#i. jacqueline + eddie
yourgirlsarchived · 2 years
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         “Stop scowling,” Jacqueline huffs. “I’m not that terrible to be around.”  She needs coffee, a lot of it. Her head shifts toward the diner counter. Yes. She’s getting coffee and cake and he can just look all grumpy.
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im-still-a-robot · 1 year
I just want to use charm person because it will 100% get us out of a Situation. The spell literally says friendly acquaintance. However, if you want me to seduce the character you literally named "Lucifer" understand that I am no coward.
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voxvulgi · 1 year
@mythvoiced (cont from x)
The amount of ways things could go wrong here reaches a number especially comical if contrasted to the way things actually go wrong.
They don’t, actually, which is a shocker in on its own. After Eddie had successfully snook all the way into the Quill manors only (and evidently very precious, at least from a financial standpoint when looked at from her father’s eyes, which only makes Eddie want to rip into his throat) daughter, he’d have thought that the true trouble would only start once they get to figuring out how to get him the fuck back out of it.
Sneaking around and reaching the bedrooms shouldn’t have been possible in the first place. What the fuck is Philip Quill thinking? Does he want his daughter to get caught alone in her bedroom, dolled up for the first deranged fucker brave enough to will his way to the next floor with intentions nowhere near as ridiculous as Eddie’s mere desire to make her laugh?
He tries not to think of the answer to that question, to the implications that Jackie is to be kept safe from only those Philip doesn’t deem a valuable asset to add to his vast vault.
He tries not to think about that, about the eyes he knows must have seen him head upstairs, even in a hall full of people out for meaningless conversation and appearances, someone must have seen, on accident, the turn of a head, the lift of a gaze mid-word, and yet, and yet, and yet.
He tries not to think about that, lest he might do something stupid like grab Jackie, haul her into her father’s car and then set the entire place on fire.
Maybe he’d spare her mother. He senses no venom when she speaks of her - the resemblance seems evident now, but where Jackie is a Fabergé egg, her mother glows as dimly as a diamond shattered against the wall.
Maybe, though, the lack of venom was to attribute to her laughter. Or the ease with which she slips in and out of his space, brushes her fingers against him as though he owed it to her, this much at least. It’s a silent deal of sorts, is it not? How many rules is he breaking by being in her room?
Fuck the legal issues of breaking and entering in the first place, fuck whatever trouble he might get into just for showing his face exactly there they want to see it least.
Jackie had not just allowed him into her room, she’d suggested he’d stop there.
And now it seems she’s not as inclined to suggest he leave it again.
There’s an urgency to the way she halts him before he can break out of her cage again to visit her prison’s courtyard represented by the class downstairs. Or maybe he’s projecting, maybe it’s his own iron-grip on the doorknob that he loosens just in time to pose no resistance to her suggestion.
He had the DIPSHIT ready. He had the shit-eating grin of her laughter brushing against parts of his soul he’d thought dead, infusing life into him he’d thought to stay away from, turning him into a moth to her flame, or an Ifrit ready to become her wrath.
Flames again.
Maybe of the heart.
Maybe the source of the ash he always senses on the inside of his palms.
She’d allowed him into her drawers.
She’d allowed him to see, the one thing she hints at but never mentions, a flask as glaring in its presence as the disgust in her eyes whenever she’d looked at the sun and decided, today, today in particular I want you to burn me alive.
He likes it more when she wants to see the rest of the world burn instead.
She’s strong.
Stronger than him certainly, as he stands there and ignores the whispers of ants there where she touches him. And ignores the absolute ridiculousness of whatever the fuck was being suggested here.
He frowns, which seems understandable, at least from his point of view, shifting his weight to lean on one leg, while his hands busy themselves with his chest pocket, looking for cigarettes, a habit, a tick to look busier than his hurricane-like mind.
There’s a tightness to his throat as he gives up, patting down on nothing and ending the unsuccessful movements with a sigh. A tightness that he knows will make his voice seem odd, his words strained.
Would if he wasn’t used to feeling a little too much of everything around her.
He could go for something strong to shoot down his fucking throat right now.
“Jack,” he doesn’t use that name often. Too masculine, maybe? Nah, it wouldn’t bother, not him at least. Friendlier, though. Jackie fits her because she responds to it, because she doesn’t wrinkle her eyes in distaste (he’s never seen her, at least), because ‘Jacqueline’ is too formal and definitely not been chosen by her mother (or had it? Coerced or deliberately?).
‘Jack’ feels like the full stop to his sentence he needs.
He could address the nightgowns. He could mention how he most fucking definitely will not be putting his hands and face, his face, anywhere near something that has touched her skin in the privacy of her nights - which is a fucking thought of a thought as is.
But if he were to mention that, he’d have to explain why, most likely. She’s never let him get away with anything. That would mean, either the truth… or a lie so final it would kill whatever neither of them are adressing between them.
That particular ‘something’ they keep nudging and nudging back and forth until one of them breaks.
He runs a hand over his face.
He’s going to… ow fuck…
He gives her a long, hard look. Tries to convey what she’s doing to him and why he’s playing along, that this is exception, not a rule. He doesn’t have the habit of hiding in women’s closets. Or be in their bedroom, for that matter.
Or be worried about the implications of either.
He thinks about the way she’d laughed and the ease with which she’d allowed him to walk around her room and take her things, and-
“Just so ya know, though,” he rolls his shoulders, sighing again. “Ain’t much of a fan of tight spaces, so if I don’t fit, I don’t sits.”
Already on her bad side his ass.
It wasn’t a lie, actually. Which is something else he tries to convey. He doesn’t want to guilt her, doesn’t want to say, look what all I’m doing for you. Because he’s not. His motivations are as selfish as they come.
He wants to see her laugh like that.
He’s a fucking ass.
He takes a step closer. Then he turns his head to glance at her, lifting an eyebrow, a last silent question if she truly, really wanted him to do this.
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The biggest curse of an all-red dress was how easily it could accentuate the blood rush to one's face. Whether it was a particularly cold day and Jackie's nose went as red as a cherry tomato, or she was so embarrassed that she blushed vigorously, the red fabric would only serve to highlight he face.
So, the way she blushed when Eddie called her "Jack" must have been extremely obvious.
But just like everything regarding this strange dance of theirs, if she pretended it didn't happen...he would pretend, too.
Why do they always pretend?
She literally told him to get in her closet with her nightgowns. He could make her laugh as if nothing was wrong with the world -- no, as if every fucking debauchery around them was a hilarious reason to be alive. He let her touch him, and she let him touch her with these stolen, feather-light movements. So...why do they always pretend?
Perhaps Jackie just wasn't ready for the showdown, the whirlwind that would consume her life once she decided she had feelings for Edward fucking Wilson. She wasn't as strong as she seemed; she might not be able to handle it. Plus, the moment she let herself become Eddie's lover would be the moment she begins to disappoint him more and more every day-- until he ends up resenting their relationship, or worse: her. And then he would disappear from her life, poof, like a figment of her imagination. Or a manifestation of her hysteria.
Fuck, what if there was no Eddie? What if Jacqueline's sick mind had made him up just so she could feel worthy of...anything?
No, stop. Stop it. Don't think that.
"What, you scared?" Raising an eyebrow at Eddie, she forced herself back into her body, into the present. "I would offer to come in with you, just to hold your hand through it, but...tight spaces, huh?"
To be fair, she would hate being in a tight enclosure, too.
Unless it was a tight place with Eddie in it, and barely any space between them.
"Come on, go on in."
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brokecorviknight · 9 months
Hatchetfield Pokémon AU - Partner List:
Main Characters:
Paul Matthews - Exploud
Emma Perkins - Porygon
Tom Houston - Donphan
Becky Barnes - Comfey
Lex Foster - Zigzagoon (Cressellia is also here)
Hannah Foster - Mew
Pete Spankoffski - Stoutland
Steph Lauter - Luxray
Grace Chasity - Hatterene
Max Jägerman - Passimian
Wiggly (Wiggog Y’rath) / Wendell (Dark/Psychic)
Nibbly (Nibblenephim) / Nicky (Dark/Psychic)
Pokey (Pokotho) / Porter (Dark/Psychic)
Blinky (Bliklotep) / Blaine (Dark/Psychic)
Tinky (T’noy Karaxis) / Theo (Theodore) (Dark/Psychic)
Webby (Queen in White) / Wendy (Psychic/Dark)
Important Characters:
Ted Spankoffski - Volcarona
Bill Woodward - Leavanny
Alice Woodward - Skitty
Prof. Henry Hidgens - Liligant
Gen. John MacNamara - Genesect
Ethan Greene - Cyclizar
Linda Monroe - Vespiqueen
Tim Houston - Cubone
Richie Lipschitz - Gallade
Ruth Fleming - Sprigatito
Solomon Lauter - Honchkrow
Detective Shapiro - Pikachu
Henry (Fake Prof. Henry Hidgens) - Mimikyu
Lucy Stockworth - Gholdengo
Wooly-Foot - Galrian Darmanitan
Konk (Ted Spankoffski) - Darmanitan
Pryce Perkins (Paul Matthews 23) - Ditto
Emilia Matthews (Emma Perkins Android) - MissingNo
Time Bastard / Homeless Man (Ted Spankoffski) - Iron Moth and Slither Wing
Jane Houston (Perkins) - Revaroom
Miss Holloway - Hypno
Duke Keane - Snorlax
Gerald Monroe - Vivallon
Perky (Emma Perkins) - Aribolva
Ziggy - Shiftry
Jeri - Nidoqueen
Jerry - Nidoking
Lumber Axe (Lil’ Jerry) - Witchwood Haxorus
Shelia Young - Froslass
Rose - Toxtricity
Melissa - Meowstick (Female)
Puss - Espeon
Named Characters:
Greenpeace girl / Harmony Jones - Shaymin
Ken Davidson - Grumpig
Charlotte Sweetly - Oinkalogne
Sam Sweetly - Braviary
Nora - Minccino
Zoey Chambers - Alcreamie
Deb - Liepard
Frank Pricely - Sableye
Sherman Young - Salazzle
Gary Goldstein - Meowth
Uncle Wiley / Wilbur Cross - Tentacruel
Man in a Hurry / Barry Swift - Yanmega
Dude with Peanut - Pachirisu (Peanut)
Xander Lee - Empoleon
President - Unfezant (Male)
Mark Chasity - Flapple
Karen Chasity - Appletun
Off. Bailey - Skarmory
Kyle - Chesnaught
Brenda - Oricorio (Electric)
Jason - Bastiodon
Caitlyn - Altaria
Ms. Mulberry- Audino
Ms. Tessburger - Corsola
Rudolph - Sawsbuck
Brook - Finneon
Trevor Lipschitz - Magcargo
Allison - Lanturn
Madame Iris - Reuniclus
Craig - Tropius
Barker - Coalossal
Rupert - Gigalith
Jonathan Brisby - Tyrantrum
Sylvia - Floatzel
Andy / Executive Kilgore - Aggron
Jenny - Milotic
Dan Reynolds - Karrablast
Donna Daggit - Shelmet
Tony Greene - Klingklang
Jacqueline Frost - Glaceon
Pamala Foster - Komala
Roman Murray - Morpeko
River Monroe - Combee (Male) or Teddyursa
Trent Monroe - Venomoth
Seaton Monroe - Ninjask
Jordan Monroe - Shuckle
Malone - Octillery
Hailey - Skuntank
Zach Chambers - Gogoat
Liz - Beartic
Judith - Butterfree
Martha - Clawitzer
Mary - Bibarel
Mima Chambers - Drampa
Bob Metzger - Witchwood Aegislash
Carl Metzger - Witchwood Doublade
Larz Metzger - Witchwood Doublade
Louie Metzger - Witchwood Honedge
Mary - Medichan
Noah - Furret
Gabe - Sudowoodo
Marco - Copperajah
Kale - Chatot
Thrash - Noivern
Skud - Rillaboom
Courtney - Zebstrika
Russ - Scovillain
Beth - Centiskorch
Eddie Chiplucky - Krookodile
Stopwatch / Daniel - Phantump
Spitfire / Sophia - Blaziken
Charles - Type: Null
Bruno - Pangoro
Otho - Flamigo
Freddie Biggs - Corviknight
Mina - Pyroar (Female)
Chrissy - Alolan Persian
Aubrey - Purugly
Teddy Bear - Mabosstiff
Jerrie - Golurk
Different Actors:
Hot Chocolate Boy (Peter Spankoffski) (TGWDLM) - Polteageist
Pete Spankoffski (AC) - Aromatisse
Prof. Henry Hidgens (HQ) - Jigglypuff
Prof. Henry Hidgens (WB) - Spinda
Max Jägerman (TGWDLM) - Cinderace
Ethan Greene (YJ) - Goodra
(I’ve been working on this for a few weeks. I thought it would be fun to share. Hope you all enjoy it)
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eslanes · 2 years
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(thanks @faerie-tempest)
Okay I went a bit wild and did the whole challenge for Devon's family. This was really fun and I highly encourage doing this one!
(See below the cut for who's-who!)
Devon Grace (the influencer + cousin who's getting married) - The reality star, social media influencer and adult entertainer we all know and love! She's also getting married to her new boo, unbeknownst to him.
Stavros Pantazis (the new bae) - Literally new new, they met less than a sim-week ago and are now expecting a little terror of their own. No one will bother remembering his name and Grandma keeps calling him "Vlad".
Briar Rose Grace (the quiet judgmental youngin') - Devon's daughter. What can i say, she's a saucy little shit lol.
Brianna Grace (the competitive sibling) - Devon's younger sister and a bit of a brat in her own right.
Mary-Jacqueline Grace (the instigator) - Devon and Brianna's mother. She's a chainsmoking, hard-drinking hot mess of a broad. She's been known to get into fist-fights with grown men (and win, of course).
Catherine Grace-De la Roca (the cool aunt) - Mary-Jacqueline's twin sister and the only reason Devon and Brianna turned out half-sensible. Art teacher and travel enthusiast.
Rodrigo De la Roca (the world's most interesting uncle) - Catherine's husband and walking encyclopedia of weird and random knowledge. Has some kind of bizarre story for every occasion. Don't ask him to tell the thumb story.
Gabi De la Roca (the holier-than-thou student) - Teenage terror with brains to burn. She's banking on a full scholarship to Britechester to get away from her unhinged family.
Enid Grace (the family recipe gatekeeper) - The matriarch of the Grace family. Rules the kitchen with an iron fist. Whatever you do, don't ask for her rhubarb pie recipe.
Tony Grace (the overly-supportive grandparent) - Enid's husband and family patriarch. Wanna join the circus? Drop out of college? Kill someone? Grandpa's got your back (and probably the shovel).
Ronnie Grace (the bitcoin uncle) - Tech nerd and the lamest guy you will ever meet. Somehow his family hasn't left him for his constant rants about blockchains. May or may not have lost half his savings from investing in Llamacoin. Mary-Jacqueline and Catherine's younger brother.
Keisha Grace (the nosy relative) - Somehow still married to Ronnie (but doesn't know about the Llamacoin yet). Actually loves family gatherings because she gets all the dirt to gossip about with her friends later.
Niko Grace (the peacemaker) - Ronnie's son from his first marriage, at 31 he's still "finding himself" (ie: unemployed musician living in his parents' basement). You can probably find him outside of a family gathering trying to push weed on his younger cousins.
Grayson Grace (the golden child) - It's really not hard to be the golden boy when your older brother sells weed to children.
Tabitha Loveless (the passive-aggressive auntie) - A widower, Tony's older sister and Devon's great-aunt. Tabitha may or may not have flown to the gathering on her broom.
Karen Loveless (the live-laugh-love mom) - Tabitha's daughter. Cheerful to a fault, but please don't ruffle her couch cushions or you will face the wrath of God. Has been in a 17-year old standoff with Aunt Enid over that goddamn pie recipe.
Eddie and Jason Loveless (the d.i.n.k.w.a.d's) - Karen's son and son-in-law. They just got back from a cruise and can't wait to tell you all about it. They're really living their double-income-no-kids-with-a-dog life to the fullest. They considered leaving because their precious pooch, Tangerine, was not given her own place setting.
Kurt Loveless and Monica Song (the anxious new parents) - Eddie's twin brother and his fiancée. Just welcomed a bouncing baby boy, Chevron Fritz Loveless. Baby Chevron is so special that he spends 18.5 of 24 hours a day screaming his sweet little head off. If it weren't for his mother Karen, Eddie is convinced he would kill his twin brother and take over his life. Monica showed up to the reunion with baby shit on her shirt and is unfazed.
Kelly Loveless-Strong (the wino soccer mom) - Tabitha's other daughter and Karen's younger sister. She's convinced her precious boy is going to make it to the World Cup (that is if he can get tf off of Twitch). Fun fact: there's definitely wine in that coffee cup. Is 100% likely to get into a table-dancing contest with cousin Mary-Jaqueline later.
Colby Strong (the 'other' influencer) - The family still doesn't undertand how Colby got famous for playing videogames but they are all so proud anyhow, even if he is pissing away his opportunity at being a world-class athlete. Most definitely out back smoking weed with cousin Niko.
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judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
Hi again. Could you do Chyna x fem reader that loves to cook or bake? Just domestic home life or bringing muffins and brownies to the shows after a match.
Pairing: Chyna x Fem reader
Description: After tasting some of your cookies, the roster of Raw and Smackdown find out about and meet you, Chyna's wife
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Despite losing her match tonight Chyna smiles taking a bite out of the cookies you had made for her earlier dropping them off to her in the parking lot before walking in the arena to watch Smackdown. Eddie along with Billy Gunn and Jeff Hardy grab a cookie from the baggie immediately noticing how big the bag is taking a few of them and handing them out to others backstage who all went to chyna asking to make more earning a laugh as she takes a bite with milk "I didn't make these guys, my wife did" everyone freezes and turns stunned responding in equal fashion "Wife?!" she pulls a picture of you out of her jacket pocket telling them about you before going to the ring for her match against Stacy Keibler handing you a rose she carried with her after throwing the rest to the crowd finally sharing a hug and kiss when the two of you got home eating dinner you made knowing hoe much chyna needed it after all the time on the road and how she has always loved your cooking from the moment the two of you got together after her relationship with Triple H "Everyone found out about you today and they love your cookies" you giggle as the two of you got ready for and went to bed leading to the next day. You decided to bake more cookies this time enough for everyone on the rosters and cooked some homemade rice and shrimp putting it in to go containers before the two of you head to the arena walking backstage as everyone stretched and changed grabbing a quick drink almost running into Edge and Christian after being bumped by Road Dogg joking with the two blonde men walking back in as chyna handed you a plate of the rice and shrimp turning with a smile "Dig in" the boys do such leading to now as the two along with the Apa, the Hardy boys, Lita, eddie, Jacqueline, Test, and Trish enjoy the warm meal staying backstage and watching chyna's match with lita before she introduced you to billy and the Mcmahon's leading to you coming to every show afterwards with different meals and baked goods and becoming the cater thanks to Steph and Linda after Bradshaw and Gangrel told them about your talent and had them try homemade soup you made for that night leading to you even becoming a personal cook for some of the wrestlers on the road but despite all the hours of traveling and making meals you were always in the kitchen still being a housewife and the love of chyna's life and heart.
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lesbiancolumbo · 9 months
Also, another book question: how'd you work your way up to 100 books? (I'm at 21 now, but I'd like to get higher...) And what are some books on film you'd recommend? Cheers! 🐊💫
the only advice i can give to you on how to read 100 books in a year is to be a crazy insane fast reader like myself. i don't know how i do this and i also don't want to be doing what i'm doing 😭 actually i would say that the best advice is to reframe your thinking and look at it less in how many books you read a year in a number form, but in what you're reading, how you're reading it (this to me is way more important, like yeah you can read 100 pulp sex novels in a year but what are you actually retaining from that, you know?), your intentionality. 21 books in a year is nothing to smirch at! i will also say i usually vary my type of book to create a nice reading flow. if i'm reading hardcore analysis/nonfiction after the other it takes me longer bc my brain gets bogged down in the denseness of it, etc. i usually alternate something more light or shorter, like a collection of short stories or a dumb romance novel lmao.
as for film books - it really all depends on what specifically you're looking for! biographies? history? analysis? feel free to send a DM or ask if you want something more tailored for you but my favorite books are i do and i don't: a history of marriage in the movies, directed by dorothy arzner, from reverence to rape, is that a gun in your pocket? women's experiences of power in hollywood, and some biographies i enjoy are furious love: elizabeth taylor, richard burton, and the marriage of the century, marilyn in manhattan: her year of joy (AND the many lives of marilyn monroe!), and burt lancaster: an american life. hollywood: the oral history is a great text too, and in general i recommend most things by jeanine basinger, molly haskell, eddie muller, donald bogle, jacqueline stewart, kevin brownlow, and cari beauchamp.
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heartbreak-sandwich · 9 months
Tell me some more about JJ! 💚
Introducing Jacqueline June "JJ" Feron ❤️‍🔥
Hometown: Hawkins, Indiana Occupation: Student Current Universe: Stranger Things Face Claim: Katya Sitak
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JJ comes from old money, like Steve Harrington. Their parents are long-time friends, and their law firms often work together.
She has resented her economic status and the attitude it breeds since she was born, and she spends a lot of her time rebelling against her parents' world and wishes in order to treat people right and lead a life prioritizing things that truly matter -- the people she loves and her impact on the community around her.
She's a painter who loves punk and metal music, has a fiery mouth on her, and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty -- she'll try anything once.
So far, she has only appeared in my holiday mini series, but you should expect to see more of her interacting with her lover, Billy Hargrove, and a multitude of friends, including Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, and Eddie Munson, to name a few. ^^ I'm still kind of developing more of her character, so that's about as much as I know for now. 😅
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suzakucastle · 7 months
Black Characters in Fighting Games
Street Fighter
Dee Jay
Sean Matsuda
Boman Delgado
Laura Matsuda
Kimberly Jackson
The King of Fighters (all involved universes)
Duck King
Richard Meyer
Michael Max
Axel Hawk (?)
Bob Wilson
Marco Rodrigues
Mickey Rogers
Darli Dagger
Heavy D!
Lucky Glauber
Mortal Kombat
Jackson "Jax" Briggs
Jacqueline "Jacqui" Briggs
Rain (raceswapped from MK 11 onward)
Bruce Irvin
Eddy Gordo
Tiger Jackson
Christie Monteiro
Master Raven
Zack (Dead or Alive)
Ghost Kick (Martial Masters)
Venom (Guilty Gear)
Vanessa Lewis (Virtua Fighter)
Zasalamel (Soul)
Jeffry McWild (Virtua Fighter)
Kick (Divekick)
Boggy (Kaiser Knuckle)
Luca (Plasma Sword)
Hopefully, I haven't missed anyone.
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rjmartin11 · 1 year
Just One Kiss Chapter Seven
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Pairing: Elvis & female!reader
Summary: Once upon a Memphis time, you and Elvis were very close friends who turned lovers. After he went into the Army, you both drifted apart, leaving you heartbroken. Time passes, and you go on a Vegas business trip with your long-term boyfriend, Edward, and find out that your old lover is performing at The International Hotel. Old feelings surface once again, and you plan on making this a trip neither of you will soon forget.
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings: Smut, cheating, breakups and make ups, lite comedy. Happy ending.
Author's Notes: Welcome to Chapter Seven a.k.a the end of this series. I love the response this has received. I knew this was not going to be a long story when I started writing it. I can see myself writing more in the future, but only time will tell. There will be an epilogue coming soon to a Tumblr feed near you. 😉
Thank y'all again for all the kind words and thoughts. If you like this chapter, like, repost, comment, and follow! Here we go!
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
You run off the elevator to your room with Eddie. Hoping... no! Praying he's there, so you tell him how you feel about him. Eddie was the best guy for you now. He was there for you at a point where you didn't think you could go on. Yes, he worked a lot, but a good guy works a lot for the things he wants. He's honorable, kind, and brilliant. He's everything plus more. You're going to tell him.
You know he's been distant lately, but you are to blame for that. You haven't told Eddie you love him because of fear. Fear that all men are the same. Fear that he'll hurt you the way Elvis did. If you didn't say, "I love you," to Eddie, and he hurts you. The sting of disappointment wouldn't be the same. But he's different. You know he is different, so you must tell him.
You grab the handle to the door, realizing that the door is open, and you burst into the room.
"Eddie, I.... Oh my g!!!" You shout.
"Y/N!" Eddie shouts.
Eddie naked in all his glory in a compromising position with Jacqueline, his secretary. You turn around fast to erase the fact that Eddie had her in the bed you shared with him less than twenty-four hours ago. You want to erase the image of Jacqueline sprawled on all fours, with Eddie taking her from the back.
"Y/N..." Eddie says, running up behind you and turning you around to face him. "Baby, it's not what it looks like."
"So you were just balls deep in Jacqueline's ass?" You say calmly.
"Stop, Eddie." You hold up your hand to stop him from speaking. "Does she make you happy?"
"What?" Eddie is baffled by you question.
"Does. She. Make you happy?"
Eddie holds his towel and looks away from your eyes. You see the wheels in his head turning and turning. He's so concentrated on your question.
"She... she does. Yeah." Eddie finally answered you.
"Does your heart glow when she's around you?"
Eddie nods his head.
"What the fuck is her problem, Eddie?!" Jacqueline asks. "I knew she was soft, but..."
"Jacqueline, dear heart. You aren't worth my energy." You say.
You look back at Eddie and smile. You shake your head, feeling quite proud of yourself. You almost gave your heart to a man who didn't truly care about you.
"Eddie, if she makes you happy. Be with her."
"Y/N, I..."
"Shhhh. You don't own me any explanation."
"Why can't you be mad? Why aren't you fighting me? Fighting for us?!" Eddie shouts.
"I'm furious." You spoke calmly. "There's nothing left to fight for. You took a page out of the female harlots playbook and screwed your way to the top."
Eddie tears up at you. "Y/N, I'm sor..."
"Shhhh." You place your finger over his mouth. "Don't you dare apologize to me. In this business, you can't apologize. They eat you alive." You wipe Eddie's tears away.
"I take it. You became partner at the firm?" You ask.
"I did." Eddie says.
"Congratulations. I know how hard you worked for this, partner."
You kiss his forehead and walk away to the door, grabbing your clutch off the dresser. Your plane ticket is in there, and you have enough money to get you wherever you need to go. You head to the elevator.
"Y/N, wait. Where are you going?" Eddie runs behind you.
"Edward. Don't worry about me. I know my way home. Go be happy and enjoy the spoils of your hard work. You earned it."
The elevator opens, and you step inside the car.
"Bye, Edward." You say as the doors close between you two.
Where are you going now? Tears stream down your cheeks as you think about what you just witnessed. You are glad you didn't give Eddie your heart. You learned your lesson the first time around.
You start to question yourself. What's wrong with you? What is it about you that makes people treat you less than you deserve. What evil could you have possibly done? Do you even deserve to live? Then it hits you. The place you need to go.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
Meanwhile, upstairs at the penthouse...
Elvis practically mopes into the suite with you heavy on his mind.
"Elvis, darling, where have you been?" Laura asked.
Elvis, shocked, looks up at Laura. This early in the morning, Laura is still fast asleep.
"I huh... I was talking to a friend about an issue." Elvis stuttered out. "We worked it."
Elvis sits on the bed next to Laura. He looks into her eyes and touches her face. She's beautiful and young, yet Elvis wonders what exactly is it about her that draws him to Laura. She hangs on his every word and barely as a thought of her own. She's sweet, but she's a suck up.
Elvis prides himself on reading people, and as he reads Laura at this moment, he doesn't like what he sees. Since you left him in 1960, Elvis had several girlfriends. Great girlfriends, in fact. They had good hearts and great intentions, but they weren't you. And Laura, isn't you. Laura isn't even June or Anita. They loved him for him, the money wasn't even a thing to them.
Elvis could go back driving a truck, and they would still be by his side. You would have been by his side. Now, your words ring true. Money was all Laura was after. A part of Elvis didn't care, but a huge part cared deeply. The part that didn't care just wanted someone to love him and hold him in the lonely moments. The part that cared was telling him that there was a woman who would love him fully. Like you.
"Elvis, what is it?" Laura asked, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Elvis smiles and shakes his head. What Elvis is doing at this moment is searching your soul. He sees a greedy little girl who is a bit selfish and deceiving. This little girl hides behind her good looks.
"Nothin', baby."
Elvis kisses her lips, trying to feel something. Something good and wholesome. Someone kind and loving and fun, but what Elvis is searching for is not there. What he wants is you. He was searching for that brief kiss you gave him for old time sake, but it wasn't there with Laura.
Elvis leans his forehead against Laura's forehead and wishes you stayed with him.
"Wow, Elvis. You have never kissed me like that before. Darling, what's got into you?" Laura asked.
"My heart." Elvis whispers.
"What? What about your heart? Are you okay?"
"Laura, why do you love me?" Elvis asked on the serious note.
"What do you mean, Elvis? I love you for everything you do for me. I love how fun you are. How we travel all over the place is fun. Your deep voice. Elvis, you are everything." Laura finished up.
Elvis smiles and shakes his head. Everything Laura said has to do with the money in his bank account. In order to give her gifts, Elvis has to have money to do that. In order to travel, you need money. Laura was truly superficial.
"Laura, baby, you are an individual." Elvis finally said, laying down in the bed.
"Thank you, Elvis. I guess that's a compliment." Laura says, getting out of bed.
She goes into the bathroom and turns on the faucet.
"Elvis, darling, you know what I was thinking?" She shouts out.
"No, baby. What were you thinking?" Elvis asks.
"I was thinking when we get married. That we go to New York City and go shopping on Fifth Avenue. I know how much you love to shop. Almost as much as me." Laura says.
Elvis never ever truly asked Laura to marry him. He never had the intention of doing so. He sits up in the bed as she speaks. Is she insinuating that she wants to marry him? Putting in the universe so he will push himself to marry her so she can leach off him?
"Baby! You can take me to Paris!" Laura shouts, her voice filled with excitement. "We can see the Eiffel Tower, eat buttery croissants, and more shopping."
"Laura..." Elvis pops up behind Laura, scaring her.
"Whoa... baby, when did you come in here? I didn't hear the door."
"There's not going to be no Paris, Laura." Elvis says, looking her in the eyes.
"That's fine, Elvis. We don't need Paris. We can go to the Caribbean or Mexico." Laura says, placing her arms around his neck.
Elvis pulls her arms away.
"No, Laura. Baby, there ain't gonna be no Mexico. No Caribbean. No shopping in New York. No marriage between us." Elvis speaks, and he sees the color leave her face.
"Elvis, where is this coming from? I thought you loved me?" She speaks with tears wailing in her eyes, and her bottom lip trimbles.
"Stop. Crying is beneath you, Laura." Elvis looks her over and sees her trying to manipulate the situation. How long has she been playing that game? How long has he been falling for?
"Laura, I can't do this anymore." Elvis finally says, dropping her hands.
"Do what? Us?" Laura asked. "What did I do wrong?"
"Not what you did? It's what I need to do. I need to be on my own for a while, and I believe that you'll be better off on your own."
"But Elvis, I..."
Elvis puts up his hand, stopping Laura from speaking.
"I'll get you a plane ticket for Memphis and New York. You get all your stuff out of the house. One of the boys will see to it that everything that's yours is gone. They'll drop you off in New York. You should go home. I know how much you miss it. That's why you keep talking about it."
Laura is at a loss for words. Did Elvis really just dump her? All her dreams were crashing down around her.
"This is all so sudden. You really don't want me anymore? What is it? We have a good thing here, Elvis. Why are you asking me to leave?" Laura asked. Her tome is frustrated.
"I told you. I need to be on my own." Elvis says, walking out the bathroom.
"I don't except that!" Laura shouts.
"Baby, you don't have a choice."
At that moment, Red and Lamar came into the suite.
"What are they doing here?" Laura asked.
"The boys are taking back to Memphis to get your things. Then they'll drop you off in New York." Elvis says. Elvis gives Red an envelope with her plane tickets, some cash, and instructions for Red to give Laura the money in New York.
"Elvis, you can't be serious!"
"Laura, don't. Just don't. Let things end the way they are. You're a little girl who has some more things to learn."
Laura stormed to the closet and got her things, but not silently. She spoke the most hurtful and ugliest things that she could conjure up to hurt Elvis.
"You're right!" Laura shouts. "You aren't shit Presley! You're no king. You can't even sing all that well!"
"Keep talkin' your shit as you walk your ass out the door." Elvis said, lounging on the bed.
Laura got dressed, got her bags, and headed for the door. Red walking behind her, and Lamar in front. The look on Laura's face read disgust and fury.
"Have a good life, Laura." Elvis spoke honestly.
"Fuck you, Presley. I hate you!" Laura screams.
"Not the first time I heard that one tonight." Elvis says. "Red?"
"Yeah, E.P.?"
"Remember, her package label. Caution: handle with care, man."
Red nodded his head and shut the door. Elvis took a deep breath and exhaled. Elvis was praying for peace and sleep. He prayed he did the right thing, letting Laura go. Letting you go. The more he prayed, the more sleepy he got. Before he knew it, he was asleep.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
Six hours later...
Elvis slept from the five o'clock hour to the nine o'clock hour. The next two hours, Elvis and the rest of his entourage parked up camp and set sights to go to Memphis. After a triumph six weeks, Elvis was ready for Graceland. He was ready to see Dodger and spend time with her. I was ready for home cooking. He was ready.
As Elvis, Jerry, and Joe were walking to the garage, Elvis looked around the lobby. Looking to see if you were around. He just wanted one more look at you, even if it meant you were arm and arm with that damn Eddie.
He didn't see you, but who did see shook him up. Eddie. Kissing a girl who clearly was not you. A blonde? Who the hell is she? Where were you?
Elvis stormed across the lobby, grabbed Eddie, and laid him out. The blonde screamed as Elvis continued to shake him, holding Eddie by the collar of his suit. The Mafia tried to get Elvis off of Eddie.
"What did you do you, son of a bitch? Where is Y/N?" Elvis asked Eddie.
"Presley, get off me, and I'll tell you." Eddie choked out.
Elvis released him. Eddie got up off the floor, Jacqueline brushing off his suit.
"Gentlemen?"Jerry steps in. "Maybe we should take this elsewhere? Out of the lobby."
Elvis nodded his head, and everyone is escorted out of the lobby and downstairs to the garage. Where Elvis' caravan of limos lie waiting.
"What happened to Y/N?" Elvis asks.
"She... left me. I-I-I haven't seen her since she left."
"Let me guess... she caught you with the blonde?"
Eddie nods his head. Shame covering his face.
"Yeah. She has a nag for that." Elvis chuckles. "Where did she go?"
"I don't know, man. She just took her purse and said she knew her way home." Eddie said. "I never meant to hurt her. I loved her."
Loved? Eddie speaks about his feelings for you in past tense. How could he? Elvis didn't have time to talk about it.
"Eddie, you fucked up with a great woman. Don't fuck up with the blonde."
Elvis starts to run upstairs.
"E.P., where are you going?!" Jerry shouted.
"I'm gonna look for Y/N!" Elvis shouts back. The elevator doors closing.
Elvis runs up to room 202. He looks around the room. He calls out to you, but you don't answer him. He's afraid something may happen to you, and he wasn't there to protect you. Why didn't you just stay with him?
Elvis leaves the room and starts to pray silently.
"Dear God, be with Y/N. The woman I love the most. Help me find her. God, if you help me find her. I will do right by her. I'll let her make an honest man out of me." Elvis concludes his prayers as the elevator doors.
Elvis doesn't want to go back without you. He passes by the pool side on his way to the garage and spots a beautiful girl with her feet in the pool.
A sign of relief passes through Elvis at the sight of this beautiful girl. Thank the Lord, it's you.
"Y/N?" He calls out to you. "Y/N?"
You look over and see Elvis running over to you. Elvis gets down and embraces you.
"Y/N, baby, where have been?" Elvis says, so overwhelmed that he has let you go.
"I needed some air, E."
"Baby, I'm sorry about... Eddie."
You pull away from Elvis, looking him in the eye. How could he possibly know? Was your shame spread around the hotel?
You look back at the water and cry. "I'm... I'm so lonely. Elvis, what's wrong with me? Why do men use me and leave me?" Y/N cry out.
"I made a mistake." Elvis says. "So long ago. Y/N, baby, there's not a damn thing wrong with you. You're magnificent. You're beautiful and strong. And I love you so much."
You look at Elvis, taken aback by his kind words. A tear falls down your cheek. Elvis wipes it away and traces your jaw with his index finger.
"Y/N, will you come with me?" Elvis asks.
You nod your head, smiling at his request. Elvis stands, offering his hand to you. You take it and get your feet out of the pool. Elvis sit you down on one of the lounge chairs, drying off your wet feet. Thank heavens, no one is there at the pool except you two. He places your heels on your feet and leads you away from the pool.
Elvis leads you to the elevator that takes you both to the garage. You're both silent for the duration of the ride. You just hold on to Elvis. You're in such a need for affection. You need to know that you are worthy of love. A hug will do for now.
The door opens, and you both are in the garage. You silently walk to his limo, and he opens the door for you. You come to your senses, stopping yourself from entering the limo.
"Wait. Where are you taking me?" You ask.
"Home. To Memphis." Elvis answers.
"To Memphis." You are truly alert now.
Elvis opens the door and offers to get in first, but you slam the door shut.
"One moment, Elvis. We must discuss a few things before I get into this car and go anywhere with you." You state, crossing your arms.
"Okay, Y/N. Whatever you want. I'll give it to you." Elvis says, honesty graces his voice.
"First, if we into a relationship again. You can only be with me and me alone."
"I can do that."
"So help me, E. If you break my heart again, you'll never ever hear from me again. I'll disappear off the face of the Earth. I swear."
"I won't let you, baby." Elvis says. "I'm gonna love you so good that you'll never leave me."
"You better, Elvis Presley."
"Shall we go home?" Elvis opens the door for you.
You get in the limo and watch as he slides in after you. He shuts the door behind him. Elvis gives you that infamous crook smile as the car drives off. You wrap your arms around him and kiss those precious lips of his. Elvis kisses you back with vigor and much passion. You slowly pull away from him.
"What happened to Laura?" You ask.
"She had one problem, baby."
"She wasn't you, my love." Elvis says.
You smile and kiss him once more. In your heart, you feel like this is love. This is right. All you ever needed or wanted.
"I love you, Elvis."
"I love you, Y/N."
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @plasticfantasticl0ver @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @thememphisflash1935-1977 @vintageshanny @iloveelvis
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judasofsuburbia · 2 years
another snippet from my spicy six zombie apocolypse au! this is from ronance's chapter. tw: mild sexual content.
“Nancy Karen Wheeler,” Eddie starts.
“That’s not my middle name,” Nancy says.
“If you don’t take that with us, I’m gonna tell Robin that you don’t love her.”
Nancy rolls her eyes and shoves Eddie away. She keeps looking around for the kiddos to appear behind them but they’re all doing their own thing on the first floor of this house. Significantly beat up house with broken windows, various animal markings, and peeling walls. A typical house that they run into. They’re not staying here tonight, just ransacking it for goods. But this “good” was not on Nancy’s list of things to take. 
“It’ll take up too much room in my bag,” Nancy mumbles. Eddie's admiring an erotic painting that hung lopsided on the wall. Eddie blows a raspberry and gives her a pointed look. 
“Then ditch it after you have yourselves a night,” Eddie says with a teasing grin. 
“We don’t even know if it’s sanitary,” Nancy argues. 
“It’s literally still in the package,” Eddie exclaims, picking it up off the dusty mattress. He waves it in her face while Nancy scrunches her nose. 
“Don’t those…go bad or something after a while?” 
Eddie looks like he’s seconds away from bursting into full belly laughter. “Is Nancy Karen‒”
“Eddie, Christ, that’s not my middle name. What a bad middle name.”
“Fine, is Nancy Jacqueline Wheeler‒”
“Your parents seem like Kennedy people.”
“They’re republican.”
“Damn, that bites,” Eddie retorts. “What point was I trying to make?”
Nancy cracks a smile then. “I don’t know. Your undiagnosed ADHD is an enigma to us all.”
“Could be ADD,” Eddie argues pointlessly. He looks down at his hands and his eyes light up again. “Ah, yes! Nancy Elizabeth Wheeler was about to ask me if a dildo can expire.”
Nancy hits his arm and shushes him. “Shut the hell up!”
“No, no it’s cute,” Eddie says. “It’s really cute that you’re coming to Big Gay Eddie for help‒”
“I’m not coming to you for help,” Nancy seethes. 
“It might be too far to help you get into the leather straps but maybe if we did it over your clothes… or if Steve was there‒”
“I’m going to actually murder you,” Nancy spits. 
“What? He’s seen it all before!” Eddie says as he gestures to Nancy’s body. 
Nancy huffs and goes to leave the room. She reaches the door before she turns around and says, “You put that thing down, Edward Johnny Munson.”
“Johnny Cash,” Nancy says in her best southern drawl. 
Eddie narrows his eyes and then gave her a sad smile. “You talked to Wayne too much.”
Nancy returns the sad smile and says, “He was a great guy to talk to.”
Eddie nods fondly. They’re not sure where Wayne is. When the Lurkers took over, they were still in the Upside Down fighting Vecna. They saw no bodies when they came back but Eddie found a sticky note on the fridge that said, “I’ll find you one day, son”.
He keeps it in his wallet (which is pretty obsolete now but everyone has little things they carry that make them feel like people). Eddie doesn’t talk about it much but Nancy thinks Wayne is out there. He might have been old but he was ready to fight that whole town if it meant Eddie was okay. Some measly zombies are not going to stand in his way. 
The house, minus the strap-on, is actually good loot. There were tampons, bags of beans and rice, reusable water bottles, half-empty shampoo and conditioner bottles, and some unscented soap which is great for cleaning gear.
The group moves forward into the night and sets up camp in a barn. It’s Nancy, Steve, and Lucas’s turn to make dinner so Lucas starts a fire while Nancy and Steve set up the pots and pans. 
Nancy reaches into her backpack to dig around for a wooden spoon when she pulls out an unfamiliar box. She squeaks and Steve glances up from his bag. His eyes go wide as Nancy hurriedly shoves the box back into her bag. Nancy shoots him a glare and Steve holds his hands up in defense. 
“I didn’t see whatever you didn’t want me to see,” Steve says.
“Your boyfriend is dead fucking meat,” Nancy seethes.
“He usually is.”
“Little shit,” Nancy grumbles, violently shoving the box further into her bag. 
“Woah, woah, hey, don’t damage the goods,” Steve jokes. 
“I’m not,” Nancy stops herself to huff. “I’m not gonna…use it.”
“I don’t care if you do or don’t. I don’t even know how sanitary it is.”
“That’s what I said!”
“How, if you don’t mind me asking, did my boyfriend put that in there? Where the hell did you even get it?”
Nancy sighs loudly. “It was in the bedroom of the house. The one with the painting‒”
Steve whistles and nods. “Yeah, that was nice.”
Nancy scoffs and waves an exasperated hand. “Eddie found it and oh so graciously offered it to me and told me if I didn’t take it that I didn’t love Robin anymore.”
Steve sputters a laugh and shakes his head. Lucas comes back over and Nancy hurriedly hides her bag behind the back of the log she’s sitting on. 
“What’s so funny?” Lucas asks. 
“Nothing,” The two say. 
Lucas frowns. “I hate when you guys do that.”
“Do what?” Nancy asks. 
“Make jokes that you won’t tell us. We’re all adults here.”
“That is simply not true,” Steve says.
“Okay maybe not Erica but I’m nearly 18! What’s the goddamn joke?” Lucas whines. 
“It’s personal,” Nancy says sternly through gritted teeth.
Lucas looks at Steve and tilts his head. “Well?”
Steve deliberates for a moment while Nancy shoots daggers at him. Eventually, he shakes his head and says, “Yeah, we’re not having that talk today. Maybe some other time, sport.”
Lucas groans and gestures behind him. “Fire’s ready. You can take your little jokes over there.”
Nancy slaps his thigh as she stands and Steve ruffles his afro. Lucas shoves them both away and grumpily takes a seat on the log they were on. Nancy and Steve snicker to themselves but don’t bring up the box for the rest of the night.
Nancy tries to think of a way to get rid of it. But can't help also thinking about that unscented soap...
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aritamargarita · 8 months
Who do you think each versions of Y/n would love to team up with the most?
OK OK OK I HAD TO THINK ABOUT THIS QUESTION here’s who she’d like and why
golden: bret (itd be cool if he took her to the dungeon to train a bit and she could put her skills to the test), CHYNA (THIS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF?), jacqueline (I have plans that I cannot share because the haters will sabotage me.)
attitude: trish (women’s champion and someone who WANTS that title? MAGNIFIQUE!!!), eddie guererro (LOWRIDER & CHEATING??? HELLOOOO).
solitude: sasha (if they actually worked together they’d be such a kickass team), rhea (in a way she’s like a guard dog, think liv4brutality but BETTER??)
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im-still-a-robot · 9 months
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19 year old really pulling off the middle aged alcoholic clinical depression
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kwebtv · 9 months
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In The Beginning - NBC - November 12-13, 2000
Biblical Drama (2 episodes)
Running Time: 189 minutes total
Martin Landau as Abraham
Jacqueline Bisset as Sarah
Billy Campbell as Moses
Eddie Cibrian as Joseph
Fred Weller as Jacob
Alan Bates as Jethro
Steven Berkoff as Potiphar
Geraldine Chaplin as Jochebed
Amanda Donohoe as Zuleika
Christopher Lee as Ramesses I
Art Malik as Ramesses II
Rachael Stirling as Young Rebeccah
Diana Rigg as Mature Rebeccah
Victor Spinetti as Happatezoah
David Threlfall as Aaron
David Warner as Eliezer
Terri Seymour as Eve
Sendhil Ramamurthy as Adam
Sean Pertwee as Isaac
Andrew Grainger as Esau
Jonathan Firth as Joshua
Danny Webb as Laban
Frank Finlay as God's voice (uncredited)
Archie Panjabi as Basya
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ems-self-ships-galore · 9 months
The World as We Know Chapter One - Awakening
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How long had it been since the house was full of life?
How long were they all waiting?
How long?
Seeing that once beautiful house, all overgrown with foliage like nature had decided to retake it, made them all sad. Worried even, for their lovers, their friends, their pets, and their family were all in there last they checked, before they left them behind.
Emma, for Nicholas and Eddie.
Cordelia, for Pierre, Olga, and Alexei.
Luna, for Ren, Hisoka, Rui, Akari, and Shiragiku.
Maryse, for Stephen.
Cora, for Calvin.
Samara, for Miles, Phoenix, Maya, Pearl, and Trucy.
Jacqueline, for Franziska and Apollo.
Mary, for Nick, Deacon, Piper, and Cait.
Elizabeth, for Arthur, Javier, Charles, and Sadie.
Louise, for Jonathan.
Selene, for Jackson.
Sidonie, for Raoul and Erik.
Imogen, for Brahms.
Moira, for Vilkas.
Ameia, for Serana and Brynjolf.
Hannah, for Leon, Luis, and Ada.
Rosetta, for Helena.
Christina, for Joshua.
The Docent, for The Curator.
Jerusha, for Simon.
Josephine, for John.
Leah, for Abraham and Mary.
Lillian, for Andrew and Daniel.
Lisbeth, for Abed and Troy.
Natalia, for GraveRobber and Shilo.
Athena, for Janni and Allan.
Evie, for Dan and Laurie.
Emestria, for Claire.
Alessia, for Gomez and Morticia.
Keira, for the Dust Witch.
Norah, for Egon.
Kathleen, for Booker and Elizabeth.
Copia, for Adam, Heather, the Guardians, and the Ravagers.
Heather, for Fox and Dana.
Celazith, for Geralt, Jaskier, Yennefer, and Cirilla.
Edith, for Eva and Neil.
Dorothy, For Inara.
Claire, for Alex.
Lady Vermillion, for The Suspects (save for Mr. Green) and Wadsworth.
Elora, for Bigby.
Ariadne, for Matt, Rosalind, Julia, Howard, and Michael.
Lydia, for Sebastian, Joseph, and Juli.
Lilly, for Miles.
Claudia, for Olive, Barbara, and Adam.
Delilah, for Jareth.
Courier Anna, for Red Lucy.
Queen Gwendolen, for Page and Ben.
Crystal, for Dale.
Eliane, for Alfred, Maria Robin, Aya, and Mathilda.
Caroline, for Austin and Scott.
Savannah, for Hawkeye and Klinger.
Ida, for Ten.
Richardis, for Spencer.
Lula, for Barbie and Ken.
Helen, for Q and Geordi.
Felicity, for Seven, Harry, and Tom.
Ruth, for Shannon and Junebug.
They all were referred to as the ones who left, yet they all stood in front of the house where they all once were a long time ago. It all felt odd, yet so relieving to be back. Deciding that the daylight was dimming and it would not be safe to stay out so late at night, only to be greeted with the once great and beautiful interior of the beloved house. Dust, cobwebs, and dilapidated furniture all lined every nook and cranny of the main hall; without a doubt the rest of the place as a whole was going to be in the same condition, if not much worse than here.
"We've been gone for so long?" Louise wondered as she glanced around the once grand place; she was glad to be back, but was more or less concerned with finding Jonathan. "It appears so, I wonder why none of our prospective lovers or our family greeted us?" Jacqueline stated. "Well I'm tired of waiting, I'm off to find Sebastian, Joseph, and Juli." Lydia stated as she went in a different direction, towards the specialty wing to be precise. "Lydia, wait! You don't know what could be lurking over there!" Ariadne called out to her, she was even going to follow her had Hannah not stopped her. "Relax, Dr. Camden- I am sure that Lydia knows what she is doing,"
"Ariadne does have a point though, there could be some unsavory shit lurking in the dark." Luna stated, picking up a bullwhip off the floor. "Wait a second- that's Franziska's whip," Jacqueline pointed out as she went over to Luna and took the bullwhip from her hands. "It's not like her to just leave her most prized possession here," She added. "You don't think something bad could've happened to Franziska, Miles, Phoenix, Pearl, and Trucy?" Samara wondered. "I hope not," Jacqueline stated. Just now, the group heard Lydia's call of anguish coming from somewhere in the specialty wing.
"Everyone else stay here! Celazith, Copia, and Kathleen- come with me," Hannah ordered as she, Celazith, Copia, and Kathleen rushed into the darkened specialty wing. "Lydia! Where the hell are you?" Copia called out first when she and Kathleen failed at looking into the other rooms, hoping to find Lydia alive. "In here! Come quick, please!" Lydia called out, Celazith managed to find Lydia first in the laboratory thanks to her using an illumination spell that Yennefer had taught her at some point. On the floor was Lydia, kneeling next to an unconscious yet hopefully not deceased Joseph Oda.
"I tried getting him to wake up but he can't! He just won't budge for me.." Lydia explained through tears pouring down her cheeks. Hannah rushed over after finding Copia, Celazith and Kathleen huddled around Lydia, checking Joseph's pulse. "He's got a pulse at least and I don't see any other injury he may have; I hate to say this Lydia, but Joseph is comatose." Hannah proclaimed. "What? No, this cannot be." Lydia began to doubt Hannah's statement, but one look on the Southern Huntress' face told Lydia that she was telling the truth; how Joseph became comatose to begin with was unknown, as he had no prior medical issues that would've caused this, and Lydia knew it well.
"If Joseph is laying still as a rock then that must mean-" Kathleen stated, coming to the harrowing realization that Booker and Elizabeth also must've been put under the same spell, the same thing applied to Celazith, Copia, and Hannah. "That must mean everyone else, not just the lovers but family and friends as well, are all asleep." Celazith added. The five rushed back to the group in the main hall who were still anxiously waiting for their return. "What happened? Did something happen to Lydia?" Emma asked. "Not quite, she found Joseph comatose in the lab." Hannah stated.
"But that is so strange, he didn't have any major health issues that would've caused that to happen- hell none of our lovers, friends, and our family did to begin with!" Elora pointed out. "Isn't your fiancé deathly allergic to silver?" Copia wondered. "Yes, but silver doesn't make Bigby comatose- it puts him in a morgue," Elora said. "Do you think some type of sleeping gas was released while we were gone?" Ariadne wondered. "That was my first thought, but no caliber of Nightcaller Temple's miasma is present here. Not even a trace," Moira pointed out. "Well that's just great, does anyone have any idea to fix this?" Claire asked, rather irritated at this point. "I could try, but I would need to do some research on this situation." Ariadne stated. "And how long would that take you, Ariadne?" Alessia asked. "Not too long, I would just need to apply what I already know to some newly acquired knowledge." Ariadne stated, right as she began her trek to the library. "Wait-! Let me come with, I think I know what we need to do!" Edith stated as she followed Ariadne.
In the darkened library where Edith and Ariadne walked, scouring the dusty shelves filled to the brim with tomes on every subject possible; separated by classification, Ariadne managed to find a book on the shelf named, To The Moon and Finding Paradise; flipping through it, Ariadne came across the peculiar method of memory traversal, so she decided to seek Edith out about it. "Edith, what do you know about this memory traversal?" Ariadne asked, walking up to her. "It was something that came with the job when I took up position at Sigmund Agency of Life- when I started working with Neil and Eva, memory traversal or memory alteration if you will- it's only used on people who are in their last stages of living, i.e. the elderly who are close to dying," Edith explained.
"Do you think it could be used on the comatose people in question?" Ariadne wondered. "It can be, in fact Neil has a machine that is for his own usage." Edith pointed out. "Perfect! All we need to do is get back to the others, tell them about our findings and seek out the comatose." Ariadne stated, a hint of glee on her face. "That is going to be a tedious task, for all I know all of our lovers, family, and friends are scattered about this place." Edith pointed out. "Then we'll all seek our lovers first, if we happen to come across any of our friends and family then that'll give us a jumping point at least." Ariadne stated, Edith seemed to agree with this, as this method was something that she was well acquainted with. "Give me a few to find Neil's machine, then we'll pick someone from the group to go first and then so on and so on." Edith suggested, just as she left Ariadne alone in the library. Taking a few seconds to look for another source book, Ariadne managed to find the source where she, Matt, and their own children came from; aptly named, 7th Heaven.
Ariadne was starting to get a little emotional as she read the text dating from 1996 to approximately the late aughts-early 2010s; 1996, was when she met Matt; she was rather shy seventeen year old at the time who had moved with her parents to Glen Oak from San Francisco because the latter did not provide ample quiet for the Phillips Family. Then leaving Glen Oak behind due to taking an apprenticeship. Meeting Matt again at Columbia University. Graduating and moving into an apartment with him. Then finally, getting married, moving into a nice house, and popping out four kids. Ariadne could hardly believe that this simple life that she and Matt led had to be interrupted by all of this, so much that Ariadne had to put the book down simply because she couldn't take anymore emotional pain.
That was until Edith walked back in, carrying the memory traversal machine in her hands. "Lisbeth managed to get the power to this entire house back on," She said, as she walked back out to the main hall with Ariadne following behind. "I also managed to turn on the main radar system, so we can locate everyone." Emestria announced. "That's delightful, alright who's going first?" Evie asked as everyone loudly talked amongst each other, only to be shut up by Kathleen firing her pistol at the ceiling. "Little harsh, Kathleen." Heather sarcastically stated. "Well excuse me, Ms. Watson- but I couldn't exactly hear over everyone's loudness," Kathleen retorted. "Let's not argue here, in fact the best thing we should do is draw lots to see who goes first." Ameia suggested, something everyone seemed to be on par with at most. "Ameia is right, but- how should we do that?" Sidonie wondered, everyone became lost onto how this drawing lots thing should work, until Norah suggested this, "Whoever blurts out their significant word to break the silence goes first."
"Sounds chaotic and rather confusing, but reasonable at best." Savannah stated as everyone went silent. That was, until the silence was broken by,
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Timeline without dates of the Badun Detective Agency:
Trigger warnings: Child abuse and death, suicide, gore, and murder.
The isle of the lost is made.
A year later James Badun is born.
A year after that Harleen and Hendrick Badun are born. That same year Harleen disappears after Cruella takes her out of her crib.
A year after that Joseph is born quickly followed by Jacqueline a year later.
3 years later she is followed by the twins (Mabel and Harold/Harry Badun), Jason/Jace Badun, and Carlos De Vil.
A year later Hunter and Ivy are revived and sent to the isle of the lost.
Exactly a year later Joseph is locked in Cruella's fur closet and bleeds out.
Henry Badun drowns suspiciously two years later in a bathtub after his father accidentally dyes Cruella's fur coat pink.
3 years later James is pushed down the stairs after defending Hunter from Cruella and died. That same year Jacqueline slaps Cruella and is never seen again, and Mabel tells Cruella not to be so Cruella-- and is found dead by her twin the next morning in their shared room.
The same day Mabel is found dead, 7 year old Harry and Jace move out. Moving around and finding places to sleep while occasionally using Carlos' treehouse as a base.
Less than a month later they form the Badun Detective Agency, almost immediately being joined by a 5 year old Reza and a 7 year old Yzla.
2 years later, 7 year old Hermie joins their agency in denial that her father's death was a suicide.
A year later, a 9 year old Eddie joins their agency.
A few years later after a 15 year old Carlos leaves for Auradon, he leaves his treehouse to the Badun Detective Agency. (Yzla, Harry, and Jace are also 15 at the time. Eddie and Reza are 13. And Hermie is 12).
It is around that same year that little 8 year old, Hadie, starts following them around. Insisting that he too wants to be an agent. They tell him no because he's too little. He is not pleased.
I'm just. Gonna post that.
Unfortunately, I have nothing to add, but it's very interesting! ♥️
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