kowaindar0u · 2 months
[ with @nxmelessfighter | from here ]
Hachisuka had ... volunteered, more or less, to assist Hana in the kitchen when he'd heard that she wanted to try baking. Of course, there wasn't much in the actual cooking department that he could help her with, but he could... probably, at least, make sure she didn't burn down the kitchen-- or herself!
"They're going to need to cool," he reminds her, but goes to find a spatula that isn't still covered in the gooey remnants of the some previous attempts. He hands that to Hana, as well as the oven mitt.
"But if we move them to another plate they should cool faster." He grabs a plate from the cabinet and sets it nearby before adding: "...I think."
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8suka · 5 years
(countrfxit) ❛ What are you doing out here? ❜
Hachisuka lets out a quiet sigh as he uncrosses and re-crosses his legs as they hang off the engawa and his feet tap at the ground below. He supposes he doesn’t mind Nagasone joining him, but as per usual he’s determined to look down on him, even as he cocks his head to glance up at him. 
“Just... sitting,” he hums, his tone a bit wistful. Another sword had arrived recently, and considering who it wasn’t, he’s feeling a little tender about it. But, that’s to be left unsaid for now, even though he’s just been staring off across the garden for some time now, and it’s gone dark already. “Why, did you need something?”
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
[with @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
Hachisuka had... mixed feelings about Saseki accompanying them on their expedition. On one end, he respects his master, and knows his abilities, and if there's something going on that he's wanted to personally suss out here, he should be able to do so. On the other end... well, between his desire for the saniwa to remain safe and out of danger when possible, and the...somewhat complicated feelings he has about his romantic involvement with the older of his... 'brothers', it's not ideal. Had he been captain, he would have certainly spoken up about it directly. Instead, he holds his tongue and begrudgingly defers to Fukushima.
The uchigatana had already been racing back to assist in fending off whatever entity had suddenly appeared to attack Saseki, but the saniwa fends it off-- only to begin falling.
Hachisuka's heart drops to his stomach at the sight and he launches himself forward enough to reach him, scooping him up and darting away from the edge.
The heels of his boots dig into the dirt as he comes to a stop, but it takes a few moments before Hachisuka finally lets him go.
"Aruji..." The toudan's eyes scan over Saseki, and while he isn't outwardly expressing it, the fervent look in his eyes is clear indicator that he'd just been scared shitless by what had almost happened to his master, and is waiting for the relief to catch up to him.
"Aruji... Are you alright?"
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kowaindar0u · 4 months
[ for @zantedeschia-praesul ]
It's still morning, the sun is still crawling up the sky, and the citadel is starting to bustle. Breakfast has already been served, and the assignments for today have already been announced.
Urashima is busy, and Hachisuka is unoccupied with a delegated task today.
And, so it happens, is Izuminokami.
Ever since their conversation on the field, he has been waiting for a day when they are both available for Hachisuka to give him a rundown of maintenance on the tractor he was so very attached to. The more people who can reliably care for it and properly drive the machine the better, he thinks. Just in case he's not here when it needs to be done.
So, Hachisuka gathers his things-- a small notebook and pencil, his coinpurse, and the keys to the tractor-- gives a curt nod to Nagasone, and leaves his room, making for Izuminokami's.
He knocks firmly on the door.
"Izuminokami," he calls. "I hope you weren't planning on being lazy today. I'd like you to come with me."
He speaks politely, of course, but his tone indicates this is more of a demand than a request.
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
(diary meme ehek) 13 Yuichi (either Nagasone, Kashuu or Saseki ehek), 7 Hachisuka! (@zantedeschia-praesul)
[ DEAR  DIARY          .    .    . ]
i'm a gemini you can't just give me 3 choices and expect me to pick hehe. so have them all !!!!!!! (really i just love doing these diaries so i'm taking all them i can get rrrrrraaaaaa)
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Nagasone)
Ohhh, dearest diary. You are going to feel so special, aren't you? Because you've known for so long about Nagasone and I, longer than perhaps anyone else-- except maybe Kashuu. Don't be getting jealous, though!
But... we've finally decided to let it be known by the rest of the honmaru, and... Well I think a lot of the men already had some kind of idea. Kogitsunemaru definitely knew, though he's gracious enough to wait until we were ready before he said anything (some very kind words, naturally). I think Murakumo got the hint simply for how much time he spends in my office some days. Hachisuka probably figured it out pretty quickly, though he hasn't said anything to me, and Nagasone hasn't mentioned anything from him. Urashima I think was somehow still unaware. Perhaps he's just too pure for this world.
"I don't know why I was so nervous about it." I know I say this all the time, but it never seems to stop being relevant. I was worried others would be unhappy about it, or that they might think I play favorites-- clearly this is different, right? Right.
Worst of all, the thought crossed my mind that... perhaps after it stopped being such a secret, Nagasone might lose interest, or look at me differently, or something. I don't have this worry anymore, but I can't stop thinking ABOUT the fact that I thought that might happen. I feel awful for even barely entertaining the thought. Nagasone had never given me any reason to believe that, and on the contrary, he only ever gives me hundreds more to KNOW for certain that it wouldn't happen. It's... amazing, really, how he can do so much to make me feel so good, and happy, and just... like everything's okay... But I still find a way to think there's a chance that I don't deserve it.
Nagasone would hate to hear that from me, I know it. And he doesn't deserve that, either.
Which is why I tell you, of course. But you probably could already guess that, huh.
Well... Whether I deserve it or not... I love him. So much. I'd be a goner without him.
So, diary, I hope you're happy for us too.
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Kashuu)
Dear Diary.
This still feels like some kind of fucked-up dream. But... up until now, through all of this... recovering, monitoring, assessing, training, learning, trying to come to terms with the fact that apparently magic and sword-men and time travel is all real... It's been like I'm just walking through it in a confused, numb daze. It didn't really matter. For all I knew, I could've been dead and this was my afterlife.
But... not anymore.
I summoned my first touken danshi. Kashuu Kiyomitsu, he's called. One of two trusty swords of Shinsengumi first unit captain, famed Okita Souji.
The summoning itself was... excruciating, but amazing. I don't know how I did it. But... I haven't FELT this much emotion, felt anything in this intensity but despair and loneliness in... I don't know when, or if I have.
Maybe I was scared. This whole Government thing is intimidating. Maybe I was just afraid that if I didn't give it my all, they'd... I dunno, kick me to whatever the afterlife equivalent of a curb is. Or send me to hell.
Maybe I just wanted it to be real so badly that I managed to tap into that... pathetic, desperate wish for a connection with someone, a friend, that I could have a chance not to isolate myself or squander it, and...
And he appeared. Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
I thought perhaps the fact I was crying might freak out a new person-- a literally NEW person, right? But it seems... there really is a connection between us. They told us this would be the case with the swords we summoned, but... I guess I couldn't believe it until I felt it myself.
I hugged Kashuu Kiyomitsu and... it just made everything real. Real, and scary, and overwhelming, but... if this is my second chance at life, I'm going to take it. As long as he's there with me... I think I'll be okay.
Kashuu Kiyomitsu... Thank you.
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Saseki)
Ah, diary...
I'm sitting at my desk... I should be working, but... I just can't help but stare at the magical painting Saseki gifted me, and think about him. I appreciate Nagisa a great deal, and of course owe my life to her and her men, but I don't know that I was in such a state of mind to have formed a bond with her. Not to mention there was a lot that she couldn't tell me, since the Government had yet to make a call on what to do with me.
But Saseki... what can I say? He's become one of my best friends, almost like a brother, perhaps. He's so insistent that he be able to protect me or help me if I'd ever need it, even after he's been through so much himself... I'm so grateful to him, and this honmaru is lucky to have such an ally, of course.
But letting my thoughts drift... one question my mind asked, I can't help but think about: "Where were you before, in my old life?"
I had ... friends, before. I guess. But I had such trouble trying to interact with them for some reason and opted to just... keep to myself. I didn't feel truly comfortable with anyone.
But... I don't know. I don't want to change where I am now. I would never give this up for even a moment, not over my dead body and then some. But I can't help but wonder, what IF I had known Saseki? Sometimes I think about this with my touken danshi as well, but it feels more of a fantasy that way, about maybe taking them around a modern city and whatnot. But with Saseki... he's a human. In theory, it's not impossible for us to have crossed paths, and ... I just think... maybe if we had...
No, no. This sounds like I'm blaming Saseki. It's not that. It's just... What I mean is... I'm just so grateful to have him. And I know now the impact one person can have on the trajectory of history in a given timeline. On the off chance I would have allowed myself to befriend him like this back then, or in a different timeline... maybe things wouldn't have been quite so unbearable. Maybe there's a version of me who had someone like him like I wished I had. And that's what's really got me right now.
[there's some smudges where seemingly a couple of drops were hastily brushed off the page]
Well. It's really neither here nor there, isn't it. What matters most is that we both got to where we are and are friends today, right? Right.
07.     entry made featuring an important moment in their life. (Hachisuka)
Dear Diary.
It was... a beautiful day. Well. It was... a fine enough day. Until the rain and winds picked up, and thunder crashed, rattling the doors and windows...
And HE appeared.
Nagasone 'Kotetsu'.
It may be unbecoming of me, but I'm seething. A counterfeit, a fake, an imitation, using something as prestigious as the Kotetsu name? Here, in my citadel? In my room? My master is testing me, truly.
He seems to not even be bothered by the fact that he bears a name that doesn't suit him, that he couldn't possibly live up to... right? He's just so... amicable, and seems quite happy to be here.
I told him: I may be obligated to share my room with you--for now. But know this. You are NOT a true Kotetsu, and you are NOT my brother. Do not expect me to treat you as such.
I don't know what I expected from him.
It's ridiculous, preposterous.
It seems I lost my train of thought. No matter. I'm being called out for dispatch anyway. This isn't the last you'll hear on this regard, mark my word.
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
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"Aruji seems to have come down with something. Yagen ordered him to stay in bed and for once, he didn't seem to protest. That said, if we see him out and about, try to put him back."
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kowaindar0u · 6 months
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"That sound... Is that...?"
Hachisuka hurries over to the hook where he keeps the keys to his beloved playmate. The hook is empty. Quickly, he slides open his door and steps out into the hall.
"Who took the keys? Who's driving it? At least ask first!"
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kowaindar0u · 8 days
[ with @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
Hachisuka just lets out a huff through his nose, though it's not a displeased sign. Compared to himself Izuminokami tended to be of a more rowdy personality, and so that often led to Hachisuka to reflexively underestimate his responsibility and forethought, and be reminded that indeed, he's got more sense than he gives him credit for.
And apparently his method of teaching the maintenance had been effective.
Honestly, he's quite pleased with the situation, if a bit disappointed that they aren't able to try out the new tractor yet.
"Good. I agree. Of course I'd prefer if it didn't come with the risk of getting oil on my clothes, but I'd rather deal with that than forgo it and be relegated to do all the fieldwork by hand. Someday perhaps we can talk aruji into investing in the planter attachment that goes behind so we can till and plant without having to do the dirty work by hand. Speaking of which..."
Hachisuka folds his arms across his chest, straighting his already-proud posture a little and cocking an eyebrow at the taller uchigatana.
"There are two of us and only one tractor right now. Which one of us gets to drive it?"
The look he's giving (and just Hachisuka in general) make it clear that he wants it to be him, but he's trying to be friendly enough with Izuminokami and not quite make a demand.
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
(that question sentence starter thing!) ❛ You said you wanted to talk? ❜ (HachiKane!) (@zantedeschia-praesul)
Hachisuka slides open the door to the Kotetsu brothers' accommodations to let Izuminokami inside. Nagasone is away on patrol at the moment, so he had wanted to take the time to speak privately with his squad members.
They had thwarted the attempts of the HRA's meddling with the sequence of events involving mainly Okita Souji and Kondo Isami, and these events continued in ways that left their records unchanged. However, there were signs that the Revisionists weren't done yet, and may be lying in wait for an opportune chance to... use, manipulate, or kill Hijikata Toshizo. At present, there was now only about a year left until the day he was meant to die at the Battle of Hakodate.
When Izuminokami enters, he shuts the door behind him, and then takes a seat, his posture prim and polite as usual, though perhaps if one watches him closely they might see he's a little tense.
"Izuminokami," he starts. "As your captain, let me say that you have been doing a fine job over the course of this mission thus far. I... have no real complaints to speak of." He smiles a little, but it's short-lived.
"However, as both your captain, and your f--... fellow touken danshi, I... would like to ask your feelings about what may come to be the next segment of our mission, involving your former master, and... How prepared you think you might be to handle it."
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
[ for @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
The History Retrograde Army's assault has felt relentless. Even with a full team, there are so many, and... It's not that Hachisuka doesn't think they can handle it. But it's not easy, and they will almost certainly have pushed themselves quite far by the time it's said and done. That will be the worst of it, if everything goes well.
And it had been going well enough, he'd thought, until Nagasone charged ahead, into the fray, like a damned fool.
He'd muttered some rather unbecoming curses under his breath and chased after him, with the full intent to drag him back so they could proceed with a proper formation of some kind, together.
But from the side, that enemy tachi was fast, aiming for the so-called Kotetsu, and now it was time for Hachisuka to act without thinking.
He darted forward as quickly as he could, pushing off to almost leap forward and between that HRA soldier and Nagasone, while drawing and dragging his blade through the enemy in one swift motion.
He skids to a halt, his boots digging in and leaving drag marks in the dirt, but he straightens himself back into his fighting stance. That was one of many enemies on the field, there's no time to stand around-- but that won't stop him from saying his piece.
"What are you thinking? If you're going to insist on using the Kotetsu name," he barks, but doesn't turn his proud gaze from squaring up with the dark presences around them, just waiting for any one of them to make a move on him or his brother. "Then get your head in order and stop being such an imbecile!"
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