#ibdp film
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chaotic-omnisexual-squirrel · 6 months ago
i keep forgetting that when an assignment says "comment on the cultural context of the film/s", it means "please write one paragraph for each film chosen with a brief overview of the significant events and how they connect to the film" not "please write 1250 words on the cultural context and the intricacies of it and then connect it to the film with images and scene references on miniscule symbols and moments that comment on the cultural context, then talk about how the separate events that make up the cultural context are intertwined and influenced each other and then comment on the similarities of the cultural context for both films that are 60 years apart and make a vague point about history repeating itself in different forms WITH 20 different sources, both primary and secondary, if you please"
anyway i hope my film teacher is excited to read my absolute monstrosity of an "outline".
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rohit-shinde-21 · 3 months ago
Unveiling the IBDP Curriculum: A Comprehensive Guide to Subjects 
In recent years, students aged between sixteen and nineteen years have participated in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).  
Most of the educational programs around the world are highly acclaimed by students all over the world. For it aims at developing skills such as critical thinking, appreciation, and warmth towards other cultures, and global citizenship among the students. 
At Chatrabhuj Narsee School Amanora, a development strategy has been formulated to the IBDP curriculum, enabling students to go through a development process in a holistic manner.    
Where to get more information about the IBDP Curriculum 
The IBDP curriculum includes a core and six subject groups. The core consists of three elements: Theory of Knowledge (IB TOK), the Extended Essay, and Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS). These components serve to orient students towards appreciation of knowledge, research, and social service respectively.    
Structure of the six subject groups 
Students following the IB Diploma undertake subjects drawn from six subject groups:  
1. Studies in Language and Literature: This area aims to enhance the skill of reading, writing and analysing various texts – both literary and non-literary. Students may elect either first language or literature classes.  
2. Language Acquisition: This group focuses on the learning of a new language or enhancing their skills in a language that they know. This, however, focuses much on the ability to communicate and understand other cultures.  
3. Individuals and Societies: This subject group comprises social sciences such as History, Geography, Economics, and Psychology among other subjects. It seeks to encourage the students in the study of human activities as well as the social systems in existence.   
4. Sciences: The students can study subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Environmental Systems and Societies. This group encourages students to develop skills in scientific inquiry and engage in practical work. 
5. Mathematics: The mathematics group has a variety of courses that meet the various levels of students thanks to their interests. Students will have to choose Mathematics: analysis and Approaches or Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation. 
6. Arts: Such subjects form part of this category include, but they are not limited to Visual Arts, Music, Theatre, or Film. It enables the student not only to be creative but also learn how to be artistic. 
In all the groups mentioned above, students will have to sit for 3 subjects at a higher level (HL) and 3 at a standard level (SL). Higher Level courses entail more elaborate coverage as well as 240 hours of teaching while lower Level comprises 150 hours of teaching.  
This enables the students to focus on what intrigues them while still having to cover the other necessary subjects.   
Choosing the Right Subjects 
It is very important for students not to underestimate the significance of IB Diploma subjects' selection in relation to the needs of the Universities they wish to apply to and their intended career positions.  
At Chatrabhuj Narsee School Amanora, such assistance is given in the form of the advisors who help the students to choose majors, based on their differences and future careers.  
This is most essential during the IB admission period when students want to show that they can cope with the demanding IBDP.   
The Process of Admission to the International Baccalaureate 
Prospective students desirous of encompassing the IBDP at Chatrabhuj Narsee School Amanora, must adhere to a complex IB admission procedure. This includes: 
1. Application Submission: Applications are invited and interested people are required to complete the application form and submit additional documents such as CVs or previous academic transcripts. 
2. Entrance Examination: Most institutions also prepare an entrance examination where students are tested in some relevant subjects; English and mathematics being the key subjects. 
3. Personal Interview: A personal interview enables the school officials to interrogate the reasons behind the pursuance of the IBDP program by the student and how suitable he or she is to the program. 
4. Offer of Admission: An admission offer is given to successful people, but it is subject to certain conditions of enrolment being fulfilled. 
5. Payment of Fees: Where one accepts the offer, the student must pay the fees which may be some charged ones after induction into the program. 
IBDP at Chatrabhuj Narsee School Amanora aims to ensure that the students get sophisticated education that can be applied in further education and after. Understanding how the structure of the IBDP subjects is, that is the core and subject groups, will help them make choices that are relevant to their career aspirations.  
Indeed, undertaking the IB admission phase can be daunting; however, this is not the case because the students are able to overcome this obstacle if they get help from the teachers from one of the reputed IB schools in Pune.  
Assimilating IBDP not only provides them with information but also builds up vital skills in them which they will need in the activities that they will undertake in future. 
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sysy-studyblr · 3 years ago
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thursday 12/05/22
i took these in class where we were doing thin film interference, it was super fun!! probably tbe best class in a while
♫ talk - omar apollo ♫
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tennantsforever · 6 years ago
4 days and I will get my IB results (kinda hoping I passed haha) and I was thinking about filming my reaction. A lot of IBDP students do reaction videos and it looks like a fun memento.
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sosparkinsonsp · 6 years ago
Direitos por Lei Portadores da Doença de Parkinson
New Post has been published on https://sosparkinson.com.br/direitos-portadores-doenca-de-parkinson/
Direitos por Lei Portadores da Doença de Parkinson
O Paciente portador da Doença de Parkinson ou Mal de Parkinson tem diversos Direitos previstos por lei! você sabia disso? a Especialista em Direito Previdenciário e Presidente do IBDP dra Adriane Bramante comentou muito sobre isso, principalmente com a atual Reforma da Providencia do Bolsonaro e tudo que tem se alterado no INSS (saiba o que é INSS).
Direitos de Portadores da Doença de Parkinson
Muito provável que você não tem ideia, mas o seu conhecido portador da Doença de Parkinson por lei possui vários direitos! Como podemos citar exemplo:
isenção fiscal do imposto de renda (IRPF) e
benefícios fiscais para aquisição de veículo 0 km.
Além de isenção sobre o imposto sobre a propriedade de veículo automotor (IPVA),
sobre o imposto predial e territorial urbano (IPTU).
Não bastasse, há direito ao levantamento das verbas do FGTS.
Só Lembrando que Direito não é Favor!
Sou Médico Neurologista:
Os portadores da Doença de Parkinson, assim com o portadores de algumas outras doenças crônicas.
Têm direitos garantidos em lei e esses direitos não são favores a pessoa não precisa ter vergonha nenhuma de solicitar e de utilizar e eles estão juntos para facilitar mais a vida de quem já tem grandes dificuldades pela própria doença tá então hoje vamos falar sobre esses direitos para que todos possam utilizá-los amplamente já que é um direito para começar a um paciente portador de Parkinson ele pode ter a liberação do fgts e do pis pasep o fgts é um fundo de garantia por tempo de serviço eo pis pasep são recolhidos  ao longo da vida e do tempo de trabalho
Recolhimento do Dinheiro
Tratamento para Doença de Parkinson em Moema
Da pessoa e mesmo que a pessoa esteja trabalhando esteja ainda recolhendo esse dinheiro pode ser recolhido e pode ser pêgo pela pessoa pelo trabalhador deixe que ele tenha comprovação da doença de parkinson outro direito garantido a liberação da previdência privada se a pessoa já tiver a previdência e quiser resgatá-la pode também a liberação do seguro de vida caso a pessoa tenha uma cláusula de receber em vida caso tenha alguma doença grave é uma cláusula de majoração então se a pessoa tem um seguro de vida e tem a cláusula de uma geração 1 e tem a doença de parkinson
Resgatar Prêmio do Seguro
Ela pode resgatar com vida o prêmio do seguro de vida além disso é possível a pessoa receber auxílio-doença pelo INSS lógico que necessita da comprovação precisa do laudo médico dizendo quais são as limitações à incapacidade que a pessoa tem e também pelo INSS é possível a pessoa receber a aposentadoria integral desde que a pessoa preenche os critérios e tem um laudo médico para a solicitação da aposentadoria além da aposentadoria é possível caso a pessoa já esteja aposentada ela receber um aumento de 25% uma aposentadoria dela caso ela comprove que necessite de outra pessoa permanentemente para as atividades de vida diária ou seja se a pessoa necessita constantemente de outro familiar ou de outra pessoa para cuidar dela isso é comprovado com atestado médico a pessoa pode receber também mais 25% de acréscimo na aposentadoria que ela já recebe normalmente bom você aí que está vendo o vídeo sobre os direitos do paciente com doença de parkinson escreva nos comentários qualquer sua experiência não tentar buscar os direitos pois eu sei que apesar ser direito muitas pessoas têm dificuldade em buscar esses direitos mas é direito é garantido por lei e todo mundo tem esse direito outro direito que o paciente portador da doença de parkinson possui ele tem isenção no imposto de renda não precisa ter que pagar o imposto de renda ele tem isenção no iptu ou seja também não precisa pagar o iptu tem isenção do ipva no ipi e no iof os impostos relacionados ao carro ele também se paga nenhum imposto relacionado ao carro e rodagem etc.
Clínica para Doença de Parkinson no Ibirapuera
Além disso ele tem como direito à isenção de impostos sobre produtos industrializados que é na aquisição de um novo carro sempre foi o quiser comprar um carro de câmbio automático ou de alguma outra maneira qualquer um pode chegar a ter desconto até de 40 por cento na aquisição desse veículo e não precisa de outra pessoa para intermediar esse benefício esse benefício é seu é do paciente está também em relação a transporte o paciente portador da doença de Parkinson ele tem direito a uma carteira de habilitação especial nos permite ter vagas especiais em shopping estacionamentos etc.
Ele também possui passe livre interestadual para ônibus trens e marcos e se existem algumas regras mas comprovada a doença é possível ter esse benefício também igualmente ter transporte público gratuito nos municípios como aqui em são Paulo tem também o o transporte gratuito, para o ônibus e metrôs .
Isso depende cada cidade mas aqui em são Paulo e em outras grandes capitais também são assim e na cidade de São Paulo também têm direito à isenção do rodízio do rodízio de placas pelo carro que faz muita diferença quando a pessoa se vive numa cidade como são Paulo também têm direitos relacionados a processos administrativos por exemplo se a pessoa solícita algum processo administrativo junto à prefeitura ou qualquer órgão governamental ou está com algum processo judicial com algum pleito judicial o fato de ser portador da doença de Parkinson fase ele ter prioridade no processo para ser avaliado mais rápido de e ser julgado mais rápido igualmente tem prioridade em filas em filas bancárias filas de supermercado em filmes qualquer outro ele também entra como prioridade e também tem um benefício caso a pessoa esteja pagando a quitação da casa própria especialmente se for por algum banco do e de novembro com uma caixa econômica federal ele pode ter o completo que à completa quitação do financiamento da casa própria.
Neurologista Infantil no Alto de Pinheiros em SP
Isso tudo é um direito da doença numa pessoa portador da doença de Parkinson bem eu fiz esse vídeo pra alertar às pessoas saber que elas têm direitos e que não é vergonha nenhuma utilizar os direitos constituídos na lei construídos para que as pessoas tenham um pouco mais de alívio no dia a dia o serem portadores de uma doença que causa tantas limitações bem você que estava o nosso vídeo e que conhece alguém que é portador da doença
Falando em Saúde e Informações a doenças inflamatórias, recomendamos.
Melhor Infectologista no Ibirapuera SP
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study--sleep-blog · 6 years ago
Thank you @virgostudyblr  for tagging me!!
Rules: Answer seventeen questions and then tag twenty one blogs you’d like to know better.
Nickname? Junior , Fer, Nando ( Both Fer and Nando are short for my middle name )
Starsign? Virgo ^.^
Height? 5′10″
Last film I saw: Frozen [ with my little cousin ]
Favourite musician? I have a lot! Not to mention, I love a wide set of music genres. I would have to say... Vicente Fernandez!
Song stuck in my head: Tears on my pillow - Little Anthony and The Imperials
Do I get asks? Exactly 1 .~.
Blogs following? I'm not naming them all but
What am I wearing? Light green t-shirt with Gray shorts. ( I just finished a workout session )
Dream job? Doctor/surgeon! <3 ( We will see about all of that. )
Dream trip? Everywere!!! I want to go to Estonia, Switzerland, Norway, France ( more areas than currently in the books ), Greece, Chile, Tokyo, Italy, Sweden, etc. Also I’ve never been outside of states in the midwest so anywhere else in the US would be great too!!
Play any instruments? Yes!! I am a little rusty but I play the following: Piano, Guitar, Saxophone, and a little bit of the Harp. [Triangle too but we don't speak of it xD]
Languages? [At least fluently] I can speak English and Spanish. I am currently trying to learn Swedish, Polish, Dutch, and French ( I am taking a French class in school at the moment ).
Favorite food: Tacos and Sushi!!! ^.^
Favorite songs? I don’t really have an all time favorite song, but right now I have been jamming out to Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Random Fact: I bought a vinyl record once, thinking it was like any other CD in our house, and have been growing my collection ever since. ( This time with a record player at hand to actually be able to LISTEN to them ).
I tag: @studyblr @broomsandbrews @lawschoolstudying @luminous-studiess @rayslablr @academiceve @arisolace07 @adelinestudiess @catstudyblr @charlieestudies @elkstudies @hastily-written @ibdp-aesthetics @journeythroughmedicine @kopi-kue-studies @onyx-soul @pianoandstudy @pretty-little-lawblr @ramenoveralls @studyingdawn @theorganisedstudent
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madisons-cas-blog · 6 years ago
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Date of this reflection: 5/30/19
Date(s) of CAS Activity: 5/28/19
Title of Activity: Video editing
Number of hours spent on this activity: 2
Summer has begun but that doesn’t mean much for IBDP candidates-- at least regarding CAS reflections. I was with my friends on one summer night and I decided to capture what we were doing on tape and edit it to fit the 80s aesthetic that I love so dearly. I directed them for some shots but many were candids (they rehearsed that beginning shot for a long time trying to perfect it although the full video is not entirely shown to reflect that) and I picked a song that I felt fit the overall tone (West End Girls by the Pet Shop Boys-- a favorite of mine). This was an interesting video to film because I shot and edited it entirely on my phone (using an app called Groovo) which I never do. It is crazy to see how powerful iPhones can be nowadays. The line between what is considered ‘professionally edited’ and ‘casually shot on an iPhone’ is blurring more and more each day and this activity really made me realize that your equipment does not matter as long as you have a creative vision
*The first two photos pictured are of the interface of the app that I used to edit the video I made. The gif below shows the beginning shot of my final movie, created entirely on my iPhone.
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studisz · 6 years ago
heyy! I figured I should start this page off with an intro so here we goo
⋆call me sunny☼ :)
⋆17 yo october baby
⋆senior in high school
⋆attempting to make it through IB
⋆movies, movies, MOVIES!! I’m so obsessed with film!
⋆I’m pursuing Business though, still need to hear back from colleges :)
⋆I love learning new thingsss all the time! I’m one of those people who enjoys going to the bookstore and reading textbooks that have nothing to do with my classes or future ones just to learn (I’m also incredible at wasting time, that’s something I’m working on)
⋆Art! I take it as a subject tooo
⋆A N I M A L S! I mean who doesn’t love them? I volunteer at my local shelters so much and would really like to start one of my own in the future if that’s possible? Idk :) I just want to really contribute to animal welfare as much as I can in this lifetime
⋆uhh, languages?? lol I want to be fluent in as many languages as possible and currently in fluent in 3, learning 2 ( I take higher level spanish as a subject) and maybe more in the future?
⋆travelling of course! 
⋆Sports! I’ve played alll kinds of sports growing up but now I’m only doing volleyball
⋆This list could go on forever and I’ve realized that I have a bittt too much free time as an IBDP student yikes/oops. 
I started this studyblr as another incentive for me to be more productive and get my life together (mental health, working out, stop being f*cking lazy) and I thought it would be nice to “document my journey”
Don’t even hesitate for a second to message me about anything, for real!
I’m also like always on social media so I’ll respond a$ap 
thanks for taking the time to check me out 😊
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ibglobaltutor · 4 years ago
IB Spanish Online Tutors  also Makes the Classes Very Interesting
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Hola! Como estas? Searching for Spanish tuitions in India must be a very tedious task to do right? Stop now and take a long breath as you're at the right place! At the IB GLOBAL ACADEMY, we serve you with the best possible knowledge and a wholesome experience, assuring you the best IB Spanish Tuitions in India! 
Since the last 12 years, the IB GLOBAL ACADEMY is the first runner among all the IB online tutor in India. We provide you with top class IB Experts that not only tutor the students, but guide them throughout the year, from the very basics! 
The IB GLOBAL ACADEMY is serving our students with the unrivalled and exceptional staff, who are procuring the best IB results in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida etc. 
Even if you join late, there’s no problem amigo! We will teach you from the scratch! We will provide you the full sets of assignments and worksheets which are developed by our specialised in-house staff. 
Our classes are designed as per the comfortability of the students in which our Professional IB Spanish TUTORS aim for the overall betterment of the students. They motivate the students to come out of their shells and ace their Language Course. 
IB Spanish is designed at these levels-
●       Language ab Initio: for beginners at SL.
●       Language B: for students with prior experience of the language at both HL & SL. 
The Language ab Initio aims to develop the ability of successful communications in the Spanish Language. The curriculum spreads its borders into five prescribed themes:
●       Identities
●       Experiences
●       Human Ingenuity
●       Social Organisation
●       Sharing the Planet 
By administering this course, the students are able to grasp the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary in Spanish. 
On the other hand, the Language B Spanish Course is administered at both the levels of IBDP- Standard and Higher Levels. 
This very important role is expressed by the IB GLOBAL ACADEMY, who provide the students with various worksheets and assignments that specially focus on sharpening the basic concepts of these Language Courses. 
Our IB Home tutor in New Delhi, Gurgaon & NCR Region are professionally trained. They aim to develop a rapport with the students in the IB GLOBAL ACADEMY's unique proposition of small batches, consisting of maximum 3-4 students. 
This feature provided by us has enabled the students to open up with the teachers & easily clear their doubts. Not only this, the proposition also helps the tutors to keep a close watch on the weaknesses and progress of the students. 
To track the same, the IB GLOBAL ACADEMY has also enabled a Parent Portal which can be used to access the student's profile, Daily Assignment Updates and progress report! 
The IB GLOBAL ACADEMY with its professional IB SPANISH TUTORS in India makes sure that the students also develop an international mindedness with the help of the IB approved authentic Spanish Texts. 
Our IB Spanish Online Tutors  also makes the classes very interesting by involving the use of authentic materials like Magazine Articles, Films and catchy Podcasts! This helps the students to retain and learn the language even more effectively. 
Our goal for the IB Spanish Brats is that they are able to administer and communicate comfortably and confidently in Spanish in any work environment or even daily communications! 
Our sessions are administered with interactive exercises in the Online Study Session by our IB Spanish tutor available in Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon. 
Apart from the theoretical and practical learnings, we also guide the students as per the assignment pattern of the International Baccalaureate. 
As per the IB Criteria, we also instill the cultural perspectives of the Spanish Cultures in the students. This helps them to develop a broader global perspective and a chance to get involved with discussions of a varied kind! 
Walking on the paths of the IB Criteria and our fully-equipped interactive Study Sessions, the Spanish Learners can surely achieve a desirable score in the IB Assessments. 
One can also woo their perfect 7 in the IB Spanish by joining us, IB GLOBAL ACADEMY, a safe and comfortable Online Learning as per your convenience! 
So get proficient in the Spanish Language and explore a new wonder of the world with the IB GLOBAL ACADEMY!
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learnign · 8 years ago
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Hi friends!! My CAS tab officially closed on December 17 last year, and I’ve been meaning to write this since. Please remember that these are projects I did that got approved by my CAS supervisors. Definitely check with your own before starting something similar! My school implemented the new system of completion by outcomes rather than numbers, hence why C,A,S are unevenly distributed. Please feel free to message me for more details :)
1. 30 Hour Famine || C,A,S || all outcomes
I proposed this project to my youth pastor the summer before IB1. I ran the project with a friend of mine who is also a youth captain (like a camp counselor, but at youth group), and five other friends. My friends and I all sold art and designs to fundraise. We got about 100 youth group kids to fast with us for 30 hours to raise money for World Vision.
2. Bazaar game station || C,A || planning, collaborating
This was a project my teachers encouraged. I worked in a group of 10, and we came up with a fake beer pong stand for the school bazaar.
3. Creative writing club || C,A,S || all outcomes
A classmate and I co-captained the creative writing club. We started this ourselves!
4. Design classes || C || growth, challenges, commitment, planning, ethics, global significance
These weren’t actually classes. I was instead part of my church’s design ministry. My youth leader, who is a design graduate, gave everyone who was in ministry weekly assignments and assessed us based on a set of criteria.
5. Batik marketing || C, A, S || growth, challenges, planning, collaboration, ethics, global significance
Some classmates and I visited a traditional batik-making village in Surakarta. They had very little electronic technology, so we helped design ads to help market their products.
6. “Recreational sessions” || A, S || planning, collaborating, commitment
Every two weeks for a semester, my classmates and I did rotations taking kids from an orphanage out to learn about something they were interested in outside of a classroom situation. For example, if they were interested film, we took them to a movie and had discussions afterwards.
7. School production - design and marketing || C, S || growth, challenges, collaboration, commitment, planning, ethics 
My best friend and I collaborated on designs for advertising the school production. Initially we were going to volunteer to do lighting or set design, but figured we’d get more outcomes this way. This was the first collaboration we did and it was the start of a beautiful siamese twinship (it goes beyond partnership). I illustrated, and he worked on layouts. We also had a team to find sponsors, and we all sold tickets.
8. Non-profit organization - human resources || A, S || all outcomes
I worked as head of Human Resources in an organization my classmate started. It was dedicated to recycling plastic bottles to generate green energy. Honestly, it didn’t turn out too great, but I got the outcomes. I ended up doing more design than anything else.
End note:
Starting out, I was terrified of CAS and not finishing in time. It’s really not as scary as all the IB memes make them out to be. Neither is the entire IBDP, honestly. Trust me. You’ve got this.
Hope this helps!
-Summer xx
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wlison · 11 years ago
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chaotic-omnisexual-squirrel · 6 months ago
i have decided if no one else is going to do it, i will. i am going to get a fucking degree in film and write a bunch of essays specifically for little queer ib (and pre-ib) students that are looking for the most absurd things to support their single point for a cs or ta.
did i just spend an hour looking at different articles for the two films im planning to do for my cs and went absolutely insane because i desperately want a clear point of what i'm doing and to make sure i'm not going insane, because i'm seeing the goddamn parallels but i don't know if anybody else is.
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i cannot get through a minute of any queer or horror related film without writing something down for my extended essay
i'm a little bit obsessed
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chaotic-omnisexual-squirrel · 9 months ago
am i writing an incredibly homoerotic, hedonistic, blasphemous, and german expressionism inspired vampire film that i may turn in to my school?
yes i am. god help me.
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chaotic-omnisexual-squirrel · 3 months ago
my io is in an hour and a half, and i am attempting to convince myself that if i just keep talking i will be completely alright.
i am also wearing a shirt that says "that's what i do, i read books, i drink tea and i know things" and i am hoping my teacher takes those facts into consideration
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chaotic-omnisexual-squirrel · 3 months ago
me :....
my fan : idly spinning
the goblin in my brain with a knack for creative and cheap filming set ups and nothing else : someone grab me the assorted strings.
....i have some sort of scheme
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