#ibs paint mentioned
mintychisps · 2 months
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They're my favorite 😍😍😍😍
I actually enjoyed drawing Dream the most, he's so cute 🥰😘
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grimmzmoth · 3 months
erm meat warn so gore warning?? idk its like steak ig + body horror probably just to be safe
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the creattureee venom was a good movie
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cue me forgetting the gif hang me by the toes
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awakentrashpanda · 9 months
Don’t give me wrong, I love yandere Dogday as much as the next person who ships Dogday and Catnap
But out of all the smiling critters
I always thought Bobby Bearhug was the most likely to be a yandere
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⬇️Blood and rambles underneath⬇️
❤️In this AU thingamajig Crafty wasn’t taking proper care of herself (barely slept, barely ate, etc.)
💙Bobby eventually has enough of seeing the woman she loves more than anyone slowly, but surely destroy herself and so decides to take Crafty’s care into her own hands
🤍Unfortunately however, in Bobby’s twisted mind, this means kidnapping Crafty, and keeping her locked up in her basement to protect her from the world, force feeding her, and using chloroform on her when she needs to sleep at night, or talking Catnap into lending her some of the red gas he uses, and hurting, or even killing, anyone who tries to take Crafty away from her 
💕On the surface Bobby still acts like her sweet and normal self and if anybody asks her if she seen Crafty, she just says that she hasn’t and she’s very worried
💞 but with Crafty her usual, sweet and kind, nature has turned into a more twisted version of the sweet woman she once was she still very caring towards Crafty, but she’s a little more…Pushy with her love and affection 
💗And also just for some sweet, delicious angst Crafty, if presented the opportunity to escape Bobby, probably wouldn’t take it, partially because she still loves her and partially because unfortunately, she knows that Bobby is…Kinda right, she wasn’t taking care of herself and didn’t care about taking care of herself until Bobby forced her to care 
💖Also in this picture, the clothes that Crafty is wearing are actually Bobby’s, because I imagine that Bobby changed Crafty’s clothes into some of her clothes because the clothes that Crafty was wearing initially were probably dirty 
💓Also, I’ve never drawn anthropomorphic animals before, so these two were a pain in the neck, especially Bobby, I’m not used to drawing a humanoid character that’s covered in fur
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radio-crow · 7 months
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Thought I'd make a Skullgirls monster AU with the lab 8 trio for funsies
Peacock is basically an Eldritch hybrid
Hive is a moth girl
And Leduc is a vampire cuz yes
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smallhoodie-art · 2 years
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What if she didn't stop?
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marthamaxing · 1 year
You know what? I really hate the stereotype that Ib is this emotionless child who's scared of nothing when that's far from true. I mean, it's like people look at her for how she is on the cover art and assume that's her entire character. I understand she's a silent protagonist and we only learn so much about her but like, she has a sense of humor when Mary asks her if her mom is nice and she's like: "Not when she's mad." Or when Garry screams she calls his scream scarier. She also apologizes and expresses guilt such as when Garry gets upset with her after she disappeared in the secret room. Plus, Kouri has made multiple pictures of her smiling for crying out loud!
And she isn't completely fearless either, and we see that in how she reacts to the headless statues and paintings. She even looks uncomfortable as Mary was advancing towards her. Not to mention the nightmare she experiences after nearly getting killed and people still think she's not scared of anything? I just don't get it.
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literallyanyname · 1 year
TW: Discussions of SA and SH
So I was thinking about those two scenes in Banana Fish (the anime) where SA/SH is presented to the audience as funny. The first with the nurses in the hospital, and the second with the random doctor at the National Institute of Mental Health. Any scenes where SH or SA is depicted as humorous leaves a bad taste in my mouth. (Big Bang Theory is probably the most prominent example of this I can think of). But these scenes came off as particularly off-key, because it's literally Banana Fish. Like, did the writers legitimately forget their own narrative's theme? A good chunk of the show is dedicated to presenting and then repeatedly reinforcing the concept that SA is bad, which it is. So why would the writers of BF, who showed careful, deliberate attention to every other part of the show, put these two scenes in?
Both scenes involve women and/or femininity in some way.
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The scene that takes place between the nurses and Ash involves four female characters. These characters have already decided that they will take turns "assisting" Ash, and inform him of this in a way that is distinctly uncomfortable for both Ash and the audience. The important thing to remember in this situation as that the ones doing the harassing are meant to be interpreted as female. With the exclusion of the other scene I mentioned, every other time a character commits SH or SA, they are always male and it is always painted in a light that is meant to be unsettling and disturbing. But here, when the ones doing the harassing are female, it's supposed to be funny. Because women are not seen as capable of sexual predation, it's generally considered okay, entertaining even, to depict scenes like the one above. After all, they're women, what harm can they do?
Immediately after, Ash is shown to be highly uncomfortable. His boundaries have been threatened by people who are not supposed to take advantage of his situation. The nurses' actions obviously cause harm.
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Next, the scene with the random doctor. He enters the elevator with Ash (who is pretending to be a female nurse), Max, and Ibe (though he doesn't know Ibe is there). Although he is in the elevator with what he thinks to be two other people, he only pays attention to Ash, specifically. He proceeds to call him "sexy" and gets very much in Ash's personal space. After a brief attempt to keep up the façade, Ash punches him, and calls his actions what they are: SH.
The key detail here is that Ash is presenting himself as a woman. He is wearing a skirt, unnecessarily large fake breasts, and is speaking in a higher, softer voice than normal. Ash (and the writers) are doing their level best to make him come off as feminine at first glance. This scene would not be acceptable otherwise.
It's up for debate what the audience is supposed to take from this scene. Are we supposed to laugh at a female victim of SH, or are we (an audience that the writers probably assumed would be mostly women) supposed to get catharsis from someone who looks female punching a sexual harasser with the "physical strength of a man"? Possibly both? There's no real way to know.
I honestly can't tell if the writers did this intentionally or not. It could be a way of talking about SA perpetrated by and/or against women and how this particular category of SA is viewed differently in society. The scenes do have a very, very different tone from all instances of SA/SH within the show that exclusively involve characters who are intentionally presenting themselves as men. However, it could also be a reflection of the writers' own personal biases and stereotypes. With the attention to detail present in Banana Fish, I think it's likely the former.
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Roleplaying Races 16: Honorable Mentions
So we’ve covered every possible playable ancestry published in First Edition… Well, almost. There are a handful more that I didn’t deign to do full entries on, but I figured I’d cover them today anyway.
The first of these two are the beings of Ib, which are, like yesterday’s Yaddithians, another Lovecraft reference, specifically to the short story “The Doom that came to Sarnath”.
Essentially, in the story, the humans living in Sarnath, a city-state in the Dreamlands (yes, there are whole-ass human colonies living in the Dreamlands in the Cthulhu Mythos, and by extension the Lost Omens setting), came to hate their amphibian neighbors of the neighboring Ib for their appearance, unnerving silence, and worship of a fearsome Great Old One known as Bokrug. And so they slaughtered them, leaving none alive and stealing the idol of Bokrug as a trophy.
However, when the high priest of the Sarnathians was found dead with the word “DOOM” painted on the walls in his blood and the idol missing, that was the first sign that something was amiss, but in the coming centuries the humans became forgetful and decadent, the dread promise of vengeance from a dead people all but forgotten, and on the millennial anniversary of their victory over Ib, the waters rose up and green shadows swept over the city, slaughtering the humans just as they had long ago.
Now, there are two reasons I didn’t cover the Beings of Ib in these entries. The first of which is the fact that they are almost all certainly dead, with only rare colonies or the possibility of an original homeworld somewhere in the stars being the exception, while potential others could be resurrected by truly powerful magic.
The second reason is because while most of their abilities are pretty nondescript and basic, the fact their pliable and uniform bodies are immune to crits and precision is a bit much to allow at most tables. But the option is there, in theory.
The second of these options is also Paizo-published, but comes from a crossover tie-in comic called Worldscape, in which Pathfinder iconics get to team up with heroes from other franchises, in this case, Tars Tarkas, a mighty warrior among the green martians of the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs!
Naturally, the comic included playable stats for green martians, so that is neat if you ever wish to play one, but I decided not to go over them because the Lost Omens setting already has a mars-expy and even a four-armed warrior martian people-expy build into it in the form of the shobhad. This makes green martians somewhat superfluous unless you really, really want to specifically replicate the abilities of green martians or want to use them as a starting point to convert into the shobhad themselves if you want to play one.
Finally, I would like to give one last shout out to the multitude of various third-party ancestries out there, from the individual homebrews to the obscure self-published web supplements to even those that are even endorsed by Paizo itself. If you can imagine it, you can make a way to play it, and It’s a blessing to see folks be creative out there.
That will do for today, but I have some final thoughts I’ll save for tomorrow before we close the book on this for good.
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leggerefiore · 4 months
if you would be willing to write about that ib dream you had with any characters.. the aesthetic of that game fits so well..
using ingo and Emmet over Cyrus though it was him. Most of this is more of me expanding on it.
Just maybe going on a blind date that a friend set you up with at a local gallery. You wander around, maybe interested or unnerved by the art pieces. The artist is not someone well known to you, but you went as it was a public area with people around. Eventually, however, you go through a certain hallway and find yourself captured by a large painting. The light flicker and distress you. Letters seem to appear on the floor, inviting you somewhere.
Deeper you go into the strange gallery, falling into a painting and ending up with a strange rose that seems to determine your vitality. You can only wander and solve increasingly complicated puzzles. Gruesome choices seem to be a common regard. Somewhere you find a strange man after his rose had been taken from him. He introduces himself as Grimsley and takes his rose back from you. An offer to work together does not intrigue him so much, but you do stay within a certain range of him. He mentions seeing another man in his exploration, but they never really had a chance for a conversation.
Though, somehow, you end up separated from Grimsely completely after a wrong turn. When you moved back around, there was a wall where you swore there was a hallway previously. You wander alone for a moment. It was distressing being completely alone after being with another person in this strange gallery. Before you can fall too far into despair, you heard footsteps. You rushed around a nearby corner to see someone – no, two people. They stood side by side, clearly surprised to see another person themselves. You stared at them and how unreal they almost seemed for a moment. Their identical features almost were too perfect. They introduced themselves in a trained manner. Ingo and Emmet.
Both offered to walk with you through the gallery, seeing it was best to be in a group together. You wandered with them in a certain ease, slowly gaining something like trust towards them. Ingo was polite and amicable. His conversation made the puzzles feel less stressful and the oppressing atmosphere more bearable. Emmet often worked to solve the puzzles, almost as if he were trying to impress you. Both helped you relax a bit.
You make it quite further until you finally reach Grimsley again. He seems panicked about something and asks you to come alone with him. You struggle to do so, not sure about his shift in behaviour. Emmet's gaze even narrows at him, clearly not trusting him either. Whether you follow him or not really determines your fate.
The truth about the twins could finally be revealed, and you could work with the gambler to get out of this world while sadly having to burn a painting of two beautiful, identical men reflecting one another. Reality comes without memories for a moment until you encounter Grimsely again, and both you recall the nightmare. You even come to the realisation that he was your blind date partner. Maybe something blooms from the shared experience. Or, you could stay with the twins and remain ignorant. Leave with them and create a new reality, one where you perhaps had chosen to go on a date with your boyfriend (or boyfriends). They are all too eager to leave the gallery after seeing how unwell you apparently look.
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TOLKIEN: Oh hey, baby!
CLYDE: Hey bae
CLYDE: What's good?
TOLKIEN: You took a while in there
TOLKIEN: Everything okay?
TOLKIEN: It was pretty concerning considering you have IBS
CLYDE: Nononononono honey honey honey I'm okay! Pinky promise!
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TOLKIEN: What's that brown stuff on your hands?
CLYDE: Uhhhh
CLYDE: Chocolate?
TOLKIEN: Is that shit
TOLKIEN: On your fucking hands
CLYDE: ….no?
TOLKIEN: Did you not wash your hands
CLYDE: I washed them, I swear!
TOLKIEN: Then what's that brown stuff all over your hands
CLYDE: I told you it's chocolate!
TOLKIEN: Chocolate doesn’t SMELL like that Clyde!
CLYDE: Why don't you believe me???
TOLKIEN: It's shit, isn't it?
CLYDE: Okay…
CLYDE: You got me…
TOLKIEN: That's fucking disgusting
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TOLKIEN: Use water or something!
CLYDE: I cleaned it with toilet paper but it just smudges everywhere!
TOLKIEN: I can't BELIEVE what I'm hearing right now
CLYDE: Tolkien!
TOLKIEN: We’re done
CLYDE: What?????
TOLKIEN: We’re. Done.
TOLKIEN: I knew things were off as SOON as you started talking to the new kid about Nightcore
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TOLKIEN: Don't even, Clyde
TOLKIEN: You can't sweet talk your way out of this
TOLKIEN: We’re going to Stan’s so you can wash your fucking hands
TOLKIEN: This is not up for debate
TOLKIEN: We’re. Going.
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TWEEK: Where are you going
CRAIG: Home, I'm going home
TWEEK: ….What?
CRAIG: Tik Tok trend
CRAIG: You normies wouldn’t understand
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CRAIG: Oh huh?
CRAIG: Who the hell?
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CRAIG: Read the room it is not slaying atm
CRAIG: Wsg??
CRAIG: Skill issue
CRAIG: Y’alls are all gonna get aids
CRAIG: Bottom line
CRAIG: Byeeeee
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GREGORY: All these years of tormenting Sir Pip
GREGORY: And you didn't think it would bite you back?
GREGORY: Not to mention your beard  doesn't go with the rest of your outfit
GREGORY: Ah ah ah…
GREGORY: Ugly people don’t get speaking rights
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GREGORY: Ahhhh!~ This is only the BEGINNING of your SUFFERING!
GREGORY: I cannot WAIT for Sir Pip and I to hear your screams!
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GREGORY: and ever and ever and ever and ever ╬ and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ╬ and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever an ╬ d ever and ╬ ╬ ever and ever and ever and ever and ev ╬ er and ever and ever and ev ╬ ╬ er and ╬ ever and e ╬ ╬ ╬ ver and ev ╬ ╬ er and ever and ever ╬ and ever and ╬ eve ╬ r and ever and e ╬ ve ╬ r a ╬ ╬ nd ever a ╬ nd ╬ ever ╬ ╬ ╬ an ╬ ╬ d ever an ╬ ╬ ╬ d e ╬ ver ╬ and ╬ eve ╬ r ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬╬╬╬╬
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GREGORY: Oh Satan I can't wait for you to DIE by my hand and Sir Pip watches!
GREGORY: Then after that….
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GREGORY: I'll rip you apart
GREGORY: Did I really say that, Stanny Poo? 
GREGORY: Oh, I didn’t mean it
GREGORY: Actually…
GREGORY: Are you single?
GREGORY: Wait, can I paint your nails?
GREGORY: Can you paint....MY nails????
STAN: What… the actual…
STAN: ...
STAN: You know what…
STAN: Yes.
KYLE: Stan, what the fuck
STAN: (dude, he's hot)
KYLE: (oh yeah)
GREGORY: Oh, we can get our highlights done!
GREGORY: We can go to Bath & Body Works!
GREGORY: And H&M!!!!!!!!!
CARTMAN: (guys, hes distracted, lets cancel him and get the fuck out of here)
(Edits made by @pissblanket)
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galgenwerk · 9 months
𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮'𝙨 (𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙤𝙛) 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮
just because i don't think i've ever elaborated on this in an actual hc post rather than just my application + mentions in threads: garry's (lack) of humanity, now that she's in spirale!
garry is taken from a point in her canon after she's died in the gallery. this is essentially the pinnacle of a mountain of threads that connect her to the gallery. garry is often put in direct contrast to the painting of the hanged man, the painting she stands in front of at the very beginning of the game, before everything goes bad.
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when starting the game and starting to travel through the haunted gallery, it's assumed that all of the awakened paintings and exhibits are creations of guertena. art of his that has awakened and is looking to pull other people into the gallery alongside it— none of it originally human, is the point i'm trying to make.
but what happens if all of the petals on garry's rose are plucked? if she dies in the gallery?
she turns into the forgotten portrait.
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forgotten, because ib, the main character, has forgotten about garry entirely after escaping the gallery by herself. when ib looks at the painting, she thinks that it depicts a sleeping person, the same thought she had when finding garry's corpse: garry is sleeping.
what this means for my garry in particular is that she's not really human anymore. you can't quite tell, not upon any first glance. she looks human, and she definitely thinks she's human. but sometimes there's paint stuck to her clothes and shoes without her ever using any, and sometimes there's a red line around her neck despite no jewelry or fabric ever touching it. if she bleeds, it's oddly thick. when you see her out of the corner of your eye, she looks kind of wishy-washy, like a bunch of paint strokes taken from an impressionistic painting.
she's not really human anymore. she died in the gallery. she's essentially a painting. it barely changes anything about her day to day life, and she doesn't want to think about it anyways, so she doesn't. but if you pay really close attention, you can definitely notice the small signs.
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It’s my time to shine, I have had my ib special interest since 2012 and had my entire life changed just for this
I will be talking about both the original ib and the 2022 remake. I will include the new game + area as well!
So to start off, We find him literally about to fucking die and it was fucking set up for him to die. Through context clues we can find that in the room where he got his rose, a lady in a painting was waiting and stole his rose, him being able to flee two rooms before falling onto the ground. For context, your rose is your life bar, if you lose all petals you genuinely die, a very painful death, when you (mind you, a 9 year old girl who relies on him to read things) retrieve his rose from the lady, there’s only one petal left.
It’s heavily implied, especially in the original, that he at the very least used to be quite poor, as well as the fact that gotten from his lighter and the lemon candy he gives you that he’s likely a recovering smoker.
The canon and best ending where he survives can only happen when you talk to him enough, i’m not joking- not to mention it’s only one of the TWO endings where he survives and both are bittersweet as hell.
After meeting mary, you find yourself in a room full of what look like cute bunnies-
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Then after leaving you two get split off from garry, who doesn’t know if you’re safe and so is very worried about you and mary.
The section has him be stalked by one of those dolls and from both perspectives you have to help each other, another area where he lives with only 1 petal happens. Then it’s time for the doll room…
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He has to rip out the key from one of the many dolls to escape. If not, his mind breaks (unless you have enough points and can snap him out of it) which leads to the two worst endings in the game, with nobody leaving and the worst even having nobody survive, both have him getting killed!
He finds out mary is a painting and after breaking out of the doll room he doesn’t even have enough time to process the trauma before having to save ib from being murdered by mary.
I’m skipping a lot obviously please play the games, including for example the fucking eyes and that fucking room with sudden writing everywhere which has him literally say “this is not good for my mental health” but-
Mary pushes you into a toy box area and you need to relocate both garry and ib’s rose, which is where that doom counter comes into play.
If it hits 3 (btw letting the doll catch you increases it by two no matter what), your rose is nowhere to be seen and he trades his for yours to Mary, who then plays “loves me, loves me not” with it and he dies a horrible death.
Anyway, if he did not die, you are pursued by Mary (who kills you if you’re caught) in her room until you come to her painting and burn it, where most of the bittersweet comes from because he and Ib WATCH A CHILD GET SET ON FIRE AND BURN TO ASHES IN A TRAUMATIZING WAY-
to get the best ending you have to give Garry your handkerchief so you don’t lose your memory.
In new game plus, you get a new area which scars Garry even more! Also your false mom tries manipulating you into staying by her when you try leaving and Garry needs to convince this kid to escape with him
If that doesn’t show why he should advance idk what would
Anyway i can ramble on so much more about IB like Ib’s mom being abusive most likely but vote for Garry he changed my life
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sab201030 · 2 months
I would frequently criticize Christianity while discussing the Bible in Hebrew school, and the junior rabbi was obviously quite displeased with this behaviour in the synagogue. I'd mention like "damn dude it's crazy that Christians plagiarized the torah. It's nuts that they stole our Bible, wrote some new fanfic about an awesome carpenter demi God, and decided to take over the whole world." And he'd be like "well that's not technically true and you're painting religion as bad and that's mad disrespectful in a house of prayer" and ib would go oh yea whatever broooo ur not much different.
So THEN he would try to bring up eunuchs a LOT and specifically the procedure of the removal of the knutz, I presume he was trying to gross me out as a pubescent boy(lol), and I was just every time I was like "well castration of kids is bad but if it's on purpos3 as an adult then it's epic swag and the optimal path to becoming a stronger warrior" .
But like whatever, broooooo what do I know about cutting off my knutz to gain a tactical advantage over the male. What do *I* know of Judaism, religious history, and chopping off my fukin knutz to progress in my journey of becoming the strongest warrior I can be?
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smallhoodie-art · 2 years
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" Don't tell anymore "
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queenofcats17 · 1 year
....I have an idea for an Ib AU fic that I've been thinking about for a while now. And by a while I mean a day or two
I know I have way too many fics in progress and I shouldn't plan for another one.... But I can still talk about it!
So, it'd start with Gordon waking up in the gallery. He doesn't know how he got there and he's kind of freaking out. He gets up and starts wandering around, eventually running into Tommy and Benrey in short succession. Maybe Tommy and Benrey had already run into each other and were already traveling together.
And, of course, the three of them decide to travel through the gallery together.
I think while they're making their way through the gallery, they're being pursued by Bubby and Coomer, who are both artworks. They say that only two entered and only two can leave. One of them must stay. This leads to a lot of paranoia on Gordon's part, and he asks Benrey and Tommy if they remember how they ended up in the gallery. Benrey says he doesn't remember, while Tommy says he does, saying all the lights went out and some painted letters directed him to jump into a painting of a fish.
So Gordon's pretty sure Benrey isn't human and is trying to kill him or Tommy so he can leave. However, when he talks to Tommy about it, Tommy insists that Benrey wouldn't do that. He knows Benrey can come off a little strange, but he insists that Benrey's a good guy. Still, Gordon's convinced. Although, Tommy does mention at one point that his dad is the one who made all these artworks.
The trio gets separated at one point by the rose artwork that separates the group in the game, which leaves Tommy on his own with Benrey and Gordon together
I'm not entirely sure how I'd get to this point, but eventually, it gets revealed that Gordon is the one who isn't human. He's been the artwork all along. Tommy sees it in a book of artworks and knocks Gordon out to get Benrey away from him. When Gordon comes to, Bubby and Coomer are there. Gordon freaks out and is sure they're going to kill him. But they don't. They just stand there, waiting for him to say something. I think they're the ones who reveal to Gordon that he's their leader who erased his memories to make his acting more convincing so he'd be able to escape the gallery. Maybe he was always an artwork, or maybe another artwork betrayed him and trapped him there. Either way, he isn't human. Needless to say, Gordon kind of breaks down.
I think Gordon would have a genuine moral crisis about the fact that he isn't human and was willing to kill a human to ensure his escape. At least until he gets his memories back. But even then... he'd be conflicted. Because he's spent time with Tommy and Benrey. And now he knows that neither of them was ever planning on killing him to ensure their own survival. They had opportunities to do that. But they didn't. Would he really feel right sacrificing them when were nothing but kind to him?
I'm not entirely sure how it would end, but I think it's a real neat idea!
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goldie-effect-doctor · 7 months
To the artist of this au.
Hi I really like you au. So I have a few questions.
Question one
What do you use to draw the art with ?
Question two.
Way did dr whooves go crazy after the mention of derpy/ ditzy like I know that discord whooves and derpy fought a lot. So is this After or before on of the fight in the other au ?
I'm glad you find it interesting!
For your first question, I use IBS paint to draw. I'm still trying to find a style that works for comics though.
For the second question, in the original @askdiscordwhooves blog, Doc usually has strong reactions to Derpy or the mention of her. I imagine he's pretty sick of people asking about her at this point, thus the reaction.
I suggest you guys support the original artist behind Discorded Whooves!
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