#i've seen literally grandmas on here who were active in the fandom during the original zine days
I love this trope I've noticed in AOS k/s fic where the author will put in one or two lines to mention Uhura and Spock having, usually at some unspecified point in the past, broken up amicably.
And it's always either just a vague "amicable breakup" or, if it is clarified why, it's like. They realized they were looking for different things out of a relationship, or they weren't as compatible as they originally thought, or Spock realized he was gay. Some super normal mundane reason to end a relationship, nothing dramatic. And then it's usually clarified or implied that they stayed really good friends after.
It's so refreshing because I very clearly remember the fandom days of irrationally hating and bashing on the female character who "got in the way" of your gay ship.
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