#i've always loved photography. in that casual hobby way
pyjamacryptid · 2 years
this hyperfixation on photography really has me in a chokehold because I just fell in love with a vintage 127mm camera at first sight it is so goddamn beautiful I’m gonna propose to it
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
why did you leave me (cl16)
multipart story! prev || next
summary : charles and y/n have always been best friends. but y/n has been in love with him forever. when charles starts dating a new girl, out of respect y/n distances herself. but how much is too much?
✦ pairing - charles leclerc x female reader
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Charles had been in a foul mood all week. The breakup with Camille had left him heartbroken, but more than that, he felt a deep sense of loneliness. The one person he truly wanted to talk to was Y/N, but she had been so distant lately.
As he approached the Red Bull garage, he spotted a familiar group. Carlos, Lando, Max, and Lewis were standing together, laughing and chatting. Y/N was there too, looking radiant as ever, her laughter ringing out melodiously.
Charles' mood darkened further when he spotted Y/N chatting animatedly with Lando Norris. They stood close, laughing and sharing an easy camaraderie that used to belong to him and Y/N. Lando wrapped his arms around Y/N in a playful hug, and Charles felt a surge of jealousy and anger.
Charles' heart clenched as he watched her interact so effortlessly with the others. He made his way over, feeling a pang of jealousy mixed with longing.
"Hey, guys," Charles greeted, forcing a smile.
"Hey, Charles!" Carlos said, giving him a friendly clap on the shoulder. "Long time no see."
"Yeah, it's been a while," Charles replied, his eyes drifting to Y/N.
"Y/N was just telling us about her trip to Japan," Lando said, his eyes shining with excitement. "It sounded amazing!"
"You went to Japan?" Charles asked, trying to keep his tone casual.
Y/N nodded, her smile faltering slightly as she met his gaze. "Yeah, it was a spontaneous trip. I needed a break."
"Sounds fun," Charles said, unable to hide the bitterness in his voice.
Max, sensing the tension, quickly changed the subject. "So, Charles, how’s the car feeling today?"
Charles answered distractedly, his mind racing with thoughts of Y/N. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he had been left out, that he was no longer a part of her life. As the conversation continued, he realized just how much he had missed. The others knew about her recent adventures, her new hobbies, even small details about her day-to-day life.
"Y/N's been really into photography lately," Lewis mentioned, showing Charles a stunning photo Y/N had taken on his phone. "She's got a real talent."
Charles clenched his jaw, feeling a surge of anger and frustration. He turned to Y/N, his eyes blazing. "Why didn’t you tell me any of this? Why did I have to find out from them?"
Y/N looked taken aback, her eyes wide with hurt. "Charles, I—"
"Why weren't you there anymore, Y/N?" he demanded, his voice rising. "Why did you cut me out of your life? One day I woke up and you just weren't there anymore. No call, no text, no updates. You abandoned me."
The others exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the brewing storm. Y/N took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. "Charles, I didn’t mean to—"
"You didn’t mean to what?" he interrupted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You didn’t mean to leave your best friend behind? You didn’t mean to make me feel like I don’t matter anymore?"
"Charles, that’s not fair," Y/N said, her voice trembling. "You were happy with Camille. I didn’t want to intrude and I thought that was okay. That you were okay with it."
"Everything is far from okay," he snapped. "How come you have time for everyone else but me? You can be here for Lando, laughing and hugging, but you can't even spare a minute for your so-called best friend."
"Charles, please," Y/N said, tears welling up in her eyes. "I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you."
"Well, you did," he said, his voice cracking. "You hurt me more than you can imagine."
Y/N faced Charles, taken aback by his outburst. "Charles, I—"
"No, Y/N, let me finish," he interrupted, his voice trembling with emotion. "I've been through hell these past few weeks. Camille and I fucking broke up, and the one person I wanted to talk to, the one person I needed, was you. But you weren't there. You were nowhere to be found. Do you have any idea how that feels?"
Y/N's eyes widened with shock and guilt. "You and Camille broke up? Charles, I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't know! You haven't been around to know anything about my life," he retorted. "I don't get it, Y/N. Why do you want to be friends with everyone else but me? Why are you pushing me away?"
Y/N reached out, trying to touch his arm, but he pulled away, the hurt and betrayal evident on his face. "I thought we were supposed to be there for each other, no matter what."
"We are," Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible. "We are, Charles."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she realized the extent of his pain. "Charles, I never wanted to hurt you. I thought distancing myself was the right thing to do."
"Right for who? Because it sure as hell wasn't right for me," he said bitterly. "I've missed you so much, Y/N. You were my best friend, and now it feels like I've lost you too."
He asked, his voice breaking, "Why did you leave me?" Charles shook his head, his anger giving way to a deep sadness. "I just want to understand," he whispered.
Before Y/N could respond, Carlos stepped in, his tone gentle but firm. "Charles, maybe we should all take a moment to cool down. This isn’t the place for this conversation."
Charles nodded, his anger still simmering. He turned away, not trusting himself to speak without lashing out again. He needed to clear his head, to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions tearing him apart.
As he walked away, he heard Y/N’s soft sobs and it broke his heart even more. He knew he needed answers, but more than that, he needed to find a way to fix the shattered pieces of their friendship before it was too late.
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sosa2imagines · 1 month
You, me and Vegas! Part 7
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Warning- Fluff.
Bucky was fidgeting, his nerves evident as he turned to Peach. “Are you sure about this?” he questioned anxiously.
Peach chuckled, her own confidence a stark contrast to his nerves. “Relax,” she reassured him, her voice steady and confident. “I've done this plenty of times, no biggie.”
Bucky nodded, trying to calm himself. “Right, right...” he mumbled, his hands still clenching and unclenching nervously.
Peach, seeing his obvious tension, reached out to give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “You're overthinking it, trust me,” she said, her voice comforting. “It'll be fine. I promise.”
Bucky eyed himself in the mirror anxiously as Peach stood behind him, scissors in hand. She held the scissors just above his ear, ready to make the first cut.
Bucky's eyes darted from the scissors back to his reflection. His breathing was slightly ragged, his knuckles white as he gripped the armrest of the chair. He was clearly nervous, his entire being tensing with trepidation.
Peach, sensing his anxiety, placed her free hand on his shoulder, her touch firm but soothing. “Relax,” she instructed, her voice calm and steady. “This is a basic trim, nothing fancy. You're overreacting.”
Bucky let out a shaky exhale, trying to do as she said. He closed his eyes, forcing himself to relax his grip on the armrest. “I know,” he mumbled, his voice betraying his nerves. “It's just... I've never been a fan of change, especially with my hair.”
“I get that,” Peach said, her tone sympathetic. “But trust me, this won't be a drastic change. Just a bit of shaping, that's all. I won't make you get a buzz cut or anything ridiculous.”
Bucky opened his eyes, his gaze meeting hers through the mirror. “Yeah, okay.” He took another deep breath, trying to steady himself. “Just... be gentle, please?”
Peach smiled reassuringly. “I'll be careful,” she promised. “Don't worry. You're in good hands.”
She lifted the scissors once more, positioning them just above Bucky's ear. He tensed again, but this time, he held himself still, trusting in Peach's promise.
With a swift, skilled motion, Peach made the first cut. Bucky, watching through the mirror, flinched as a few strands of his hair fell to the floor. He held his breath, every muscle in his body tense.
Peach continued to snip and cut, a soft snip-snip filling the room and the air around them. Bucky's eyes kept flickering to the mirror, watching as his hair changed, millimeter by millimeter.
Peach continued to snip and trim his hair as she talked, her voice a steady, comforting hum.
“So…” she began, her question seemingly casual, “You always wanted to be an architect?”
Bucky, a bit distracted by the ongoing haircut, took a moment to respond. “Yeah,” he replied, his gaze still fixed on his changing reflection. “Ever since I was a kid. I liked drawing and designing things.”
“That's cool,” Peach said, her scissors moving rhythmically through his hair. “How long have you been working in the field?”
Bucky's eyes moved from his reflection to her. “About five years now,” he replied. “It's been a journey, but I love what I do.”
Peach continued her work, the soft snip of the scissors cutting through the air. Her next question was light, conversational. “Any hobbies?” she asked as she moved to cut a lock of hair on his left side.
Bucky took a second to answer, contemplating her question. “Um, yeah,” he said, his eyes watching the scissors move with careful precision. “I like working out, I guess. It helps me clear my head and stay in shape. Oh, and I like reading, too. But there's one thing I loved the most...”
Peach paused her scissors, intrigued. “What's that?” she inquired, her interest piqued by his tone.
Bucky's eyes seemed to light up as he spoke, his voice taking on a hint of passion. “Photography. I love photography. Capturing moments, framing the world in a unique way... It's like freezing time and storing memories.”
The scissors resumed their motion, taking off another lock of hair as Peach listened, her eyes still focused on her task.
“You know,” she said, a sly smile on her lips, “I could have guessed that. It seems like a hobby that would suit you.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow, a slight frown creasing his brow at her comment. “And what's that supposed to mean?” he asked, his tone a mix of mild offense and curiosity.
Peach chuckled, amused by his reaction. “Just saying,” she replied casually. “You give off that artistic vibe. Plus, only photographers would be so intense about storing memories. Normal people are content with their brains.”
Bucky couldn't help but chuckle back. “Hey, don't underestimate the power of memory,” he retorted. “The human brain is its own hard drive, you know.”
“Yeah, but technology is more reliable,” Peach teased back, snipping another lock of hair. “Brains forget, cameras don't. By the way do you like the trim?”
Bucky turned his head from side to side, looking at his now nicely shaped and trimmed hair.
“Yeah, I think it looks good,” he said, a look of satisfaction on his face. “You did a great job.”
As Peach was about to style Bucky's newly trimmed hair, her phone suddenly rang loudly. She gave Bucky an apologetic look, her hands hovering over his head.
“Wait till I style it,” she reminded him, holding a finger up. She moved away to pick up her phone.
Bucky waited, his hair still wet and a bit disheveled. He watched Peach as she talked on the phone, his head slightly itching under the loose strands.
Peach listened to the voice on the other end of the line, a smile growing on her lips. Her voice, as she spoke, held a note of gratitude and excitement.
“Yes, okay. Thank you. Thank you so much,” she repeated, her words filled with genuine appreciation. It was obvious that the call was either work-related or related to something she was waiting for.
Peach hung up the phone, her expression immediately changing from excitement to sheer joy. Her face lit up, and she practically bounded back to Bucky, who was still waiting patiently.
“Bucky, Bucky, guess what!?” she exclaimed, her voice overflowing with enthusiasm.
Bucky, caught off guard by her sudden exuberance, looked at her in surprise. “What? What is it?” he asked, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement.
Peach was practically bouncing on her toes, her eyes glittering with uncontainable excitement. “They're going to publish my book!” she proclaimed, her voice a mix of disbelief and pure joy. “They loved my manuscript, they really liked it! It's actually going to get published!!”
Bucky's eyes widened, his surprise matching hers. “Holy crap, Peach,” he said, a grin spreading across his face. “That's incredible! Congratulations, seriously!”
Peach was still brimming with excitement, and now that excitement was fueling her spontaneous decision-making. “We're going to celebrate!” she declared, her voice still filled with that infectious enthusiasm. “My treat!”
Bucky chuckled, an eyebrow raised in mild amusement. “By getting drunk again?” he teased, recalling their misadventure from the previous time.
Peach, still in the throes of excitement, reached out and pinched Bucky's ear just strongly enough to make him yelp in surprise. “Ha ha, very funny,” she retorted, her voice full of mock indignation. “Say we are going to have fun!”
Bucky, rubbing his ear, mumbled his response. “We are going to have fun,” he conceded, a hint of amusement in his tone.
Peach, her enthusiasm still at an all-time high, let out another piercing scream, directly into Bucky's ear. “Say it louder!” she coaxed, her smile wide and bright.
Bucky flinched again, his ear ringing from her shrill voice. Laughing, he yielded, his voice rising to match her volume. “We are going to have fun!!!!!”
As they walked down the street, Bucky couldn't help but let his gaze linger on a particular store. It was Victoria's Secret, and the mannequins in the window were adorned with an array of provocative undergarments. Bucky, not wanting to miss an opportunity to tease, pointed towards the display and said, “You know, one of those would look great on you.”
Peach, who was walking in stride next to him, rolled her eyes, smiling nonetheless. “Nice try, Buck. But we're not going in there.”  She quickly grabbed his arm and dragged a slightly protesting Bucky away from the store entrance.
Bucky and Peach came to a halt in front of a high-end restaurant, its elegant exterior and fancy menu on display. Bucky let out a low whistle as he studied the prices.
“Damn, look at the prices!” he remarked, his eyes widening at the numbers.
Peach, a practical frown on her face, shook her head. “We're not eating here!” she declared, already starting to pull Bucky away from the restaurant.
Peach had turned to face Bucky, her hands on her hips. Her voice carried a tone of authority, a clear indication that she was in charge of the evening's celebrations.
“My treat, my rules,” she stated emphatically. “We're going to have genuine fun my way. No complaints, got it?”
Bucky held up his hands in mock surrender, a playful smirk on his lips. “Alright, alright,” he conceded, his tone light. “Your rules, Your Highness. I'm all for 'genuine fun', whatever that entails.”
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Part 6- Part 8
Taglist- @imyourbratzdoll @blackhawkfanatic @ordelixx @sapphirebarnes @ilovetaquitosmmmm
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @vicmc624 @thezombieprostitute @nekoannie-chan
@emerald-writes @caplanbuckybarnes
@redbloodedgurl @cjand10 @chemtrails-club @slutforchrisjamalevans @gracescor3
@ghostlythinggoingaround @princezzjasmine @3xclusivemariii @ephemeral-oasis @zuri-767-666
@geeky-politics-46 @dexter99 @calwitch
@caplanreblogsfics @winterslove1917
@pono-pura-vida @renegadesgirl1991 @iwudbutnah @ghalouha @sebastians-love @saranghaey @greatmistakes @baw1066
@bucks-babe @lolzies123r @kandis-mom @purplecolordeer @avioletkurt
@unaxv @pattiemac1 @lovely-geek @hzdhrtss
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lurkingshan · 1 year
I've been following your discussions on ephemerality vs permanence, control & voyeurism, and on that theme I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on Boston having that video of Mew and Ray. It seems odd that he'd hold on to it for two years, without their knowledge, only to use it in a power play that isn't even fully about Mew. What do you think is happening there? I feel like it has to play into the power dynamics in his relationship with Mew, the way they hold each other in apparent contempt but stick together, as well as Boston's voyeurism and how he'd delight in holding some sort of compromising secret against Mew without his knowledge, but I haven't got any fully realised thoughts about it yet, so I'd love to hear your perspective.
Hi anon, thank you for asking! I have mentioned before that it feels like we're still missing a lot of information about this friend group and their history together, so there may be some information coming to give context to this particular incident and why Boston felt the need to record it. But my current suspicion is that his decision to record and keep this was not initially that deep or sinister.
Boston is a photographer; his instinct is to document what he sees. In the very first episode, he was walking around with a camera taking pictures of the surroundings. In the second episode, after he asked Nick to pose for some photographs, we saw how serious he is about this when it was revealed that he has his own private dark room. Most student photographers would use a dark room at school (think Ink in Bad Buddy), but Boston has built his residence around his photography, indicating this is much more than a casual hobby for him. He tells Nick that he likes to have mementos of certain people and moments in his life, and he hangs on to the photo strip from his first hookup with Top (I don't think it's a coincidence that his first time with Top has a connection to his love for photography; that's a signal that this was meaningful to him).
In accordance with this interest of his, Boston is a natural voyeur and keen observer of other people. He notices everything that is happening with his friends, and he is always documenting it, even if just in his own mind. He knows about Ray's feelings for Mew; he also knows Mew does not feel the same. He knows Mew has a chip on his shoulder about his virginity. He knows Top needs to feel like an alpha. He knows Nick can be appeased with some vague weasel words and a small bit of affection. And he uses all of this information to his advantage when the need and opportunity presents itself. He seems to have little to no qualms about doing so; Boston ruthlessly pursues what he wants and he doesn't really have any sense of loyalty.
On top of that, I tend to agree with you that Boston has some kind of longstanding issue with Mew. The way he digs at Mew about his virginity is hard to miss. It might just be that Mew's self-righteousness about sex grates on him on principle, and he wants to knock him down a peg. Or it could go deeper. I have been reading it as something of an inferiority complex, given that we know Mew is also a top student. Perhaps sex is the only arena in which Boston feels superior to Mew, and so he wants him on his playing field so that he can beat him at something. When he first hooked Mew up with Top, he clearly expected Top to sleep with him once and then move on, like he did with Boston; the fact that Mew actually got Top to pursue him seriously threw Boston off and pushed him into a bit of an obsessive spiral over Top.
So, back to your question: why did he record Ray and Mew doing whatever it is they did a couple years ago? At that time, it was probably simply because he saw it, and his instinct is always to observe and document. Boston is someone who likes knowing things and keeping a record, and he always has a camera ready. I'm not sure there needs to be any deeper reason than that. I doubt he recorded it with the conscious thought that one day he would use it to humiliate or expose them, though depending on how early this issue with him and Mew and sex popped up, he may already have been thinking that Mew is a hypocrite and here was his proof. But even if that wasn't the case then, when he saw an opportunity to use Ray's feelings for Mew to his advantage in his play for Top, he pulled this up from the archives and recognized it was the perfect ammunition. And as I mentioned above, he has no qualms about using it to his advantage.
Tagging in @chickenstrangers who I know also had a lot of thoughts about Boston's photography, and @ranchthoughts @waitmyturtles in case you have anything to add on the voyeurism thread.
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sophisticatedpjparty · 6 months
I don't think I've ever properly explained my magical girl manga concept here before, so to catch everyone up:
This is the basic summary of what I'm currently calling
Action-Magic Art Club!!
Basically, a handful of artists all over a city in Japan are mysteriously given powers based on their art styles and mediums. These powers are contained within little vials or pendants containing different art mediums (paints, craft materials, charcoal, pastels, whatever), which grant their users their abilities and are activated when the vial is opened.
The series will follow 4 girls who help the other artists who've been given powers gain better control of their abilities and stop magic-related disasters, while also leading up to a mystery surrounding disappearances in the city they're protecting.. Oh, and cute slice of life shenanigans too.
These are the 4 main characters who are granted these abilities; Shizue, Kagami, Naoki, and Ishi. Each have their own unique powers and styles!
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(Pictured are their casual/everyday outfits, I'll be posting full refs including their magical girl transformations soon!)
Shizue is a 19 year old trans girl who lives in the city with her younger sister, Kagami. She's a hobbyist artist who makes surrealist paintings with watercolors, and after finding her vial, gains the power to manipulate large amounts of paint into different shapes and states. She tends to be quiet and reserved, and often struggles with strong feelings of anxiety in her day-to-day life. However, despite the challenges she faces, she's very hardworking and responsible, especially after becoming Kagami's primary caretaker at an early age. No matter what comes her way, she does her best to be kind and understanding to the people around her.
Her other interests include gaming, cosplay, and anime.
Kagami, on the other hand, is incredibly energetic, outgoing, and most of all intense in everything she does. She's a 16 year old high school student who likes to draw and write action manga in her free time. Upon finding her vial, she gains the ability to summon short-range magical weapons made of ink. She's very determined and nearly unstoppable when she sets her mind to something, but can sometimes a bit reckless and hot-headed. She's strong, passionate, and would do anything to protect the people she cares about.
Her other interests include alternative music, poetry, & athletics.
Naoki is a 20-year-old Japanese-American immigrant who lives with her girlfriend, Ishi. She's fun, carefree, and does her best to keep the people around her in high spirits. She's a freelance artist that specializes in nature paintings, and when she discovers her vial, becomes able to instantly create plants out of acrylic paint. Although sometimes impulsive, she's optimistic, loving, and always strives to be compassionate.
Her other hobbies include cooking, hiking, swimming, & photography.
Ishi is a 21-year-old storyboard artist for an animation studio. Level-headed, mature, critical, and always honest, she can sometimes come off as cold or blunt, but underneath her stern exterior she feels a deep care and concern for others that guides her above all else. When she finds her vial, she develops the power to create nearly unbreakable structures out of charcoal. Between her work at the studio and her life as a magical girl, she often finds herself overworked and stressed, but no matter what, she'll always make time for her friends when they need her.
In her small amounts of spare time, she enjoys reading, interior design, and TV dramas. (But secretly, she's also a massive nerd who loves fantasy rpgs and loud music to release all the pent up stress in her mind)
Some backstory/dynamic ramblings:
As a couple, Ishi and Naoki tend to bring out the best in eachother, as while Ishi helps bring Naoki down to earth and offers a more realistic approach to Naoki's endless optimism, Naoki helps Ishi to loosen up and recognize when she's been pushing herself too hard, and when it's time to take a break. They care for eachother in their own ways and balance eachother's perspectives in a healthy way.
They met online when they were much younger, when Naoki resided in the US. Their relationship was already strong, but one day after turning 18, Naoki decided to collect her savings and fly overseas to stay in Japan, due to unfortunate circumstances in her home and family life. She had planned to stay with extended family that agreed to take her in, but upon arriving, found an empty house, and the discovery that that they hadn't been seen since the morning before. Ishi offered her a place to stay instead, and they've lived together ever since. Naoki never forgot the kindness and compassion Ishi showed her that day at a time when she was stricken with grief and needed support more than ever; and does her best to pay it forward every day.
As sisters, Shizue and Kagami both care about eachother, but often clash with eachother due to their polar opposite temperaments and outlooks. Shortly before the series begins (roughly a year), their parents disappeared under unknown circumstances, and Shizue as a very young adult was made to step in and act as Kagami's caretaker during investigation. They've both dealt with the loss in their own ways and in some ways it's created a rift between them, but at the end of the day Shizue wants nothing more than for Kagami to be safe and happy, and even though she'd never say it, Kagami secretly looks up to her older sister and appreciates everything she does for her.
I'm not sure when I'll start releasing actual pages as I've still got quite a few things to work out in the story, but I'm excited to write more and I hope you all enjoy it, however it ends up looking when I'm ready to share it with you. ♡
Feel free to ask any questions or share any thoughts you have! I'm happy to talk about it anytime ☆
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fr3aklike-me · 2 years
i’m so glad u don’t find it annoying! you’re always too sweet </3 okay wow, i know for a fact that i could never do either photography or film because it’s very complex so v impressed over here. i’m sure you’ll get very good at this, u seem like a curiosity driven person and it’s always a good trait for learning new stuff! i’m too very bad at time managing especially with school in the way so i get that; never heard of those books though, will look it up. i moved cities, new maj and new roommates from last we talked but other than that just started new books and tv series. wished i started a new hobby though - 🍰
of course! I enjoy your company so, so much <3 omg, thank you so much! I've always taken pictures and videos of my friends, family members and scenery, but I always just did it casually and for fun, so I'd love to try doing it more seriously. awe, you're so sweet, thank you <3 oooh omg that's so many new things that have happened! how are you liking the new city and new major? and what books and series have you been into? I totally get that, I also wish I could get into more hobbies, specifically hands on ones, but I think it's understandable that right now, we may be too busy for that with school and all. but, once break comes, we should totally start our new hobbies!
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mochi-marie · 4 years
hello! I would like to request a haikyuu matchup please :D (I apologize in advance if I write too much aksjk hopefully it'll make it easier to match me up?)
1) I'm a straight female and use she/her pronouns
2) I'm about 5'6", have straight brown hair (my friend says it looks orange-ish in the sunlight??), brown eyes, and I've been told that I'm kinda pale (but unfortunately flush easily lol).
As for things that make me stand out, I have patches of eczema littered all over my skin. I have a few on my hands and wrists and even though ik they're not a good thing and of course would much prefer not having eczema, I kinda like that it makes me unique. I also have round glasses (my eyesight is extremely bad ㅠㅠ), wear a lot of black, and recently have been wearing this tan overcoat everytime I go out bc it's big and comfy. oh, and I've always loved black low-top converse!
I'm overweight so I'm kinda insecure about my physical appearance, but I've been dealing with it for so long that ig I've come to terms with it and have just accepted that this is how I am (but I have been trying to exercise... >_>)
3) I'm a gemini, istp-t, and enneagram type 5. I think I treat people how they treat me; if someone doesn't talk to me, I probably won't talk to them unless necessary, and if someone is very friendly and nice to me, I'll be a bit more open and talk more. I'm usually pretty reserved and go with the flow, but around people I'm more comfortable with I can be very sarcastic and playful. I'm kinda a mom/therapist friend. I'm very lazy and an expert procrastinater (I do what's necessary in the most efficient way possible, unless it's something that I enjoy).
Some things I enjoy: cooking & baking, arts & crafts, reading, sketching, 80s music, watching anime/tv/movies (especially crime, mystery, and thriller), and photography (as far as taking scenic photos with my phone goes lmao). idk if this counts as interests, but I'm planning on majoring in business administration and accounting. and as for my clothing style, I currently dress for comfort bc I'm always inside, but if I get a chance to redo my wardrobe I'd like to dress in a style more like dark academia/comfy casual? I have no idea if those are the right words to describe it 😅
4) I'm pretty sure my love language is physical touch, but I also really enjoy receiving spontaneous gifts or stuff I've been wanting (and money lmao I'm a big saver)! I've never been in a relationship, but I know I would definitely have to be friends with someone before even considering a serious romantic relationship, so I would ideally be comfortable around them already. I have a tendency to bottle up my emotions and I'm honestly a bit of a tsundere, so I think I might be shy in voicing my wants/initiating things. as for my type, I would prefer someone tall, mature but able to be playful and can take a joke (I sometimes use "idiot" as a term of endearment sksj I can be kinda mean sometimes tbh), patient since I'll take a while to open up, and ideally ambitious and willing to take initiative (bonus points if they're able to keep up with my sarcastic banter!)
5) I definitely like to sleep in, but if I need to wake up early and I can do so relatively easily. ig you could say I'm more of a night owl. I'm in a constant state of tiredness (possibly fatigued but idk) lol. I could technically live without music but would 100% prefer not to. my favorite song is "eyes without a face" by billy idol. I've never really thought about what my ideal first date would be, but I would like if it was well thought out and personal instead of the typical movie and dinner I suppose.
thank you so much for taking the time to do this!! I apologize again for writing so much 😅 hopefully you'll be able to have some fun writing, and I hope you're doing well! and no worries if you're unable to get to my matchup; please prioritize your wellbeing <3
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i had such a blast reading through this entire thing!!! thank you for writing this much, seriously — i love it, it makes it so much more interesting and easier on my part to find a match!! <3
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♡ . . . REASONINGS : filtering through the information, i have decided that, in my personal opinion, you are best paired with kuroo tetsurou!
starting off, the trench coat? comfy and casual dark academia fashion style? from looks alone, you seem like a pretty good match-up with kuroo. on the outside look in, i feel like you both would look like a really smart, cute, and sensible / mature couple! in all honesty, i think that kuroo would find your big glasses adorable ( and if you're prone to loosing them, he would find it sickeningly cute if you cling to him while you both searched for the glasses ). i imagine his breath hitches whenever his eyes lay on your figure in the setting sun, turning your hair into a pretty orange-brown shade that makes his heart beat a little bit faster. kuroo is used to being around more reserved people ( as he was once reserved, and now his best friend is rather reserved as well ), so becoming a friends-to-lovers dynamic would be easy. your playfulness and possible sarcasm seems to perfectly interact with his own, and considering some research about your enneagram and personality type, i think that your ( possible ) creativity and curiosity really intrigues him and keeps him curious and attentive with you. i feel that he might always be wondering what's going on in that pretty head of yours, curious to know what your next wonderful idea is or what your mind is thinking about. as an obvious friends-to-lovers trope, i think your relationship with kuroo would be very cute! i have a feeling that he'd love that your love language is physical connection, and would pick up on any ques if you're feeling cuddly and can't get the words out to ask for soft intimacy and cuddles! sarcastic banter? mature yet playful? i think your ideal type seems to perfectly match up with kuroo -- he would most definitely be able to take whatever playful insults you have to throw at him, and be able to throw some back. he knows when to be playful and understands if he ever goes too far, and will own up to any mistakes he may make. considering your hobbies and interests, i think your interest in crime shows / mystery and thriller movies / anime may really pique his interest, and he'd eventually be hooked right along side you. and he may not be the best in the world, but imagining the both of you together, baking or cooking something ( possibly late at night because of midnight cravings ) could be really cute!
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♡ . . . staying up late at night and ending up heading into the kitchen together to make a midnight meal doesn't happen too often, but sometimes all you both need is a look at each other as your stomachs growl after a food-related ad on tv. ♡ . . . would absolutely make you feel like a queen all day and everyday if he can help it! will exercise with you if you would let him, and would celebrate all achievements with you; big or small! ♡ . . . kuroo is surprisingly one of the most thoughtful boyfriends, in my personal opinion! i feel like the dates would be well planned, memories eagerly waiting to be made! ♡ . . . the banter between you both is so cute!! it can be sarcastic, but it's never hostile, always playful and light, a smirk plastered onto his lips in a charmingly charismatic way! ♡ . . . stay-at-home-and-watching-a-show-dates!! whether it be wide-eyed and open-mouthed concentration on crime shows, or close-cuddling while watching some thriller or mystery shows / movies / animes!
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♡ . . . akaashi keiji, iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, daichi sawamura
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