#iPhone 16 Pro Dolby Vision
labrone1475 · 3 days
Is the iPhone 16 Pro the Ultimate Upgrade? 5G, 4K Dolby Vision & Game-Ch...
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michaeldswanson · 6 months
Encoding Spatial Video
As I mentioned in my prior post about Spatial Video, the launch of the Apple Vision Pro has reignited interest in spatial and immersive video formats, and it's exciting to hear from users who are experiencing this format for the first time. The release of my spatial video command-line tool and example spatial video player has inadvertently pulled me into a lot of fun discussions, and I've really enjoyed chatting with studios, content producers, camera manufacturers, streaming providers, enthusiasts, software developers, and even casual users. Many have shared test footage, and I've been impressed by a lot of what I've seen. In these interactions, I'm often asked about encoding options, playback, and streaming, and this post will focus on encoding.
To start, I'm not an Apple employee, and other than my time working at an immersive video startup (Pixvana, 2016-2020), I don't have any secret or behind-the-scenes knowledge. Everything I've written here is based on my own research and experimentation. That means that some of this will be incorrect, and it's likely that things will change, perhaps as early as WWDC24 in June (crossing my fingers). With that out of the way, let's get going.
Apple's spatial and immersive videos are encoded using a multi-view extension of HEVC referred to as MV-HEVC (found in Annex G of the latest specification). While this format and extension were defined as a standard many years ago, as far as I can tell, MV-HEVC has not been used in practice. Because of this, there are very few encoders that support this format. As of this writing, these are the encoders that I'm aware of:
spatial - my own command-line tool for encoding MV-HEVC on an Apple silicon Mac
Spatialify - an iPhone/iPad app
SpatialGen - an online encoding solution
QooCam EGO spatial video and photo converter - for users of this Kandao camera
Dolby/Hybrik - professional online encoding
Ateme TITAN - professional encoding (note the upcoming April 16, 2024 panel discussion at NAB)
SpatialMediaKit - an open source GitHub project for Mac
MV-HEVC reference software - complex reference software mostly intended for conformance testing
Like my own spatial tool, many of these encoders rely on the MV-HEVC support that has been added to Apple's AVFoundation framework. As such, you can expect them to behave in similar ways. I'm not as familiar with the professional solutions that are provided by Dolby/Hyrbik and Ateme, so I can't say much about them. Finally, the MV-HEVC reference software was put together by the standards committee, and while it is an invaluable tool for testing conformance, it was never intended to be a commercial tool, and it is extremely slow. Also, the reference software was completed well before Apple defined its vexu metadata, so that would have to be added manually (my spatial tool can do this).
As I mentioned earlier, MV-HEVC is an extension to HEVC, and the multi-view nature of that extension is intended to encode multiple views of the same content all within a single bitstream. One use might be to enable multiple camera angles of an event – like a football game – to be carried in a single stream, perhaps allowing a user to switch between them. Another use might be to encode left- and right-eye views to be played back stereoscopically (in 3D).
To carry multiple views, MV-HEVC assigns each view a different layer ID. In a normal HEVC stream, there is only one so-called primary layer that is assigned an ID of 0. When you watch standard 2D HEVC-encoded media, you're watching the only/primary layer 0 content. With Apple's spatial and immersive MV-HEVC content, a second layer (typically ID 1) is also encoded, and it represents a second view of the same content. Note that while it's common for layer 0 to represent a left-eye view, this is not a requirement.
One benefit of this scheme is that you can playback MV-HEVC content on a standard 2D player, and it will only playback the primary layer 0 content, effectively ignoring anything else. But, when played back on a MV-HEVC-aware player, each layered view can be presented to the appropriate eye. This is why my spatial tool allows you to choose which eye's view is stored in the primary layer 0 for 2D-only players. Sometimes (like on iPhone 15 Pro), one camera's view looks better than the other.
All video encoders take advantage of the fact that the current video frame looks an awful lot like the prior video frame. Which looks a lot like the one before that. Most of the bandwidth savings depends on this fact. This is called temporal (changes over time) or inter-view (where a view in this sense is just another image frame) compression. As an aside, if you're more than casually interested in how this works, I highly recommend this excellent digital video introduction. But even if you don't read that article, a lot of the data in compressed video consists of one frame referencing part of another frame (or frames) along with motion vectors that describe which direction and distance an image chunk has moved.
Now, what happens when we introduce the second layer (the other eye's view) in MV-HEVC-encoded video? Well, in addition to a new set of frames that is tagged as layer 1, these layer 1 frames can also reference frames that are in layer 0. And because stereoscopic frames are remarkably similar – after all, the two captures are typically 65mm or less apart – there is a lot of efficiency when storing the layer 1 data: "looks almost exactly the same as layer 0, with these minor changes…" It isn't unreasonable to expect 50% or more savings in that second layer.
This diagram shows a set of frames encoded in MV-HEVC. Perhaps confusing at first glance, the arrows show the flow of referenced image data. Notice that layer 0 does not depend on anything in layer 1, making this primary layer playable on standard 2D HEVC video players. Layer 1, however, relies on data from layer 0 and from other adjacent layer 1 frames.
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Thanks to Fraunhofer for the structure of this diagram.
I am very familiar with MV-HEVC output that is recorded by Apple Vision Pro and iPhone 15 Pro, and it's safe to assume that these are being encoded with AVFoundation. I'm also familiar with the output of my own spatial tool and a few of the others that I mentioned above, and they too use AVFoundation. However, the streams that Apple is using for its immersive content appear to be encoded by something else. Or at least a very different (future?) version of AVFoundation. Perhaps another WWDC24 announcement?
By monitoring the network, I've already learned that Apple's immersive content is encoded in 10-bit HDR, 4320x4320 per-eye resolution, at 90 frames-per-second. Their best streaming version is around 50Mbps, and the format of the frame is (their version of) fisheye. While they've exposed a fisheye enumeration in Core Media and their files are tagged as such, they haven't shared the details of this projection type. Because they've chosen it as the projection type for their excellent Apple TV immersive content, though, it'll be interesting to hear more when they're ready to share.
So, why do I suspect that they're encoding their video with a different MV-HEVC tool? First, where I'd expect to see a FourCC codec type of hvc1 (as noted in the current Apple documentation), in some instances, I've also seen a qhvc codec type. I've never encountered that HEVC codec type, and as far as I know, AVFoundation currently tags all MV-HEVC content with hvc1. At least that's been my experience. If anyone has more information about qhvc, drop me a line.
Next, as I explained in the prior section, the second layer in MV-HEVC-encoded files is expected to achieve a bitrate savings of around 50% or more by referencing the nearly-identical frame data in layer 0. But, when I compare files that have been encoded by Apple Vision Pro, iPhone 15 Pro, and the current version of AVFoundation (including my spatial tool), both layers are nearly identical in size. On the other hand, Apple's immersive content is clearly using a more advanced encoder, and the second layer is only ~45% of the primary layer…just what you'd expect.
Here is a diagram that shows three subsections of three different MV-HEVC videos, each showing a layer 0 (blue), then layer 1 (green) cadence of frames. The height of each bar represents the size of that frame's payload. Because the content of each video is different, this chart is only useful to illustrate the payload difference between layers.
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As we've learned, for a mature encoder, we'd expect the green bars to be noticeably smaller than the blue bars. For Apple Vision Pro and spatial tool encodings (both using the current version of AVFoundation), the bars are often similar, and in some cases, the green bars are even higher than their blue counterparts. In contrast, look closely at the Apple Immersive data; the green layer 1 frame payload is always smaller.
What does this mean? Well, it means that Apple's optimized 50Mbps stream might need closer to 70Mbps using the existing AVFoundation-based tools to achieve a similar quality. My guess is that the MV-HEVC encoder in AVFoundation is essentially encoding two separate HEVC streams, then "stitching" them together (by updating layer IDs and inter-frame references), almost as-if they're completely independent of each other. That would explain the remarkable size similarity between the two layers, and as an initial release, this seems like a reasonable engineering simplification. It also aligns with Apple's statement that one minute of spatial video from iPhone 15 Pro is approximately 130MB while one minute of regular video is 65MB…exactly half.
Another possibility is that it's too computationally expensive to encode inter-layer references while capturing two live camera feeds in Vision Pro or iPhone 15 Pro. This makes a lot of sense, but I'd then expect a non-real-time source to produce a more efficient bitstream, and that's not what I'm seeing.
For what it's worth, I spent a bit of time trying to validate a lack of inter-layer references, but as mentioned, there are no readily-available tools that process MV-HEVC at this deeper level (even the reference decoder was having its issues). I started to modify some existing tools (and even wrote my own), but after a bunch of work, I was still too far away from an answer. So, I'll leave it as a problem for another day.
To further improve compression efficiency, I tried to add AVFoundation's multi-pass encoding to my spatial tool. Sadly, after many attempts and an unanswered post to the Apple Developer Forums, I haven't had any luck. It appears that the current MV-HEVC encoder doesn't support multi-pass encoding. Or if it does, I haven't found the magical incantation to get it working properly.
Finally, I tried adding more data rate options to my spatial tool. The tool can currently target a quality level or an average bitrate, but it really needs finer control for better HLS streaming support. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the data rate limits feature to work either. Again, I'm either doing something wrong, or the current encoder doesn't yet support all of these features.
Closing Thoughts
I've been exploring MV-HEVC in depth since the beginning of the year. I continue to think that it's a great format for immersive media, but it's clear that the current state of encoders (at least those that I've encountered) are in their infancy. Because the multi-view extensions for HEVC have never really been used in the past, HEVC encoders have reached a mature state without multi-view support. It will now take some effort to revisit these codebases to add support for things like multiple input streams, the introduction of additional layers, and features like rate control.
While we wait for answers at WWDC24, we're in an awkward transition period where the tools we have to encode media will require higher bitrates and offer less control over bitstreams. We can encode rectilinear media for playback in the Files and Photos apps on Vision Pro, but Apple has provided no native player support for these more immersive formats (though you can use my example spatial player). Fortunately, Apple's HLS toolset has been updated to handle spatial and immersive media. I had intended to write about streaming MV-HEVC in this post, but it's already long enough, so I'll save that topic for another time.
As always, I hope this information is useful, and if you have any comments, feedback, suggestions, or if you just want to share some media, feel free to contact me.
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kesvinuoc · 1 year
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UOC - PAC 3: Kevin Boix - Plataformas de Distribución de Contenido
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Vimeo, tiene un reproductor de vídeo bastante simple, creado en HTML5, donde podemos ver todas las features básicas que cumplen con las necesidades del usuario, controlar el volumen, pause and play, añadir subtítulos, configuración de calidad, maximizar y minimizar, todas estas funcionabilidades están en la parte inferior, pero en la parte superior derecha, tenemos el sharing, donde permite dar control al usuario: compartir, me gusta, guardar en listas personales.
2. Plataformas
Los navegadores compatibles son los siguientes:
Chrome 60 en adelante (tiene actualizaciones automáticas)
Firefox 60 en adelante (tiene actualizaciones automáticas)
Microsoft Edge 79 en adelante (tiene actualizaciones automáticas)
Safari 11+
Sistemas operativos:
Se garantiza la funcionabilidad al 100% en los siguientes:
Windows 10 en adelante
Apple desde macOs11 (BigSur) en adelante con Safari 16 en adelante.
Dispositivos móviles y tabletas:
Android 8.0 (Oreo) en adelante
Navegador Safari con iOS12 – iPad12 en adelante
En cuanto a la aplicación móvil de vimeo:
Andorid(Nougat) versión 7.0 o superior
iOS, versión 14 o superior
*La aplicación vimeo para macOS requiere macOS12.12 (Sierra) o superior
La diferencia es que en Iphone, si el dispositivo es compatible con HDR10 y un sistema de reproducción que admita H.265 (HEVC), podrás reproducir HDR y Dolby Vision.
3. Servicios asociados
También, Vimeo proporciona una serie de herramientas de gestión empresarial, como por ejemplo asesoría para mejorar las métricas de tu contenido, soluciones de marketing y también un plan de hosting de servidores, como hace Amazon con AWS o Microsoft con Azure, sin olvidar, que también ofrece la posibilidad de realizar un pan o análisis de datos con todas las métricas para saber el engaging de tu contenido, quién y cuantas veces lo visualizan y para finalizar tienes la posibilidad de crear webinars o tener un sistema para webinars si eliges pagar la versión Premium de Vimeo para empresas
Siempre con la premisa de acelerar tu compañía hacia el éxito, captación de clientes aumentando la interacción y cualquier tipo de optimización, en pocas palabras, aprovechar todo el potencial de tu contenido.
4. Transmisión
Si prefieres retransmitir en vivo, Vimeo crea una transcodificación de tu video en la nube y RTMP para perder la mínima calidad posible y tengas flexibilidad para subir un contenido algo pesado o de mucha calidad y que el usuario final pueda reproducirlo sin problema con su ancho de banda preferido.
Para la transmisión hace uso de los siguientes protocolos:
Y los protocolos base, para la reproducción de vídeo, envío de paquetes y el transporte, son los siguientes:
Capa de comunicación o enlace: PPP, DSL, Wi-Fi, etc.
Capa de Internet: IPv4, IPv6, etc.
Capa de transporte: TCP, UDP, etc.
Capa de aplicación: HTTP, IMAP, FTP, etc
5. Almacenamiento
En este caso, Vimeo está limitado a una cuota semanal y un almacenamiento total, con los planes basic, plus y pro, te permiten más cantidad de almacenamiento o menos, esa cuota se restablece cada 7 días:
La cuota de carga semanal se concede de la siguiente manera:
Básico: 500MB/semana, limitado a 10 cargas cada 24 horas
Más: 5 GB/semana
Pro: 20 GB/semana
El almacenamiento total se concede de la siguiente manera:
Básico: 5GB
Pro Ilimitado: 3TB
Empresas: 5TB
Premium 7TB
6. Codificación
Códecs de video: H.264, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) o H.265 (HEVC)
Velocidad de fotogramas: mantén la velocidad de fotogramas nativa y elige una velocidad de fotogramas constante
Tasa de bits: elige variable si es posible y sigue los rangos basados en la definición de tu video
Resolución: proporción de aspecto de píxeles de 1:1
Colores primarios y coeficientes de la matriz: se aceptan todos, pero recomendamos BT.2020 (Rec. 2020) o BT.709 (Rec. 709)
Características de transferencia del color: para los videos HDR, solo admitimos la función de transferencia PQ (SMPTE 284) o HLG
Profundidad de bits: 10 o superior
Tipo de escaneo: progresivo, y se recomienda desentrelazar videos
Códec de audio: AAC-LC (AAC de baja complejidad)
Velocidad de transmisión de datos: 320 kb/s
Frecuencia de muestreo: 48 kHz
7. Estadísticas
Vimeo tiene integrada (en su plan de pago) una herramienta de analíticas para conocer mejor a tu público proporciona las siguientes estadísticas:
Ubicación, edad, rango del público objetivo
Redes sociales o plataformas donde han visualizado el contenido
Monitorización de los KPY de tus vídeos, para conocer el rendimiento real de tus vídeos, la duración media de tus vídeos y cuando dejan de ser interesantes para tus usuarios.
8. Modelo de negocio
Vimeo principalmente gana a través de las subscripciones, hay cuatro opciones de membresía:
Vimeo plus
Vimeo PRO
Vimeo Business
Vimeo Premium
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9. Formatos de publicidad
Vimeo es ad-free para la mayoría de los usuarios, los miembros básicos podrán visualizar publicidad en sus vídeos como sucede en otras plataformas como youtube, twitch, etc...
Si tienes un plan de pago entonces no te aparecerá publicidad.
En cuanto a la monetización de los vídeos para los creadores de contenido, Vimeo te permite (con una tarifa) crear un sitio exclusivo para tu audiencia y seguidores, donde podrás convertir tus vídeos en productos de suscripción y membresía, cursos en línea, webinars y todos estos servicios estarán monetizados para que ambos generen liquidez.
10. Investiga y define nuevos formatos
Vimeo te permite definir y crear una estrategia de marketing para que tu contenido sea lo más impactante y relevante posible.
Retención y captación de clientes con más engaging
Estudios para conocer tu mercado y tus clientes
Personalizar tus mensajes y ofertas
Te permite conocer y contactar con tu público
Redes sociales para contribuir a mejorar tu imagen y conocer tus clientes
Asistencia y asesoramiento para ser lo más competitivo posible
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teleame · 16 hours
Unboxing y REVIEW del NUEVO iPhone 16 Pro MAX
Hoy te traémos el unboxing y la review del iPhone 16 Pro Max y te vamos a contar TODO lo que necesitas saber! Desde el unboxing hasta los detalles más jugosos de este nuevo dispositivo. Así que si eres fan de Apple, ¡prepárate para disfrutar! 🔍 ¿Qué encontrarás en este vídeo? 🟣 Colores disponibles: Apple nos sorprende con cuatro colores exclusivos: titanio natural, blanco, negro y el impresionante titanio color desierto. ¡Un color que te va a enamorar por completo! 📦 Unboxing: Descubrimos todo lo que viene dentro de la caja. ¡Spoiler alert! El iPhone 16 Pro Max en todo su esplendor y el nuevo cable trenzado USB-C que es más resistente y elegante que nunca. ⚙️ Configuración: Te mostramos lo rápido que es configurar tu nuevo iPhone y empezar a disfrutar de todas sus novedades. Mientras tanto, ¡ve pensando en cuál de los nuevos colores es tu favorito! 🖥️ Pantalla: Disfruta de la pantalla Super Retina XDR OLED de 6,9 pulgadas, la más grande y avanzada en un iPhone hasta ahora, con tecnología ProMotion para una fluidez inigualable. ¡Ideal para ver series, jugar y mucho más! 📏 Dimensiones y materiales: Apple sigue apostando por el titanio, manteniendo la ligereza y resistencia que tanto amamos. ¡Y qué decir de su pantalla con Ceramic Shield de última generación y su vidrio mate texturizado! Todo un lujo en la mano. ⚡ Chip A18 Pro: El nuevo chip de 3 nanómetros hace que todo vuele, con una CPU un 15% más rápida y una GPU un 20% mejorada respecto al modelo anterior. ¡Potencia pura! 📲 iOS 18: El nuevo iPhone 16 Pro Max llega con iOS 18, que trae más opciones de personalización que nunca. ¡Cambia colores, iconos, tamaños de apps y widgets a tu gusto! 📸 Cámaras de otro nivel: Te contamos todo sobre el nuevo sistema de cámaras con una principal de 48 Mpx, ultra gran angular y teleobjetivo. ¡Captura cada detalle con una calidad impresionante y explora el zoom digital hasta x25! 🎥 Vídeo en 4K a 120 fps: Para los creadores de contenido, el iPhone 16 Pro Max lleva la grabación de vídeo al siguiente nivel con Dolby Vision y una calidad de sonido que te hará sentir como en un estudio de grabación. 🎮 Botón de Control de Cámara: Un añadido nuevo que te permite acceder a la cámara al instante o explorar funciones avanzadas. ¡Perfecto para capturar momentos sin perder tiempo! 🔋 Batería y resistencia: Con una autonomía de hasta 33 horas de reproducción de vídeo y carga inalámbrica MagSafe, este iPhone es una bestia. Además, cuenta con certificación IP68 para resistencia al agua y polvo. 💸 Precio y disponibilidad: ¿Interesado? Este modelo parte desde 1.469 euros y sube hasta los 1.969 euros si eliges la versión de 1TB. ¡Toda la potencia y elegancia de Apple, ahora en tus manos!
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Discover the Apple iPhone 16 Pro: A New Era of Innovation
Hey tech enthusiasts! If you’re ready to dive into the future of smartphones, let’s talk about the brand-new Apple iPhone 16 Pro. This powerhouse is not just an upgrade; it’s a leap into a realm where personal intelligence meets cutting-edge technology. Whether you’re eyeing the iPhone 16 Pro Max or just curious about what makes the iPhone 16 Pro stand out, stick around as we explore what makes these devices the hottest topics in the iPhone 16 series.
Design That Wows
The iPhone 16 Pro is crafted with Grade 5 titanium, making it incredibly durable yet impressively light. Available in stunning colours like Black Titanium, White Titanium, Natural Titanium, and the new Desert Titanium, these phones not only look sleek but are built to last. The refined micro-blasted finish is not just for aesthetics; it adds to the phone's strength and durability.
Unmatched Display
Prepare to be dazzled by the display. The iPhone 16 Pro Max boasts the largest iPhone display ever—a whopping 6.9 inches of Super Retina XDR brilliance. And the iPhone 16 Pro isn’t far behind with its impressive 6.3-inch display. The thin borders and new display technology make these screens feel like a natural extension of your hand. It’s not just about size; it’s about experiencing every pixel with breathtaking clarity.
Performance Like Never Before
Under the hood, the iPhone 16 Pro packs the A18 Pro chip, which is a game-changer. With a 16-core Neural Engine and a 6-core GPU, you’re looking at top-notch performance whether you’re gaming, editing videos, or multitasking. Apple’s focus on efficiency means you’ll get up to 4 more hours of battery life, so you can keep going all day. And with up to 2x faster hardware-accelerated ray tracing, your gaming experience is about to get a whole lot more immersive.
Camera That Captures It All
The iPhone 16 Pro introduces a new 48MP Ultra Wide camera, giving you super-high-resolution photos and incredible detail. Whether you’re capturing a sprawling landscape or snapping a close-up, the new 5x Telephoto camera lets you zoom in with clarity. Plus, with 4K 120 fps Dolby Vision, your videos will look cinematic and professional.
The addition of Camera Control gives you more flexibility with your shots. You can easily adjust settings like exposure and depth of field with a swipe. And when it comes to audio, the four studio-quality mics ensure that your videos sound as good as they look.
Apple Intelligence: Your Personal Assistant
What sets the iPhone 16 Pro apart is its integration with Apple Intelligence. This personal intelligence system helps you with everything from writing and editing text to managing your schedule. It even helps Siri understand your context better, so you get the most relevant assistance without sacrificing privacy. And speaking of privacy, Apple’s on-device processing ensures that your personal data stays just that—personal.
Enhanced Productivity and Creativity
For those who love to be productive, the iPhone 16 Pro offers tools to streamline your tasks. Whether you’re rewriting text to perfect your tone or summarizing transcripts from meetings, these features make work a breeze. The Image Playground app allows you to create unique images from scratch, and Clean Up helps you perfect your photos by removing unwanted background elements.
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A Whole New Level of Accessibility
The iPhone 16 Pro isn’t just smart; it’s accessible. Features like Eye Tracking allow you to navigate your iPhone just by moving your eyes. Music Haptics sync with the rhythm of your songs to provide a tactile experience for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. And Vocal Shortcuts let you set specific actions with customized sounds—making your iPhone even more intuitive and user-friendly.
Environmentally Friendly and Future-Proof
Apple’s commitment to sustainability shines through with the iPhone 16 Pro. The phone uses recycled materials, including 95% recycled lithium in the battery and 100% recycled gold in the USB-C connector. The packaging is also 100% fiber-based, reducing the carbon footprint.
Offers and Availability
Ready to get your hands on the iPhone 16 Pro? Keep an eye out for the latest offers and deals. Whether you’re interested in the iPhone 16 Pro Max or the more compact iPhone 16 Pro, there’s bound to be an option that fits your needs.
Final Thoughts
The Apple iPhone 16 Pro is more than just a smartphone; it’s a glimpse into the future of mobile technology. With its robust design, impressive performance, and innovative features, it’s set to be a game-changer. So, if you’re looking to upgrade, the iPhone 16 Pro series is definitely worth considering.
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onedirectdeals · 7 days
Apple iPhone 16 Pro 1 TB: 5G Mobile phone with Camera Control, 4K 120 fps Dolby Vision and a Huge Leap in Battery Life. Works with AirPods; Desert Titanium
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: STUNNING TITANIUM DESIGN — iPhone 16 Pro has a strong and light titanium design with a larger 6.3 inch Super Retina XDR display. It’s remarkably durable with the latest-generation Ceramic Shield front that’s 2x tougher than any smartphone glass.BUILT FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE — Apple Intelligence helps you write, express yourself and get things done effortlessly. With…
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novumtimes · 10 days
In iOS 18 Apple adds a feature most requested by iPhone videographers | Technology News
Apple iPhones are praised across the world for their videography prowess, and with the iPhone 16 Pro series, the company is taking it to the next level by introducing 4K 120fps Dolby Vision-format video recording capability. But, this story is not about that. This is about a new feature Apple has added, one that makes the life of all iPhone videographers easier – the ability to pause while recording video on an iPhone. While the first iPhone could only take photos, Apple added the ability to record videos on the iPhone 3GS in 2009. However, unlike most Android smartphones, iPhone users, using the native camera app, could only continuously record video with no ability to pause the recording and resume it later. In the latest iOS 18 beta build, Apple is finally adding a new option to the camera app, which will give users the freedom to pause multiple times while shooting a video and still have one single footage. This feature was first spotted by 9to5Mac on the iOS 18 Release Candidate beta, which is considered as good as the stable release. This feature is available on all iPhones eligible for the iOS 18 update, releasing on September 16, and the latest iPhone 16 series will be the first set of iPhones to ship with this capability. They are also the first set of iPhones to include a dedicated “Camera Control” button, which offers DSLR-like camera control capability on the iPhone 16 and the iPhone 16 Pro series.   Source link via The Novum Times
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havnblog · 11 days
Summarised – This Year's iPhone Changes
While working on a different blog post, I made a list of changes to the different iPhone models. Instead of just scrapping it, I thought I’d post it here:
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Improvements across the line(s)
Camera Control button added
Support for Dolby Vision video
Latest generation Photographic Styles
Anti-reflective lens coating
Improved glass
Faster MagSafe charging
Lower minimum brightness
A bit longer battery life
iPhone 15 Pro → 16 Pro
Larger screen size, from 6.1"/6.7" to 6.3"/6.5" (A negative in my book, but not in most’s, I assume.)
Upgraded chip, from A17 Pro to 18 Pro (Doesn’t seem like the largest bump.)
New ultra-wide camera
The non-Max also gets last year’s 5x tele lens
Improved microphones
iPhone 15 → Iphone 16
Upgraded chip, from A16 to A18 (All-new architecture – more substantial upgrade.)
More RAM, from 6 GB to 8 GB.
Support for Apple Intelligence (Due to the last two things mentioned.)
Added Action button
New ultra-wide camera (With support for Macro photography – but not as large an upgrade as on the Pro.)
Support for spatial video
Thread radio
1 whole gram lower weight (🤓)
Anything I missed? Feel free to let me know!
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govindhtech · 11 days
iPhone 16 Pro Max And Pro With A18 Pro Chip, Larger Displays
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The A18 Pro chip powers iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max, which have Apple Intelligence, larger displays, greater creative possibilities with groundbreaking pro camera features, breathtaking graphics for immersive gaming, and more. Apple Intelligence brings sophisticated Apple-built generative models to iPhone in an easy-to-use personal intelligence system that recognizes personal context to give useful and relevant intelligence while safeguarding user privacy.
Camera Control makes visual intelligence and complex camera system interaction fast and easy. These new Pro models have the greatest quality and frame rate on iPhone ever, thanks to a 48MP Fusion camera with a faster quad-pixel sensor that records 4K120 fps Dolby Vision video. A new 48MP Ultra Wide camera for higher-resolution photos, including macro, a 5x Telephoto camera on both Pro models, and studio-quality mics for more realistic audio are also included. iPhone 16 Pro Max has the best battery life ever, larger displays, the thinnest borders on any Apple product, and a titanium build that is sturdy but lightweight.
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iPhone 16 Pro Max colors
The iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will come in four gorgeous titanium finishes: black, natural, white, and desert.
Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max release date
Pre-orders start Friday, September 13, and availability begins Friday, September 20. Customers who want the best iPhone will be able to take advantage of this huge step forward, whether they’re applying photo edits without lifting a finger, rewriting meeting notes for a more professional tone, or using the advanced camera system to capture their next masterpiece in 4K120 fps in Dolby Vision while enjoying extraordinary battery life.
Designed for Apple Intelligence
Apple Intelligence in the iPhone 16 range uses Apple silicon and generative models to read and produce words and visuals, operate across apps, and use personal context to simplify and accelerate daily chores. Apple Intelligence protects user data with Private Cloud Compute. This innovative solution allows on-device processing and bigger, server-based models to run on dedicated Apple silicon servers, advancing privacy in artificial intelligence. Apple Intelligence will be a free software upgrade with the initial features coming next month in the U.S. English for most countries.
Systemwide Writing Tools lets users edit notes and emails to make them more pleasant, concise, or professional, verify grammar, word choice, and sentence structure, and summarize content for easier reading. The Notes and Phone apps may record, transcribe, and summarize audio. Participants are notified when the Phone app records a call, and Apple Intelligence generates a summary to recall crucial points.
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A user enters their initial email copy on iPhone 16 Pro before using Apple Intelligence-powered writing tools to make it more professional.
Users can prioritize with summary notifications and Priority communications in Mail, which recognizes email content and highlights time-sensitive communications. Summaries tell users the most significant parts of each email instead than previewing the first few paragraphs.
Siri becomes more integrated into the system and gets a new design with a beautiful shining light that wraps around the screen when engaged. Siri’s language understanding makes communication more natural and adaptable. Siri remembers context and follows users’ stutters. Users can type to Siri at any moment and switch between text and speech to speed up daily tasks. Siri now answers thousands of iPhone and Apple device feature questions with her product knowledge.Image credit to Apple
Later this year and in the months ahead, Apple Intelligence will release Image Playground, which lets people create entertaining photos quickly. The option to create unique Genmoji by entering a description or using a friend’s or family member’s photo will elevate emoji. Siri will exploit a user’s context to provide personalized intelligence. It will also develop onscreen awareness to interpret and act on users’ content and conduct hundreds of additional actions in Apple and third-party apps. Siri and Writing Tools in iOS 18 make ChatGPT from OpenAI easy to access.
iPhone 16 Pro Max size
The new Pro lineup has the thinnest Apple product borders and the largest iPhone displays ever: 6.3 inches on iPhone 16 Pro and 6.9 inches on iPhone 16 Pro Max.
iPhone 16 Pro design
Incredible Lightweight and Durable Design with Larger Displays
With Always-On and ProMotion capabilities, the gorgeous Super Retina XDR screens enable users to do more. Both models have superior durability with a robust, lightweight titanium design and the latest-generation Ceramic Shield, which is 2x tougher than smartphone glass. Heat dissipation and efficiency improve with the redesigned mechanical architecture, improving sustained performance by 20%. With iOS 18‘s new internal design and power management, larger batteries are designed for longer battery life.
iPhone 16 Pro Max camera
Through careful hardware and software integration, Camera Control makes the pro camera system more versatile by allowing users to rapidly launch, take a photo, and start video recording. It contains a tactile switch for clicks, a high-precision force sensor for light presses, and a capacitive sensor for touch. A new camera preview allows users frame the image and change zoom, exposure, and depth of focus to create spectacular photos and videos simply sliding their finger on the Camera Control.
A two-stage shutter will instantly lock focus and exposure on a subject with a light press in Camera Control later this fall, allowing users to adjust the photo without losing focus. Developers can also add Camera Control to third-party apps like Kino, allowing users to alter white balance and focus points at different depths.
Later this year, Camera Control will release visual intelligence to speed up object and place learning. Click and hold Camera Control to display a restaurant’s hours or reviews, add a flyer event to a calendar, instantly identify a dog by breed, and more. Camera Control will also allow users to access third-party tools with subject expertise, such as Google to find a product or ChatGPT to solve an issue. Users decide when to use third-party products and share data.
New Pro Photo, Video, and Audio Creativity
The world’s favorite camera grows stronger with iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. The upgraded camera system, powered by A18 Pro, features a 48MP Fusion camera with a faster, more efficient quad-pixel sensor and Apple Camera Interface, enabling 4K120 fps Dolby Vision video recording, a smartphone first. The quad-pixel sensor reads data 2x faster, enabling zero shutter lag for 48MP ProRAW or HEIF photographs.
A new 48MP Ultra Wide camera with a quad-pixel sensor and autofocus lets users snap higher-resolution 48MP ProRAW and HEIF photos for distinctively framed wide-angle photographs or macro photography. The powerful 5x Telephoto camera on the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max lets users capture action from farther away. On Apple Vision Pro, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max take spatial images and movies to allow consumers recall moments in incredible detail.Image credit to APPLE
After capturing 4K120 fps in Slo-mo or Video mode, users can set the playback speed in the Photos app to quarter-speed, half-speed for a dreamlike effect, or fifth-speed for 24 fps. A18 Pro’s new image signal processor (ISP) allows frame-by-frame cinema-quality color grading for 4K120 fps in Dolby Vision. For professional projects, users can capture 4K120 fps ProRes and Log to an external storage device.
Both Pro models have four new studio-quality mics for accurate sound recordings, and Spatial Audio can capture video for immersive listening with AirPods, Apple Vision Pro, or a surround sound system. Audio Mix on the iPhone 16 Pro lineup lets users edit video sound after capture to focus on the person on camera, make it sound like it was recorded in a professional studio, or position vocal tracks in the front and environmental noises in surround sound. Wind noise reduction improves audio quality with advanced machine learning (ML) methods.
Next-generation Photographic Styles allow real-time color, highlight, and shadow adjustments to express creativity and customize photographs. Styles comprehend skin undertones, so users can customize photo appearance. Adjustments target certain colors of a style, unlike filters, which add a color to the entire scene. A wider variety of styles allows for more creative photo editing, and an easy-to-use new control pad and intensity slider allow simultaneous tone and color alterations. These changes can be made during live preview, after a shot is taken, or reversed.
Apple Intelligence elevates pro cameras. Siri will later be able to execute in-app requests and operate across apps, such as selecting a photo from Photos and editing it in Darkroom. Siri can help customers use the wide range of photo and editing features, such as adjusting background blur.
Power Efficiency and Performance Lead the Industry
The A18 Pro CPU powers Apple Intelligence with industry-leading computational capability, ushering in a new age of pro performance. A18 Pro’s second-generation 3-nanometer technology and redesigned architecture with smaller, quicker transistors enable exceptional efficiency. Apple Intelligence performs better on devices thanks to the quicker, more efficient 16-core Neural Engine. A 17% boost in total system memory bandwidth the biggest ever in iPhone speeds up Writing Tools and Image Playground and delivers stunning graphics. Due to the bandwidth boost, the 6-core GPU is 20% quicker than the previous generation, producing graphics for Apple Intelligence and amazing gaming graphics.
Game Mode in iOS 18 unlocks more constant frame rates and makes AirPods, game controllers, and other wireless peripherals responsive. Hardware-accelerated ray tracing speeds up light sources and reflections by 2x. A smartphone’s fastest 6-core CPU has two performance cores and four efficiency cores to handle the same job 15% faster and 20% less power. Next-generation ML accelerators optimize for Apple Intelligence and save power by performing high-efficiency, high-throughput, and low-latency CPU computations without using the Neural Engine.
For better iPhone viewing, A18 Pro supports Always-On, ProMotion, quicker USB 3, and ProRes video recording. A new ISP and video encoder process 2x more data for faster encoding and pro workflows.
Enhanced Safety and Communication
For peace of mind, the iPhone 16 Pro series offers new connectivity and safety features. In iOS 18, users may send and receive texts, emoji, and Tapbacks over iMessage and SMS when outside cellular and Wi-Fi service using the same breakthrough satellite technology as Emergency SOS. Satellite messages are end-to-end secured. With iOS 18, Emergency SOS Live Video lets users share a live video feed or photos with emergency dispatchers during an emergency call. Later this fall, Roadside Assistance via satellite expands from the U.S. to the U.K.
Better for Nature
The iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max are eco-friendly. Apple 2030, the company’s ambitious goal to be carbon neutral across its entire carbon footprint by the end of the decade, prioritizes renewable electricity in manufacturing and invests in wind and solar projects worldwide to charge all Apple products, including the iPhone 16 lineup. All Apple facilities, including Apple Intelligence data centers, use 100% renewable electricity.
Apple is designing devices with recycled and renewable materials for 2030. iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max have over 25% recycled content, including 100% recycled aluminum in the internal structural frame and 80 percent or more recycled steel across several components. The iPhone 16 Pro series satisfies Apple’s energy efficiency standards and is mercury- and PVC-free. The battery is created with 100% recycled cobalt and over 95% recycled lithium, a first for iPhone. The fiber-based packaging helps Apple reach its aim of eliminating plastic packaging by next year.
iPhone 16 Pro price
iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will come in black, natural, white, and desert titanium with 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB storage. iPhone 16 Pro starts at $999 or $41.62 a month, and iPhone 16 Pro Max at $1,199 or $49.95..
Apple provides fantastic iPhone upgrades and savings. Trading in an iPhone 12 or higher earns customers $180 to $650 in credit, or up to $1,000 in credits for an iPhone 16 Pro with a carrier offer. Customers can take advantage of these offers by visiting the Apple Store online.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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sreenus · 11 days
Introducing the iPhone 16 Series! 🚀
🚀 We’re thrilled to unveil the latest innovations with the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro. Here’s what you can expect: 📱 Apple Intelligence: Cutting-edge AI for a more personal, private, and powerful experience. 📸 Camera Control: Streamlined access to essential camera tools. 🎥 Video: Capture breathtaking 4K 120 fps Dolby Vision footage. ⚙️ A18 Pro Chip: Enhanced performance and efficiency. 🔋 Battery Life: Remarkable leap in battery longevity. Plus, we’re also announcing: ⌚ Apple Watch Series 10 ⌚ Apple Watch Ultra 2 in new colors 🎧 AirPods 4 🎧 AirPods Max now available in fresh new colors 🎧 AirPods Pro 2 with upcoming hearing health features Apple Intelligence is arriving this fall to elevate your writing, self-expression, and productivity. Discover more about these exciting updates: Apple.com
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trendinginyoutube · 11 days
Introducing iPhone 16 Pro | Apple
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This is iPhone 16 Pro. Built for Apple Intelligence. A new powerful, private, personal, deeply integrated intelligence system to help you get things done effortlessly.
Powered by the new supercharged A18 Pro chip, with a faster Neural Engine, and an improved CPU and GPU. Which levels up both your iPhone and your gaming experience, offering our best-ever graphics performance.
Plus there’s an all-new camera system and an all-new way to control it. Use Camera Control to instantly access your camera, adjust settings, and take a photo.
And you can now shoot video in 4K 120 fps Dolby Vision to capture and edit stunningly cinematic slow motion.
Built with titanium. And featuring our thinnest borders for an even larger display.
iPhone 16 Pro is the most innovative, most powerful, and most intelligent iPhone ever. From the inside out.
Learn more about iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max: https://apple.co/4dSqFbR
Audio Descriptions: https://apple.co/4dTrRvG
“Wingspan” by Dan Mufson - https://apple.co/Wingspan
iPhone16Pro #AppleIntelligence #AppleEvent
Welcome to the official Apple YouTube channel. Here you’ll find news about product launches, tutorials, and other great content. Apple’s more than 160,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it.
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bitchystrangerqueen · 3 months
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, 256GB, Natural Titanium - Unlocked (Renewed): A Comprehensive Review
Design and Build Quality
One of the standout features of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is its design. The Natural Titanium finish gives the device a premium, sophisticated look, while also enhancing its durability. Titanium, known for its strength and lightweight properties, makes the phone both resilient and easy to handle. The sleek, minimalist design is characteristic of Apple’s design philosophy, combining aesthetics with practical usability. The Pro Max variant, with its larger size, ensures a more immersive experience, whether you’re browsing, gaming, or watching videos.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max boasts a 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display, which is one of the best in the industry. The OLED panel delivers vibrant colors, deep blacks, and an impressive contrast ratio, ensuring that every image and video looks stunning. The display supports HDR10 and Dolby Vision, making it ideal for streaming high-definition content. With a resolution of 2778 x 1284 pixels, the clarity and sharpness of the screen are unparalleled. Additionally, the ProMotion technology with a 120Hz refresh rate ensures smooth scrolling and responsiveness, enhancing the overall user experience.
Under the hood, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is powered by the A17 Bionic chip, Apple’s most advanced processor to date. The A17 Bionic is built on a 3nm process, which not only makes it more efficient but also significantly faster than its predecessors. This chip features a 6-core CPU, a 5-core GPU, and a 16-core Neural Engine, delivering exceptional performance across all tasks. Whether you are multitasking, gaming, or using demanding applications, the iPhone 15 Pro Max handles everything with ease. The enhanced machine learning capabilities also improve the efficiency and functionality of various apps, from photography to augmented reality.
Camera System
The camera system on the iPhone 15 Pro Max is another major highlight. It features a triple-camera setup, including a 48MP main sensor, a 12MP ultra-wide sensor, and a 12MP telephoto sensor. This combination allows for a versatile photography experience, catering to different shooting scenarios. The main sensor with a larger aperture captures more light, resulting in better low-light performance and sharper images. The ultra-wide sensor is perfect for capturing expansive landscapes, while the telephoto sensor with 3x optical zoom allows for detailed close-up shots.
The Pro Max also supports advanced computational photography features such as Smart HDR 4, Deep Fusion, and Night mode, ensuring that every shot is perfectly balanced in terms of color, contrast, and detail. The ProRAW and ProRes video recording capabilities provide professional-level control and quality, making it a favorite among content creators and filmmakers.
Battery Life and Charging
Battery life is a crucial aspect for any smartphone, and the iPhone 15 Pro Max does not disappoint. With its larger battery capacity and efficient A17 Bionic chip, it offers extended usage times, ensuring that you can go through a full day of heavy use without needing to recharge. When it does come time to recharge, the iPhone 15 Pro Max supports fast charging, capable of reaching up to 50% charge in just 30 minutes with a compatible charger. Additionally, it supports MagSafe and Qi wireless charging, providing convenient options for powering up.
Storage and Connectivity
The 256GB storage variant of the iPhone 15 Pro Max offers ample space for all your needs, from apps and games to photos and videos. This capacity strikes a balance between affordability and functionality, ensuring that you have enough room without overpaying for storage you might not use. As an unlocked device, the iPhone 15 Pro Max provides the flexibility to choose your carrier and switch networks as needed, making it a versatile option for travelers and those who prefer not to be tied to a single provider.
In terms of connectivity, the iPhone 15 Pro Max supports 5G, ensuring lightning-fast internet speeds and a seamless online experience. It also includes Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3, and Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology, which enhance connectivity and compatibility with a range of devices and accessories.
Software and Features
Running on iOS 17, the iPhone 15 Pro Max offers a refined and user-friendly operating system with a host of new features and improvements. iOS 17 introduces enhanced customization options, improved privacy features, and new capabilities such as Focus mode, Live Text, and redesigned notifications. Apple’s ecosystem integration means that the iPhone 15 Pro Max works seamlessly with other Apple products, such as the Apple Watch, iPad, and MacBook, providing a cohesive and interconnected user experience.
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destroyer7414 · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: iPhone 14 Pro Max 128GB UNLOCKED..
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giftcardgiveaway216 · 6 months
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Apple iPhone 13 Pro, 128GB, Sierra Blue – Unlocked (Renewed)
6.1″ Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion. 5G Superfast downloads, high-quality streaming Cinematic mode in 1080p at 30 fps. Dolby Vision HDR video recording up to 4K at 60 fps. 6X Optical zoom range A15 Bionic chip. New 6-core CPU with 2 performance and 4 efficiency cores. New 5-core GPU. New 16-core Neural Engin
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phonesprices · 10 months
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Review The iPhone 15 Pro Max is Apple's latest and greatest smartphone, and it's packed with new features and improvements over its predecessor. It has a faster processor, a better camera, a longer battery life, and a new design. Design The iPhone 15 Pro Max looks a lot like the iPhone 14 Pro Max, but there are a few key differences. The most noticeable difference is the new camera bump, which is now larger and houses a new 48-megapixel main sensor. The phone is also slightly lighter than the iPhone 14 Pro Max, and it comes in new color options, including a deep purple and a light gold. Display The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a 6.7-inch OLED display with a resolution of 2778 x 1284. The display is bright, clear, and vibrant, and it looks great with all types of content. The phone also has a new feature called ProMotion, which allows the display to refresh at up to 120Hz. This makes for a smoother and more responsive experience, especially when scrolling through web pages or playing games. Performance The iPhone 15 Pro Max is powered by Apple's new A17 Pro chip. The A17 Pro is a 5-nanometer chip that is up to 25% faster than the A16 Bionic chip in the iPhone 14 Pro Max. This means that the phone is incredibly fast and responsive, and it can handle even the most demanding tasks with ease. Camera The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a new triple-lens camera system on the back. The main sensor is a 48-megapixel wide sensor, and it is accompanied by a 12-megapixel ultrawide sensor and a 12-megapixel telephoto sensor. The camera system also has a new sensor-shift optical image stabilization system, which helps to reduce blur in photos and videos. The iPhone 15 Pro Max also has many new camera features, including: Cinematic mode, which allows you to record videos with shallow depth of field. Photographic Styles, which allow you to apply different filters to your photos. ProRes, which allows you to record videos in up to 4K resolution at 30fps. Battery life The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a longer battery life than the iPhone 14 Pro Max. Apple says that the phone can last up to 28 hours of video playback on a single charge. This is a significant improvement over the iPhone 14 Pro Max, which could last up to 25 hours of video playback on a single charge. Software The iPhone 15 Pro Max comes with iOS 16, which is Apple's latest operating system. iOS 16 includes a number of new features, such as: Customizable lock screens Live Text for videos Visual Look Up for plants and flowers Conclusion The iPhone 15 Pro Max is an excellent smartphone that is packed with new features and improvements over its predecessor. It has a faster processor, a better camera, a longer battery life, and a new design. The phone is also incredibly fast and responsive, and it can handle even the most demanding tasks with ease. If you are looking for the best smartphone available, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is the one to get. Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Specs Display 6.7-inch (diagonal) all-screen OLED display 2796-by-1290-pixel resolution at 460 ppi Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion HDR10 and Dolby Vision 2000 nits max brightness Processor A17 Bionic chip 6-core CPU with 2 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores 5-core GPU 16-core Neural Engine Camera Triple-lens rear camera system: 48MP wide sensor with ƒ/1.5 aperture 12MP ultrawide sensor with ƒ/2.4 aperture and 120-degree field of view 12MP telephoto sensor with ƒ/2.8 aperture and 3x optical zoom Sensor-shift optical image stabilization on all lenses Dual-LED True Tone flash Cinematic mode with shallow depth of field for video recording Photographic Styles to apply different filters to photos ProRes for video recording in up to 4K resolution at 30fps 12MP front-facing TrueDepth camera with ƒ/2.2 aperture Battery Up to 28 hours of video playback Fast charging: Up to 50% charge in 30 minutes Wireless charging: Up to 7.5W with Qi chargers
MagSafe wireless charging: Up to 15W Audio Stereo speakers Dolby Atmos spatial audio Lightning connector Storage 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, or 1TB of storage Connectivity 5G Gigabit LTE Wi-Fi 6E Bluetooth 5.3 Ultra Wideband chip NFC Sensors Face ID for secure authentication LiDAR scanner for augmented reality experiences Barometer Gyroscope Accelerometer Proximity sensor Ambient light sensor Software iOS 16 Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Benchmark AnTuTu 1,545,034 (average score) Geekbench 5 Single-core: 1,922 Multi-core: 5,829 GFXBench 5 Manhattan 3.1: 3,720 fps T-Rex: 3,359 fps 3DMark Wild Life: 10,012 Wild Life Extreme: 3,527 Wild Life Extreme Unlimited: 3,516 These benchmark scores indicate that the Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max is one of the most powerful smartphones on the market. It is capable of handling even the most demanding tasks with ease, and it should provide a smooth and responsive experience for users. I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions. [editorial-rating id="10485"]
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novumtimes · 10 days
In iOS 18, Apple adds a feature most requested by iPhone videographers | Technology News
Apple iPhones are praised across the world for their videography prowess, and with the iPhone 16 Pro series, the company is taking it to the next level by introducing 4K 120fps Dolby Vision-format video recording capability. But, this story is not about that. This is about a new feature Apple has added, one that makes the life of all iPhone videographers easier – the ability to pause while…
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