fotograrte · 8 months
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When droughts happen, the water level goes down and we can see again the magnificent Dolmen of Guadalperal (Extremadura, Spain). Built in the Neolithic by the inhabitants of the surrounding land to bury their ancestors, it has a secret.
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The stone right in the center has a winding line drawn that resembles a lot the course of the River Tajo, that passes very close by. It is believed that it is the oldest map drawn in the Iberian Peninsula, dating from the 4th milenium BC.
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pettyelves · 1 year
11. someone they have romantic feelings toward (Dealer's choice -- or all of them coward)
💛 With him she sleeps among the stars pressed up against her cheek. And when dawn breaks, all it touches is gold. She has never been loved so kindly. Never been wanted so completely. She needs those hands tangled up in her hair, those arms to shelter her. He's the home that's with her wherever she goes. "Of course it's him," Eilithe says with a chuckle. "Dense sometimes, grouchy others. Stubb--- oh, sorry Resolute always." Her eyes lull shut and her face finds serenity that has not been afforded to her in years. "Whatever time I have left, I want to spend it with him and our family. Bathed in gold." ❤️ He does not need her. It's difficult to bring himself to need anything. But she reminds him so much of still-nights spent in Winterspring, he doesn't tell her those were the hardest days of his life. There, he loved the snow, and watched it settle outside of the window of his confinement. Each flake shivered down off great limbs, and there was peace. There was quiet. "Well, it's like this, buddy," he begins with a chuckle. "I don't think about anyone else. I rarely come to Stormwind for my blood family, it's for her." He sighs and it is almost dreamy. "Think it just amounts to that: it's her." "Sir, this is a Wendy's," the cashier said. 💜 It's lust, it's got to be lust. Twisted-up in knots, lightning rod synapses, a dead butterfly taking flight. It's automatic, written in the code of everything that calls itself people. But they are a hunter. They are only their want and their hunger. But why, but why, but why does she insist that she loves them? "It's weird. I'm not saying it isn't," she confesses. "But they aren't like anyone I've ever known. Sometimes it is sad because they don't know anything about people. And so it scares the hell out of them whenever they find a new emotion. And those times I feel bad, because they wouldn't even be thinking about it if not.." "It's just that even the sad things have made them. The way they stare dully at their work. The way they mock my voice when I say something stupid... the way they take care of me after I'm hurt," she mumbles the last. 🖤 The ground shakes with every stroke of a pen. Never enough words, he'll never have enough words. 'I love you, I love you, I love you.' He writes it in every language he knows. He writes it over pages and onto walls and onto his skin, it's carved there and he hopes that it scars. He does not want to forget it, he wants to burn up in that fire. My god, let him be that last matchstick.
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maythray · 1 year
im gonna tear my brain apart if it wont shut up. stop stop stoppp it like for reaaaalll stopppp
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sheltiechicago · 1 month
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This Photographer Shows The Before And After Of His Instagram-Worthy Photos
Ibor Edosa Victor, a talented photographer from Nigeria, has over 240K followers on Instagram, and one of the reasons for his popularity is his willingness to show the “behind the scenes” of his photoshoots.
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robisdad · 1 year
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videntesingabinete · 2 years
¿Cuál es el significado si sueñas con Huevo Cocido, videntes gratis en linea
Soul guide, couples guide / lifepath advisor, tarot reader, eft.🥰 Double cancerian, infj, teacher archetype.🌟 ¿Qué quieres crear? ¡Déjame guiarte! :) ¡Conectémonos con la sabiduría divina, para ver qué hay más allá del velo de lo tangible! Puedo enseñarte cómo trabajar con los elementos y las leyes universales.😇 ¡Obtén la guía que busca tu alma!❤️ ¡Envíame un mensaje para obtener tarifas de descuento en sesiones más largas!🌟
Tarot Y Videncia:
🇪🇸: +34 932 995 463 - 806 556 213
🇺🇸 Estados Unidos: +1 21 37 84 79 82
🇲🇽 MEXICO: +52 55 84 21 13 51
🇦🇷 ARGENTINA: +54 11 59 84 40 88
🇨🇴 COLOMBIA: +57 15 08 73 39
¿Luchas por seguir adelante? Obtén respuestas instantáneas con una Lectura de Tarot.
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tarotvisa · 2 years
Tarot De Las Runas, tarot del amor arcanos mayores
Utilizo mapas en mi trabajo. Yo consulto solo por una tarifa, pero usted establece el costo, de acuerdo con sus capacidades.
Tarot Y Videncia:
🇪🇸: +34 911 438 430 - 806 499 472
🇺🇸 Estados Unidos: +1 21 37 84 79 82
🇲🇽 MEXICO: +52 55 84 21 13 51
🇦🇷 ARGENTINA: +54 11 59 84 40 88
🇨🇴 COLOMBIA: +57 15 08 73 39
¿Luchas por seguir adelante? Obtén respuestas instantáneas con una Lectura de Tarot.
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clementine-blue · 4 months
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1995 French Open, (UN)FASHION by Ibor Kalman (2000)
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rizzenm · 1 year
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The world is Talhith, a memory of what the world once was. Ages ago, the world began to flood, cities fell from the sky, and gods of this old world died. People from all over the world did what they could to survive in this world, the most popular of which was building what is now called a Shard.
Shards are homes built by generations of families trying to remain above the water as it continued to flood the the world. The tips of these Shards are all that can be seen now remaining as another danger for sailors to navigate and an archeological mystery for adventurers to explore. It is unknown what remains, but nearly every expedition has reveled horrors being contained only by the sea.
Urith is the largest continent, its capital city is Towersend. There are many factions and important people that call this continent home and many of them are at odds with each other. The terrain in the north is full of forests and hills. As you get more south you run into the Bog of The Twin Moon’s, a place many deem cursed as it is home to more monsters than men. Going east you can ride through the mostly uninhabited plains that the fallen city of Buelstone lies. Going further east you get to the Giants home mountain, Stormwind Peaks and the floating city Panuu. Going even further you get to the last forest of Urith, until you eventually cross the border into Trorn.
Trorn, commonly referred to as The Horns is the Tiefling homeland, and the lowest elevation found in Talhith. It’s ruler, Zepar Lust, the Ichor Father rules this land with an iron fist. However in recent years they seem to be doing more outreach. Trying to right wrong of the past even though they remain an extremely guarded state. It is defended by the volatile Devil’s Anguish that has lava and poisonous gases that prevent most anyone from crossing over by land.
Ibor was the great home of the now destroyed Purple Dragons Knights. They were soldiers of legend until they eventually sacrificed themselves to defend the world from a great evil. Now it is a shattered wasteland of ravines, and tribes of people fight for what little resources remain.
Gullura is the Elven homeland. It’s captital city, Cynore, has elements of this fae ancestry while also being very coastal. Most buildings are made out of lime and sandstone.
Rotsen is the Dwarfen stronghold. It is the banking and trading hub of the world. In the center of the island is a volcano that powers all of the forges. It is said this volcano was the child of Dwarf and Elf who could not conceive so they combined their magics to create a child made of stone. Soon after the parents argued constantly. The child, feeding of this anger grew to the size of the volcano and nearly destroyed everything before it was put to sleep.
Eagekul is a tropical, forest land home to more of the outsiders of the world. The Istoye forest is the largest fae forest in the world, the Gorge of the Ancients is home to many gearforged.
There is obviously many more place to talk about, and many more yet to be explored. I welcome all questions about this world and the places in it!
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kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
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futfemspain · 8 months
La gente piensa que es normal que los espa��oles tengan una relación similar con sus ex cuando estan en otra relación, pero a mí me parece muy cringe. Puede que sea anticuada pero cuando se cierra una puerta, adiós. Puedes estar en buenos términos, preguntar cómo están y desear feliz cumpleaños y cosas así con un ex, pero ser como J y A cada vez que se ven o como la futura esposa de L0la, no gracias. No existe la amistad con los ex. Imagina ser la nueva pareja y tener que irse de vacaciones con el ex también (P4tri y Pin4 por ejemplo)
Si pienso en tener una relacion similar con mi ex, con todo el dolor que me causo, me voy a la Ibor Lopez para siempre
anon ☀️​
Lol 😆🤣
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pettyelves · 2 years
damn me; Ibormeith
The ground beneath him had turned cold yet, Ibormeith could not bare to lay upon that blanket spread out and wanting for the two bodies for whom it had been set up. But all their fire had died out and after, only decay clung on that blanket now.  He had almost missed it-- the moment the man beneath him took flight, vacant eyes anywhere but there and with Ibormeith. Was he owed that moonlit gaze? No, but did he covet it. His body falls upon the pile of cloth and fire, seafoam hair all washed out in the firey orange light. “Damn me,” his liar’s tongue twists out and for a moment Ibormeith cannot fathom moving closer.  What horrible things they’d spoke of before. The difference between the just and a the murderous. The dead dust clinging to both of them. And how he wanted to burn, how Ibormeith was certain he’d burn up right along with him.  “Take the fall together,” Cichol speaks throat bared as though he hopes it ripped out. But the first kiss to the crane’s neck tastes sour on his tongue, “How could we, when you turn your eyes and lips away from me?” Though Ibormeith’s hand urges his gaze, Cichol’s angry eyes greet him. There, with tremoring brows, he becomes aware of the dying flower beneath him.  Dawn was nearly upon him before Ibormeith found himself upright. Morning dew crystalized to frost with the chill of the darkest hour. Boots left a neat trail all the way down to to sapling-- wretched, ugly, and sick.  “And yet, you grow,” he murmured to the dark as his finger passed over the first line of a note pinned to it.  Whether I am there or I am gone. A churn rolled through his stomach, a rising sensation that had been building since Cichol had left him there frozen from the inside out. All in all, Cichol had gotten what he wanted. A holy place, desecrated by Ibormeith’s own presence.
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The following days did little to improve his mood. In fact, he’d found himself shifting between ripple and rocking waves quite rapidly. Every patient a thorn in his side. Every sentence a muted accusation or irritation. Yes, even the body that found itself upon his table found a way to inconvenience his quiet. 
Yet each day that passed, there he was-- gliding across Ibormeith’s vision. Each time, Ibormeith felt the earth tremble under his shoes, that troubling--aching want for those vacant eyes to look his way. Whether he looked or didn’t, whether he stayed tucked at Ibormeith’s side or made haste away it was always the same. The sour taste one his tongue, the nausea in his stomach. The smell of rot well into advanced decay. 
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Five days later, Ibormeith found himself graced with a break in that cycle. Graced, by not only the elegant crane’s company but that of his ginger-headed friend. Magdal was like a flower too, a different breed and not yet rotted, but wilting. Was that what made her difficult to look at some evening? Her, perpetually caught between wilt and rot.  At least, over a meal they could all pretend themselves something polite to look at. Cichol, effervescent and cheeky. Magdal, a quiet nod of her head to let them know she was listening. And him riding the comfort of a gentle ripple.  But he knew the moment Cichol spoke of the outskirt-- far beyond Magdal’s house-- that rage would soon return to him. But it wasn’t just that she’d broken her word, no, it was how terribly she lied. The ease with which he could crack her open.  Cichol was long gone by the time Ibormeith cornered Magdal in the teahouse, and having unintentionally sewn chaos between the doctors too. And like before, his leaving left Ibormeith frozen and a little more cruel. “Didn’t go far,” she breathed out. Didn’t go that far into the creature’s den. Didn’t go that far into danger. Didn’t go that far and off to my death. “I told you. I told you that thing is dangerous.” The thing, with and youthful elven face and an old tongue. “I told both of you and now we have no idea where it’s gone! You and that girl have no idea with what you play.” It was the closest he’d ever gotten to a shout with her, and her departure is hasty after.  This time, the rage cannot leave him.  It clung onto his back the whole way out of the city. With each step, the earth wobbled like the surface of a pond struck by a stone. All the while, his fingers meet with his thumb in 4/4 time--at least they aught have, had the rage not disrupted his tempo.  The woods were silent by the time Ibormeith found himself in the clearing, but soon his voice would fill the trees. Low, droning notes that began as unsettling hums. And it built, and built until dissonant note far higher in pitch than her could reach raked through the trees and rumbled the ground all at once.  The notes did not relent until Ibormeith’s shook like the ground beneath him. Nothing but failure and silence once the horrid dissonance had ceased-- even in its own echo. No answer, no screaming creature.  And so he found himself crashed into the earth again, staring up at the starlight and finding no beauty therein. His clawed fingers pushed into the earth and exhaled slowly.  The singsong pseudo-rhyme came out in galloping rhythm,  its makeup more ancient than him. Hear me, hear me,  Tut tut. Tut tut. Turn thine eyes from the ground, Tut tut. Tut tut. Feel mine knocking sound, Tut tut. Tut tut. Thala thala, I bid you. Up up. Up up.  [ @bad-rper is Cheekol and @fog-eye is Magdoo Art by me @kingratsthings​ ]
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sheltiechicago · 1 month
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By Nigerian photographer Ibor Edosa Victor
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year
Ayer VIRGINIA MAESTRO cuando me DESVELE me dio por RECORDAR O BUSCAR la noticia de que tu amiga CRIS MENDEZ [q hizo la gira LA VERDAD sobre el Cd QUE HAY DE MALO EN DISFRUTARLO] y tu ex_guitarra TRANSEXUAL ISA O LUKA KRANKY [q también lo es de PATRICIA LAZARO=CD GLORIA PELEA q incluye COLGADA] donaron en el PALCO DE "HONOR" del ESTADIO BERNABEU la canción VIDA para la lucha CONTRA EL CANCER con la FUNDACION INTHEOS presentado x un PRIMO DE RIVERA [como el IDEOLOGO DE FRANCO ejecutado y enterrado en VALLE DE LA CRUZ DE LOS CAIDOS], como BENEFICIARIA de la Fundacion BLANCA "LOPEZ IBOR" [=JUAN JOSE psiquiatra del FRANQUISMO en cuya Clínica me internaron] y como agencia de publicidad LA QUERIDA..y entonces por el día del CANCER [q tanto apoya CASA REAL] de 2015 salió en la revista HOLA una entrevista a un médico q colabora y le preguntaron por un ESTUDIO q decía q el FACTOR SUERTE [O lo q dicen los TOREROS q REPARTE DIOS] influye en TENER O NO CANCER por lo q podían hacer un ESTUDIO de los CANCERES SIGNIFICATIVAMENTE APOCALIPTICOS O REVELADORES ASI COMO LOS RELACIONADOS CONMIGO tal como detalle el otro día donde incluyo también al inglés Michael ROBINSON [q entrevistó juntos a mi compañero de colegio BRISTOL RAMON ARROYO q era fumador hasta q le salio ESCLEROSIS y se puso a hacer deporte EN EXCESO para correr un IRON MAN en lo q se basa película 100 metros de DANI ROVIRA q luego hizo SUPERLOPEZ y le salió CANCER..y MI vecino LEIVA de PEREZA q se hizo una COLONOSCOPIA xq cagaba SANGRE] q no pudo ver abierta su fábrica de VINILOS pues era un gran MELOMANO y gran FUTBOLISTA q murió por un MELOMA o CANCER DE PIEL.
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barbarapicci · 1 year
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Streetart by Colectivo Licuado @ Castañar de Ibor, Spain, for Muro Critico More pics at: https://barbarapicci.com/2023/05/12/streetart-colectivo-licuado-castanar-de-ibor-spain/
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ivanreycristo · 2 years
..x cierto..tras ganar la LIGA con "ESTUDIA_ANTES" de la PLATA [coincidiendo con el MUNDIAL DE EEUU'94 en el q a LUIS ENRIQUE le rompió la Nariz el italiano TASSOTI o le dejó SANGRANDO Y LLORANDO AMARGAMENTE pues además fue en último minuto y debió ser el PENALTY del EMPATE..y al año siguiente ser cuando LUIS ENRIQUE le dijo directamente en una fiesta SI QUERIA FOLLAR q oportunidades como esa solo pasan una vez a DEBORA de la AZOTADA ISLA de la PALMA q era amiga de un tal EDU q conocí 5 años antes en el UPSALA COLLEGE=lema LA VERDAD LO CONQUISTA TODO..en NEW JERSEY..pues se había echo novia de mi amigo JUANMA LOBATO al q le di el PASE DE LA MUERTE para el 2_3 contra INDEPENDIENTE tras marcar yo x la ESCUADRA de FALRA y empatar su hermano OSCAR también de falta para finalmente el lateral del equipo o el más flojo..hacer una pared conmigo en el medio del campo q rompió el fuera de juego..y se plantó solo ante el portero]..y al no pagarme mi padre más la cuota del CLUB BREZO donde se jugaba la LIGA ni el GYM EMBAJADA [y luego tampoco mi ultimo año de UNIVERSIDAD pero me salio GRATIS al hacer la PUTA MILI y al no poder ir clase solo me cobraban LOS DERECHOS DE EXAMEN jaja]..xq quebraron la empresa donde trabajaba comprando una Filial en WALL ST y mediante el director Financiero Estadounidense JOHN SERVIZIO..
..no volví jugar al FUTBOL en 13 años o hasta q jugué contra el equipo de LEIVA O PEREZA en las Instalaciones LUIS ARAGONES "EL SABI9 DE HORTALEZA"..xq me encontré a mis amigos a la salida del Hotel NH BARAJAS donde tras 1 mese vagabundeando x MADRID me disponía a volar a LOS ANGELES tras la pista de AXL ROSE [como le dije al hermano de LEIVA o PABLO CONEJO TORRES tras hablar x teléfono antes de NAVIDAD'06 con él gracias al q de CORREOS=LO Q HACE FALTA Y MUCHO ASI COMO EN TODO TIPO DE MODALIDADES PERO GRATIS Y LIBRE..me conocía al verme en el antiguo PORTAL de la calle RIOJA=capital LOGRo+cOÑO=Lo q se consigue con el sexo FEMENINO]..pero tras 12 horas pertrechado al día siguiente [08_1_07] me llevaron al psikiatriko LOPEZ IBOR [entonces recuerdo q escuchaba mucho x la radio PATIENCE de TAKE THAT q lanzaron su recopilatorio NEVER FORGET con una portada BAJO UN DILUVIO]..
..y x la NAVIDAD de 2008 se puso en contacto conmigo un tal OSCAR [X medio de OSCAR LOBATO] con el q jugaba al futbol en LA LIGA de mi barrio pero como RIVAL para q me apuntara y me convenció así como yo convenci a la psikiatra PAULA MONMENEU [encarcelada en el 88 x abortos ILEGALES de la clínica DATOR x el juez CARLOS "VALLE""MUÑOZ_TORRERO"=APELLIDOS DE UN CRUCE DE CALLES EN SEVILLA como supe al patearmela entera en 2014..q además fue el JUEZ q archivo la QUERELLA CRIMINAL q me puso mi propio abogado del Despacho JUSTA CAUSA xq le amenaze de muerte tras archivar mi denuncia contra él el actual ministro de INTERIOR fernando GRANDE_MARLASKA xq queria q pasara x un informe psikiatriko de un amigo suyo para pedir una gran indemnización al NOTARIO GERARDO MUÑOZ DE DIOS y a la EMPRESA DE MI PADRE]..para dejar el trata_miento psikiatriko q me tenia en estado Vegetativo [lo q más me molestaba es QUE NO SE ME PONIA DURA ..aunque tampoco TENIA GANAS DE FOLLAR..es decir..como cuando te dan BROMURO en la PUTA MILI jaja]..y ahí o x el fútbol fue cuando empezar a recuperarme o volver a tener ganas de JUGARMELA como hice poco después empezando la MISION yendo a ver la gira MAGIC de SPRINGSTEEN en el VETERAN MEMORIAL ARENA de JACKSONVILLE [FLORIDA] 15_08_08 tras verla un mes antes en el BERNABEU [entrando x PUERTA 33] a mitad de precio xq la vi en MUCHOVIAJE.COM el último día antes del concierto al mirar x mis vacaciones y haberles sobrado de sus paquetes de viaje pues además tocaba 2 días y en fin de semana en el Nou CAMP de FC BARCELONA
..y entonces empeze a jugar al fútbol [pasado de peso y cero forma x lo q no podía dar una carrera] en enero 2008 con LOS DIABLOS ROJOS y el 1er partido fue CONTRA los KANGUROS o el equipo de PABLO CONEJO TORRES o hermano de LEIVA..q me dijo q poco a poco me iría recuperando y a continuación se retiraron de la LIGA [apesar de q era el equipo con más jugadores] y nosotros ganamos la COPA a penalties pero no tire xq quería grabarlo en VIDEO siendo mi 1er video de YOUTUBE ..u cuando el RIVAL tenia un PENALTY para GANAR
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