#i'm... i should Probably make at least an icon for this blog....
woodsfae · 5 months
B5 S03E19 Grey 17 Is Missing previous episode - table of contents
I'm not sure how this episode is going to go, because prior to this I have always watched B5 high (I started this saga while taking hydrocodone pain meds I was allergic to post-wisdom teeth removal) or sober (which I quickly stopped doing, because the recaps were a dry and stale recounting of the plot in a most unpleasant way), but now I can't have THC for awhile (pre-op instructions for what will hopefully be my last surgery for awhile) and so I am experimenting with liveblogging while tipsy. 
So far I thimk that tipsy b5 blogging may be the era of run-on sentences. play video. 
Harry Sanders says in response to the question "are you a telepath,": "sure." 
I am guessing that Mr Sanders is not a telepath. But I am a huge fan of people fucking with Zack Allen. Queer icon Harry Sanders tries to flirt his way into the job. sadly, he fails.
Unnamed maintenance worker gets sucked into a maintenance tunnel with random wires trailing out of it. That probably won't be relevant later :)
Someone, I am assuming Sinclair, spoke of Delenn "with great reverence" to his Minbari friend regularly. I LOVE THAT OMG. *shipping intensifies* 
Harlan Ellison consulted on this one, too?? That's so cool. My Eepectations just went up. Minbari With The Nose thinks that Delenn should take over as Ranger One. Are they going out of their way to not say his name? 
Calling a gun with bullets a slugthrower is a pretty amusing thing to share with Star Wars. I once read a crossover fic where Han Solo (iirc) went on smuggling runs to B5 to pick up kyber crystals, which the B5 people have been using for mere data storage. 
"I swear it's like the Centauri triangle in there - something's always going wrong."
I only support Garibaldi's casual racism because actually, everything IS always going wrong with the Centauri....but has the Bermuda Triangle myth been supplanted with a centauri space equivalent?? And what makes it a triangle in 3d space?
Stephen Franklin is looking rough. Withdrawl. Withdrawal? Sad plotline. Space AA is not my favorite plotline. Also, Mr Dr Franklin, maybe don't compain about people following you around when you haven't even left Babylon Five???? That's a cry for help if ever I saw one in metaphor. If you wanna be alone like...barter some medical attention for a ride to an abandoned planetoid. 
Gray 17 is a level of b5? Cool. I thought it was going to be a person that disappeared. And it is several of them at least. But there's also thirty official grey levels but only 29 accessible. I like it. 
Delenn looks extra pretty today. 
Why does this Minbari know about siren songs? Convergent cultural evolution, or does this guy like Earth ancient-greek sailor myths? 
It's genuinly hilarious (and apropos) for a Minbari Ranger to think it pollutes the rangers for humans to be admitted. This warrior class Minbari thinks it's heretical for Delenn-of-the-clerics to consider taking command of the Rangers, which he thinks are the rightful domain of the warrior caste. 
hm. Where'd he go. That won't come up later, either. 
Garibaldi is leaning into one of his strengths: investigation. He's counting the seconds the elevator takes between Grey levels. Grey  like the grey council, or pure coincidence?
ALSO. no minbari has killed another minbari for a thousand years?? I find that very hard to believe. Domestic violence? manslaughter?? What kind of statistical fuckery are they employing to make that something Delenn can say without winking??
Delenn: "I want your word that you will not tell [Sheridan] about [the warrior class dick threatening to kill me]. Your. Word." 
*cue Lennier hinting unsubtly about Delenn's life being in danger*
I did not expect Level 17 Grey to come up. Where is the missing number if Grey 17 is missing, it goes to Grey 30, but there's only 29 levels? This mystery is deeper than I expected it to be!
 The missing floor, once Garibaldi rules-lawyers the lift into stopping there, is trashed. And it says Grey 17 in a different place than the other floors. AND there's what looks like a technical diagram for a trash can where the other floors have their designation signs. Idk what this means, but it's a data point!! 
Well. I would drop kick that puppet if it talked to me on a trashed level. But Michael Garibaldi let it DART him. like a SCHMUCK. Don't let it do that. hit the follow button for more HOT TIPS FROM MICHAL. (pronounced like McCalll, not like Michael).
Lennier!!!! YES HE IS TELLING SOMEONE. But not Sheridan. Love his rules-lawyering. Super cute. My guy. Lancelot (purely platonic version).
I would kiss Lennier all over his sweet face. And he would not like it. I am sure. 
Garibaldi has recovered-ish from his darting of unknown substance. FUCK THAT PUPPET. burn it with fire or smth. 
Who is this council of lost persons?? Jim Henson's dream?????!
"My name is Jeremiah. Welcome to the end of the world." 
YES PLEASE. This is good plot, and I like it. 
Delenn is really beautiful this episode. I think the red/blue rich, saturated colors particularly flatter her. But she is always unfairly pretty and generally lickable.
Delenn's mother entered the sisters of valeria soon after Delenn was born, and she's only seen her twice. TWICE. And Delenn's father died ten years ago. She does not mention siblings. How old is Delenn? If it isn't a plot-relevant spoiler, please let me know if you know it. 
Her thoughts on missing her father are both relatable and wistful. It made me thoughtful about the same topic. 
Jeremiah says the reason the Minbari almost defeated the humans in the war was because the Minbari are closer to the truth than humans. AND we have learned that the people on Grey Level 17 is because they hacked the system and detached themselves from the rest of B5. Isolationists being isolationist on a tiny little level of a space station is illogical and funny and very, very human.
The Minbari offended by Delenn running the Rangers is called Neroon! That's super familiar and I think I've met him before. He says "During the war I killed fifty thousand of you....what's one more?" Well my dude. I bet you didn't kill fifty thousand humans in one-on-one combat. And I'm gonna go ahead and bet on Marcus's staff-fighting prowess over his. 
This is a well-choreographed and filmed staff fight. 
Jeremiah on Grey Level 17 actually is super aligned with Delenn's philosophy on the universe. But is far more freaky about the practical side of the philosophy. tbh. I think Jeremiah did LSD one too many times. 
Garibaldi isn't super serious about his threat because his choke hold lacks a fulcrum...Jeremiah could break it anytime he liked if he knew how to identify what wrestling hold he was in....signed...someone whose father wrestled in highschool and taught them from a young age to identify and break choke holds by neck-feel....
Neroon: "Why? You must have known you could not win....so why do it?" Marcus: "For [Delenn]. [...] In Valen's name." 
Jeremiah: "Listen. Listen. The only way out is-is to find a purity of thought. A purity of belief! That is the door! The door of the mind." 
Hm. This dude is craycray. And his further speech does nothing to dispel the notion. What is screeching?? 
If Sinclair was Entil'Zha, wthen what was this Minbari Ranger going to designate Delenn?
Damn it, Neroon lives. Bring! Back! Galahad! fuck u neroon. You don't deserve a capitalized proper noun name.
wtf is this thing hunting on level 17 grey?? I don't recognize its silhouette. 
Michael Garibaldi (paraphrased): HOW DO WE HURT THIS THING??? *looks at .38 bullets in hand*
(yes I did this shit for fun as a child and I am EXTREMELY LUCKY I did not have a mishap of a permanent injury variety)
hmm. Garibaldi sorta used my childhood fun trick but with a pipe to protect his fragile hands.. UNLIKE ME AND MY PLAIN PLIERS AND HAMMER
Neroon kicked Marcus's ass but Marcus is going to recover -a relief. But Neroon!! FUCK OFF. 
"you are more noble than I" - Neroon (paraphrased)
THAT'S A GALAHAD MOVE. psych. Marcus got you with his ideological purity and ironic wit!!
The murderous thing on Grey level 17 was a "zarg." OK. Please, if it isn't spoilery, remind me what that is. 
This episode feels a bit more disjointed than they usually are, but I liked it. And fuck Neroon!!! Get behind Delenn or shut the fuck up. 
*a perfectly good episode. but also. GET BEHIND DELENN OR STFU!!
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rockinrpmemes · 3 months
I'm starting completely fresh in the Tumblr RPC. I'm from Discord and Amino to try looking for people willing to be CCs/Canon Character muses against my OCs. How exactly do I go about looking for that? How does searching for RP work here? I genuinely just have so many questions bc everything is really confusing to me. 🙇‍♀️
Hmmmm...I feel your frustration, as a someone that has been on this site since 2011, and in the Tumblr RPC since 2012, I can attest it's way harder now to get into rp than it did even 4 years ago. I'm going to answer this for anyone, not just your case, because I feel OC and Canon players of all kinds are trapped in this same problem!!!
The 2 major causes to difficulty connecting in the RPC:
People here have gotten way more prickly and cold and have 100 red flags and objections in their rules that make seeking out a partnership flimsy at best. (Dangerous to your mental health at worst.) If you see someone like this, don't bother trying to win them over. Chances are they are going to whine about everything you ask of them, think anything you do is offensive, or it's a huge "honor" to be even considered a mutual. RUN away from these types, and don't waste your time. They don't want partners, they want an audience to their personal drama, and will probably be an asshole to you OOC, and make you look like the bad guy to their sycophants. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
People here have also gotten way more FLAKEY and don't reach out and engage the way they used to. They post memes all day and beg for starters, but don't answer them once you have managed to snag them. They make 100 muses but never rp any of them except the one you don't want. Attention spans on here have gotten shorter than a fly's.
It seems daunting, but fortunately, the old ways to find partners still work....
Use the search function, for "RP STARTERS" and the like, BUT!! Don't reply to the starter until you've looked at the OP's blog. Read their rules. They may only post starters for mutuals, or selective fandom affliates. If you find you like that blogger, and decide to follow, it's a way in.
Post a "call out" for your blog. Make a Promo of some kind, but tag it: "RP BLOG" ; "OC RP" ; "RPC PROMO" ; "(genre name) RP," If your OC is affiliated to any fandoms, or could fit into desired fandoms, tag as such IE: "LOTR RP". Even if your OC is not fandom affiliated, you should tag it into popular fandoms you know would work with your muse. It at least gets views. And if someone happens to like or reblog your promo post, it gives you a window into more blogs.
Another "sneaky" but very effective way is to go into the notes of memes and starters and look at the likes/reblogs. Hit up those icons/urls, do some research on partners that may be a future choice. Again, read their rules, scroll through their posts, see if you think it's a good match for your character AND your writing style. For me, this is the best way to look for new blogs to interact with. It's living proof that there are STILL A LOT OF WRITERS LOOKING FOR INTERACTION!
Don't be afraid to tag yourself into things!!!! Remember, the first 5 tags get the most hits. Just don't spam tags that have nothing to do with your blog, as a courtesy.
Hope that helps! If anyone has any more tips, feel free to add in comments, etc.
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kanene-yaaay · 11 months
The Time
Heya heyaaa
Oof, thing feel really serious when I put a title javagcwwuvwdodj but! It's a proper moment to use a title here, I think. After all, I came to say goodbye.
Yeah, who would think ahfwtwcev
I have been thinking and pondering about this for some months now, since June when That Stuff happened and I had to jump away from here and uhhh it feels corny to say that but a lot of things changed to me and I changed a lot together with everything too.
So, I think it's my time to let this blog go. Not because I feel bad about it now or anything but... I am no longer that attached to tickling to maintain it. It's still cute, playful and comforting, but it is now a part of a lot of other things that are just as cute, playful and comforting to me.
This blog had a good run and I'm incredibly grateful because of it. Six entire years, if I am not mistaken, and I won't delete it anytime soon so the numbers will keep going! For as long as it wants or it is allowed to. All my fics, my headcanons, my rambles and reblogs will stay here because I don't want nor have the heart to delete it. There are such amazing, wonderful and well created arts and stories in this community that deserve all the attention and all the screams.
And! Talking about that! The people! I would like to say the biggest and most heartful thank you that you could ever imagine. Full of big hugs and smiles. I've met awesome people here that I will forever hold dear in my heart. Thank you for the company and the fun and for being so lovely and inspiring to me, all of you. It doesn't matter if we talked for years or minutes, thank you very much. It was so cool! @oliviaischillin1204, @august-anon, @flames-tstuff, @soft--valentine, @honeydew-sillies, @carrie-tate, @trashyswitch, @rosileeduckie, @squeaky-n-blushy, @why-not-a-tickle-blog, @thetickleeraven, @a-fluffer-nutter, @fluffyskies, @just-open-the-fridge-yo, @fluffystuffies, @ijustliketickling, @veryblushyswitch also everyone that is no longer in the community. If you see this, I remember you! Big hug!
And thank you so much for all of you that supported my blog and my work in any and every way. Commenting, reblogging, liking, sending askys about it... It really meant (and means!) a whole lot to me and Def is one of the reasons that kept me creating for so so long and so so much. It was the reason I stopped feeling so self conscious about my English and helped me to try new things and scenarios. Please accept this cookie as a token of my appreciation 🍪 I love to see all of your rambles or just your icon appearing on my notifs.
Also, how could I ever forget the artists and writers that make this community such a fun and colorful space? All the thanks and all the screams and rambles to all of you. Creating is so hard and yet you just come here and do such a wonderful job! How dare! I still think about your creations in my daily life, believe me ahcwgwxwhwcwfcw @ticklepinions, @intheticklecloset, @jettorii, @ssnicker-doodles, @giggly-squiggily, @simplysmilingdrew, @tiklart, @otomiyaa, @verynickelpizzarascal, @fbpanimations and much much more, tbh all the beans that I got shy to tag kjhgfdefghj
Hmmm, I think that this is what I wanted to say. To be honest, writing fics w tickling in it still feels comfortable and cool, so I will probably appear from one year or other to post something and vanish again ahfwtwxwowyq but yeah, can't really say that there will be much interaction besides that. I had that Big Post full of arts and fics that I love that I wanted to post before going but no energy dfghjhgf maybe one day I will finish it and post oh well
Anyway. One of the things that I always tried to bring here was that every creator should have at least one nice comment soooo if ! You think about me or this blog! Consider giving a comment or a quick rb to some artist/creator/blog that you really like, bet it will bring a smile to the bean's face! :D
Okay, okay, enough of rambling. It was incredible. Thank you! Hope you have a lovely week and don't forget to be kind, take care and drink water. Byee <3 <3
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andreal831 · 9 months
Do you think what Damon did to Caroline is the same as what Katherine did to Stefan? Cause I think it is and it pisses me off when I see people think daroline is the worst ship to ever exist but then proceed to ship steferine.
I love Damon and like Katherine way more than Stefan and Caroline, I prefer villains and anti-heroes way more than heroes, but I don’t understand how anyone can like either of these two ships.
Trigger Warning: Discussion of r*pe/SA
I agree, there is no difference in what Katherine did to Stefan and what Damon did to Caroline and Andie.
I'm going to start by saying I do not like either Katherine or Damon. Yes, I know it is a show about supernatural creatures and we have to suspend reality, but no matter what world/fandom we're in, there is still a moral code. If there wasn't, we wouldn't have "good" guys and "bad" guys.
I can overlook and move on from a lot of bad things because with most "bad" acts there are mitigating circumstances. I truly believe anyone can be pushed to commit a lot of the terrible acts on the show, like murder, given the right circumstances. Usually it'll take a lot more than what's on the show, but that's where we suspend reality a bit. However, rape and sexual assault, no. There is never mitigating circumstances. No tragic backstory is going to make me overlook this.
I do believe in rehabilitation, but because the writers refused to admit what they did, we never get that with either character. No matter how you see it, both Damon and Katherine compelled people's choose away and proceed to have sex with them. That is the definition of rape. I will not argue with anyone on this point. It doesn't matter what the person intended the second before. The moment Damon/Katherine took their ability to consent away, it was rape.
Personally, Damon is my least favorite character and Katherine is close by it. Yes, I enjoy some of their scenes and they are "iconic" at times, but I could just never get past those scenes. I dislike Damon more because he received no consequences. He got a happy ending while Katherine didn't, so I'm more at peace with that story arc for Katherine.
I want to put a caveat so everyone is clear: I am never going to tell people who they can like or not like or who they should ship. Everyone comes to the fandom with different life experiences and like different ships for different reasons. Fiction allows us to like our toxic ships or like our healthy ships, whatever helps us cope with reality. But I do think it is important to acknowledge the potential harm so that we can recognize it in real life. This blog is just my personal takes on the situations/characters.
If you want to like daroline or steferine, go for it. But, again, it's important to acknowledge the toxicity in both. We all love a good anti-hero and some people enjoy enemies to lovers (not my cup of tea), but be prepared for others to not like it. We could all use a deep breath and take a step back in this fandom when it comes to ships. A lot of them are really toxic and some are less so, but still probably toxic. But at the end of the day, being toxic online to real-life people will always be worse than liking a toxic fictional character. (this is not directed to anon, just a general note for the fandom because I've seen so many people get into such nasty fights over fictional ships)
Thanks for the ask! Sorry I went off on a side tangent there <33
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raspberry-gloaming · 9 months
I'm currently at a point where because I've got into Gallifrey, I follow or have at least browsed people's blogs who love other dweu stuff. And I thought it might be fun to say what I currently think and know about eu characters/companions so when I have in the future delved deeper into the eu I can look back and compare and laugh and see how much is accurate! There's gonna be a "read more" here because this gonna get Long.
Also please let me know what I've got right and not and also tell me more about these characters if you are fans of them!
Benny: starting off strong i know some stuff about her! she's an archeologist from the future (wonder if she ever met River) and she travelled with... one of the doctor(s)? Possibly Seven? She is besties with Brax and sometimes works for him and his collection. Probably must be able to put up with bullshit because of those last two points. Has a husband called Jason and at least one kid, which, iconic, female adventure and action protagonists should get to be mums more often its always the childfree so big up Benny for that. made a cameo at the end of Gallifrey IV.
Evelyn: I have heard her. A little. I basically skipped through the apocalypse element because I wanted to understand some of the reasons that Romana is the way she is in Gallifrey, but didn't listen properly because I got bored. Is an old lady, which is great - its great to see ages mixing it up a bit, instead of the 19-25 year old girl primary companions we consistently get in nu-who. Travelled with Six and is/was a professor at a university. Not sure for which subject though.
Fitz: Canonically bisexual and wears a leather jacket. I've seen A Lot of shipping him and Eight, and these shippers seem to have a similar vibe to Two/Jamie shippers. I don't know much else, except that his time with the doctor is probably fucked up because from what I have gleaned, Eight's companions Go Through It like big time.
Compassion: Faction Paradox which I believe is in an alternate universe (also the faction paradox timelines seem to have have a different vibe of names to the main universe ones, every time I'm on the "Individual Time Lords" category on the wiki and see a name that seems out of place it turns out to be a character from Faction Paradox.) Is a person (human i think?) but is also a TARDIS? Like you can go into her and travel? Where tf is the door this is very cursed. Also used as a breeding machine to make more TARDISes as well? By Romana? Idk but this seems pretty fucked up in an icky way. And fucked up in a non-icky way too. I'm just confused tbh. Not sure which doctor is involved in this one.
C'rizz - Possibly people can't say his name right? Is that him? Alien boy, travelled with Eight and Charley. That's about all I know.
Chris Cwej: I know even less about him, hes the other possibility for people mixing up his name or something. Think he travelled with Seven. Idk why but he gives me dick vibes.
Hex Schofield: Travelled with Ace and Seven. Is from 2021 or something and says "sus." Which yh that was a thing but he was made before among us existed that's a cool coincidence that it turned out like that.
Liv and Helen: They exist. That's it I know nothing more.
Molly O'Sullivan: Also exists. Travelled with eight?
Charley Pollard: Has a Nazi for a sister - Blind Eye my beloved. Calls herself Edwardian even though she's from the 1930s, idk if its like a character point or an accidental fuck up by the writers. Has a romance with the doctor in some form. And also a pretty messed up relationship with him i think. Actually just a pretty messed up time. Especially because I think she was in Scherzo which I hear Wild Blue Yonder was inspired by. So good luck girl you're gonna need it.
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piningpercussionist · 3 months
I’m shocked that the fandom is alive enough for you to post multiple times a day. My dash is nearly dry of anything sp related (besides this blog)
To be entirely fair, it is, like. Bursts of activity. That I try to prolong with the queue. And lately I've been having to fold back in older posts, try (painfully) to sort through my drafts, or make the content myself lol. I've also been trying to like.. loosen up on what I will and won't post, I suppose, 'cause in the past I've DEFINITELY passed some stuff up based on vibes or too loose an association, in my mind at least. If I see it these days, odds are fairly high it ends up here though! (Even if I am Grinding My Teeth as I do so /j)
But, yeah, people are still very much into Scott Pilgrim! People get in and out of things in waves; I've even seen some people post about just now getting around to Takes Off (without further context to know if that's their introduction or not, not that it really matters much I suppose.)
I think a lot of fandom discussion has possibly moved away from tumblr and more into discord communities, which is why you'll find a bit of a post shortage. (I base this on an. Apparently five hour argument that happened in a discord my friend's in about Scott Pilgrim characters. You don't want to know what about, probably 💀 but that's still 5 hours of Passionate Stances from more than two people! And that wasn’t even a SP specific discord, so far as I'm aware!)
That or people aren't taggin' their stuff ¯\_(・・)_/¯ which is always a possibility. I actually didn't follow a lot of people back in the initial Burst of fandom activity, so untagged/oddly tagged posts that might have been made that I otherwise would love to have here, are unlikely to end up here, most unfortunately. (This is part of why I encourage sending me stuff!)
But like, even just in the discords I am in, there's still activity. I know one person who is currently working on a new AU, for something more specific! And they're also still putting out headcanons now and again. And I'm personally still working on fics and more ask answers in the background, even if you might not see some of that for a while ^^'
(Don't mind me; I'm using the bottom of my answer here to remind people that requests are still very open! I put in tags recently asking if anyone's seen bi or trans pride Scott icons yet, so if those don't exist, I am Politely Begging someone to request them and give me the excuse-)
((Also I still haven't gone back into Scott's tag yet. Can anyone tell me if I'm going to pop a blood vessel, or is it safe?))
(((... ALSO. I don't know that I've ever stated it anywhere, but like... to anyone who's ever been afraid to post something: I'm pretty sure submissions for this blog are open? So I've always been willing and able to post, like, memes, theories, just general thoughts or confessions for people- whatever you want, dude! If you want to do it entirely anonymously, just be sure to sign out before you submit stuff. It should let you 👍)))
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noctivague · 11 months
Revamping my altar - Part 01🙃
Let's ingnore the fact that I ghosted my blog for the most part of this year and jump right in as if nothing happened....
Starting point
I'm a very aesthetically driven person and I'm bored with my current altar, which has been remained the same for a long time. (I thought I had a picture but I don't and it's gone now so oops...)
I want to create something that puts me in an inspired mood just by looking at it. That looks inviting and beautiful and brings me delight and motivation. A little sanctuary nook kinda.
I want to revitalize things and symbolize the new era i'm in, due to the fact that i recently moved into a new flat, got a new job, and overall my life is very different than it was last year.
So here is the journey of making my new altar :) At the moment it's far from done but here is the first part of the process!
Part 02 will follow once I've received the things I ordered, probably at the end of November or early December.
So i went on a quest to find inspirations on pinterest that would sort of align with what i wanted to make.
ngl I dislike most of what I see because I find them too cluttered for my personal taste. The main issue is that i'm clumsy and i hate the idea of my hand having to slither through a forest of objects to be able to grab what i want lol
Still managed to find a few cool examples, here they are:
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I love the rough, folk-esque, natural aspects of them, the blend of stone, marble and wood. The branches, the sculptures, the iconic symbols and the fact that there is a variety of heights of things, if that makes sense. I also like having a strong art piece in the middle, which i prefer over having a mirror like many examples i found. Idk i just find the idea of having to stare at myself at my altar a bit uncomfortable lol
But it's still different from what would be authentic for me and also i gotta do with what i have or what i can buy.
The thing is that my altar is not dedicated to a single deity so i can't go with one strong themed vibe but i have to put them all together. Currently, Apollo, Artemis, Hekate, Dionysos, Hermes and Demeter share the same space.
Thankfully the new book shelf I got is quite wide and has three levels, which is plenty enough space to give everyone their own space and even host my incense, tarot cards and spiritual books.
I almost sold a kidney to get an antique cabinet, which looked really cool but was not going to fit in with the interior style of my living room, where my altar is located.
So I went in with a more modern yet slightly organic-shaped one:
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Not 100% what I was looking for but at least the space is there. Love the curves an the contrast of the two colors, but I wish the wood was darker. I could sand and re-varnish but who's got time for that.
Current state of the sculptures
I've been collecting sculptures and hand painting them for a while now (you can check out my pinned post for pictures of some of them), and although I love what I made, I really want to get some new ones that are higher and I'm even wondering if I should just keep them white and gold instead of colorful.
Also, for the life of me, I can't find a sculpture of Hekate that I like. They either look too bland or too new-agey for my taste. At the moment, I have the classic three women holding torches and stuff that I hand painted in blue, yellow and silver, but idk it's not what I have in mind and I think I'm just going to resort to do clay modelling myself. I'll probably do a separate post for the process!
Btw I'll do a free giveaway in the future to re-home my old sculptures so stay tuned for that!
What I have in mind
Sooo I'm not sure of the exact height and width of the things that I have coming in, and I'm still looking for a strong art piece or relief to go at the center back so I'm not sure if my disgusting mouse-drawn photoshop sketch is going to be accurate at all lol
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The more I stare at it the more I think it makes no sense 🙃
So basically, from left to right; Apollo (new statue incoming); Artemis (old statue at the moment but need to upgrade); Hekate in the center (need to craft that); Dionysos (new bust incoming); Hermes (new bust incoming); and on the lower lever Demeter (still love the statue as I think it's my best one so it will stay this way).
Still missing:
one or two candles i use during worship, preferably gold
art piece in the center, either a plaster relief or canva print of something
plant with long falling ''arms'' (idk the word in english)
dried branches to go in the left vase
a way to fix the antlers to the wall
an old key for hekate (need to go to a thrift store)
maybeee a bigger box to store my incense and ritualistic plates and glasses
I don't think I want a table cloth simply because I had one in the past and it was always a mess to clean. Having the bare table is much easier, especially considering that I will burn incense and candles and that gets messy.
Okay that's it for this long ass post, see ya in a few weeks for part 02!!!
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pikachugirltits · 9 months
Magic x Marvel: Idle Speculation
I have a lot of random thoughts about the upcoming Magic the Gathering x Marvel crossover, and I thought it would be neat to just ramble about them in a post, especially so I can hopefully find that post again later when the sets release and see how much I was right about. I'm just gonna bullet point this because this is kind of a stream of consciousness sort of deal:
We know that we're getting multiple "tentpole releases" a.k.a. more than one full set for this particular crossover. I'm thinking at least one is going to be a straight to Modern draftable set similar to the LotR set, but I don't think they're necessarily just doing that for all the sets. I speculate that the other (or one of the others if there's more than two) set is going to be a gimmick draft set, such as 2-Head Giant or Commander draft.
I personally am hoping one of the sets is a Commander draft set, and that our partner variant for the set goes the Stranger Things route and just creates a subset partner variant. I propose the name Team-Up, to represent the ubiquity of team up storylines in comic books. (I actually made an entire post about this but Tumblr's wonderful search function is choosing not to find it on my blog.)
Ooh, if they do go the Commander draft route they can make the Prismatic Piper equivalent a Skrull or something
I really, really want a Squirrel Girl card that makes squirrel tokens that I can jam into my Chatterfang deck. Squirrel Girl is my favorite superhero and I just want her on a card so, so badly.
I think it would be cool to have a Mjolnir equipment that in addition to its other effects also has a bit of trinket text along the lines of "equipped creature is a God in addition to its other types."
Thor and Loki and any other Asgardian that represents an actual god should have the creature type God. It already exists. Like sure, we could make Asgardian a creature type if we wanted to, but that's the coward's route.
I saw someone make a comment on Reddit about adding Hero and Villain as creature types, but I really, really hope that doesn't happen. It runs the risk of making the creature types in the set super repetitive, and we're already gonna see a lot of that from the sheer number of human characters. Sure, we'll have some mutants and aliens and robots to occasionally break things up, but it'll be much worse if the class types among cards aren't varied.
Like seriously, let's use the movie Avengers lineup. What's better...having four Human Hero cards, a God Hero, and whatever we do with the Hulk...or a Human Soldier, Human Scientist, Human Archer, Human Rogue, God Warrior, and whatever we do with the Hulk
Yeah, actually...what are we gonna do with the Hulk and related characters? In a vacuum, I would probably type the Hulk as Mutant Berserker...but for IP reasons I wouldn't be surprised if the Mutant creature type is reserved solely for characters with the X-Gene. I don't have an answer for this, just wondering...
Oh, and since I mentioned the MCU, I do want to say one thing, if they're smart they'll base the sets on the comics and not the MCU. Gives them a lot more material and characters to pull from
Booster fun treatment should lean into this and be comic book themed, but I think they would also be smart to offer some Secret Lair drops featuring alt art versions of the characters based on the MCU...if they're willing to deal with the likeness rights and whatnot.
Multiple tentpole releases does mean multiple commander precons. Some themes I could easily see them basing decks on: the Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man/Spider-Verse, Guardians of the Galaxy+other space themed characters, a deck for a bunch of the more mystical Marvel characters probably led by Dr. Strange, S.H.I.E.L.D., A.I.M., Villains in general (from my memory Marvel doesn't really have a singular Legion of Doom type team up of its iconic villains, but I'm definitely picturing a Villains deck that tosses a bunch of iconic villains together in one deck...you could call it the Masters of Evil as a deep cut though.)
If Gambit gets a card, he should have an ability that lets you discard cards to deal damage to a target to represent Gambit throwing cards at his enemies. (This is the kind of wink at the camera stuff I love in UB products.)
Koi Boy should get a card purely because he's a canon trans man and Magic really needs some trans masc representation.
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enchanted-keys · 7 months
You've probably answered this lots before, but: do you have a fairly clear hierarchy of favourites among the Royal Ballet principals? And your favourite role or two for each? :-) Also: of the recent retirees, who would you most like to see guesting?
Also a) thank you so much for obtaining the info that it'll be Nela and Ball for that "Winter's Tale" stream! Partner and I have got our tickets booked to see it at the Cineworld in Aberdeen. <3 It's the ballet that got me properly back into ballet, when I watched it during lockdown, and just: yay. :-)
And b) your blog has just been so lovely and helpful in growing my ballet knowledge! And your gifs are superb, and your Matthew Ball love is validating. :D
Also also: do you have any favourites among the Scottish Ballet dancers? I was lucky enough to see "Cinders" on tour, and I was so impressed with both Bruno Micchiardi (as Cinders) and Jessica Fyfe (as Princess Louise), but I am no expert.
I think someone asked me for a ranking of all the principals some time ago, but I can't even find the post anymore; I don't mind one bit answering this again! <3
If I have to talk strictly about my faves, it goes like this:
Nunez (eheh!): if have to narrow down her most iconic roles I have to give you at least three (please bear with me, I'm doing my best), which are O/O, Kitri and Aurora.
Takada: Titania and O/O. I'm just so very sorry that she's been more injured than not lately. I miss her.
Hayward: Juliet and any Ashton role I can think of (rhapsody, enigma variations, those bits of Titania we got, etc.). I also think she makes one of the best Claras out there.
Kaneko: O/O (saw her live in the BS pdd and the White Adagio with Vadim and it was life changing, bye). Also her Gypsy girl in the two pigeons is iconic. Special mention for her Aurora.
Lamb: Manon. Signature role. Was born to play it. I also really love her Mary Vetsera and her Aurora.
I'm a bit uncertain if I should include Anna Rose or not...sometimes I really love her, but overall I'd like her to be more consistent. But I'll say she was born to play Juliet.
Muntagirov: he's more versatile than people give him credit for, and really has the whole package, but I'd say his best roles are Siegfried and De Grieux.
Ball: he's such an outstanding actor that it's hard to choose, but I'm going with Romeo and Albrecht.
Bracewell: another wonderful Romeo right here, and I was blown away by his Hamlet in the Ashton insights.
Mcrae: Oberon and Rudolph for sure.
Sambè: sorry to repeat myself but we have another great Romeo right here. From what I've seen he makes also a great Colas.
As for retirees, the one that I really wish was still performing is Roberta Marquez, though maybe she isn't exactly a recent one. Out of the most recent ones I only miss Federico Bonelli because he always brought something special to his performances, although I have to say that the struggles and limitations that come with age were very visible in the last couple of years (his Siegfried variation in the SL cinema relay with Takada comes to mind).
As for the winter's tale I'm really happy to see someone who appreciates it as much as I do! I think it's a truly lovely ballet, one of the few modern classics that really stuck with me. You're very welcome for the info and I hope you'll have a great time at the theatre...unfortunately I found out that it won't be streamed in my country, so I'm going to miss out on it 😤
Thanks for all your lovely compliments they're more appreciated than I can say! 😭🩵🙏
Scottish Ballet is one of those companies that I wish had more footage available, because bits I do get to see are really impressive. I'm kind of familiar with Constance Devernay, Bethany kingsley-garner and Andrew Peasgood because I've seen them in the recordings of The Fairy's Kiss and The Snow Queen, and I seriously enjoyed those performances!
I wish there was a full recording of Cinders because both the trailer and the rehearsal look amazing! Jessica Fyfe is a really delicate and expressive dancer from the clips I've seen of her, and both her and Micchiardi impressed me in the rehearsal poste on YT, cause the intentions and mannerisms in their dancing were so clear: I immediately caught up on the reversal of Cinders gender and that she was the princess even though I hadn't read about the novelty introduced by this production beforehand, but everything was immediately clear thanks to their attention to detail.
The little I've seen from this company makes me wish for more!
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qapsiel · 7 months
Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
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I'm more than happy to spread positivity and love, and I'll totally ignore the audacity to only give me 5 blogs and just do more hehe
I'm gonna start with @ruinedmyself because Kas was one of the first people to talk to me when I ventured into the spn fandom, and they've done nothing but make me feel incredibly welcomed <3 I love our silly little chats and also the pain we inflict on each other regularly. We really do share one (1) braincell, and I wouldn't want it any other way. You've got such a fantastic grip on Sam, on his badass-ery but also his softer and goofier side, and I scream excitedly whenever I see I got a reply from you!
No Sam without Dean, obviously, so I gotta yell about @bloodsalted a bit. Dixon is an extremely friendly person, and I'm still glad I managed to sweet-talk force you into joining me in hell. Or heaven, I suppose, is the better word, because our interactions are truly GREAT. Whether it's sexy times or angsty shit, every reply is magnificent and makes me giggle. You write Dean in all facets that make his character so lovable: his fears and passions and his silly times and also his anger. I love him to pieces!
Who doesn't love the king of hell? Cas, probably, but I adore every interaction with @murderdeals because it enables me to use all the pissed-off Cas icons. When you write Crowley, I can hear Mark yell into my ear. And honestly, I would have never guessed that Cas and Cain could become such good buddies, and yet they somehow ended up being the bestest bee bros, and that's largely due to your fantastic writing and your excellent grip on a character that can easily be branded the villain without second-guessing.
@singersalvaged should always be included in my rant about lovable people because she's just so chill to talk to! A truly great person who has an amazing view of Bobby Singer and writes him in a way that makes me believe the guy is standing behind me muttering idjit whenever I read a reply. And Allie! Let me gush about Allie, who's Cas' weed friend and brothel companion, and every single interaction just makes me howl with laughter. They're absolutely unhinged and dumb, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
While Crowley makes Cas want to eat glass, @eyeless-smiles makes him want to tear his own ears off because Corinth is such a fucking asshole (affectionate), a True Nightmare, and I love seeing him annoy Cas in every single paragraph. It's just hilarious, and they never hold their muse back, which is refreshing these days!
Cas loves to steal kids (just look at Jack), so it didn't take long for him to steal @innerwar 's Homelander when he was still a child with Vought. And honestly, I just adore this verse and you, friend? It's so funny and yet also sad, and I'm just so unbelievably happy that Homie gets a better life with this and that Cas gets to be a Dad again, and your writing is just SO FANTASTIC and catches Homelander's young voice brilliantly. 
I gotta yell about @nightmdic really loudly for a second because she is a FREAKING MAGNIFICENT OC and both Cas and I love her to pieces. She's kind and nice and helps Cas through his forced humanity without finding him (too) weird, and Paige just casually managed to write one of my favorite OCs here on Tumblr with her eye for detail and well-chosen words 
And last but not least, a big shoutout to @bleakfated who writes a lot of different spn muses (among others) and yet manages to hit that nail (= the voice of every single muse) square on the head every time! I hear Balthazar's funny-ironic voice when I write with him, I see Jody being Mom when I interact with her, I get the British Mick Vibes when it's his time to shine. I'm in awe of how someone manages to juggle so many muses and give everyone their own little voice. Kudos!
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mooodyblue · 2 years
elvis tag game by @headfullofpresley 💗
this is gonna be so loong i apologize in advance 😭😭 i have a lot of thoughts and opinions
tagging: @lllsaslll @elvisfatass @prayerstopresley @kiankiwi-blog and whoever wants to do this 😅
questions under the cut bc i rly listed a good chunk of his discography lol
When was the first time you heard of Elvis?
i'm sure my parents have played something of his growing up, i was more into mj than anything else. i wish i could remember like....the first real time i was ever really introduced to him. he's been referenced in so many of my interests that im sure there was i time i was like 10 and being like "oh that's an elvis reference" lol
what's your favorite era?
70s!!!! big daddy era as y'all call it 😅
favorite song(s) from the 50s?
trying to get to you, i'm counting on you, love me, don't be cruel, lawdy miss clawdy, as long as i have you, trouble, crawfish, i want you i need you i love you, one sided love affair, loving you, young and beautiful ...... i should probably stop before i list them all
favorite song(s) from the 60s
fever, such a night, im coming home, pocketful of rainbows, edge of reality, almost in love, can't help falling in love, the walls have ears, do not disturb, cotton candy land, it's now or never, rubberneckin', summer kisses winter tears, crying in the chapel, suspicious minds....literally everything on from elvis in memphis. god i want to list more but i need to STOP!!
favorite song(s) from the 70s
runaway, polk salad annie, you've lost that loving feeling, moody blue(duh), rags to riches, funny how time slips away, american trilogy!!!!!!!!!, hurt, make the world go away, the wonder of you
all time favorite songs that you can't skip?
suspicious minds, an american trilogy, pocketful of rainbows, i'm coming home, rubberneckin', honestly there's so many. i feel bad if i skip sometimes LOL
least favorite song?
im so sorry but tutti frutti💔
favorite gospel song(s)?
i still need to dive more into his gospel music, but i really love crying in the chapel and you never walk alone.
favorite country song(s)?
funny how time slips away, kentucky rain, always on my mind, make the world go away
favorite non english song?
wooden heart <3
a song(s) that make you feel nostalgic?
can't help falling in love 💗
a song(s) that makes you cry?
unchained melody!!!!! lord i can barely listen to it 😭
a song(s) that make you wanna dance?
rubberneckin', im coming home, got a lot o' livin to do, polk salad annie, suspicious minds
favorite song elvis as covered?
any day now and yesterday
what's a modern song you wish you could hear elvis cover?
i think he'd eat up two ghosts or ever since new york by harry styles tbh.
do you prefer vinyl or cd?
vinyl!!! i actually don't own a single elvis cd, just vinyls(cassettes too!)
favorite album?
self titled and from elvis in memphis <3
favorite movie soundtrack?
king creole for SURE
favorite live performance?
the laughing version of are you lonesome tonight 😅 also welcome to my world from aloha from hawaii !!!
a live performance you wish you were present at?
aloha from hawaii 100% but also literally any of his vegas shows in '69 because that entire live album had me laughing my ass off LMAO
favorite jumpsuits?
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favorite movie(s)?
king creole, loving you, live a little love a little, follow that dream and girl happy(mostly because elvis in a dress)
least favorite movie(s)?
stay away joe, kissin' cousins, and double trouble.
favorite costar?
michele carey <3 i luv bernice
favorite documentary?
that's the way it is
favorite interview?
i didn't even have to THINK about this one. i know this is a press conference but idk. same thing? anyway, june 9th 1972 new york hilton elvis i want you so bad !!!!!! it's iconic and i just love how he is with everyone 😭
favorite car?
idk after i first watched elvis (2022) i wanted a pink cadillac so LOL
do you collect merch? if so, what's the one thing you hold most dear to your heart?
i do!! i have his vinyls mostly. but my tcb necklace is my lucky charm at this point, i just wish i had gotten it in silver instead of gold 😅
do you think you'll be a fan of elvis for the rest of your life?
absolutely. ive had a lot of interests and have lost interest in a lot of things but this is so much more different. he truly is everything to me and i've never felt so connected with someone in my whole life. i really do adore him.
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iznsfw · 1 year
I was honestly surprised that you are a big fan of Taeyeon and Irene. I think you've always been interested in them since they have been on your 'idols that you write' list for a long time. Though you never mentioned them on your blog until recently.
From my perspective, it's like seeing you flipping a switch. I saw your posts which made me realize, "Oh IZ is DOWN BAD for both of them".
When did you start following/stanning Taeyeon and Irene?
What was the breaking point that pushed you to write Taeyeon and subsequently Irene? (Photos, performances, songs, fancams, etc.)
Yes, I'm a super big fan of them, I'm a bigger fan of them than using "XD" (rooted from my cringe Facebook days back in 2011), which says a lot.
You're right about me being at least interested in them back them. They're both insanely pretty and so happen to be mommy bunny leaders, too, which is probably what drew me to them. And look at them being my top two and three now! (Gaeul, I'm sorry please dont be bad to me tonight)
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I heard her song "Fine" and adored how pretty her voice and face are. She's one of the best vocalists in the industry and no, i won't fight you about it we all know it's true
I watched a few of her videos and she's so blunt and straight to the point that it made me have fantasies of her being a dom.
(So basically my whole writer deal ahhaha)
She's a switch for sure but she's on the dommy side and could be a little harsh, which is why I wrote Feels Like Heaven, Feels Like Hell. It didn't get as many notes than I expected but I loved writing it, so it doesn't sting much.
As for her character in the Dulce Periculum universe, I wrote it after seeing her in *those* glasses and seeing a random video on my timeline of a compilation of Eunbi saying "mom" and her talking about being shy to talk to Taeyeon at the salon. My thoughts ran wild and there it is lol.
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I found out about Irene after that iconic video of her having a sixth sense and saving a picture frame for dropping. I thought that was really cool.
I fell in love took a liking to Irene after watching this video:
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At one point she was the prettiest woman in the world to me. Still is. I love how she's quiet but really funny if she chooses to be, and has a caring soul.
Also, she doesn't take anybody's shit and I aspire to be like that.
I wrote her because mommy makes my brain go brr. That's it. I love Bae Joohyun, so that means everyone should love her, too.
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dnangelic · 8 months
A quick and dirty RP policy guide
Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something. Either reblog or repost. Feel free to add anything I may have missed in the appropriate category, or recategorize something that is in the wrong place!
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My blog is ______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Exclusive ( ^ idc for any of these labels for myself tbh whats below is more important🏃‍♂️ )
Only going to RP with mutuals
Mostly going to RP with mutuals ( if you have a sideblog that's fine! )
Affiliated with a group
Spoilers free (it's a 30 year old series nobody pays attn to anymore though??? dark's been dead for over 10 slutty slutty years 😭 laksjlkdjg)
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms (there are a few i'm uncomfortable with!)
Only fandoms I know
Mostly fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom (aslkdjf all five of them?? 🥺)
OCs with no fandom ties
OCs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text (i get very bored of single one-liner exchanges very fast!)
*Action* (dark will text like this. errybody watch out for teh glompz XD sorry)
Gif icons
Formatted text
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply ( i'll usually match paragraph structure + text size of my partner but very rarely i can't be bothered alsdkjlg. )
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships
Others of my own muse (this goes for dark x daisuke, not just dai x dai (or dark+dark) too. i don't do any of that romantically ever ❌)
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in its content
Light fluff
Dark humor
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC (i love ppl who can't stop talking ooc abt their muses actually, but i don't like too much random irrelevant content, esp if it's untagged)
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Answer an open
Message me OOC (i'm very very spotty and slow/negligent with ooc messages due to my bad eye health/short free time timeframes so it helps to skip small talk if you message me specifically through ims or discord!)
Message me IC (i try to at least get my inbox completely free and clean asap, so asks are always your best bet if u want the fastest response to something!)
Make a starter (as long as we're mutuals, random starters are completely ok! tag me in whatever whenever. )
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call (i don't usually reblog memes or make starter calls! i do try to like others' calls though and sometimes send in memes or random unprompted asks! i often respond IC-ly a lot to replies on my posts! if you reply to a reply i make on your post IC-ly, (or otherwise tbh) i will probably turn it into a proper interaction thread!)
Plot with me
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes
I expect my rules/about to be read
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like my triggers tagged
I expect all smut to be beneath a read-more
I am multi-muse (i kind of am, kind of am not, but i don't reaaaally consider myself one due to the bizarre way dark and daisuke.... well. work. 'i don't get it' appearances and superficials aside they're genuinely the same character, have the same motivations, conflicts and inner feelings about themselves, bonding with one is bonding with the other, relationships or dynamics can potentially end up repeating if you treat them separately as a duo instead of a whole single unit, which is ehhh to me. if that makes sense!)
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length effort to be matched
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy. (you can also just drop stuff whenever forever! i dont mind at all. alternatively if there's something you want to see moved along, feel free to tell me you're dying to continue a certain thread/scenario and i'll push it to the top of my priorities✨)
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more-than-a-princess · 10 months
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name — Rae.
pronouns — she/her.
preferred comms — If my writing partner isn't too chatty, doesn't like plotting much/only wants to establish a first meeting, and doesn't like muns sending them random things that remind them of our muses? Then tumblr, definitely. For everyone who is the opposite of the above? Discord. I show no restraint on sending applicable aesthetics at 3 AM if I find it.
name of muse — Sonia Nevermind, Crown Princess of Novoselic, Hope's Peak Academy's Ultimate Princess, horror/occult aficionado, chocolate connoisseur, culinary and housekeeping disaster, and generally one of the most cheerful people your muse will ever meet. TalentSwap!AU and post-DR2 game canon does not apply where 'cheerful' is concerned.
experience in RP — As of this...er, season, I'll have been roleplaying off and on for the past 24 years. I started roleplaying in autumn 1999 (my middle school RP days were indeed something). Should I have a celebration for when I hit a quarter century of roleplaying experience? Quarter life crisis?
best experiences — I don't want to boil the best experiences down to specific muses/muns/storylines, but the best way I can describe them are these: when I first started roleplaying, it was in the fandom written by the Wizard Lady and roleplaying on AOL/Yahoo/LiveJournal was just so new. There were no real expectations or rules to follow, and while there was plenty of godmodding and things that didn't make sense, it was just ridiculous fun. The second would be every time I'm able to make a friend in the mun I'm writing with and we've got giant plotlines going with all sorts of scenes and situations that allow the muses to grow and develop over time. That is truly the best part of RP for me now.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — I have a few, including but not limited to: super small text, multiple spaces between words for aesthetics (it's hard to read for me!), one-liners/single paragraph replies that aren't dashcomm or crack, uncut threads, giant icons/gifs/Danganronpa sprites, not tagging posts (but especially OOC, aesthetics, and smut), constantly dropped threads while asking for more starters/memes (hiatuses aside), no bios or muse information beyond a name/fandom (for both canon and OC muses), and instant shipping (or after 1-2 threads/interactions. It's not for me).
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — Yes! To all three. My favorite interactions have some fluff, humor, and/or soft situations when the angst gets too angsty, and some angst or conflict when the muses get too settled in and content in the lives. Generally, my least favorite thing to write is action/combat scenes, most fantasy (urban fantasy might be the exception but high fantasy stuff? Not my thing to write), and sci-fi plots. I do write smut and I enjoy writing smut, but I like it in the context of a larger storyline and with a bigger purpose beyond just the muses having sex. It's why you'll never see smut starters on this blog and why, if I'm going to write smut with a mun, I've probably plotted with them about it first.
plot or memes — Plots and memes if I'm unfamiliar with your muse, which is highly likely for anime/video game/comic muses, and anything 'recent' in the past 10-15 years. But I'm fine with just memes if I'm familiar with the fandom/muse or we have past interactions I can build off of. But in general I'm a fan of plotting.
long or short replies — Long replies nowadays, always. Mostly because one-liners and short paragraph replies just aren't fun for me: I feel most creative and enjoy roleplaying more with long replies at this point. And I'm reluctant to spend time writing anything for fun if I'm not having a good time doing it: and short replies, beyond crack or dashcomm, are just not a good time for me.
best time to write — Downtime in the mid-afternoon at work, middle of the evening on workdays (after a rest and dinner), and mid-afternoon until the wee hours of the morning on weekends/days off. Late nights and between breakfast and lunch are just no good for me, writing-wise.
are you like your muse — Unfortunately I am not blonde, European, royalty, conventionally beautiful, and constantly full of optimism. However, I enjoy horror movies (Sonia knows more than I do), chocolate, tea, and much of Sonia's fashion inspiration here because I saw her in DR2 and was just 'classic styles with feminine touches? ballgowns? it's my closet.' I'd be her snarky, pessimistic best friend unable to stop with the quips while telling her 'Sonia bb let me teach you how to make toast it does not involve buttering it before it goes in the toaster.'
Tagged by: @sparklymuses (Thanks Sparkle!) Tagging: @quickdeaths, @dcviated, @phantasmalnightmare, @crystalmarred, @fallesto, and you. Reading this. Right now.
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dj-of-the-coven · 1 year
yo dunno if you've been asked this question before or not (sorry if you have) but where'd you get your tumblr theme? and are the colors customizable or at least have theme variants (like royale or maybe royale noir, but i honestly have never been able to find anything for the latter)??
Hey, I'm always open for questions like that! So, when you say theme, there are a couple different possibilities you might be referring to: either the colors of a basic tumblr blog (the small popup window you see via Tumblr directly) or the desktop site you receive automatically upon acquiring a URL. You should get everything you need for the in-site customization when you first make a tumblr blog--and I'm most familiar with this on desktop, so forgive me for not providing details on mobile--but anyway, it would be discoverable through your blog editor in the same place you go to edit your description, title, pfp, etc. As for my desktop blog, this was made using customizable HTML (hypertext markup language), or a basic programming language for websites used in tandem with CSS (cascading style sheets). There is also a section of JavaScript on my blog which is for the sparkles that follow the cursor on my page. All three of these languages can be used to make your blog virtually whatever you want, but considering the question, I'll operate on the basis that you don't know how to code. How can you get a customizable theme?
Follow these simple directions:
go to settings
select your blog on the right sidebar (should look like this but with your blogs instead of mine)
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scroll until you see this setting
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if not enabled, enable custom theme
click edit theme
At this point, you should see an editor much like this, but with your desktop site, which is likely going to be a generic model.
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I will be proceeding in this guide assuming that you don't know HTML. To get a custom theme, select the icon on the left sidebar that says browse themes.
You will then see the sidebar change to feature Tumblr's generic theme and probably one or two paid ones. Look to the bottom of the sidebar to find this fun lil guy:
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Then do me a favor and select it.
On the new page that pops up, you should be able to find hundreds and hundreds of themes made both by professionals and amateur programmers, some of them with price tags, but plenty of others totally free! To install a theme onto your blog, first find one that fits your tastes about right. Don't fret too much about colors and images, because the vast majority of themes will allow you to customize that--you just need the computer to know where to put things. Let's take a look at some of the featured selections here.
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Let's say you want to try the first theme! Select it so this window pops up on your computer.
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Preview and install do exactly what it says on the tin. For now, let's scroll down a little bit to check this theme's stats...
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Take a look at all of this stuff to make sure that it does what you like, and make sure that you understand what you're signing up for. It's totally reversible in the sense that you can install the generic theme again at any time, but remember that whatever theme you already have WILL change when you install this. Always check for accessibility features as well! Depending on your needs, you might need to know if the programmer whose code you're borrowing has put any flashing lights or gifs in the layout before you download. Better safe than sorry.
Once you've decided on a theme, go ahead and click install.
It shouldn't take long afterwards for your blog to finish rearranging itself. Once it's finished, mosey over to your desktop site to check out how it's changed!
Most themes that you can download will include their own customization options that you can find using the same method we used earlier to open up this part of the blog editor:
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Just use the left sidebar to make any changes you might want to make to your theme in there. The theme description should've listed everything you can customize before downloading, and it'll all be right there in that menu! Most themes will let you change the color, images, backgrounds, links, music, or any other custom features to your heart's content through those controls. And if you're still unsatisfied, you can open up your blog's HTML file by clicking the edit HTML tab at the top of the left sidebar. Make sure you read some basic guides on code insertion if you do, though. It can be a little tricky to reverse garbage code if you put it in the wrong place.
Let me know if I can do anything else, anon! Good luck and happy customizing!
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starsmuserainbow · 7 months
Sorry for going so very, very much off-anyrealtopic here. This is not IC, not about anyone here but myself, I just need to get something off my chest about, well, in a way personal stuff but also, societies or idk what exactly, and this is my place to get stuff out.
Idk what I should tag this as, so consider this the only "warning" I can give. Simple said, it's probably better if you don't click the readmore. I probably won't feel comfortable having shared all this by tomorrow or at least next week or something, anyway.
Why. Why why why do things always have to be about money? Always, everything.
I never mention this on here really, and I don't wanna go into details here either, but basically, I don't have my own income and live through support from my family. Not that my family is rich, very much the opposite, it's basically that everyone gives up some things just for me so that I can live like this. Which, I do feel horrible for, but I also do not want to give up the "state of life" I'm in/having currently. Don't ask me to explain (if you do ask, I might try to explain my thoughts a little, but I don't really wanna make this too prominent a topic on my blog because in the end that's not what anyone is here for), judge me if you must, but I just felt the need to add this for clarification or something. Idk. I wish I could properly talk about this to anyone but if I myself feel horrible about it - not sure if by my own conscience or what, or more because of knowing and having heard often enough what other people think of this type of living - and I know what the "common sense" about these things is, how am I supposed to even consider properly talking about this to anyone.
Why is it so difficult for states or whatever to just make it so everyone, absolutely everyone, gets just enough money to come by? For all these important things like food, healthcare and, idk, power and warmth or something, and like, just the bare minimum. Without any need for anyone to "do" something for it alike applying for jobs or doing side jobs or whatever. Just a general funding to keep people alive and okay. Like, if it's just for really the bare minimum with very little leeway for anything out of the ordinary (maybe if you save up for a while you can afford some new machine or device or whatever, the likes, but basically it takes a while to save anything much), I'm sure not many people would be happy or satisfied with it, and outside of that I think that most people actually want to and "have to" work out of what they themselves feel the need/urge to do "with their lives" or something anyway, so "everyone would do it then" is not an explanation. And like, those like me, that just want to live and experience some (small) things here and there that I can save up for if I do so really carefully, could live in peace with that and without having to be forced into things and suffering through like idk shtty work or not being able to pay for whatever necessary stuff, or something.
I just, I just. I just want to live in peace, be able to eat and survive and play some games and/or do my writing and iconing and watch shows or whatever. I don't need travels or big events or anything like that, I just want to live my life on my own - well, with my family, but, yknowwhatImean. I don't want much. I don't need much. I know I'm not social. I never was. I always was a loner, I never liked being among people (except for family, which is different). I have no (RL-)friends. I like my online-"friends" or contacts, I don't need more or anything else.
I wish there'd be an easy way to have like a little bit of (passive?) income through whatever online or the likes way so I could live this life I want, without having to live off of others. If it would be possible, I'd rather live "off the state" than off my family, but it's not as simple as it might sound.
If anyone actually reads this, I'm already expecting to get/hear, idk, insults or mean comments or something about being lazy and whatever, or who knows if I get especially unlucky many of you will decide that they don't want a person like this on their following/mutual-list and I end up having like no mutuals anymore by tomorrow or whatever, but, something brought all this back up inside of me today and I just have to scream it into the void somewhere.
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