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leepores · 8 months
@artisankiller continued from here
      𝐀𝐧 𝐚𝐦𝘂𝘀𝐞𝐝 𝘀𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟.      As if she had any idea what this place would serve. The only thing that caught her attention was the bright and over-the-top colors in their advertisement. Like some magpie. Feigning having a vague idea of the restaurant's menu, Polly taps onto the flyer with great confidence.
     ❝ Well, I can see sandwiches on there. A lemonade . . . Either chicken or a smashed-up pizza . . . ❞     Tilting and angling her head to make out what in the nine hells their designer was thinking, but sure as hell hoping Jhin would not mind the lack of understanding. As for the occasion, a lackluster stare towards nothing in particular. Silence.
     ❝ Because I am hungry.   Do we really need a reason to eat out   ?   I believe there is a holiday today somewhere in the world. Will that do   ? ❞     There was that soft irritation in her words. Syllables carry confusion, naturally, when it comes to something the girl doesn't understand in the first few seconds.
Oh, what a delight it is to go out with an artist   !   Of course, he wants to indulge in his hobby while they are waiting.     ❝ What'd ya want to sketch   ?   You really are addicted to that pen of yours, hm . . . Guess we will have to feed one or two birds, so your humble self can have a reference . . . ❞
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umbra-domini · 1 year
| @unforgivenn plotted a starter!
It wasn't often that Zed had sought someone out to join his order. More often than not, those who he welcomed into his ranks were those that had nowhere else to go. Those that were willing to do whatever it took to keep Ionia safe. Those that - no matter the consequences, or the stigma that may come with it, were doing whatever it would take to gain that power and strength. People who, like him, were fractured deeply - ones that did not mind being seen as a traitor a monster for the path they were taking. That did not mind the dishonor it would bring them, the isolation.
But with their isolation, there was solidarity within those that were training beneath him. A found family of sorts. A refuge for those who wanted to do better for their nation. For those who did not conform to the rules set by the Council. Rules that, Zed did not find himself all too fond of. There was fault in the way they did things, in the way they sat idly by dictating things without getting their hands dirty. Order and abiding by the rules was something he had once strictly followed in life, but upon finding the strength that came with forging his own path, there was no going back from that.
That was why, when he had heard of man who wielded techniques that were only given to a select few. When he had heard of this man who he believed to have the same deep beliefs as him - who he felt held a darkness within him as well. He had to pursue it, seek him out and demand ask him to join his order. It was a shot in the dark, but having a powerful ally like that would certainly make others take the Shadow Order more seriously. Would fortify their place as defenders for Ionia and enhance the chances of success in the case that Noxus were to step foot into the nation once more.
There was always a chance that the man would refuse his offer - a risk Zed had been willing to take. Much to his pleasant surprise though, Yasuo had agreed.
Agreed to be a part of his order. Agreed to work with him. Things were going good. With some training, things would be even better. Get the man used to the way things worked around the temple, get him used to working with the others, and things would go smoothly. That was the plan at least. There was a first step that would be taken in ensuring that things were to go smoothly and work how he had planned it meticulously; See his combat capabilities. And what better way to do that than a good old fashioned spar?
Zed shifted his footing, squaring his stance with his shoulders, and he would flex his muscles in his wrist and hands just a bit. His gaze settling on the man before him. His arm blades glimmered in the light of the mid day sun, and he let out a soft breath before he spoke. " Let's see how capable you are with that sword of yours. "
It wasn't that he doubted his abilities - but he was rather more curious about the extent he had perfected them.
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shadowdavutoglu · 1 year
What would it take for you to betray the Jolly Rogers?
Having to choose between them and my siblings.
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cyberunnerlucy · 2 years
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The strange silver-haired woman pulled a cigarette out from a pocket case and lit it up, taking a long drag from it before blowing the smoke into the air and turning to face the girl in front of her. "Honestly? I can't blame you for the reaction. I would have done the same about a year ago. Most people I saw, I just ignored or flipped off if I was pissed off that day. I dunno... Guess seeing someone like you reminded me of those I lost... chooms who gave their lives to save mine."
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avengerang · 9 months
@nameaprice asked: The cards were held near her person, careful that he didn't see them "Go on then, it's your turn."
⚜ 𝕌𝕟𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 ⚜
       𝖧𝗈𝗐 𝖽𝗂𝖽 𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗀𝗀𝗅𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗌𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖺 𝗀𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗂𝖾𝗋   ?     After observing Sivir's last move, the Shuriman begins to sweat. She placed the cards between the pair, the number on them clearly taunting him. It was more than clear he had trouble keeping a straight poker face. Akshan's brows furrow, his index finger idly pinches his bottom lip. Shit.
It would be all fun and games if the man did not bet half of his monthly earnings on that stupid round.     ❝ Are you shitting me  ?   ❞     The underlying chuckle was more of a frustrated nature than offering a playful exchange.     ❝ I'm never going to play with you again. Seriously. This is nuts. ❞     Fingers nervously brushed through his hair, pulling the loose strands back while trying to figure out what to do. 
Yet, this was a clear defeat. His hand was full of nothing that could beat the bounty hunter. The sentinel rolls his eyes arrogantly.
     ❝ M-Maybe we make a best of three . . . ? ❞
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godzexperiment · 11 months
"Okay what is an candy corn?"
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shadowedresolve · 5 months
"Man, sometimes I wonder if it's what I really want to do..."
Ann sighs as she offhandedly remarks on something that's been bothering her today, though she doesn't think about it too often. Immediately after, though, she gives a sheepish kind of smile, looking at Makoto and abruptly apologizing.
"Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to unload on you. You're just really easy to talk to, you know?" ...But she doesn't want to bother Makoto with a stray thought like that. Modeling is what she decided to strive towards, after all, and she doesn't want to give up on that goal! Especially with Shiho counting on her... she needs to give her strength, just like she promised she would. It's not like she hates the work, either. Working hard on her appearance is tougher than Ann expected, but she's not going to give up on something just because it's hard work.
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"I bet you're working hard towards your goal too, aren't you? You're really impressive, Makoto!"
@belovedblossoms ( starter for makoto! )
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botanikos · 18 days
& this time, rather than pecking random passerby, he may gently lean and rest his head atop another's — or else their shoulder if within relative range.
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dramatisperscnae · 1 month
@redvenante [xx]
"Fond? Of you? Don't flatter yourself."
Kyle snorts, shaking his head. The last thing he'd expected on coming back to Earth was to find the Red Hood perched on his kitchen counter, but…well, he's had a hunch about just who it's been that's been keeping the place spotless while he's off dealing with Lantern business. Now he's got proof.
Just why Jason's been coming all the way out to California from Gotham to be the nation's farthest-traveling maid service is something Kyle tries not to think too hard about. Neither one of them has been all that pleased about being soulmates, not since they'd made that particular discovery. Hell, Jason's basically hated him since they met, on that multiversal jaunt with Donna trying to outpace the looming Crisis, and then to find out they're bound together by more than just being reality's own special little misfits?
Yeah, neither of them had taken that well at all.
But it's not like they can do anything about it, and even Kyle has felt the ache of bond sickness for all the ring mitigates the worst of it. So here they are.
"…I can make the guest room up for you," he says with only the faintest trace of grumbling, "unless you've already done that yourself. You might as well stay the night and this point. I'll fly you back to Gotham later; it'd be faster, and saves on plane fare."
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revengesworn · 1 year
It's surreal, seeing Kazutora after so many years have passed.
Mikey hasn't seen any of his former friends in a very long time. He knows what they're doing, where they are- all of them having moved onto better lives, away from the things that might hurt them, away from him. It makes a bitterness bubble up in his stomach every time he thinks of it - but even that bitterness is muted, not enough to fill up the emptiness in his heart.
But Kazutora... might be the strangest one of all to see now. Mikey knew that he was released from prison not long ago, of course, but somehow seeing him free is a strange feeling, one he can't put into words.
Mikey gave up everything to protect him. To protect all of them. And yet, when he looks at the face of the man he once called his friend, he feels next to nothing at all. ...He's so tired.
"Kazutora. It's been a long time."
It's too late to pretend he hasn't seen Kazutora now. And by the looks of things, Mikey gets the impression that he might even have been looking for him. ...Why?
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"Why are you here?"
@deathfavor ( starter for kazutora! )
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wisheswagered · 7 months
Frederick hasn't been at this manor for nearly as long as the others. Though it feels like it's been an eternity to him, it means that he's still getting to know the other survivors who've found themselves trapped in this place.
And Emma Woods... is one of those people. It's such a bizarre feeling, seeing her now. While he'd never known her in life, he had heard of her - as a girl who went missing in mysterious circumstances several years ago, her life sensationalized and her disappearance treated as an unsolvable mystery by those who knew of her.
Never would he have dreamed he'd ever end up joining her among the ranks of the missing. ...He wonders if they're looking for him, too. They must be - while not for the reasons he wants, Frederick Kreiburg is a well-known name among the higher classes, and yet... that fact brings him no comfort at all.
Regardless. It's cruel of him, but the one thing that strikes him as he looks at her now is what he knows of her past. Knowing she's been a patient at an asylum for so much of her life... to be quite honest, it chills him to the bone. The reason for that discomfort is difficult to identify - or maybe, deep down, it's something that he simply doesn't want to acknowledge.
Today, though... there's only one question on his mind. Though he doesn't know if it's curiosity or paranoia that drives him to ask.
"Tell me. Why did you approach me, of all people, for this?"
@mlssamericana ( starter for emma! )
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umbra-domini · 1 year
| @flower-bites plotted a starter!
Zed was never the kind of person to be paranoid about things. He took most in stride and often times did not worry himself with matters that he didn't see worth worrying about. There wasn't much that bothered him, wasn't much that was enough to make him start keeping his guard up. He knew that he was powerful, that he was strong enough to hold his own in the majority of cases. Realistically speaking, there really wasn't much that should bother him, yet alone make him feel ebbs of … anxiety? worry? paranoia? Whatever it was.
But it was like a small lurch in his stomach that was eating away at him. Something that he refused to acknowledge. Something that, like with the majority of what he felt - he would refuse to acknowledge until it was too much to ignore. But it hadn't gotten to that point. So he would choke it down and drown whatever feelings that he was having. He was far too busy trying to look after his order and keep an eye out for any threats to Ionia to deal with it anyways.
Ironically, his keeping an eye out for threats was what had caused these feelings in the first place. It wasn't confirmed, no, but there had been some people talking about killings in the nation of Zaun that struck a chord within him. That seemed eerily familiar. Ghosts of his past that haunted him, shadows in the dark that kept him up at night. The horrors of what he had seen as a mere boy… things that stuck with him and shaped him into the man he was now. Shaped him into what could be seen as a ruthless killer, not wanting to simply toss a threat away in a prison but instead choosing to snuff them out with his own hands. He had reasons for what he did -- as much as he may be seen as cruel for it. No - he knew that it was the only right thing to do, that not bringing someone of the likes to justice was only leaving the door open for more harm in the future.
There was a bitterness within him, and he knew he couldn't change it. And yet he still fixated over it when things got too quiet, when he found himself with nothing to do. The thoughts getting far too much, regrets of the past. He was bitter that they had not killed the man who brought so much destruction to his beautiful Nation. That they had not brought justice to the man whose name still haunted him --- Khada Jhin.
That instead, he had been taken to rot away in stone walls. Something that had been ensured would be forever, that there was no chance of him escaping. But as he caught wind of more and more murders across nations far from here.. ones that were just as … gruesome as those years ago. There was a part of him that wondered if perhaps it hadn't been a set in stone guarantee, that perhaps, something had happened that resulted in that psychopath with a heart of ice being set free. Being able to slaughter men like cattle once more.
Of course.. that wasn't possible right? It merely had to be a coincidence… there was no way that Jhin could have gotten freed without an accomplice. But… the whole thing had put Zed on edge. He was more alert, more aware of the people that were coming in and out of Ionia. Anyone that seemed out of place, seemed a bit suspicious was someone that he would set his sights on and trail for a bit. Just to make sure there was no nefarious purpose. And so far, things were fine there wasn't anyone that he had deemed as too out of place that had raised any red flags after he spent some time looking into it. Things would be fine right?
But there was someone that stuck out to him, and he was quick to pull himself to his feet. A woman who looked out of place, someone who wasn't from here. It was not hard to spot someone who clearly didn't belong, who wasn't from Ionia. Between the ways they dressed mixed with looking out of place, pinpointing someone who wasn't local wasn't hard. Another person to follow, someone who, Zed was certain would end up like the others - of no interest. But it never did hurt to check, and so he was on the move yet again. Bringing himself closer to her, gaze narrowing slightly as he watched.
Then - after a few moments, he would approach. His gaze flickering over her as he tried to determine her purpose here. Then he would speak - " You don't look like you're from here. " there was no attempt to come off as friendly, if anything his tone was more like he was prodding for information. Trying to figure out where she was from. What her purpose was.
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shadowdavutoglu · 1 year
What was your first kill like?
I was mostly surprised by how easy it was. Nobody checked my bag, which is what my father had been the most worried about--that was why he couldn't do it himself. He thought they'd suspect him. But he didn't think they'd suspect a kid, especially since Onur and I had been friends way before our fathers fell out. All I had to do was wait for Onur to fall asleep and sneak out of his room.
I'd seen hits carried out before, so I knew what it might look like, but my father always told us, "If they're dead, they can't hurt you." So I tried not to be afraid of that. But I wasn't afraid to shoot, because I'd been shooting for years by then, and I knew I was good at it. I guess I just didn't expect it to work just like it did at the shooting range.
I made it out before anyone got there, too--my father and I had made a plan earlier, out the window and across the yard and through the hedge to the road where he'd be waiting to pick me up. He took me home, gave me my first taste of rakı, and sent me to bed. In the morning, he sat my brothers and sisters and me down and announced that I'd earned us a pony. (My mother had two horses at the time, and we'd all grown up riding, so there was context.) He'd always been into rewards being earned, not given, but that was the first time I realized how valuable a job could be. And it was the first time I realized if I did something well, I could change all my siblings' lives.
I missed being friends with Onur after that, though. That was the hardest part.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@magicmonstersandmischief from X
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Marius looked up at the direction of where the voice had come from. Red eyes sparkled in the moon light, but there was something in his gaze. Fear. A fear at seeing the woman before him. But it wasn't a fear of her. It was a fear for her.
A hand quickly pressed over his mouth, breath struggling to calm him as he held up a hand. "D-Don't come any closer!"
He swallowed thickly, the veins on his neck throbbing and straining. His armor rattled softly as he shook, trying to keep his composure. He couldn't give in to it. He couldn't let his baser instincts, ones that he abhorred, take over. Yet he was injured and needed to heal. His god had not aided his call for help and the only other way was with the blood of another.
His stomach churned at the very thought. "P-Please... You cannot come near me, I beg of you."
His whole body shuddered. The smell of blood, even his own, was getting overwhelming. And bleeding or not, he could smell the woman's blood too...
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avengerang · 11 months
They left a battle victorious but not unscathed. Sivir was wounded as well but not enough to render her immobile. On the other hand, Akshan seemed much more unwell when she approached him after the altercation. Before he could fall she caught him and made a witty quip "Thought you'd be lighter. Can you walk?"
@nameaprice ⚜ Unprompted
It would not be the first time, with him being the more incautious fighter and taking more hits than necessary. Not one weapon he wields and masters is meant for close combat, but what fun is it to not get a closer look at your foes' shocked expression when they face the inevitable defeat they deserve for standing up against him and his allies?
❝ Walk? Can walk since I was, like, one-year-old...❞ Faintly smiling, the Sentinel turns his face, looking at Sivir with softer eyes than usual. The blood loss made him dizzy. Trying to get on his feet alone leaves him wobbling like a threatened stick bug. ❝ Maybe not-❞ Akshan breathes out, weight heavy against his partner. ❝ They got me good, kudos to them. Kudos to them, ❞ the shuriman mumbles under heavy breaths.
His arm wraps over the woman's shoulder, supporting himself in a standing position. Other than some bruises and light cuts, nothing severe was visible. His head was buzzing. Some people know how to fight dirty, knocking on somebody's head like that. ❝ Just gimme a second, everything will be fine. Always like that. Don't you worry, friend. Are you fine? You are bleeding, no? ❞
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unbrydledfury · 4 months
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    "Hey, my tits are out all the time! How come no one's throwin' money at me?"
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