#i. starter : 饾枏饾枤饾枠饾枡 饾枊饾枖饾枟 饾枮饾枖饾枤.
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rebeltyped 2 years ago
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@wiredsmile / 饾枠饾枡饾枂饾枟饾枡饾枈饾枟 饾枅饾枂饾枒饾枒 ; 饾枂饾枅饾枅饾枈饾枙饾枡饾枎饾枔饾枌.
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聽 聽 "聽 聽 饾枈饾枬饾枙饾枒饾枂饾枎饾枔 聽饾枠饾枖饾枓饾枈饾枡饾枍饾枎饾枔' 聽饾枡饾枖 聽饾枓饾枈,聽 聽 "聽 聽duncan聽 started,聽 looking聽 over聽 at聽 the聽 cute聽 new聽 girl聽 with聽 the聽 curly聽 hair聽 and聽 the聽 big聽 beautiful聽 eyes.聽 聽 she聽 really聽 was聽 cute,聽 with聽 a聽 smile聽 that聽 had聽 caught聽 his聽 eye聽 straight聽 away,聽 聽"聽 聽you聽 watched聽 us聽 all聽 make聽 an聽 absolute聽 fool聽 of聽 ourselves聽 on聽 that聽 island聽 and聽 figured聽 ' oh聽 i聽 gotta聽 get聽 on聽 that聽 show ',聽 聽 "聽 聽he聽 continued,聽 trying聽 to聽 stay聽 focused聽 on聽 the聽 challenge聽 at聽 hand,聽 all聽 they聽 had聽 to聽 do聽 was聽 find聽 the聽 trailers聽 and聽 avoid聽 the聽 monster,聽 but聽 he聽 couldn't聽 resist聽 the聽 temptation聽 to聽 learn聽 more聽 about聽 the聽 new聽 girl,聽 聽"聽 聽i聽 guess聽 my聽 question聽 is聽 聽-聽 聽why?聽 聽 "聽 聽duncan聽 asked,聽 knowing聽 the聽 reason聽 he聽 was聽 still聽 in聽 this聽 was聽 because聽 it聽 helped聽 keep聽 him聽 out聽 of聽 聽 饾枡饾枟饾枖饾枤饾枃饾枒饾枈聽 聽and聽 he聽 knew聽 that聽 if聽 he聽 stayed聽 focused聽 this聽 time聽 around,聽 he聽 might聽 actually聽 have聽 a聽 chance聽 to聽 win聽 this聽 whole聽 thing.聽 聽then聽 he聽 would聽 tell聽 chris聽 to聽 stuff聽 it聽 and聽 do聽 whatever聽 he聽 wants.聽 聽maybe聽 he聽 also聽 just聽 wants聽 to聽 聽 饾枙饾枟饾枖饾枦饾枈聽 聽to聽 himself聽 and聽 his聽 family聽 that聽 he聽 can聽 actually聽 do聽 something聽 right,聽 聽"聽 聽did聽 you聽 lose聽 a聽 bet聽 or聽 somethin'?聽 聽 "
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rebeltyped 2 years ago
@atyped聽聽聽聽/聽聽聽聽饾枠饾枡饾枂饾枟饾枡饾枈饾枟 饾枅饾枂饾枒饾枒 ; 饾枔饾枖饾枡 饾枂饾枅饾枅饾枈饾枙饾枡饾枎饾枔饾枌.
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聽 聽 饾枖饾枍 聽饾枎饾枡 聽饾枩饾枂饾枠 聽饾枏饾枤饾枠饾枡 聽饾枡饾枖饾枖 聽饾枓饾枤饾枅饾枍 聽饾枊饾枤饾枔 聽饾枡饾枖 聽饾枩饾枎饾枔饾枆 聽饾枍饾枈饾枟 聽饾枤饾枙.聽 聽she聽 made聽 it聽 so聽 easy聽 too,聽 the聽 way聽 she聽 would聽 just聽 react聽 to聽 him聽 and聽 it聽 just聽 spurred聽 him聽 on聽 even聽 more.聽 聽duncan聽 liked聽 having聽 courtney's聽 attention,聽 it聽 didn't聽 matter聽 if聽 she聽 was聽 yelling聽 at聽 him聽 or聽 calling聽 him聽 all聽 sorts聽 of聽 names,聽 she聽 was聽 focused聽 on聽 him聽 and聽 it聽 just聽 made聽 him聽 feel聽 alive聽 in聽 a聽 way.聽 聽oh,聽 he聽 was聽 going聽 to聽 get聽 himself聽 in聽 more聽 trouble聽 if聽 he聽 kept聽 pushing聽 her,聽 but聽 fuck,聽 it聽 was聽 just聽 too聽 much聽 fun.聽 聽plus聽 she聽 was聽 kinda聽 cute聽 when聽 she聽 got聽 angry.聽 聽and聽 by聽 kinda聽 cute,聽 he聽 meant聽 hot聽 as聽 hell.聽 聽the聽 way聽 she聽 looked聽 at聽 him聽 with聽 those聽 big聽 brown聽 eyes聽 and聽 he聽 just聽 couldn't聽 help聽 but聽 get聽 caught聽 up聽 in聽 them.聽 聽the聽 way聽 her聽 hand聽 trembled聽 when聽 she聽 got聽 super聽 angry.聽 聽the聽 way聽 she聽 got聽 a聽 little聽 pink聽 in聽 the聽 face聽 as聽 she聽 got聽 fired聽 up.聽 聽she聽 was聽 just聽 聽 饾枎饾枔饾枅饾枟饾枈饾枆饾枎饾枃饾枒饾枈聽 聽in聽 a聽 way聽 that聽 other聽 girls聽 weren't聽 and聽 he聽 couldn't聽 just聽 ignore聽 her,聽 or聽 act聽 like聽 she聽 wasn't聽 having聽 some聽 kind聽 of聽 effect聽 on聽 him.
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聽 聽 饾枍饾枈 聽饾枅饾枖饾枤饾枒饾枆饾枔'饾枡 聽饾枃饾枤饾枡 聽饾枠饾枓饾枎饾枟饾枑 聽饾枠饾枖饾枊饾枡饾枒饾枮 聽饾枂饾枠 聽饾枍饾枎饾枠 聽饾枍饾枂饾枔饾枆 聽饾枓饾枖饾枦饾枈饾枆 聽饾枡饾枖 聽饾枙饾枟饾枈饾枠饾枠 聽饾枂饾枌饾枂饾枎饾枔饾枠饾枡 聽饾枍饾枎饾枠 聽饾枒饾枎饾枙饾枠,聽 聽blowing聽 a聽 kiss聽 in聽 her聽 direction聽 and聽 he聽 already聽 knows聽 he's聽 set聽 off聽 before聽 he's聽 moving聽 from聽 where聽 he's聽 sat聽 to聽 go聽 and聽 slide聽 in聽 beside聽 her,聽 聽"聽 聽good聽 mornin'聽 princess,聽 you're聽 lookin'聽 especially聽 radiant聽 today,聽 聽 "聽 聽flirting聽 was聽 the聽 聽 饾枃饾枈饾枠饾枡聽 聽way聽 to聽 push聽 her聽 buttons聽 because聽 she聽 always聽 reacted聽 so聽 fiery聽 to聽 him.聽 聽was聽 it聽 completely聽 fair?聽 聽no.聽 聽he聽 knew聽 how聽 to聽 take聽 no聽 for聽 an聽 answer,聽 but聽 she聽 never聽 actually聽 said聽 no.聽 聽she聽 would聽 just聽 call聽 him聽 names聽 and聽 roll聽 her聽 eyes,聽 but聽 never聽 did聽 she聽 actually聽 tell聽 him聽 no,聽 聽"聽 聽did聽 you聽 sleep聽 well?聽 聽i聽 had聽 the聽 most聽 amazin'聽 dream聽 about聽 you,聽 聽 "
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rebeltyped 2 years ago
@marchellas聽聽聽聽/聽聽聽聽饾枔饾枈饾枦饾枈饾枟饾枓饾枖饾枟饾枈 饾枦饾枈饾枟饾枠饾枈 饾枠饾枡饾枂饾枟饾枡饾枈饾枟 饾枅饾枂饾枒饾枒 ; 饾枂饾枅饾枅饾枈饾枙饾枡饾枎饾枔饾枌.
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聽 聽 饾枡饾枍饾枈 聽饾枠饾枓饾枂饾枟饾枡 聽饾枡饾枍饾枎饾枔饾枌 聽饾枡饾枖 聽饾枆饾枖 聽饾枩饾枖饾枤饾枒饾枆 聽饾枃饾枈 聽饾枡饾枖 聽饾枆饾枖 聽饾枠饾枖饾枓饾枈 聽饾枟饾枈饾枠饾枈饾枂饾枟饾枅饾枍 聽饾枖饾枔 聽饾枎饾枓饾枙饾枟饾枎饾枔饾枡饾枠,聽 聽but聽 when聽 did聽 duncan聽 ever聽 do聽 the聽 smart聽 thing?聽 聽never.聽 聽the聽 most聽 he聽 might聽 do聽 is聽 talk聽 to聽 some聽 people聽 who聽 he聽 knew聽 had聽 already聽 imprinted,聽 which聽 he聽 was聽 careful聽 about聽 who聽 he聽 was聽 going聽 to聽 talk聽 to,聽 mostly聽 to聽 avoid聽 people聽 ripping聽 the聽 hell聽 out聽 of聽 him聽 considering聽 his聽 little聽 聽 饾枙饾枂饾枔饾枎饾枅聽 聽about聽 the聽 idea聽 of聽 imprinting.聽 聽but聽 the聽 little聽 that聽 he聽 did聽 know聽 is聽 what聽 incredibly聽 obvious聽 to聽 him聽 that聽 he聽 had聽 imprinted聽 on聽 march聽 and聽 he聽 wasn't聽 going聽 to聽 keep聽 trying聽 to聽 run聽 from聽 it聽 because聽 if聽 he聽 was聽 honest, there聽 is聽 no聽 one聽 else聽 he聽 would聽 want聽 to聽 be聽 imprinted聽 to.聽 聽should聽 he聽 do聽 some聽 research?聽 聽maybe.聽 聽did聽 he聽 want聽 to?聽 聽a聽 little.聽 聽but聽 he聽 didn't聽 feel聽 as聽 panicked聽 about聽 it聽 anymore,聽 he聽 didn't聽 know聽 exactly聽 what聽 it聽 meant聽 for聽 the聽 聽 饾枡饾枩饾枖 聽饾枖饾枊 聽饾枡饾枍饾枈饾枓聽 聽,聽 he聽 just聽 knew聽 that聽 it聽 was聽 something聽 extremely聽 powerful聽 that聽 he聽 may聽 never聽 understand.
聽 聽 饾枆饾枤饾枔饾枅饾枂饾枔 聽饾枂饾枒饾枓饾枖饾枠饾枡 聽饾枩饾枎饾枠饾枍饾枈饾枆 聽饾枍饾枈 聽饾枅饾枖饾枤饾枒饾枆 聽饾枡饾枂饾枒饾枑 聽饾枡饾枖 聽饾枍饾枎饾枠 聽饾枓饾枖饾枓 聽饾枂饾枃饾枖饾枤饾枡 聽饾枡饾枍饾枎饾枠,聽 聽she聽 always聽 told聽 him聽 that聽 she聽 hoped聽 that聽 he聽 would聽 find聽 the聽 person聽 he聽 was聽 imprinted聽 to聽 because聽 she聽 always聽 spoke聽 so聽 聽 饾枍饾枎饾枌饾枍饾枒饾枮聽 聽about聽 what聽 an聽 incredibly聽 feeling聽 it聽 would聽 be.聽 聽even聽 if聽 he聽 thought聽 his聽 dad聽 was聽 the聽 biggest聽 asshole聽 in聽 the聽 world,聽 she聽 would聽 never聽 stop聽 talking聽 about聽 how聽 finding聽 your聽 imprint聽 was聽 something聽 that聽 all聽 wolves聽 should聽 do.聽 聽maybe聽 because聽 of聽 how聽 horrible聽 he聽 thought聽 his聽 dad聽 was,聽 it聽 was聽 why聽 he聽 was聽 scared聽 of聽 the聽 imprint.聽 聽what聽 if聽 he聽 got聽 stuck聽 with聽 someone聽 terrible?聽 聽or聽 worse,聽 being聽 imprinted聽 to聽 someone聽 turned聽 him聽 into聽 an聽 asshole.聽 聽but聽 that聽 wasn't聽 going聽 to聽 happen.聽 聽he聽 was聽 imprinted聽 to聽 the聽 most聽 聽 饾枂饾枆饾枖饾枟饾枂饾枃饾枒饾枈聽 聽person聽 he聽 had聽 ever聽 met.聽 聽march聽 was聽 cute聽 and聽 sweet,聽 hot聽 as聽 fuck,聽 funny聽 and聽 sassy.聽 聽she聽 was聽 everything聽 to聽 him聽 and聽 he聽 felt聽 like聽 the聽 luckiest聽 wolf聽 on聽 the聽 planet.
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聽 聽 "聽 聽 饾枍饾枈饾枮 聽饾枅饾枤饾枡饾枎饾枈, 聽饾枍饾枖饾枩 聽饾枂饾枟饾枈 聽饾枮饾枖饾枤?聽 聽 饾枆饾枎饾枆 聽饾枮饾枂 聽饾枓饾枎饾枠饾枠 聽饾枓饾枈?聽 聽 "聽 聽 duncan聽 asked聽 with聽 a聽 playful聽 tone聽 as聽 he聽 leaned聽 down聽 to聽 press聽 a聽 kiss聽 to聽 her聽 cheek聽 before聽 straddling聽 the聽 seat聽 of聽 the聽 bench聽 beside聽 her,聽 arm聽 wrapping聽 loosely聽 round聽 her聽 waist,聽 his聽 other聽 hand聽 resting聽 on聽 her聽 leg,聽 聽 "聽 聽 look聽 at聽 us聽 bein'聽 all聽 mature聽 and聽 shit聽 by聽 actually聽 goin'聽 to聽 class,聽 聽 "聽 聽 he聽 teased,聽 knowing聽 that聽 with聽 everything聽 that聽 had聽 been聽 going聽 on聽 with聽 all聽 the聽 hunters聽 and聽 the聽 tension,聽 it聽 was聽 about聽 time聽 for聽 things聽 to聽 slowly聽 start聽 to聽 feel聽 聽 饾枔饾枖饾枟饾枓饾枂饾枒聽 聽 again,聽 which聽 meant聽 going聽 to聽 class聽 and聽 actually聽 trying聽 to聽 feel聽 like聽 things聽 were聽 how聽 they聽 used聽 to聽 be,聽 聽 "聽 聽 so聽 now聽 that聽 class聽 is聽 over,聽 how聽 nicely聽 do聽 i聽 have聽 to聽 ask聽 to聽 get聽 you聽 to聽 come聽 back聽 to聽 my聽 room聽 to聽 makeout?聽 聽 "
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rebeltyped 2 years ago
@laevndrs聽聽聽聽/聽聽聽聽饾枠饾枡饾枂饾枟饾枡饾枈饾枟 饾枅饾枂饾枒饾枒 ; 饾枔饾枖饾枡 饾枂饾枅饾枅饾枈饾枙饾枡饾枎饾枔饾枌.
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聽 聽 "聽 聽 饾枡饾枍饾枈饾枮'饾枟饾枈 聽饾枊饾枎饾枒饾枓饾枎饾枔' 聽饾枡饾枍饾枈 聽饾枔饾枈饾枩 聽饾枠饾枈饾枂饾枠饾枖饾枔 聽饾枟饾枎饾枌饾枍饾枡 聽饾枔饾枖饾枩,聽 聽 "聽 聽duncan聽 admitted,聽 fingers聽 moving聽 over聽 the聽 string聽 of聽 his聽 guitar聽 as聽 he聽 played聽 out聽 a聽 random聽 melody聽 trying聽 to聽 see聽 if聽 it聽 would聽 fit聽 for聽 the聽 song.聽 聽he聽 glanced聽 over聽 at聽 lavender聽 for聽 a聽 moment,聽 trying聽 not聽 to聽 stare聽 too聽 much聽 because聽 she聽 truly聽 was聽 聽 饾枃饾枈饾枂饾枤饾枡饾枎饾枊饾枤饾枒聽 聽in聽 a聽 way聽 that聽 made聽 him聽 breathless聽 to聽 look聽 at聽 her聽 too聽 much.聽 聽he聽 still聽 couldn't聽 believe聽 how聽 lucky聽 he聽 was聽 to聽 get聽 to聽 work聽 with聽 her,聽 it聽 was聽 like聽 one聽 of聽 the聽 biggest聽 breaks聽 his聽 band聽 could聽 hope聽 for聽 and聽 the聽 fact聽 she聽 seemed聽 just聽 as聽 excited聽 to聽 work聽 with聽 them聽 too聽 made聽 it聽 all聽 the聽 more聽 exciting.聽 聽he聽 still聽 couldn't聽 believe聽 his聽 moron聽 of聽 a聽 manager聽 had聽 managed聽 to聽 pull聽 this聽 off.聽 聽duncan聽 shook聽 his聽 head,聽 looking聽 back聽 down聽 at聽 the聽 guitar聽 in聽 his聽 hands,聽 聽"聽 聽i聽 should聽 be聽 there聽 but聽 i聽 quit.聽 聽i聽 couldn't聽 take聽 it聽 anymore聽 and聽 i'm聽 not聽 usually聽 someone聽 who聽 gives聽 up,聽 聽 "聽 聽why聽 was聽 he聽 being聽 so聽 聽 饾枍饾枖饾枔饾枈饾枠饾枡聽 聽聽with聽 her?聽 聽he聽 couldn't聽 remember聽 the聽 last聽 time聽 he聽 felt聽 like聽 he聽 could聽 be聽 this聽 honest聽 with聽 someone,聽 especially聽 someone聽 he聽 hadn't聽 really聽 known聽 that聽 long.聽 聽maybe聽 it聽 was聽 because聽 he聽 knew聽 she聽 didn't聽 really聽 know聽 him,聽 so聽 he聽 could聽 be聽 honest聽 with聽 her聽 about聽 things聽 that聽 he聽 couldn't聽 talk聽 about聽 with聽 others.
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聽 聽 饾枓饾枂饾枮饾枃饾枈 聽饾枍饾枈 聽饾枠饾枍饾枖饾枤饾枒饾枆 聽饾枠饾枡饾枖饾枙 聽饾枡饾枂饾枒饾枑饾枎饾枔饾枌 聽饾枂饾枃饾枖饾枤饾枡 聽饾枡饾枖饾枡饾枂饾枒 聽饾枆饾枟饾枂饾枓饾枂,聽 聽it聽 would聽 open聽 up聽 questions聽 about聽 people聽 that聽 he聽 didn't聽 want聽 to聽 talk聽 about聽 right聽 now.聽 聽he聽 liked聽 having聽 this聽 distance聽 from聽 all聽 the聽 fucked聽 up聽 things聽 that聽 happened.聽 聽to聽 put聽 things聽 into聽 music聽 that聽 he聽 hadn't聽 really聽 been聽 able聽 to聽 talk聽 about.聽 聽but聽 she聽 was聽 so聽 easy聽 to聽 talk聽 to聽 and聽 he聽 liked聽 this聽 time聽 he聽 got聽 to聽 spend聽 with聽 her.聽 聽duncan聽 couldn't聽 remember聽 the聽 last聽 time聽 he聽 had聽 聽 饾枅饾枖饾枔饾枔饾枈饾枅饾枡饾枈饾枆聽 聽with聽 someone聽 so聽 quickly聽 and聽 strongly聽 in聽 a聽 way聽 that聽 he聽 had聽 with聽 lavender.聽 聽but聽 he聽 was聽 trying聽 not聽 to聽 think聽 about聽 it聽 too聽 much.聽 聽especially聽 since聽 he聽 didn't聽 know聽 if聽 it聽 was聽 just聽 something聽 he聽 was聽 feeling聽 or聽 whether聽 it聽 was聽 something聽 that聽 was聽 聽 饾枟饾枈饾枂饾枒聽 聽 between聽 them.聽 聽running聽 his聽 hand聽 through聽 green聽 strands聽 of聽 hair聽 as聽 he聽 looks聽 back聽 up聽 at聽 her,聽 taking聽 a聽 pause聽 on聽 trying聽 to聽 figure聽 out聽 melodies聽 for聽 her聽 part聽 of聽 the聽 song,聽 聽"聽 聽i聽 shouldn't聽 have聽 even聽 gone聽 back.聽 聽a聽 lot聽 of聽 fucked聽 up聽 things聽 happened聽 since聽 i聽 won聽 and聽 i聽 聽.聽 聽.聽 聽.聽 聽haven't聽 really聽 dealt聽 with聽 it,聽 聽 "聽 聽stop聽 talking聽 now.聽 聽she聽 doens't聽 need聽 to聽 hear聽 about聽 the聽 dramatic聽 story聽 of聽 duncan聽 and聽 courtney,聽 with聽 just聽 how聽 聽 饾枓饾枈饾枠饾枠饾枈饾枆 聽饾枤饾枙聽 聽things聽 had聽 gotten聽 between聽 them聽 in聽 the聽 past聽 year.聽 聽shaking聽 his聽 head,聽 tongue聽 flicking聽 over聽 his聽 lip聽 as聽 he聽 looked聽 away聽 from聽 her聽 for聽 a聽 moment,聽 聽"聽 聽i聽 swear聽 i'm聽 not聽 usually聽 this聽 much聽 of聽 a聽 ramblin'聽 mess,聽 聽 "聽 聽duncan聽 smiled,聽 laughing聽 softly聽 as聽 he聽 leaned聽 over聽 to聽 grab聽 his聽 drink,聽 thank聽 god聽 for聽 england's聽 drinking聽 age聽 of聽 eighteen聽 years聽 old,聽 taking聽 a聽 long聽 drink聽 of聽 it聽 before聽 moving聽 his聽 guitar聽 aside聽 and聽 standing聽 up,聽 moving聽 around聽 the聽 room聽 as聽 he聽 tried聽 to聽 not聽 just聽 unleash聽 the聽 total聽 shitshow聽 that聽 felt聽 like聽 his聽 life聽 for聽 the聽 past聽 year,聽 聽"聽 聽fuck聽 it.聽 聽i聽 would聽 totally聽 understand聽 if聽 you聽 chose聽 not聽 to聽 work聽 with聽 us聽 now聽 that聽 you聽 see聽 what聽 a聽 fuck聽 up聽 i聽 am,聽 聽 "聽 聽ahhh聽 yes,聽 the聽 classic聽 case聽 of聽 pushing聽 people聽 away聽 before聽 they聽 can聽 hurt聽 him.聽 聽which聽 was聽 insane聽 because聽 lavender聽 hadn't聽 even聽 proven聽 that聽 she聽 was聽 going聽 to聽 do聽 anything聽 like聽 that.聽 聽maybe聽 he聽 was聽 just聽 a聽 little聽 mistrusting聽 right聽 now聽 because聽 no聽 one聽 else聽 seemed聽 to聽 be聽 able聽 to聽 聽 饾枡饾枟饾枤饾枠饾枡聽 聽 him聽 to聽 do聽 anything,聽 聽"聽 聽should聽 i聽 just聽 stop聽 talkin'聽 right聽 now?聽 聽 "
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rebeltyped 2 years ago
@queencvbra聽聽聽聽/聽聽聽聽饾枠饾枡饾枂饾枟饾枡饾枈饾枟 饾枅饾枂饾枒饾枒 ; 饾枔饾枖饾枡 饾枂饾枅饾枅饾枈饾枙饾枡饾枎饾枔饾枌.
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聽 聽 "聽 聽 饾枮饾枖饾枤 聽饾枒饾枖饾枖饾枑 聽饾枙饾枎饾枠饾枠饾枈饾枆 聽饾枖饾枊饾枊聽 聽 .聽 聽 .聽 聽 .聽 聽 饾枌饾枤饾枈饾枠饾枠 聽饾枮饾枖饾枤饾枟 聽饾枒饾枎饾枒 聽饾枂饾枓饾枃饾枤饾枠饾枍 聽饾枂饾枡 聽饾枡饾枍饾枈 聽饾枒饾枂饾枟饾枤饾枠饾枠饾枖 聽饾枍饾枖饾枤饾枠饾枈饾枍饾枖饾枒饾枆 聽饾枆饾枎饾枆饾枔'饾枡 聽饾枌饾枖 聽饾枩饾枈饾枒饾枒,聽 聽 "聽 聽duncan聽 teased,聽 almost聽 hating聽 that聽 he聽 wished聽 he聽 had聽 been聽 there聽 because聽 that聽 dumb聽 fear聽 of聽 missing聽 out聽 on聽 a聽 good聽 fight.聽 聽but聽 unlike聽 her,聽 he聽 wasn't聽 willing聽 to聽 risk聽 his聽 聽 饾枙饾枂饾枟饾枖饾枒饾枈聽 聽and聽 she聽 also聽 didn't聽 have聽 cop聽 parents聽 that聽 would聽 absolutely聽 turn聽 him聽 in聽 to聽 his聽 parole聽 officer聽 if聽 he聽 got聽 into聽 a聽 fight聽 outside聽 of聽 the聽 dojo.聽 聽part聽 of聽 the聽 agreement聽 with聽 his聽 parents聽 was聽 that聽 he聽 could聽 join聽 cobra聽 kai聽 and聽 learn聽 karate聽 as聽 long聽 as聽 he聽 was聽 keeping聽 himself聽 out聽 of聽 聽 饾枒饾枈饾枌饾枂饾枒聽 聽聽trouble,聽 聽"聽 聽not聽 to聽 rub聽 salt聽 in聽 the聽 wound聽 or聽 anythin',聽 but聽 did聽 ya聽 really聽 think聽 that聽 was聽 gonna聽 work?聽 聽 "聽 聽he聽 couldn't聽 but聽 ask,聽 a聽 teasing聽 smirk聽 on聽 his聽 face聽 as聽 he聽 looked聽 at聽 her聽 because聽 why聽 would聽 anyone聽 have聽 agreed聽 to聽 do聽 something聽 so聽 stupid?聽 聽she聽 could've聽 ended聽 up聽 in聽 juvie聽 herself聽 and聽 it聽 just聽 seemed聽 like聽 a聽 stupid聽 risk,聽 聽"聽 聽where's聽 hawk?聽 聽did聽 he聽 get聽 fucked聽 up聽 or聽 somethin'?聽 聽 "
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rebeltyped 2 years ago
@moraltaught聽聽聽聽/聽聽聽聽饾枠饾枡饾枂饾枟饾枡饾枈饾枟 饾枅饾枂饾枒饾枒 ; 饾枂饾枅饾枅饾枈饾枙饾枡饾枎饾枔饾枌.
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聽聽聽聽饾枍饾枈 饾枆饾枎饾枆饾枔'饾枡 饾枟饾枈饾枂饾枒饾枎饾枠饾枈 饾枍饾枈 饾枅饾枂饾枟饾枈饾枆 饾枠饾枖 饾枓饾枤饾枅饾枍,聽聽聽聽he didn't think he even cared so much and yet here he was, pissed at himself for losing against miguel diaz.聽聽聽聽which should've been expected, he was the champion.聽聽聽聽but he was also the kid that had a broken back not too long ago, so yeah, he was pissed at himself.聽聽聽聽he was bigger and stronger, he should've won that fight and he didn't.聽聽聽聽when he was calmer and the adrenaline was no longer running high, he would be able to focus on the fact that miguel had more skill and had been training longer than him.聽聽聽聽but right now, he was just pissed that sam's ex boyfriend had absolutely kicked his ass in front of her.聽聽聽聽fuck this.聽聽聽聽leaning against the wall of the corridor outside of the hall, knowing he should get back inside and support his team, he didn't want to miss sam's next fight either.聽聽聽聽he didn't even hear her approaching till he felt her hand on his arm, his breathing already calming at her touch,聽聽聽聽"聽聽聽聽please tell me i didn't suck as much as i feel like i did,聽聽聽聽"聽聽聽聽duncan says softly, needing some reassurance because there was no way he would be getting from either of his sensei's.聽聽聽聽looking at her, he tried to smile and felt like it must looked forced,聽聽聽聽"聽聽聽聽i'll be fine.聽聽聽聽i'm not gonna miss a chance to watch you fight,聽聽聽聽"
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