fight.
deadliist · 1 year
hekate is 6'2
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" of course her and iovita both have to be tall. " this is just unfair.
comparing heights , @dcwnrisen
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meangirls-imagines · 7 months
Revenge of the Nerds (but like, hotter)
WARNINGS: none really. y/n kicks shane oman's ass. regina is kinda turned on. regina takes care of reader.
BASED ON THIS REQUEST: @droppedmyhotpocket: For your requests, unless you already have some, you could do Regina with a shy reader that ends up like beating someone up for talking bad abt Gina ☺️ honestly I would do it too like no lie
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Let's start from the beginning.
Y/N Y/L/N and Regina George have been dating practically since seventh grade. The news broke when Jason Weems told the entire school that he saw Regina and Y/N making out by the softball fields.
Regina embraced it, making a show out of kissing Y/N in front of everyone at lunch. From that point on, everyone knew not to mess with Y/N, or they would face Regina's wrath.
Well, almost everyone.
Enter Shane Oman.
Quarterback of the football team. Hottest guy in school. (According to him).
For the longest time, he had pined over Regina. Years even. He was one of the only ones in school that had a problem with Regina and Y/N being a couple. He believed it should've been him.
Y/N wasn't fit for Regina in his eyes. She was a nerd, she didn't talk to anyone but the Plastics. He just didn't get it.
Him and Regina would make the perfect prom king and queen in his eyes and he would do anything to make it happen.
He could never get close to Y/N due to Regina and the plastics always being around her, so he needed to plan. There was only one instance where Y/N was alone, right before lunch. That's when he was going to execute his plan: plant insecurities, make them break up, win Regina.
He had no idea of the shit storm that was about to happen.
Y/N was stood near the entrance to the cafeteria, looking down at her textbook. She was reading an excerpt out of her history book when it was knocked out of her hands.
She sighed and looked up to find Shane Oman standing smugly in front of her. "Can I help you with something Shane?" He scoffed. "Yeah, actually. Stay away from Regina. She doesn't want you." It was Y/N's turn to scoff. "Shane, you come at me with this same argument every week, dude. Let it go."
She reached down to grab her history book but it was kicked away by Shane. "Your guard dog isn't around to help you, nerd. You’re in my territory now." Y/N sighed, standing up straight again. "For the last time, Regina isn't my guard dog." She could feel the rage beginning to boil over.
Shane smirked. "Oh. My bad. She's actually your bitch."
What happened next shocked not only Shane, but the group of students that had gathered to watch the exchange.
Y/N cocked her arm back and swung as hard as she could, clocking Shane in the eye, knocking him on the ground. She proceeded to take advantage of Shane being stunned and began to wildly swing on the boy.
He shook himself out of it and began to fight back, landing a few good (really good) hits on Y/N. Coach Carr happened to be walking down the hall when he saw the commotion. He immediately pushed through the group of students, effectively breaking thought up, dragging the two to Principal Duvall.
Regina George was on a mission. Her combat boots smacking against the vinyl floor of the hallway as she stomped her way to Principal Duvall's office. His secretary opened her mouth to scold the blonde but quickly shut up at her glare.
She barged into the office, startling all three in the room. Her rage increased at the sight of her sweet, teddy bear of a girlfriend nursing a bloody face and a forming black eye. "What did Shane do?" Principal Duvall spoke up. "Ms. George, this doesn't concern you." Regina gave the man her famous ice bitch glare which shut him up.
She softened at the sight of her girlfriend. "What did Shane do?" Shane spoke up. "That bitch needs to be on a leash Regina! She's crazy!" The blonde whipped around, getting in the boy's face.
"The next words that come out of your mouth better be "I'm sorry for ruining your perfect face Y/N" or you will be receiving your meals through a fucking tube for the rest of your pathetic life. Do you understand me?" Shane nodded rapidly, shutting his mouth and remaining silent.
Regina smirked and faced back to Y/N. "What did he do baby?" Her tone was noticeably softer than before. Y/N went through the whole story, explaining how Shane insulted Regina and pushed her over the edge.
Regina took a deep breath and looked at the principal. "So how long is Shane suspended for?" Mr. Duvall stuttered. "Well, Regina. You have to understand, Y/N swung first." The blonde glared. "Shane called me an inappropriate name and shoved my girlfriend. It was self defense."
Duvall stuttered again. Regina held a hand up. "I would hate for my father, who puts a good chunk of his salary into this school, to get word that the principal is allowing LGBTQ+ students to get assaulted for being who they are." She smiled that devilish smile, making Mr. Duvall swallow nervously.
Shane got suspended for a whole week while Y/N just got sent home for the day. Luckily for her, Regina decided to skip and take Y/N to her house. Y/N's parents were notorious for always traveling for work so they were never home. Because of this, Y/N was usually at the George household.
After Regina had treated Y/N's injuries, (and kissed every single one), the couple snuggled up on Regina's huge bed, watching Love Island. Regina was the big spoon tonight, adamantly saying that cuddles will heal Y/N faster.
After a few episodes, Regina noticed that Y/N was fast asleep on her chest. She smiled, setting an alarm for Y/N to take more painkillers before falling asleep herself, dreaming of Shane Oman.....
Getting eaten by lions.
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luvhughes43 · 11 months
ice cream? | dad!quinn hughes
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌙
request: can you write another one like your uncle jack story? i loveddd it!! maybe jack and luke are babysitting quinn’s daughter. i feel like they’d mac and cheese for dinner and both completely struggle doing it. and when it’s bedtime the toddler has a tantrum and they so gentle with her (but also kinda freaking out and don’t know what to do) and end up giving her ice cream and letting her watch a movie with them and she falls asleep on one of them. and quinn and mom come home like really guys?! you let a three year old tell you what to do 
word count: 1.2k
“What are you doing? you don't put the tinfoil bit in the microwave?!” Jack scolded his younger brother Luke as he yanked open the microwave before it set itself on fire. 
Luke stood dumbfounded, “how else are you supposed to cook it?”
the “it” in question being a mini cup of mac and cheese. Quinn thought it would be the safest dinner option and yet…
“Okay, let me do this you go entertain the baby” Jack shoos Luke away and towards an adorable toddler who smiled gummily up at her uncles. 
Luke scoops the little girl up, who giggles all the way to the couch. Luke plops them both down and reaches for the tv remote. 
“Shit!” Jack swears as he rips the microwave open. “Luke! You put in too much water!” 
Luke clicks the volume up on the tv. “You like paw patrol! Yeah, let's watch paw patrol!” Luke cheers to his niece who continues to giggle at her uncle's antics. 
“Doggy!” the little girl shouts as she points at the screen. Luke nods enthusiastically as he tunes out Jack's grumblings from the kitchen. 
15 minutes later, dinner was served.
Luke picked at his plate, “dude…”
“if you say that this is gross i swear…” Jack cut in. 
Before a small fight could break out, both brothers' attention were brought to the little girl in the high chair. “Yummy!” she smiled, lifting up her little plastic spoon and shovelling more of the questionable mac and cheese into her mouth. 
“ha! She likes it!”
“Jack… she's 2.. She was eating canned mashed peas like a month ago,” Luke replies.
Jack scowls. “It's literally your fault that the mac and cheese-”
“Play now!” their niece once again recaptures their attention as she shows them her empty plate. 
Jack gets up from the table and takes his niece out of her high chair.
After an hour of playing, the brothers get a text. 
hughes bros👨‍👨‍👦
quinn: Put my baby to bed now it's getting late. If she gets a little fussy read her another bedtime story she usually falls asleep after two stories. 
“your daddy says it's bedtime!” Jack coos to the little girl sitting in front of him and she immediately starts pouting. 
She throws the bright red block she's holding and yells, “no!”
“Luke, you wanna put her to bed?” Jack asks as he watches the toddler throw a small tantrum. She was rolling around on the floor now, toys long forgotten. 
“No sleep! No sleep!” she repeated, looking up at her uncles with her infamous puppy dog eyes. 
Luke walks over and picks her up off the floor. “Why don't we go read a story! That's so much fun!” Luke exclaims happily and the little girl in his arms continues to frown. 
“yeah let's read a story!” Jack cheers in an attempt to get the young girl to stop pouting. “I love stories!” 
“No!” she shouts again. 
Luke ignores her shouts, and carries her into her bedroom where she continues to pout. “Uncle Jacks going to pick out a really fun book while I get you ready for bed, okay?” 
After 20 minutes of fighting with the young girl, she was finally all ready for bed. As soon as she was in her crib, she immediately settled down and was happy to hear her story. She insisted on both of her uncles reading to her, and by the time they were done the first story she had already drifted off to sleep.
Jack and Luke sat in the living room, both on their phones as they waited for their brother and his wife to return.
“Wow this has been really easy!” Luke joked.
Jack looked over, rolling his eyes. “You almost burnt down the apartment” 
“Yeah but the baby's asleep now so does it really matter?” 
Jack shakes his head, “i’m not even going to reply to that”
“‘ACK! ‘UKE!” the wails of their niece ring out through the quiet apartment.
Both boys look at each other, and then immediately rush into their niece's bedroom. “What's up?” Jack coos, voice soft as he approaches the little girl with tears streaming down her face.
The little girl continues to cry. She stands up by the edge of the crib and holds her arms out to her uncles. Luke takes the hint and lifts the girl out of her crib and into his arms. 
“No sleep” she whispers against her uncle Luke's chest and both boys stare blankly at each other.
“But you have to go to sleep,” Luke tries, but the girl shakes her head. 
“No!” she cries. 
The cries only get worse, so Jack has the brilliant idea of feeding the girl some ice cream.
“Two year olds can have ice cream right?” he asks as he pulls the large tub out of his older brother's freezer. 
Luke nods, “yeah i'm sure vanilias safe for kids”  he shrugs the shoulder that his niece is not laying against. 
“You want some ice cream?” Jack asks as he holds a baby spoon up with a tiny bit of ice cream. The girl eagerly nods and reaches one hand out for the spoon.
The boys move to the couch, the little girl sat between them with her little bowl of ice cream in her lap. A movie softly plays in the background, lulling the girl to sleep with her hand in her ice cream bowl and head pressed against her uncle jack. 
At the sound of the front door unlocking, both boys sit upright. “Shit! Don't wake her up!” Luke whisper-shouts as he stands up and starts clearing off the coffee table. There was ice cream everywhere, courtesy of the sleeping 2 year old clinging to Jack's side. 
“Take her bowl!” Jack whispers as he tries to lift the baby's hand out of the sticky bowl. 
“You gave my daughter ice cream before bed?” Quinn questions, surveying the messy kitchen and living room. 
Luke, hands full of the incriminating ice cream bowls, shrugs. “She’s teething?” he says, but it comes out more of a question.
“My baby's teething? Are her molars coming through?” your worried voice drifts through the apartment as you step inside. 
Jack and Luke both speak at the same time. 
“Right… okay i’ll take my baby back now!” Quinn speaks. When he reaches down to lift his daughter up though, he sees her ice cream coated hands. Quinn doesn't have to say anything.
“Right well! This was really nice so…"Jack trails off when Quinn finally has his daughter in his arms. She was asleep, so what did it really matter if she had some ice cream? 
“Yeah! I’ll see you next time!” Luke says, retreating into the guest bedroom. 
“Yeah, what he said! It's been great!” Jack mimics Luke.
“You're cleaning this up tomorrow,” Quinn's voice is fully in dad mode as he looks around the messy room. 
Jack nods enthusiastically before bidding the small family his goodnights. 
“Thank you for babysitting!” you whisper yell, which Jack responds with a quick thumbs up. 
A second later the guest bedroom door is clicked shut and Quinn and you are left standing in your quiet living room. 
“They're never babysitting again” Quinn sighs, looking down at his daughter who was covered in ice cream. 
“No, they're not” you sigh, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to your daughter's forehead. “Letting a 2 year old tell them what to do… you got those boys wrapped around your finger!” you whisper to your little girl.
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2hightocare · 6 months
PLAYFIGHTS! kuwtb au…
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꩜ masterlist series! small drabble that I won’t finish🎀
a/n: had to get into eunbis’ nd taes’ rivalry… this is more family oriented than oc nd kook💌
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"Iseul, come here with Auntie Eunbi. Come, come," Eunbi coos, arms outstretched. "Princess, come here with your favorite uncle in the world," Taehyung coos from the opposite side, trying to vie for Iseul's attention.
"She does not fuck with y'all," Jimin laughs from the ground, engrossed in playing with Ye joon. Lego pieces of every color scatter the floor in front of them. Taehyung and Eunbi gasp, "Are they still fighting over Iseul's attention?" Jia asks, joining Jimin and Ye joon on the ground, picking up legos and stacking them.
"I'll get you anything you want, baby," Eunbi tries again, sending Taehyung a mocking face, which he returns. "I'll buy you ice cream, Seul," Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows, sending Iseul into a fit of giggles. "Who's winning?" Jungkook shouts from the kitchen.
"Me!!" Taehyung shouts back, clapping his hands. "Eunbi, ask her if she wants French fries," you shout with a laugh, making Jungkook laugh beside you. "Iseul, do you want french fries? I'll give you all of them," Eunbi says, scooting closer to her, Iseul's eyes immediately widening before crawling to her godmother with a giggle.
"That's cheating!" Taehyung falls to the ground while everyone cheers for Eunbi, who's laughing and spinning Iseul in her arms.
"I'm retiring as the godfather," Taehyung declares, running a hand over his face, amusement clear in his voice as he watches Iseul giggle in her godmother's arms. "I know you're mad as hell," Eunbi pokes Taehyung while he playfully shoos the two girls away.
Jungkook laughs beside you as you wash the dirty dishes everyone just ate from. "You're a little cheater," he whispers into your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, laying his chin on your shoulder.
"They didn't set rules beforehand," you shrug, feeling yourself melt into his embrace. "You're right, baby, you're so right," he leaves a kiss on your cheek before slapping your ass with a mischievous smirk, picking up a plate beside you— helping you.
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"Ahh, no!" You quickly pick up Ye joon as Jiho bursts out laughing.
"What!" Taehyung and Ari stand up off the couch, rushing to your side as you try to open Ye joon's mouth with your hand. "He ate Bam's food," Jiho wheezes, crouching and holding his stomach from laughter.
"His breath gon stink," Yoongi laughs, watching you and the parents of the child whose breath is about to stink try to open his mouth to take out the food. Ye joon finally gives up and spits the dog food into your palm with a giggle.
"Bammy's food!" Ye joon claps his hands as Ari takes him from your arms. "Menace like his dad, I'm afraid," Eunbi mutters, earning a side-eye from the dad himself. "Baby, permission to tackle a woman," Taehyung looks at his wife, who laughs, "Permission denied," Ari snorts before walking to the kitchen sink where you are already standing, washing the nasty chewed-up dog kibble off your palm.
"Trust me, when my wife gives me permission, it's on sight," Taehyung pushes Eunbi's head backward, earning a swat on the chest.
"The girls are fighting," Jia shouts, popping a gummy into her mouth with a smile. "My girl is going to win," Yoongi laughs, staring at his wife beside his best friend as they argue about the dumbest thing possible on earth. Taehyung and Eunbi's rivalry started right after Iseul was born, each trying so hard to one-up the other on who Iseul might like more.
They had their moments where they could have a regular conversation and actually agree with each other, but it was more regular what was happening at the moment. "Let's go, I'll rock your shit," Eunbi says, amusement clear on her face. Before she could swing, Jungkook pulls Eunbi by her arm and pushes her to her husband on the couch, who’s watching everything go down with the biggest smile.
"Let her get up, let her get up, let her get up," Hobi joins in with a laugh, which gets him swatted by Jia who shushes him.
"Nobody is fighting anyone," your husband gives Eunbi and Taehyung a look which has them rolling their eyes. Taehyung gives up and drops beside Hobi on the couch. "Good boy," Jungkook says, shooting him a wink which has everyone gagging.
"How does YN go through that every day? I can't," Eunbi fake gags, nuzzling her head into Yoongi's neck.
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billkaulitzwife · 1 month
The Outsiders Nowadays (in 2024).
Ponyboy (born 2010)
on playstation 24/7
his username is smth stupid like ‘smokersleftlung’ or ‘mylittlep0ny’
“wya?” when ur at his door
noah kahan lover
jeans, steel toe boots, camo shirt, neon orange jacket.
would try to get his friends to read
but gets called a dork :)
“Something in the Orange” on full blast while thinking of Cherry
posts horrendous .5s of himself on snap
typa guy to hold a fish on his instagram
favourite show is probably yellowstone
Johnny (born 2008)
loves open boxing the gang !
sad he has an xbox and not ps like the boys
HATES fortnite.
unironically says skibidi gyat
“hey dal, look at that furry over there.”
its just some kid.
foster care.
dallas would add him on snap and getting annoyed when he said “wyll”
has a stupid bow by his name
like bro you are not coquette.
cries to wlw poetry.
snap user: “ooh_achurch” insta: “cadecade55”
used :3 once and never did it again.
watched friends and says “hes so me” whenever he sees ross.
Dallas (born 2007)
typa guy to yell GYATTT in public
barks at emos and furries
vapes in the school bathroom
would call you a slur for looking at him for more than a second.
mullet + perm combo
jumped a 7 year old and got on the news
male manipulator core
owns a husky named after himself
knife enthusiast.
screams at his dad for ten more minutes on the playstation
“do u send?”
no i do not thank you very much.
suicide boys. lil peep.
thinks he’s dean from supernatural
same username everywhere: “imnottexan”
fav show: big mouth
Adelaide (born 2010)
regina george but on a mental level
arsonist !
had a friend group with “bug” “kai” “arson” and “alex” in 2021 and nearly khs.
almost thought she was bi.
fought a girl in the locker room at school
takis, cookie monster pajama pants, latina makeup
SABRINA AND CHAPPELL LOVER, used to be a swiftie
sturniolo triplet fan (owns all of space camp)
buys clothes from shein
usernames: “addiethebaddie” “adelaidecurtis”
fav show wld be shameless
grew up on spongebob and bubble guppies
writes poetry in her notes app
Darry (born 2004)
“live laugh love” sign somewhere in the house
“Doesn’t know how to text normally .”
has a pinterest board full of pumpkins and dogs
invested in the kardashians
the therapist friend
facetimes the gang when he’s on lunch break
doesnt understand what skibidi is
blasts dad rock when he drops off the twins at school
duct taped two-bit to the top of his car during freshman kill week
did the same to steve
class of ‘22
lowk eats up lana del rey
hates twitter and instagram
username: “darrel_curtis”
believes in angel numbers (me too king)
has a picture of him holding a fish on his instagram to ‘attract the females’
Sodapop (born 2008)
owned wizz for less than a day
trolled little kids on roblox with steve
saw too many… things on omegle.
scrolls on tiktok for hours.
usernames: “thispxssytasteslikepepsi” “sodap0p08”
binges twilight in hiding
also barks at emos and furries
laughs at any kinda fart joke
showed pony a picture of a horse and said “found u online”
they fought.
threatened to break the tv when he couldn’t play slime rancher for three hours
turns his life360 off when he goes out with sandy or to a car show
Two-Bit (born 2006)
broke four controllers when he played seige
trolls on fortnite
finally fucking finished high school (class of ‘24)
ice cream scoop hair
binges bojack horseman
bo burnham’s biggest fan
made a huge deal when the queen died
refused to wear a mask during quarantine because ‘ITS FOR SISSIES’
preaches the second amendment “MERICAAA”
username: “twobit”
sends random memes in the gc when the others are fighting
hates xbox users
complains about adelaide using shein
“tummy hurty” posts on his insta story
would slap the shit out of you if you said seige was just a game
Steve (born 2007)
trolls on dti
eats goldfish like his life depends on it
username: “handletherandle”
also preaches the second amendment
and the first
and the fifth
went on a school trip to dc and hated everything he had to eat
doordashes when he has enough
wld call you a slur for a GOOD reason
avid minecraft player
and overwatch.
mountain dew addict
reposts politics and cars on twitter
hates minion memes
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makeitmingi · 8 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 13]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
When Yunho's phone rang while he was gaming, he quickly glanced over, thinking it was one of his friends or his family members. But when he saw your name, his eyes widened as he threw his headphones to the side.
"H-Hello?" He cleared his throat.
"Hey, are you busy?"
"Uh, nope! Not at all, totally free, not doing anything!" Yunho replied. I mean, he was mid game with Yeosang and San but that didn't count as being 'busy'. He heard you laugh on the other end.
"I made food. Want to come over and eat?"
"C-Come over? As in, to your house? A-And eat?" Yunho's eyes nearly bulged out of his face.
"Yes...? Where else would I mean when I say 'come over'? Are you okay? You're acting weird. There's no obligation, Yunho. If you're busy, that's fine."
"No! I'm free! I-I mean, I'm fine." He replied, slapping a hand over his mouth. The more he talked, the more he was embarrassing himself.
"Alright...? I'll send you my address. Come over whenever you're available."
You hung up just like that. Yunho pulled the device away from his ear, staring at his phone in surprise, as if what just happened was a dream. But the notification sound made him jump, a sign that it was very real. It was a text from you with your address. He totally ignored Yeosang and San calling for him in game.
"Hey guys. I've got to go." He said absentmindedly and left the game, leaving the two to fight the enemies on their own. Yunho suddenly shot out of his seat.
"I have to get ready." The first thing he did was jump into the shower so he would smell fresh.
"What should I get?" Yunho dried his hair, his other hand scrolling on his phone.
He wanted to bring some sort of gift since it is his first time going to your place and he didn't want to show up empty handed. Yunho usually brings food but you're a chef, what can he bring?
"Wine?" He stood in front of his wine fridge. There wasn't much, all these bottles were gifted by his father.
"No, I shouldn't just give alcohol." He scratched his head.
"Jeong Yunho! Don't waste time." He slapped his cheeks, realising how much time he was wasting deliberating over this. After rummaging through his cabinets, he finally picked something. He stuffed it into a paper bag and left.
You wiped your hands on your tea towel and went to open the door for Yunho to come in. You left the door open for him to take his time to remove his shoes and went back to the stove.
"Pardon my intrusion." Yunho said, removing his shoes at the doorway. He walked in and was amazed by your house.
"Close your mouth, flies might go in." You chuckled as you moved around the kitchen.
"Wow. This kitchen might be bigger than the one at the restaurant..." Yunho said. He had never been in a house where the kitchen took up most of the main space.
"That's physically impossible." You scoffed a laugh as Yunho slid onto one of the bar stools, watching you cook.
"Oh! I brought this for you. Thank you for having me over." Yunho held the paper bag out with a bow. You shot him a questioning look.
"You're oddly formal... There's no need for gifts." You said.
"I wanted to. I noticed that you prefer drinking cold brew coffee over iced americanos... I brought my favourite brand of cold brew coffee packs for you to try." Yunho explained. He watched as your expression morphed from surprised to one of interest. You received the paper bag and looked at the contents.
"Thanks, I really appreciate this. I do love cold brew, didn't think you noticed." You said, studying the cold brew packs, intrigued and excited to try them in due time.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Yunho offered, pulling up the sleeves of his sweater.
"No need. It's almost done." You said.
"Your kitchen is really nice." Yunho complimented. You had carefully curated each part of your kitchen, from the tiling to the table top materials. You wanted it to be your dream kitchen.
"Thank you. It took a while to save up enough and piece everything together but I'm happy with it." You said.
"Is everything marble?" Yunho asked, smoothing his hands against the counter top.
"These are granite. The main island here is marble since I work pastry on the marble." You explained. Yunho got off his seat and came into the kitchen space.
"Give me a kitchen tour!" Yunho grinned. Lowering the flame, you stepped away from the stove and began to explain the kitchen details to Yunho. Even if he didn't really understand what some things meant, he still listened intently and with interest.
"La Cornue is a good brand, I'm assuming?" Yunho laughed. You nodded your head.
"It's a very good brand." You said, referencing your range cooker. Your time suddenly beeped, making the both of you jump. Moving Yunho aside, you took the large pot out of the oven.
"Ooh." Yunho looked on curiously. When you opened the lid, Yunho sniffed the air, leaning over to peek at the contents.
"I don't know what that is but it looks and smells so good." Yunho said, making you laugh.
"This is short rib bourguignon. You mentioned one of your favourite foods is galbi jjim (Korean braised beef short ribs). I wanted you to try the French version." You explained.
"Mmm, I like the sound of that." Yunho grinned excitedly.
"You can pair it with mashed potatoes or pasta. I have both. The mash has roasted garlic in it." You informed.
"Is it okay if I have both?" He asked shyly. Honestly, both options sounded so good to him. You nodded and plated it up for him, giving him two plates of food, one with the fresh pasta and the other with roasted garlic mashed potatoes. Yunho watched in awe as you effortlessly lifted the bone and the meat fell off.
"The beef is so soft that it's falling off the bone." He said. You nodded, putting the bones aside. After fixing yourself a portion with fresh pasta, you sat with Yunho to eat.
"The meat doesn't even taste like meat. It melts when you eat it. And the sauce is so rich!" Yunho let out little sounds of happiness.
"I'm glad you like it." You said, taking a bite of your food.
"I love it! I don't think I can ever choose my favourite dish that you've cooked but for now, this is the best. Can't believe I'm saying it's better than that sandwich you gave me the other time." He said.
"Really? You like this better than the reuben sandwich?" You teased him. He nodded his head vigorously.
"So how is this French version different?" Yunho asked.
"You brown the short ribs first to get colour and flavour then you add red wine, stock and vegetables. Traditionally, following its name, you use Burgundy wine. You basically want to cook it really slow to break the meat down." You explained to him.
"To give added flavour, I roasted bone marrow too. You put it in a hot oven until it becomes soft and melty then you can use a spoon and scrape it in. Fancy places serve it with bread." You informed.
"You eat it like butter?" Yunho's eyes were wide.
"Yeah. I'll let you try it on its own next time." You said with a small smile. Yunho's heart warmed at the prospect of next time.
"I never knew other cuisines had something similar to galbi jjim." Yunho noted.
"Every cuisine has their own version of a dish. The premise of this is similar to galbi jjim, in which you stew beef ribs for a long time but the flavours are so different." You said.
"Thank you for introducing this to me. I always learn a lot about food from you." Yunho smiled softly, his cheeks blushing a light pink.
"I ramble a lot when food or cooking is the topic. You have to tell me if I go overboard." You waved him off.
"Never. You make learning about food fun and I, now, know there's such a big world of food out there that I've never known about before." Yunho shook his head in denial of your words with a kind smile. Yunho felt like he could listen to you talk for hours and he would never get tired of it.
"These mashed potatoes are really smooth. I can taste other flavours in there." Yunho said, scooping a bit of plain mashed potatoes to taste it on its own.
"Besides roasted garlic, I infused the milk cream mixture with some thyme and rosemary. And instead of using a regular masher, I used a potato ricer, giving a fluffier mash." You told him.
"Do you just put garlic in the oven? It's not a harsh garlic taste, it's mellow and nutty." He asked.
"You cut off the top to expose the cloves then drizzle oil and salt over. Wrap it up and toss it into the oven until soft and gooey."
"Can you teach me how to make it some day? My brother loves mashed potatoes and I would want him to try some." Yunho requested, giving you puppy eyes.
"Sure." You agreed.
"Would you like seconds?" You noticed his empty bowls.
"Can I?" His eyes lit up. You nodded with a small laugh, rounding the counter to go get him another portion with mashed potatoes. He seemed to prefer that pairing over pasta. You poured sparkling water into two glasses, squeezing lime wedges in.
"Here. To cut the greasiness." You placed the glass down on the counter. You realised you were probably not a very good host, not offering him a drink the moment he entered.
The only people that you had over were Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho. And they were familiar enough to help themselves to anything in your house.
"I'm not a very good host. I don't usually have people over. So just help yourself to anything you need, okay?" You sighed.
"(y/n), don't say that. Just be comfortable. I'm grateful you invited me here and are feeding me." He smiled.
"Mmm..." You hummed.
"But me being here, does this mean we're friends?" Yunho brought up, a hopeful glint in his eyes. You turned to look at him oddly, you tilted your head.
"Are we not already friends?" You asked, not hiding how puzzled you were. Yunho's eyes widened slowly.
"Ah! I-I mean we are! I just- I thought it would be rude of me to assume! S-So I just asked..." His voice slowly died down as you left him flustered, stuttering and stumbling over his words. His ears turned red and a small pout appeared on his lips as he turned away from you to hide.
"You're fun to tease, Yunho." You laughed. Yunho pursed his lips before he burst out laughing as well. His heart felt warm, you had already thought of him as a friend.
"But in all honesty, I'm not exactly a fun person to be friends with." You shrugged.
"Why do you say that?"
"I'm not outgoing, I don't trust people easily, I'd rather keep to myself or live in my own head." You said with a slightly bitter chuckle, as if those words had been thrown at you by someone else before.
"I don't think those are bad things, (y/n). Those aren't negatives, nothing to be ashamed of." Yunho said.
"I never said I was ashamed." You raised an eyebrow.
"Now I know you're really messing with me." He pouted. You couldn't help but laugh again, reaching out to pat his head. Your eyes widened when you realised what you were doing.
"Sorry!" You pulled away immediately. This was the second time this has happened.
"N-No! Don't apologise. I don't mind it, really. " Yunho smiled softly. It brought him some sort of pride that your subconscious mind was relaxed around him to the point where you just naturally made physical contact with him.
"Do I remind you of a dog? Because Hongjoong hyung and San said I remind them of one, an overly excited one." He tilted his head, tapping his chin.
"Like an adorable golden retriever puppy." You said.
"You think I'm adorable?" He beamed. Of course that was the only thing Yunho picked up.
"I... Never mind." You chewed on your bottom lip. Yunho chuckled at how you avoided the conversation, looking away. You stood up and brought your empty bowl to the sink.
"Can I help you do the dishes? It's the least I can do since you made me such a delicious meal." Yunho offered, standing up as well.
"If you're going to go on about how I'm a guest and you can't let me do that, save it. Because I am stubborn and won't listen." He pointed his nose up.
"Fine. Just put it on the rack when you're done." You sighed in defeat. Yunho nodded with a victorious grin. While you brought the dishes to the back for him to wash, you wiped down the counters, the stove and the island where you were working earlier. You put the leftovers in a container, storing them in the fridge.
"Umm, Yunho. I hope you don't think I was insulting you by saying you remind me of a puppy. I didn't mean to call you a dog." You suddenly said, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Of course I don't think that way, (y/n). Don't forget, you called me adorable." Yunho said.
"Right..." You sighed.
"Plus, Hongjoong hyung and San call me an overly excited dog too. I don't think it's offensive. Dogs are cute, loyal and friendly, all good traits." He shrugged.
"I guess that's one way to look at it..." You mumbled but Yunho heard you.
"Hang on. Turn to me." You instructed. Yunho held his wet hands up, careful not the drip water all over your floors.
"Bend down a little." You waved him closer to you. Gently, you hooked the apron over his head, reaching around his waist to tie the strings in a knot. Yunho's eyes widened at your close proximity, you were practically hugging him.
"There, so your clothes don't get wet from the washing." You said as you pulled away. Yunho was frozen for 2 seconds, his cheeks and ears were red.
"T-Thanks." He stuttered before turning back to do the dishes.
"You should sit! Take a break from cooking today. I can manage." Yunho insisted.
"I don't think it's nice to leave you here on your own though. Especially since you're doing my dishes for me." You clicked your tongue.
"It's fine! And the couch is right there, you're not leaving me." He said. Yunho actually just wanted some space alone to collect himself. He loves hugs, yet he has never felt so flustered by one before.
"Alright... If you insist." You went to sit at the couch. Yunho exhaled softly, he knew you didn't mean to hug him but he didn't know why he was feeling so lost.
"Oh, hey Hwa." He heard you speak, you must be on the phone with Seonghwa. Although Yunho tried his best not the eavesdrop, there wasn't much you were saying to Seonghwa. You mainly let out acknowledging hums and 'yes's. Yunho also noticed that you didn't mention that he was here.
Was it something that was important to mention to Seonghwa? Yunho didn't know. But it wasn't his place to say anything. He was here as a guest, a grateful, well-fed guest.
"I'll see you tomorrow... Woo is picking me so I'll see you at the restaurant... Goodnight." You hung up.
"Yunho, you don't have to wash everything. Just the plates will do. I'll do the rest later or tomorrow." You said from your spot on the couch.
"It's fine, (y/n)! It's really not much." He replied, continuing to help you wash your cooking spoons, saucepans and prep bowls. He knew he shouldn't wash your knife.
"I'll just leave your knife to the side!" He said, he didn't want to risk ruining your knife.
"Yeah, leave that. I'll wash that on my own." You told him.
"All done." Yunho wiped his hands, removing the apron and hanging it onto the hook by the side of the fridge.
"Thanks, Yunho." You smiled. He excused himself to use the restroom and you gave him directions on which door. The hallway was dark but Yunho managed to find his own way there without accidentally stumbling into the wrong room.
"Geez, Yunho ah. What was that?" He asked his reflection, slapping his cheeks.
"It wasn't even a real hug..." He mumbled. After using the restroom, Yunho splashed his cheeks with cold water, wiping his hands with a tissues before exiting.
"(y/n)." Yunho called but there was no reply. Emerging from the hallway, he saw you fast asleep on the couch.
"(y/n)?" He called out to you softly. You didn't budge or move at all, you were really asleep. He approached you with light steps.
Yunho carefully leaned down, taking in your sleeping form. You looked so peaceful. But there was a small frown on your face. Yunho used his thumb to gently ease the tension between your brows.
Fortunately, you didn't wake up. You just relaxed, the frown on your face disappearing thanks to him.
"Blanket..." He spotted the folded throw blanket on the other side of the couch and unfolded it, draping it over you and tucking you in.
"You must have been tired." He said with a soft sigh, sitting in front of the couch. Now, he felt guilty that you cooked to the point where you tired yourself out. Reaching out, he moved your hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ears so it wouldn't tickle you and bother you while you slept.
Now that Yunho could see your face much closer, he realised how different you looked, compared to when you were working at the restaurant.
There, you were so cool, a confident leader that instructed your team with charisma and finesse, leaving people in awe.
Now, you looked so vulnerable that Yunho had the urge to hug you and protect you. But he wouldn't take advantage of you like that while you were asleep.
'Thank you for the wonderful, delicious meal. Sorry for tiring you out so much! I didn't want to leave you on the couch but I also didn't want to assume which was your bedroom and move you.
Thanks again for having me over, I had a great time. Let's do this again! I'll see you tomorrow at the restaurant. Goodnight, (y/n).
- Yunho'
When he was done writing, Yunho placed the sticky note on the counter table. He grabbed his coat and walked back to where you were asleep.
"Goodnight, (y/n)." He wished in a whisper and wore his shoes before quietly leaving your apartment and going home.
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softpascalito · 10 months
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Peluda - Javier Peña x Reader
Summary: A snowstorm hits Bogotá and you bring back a surprise visitor. Javi is not amused. But, it leads to a realization about himself- and about you.
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Relationships: Javier Peña x F!Reader WC: 1700 Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Emotional, Nicknames, Soft Javier Peña (Narcos), Sweet Javier Peña (Narcos), Healthy Relationships, Fights (blink and youll miss it), Snow, Blizzards & Snowstorms, This kitten is DEA Read on AO3 full advent calendar (updated daily)
notes: okay listen i am AWARE that bogotá does not get snow like this but this is my fanfiction and what i say is law so there is snow now.
Thick snowflakes swirl around you, the ice crunching under your feet as your gaze flies over the windows of the building down the street. As you get closer, you can see it clearly, light spilling out from the right window on the ground floor. He's home.
You slip twice before you reach the house, hurrying past the parked cars and up the small flight of stairs that is also glazed over with ice, keeping your head down and your coat wrapped tightly around your body. When you reach the front door, you fumble with your keys for a moment, your hands shaking from both the cold and the adrenaline.
A curse escapes your lips as the bundle of keys falls down and you lean forward to grab it before settling for the doorbell instead of giving it another try. It's mere seconds until the door buzzes open and you push yourself into the dimly lit hallway of the apartment building. The wind howls around you, even after the large door has fallen shut, seemingly finding a way through the cracks around it.
His door is slightly ajar, brown hair and a pink shirt poking out at the side of it. You practically storm towards him and you can tell by the way he flexes his arm that he's holding his gun, carefully checking who is showing up on his doorstep this late at night.
“It's me, calm down,” you brush him off as you reach the door and all but push yourself inside. Javier steps back, staring at you for a moment. His voice is a little lower than usual, which in your experience means one of two things. He's horny or he's mad. Occasionally a bit of both.
“Are you crazy, going out in this weather? I was worried sick.”
Mad it is.
You barely look at him as you shake your head, “I just wanted to get some more bread, we were out again and I didn’t know if the stores might close-” His gaze is on your face for a moment, resting on your slightly reddened cheeks, the slowly melting snowflakes that decorate both your hair and your coat. 
But that is what he stumbles over- the coat. Your arms are wrapped around yourself and the thick fabric is drawn over a lump that definitely does not belong to your body.
“What did you get?” Javier tucks the front of the coat down just as you turn away, sending a glare into his direction, “Don't scare it.”
“It?” Javi asks and you can practically see his brain going haywire as he tries to figure out what you’re talking about. The agent is so goddamn smart when it comes to tracking down informants and exposing cartel members but the most normal conclusions sometimes seem like a mystery to him.
His furrowed brows relax slightly when you peel the coat off yourself carefully and he is left staring at a trembling ball of fur in your arms. Very dirty, brown fur.
“Oh hermosa-” He starts but you shake your head before he even has the chance to complain. Bogotá has more than a few stray cats and dogs but so far, he has managed to keep you from taking any of them home.
“She was all alone, Javi, in the snow. She would’ve frozen to death,” you mumble. As if to confirm your story, the kitten gives a small, strangled noise and you hum quietly. Javier follows you into the bathroom, watching with crossed arms as you place the animal in the bathtub and begin to run the water, adjusting the temperature with one hand. The cat trashes around slightly, clearly uncomfortable with the cold porcelain below her and the attention of not one but two humans. Her claws strike your hand, making you curse as a thin trail of blood runs down your fingers.
“What are you doing?” Javier asks in a low voice, clearly exasperated. But you're not exactly calm either, your own hands still cold from the snow and now stinging slightly from where the cat has struck you. 
“I’m taking a bath,” you say with a roll of your eyes, voice dripping with irony. “I’m cleaning the fucking cat, Javi, what does it look like?!”
You don't need to see his face to know you're not the only one in the bathroom who looks like they've been struck. There's a small shuffle next to you as Javi closes the door behind himself and then kneels down beside you with a low groan, “Okay, how do we do this?”
A weak smile spreads over your face as you bring both hands back to the cat that has by now joined in on the conversation, audibly meowing up at both of you as you gently stroke its back, “I'll hold her, you run the water and get some soap.”
He does as told, filling the tub up just a bit so that the small animal can still stand. To your surprise, she doesn't seem to mind the water as much as a cat should. In fact, she almost seems to enjoy the warmth of it around her small paws. 
Javier seems to pick up on it too, “I thought cats don't like baths.”
“I guess not all of them?” You offer as he hands you the bar of soap and you begin to gently run it over the matted fur below your hands.
“Are we sure it's a cat?”
His voice is so serious that you can't help but laugh as you elbow his side, “Javi-”
“I'm just saying, hermosa. It could be a- an oddly shaped, brown raccoon.”
It does not turn out to be an oddly shaped raccoon. As the dirt comes off, layer after layer, staining the once white tub a gentle brown, it doesn't even turn out to be a brown cat.
The orange fur is dripping wet, making the small thing look even more pitiful than it had when you had spotted it hiding from the snow below a bench. At least the attempts to further scratch you have died down, the cat seemingly content to be warmed up and cared for.
“Hold on, I'll get a bigger towel,” you mumble and head to the small cabinet in the hallway. As you grab a well-worn one and pull it out, you hear a low voice coming from the bathroom, one that makes your head turn and hold still as you peek past the door frame.
“You're still shaking, peluda,” Javi whispers, crouched over the tub to gently brush his fingers through the dripping fur, no doubt not realizing you can hear him, “We’ll get you nice and warm, don't you worry.” A tiny meow comes as reply and he tuts softly, “Todavía no estoy seguro si eres un gato. You may fool her but not me. I'm an agent, you know? I can see right-” He punctuates his words with a soft, gentle pat on the cat's head, “- through - you.”
Your heart feels like it's about to jump out of your chest. You've never heard Javi talk to anyone so gently, anyone except yourself. And even then, it's usually reserved for when you're alone, tucked away in bed in the dark, tracing the skin of the person beside you.
A few minutes later you're seated in the living room, the tiny cat wrapped in a big towel on your lap as Javier hands you a baby bottle filled with some milk - both borrowed from the Murphy’s upstairs, who had both been equally confused when Javi had shown up on their doorstep to ask for both.
“Come on, peluda,” you reassure the kitten gently, repeating the nickname Javi used for her earlier, and very carefully, she begins to drink. The taste of the lukewarm milk seems to agree with her because after a few moments, the small sucks on the bottle becomes more eager and silence falls over the apartment, only interrupted by the small noises of the furball on your lap.
Javier is still standing in the open kitchen, watching as you feed the animal, occasionally reassuring her with a gentle pat or a different angle of the bottle.
He swallows, trying to get the realization that his head is producing back down into his stomach, the scenarios running in front of his eyes away from the surface. But there is no un-knowing the things he knows, no way to get rid of them.
He wants children.
It's not a possibility, not in Colombia, not with the cartel so close. Maybe it won't be one for a few years to come, until things are more quiet, until he has fixed everything he needs to fix. Including himself.
But as he watches you, the ever-growing wish settles in his throat, placing itself dangerously close to his mouth. Javi swallows again. He doesn't want it to slip out. Not yet, anyway.
He stands there, content to just watch as the cat eagerly takes one sip after another until the bottle is empty and the ball of orange fur purrs gently as it settles onto your knees, eyes already drooping.
Your voice is quiet as you urge him to come closer and with a small sigh, Javi settles down next to you, his arm automatically wrapping around your shoulder. He doesn't realize how close the picture of the three of you is to what he might have in a few years, minus a round stomach or a non-furry little companion on your lap. It's okay. He can wait.
“Can she stay?” You almost beg, your eyes finally leaving the kitten in front of you to wander to Javi instead. He sighs softly, both of you looking at each other. Then, his gaze leaves your face.
Brown puppy eyes meet green kitten eyes. They look at each other for a moment. Then Javi nods, “Yeah. She can stay.”
notes: shoutout to the person on my discord who said "funny, normally javi is happy to see a pussy" (i love you) also: do not give kittens cow milk (unless theyre starving and theres a snowstorm i guess?) idk this is no vetinary advice, google that shit if you ever bring home a kitten to your dea agent husband.
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All We Need - Part 8 - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
A/N: Here is Part 8! I am hoping to have one last part to be put up soon! As always feedback is welcome and request are always welcome!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, spoilers for the mission in the movie, naval inaccuracies.
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Mav’s POV
I watched as Iceman left the control room, I can only imagine to go and find Hangman. I however a, frozen thinking of Rooster and Athena, having to explain it to our families that they weren’t coming home. I wasn’t sure how long I was sat there but I could feel Hondos gaze on me every now. He announced that the other to plans had landed I stood up and walked to the flight deck. Looking around I saw Ice and Jake still sitting near the landing gear of his plane and Coyote was still sitting in the cockpit of his plane, Fanboy, Payback, Bob and Phoenix pop their canopies open, unlike the other Phoenix doesn’t wait before sliding out of her plane as soon as she hits the tarmac I watch as she drops to her knees, I go to move to her but am beaten by Hangman jumping up running to her taking her into his arms as both of them let out sobs. I cannot hear when Phoenix is saying but I can hear Hangman trying his best to comfort her. I see behind them Fanboy, Payback, Bob and Coyote all with tears from their eyes as Payback explains to the others what transpired out in the field. Iceman comes up next to me putting a hand on my shoulder.
“How are you holding up Mav?”
“What are we going to do Ice? We lost both of them.” Ice just sniffles in response, “How are we going to tell Zeus, Sarah, Y/M/N, Penny that their kids aren’t going to come home?”
“I don’t know Mav, I really don’t, she was the closest thing I had to a daughter and now she is gone.” I turn and hug Ice as we hear boots hitting the tarmac heavily. We spin to see Hondo looking out of breath and a wide smile confusing all of us and catching the attention of the dagger squad behind us.
“It is Rooster…..He is supersonic….In a F14.” Hondo stutters.
“Rooster can’t fly an F14 Sir.” Pheonix says from behind before Ice speaks.
“No but Athena can, I taught her.”
There is a look of shock on everyones face before Bob speaks, “So what can we do, we have to be able to go out and help them?”
“They don’t know anything other than he is supersonic, in the F14 headed back to the carrier, so for now we stand fast and wait for further details.” Hondo response.
“So we do nothing, that’s your answer!” Bob yells shocking everyone as he throws his helmet, Fanboy and Coyote putting a hand on his shoulder, Bob had just said what everyone else was thinking just no-one expected Bob to be the one to say it. Ice mutters that he is going make to the control room to know what is happening before he stops as a radio transmissions all of a sudden being heard through the radio in the plane we were next to.
“Comanche this is Dagger Two do you copy?” We hear Roosters voice.
“Go a head Dagger 2.”
“Athena and I are airborne heading northeast, we have had company.”
“Dagger two, repeat?”
“Two contacts were following us, no we are heading back to the ship, our plane is damaged, very damaged. I am going to keep an open line of communication ” I smile at the use of the word ‘were’ knowing they won a dog fight against to better planes.
“Roger Dagger Two.”
“WHERE IS IT ROOSTER, TALK TO ME!” There is a collective sigh of release hearing Athena’s voice but we all note the panic in it as well.
“I can’t see him Athena, he is a ghost.”
“No he isn’t…..he is on our nose.”
Without hesitation Jake grabs his helmet from the deck and runs to his jet, pushing through some of the deck crew trying to stop him, saying he is not cleared for take off, before Ice or myself can give the order to let him go we hear Cyclone yell from behind.
“Hangman, bring them home!” Indirectly giving the all clear order, with a quick salute Jake’s plane launches off the carrier as he turns to head in the direction of the coordinated Rooster is yelling through the comms.
We all turn back to the radio as we listen to Rooster and Athena fighting for their lives.
“We are all out of flares Athena!”
“Rooster when we are high enough grab those handles and pull as hard as you can. Make sure the canopy is clear and eject”
“Athena I can’t leave you.”
“Yes you can and you will that is a direct order! You need to eject!” There was silence before we hear Athena yell again, “Rooster EJECT!!”
“The handle is broken I can’t eject Athena.”
“I’m sorry Mav.” I feel my heart drop, with what was possibly her last sentence she was still apologising for not protecting Rooster for . Now we all sit there and pray Hangman gets to them in time.
I wasn’t sure how we managed to pull off a dog fight with two superior enemy aircrafts, you let out a breath though when you hear Rooster confirm the second kill turning back onto course to the ship. I smile as I hear Rooster finally get ahold of the ship, silently hoping that the daggers, Ice and Mav are all listening so they know that we are alive hopefully deploying back up. After Rooster tells the ship that our plane has damage the radars start beeping like crazy.
“WHERE IS IT ROOSTER, TALK TO ME!” I scream panic lacing my voice as I start looking around Rooster doing the same thing.
“I can’t see him Athena,,,,he is a ghost.” My heart drops Rooster can’t see him on radar or in person means only one thing.
“No he isn’t…….he is on our nose.” I hesitate for a second evaluating our options we can’t out run him and we don’t have any ammunition left, there was only one option. Rooster had to eject. I pull the throttle up so we go straight over the top of the other jet, I could out run him just long enough to get altitude for Rooster to punch out. That’s when I heard the tone of a missile lock and I see the enemy aircraft made its way behind us, as I see the release of the missile I pull back flying over the top of the enemy as Rooster lets off the flares. Suddenly the plane is circling back towards us as I pull the throttle climbing higher in altitude when I hear Rooster behind me.
“We are all out of flares Athena!”
“Rooster when we are high enough grab those handles and pull as hard as you can. Make sure the canopy is clear and eject”
“Athena I can’t leave you.”
“Yes you can and you will that is a direct order! You need to eject!” There was silence as I watch the altitude gage, “Rooster EJECT!!”
“The handle is broken I can’t eject Athena.”
“I’m sorry Mav.” I feel my heart drop, I am hoping that they can still hear me as I silently pray and apologise to everyone in my head that we are about to leave behind. I know I picked Mav to say sorry to after all Rooster is basically his son and he would be the one to have to tell our family what happened. I closed my eyes think of Jake and Daisy, how he was going to explain this, if they were going to be okay, knowing it would be tough initially especially on Jake, Daisy was young enough to not know what was happening, hoping Jake would tell her stories about us as kids. I let out a breath “I love you Jake.” I whispered to no-one hoping maybe by any luck he would hear it as I hear the missile tone lock on our plane hearing Rooster mumble something I can’t quite make out, when we hear the explosion, my eyes shoot open as I notice our plane is not spinning out nor is it on fire instead seeing a cloud of smoke I let out a small laugh as an all too familiar voice through the radio.
“Good afternoon ladies and gents this is your saviour speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts and return your tray to their upright position and l prepare for landing.” Rooster and I both let out a laugh.
“You look good Hangman.” Rooster says in a laugh.
“I am good Rooster, I am very good. See you both back on the ship.” We turn tail heading back to the ship as we see Jake preparing to land, I radio through to control to let them know we are preparing to land with not landing gear or hook, as we see them raise the barricade, I fly over the top of the ship buzzing the bridge on the way over causing Rooster to laugh. As I line the plane up with the tarmac I feel a jolt.
“Please tell me we didn’t lose an engine Athena?”
“Okay, I won’t tell you that. Brace for impact Rooster this is gonna be a very rough landing.” I throttle back to slow the plane as we hit the tarmac we are jolted forward and we pop the canopy open. I take a deep breath with my eyes closed and relax in my seat before Rooster taps on me shoulder, a huge grin on his face as we look at the crowd surrounding us. We jump down off the wreckage, Rooster is quickly pulled into Mavs arms and Ice spends no time before wrapping my tightly in his arms.
“You scared the hell out of me Sweetie.”
“I love you too Ice.”
He breaks away from me giving me a final kiss on the forehead before Mav wraps me in his arms and Ice hugs Rooster. Mav looks at me in the eyes a silent thank you for keeping Rooster safe. I just nod and hug him again. He lets go as the team begins hugging us all of them tears running down there eyes, I notice that all of them hug a bit tighter than normal all of them whispering into the hugs how glad they are we are alive along with a few threat about not doing anything like that again. After they all break away joining in the celebration I notice the absence of the one person I was actively looking for. I suddenly spot him across the crowd an unreadable expression on his face. I am broken out of my staring contest with Bob tapping me on the shoulder pointing to Rooster and Phoenix kissing on the tarmac making me smile even more. Rooster breaks from the kiss looking at me shouting out.
“We had a deal Athena!” With that I turn seeing Jake still standing in the same spot eyes trained on me I take off in a sprint dodging people left and right, the moment I was close enough I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, his arms immediately wrapping around my waist tighter than ever before. I pull back looking him in the eyes. “I love you too Athena.” I look at him confused.
“You heard me?”
“I will always hear you.” With that he smashes his lips against mine as we hear louder cheering closer to us then before. Breaking apart we see the whole dagger squad standing there cheering but none smiling wider the Iceman. I turn and look back at Jake.
“You are not replaceable Y/N and you are all Daisy and I will ever need.”
@dory-98 @djs8891 @brooke-stinson @emma8895eb @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby @itsdesiree86 @dempy @kmc1989
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jnnul · 1 year
things he reminds me of (nct dream)
a/n: i know i was supposed to post this on friday oops 😭 i just...have so many thoughts when it comes to love and these boys are some of my greatest muses
genre: fluff/slice-of-life maybe, just love, different types of love, young dumb broke kids in love, LOVE, idk did i say they’re in love yet, tw: mentions of kissing & hickeys lol
word count: 1.4k (idk either man)
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gif credits: @jsuh​
that moment when you realize how much someone truly loves you
guitars that have so many stickers, you can barely see the wood
buying a new fuzzy blanket
the little scratch of stubble when you kiss
laughing when his glasses poke you in the forehead
falling asleep with your legs on top of his on the couch
massaging his head when he’s had a long day
oversized sweatshirts to avoid the paparazzi when he’s coming over
long facetime calls even though it’s three in the morning in his time
voice messages instead of texts bc he wants to hear your voice
hearing your voice in a song
turning your little doodles into the cover of his next solo
whispers about the future that dissolve into the hot summer sky as he looks at you with eyes filled with hope
musky cologne that reminds you of the forest after it rains
the color gray
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gif credits: @faerenjun​
never letting you open the door yourself
succulents for every anniversary until you have a forest in the living room
brushing his lips over your forehead before he leaves for work
having a faceless picture of you and him as his background
buying you a necklace with his initials and a matching bracelet with yours
always, always, always feeding you because he’s scared you won’t eat if he’s not there
teaching you mandarin and kissing you every time you get a word right
filming a ‘day in my life’ vlog every couple weeks that you rewatch on your anniversary to see how you’ve grown
sunset lamps that don’t work the way he thought they would
painting together in absolute silence
having a french window with billowing curtains and a bench that the two of you sit on
adopting a dog together only to find out that the dog is a demon
fighting for the remote but he lets you win every time
rubbing your shoulders when you’re stressed
forgetting why you were so stressed when you look at him working so serenely
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gif credits: @seomarkno​
the thunder that rolls in ten seconds after lightning that shakes the high-rise apartment
quiet cups of coffee as the two of you wait for the rest of the world to wake up
words of endearment that are saved only for the most intimate moments
the wracking shoulders when he tries not to cry because he doesn’t want to burden you
the soft comfort in sleeping in his arms
the feeling of all of his worry melting away when you reach for him, even in your sleep, and look for his love
the color red that stains your white dress when you and jeno get wine drunk
waiting for the other to come home to them
home-cooked meals that are a little too hot so he has to blow on it
fights that turn into whispered i love you’s because he can’t stay away from you for too long
listening to the same song, even when you’re hundreds of miles apart
opening all the jars for you, even if you say you can do it yourself
watching a show together and hoping for different pairings
mature conversations about investing in the future
meeting his family a little too quickly - but it’s okay bc they love you
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gif credits: @huangrenjuns​
quirked eyebrows as you vehemently counter his argument about ice cream
making you sit on his lap as he games until ungodly hours to feel your warmth
kissing the nape of his neck bc you love the way he melts in your arms
dropping the cake on his birthday, only for him to eat it anyway so you wouldn’t feel bad
secret getaway trips that you have to beg and plead the company for
telling him how much you love him and seeing his eyes well up
feeling his heart swell with pride when you come home with a new accomplishment
only saying i love you when he really means it - but he says it every morning
gently explaining to you why you should love yourself the way he loves you
green accents everywhere bc you think it’s vibrant 
calling him a loser affectionately
looking at him like he put the stars in the sky
the deep rumble of his chest when you’re curled into him
the way he hums when he thinks you’re not listening but you are
being able to calm you down within 30 seconds no matter what
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gif credits: @jaemtens​ (thank u for doing the lord’s work)
letting him play with your hair until it looks ridiculous
making peach cobbler but you accidentally added too much sugar
waking him up with a mug of fresh coffee and so much affection
letting him pull you into a dark corner to press a soft kiss to your lips
him tugging a blanket over you as you fall asleep waiting for him
carrying you from the kitchen counter to the sofa, insisting that he was going to cook for you tonight
letting him buy you pink accessories bc he says you look soft
getting the silent treatment from him when he’s mad but he can never stay mad for too long
promising him that you’re never going to leave him when he’s scared about your relationship getting discovered
surprising him backstage at an overseas concert
seeing his eyes light up when you walk into the room, no matter how long it’s been since you started dating
feeling the hard planes under his shirt when you bandage his back after a long dance practice
texting you at insane hours to sneak over to his place and order takeout
frowning when he sees you wear revealing clothes only to say, “you wear whatever you want, baby. i can fight.”
he can’t fight but he tries to seem tough for you anyway bc that’s what he thinks you want. you don’t. all you want is him.
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gif credits: @jjsungie​
oversized jerseys which all say ‘curry’ on them somewhere
buying him presents only to find out that he already has it
seeing him cry when you tell him about your deep and personal secrets bc he’s never felt so much pain for someone else before
convincing you to get matching tattoos but both of you pussy out
renting out an entire arcade to go on a date
not letting him rent out an entire arcade bc wtf who does that chenle
always celebrating your anniversaries in a lowkey, private, and humble way
going 50/50 on everything in the relationship even if chenle would rather die than make you pay
playing rock, paper, scissors to decide how to split the chores. for. everything.
playing cards against humanity except the two of you are just looking for the craziest combinations
brightly colored scrunchies for his hair, not yours
stealing the blankets bc you run cold and he runs hot
wearing sweatshirts to colleges that neither of you attend
sober advice bc he doesn’t understand why you get stressed sometimes
knowing that you compliment each other, rather than complete each other
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gif credits: @leemarkies​ 
thinking he’s rizzing you up but it just looks rlly silly
asking you what-if questions at ungodly hours and then leaving you on read
do not disturb until he dies. and then he comes back with a pinterest reaction meme.
feeling frustrated when he can’t tell you how much he really loves you
getting confused between love, lust, and like but knowing that he feels so incredibly safe and warm with you
fighting his instincts to run every time he realizes how down bad he is for you
having to physically drag him out of the dance studio bc he’s going to collapse from exhaustion
not letting anyone but you touch him when he’s sick
telling you abt his dreams to become a big star
rambling about his theories abt humanity and the universe for h o u r s
not realizing that his sweatshirts are disappearing until you wear them around him
nearly having a heart attack the first time you give him a hickey (and then asking for three more)
the purple light glinting in his eyes as he rewatches his stages for mistakes
gently coaxing him to be a little less perfectionist
splitting a pizza with you and thinking it to be peak romance bc it is to you and him
396 notes · View notes
demonbanisher · 2 years
Psssttt @impishtubist a gift for you based off of this
Newest Additions
Sirius walks into the kitchen to find Harry sitting in front of the oven with rapt attention.
“What are you doing kiddo?”
Harry looks up at him with watery eyes and sniffles as he wipes snot from his nose. “They needed to be warm.”
Sirius frowns and walks closer to discover that the oven is indeed on. He is a little bit terrified that Harry somehow knows how to use the oven at the age of five but he files that away for a parental breakdown at a later time.
“Who’s cold sweetheart?”
Harry’s eyes go back to the oven and Sirius steps close to tug the oven door open and proceeds to curse, trip over his own feet, and land squarely on his ass in response to what he sees.
He takes a deep breath to level the fear out of his voice. “Harry, darling, can you please tell me why there is a pile of baby snakes on a cookie sheet in the oven?”
“They were cold.”
“So you put them in the oven.”
“The oven makes things hot.”
“The oven cooks things darling.”
Harry shook his head. “They told me they’d let me know if it got too hot. I put it on reallllly low.”
He looks between his godson and the now ajar door of the oven. “Hazza, can you understand the snakes?”
Harry chews on his lower lip. “Don’t be mad. Auntie Petunia didn’t like snakes.”
Sirius also does not like snakes but he sure as hell isn’t going to make his godson cry over it. “Not mad. I just want to understand. Can you hear them?”
Harry nods nervously.
Okay. Add parseltongue to the list of parenting hurdles to tackle.
“Harry that’s very sweet of you to bring them in to keep them warm, but we need to put them back outside. I’m sure their parents are looking for them.”
Harry’s lower lip trembles and his eyes start to water. “They can’t. They’re like me.”
“What do you - oh.”
“Someone took their mom in as a pet but then got mad when she had eggs and threw them out. Their mommy got hurted.”
Sirius takes a deep breath processing that he can’t tell his godson that he has to put the orphaned snakes back outside without making him afraid that Sirius and Remus will one day leave him outside too.
“Do you know what kind of home they’d like?”
Harry beams. “Sand. They like when it’s warm so they can sleep like me with my blankies.”
“Okay. Let’s find somewhere safe to put them while we go to the pet store.”
“You mean I can keep them?”
“Of course kiddo.”
Harry promptly tackles his godfather in a hug. They walk down the street to the pet store and Sirius can see Bathlida smirking at him before they even get up to the counter.
“Brought in another stray?”
“This one was all Harry.”
“They’re snakes!” Harry proclaims excitedly.
Bathilda laughs as she rings things through. “Live mice come in on Tuesdays.”
“Live mice? Ah, right.”
“Might want to pick up a book on snakes while you’re out.”
“It’s okay,” Harry tells her struggling to pick up the big bag of sand. “I can talk to them so I’ll know if they’re sad.”
Bathilda raises one eyebrow at Sirius who shrugs in a way he hopes says ‘kids, huh?’
When Remus gets home later that evening Harry immediately grabs him by the hand and drags him to his room to introduce him to all his new snake friends. Slinky, Worm, George, Edwin, Slither, Slime, and Bartholomew the Third. He doesn’t ask where the other two Bartholomews went.
Bedtime is a struggle as Harry is too excited about his new friends to go to bed. It takes the promise of ice cream for breakfast to finally get him to sleep.
“So,” Remus says as he steps around the pile of dogs slumbering on the floor to crawl into bed, “snakes huh? How bad did you scream?”
“Only once at the initial shock but Remus we’re going to have to feed them live mice and watch their jaws do that thing.” He shuddered.
Remus chuckled. “Don’t worry love I’ll protect you for the big scawy snakes.”
“I hate you.”
Sirius climbs in on the other side and pretends to put up a fight as Remus cuddles into his side.
“You’re a big softie you know.”
“I know, but I haven’t seen him that happy in so long. How could I say no?”
“Mhm,” Remus mumbled. “I think the ten dogs, three cats, six bunnies, and two kneazles proved your inability to say no a long time ago. Not to mention the Niffler and hippogryph in our backyard.”
“Buckbeak and Swiper are bonded. I couldn’t possibly separate them.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the creak of the door as a small child entered their room.
“Everything okay Harry?”
“I opened the cage to give the snakes a kiss goodnight and now I can’t find Slither.”
Sirius was sitting bolt upright on the bed in a moment, turning the lamp on, and throwing the covers off the bed.
Harry’s little face scrunched up in confusion. “What’s wrong with Padfoot?”
“Nothing,” Remus says, putting his slippers on. “He just loves you too much. Come on, I’ll help you find your snake.”
“I’ll help you find Slither.”
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deadliist · 1 year
taja is 5'7''
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" same height! "
comparing heights , @dcwnrisen
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ashisill · 10 months
I wait for you
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Warnings: smoking, drinking, crying, mentions of sex, self sabotage, depression, suicidal thoughts, mentions of debating suicidal (it’s mentioned a few times. Please heed the warning if this triggers you), angst, angst, more angst, and being hopelessly in love with Sir Jacob Kiszka.
~This one is a lot, but I am very proud of how it turned out.
You and Jake had something special. Something that only comes once in a lifetime. Everyone watched you two, and wished for what you had. He loved you more than himself. More than his iced cold whiskey after a show. More than his beloved guitar. Honestly if you were to need him mid-show he’d drop everything, and run right off the stage for you. He was always running for you. Always looking for you everywhere he went. All you had to do was say his name, and he was there. He was always there. No matter what. You were truly his first priority. His first choice. His first love …. His only love.
You gave it all up. Things got hard, and you ran away. You fucking left it all behind. Your picture perfect life left in a daze. Although it wasn’t all your fault you still blamed yourself. Jake was busy all the time. Between tour, interviews, and traveling. You began fighting all the time. Every little thing was an argument.
You had your last argument in an cold hotel room. You got physical with each other for the first and last time. He never hurt you. He would never dream of it, but when you had enough you landed a smack against him. He grabbed your arms harder than he meant. You left that night, and you’ve regretted your life ever since. Running was worst decision you’ve ever made. How could you leave him? How could you hurt him when he’s treated you so sweetly. You’ve wanted to call you really did. Was it fear that stoped you? Fear of him hating your guts for what you did. You’d rather live in this unknowing pain than bare the thought.
“Jake wake up you’ve been asleep all day” Josh tried to wake his twin. They’ve found themselves in yet another hotel room. “Jake come on. The shows in a couple hours” he said opening the windows, and nudging Jake.
“Cancel it what’s the fucking point?” he said, and you could smell the whiskey on his breath. To see Jake so hateful towards his passion hurt Josh. ‘You drug me into this damn band, and you don’t even want it’ was the thought that repeated in Josh’s mind.
“Jake your drunk get the hell up” Josh said pulling the covers off, and throwing them on the floor. “I’m not doing it again Jake. I’m tired of this. Get the fuck out of the bed” Josh left slamming the door behind him. Where he was going? He didn’t know, but he needed some fresh air. He headed outside to walk the city.
There you were in the local park with your dog, having no idea they were in your town. Josh stumbled into park. The nature fascinating him, and catching his interest. That curly headed boy you loved so much came into your field of vision. As much as he’s changed over three years you knew it was him. “Josh!” You shouted.
He looked around confused, assuming it was another fan. Then he spotted you waving at him “no fucking way”. You bolted after him, and your dog chased you. “What are you doing here?” He pulled you in for a warm, and welcoming hug.
“I actually live here now. What are you doing here?”
“Got a show tonight darling. I missed you”
“I’ve missed all of you dearly. How is everyone?”
“Let me buy you a drink and we’ll catch up”
Meanwhile Jake is unaware of Josh’s discovery, but he knew you were there. He could feel a change in the air … He could feel you. For some reasons things didn’t seem so bad. For the first time in a while he got himself up, and took a shower. He brushed out his tangled hair, and cleaned himself up. Throwing on his favorite pants, and a button down shirt. Complete with some expensive cologne that he can’t remember where it came from.
Josh told you everything you missed in the past three years. You longed to be there for it all. Finally you asked the question that’s been eating at you since the conversation started. “So” you took a drink preparing yourself. “How is he?”
“Jake? Oh he’s fine. Still Jake I suppose”
“Is he? That’s good” you took another drink.
“Do you believe me when I say that he’s ‘fine’?” He said using his fingers as quotation marks.
“I want to yes. Is it white lie Joshua?”
“It’s a big fat fucking lie. He’s not fine. He hasn’t been fine since that night, but that’s not your problem. It’s just hard taking care of him when he doesn’t want to care for himself”
“I miss him a lot. I hate myself for leaving him. I’m not doing so good myself. I don’t even know myself anymore. It’s like I’m a stranger in my own body. The world seems so dark without him”
“I’m sorry dear. Jake isn’t much better. As much as I’d love to lie, and tell you he’s happy. He’s not at all”
You wanted to tell him the reason for your outing this morning. The true reason why you were there, but you couldn’t. How could you look him in the face, and tell him you didn’t want to live. How could you tell him hours before you were really debating on staying on this Earth. You could see him reacting strongly. You already knew the things he would say. Maybe even shed a tear with you. He’s already dealing with a lot, and you can see it in his eyes. You just couldn’t do it.
“What’s the matter?” He could still read you well.
“It’s just a lot, but I’m okay” lair how could you? He sees straight through it you know he does. He sighs, but doesn’t pry. Instead he simply just changes the subject.
“Have you loved another?”
“Never? Not once?”
“Hook ups don’t count. Some of them look like him, but there never him”
“He could say the same darling. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to see him”
“What why not? Please don’t don’t this-”
“I’m not taking him away from you. Just listen to me. He’s not well dear. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. Come see me after the show, and I’ll think about it. Maybe all he needs is you, but I’m holding back for a reason”
“I think I know why, and I understand. Do you promise you’ll think about it” he’s hesitant because if you left again he knows it would kill Jake. There’s no way in hell he would make it out alive. Just the thought of it makes Josh want to crawl away and cry.
“Would I ever lie to you? I just need what’s best for Jake. I’m sure you understand”
“You so good to him Josh. I wish I had someone like you. Caring for me the way you care for Jake”
“That person is in a hotel room about a mile away. Like I said meet me after the show okay?”
You agreed, and said your goodbyes. Returning to your home to find something nice to wear. What used to be Jake’s favorite dress seems like a perfect fit. Josh headed back to the hotel to find his brother. “Jake you better be out of-”
“Yeah” was all he said.
“Feel good today?”
“I suppose so. Where’d you go?”
“Oh ya know for a walk”
“Where’d you go? Terrible liar you are”
“The bar. I’m glad your feeling better today”
He just nodded his head. Josh sighed knowing it’s taking everything out of him not to tell Jake. ‘Your lovers back! Your lovers back! She’s here you don’t have to be sad anymore! Please don’t be sad anymore. She’s here, and she loves you!’he wanted to shout it at him. To see Jake smile for the first time in three whole years. To see his face light up like it once did before. Instead he stayed quiet, and went on about his business. “Can you go check if sam is ready?” He asked Jake.
You did just as Josh said, and after the show he snuck you backstage. “I need you to be really quiet, and not let him hear you. Walls are paper thin darling” he said locking the door behind him. “I need you to answer me completely honest”
“Okay what’s up?”
“Your gonna stay?”
“A part of me died that day. I can’t go through this again. I fucking miss him Josh! I would go through hell again just to hold him one more time. I’d break all my bones if that’s what he wanted. If he asked for the moon I’d bring it to him. The stars too. He’s my world Josh need him back. I need his love. I need his touch. I need him Josh I need him. This morning I didn’t want to live any longer without him. The scary part is I almost fucking did it. That’s why I was at the park. I needed air. I needed to breath. Moments before you saw me I was crying on a park bench. Embarrassing I know, but it’s the truth.
“Oh darling no. No sweet girl no”
You broke into tears, and Josh comforted you with a hug. Like you predicted tears started to fall from his own eyes. “We need you here. You belong here. I am so fucking proud of you. Your here. Your alive. To know that life has been so terrible to you that you questioned living. It makes me want to hide away, and shelter you from every bad thing. I know I didn’t tell you this enough, but I love you. I really love you, and I don’t want you to be in pain anymore. Your safe now, and in a few moments everything will be okay again. I promise you. I know how bad your struggling. I see Jake everyday, and it just gets worse. I just want to see him happy again. Your the only solution my darling. I haven’t seen him smile in three years. He’s never excited about anything. He doesn’t have anything to talk about, and he always drunk. Always. When he does speak it’s either to cuss me out, or it’s about you. I know how bad things are, and I want to see you feel okay again too”
“What does he say about me?” You asked as Josh wiped your tears.
“It always starts angry. He’s angry because he wants to be happy again, but he can’t be. Your the light in his life. Then he starts to act like he’s angry with you. Sometimes he’ll cuss you out too. Then he’ll start to cry, and your name is all he knows. When I try to comfort him he’ll ask for you. I’ll say “she’s not here Jake”, and he’ll remember that your gone. He’ll start to think of you, and how he loves you so deeply. He’ll tell me some stories about the two of you before it hurts to much. Normally ends with him crying himself to sleep or getting so drunk he can’t feel you lingering”
“How could I do this to him? Your positive he wants to see me?” You asked trying not to lose your control.
“Come with me”
Josh knocked on Jake’s dressed room, and an annoyed “what?” came with it.
“Can I come in? I have someone you might want to talk to”
‘Could it be her?’. Jake went quiet, and Josh opened the door. There he stood with a cigarette in his fingers. His face dropped, and neither one of you moved. You’ve looked for him in every room, but now he’s here. A rush of adrenaline flowed through his veins. He feels alive for the first time, and all you had to do was walk into the room. Color has returned to his pale face. His eyes once grey, and gloomy now glowing in your light.
You both just stood there questioning if this was real. You broke the cement that glued you to the floor, and ran once again. Straight into his arms this time. Josh knew everything was finally better, and left shutting the door behind him. Letting his back rest against the shut door. His hand covered his mouth as he began to cry once more. Crying because Jake’s gonna be okay again. Because he knows all is well now that your here. Tonight he’ll fall sleep without a single worry. He’ll drift away knowing his brothers happy. Knowing he won’t have to make himself sick from worrying. Or staying up half the night waiting for Jake to come back with some girl that looks similar to you. He’s safe, and Josh can finally breath again.
You gripped, and pulled at each other like this was a dream you were going to wake up from. His hair got longer, he still wears those same old jeans, and he still smells like home.
“I’ve missed you” was all you could manage to say.
“My girl” he kissed your forehead. “Oh my girl”
You buried yourself in his neck fighting back tears. “I thought I’d never see you again. I wanted to call I really did”
“Shh shh it’s okay. I promise”
After all you put him through he’s still forgiving. The pain he’s been in for the three years was nothing just to feel you again. He’s willing to forget this ever happened just to keep you in his arms forever.
“I love you ya know? Time hasn’t changed it a bit”
“I love you too Jake”
His lips were locked on yours immediately. You pulled at each others hair, and the collars of your shirt. Trying desperately to get closer to each other. “Jakey”
“God I’ve missed you calling me that”
“I missed you. I missed you so much”
“I’ve miss you to my love. Do the others know your here?”
“Only Josh”
“Assuming he found you when he went on his supposed ‘walk’ the morning” he said holding your face in his hands.
“Well to be fair he was on a walk, and I found him”
“You found us. You came home. God I’ve missed you. Every day when I wake up your on my mind, and it stays that way till I sleep. Even in my sleep you haunt my dreams every night”
Lips crashing against each others once more. Emotion running through you both. “Why’d you leave me baby?”
“I don’t know Jacob. I don’t know”
His hand wrapped around your neck, and he kissed you hard. “Don’t leave again” his eyes began to water
“I’m here Jake. I’m not going anywhere my love”
He brought you to the small couch in the corner. Tangled up into each other, kissing his neck, and hands wandering each other’s bodies. Wordlessly you agreed to save it for later. Your felt tired like you haven’t slept in years. As you laid on your lover your eyes began to fell heavy. Jake laid their wide awake wondering how you were here. It didn’t feel real, and he held on to you just in case he woke up from this dream.
Josh came back later to tell Jake everyone was headed out. You were passed out on his chest completely unaware. “We’re fixing to leave” Josh whispered at the door.
“Alright” he woke you up gently. “Time to go sleepy girl”
You and Jake took a drive, and enjoyed the city lights. After you hit the bar that was in the lobby, and headed back to the hotel room. Everyone was gathered in the twins room talking about the show.
“Yeah I know. Did you hear how bad I fucked that up?” Josh belted out laughing far louder than he needed to.
Jake swiped the card, and the opened the door. You laughed almost as loud as Josh. As the alcohol hit your system everything was just so damn funny.
“Is that … her?” Sam asked confused.
“Sam look at Jake of course it’s her” Danny knowing immediately by Jake’s smile that it was indeed you.
“Y/n! Y/n! It’s you! Your back!” He shouted.
“Oh my god I’ve missed you Sammy”
“Good to have you back” Danny hugged you tight. You let your self go limp in his arms. “Someone’s drunk huh?”
“Just a little bit Danny”
“Josh check out this record I bought” Sam said already distracted.
“Let’s hear it brother”
It was a soft jazz album of a band you’ve never heard of. Jake’s eyes were fixated on you as you spoke to Danny. He reached out his hand, and you grabbed it with a giggle. He danced around the room with you, spinning you round and round. Stumbling all over the place, and tripping over each others feet. Josh watched in awe as a smile never left Jake’s face.
A little while later after the chatter quieted you collapsed onto the bed. Josh motioned Jake to come to him. They went out to the balcony “I’m proud of you Jacob”
“Thank you for taking care of me for so long. You could of kicked me to the curb. Or let me quit my job, but you didn’t. I’ll never be able to repay you, but know I wouldn’t be here without you”
“I promised you I’d always be here for you. I love you man”
“I love you too bud” they shared a hug before Jake followed you to the bed.
“Tying to escape?” you joked peeking your eyes open at him.
“Now ma’am I thought you were asleep” Jake said kissing your forehead.
You shook your head, and he joined you in the bed. You cuddled up on his side, threw your leg and arm over him, and began to fall asleep.
“Promise we’ll stay like this forever?”
“For infinity my love. I’ll find you in every universe I live I promise”
“I love you Jakey”
“I love you too my girl”
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sturn3 · 6 months
based on "cameras/good ones go interlude" by drake !
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it's safe to say no one knew about you and chris.
not even that you guys were ever together. not even that you had to suffer watching him with a new girl. showing her off like he never did with you. making you wonder if you were the problem.
his friends knew about her. his family knew about her. hell, even his fans did.
which made you wonder if you truly ever meant anything to him. spending hours on the phone with your best friend analyzing every little thing and what you could've been.
unfortunately for you, you still had to see him. seeming as you were still very close to his brothers. nick even knew about your little situation and truly felt for you. it pained him to see how much you loved his idiot of a brother.
after months, when you finally decided to move on from him and go out with other men, the universe did not have your back. drunk chris calling you?? someone had to be kidding you.
"i miss you." ,"please come back to me. ", "baby, she look like a star but only on camera." ,"it look like we're in love, but only on camera."
"can you believe his audacity?" you said to your best friend as you replayed the voicemail to her ,licking the spoon of ice cream you were holding. "no honestly, who does he think he is" "no literally calling me baby too??? like bro where your girl at"
well your question was quickly answered the next time you hung out with nick "THANK GOD they broke up, she was unberableeeee y/n save us. all chris does nowadays is talk about how much he misses having you around." he said. "i do miss him nick but i can't bear to be that girl anymore, running after him like a lost puppy!"
when you'd come over, he'd race everyone on the way to open the door ,like a dog waiting for his owner. too bad for him, he only got the dryest "hi chris" in return!
it's safe to say chris was suffering without you. hating to see you so happy since you stopped talking to him. it was truly selfish of him but he couldn't help it. sabotaging your dates wasn't even an option for him anymore. he was royally screwed.
he'd have to fight hard to win you over again.
"so let me get this straight, you were with y/n?" matt said trying to wrap his head around it. chris nodded in confirmation. "and you were hiding it from all of us?" ,chris nodded again. "and now you broke up with elle cause you want her back? even though, you called the whole thing off in the first place to be with elle?" ,chris sighed and leaned his face in his hands "yeah." he said quitely. matt laughed at his younger brother and put a hand on his shoulder "good luck buddy" he said as he resumed playing his game.
next time chris saw you was at a friend's birthday party. walking down the stairs in your little black dress and kitten heels, looking as beautiful as ever and having everyone in the room take a second glance at you. you were truly glowing and making his heart ache from how beautiful you looked.
all he could do was look at you for the rest of the night and watch you turn down every boy that approached you. till you decided you had enough and went upstairs to hide. he found that as an opportunity and followed you up. he knocked on every door ,interrupting make outs and seeing stuff he tried to forget until he found you sitting on a well-made bed on your own.
"oh my god chris you scared the shit out of me" you said holding your chest. "sorry, i didn't mean to. i just wanted to talk to you if that's okay." he said as he tried to put on his cutest face that you could never resist. "sure." you finally replied as you sat up straighter to be the same height as him and look him in the eye.
"i just wanted to apologise for everything. i know, i was in the wrong. but i can't seriously live without you. you're like my best friend and my soulmate all in one. i was so stupid to let you go. i realized that so late, when you started going out with other men and when elle broke up with me cause i said your name in bed. my thoughts are utterly and completely consumed by you. i love you." he said in one breath and you were seriously smiling like an idiot by the time he was done. "what did you say chris?" you said as you smirked teasingly "i love-" you cut him off by leaning and pushing your lips onto his soft ones, you felt his hands slowly creep onto your waist, literally your weakness!!!! you pushed him off of you before it got too heated "i love you too dumbass"
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this is for my chris girls !!!😝
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yuken-gf · 2 years
hair tie // yuken x reader
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Genre: fluffy, high school, enemies to lovers (?)
Pairing: Yuken x fem!reader
Summary: Borrowing your hair tie is Yuken's daily routine.
Words count: 1257
TW: blood, wounds, slight capitalism (?), harsh words, yuken is annoyingly cute ugh😮‍💨😒
NOTES: English isn’t my first language, and this hasn’t been proofread yet. I’m sorry if there are any grammatical error(s).
“I’m starting to think that you’re actually collecting my hair ties, Yuken.” You sighed. It’s about the fifth time this week Yuken asked to borrow your hair tie. It never came back to you! He just lost it by accident!
“He is.” Sachio nods. “He—”
“No, I’m not!” Yuken is very quick to respond, it’s almost like he knew what Sachio was going to say.
“One time you lost it, that’s normal. Two times you lost it? Still normal for me. But this is the fifth time, Yuken. Fifth time.” You shook your head in disbelief. Looking up and down at Yuken who’s standing right in front of you.
“I really lost it. Come on, tomorrow we have a fight.” Yuken is frustrated. It’s so entertaining for Sachio.
“Can I come?” You asked, eyes sparkling. 
“Absolutely not.” Sachio and Yuken are in sync. They’re staring at you now.
“Damn.” You giggled.
“Give me your hair tie.” Yuken said again.
“Why do you need it so much?” You asked him. Sachio knows. Everybody knows. You, however, are dumb enough to be so oblivious about it.
“Come on, I’ll use it as my lucky charm.” Yuken is still begging.
Sachio watches you both, holding his smile because you and Yuken are so silly and cute at the same time. The dynamic is so weird but perfectly acceptable. It’s like the universe agree on you and Yuken.
“Why would you even need a lucky charm?” You hand him two new hair ties. You know that he’s going to ask for hair tie again today.
“It’s a lucky charm. Give me that one,” Yuken points at the hair tie that you’re wearing right now.
“Ha?” You are genuinely confused. “This old one?” You pull it from your hair and show the loose and used hair tie to him.
“Yeah. Give me that one.” Yuken smiles.
“Weird ass kink.” You sighed, handing the hair tie to Yuken. “Make sure you win, then.”
“Of course.” Yuken looks so happy. “See you tomorrow, Y/N! Thank you.” He waves at you.
“See you, Y/N.” Sachio is also waving at you.
“Kick some ass.” You smile at them, waving back.
“Yes, Ma’am!” Yuken laughed.
Y/N is peacefully enjoying her afternoon in her balcony. She bought an ice cream when she was walking home. Now, it is time to enjoy the view with some  ice cream. The peace wasn’t long though!
Y/N saw Yuken who’s walking to her house. “The fuck?” You narrowed your eyes, unsure if it’s Yuken or not. He stares back at you; his face is swollen and pretty much wounded from the fight he had earlier.
“You look like shit, Yuken!” You shouted from your balcony.
“Thank you! I know I’m hot!” Yuken shouted back before one of Y/N’s maid let him in. You just shook at his reply.
You grabbed the nearest medicine box and wait for Yuken in your room. Took him not so long, he opens your bedroom door and smiles widely. “You’re going to wait until I finish my ice cream.” You put a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth. 
He closed the door, “Give me some.” Yuken is about to grab the spoon but you’re fast enough to avoid him. “Give me some, Y/N!”
You are still standing up, you walk to him and feed him half a spoon of ice cream because you’re feeling generous. “Why are you still in your uniform?” Yuken asked after swallowing the ice cream.
“For the afterschool vibes, to be honest.” You admitted. “Did you win?”
“Yes, we won.” Yuken smiles. “Thanks to the lucky charm.”
You finished the ice cream by feeding the last spoon to Yuken. “Good boy.” You acted like you praise a baby. Or dog.
You bring your medicine box and place it on the bed, next to where he sits. You began to untie his hair, about to redo it because you’re not sure you’ll survive with his messy hair. He looks a little too good.
“What are you doing?” Yuken whines.
“Restyling your hair, dumbass.” You tie his hair with your old hair tie a.k.a. his lucky charm. “Take off your damn glasses.”
“I have more rizz with it.” He complains but still taking it off anyway.
You look down on him and tilt his chin up with your fingers gently, “You have more rizz without it.”
Yuken swears he almost lost it there. His heart is pounding too fast, he feels like he’s going to die right now. “I’ll take it off more often when you’re around then.” He giggles, covering his nervousness.
“You’re so in love with me.” You smile and begin to clean his wounds. You cursed inside your head, how on earth did someone manage to look extremely good and hot after got beaten up by some gang? Or is it just you who’s sick in the head?
Yuken laughs, “And if I am?” He pulls you closer by hugging your waist.
“Do I really have that kind of rizz?” You joke.
“Ultimate w rizz, Y/N. Even the girls are in love with you.” Yuken squinted his eyes a little when you dab a little too hard on his wound. He’s looking down when you prepare for the iodine, he laughs at the length of your skirt. “Are the teachers are still calling you out for that thigh-length skirt?”
“You know, I just shut them up by giving some charity money for the school.” You admitted your capitalism situation. Your parents work in another continent, money is flooding but they’re never home.
“You’re insane.” Yuken laughed. You slightly forced his head to look up again so you can give his wounds some iodine. You do it slowly this time, want to take the time to enjoy the view.
“The only thing that get me insane is you.” You are still focusing on his wounds, not realizing the poor guy who is dumbfounded right now. You put on some band-aids to the small but deep wounds that are most likely take times to heal.
“Why am I making you insane?” Yuken asked. Still holding your waist, pulling you closer to him. His right hand is reaching out for your right hand and kiss it while holding eye contacts with you. 
I am not your strongest soldier, Y/N is having an internal screaming.
“Ask yourself.” You gave him a few head pats. You tidy up the tools you use to clean up his wounds and put it back into the emergency medicine box. You can see from the tail of your eye that he’s looking at you intensely.
You didn’t know where did you got the courage for doing this, but you walked to him, side hug him, and place a sweet kiss on the top of his head. When I tell you he’s blushing mess.
You really drive him insane.
“You smell like boys, Yuken. Take a shower when you got home.” You said, tapping the tip of his nose.
“I hate you.” Yuken laughed.
“Feeling’s mutual, bitch.”
“We’re dating then.” Yuken smiles.
“You’re so unserious.” You rolled your eyes. Yuken finally stood up, he’s towering you now. He stares at you, you stare back obviously. No one is willing to give up. 
“You look so fucking beautiful.” Yuken caressed your cheek with his thumb.
“I know.” You held yourself together. You don’t want to lose this game.
“Date me, Y/N.” Yuken sounds serious. “I can be your slave.”
“Hmm... great offer.” You act like you’re thinking about it, “Deal.”
Love, Yoa
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eoieopda · 1 year
the one with jihoon and the gold medal
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pairing: lee jihoon x gn!reader type: drabble | genre: fluff | rating: pg15 | wc: 800 au: best friends to ? summary: jihoon is the featherweight champion of pining. he’s also pretty adept at getting you home from the bar at the end of the night. cw: reader is drunk, jihoon is down bad, and the ending is up for debate. a/n: i wrote this in jihoon’s pov, and i left it very ambiguous about what reader’s feelings are. i’d love to hear your thots 👀 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
There are two things that Lee Jihoon knows for sure he can’t do.
He can’t drive, which has no meaningful impact on his day-to-day life. The world doesn’t start or stop turning because he doesn’t have his license, despite what his friends seem to think. The fact that he can’t drink would — theoretically — be a little less shitty if he could drive, though. 
Because that’s not the case, he’s always the only sober person on any given night out. Worse, he can’t even get his shitfaced friends home without attempting to wrangle them on public transit. That, for the record, is a nightmare far above his fucking pay grade.
So, more often than not, Jihoon doesn’t stick around for the drinks that always follow dinner. He shows up, eats his weight in white rice, and when there’s nothing left on the table but a mess of empty dishes, he bails. He’s got a routine down, executes it flawlessly every time.
Almost every time.
Tonight may have slipped away from him, but it’s not his fault — it’s yours. If you hadn’t squeezed his forearm while laughing at one of his jokes, Jihoon would be home free by now. But you did, and he’s not, and he’s somehow finding it difficult to categorize this as a failure.
No, the way you get the tiniest bit more affectionate when you’re tipsy feels a hell of a lot like success. Just for a little while, Jihoon can let you tuck yourself under his arm; and he can pretend he’s not trapped in the silent hell that is yearning — and oh, god, does he yearn. You, however, come with a price tag. 
For the astronomical cost of the most meaningful friendship he has, he could clue you in on the pining. Check the temperature, see if your heart sounds like a cartoonish, old-timey car horn whenever you see him. That’s a bigger risk than Jihoon’s willing to take, and even if it wasn’t, he wouldn’t know where the fuck to start.
“I ah-wooga you”? 
Absolutely fucking not.
Jihoon doesn’t realize he’s gazing at you until you toss a crinkled-up chopstick wrapper at him. It bounces off of his unsuspecting chin, drops down into his lap. He blinks while he buffers, then he stares at you with an incredulousness that’s entirely manufactured, mouth hanging open. More than anything, he’s impressed by your aim in this state.
“Since when can you astral project, Jihoonie?” You ask with a laugh that’s likely a lot louder than you realize.
He’s impassive on the outside, but on the inside, he’s a puddle of goo. When you’re buzzed, he’s not oppa anymore — just Jihoonie — and it makes his knees wobble. To distract himself, Jihoon picks up the ball of paper and fires it back at you with shocking precision. Your eyes cross, almost in slow motion, as you watch it hit the tip of your nose.
Pretending to be chill about any of this, Jihoon shrugs and says, “None of your business,” just to see if you’ll pout — and you do, you do, you do. He’s doomed, he realizes with a smile he can’t fight off. Oh, well.
You pick up your drink and down what little’s left of it before gesturing his way. The ice cubes clink against the glass. Uninhibited, he thinks, just like you. Donning puppy-dog eyes, you announce, “I think I need to go home now.”
There’s no question included because there’s no reality in which you’d ever have to ask. Jihoon is on his feet before you can punctuate that statement, hand held out to haul you up to yours. You squeak — an acceptance of his offer, he dares to presume — and then you take his hand.
You don’t let go once you stand up, which he attributes to your unsteadiness. Still, it doesn’t make him any less grateful for the way your fingers take up residency in the space between his. 
Even if it’s all he can be, he’ll be your anchor. If it means physically steering you towards the train station and hovering nearby when you attempt to befriend every living being — human or otherwise — that you encounter along the way, so be it. If he winds up loving you harder with every staggered step you take in the wrong direction, well… What else is new?
“Ready?” He asks with a tilt of his head towards the bar’s front door.
“Set, go!” You shout, and you sure as shit do.
At a rate of speed he could’ve never predicted, no less.
It’s a mad dash to the exit — one he wasn’t ready for, and one that nearly makes him fall over — but he keeps pace with you, like always. His foot crosses the threshold first, as a matter of fact, so he turns his head to brag to you about it. You’re already looking at him, grin beaming like a fucking spotlight, and he doesn’t need to state the obvious. 
Jihoon knows he’s the winner.
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zombiequeenblog · 5 months
When the Cardinal got the call about the attack on Mouse and the sibling, do you think he reacted sharply over the phone to whomever he spoke with, or cooly responded and waited until he hung up to go ballistic? I’m curious about his initial reaction to the news. 🫢
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The Cardinal sat there, alone in an unfamiliar office, and thought about the changes so close at hand. It had been a long time coming, he supposed; the steadily ticking clock on the wall kept his toiling years in the forefront of his mind. All the bustle and the striving, the whole dogged pursuit of his own dark papacy, might actually be soon behind him. Copia relaxed back in his chair for a moment, admittedly irritated at the gentle ticking, but grateful nonetheless for this brief respite. The Ministry could be a tumultuous place, but for now, all was quiet, and he was ready. 
His door was open, and an assistant poked her head in. “My apologies, Your Eminence.. you have a phone call,” she said, gesturing towards the phone upon his current desk. He noticed a light blinking there. “Sister Imperator.”
Giving the girl a nod before she left, shutting the door behind her, he reached out for the receiver. “Pronto, eh… Hello?”
Sister’s voice a bit tinny over the antiquated line. “Cardinal. I trust you’re well?”
“Yes, Your Dark Excellency.” Imperator wouldn’t have called without a reason. “What’s this about?”
“I’m calling about the girl you’ve been tutoring.” The leather of his glove tightened more firmly around the receiver with an audible sound.
“What about her?” Imperator didn’t answer right away, and Copia felt a surge of something like a panic forming deep in his chest. “Sister—”
“Oh, she’s quite all right, Cardinal. Don’t worry, honestly.” Don’t worry…
“She…” Her voice sounded pained, and he heard her take a little breath. “There was a fair bit of trouble up in the old cemetery today. Some kind of a transient was… bothering her and another girl. They’re a bit rattled, naturally… fought him off and ran. Nothing beyond a mere scuffle happened, they assured me, but…”
“I’ll be there shortly.” He could feel the blood rushing in his head, and he fought to remain calm.
“Your Eminence, you do understand what you’re meant to accomplish over there?”
“I do, Sister.” He let the weight of his decision hang for a moment. “I should be able to manage arriving back at the abbey… tomorrow at the latest.”
“The girl is perfectly fine here; a few abrasions… I only thought you’d like to know as a courtesy. Considering the time you’ve spent together.”
A few… abrasions. “Please expect me tomorrow, Sister. Thank you.”
“Yes?” The word came out heavy with concealed rage.
“She is perhaps not perfectly fine. If I’m being honest with you.”
He hung up the receiver without another word, and he watched his hand shake, threatening to splinter the plastic. Taking a steely breath, he extricated his fingers from the thing, and then he methodically began to pack up his desk. As he worked, measured and silent beneath it, the soft and steady ticking of the clock on the wall threatened to drive him insane; a horrible reminder of how far he was from her. This was hell, truly; right here in the passionlessly beating heart of the Satanic Ministry. Copia gulped, fighting the hot fury rising inside him, the urge to retch out the pit of ice settling in his stomach. He wouldn't waste any time; he would not give in to his inner torment here. How was she faring with her own?
When he was done, he reached out for the phone again, his hand now steady.
“I want a car waiting for me downstairs. Ten minutes.”
On his way down the hall to her room he bumped into Terzo, exiting his papal chambers.
“How is Mouse?” Copia queried, without thinking.
“The girl!” he snapped, ready to lose it.
“Shhh…” Terzo was carefully shutting his door, “Sophie’s still sleeping…”
“The other girl! I hear she’s injured? Why aren’t you with her?”
“I only have one dick, Cardinal.”
Copia pondered on how exactly his life would change if he snapped Terzo’s neck right there in the hall. 
Terzo chuckled for a second at his seething expression, before getting serious again. “She’s got a nasty scrape on her head, poor thing. I tucked her in earlier, no fucking involved, Cardinal… She’s resting, says she’s fine, but…” Terzo frowned further. “She’s quite shaken up, I believe, contrary to what she’ll tell you.”
Not bothering to converse any further, Copia continued on down the hall. When he finally reached the door to her dear little room he paused for a second, gathering his scattered thoughts. 
It was darkening inside, and he let his eyes adjust for a moment, though it was hardly needed. He knew the room well; how many times had he let himself in here, just to look upon her? How many times had he done much more than look? 
She lay on the bed, curled up in a fretful slumber, and the icy rage he had carried all the way here to lay at her feet began to melt at the piteous sight of her. His poor sweet Mouse! 
Reaching out, he arranged her blanket a bit more snugly around her, and he noticed then what she was clutching in her fingers; a swathe of red that left his swelling heart bleeding. He lay down beside her. 
He wanted to hold her close, desperately, but he would not yet allow himself that gift. She needed to sleep; she needed to be safe. She needed to be loved. And for all the ways he had failed her, he could at least do that, effortlessly and beyond severe. He would love her beyond his last breath, he thought, watching over her precious ones, her fragile chest rising and falling softly.
After some time, he noticed her begin to stir, and eventually she reached out for her light. 
“Dolce,” he said, gently. She whirled around, and the look in her dewy eyes at the sight of him made him want to weep. 
Finally, he held her. 
link to ao3
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