jaurecute · 10 years
how much do you love your friend luiza
luiza who?
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stergolven · 10 years
iamawandmaker replied to your post: One day I’ll be an awesome superhero/v...
u are so cute but in a hot way idk
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im-one-crazy-child · 11 years
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So dashy did a thing
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motherofdargans-blog · 11 years
Yes I’ve linked the video! 
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bitchezgetshitdone · 11 years
Tagged by Ameliasglasses
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their post then make 11 new ones (don’t answer the questions you make up), so you’re answering 11 questions.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them in your own post.
Rule 4: Message them to let them know you’ve tagged them.
1. Dream place to live?
Somewhere where there is snow for the holidays.
2. What time era would you want to visit?
The 1920s. All the great authors painters, just amazing
3. Favorite book?
The Rum Diary
4. Favorite movie genre?
Action. Definitely action.
5. Hobbie?
Soccer... although I consider it more of my life.
6. Best friend? In Tumblr and real life.
Maya (ameliasglasses)
7. Favorite male companion?
Jack Harkness
8. Fruit or vegetables?
9. Favorite TV show?
10. Guilty pleasure?
Reality TV... lolz
11. Favorite food?
The flesh of my enemies
1. OTP?
2. first word that pops into your head when I say soap.
3.Mac or PC?
4. Is that real?
5. Would you ever get a tattoo? If so, what?
6. Guilty pleasure?
7. What is the scariest moment of your life?
8. Preferred weapon?
9. Can you believe its butter?
10. Do you like the game of life?
11. Are stink bugs harmless? (at least 4-5 sentences) (theres one in my tree) (i need to know) (like, NOW)
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greenhillsdessert · 12 years
Question Tag - tagged by yellowbrickrose
1) If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life without worrying about getting too fat/too thin/not getting enough nutrients or whatever, what would you eat?
Cadbury's fruit + nut? Maybe. 
2) Your favourite Doctor?
Tooo hard. 11? 
3) If you could be trapped in a lift with anyone for exactly one hour, who would you choose?
Tom Hiddleston, because he'd be too polite to say anything if I was annoying him.
4) Would you rather be freakishly tall or freakishly short?
Tall, because you can reach everything.
5) Tumblr crushes?
off the top of my head, riseofthefallenone :D :D :D :D 
6) Favourite book?
These questions are horrible! The Swiss Family Robinson. 
7) How many languages can you speak? How well can you speak them?
Spanish- just about. French - about 10 words. Latin - Furcifer! 
8) Ultimate OTP?
UWAAHHH. It's a tie between Stony and Destiel. 
9) Favourite colour?
10) If you could have any pet what would it be (it can be something illegal like a tiger)?
A cat. Or an ocelot. 
11) If you could go back in time and live in the past for one day, when and where would you go?
Hmmm... I would go to the Big Bang, so I could come back and tell everyone what really went down. 
My questions! 
1. Favourite type of cake?
2. What do you have on your desk/table/wherever your computer is right now?
3. One thing you would like to be able to do that you can't? 
4. Which person (fictional or real) would you most like to hug?
5. If you could change one thing about your bedroom, what would you change?
6. Put your I-Pod/media player/mp3 on shuffle - first song that plays? 
7. Best way to eat eggs? 
8. Favourite item of clothing?
9. Choose a fandom. Think of 5 characters from that fandom. What are their spirit animals?
10. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
11. What is your current desktop background? 
Tag, you're it! 
When you've answered, write your 11 questions. 
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stergolven · 11 years
iamawandmaker replied to your post: And we gonna let it burn burn burn burn
you remind me of margo roth and i love you
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thank you :3
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imfckingasexual-blog · 12 years
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iamawandmaker started following you
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welcome-to-my-mad-tea-party started following you
Hi guys! :) Thanks for following!
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iamawandmaker · 12 years
Sister: I saw a post on tumblr saying that Harry is only 18, is that right?
Me: Yeah, he is the youngest.
Sister: I thought he was the oldest...
Me: No, Louis is the oldest, he's 20 now-
Sister: Oh right, I forgot Harry likes older girlfriends...
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iamawandmaker · 12 years
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OUAT cast and crew on Twitter - @QuestionAnders: I have no words for this picture except for the ones preceding.... Enjoy Thank you @brendan_hines
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iamawandmaker · 12 years
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OUAT cast and crew on Twitter - @JeffreyEKaiser:  #kaisergram "leaving storybrooke"
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iamawandmaker · 12 years
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OUAT cast and crew on Twitter - @julesv7: Getting the lovely Belle ready
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iamawandmaker · 12 years
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iamawandmaker · 12 years
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yeah, I think I got it right
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