hawkpartys · 3 days
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Genus Conura
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jenfoundabug · 1 day
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The many faces of Mantis religiosa Northern California, US
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spinus-pinus · 2 days
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Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea
7/6/2024 Los Angeles County, California
Tom Mills via iNaturalist, CC-BY-NC
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woozymitts · 2 months
"I hate when I try to identify a cool bug I found and all I see are pest control sites :("
"I saw this cool bug/bird/whatever but Idk what it is"
"I want to learn more about the animals/plants around me but Idk where to start"
"I wish I could do something to help scientists/biologists with research and conservation but Idk how"
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briery · 3 months
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Red Triangle slug (Triboniophorus graeffei).
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sabertoothwalrus · 6 months
one of my favorite things about using inaturalist is how it’s gotten me familiar with even the common, less “impressive” species. especially since spring is rolling around and I’m spending more time outside.
Like, before where I’d just say, “oh look, a butterfly!” now I can say “oh look, a mourning cloak!”
Instead of “a squirrel” it’s “a fox squirrel.” Instead of “a snail” it’s a “garden snail.” Instead of “a rabbit” it’s “a desert cottontail.” Instead of “a ladybug” it’s “an asian lady beetle, which is invasive.” Instead of “a lizard” it’s “a bluebelly, but they’re really called western fence lizards.”
It’s harder to take the little guys for granted when you know their names, y’know?
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witchstone · 1 year
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Przewalski's Horse Equus ferus ssp. przewalskii 吐尔洪乡, 阿勒泰地区, 新疆维吾尔自治区 Turhong Township, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China 45.271788, 88.766909 by almaatai
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tilbugs · 6 months
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yoga session with ms. collared-dove and her husband
apr 9, 2024
nebraska, US
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platypu · 3 months
kinda obsessed with this old guy with over 100,000 observations on iNaturalist because he goes into the forest every night and takes photos of every plant he comes across. what drives that kind of man. what's going on with your home life. can i join
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razehider · 9 months
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more things that people on inaturalist do
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cyclicredundancycraig · 11 months
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During my long absence on Tumblr, I've gotten deeply involved with documenting native bees, both on iNaturalist and in several local ongoing studies. Shown here is a Subgenus Micranthophora, Genus Anthophora (Common Digger Bees) on an Alkali Heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum).
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hawkpartys · 3 days
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Salticus peckhamae
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jenfoundabug · 2 months
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I thought this feisty little critter was an isopod until I got a closer look. This is a carrion beetle larva, and, as their name suggests, adults and larvae of this insect eat dead animals, maggots that live in carrion, and/or other types of decaying organic matter. I have no idea where this one came from, since there were no dead animals nearby or compost. Perhaps an insectivorous bird dropped it, or maybe this particular species likes chicken manure (there was a chicken tractor nearby vroom vroom). Putting this next part below the cut because it's a little gross. Proceed with caution:
This carrion beetle child seemed somewhat hungry, as it was nibbling at some dead skin around my finger nail. It tickled a bit and reminded me of the shrimp they sometimes have at aquariums that will nibble at your fingers. Yes that's a thing.
unidentified Silphidae larva Northeastern Pennsylvania, US
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spinus-pinus · 1 day
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Rusty-margined Guan Penelope superciliaris
8/2/2024 São Paulo, Brazil
Luciano Bernardes via iNaturalist, CC-BY-NC
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crevicedwelling · 10 months
cute iNaturalist observations:
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“hey! that’s me!”
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headspace-hotel · 4 months
curated weird looking cats from iNaturalist
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incredible creature from Oman
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Unusually beautiful striped cat from Thailand
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Another strange looking cat from Oman
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This creature, didn't save the location sadly
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Russia. this beast has been thru it
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Serbia, loving the fiery markings on her eyebrows
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Puerto Rico
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Thailand again
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Hong Kong, what a gorgeous coloring/pattern
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Malaysia, it resembles a wild cat of some kind
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Maine, USA, seems to be a bengal mix?
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Hong Kong, never seen anything like this tabby pattern...
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Thailand again, a different cat, but a similar pattern.
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Mexico, a cat with a stripe down the back
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New York, USA...what color is this animal
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New Zealand, assuming it is a Bengal mix again
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