#i.  willas marbrand  —  thread.
crimsonsbled · 4 months
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"  i  cant  say  i  didn't  enjoy  the  whole  wedding  fiasco  ,  "  lady  marbrand  hummed  as  she  swirled  the  contents  of  her  goblet  .  "  leaving  the  queen's  side  was  the  best  thing  that  happened  to  your  father  ,  willas  .  "  just  as  she  once  did  .  a  distant  memory  ,  pushed  into  the  depths  of  her  mind  .  for  she  ,  too  ,  was  once  friends  with  the  dragon  queen  some  distant  memory  ago  .  she  was  no  dragon  ,  leona  thought  .  a  viper  maybe  but  not  the  dragon  she  boasts  herself  to  be  .   "  imagine  the  headache  he'd  have  to  endure  after  all  this  .  my  poor  brother  .  "
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃    𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑    :   willas  rowan  (  @romanceur )
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  calla  tarth     /     @ruinovs​​​​​​​​​
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        the  tarth  apartments  had  been  one  of his first stops after his own rooms once his grace had been pacified with what little information willas could provide. this was not the targaryen’s domain; there was little he could do except keep aedar at ease so he didn’t cause further trouble. willas set those worries aside as he stepped into the room.        ❝  how is your family? your brother wasn’t badly wounded, was he?  ❞        genuine concern was written across his face. a break in the marbrand’s normal stern visage.
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wnterreign · 1 year
open starter / @reignrbs where: the markets. status: accepting replies.
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        ❝  once  again,  i  don't  know  anymore than you do, my liege. ❞ a fact that frustrated him immensely but also didn't surprise him. the king, for that seemed the only reasonable assumption as to who was behind this otherwise there'd only be guards who bore the tyrell sigil stationed around them, had a habit of acting without so much as informing his council. and now when something was going on, willas was left trapped outside the castle, unable to do his duty to the realm or at least try to advise the king.
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wnterreign · 1 year
with  doran  martell     /     @crwngolds​
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       when  the  door  opened,  there  was  a  list  of  people  that  willas  assumed  would  be  the  one  entering.  a  member  of  the  dornish  council,  let  along  the  hand,  was  not  on  it.  he  sat  up  straighter,  set  aside  the  documents  he’d  currently  been  studying,  and  directed  his  full  attention  to  the  prince.        ❝  prince  doran.  ❞        he  stood  so  he  could  give  a  small  bow.  as  nice  as  it  would  be  to  believe  that  good  news  brought  the  martell  to  the  marbrand’s  study,  willas  prepared  himself  for  anything  that  doran  might  say.        ❝  please,  have  a  seat.  i  assume  you  are  not  here  for  small  talk.  ❞
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  rhaegar  targaryen     /     @fallencrxwns​​​​​​​​​
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        willas  misliked  feeling  helpless.  investigating  the  attacks in king’s landing had been his single lifeline following his cousin’s death and while no such tragedy had impacted him this time, he felt uneasy simply sitting around and waiting - for answers or the next attack he wasn’t sure. the summons from the targaryen prince had therefore been welcomed. perhaps there was some assistance he could provide, working alongside the dornish council or helping the targaryens in their own investigation for he doubted they would be sitting idly by.        ❝  your grace. you wished to see me.  ❞        he bowed in greeting.
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  brynna  marbrand     /     @ruinovs​​​​​​​​
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        ❝  i’m  glad  to  see  you  escaped  unharmed.  ❞        blood might be the only thing that tied them together, a true sibling relationship lost long ago, but willas possessed no wish for harm to befall them. even if seeking brynn out hadn’t been his first instinct when the fire had sparked; then again, he hadn’t expected that ensuring his betrothed had gotten out safely to apparently be his first priority even before checking on his cousins, and then aedar had requested his presence, keeping him from the marbrand apartments until now.
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  calla  tarth    /   @ruinovs​​​
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        ❝  you  won’t  need  to  drag  me  out of hiding as often here.  ❞        the weather was warmer than king’s landing, but he greatly preferred it to the cold they’d been forced to endure in winterfell. that didn’t mean, however, that he wouldn’t gravitate toward the seclusion of the library here if given the chance. but it would be easier to spend more time partaking in the festivities.        ❝  how have you been, calla? i heard you traveled to lys.  ❞
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  valeria  bolton    /   @silverflcmes​
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        a  tense,  feigned  smile  appeared  when  he spotted the lady bolton. over half a year had passed but still willas could not look at or think about any who bore the name bolton without thinking of his cousin’s death. the law didn’t demand the punishment of those uninvolved even if they shared blood with the culprit, and if the investigation proved that the late maester had worked along then his mind would accept it, but emotion struggled accepting logic. it was why he tried not dwelling upon it too often.        ❝  lady bolton.  ❞        he nodded in greeting.        ❝  i hope your travel was uneventful despite it’s length.  ❞
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wnterreign · 1 year
with brandon reed / @qcyqoyi where: near the jousting arena.
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        ❝  i've  never  understood  the  appeal.  ❞   gaze  remained directed at the arena, watching as people flocked to the stands in order to watch the day's jousting. an appearance was necessary, but willas would delay it however long possible.   ❝ then again, i've never had a death wish like some of those competing seem to. ❞   a fair amount had tragically fallen during the tournament at winterfell; willas would be surprised if the stranger wasn't waiting in the wings here. no, there were far better hobbies than this.
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  lucerys  targaryen     /     @stxrfclls​​​​​​​​​​​
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        ❝  confined  yet  again.  ❞        if  it  wasn’t  due to another attack it’d almost be humorous how every time the nobility of the realm gathered together it ended in something delaying their departure. for all his complaints about the blizzard that had kept them in the north, at least no one had died due to it. willas felt like this time it was a replay of king’s landing; the only difference being that the martells appeared far more capable at finding the culprit without jumping to conclusions unlike aedar. he could only hope.
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  lucerys  targaryen     /     @stxrfclls​
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        the  marbrand’s  brow  was  furrowed,  his  head tilted to the side, as he studied his friend. something was off. normally the prince was a mirror of willas’ own displeasure at these events; it was one of the multiple traits that had brought them together over the years, but this evening the mirror was cracked. willas prided himself on his intellect, finding answers that evaded others, but tonight it faltered.        ❝  you . . . look far too happy. who are you?  ❞
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  celia  blackwood     /     @feuillemorts​
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        he’d  thought  he  disliked  these  events  before but now there was an added element to them that made his distaste grow exponentially. during a normal day willas could avoid his intended with ease and no one would notice. here, they were expected to be seen together. it was the only reason the lady celia was currently on his arm as they spoke to a group of nobles. he smiled politely, for no matter how aggravating celia was he wouldn’t let her ruin his reputation in public, as he made excuses for them to leave the conversation, but once they were a suitable distance away, he leaned closer to her.        ❝  you could at least pretend like you aren’t being led to the executioner’s blade,  ❞        he quietly snapped. if he could fake a smile when she wouldn’t cease her prattling then she could try playing along.
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  lucerys  targaryen    /   @stxrfclls​
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        another  long  journey  for  yet  another  celebration, but at least this time they’d been called someplace warm. had the north demanded their presence yet again then willas might have been forced to take a note from king aedar’s book and refuse to attend - what a horrid day that would’ve been.        ❝  where do you think they’ll make us travel next? somewhere in essos, perhaps?  ❞        gods, willas hoped not. he wasn’t made for the constant changes in scenery, and the prospect of spending weeks aboard a ship couldn’t be less appealing. 
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  loras  lannister    /   @chvxlrys​​
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        tea  and  a  tray  of  fruit  and cheese were laid out on the table. willas had even set his book down so he could give his full attention to loras.        ❝  i’m quite cross with you, my friend.  ❞        lips were pressed into a thin line, and his eyes were even narrowed slightly. he took a sip of tea before continuing,        ❝  you’ve unintentionally stolen all the freedom for yourself whilst i remain trapped in my betrothal.  ❞         only then did the hint of a smile appear, showing that his words were spoken only in jest. he hoped they’d brighten the lannister’s mood if only a little for he suspected that his friend likely wasn’t pleased with another betrothal falling through.
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  lucerys  targaryen    /   @stxrfclls​​
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        with  two  glasses  of  wine  in  his hand, he wove through the crowd. the only blessing on the night was that he’d been able to successfully his betrothed or her family since stepping foot into the great hall. hopefully that would continue. hopefully by busying himself with other, far more pleasant company he would have an excuse to avoid her.        ❝  you look like you’re in need of a drink,  ❞       he said in lieu of a greeting to the prince, holding out one of the goblets.
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  adaline  beesbury    /    @rebelsxster​ where:   a courtyard in winterfell.
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        they  hadn’t  seen  each  other  since  leaving the crag separately, he to king’s landing and she to her home. their time together then had been pleasant enough, but willas was no fool and doubted the lack of arguments between them would extend here. it often felt he could merely breathe, and she’d take issue with it. it was hardly surprising, only the gods knew what she’d been told about him prior to their first meeting, which in itself had gone poorly. however, they had a duty. willas hoped in public they could be civil for he couldn’t avoid her the entire time they were in winterfell. carrying the initial olive branch, he approached and held out his hand.        ❝  lady adaline. would you like to join me in exploring the markets?  ❞
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