#i.  willas marbrand  —  with doran martell.
wnterreign · 1 year
with  doran  martell     /     @crwngolds​
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       when  the  door  opened,  there  was  a  list  of  people  that  willas  assumed  would  be  the  one  entering.  a  member  of  the  dornish  council,  let  along  the  hand,  was  not  on  it.  he  sat  up  straighter,  set  aside  the  documents  he’d  currently  been  studying,  and  directed  his  full  attention  to  the  prince.        ❝  prince  doran.  ❞        he  stood  so  he  could  give  a  small  bow.  as  nice  as  it  would  be  to  believe  that  good  news  brought  the  martell  to  the  marbrand’s  study,  willas  prepared  himself  for  anything  that  doran  might  say.        ❝  please,  have  a  seat.  i  assume  you  are  not  here  for  small  talk.  ❞
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notenoughmuses · 5 years
King Viserys Targaryen third of his name and Queen Arya Stark first of her name’s small council:
The Hand of the King:  Davos Seaworth
The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard:  Jamie Lannister (despite having killed his father Viserys wants a man who is willing to do what must be done)
Notable KG: Brynden Tully, Brienne Tarth, Obara Sand, Gendry Waters, Balon Swann, Strong Belwas, Addam Marbrand
The master of coin: Tyrion Lannister or Tycho Nestoris
The master of laws:  Willas Tyrell
\The master of whisperers: Varys (I mean honestly Bran would be amazing but i feel like having the 3 eyed raven is cheating a bit) or Doran Martell/his representative
The master of ships: Victarion Greyjoy
Grand Maester: Maester Marwyn
Warden of the North: Lady Sansa Stark & Brandon/Rickon Stark
Warden of the South: Lord Mace Tyrell (followed by Garlen Tyrell)
Warden of the East: Lord Robbyn Arryn (followed by Harold Hardying)
Warden of the West: Tyrion Lannister
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