#i've changed her voiceclaim like
xpao-bearx · 9 months
This is dedicated to the absolutely beautiful hooman bean @basketobread 💕 They are truly one of the best people I've EVER met and has such a kind, wonderful heart!!! Furthermore, all of their artworks are literal ✨️MASTERPIECES✨️ They and their works are a constant source of joy for me and I just got inspired to write this very short, very simple fic of my BG3 Tav and their much beloved character Lunara meeting 🥰 It's not much, but I hope y'all like it and I hope even more that I did Lunara's amazing character justice! This is also my first time writing my Tav in a story format so it's great practice and an opportunity to flesh her out more before I post my fic of her and Astarion :)
More about my Tav here + this is the song she's singing in this story (and fun fact: I headcanon the singer to be my Tav's voiceclaim!) ❤️
Fic is under the cut and thanks sooo much for reading!! \(^o^)/
Darkness consumed the drow cleric's entire visage. A darkness that reminded her of her past in the Underdark; a waking nightmare she miraculously escaped, forging a path of her own, under the light and guidance of her Lady of Silver.
But this time, she feared that this smothering darkness would be...permanent. She could feel herself blinking, yet only blackest black and the stinging prick of her tears greeted her. She felt the ground beneath her and she doesn't think she broke any bones--or so she hopes--but she couldn't move. There was a looming heaviness in her chest and ice gripping at her heart.
Is she...dying? Eyes fluttering shut, she's resigned to her paralysis, but has not given up hope.
Because fuck that, she's most definitely not a quitter.
"M-My Lady of S-Silver..." She murmured, weak in physique but ever strong in her faith. "P-Please watch o-over me, h-help me overcome..."
She hasn't the faintest clue how long she stayed like that, strengthening herself in prayer, though eventually her ears perked up at the sound of...footsteps?
Something--or, rather, someone--sat next to her. She heard some shuffling then the soft strum of a lyre being played and a beautiful, soothing voice reverberating in her head.
"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine"
As the mystery songstress continued, she could feel power coursing through her veins, slowly but surely. She blinked once more and faint spots of light danced amidst the shadows.
"Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine"
She felt her fingers twitching, toes wiggling; and, like a flower blossoming, she rose. She let out a sharp gasp as she sat up, chest still heavy but not as excruciating as it was before.
She's alive.
She blinked rapidly, perfect vision returning. She had hardly a moment to gather her bearings when someone's voice rang excitedly.
"Holy hells! I'm so glad you weren't, like, completely dead! Good thing I saw you just in time!"
Her gaze landed on the young woman before her. A half-drow with a smile as bright as the sun and mismatched eyes (one, she noticed, being a rather unusual blood red with a prominent scar across it). She was pretty--ahem, very pretty, might she add--but looked worse for wear. Something she was sure she looked, too.
Before either of them could say anything else, a migraine hit them both like a spiked club. They both cradled their heads in their hands, fragments of a hellish nautiloid swirling in their minds, waiting for the pain to pass and their eyes meeting in recognition.
When it finally did, the stranger piped up once more.
"Oh, wow, we're parasite pals!"
Despite the situation of it all, she laughed. A welcoming warmth radiated from the strange stranger, enveloping her and easing the tension of all of today's utter bullshit. From being kidnapped by godsdamned Mind Flayers to being infected by a disgusting parasite, she laughed and felt comforted that, at the very least, she was not alone.
"Indeed we are!" She grinned before holding her hand out. "Thank you so, so much for saving me! My name is Lunara and you are..?"
The stranger beamed, shaking Lunara's hand and her other hand making a theatrical waving gesture. "Mon'sun, at your service, fair maiden! Perhaps you've heard of me, perhaps not. The tale of my titillating life is still being written, you see~"
'Ehe. TIT-illating.' Lunara thought to herself, letting out a small chuckle before clearing her throat. She was a toootally mature adult, after all.
"Well, Mon'sun, Selûne's blessings upon you!" Lunara did a half bow, mimicking Mon'sun's theatrics which Mon'sun definitely approved of. "Besides your incredibly kind and gracious act of saving me, I'm positive my Lady of Silver led you here for a reason. What say you we band together and find a cure for this parasite?"
"Oho, asking to team up so fast? I would say take me out to dinner first, but I'm pretty easy sooo..." She joked, making a show of thinking before gasping dramatically, pretending to cry tears of joy. "Yes! A thousand times yes!"
Lunara just as dramatically placed a hand over her heart, sniffling. "Thank you! I promise to make you a happy woman!"
As they both stood up chattering and laughing away, preparing for the thrill of adventure ahead, Lunara noticed she was missing her coin pouch.
"Have you seen my coin pouch? I could've sworn I had it tied tightly around my waist, so there's no way it could've fallen off after the nautiloid crash." Lunara questioned as her purple eyes darted around their surroundings, ash and smoke rising from all the debris.
"Perhaps it burned away from the flames of the crash." Mon'sun replied smoothly, helping Lunara seek for her humble riches.
(Pssst, Mon'sun is lying and has Lunara's pouch in her pack, but she rolled a Nat 20 on ✨️deception✨️ sooo...)
"Well, nevermind then!" Lunara shrugged, smiling. "I'm sure our Lady of Silver will grant us great blessings for our journey. In fact, she has already bestowed upon me a most wonderful blessing in the form of a kind, trustworthy new friend!"
Narrator: *As the two drow kin embark on their perilous quest to free themselves of their parasites, a haunting voice echoes deep within the recesses of Mon'sun's mind; her own parasite. One of a different, godly breed taunting her--tormenting her.*
"Do you wish to find comfort in the presence of another inferior god, spiderling?" Lolth cackled, cruel music flooding Mon'sun's ears, vicious mockery only she can hear. "Such foolishness will only bring about disappointment...much like your new companion. But I am here, spiderling. Always watching. It is only a matter of TIME for you to bathe in her blood."
Mon'sun abruptly stopped in her tracks, shutting her eyes tight, nails digging into the palms of her hands that nearly drew blood as she willed the spider goddess to not so kindly fuck off. She was used to this by now, the lure of Lolth's appalling temptations always merciless, sickening, and...gratifying.
But no. She will never ever give in. Absolutely fucking NOT!
"Are you alright, Mon'sun?"
Mon'sun's eyes snapped open, sweat beading down her temple and wide, frantic eyes landing on Lunara, a few feet in front of her staring at her in concern.
"...I forgot!" A beat too late, a beat too nervous. But thankfully, Lunara didn't seem to notice it, only watching in curiousity as Mon'sun rummaged through her pack that was literally ripping off the seams.
Mon'sun then procured a small purple pouch, smiling sheepishly as she handed it to Lunara.
"Apologies, friend. I stole picked this up earlier and just remembered it now. This must be yours, yes?"
Lunara caught Mon'sun completely off guard when she launched herself at the other girl, wrapping her arms around Mon'sun.
"Oh, our Lady of Silver truly blesses me! Thank you, friend, your kindness knows no bounds!" Lunara giggled.
Mon'sun was still for a few moments before returning the embrace, laying her head against Lunara's chest. Her bardic ear listened close, the faint thrum of Lunara's heartbeat--as lovely as its owner--lulling her to a wonderful sense of security.
No matter how temporary.
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ecliipxe · 3 months
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﹟001 — OOC .ᐟ
➷ ﹒﹒﹒side blog ran by @jvpiterzs﹐kinda beginner roleplayer [i've never rp'd on tumblr b4 so that's new]﹐semi-literate but flexible﹐please don't copy my oc as i've worked hard to create her﹐willing to join any rp groups!﹒ᶻz
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﹟002 — OC .ᐟ
ᯓ basic
— name﹔cassiopeia ivory dawson — nicknames﹔ cassie, cas, kay, kaykay, vee, ivy, ory/ori, vivi, etc. — age / dob﹔5teen [can change if necessary], january 23rd — gender, pronouns﹔female, she/her — sexuality﹔bisexual — hometown / birthplace﹔london, england — residence﹔new jersey, usa / camp half-blood — ethnicity / nationality / race﹔british and french — languages﹔english, spanish, french, latin, greek — occupation﹔camper of camp half-blood
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ᯓ life
— family﹔  ⸝⸝ jason dawson - dad  ⸝⸝ eleanor dawson - step-mum  ⸝⸝ nyx - godly parent / mum  ⸝⸝ colton dawson - twin brother  ⸝⸝ maximus dawson - younger brother — friends﹔  ⸝⸝ no one currently — s/o﹔none
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ᯓ demigod life
— godly parent﹔nyx / nox, goddess of the night [cabin 30] — abilities﹔darkness manipulation/umbrakinesis, shadow travel, night vision, shadow camouflage — magical weapon﹔"vesperus astrum" or "the evening star," a silver ring — kind of like a fiddle ring that spins, the inside etched with the cassiopeia constellation [hence the name]. has a star on it and when pressed turns it into a dagger. — years at camp﹔new at camp!
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ᯓ appearance
— height﹔5'5 feet / 165 cm — weight﹔104 lb — hair﹔black, long, wavy — eyes﹔hawk-like blue-gray eyes — piercings﹔ear piercing — style / clothing / accessories﹔doesn't rlly have one / mix || acubi y2k, grunge, a lot yk || usually wears silver rings coz it helps w her habit of fiddling, hair is usually in a ponytail, likes mainly baggy clothes [hoodies and stuff like that coz she gets cold easily] [hands are like ALWAYS cold] — faceclaim﹔victoria bronova — voiceclaim﹔lila moss
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ᯓ ratings﹠ about
— intelligence﹔5/5 — stamina﹔4/5 — strength﹔3/5 — speed﹔4/5 — confidence﹔3/5 — kindness﹔5/5 — good traits﹔intelligent, caring, generous, loyal, cautious — neutral traits﹔quiet, sarcastic, honest, stubborn — bad traits﹔people pleaser — habits﹔fiddling, zoning out — likes﹔music, training, walking, reading, baking, etc. — dislikes﹔when people disrespect family or friends, someone sacrificing themselves for her, etc.
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ᯓ skills
— skills﹔can use daggers/knives/sword, can box and do muay thai — weaknesses / flaws﹔avoidant attachment, anxious attachment — strengths﹔the night, darkness, shadows — alignment [good/bad/neutral]﹔good — strategies﹔tbd . . . — specialties﹔best with daggers/knives or just her weapon in general — extra﹔calculates all her moves very carefully
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ᯓ backstory
tbd . . .
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ᯓ extra
 ⸝⸝ legacy of poseidon and athena  ⸝⸝
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hi, hello, you mentioned you have ocs and i would like to learn abt them if thats ok, could i get some fun facts abt them?
Y'know, I was planning to make a list of OCs anyway so this is a good excuse to do that
Gonna giving their names and fandoms with a couple of facts under cut (i feel like this might get long Very quick)
(Mid-edit Apple: minor Canto VI spoilers, nothing really story-related but I do use terms mentioned in 6.3 in passing; better safe than sorry tho)
Tamami Mochizuki (Persona Series)
As her last name implies, she's related to Nyx
She's my watsonian/in-universe explanation to where the rest of the arcana shadows are
Her persona variant is Akhlys; heavily based off Riordan's interpretation of her, meaning she can control poison
Her appearances changes a lot more than her brother's since the collective idea of suffering/misery changes over the ages while death stays stagnant (I've been considering making her look gyaru since that seems to be associated with japanese mean girl tropes)
Ena Kutsuki (Persona Series)
Initially, her name was Era, but I changed it somewhere down the line (did you know that the name 'Ena' has japanese origins too?)
Demigod of order; got a certain cup's magic handed to her after Striker's AI takeover attempt
Her bones are fucked up because of said magic (her spine can literally burst out of her back and turn into extra arms doc ock style)
She is being rizzed up by the goddess of misery and neither are aware they're in the slowburn plot and mutually believe they are friends (both of their friend groups can see how lovesick they are)
Cai An-Yue (ProjMoon; Lobcorp)
She's named after me! (My chinese name is Cai An Yu)
She has stolen her world's Library and made it her own
I'm considering classifying her as some flavor of Erlking because she's been fucking around the timelines and superimposing herself on various people and/or corpses
Transfem, any pronouns; ENA Dream BBQ is her voiceclaim (both voices)
Unit O-1 // Cordelle (Smash Bros/Kirby)
Their favorite attack is F-smash; their second favorite is Side-B (hammer flip)
They have a weird relationship with their creator (Octave), since they were initially made as a murder protocol and ended up accidentally developing a personality along the way; by the time the incident cleared out their creator went "wait, shit, I didn't expect that to happen I'm not ready to be a mom–"
They're on good terms for the situation they're in though
Their original name was Ocean before i changed it to Cordelle (Ocean started to sound less like a word the more i said it)
Whaleship Essex (Azur Lane)
Heavily inspired by Ishmael from Limbus Company
Very post-adventures 2!Shadow the Hedgehog coded
Feral; very prone to biting people regardless of whether they're friend or foe
(I'll be adding more on another post since someone else asked about her specifically and I'm still figuring out what to say about her)
Galatea "Gamma" Soliel (Miraculous/Genesis)
Ladybug holder; she's in a different timeline where the Miraculous have landed outside of Paris
All of her teammates are idiots and she only Vaguely tolerates the Black Cat because she Knows he's in a perpetual state of "Nagito Komaeda in his bad luck cycle"
Has shanked the Butterfly once; the Butterfly keeps trying to do homoerotic swordfights with her (they're similar in age)
May or may not be inspired by Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3, I can't tell you because if she was then it was likely subconscious
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abelladxnna · 1 year
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some character info changes, both important and trivial:
+ Kita's birth name has been changed to "Katarina Belasco." The surname is derived from the Basque word "bela" which means "crow," which I thought fit Kita's father's motif.
+ Kita's previous codename during her assassin days has been changed from "Charlotte" to "Abella." She was originally named after Charlotte Corday, an assassin during the French Revolution era, to follow the trend of how Team Rocket characters in the anime's EN dub are named after real historical figures.
But I was compelled to change it to "Abella" after playing Fear & Hunger 2 because she is an absolute WIFE and I legitimately did not know that Abella was an actual name until then and so I figured this would be more fitting given the blog name and her new surname. Plus, Kita no longer has past connections to Team Rocket.
+ I recently came to realize that Jennifer Connelly has a very beautiful voice. It's got that very soothing, breathy quality that makes you feel at ease. But because I am partial to video game characters and voice actors, I wanted to pick one who sounded close to her and eventually settled on Courtnee Taylor as Kita's new voiceclaim (although I think she may have already been a scrapped one in the past. I can't remember since I've changed it so frequently). Also ironically, her character in Bioshock Infinite is a faceclaim for one of her and Sycamore's kids.
On a side note, her mother's voiceclaim has also been changed to Lisa Hannigan because I forgot until now that Blue Diamond's voice is so lovely and ethereal-sounding.
+ Kita's new birthday (well, new-ish unless you noticed the change like a month ago) is June 4 which is supposedly International Hug Your Cat Day. I mainly wanted to make her a Gemini.
+ Two things have been added to Kita's ability list: Spiritual Awareness & Telepathy. (Although these have been added for a while too actually).
Kita is able to sense the presence of ghost Pokemon (ghost-types and spirits of dead Pokemon) as well as hear their voices. Her ability to communicate with spirits of dead people is much weaker in comparison due to never having received proper training in mediumship. She is still able to sense "traces" of them and sometimes hear their whispers only if there is strong spiritual presence in certain areas. She will use this ability to find hidden treasures and other secrets.
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fiorserpen · 8 months
forgot to say but there are some changes i made to both aggie and soryn!
height has been changed from 5'2 1/2 to 5'6
sexuality has been changed from lesbian to bisexual (with a lean more towards women)
made it so that her blood is chlorophyll rather than regular blood and anywhere her blood touches, plants grow from it. she also blushes green
voiceclaim has been changed from au/rora to vict/oria pedr/etti
changed their physical age from mid- to late-twenties to mid- to late thirties
changed their hair i think from short to shoulder-length and graying
a new tattoo (of course)
i've changed their demon form entirely and now they look like an upright maned wolf
and i believe that's it!
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Madison and Indigo
Sunflower - What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC?
Violet - Do a voice claim for your OC
(Doesn't have to be a specific voice you can just try to describe how you think they'd sound like or how you hear them in your head if that's easier)
Thank you bestie!!!! Love you!! <3 <3
Sunflower - What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC?
I'm sure I've told you this before in some ask game or another, but Indigo was originally called Blue, and then I changed it to have room for a nickname. I didn't really have alternate names for Madison, I picked her name because it means "strong" or "mighty" and I felt like that suited her. However, the fact that Alex calls her "Mads" was very spur-of-the-moment, if that counts.
Violet - Do a voice claim for your OC
Indigo: "American" accent since she grew up on Corellia (going off of Han Solo here lol, I really don't know how all the accents work in Star Wars). I think I describe her voice as "bright but slightly husky" in the first chapter, so I'm thinking maybe Maya Hawke as a voiceclaim. I really like that rasp in her voice, that's how I hear Indie (if you think of her backstory, you can probably guess how her voice ended up raspy... now I'm a little sad)
Madison: Also American, with a slight Northwestern accent since she grew up in Oregon. It's kind of a neutral accent so it doesn't get noticed much. She uses a lot of sarcasm, so her voice is usually pretty flat, and she can get straight-up icy when she wants to. The closest comparison that comes to mind is Dove Cameron, maybe - ironically, her as Maddie in Liv and Maddie is a pretty good example.
Just for the record, neither of those actresses are a perfect fit for what's in my head, but I don't do voiceclaims often so I don't know how best to find someone for that. Ordinarily I'd just describe their voices and leave it at that, but I know you like to choose actors and I figure this might make it easier for you to conceptualize.
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tolltale · 1 year
@hawkesfavor tumblr ate your ask so i'm just going to answer like this instead but anyways THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS!!
ask meme
Training: How did they learn to sing? Have they had any formal training? How do they continue to maintain and develop their singing voice?
sam was in a choir for a few months as a little kid but other than that no formal training or singing lessons. all innate talent babyyyyy okay no just kidding she absolutely wouldn't be nearly as good as she is if she didn't put in the work but also. Innate Talent. she takes great care of her voice with vocal warm-ups and daily exercises! I don't know enough about singing to say what else she would do </3
Change: How has their personality changed since Seven left the band? Are those changes related to Seven leaving?
she used to be able to let her guards down more easily and be less self conscious and afraid to be judged. Now she second-guesses herself more/is more indecisive and insecure. Something about the person she thought loved her the most in the world being able to cut her out of his life and move on so easily and so efficiently (at least to her eyes) was quite the blow to her self esteem 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍 i would also say she loses her temper more easily than she used to and she tends to grow attached to people faster than before (sorry Orion fhdjdk she was ride or die with him after a week 😭)
Fans: How is their relationship with their fans? Do they go out of their way to interact? 
she likes meeting people at a gig who actually follow the band and want to chat a bit and take a photo and she will be friendly and affable with them which is like . Her Standard Attitude with strangers. that's all there is. it's sort of a lukewarm attitude. They're strangers that like their music at the end of the day. ON SOCIAL MEDIA THOUGH it's like . this is how parasocial relationships with fans are born. her instagram should be used as a how-to guide. it's not on purpose 😭 she almost never answers comments or dms but she posts a lot of stories and goes live A Lot A Lot. she drags the others into it whenever she can. meeting maya put some things into perspective because seeing all she does for the band and how much it matters to her was a little bit eye opening. like HEY we actually have an impact??? seeing how much she knows about her was also eye opening in the sense that sam shares waaayyy too much of her life on socmedia and she uses her accounts like a weird vlog to turn to when she's bored or lonely to talk about/do anything and wants company. because the only activity she did completely alone (before Certain Events Transpired) used to be going to the bathroom. She's normal she copes soooo well ✌️
Voice: What does their singing voice sound like? Do you have voiceclaims(s) for them?
she has a voiceclaim actually it's sydney sprague. the genre is a bit different but the voice is how I imagine she sounds like! I'm also super normal about her break-up songs they're totally not in any playlist i've made :)
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solasan · 1 year
i'm greedy n would love to see all of the creation prompts for marine pls n thank u xoxo
infamous MC questions
Development: How did you come up with your character? Is their design still evolving? How do you think they might develop through the story?
oh she's definitely still evolving LOL. i'm still trying to get to grips with her, but i think i'm starting to figure her out so yay!! i'm super boring in the way i develop characters, so i just kind of started from a jumping point of 1) angsty angry ex relationship w seven 2) daisy jones but make it grunge rock 3) fun wild colour scheme LOL. marnie's a name i've been testing on a few ocs recently n this time she's stuck &lt;3
as for how she might develop, i'm hoping she Matures Emotionally LOL. from imposter syndrome & abandonment issues poster child > queen of self-confidence and love, baby! idk what form that would take (like i think it's a development she could have if they lost botb, but also if they won) but here's hoping she doesn't alienate everyone with her pride before it happens 🤞
Voice: What does their singing voice sound like? Do you have voiceclaims(s) for them?
answered here
Lyrics: What are some songs you associate with your character? Any specific lyrics that really scream your character?
cherry bomb (joan jett & the blackhearts) is a big marnie song bc 1) i know for a fact she screams along to it in the car all the time and 2) the lyrics are just... very her vibe. allll of i hate my mom (GRLwood) is very heavily marnie-coded too LOL. all eyes on me (bo burnham) is very lyrically marnie (are you feeling nervous? are you having fun? it's almost over / it's just begun) even if the genre/style isn't anything she'd sing (tho she might listen?).
Fame: Do you think your character will enjoy fame? Do they think they will? What elements do you think they might struggle with? Do you think they’ll be happy at the end of this road?
marnie definitely wants fame; definitely feels an urge to prove herself and to also seek out people who love her, who want her around and admire her. but i think the realities of fame will prooooobably suck for her more than she thinks they will. she loves attention & admiration, but i think the fickleness of public opinion is gonna fuck w her (shes already struggling to handle this whole fight situation & reactions to it in the press as well as all the references to her relationship w seven).
also, despite how open she seems, there's a lot of stuff abt her life that she wants to keep private (what rly happened with seven, why she doesnt talk to her parents, the true extent of her partying) so having no public boundaries is..... gna be difficult for her, aha. but i think the accomplishment will help her in her way towards happiness, and she'll be proud of herself & the band for any fame/appreciation they manage to claw out?? and she absolutely will love being adored by her fans LOL so u kno there's highs and there's lows
Storybeats: If you could design one scene to happen in the story, what would it be? How would it change your character? What would make it so satisfying for the character arc?
answered here
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like. (You’re also welcome to choose one of the other questions to answer!)
hmmmm. she got into music in the first place to try bonding with her dad aha :/ he had a lot of old rock records and he used to listen to them when he wasn't on assignment. even used to laugh when she sang along sometimes, which was a balm for her no one loves me heart. he kind of lost interest over the years, tho, so it never brought them together.
when she left her parents' house for the last time, she stole his rumours vinyl lol. probably that might come back to bite her on the ass legally like that is entirely possible. but it's one of her most sentimentally valuable possessions, even if she doesnt break it out often bc it makes her think of her dad :/ it's defo come on tour with them in her luggage
Seven: Do you have headcanons about their friendship and/or romantic relationship (past or future)? What do you imagine some of their best memories are? What do you think some of Seven’s favourite things about your MC were/are?
answered here
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starfoam · 1 year
-What changes do you think would be made between your muse as they exist in your head vs how they would be treated as part of canon?
-Besides your face/voiceclaim, who do you think would be cast as your character?
The backstory would be quite tidied up, seeing as how mine is just "I've been roleplaying her for almost 10 years, and her 'canon' is half-remembered old threads and an absurd blurring of verses into something semi-cohesive'. I feel like giving solid events would make a lot more sense for a show or movie, instead of just vibes.
China Anne McClain! She was WAY too young when I first made Lo, but if we were to start over again back when Lo was 19, China would be a great choice. Her face is very close to how I picture Lo, right down to skin tone. No idea how they'd work Lo's tooth gap in, though.
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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@flairer whispered:
(Slightly more in-depth response to poll from me lkjlksdjd)
I don't know Juby a whole lot, and am only very slightly more familiar with Anna. I ended up voting for Anna.
I know you've had Juby for a good while, so keeping her would be a pretty safe bet. But I guess the change depends on what you're going for?
Juby might be more for the bubbly/childish approach. Although her video thumbnails tell me she can pull off 'creepy' pretty well, too.
I personally liked Anna's voice being a toucher deeper and more 'mature'? Not that Bella can't be a little childish sometimes, but she's still an adult. Anna seemed to have a more Disney/adventure-esque selection at a glance.
I can also hear autotune in Juby's covers. Nothing wrong with that, autotune makes for great effects in my opinion when it comes to music, but as far as voiceclaims go I don't think Bella sounds autotuned when she talks to people and I liked Anna sounding a little more authentic to me XD
Lastly-- if you're thinking of maybe replacing Juby, consider why. Were you just bored of Juby, or was there something about Anna in particular that you thought would suit Bella better? What does this change for you?
Those were my two cents, but ultimately the decision should be up to you!
Poll for reference
♣ so i hope you don't mind me posting this because it's brilliant and really gave me a lot to think about!
my initial reason for deciding to switch up her voiceclaim was honestly the autotune from Juby. I would've compared videos of the two of them just speaking, but I couldn't quickly find one from Anna so I decided to go with slower covers instead!
Juby's speaking voice isn't quite as high as her singing voice and obviously she doesn't use autotune on that lmfao but yeah. I've noticed that it is really high and kind of childish. I initially thought it was really fitting for Bella because of the bubbly, sunny nature of it. This is a good example of her speaking voice
Her speaking voice is honestly closer to Anna's singing voice than not, in my opinion, which is why I was really struggling to think it through.
This song has some lines where Anna just speaks (tw for suicidal thoughts, it's Achilles Come Down) though it's kind of filtered, so not the best example but again I can't really find anything where she's just. Speaking.
I've been just really thinking about Bella as a whole and where she is. Juby was picked as her voice REALLY early in my return to this blog (around 2016? I think? Not this specific blog but Bella's existence on tumblr in general) and I just. I feel like she's matured a lot through the years here. Part of me really thinks that her voice should be more mature, a little deeper. I think she deserves that growth, honestly. Not to mention the fact that I really appreciate the power in a lot of Anna's covers (Not that Juby can't showcase a good bit of power in her voice, but still)
I have so many thoughts on this but this post is getting really long lmfao so I'm probably gonna stop here for the moment... I just really want to do my girl justice that she deserves, I want her to come into herself and be all she can be.
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xpao-bearx · 10 months
Guess who started being consumed by playing BG3??? 👁👄👁
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In honour of this INCREDIBLE game, here's my Tav!
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(Sorry that the photo quality isn't the best, these are not in-game screenshots! I just took pics with my phone, but I do wanna say that my Tav has a LOT of freckles on her body that the pics didn't do justice)
Her name is Mon'sun and SHE IS MAH FUCKING BABYYY 😭❤️❤️❤️
I plan on writing a fic with her and the star himself (AKA MY DARLING 🥰): ✨️Astarion✨️ I already have a SHITLOAD of ideas, I just wanna play some more first and see how Astarion's romance pans out before I begin! So if that's something you'd be interested in reading, thanks sooo much and deffo keep a lookout for any updates~ Also, their ship name is SunStar which is JUST THE CUTEST FUCKING THING ALSKDJSKLJ
And I just wanna give my deepest love and gratitude to my two queens @kuroosexuall and @matchamocchi 💕 They have been nothing but patient and supportive of all my SERIOUSLY unhealthy fangirling over the sassy vampy elfy as well as my OC 🥲
But for the meantime, while I still haven't written my fic, below are some (*cough* a LOT so buckle up *cough*) stuff I've thought up for Mon'sun! Just to give y'all a fun lil taste of how I imagine her as a character, though I'm sure as I continue to play I'll get even more ideas and I'll probably have to edit this or post more about her, in which all posts connected to her will be tagged as #Mon'sun and Mon'sun x Astarion being tagged as #SunStar so y'all can easily search for them if you're interested. BTW I purposely left out extra details regarding her childhood as well as her thoughts about the tadpole cuz those are stoofs I'd like to reveal and explore in my fic!
And sadly, I'm not an artist, but I'm planning on and SO excited to commission various artworks of Mon'sun and SunStar from some truly extraordinary artists when the time comes so just wait for thy eyes to be blessed! \(^o^)/ Speaking of, if y'all are ever curious about Mon'sun, please don't hesitate to send me asks and such cuz your interest in my baby would be the BIGGEST honour 🥹
Now, without further ado...
Get to know "The Scarred Bard" under the cut!
In the game, I chose Voice 8 for Mon'sun but I headcanon that her voiceclaim is annapantsu (YouTuber who does a lot of amazing song covers!! 🙌)
Her theme song is Love Runs Out by OneRepublic
She does have a last name that she took on in honour from the woman who adopted her in Baldur's Gate but she hasn't found the need to tell anyone what it is
A drow half-elf and a College of Lore bard 🎵
Tends to face a lot of discrimination due to being a "filthy half-breed" and possessing drow ancestry, not to mention her drow parent being Lolth-sworn; her blood red right eye a telltale sign and a deep, angry scar permanently carved across it a merciless reminder of what she resents about herself
Occasionally has dreams and thoughts of the goddess Lolth speaking to her, tempting her with sweet whispers of cruelty and darkness. Mon'sun tries her damndest to resist--to stay on the path of good--but violent impulses erupt when the thin string of her patience (and sanity) snaps and it feels so fucking good
Mon'sun aligns as a chaotic neutral character. While she does try to be good, she is quite an unorthodox heroine in her personal little tale and can be pushed to make extreme decisions should she feel that they are for the better...or just whichever's a more fun option 🤭
Survived a poor and bleak childhood, but full of love in her early years; certain circumstances impacted this happiness which drastically changed everything
One of the youngest in the party, only in her early to mid 20s. And though she's not sure when her actual birth date is, she does consider the day she was adopted--saved--as such
Very resilient and versatile even through the worst scenarios (likely due to her past), but would much rather avoid problems whenever possible. She may be seen as a bit of a coward because of this though she certainly doesn't mind (she'd like to keep her gorgeous head, thank you very much!). However, there are times where she exhibits great bravery, such as standing up for the weak and defending innocents regardless of the consequences. She can also be quite mischievous and defiant with her enemies, truly a bard through and through with her vicious mockery 😈
She tries to see the good in everyone, to be patient and understanding, giving them the same chance she hopes to receive if she ever finds herself in a similar situation. However, some fuckers don't deserve that kindness and a sick, exhilarating part of her deep down yearns for the bloodshed sure to stain her hands. After all... She would only be granting them a mercy by ending their repulsive, pathetic lives...right?
She is proficient with weapons though she prefers casting spells especially ones that can be utilized from a good distance (Fireball being one of her all-time favourites--efficient and hot, both in a sexy way and an "I will feed your barbecued corpses to my widdle baby owlbear" way). She's also a fantastic cheerleader; she will happily let the stronger people on the team handle the grittier scraps of battle while she does a jaw-dropping performance of ✨️Bardic Inspiration✨️ on the sidelines (Lae'zel STRONGLY disapproves)
Skilled in stealth and sleight of hand accompanied by a biting wit (seriously, she has the potential to have been a rogue instead). Tries her best to make an honest living as a wandering bard, but whenever money and options are tight then she's driven to petty thievery. Although, as much as she hates to admit it, there is something in her that utterly relishes in the intoxicating rush of crime
Lockpicking is more so a hobby rather than a necessity for her. Funnily enough, with how much she likes to explore, she probably came across and "collected" the key that opens that mysterious door advancing the party's adventure. However, the key seems to be merely decorative because Mon'sun already opened the door since the shiny lock caught her eye as soon as the party stepped into the room! She'll even lockpick a shabby chest filled with absolutely nothing simply because she finds it to be a fun game to pass the time while everyone else debates on the next course of action (like a child being given a toy to amuse themselves with while the adults discuss boring adult shit). Astarion will even join her sometimes, and they also constantly challenge each other on who gets to disarm a trap first while the rest of the party make bets on who will win
What she lacks in strength, she makes up for with her incredible dexterity
While she is a survivor in her own right, she can't deny that pure dumb luck has saved her more times than a bard has bedded a dragon...which is definitely saying a lot
After travelling around for so long, the vast world of Faerûn has fuelled her curious mind with quite an impressive amount of knowledge along with fascinating stories to tell. But while she basks in the freedom of it all, her heart aches for a true sense of belonging; a home
She loves--and I mean LOVES--looting dead bodies. While their demise is certainly unfortunate, their loss is her grateful gain as well as a much less criminal way to obtain some quick valuables (hey, she can sympathize and get rich. It's a win-win!)
A biiit of a hoarder (perhaps she was a dragon in a past life, she jokes). Her pack is nearly always full of various junk, good and bad. She gets attached easily to these items and keeps making the excuse that "they could be handy or fetch for a pretty penny one day" all while almost never actually trying to get rid of them (DEFINITELY not me projecting myself here 👀)
She is VERY charismatic, successfully deceiving or talking her way out of many toils and even persuading powerful creatures to side with her which makes her pretty powerful, too, in her own right. On the other (much darker) hand... This sweet, cheerful bard has convinced some enemies to literally kill themselves, saving her from aaall the tough work she really can't be bothered with of ridding them herself--and she'll gladly do it again in a heartbeat. Work smarter, not harder as they say! 👏
Confident, outgoing, and playful with a flair for the theatrical; also rather perceptive to the people and things around her, but can be serious and empathetic when needed. Often tries to keep a positive (if not naive) outlook on life and continues to hold hope for a better future against all odds, yet is actually burying a devastating loneliness and pain within the depths of her soul
Can be a flirt and almost never hesitates to sleep with any man interested in her. For her, however, it's not about physical pleasure--it's about intimacy. Chasing after the high of being in someone's strong embrace, their warmth melting the icy melancholy her heart is trapped in; even if only for one, meaningless night
Despite everything, she has a big heart. She has a hard time saying no to anyone in need, her selflessness (or too much of it for that matter) sometimes leading to be a weakness. She particularly has a soft spot for children and animals, as well as being able to understand and communicate with the latter thanks to the "Speak with Animals" spell. And while she is a chaotic neutral, she instantly becomes chaotic good (emphasis on chaotic) when it comes down to animals, literally slaying everything in her path if it ensures the animal is safe from those that hurt it as well as adopting any stray back in camp if it's possible (Astarion hated it at first, until an ungodly swarm of adorable cats eventually started to appear 😹)
Besides her affinity for dramatics and the spotlight, she is usually a pretty relaxed person. That all changes, however, when a party is involved. Bring her to a lively tavern and pump some drinks into her system and she's more than ready to live it up the entire night! Good luck trying (and failing) to rein her back in... She's toootally not banned from a few taverns because of this 🙃
Talented in singing and playing many different instruments, but her main instrument of choice is the lyre. The lyre that she ventures everywhere with is from her childhood, a gift from someone near and dear to her heart. The "Spider's Lyre" as it's curiously called, in which her nimble fingers have nearly been sliced off countless times in her youth while practicing due to its dagger sharp strings, but she cherishes it like her own life
Although music is her passion--her blood--she indulges in other forms of creative art like writing and drawing when she has the time. She proudly showed off her skills this one instance when she doodled on Vlaakith's portrait in Crèche Y'llek. She believes she made it look so much better, but you could say that she and Lae'zel had...creative differences. But was it worth it even though she got chased around by Lae'zel afterwards as the gith maniacally swung her sword, Astarion giggling in the background while everyone else tried to stop Lae'zel? Oh, absolutely!
While she doesn't have much and has learned to make the most out of very little, she's quite vain and puts in the time and effort to take care of her appearance. As a bard, she lives to perform, but stands by the firm belief that her beauty needs to shine as brightly as her stage presence does lest she's hardly a bard at all
Easily makes friends almost everywhere she goes (even with more, um, questionable folks), but difficult for her to open up more and feel that she is genuinely close to someone (until she met the companions, that is)
Has a little habit where she fiddles with her eyebrow piercings whenever she's anxious or deep in thought
She's not a fan of dark spaces. She's not afraid of the dark, but being in any gloomy place for too long makes her feel uneasy and prone to panic attacks, desperate to feel the sun on her face again. One of the reasons why she's never visited the Underdark before, opting instead to learn about such dangerous beauty through books and other adventurers' experiences
When she's being idle...well, she's not very idle at all. She's always softly humming something to herself or slightly bouncing/dancing in place
Keeps the party entertained on their journey through singing and sharing tall tales. Well, "entertained" is a bit of a stretch, considering Lae'zel's always screaming at Mon'sun to shut up (spoiler alert: she won't) 🤐
Has nicknames for everyone in the party: Astarion is Astie (later on "my star" when romanced and Astarion calls her "my sun"), Gale is Big G, Lae'zel is Lae-Lae (*cough* more like Lae-Me-To-DEATH *cough*), Karlach is Spicy Mama, Shadowheart is Shady Girl, and Wyll is Bof (short for Blade of Frontiers). Can't say that everyone's too pleased with what they're so lovingly (and weirdly) bestowed with, but they just got used to it and allows only Mon'sun to refer to them as such
Can be deemed as the therapist of the group. While she absolutely has issues of her own (and plenty, might I add), she chooses instead to focus on everyone else and help them. She is super protective over them (although, one pale elf in particular has caught her favour out of all)
While she cares a lot about everyone in the party, she does consider Gale to be her bestfriend. They just get along really well together; Mon'sun proves to be an eager and like-minded listener/conversationalist to the wizard prodigy's ramblings while Gale is just thrilled that someone (and so pretty, too) is actually so kind and attentive to him as an individual, even helping him with his little--well, BIG--situation. Astarion, on the other hand... Well, let's just say that he's not as thrilled for Mon'sun to be so close to someone else, especially Gale of all weirdos 🙄
She's a pretty colourful person so it fits that her apparel is the same. She'll never be caught dead wearing something so woeful as plain ol' black or white. In fact, being so unbearably boring may just be the cause of her death!
Has complicated feelings about gods. They're interesting, for sure, and she respects anyone's beliefs in them though she wouldn't exactly put her faith in any of them let alone kneel (looking at you Vlaakith). She'd rather put her faith in herself--just like she always has--but that doesn't mean she won't take advantage of any "divine" blessings that may come her way. Such is the case when she obtained the Phalar Aluve sword from the Underdark, offering a tiny bit of her blood in exchange which pleased Eilistraee yet greatly pissed off Lolth (Mon'sun the chaos gremlin definitely got a kick out of that especially since she knows the big scary spider lady can't do anything to her...she thinks. She hopes)
While she certainly revels in having the upper hand in troublesome situations, she's not really a power-hungry person. Although, having power does have its perks. She won't lie, she has played around in her tadpole-infested mind the far-fetched but very possible idea of seizing the Absolute's followers under her own control (I mean, hey, if there's one thing she's learned during this unique little trip is that anything is possible). Not all cultists are actually evil; she likes to think that she could give them a fair shot at redemption, and it doesn't hurt that some of these cultists are powerful people that could potentially be used to "liberate the world of evil"... Blame (or rather thank) Astarion for unlocking (hehe subtle pun) this ambition of hers, though she doesn't think she could ever do this without Astarion ruling by her side--together
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kcatons-blog · 6 years
a  CAILIN  RUSSO  lookalike  was  strolling  down  broadway  street  in  their  balenciaga sneakers  .  𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐘  𝐅𝐀𝐘𝐄  𝐊𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐍  just  had  a  birthday  bash  for  their  twenty  third  birthday  .  they  have  been  living  in  new  york  city  for  five  years  .  i  hear  they  tend  to  be  garrulous  at  parties  ,  but  also  kind  of  perceptive  .  (  demi-girl  &  she/they  ) 
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so  it’s   soph ,  back  at  it  again  with  another  muse  !  i’ve  been  itching  to  bring  my  new  baby  so  i’m  rly  happy  to  introduce  u  all  to  HOLLY  KEATON  ! the  sunshine  to  counteract  ezra’s  gloominess . i’m  finishing  up  some  work  while  watching  dirty  john  so  i’m  just  gonna  throw  u  guys  this  rather short intro& roll  with  it  ! if  u  wanna  plot  just  ♡  this  ,  or  if  ur  feeling  Brave  my  @  is  liability  #5013  ( i  think  )  !
full  name:  holly  faye  keaton
birthday: tuesday.  february  14th  ,  1996.
age:  twenty  three  years
gender:  demi-girl
pronouns:  she  /  they
occupation:  1  /  2   members  of  an  ‘  underground  ’  band  .
voiceclaim: broods (  x  ,  x  )
birthplace:  london  ,  england.
family:  mother  &  father  
languages spoken: english  
star  sign: aquarius
sexuality: pansexual  &  panromantic
distinguishable  features:  icy  blonde  hair  ,  fluffy  brows  ,  a  dusting  of  freckles  across  the  bridge  of  her  nose  and  cheekbones  ,   a  tattoo  of   a   clementine  on  her  forearm  &  a  heart  with  daggers  on  the  other  arm.
holly  was  an  unanticipated  but  welcomed  surprise  to  british  musical  duo  ,  poppy  &  ace.  nobody  would  ever  place  the  two  as  suitable  parents  -  the  two  seemingly  unable  to  even  manage  their  OWN  chaotic  lives  ,  but  they  gladly  proved  them  wrong. 
 holly  had  probably  the  most  unique  &  cool  childhood  a  kid  could  imagine.  her  memories  of  her  youth  are  filled  with  watching  her  parents  perform  ,  travelling  the  world &  nights  spent  in  the  tour  bus  with  her  dad  teaching  her  to  play  the  guitar.
once  she  reached  her  teen  years  ,  she  began  to  ache  for  the  normal  life  she'd  never  had  a  chance  to  experience  -  not  because  she  was  ungrateful  for  the  life  she  had  by  any  means  ,  but  because  she  felt  sheltered.  upon  her  request  ,  she  attended  boarding  school  in  america  until  the  age  of  eighteen  -  getting  up  to  some  Wild  Shit. 
she  officially  moved  to  new  york  after  finishing  school  with  aims  to  kick-start  her  own  singing  career.  at  the  moment  she's  more  of  a  one-hit  wonder  ,  a  single  she  released  back  in  2017  as  part  of  a  duo  (  wanted  connection  !!!  )  being  her  most  notable  contribution  to  the  charts.  otherwise  they  have  a  pretty  average  following.
𝟎𝟎𝟑. 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓.
holly  doesn't  really  have  the  capacity  to  shut  her  mouth.  she  adores  socialising  &  connecting  with  people  ,  and  will  attempt  to  do  so  despite  others’  reluctance.
she's  pretty  confident  and  there's  not  much that  phases  her  -  she  certainly  doesn't  allow  herself  to  dwell  on  the  opinions  of  others.
both  eccentrically-upbeat  &  laidback  ..  depends  on  the  mood  you  find  her  in.  that  said  she's  not  EASILY  rattled  &  it  takes  a  lot  to  draw  any  kind  of  heated  reaction  from  her.
i'd  say  she  can  sometimes  be  overly  idealistic  &  lets  her  imagination  run  away  with  her.  
lowkey  kinda  flighty  ...  probably  the  kind  of  girl  to  randomly  disappear  for  days  on  end  &  then  act  surprised  when  everyone’s  like  ????
100%  a  pleasure-seeker  ...  here  for  a  fun  time  not  a  long  time  kiddos  !
relationship-wise  i'd  say  she  tends  to  veer  on  the  side  of  casual  flings.  despite  having  the  perfect  example  of  love  in  her  parents  ,  she's  still  wary  of  commitment  -  not  necessarily  because  she  doesn't  think  it'll  work  out  or  that  she'll  end  up  heartbroken  ,  more-so  that  she  lacks  the  experience  and  isn't  sure  what  she  has  to  offer  yet.
𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝:  taken  →   marina  
𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫:  open   (  they’ve  been  working  together  for  around  2  years.  preferably  male  /  nb  to  fit  with  the  Broods  Vibe  !  they  have  a  sibling-like  friendship.  )
𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐬:  open
𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩:  open
𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬:  open  (  i  just  can’t  imagine  holly  living  alone  honestly  she  needs SOMEBODY  to  annoy  )
𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 / 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞:  open
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬  𝐢𝐧  𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞:  open
𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝  𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡:  open  →  either  direction
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 / 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞  𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩  𝐎𝐑  𝐟𝐰𝐛:  open
𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥  𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞:  open
𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝  𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩:  open
𝐞𝐱-𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝  /  𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝  /  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫:  open
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Masterlist Thing For My Major WIPs
I figured doing this would make everybody’s life easier. XD I also don’t have good enough summaries for my WIPs (in my opinion) to make WIP intros. I’ll update chapter links and stuff as I go along and will maybe probably make a taglist for my stuff (if I don’t forget). 
WIP Info
Space Don’t Dictate Fate (Reworking!)
Summary (We'll figure that out later 👍🏾)
Mostly post snippets. Will answer worldbuilding or oc asks for this one. Story basically just started over again from scratch.
Trailer for the og version here!
Hunter (Modern AU for SDDF) here!
Main characters: Arc (they/them), Tharion (he/him), Cosma(she/her), and Greeter(she/they)
Face Claim/Art for main characters here.
Robots and Gardens (still in the drafting process)
Summary: Imagine how the now present world was imagined and awed upon by previous generations mixed with how it actually is in the present world. Industrialization, overworked employees, coorporate slaves, so many robots, cool technology, hope for a better world. Until it all decides to collapse in a way no one saw coming. Who are we going to take down to stop everything from crumbling. 
You can ask me all kinds of questions about this one. XD It’s no where neardone though. I post actual chapters of this... sometimes. XD I’m trying my best. I have a couple chapters out so far which you can read here. Chapters 1/2/3/
Main characters: Digits (she/her), Green (she/her), Peace (she/her), Donnie (he/they), Hollis (she/her) 
Face claim/picrew for main characters here. 
Fucked at Five (my newest wip!) (may or may not change the title) 
Summary (that I have so far): Morphers. An extreme genetic modification that has been gifted by the impatience of the world and the power of science. Morphers have the ability to morph their form into a more animalistic form. All of these forms vary in composition and severity. Morphers are monsters to human kind. Human kind are monsters to morphers. Morphers might just be the new superior, humans are just far too arrogant to see it. 
You can ask me all kinds of questions about this one as well. XD I’m still figuring stuff out though.
Main characters: Elliot (he/him), Saz (she/her), Julie (she/her), Ian (he/it)
Face claim/picrew for characters right here.
Character Inspired Playlists here
Character info (General)
Voiceclaims sorta here
Awesome piccrews most of my ocs here
Digits Prosthetic Schematics here
Some art I drew of Digit's prosthetics. A little messy but very detailed descriptions.
Ramblings about fighting styles (Fucked at Five) here
Space Don't Dictate Fate Fits here
Random Writes! 
This is stuff that aren’t any of my major wips. This will be stuff like random prompts or random scenes that can or won’t be related to my main three WIPs. More often not related. This is a lot of the stuff I write, especially when I head back to campus. It can be a mixture of study’s (where I’m practicing a specific thing like action scenes, kiss scenes, grief, etc.), poetry, story’s that drop in at random ass points. Half of the time they won't have titles XD and the characters won't have names.
Cravings (the only finished one for real XD)
Can read that here! cw: blood, gore, cannibalism, sex mention. 
Melancholic Alcoholic (Poem from awhile ago) 
Can read that here!
Cute tag game I did with Green and Peace
Untitled quick write story here
CW: Suicide, Suicidal ideation, suicide attempt mention, and gore.
Dero Was Here (story here)
CW: Violence, death, gods, fantasy religion
An Unwelcomed Gift here
CW: Violence, gods, fantasy religion, body horror (sort of), death, blood (a little), gore (eh a little not really)
Random Fucked at Five Stuff here! and here!
Crushing on the Mortuary Man here!
CW: Gore, necrophilia, cannibalism mention, body horror, vomit.
My Characters as excerpts from poems I've written here
Give it some love. I think this is a good insight on some of my characters! And it's a quick glimpse at some of my poetry that I rarely post.
Appetite here!
No content warnings I think. Just a short kinda violent little story. 👍🏾
Song based blurb here!
Cw: suggestive content, alcohol
Untitled Poem here!
Daughter here!
Another poem I wrote for creative writing class.
Weird Little Story here!
CW: Unsettling, vomit
Somethin' About Me here!
Cw: suicide mention.
A little poem I found in my notes app.
Soft Moment Between Friends here!
A little Robots & Gardens scene.
Random Robots & Gardens Thing here!
Just a random little thought that came to mind XD. Green fucked up.
Green and her knife here!
A couple random robots & gardens blurbs revolving around Green and her weapon.
Clothes Swap here!
Cw: nsfw
Peace borrows clothes from Green and other stuff ensues.
The Arrangement here!
Cw: nsfw
Saz and Julie have an agreement and they enjoy themselves.
Green and Digits Character Study here!
Green and Digits from Robots & Gardens first meeting each other. Gay bonding and acquaintanceship ensues
Saz's Fear here!
A quick little blurb about a goofy fear Saz has.
Dark's Love is Bright here!
A cool concept of Dark versus Light.
Halloween WBW Snippet here!
Kid Peace and Green show you a glimpse of what their Halloween's were like.
Saz and Elliot Big Post here!
Saz and Elliot start talking about morphing and training. Doodles attached.
Julie and Saz Mush here!
Julie and Saz being cute. Julie calls Saz pretty after a long day of getting insulted by the elder morphers. Saz's day brightens.
Julie Kicks Saz's Ass here!
Julie and Saz have a training match. And as the title says Saz get's fucking ruined.
A Morning Away here!
Peace and Green have a morning to themselves and decide to use it.
Cw: nsfw
The Worker And The Protestor here!
A dive into Digits at work and the protestor (Peace) that brightens her day.
Smut Scene Prompt Response here and here!
Saz and Julie's safeword sorta/Julie's shy under Saz's affection
Cw: nsfw
Green and Peace Prompt Responses 1 & 2
Green and Peace get busy at church/Peace gets sick and Green takes care of her.
Cw: nsfw
Unrequited here!
A quick poem I wrote while hella in my feelings
Cw: suggestive
Fighting it Out here!
A very brief fight scene between Ian and Elliot
Mighty Morphing People Eaters + here!
Something where I dive into the fact that most morphers have eaten people before.
Cw: body horror (kinda), human consumption
Leftovers here!
Very quick Saz and Julie thing where Julie both encourages Saz and brings her down
Cw: human consumption (mentioned), blood
Hollis the Multifaceted here!
Hollis character study
Cosma and Greeter here!
Space Don't Dictate Fate content for the first time in a long time holy shit
Cw: suggestive
Bookshelf here!
A quick poem I wrote clearing my bookshelf
Random poem here!
Who's Greeter to You? here!
Space Don't Dictate Fate content
Random Thought SDDF here
Space Don't Dictate Fate content
Quick Poem (No title) here!
Cw: suggestive
The Morphers (A series) 1/2/3
Cw: body horror, gore, death
Arc and Tharion here!
Space Don't Dictate Fate Content
Arc Asks A Lot of Questions here!
Arc actually trying to learn more about Tharion
Tharion Fucking With Arc here!
SDDF content
A bit of Saz and worldbuilding here!
Two Deer Morphers Walk Into a Bar... here!
Cw: nsfw
29 notes · View notes
tmema · 2 years
3 4 5 8 19 26 27 . for iamé or reza? :3c lmk if you’d like me to choose someone else! you can also do your most recent nameless oc bc i’m also invested in them tok or you can do your final girl oc whichever is more fun for you MUAH hi jo 😜❣️❣️
Since I haven't revisited any of other other OCs as recently I'm gonna go with Character A from the most recent posts... she still doesn't have a name but I'll figure out something for her eventually <3 Also looking forward to properly revisiting Iamé, Reza, and getting to the final girl OC in the future. Someday. Eventually. You may have to remind me in the future, every time I try to get back to them something comes up lmao <3
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
I've never thought of having a voiceclaim for a character before!!!! I'll have to look into that sometime. I know for a fact that her voice is a bit lower than The Hero's from The First Narrative (one of their many differences). She can whistle; she can kind of roll her r's. Her accent is a bit different than many from The First Narrative because she's from a different region, so her words always sound a bit 'odd' to The Hero and others, but it's something everyone gets used to as time goes on until it doesn't seem out of place at all. As for singing... I think, for her, singing is reserved for very specific occasions. Whether that's cultural, familial or personal, I haven't decided yet, but her opinion on singing is that it's reserved for lullabies (especially for children or the ill), funerals, or... meditative moments, I suppose.
4. Is your oc good at keeping secrets?
Yes. During The First Narrative, one of her roles was being keeper of The Hero's secrets. The Hero's struggles, deeds, moments of weakness, ugliness, et cetera... not everything The Hero did was seemingly just or moral, even if it was done for the sake of bringing The Conflict to its conclusion, and the responsibility of keeping that from the public, as well as the other characters in The First Narrative, fell to Character A as their agent, their "best friend" (if you could call it that), their confidant, etc. Her role was to support The Hero, even when they certainly weren't acting the part.
I think what adds to Character A's resentment of The Hero is that, once The First Narrative ends, Character A is still expected to keep those secrets. The Conflict is over; The Hero's role in the previous narrative cannot be changed no matter what people find out about them afterwards; even if they were to experience some sort of consequence for their actions after the fact, it's not like The First Narrative (or the Second) will revoke their status as The Hero. In essence, The Hero has virtually nothing to worry about, but Character A is still experiencing expectations from the previous narrative.
Everyone seems to get to move on but her. Another thing she can't stand. Another thing to resent.
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
Not sure if I have specific answer for this yet but I can tell you what she's not comfortable wearing. For one, she's not comfortable in armor. Whether it's a full suit of armor or specific pieces, she finds them cumbersome. They offer her protection, yes, but they impede her ability to move. And, before The First Narrative, her role was, essentially, a hunter. She prefers leather, cloth, furs - simple yet sturdy clothing that will not limit her range of motion or give her away to anything, or anyone, that may be in her vicinity. This has, of course, resulted in a couple of injuries. The Hero once made her wear ceremonial armor during An Obligatory Banquet To Ensure The Hero's Political Allies towards the middle of The First Narrative, and Character A hated every second of it.
When I was reading about Joan of Arc, I remember a passage specifically mentioning that Joan slept in her armor, and was surprised that it bruised her the next day. I think this applies to A as well.
8. What’s it like inside your oc’s mind? (Literally, or metaphorically.)
Hmmm... that's a very good question. I think, for Character A, it depends entirely on the situation.
When I think of Character A's mind, I think of it looking something like this. She thinks of herself as a relatively simple, straightforward person. She already knew herself and was mostly aware of both her capabilities and her limitations by the time she joined The Hero during The First Narrative. But things get a little more... varied, once The First Narrative ends. She finds that she is not content with post-Narrative life, even less so with the relationships that were formed during The First Narrative. It goes unsaid that she should be content. Why shouldn't she be? She has security; there are no major threats to her well being. But thing is, Character A has become trapped in a suffocating environment that she is not suited to at all. She longs for rolling hills, the sight of the flatlands, returning home, or somewhere like home, where a simpler, straight-forward, and undemanding existence awaits her.
A lot of inner conflict comes with her resentment, her unvoiced feelings, her frustration, her undisclosed and unfulfilled desires, and, eventually, what awaits her in The Second Narrative, which include but are not limited to 1) being forced into a central role 2) encountering romance, 3) coming across a situation that is not as straightforward as 'two sides warring.' What those specifically are, yet, I haven't decided. But it's gonna be fun!
19. How would an enemy describe this oc?
The enemies she had during The First Narrative would describe her as cunning, perceptive, and resourceful. She may not be the wisest person, the most experienced combatant, etc., but she did succeed where her role in The First Narrative is concerned. She served as a pillar of support for The Hero; she did the few things The Hero could not bring themselves to do; she killed and maimed her fair share of enemies, especially in the final battle of The Conflict; she is competent and self-aware, especially when compared to The Hero at certain times. She's just supposed a huntress who came down from the hills to aid The Hero in her quest to defeat The Villain, nothing more, but she's also a consistent thorn in their side.
As a former enemy, Character B can attest to all of this. And more. But that's for later <3
26. How does your oc handle anger?
She likes to think she was able to handle her anger well before she met The Hero. She likes to think that, in the past, she could have just talked about what was making her angry, addressed it, done what was necessary to exorcise it. But The Hero and The First Narrative changes how she deals with her anger considerably. The thing is, as The Hero's Agent, their Supporter, Their "Best Friend" (even though it feels very one-side), the unsaid rule is that Character A is not allowed to be angry. At least, not at The Hero. There's plenty to be mad at in The First Narrative - the tasks, the trials, dealing with the political side of a conflict, those who are competent, those who care more about what the outcome will do for them rather than seeking the outcome because it will be for the greater good, The Villain, The Villain's Supporters, Cronies, and Henchmen... but, the truth is, there are very few things that make A as angry as The Hero does.
The Hero is not, per se, a bad person. But she is flawed, and the person who gets to deal with and try to navigate around those flaws, or try and figure out a way to use them to The Hero's advantage? That's Character A. And The Hero has much to learn on their journey before they ever enter the final stage of The Conflict and defeat The Villain. Character A must teach them the basics of self-defense. Character A must teach them to walk softly rather than stop. Character A must endure complaints, minor tantrums, and self-pitying as The Hero struggles behind the scenes with their role and their tasks and expectations. Character A must be the one to save them, to protect them at all costs, because they are The Hero and, while she may be expendable to The Narrative, The Hero is not. Character A must do what The Hero does not have the stomach to do. Character A must be the one to talk them out of their own doubts. Character A grows to loath all of this. Bit by bit, until the very end, when she doesn't think she can stand it anymore. She's only seconds away from losing all control and letting loose in The Hero's face before The Narrative oh so conveniently shields The Hero from this. And then Character A is never given a chance to properly address these feelings, she's never given the opportunity to have a serious, proper conversation with The Hero once The Conflict concludes. And she is shuffled aside, forgotten in some cases, presumed for in others, which just makes her resentment fester. Being forced into The Second Narrative is just about the breaking point.
By the time she and B fall into their roles in The Second Narrative, she has a very poor grip on her temper. But the thing about B is that he is not The Hero. He was not one of The Hero's supporters. He was not on The Hero's side. And, worst of all, A thinks, he isn't blind. He's not stupid.
There's a point, rather early on in The Second Narrative, where A's anger rears her ugly head. It's happened before, and she usually just swallows the bitter back down after a moment, but B, surprisingly enough, eventually gets her to crack open. He asks her something, I'm not sure what - why are you so angry? what happened to make you so bitter? something along those lines - and he does it with the intention of having her spill her guts. Because he may not be The Hero, or even a hero, but... he is less selfish than The Hero, if that makes sense. And he asks, not because A will be more useful if he understands her more or because her anger annoys him, but because he sees her as more than a role, a former supporter of The Hero. She's a person. Incidentally, she's the person he's stuck with. The person he will, very soon, have the option of leaving, and choose to remain with anyway.
I don't have it in stone yet, but I know she just. Goes off. She stops in her tracks and it's like cracking open an egg because it all spills out of her. It's not what B was expected, and it doesn't exactly cure her of her anger, but... it's a start.
27. How does your oc handle fear?
Many people assume Character A is not fearful, but the truth is that she is scared a lot of the time. She had to hide that when she became The Hero's Confidant. It was her role to make sure The Hero was not scared, so she had to discard and push down her own. She's always had... trouble, admitting she's scared. Dealing with her fear. Mostly because she doesn't have any other way of dealing with it other than waiting for it to go away.
When she enters into The Second Narrative, there's only so many times she can push it down and pretend it isn't there. What she and B are dealing with in This Narrative is vastly different from that of The First Narrative. The rules have changed; the roles aren't the same; what was supposed to be straightforward has now turned into something much worse, much more confusing. And frightening.
I haven't really figured out how it manifests or changes within the story, but I know that her fear feels much smaller than her anger in comparison. But, when she finally starts tending to her anger, A is going to be faced with just how big her fear is. The source of it, the state of it, how it affects her. It's gonna be fun :)
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