#iPad hire for events
scottishhire · 2 years
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hiretablets · 8 months
Don’t let unreliable internet connections ruin your event! With our WiFi in a Box, you’ll experience unbreakable internet that keeps your attendees connected. 
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strawbrygashez · 3 months
Horrid Henry fic
Nails (PART 1)
This is my first time attempting to write a Horrid Henry fic.. so please be nice 🙏 especially bc I’m a little rusty with writing fics in general. Also I’m not creative with titles sorry 💀 but yeah just a fic about a trip to the nail salon :) and it’s slightly set more into modern times but that’s not a big part of the fic. Also I decided to just post this as Part 1 bc I dunno if anyone will even like this 💀
“Henry.. what are you doing? Mum said to-”
“Yeah,Yeah. Quiet worm. I’m just looking. There’s no harm in that is there?” Henry replied, before turning his attention back to all the nail polish bottles displayed up on shelves. It had honestly surprised him seeing how many different colors and shades there were. Sure his mum had her own few nail polishes but never any ‘fun’ ones.
Neither of them had actually been to a nail salon before. Usually whenever their Mum would get her nails done for special occasions, she’d hire a babysitter if their dad wasn’t home. This time however, she was out of luck. She couldn’t get hold of anyone available so she had to bring her two boys along, while of course not forgetting to give Henry an earful about being on his best behavior in the car. It was all things he’s heard before so he mostly has tuned it out, along with the sound of his little brother going on about something he didn’t care about yet again.
Henry himself wasn’t exactly thrilled about going. Sitting around waiting at least two hours for their mum to get her nails done for the same old Christmas event like last year didn’t sound like the most exciting thing in the world. He’d much rather be at home adding more toys his Christmas list than this but at least he had a new place to scope out.
A certain bottle of nail polish had caught his eye once he focused back on the wall in front of him. It was a dark almost swampy green color that had big chunks of glitter mixed in. An odd combo but one that Henry found himself admiring. “Hey. This one isn’t half bad!” He said, picking the bottle up before turning back towards Peter to show him his discovery.
“Uhm. Yes Henry but mum said not to mess around. Especially not with things…” His wormy little brother replied, glancing over to where she sat. She hadn’t noticed Henry had gotten up from the couch yet, too busy chatting away with the nail tech.
“I’m not messing around. I’m looking. Like I said.” Henry retorted with a slight frown. Jeez, did he always have to be a goody two shoes? The worm was even sitting there with his hands clasped together in his lap like he was attending Sunday school.
“Well.. Those are glass so…” Peter mumbled before looking back to Henry.
“I know. I’m not stupid.” He huffed. He swore it was like his whole family were just always anticipating for him to mess something up, especially on purpose. For better or worse, like when most people said something negative about him, he just learned to deal with it though-all the comments about how he’s never going to be anything but horrid in every situation.
He supposed if that’s all anyone ever expects him to act though, why not go along with it? Well. Most of the time. Right now he really wasn’t planning anything. Not even opening up a bottle and painting a little streak somewhere just to see how it looked, even though the thought did cross his mind. Plus since Christmas was only a few weeks away, Santa was probably watching him more now than ever so he’d been playing it safe…mostly.
“I didn’t say that! I just-” Peter began.
“Ugh! I get it already.” Henry huffed as he put the bottle back where he’d found it. Turning back to face Peter he noticed that at some point, he had gotten their shared IPad out. “Oh yes! It’s my turn to play on that Peter! You played on it the whole car ride here!” Henry grinned as he ran up to his little brother. He yanked it out of his hands and yet again frowned once he saw Peter had some dumb baby game that taught people how to spell, opened. Closing the dumb app he wondered when will he ever get into real games like Five Nights at Freddys?
Peter gasped when it had been taken out of his hands, and pouted even more once Henry plopped down next to him and opened Minecraft. “Henry! Mum said I could have it for a few days since you kept it for almost a week!” He whined, watching as the menu screen of the game popped up.
Henry spat out a ‘tch’. “Yeah, but only for school work mostly. I had that dumb presentation to work on and our old computer has been acting up remember? I barely played anything!” Maybe that was a bit of a lie. He maybe had hidden under his covers for a night or two to play Among Us but Peter didn’t need to know that. Henries answer didn’t satisfy Peter like it usually doesn’t, but the crybaby would just have to deal with it. He needed to continue collecting more materials for his next project in the game.
What came next didn’t surpise Henry at all.
Peter climbed down off the ‘waiting room’ couch and frowned. “I’m going to tell! I was doing something important!” He whined. Henry didn’t give a reaction at all. All Peter saw was Henry now pressing on the screen, probably guiding his little character around. Without looking up Henry replied. “Was it? Were you trying to learn how to spell annoying? Because it’s spelled P-E-T-E-R”
That was it for the little blonde. He spun around and quickly made his way over to their mother, reminding himself not to bump into her or pull on her sleeve like he usually did. As he came up, she initially smiled and asked “Yes sweetie?” She clearly been too caught up in her chat to notice what had been going on.
“Mum! Henry called me a name and took the IPad even though it’s my turn!” The blonde ear-gratingly whined while throwing in a sad, innocent look. Their mum couldn’t help but to sigh and roll her eyes. Of course not because of Peter, but because of Henry. She looked up from Peter over to Henry who had his tongue sticking out in focus as he pressed around on the large screen.
“Don’t be horrid Henry. Give your brother the IPad back and just sit there and read one of those magazines on the table or something.”
Like usual, she sounded exasperated.
He looked up from whatever he was doing and scowled “What? Why?! I just now got on! He’s been hogging it all day! It’s not fair! I just-”
“N-O spells no Henry. Can’t you just listen for once? You’re embarrassing me.” She argued back, now basically glaring daggers at the boy. Henry had almost tried to argue back until he looked right at her. Though most times he could push past the mean glares his parents would give him, looking like he’s the most terrible person in the world, he just felt it get to him slightly more today. He paused for a little bit, mouth hanging open until he finally looked back down and closed his games before half heartedly holding the IPad out towards Peters direction.
“See? Not that hard is it?” Their mum added in as she watched her younger son make his way back over to the couch and once Peter had it back and sat down, she turned towards the nail tech. “I’m so sorry. You know how it is with boys, right?” She asked with an awkward grin. The lady doing her nails nodded, smiling. “Yep, my youngest one is quite the handful. I have to keep my eye on him at home and while we’re out!”
Their mum laughed a little before responding, “For me it’s my oldest! Hes pretty troublesome alright. Even at his age..I thought it would stop by now” Henry caught a glimpse of the mean side eye she gave him, since he’d been occasionally looking up at the two while crossing his arms.
Henry didn’t react though. For a couple reasons but the main one was just that he was lost in his head about how if he makes his mum anymore angry, mean old unfair Santa might not get him that new Killer Rat Boys CD he’d been wanting. So instead of trying to find words to defend himself, he little huffed and looked over his brothers shoulder at the little baby game he’d pulled up again.
“Thank you for giving it back Henry! I almost have enough points on here to get my character a new outfit!” Peter gleamed once he noticed Henry was watching. Henry didn’t feel like dignifying that with a real response so he just mumbled something about how the words he had to spell on the screen were too easy-even for Peter, but the blonde went on about how it’s good to practice anyways. He had a spelling bee coming up after Christmas break so he wanted to keep practicing until then because yes, he needed yet again another trophy. Well he didn’t say the last part out loud but Henry knew how much Peter loved ‘being the best’ and making their parents proud. So instead of telling him off, he just rolled his eyes and continued to watch him play for a bit longer.
Eventually, Henry had gotten too bored watching Peter play his baby game and listening to him trying to figure out what he was supposed to spell out loud. So, he even tried to read one of the magazines on the table his mum had told him to look at but it was incredibly boring and lame as well. He didn’t care about all these weird celebrities he barely knew and their break ups and drama so he didn’t pick up another one once he’d skimmed through all the pages. It would have been much more fun if he could had spread one of those nail polishes all over the peoples faces in there. Maybe give them mustaches and glasses too but he just settled with thinking about how he could get his hands on a nail polish after this and a dumb magazine so he could mess it up without eyes on him.
The planning and daydreaming was enough for a while as he lazily sunk back into the couch but even that got too boring as well.. and his mum seemed lost in conversation yet again since someone from work had called her. She had her phone between her shoulder and side of her face as the worker kept doing whatever it is with her nails. So since she was busy, Henry decided it wouldn’t hurt to bother his wormy little brother again.
He looked over his shoulder yet again. Peter looked like he was thinking real hard with this new ‘missing letter’ question that popped up. Henry didn’t even bother to read whatever the word could be before he pressed a random letter on the IPad. A big ‘X’ showed up on the screen along with a frowning face which made Henry chuckle.
“Henry!! I was close to figuring out what letter went there! Why did you do that?!” Peter whined, turning himself away from Henry, mostly just trying to hold the IPad out of Henry’s reach.
Henry continued to sarcastically smile as he shrugged. “I dunno. Sorry! I was just trying to help. I really thought I had it!”
Peter frowned at him, maybe believing him, maybe not. Either way he scooted away some and pressed the arrow on the screen to go to the next question. “I don’t need your help. I need to review this stuff. Not you!” Peter said, not taking his eyes off the screen.
“Whatever. See if I try to help you ever again.” Henry replied but with no malice in his voice. He just continued to grin as he moved himself to sit up on his knees and scoot closer to Peter. Peter was about to say something until Henry pressed yet again another random letter, giggling as he saw Peter’s points going down.
Peter stared in shock for a minute before threatening to tell on him again, making Henry’s smile drop. “Oh, it’s not that important worm. It’s just some babies game.”
When Peter didn’t even reply and just moved onto the next question, Henry gave up and decided to dramatically groan and flop over to lay on the couch. Just how much longer do they have to be here? He’d almost rather be at school than this place. At least there, tons of interesting things happened around him and there was tons to get up to. Here he was only allowed to sit there and wait, with the knowledge burning in his mind that if he messes up too much, he might just end up on the naughty list.
So he dramatically laid there, arm shielding his eyes from the bright lights. He stayed like that for only a little bit until a voice close by jostled him out of his thoughts. Moving his arm up just a tad, squinting because of the blinding lights, he let out a “Huh?” Not being able to see who ever had said whatever it was.
He could only barely make out the vision of a lady bending down just slightly and smiling at him after he’d uncovered his eyes.
“Sorry. I said are you alright?” She repeated.
After blinking a couple times, Henry could see her clearly. It was one of the employees he’d seen working away when they first came in. Even though she didn’t seem angry and was smiling, Henry didn’t trust that she wasn’t about to fuss at it him for being sprawled out on the couch like he owned the place, and not wanting to deal with his mum going on about how he was a embarrassment, he quickly sat back up normally as the lady stood up straight again.
“Uh, yeah. Sorry.” He grumbled, going back to crossing his arms and looking down.
“Oh, no. You’re free to lay down if you’d like. I just was worried.” She replied genuinely, also giving a smile to Peter who grinned back.
“I’m fine. Just-”
Henry was quick to nod. Finally someone gets it. Who wants to sit around and wait? Especially without some good music or games to pass the time.
The brunette women let out a chuckle. “Yeah, I get that. My kid doesn’t like waiting around here either. Sorry we don’t have anything interesting around.”
Peter finally closed out of his app and put the IPad on sleep mode. “It’s quite alright ma’am! We understand this isn’t an area to play-”
“Quiet worm. You just don’t care because you’re hogging the IPad.” Henry interrupted, glaring at him.
It looked like Peter was about to say something back, more than likely he was going to go on another whiny rant but before Peter could say anything, the employee quickly cut in, lifting up both hands like she was trying to stop them both from starting another argument. “Hey. Have either of you had your nails painted before? I don’t see any on either of you.” She asked with a grin.
The brothers looked down at their nails, like they could have somehow been actually wearing some and forgot. Henry was quick to look back up. “Uhm. No. Isn’t that for girls?” He asked. He swore if another adult mistook him for a girl, he might risk getting one less gift under the tree.
The lady shrugged before putting her hands back down to her sides. “I don’t think so. My son loves having his done. It’s just some paint on your nails. I don’t see anything wrong with it. I believe anyone can wear it.
While the concept made Henry think for a moment longer, Peter was quick to grin widely, in a sudden a wave of excitement. “Really?!” He asked in astonishment. “Really.” She replied, matching his grin. “And if you two would like, me and my coworker don’t have any more clients for the day and we’re gonna close up shop soon so-”
Peter shoved his IPad back into his dumb little baby bag before he slid off the couch and looked up at her. “We’d love to! I- mean I would like to. I don’t know about my brother.”
(To Be continued.. MAYBE 🤔)
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minologistt · 1 year
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your lovely boyfriend gets you a bodyguard. one or two drinks lead into a spiral of things. however don't forget, never mix business with pleasure.
genre forbidden love / fwb(ish) -> lovers
warnings angst, implied cheating and neglecting partners
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it was getting warmer, ice cream trucks starting to resurface, more fun shows and movies, even better outfits. however instead of feeling the warmth of the outdoors. you stuck inside, your expensive hotel room, arguing with your boyfriend.
why are you arguing with your oh-so-loving boyfriend, you may ask. well it all started about a couple months ago.
“babe have you seen the concept photo sketches for my latest runway?” you excitedly scroll through the photos on your ipad. you’re a very successful model and you’re gorgeous. in fact you’re the global IT girl currently, known for breaking beauty standards and such. in all, you’re a pretty big deal.
“yeah of course i did.. i don’t like that outfit they put you in” your boyfriend, jihoon, scoffed as he tapped away at his screen. jihoon is a famous producer in the music industry. you both have been together for roughly a year and a month, however—
“hey sara.. now?… hmm i’m not busy so i’ll be right over”
jihoon is also a total A-hole.
your boyfriend is a horrible person, well towards you. lately he’s become over protective, controlling, and over all just toxic. so why are you in this relationship still?
people were too fearful of your boyfriend to even get close to you.
and you might be wondering—
“who’s sara..?” you shut your ipad off and looked over at your boyfriend that is putting on his best cologne.
“my assistant”
“why didn’t you say you with me..?”
“i’m not busy am i?”
“guess not.. we’ll i’m going to call taehyung over to—“
“no you’re not, go take a nap or something”
“are you serious?”
“hell yeah i am.. i’ll be back a little late so just go to sleep without me” and with that he was out of the door, quick footsteps were heard going down the hall.
a sigh escaped your lips, you knew who sara was already. she was the woman who accompanies him to almost every event. yes she was his assistant but she didn’t need to be attached to his hip. you sat on the windowsill watching as your boyfriend walks toward a all white benz. a short slim blonde hops out with a wide smile.
back to present day.
“jihoon are you seriously telling me that i’m a cheater?!” you raised you voice and threw your hands up in the air with pure rage as your boyfriends eyebrows knitted together. “you can’t be fucking serious—“
“don’t you go swearing at me—“
“you’re not my fucking dad, okay?! hell is wrong with you jihoon..” you huffed out as your boyfriend rolled his eyes.
“either way i don’t trust you, so i hired a body guard for you and he’s gonna watch over you..” jihoon walked to his side of the bed and laid down with his back facing you. “he’s my ex bodyguard so he’s pretty good and i trust him, not your little taehyung friend” jihoon curled up and took his phone out. “you can get going now or whatever you said you were gonna do” he made a ‘shoo’ing hand motion.
you didn’t want to be in his presence any longer so you stormed out of the hotel room. “bodyguard my ass, are you kidding?” you muttered under your breath as you made your way to the lobby doors. your car was parked in the downstairs garage, because you didn’t drive yourself places often. as you tapped away on your phone, you bumped into someone. before you could even begin to stable yourself, a firm arm came around your waist.
“be careful miss” a soft voice came from the person holding you. as you looked up to see whom this person was, your mouth parted a bit as you admired the man’s features. he had a mask on however his eyes were captivating and his light blond hair was a compliment to his beauty. “yeah, uh, sorry..” you moved out of his grasp and noticed he’s standing in front of your car. “excuse me but this is my car so, uhm.. can you move please?” you held up your keys and jingled them to push the point.
“oh i’m aware!” the man’s eyes crinkled into half moons as he watched the keys in her hand. “i’m your bodyguard but if you wanna get fancy then your personal escort!” he ended the statement with a small bow.
“don’t skrew around dude..”
“i’m not and my name is jimin park.. not dude”
there was a beat of silence that went by before you sighed and just handed the keys over. you didn’t have enough energy to argue with a stranger. mr park took the keys and held the car door open as you made you way over.
the drive was silent until you spoke up to break the awkward silence. “so.. mr park, how much is he paying you..?” you glanced from the side of your eye to look at him. he still had his mask on but he looked a bit stiff while driving.
“my so-called-boyfriend, how much is he paying you to give a fuck about my well being?” you rolled your eyes as you watch the street lights go by. it was just 5 pm but it felt like night was approaching sooner.
“honest i guess, so how does your partner feel about your job? are they ever worried?” you wondered aloud. he let out a hearty chuckle “i actually don’t have a partner”
and then there was silence.
however just like the world is on your side, you arrive to your destination which is a a night club. you were called over to do some taste testing but this club wasn’t some random club, it belong to your close friend taehyung.
your bodyguard parked on a side street near by and then let you out of the car. “you can wait here if you’d like mr jimin park.. i’m just taste testing so i’ll be back in a bit” you said as you began walking towards the club, jimin followed closely behind.
as you stepped into the club you were greeted with workers coming to bow and welcome you. you smiled and waved at them as you made you way to the bar with jimin on your tail. “y/n it’s so good to see you and who is this pretty boy? finally got a new boyfriend?” the deep voice came out of nowhere as a tall male approached the duo standing idle at the bar table.
“no actually this is my bodyguard—“ you made sure to do air quotations when saying ‘bodyguard’. “—that my boyfriend thought i needed..” you rubbed your temple to show how stressed you actually were. “well don’t let that get you down too much, yeah?" taehyung came up behind y/n and rubbed her back in concern.
jimin carefully watches the interaction and takes a few mental notes of the environment. "so y/n's bodyguard.. want to help taste testing the drinks?" tae offered a friendly smile as he watched jimin's eyes turn into half moons. "i'd love to but i have to be sober to drive miss y/n home", y/n scoffed after the statement and took a seat at the bar. "okay tae.. hit me with the latest and strongest stuff you've got"
it's about 2 hours into the taste testing hangout and y/n is a little more than just tipsy.
"i can't believe you're still with that dickhead of a man.. come on you need to get out more" tae shook his head at the drunken woman whom was now leaning on jimin who was been sitting silently as the two held their long conversations with the occasional drinking. "jimin-" tae called the man and turned his head towards him, "don't you agree that y/n can totally get out more?"
jimin turned his gaze to taehyung. "i don't condone cheating however, y/n is beautiful so if she did get out there then she'd pull everyone of them", he then turned his gaze back to the half sleeping woman. "i believe i should bring her home now, thank you for the entertaining talks you both had, mr kim." jimin smiled beneath his mask and began to bring y/n towards the exit. "of course mr park, have a nice night" tae yelled back as he began cleaning up the bar.
jimin makes it to the car and puts y/n in the passenger seat. he goes around and takes a seat in the driver's seat and starts up the car. "mr park.. do you think i should actually go back to that man" y/n asks as she frowns and leans her against the window. "what man? your boyfriend? you most likely should however i'm just here to keep you safe", jimin then drove off from the bar. "oh.. guess you're right" y/n closes her eyes and a sigh leaves her lips.
it felt like time flew as jimin pulls up to the hotel room that y/n is staying in. "we've arrived, miss y/n", jimin turns the car off and opens the passenger door for her. she steps out on wobbly legs, so jimin helps her up by wrapping an arm under her arms. y/n and jimin make their way up to the hotel room at a very slow pace. "mr park.. thank you for accompanying me today.. i know it may have been a bit awkward here and there but it felt a little nice to have someone with me that didn't yell at me all day or ditch me." jimin kept looking ahead even as he heard y/n sniffling and holding back tears. he wasn't sure why she was so thankful for the bare minimum but he was also getting paid to spy on her every move, not be her company or 'bodyguard'.
so he simply responds, "you're welcome, miss y/n"
 minologistt | do not copy, translate or edit this.
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The October Make-Over 🎃
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Hello Girlies, this is my October Makeover - feel free to join me if you want! And to customize to whatever you’re working on! (And that could be rest and recovery too!) @mamabeatnik @anolderlove @2pretty @abeatingheart @alicedowntherabbithole-blog
Hyperfocus October: 🍁 🧠
Keep a running distractions notepad.
Put your phone in airplane mode +/- Do not Disturb.
Keep phone in a drawer/bag, different room, etc.
NO TEXTING BEFORE 5pm UNLESS CRITICAL/EMERGENCY (only exception is texting brother and spouse)
List your distractions. (For me: non-critical busywork tasks, email, depressive states, baby stuff, fighting, gossiping, thinking about my traumatic past lol, worrying about the future, finances and budgeting, low self esteem thoughts, having too many metaphorical “irons in the fire”, not exercising and then having lack of focus/energy/positive mood, Fear of success)
Action October: 🍁
Go live with that project you’ve been putting off. (For me it’s my music Youtube channel. Find an equivalent project for yourself! What are you afraid of doing but want to do? Is shame holding you back like it is for me?)
Remember: You will never be perfect to your standards! You just have to do it. Perfectionism is a form of fear.
Take action on that thing you’ve been complaining about/feeling trapped about. (For me: Actually hire a sitter to have actual date nights/mornings/etc! Rather than mentally complain that “you never get time with ur spouse anymore blah blah”.)
Accountability October:
Make a physical, visual workout tracker for the month to see your progress and consistency over time
Have Friday evening check-ins for a budget, calendar, admin
Zero gossiping!
Zero negativity! Say 3-5 positive/grateful things for every negative/critical thing you say.
Love October: Per Ed Mylett’s Power of One More concept.
Give your sweetie a hug, and then one more!
If you normally give them a greeting kiss, give them one more! Spend a minute hugging, then one more! etc.
Give them a compliment, and then one more!
Go on a weekly date night, and then a little extra time!
Nature October:
Leave the windows open at night!
Enjoy fall candles
Air duvets on balcony overnight
Eat outside as much as possible
Weekends October:
Pumpkin patch trip
Feed the homeless
Make cards for kids in the hospital
Actually go to church events (ie for me cookouts at least once)
Actually take a sabbath (i’d like to do zero chores! Cook/clean ahead). Give yourself the gift of a day completely off!
Make apple pies
Spending $$Sober October: 💵 🍁
NO AMAZON PURCHASES unless absolutely critical
Grocery budget: no fancy vegan foods like vegan cheese, burgers, brats, etc. You can do without that for just a month!
Grocery budget continued: Consider picking fresh wild flowers when possible instead of buying flowers! Or 5$ pretty carnations!
Create a financial goal: ie, house, car, laptop, iPad, 10k savings. Something not too big so it is still attainable. Mine: 10k in savings by January; $$ so I can get Thermage at dermatology!
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October Fallcore Hard-Core mornings: Level up from the 5am club!
Get up an hour earlier than usual by the end of October: Wake up 15 minutes earlier each week. (Ie: week 1. 4:45a. Week2, 430a, etc.)
Morning ice bath (or cold plunge outside)
More time reading Bible/praying
Selfcare October:
Weekly clay face mask
Weekly steam/ice facial
(Daily skincare routine should go without saying! It does for me. Cleanser, Vit C + SPF am, retinol + moisturizer pm. If you’re not already doing this, you need to fix your life!)
Weekly epsom salt bath
Daily green juice
Weekly intensive journaling (for me: jordan peterson’s selfauthoring suite)
Fitness October:
30 days of Yoga (YT Yoga w Adriene)
Zone 2 cardio > 3x/week (for me - running, swimming)
Stretching afterwards, side splits (TLB on YT)
Pull-ups on Tuesday and Thursday
Weekend warrior: extra long run or swim
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Inspire October:
Meditate daily > 15 minutes
Spend time riding your bike > 1x/month
Get rollerblades again! Skate > 1x/week
Let your mind wander for a few minutes daily!
Watch inspiring YT videos (for me, that’s Robin Sharma etc).
Read for pleasure/inspiration > 1x/week!
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Grind October:
Get to work/school 30-60 minutes earlier than you usually do
Have at least one day per week where you work insane hours in person (ie big experiment, long project)
Lay out your work outfit the night before so mornings are a little easier.
Professional Goals October:
Have at least one major needle-moving goal accomplished this month in your school/work.
For me it’s:
Submit manuscript
Complete dissertation
Apply to defend dissertation
Defend dissertation
Complete scoping review
Complete meta data analysis
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Russia x Dutiful Assistant Reader
Honestly this is just a Drabble that desperately needed to exist.
“Russia, there is someone I’d like you to meet (First Name and Last Name); they’ve been hired to help you with your duties and optime your life since you’ve been so stressed out lately.” His boss just states as he shifts through some papers.
“What?” Confused, he runs through his ash-blonde hair. “What and who are you talking about, boss? There is only you and me.”
His boss raises his gloved hand, and each of his fingers drops as if counting down. When his hand created a fist, the door behind Ivan burst open and popped in the assistant with a brand new iPad in hand and a handbag dangling off their left arm and earpiece in their right ear.
“Very nice to meet you, Mr. Braganiski, sir!” You eagerly shake his hand and pull up your task apps. For a split few moments, your (eye color) meets with his violet hues. “What can I do to help you?”
Frozen for a few moments and lagging behind your unwavering smile that sent beams of sunshine to his brain. He needed a few moments to keep up with your pace.
“Okay …um can you pull up the reports for the latest developments of the summer festival that I’m supposed …”
A hologram of all the tasks that had been completed, currently in progress, who they were assigned to, and some of the possible issues that they may run into all beautifully mapped out on a real-time spreadsheet.
“Would you like me to go over some of the issues with your project first or would you like to check out some of the booths that have already been completed to see if they meet your standards? If anything is wrong, I’m able to contact the person who is working on it so that changes can be made swiftly. I can also show you your schedule for today and duties that air on the urgent side.” Your all to ready pen was ready to take down every word.
‘This is going to be interesting.’ As Ivan prepares himself for a long day.
The day of the summer festival arrived, and both you and Ivan, as he now had you refer to him, were ecstatic. It had been a few weeks since you started your temporary assignment working for him, and you were soon to be assigned somewhere in one of the Baltic states in about a week. All the nights you spent out with him in a drunken haze, talking about your dreams, and meeting his polar opposite sisters, made the experience about the daydream. You weren’t entirely ready to leave within just about a week. This was probably the most enjoyable assignment that you had.
“You’ll come back to visit though sometime, da?” Ivan knocked you out of your mind and into the presnet moment.
“Of course, when I have some time away from my job. Maybe when I come back we can go to Peterhof Palace. I’m curious about being able to see almost 200 golden fountains!” To you, it sounded like small pieces of heaven sewn into the palace grounds.
A warm smile spreads across Ivans face it was reassuring that you did want to come back. He feared that once your assignment was up you’d disappear into his bear paw palms like a delicate snowflake, never to be replicated again.
“Ivan! Y/N! Are you ready to begin the festival!?” Ivan’s overly animated boss who shouted and somewhat slurred his words. He definitely downed a few cocktails in his last meeting and approached the two of you. He hands Ivan a pair of golden scissors so that he could cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. “Go have fun I’m off to meet with some other dignitaries.” He left the two of you as quickly as he came.
“Ready? The event is set to begin in about 30 seconds!” You gently guide him towards the white, blue, and red ribbon. You notice that he is shaking a little and was slightly nervous so you boldly grab his large palm and squeeze it gently; it is the signal for him to address the crowd that is ready for the festivities to begin.
“Welcome Friends to the annual Summer festival! Please have fun and enjoy!” With a quick swish of his hand he cuts the ribbon. Thunderous cheers are heard as people begin to flood into the brightly colored arena filled with games, activities, and plenty of food carts to visit.
“Well, Ivan, the last things that I have to do with you this week are hold the closing meetings with the staff and report back to you on Friday before I take off that evening.” Sadness dripped from your voice even though you tried to carry it with a cheerful overtone. Ivan’s ears did pick up the subtle hints; it was also obvious in your eyes.
“There is a booth I want to show you, one that I’m glad managed to fly under your radar.” He tugs you along for a while through the festival, where flowers, bubbles, and fairy lights illuminate the twilight time of the long summer day. It all feels like a fun daydream coming to life where everything is perfect, even if only just for a little while. From the moment you grabbed his hand, he’d never let go of it. Even he wanted this moment to last forever.
When you finally arrived to the aforementioned booth, his two sisters were there holding a few things. Belarus had a lei made of sunflowers and a Personalized matryoshka that had your nation's flag on the back and was painted all of your favorite colors.
“It’s been great having you as my temporary assistant Y/N, and I hope you’ll be back to visit. You really did optimize my life and make it easier.” He placed the lei of flowers over your head and the flowers of the sun graced you perfectly. “And don’t open the matryoshka until you’re on the plane, da?” He gave you a long embrace before he let you go. “Ready to go enjoy the festival?”
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teamconvanto · 1 month
How to Introduce an Innovation Mindset into Your Company.
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Innovation is a painful undertaking in many firms despite significant time and financial commitments. Initiatives in innovation frequently fail, and successful innovators — Polaroid, anyone? — struggle to maintain their performance. Greetings, Nokia. Yahoo, good day!
Why is developing and maintaining the ability to innovate so challenging? The causes go far further than the most prevalent cause, which is an execution failure. Lack of a really efficient plan is at the heart of the issue with attempts to increase innovation.
Organizations of all sizes and in all industries observe their efforts floundering as a result of being sucked into the ever-frantic routine. They are unable to commit to a set of rules or actions that reinforce one another in order to attain their objectives—this is the essence of strategy, remember?
Additionally, businesses struggle with global opening. They are nearly always conservative, which prevents them from forming productive alliances with startups (masters of innovation), and they don't believe it is vital for businesses to hire specialized consultants.
How did it turn out? A growing list of complaints includes failing to meet the demands and preferences of contemporary consumers, losing market and economic value, increasing competition, team discontent, and more. Such a situation is not necessary!
A plan for innovation is what, after all?
Good strategies enable an organization's varied groups to align, define its objectives and priorities, and direct actions in support of those goals and priorities.
Companies frequently outline their general company strategy (i.e., their position and scope) and how other departments—such as marketing, operations, finance, and R & D—will support it. However, they hardly ever-present concrete proposals for how to match their innovation initiatives with overarching corporate objectives.
It is crucial to keep in mind that an innovation strategy is a method used to promote innovations (in technology, services, goods, processes, etc.), often by allocating funds and personnel to R&D projects.
Companies who wish to have an advantage over their competitors must have an innovation strategy. It needs to be motivating and bring something distinctive to the being produced or already in use product, service, method, or business model. Its primary goal is to create value, which also aids in creating market uniqueness and fostering loyalty among clients, business partners, suppliers, and ultimately the target audience.
Innovation must break the mold and push limits. Despite the fact that the notion is intuitive, this does not always imply creating the wheel. Starting from scratch can frequently be significantly less profitable than building upon what already exists or cutting the corners.
Apple comes to mind immediately when you think about innovation. With tremendous success, the business that Steve Jobs started has produced distinct items and continues to do so. Innovative goods included the iPhone, iPad, and iWatch. Not out of nowhere, they appeared. The mobile phones, which already existed and were performing well (hello, Blackberry!), were something that Jobs had to take into account. could more effectively utilize the internet; similar events occurred with the other devices manufactured by the business that revolutionized the market.
The beauty of a successful innovation plan is that we may come up with tremendous surprises along the way and reach a never-before-seen success, even while smaller firms might not have the worldwide success of Apple.
The question is, how can we foster an innovative mindset?
1. Be flexible with change
Being receptive to change entails accepting and embracing the idea that society as a whole is challenged by the world's ongoing changing. It also means to be alert to the direction that this changing world is taking and to observantly follow developments and novel events. Last but not least, it also requires you to continuously assess what the change entails and what potential effects it may have on your company.
Organizations are no different from individuals when it comes to dealing with the hard issue of change. It's often exceedingly challenging for established organizations to accept that technology change will soon have an influence on their industry.
2. Welcome imagination
Believing in one's own creativity is another component of an inventive attitude. Rather of using the conventional scientific technique to solve issues, innovators believe that creativity is the best approach. Many people who have effectively used innovation in the context of regular business activity tend to have this viewpoint. The idea of design thinking forms the foundation of the innovation as art viewpoint in business, in significant part.
However, it's crucial to note that equating innovation with the arts does not negate the need for logic, methods, and structure in the pursuit of new ideas. When engaging in the practice of innovation, all things are necessary. The innovation-as-art approach emphasizes that creativity should come first when developing new ideas rather than using management techniques and organizational frameworks. It, in turn, calls for a certain culture and structure that fosters innovation. Many digital businesses are setting up shop in this neighborhood, as well. As an illustration, the business handbook of Valve Software highlights the flat organizational structure, independence, and obligation of each employee to be creative in their day-to-day job.
3. Think broadly
Today, the majority of academic scholars and subject-matter authorities on innovation concur that innovation involves more than either making small adjustments to already-existing items or creating new ones.
This brings up the issue that, in order to be innovative, one must have the capacity and bravery to think outside the box and challenge accepted ideas and beliefs. Stretching one's intellect beyond routine analysis and contemplation is what innovation is all about.
We would contend that imaginative thinking and large ideas require a blend of analytical prowess, entrepreneurial zeal, and fantasy. A group of people, and most definitely organizations, are best suited to house all these qualities under one roof. Few people are gifted with all these abilities, but they can be accommodated by a group of people. This is also one of the reasons why a diverse organizational culture has emerged as a crucial prerequisite for innovation: diverse groups that combine skills and capabilities can accomplish big thinking more readily than homogenous groups that are likely to repeatedly reproduce versions of similar thinking.
4. Show bravery
Organizations and the innovators inside them must have the guts to continually rethink how things may be done for innovation to occur. Being different from prevailing opinions and accepted "truths" in large organizations requires bravery. Before they start to lose their appeal, it requires guts to criticize tried-and-true business models, solutions, and services. Questioning management and coworkers about their continued use of established practices requires bravery. Being that one individual who consistently goes against the flow and attempts to view things from an alternative perspective requires bravery. Problematizing constantly is a sign of courage. Against conventional corporate wisdom, it requires guts to be open and vulnerable rather than playing things safe. Taking a chance on failing and venturing into the unknown need guts.
To advance innovation and foster a creative environment in organizations, all of the aforementioned steps are important. Because whenever something novel has occurred, it has always been because someone had the courage to go into the unknown. I often consider the man who began a dance party at the Sasquatch music festival when I consider the bravery required to take that initial move. In an organisation, things might also go exactly that way.
5. Quickly plan and execute
In order to keep up with the change occurring outside of an organization, innovation within that organization needs to be a quick-moving process.
The transition from idea to concept and concept to market was frequently a lengthy process in the twentieth century. Comprehensive R&D often took a lot of time. For instance, a new automobile model has taken the automotive industry an average of eight years to develop, design, and introduce. Eight years is now, however, a very long time in the rapidly evolving automobile industry. A new car can be imagined and introduced to the market in 12 to 18 months, as evidenced by potentially disruptive business models for the auto industry like Local Motors. In the years to come, this timeframe can probably be slashed even further thanks to advanced 3D printing technologies and VR-aided design and manufacturing.
In a nutshell, an innovation mindset is comprised of five essential components. We need to be adaptable, inclined towards innovation, able to think broadly, unwaveringly courageous to challenge the status quo, and quick to act.
A company that wants to be creative needs to act quickly and use an innovation process that moves quickly, together with a go-to-market strategy that works well. It's important to follow the principle of "failing fast" in this situation since new ideas and concepts must be tested out immediately and abandoned just as quickly if they don't work. Because the next "big idea" in the world is just around the corner, the organization may utilize this strategy to shift resources to the following idea rather than being caught in a fruitless innovation endeavor.
To conclude,
Always keep in mind that developing and putting into practice creative ideas needs more than a moment of inspiration and a lot of hard work, even when you have the correct mentality. It needs a disciplined procedure, outstanding leadership, and a dedicated staff. I advise you to begin right away on all of the below.
About the Founder and CEO at Convanto:
Vandana Tolani started her journey by heading a family office in Singapore and Jakarta, where she worked as an investment banker & advisor to family offices and angel investors. She helped start-ups from diverse backgrounds, from fin-tech and B2B tech to consumer startups. After 15 years in Singapore and Jakarta, she returned to India. She did investments for a while and then returned to the advisory. That is when Convanto was founded.
Today, Convanto is one of the most well-known boutique investment banks in India, led by a female founder. Convanto has a core portfolio of over 210 investments in more than 45 countries.
Vandana Tolani has a personality full of zest, passion, and ardor towards her field of expertise, with more than 25 years of experience in international and domestic business advisory and fundraising.
Vandana Tolani is often considered one of the most prominent personalities in her field and is often asked to share her knowledge and expertise as the chief speaker in many webinars and seminars. Till date, she has participated in 350+ talks, which you can view on YouTube and on our website: https://linktr.ee/convanto.
Her story is nothing short of inspirational, and she is the recipient of numerous awards, including the following:
Top 10 Women Leaders in Wealth Management. 
Women Entrepreneur of the Year for 2021 and 2023.
Global Woman Leader, awarded by the World Women Congress. 
Best Financial Institution in Supporting Start-Ups in India, awarded by Dr. Kiran Bedi. 
Pioneering Women Leaders in Investment Banking, awarded by Hema Malini. 
Her achievements and contributions have been featured in prominent publications such as the Times of India, Hindustan Times, and Gurgaon Times. Her story was recently covered in Volume 2 of Eves Against the Odds, a book about 25 inspiring women entrepreneurs.
She can be reached at:
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Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar Will Simplify Your Business Communication
Having A Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar Will Allow You To Make Your Communication More Seamless And Effective. Wondering How? This Blog Post Will Tell Us.
The revolutionization of digital technology and acceptance in the business world has completely changed the marketing and promotional scenarios for every brand. Today, customers are having greater access to digital versions of physical business cards rather than opting for boring, conventional paper cards for communications.
One of the most effective networking tools this year is digital business cards. Going virtual has several tangible benefits, such as the ability to create a digital business card (and make it stand out from the crowd), sharing your business card with others, and more. With the right Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar, you can easily design your e-visiting card. 
Digital visiting cards have been around since the early 2000s, but we have not seen much change until recently. As technology advances rapidly, we are seeing more companies adopt digital solutions in place of paper ones. In fact, many of these companies are now offering free accounts for their customers.
Why Do You Need A Digital Visiting Card?
Digital business cards are what they sound like. A digital business card is also known as a virtual business card, electronic business card, smart business card, or digital visiting card. With an iPhone, iPad, Android, or computer, you can create a digital business card. You can customize, design, and share electronic business cards. 
Digital cards do not have any limits on the amount of information you can add to your card. It is up to you how much information you want to include. Additionally, you can add a photo, video, logo, social media profiles, badges, and PDFs along with your standard contact information including your name, phone number, email id, business website link, and so on.
Digital visiting cards can be accessed and viewed via any smart device. With nearly every adult in India owning smartphones and tablets, a digital card program could yield significant advantages for both consumers and retailers alike. It refines a brand’s professional image and makes your communication more streamlined and effective. 
How Does A Digital Visiting Card Work?
A digital card works similarly to how a physical one does. When someone purchases your business, they enter their details into the system; then you can send them emails about special offers or events. You can also ask your Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar to set limits on how often people get sent promotional material.
As stated above, a digital card saves time and money over traditional paper options. People don't need to print, cut out, or laminate paper invoices anymore. A digital option means less work for you, as well as lower costs for printing, mailing, paper supplies, and labour. You can even add features like text messaging and coupon codes with digital cards.
Also, for convenience and security, many companies believe that a mobile and web-based communication solution will help them meet customer expectations and engage with them at any time. And all these are possible when you hire the best Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar. 
Digital Business Cards: Make A Bigger Impact For Less. 
In the past, business cards were limited. In the old days, two-colour or monochrome cards were printed on sheet-fed, offset presses using basic spot-colour techniques. Colour schemes with more intricate details can be achieved, but only by involving methods such as screen-printing and a process of shaping the inks, which takes a great deal of time. 
As a result, the final products were lacking in definition and the colours were misaligned. However, printing on-demand, in small digital card batches has been revolutionized by the advent of digital printers. A digital business card is directly designed for online or virtual sharing without involving any printing steps or requirements in the process. 
As compared to traditional business cards, e-business cards offer several advantages, including the ability to print without a printing plate, resulting in a reduction in running costs and a faster turnaround time than traditional business cards. Savings can then be passed on to both the company and the customers. 
A digital business card is also more durable than a traditional card. While digital printing for digital business cards is expensive per page when compared with conventional offset printing, it avoids all the technical steps involved in making printing plates and typesetting, so the initial cost is less.
Electronic business cards are eco-friendly since they do not require paper, therefore helping the environment when you use them. With the increasing use of laptops, tablets, and advanced smartphones in households, electronic business cards are becoming more common.
Challenges Related To Digital Visiting Cards For Businesses
While some businesses may view these changes positively, others may find it challenging to change the way they do business. Entrepreneurs considering making the transition to a digital card program should begin planning now. As customers expect more convenient ways to interact with businesses, they must build a strong foundation for the future. 
To ensure success, organizations should hire the best Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar and plan to update the information contained on their current cards (e.g., expiration dates), provide a means of accessing them online, and determine whether they need to upgrade their technology infrastructure to accommodate the shift.
Digital Visiting Cards: Where To Start?
Organizations are replacing paper business cards with digital ones. Business cards are available from a few platforms, but MoovOn Services & Solutions stands out. MoovOn is the leading Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar.
From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, we offer affordable yet effective digital business cards for effective communication with individuals and companies of all sizes. Having the architecture and capability to support large enterprises makes us the best digital business card platform.
Get Started With Moovon Services & Solutions Today!
MoovOn Services & Solutions also offers a free trial for digital business cards and contact manager designs to assist you in curating and designing the perfect card. Our virtual cards are seamless, easy to share, and impactful. MoovOn is the perfect Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar if you want to make the switch from paper business cards to digital ones. 
If you are ready, sign up for MoovOn today.
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florajones8130 · 2 days
Top Benefits of iPad Hire in Newcastle for Your Next Event
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Organising a successful event requires seamless communication, efficient management, and the right technology to engage your audience. One of the most effective ways to enhance your event's experience is through iPad Hire in Newcastle. Whether you're hosting a conference, a product launch, or a corporate meeting, renting iPads can provide numerous advantages. 
Here's a detailed look at the key benefits of opting for iPad hire for your next event in Newcastle.
1. Improved Audience Engagement
One of the primary benefits of iPad Hire in Newcastle is the ability to boost audience engagement significantly. With iPads, attendees can participate in interactive sessions, live polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions effortlessly. This not only makes the event more dynamic but also provides valuable real-time feedback. 
Moreover, iPads can be pre-loaded with custom apps, event agendas, and promotional materials, ensuring every attendee has instant access to essential information.
2. Cost-Effective Solution
Purchasing multiple iPads for a one-time event can be an expensive endeavour. By choosing to hire, you only pay for the duration of your event, making it a more affordable and practical option. 
Additionally, the flexibility to rent a MacBook Air or other devices alongside iPads means you can cater to different technical requirements without a significant financial outlay. This approach allows you to allocate your budget more effectively, investing in other crucial aspects of your event.
3. Streamlined Event Management
Efficient event management is crucial for a smooth experience. Hiring iPads can simplify various aspects of your event, from registration to check-in processes. Digital check-ins, for instance, can significantly reduce queue times, allowing for a more organised start to your event. 
The ease of use and portability of iPads also enable staff to manage tasks on the go, from updating attendee lists to monitoring sessions. Additionally, pairing iPads with the option to rent a MacBook Air can ensure your team has all the tools needed for seamless coordination.
4. Access to the Latest Technology
Technology evolves rapidly, and keeping up with the latest devices can be challenging and costly. By opting for iPad hire, you have access to the latest models with advanced features without the need for continuous investment in new equipment. 
This guarantees that your event benefits from cutting-edge technology, ensuring a modern and professional atmosphere.
5. Flexibility and Customisation
Hiring iPads offers excellent flexibility in terms of quantity and customisation. Whether you need a few devices or hundreds, you can tailor the number to suit your specific event needs. 
Furthermore, iPads can be customised with branding, apps, and settings specific to your event, enhancing the overall experience and reinforcing your brand's presence.
Final Thoughts
Opting for iPad Hire in Newcastle provides a range of benefits that can elevate your event to new heights. From cost savings and enhanced audience engagement to streamlined management and access to the latest technology, hiring iPads is an intelligent choice for any event planner. 
Complementing this with the option to rent a MacBook Air ensures your event runs smoothly and efficiently, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.
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channeltechnologies · 28 days
Reimagining Corporate Events: Innovative Approaches and Ideas
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When you think of a corporate event, the first images that might come to mind are endless PowerPoint slides, predictable speeches, and superficial networking. But what if your corporate events could break free from this monotony? By embracing innovative approaches, you can turn these gatherings into dynamic, engaging, and memorable experiences that foster genuine connections and inspire creativity.
Corporate events play a vital role in business culture. They provide networking opportunities, facilitate team-building activities, and serve as platforms for knowledge sharing. Additionally, these events offer valuable data that can be analyzed to understand attendee behaviour and preferences. However, the challenge lies in making these events more engaging and less repetitive. To achieve this, creativity and innovation are essential.
In this article, we explore several creative ideas that can transform your corporate events into impactful experiences.
Design Thinking Workshops
Design thinking is a powerful tool for problem-solving that has been used by companies like Apple to create groundbreaking products like the iPhone and iPad. By deeply understanding user needs and pain points, design teams can develop innovative solutions that truly resonate with their audience.
In a corporate setting, design thinking workshops bring together participants from diverse backgrounds to explore user needs, generate creative ideas, prototype concepts, and test them iteratively. These workshops encourage out-of-the-box thinking and challenge assumptions, making them a valuable addition to any corporate event.
Innovation Hackathons
Innovation hackathons are time-bound events that bring together teams to solve specific challenges or create new solutions. These events foster creativity, teamwork, and rapid idea generation, making them an excellent way to harness the collective intelligence of your employees.
Before the hackathon begins, it's important to clearly define the challenge or problem to be addressed. The challenge should be relevant to the company's objectives and broad enough to allow for creative solutions.
Creative Collaboration Spaces
Creating dedicated collaboration spaces can significantly enhance your event's creative energy. These spaces should be equipped with tools like whiteboards, sticky notes, and markers to facilitate brainstorming and visual thinking. Aesthetic elements such as artwork, murals, and plants can also create an inspiring environment.
Idea Pitching Sessions
Idea pitching sessions can be a game-changer for corporate events. By encouraging individuals or teams to present their ideas, you can foster creativity and innovation. Offering rewards or recognition for the best ideas can further enhance engagement.
Interactive Food and Beverage Stations
Gone are the days of standard buffets. Consider hiring food trucks, creating DIY cocktail bars, or hosting cooking competitions where teams can prepare and present their culinary creations. These interactive stations not only cater to diverse tastes but also promote team bonding.
Virtual Reality Experiences
Incorporating Virtual Reality (VR) into your events can create a cutting-edge, immersive experience for attendees. For example, Salesforce's Dreamforce conference utilizes VR and AI-powered chatbots to engage attendees and provide personalized event recommendations. Assigning a dedicated space for VR within your event can add an exciting new dimension.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives
Integrating CSR initiatives into your corporate events can create a sense of purpose among attendees while fostering team spirit. Organize charity drives, volunteer activities, or environmental cleanup projects to benefit society and enhance your brand image. Sustainable events are also gaining popularity as companies recognize the importance of reducing their environmental impact.
Gamification adds an element of fun and competition to your event, keeping participants motivated and engaged. This can include scavenger hunts, interactive digital games, quizzes, polls, and social media contests. Gamification not only enhances participation but also reinforces key concepts and messages.
Theme-Based Events
A well-chosen theme can add excitement and creativity to traditional business gatherings. Whether it's a Hollywood Awards Night, a cross-cultural evening, or a futuristic technology showcase, a theme can influence every aspect of your event, from décor and food to marketing and entertainment. The key is to select a theme that resonates with your audience and aligns with the event's purpose.
Incorporating creativity and innovation into your corporate events can substantially enhance the attendee experience, foster corporate bonding, and make the gathering more memorable. While not every event needs to include all of these approaches, experimenting with new ideas can help you stand out and achieve your event objectives. If you're looking to elevate your event planning, consider partnering with a reliable event management company that can bring your vision to life.
Whether it's an office event, a customer event, or a partner event, Channel Technologies offers expert event management services that ensure a stress-free and successful experience.
Reach out today to learn how we can help you create unforgettable events.
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avrentalservices · 2 months
iPad rentals can significantly enhance your UK conference by providing attendees with a dynamic, engaging, and efficient experience. By leveraging the power of this technology, you can leave a lasting impression and drive positive outcomes for your event, giving you confidence in your decision to incorporate iPad rentals.
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If you’re interested in exploring specific use cases or delving deeper into the benefits of iPad rental for different types of conferences, we’re here to help. Contact us today to discuss how iPad rentals can elevate your next UK conference.
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hiretablets · 2 years
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xceltectechnology · 10 months
How iPhone App Development Will Boost Your Business
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In the time of M-Commerce and mobile payment, business people investigate every possibility of developing their business with feature-rich mobile apps.  When it comes to enterprise-friendly features and enhanced security,  iPhone outperforms the greater part of its Android counterparts, and it is one reason why companies prefer developing applications for iPhones.
Whenever you lookout for an iPhone App Development Company no matter what an application thought, you will be amazed to find that your business can get a plethora of benefits with a fully functional, futuristic app. You can upgrade the adaptability and versatility of your business while simplifying the complexity with a consistently performing iPhone application. On one hand, you can address a tremendous number of iPhone users around the world, and then again, you can adapt your application to get a higher RoI.
Here we will go through the routes through which a reputed iPhone development company can help you to develop your business by boosting sales:
1) Build Online Reputation:
iPhone app developers at XcelTec generally keep in contact with the market trends and advanced app development strategies to give the most suitable iPhone application for your business.
2) Expands Efficiency:
iPhone application development company has a group of experienced application developers and cutting-edge tools to finish the application project at a given time. What you get is a less TTM (Time to Market) for your application and business-accommodating highlights to expand the productivity of your business tasks
3) Expands ROI:
Numerous iPhone application development companies offer Dedicated Hiring Models. Therefore, you can get an excellent application without spending many bucks on advancement and increasing the RoI.
4) Gives Personalized Experience:
Both startups and established organizations need to offer better client experience on the web and the iPhone application can fill this need well overall. With regards to client maintenance, the customized experience makes the biggest difference.
5) Big Branding:
iOS is the highest decision for many businesses for building their business application. This is on the grounds that Apple has high believability in the market owing to its unmatched quality of gadgets like the iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, and so on. A portion of the outstanding advantages of iOS gadgets includes impeccable software, supreme hardware, solid security, and unparalleled customer support.
Develop Your Business With iPhone Applications Now:
Each industry is developing and, even yours as well. Expanding contest makes it hard for each business across each industry to support for a really long time. Thus, in the event that you haven’t developed an iOS application for your business, it’s the ideal opportunity for you.
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photoboothshereford · 11 months
Photo Booths Hereford
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Capture timeless memories with the help of our photo and video booths. Photo Booth Hire Hereford is the number one provider of photo booths in the West Midlands region. We combine photography and entertainment at an accessible price point with some of the most competitively priced packages in the UK.
Photo Booth Hire in Hereford
Capture candid memories and strike a pose with digital prints and instant copies. Our photo and video booths are available for hire across Hereford and the West Midlands. The selfie pods are guaranteed to capture you in the best light for a photo that will be right at home on your Instagram feed.
Space isn’t a problem with our photo booth packages. Our pod photo booth is an iPad-based system that creates professional quality prints and fits into any space. It’s ideal for family functions and conferences where you want to impress potential customers instantly.
If you’ve got extra space, go all out with our enclosed photo booth or 360-video booth to create an interactive and immersive experience.
Affordable Hereford Photo Booth Hire Prices
A photo booth is professional photography and entertainment rolled into one. It’s value for money that creates a luxury experience for your guests while being hassle-free. We have something to suit every budget and event with custom add-ons to take your photo booth experience to the next level.
Our photo booths offer access to one of the biggest wedding trends of the moment. Greet your guests at your wedding reception with a magic mirror for full-length instant prints or invite them to jump into a traditional photo booth. 
You can save your photo booth for later in the night as added entertainment for your guests – letting them let down their hair and have fun with your photo booth. Speak to one of our team about choosing a guest book as your custom add on.
Your guests will receive two prints and digital copies from our photo booths, along with access to instant downloads of videos.
Photo Booth Hire Packages West Midlands
Bridge the gap between iPhone photos and professional photography with our innovative photo booth technology. 
Each photo booth contains DSLR cameras that produce professional photos and videos that can be shared instantly online. What makes our photo booths unique is that they offer more than photography. They’re an interactive experience that is guaranteed to provide your guests with hours of entertainment.
Our bookings team are on hand to tailor your photo booth package to your specific events needs with the option of custom add-ons, including branded instant prints and backdrops.
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Photo Booths Hereford Floors 1-3 4-5 High Town Hereford HR1 2AA Tel: 01432 381797
Opening Hours; Mon – Fri: 9:00 – 18:30 Sat – Sun 9:00 – 16:30 eSupport 24 hrs
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swagsuitking · 1 year
Hire IOS Developer
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Bringing Your iOS App Vision to Life: How to Hire an iOS Developer
In the mobile app-driven world, iOS remains a dominant platform, known for its high-quality user experience and security features. Whether you're developing a consumer-facing app, an enterprise solution, or a game, hiring a skilled iOS developer is crucial to turning your app idea into a reality. In this guide, we will explore the key considerations and steps involved in hiring the ideal iOS developer who can help you create successful apps for Apple's ecosystem.
Why Hire an iOS Developer?
iOS developers specialize in building applications for Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches. Hiring a dedicated iOS developer offers several advantages:
Expertise: iOS developers have in-depth knowledge of the Apple ecosystem, ensuring that your app aligns with Apple's guidelines and best practices.
Quality: iOS apps are known for their quality and performance. An experienced iOS developer can optimize your app for a seamless user experience.
Security: iOS prioritizes user data security, and iOS developers are well-versed in implementing robust security measures.
User Engagement: iOS developers understand how to leverage platform-specific features to enhance user engagement and retention.
App Store Success: They can navigate the App Store's submission process and guidelines, increasing your app's chances of approval and success.
Steps to Hire an iOS Developer:
Define Your App's Requirements:
Before you start your search, define your app's functionality, target audience, and specific requirements. Determine whether you need a native iOS app or a cross-platform solution.
Skillset Requirements:
Identify the specific skills and qualifications you expect from your iOS developer. These may include proficiency in Swift, Objective-C, UIKit, Core Data, and experience with iOS app architecture and design patterns.
Write a Clear Job Description:
Create a comprehensive job description that outlines your app's goals, expectations, and technical specifications. Specify whether you need an iOS developer for iPhone, iPad, or both.
Search for Candidates:
Seek iOS developers through various channels:
Online job boards (e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor)
Freelance platforms (e.g., Upwork, Freelancer)
Tech-specific job boards (e.g., GitHub Jobs, Stack Overflow Jobs)
Networking within the iOS development community and industry-specific events.
Evaluate Portfolios:
Review candidates' portfolios to assess the quality of their previous iOS app work. Look for apps that demonstrate their iOS development skills and user interface design abilities.
Technical Assessment:
Conduct technical assessments or coding challenges to evaluate candidates' iOS programming skills. This can help you gauge their problem-solving abilities and coding proficiency.
Interview Process:
Develop an interview process that assesses candidates' technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and soft skills. Ask about their experience with iOS app development, user interface design, debugging techniques, and app testing.
Culture Fit:
Assess whether the candidate aligns with your company's culture and values. Collaboration and communication skills are crucial for a successful team dynamic.
References and Background Checks:
Contact references provided by candidates to verify their work history and performance.
Salary and Compensation:
Determine a competitive salary or compensation package based on the candidate's experience and market rates.
Onboarding and Integration:
Once you've selected an iOS developer, provide a thorough onboarding process to familiarize them with your project, app requirements, tools, and team.
Hiring an iOS developer is a strategic investment in creating successful iOS apps that cater to Apple's user base. By following these steps and carefully evaluating candidates, you can find a skilled iOS developer who not only possesses the technical expertise you need but also understands the intricacies of iOS app development. With the right developer, you can build high-quality, user-friendly iOS apps that stand out in the competitive App Store and meet the needs of today's mobile-savvy consumers. Visit here: https://www.monkhire.com/
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