#i've always been kind of blunt ig..
teddybeartoji · 2 months
omg i was thinking abt how i am the one who confesses first in almost all of my selfships lmao the only exception is with satoru bc he actually ends up confessing when he's... tipsy....... AAAAANYWAY otherwise it's always me. i just can't. i can't hold it in. i'm gonna explode if i don't spit it out. i will definitely wait a little while ofc ofc buuuut absolutely every single of my beloveds is the silent type. like c'mon i'm talking abt toji and suguru and shoko.... they're all taking their time they don't even know what they want at first lmao aaand then we have utahime who i just think would be a little too nervous to say it first. aaaaaand then we have dazai. bro. will he. ever. actually confess? he teases and he makes jokes and he will say 'ily' but i never know whether he means it or not omfg please just ask me to marry you already i can't take it anymore. wait and then sukuna...... yeaaaaaah i still gotta do it. and higuruma. omg wait.......... higu.......................... i feel like he's kinda like me,, like he'd just kinda blurt it out one day aaaaaaa omfg that's so refreshing:333333 aaaanyway i still love them all and i don't mind saying it first i just need them to know that i like love love them<3333333
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sunshineluverr · 2 years
It's Thursday, let's break up on Thursday • kth
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Pairing : Taehyun x fem!reader
Word count : 4k
Genre : fluffy fluff, college au, (attempted) crack/humour, song fic
Synopsis : You're frustrated with your boyfriend's behaviour so you ended up deciding to break up with him on a regular Thursday.
(+ a cute day out with him!)
Warnings : slight angst cause it's about a break up, mentions of food (pork belly and other things), misunderstandings, reader overthinks stuff, some swearing, use of nicknames, slightly suggestive (?? barely just some mentions of it ig)
Few Disclaimers! : This is a work of pure fiction and only meant for entertainment purposes and does not depict anything about the idol or reader in real life
That being said, the website thing I've mentioned in the story is completely made up and even though that particular website exists, it does not read out the same instructions I've written down (for funny reasons)
The bonus scene is just something extra I wrote for fun and wholesomeness and is not that much relevant to the point of the fic. However I'll still recommend reading it, so, enjoy!
Song recommendation :
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Biggest red flag :
Being scared of your own boyfriend.
Does that mean the boyfriend is a red flag? No. It's definitely you. Or at least that's what you believe in your head.
It's not been long since you started dating Taehyun. It's only been a month to be exact. Still you have yet to figure out how to act and react in a relationship and 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 with someone like Taehyun.
Taehyun first met you during a group assignment between science & mechanism and physical education students. It was kind of a big deal for your college too, to be holding a project, this large scale.
The two of you kinda seemed to hit off instantly as you were assigned partners and shared your interest in having the thirst for knowledge.
The project was to create a device that will somehow help in boosting physical activity level of an individual. It was a complicated assignment indeed, causing you and Taehyun to work really hard on it together non stop which led to both of you having to be inseparable for weeks.
You ended up always having lunch together, spending breaks together, and always being at each other's dorms. And neither of you seemed to mind the closeness and comfortability that naturally came with spending so much time together.
On presentation day, it was a huge success. So much so infact that the device you both created for your project, was used as an example to other students and juniors. That night you both went all out to celebrate. That night was crazy.
"Oh what's this? Kang Taehyun has brought cake? What about the calories??" you tease him, going through the grocery bag he brought full of things for you two to celebrate.
"Calories are invisible for me when I see stawberry shortcake. Besides, we deserve it" He puts both arms on his waist and gives you a proud smile, you return the gesture, smiling warmly as you nod in agreement.
"Meat meat meat!! Grilling the meat Taehyunnie!" You do a little dance and song while he grills the pork belly for the two of you to eat.
You missed to catch the glimmer in Taehyun's eyes, as he watches you being so excited, he stares fondly because it brings joy in his heart to see you so happy. The two of you feast till you're content and then ended up sprawled on the carpetted floor, stomachs full.
"It's funny that we spent this much time together for merely a college assignment. None of the teams probably took it this seriously" You laugh at the irony and he hums in response.
"Like seriously Taehyun? How did you even get so much free time? Do you even have any friends?" You say in a mocking tone.
"I am pretty sure I have more friends than you, actually" Taehyun says bluntly to your comment. But you're used to his blunt and absolutely savage comebacks at this point.
"Okay okay Mr. popular, you're probably right too." you give a weak laugh
"It's true, I am just a lonely girl and after this, now that the project's over, we don't need to hang out together all the time, we must go our separate ways and-"
You're interrupted by Taehyun suddenly getting up and coming on top of you. You're extremely shocked and fall stiff.
"Shut up"
"Oh um...sorry." you gulp. That was kinda scary.
"No I mean, shut up about what you said. Take it back. What do you mean we're going separate ways? We can only become closer from this point on" Taehyun says as he is only inches away from your face, yet there is no sign of any emotion on him, as always he is so hard to read.
"If you want to stay friends Tae...we can, I will be more than happy to-"
"Friends? You really don't get it do you?" He says as he closes in the distance, to the point he's practically breathing on your face.
"I like you" he whispers and you surely felt your heart skip a whole beat.
The two of you just stay silent in the same position for a full two minutes. You needed to process what just happened.
You'd admit, you had feelings for Taehyun too, the way he smiles so rare but so pretty, the way he is so passionate and talented about his work, the way he randomly starts doing push ups anywhere and looks so hot while doing them. He was such an attractive guy, but you never took your feelings into consideration as he was kind of your first friend on college grounds. You didn't want to confuse romantic and platonic emotions.
But now that Taehyun, the Kang Cold Taehyun has confessed to you, you felt a wave of confidence beginning to loom over you.
"You like me? I like you too... Should we date?"
You finally give a reply to the boy hovering above you.
He gives away a soft smile then gets up, reaching out a hand to help you get up as well.
"Alright it's getting late right now, tomorrow is class after all"
"Huh what? What why where?"
Before you're able to process anything, Taehyun places a lingering kiss on your cheek and gives you a smile and a wave goodbye and immediately he is out the door.
"Good... night?"
That was the day it officially all began. Taehyun the dreadful boyfriend era.
The two of you never 100% established that you're officially dating, but you're going along with it.
There were quite a few significant changes that confirmed you're dating, like how whenever Taehyun and you walk side by side now, he makes sure to grab your hand. Another thing is he invites you over to eat dinner together basically every other day. It was fun but also nerve wrecking.
But besides the hand holding, You knew that Taehyun is not the best example of a warm and affectionate person, so the lack of touch that comes with being in a relationship was evident. But it still annoyed you so bad, the two of you didn't even kiss yet! What is this? Middle school?!
Something else that bothered you is how much Taehyun doesn't have any opinion on anything. Whenever the two of you eat together or plan to watch something together, he lets you decide every single time. Who does he think you are, some sort of decision factory?!
Another change that freaked you out was : As friends, Taehyun was always so precise, whenever the two of you ate out, you would always perfectly split the bill but ever since you began dating him, he's bought you, your morning coffee, every single day! Even when you refused, he forcibly insisted?? Taehyun would never spend for someone's food like this. It made no sense.
And yeah okay sure, maybe he is an affectionate "would do anything for you" type of guy after all and you misunderstood him? Not! because the most important thing to him is his gym time. This was confirmed by your conversation with him on last Thursday.
* "Taehyun! My evening classes are cancelled! If you want we can hang out a bit extra today! Maybe go to the arcade, have some-"
"Oh today is lifting day. I'll just meet you at our usual dinner time. My place again today?"
"Uh...yeah sure.." *
You were heartbroken! Is "lifting" more important than spending quality time with your girlfriend?!
Oh and yeah the dinner thing probably seems sweet...but he never stays the night! Even if you'd be finishing until 11:30 pm, he'll not let you walk home all alone in the night and go with you to drop you off, but he definitely won't let you stay either!
Every damn thing of Kang Taehyun as a boyfriend confused you. And you've been wrecking your mind to try and figure out the whole dating situation, so you give up. It's just a simple first time dating someone, it's really not that deep, plus it won't be like he would be heartbroken ; so you decide to break up with him, this Thursday. You two were truly better off as friends.
Thus began, the depression arc.
This week you had been incredibly sad, you even missed a few classes and deadlines, especially weird when you're always so punctual and attentive, but suddenly you seemed to lose motivation to do absolutely anything. After barely getting through the first class this morning, you slump on your desk instead of going out for break like you usually do.
You were disturbed from your nap by a poke on the head. You slightly lift up your head to look at the culprit of the person that woke you : who else but Taehyun.
You respond in groans and he sits down next to you, in that empty classroom.
"I brought you your lunch here. Your welcome."
"Don't wanna" you whine
"But you have to. What's up even with you lately?" He asks, sounding confused but mostly, concerned.
"It's your fault!" You speak without thinking, still half asleep.
"My fault? Did I do something wrong? Tell me if I did something to make you uncomfortable"
"No. Bye. Break time is almost over" You're blunt and reject his politeness.
"I'm not going until you eat. I'll feed you myself if I have to." He insisted, stubborn as always
He'll feed you? by his hands? You blush. The offer was so tempting. But you must resist, you can't lead him on by acting lovey dovey if you're going to break up soon.
"I swear I'll eat in the next break, just go okay? I don't want you to be late to a class because of me."
"If you insist" he shrugs in dissapointment. And as your eyes watch him leave the door, they almost get teary, you wonder why.
Today was the day. Taehyun asks to have dinner with you again, so you go along because it would seem too unusual if you refused to have dinner with him. That's literally the one thing you guys do together. And probably the last time you will do it ever.
You realise you're a bit upset that you could lose you're only friend in your college by breaking up with Taehyun. But you assumed that he is a mature man and will probably continue the friendship, going back to the things and how they used to be. Finally.
You were less excited for tonight's dinner though, breaking up seemed easy but it was still a bummer. Even when Taehyun said he'll make fried rice for you, which was special because he would usually make some protein rich, healthy food, but today he was making your favourite. Gosh why today of all days he decided to be so sweet?!
When you arrived at his dormroom, you tried your hardest to maintain that cold aura. You exchanged fewer words, took off your coat and sat on the floor table. Still, Taehyun greets you with a smile.
"I have good news."
Why?!! you wonder, now you bringing the bad news will be such a downer!
"What is it?"
"All of tomorrow's classes are cancelled due to a condolence holiday, we can stay up late! In celebration, I bought cheese tteok and ice cream" Taehyun beams.
Actually this news cheered you also up as well too, like a free day off from school was always something to be happy about.
Taehyun brings in the pot of rice, two bowls and you begin to have dinner. Usually you start the conversation, but not doing so the two of you ate in silence. The uncomfortable awkward-ness started to build up from this point on.
When you both finished, you helped Taehyun to clean up. At the beginning of your friendship, he would strictly refuse for your help to clean up because of his default polite personality but gradually, he got better at taking help from you since how often you'd come to his dorm, you practically lived there. (but of course you're still pissed off about the fact that he never asked you to stay over, though)
As the tidying and dishes were done, Taehyun suggests to play a videogame together but you brutally refused to which he pouts. You can't spend time in bonding with him right now, it's too late. You're about to break up with him any second now.
So you just sit on his couch scrolling through your phone, trying to distract yourself from the sight in front of you, that is, Taehyun doing his after meal work-out session. Even though it was annoying, he looks hot while excercising, so.
To try and find some motivation and ideas, you look up on your phone : "How to break up with your boyfriend?
You take a look at a site called wikihow, seemed suspicious..
" Method 1. Kill them"
You almost choke on air.
": If your boyfriend is dead! The relationship doesn't exist anymore! Super easy plan"
Wow okay um...if that's number one then what's number two?
"Method 2. Burn down his house : He will get too busy in trying to find a new house so he will break up with you himself!"
Is this site...for real????
You change up the text on your search bar to "How to break up with your boyfriend *gently* ?"
This time the results were different and safer. Phew.
Step 1. Compliment him
"Tae, uh you have some nice muscles you know? It's looking good"
"I know. Thank you"
Okay next...
Step 2. Try to start a conversation with him
"Taehyun come here. Can we talk?"
"Sure...?" He comes and sits beside you on the couch.
Step 3. Hug him
You give Taehyun a hug, he seemed to tense up a bit because he was surprised, but quickly returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around you. It was such a nice hug. He's so warm and muscular, yet soft, hugging him feels like the most comfortable heaven. You're going to miss hugs like this
Step 4. Say that you want to talk about something important
"Taehyun, I need to tell you something important"
"What is it? You can say anything to me"
Step 5. Rip off the bandaid!
"I wanna break up" you realise you only think the words and not actually say them from your mouth which lies hanging open. Taehyun watches you, confused.
"Is everything alright?"
"I uh.."
"Are you crying?" Taehyun asks as he frowns with worry
"Huh? What? I am?!"
You touch your face and it's wet with hot tears. Sad feelings starting to sink in.
"I'm- I'm sorry"
"Why? Are you okay? What happened?" Taehyun voice is soft and caring as he cups your face.
You give in and start to sob, crying hard. You didn't contemplate the fact just how hard you had fallen for Kang Taehyun. It's true that even though there so many things that bothered or confused you, there were enough factors that kept you wanting more and needing more of him, all the time. He's imperfect but perfect as well and you loved him, you couldn't break up with him, you just couldn't.
"I'm sorry I can't" you sniffle
"Can't what?" He asks wiping a tear
"Can't break up with you"
Taehyun's jaw drops lightly, he really did not expect you to say that
"Who is asking you to do that? It's not like I'm breaking up with you"
"Oh yeah..." you let out, feeling dumbfounded
He smiles, in amusement almost.
You frown and throw a light punch to his arm.
"I'm breaking up with you because you're a terrible boyfriend!"
"I am?!"
"Yeah!" You sob more
"Uh did I do something wrong?"
"Everything! Taehyun you don't understand, this is my first real relationship and you used to be my only friend, so whenever I feel stressed about something on how to act or react as a girlfriend, or how everything is so confusing I cannot ask anyone or rant to anyone because I'm just a sad loner and and-! just! I don't understand anything!"
Taehyun lets out a small laugh and you look at him in confusion.
"Why don't you rant about your boyfriend to me...as your friend?"
"But you are my boyfriend!"
"Pretend I'm not"
"Well..then" you begin, wipping off a tear.
"My boyfriend is so annoying because he always pays for my stuff even though I never ask him to"
"Maybe that's his way of showing his love for you, his love language is acts of service?"
"I suppose that makes sense...But he never lets me stay over! Like we are boyfriend and girlfriend for fucks sake we can sleep together if we want to!"
"Maybe he is scared that if you stay over, his temptations will get to him and he is afraid you're not ready for taking that step so early into the relationship"
"Um well..uh he totally loves gyming more than me! He spends more time at the gym than with me!"
"Maybe if you voice your demands to him, he will comply and spend a lot more time with you, whenever you need"
"But but... he's so distant...we haven't even kissed yet!"
And instead of getting another logical (and wholesome) reply from your "best friend" Taehyun leaned in to press a kiss on your lips. It was soft and warm and sweet. You felt so happy to kiss him.
He separates the kiss and you feel like crying even more.
"Taehyun... you're the best boyfriend ever! I'm sorry I doubted you... I'm the worst"
"Shh shh...do not say that about yourself. I'm sorry if I seemed too careful or too distant. I will try harder for you."
"Me- me too! Taehyun...I love you"
"I love you too." He places another peck on your lips
"And really, you can just ask if you want to sleep over...but don't blame me for what happens after that" he gives you a playful smirk making you blush
"Kang Taehyun you drive me insane!!"
Step 6 : Congratulations! You have broken up with your boyfriend unsuccessfully!
(♡Bonus Scene♡)
"Tyun. Today I will take you out for the best adventure ever!"
"Oh?" he perks an eyebrow at you "but what's the occasion?"
"Hmm just, you'll see!"
That conversation you had with him, this morning, in the bath, while he was washing your hair. It isn't a often thing you two would shower together, but since you've grown so comfortable with him and today you really needed to save some time...
It was the best bet (even though it was so relaxing to the point you would spend the whole day right there but no way that's happening because it will probably be a health hazard)
Taehyun was confused about it all. It wasn't like today was your anniversary, birthday, valentines day, none. But you very specifically asked him to finish all his assignments beforehand, take an absentee from class and spend the whole day with you.
You had even picked out clothes for him by your choice, he was still confused but gladly accepted anything you ask him to do because he trusts you so much.
When he saw that the two of you, actually, matched clothes, like a cute couple pair set of clothes, he nodded and gave you a bright satisfied smile and a peck on the cheek. You're excited to receive those kind of reactions from him all day long because of all the surprises you planned.
Another surprise was that you would be driving! Although you would be using his car, cause you don't have your own. But since he's always the one driving for the two of you so you wanted to give him a break and return the gesture.
"No buts! today you're the passenger princess babe, now hop in!"
Taehyun rolls his eyes at your teasing, though his heart flutters at you puttting in so many efforts just for him. He feels so loved and so in love, it's practically too much.
You drive around for a while, your destination clear in your mind. But even if it took quite some time to reach the location, the car ride was far from boring. You had put on a playlist of Taehyun's favorite songs, to put him in even higher spirits than he already was.
When you finally arrived, It was at a park, a hiking park to be specific.
"Wait baby really-? Are you sure you'd wanna do something like this? Will you be even alive?!" It seemed like he was joking but by his expression, he was genuinely concerned for your well being, knowing very well how much you hate any sort of physical activity.
"I'll be fine and we won't go that far so really you don't need to worry" You give a reassuring smile.
And yes, it's a shame you're not as physically energetic and adventurous as your boyfriend but that is exactly why you chose this place, it was perfect because it was completely unexpected. And his excitement was so clear on his face, it was so worth it.
The two of you began moving up the rocky road, hand in hand (or you'd probably fall to your death if he wasn't holding on tight)
The weather being perfect, just as you'd hoped it'd be. Despite your exhausted self, you appreciated the beauty of the hiking park ; there were flowers on every edge and small animals here and there.
As soon as you started recognising the pathway more and more, it was now you guiding Taehyun instead of him guiding you. He was surprised at your sudden enthusiasm but followed patiently nonetheless as you led the way.
You came to a stop to a bunch of trees that had hanging branches. Taehyun gave you a confused pout as to why you stopped suddenly and your heart did somersaults at his precious face.
"So, as we go through these branches, I want you to close your eyes."
"Huh? Why?" gosh he's stubborn as always, you think.
"just! please! or else I'll do it myself with my hands!"
"Okay okay" He finally closes his eyes. You firmed the grip on his hand and dragged him ahead, moving a few bushes and branches with your free hand.
"Okay" you sigh "You can open them now"
Taehyun's big eyes, grew bigger than ever and sparkled more than ever at the sight.
It was a giant tree, decorated with all sorts of confetti, ribbons, balloons, streamers and lights. One of the big branches had a swing attached to it, The swing was also adorable. There was a wide and thick picnic blanket spread across the grass. There was Large carving of yours and Taehyun's initials on the tree trunk. There were even Polaroids of you and Taehyun with tiny sticky notes next to them, bearing sweet messages, stuck on the tree.
It was absolutely beautiful and the most breath taking scene ever.
"So...what do you think?" You ask, expecting some words from your awe-struck boyfriend
"I...I don't know what to say.." Taehyun's eyes glimmered, almost a bit too much. Was he actually.... crying?!
"Taehyun are you-"
He interrupted you by lifting you in the air and twirling you around. "It's amazing. it's the best thing anyone has ever did for me! I love it so much!" He beamed.
His face was flushed and eyes were watery, surprisingly, but he had definitely teared up. Still you didn't ask about it as to not embarrass him and ruin the mood.
"I'm glad you like it!" you wrap your arms around his neck, leaning in closer.
"Like it? I love it! I love you!" Upon saying that, he immediately connected your lips, you're fluttering with affection.
The two of you, after hugging and kissing a bit more, finally settled down on the picnic blanket to enjoy the spread of lunch you had prepared. His compliments were endless, even if he wasn't a talkative person, he just couldn't stop expressing his love for you again and again.
"Love, please, would you tell me why all this special treatment you're giving me today? I'm so grateful for it but come on, there has to be something right?!"
"Why? I did it because you deserve it so much my dearest tyun!"
"that's not what I-"
You laugh. "fine fine, I'll tell you why I decided to do all of this, today, especially"
He leans in closer to listen attentively.
"So Taehyun, ready for the big reveal? Today is the anniversary of....'I was almost about to break up with you but I'm so glad I didn't and not doing so was the best decision I ever made' Surprise!"
His mouth was left hung open, unsure of how to feel about that information.
"Oh... really? why don't I remember that..."
You frown. "Geez Taehyun! unromantic as always!"
"Huh??" He's left more perplexed making you burst into laughter at his cute reactions.
"I'm kidding! and technically, it's the anniversary of our first kiss as well so it's on you for forgetting about that!" you give a light punch to his shoulder and he scrunches his face to give a fake dramatic reaction.
"Okay okay I'm sorry for not remembering, I suppose I have to kiss you to commemorate the occasion, so?"
"Hmm. You may." you shrug jokingly, receiving a laugh from him.
He leans in for a soft kiss, and a lot more.
But deep down you knew that you thought of this day as something else really, It was one of the biggest reliefs of your life, for not breaking up with Taehyun. Or that would've definitely been the worst kind of mistake as he's the best person you've ever met and loved and will continue to love forever.
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A/n : Thank you so much for reading till the end and I hope you enjoyed this fic!
Thursday's child has far to go is one of my favourite TXT songs so I decided to kind of base a fic on it!
Btw if you saw my last post on here, I finally figured out how to use italics (turns out you can do it on Tumblr itself and I was just very stupid)
Anyways, I hope you have a nice day! And comments, critisism and feedback are highly appreciated! <3
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nikethestatue · 3 months
About me
I have a lot of new followers (welcome all), so I figured I'll reintroduce myself to you.
I go by Nike and everyone refers to me Nike, so you can too
I've been in the ACOTAR fandom for a while. Officially since 2020, unofficially since 2016.
I first read ACOTAR and ACOMAF, and then ACOWAR came out just as I was finishing the 2 first books. I enjoyed the trilogy, but then kind of lost track of the books and SJM and moved on. Lo and behold, when Covid hit, I went back, re-read the trilogy, then ACOFAS and joined the fandom before the release of ACOSF. Been here ever since then.
I am primarily known as being THE Elriel :), but I also love the 3 sisters for different reasons. I closely identify with Nesta. I love Elain. I like Feyre. I am really not against anyone in the books, though I do genuinely dislike Lucien. He is not my cuppa.
I am not SJM critical, though I may post critiques. But I admire her ability to create characters that make so many people feel so many emotions and have brought hundreds of thousands of readers back to reading.
I am mostly known for writing Elriel fics--there are copious numbers of them at this point. I am known for answering a ton of questions. Writing some metas. Drawing on occasion. But overall, championing Elriel.
I curse fucking a lot and my filter in general is nonexistent and I use words like rape and death and murder and kill and abuse. I am not afraid of words. If you are uncomfortable with that, be warned. I don't sensor myself.
I have opinions which I state firmly and unequivocally.
I am a Sagittarius, and hence, I am blunt as fuck.
I am, however, not an asshole or a bully. I don't like those who are and don't invite abusive behaviors. I don't entertain trolls.
I don't lose my shit. Ever.
I HATE misogyny.
I will not be rude, even to a troll, but I will take them down if I feel like I want to bother.
I don't discuss politics or any real life issues on this blog. I will not state my views or opinions on anything, so please don't ask and don't bother. This is a place for beefy winged faeries and the ladies who love them. That's all.
I am blocked by every Gwynriel and Elucien out there, so no, I usually don't know who said what, because I have no access :)
The only other platform I am active on is Reddit, and no, you may not know my user name.
I don't have TikTok.
I have 2 IGs, but they are not related to the fandom.
Yes, I love Zodiac Academy with a burning passion of a thousand suns and always will. They are my family. I refer to ZA pretty often in various ways, so don't be surprised.
Some of my favourite authors are Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti, Angel Lawson, Lauren Biel, Jade West, JT Geissinger, and Tillie Cole.
I am a Lord of the Rings fan. Not a Harry Potter fan, and though I read the books a million years ago, I don't remember them and I don't know all the references.
I like the colour blue.
I speak 3 languages fluently, and understand 5.
I travel a lot, and mostly bounce between the US and London, UK for my living arrangements.
I share my life with a very large muscular man who literally looks and acts like Cassian. He IS actually 6"5 and he IS in finance. He doesn't have blue eyes or a trust fund though. He indulges my fandom craziness and has some strong opinions on some characters too. He is Team Elriel (out of his own volition).
Lastly, yes, I am real. Not some weirdo behind the screen. People I've met through the fandom have met me in real life, and know me pretty well. Most are surprised by my lack of any social anxiety. :) I am chill and extroverted.
So yeah, I can talk to anyone. So come, and let's be friends.
And of course, Long Live Elriel!
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 months
Okay, so, confession. In the show, Cole is my least favorite character (not including the villains). I don't hate him and I have a lot of story ideas for him, but I just ...
Movie Cole, however, and fanfiction Movie Cole (still don't like him as much as Kai, Zane and Lloyd) but I like him, I genuinely like him and I love how you portray his character and his struggles, his strengths and weaknesses, it's beautiful and I love it.
Okay, so I've been waiting to see what Jay would do since his talk with Pixal because yeah, the story is very Kai centered in its perspective which means that Jay kind of faded into the background on Kai's radar and in turn he also began fading into the background for people who always had him as their top three people to care for. That said, it's really cool to see Jay take the lead when it comes to caring for other people's emotional struggles while also not ignoring his own struggles and making himself heard.
Zane with Kai's jacket ... this is adorable.
Skylor really is in a bad place mentally, emotionally, literally. Please tell me Chen gets punched in the face at least once (once by every person who cares for Kai - yes this includes Skylor, she cares she just has a hard time showing it properly).
Thank you for the wonderful chapter, it was well worth the wait.
Watch Jay be the most emotionally mature person here real-- WHEEZE ngl i struggle with writing jay sometimes cause i tend to have the habit of toning him down? it's in character for movie jay but show jay is just so blunt and chatty and loud and very opinionated and i wanted to start pulling more of that into how i write him ;-; and also bro wouldn't let the chapter continue until he'd said his piece so that was hilarious to figure out while trying to write hLGJDF
The jacket has been stolen real- </3 will Kai ever get it back? bro i dunno but he's got Cole's old hoodie tho so equivalent exchange ig--
Skylor sure be having an interesting time finding out Kai ran away from his soulmates too. Cause that's new info for her! She didn't know that! And yeah she's doing her best in a crappy sitution and her best isn't the greatest. Alas, no punches for Chen :pensive_emoji: ...well, unless i snuck one in there for ya, ngl i might hmhm i'll think about it mate
Thanks for the ask and ur thoughts!! I really enjoy reading peoples thoughts on my story and writing (specifically tHe positive stuff i ain't even gonna pretend hLG;KSDF boost my ego--) Happy it was worth the wait!!! <333
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
Hello! May I get a romantic matchup for twst?
Idk what to put exactly so I looked at some matchups you did and base it on that 😭
My name's Jay and I'm a Leo sun , pisces moon and Libra rising.
Looks wise I'm 5'3 , pale with shoulder length hair that I dye occasionally. (I went rainbow for freshman year of highschool , I got called the Skittles queen and a unicorn) I have brown eyes and a very strong rbf .
Personality wise , I'm going off of what I've been told by the few friends I have 🤧 straightforward , blunt , loyal , kind , funny , generous, protective, territorial, very asocial, bold , strong, ambitious but barely motivated, socially awkward, devil's temper (according to my mom , which is funny cuz it usually takes a lot to get me to that point except for a few exceptions which pull the pin) , i don't enjoy going out much ( a shut in ig) and I'm a bit of an outcast, specifically since I don't go out of my way to talk to people. I carry bandages and snacks in my bag most of the time 😭 I will not back down from a fight 😤 unless it's any sort of math or essay in which case.. I'm sprinting away.
Some dislikes would be bullies, stupid men , religious extremists , math , being bossed around , loud noises , annoying people, awkward small talk , creeps , beating around the bush , disloyalty, too much clinginess, children and gender roles
Some likes are drawing, reading, snacking, horse back riding , swimming, fantasy stuff , video games , anime , sleeping, I love my dogs more than life itself, the ocean and forests , my personal space and listening to music and ocean ambiance. I also love rainy / stormy weather.
I'm interested in boxing and other martial arts, hopefully I get to practice one day .
Idk what else to put so I'll leave it here 😅
Thank you for your time!
Remember to take breaks , eat yummy snacks and a tasty drink ! 💖
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request, and thank you for the patience as I work to get the rest of these out! I do hope that you like your match-up! Enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with.........
Jade Leech
Now, the initial start of this relationship was rocky at best. Jade is someone who is quite used to putting up a front in front of other people, mostly to get them to trust him in some way (very bad idea), or other times, when he is as calm as he is, you know something is about to happen (again, something very bad). It took him some time to realize that he doesn't always have to have that persona up in front of you.
Your loyalty is something he finds admirable. Growing up in the Coral Sea, many only fended for themselves, loyalty wasn't a thing, not when everyday was a new fight for survival. Well, it was for mers who were like him. So, seeing your dedication and loyalty to those who were around you was something he found so endearing about you. And to be on the receiving end of that loyalty, oh, how it made his cold heart flutter.
I have a feeling that Jade will sometimes listen to ocean ambiance to help him sleep. Growing up in the ocean all of his life, coming onto land was a strange time for him. Everything was so unfamiliar to him, so the sounds of the ocean helped. Knowing that you enjoyed those sounds as well brings him great joy. Even more so if he gets to hold you as you both lay in bed. It brought a form of comfort to the eel.
As you love going out into the forest, would you like to join him for his next trip? Or even join his club? Having someone finally out there with him brings a real smile to his face, even more so when it's you. He especially loves it if you ask about any mushrooms that you may see while out in the wilderness. Though be prepared, any question you ask will be met with his extensive knowledge on that particular fungi, meaning he could be talking for hours.
Please go swimming with him. He will gladly switch back to his natural form and show you the world below the ocean if you would let him. He especially loves floating in the chilly waters with you lounging on top of him, simply enjoying the waves and the sun.
Overall, you both bring out the best in each other. He loves to be able to go hiking in the forests with you, hold you at night while listening to the sounds of the ocean, and just being by your side.
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58, 111
58. What does your URL mean?
back when I was a teenager drawing was a major creative outlet for me. So I have this OC that's basically like... Me projecting I guess? I was a sad kid, so I drew inspiration from other characters, as well as my desire to be more outgoing, positive, and funny. So I came up with this guy, and one of the words that always stuck with me was like 'oh ppl think he's odd, eccentric, if you will."
Also you know how people are like "x always adds to a character / peak design" well that's me with goggles. If you give a character goggles I'm like 👀
But yeah that's all it is. My preteen username didn't stick as well as this one does, I still feel attachment to it so yeah. It's simple ig idk thanks for asking though! People have asked me every so often
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111. A question you hate being asked?
Hm... That's a good question. I think for me, it's not so much the actual questions sometimes, but the context- is this person just being nosey? I've gotten this so many times in the workplace, people pretending to be interested in my life. But I'm actually very private, and I don't like to talk about myself usually. When I'm out of work and in my leisure time that's different, because conversations I have with people are more natural.
Anyways, some people may call this a red flag about a person or whatever but I actually hate the question "why do you still live with your parents?" (in this economy??? Come on guys. As well as an assortment of other valid reasons. Uncalled for) I'm not about to tell people who don't care about me... my life story, it's kind of annoying. And this doesn't get asked all the time, but I think it's moreso when someone's asking oh "why dont you have this / or do this?" That gets to me.
something that I remember to this day was when this one girl asked me "why don't you have a boyfriend?" Which I politely but awkwardly was like "oh just never found the right guy" or whatev. Now that I've been made to feel awkward and uncomfortable so many times, I'm a lot more blunt when I answer questions along that tone, so it might come off rude but I'm just not interested in personal questions by ppl who are sizing me up, or just bored.
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haijimee · 3 years
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It Should Be You
authors note: um i love tobio bcuz hes so blunt and mean <333 but here <33 i couldn't figure out a name for the bitch so meiko ig?? idfk im terrible w names dhmu
cw/tw: slight??angst?? if u squint??, fluff bcuz that's what im all abt, uh, some naughty words (watch ur mouth tobio >:(( ), uh plastic ass hoe??? fuckin shit up???, childhood friends to lovers <333, DW HAPPY ENDING!!!
song to listen to: Home to Me (Live) , Devil & The Deep Blue Sea
[Tobio Kageyama x Female Reader]
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He didn't get it. Why was this happening to him? His teammates told him that getting in a relationship would be enjoyable, so he did, with this girl named Meiko in his class, who wore hair extensions and way too much makeup. She was the first girl to confess to him after the conversation so he said yes.
But why was she so fucking annoying? He could hardly stand it. Sure he had a short temper but she made it even shorter. Always whining and complaining about everything!
"Tobioooo!! I said I wanted to go the the PINK café! This is red!!!"
"Tobioooo!! Why are you practicing right now?! You should be taking me on a dateeee!!"
"Tobiooo tell me my makeup looks good!"
"Tobiooo! Why were you talking to that other blonde girlll!! I don't care if she's your manager you can't talk to other girls when you have meee!!"
God, if she wasn't a girl he would've sent a ball into her face. He tried to talk and she would cut him off talking about her so terrible problems, which consisted of her makeup looking horrible or her hair was disgusting.
She looked the same to him so he made no comment until she whined about it. But the thing that irritated him the most as that she kept trying to change him. Saying he should dress more cleanly, or that he should focus more on her than volleyball, which was so fucking stupid! He wasn't going to change, he liked the way he was!
He hated it. His teammates said relationships were soothing and would make him happier, but he just felt shitty, he could never get a break.
And he told this all to one person. You. His best friend.
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He'd rant about Meiko and all the issues on the days he'd go over to your house, he'd lay down on your bed as you'd comb your hands through his soft black hair, whispering "really?" and "oh Tobio" every now and then. He spent most of his free time with you, usually, but Meiko kept dragging him away. It made him stressed and unhappy, he was so used to spending everyday with you. But on some days he could spend time with you, avoiding Meiko and walking home with you as he used to.
On one of those days, he was tired, drained, as you both walked through the door. You said hello to your mother as you slipped off your shoes and Tobio did the same. You took your backpacks and walked up the stairs to your room.
But the second you closed the door he flopped down on your bed face first. You laughed, taking his backpack from his hand and placing it next to yours as you climbed on your bed and laid back against the pillows and headboard, opening your legs and patting your lap as he crawled over, flipping over to look up at you.
Your hands found their way into his coal black strands, egging him on to begin talking, easing him easily into relaxation. And the waterfall flowed. Telling about how Meiko began screeching at him because he wouldn't eat the bento she made him, and he explained that it was all burnt and smelled like shit! So of course he wasn't going to eat it!
"And she went all 'I put love into that bento!' but if that's her love it's fucking gross!" he cried and you giggled, closing your eyes in a smile.
He looked up at you, as you began to laugh harder, your shoulders shaking as you laughed, little snorts interrupting your giggles, which made you laugh even harder.
He looked at you and felt his heart pound, his face go beet red. He had never realized how happy he was with you. How comfortable it felt to have his head in your lap, your hands on his face. He'd never noticed how he knew everything about you, from your favorite food to the strangest birthmark you had on your back. He had been there for a long time, and you were the only person strong enough to break down his walls.
As your giggles settled you looked back down at him with the warmest smile.
"Go on, tell me about the rest of your day Tobio, I wanna hear."
He stared at you, wide eyed before he sat up quickly, startling you as you jumped. He looked at you, his eyes tracing every feature of your face.
"Why couldn't it be you?" He asked, his face blank.
"What?" You said softly, confusion in your expression as you looked back at him.
"Why couldn't it be you who confessed?" He said.
You stopped, blinking.
"Tobio what do you mean?" You laughed nervously, was he serious? Of course he was, Tobio was always serious! But what was he talking about? 'Why couldn't it be you who confessed?' What did that mean?!
"I mean, why can't you be the one I'm dating?" He said bluntly, and your jaw dropped. Your cheeks flushed red as you looked at him.
"Tobio! You have a girlfriend you can't just say that! I'm just your best friend!" You squealed, fisting your bedsheets between your hands.
"But why can't you be more? Do you not like me?" He looked sad, his eyes looking down. It panged in your heart.
"Of course not Tobio. I like you, I like you so much! But- you have a girlfriend! Don't you love her?!" You cried, the words dug into your heart. He loved her.
"No? What made you think that?" Tobio asked, confused.
"Well, you're dating her so you love her right?" You asked, stating the obvious.
"What? No. My teammates said that dating would make my life better so I said yes to the next confession, though it's not making my life better to be honest." He said, and your jaw dropped. Again.
"Tobio! Do you even know how dating works?!" You screamed, grabbing his uniform collar and pulling him closer.
"Um...no?" he said, sweat dropping at your tone. Was there something special about dating he didn't know? Like, money? Or magic?
You looked at him, massaging your temples.
"Dating is something romantic. When two people feel love towards each other and decide to pursue a romantic relationship together. Where you kiss and go on dates to the movies or to restaurants or cute cafes where you get lattes with hearts in them. Where they're both comfortable with each other and cuddle on the couch, talk about life and the future. And if things go well they get married and live life together, maybe having kids or getting pets. Just loving each other with everything they have.." You said softly, a faraway look in your eyes, ever since you were a child you had dreamed of something like that. And as you grew, you realized you wanted to have the future with one person. The one person you could never have.
Tobio Kageyama.
He looked at you, his eyes wide in realization.
"I guess I'm breaking up with Meiko now. Thank god." He said, and you looked at him, laughing a bit. You felt so at ease with Tobio, even now he was making you smile and laugh. "So..have you ever..dated..anyone?" he asked.
For some reason, he didn't like it. The thought. He didn't like the picture in his head of you sitting on the couch with some random guy. Going out together and..and kissing. Or you running your hands through some other guys hair as he talks about his day and you give him that soft smile or snort laugh. It made his chest hurt. He didn't like it not one bit.
"Ah..no..I've never uh..been one for dating.." You mumbled, cheeks pink. Tobio looked at you and suddenly you realizing his eyes were sad. And as he looked at yours he saw beyond that smile you always gave him. He saw the swirls of pain in your eyes. He hated it. You gazed back at him to see those sad blue eyes, his lips curled in a frown as his brows furrowed together.
"Hey Tobio whats wrong?" You asked as you looked at him, reaching out to cup his cheek. His heart started pounding again, erratically beating against his chest. He stared at you, eyes wide before jumping back, scrambling a bit away from you as you watched in confusion. He calmed down, moving to sit on his knees as he looked at you again.
"So..do you..love someone?" He asked, breaking his gaze away from yours as he looked down at the bed.
You eyed him, before lifting your chin up a bit, looking at the corner of your ceiling.
"Yeah. I do, and I've loved them for a very long time." You said softly, and his head snapped up to look at you. Of course you loved someone, he spat in his head. You were so kind and so nice, it's obvious you'd find someone nice who you'd fallen for. But his chest squeezed. He knew there was someone. But why. Why did it hurt so much. Knowing it wasn't him? Why couldn't it be him.
He hadn't even realized he'd been clutching his chest, squeezing his uniform so hard his knuckles turned white. He hadn't realized until you grabbed his hand, unfurling it from the black material of his uniform as you took it in yours, rubbing your thumb across his knuckles like you always did. He looked at you, and felt the pain build up again as he stared into your eyes.
"Who is it..?" he asked, praying the emotions swirling in his head weren't betrayed by his voice. You looked at him and then at his hand.
"I don't think I'll tell you." You murmured, and Tobio gritted his teeth. As the thoughts in his head pounded until one slipped out of his lips.
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"I want it to be me."
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He said, and your eyes widened as you looked at him.
"I want it...to be me.." he repeated, his ears and face reddening, "I want to be..the person that you love.." he mumbled, as the thought settled in him. He did. He always has. Wait a minute. He always has. Yes..he..he has hasn't he?
He's always wanted to be the person holding your hand on the way to school. The one who leans over and asks you for help with his notes. The one who eats lunch with you as you share your food, as he sloppily takes his chopsticks and places a piece of chicken in your mouth as you laugh and put a piece of eggroll in his. He always wanted to see you at his games, it fired him up to see you cheering his name and looking so proud when he did a good set. He always wanted to be the person who took you out for snacks and who you could call at 2am when your crying because you feel sad, and he'll go over to your house just to hug you and listen to you rant.
He..he wants to be the person to kiss you, and hug you and cuddle you and take you out to romantic places. He wants to be the one to marry you.
As he looked up at you it hit him in the face. He has always loved you. It's why dating Meiko felt wrong. Why the past few weeks without you felt wrong. The truth was, he couldn't bare life without you. He wanted to always be with you.
You were still mulling over his words, eyes wide and blank. You couldn't even comprehend what you were saying until you said it.
"Silly Tobio..you've always been the person I loved."
You clasped your hands over your mouth as the words came out, face red as Tobio stared at you, his eyes were wide as he realized it. You both sat there for a few seconds before he carefully crawled over to you, taking your hands off your mouth and pressing them to his chest, where you could feel the fast beating of his heart.
"Is this..is this weird?" He asked softly, and you looked at him, his pink cheeks and ears, and smiled. Smiled so much as tears fell from your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks. Tobio began to panic but you simply pulled him closer, burying your face into his chest as you hugged him tightly. He looked at you before relaxing, sitting down as he wrapped his arms around your torso, resting his head atop yours.
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"Hey?" He asked softly, after you two had sat like this for a few minutes. You looked up.
"Does this mean we're dating now?" He asked, and you giggled.
"Just break up with Meiko tomorrow and yeah, yeah I think so." You said, and Tobio gave a proud smile. As you both shifted to lean against the pillows, legs and arms tangled up as you pressed close to eachother, his head atop yours and you snuggled into the crook of his neck.
"Hey?" He asked again, and you hummed in an answer, as he looked down at you.
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"I think I'm in love with you."
"I think I'm in love with you too."
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its so fucking LONG now that i realize it. i just got so into this wrote this in like 3 hours..
i love awkward tobio hes so cute
now kiss <333 come get ur man tobio stans <33 THAT RHYMED FUCK YEAH
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worminstuff · 3 years
Hold Your Heart
this is a one off thing i wrote a while ago that has been sitting in my drafts, i don’t really like it, it was just something i wrote when i was bored and didn’t put to much thought into it whatsoever. but i wanted to post something i dunno maybe someone will like it.
I've never written something quite like this so bear with me.
warnings: mention of murder? ig? that’s abt it
word cout: 1k
pairing: knight!dream x reader
“Just close your eyes!” he said, throwing his hands down. Dream has been trying to get y/n to close her eyes so he could show her the gift he'd gotten for her. She was unbelievably stubborn.
“Just show me what it is!” she rolled her eyes.
Dream glared and shook his head as he turned and ran. She chased after him, as she always would. Boots kicking up dirt and grass as they ran, y/n trailing close behind the knight.
Dream was supposed to be watching y/n. From afar. That was his daily duties, he wasn't sure why just yet, but he always followed orders. 
His higherup, crown knight halo, was the one giving these orders. Dream often made fun of this title for how funny it sounded, but that's besides the point. The orders were to observe and watch this girl, keeping distance. This fell through when she spotted him the first day. She was kind right off the bat, he's been infatuated since.
y/n finally caught up to him causing him to realize how he'd zoned out. Her hand hit the metal plate of his shoulder, pulling him back.
“Hey! Are you okay?” she looked up at him with a worried gaze. 
He stared down at her, drowning in her eyes. He drank every glass of beauty she offered every day. 
“Mhm..” he hummed with a grin. “I got you this,” he pulled a small box from his pocket. He passed her the box and she opened it quickly. Instantly she was smiling from ear to ear.
“Is it a-” dream cut her off,
“A little sword. It is.” he matched her smile as she looked up at him again. He'd given her a necklace with a silver sword pendant. “It's like mine. Except very small, and for you.” he grabbed the necklace by the clasp and stepped behind her. He clasped it around her neck, leaving a lingering hand for a moment before returning to his former spot to look at it on her.
“It's really...I love it. A lot, thank you.” she held it, looking down at it.
Dream nodded, “I'm glad. I've got to get going, but I'll see you soon. I promise.”
y/n paused before she bid him farewell. He seemed rushed, like he was late for something. She didn't question him and waved him off as she always did, maybe she'd ask the next time she saw him. 
y/n wanted badly to trust Dream, but it seemed like every time he was starting to give her reasons to trust him, he gave her more reasons not to trust him. He was alluring, he was as stunning as a god. To her. He had a hard jawline, but childish freckles littered his cheeks. His eyebrows were always furrowed or down turned, making him look serious or angry, but his eyes were so soft and loving. Everything about him sent shivers down her spine and gave her a creeping feeling of adoration in her heart.
He was still quite annoying though. He often liked to sneak up on her to give her a scare. He likes to pinch her cheeks and poke her belly. Just to get a rise out of her. 
He was her best friend, she adored the tall blond.
“Have you got a report for me?” Sir Halo asked him.
“Not the one you want, sir.” he responded.
The older man stared at Dream for a moment before nodding. 
“May I ask a question, sir?” Dream asked, eyes on the wall in front of him.
“You may.”
“What is my purpose in this plan? Why is she involved?” Dream has asked this before, never having received answers. He could tell Sir Halo was tired, he figured this may help his cause.
The higherup sighed, “I'm afraid telling you may influence how well you follow orders.”
Dreams brows furrowed, “With all do respect sir, I think you've misjudged me.”
“I suppose so, you know the repercussions if you were to be dishonorable. To be blunt, we need her out of the equation.”
Dreams heart stuttered but his face never faltered. He knew this was coming. He always had.
“She's the one creating plans and influencing those who need not be influenced. She's alive while many of the knights of our lands are dead. All because of her. The lands she's from are but rubbish. They are an unfair and unlawful faction and have terrorized our people far too much. With her blood on our hands, they'll refrain from instigating us furthermore. It will end with her.”
Dream only nodded.
Dream knew that because of her status and who she was to the royal family of those lands she wasn't loved by his people. 
Her brothers waged wars she got tied into. She never deserved any of it, but he understood.
Sir Halo had been at the front lines of many of these wars, watching fellow knights be drained of their light right in front of his eyes.
Dream respected sir halo greatly. Dream was trained well, and he would always follow his orders. Even if that meant putting morals and feelings aside. 
I'll be just fine, he thought. Then suddenly he could see her smile as she held the necklace he got her just that morning. His heart ached slightly before he pushed the thought away.
He thought of her witty comments and her unique ways of thinking. It was cliché the way he complimented her in his mind, she was everything he dreamed of since he was a child. He dreamed of loving a princess to protect with his heart and soul. Yet somehow, he ended up on the opposite side.
Plans changed often around here, it was likely he'd never have to do anything along the lines of hurting her. 
The Badlands and L’manburg fought often, but they had their grace periods. He would pray for one soon. All he needed was time.
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unrhymed-poetry · 3 years
One week story
So, yesterday (March 28) I've decided to uninstall my IG and Twitter and deactivated my FB so that I could focus on the whole week (March 28,2021 - April 4,2021). This is how it goesssss...
Today is also the start of ECQ 2.0. we had a curfew at 6PM. I am overjoyed when I heard about the curfew because that means we can go home early. But guess what? I got home at 6:30 because customers suddenly rush at our store before 6. And then we have to eat dinner. Since I'm writing tonight, no one catch us lol. But tonight it is so peaceful and quiet! I am done with my devo then I excercised and took a bath. And then while writing, I just finished writing news in Korean and going to translate it, when something comes to my mind. This aha moment came when I want to listen to IU's songs, but girllll! Her voice is too high and I can't sing her song, LOL. I have to listen and read the lyrics so that I can practice my speech. Then I realized, why don't I listen to Korean worship songs?! I opened my Spotify and saw that SuJu (I'm a fan hahah) has a worship song!!! And I got across to this Psalm 23 song (last week I memorized the chapter so I thought I could record because I know what it says). I have to remind myself that I am a kindergarten at this moment while learning Korean hehe.
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This is how peaceful the night is, but before 8, power was interrupted, but thankfully it came back after 20 minutes.
Day 2 naaaa. Okay magtatagalog na lang ako, sumasakit na rin ulo ko mag-English hahahah.
Okay, tonight is SOL day. And your ate is late na naman pero they are still waiting, unlike naman sa 20-25mins. na late every Tuesday. Salamat curfew, nakasali pa ako sa pa-games. What I learned tonight is that thankful ako kay Lord sa life ng mga leaders ko. Sa patience na ibinigay nila sa akin so that I can grow sa faith ko kay Lord.
Just to share what am I reading now
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Super big help sa akin nito. Ang dami kong natutunan.
After the training, I exercised and drank tea. Yes, drinking tea is an achievement everyday. I bought that last year pero hindi ko pa rin nauubos! Grabe tapos may Twinnings pa ako na lasang sampaguita. Gusto ko na silang maubos para makabalik na ako sa Lipton huhu. Ayun na nga, tonight kasi a friend messaged me sa viber, she shared some post about dreams na nawala. So, while taking a bath, bigla kong naisip na, bakit jindi kami mag-Bible study?!! I need that also, and she needs it. I opened to her this idea. And while typing this, nag-uusap na kami sa time kung kelan namin gagawin 'yun. Yehey!
Anywaysssss, that's it. 10PM na at hindi pa ako nakakapag-aral hahaha. Kaya paaalam na muna. Bukas namannn mga beshy.
P.S. nagdisconnect ako sa socmed pero dito ko naman nilipat distraction ko hahahah.
My spirit is well fed today, that's why I'm just going to share my learning today.
On our morning prayer, God reminded me that He never wastes season. All of what's happening in my life are part of His plan. And ngayon ko na lang din narerealize yun, even my bad decisions He made it for my good.
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Nanuod ako ng vlog ni ToniG kanina. I am super inspired sa faith ng girl na'to. Sabi nga ni Toni na nagcocomplain tayo sa little thing in our life pero may ibang tao na matindi ang battles na pinagdadaanan.
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Day 28. This book was actually given to me by my friend/officemate. Alam ko nabasa ko na 'to pero ngayon ko lang siya naintindihan. Maybe that time wala talaga yung heart ko to seek God. But I was reminded that OK lang na slowly (but strongly) yung pag-journey ko sa life. Dagdagan pa ng Bible reading ko in the book of John
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Grabe naman yung YOU WILL HAVE TO SUFFER. Normal naman pala sa life yun. Pero may PERO! But cheer up! daw because Jesus defeated the world. Thank you Lord for the assurance! We need this today sa gitna ng chaos ng mundo.
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Lastly, on my devo another translation said sa Ecc. 10:10 'If the iron is blunt, and one does not sharpen the edge, he must use more strength, but wisdom helps one to succeed."
I was reminded na hindi ko lang dapat laging gamitin yung strength ko but ALWAYS seek wisdom from God. Kailangang ko ring galingan sa lahat ng ginagawa ko, and I must value the time that God has given me.
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Lastly na talagaaaa hahahah. Napag-alaman ko na may karibal pala ako kay Bogummy 😭 hahahaha. Kidding aside, I'm so happy meeting new people despite the pandemic. And greatest thing I learned today is that kaya siguro I'm on 'spiritual high' ( yung tipong I'm happy and filled with God's word at this time) kasi God wants to use me para sa mga kaibigan ko who are losing hope.
Hay Lord, feel me with Your wisdom and continually to speak to me.
April 1. How I wish at the end of the day may magsasabi ng joke lang ang lahat. Coming home last night, I excercised agad, then I read Day 29 sa book na binabasa ko, and 2 chapters in the book of John.
Supposedly after that I'll do my personal devo. But before, nag-set pa ko ng to-list for today because our store is closed.
So my to-do list is consists of attending morning prayer, reviewing Korean and memorizing words, and playing my Kalimba. Last night, I'm planning to write some lessons rin. Didn't update here the same day (since I'm writing this on a Friday morning) because something happened.
So back before I'm going to do my devo, I checked my messenger/viber and mydays of my friends. Then I saw nga yung myday ng one of my ates in church. I PM'd her, ate ano ibig sabihin nun? Because she said "You will be miss." Although sa totoo lang alam ko na yung ibig sabihin nun but I have this in denial stage pa na, hindi ko maintindihan pero naiintindihan ko, that kind of thing. I activated my FB just to confirm, and even called her. And yes, it is really true.
Last Saturday, just want to remind myself na, Hebrews 12 kept on popping in my minds. It's says there na therefore we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses.... Naisip ko lang siya nun because of the people around me na, oo nga Lord, I look up to them also kasi nakikita how You worked and still working in their life, and because of their faith to You mas nag-hohope din ako at mas lumalakas. Then I remembered a friend dear to who passed away early, na still one of the heartbreaks ko, I still remember that I dreamed of her the night before she died and waking up from the text messages na wala na siya. Of course I'm sad, but looking at her life and seeing her faith to God despite she's been gone through in life na masasabi ko na, she's one of the great clouds of witnesses in my life pala.
Last night, though nung pandemic ko lang nakita si kuya pero kapag sa time nakikita ko siya sa CO natutuwa yung heart ko sa relationship ng bawat isa. Even yung mga kulit moments nila. I can't imagine the grief of those people that are close to him. Na kung ako nga affected, pano pa sila? And, as I mention earlier, I activated my FB and upon scrolling a former officemate just passed away rin, I was shocked, that time nagsi-sink sa akin na Lord hindi ko alam talaga what will happen to me, kung kelan Niyo ba ako kukunin?
What I said to Lee last night (we've talked for 4hrs, 3:30AM na ako natulog) na gusto ko kapag ako namatay masasabi niyo na, "Ay yan si Bevz nagawa niya yung purpose niya dito" and they would be comforted to the fact na I'm with God, and I'm home.
Since 3:30 na ako nakatulog kagabi, I still set an alarm na 5:30 to attend MP. Napatay ko pala yung alarm ko and bigla na lang akong nagising ng quarter to 5. Mag-M-MP nga pala ako. Patapos na rin 'yung word nung naka-join ako. After prayer, Bishop spoke.haaaayyyy 😭😭😭😭😭😢💔💔💔💔💔💔💔. (No words)
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