#i'm taking my time and not allowing myself to get overwhelmed again
amazingdvils · 1 year
i've moved the blog to a fresh place! it's cleaner and, currently, the muse list is a lot smaller. i'll add more muses as time goes on, but right now, i'm focused on a smaller roster. there are blacklistable tags for heavier characters and ships, so if you see a character, ship, or fandom that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know and i'l add a blacklist tag for you!
the blog is located at @coristories
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lurochar · 19 days
Bad Habit
So I recently read somewhere that Alastor pulls out his hair as a stress reliever? Not sure if it's actually canon, but I thought it was interesting, so here we are!
You feel bad, guilty.
Horrible even.
It is why you are currently sitting on Alastor’s bed, waiting for him to come back from wherever he had disappeared into the shadows.
It was okay, Alastor had given you permission to come into his room and the magic that served as his room's lock allowed your presence inside, despite how uncomfortable you felt being in the room regardless.
It hadn't been the first time you had turned down his offers of protection, companionship, and whatever else you desired. If you wanted, he would grant it to you.
Was that worth your soul?
You were scared, terrified even though Alastor assured you again, again, and again that he would never abuse your soul and it would be his greatest treasure. Hell, he had even written a contract of rules on himself pertaining what he could and couldn't do to your soul.
And tired of being frightened by this overwhelming strange one-sided courtship, you fled.
You weren't sure why Alastor allowed you to flee to begin with, perhaps he was giving you space to sort out your thoughts, but you had unconsciously glanced back towards him when you did run.
You had never seen such an expression like that on Alastor’s face before.
You couldn’t get that expression out of your mind and so, only a few hours later, you found yourself in the last place you wanted to be: Alastor’s bedroom.
Still, you couldn't describe that expression.
Irritation, anger, vexedness, longing, agitation, hunger, stress?
It floored you that Alastor could even feel so many of those emotions considering you knew his background. It stunned you even further he felt them for you since you believed he was interested in you because you were the only female deer demon – the only doe – in his territory.
Was Alastor interested in you beyond your demonic characteristics?
You jump when the shadows in the room flicker around and Alastor materializes, clearly taken back by your presence as he takes a step backwards when his red eyes land on you.
You stand from the bed, ready to apologize. “Alastor, I'm sorry about tod–” You pause, eyes widening when you notice something. “Y-your hair…!”
A large chunk of his hair is missing. It looks as though it's been torn out.
“Did you get into a fight?!” You quickly move towards him to get a better look, vaguely noting Alastor’s smile is tight and he almost resembles a trapped animal with his tense posture. “Are you hurt anywhere else, Alastor?”
Alastor stares down at your sweet concerned face and almost lets a sigh escape him. “I am fine, my dear Doe.” He resists the urge to bristle defensively when you try to get closer to where his hair is torn. “I did not go on a rampage today.”
You blink. “If… if you didn't fight anyone, what happened?” You looked back to his hair and winced. It looked painful.
Alastor’s smile widens to grotesque proportions. “I did this to myself.” His eyes watched you heatedly as you stumbled back in shock at his confession. “It's a bit of a habit, you see. I tend to rip out my hair when I'm feeling stressed to the point that even slaughter will not relieve it.”
Your ears drop.
“I never thought you would run from me, dearest. Now tell me,” Alastor’s hands are creeping up towards his head as his eyes cloud with fervour, “why are you so afraid of me?”
“Alastor!” You rush forward, clumsily pressing yourself against him and grabbing his hands with yours before he can tug at his hair again. You lace your fingers with his longer ones, feeling your face burn hotly as your body shook nervously. “W-why do you need my soul? Can't we do it all without me giving you my soul?”
Alastor tightens his fingers around yours. “I admit I am a complete novice in the area of… romance,  but is it not a romantic gesture? I would give you my soul if I were able.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh and Alastor raises a brow. “If that's what you think, then you have thousands of spouses already, including Husk.” You snicker again when Alastor’s eye twitches. 
“Husker.” Alastor utters in disbelief. “My spouse?” He looks as though he just swallowed rotten meat.
“Romance can be almost anything if the partner appreciates it.” You smile. “A flower. A walk together. Dinner with each other. Stargazing. Anything really as long as you enjoy their company.”
Alastor raises your hand slowly towards his lips and you shiver (and not from fear) as he places a gentle kiss on the back of your hand. “My lovely Doe, would you care to accompany me on a walk in my bayou?”
Your face softens as your eyes move towards Alastor’s missing chunk of hair. “As long as you come talk to me when you get to that point again. I don't want you hurting yourself, especially over me.”
“It's not a big deal, Darling. My hair will be grown back by tomorrow morning.” Alastor lets out a hum at your glare. “But I suppose I can if you wish.”
As long as he got his sweet Doe in the end.
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jabbage · 6 months
My Latest "Getting housework done" ADHD hack
This isn't anything revolutionary, it's basically just a modified pomodoro technique, but I've never tried it for housework before. I really struggle to motivate myself to do housework tasks - they just feel so unending and tedious and abstracted from immediate gains.
I find I'll often put off jobs until my house is a complete mess, then "waste" my weekend stressing out feeling I need to "catch up" on cleaning, struggling to get started because it's so daunting (executive dysfunction) and then being overwhelmed by pushing myself to clean inefficiently for hours and hours at a time.
My new method:
Begin with a leisure activity I enjoy - play a computer game! Do a craft project! This takes the stress of starting out of the equation.
Set a timer for half an hour. Decide on a single, concrete task which I will go and complete when the time is up. It might be putting on some washing or emptying the dishwasher.
When the timer goes off, do the task. Suddenly it seems less daunting, because it's only one thing, and I'm going to get to go back to the fun activity immediate afterwards. Often I find once I'm up and about, I feel like doing a few more chores - but I don't have to.
Go back to the leisure activity, set the timer again.
And crucially, this isn't a "only do at the weekend when the house is a complete mess" thing, it's a "do every day in little bursts" thing.
And I am FORBIDDEN from feeling guilty about returning to the enjoyable task. That's not allowed!
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
gentle hands, ankle clasps - roy kent x reader
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pairing: roy kent x fem!actress!reader
word count: 2k
warnings: mindless fluff, language, allusions to smut but nothing remotely explicit (that should be blanket warning for every fic i write, it's never smut but the characters are almost always slightly horny maybe i'm projecting)
request: hey can i request a roy fic with the reader being an actress of some sort and being like bubbly compared to him - anon
a/n: back with roy again, being a comforting little shit. another chapter of be still, my foolish heart coming tomorrow, but thought i'd treat myself to a request in between! if you have sent a request, thank you!! they're all fucking incredible and please rest assured, i will be getting to them over the next week or so <3
Roy’s arm, firm around your waist, is practically the only thing keeping you upright. Why your stylist had insisted on these heels, and the height of them, you had no idea. Yes, you were a strong capable woman who could handle whatever life threw at you - apparently not counting these shoes.
“Think they’ll find it cute or nauseating if I carry you inside?” he whispers in your ear, temple pressed firm against yours. You tip your nose into his cheek affectionately.
“I’d find it nauseatingly sweet if you did,” you murmur, blocking out the shouts and flashes from ahead of you, “But the headlines would all be about my inability to walk in heels. I can’t give them the satisfaction.”
Roy nods, and pulls you in even tighter to him by the waist, glowering at the cameras again. You rest your hand on his chest in a tried and tested pose, one leg in front of the other, hip jutting out. Your bright smile was a much talked about contrast to Roy’s own expression, but the pictures were still ones you treasured.
You caught Keeley out of the corner of your eye, her and Jamie posing for photos of their own. Normally, you might have ran over to greet them but since you currently couldn't run, you just waved, mouthing a 'thank you!' to them for coming. Keeley offered you a shocked look at how good your outfit was, while Jamie just saluted. You could feel Roy’s arm moving and knew what he was about to do, so you grasped it lightly in your own.
“No middle fingers at my premiere,” you hiss at him, under the guise of the same bright smile. You feel his chuckle in his chest under your palm and you relent, bringing his hand up to your lips to press a kiss to each knuckle before you let it go, “Thank you.”
He grunts and you nod your appreciation to the camera people before moving on, allowing Roy to propel you forward as you fight to keep your balance. However uncomfortable you were, at least you knew you looked damn good. When you’d done a twirl for Roy before the two of you left earlier, he’d just stood there silently. He stared at you for fucking ages. You think he’s still frustrated that you stopped him when he started toying with the zipper because you weren’t willing to be fashionably late.
“Think you can cope?” Roy asks, pulling you out of your thoughts as he gestures to the next lot of paparazzi who are this time clamouring for some solo shots of you. You kiss Roy’s cheek and nod at him, pushing him gently out of the way with a laugh as you assume your previous pose but with a hand on your hip instead.
There’s a woman waving a microphone at you and you squint at her, then eagerly hike up your dress as realisation dawns.
“Hannah! How are you?” you greet warmly, kissing both cheeks and taking hold of her hand, “It’s so good to see a friendly face.” “These things are quite overwhelming,” she agrees, holding up her microphone in a way that you’re used to. No, you and Hannah weren’t friends, but you were friendly and that counted just as much in this world, “But you’re going to have to get them used to them, honey! Your third big movie this year, how do you find the time?”
“Oh, I made a deal with the devil long ago, Hannah,” you laugh, annoyed with yourself that its not your real laugh. Maybe tonight really was a little overwhelming, “No, in all seriousness, I’m just honoured to have gotten the chance to work on not one but three incredible projects in such a short period of time. I’ve been lucky.”
Your eyes find Roy’s. He’s stood just a few metres away, ready to dart in and take you away if you give him the signal. He’s a godsend and he’s perfected his routine of saving you and he gets away with it because he’s Roy Kent. It works wonders for you.
“Speaking of being lucky,” Hannah attempts a segue that you’re not sure even she’s sold on, “What’s up next for you? Another Hollywood blockbuster or some quiet time with that fella of yours?”
Hannah speaks in a very friendly way, so why do you have the sudden urge to go all Kent on her and tell her to kindly fuck off. You do a shaky exhale with your mouth far enough away from the microphone as you scratch your temple with one finger. The signal.
“Ah, you know, I think it’s time that I-”
“Right, that’s enough,” Roy steps up, signature couldn’t give a fuck walk on display as his arm winds around your waist again and it feels like you can breathe once more, “Fuck off now, please. Thank you.”
And he gets you out of there. Steers you past the next batch of photographers entirely with a few middle fingers despite your earlier insistence. You’re too grateful to care, smiling at those you pass with ease since Roy is making it clear that you’re not stopping to talk. You see a few more Richmond faces as he opens the door to the cinema they’re screening the film in, some of which you actually wouldn’t mind speaking to, but you figure you’ll see them inside.
Once you’re in the door and Roy has shut it behind you, the first thing you do is let out a huge huff of breath, a release. He tilts his head at you knowingly.
“I love it when you’re simultaneously rude and polite, you know?” you say, trying to break a bit of tension, “Fucking hot.”
“Yeah, I know,” he says, and you wonder if that’s why he’s started add pleases and thank yous to his insults. He takes your hand in his and leads you slowly over to a sofa in the entrance hall, “You good?”
“Am now,” you answer honestly as you flop into a seat, watching Roy crouch down in front of you, hands on your knees through your dress, “I don’t know why it’s difficult tonight. Hannah’s a delight, normally.”
“Hannah’s a fucking nosy delight,” Roy barks out, “Your feet hurt, you’ve been rushing around all week, all those interviews. Talking to people. You’re exhausted. It’s fucking allowed.”
“I like talking to people,” you say, voice small.
“No, you’re good at it. There’s a difference. If you describe your perfect night to me, does it involve any of these people prying into your fucking business? Does it involve people at all?”
He’s very good at suddenly coming out with something that allows for a slight shift in your worldview. And he’s right. You know how to talk to people, you’re good at it, making connections and finding common ground. But your happiest is at home. Maybe a Richmond match, if they win. A day at the zoo, even.
“You’re so secretly insightful, god,” you groan, plastering a hand to your forehead as you sink further into your seat, “You’re right. Shit. I’ve just been doing so much of it.”
“Yeah. Just need a break. I’ve been telling you that shit.”
He has. Incessantly. You’d almost argued with him about it the day before, but you stopped yourself when you remembered he was trying to be kind, even if you were struggling with the constant reminders to take care of yourself. You’d promised, after the premiere, you’d recharge. If you’d listened to him, you would have recharged before, and maybe you could’ve handled a longer conversation with Hannah that the film’s promoters would have liked.
“Can we just agree from now on that you’re always right? It’s like living with a wizard. You’re my Gandalf.”
He chuckles, rubbing his hands up your thighs and back down again, strong, soothing motions. You’re not sure he even knows he’s doing it, providing steady comfort without even thinking about it.
“Fuck no. I’m wrong all the fucking time,” he says, “Let’s agree that we’re both always wrong.”
You giggle, shaking your head as you take his hands in yours, stopping his movements. You lean forward to press your forehead against your clasped hands.
“Love you. Thank you for tonight,” you say into his hands, feeling him kiss the crown of your head, then look up at him to add, “And for every other night. You know my perfect evening does involve one person, right?”
He looks suitably pleased. Sometimes he gets this look on his face that’s almost a smile, eyebrows lifted and sparkling eyes, lips slightly parted. It always makes you want to kiss him, so you do, keeping both your hands over both of his until one of his ends up holding your face closer to him. He breaks away first, keeps it light and sweet, like he knows exactly what you need at all times.
“I know you’re about to make a joke about-”
“Jamie, yeah, I was going to say Jamie,” you admit, flicking your gaze between both his eyes, “But I meant you, idiot. Always mean you, even if I don’t say it.”
“Fucking sap,” he mutters, leaning in to steal another kiss, even slower than the last. Even deeper. You want to pull him on top of you and lean back into this couch and spend the evening like this but there’s definitely other people walking around here. It’s like you’d forgotten.
“Love you too,” he breathes when he pulls away, “And I’m fucking proud of you. For this film, for tonight, for all of it. But if you don’t let me and Phoebe fucking pamper you tomorrow, we’re going to have a fucking problem.”
You gasp, eyes wide.
“She wants to do a spa day?”
“As soon as I told her how stressed you’d been, of course she did. Says her mum got her a new face mask she thinks you’ll like,” he shakes his head, then stops you as you’re about to say something, “And before you ask - no, she doesn’t want to be fucking pampered herself. Keeps going on about ‘providing a service’ the weird little shit.”
You feel a teary laugh bubbling up in your throat. Phoebe made you feel so loved. Roy made you feel so loved. You hoped you could ‘provide the same service’ for them.
“I will be the most relaxed woman on the planet tomorrow,” you promise, running a hand down the side of his face, thumb lingering on the scruff, “Can feel myself floating towards that title right now.”
‘Good. One more thing,” he leans away from you, head ducking down and a terrified part of thinks he’s about to stick his head underneath your dress, but instead you feel the clasps of your shoes coming undone around your ankles. You peer your head to watch him gently free you of your heels, one by one, thumb pressing into the soles of your feet and rubbing all the way down once. You shivered.
“Now let’s go and watch a fucking good film, yeah?”
God, you don’t know how you’re going to keep your hands off this man when you’re about to be sat in a dark room for the next two hours. Your dress pools on the floor when you stand up now that you don’t have your heels, but Roy quickly picks up the fabric so you don’t walk on it. You turn your head to sneak another quick kiss as the two of you begin walking towards the theatre, your heels dangling from Roy’s other hand.
“If you don’t end up marrying me, Roy Kent, I’m going to be really fucking angry with you.”
You watch the grin light up his face as he holds the door open for you to go and find your seats.
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spicyclover · 5 months
In a haze
Summary : In the car, there are millions of thoughts that pass one after the other. The brain accumulates and releases at hundredths of a second all the information we need to be good drivers. However, sometimes it happens that the information never comes back and we are lost in this infinite mist.
Hope you’ll enjoy it. Let me know in the comment section.
Thank you! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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WARNING : mention of crash | lose of consciousness
The humidity is at its peak. Singapore is really one of the most physical races. The overwhelming and stifling heat prevents the brain from accumulating air properly. I already regret leaving the refrigerated hospitality to join the garage. I meet some fans on my way and I stop to take some pictures.
I am quickly escorted out of the crowd. I run to join the others to start the parade. I regroup with the two Ferraris and Max who discuss qualifications. I am P8. I could have had more, but a moment of distraction made me lose seconds in a corner. I smile at Charles and shake Carlos’s hand. I'm sweating in my team gear, it's really the worst. The Ferraris boys are not better, Charles is red as a tomato and Carlos look like he's going faint any second.
In the distance, I see Daniel. He is in a corner, his headphones on his ears. He has his face of concentration. He's cute, makes him look more serious. Since the beginning of the year, he hasn’t smiled as much. He’s not the same as before. He gradually realizes that his days are numbered in this sport and it scares him. I understand that feeling. I am the only woman on the grid and at my first mistake, I have a horde of men wanting to replace me with their macho and sexist criticism. Daniel raises his head and crosses my eyes. A smile expands on my lips and he seems to relax.
With the parade over, I return to the garage for the final preparations. I visualize the race in my head. I review the turns, the areas of acceleration, the areas of deceleration. I calculate the pressure of my tires and I look at the temperature one last time during the race. Filling my brain with all this information helps me not to be overwhelmed by pressure. I relativize and focus on the fact by what can happen.
It’s already time to get in the car. As always, the pressure goes up and I feel like my head is going to explode. I get in the car. I put my helmet on. When the helmet goes on my head, I no longer calculate what’s around me. Everything around me gets foggy and only my car counts. I hear my engineer in my ear and listen to the instructions.
The journalists and the teams leave the track. The crowd is on fire. I allow myself to look around. Oscar is on my right at P7. Lando is P6 ahead of me. Behind me is Daniel P10. The light turns red and the formation round begins. Max starts the pace. I warm up my tires and check my brakes one last time. I barely have time to think that the finish line is in front of me again. I install the single-seater in my starting lines and I prepare myself.
One. My pulse begin to quicken. Two. I'll move faster and faster, the fan roaring beside me. Three. My thoughts begin to wash away in a cloud of wind and dust. Four. The crowd thunders. Five.
My hands release the brake and I press the accelerator. The first corner comes quickly. I find my line among all the cars and I concentrate. The first few cars slow down and I’m right behind. I start turning the wheel. The next few seconds freeze in time. My brain tries to interpret what is happening before my eyes, but I can’t. I feel the back of my car rising in the air. In a straight perpendicular line, all I see is black and white asphalt. I let go of the steering wheel and the barrels start. My body is wandered from left to right in the car and I try to maintain myself. All this happens in seconds before I crash into the security fence.
I hear his laugh. I look up and he is in front of me, his smile bigger than the sun. I chuckle before I tongue him. I get up and start running to the ocean. He rushes after me. I peek behind me and he’s already behind.
"It’s not fair," I said, with a sulky pout. "You’re faster than me." He grabs my face in his gigantic hands and kisses me. I try to resist, but these kisses are magical that I can’t keep acting. I surrender to these lips.
"I am a high performance athlete, athletes speed." I laugh and I push him away a little. He loses balance and leads me to his fall. The fine sand is quickly encountered and my eyes get lost in his. I remove some rebellious streaks from his face. He meddles his fingers between my hair and he passes them behind my ears. "You’re beautiful." I pouffe before I kiss his lips again to silence him.
I’m back in the car. I fainted. Oh no, I lost consciousness. My vision is blurry and my ears are ringing. I try to straighten my head to look around, but I can’t. I feel like my heart is in my brain. It’s pounding and I can barely breathe. I feel a hand on my shoulder, but I can’t react. Gradually my vision darkened again.
"I don’t want us to hide anymore," whispers Daniel.
The night is cool and we’re in our hotel room in Los Angeles. This is the first time that we meet after weeks of meeting at the bend of an evening or a race. We have been living in this secret relationship for a few months now and I must admit that it is happiness. I like to find it even for a few moments, but it is true that with each separation, they become harder. I smile as I relax my head.
"We have no choice." I say, slowly fading away in my sleep.
And it’s true, we are stuck in this spiral of PR. Being the only woman on the track, I have to be attractive to the male fans. A girl in a relationship is not interesting. I hate every day since this phrase came out of my manager’s mouth. What do I give a shit about male fans? I’m not there for them, or thanks to them. I long to make a big finger in all this, but the more I think about the consequence and the more it scares me.
I am transported out of my car, I distinguish the lights of paramedics who check the dilation of my pupils. I blink and red and white flashes pass in front of my eyes. The ambulance. My helmet was removed. I don’t remember much. They talk to me, but I can’t tell the words. Everything is confusing. Yet, this hand I know. It’s his. Daniel. My eyes are frantically searching around me and I finally see him. He too has crashed. I don’t have time to think more than the paramedic pulls it out of my hand and takes me in the ambulance to the nearest hospital.
The hours that follow are a perpetual blur. I get lost in the dozens of exams and questions I am asked. I answer as best I can, but I get tired and I ask him to be beside me. I whisper his name between my lips. Many hours have passed. My senses come back little by little and I hear again the noises that surround me. I hear the beep of the machines, I hear the nurses who pass by the door of my room. I hear the television on, but I can’t understand the words. Most importantly, I hear his voice. He’s there with me. I painfully open my eyes. In the first place, everything is blurred. I can only see the light, but very quickly my vision clears and I can look at his face.
"I am so sorry, my love. I am terribly sorry." He whispers repeatedly, my hand in his.
"Hey, stranger." I say in a hoarse voice. I feel like I’ve been smoking for forty years with that voice.
"Y/n!" He cries while looking up. "You are awake."
"You didn’t think you’d get rid of me like that." I said with a laugh. I try to move to get up, but my body hurts. I moan and Daniel looks at me worried. "What happened?"
"We crashed into each other… I ran into you by accident. The car behind me didn’t brake and I was right in your corner. You rolled, I thought I’d lose you." He chokes a sob before he takes over." You landed in the safety gate and the race was paused for a long time. I… I couldn’t… I couldn’t go on without knowing if you were okay." He caresses my hair tenderly. I feel the pain in his voice and it hurts me.
"You disqualified yourself for me?"
"For you? Always." I smile and reach for him. I grab the top of his neck and our lips meet. Our kiss lasts a few minutes. We enjoy the present moment and the presence of the other. "Just to let you know, but I may have told everyone about our relationship and the media is crazy about it."
"What?" I write to myself as I step aside. What did he do? He didn’t… Oh no!
"We’ll talk later." He kisses me again with a smile. "You need to rest and heal."
"Dan…" I try to argue, but he won’t let me continue.
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tetheredfeathers · 7 months
Beach scene.
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"I do," I say. "I need you." He looks upset, takes a deep breath as if to begin a long argument, and that's no good, no good at all, because he'll start going on about Prim and my mother and everything and I'll just get confused. So before he can talk, I stop his lips with a kiss.
I feel that thing again. The thing I only felt once before. In the cave last year, when I was trying to get Haymitch to send us food. I kissed Peeta about a thousand times during those Games and after. But there was only one kiss that made me feel something stir deep inside. Only one that made me want more. But my head wound started bleeding and he made me lie down. This time, there is nothing but us to interrupt us.
My hands cup either side of his face, his stubble feels rough against my smooth hands. My cold lips envelop his impossibly warm ones, my hands make their way around the nape of his neck, and a sudden desire to pull on his golden curls overtakes me. A certain urgency invades my senses. I lose comprehension of reality and the gravity of the situation we are in.
His hands come around my shoulders to caress me, I think, until he pushes me away. My face surges with embarrassment. In what world would Peeta refuse my kisses? Is he out of his mind?
"Katn-iss, lo-ve, listen," he attempts to speak as I slither my hands down his waist, lifting the hem of his undershirt. "Yo-u're the one w-ho should—"
My heart races as his swollen lips form the word "love." Is he saying this for the audience, or does he really want to call me love? I am his love, aren't I? I think of a world where Peeta would come home from work every day and say, "Love, I'm home." Oh, how I would long for him all day, both our faces lighting up brighter than every star collected as we make our way to each other.
"Don't 'love' me," I spit, fuming at his selflessness. How dare he try to sacrifice himself for me? How dare he think I could survive one day on this earth without him? How dare he not realize how much I need him? My body heaves with anger and passion, lighting an ethereal flame as I engulf his lips once again. I lose all restraint, one hand aggressively tugging at his blonde locks and the other swiftly removing his shirt. I absorb his words with my mouth, sliding my tongue across his upper lip. A breathy sigh escapes from his mouth, sending shooting stars into my head. He finally gives in and unlatches his lips, allowing my tongue to enter. His tongue is no competition for mine; I push him over and explore his mouth with unearthly desire.
In the caressing silence that follows, I find myself on top of him, straddling his lap. I grind my hips against him, breathing out his name as I feel his arousal against my core. His burning chest heaves harder against me as he peppers my neck with kisses, working his way to my ear. Overwhelmed with desire to become one with him, every inch of my body buzzes with electricity. A peculiar place in my body pulsates with energy, only slightly relieved when my hips grind against him. I want every inch of his body enveloping mine, covering me and holding me ever so tightly.
The rough pads of his fingers brush ever so slightly against my breasts, making me arch my back against him. He smirks mischievously against my collarbone, proud of the reaction he is able to elicit just through a slight brush. Oh two can plan the game, Mellark. Just you wait.
I glide my nails over his back, finally resting my hands on his hips, pulling him ardently against that spot that's begging for relief. His hips buck aginst mine as my mouth lays wet, open mouthed kisses all over his golden neck; Our moans chorus through the dead of the night as the breeze envelops our tangled silhouettes.
His stocky build flushes against my soft curves, reminding me of all those nights on the train. Why hadn't I tried this sooner? Why hadn't I realized that he is the only boy I really need? Why hadn't I understood that I physically cannot survive without him?
What if this could be it? What if one day I could take Peeta to the meadow behind my old house with miniature versions of ourselves? A small girl with black hair, blue eyes, and a little boy with blonde hair, grey eyes. Somehow under the hot, pink sky and the gritty sand digging underneath our feet, I imagine a world where my beautiful my boy with the bread could be a father.
The sensation inside me grows warmer and spreads out from my chest, down through my body, out along my arms and legs, to the tips of my being. Instead of satisfying me, the kisses have the opposite effect, of making my need greater. I thought I was something of an expert on hunger, but this is an entirely new kind.
It's the first crack of the lightning storm - the bolt hitting the tree at midnight - that brings us to our senses. It rouses Finnick as well. He sits up with a sharp cry. I see his fingers digging into the sand as he reassures himself that whatever nightmare he inhabited wasn't real.
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trensu · 6 months
Heyyy, long time no post, huh? I'm dropping another chunk of stasis in darkness for you guys! And I wanted to remind people that these posts are basically rough drafts. The final product will hopefully be more polished but in the meantime please enjoy!
After Steve convinced the old man he meant no harm, he’d been allowed into the home. The Lord of Night hadn’t been super specific about the purpose of his quest, only that Steve had to bring him to Wayne Munson. Steve discreetly looked around the home as he entered it. The old man was obviously unwell and had been for a while, given the state of the house. Steve had the creeping suspicion that the time limit the Lord of Night mentioned was linked to the man’s health.
“What are you doing?” Wayne Munson asked suspiciously once he had returned to the kitchen with Steve in tow. He had sat heavily in one of the old worn chairs at the table but Steve, instead of joining him, began to clear the table on impulse. Steve halted awkwardly.
“This ain’t your house, boy,” Wayne said with a scowl. “I can take care of myself.”
Steve did his very best not to look at the scattered mess in the kitchen or living room. It was not the mess of a dirty, careless person. It was the mess of someone tired and overwhelmed. It was the mess of someone in pain who was too proud to ask for help. Steve took in Wayne Munson’s watery eyes, wan skin, and the clothes that were plain things, tattered from use, but mostly stain-free. Steve quickly added all these details and came up with a plan of attack. He set the plate back down.
“Yes, sir,” Steve agreed easily. “I’m aware, but I serve the Lord of Night and he sent me to you specifically. In our god’s name, I must assist you in any way I can.” 
Wayne’s expression wavered. Steve pushed again. He lowered his gaze in a slightly embarrassed manner, letting a note of uncertainty color his words.
“I don’t know what else to do until nightfall,” Steve said. He rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. “I don’t want him to think I’ve neglected you.”
“What happens at nightfall?” Wayne asked.
“It’s when the Lord of Night wants to see you,” Steve said. Wayne blinked.
“Me? He wants to see me?”
“Yeah! So, if you could please let me,” Steve said, putting on his most endearing smile, “I’d like to take care of you until then. You know, make sure you’re comfortable and get the place ready for a divine visit. If it’s not too much trouble, sir?”
“Uh, no, that should be fine. Is…is there anything I should do?” Wayne asked dazedly.
“Not really. All I know is he really wants to see you tonight. Oh, maybe you’d like to rest until then? A nap, so you’re not drowsy when he arrives.”
Wayne nods, still in shock at the news. He didn’t protest when Steve helped him out of the chair and let him lean his weight on him as they navigated to the bedroom. Wayne sat on the bed as Steve drew curtains closed over the room’s single window. The curtains were thick enough to dim the sun to a pale yellow glow.
“I didn’t know there was anyone else who followed him,” Wayne said as he lay himself down over the covers.
"He told me you’re the only one left, besides me,” Steve told him. “And I only discovered him a month ago by accident.”
“By accident?” Wayne asked with a wry grin.
“My friends found a holy text when we were researching other gods. It was the only one of his in the city's whole library. Then we had a hell of a time trying to find his last shrine. When I finally found it, it was falling apart. He’s been forgotten,” Steve said. At Wayne’s troubled expression, he hurriedly added, “But now that I’ve pledged myself to him, I’m going to make sure people know him again.”
Wayne did not appear convinced, but he finally settled to rest after Steve promised to wake him before sunset. Steve took the opportunity to clean. He hadn’t been lying to Wayne when he said he wasn’t sure what to do until nightfall. It didn’t help that Steve also liked to keep himself busy. Being idle made him itch.
The house was small. Aside from Wayne's bedroom, there was only a cramped kitchen and a modest living room. From the small window of the backdoor, Steve could see a short, worn path to an outhouse. 
Given the size of the house, though there was a mess everywhere, it didn’t take Steve very long to clean it all. When it was done to his satisfaction, there were still a few hours left until sunset so he wandered outside. The porch railing was covered with broad green leaves from intertwining vines but Steve left that alone when he saw the small garden nearby. It was full of ripe vegetables that Steve assumed Wayne had been unable to pick himself given his condition. 
By the time Steve had picked the vegetables, pulled the weeds, and watered the garden, the sun hung low in the horizon. He cleaned himself up the best he could in the kitchen sink and took one of the chairs from the table to the bedroom before waking Wayne.
He told Wayne what he accomplished during Wayne’s repose. While Wayne expressed his gratitude politely enough, it was still apparent to Steve that the old man was irritated at having needed the assistance at all. To keep Wayne from dwelling on that, as well as to satisfy his own curiosity, he coaxed Wayne into conversation.
“Can I ask, uh, how you–I mean, how did you know? How did you know the Lord of Night existed?"
Wayne laughed at Steve’s befuddled tone. The laugh turned into a coughing fit. Steve quickly fetched him a glass of water and put it on the bedside table after Wayne had a drink.
“My family’s a bunch of no-good criminals,” Wayne croaked. “Were. It’s only me now. But before, each generation of Munsons took it up. Like a family tradition.”
“Criminals?” asked Steve cautiously. 
“Thieves and con men. Some ladies of the night, if you catch my meaning. They knew of our Lord of Night and passed the knowledge down,” Wayne sighed sadly. “The life of a criminal ain’t what you call stable. We lost bits and pieces of him with every generation. Like his name. No one’s known his name for a very long time. Is that why he wants to see me? Did I fail him?”
There was genuine distress in Wayne’s question so Steve hid his disappointment. He had hoped the Lord of Night’s last worshiper would at least have a clue about where to start the search for the lost name. He focused, instead, on reassuring the old man.
“I don’t know why he wants to see you, but he wasn’t angry when he sent me. He sounded excited.”
“I suppose that’s a good thing,” Wayne said uncertainly.
“Definitely,” Steve assured. Before Wayne could sink into his gloom again, Steve said, “I know you said you’ve lost some knowledge, but do you know if the Lord of Night has any prayers? I haven’t…I mean, I’ve tried to worship him but I don’t think I can do it right without a prayer. I’m kind of new at all this.”
“My ma used to say our Lord didn’t have patience for formalities,” Wayne said, brow furrowed. “They bored him so he only had a few official prayers. There was one where we’d thank him for any dreams he gave us. I think there was another one that asked for dreams to bring inspiration or something of that sort. I don’t really remember those–ma would be boxing my ears for that if she was still around. I remember the one for protection, since we used that one a lot. It goes: 
Lord of Night,  Guide us through all phases Of the moon; May the dark be free of All dangers, While your many stars burn.
Wayne’s voice cracked into a coughing fit near the end. Steve hurriedly offered him water again once Wayne had caught it again. Wayne took a few mouthfuls and repeated the prayer again so Steve could learn it. It took a few tries, but Wayne was patient and by the end of it, Steve had it memorized.
“Is that the only one?” Steve asked, hoping to learn more. Wayne grimaced.
“It’s the only one I really remember. The Lord of Night prefers stories. My ma would tell us the best bedtime stories. Said they were for our god as much as for me and my brother. I was never good at coming up with new stories, so I retell my favorites or tell our Lord about my days and give him a little offering.”
Steve wasn't much of a story teller. He supposed he could do as Wayne did until he met up with Robin and Dustin again. They constantly chatted about books they’d read. Steve couldn’t help but notice how, once again, his friends seemed a better fit for his god than he was; all Steve could give his god was his shield and sword. It was discouraging. He had to figure out a way to make up for it somehow.
“What kind of offerings?” Steve asked. 
He wanted to give his god more; he wanted to give the Lord of Night something he’d actually like. It wasn’t lost on him that the Lord of Night took him under duress. Who else would’ve been able to complete this quest? 
“When I was young, it was horse shoes,” Wayne chuckled at Steve’s confusion. “Thieves are supposed to give him a part of their loot but my ma and pa were horse thieves. They got horseshoes and would leave one for each horse they stole, tied with a braid made of the stolen horse’s mane.”
“You stole horses?” Steve said, unable to fight off a grin as he remembered the conversation he had with the Lord of Night about it.
“Me and my brother, before he passed,” Wayne said with a weak nod. 
The sky had darkened by now. Steve pulled the stone out of his satchel. He carefully unwrapped it from the cloth and set it gently on the bedside table next to the glass of water. Wayne eyed it quizzically.
“It’s from his shrine,” Steve explained. Without any further fussing, Steve stood up and went to the door.
“Don’t leave,” the Lord of Night said. 
Steve turned to see the god, hooded in his cloak of constellations, sitting in the chair Steve had vacated. The Lord of Night had not even glanced Steve's way when he spoke to him. The god’s attention rested solely on Wayne.
Steve hadn’t seen or spoken to the Lord of Night since he’d been accepted as his holy warrior. The god had needed to conserve his energy, he explained to Steve, so that Steve could complete his quest. The god’s cloak was as mesmerizing as the first time. However, this far from the shrine, the god did not look as solid as he had during the nights he spent with Steve. 
“I wanted to give you two some privacy,” Steve said softly. 
“I think Wayne would appreciate not being alone,” the Lord of Night said. 
The old man stared at the god unblinkingly. Wayne’s expression was one of awe and fear, so Steve did as he was told and stayed in the room though he chose to lean on the wall furthest from the pair. He was still close to them in the tiny bedroom, but it provided the pretense of privacy.
“My Lord?” Wayne’s voice was barely audible.
“Hello. I’ve wanted to meet you for years,” the god said.
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Idia Shroud - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Idia: Look at all these dynamic brushstrokes that can only truly be appreciated because they're from a real painting… Fheehee! This is the real thrill of seeing one live!
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Idia: It hits so hard~ In order to rescue a captured comrade, the king himself rushes to the front lines… Oooowee~ Doesn't that just get your heart pumpin'?
???: Indeed… However, is it appropriate for a dutiful commander to leave his base and head to the front lines?
Idia: Eeek!!! Silver-shi!? D-Don't just cut in when I'm talking to myself like that. This is why I can't deal with extroverts…
Silver: My apologies for startling you. I found your comment to be interesting, so I could not help but chime in.
Idia: E-Even if you think it's interesting, don't you think your impression of him was pretty shallow just from this one anecdote...?
Silver: Meaning?
Idia: I-If he was just a minister or something, he coulda just split after setting up the strategy, leaving it to his subordinates to execute everything.
Idia: But he still went to such a dangerous place to stir up morale, because that mission would be the linchpin of the whole battle. So, basically…
Idia: That means his responsibility meter is through the roof!! Wheeew, he's a totally different breed than any naïve and useless politician who just hoists their title around.
Silver: So you're saying that he himself went out there because it was a crucial situation. I would say that he does have an overwhelming sense of responsibility, indeed.
Silver: Hearing your opinion on the matter has allowed me to delve deeper into understanding this painting and its story. You are quite wise.
Idia: S-Sure, yeah~! You should follow my example and study up on things a little better, Silver-shi!
Silver: I will do just that. …However, it feels as though what you said about how other leaders may act had some weight behind it.
Silver: I had heard that you took up the title of Housewarden after being recommended by the previous Housewarden...
Silver: Was that because you had had previous experience as a leader, and were thus therefore chosen for the position?
Idia: Huh!? N-No, nuh-uh, wut are you even talking about? No way, no way… 'Sides, I'm more of a solo player even in my online games, y'know?
Idia: I mean, sometimes I've taken the lead of a party when I absolutely had to for a raid, or something…
Silver: As I expected, you do have experience in leadership.
Idia: It's not that big a deal… I mean, I got a reliable battle buddy who tanks and usually takes the lead.
Idia: Generally, I go for healing or DPS roles. Or more like, I just stack as many buffs as I can to increase firepower.
Idia: But it's not like our schedules always line up, so whenever he's not around, I take the lead… Because I have to!
Idia: It's usually the high-level players with great skills that take on the leader role. And in that case, I've basically maxed out all my stats in every position, so…
Idia: And I can grasp what the scenarios call for, see? And I can also play the tank roles to take charge on the front lines, right???
Idia: "Thanks to you, I was able to clear this high-level quest! I'm so thankful to have joined this party!"
Idia: And I was just taking on the leader role because I had to. I'm just way too good…
Silver: So, those who fought alongside you showered you with gratitude. That just proves even further your leadership capabilities.
Idia: I-I wouldn't go that far― …Or maybe, just a little bit further? H-Hee Fheeheeheehee!
Idia: But also, I don't want to deal with failing a quest because some loser was placed in charge, so.
Idia: So I guess next time I have to put together a party, if my friend isn't available, I'll just have to lead them all again!
Idia: Wheeew, it's hard being so awesome~!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Silver: This is a painting of a lion, warthog, and a meerkat, I see. The three of them are singing a song and seem to get along well.
Idia: Ain't they waaay too upbeat, to be able to sing while walking like that? Like, this painting shows the lion crown prince that was forced to leave his own country…
Idia: It's showing him singing along with some friends he ended up making, while he tries to ignore that pain, right?
Idia: Lucky him, that they chose to glorify his hiatus from his royal duties like this. Tch!
Silver: I've heard that singing can raise one's spirits. Perhaps they all wanted to brighten their own moods.
Idia: Speaking of singing to take your mind off stuff, there was this one time when I was a kid when my little brother was too scared to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night…
Idia: So we would go there while singing the theme song of our favorite anime together.
Idia: Eh, anyway, whatever their reason for singing, having that moon in the background composition like that's super moving. Kinda like what you'd see in an MV.
Silver: Em-vee…?
Idia: Eh… Y-You don't know what a music video is? It's a video recording that goes along with music and lyrics…
Silver: Ah, so you call those MVs. I understand.
Idia: I-If you feel like checking out some MVs sometime, I'd recommend the idol group "Precipice Moirai."
Idia: Premo's MVs are so awesome that you could watch them 100 times and never tire of them…!
Silver: 100 times… That's quite a lot. Is that generally something you'd watch so often?
Idia: A true fan would absolutely! More like, it's way too insolent to think that you could truly appreciate their MV with only one watch!
Idia: The first watch is all about enjoying the song and video in its entirety. The next three times the focus is shifted to checking out each of the three members' dance moves and expressions one by one.
Idia: Next, there's the actual composition of the MV, and digging deep into the actual message of the video… At a minimum, it should be watched ten times.
Idia: On top of all that, Premo's super casual MVs can put even a film director to shame!
Idia: There's no way to fully comprehend their art with only a couple viewings. That's why it needs to be viewed hundreds of times.
Silver: I had no idea their work was that deep… It may prove useful in training me better in emotional expressions, and perhaps could even be incorporated into the academy's music courses.
Idia: N-No, I mean, you don't gotta go that far… But it's great that you know just how awesome they are.
Idia: Even between us Premo fans, there's always those who still don't understand their art at all…
Idia: Every time a new MV comes out, there's always people saying stuff like, "She got the most screen time," or "She's definitely the manager's favorite," and the like…
Idia: But does that have anything to do with the quality of their work? It doesn't, right? They don't care about understanding the heart or essence of the songs.
Silver: I see… I feel as though I have learned a lot from you, Idia-senpai.
Silver: When we return to campus, I will look into, hm… Premo? Yes, Premo's music videos.
Idia: Eh, no way!? S-S-Seriously!? They have all their latest MVs on their official Magicam account!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Idia: Ooh, here's the Sea Witch floating in the darkness… She's got a nice, bewitching smile going, too.
Silver: This is a painting depicting the scene of when the Sea Witch drew up a contract.
Silver: If I recall, it was said that the contract was so unbreakable that even a powerful spear couldn't rip through it.
Idia: I mean, you'd think that just having a contract that doesn't tear apart or bleed ink in water is strong enough...
Silver: Perhaps the contents of the contract was dire enough she did not wish it broken.
Idia: Who cares about the contents, the material of the contract is way more interesting. How high of a defense stat did it even have to not get ripped up by a spear?
Idia: But I totally get it, everyone wants to make invincible things every so often.
Silver: I cannot say I understand, but… What sort of thing would you make, Idia-senpai?
Idia: Like a "game console power cord that can never be taken away," or something like that… A-Actually, I tried to make something like that when I was a kid.
Idia: Whenever I'd play video games all day and into night, my mother would end up hiding all my cords.
Idia: If all she did was hide them, I could just make myself a new one, but she'd hide the cord materials as well. Totally overboard!
Idia: So I had a thought. I had to do something so she couldn't hide it!
Silver: I can only imagine your mother was concerned for your health… Did you never consider quitting your games?
Idia: Why would I? Ahh, but I really did burn the midnight oil like a little worker bee back then.
Idia: Like, I'd put a motion sensor on it, so that the cord could automatically run away from whoever was holding it...
Idia: Or I'd make the cord transparent so it couldn’t be found, or attach a homing function to it so it'd come back on its own…
Idia: And finally, after many failed attempts… I finally did it…!
Silver: I do not really comprehend what that is, but… It is amazing that you invented something with your own two hands.
Idia: Nope, not at all.
Idia: My family also has a real stubborn genius, and every time I came up with some tech, it'd quickly get shot down by some kind of countermeasure...
Idia: And it took me a few months of that game of cat and mouse before I realized I should just convert my game console to wireless.
Idia: Hmph… But the peace and quiet that came from switching to wireless didn't last long at all...
Idia: Soon after, the Final Boss appeared: a device capable of disabling all wireless tech within a 10-meter radius!
Idia: Well, all the experience I got developing the motion sensing and automatic functions helped when I was putting Ortho together…
Idia: So I guess all that trial and error wasn't for nothing.
Silver: Even if you can picture your ideal outcome, it is rather difficult to actually put into action.
Silver: However, you have made real many of your thoughts. I can respect that.
Idia: Wai― What're you trying to say all a sudden? Getting complimented to my face randomly like that is a little scary… W-Wait, is this all a plot to beguile me!?
Silver: A plot? ...Hm, I see it has gotten late. I have kept you for some time. My apologies.
Silver: I am grateful to have heard such wonderful stories from you. Well then, I shall be on my way.
Idia: Whew… I'm exhausted having to actually talk to people for the first time in a while… Ah, this is…
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Idia: It's the hero from that one myth. Look at his sparkling expression… He looks like he totally believes the future ahead of his is bright.
Idia: Life doesn't always go as swimmingly as you hope, though… Hope he doesn't get too excited that he gets carried away by the river of the underworld!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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brittmouse-spirals · 5 months
hi it's the girl who isn't allowed to cum this year, I've been edging more and more I edge for like at least an hour or two a day now if not more and your blog is still one of the things I look at most regularly while I edge bc you post a lot and your posts are so hot. FUCK I want to cum so so bad it’s all i can think about but good girls don't cum good girls rub their minds away good girls edge forever idont deserve to cum i want to be a good girl good girls dont cumm
…uh. oh yeah I'm sending this bc last time you said something about wanting to see how much of a mess I'd be by the end of the month so um hi here I am… I'm getting so much worse
- F
i'm so so proud to be one you touch and rub and edge and drool over! gosh you really have gotten worse haven't you? there's less and less of your old "smart girl" brain in your head after each edge. you're so much more desperate and weak and obedient. that programming you subject your weak toy mind to is taking over everything else. it leaves you docile, open, accepting of whatever your superiors say or want. how about you let me put some good girl wisdom in your head?
you need to edge. you don't need to cum. cumming makes the pleasure stop. stretch out that pleasure. you need to edge.
you don't deserve to cum. you're a dumb slut who gave up her orgasms for pleasure and control. keep denying yourself. keep scrolling. keep babbling brainlessly about what a good girl you are for not cumming. good girls don't cum. you don't deserve to cum.
keep edging, whore! go deeper. get worse. you love how much worse you are now. this is good for you. this is what you need. this is what you want. edge until all your thoughts leak out of you. edge until you forget what cumming feels like. edge until the greatest pleasure you get is from making your superiors cum. edge yourself empty. edge until you never want to cum again.
and then keep edging. deeper is the only way forward now. you're fucked. we're fucked. keep fucking edging, slut. tempt those around you. corrupt those around you. show them how good edging feels. get them hooked. make them edge sluts like you. edge to what you'll do to them. drool over their blank faces and busy fingers. pull each other even deeper into bliss.
after all, good girls make more good girls. 💖
keep me updated, slut, i've been edging myself to my own words towards you. i wanna watch you get worse. you're so fucking hot when you're denied, begging, and stupid!
(and remember, if this is ever overwhelming or interfering with your non-kink life, you have the permission and the duty to step back and recover. i know i just said a lot of very very degrading stuff, but you really do deserve rest and support. you're allowed to take as long a break as you need from edging - just as long as you don't cum. your needs come first. treat yourself like the prized princess you are, ok?)
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backfromtwitterforw · 9 months
Pomme's diary found in the place she was with Richas (30 first pages)
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Day 117
We walked for so long, longer than a day.
Chayanne thinks we'll be safe if we're far enough. I doubt that, because no matter what threatened us manage to find my secured bunker 200 000 blocks away, and even succeded to get into my room to put its letter. Honestly, I think we'll never be really safe anywhere.
Chayanne was panicking so much that we didn't even have time to prepare stuff before leaving. I tried to talk him out ot it, but they were all already gone and I couldn't leave them alone.
At least, I had the reflex to take one of my scythe. And fortunately so.
During our journey, I had to fight a lot of monsters. It's a miracle we all survived without armor or anything else.
We weren't far from death on multiple occasions.
I'll protect them no matter what.
That's a promise.
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Day 118
We could build a little improvised camp. We're exhausted from the walk we had, we don"t have alot but it's better than nothing. The most important for now is to survive.
Dapper made a small makeshift field and planted seeds and potatoeshe had collected along the way, while we prepared tools and cut wood.
Tallulah played the flute to try to confort us and give us courage. She even leanred one of my favorite songs on the flute to try to make me smile again.
We make progress, slowly but surely.
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Day 119
I think each one of us has tools now. We continued to gather ressources, especially trying to find enough food for everyone, because Dapper's field is not enough. But we didn't have great success, we have to be comptent with the bare minimum. We'll try to build a small shelter tomorrow.
It's hard to do anything because we are all exhausted from the trip. We found materiel to make sleeping bags, so they will finally be able to rest in better conditions.
I'll try to stand guard and watch over them during the night.
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Day 120
We were able to start the construction of a small makeshift shelter. It doesn't look great but at least we have something to be protected now.
Truth be told, I haven't slept in a few days, I cannot allow myself to sleep.
We could be attacked at any time, by monsters or by the thing that threatened us. I'm scared it may trace our steps.
On multiple occasions, Chayanne asked me on multiple occasions to share the watch during the night, but I refused systematically.
I'd rather let him rest, and watch over Tallulah during the day. He's the one she trusts the most, he needs to be there to for her, and to protect her.
But I feel the tiredness winning over me.
I fight against exhaution as hard as I can, but I can see my reaction time and my moves becoming slower.
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Day 121
The shelter is almost done, I'm so proud of them. They never let themselves be overwhelmed by fear and they do their maximum for everyone to be safe. We watch over one antother and that warms my heart to see it.
On the other side, food is continuously missing.
It soon gonna become a huge problem if we don't find a solution, we won't be able to hold much longer with the ressources we actually have...
I believe it's been a week I haven't slept, I'm trying to stay awake with always being busy. As soon as I am not, I feel my eyes closing by themselves.
It's especially difficult during the night. I spend them looking at the campfire crackling and making sure it doesn't extinguish by itself. We found material to make a lighter, so I play with it to pass the time: I found out the burning feeling is particularly effective to wake me up.
I miss my parents. I miss them excruciatingly.
It's so hard that they're not here with us. I regret all the time that we couldn't leave any note, any letter. They must be terribly worried for us, i feel terribly guilty...
I hope they won't resent us...
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Day 122
Dapper amost died.
We were talking about the pending lack of food, and he suggested we could explore the surroundings to find something to eat. I know exploring is something he adores, and he knows better than anyone the different kinds of existing ressources, so I also thought it was a good idea.
I suggested to come with him, but i assured me I didn't have to worry about him, that it wouldn't take him long to come back, and that it would be better for me to stay with the others to watch over them. So, I accepted. I trusted him.
But he went to fight against a skeleton. Or at least, what looked like a normal skeleton, but it wasn't one; this one had an armor and was able to shoot arrows at an abnormal speed, in addition to having knockback.
He thought it was a normal skeleton and attacked. But the skeleton was stronger and knocked him off.
I ran.
I ran so fast, every second mattered.
He cannot die, not like this, not now.
If he dies, I'll never forgive myself.
I managed to find him, and I could finish the skeleton off.
I ran to him to save him, just in time.
With tears in my eyes, I asked if he was ok and why he wanted to attack that monster way to strong for us even though we have no armor and barely any defense.
He just answered that he wanted bones to make bonemill, to speed up the growth of the seeds in the field. And also because he wanted to make a bone mask for Chayanne, since he didn't have his fetish skull.
He was so nonchalant in explaining it all, as if he didn't care about being do close to death.
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ur-dad-satan · 9 months
Double Trouble (shy!LevixF!MC)
4k words, 18+, MDNI please and thanks
Includes face sitting, tail fucking, oral, penetration, and grinding
There had always been something different about Leviathan when compared to his brothers. It wasn't something physical like his horrible posture, his tendency to shut himself in his room, or his obsession over anime and manga. It was something that MC couldn't put her finger on. At least not yet. It wasn't until this day that MC would find out what made Levi an outcast aside from the obvious.
Levi and I had been hanging out together all day in his room. We played game after game, watched a few anime episodes and now we were about to watch a movie. I ran and grabbed a fluffy blanket for us to share and prepared for the movie. 
"Ready?" I asked Levi before getting in his tub-bed with him causing a light dusting of pink to tint his cheeks.
"Yeah. Let's watch the movie now." Levi pressed play, and we started the movie. A bit into the movie, I started to get uncomfortable and wanted to readjust but I didn't want to catch Levi off guard and freak him out.
"Hey Levi, is it okay if I snuggle up with you? I'm kinda uncomfy like this." I asked turning to look at Levi. His eyes widened a bit in shock before his face started to burn. In a shy voice he stuttered out that it was okay, so I shimmied my way between Levi's legs and against his chest. I was still facing away from him, so I couldn't see his face, but I somehow knew that he was blushing and trying his best to not touch me. I chuckled softly and moved to put Levi's arms around me, so he was more comfortable.
"M-MC!? What are you doing? Why did you do that?!" Levi asked. I turned a bit and saw that he was definitely blushing and looking away to not make eye contact. 
"Getting comfortable. Is this okay?" I asked and snuggled closer to him.
"Ah. I guess this is okay..." Levi said sheepishly. As we watched the movie, I found myself readjusting a few times, and whenever I did, I could feel Levi's arms tightening around me. We were only halfway through the movie when I absentmindedly readjusted myself between Levi's legs when he let out a tiny gasp, squeezed me again, then put his face in my neck.
"Levi? Are you okay?" I asked suddenly losing all interest in the movie as Levi was way more important.
"U-uhm yeah. I-I'm fine. But could you please stop moving so much?" The purple haired demon asked in a muffled voice.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was moving a lot. I'll try to stay still." I really didn't mean to make him uncomfortable. We kept watching the movie for a bit longer before Levi was the one to start readjusting a bunch. 
"H-hey, MC? Can I... tell you something?" Levi asked talking over the movie.
"Yeah, anything. You know your secrets are safe with me." I said kindly. 
"W-well... you were moving a lot and... you were... you know, sitting between my legs and stuff. You uhm... you kinda..." Levi stuttered and trailed off. I turned around to face him, but as soon as he saw my face, his eyes grew wide as tomatoes, and he looked away quickly and once again, his face was flushed. My eyes scrunched in confusion, and I tilted my head a bit.
"What hap- Oh. I got you 'excited'. I'm sorry, Levi. I can leave so you can take care of... that if you want me to." I offered, tossed out my blanket, and started to get up to leave but he grabbed my wrist and became even redder.
"A-actually," Levi started. "Could you... stay?" he asked in a small voice. I felt bad because it was my fault that he got hard in the first place, but I couldn't say no to him. He was just... too cute when he couldn't make eye contact like this.
"Alright. I'll help you." I said and gently grabbed his chin to make him look at me. "But tell me if you need to take a break or if you get overwhelmed, okay, Levia-chan?" I finished speaking. His eyes grew wide for the third time, and he melted into my touch before nodding his head and allowing a goofy smile to slide onto his face.
"Thank you, MC." Levi said dreamily.
"May I kiss you?" I asked. He quickly nodded his head and let out a 'yes' before I gently brought his face to mine in a tender kiss. His shaking hands found the small of my back and my steady ones slipped to either side of Levi's face. We kissed for what seemed like a few minutes before Levi got the courage to pull me on top of his lap and put his tongue in my mouth. His tongue was rough and felt kind of scaly, but most surprisingly, it was two pronged like a snake's. I had heard people say that Levi was fork tongued, but I didn't know they meant it literally. I always assumed they meant that he was a dishonest person. I knew that didn't sound right. It wasn't long before Levi started to get needy and pull at my hips for a bit of friction for his erection. 
"MC..." he whined into the kiss. I pulled away and looked at Levi until he gained the confidence to look me in my eye.
"Use your words, Levia-Chan." I said and watched Levi's face contort in shock and arousal. His face was hot, and he could only sputter. I let out a tiny laugh and leaned in to kiss his neck. As soon as my lips touched his soft skin, Levi sucked in a shaky breath and almost instantly transformed into his demon form. My lips danced across the purple diamond shaped marks on his neck.
"P-please. MC, I-I need... friction. Pants are... too tight." Levi panted out. He seemed to be absent mindedly gripping my hips so I grinded down against his bulge, earning a small moan from the purple haired demon.
"My poor, precious boy." I started in a soft tone. "Let's get your clothes off. Would you like that?" I asked in between kisses. I felt him nod his head and moved to look at him once again. 
"Y-yes! Please, MC." His voice was thick with need. My hands worked their way to the hem of Levi's top, removing it in a swift instant. For a "shut in Otaku", he sure was fit.
"You're so pretty, Levi." I complemented. Every time his blush began to subside, I would stoke the flames of his cheeks. He looked away once more mumbling something about he's "not pretty" but appreciated it regardless. My hand found its way between us and I slowly started to palm his rather large bulge; he couldn't even try to hold back the soft whimpering moans that leaked from his delicious lips.
"Too... Too much c-clothes!" Levi moaned breathlessly. I kissed the top of his head in acknowledgement before I took my own shirt and shorts off leaving me in only my underwear and bra. My hands hovered over his pants buckle awaiting his full attention once more.
"May I take your pants off?" I asked. An embarrassed look spread across Levi's face before he nodded furiously. "Your words, darling." I reminded. I wanted Levi to tell me what he wanted. I wanted to hear his voice.
"Y-yes." Levi managed to squeak out. My hands slowly unbuttoned his pants. I tugged at them a bit but needed him to lift his hips. I readjusted myself so that my legs were on either side of his and leaned forward to kiss his neck and allowed my fingertips to squeeze his already exposed sides before I whispered in his ear.
"I need you to lift your hips for me, Darling." I said gently. Levi's breath audibly hitched in his throat. A shaky gasp erupted from his mouth, and he lifted his hips a bit. I pulled them down but let his underwear stay on. Not one, but two bulges awaited under the thin fabric for me. I wasn't surprised at Levi's double dicks, but I couldn't say the same at the sudden watering of my mouth. I leaned in to kiss Levi once more and gently used one of my hands to palm at one of the hard cocks. He moaned into my mouth, and I felt something long and scaly on my leg. I assumed it was Levi's tail and ignored it.
"I- MC, please take them off. I want..." His muffled voice trailed off into a moan and he grinded up against my hand. I let out a quiet giggle at how cute he is when he sounds so desperate. My nails tenderly ran up his neck and to his face causing him to lean into my touch; they went right back down, then down his side and stopped at the waistband of his underwear. I looked him right in the eye before speaking.
"Levi, are you sure you want me to take your underwear off?" I asked him seriously.
"Yes, I want you to take them off. I want... I want to make you feel good." Levi blushed. I kissed his forehead and hooked my fingers around the elastic waistband and gently pulled them down while Levi raised his hips once again. Realizing that he was completely exposed, his face burned, and he covered it with his hand. As I expected, Levi had two dicks. Both of them had scales on them and mimicked his tail with a gradient purple at the tip. Not even to mention the size of them.
"How did you want to make me feel good, Levi?" I asked. The purple haired demon finally looked at me once more and held my hips in place. A determined look replaced the embarrassed one on his face and he slid down till he was laying directly under my pussy.
"W-will you s... sit on m-my face? I w-want you to..." He trailed off in embarrassment. I didn't know he could be so forward; it was really hot.
"Are you sure, gorgeous?" I asked. I liked to make sure things like this are something that Levi actually wanted to do; not just something that he thinks I want him to do.
"Yes, ma'am." He said looking back up at me. He looked so fucking good blushing up at me from between my legs. I couldn't deny his request. I caressed his face before nodding and allowing Levi to move my slightly wet panties to the side. He lapped at and kissed my labia before dipping his tongue into my wet pussy. A soft moan bubbled up from my stomach and I absentmindedly grinded down against his mouth. Once again, I felt something scaly move up my thigh, and at this point, I knew for a fact that it was his tail. As his tongue moved in and out of my tight cunt, sounds of slurping, heavy breathing, and soft moans filled the room. As his tail snaked higher up my thigh, Levi moved his tongue from my wet pussy hole to my clit making me almost double over in pleasure.
"Fuck, let me, turn around. I wanna make you feel good too, Levia-chan." I panted between moans. He helped me readjust and I lowered myself back down on his mouth. I grinded against his mouth, then pumped one of his cocks before putting it in my mouth. I felt Levi shudder underneath me; using my hands, I stroked and pumped his other dick.
"Oh, my Diavolo! Your mouth feels so good!" The purple haired demon moaned against my pussy making it vibrate with every little sound he made. It wasn't long until Levi was bucking his hips up to get more stimulation, but I wasn't letting him off that easily. I pulled off of his dick with a pop and pulled away from Levi. I helped him sit back up and decided to tease him a bit. I straddled him in a way that my pussy was against his dick but couldn't go in. I captured his lips in a heated kiss once more. I allowed my hands to roam through his messy hair, down his neck, and finally down his chest before they made their way to his back. 
Levi gathered his courage and pulled me closer, grinding up against me earning moans from us both. He then undid my bra and felt up my breasts, pulling away from our kiss to place nervous kisses all across them. For the third time, I felt Levi's tail move up my thigh, but this time, with purpose. It didn't stop like the last two times, it moved all the way up to in between where our genitals met. He pushed me up higher on his body and rubbed his tail against my clothed pussy.
"MC, may I please f... fuck you with my t-tail?" Levi asked. As soon as he realized what he said, he turned bright red from ear to ear. He didn't break eye-contact though. That's how I knew that he meant what he had asked. I stroked his damp with sweat hair and gingerly stroked his face. He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes for a moment to savor this moment.
"Of course, you can, my precious boy." I said with a smile. "Take my underwear off." I told him. He nodded and his blush started to fade. He grasped the damp fabric and pulled them down and off of my body. My body was fully nude, and Levi looked at me with a hungry look in his eye. His hands gripped, squeezed, and kneaded my breasts while his long scaly tail wrapped around my upper thigh and rubbed against my pussy once more. The texture of his tail felt so good sliding between my wet pussy lips that I couldn't stop the moans from bubbling up out of my mouth. One of Levi's hands moved to play with my clit while his tail squeezed my thigh and continued to grind against my pussy making me wetter by the second.
"Does i-it feel good, M-MC?" Levi asked. His blush had returned ten-fold, and he retreated his hand from my chest. I rocked against his tail and let out another moan in pleasure before nodding my head yes. I felt Levi's tail unravel from my thigh and before I could say anything, I felt the tip of his tail penetrate me. I gasped and my eyes rolled back in my head. We both moaned out a little louder as his tail went deeper. It was unlike anything I've ever felt, and I loved it. His movements were slow and deliberate like he was thinking about every tiny detail and trying his best to make it pleasurable. I looked down and let out a moan to get him to look at me.
"Ahh, Levi! You feel so... fucking good!" I leaned in closer, and his tail went deeper, stretching me out. Our lips met in a messy, wet kiss in which Levi's tongue found its way in my mouth. When our lips parted, Levi was caught up in the heat of the moment and licked my lips then my cheek. I don't know why, but it turned me on even more than I already was. A symphony of our moans and pants were the only relevant sounds in our ears. Before long, Levi's tail was quickening in pace, and he started to look frustrated.
"MC, I need... Can I... May I..." He grunted in between pants. He was struggling to say what he wanted to say whether from being so needy or being so shy.
"Take your - ah, time and... use your words, Levia-chan." I moaned in encouragement. His eyes lit up at the name and he looked me right in my eye.
"Please MC. I want to feel you on my cock." He said with the most confidence he's had so far. I moaned out a yes and he pulled his tail out after a few more thrusts. I turned a bit in order to comfortably ride him and aligned one of his cocks with my pussy before looking into Levi's eyes for one more piece of confirmation that he wanted this. I opened my mouth to ask if he was sure, but he grabbed my hips and gently started pushing me down onto his purple tipped dick. A moan from the deepest depths of my soul replaced any semblance of words that attempted to come out. Levi let out a shuddered breath that turned into a low moan halfway through. I didn't need time to adjust to his size, and even if I did, I didn't want to wait. I started to grind against his hard cock and felt his other one rubbing against my pussy. I knew I was a slut, but I could not fit two inside.
"Holy shit, Levi! You're fucking a-amazing!" I complemented. He blushed and shakily mumbled out a 'thank you' before squeezing my hips with his hands and guiding me to a rhythm that he liked. Once he found it, he threw his head back and made me bounce on his hard, scaly cock harder. Moans leaked from both of our slightly swollen lips. We worked in unison to get the best of both worlds pleasure wise. He loved when I went up so far only his tip was in my cunt, then slammed back down so it would plunge right back. I liked that too, but I loved grinding right after my ass slammed back down against his thighs with a loud 'slap' noise. While I was riding, I started to stoke Levi's other cock making him moan even more. I allowed a bit of spit to roll down my tongue and onto Levi's dick before stroking it; he seemed to like that. This pattern kept going until I decided to switch cocks. The one being stroked was now in my pussy and the one that was in me was now in my hand.
It only took a few minutes for Levi to become a moaning, whimpering mess as my hand pumped one cock and my pussy bounced on the other. His moans turned breathy, and his cheeks heated up once more; I knew he was close to his orgasm, but I decided to wait until he said as much. I didn't have to wait long.
"MC," Levi moaned out. He gasped in pleasure before continuing. "I-I'm getting close." His head lulled back in bliss. I leaned in to kiss him on his soft, pretty lips. Then I kissed down his neck and chest. There, I started to kiss, lick, suck, and gently bite his skin to leave marks. Any marks or bruises to form would be hidden away from prying eyes. No one would know that Leviathan, leader of Hell's mighty navy, Avatar of Envy, and third eldest of the seven demon lords would be walking around marked by a "lowly" human just under a thin layer of fabric. The very thought of him being mine made me so much wetter. Every little movement I made garnered a reactive sound from the shy demon fucking me like he had fucked a thousand times before. He hit every single spot perfectly and knew just when to push, pull, grind, moan, and thrust to make this amazing. It felt like his cock was made for me.
"Tell me when you're close, Baby. I want to edge you." I said breathlessly. Levi's breath quickened and he nodded his head in response. The more I grinded and kissed his neck, the more the moans left his wet lips. Though taking linger than I thought, soon after I spoke, Levi's breath quickened once more.
"M-MC, I- I'm so close." He moaned out in desperation. I smirked and got off of his dick making him whimper from the loss of contact. I positioned myself between Leviathan's legs and let him catch his breath before playfully putting the head of one of his dicks in my mouth. His breath hitched again and one of his hands found the back of my neck.
"Ah ah ah, you can't touch my head, my hands or yourself. Those are the rules." I said and stopped touching him so he would get the message.
"S-sorry," The purple haired demon blushed. I kissed his knuckles and placed his hands on either side of the bathtub. Once situated, I decided to really tease him. I put the tips of both of his penises in my mouth and messily swirled my tongue around them. Saliva dripped down my hand and his hard cocks to his pleasure. I took one out and decided to focus on them one at a time so I can make him last longer and maximize his pleasure. With only one in my mouth, my head bobbed up and down, moaning, and trying not to gag. I surprised us both when I managed to get the entire thing down my throat so that I was nose to groin.
Almost involuntarily, Levi's tail found it's way back to my soaking wet pussy and pushed itself in going deeper than it had before. My head seemed to go slightly fuzzy as I moaned against his cock. Levi started to get a look on his face where I knew he was about to cum so I pulled off of him once more. His breath was hard but steady. The pace and vigor of his tail did not slow in any way though.
"Ffff-FUCK, LEVI!" I accidentally yelled; my own orgasm neared. Levi probably figured out that I wasn't going to let him cum until I came and he was going to make sure that it was soon. His scaly tail was relentless and I felt my orgasm getting closer and closer. I knew how much Levi loved when I moaned in his dick so I put one back in my mouth and started to stroke the other. My mind was fuzzier than ever as the pressure built in my stomach.
"I-I love you... SO much, MC." Levi moaned out and that was enough to send me over the edge. My eyes rolled back and my body shook as I came long and hard. My loud moans were only muffled but the scaly purple tipped dick in my mouth; the vibrations from the moans seemed to send shivers up Levi's back and he shuttered. When my orgasm was over, I decided it was time for Levi to cum as well.
"You ready to cum, baby?" I asked. He nodded his head rapidly only for it to slowly fall backwards when I put the tips of both of his dicks in my mouth once again. I got as much as I could in my mouth and used my hands on the rest until Levi was whimpering. "Cum for me, Levia-Chan." I said now just stroking them. And that's exactly what he did. His moans and whimpers mixed together in pleasure as he too shook and came all over his stomach and groin. It took him a minute it come down from the sensitivity, but once he did, I licked him clean.
His blush, a permanent red stain across his face as he watched me look up and him through innocent eyelashes, and lap up every bit of cum spilt.
"You're so- so... Amazing... I-I MEAN! Y-YOURE NOT BAD! F-FOR A NORMIE!" He stuttered about.
"I love you too, Levi." I kissed up his body and stopped at his lips lingering there longer than the rest to indulge in the sweet innocence of it. I then kissed his nose and forehead before cuddling up with him.
We sat there nude, not really paying attention to the movie that we missed most of, just cooling off. Eventually, we started to get cold and I grabbed my discarded fluffy blanket and covered us up. The movie ended up ending and we just shrugged and turned the screen off leaving us in only the dark ambient light of his fish tank.
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primus-why · 1 year
What if TFP Megatron hadn't fumbled the bag during the Orion Pax arc...?
Like, imagine we get that scene where Orion is all "Why does this computer refer to me as Optimus Prime? Who... am I?" And instead of Megs being all "Grr, you're just my clerk, nothing more." He was... actually sort of honest?
Like obviously not 100% honest, let's be real here he's got his own agenda. But I'll bet Orion wouldn't have tried to delete his data if he had gotten an actually satisfying answer!!
For example what if it had been like:
Orion: I must know-- who... am I?
Megatron: ... *sigh* I'm not so sure I know the answer myself, Orion. This situation... it's complicated.
Orion: Then perhaps you might help me regain the memories I have lost? You explained what became of Cybertron, but I have yet to learn what has happened to me--
Megatron: -- It would have been too much! So many years lost, so much change to take in... I didn't want to overwhelm you!
Orion: I know, and I appreciate your consideration... however, these questions have been distracting me from my work...
Megatron: ... Very well. Come.
They settle down on some nook with a window. Orion's optics are glued to Megatron, while Megatron looks out said window for a beat before turning to face Orion.
Megatron: What do you remember, before I found you in those tunnels and brought you onto my ship?
Orion: I... *shifting uncomfortably* it's difficult to recall, but I believe my last memory was of us... fighting.
Megatron: Fighting?
Privately, Megatron is concerned Orion might be recalling a battle. He watches the other mech closely for his next words-- is the jig up already..?
Orion: Yes... we were arguing after the Council meeting, though I can't recall what for...
Megatron visibly relaxes a bit.
Megatron: Ah... that. Yes, I remember that day.
Orion: I had miscalculated, and my error upset you. We parted on bad terms.
Megatron: Oh, my dear Orion, that's long in the past! I hardly think back to our quarrel...
Megatron gently takes Orion's servo into his own, idly rubbing a thumb over his digits as if lost in a memory.
Megatron: Actually... your absence gave me clarity-- once I learned you were gone, I immediately realized that I missed you... regardless of what had transpired. And it hurt my spark to know we would never see each other again-- though, that turned out to not exactly be the case...
Orion is staring intensely now. He is afraid of the answer, but knows he must press on.
Orion: Megatron... what happened to me?
Megatron: After that Council meeting... you were taken.
Orion: Taken? By who??
Megatron stops rubbing Orion's servo, squeezing it instead.
Megatron: ... The Autobots, but I didn't know it at the time. I was informed you hadn't reported for work in a while. For a deca-cycle, in fact, which didn't seem like you. I tried to com, but was having no luck-- then Intel couldn't find evidence that you had even made it home after the meeting. Upon further investigation, we learned you were snatched off the street some time after we had parted ways. I knew then something bad had happened to you, but I didn't know who was responsible. Not until I saw you again... only it wasn't you--
Orion Pax: -- It was Optimus Prime.
Megatron: Yes.
Orion Pax: But... how? How could I be a Prime? I'm just an archivist-- was just an archivist... and why me?
Megatron: I'm sure you've noticed the change in your chassis. Well... we believe the Autobot warlord Ratchet used his vast medical knowledge to perform experiments on you, which allowed your body to carry the Matrix. As to why he chose you... I'm certain it was to derail our revolution efforts. It had been personal blow, seeing you change sides...
Orion: How could I abandon the cause? Did I not recognize you anymore?
Megatron: You recognized me, but you did not know me. When the Autobots declared war, Optimus Prime would charge in, always on the front line. I was one of the few fighters who could hold my own against him, and by far the best chance we had to get you to come back to your senses... but I could never reach you.
Orion removes his servo from Megatron's, instead balling it into a fist on his leg. He looks away as well to take in a steadying vent, then another... when he finds his voice again, it is soft-- but he needs to know...
Orion: ... Was it mnemosurgery?
Megatron responds equally as soft.
Megatron: For vorns, I thought that was the case. However we'd didn't find any evidence of it during your medical examination.
Orion's optics snap back to Megatron's.
Orion: Then how?! I--
Megatron: -- It seems your memory loss had something to do with the Matrix. We could test that theory, of course, but nothing would move forward without your consent, Orion. You understand?
Orion: Yes, thank you. I will consider it. And thank you again for taking the time to enlighten me. I am... sorry to have caused you all so much pain...
Megatron: Don't dwell on the darkness of the past when tomorrow promises a brighter future, my friend.
Orion: Mm... how can you be so sure? We are far from home, and the war rages on.
Megatron: Because I was able to finally reunite with someone I had thought to be lost forever. Anything seems possible to me now, even victory after all this time.
Orion blushes slightly as Megatron gets up to leave.
Megatron: I must go attend to my duties on the bridge. Would you like to join me for fuel in my quarters? Say, in the next few groons?
Orion: I would like that, very much.
As he watches Megatron depart, Orion privately wonders just what "victory" would look like, given their home has been destroyed. To what end do we fight? Perhaps I shall ask Megatron to elaborate on his vision of the future after our shifts...
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herotome · 4 months
Devlog #142
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
Time to talk about these past two weeks worth of work. Haha... ah....... The good news is that there's quite a lot. The bad news is now I have to type it all out. 😭 The things I do for love (for Herotome) amiright.
Note to self I'm gonna have to carefully save drafts of post throughout because, again, it's A Lot.
Ok so, we'll start off with some Mia stuff.
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Outfit concepts!! Some of yall may recall I struggled hardcore with her hero outfit, but I think it's finally getting somewhere?? After uh... I allowed myself to use black. :') I had it in my head that Dart is the only one who can wear black-- but how unfair is that?! There's a limited number of color families in the world, characters should be able to borrow colors from each other in accent colors! So, I'm much happier now that I've gotten over that mental hurdle.
On the right is a 'party'/gala outfit. I have a few events in mind where the LIs can dress up and look nice, so this is a concept for that...!
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I also made a bunch of these... cut-out images, so highlight her injured hand in-game... ....... Then I realized I could literally just. Show her full sprite and pan it down. Then add a lil spotlight/vignette effect if I damb well want to. :| So uh. I'll be throwing all these out I guess....... It was a learning experience!!!!!! just a bit of a painful one hahaha.
Moving right along, expressions.
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I got through a huge set of Griffin and made some new mouth shapes for Mia! Much to my dismay, Mia's lips are rather more detailed and thus take a bit more time to render..... but I'm getting the hang of it.
I also have been coding in these new expressions for the Mia and Warden scene in the federal center lobby.
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Here's a preview! Maybe I can make a gif of a few branches to crosspost to Ko-Fi...
As for Griffin - I haven't started coding in any expressions yet, but I did set up all his PNGs and can show off the full set here:
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The pictured tool is by Feniks - wonderful, wonderful way of seeing all the expressions at once and quickly converting a specific mood from image into code (which you can see in the lower rightmost corner). I highly recommend it for any renpy devs who are have an overwhelming surplus of character expressions!
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And I experimented with a ghostly text effect (using altered code from Wattson's dripping effect). It's hard to read at the moment and I dont love it - in Herotome it will likely have a proper outline and I might use a special font. It's inspired by this one artist named Endling - back in my teenybopper deviantart days, he had this comic with a big bad wolf character who would talk like this--!
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And of course, updated art of these fools (as seen in my last not-devlog last week)
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I also wrote.. a decent amount... did a fair amount of outlining/plotting.... and Remnantation and I made progress on a new Griffin CG... I designed some other potential NPCs.......
...... You can tell I'm running out of steam for this devlog, I'm sure. I think that'll do it for now.
Stay safe and keep warm,
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vioartemis · 1 year
I love her so much... (part 2 [au])
(Jenna Ortega x fem! reader)
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Summary: What if Jenna had followed you that night, and tried to hold you back? Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 2 [au] Warnings: angst (just a little bit I swear) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Emma waited until your sobs stopped to take a step back and lead you to her car. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying that much.
"Where are we going...?"
"To my apartment. I'm not letting you alone after this"
"Y/n, wait...!"
Jenna's voice made you freeze just as you were about to get in Emma's car. You turned around slowly, trying to hold back your tears.
"I'm sorry...! I'm so sorry, for everything! I love you more than anything...I'm sorry I've been neglecting you lately... work had been overwhelming for everyone, and Percy asked me to help him- I'm not trying to find myself excuses...! I- I should have talked to you about it instead of keeping it all to myself... I'm sorry Y/n..."
She seemed genuinely sorry. You wanted to give ger a second chance, you really did. But the little voice in your head was telling you that she might hurt you again.
Taking your silence as a negative reaction, she started to walk away. Your heart ached at the sight, and you found yourself taking a step forward, almost instinctively.
"Go." Emma told you "Follow her"
You look at your friend and nodded.
"Thank you. For everything" you said with a grateful smile, before running after the brunette
She froze, not certain she really heard you call her, and turned around hesitantly, eyes full of hope when you stopped in front of her.
"I... I don't want it to stop... us, I mean"
"Are you.... are you giving me a second chance...? Y-you still love me, even after what I did...?"
"Of course I still love you..." you reassured her "Now let's go home, hm...?"
"Wait I- here..." she started, handing you the box you gave her earlier "I don't deserve it..."
"No, Y/n... I- I've been such a bad girlfriend, I don't deserve any gift... But I promise I'll get better, to be worth your love..."
You stayed silent for a second, before nodding and taking the box. Your fingers brushed over hers.
"We can go now" she said quietly
You nodded again, and you both walked back to your shared apartment.
Once you got there, you got ready to go to bed. You had put on your pajamas, and slipped under the covers, soon followed by Jenna. She stayed on her side of the bed, not sure you would want her close.
That caused your lips to curl up slightly, touched by her thoughtfulness, and you moved closer to her, snuggling in her arms. It was the first time in weeks that you really slept together, in each other's arms.
It had been so long that you melted in her embrace. Her arms felt so nice around you, her perfume invading your nostrils felt so right, and so did her whole body pressed against yours.
It didn't take you long to fall asleep, a smile on your face.
At the sight of your sleeping figure, Jenna felt a wave of relief wash over her; she was afraid she'd never get to see you like that again.
"I missed you, I'm sorry..." she whispered, placing a soft kiss on your forehead "I love you..."
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
A few months had passed since that night, and everything was back to normal. Your relationship with Jenna was doing better; she was here - as much as her job allowed her - and she was doing her best to show you how much she loved you, how much she cared for you.
Tonight, you were supposed to have dinner together at 8. It was now 11, and she was still not here. You had texted her, called her, but didn't get any answer.
Your stomach flipped at the thought of things turning out like it did months ago. You couldn't do it again.
You decided to wait for her, determined to talk to her, and when she finally arrived - around 1am - you sat up in your shared bed. You waited for her to enter the room; she seemed surprised to see you were still awake.
"I thought we would spend the night together..." you said "What happened?"
"... Nothing" she replied, shaking her head
"No, it's not nothing. I called you, I texted you... you're doing it again, Jenna..."
The look in your eyes made her realize she fucked up again. Her worst fear was becoming real, again.
"I- it's just..." she sighed "I'm a bit overwhelmed... with work, with the responsibilities, with Percy..."
At the sight of tears forming in her eyes, you took her hand in yours.
"I'm here for you, you can vent if you need to..." you gave her hand a reassuring squeeze
"It's just... there always are unexpected problems at work, we're under a lot of pressure lately, more than usually... and I need to come up with important things for next week, and I still don't have anything... and Percy's always asking me for help for stupid things...! And even if I want to say no, he always manages to convince me, and I don't even notice it! I'm so tired, Y/n..."
You pulled her in for a warm, comforting hug, rubbing her back gently.
"It's gonna be okay... I'm here, I'll do my best to help you with that... You should have talked to me about it..."
"I'm sorry I- I didn't want to bother you with that..."
"You never bother me Jenna, I-"
You got cut off by your girlfriend's phone suddenly buzzing. She gave you an apologetic look as she picked up.
"Hello? ... ... What? No listen Percy, I- ... ..."
She looked up at you, biting her nails nervously. The concern in your eyes, as well as the warmth of your hand on hers, and your love for her gave her the courage she needed.
"No, stop. I'm not available right now. ... ... It's 1 in the morning, Percy. I'm not at your disposal, nor your personal helper. ... ... Find someone else to help you. Bye."
She hung up with a sigh, and when her gaze met yours again, your eyes were full of pride, love, and relief. You were proud she was able to stand up for herself, to stop getting 'controlled' by him. And you didn't miss the opportunity to let her know that.
"I'm sorry I wasn't able to do it sooner... I- I'm sorry I almost fucked everything up between us because of that... But I won't make the mistake again. From now on, I'll try not to keep everything for myself. I- I don't want to lose you. I don't see my life without you..."
You felt you heart flutter at her words. Hearing her say that made you so happy... so happy, and so relieved.
The few doubts that had popped in your head earlier had completely disappeared now. You were sure you could trust her not to hurt you anymore.
You reached in your bedside table for the box you had given her on your anniversary and handed it to her again. She gave you a questioning look, visibly confused.
"When you gave it back to me, you said you didn't deserve it. Well, I think you deserve it now" you said gently, as she took the box "I've been wanting to give it to you for a little while, actually..."
Her eyes were shining when she looked at you after opening the box, and she had a big smile on her face.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it! I- it's so beautiful...!" she threw her arms around your neck and pulled you in for a tight hug "Thank you... Thank you so much!" she pulled away to give you a sweet smile "Can you help me putting it on?"
"Of course!"
You carefully took the necklace out of the box and waited for her to turn around, before moving her hair to the side. You were quick to attach the jewelry around her neck, and placed a gentle kiss on her soft skin once you were finished.
"Here you go, my love"
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Almost a year and a half later, you found yourself in a quite familiar position: crying in Emma's arms.
"It's okay... just- try to breathe, please"
"I- I'm just... I'm so..."
"I know, I know. Everything's gonna be okay"
You pulled away at her words, taking a deep breath and wiping your tears carefully.
"Yeah, you're right... Everything's gonna be perfectly fine"
"That's what I want to hear!"
Suddenly, the door of the room opened, revealing a nervous Hunter.
"What are you doing?" he yelled-whispered "We're waiting for you...!"
"She's ready, don't panic!" Emma replied, before turning to you "Just breathe, and it will be fine, okay?"
You nodded, and she gave you a brief hug, before exiting the room to join the others, leaving you with Hunter.
"Are you ready?" he asked gently, offering you his arm
"Y-yeah, I think..."
You both made your way to the main room and waited behind the door. When the music started, you took a deep breath.
All eyes were on you walking down the aisle, arm hooked under Hunter's. Yours, however, were glued to the gorgeous brunette ahead of you: your soon to be wife, Jenna Ortega.
[Previous part] || [Other ending]
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gffa · 6 months
Sometimes I get defensive about those house decor posts I see going around where people say that the neutral colors/black & white sleek look is "soulless" and they want to bite, kill, rend, and destroy for getting rid of the color in their homes. Setting aside that people should be allowed to do whatever they want in their own homes, let me tell you what "color" means to me: Everything in my life was a different color. Every room had every color crammed into it. Which sounds like, oh, that must have been a pretty rainbow effect! It wasn't, none of these colors were meant to go together, it's a hot pink plastic shoebox set on top of a dark brown folding table holding three wildly different shades of brown hand towels, some cornflower blue notebooks, and orange pens. It's burnt orange shag carpeting in the living room and hallway, with slate blue chairs, and a white tv tray loaded up with bright yellow pill and cornflower blue bottles and pale wood bookshelf next to dark brown folding table next to pine-colored dresser next to medium dark wood nightstand, all of those that fake material with the sticker made to look like wood, not actual wood. It's lime green countertops and dark beige flooring with one faded yellow wall, one off-white wall, and one faded mint green wall. It's a pine wood mimicking kitchen table with gold trim that's a sticker not actual wood, combined with one black rolling chair, one maroon and oak chair (not actual wood), and one gray upholstered chair. It's a robin's egg blue frayed blanket tossed over the red-and-black walker in the corner, which is also loaded up with the dark green and dark blue exercise bands. It's white and beige pieces of paper plopped everywhere. And all of these colors are faded so they're not really even pretty on their own, it's just a mishmash everywhere. All of this together in one house and that's just a fraction of it, it's a constant clashing of colors and, if there was a foot of space against the wall available, it had another dresser, nightstand, or bookshelf shoved into it. I look at some of these colorful homes that people love and I think they're beautiful and I get so much joy out of people in their homes loving their surroundings! But I will never be able to live in that kind of color for myself again without being heartsore about it. I've gone for a neutral palette now that I'm making the design decisions, I'm choosing white walls (admittedly with a little bit of a blue undertone that you only notice when it's picking up other things' colors), black trim, and gray/white/black/brown reclaimed wood flooring. I picked out a gray/white/black comforter to throw over the bed with a black headboard and black + gray pillows. I'm getting some subtle green accents to put in the room, the guest room has been going with a pale yellow theme (to accent the black/white/gray/grown colors), I'm not eschewing color all together, but those bright, overwhelming colors are not what makes my soul sing. Neutral colors are not a soulless choice on my part, it's the first time in my life that I feel like it's finally clean, that I can breathe properly. You could scrub down a room with seafoam and forest green colors and have it so clean you could lick the walls and I would still have to go outside and take a moment to gather myself together if I had to live in it, because for me "color" means messy and I've had an entire lifetime of mess. I love when people put bright orange or bright green on their walls, that rocks and I will come over and genuinely tell you how beautiful it is, because I understand that it makes your soul sing. But understand that, in turn, having sleek, subtle colors makes my soul sing in a way that's just as genuine.
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heyidkyay · 7 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Fifteen
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: Honestly loved writing this one! Lots of tension, so many emotions! First scene has a few flashbacks in italics so watch out! Hope you enjoy x
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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A list of things I remember about last night:
George buying a fan a bottle of champagne.. then four more for the table. He’d been six shots in and feeling more than a little generous.
Matty and I out in the smoking area, whispering back and forth, then giggling as we tried to knick a lighter from the back pocket of this big burly bloke trying to chat up the blonde beside us.
Hann leaving early but with smiles for all of us and the promise of seeing Adi and I again soon! 
Finn’s text saying that Teddy was fast asleep and all fine- an utter reassurance not just to me, but seemingly Matty too, who’d cooed over the picture I’d received alongside it.
Matty dragging me out onto the dance floor when a certain song had come on, his hands on my waist, mine tangled in his hair, the lights bright, the music loud..
The last round of shots, or one of?
Ross standing on a table??
Adi then slipping out with Ross- note to self, text Adi!!
And then…
Then the cab ride home!
But, I supposed it wasn’t headed home, or at least not mine, because now that I thought about it, dizzying images of awkward fumbles in the dark, searching for a light switch, hastily turned into a terrible attempt at trying to scrounge up some food, only a little less drunk than what we’d been when we’d left the club. But then even those soon spun and fluttered away, moving onto heavy hands and heated looks…
I froze, taking in the unfamiliar feel of the bed sheets beneath me and the weight of an arm thrown around my waist. How suddenly the skin beneath it felt hot at the realisation of its touch. I allowed my wide eyes to wander, holding my breath, the remnants of sleep quickly slipping from me as worry overwhelmed it. I saw the cemented walls, the soft hues, the sunlight which flickered in through the far window.
I didn’t know this place, but at the same time I felt as though I did.
I let my eyes fall close again, only briefly, when I finally allowed myself a moment to breathe, inhaling slowly so as to not stir the man settled behind me. 
And that was all that would come to mind because I was panicking now. It felt like I had been dropped into a black hole head first, or some other kind of alternate reality- or maybe even five years in the past! Because this couldn’t be happening. It had to be a dream.
But my thoughts kept on betraying me.
“Don’t run from me.” He whispered in the dim light of his kitchen as his fingers skittered over the length of my jaw, gently coercing me into meeting his gaze once again.
We’d been making toast, he’d only had a spoonful or so of butter left but had latched onto the idea the second we’d walked through the front door, the cab having not long left us. He’d pulled jams and spreads from high cupboards to goad me into it too, and I could do nothing but stand there and watch on, perfectly content and with a permanent smile etched into my face.
He’d patted the countertop beside him not long after finding a new loaf of white bread in the tin, gesturing me on round to sit on its top whilst he got to work.
“What do you fancy?” He’d asked me, plopping a slice into his sleek toaster, one which looked a decade newer than my own.
“You decide.” I had gambled, happy to just watch him laugh whilst he worked, licking his thumb free of chocolate and swearing under his breath when the butter finally ran dry.
On the plate I’d then been handed, sat four sections, each one a different spread to the other. He’d grinned up at me when he had passed it over and had watched on as I’d chuckled and picked a slice up.
“Blueberry, fine choice.” He’d hummed, his drawl deep and tinged with a faint hint of amusement. I’d shrugged, sheepish for some reason, and licked at the corner of my mouth to swipe the crumbs away from the bite I had just taken.
“Didn’t even know it existed.” I’d told him truthfully, taking another bite before reaching out to have him try. 
His movements had been careful at that, as though he’d been surprised by the offer, but then he’d let me feed him and had grinned around the sweet taste.
“Good?” I’d asked him, already moving to withdraw my hand before his fingers caught around my wrist. I'd blinked, confused and slightly startled by the suddenness of the gesture, but his hold hadn’t been harsh or hurtful, merely just that, a hold.
He had nodded at me in answer to my question, but then he’d taken the bitten slice from my grasp to place down somewhere on the counter.
“Matty?” I'd heard myself say.
He’d merely stepped on closer, “You have something.” His voice gruff.
He had lifted his free hand up towards my face, the other still caught on mine, and let the pad of his thumb brush away the tiniest piece of jam my cheek had caught. I’d felt my breath catch at the motion, somewhere in the very back of my throat, and then swallowed thickly at the sight of him placing the same finger into his mouth, sucking it clean.
I’d looked away, feeling the fierce rush of alcohol and embarrassment heat my face.
“Don’t run from me.”
His fingers still touched me now, even as he slept on, completely oblivious to the chaos that was my mind, the world that had continued on around us.
What would they say? What would they think?
Slowly, I forced myself to start moving, unable to continue lying in a bed that wasn’t my own. I hated myself a little for the fact that it was his, something deep inside of me knowing that this would’ve been so much easier had it simply been a stranger.
I lifted his hand from around my waist first, ever so careful not to have him stir, then silently slipped from between the sheets, my legs sliding out first before I willed my torso to follow. 
I picked up the first thing I saw from off of the floor, the white shirt he’d been wearing the night before, and pulled it on over my shoulders. My eyes skittered about the rest of the space, taking in everything that made up Matty’s room whilst simultaneously trying to find the dress I’d arrived in the night before. 
“I don’t think anyone has ever made me feel like you do.” He murmured into the space between us, my legs pressed against the counter top and dangling either side of his hips, his fingers grasped my chin, mine cuffed somewhere around his wrist. 
“It’s fucking maddening.” He continued on in the hushed tone he'd adopted, though no one was around to hear him had he spoken any louder, “I keep pulling away when I feel I get too close, scared you might push me away completely. ‘Cause what would I do then? Where would that leave me?”
I could feel the blood rushing in my ears and the way that my hands would surely shake if they weren’t already clinging to him. “I don’t understand, Matty.”
He smiled at me and I watched the way his eyes trailed their way across my face. I’d always liked his eyes. “I know. And that’s what kills me, ‘cause I don’t reckon you’ll ever think I’m enough.”
It threw me.
“You’re enough, what on Earth are you on about? Of course you’re enough.”
He shook his head at me ever so softly, with a sad smile this time around, whilst I dipped my own head to be nearer to his, wanting him to believe me. Willing him to.
I was ripped away from the memory by the shuffling of sheets and stood in horror, barefoot in the middle of his bedroom, as the bed creaked with a slight movement. I held my breath, hands clutching at the buttons of the gaping shirt.
He sniffed unhappily, hands searching as he turned, but then was lured back into sleep.
I gave a stuttered exhale, heart pounding so hard it should’ve surely hurt, before continuing on with my search. I didn’t get too far though, not with my shaking hands and laboured breaths, the anxiety of it all overwhelming me now.
I could feel the pricking of tears that welled in my eyes, the stinging tingle of my nose as I fought not to cry. Why? The only question worth repeating, over and over and over. Why the fuck had I gone and fucked this all up?
My head shot up, startled by the suddenness of his voice and the realisation that I’d cowered into the wooden chair sat on the wall nearest to the window. Matty shifted in the sheets, sleep clouding his mind before I choked on a questionable sob and he was all but tumbling his way on over to me, catching on bed linens and fumbling across the floor.
“I need you to know, okay?” He whispered to me in the quiet of the kitchen, his wary face now cradled in the palms of my hands whilst his soft eyes stared back at me, mirroring an emotion I felt but couldn’t quite recall. “‘Cause, I don’t reckon I could say this whilst sober.”
“Know what, Matty?”
My fingers dug into the skin of my arms.
“Mouse, you hearin’ me?”
His voice sounded so different now, laced with a gruff edge I’d only ever heard during late night phone calls when he’d stayed too late at the studio and wanted company. There was an urgency to his tone now.
“Squeaks, just lemme know what I can do.” Matty rushed out, his face wrinkled with worry whilst his hands faltered, unsure whether or not to touch. “Please.”
Another sob ripped its way through me.
“I’m sorry.” I told him in earnest, crying hard enough now that I had to have been gasping to breathe, “I’m sorry, I, I just- I don’t know what to do now. I’m sorry, Matty. So sorry.”
He didn’t reply, didn’t say a word actually. Just moved to cradle me close, wrapping his arms around my shoulders as though that would hold me together, his body shielding my head from the rest of the world.
“I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.” Matty murmured, so much like he had the night before but only sadder now. “Nothing at all.”
She was embarrassed. That much he knew.
Could feel the way she shied away from him now that she had calmed, still hidden away in his arms. He hated himself for it. He wanted to hate what had gone down last night too, but couldn’t bring himself to. What good would it do him now? Hate, always so stuck on it.
“Mouse.” He called out to her softly, after the quiet had been stretched and pulled far too thin. He swallowed thickly, “Let’s make some tea, yeah?”
He must've surprised her with his response because she glanced up at him almost unconsciously, but as soon as their eyes met hers were quick to dart away again. 
She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, stare trained on the farthest wall. Matty licked at his bottom lip, still crouching in his position by the chair he had in the corner, moving his hands to now gently rest them by the knobs of her knees. 
He’d never been good at shit like this. Comfort.
He always got stuck in this place between panic and unease, forced to commit to empathising with another person and suspending his own agenda. It made him feel like he needed to make things better then and there, if only to save himself the strain of dealing with emotions.
That, and his mind was still so bleary due to the abrupt wake up, his heart still clenched to the point of exertion due to the spear of anxiety she’d propelled right through him.
“We can talk there, alright? Just, don’t leave just yet. Please?”
He felt bad for even asking her to stay but he knew her far too well, could see how desperate she was to run now, to escape her feelings and everything that had brought this moment to an abrupt head.
“Please?” Matty repeated even softer than he had before and was thankful when she finally nodded, a small thing he might not have seen had he blinked, but a nod nonetheless. “Okay.” He breathed out, something in him settling now that he knew she wouldn’t be making a run for the hills, “Okay, I’ll get a start on it then. You can have a look through them drawers over there, yeah? Find something, whatever, I don’t mind.”
He saw the bob of her throat as she swallowed and lingered on the motion until she nodded again.
By the time he’d made it out into the kitchen he was all but kicking himself, cursing as he tried to keep his temper in check. Of all the things he could have fucking done last night, why did he have to go and fuck the one good thing in his life up? She’d never fucking forgive him for this, even if she realised what had actually gone down and not what she’d just conjured up in that pretty little head of hers. 
Matty channelled his regret and sorrowful mood into hammering a pair of teabags into two empty mugs, figuring it to be the only way he could vent without banging everything about. He flicked on the kettle and moved to the fridge to pull the milk out, listening to it begin to boil instead of the stuttering of his pulse.
He only realised he’d been glaring a hole into the tiled wall when the thing finally whistled and the soft pad of shuffling feet echoed across the kitchen floor. Matty couldn’t help the way his head turned to find her.
“Hungry?” He asked, rubbing at his eyes, and although his voice was barely above a murmur it still felt too loud. She simply shook her head. Which was just as well really, he didn’t think he could even stomach this brew the way he was strung so tight. 
He dipped his chin in retort, ringing the two tea bags out before turning back to face her again. He paused when he found that her eyes were locked on the counter she’d been sat on the night before, Matty’s mind immediately flashed back to the skin of her thighs beneath his hands, the dip of her waist, the gentleness she’d held his face with, both the longing and sadness in her eyes when she told him he was enough.
He had wanted to scoff then, now even, but he’d never do that to her. If she thought he was worth even a fraction of the attention she gave him, then he’d take it. He was selfish in that regard, and couldn’t afford to waste anything she gifted him.
Christ, he sounded like a proper nut. How’d he let himself get so fucking gone on this girl?
Truthfully, he hadn’t even realised the depth of it until right then.
And now he had to be an actual grown-up and sort out the mess he’d made of things before he even got a chance to try to riffle through his messy array of feelings and their slow rising alarm bells. Another time- another day, even.
Matty cleared his throat as gently he took the seat beside her on the trio of barstools he had lined up on one side of his kitchen island, then faltered slightly, “Um, you good here or you wanna like, move to the settee or somethin’?”
She shook her head, hands careful as she moved to cradle the mug he’d just slid on over to her. He noticed how she moved her gaze from the counter down to the milky brew when he sat.
“Right,” He muttered, “alright.”
It was stupid, to feel so fucking incompetent then. In a moment he really should have been able to find the right words. Because Matty, somehow, had run out of things to say. And it was an accomplishment in itself, that he had to note, he wasn’t one to ever really be at a loss for words. But then again, Mouse was the biggest anomaly he’d faced so far.
He cleared his throat again and decided to just sip at his tea, noting that it was nicer than the usual scalding hot coffee he’d gulp down on his way out each morning.
Mouse went to open her mouth again, he saw the movement just out of the corner of his eye, and Matty already knew what she was going to say.
“Don’t,” He rushed out, though not unkindly. “No need for sorries, yeah?”
Her jaw snapped swiftly shut and she huddled in on herself slightly, staring back into the swirl of her brew. Matty immediately felt guilty.
He licked at his lower lip, feeling a cut there beneath his tongue just as a silence settled once more, one that was all the more suffocating.
He figured he’d best just get it over with, because at least then he’d be put out of the itching longing he had to end the quiet.
“I just,” He immediately paused, noting the way she had tilted her chin towards him at the sound of his voice, he coughed lightly then tried again. “Last night,” She tensed, and God, he had to steel himself further at that, “Nothing happened, alright? Well, yeah, I mean, fuck. Shit happened, but like we didn’t have sex or anything, I wouldn’t do that to you, Squeaks. You were drunk. It’d be a shitty move, yeah? So, just, if that’s what you’ve been worrying about, then..”
Matty glanced over at her wearily, internally wincing at the fucking stumble he’d made of things there, he found that her head was better turned towards him now, although her eyes still remained low. He watched her lips part, then quiver as though she was unsure of her response.
He let her have a minute.
“You were drunk, too.”
It didn’t sound like an accusation but felt a little like one. Still, he kept his head. “Not enough to not remember.”
The skin between her brows knitted, Matty could practically see the whirl of her many moving thoughts.
“I was naked.”
It took all his strength not to splutter at that, because he’d been trying his fucking hardest not to linger too much on that fact. Or how the sight of her in his clothes, even now, sent something stirring through his gut.
“Yeah,” Once again clearing his throat, Matty took another stilted breath, “Though to be fair, you’d had a shower then fell asleep like that after I said I’d be quick about mine.” 
His eyes flickered outwards, unable to look at her then, thinking back to the sight she’d made all sprawled out on his bed, face softened by sleep and the duvet pulled over most of her waist. 
“I didn’t see much,” He felt the need to add, because she was obviously a little torn up about it from the way she was wringing her hands, and knew for a fact that Mouse had a shit fucking perception of herself too. The way she breezily commented on her body and the scars that marred her face gave way to that fact, although most wouldn’t pick up on it, and he had realised quite early on that she didn’t either. Matty supposed he must have his rehab therapist to thank for that little enlightenment. 
He chuckled lightly when the image of her rippled to the forefront of his mind, clinging to the duvet with a strength no unconscious person should probably have. “You practically cocooned yourself in the covers anyway, threw a proper fit when I tried to steal some of it back.”
She smiled then, a tiny thing, mind, but a smile nonetheless. And that alone at least eased his mind a little bit.
“Thinking back, I probably should’ve just slept in the guest room but I was almost dead to the world. Sorry.” He was sincere in his apology, it’d been a misstep on his part, he just hadn’t been thinking. Hadn’t expected her to react so badly either.
“No need.” She said then, her voice a little more confident now as she mimicked his earlier words, “I shouldn’t, well, I shouldn’t have just assumed.”
Matty rolled his eyes and finally chanced a glance back over at her, so very pleased to see her looking back. Even then in that moment, after a right scare, fucking sobbing her heart out, and only just having woken up, she looked blinding.
He didn’t know if he had ever described a girl quite like that, or anyone really. But it felt too true to not shine a light to.
He internally chastised himself again- did ageing make you soppy or some shit? The fuck was he on.
“Yes, you should have. I’d’ve done the same, anyone would’ve.” He chuckled instead, loving the way her sheepish smile only curved up on the one side. “Least now we know you’d be fuckin’ mortified if I ever tried anything on.” He tried to joke, but it fell flat.
Squeaks swivelled her seat round to knock her knees against his own, then wrapped her cold feet around his ankle, “I was- I just haven’t, you know..” Matty arched a single brow, still rather pleased with their newfound position, his eyes lingering on the way her borrowed shirt slipped down to expose the majority of her collarbone. “.. slept with anyone in a while, and yeah, I don’t know, I wouldn’t want to go and ruin anything we have with a drunken mistake.”
Matty’s heart faltered. Felt it fucking implode and then shrivel up inside his chest. Mistake. 
He fought hard to keep his mask in place, smiling away. He sipped at his brew to keep the sudden sickness that jilted his stomach at bay then patched his bleeding heart back up. “How long’s a while?” He teased, smirking felt easier than a smile anyway.
It was her turn to roll her eyes at him then, laughing softly when she retracted her gaze, though their legs stayed intertwined.
“I don’t really know.”
“Yes, you do.” Matty laughed, having none of it, “Come on, a couple months?” She kept quiet, “A year?”
He frowned when she began to chew on her bottom lip, fighting the urge to reach out and stop her. “Two?”
“Six.” She answered him, probably tired of the guessing game.
“Six.” Matty murmured, reeling at the information. Six years. He’d fucking explode, “Is that even healthy?”
Squeaks was so quick in the way her hand shot out to swat him, “It’s fine, you dickhead! And besides, I just meant properly, you know? Like, there’s been a few quick passings but nothing, nothing like that.”
“Don’t be a prick about it!” She immediately retorted to his breathy reply, obviously a little embarrassed and annoyed. “I have a toddler! And I’m always so fucking busy! I don’t even have the time to think about it!”
“Sounds like what you need is to get laid, babe.”
He snorted when she wacked him again, purposely ignoring the thoughts of her and him, drunken mistake.
“Leave off!”
“Fine then, I will for now.” Matty laughed, rubbing at his bicep, she continued to glare. “You want breakfast then? Or lunch now, I ‘spose. Can order in.”
Her knee knocked against his once more. Goosebumps trailed the length of his skin.
“Need to be back to pick up Teds from the nursery but yeah, lunch sounds nice.” She smiled, and for a second Matty was frozen in that very moment, content to just watch her smile at him like that forever.
Nice nice nice.
“I can’t believe you’re actually doing this.” I said, my tone almost scolding, but I’d been unable to flat out deny Matty of his request to come and help me pick Teddy up from school. I’d spent the rest of the day at his place, been given an actual tour, eaten some good food, and thankfully had been able to avoid any more awkward conversations pertaining to our wake up call that morning.
“What? You said I could!” He sounded almost petulant. “Besides, it’ll be lowkey, I have my hat, a hood. No one will know! Also, I’m not that important. Don’t reckon many four year olds are listening to Sex on the drive home.”
I snorted but my mind still flashed to memories of only hours earlier. My cheeks pinked. “First- lowkey, really? Aren’t we too old to be saying that? And second, that hat is the same fucking hat you haven’t taken off since Christmas!”
“Before Christmas, actually.” Matty said snidely, smirking all the while, even as he ducked to avoid the swat of my hand. “And anyway, I love this hat, so kindly fuck off.”
Matty spent the rest of the walk to Teddy’s nursery singing This Charming Man whilst my mind lingered on his words. Claims of how he loved the small, insignificant gift Teddy and I had handed him. 
By the time we made it past the school gates, we’d been nudging shoulders and grazing hands most of the walk, so wrapped up in one another that I didn’t even realise I’d forgotten my phone somewhere until I patted down my pockets in the playground.
“Shit.” I muttered.
Matty, still blissfully unaware of my sudden circumstance and humming softly, kept on surveying the small school. “Yeah, the mural could use a bit of work but I think it’s meant to look shit, you know. Reckon the kids probably did it.”
Furrowing my forehead at his words, I then peered up at him, “No, I forgot my phone.”
Realisation dawned but then he shrugged, as if it were no big deal, “It’s probably still at mine, you use it this morning?”
I shook my head, feeling panicked now, which was stupid because it was just a phone. But, it also housed most of the things I considered important in my life; my work contacts, documents, notes, and To Do’s; Teddy’s doctors and dentist and school’s numbers; all the memories I’d made in the last few months that I had yet to save onto my icloud or hard drive; and pictures of Matty and I, as well as the rest of the guys too, but also our texts and little messages on Twitter and Instagram.
Losing it? I hated the very thought.
“No, I haven't touched it since last night. Could’ve left it at the club, or in the cab, or the-”
Matty’s hands came to cradle my shoulders, making me pause, and I realised he’d moved to stand before me, looking down at my pinched expression with a small smile. “You’re stressing, just take a breath. Alright? We’ll find it, ‘cause I’m sure it's back at mine anyway, but if not, then we can get it blocked and whatnot, try to get a new one before tomorrow.”
I forced myself to suck in a breath, still reeling from the feeling of my heart dropping to my arse. “Yeah, yeah I know, it’s just-”
“One of them things.” He finished with a knowing smile, hands squeezing my shoulders briefly before he wrapped me up in a hug. “Stressin’ won’t help and will only have Teds all wound up when he sees, yeah? We’ll sort it.”
His words ebbed my every worry just for a moment, I took another breath and let my arms find his waist, returning the hug and enjoying the way he settled his chin atop my head. 
“Okay.” I whispered into the edge of his coat, smiling when he squeezed me tight and then pulled away, “Sorry.”
Matty rolled his eyes at me, “Shut up.”
I chuckled to myself, shoving my hands into my pockets to keep from reaching out again and instead glanced about the rest of the playground. Most of the mums were here now and that panic that had subsided only a second ago almost came back in full force when I noticed how intensely they were watching me, or rather, Matty and I.
Carefully, I pivoted behind Matty, keeping my back to the gated fence which enclosed the school, but also forcing Matty to turn confusedly after me, his own back now facing the rest of the watchers.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He snorted with a bemused sort of frown, “Hiding?”
That had been the wrong thing to say because Matty nearly turned to glance back around, I reached out to stop him, hand encasing his elbow. “Don’t, alright? There’s a shit ton of mums just watching us. Got eyes like hawks or something.”
Matty merely blinked back at me before laughing, “You’re for real? Come on, they can’t be that bad.”
He went to turn again, only this time I couldn’t stop him. “Matty!” I called in a hissed whisper and he was quick to spin back around, face a little shocked.
“You reckon they’ll close in on us? I dunno if I can outrun them.”
I spluttered out an unexpected laugh, “I hope not. They usually hate me.”
Matty’s frown was quick to make a reappearance, “What, why?”
Shrugging, I glanced over his right shoulder, “You want a list? I’m a young mum, single, my kid doesn’t know his dad, I look like this, I don’t have a normal job or stay at home to take care of him, and sometimes Teds gets picked up by Finn or Adi, I don’t attend their stupid little-”
“Fuckin’ hell, alright I get it.” Matty said, his hand reaching out for my elbow just to slow me on my rant. “What a bunch of cunts.”
I forced a smile, “Yeah, well. Just another part of my life.”
Matty pulled a strange face at that, but before I could begin to decipher it, the classroom doors were opening and I was quick to step forward. Matty lingered behind me, keeping his hood up.
A few kids were called when Miss Sparks spotted certain parents and she did the same for Teddy when she saw me and smiled. “Teddy, your mum’s here!”
It only took a minute or so before Teddy came stumbling out with his backpack thrown over one shoulder and his hair a messy mass of curls. I grinned at the sight of him and picked him up when he hurried to grab at my legs, “Heya, little man. Good day?”
Teddy nodded in my arms, opening his mouth to tell me all about it when he peered over my shoulder and paused, his eyes lit up at the face he found there. “Matty!” Teddy all but squealed, immediately wriggling in my hold to make an escape towards the man.
Matty laughed, his eyes wide and dancing with warmth as he held out his arms for Teddy to jump on into. I rolled my eyes at the exchange but couldn’t help the way my whole being radiated with the beaming smile I wore.
“Alright, monster?” Matty greeted him, settling Teddy on his hip once he was done playfully swinging him about a bit. “How was nursery, hey?”
Teddy was still so awed by Matty’s appearance at his school, of all places, that he was eager to tell the man literally everything about his day. It was only once we’d managed to make a quick exit out of one of the side gates, that Teddy finally asked, “How’d you get here, Matty?”
Matty merely grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at the boy, “Magic.”
With a wrinkled nose, Teddy giggled, “Matty!”
“Alright, alright, jheeze.” Matty relented, all too easily, “I annoyed your mum into letting me come pick you up, didn’t I?”
Teddy looked at me with that, as though I’d gone and put all of the stars into the night sky. “Ta, mama!”
I shook my head at him fondly, leaning in to press a kiss to my baby’s cheek. “You hungry?” I asked him, instead of focusing on the entire scenario at hand, how Teddy seemed to cling to Matty and how entirely charmed Matty was by the boy. They appeared so close in that moment, it made me notice just how different Teddy’s reactions to Matty were to that of Finn’s, a man who had always been a constant in Teddy’s life.
The thought sent me spiralling down a rabbit hole, but thankfully before I could fall any further Teddy was nodding happily and Matty was making a suggestion, “Dinner at mine then?”
Teddy seemed thrilled with the idea but I merely raised a brow at Matty, “What ever will we make with your one egg and half a dozen jams?”
“Toast?” Matty grinned, enjoying the eye roll he received in return as he leaned in to laugh with Teddy. He looked back to me after a moment, “Could head to the shops if you wanna cook, or just order in.”
I pursed my lips, “Would you be able to?”
“To what?” Matty frowned.
I looked ahead as I clarified, “Get some shopping.” 
It was his turn to roll his eyes then, nudging his elbow against mine, “Yes, you muppet.” He shook his head when he glanced back at Teddy, feigning a huff that made the toddler giggle, “What do you want then, little man?”
Matty could only blink.
By the time we’d made a quick whip around the local Waitrose (because Matty lives in an affluent area and not because he’s ‘pretentious’, he’d like to claim) and back to his, we’d been pictured more than a dozen times. 
Although, we’d only found this out when I’d finally caught sight of my phone, wedged between Matty’s bed-frame and the mattress, and managed to charge it. In between then and now, I had roped Matty into helping me cook whilst Teddy worked at the counter doing today’s reading.
“B-ah.” Matty carefully sounded out, still wearing one of the mock aprons Ross had apparently gifted him one Christmas, it was frilly, pink and had ‘This girl loves meat’ written in a pretty font. My own was of a similar fashion, only the words ‘Always use protection’ were warped across its front. “B-ah-guh.” He said once more, leaning up against the counter by Teddy.
“Bag!” Teddy exclaimed excitedly and looked practically giddy when Matty loudly cheered for him.
“Go on, mate! Knew you could do it.” Matty complimented, grinning down at Teddy before ruffling his hair and pulling him into a one armed hug. “Let’s see if we can get the next one before your mum’s done with the spaghetti, yeah?”
Teddy was all too happy to agree, something I slightly resented seeing as he whinged and moaned whenever I asked. But it was nice to see him enjoying his homework for once, a concept that was still so mad to me considering the kid was four. 
“‘Bout five minutes to boil now,” I told them as I wiped my hands on a nearby tea towel. My phone finally powered on then and so I moved about the counter to grab at it, not wanting to miss any important notifications. Adi and I had a guest on the show this week and had yet to be filled in on the requirements needed.
Only, before I could even pick the thing up, it started buzzing like mad with hundreds of notifications. 
With wide eyes I turned to glance over at Matty, who had paused in his helping of Teddy and was already staring back at me. I blinked and then went to pick the thing up, even as it continued to buzz, but Matty was now moving too, “No, wait.”
I shook my head, wanting to know what the hell was happening, but Matty had been closer, quicker, and was already reaching out to grab it. “Let me look first.”
“Matty.” I huffed, annoyed, but the man didn’t relent. Actually his expression only worsened as he scrolled through the thousands of alerts on my phone. “Matty! What’s the fucks going on?”
“Bad word!”
I winced, then turned to look over my shoulder, “Sorry, Teds, won’t do it again. No chocolate for me tonight, yeah?” My toddler nodded sternly, it made me smile before I glanced back at Matty who’s mood had obviously soured. He tossed the phone back down onto the counter and went to leave the kitchen, I could only assume to look for his own, “Oi!” I admonished, but he just shook his head, seemingly muddled.
“Sorry. Just- gimme a sec.”
I watched as he left, Teddy eyes latched onto him too before he turned back to face me, “Sad Matty?” He asked and I gave him another small smile.
“Not sure, baby. But he’ll be okay in a second.” Or at least I hoped. Teddy took it though and nodded, already going back to his work, though he kept looking over at the door every few seconds.
I forced my shoulders to drop, knowing the tension would only wreak havoc on my back come bed tonight, and took a careful step towards my phone. 
It had stopped pinging so incessantly now, but the odd notification still came through.
[HOMESCREEN] 17:18 Twitter now  Trending.. Notifications..  Instagram now Open to view News 1m Matty Healy's new budding romance? 
My heart stopped. It was all there, us dancing at the club, getting into the cab, Matty at his front gate this morning with the food delivery driver, us walking to pick up Teddy, the hug we'd shared in the playground, Matty holding a bundle that could have only been Teddy in an aisle at the shops- thankfully his face was hidden, the only saving grace of it all. But still, it all looked so convincing. 
We were definitely in deep shit.
My head snapped up to find Matty standing over by the counter, his body tense but a gentle hand holding Teddy’s own, the horror I felt must’ve shown on my face because he winced.
“We’ve gotta talk.”
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