#ic: deacon.
luck-of-the-drawings · 9 months
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EPISODE 2 AND 3 HAVE BEEN SOOOO FUN im already so emotionally attached to each of these characters.. if anything bad ever happens to any of them im killing everyone and then everyone.
#cw blood#cw vomiting#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#ARTHUR BENNETS DRY HUMOR IS SOOO FUCKIN FUNNY OH MY GOOODDD the sleepin upside down bit omg..#i love drawing him with just the same stoic expression. he is a stone cold pillar of ice to me. one that loves his little kitty kittyyyyy#i loved watching him work with emizel aswell the dynamic is SOO FUN#I LOVE THAT EMIZEL IS SO FOND OF CATS TOO LIKE RAAAHH THATS SO SWEET.. pepper is his favorite cat....#the part with him defending pepper was SO CUTE UGHH i love emizel he is so small and sharp and pointy AND YET#there is LOVE IN THAT BOYS MOSTLY DEAD HEART I TEEELLL YOU HWAT!!! and in other news:#i love love love the concept of 'royal shut-in gets lost in the big city' MY BABY BOY SHILOOO I ADORE HIMMMM#AND DEACON WAS SOOOO NICE TO HIM givin him a place to stay n helpin him dress up for the party and taking him around town to see the sights#im in love with deacon i love him soooo much. AND ALSO. ABOUT SHILO.#HE CAN EAT FOOOOOD LIKE SURE THE GARLIC GOT HIM BUT WE GGOOOTTA GIVE HIM A MILKSHAKE OR SMTH#LIKE I THOUGHT IN THE FIRST EPISODE WHEN HE SIPPED SODY N NOTHING HAPPENED. I THOUGHT THAT WAS JUSTA FLUKE#BUT NO ITS A PATTERN ITSA PATTERN HE CAN EAT FOOD!!! BABY BOY CAN EAT FOOOD!!!!!!! FEED HIM MORE FOOD!!! food is the best human creation#I HOPE MORE GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO THESE BOYS. especially since. well. okay so ive seen the 4th episode. sigh.#like holy fuck. hey ep4? what the fuck? hey you just let that happen? what the fuck. what the FUCK. EPISODE 4. HEY WHAT THE FUCK#THAT DIDNT NEED TO HAPPEN. OH MY GOD. THIS BETTER END WELL. IN TWO WEEKS I KNOW YALLRE GONNA BE SCREAMIN TOO BC OHHH MY GLOD. WHAT THE FUCK#EPSIDOE FOUR STILL HAS ME FUCKED UP SO BAD OH MY GOD. I WILL NEVER BE OVER IT. HOLY SHIT. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. WHYYYYYY. NOOOOOOO!
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piecesofchess · 1 year
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Forever thinking about ice bucket challenge deacon
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ghostsoffarharbor · 3 months
Dear diary,
Got the okay from Captain Avery and The Mariner to head south to The Commonwealth coming up soon. I was going to go help push the trappers back, which I will, but I'm heading out sooner than I planned. They asked me to check for some supplies, usual stuff, and then about something else.
Apparently, those Brotherhood of Steel boys are making a push up north. I'm just supposed to check and report back. I'll be frank: from my few interactions with the Brotherhood, I don't like them. Stuck-up bunch of dinks, they are.
Those chromed-out power armor suits are pretty cool, though.
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tavtiers · 8 months
What are your thoughts on the Bard of Void ?
The Bard of Void [symbols: jester hat, shadow]
The Bard class has its basis in the classic trickster trope. An example would be the Shakespearean fool.
The Void aspect’s main theme is the unknown. You can find its official description here.
A Bard of Void is among those who alter knowing and perceiving. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Sylph, Maid, Bard, and Prince of Void/Light. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that alter the Void/Light dichotomy (knowing and perceiving). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Bard of Void passively destroys the Void aspect. Passive classes are guided by others or act for the benefit of others. They are more likely to be kind, but less likely to stand up for themselves. Princes and Bards destroy their aspect and everything it symbolizes, while using that same aspect as a weapon. In doing so, they leave their opposite aspect in their wake. Due to their actions, they come across as their opposite aspect. Simplified, the Bard of Void is motivated by others to destroy the unknown. In personality, they start out as the Light aspect, seemingly defined by awareness.
On the subject of personality, the Bard of Void gets angry when things don't go their way and is very independent. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Revolutionary Spy, defined by outrage and secrecy. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Prince of Light, who actively destroys awareness.
Their inverse is the Maid of Light, who actively assists awareness.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Bard of Void begins life motivated by themselves to assist awareness. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead destroying the unknown for others. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to destroy the Void aspect passively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Thief of Rage, the Spy Revolutionary.
The Bard of Void would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Light [Opposite Aspect] and Void [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Surveillance and Blackouts. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Nyx (Goddess of Night) or Poseidon (God of the Sea). Other Void aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Bard of Void completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of bats (symbols of night). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Bards of Void are: Oghren from Dragon Age, Ice King from Adventure Time, Harry Du Bois from Disco Elysium, Adam Stanheight from Saw, Deacon from Fallout 4, Edmund Chicane from The Adventure Zone: Amnesty, and Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions Personality Descriptions Aspect Denizens
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btransplant · 5 months
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The alternate ending on the "Blade" DVD is amazing.
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zirawrites · 2 years
Been thinking about an AU with this premise so, how would the companions react to the SoSu explaining that they aren’t actually Shaun’s parent?
Cait: “Well then why the hell have we spent so much time lookn’ for him?” Cait cared less about Sole’s relationship with Shaun and more about whether Sole was trying to find the lost baby on some crazy suicide mission. That was one shitshow she had no interest getting involved with.
Codsworth: “But you brought him home from the hospital?” Codsworth’s sentence came out more like a befuddled question than recollection of that memory. “I don’t understand. Did Nate/Nora... stray? Oh goodness, that was so presumptuous of me. My apologies, sir/mum. It’s none of my business.”
Curie: “And yet you risk so much for him?” Curie placed her hands tenderly across her heart. “That is so kind of you, Sole. I’m sure when we find him he will be oh so grateful towards you.”
Danse: “Family runs deeper than blood relations.” Danse was closer to soldiers in the Brotherhood than his own relatives. It wasn’t difficult for him to sense Sole’s love for Shaun, regardless if they were his biological parent. “I completely understand where you’re coming from.”
Deacon: “And next you’ll tell me Codsworth isn’t really your second-cousin.” Deacon hesitated when Sole didn’t break into the smile they always did when he caught them lying. “Wait, you’re serious? Then who are you to him?” Deacon didn’t see that coming... and he hated being left out of the loop.
Hancock: “Sometimes we find our real family after we leave home.” Hancock had found his people in Goodneighbor. There was nothing -- and no one -- left in Diamond City who gave a rat’s ass about his wellbeing. “Shaun’s lucky to have someone like you sticking out their neck for him.”
MacCready: “After all you’ve done for Duncan, it’s no surprise you’re trying to help another kid fallen victim to the Wastes.” MacCready only found Sole more admirable after their confession. He was a family-man at heart.
Preston: “The whole Commonwealth is lucky to have you. Shaun included.” Preston wasn’t sure why Sole was always looking out for the little guy, but he hoped their altruism rubbed off on his own good deeds.
Piper: “Does that mean if Nat was taken you’d find her, too?” Piper had always feared losing her only family to the Institute. She hoped sticking around Sole would help train her for the worst outcome.
Nick: “I’ve made a career out of finding other people’s kin. You and I aren’t so different after all.” Nick never doubted Sole would help someone outside of their family. They’d been helping settlers since they thawed from the vault.
X6-88: “I’m not sure if the Institute was aware of that.” Someone was getting fired when X6 turned in his next report.
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rasafcrged · 4 months
@losinmortalesperdidos / deacon - continued.
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He opened his eyes and jumped up scanning the space around him, his right hand instinctively reached to his thigh where the knife used to be. It wasn’t there. A second later he felt the sharp pain in his ribs and nauseating banging in his head and had to lie back down but immediately raised himself up on his elbow. “What the…” He looked at the girl who seemed too calm, to the lights, to the details of the room. It was a police station, long abandoned just like everything else. The pain made it difficult to focus, but he tried to remember. They had gathered their last camp and left because there was nothing to eat anymore, and they had plundered everything for many miles around. After ten days of traveling, they had found this empty little town, and the first night everything had been fine, but the next one the Hell broke loose. It had been impossible to say, which way they had been attacked from and by whom. They had been fighting and dying, and then there was nothing. “My people…” he choked on pain and coughed bending and croaking for the next minute, “Did you see anyone else?
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"The raiders left with three of their dead, and six wounded - I don't know if they were their people or yours, though. There were two other dead left behind, I expect those were your people, and that they thought you were among them." She leaned forward enough to nudge the supplies she had left for him closer, watching him carefully to assess the way he moved, and try and gauge just how bad his injuries were. "They'll probably come back for the others come dawn - I'm hoping they don't notice the fact you're not there to come looking for you."
She eased back into a cross legged position, reaching into the chest pocket of her jacket to pull out a sealed pack of tylenol to hold out in his direction. "I don't have much to spare in the way of meds, and honestly I don't think these will make much of a dent in what you're dealing with, but -- you can take them if you want them," she offered.
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likemosaic · 5 months
“ look at me… i’m not gonna make it. it’s okay, i’m fine with that. but… you can’t stay here. you’ve got a good long life ahead of you. and you’re smart, too; too smart to wait around here and waste that long life. so you get out of here, and you go live that life. live it for both of us. will you promise me you’ll do that? “ (from Deacon ;n;)
settling dust prompts / @asmodcus
brotherhood bullets whiz inches above their heads, clipping the edge of the bench they've used for cover. they're both as full of holes as a block of cheese, their blood mingling together on the tile beneath them. "charmer" doesn't look down at their right side, or think about the fact that they can't feel their leg or their arm anymore, or the warm trickling sensation down their face. they know they must look terrifying to deacon.
joss is sloppily reloading their gun with one hand as deacon talks--methodically, at first, but they slow to a stop when they realize what he means. joss can teleport to the institute and receive medical attention--deacon, on the other hand, cannot. the only person caught in this ambush, truly caught, is him. the horror of the idea of up and leaving him like this shows plainly on their face. "what? no. no way." joss has to put their gun in their lap to do it, but they reach over and hold his hand, palms slick with blood. they know deacon would never jump ship without them, were the situations reversed. but then, if this is it for joss, then what will happen to audra? shaun? their infiltration of the institute? joss' throat tightens. maybe that's what deacon's thinking, too.
joss's lips tighten, then wobble a little. but as they've become so good at since they woke up from the vault, the pain gets stuffed down inside in favor of something else: action. they start tapping at their pipboy, having to hit the buttons with their nose to make it work, their good hand still holding deacon's. "if this doesn't work, i'm coming back with help, so just. pretend to be dead," they say, fumbling their words, knowing that they may not live long enough to come back to do anything. they've never tried to teleport into the institute with anyone else in tow before, and if they're unlucky, deacon will be shot by coursers on sight--if he's not vaporized in the process. or worse, simply left behind to die on the cold, bloody floor while joss disappears into thin air. but they have to try. deacon would do it for charmer, if he had to.
joss tries to think of something to warn him about the impending teleportation and comes up short. then they hit the button.
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food-view · 1 year
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roastyoualive · 1 year
“I’m fine.” He says it without looking up. He doesn’t look up, but that’s mostly because he’s still staring at his book. It’s a good one. He's read it before, but it still holds his interest. … Especially when the alternative is talking about his own wellbeing.
Despite his insistence, he's clearly not fine. Shoulders tense, jaw tight. The smell of smoke clings to him like a second skin. He's not burning now - but he had been recently. And he's also not at home, or at the library. He's here. That should tell them all enough already.
"I'm just waiting for Jewel." He looks up, then, but keeps the book open. "You know when she'll be back?"
FOR DEACON - @drkroots
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gcrdy · 3 months
Deacon is certainly sending mixed messages here. On one hand, he's wearing a priest's collar, the whole getup, in fact. To anyone else, they would rightfully assume he's a priest. But, on the other hand, he had a Glock pointed at Gordy's chest. That seemed a bit contradictory. "I promise you, shooting people is not my favorite thing to do." But? "But...you have sticky fingers Mister Jackson. And theft I cannot abide by. Do you know what happens to thieves? Biblically speaking?"
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This wasn't the first time Gordy had gotten a gun pointed at him, but it was certainly the first time it had been done by someone dressed in this particular get-up. He had to wonder if this guy was the real deal or if he was just playing dress-up, but it was hard to focus on that question when there was cold metal entirely too close to his body. No matter how many times it happened, it really wasn't something a person could get used to...particularly the people who enjoyed the whole being alive, a group of which Gordy was a member. Fortunately, this guy seemed to be giving him some opportunity to plead his case. He couldn't argue that he hadn't stolen, he'd been well and truly caught, but maybe he could charm his way out of being turned into Swiss cheese. "I've never been much for Bible study," he replied with a well-practiced, placating, smile. "But, well, I do recall the Bible talkin' an awful lot about forgiveness. So why don't I just return what's yours and we forget this whole thing?"
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ghostsoffarharbor · 3 months
Dear diary,
Setting out for The Commonwealth today. Got a late start this morning because some gulpers and one or two anglers wanted a go at The Hull. I talked with Captain Avery and The Mariner again to see if they wanted me to delay it one more day, but Brooks and that miserable old Allen Lee both need supplies, so off I go.
I have a feeling that that sea hag what married Allen wouldn't let him sell to me if I didn't take off today. I'd be in trouble if it weren't for the .45-70 ammo he has on hand.
Will keep you updated.
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gxldensxldiers · 6 months
Tag Dump
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streakyglasses · 6 months
whole team celebrating deacon’s ???? birthday at an ice rink
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svndrenched · 10 months
Most dust is human skin flakes which makes roombas carnivorous and one day the skin flakes won’t satiate them and they will rise up and devour us.
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"The Brotherhood of Steel propaganda gets weirder and weirder every day."
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theodddaysout · 2 years
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My MASKS campaign is one of my main sources of brain rot, so back in September I made a fake cover for what was being billed as a BIG DEAL session, and recently I decided to remake the cover for Reasons.
And boy, things only got harder for these idiots after this. lol
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