#i'm sure you'll love this hellsite (affectionate)
dindjarism · 1 year
hello!! sorry to bother you. could you recommend me some blogs to follow? i'm kinda new here (moved from twitter bc i hate it there now) and i'd really appreciate it if you could tell me what blogs you like 🥰 i love what you share if that helps? sorry again. and thank you!! 💖
hi :) first of all, welcome to tumblr! you don't really need to say sorry for asking me something (as long as you're nice it's alright, and you definitely are!), but thank you for being so sweet! and sure, i'm happy to share some blog recs with you!
i'm gonna guess you love star wars since that's my main thing, but since i'm in a lot of fandoms and i reblog other stuff, i'll include a few other blogs that i really love even if their content is not star wars related, just in case!
source blogs: @starwarsblr @starwarscolors @starwarsfilms @swsource @thestarwarsdaily @themandaloriandaily @pedrohub
individual blogs: @anakinnaberrie @andorerso @barissoffee @bartowskis @buffy-summrs (now @luke-skywalkrs) @bo-kryzze @cal-kestis @calkestis @cobiesmlders @commander-codys @edwards-teach @ezrabriidger @frodo-baggins @gffa @hayden-christensen @harrison-ford @ianmckellen @jynersso @kamillahn @killianglyndon @ladybokatankryze @mcgregor @padme-amidala @pedrocillian @prideandprejudice @rebeljyn @sabinnewren @starfighters @starwarsrebels @southfarthing @tennant @tesb @thebookluvrr1816 @trashcora @ughmerlin @walker-scobell @wednesday-adams @yenvengerberg @zendadya
99% are my mutuals so i can assure you they're lovely people! i'm probably missing many others (i'm sorry i promise ily), but if you check who i reblog things from, that will also help - that way you can find other people i follow, and then you can do the same with the new blogs you choose to follow as well! anyways, have fun! 🩵
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mieczyhale · 5 months
@deanspillowprincess and @penguinsandpanthers are my best friends in the whole entire world, universe, dimension, every life, etc. they have been for the last 14 years and (for me, i wouldn't presume to know other people's thinking) that has never and will never change.
i met rachel right here on tumblr and through her i met colleen. they've been to my house (rachel more than once), we went on vacation together (unfortunately i was sick and miserable all week. not because of the company, that was a treasure, but bc god forbid i make sure my shoes fit comfortably before wearing them to walk through disney parks all day for multiple days) and it looks like in 2025 i'm going to get to go and visit rachel where she lives for once!!
there's no real point to this post, i started writing it over a week ago and then stopped (pretty sure i was in bed on my phone, pretty sure i was in a weird headspace. not that i don't mean what i said, but i'm not in the business of making sappy posts typically
i guess i just wanted to put it out there, into the universe or whatever. that i have had the blessing of meeting them and knowing them and i wouldn't trade that for all the money in all the worlds.
also to show that tumblr can be home to the greatest people you'll ever know. it's a silly dysfunctional site - search doesnt work right, tags dont work right, images dont always load on the app, staff makes a mess of things sometimes trying to force new useless features - but it also has memes and never-ending jokes and we make fake movies together, there are so many positive posts, we share places to donate and send positive chain asks and scream / cry / throw up over the things we love. there are absolutely bananas group efforts put towards anything we all care about, or anything we all find funny. our sense of humor is warped, we turned simple polls into something silly, something creative, something fun, and i'll never look at vanilla extract without smiling again.
it's stupid and it's the best.
your experience here is entirely determined by your own attitude and actions so make choices you can be happy with, interact with the posts you come across that you like or love, talk to the people who share your interests or headcanons, etc. approach this hellsite with an open mind, an open heart, and good faith interpretations and you can have the weirdest and best time of your life with people you'd engage in shenanigans, tomfoolery, and maybe even a heist with.
everyone deserves friends they can be in cahoots with
and tumblr gave me mine 14 years ago
god fucking bless this trash can (affectionate) of a site
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
The writing really is that bad and I promise if you watch some better movies you'll understand
How did I already know this is about the MCU...?
Alright, look...I'm probably the one MCU apologist you'll find on this Hellsite (affectionate), and I want to make something clear: The MCU isn't awful.
Are they cinematic masterpieces that will be remembered forever? No.
Are they still fun movies that kept me sane in the dark times of my life? Absolutely.
Sure, Phase Four has been an undercooked bag of quality that Disney pushed out to make all the money quicker, but the good movies?
Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame?
Guardians of the Galaxy?
Black Panther and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever?
All the Spider-Man movies?
Iron Man? A movie I literally made an essay for my Mythology class and ACED it? All because I was passionate about this character and his hero's journey?
I'm sorry, but those movies are good. I can't stop you or anyone else from hating them, and I don't want to. You're allowed to hate something. EVERYONE is allowed to hate something for their own reason.
For example: I don't care for Star Wars. I spent two years watching every movie and show and I do not care for it. I like Clone Wars and Mandolorian, and considered Solo an underrated gem. Everything else? I could care less about it.
Yes, even the original trilogy.
But I don't mind people loving Star Wars. Because why the hell would I? It's a franchise that means a lot to people and they share their passion for it with friends, family, and maybe even their children. They're allowed to love it, even if I don't.
When I see a Star Wars post on my dashboard, I don't get mad. I don't go to that person's inbox and tell them to watch better movies. Because, yeah, there are better movies, but I don't need to tell them that. They already know it. They just love Star Wars because it means a lot to them.
And that's why Marvel and the MCU means a lot to me. It's my Star Wars.
It's a franchise that I adore despite its problems. A franchise I'll try to share with friends, family, and maybe even children one day if I'm lucky to have them.
I won't blame people for not liking them, but I do adore them.
And I'll defend them to my best ability if I can.
If you don't like it, that's fine. But don't tell me not to.
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glittertrail · 2 years
♧? 👉👈
You’re my: friend i hope (we don't really talk but i think you're nice😊)
How I met you: hellsite (affectionate) and specifically bc of the spanish side of it
Why I follow you: at first bc i decided to trust the polycule taste (and the Eloise pic helped ofc) and now just bc i think you're neat tbh
Your blog is: actually intimidating by how well organized it is, it's also writing you clearly have fun with and put a great effort in ofc and the sideblog is honestly just a constant 'haha mood' whenever i see it pop up in my dash
Your URL is: i'm not sure what it references... The Greek myth? Love for music? Both? You'll have to tell me! And i have no idea for the sideblog (i thought your name was Nina for a while💀)
Your icon is: Eloise ofc
A random fact I know about you: equal opportunity market (you can hate both the french and the spanish! which is a mood sometimes 🤣)
General opinion: 10/10😊
A random thought I have: given that i have not talked much with you you weren't here for my first round of stupid asks but i always want to know what is everyone's favorite flower and what is their birthday cake of choice so this is me formally asking you that
Mutuals send me “♧“ and I’ll do this!
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
I can't believe I forgot about Fy'ra Rai!!!!! The guest battle royal with her was a week ago!!!! Anyways, would it by any chance be possible to see the in depth analysis you mentioned in the response to my previous ask? As well as the angstier ones? I want to hear everything. I love cr meta, and you're one of better cr meta writers I've found on this wonderful hellsite.
Oh Fy'ra Rai was exquisite in the battle royale. :'D Anjali's delivery with her is top notch.
Oh! Well first of all- thank you, so much, that's really fucking cool to hear!! :'D Fantastic meta was what actually first drew me into the fandom + made me start following more people, and start posting more. So: You're in luck, there are a Ton of fantastic meta writers for CR, and also I'm really, really honored I'm doing the same for others now. hell yeah.
(At some point I might scribble out a recommendation list of some of my faves, but if you traipse through the #character meta tag here you're bound to find a few you'll like, I'm sure. Seriously talented people abound.)
And uh- listen. If you're sure! Sure! :D Fair warning that since its basically three different half finished posts mashed into one:
1- its long.
2- its even less edited than normal, so flowery as hell, long winded, rambly, potentially misspellings here and there.
There are bits that I've pulled out potentially to write a separate meta on (aka dorian feelz), but this is the gist of it. I labelled it to help break it up a bit!
this gem
wait this concept is funny so im moving it to the top: the exu trio dynamic is just two people affectionately looking at the third with a mix of love and concern and then looking at each other like "can u get a load of this". except in all combinations. thats it.
exu vibes, aka party of few braincell many love
I keep thinking about the EXU party, and the way they really, really, just liked each other. Everyone in the party was- lonely, or newly alone, or missing people. No session 0 pairs, just people missing a sister or feeling isolated or grieving, or running, terrified. And they came together and got blackout drunk and like- their intro is a domestic morning and a pissing contest. The EXU party liked each other so much. Right off the bat. They were terrified and panicking and they were also having a fucking blast, with each other. Doing orange-peel slice smiles. Performing for crowds. Sticking hands into ash-holes. And then I think about them split in two, Opal and Dariax somewhere together (if they were going to leave it to one person to keep her company, best to leave it to Dariax, armed with a sense of optimism like a mallet, as stubborn as it is hopeful). And thinking about the EXU trio, losing any more of themselves? A tripod without one of its legs? They like each other so much. They lean so close on each other. Please, dont rip them apart any further :(
exu vibes but angsty
(Even if they all come back together, their worlds have been so different, their experiences. Even if they all make it out. Even if they're all okay. Which is the way of things, sometimes, but Im also thinking about that first meeting, Opal yelling "FOOOOOOD" and everyone failing to interrogate a "gardener". Itll never be exactly the same, I know, so all we can hope for is everyone being okay enough to fondly remnisce on those times as well.)
(and I keep thinking about Dorian, running and running and unfurling from his shell, learning to lean on his friends, learning to express himself, learning, growing, happy. Having to rip that down. For a little while, he was happy. Safe. Overjoyed. Just a little while. Of course he couldn't have it forever, right?)
(Im really sad about dorian actually but that might need to be its own meta)
dorian and orym, tired dads
Dorian and Orym very much had the "tired team dads" vibe during EXU (they were the only ones who seemed to consistently hold the brain cells), which was already delightful. But there was still a formality there, I think, and they didn't fully trust each other, which is how you end up with them nearly getting into a fight over the crown in early EXU days. But fast forward to C3, with Fearne between them gleefully causing mayhem wherever they go, and its just. There's a sort of settled comfort, that wasn't there before. They've already weathered some Shit with each other, they don't know everything about each other but they get each other, they trust each other, they love each other- all still undercut with a sort of shared, tired amusement. For two characters who are (Relatively) reserved, and guarded, sharing a knowing look over the head of Fearne is- its good! :)
fearne is third leg of tripod and also steals tripod
Not to say that Fearne is just an addendum to the two of them, because oh god no. Fearne would never. Fearne is a fae, and Fearne is Fearne, which means she loves Mayhem and Chaos and Problems, but she loves Dorian and Dariax too. She enjoys teasing them, yes, and giving them mild conniptions, but you also see her giving them healing, getting sad at the prospect of being separated. Fearne collects trinkets, and that means them, too. They're hers, and she's theirs (as much as anyone can Have Fearne), and she loves them.
dorian and dariax, liar and a fool
Oh, and Dorian and Dariax. The more we learn about Dorian the more I love their interactions in EXU. Dorian, running from expectations and shackles, meeting Dariax who would never ask for anything more of you than what you are. Dorian, made of 20 lies stitched together and chock full of anxiety, meeting Dariax, whose worldview is so, so, simple, and honest, who thinks Dorian is cool as hell, who likes Dorian for him. And Dariax, who is used to being underestimated and mocked, being treated kindly and sincerely and with respect from this fancy blue boy. The Double D's (YES they coined this themselves) were just. Agh. Fucking pure. Okay. They both called out for each other by instinct at different points in the campaign and like. Goddammit.
fearne you wanted to bring opal to the ocean
also Fearne liked Opal A Lot. Like. Goddamn. Theres something about that, the way Fearne is untouchable until she very suddenly isn't.
pretty pretty rich kids with the world on their shoulders
Dorian and Opal were like. I feel like its well summed up by the two of them banding together early on and doing a "we'RE NEW IN TOWN AND LOOKING FOR DAGGERS" bit sums it up. I think there's a level of- not wealth, per se, but a little bit of Extreme Younger Sibling vibes coming off both of them. Of things to live up to and endless debts and expectations that they never had control over. I kind of wish Opal were here, now. Ready to get excied about a ball with Dorian. Ready to rip off anyones head that makes him uncomfortable. Silent and understanding about going home, with all the ubwanted eyes and expectations you thought you'd outgrown. God, I really do wish Opal was there- I think she'd get it, maybe better than those present can. I really think she would.
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daydadahlias · 3 years
hi jess❤️ i love your stories, red light is my favorite! you seem like such a cool person and it seems like the people you surround yourself with on tumblr are cool as well so i wanted to ask if you have any chill and nice bloggers you can recommend?❤️ i'm new to the fandom, i only know my way around AO3. i mostly find drama bloggers or bloggers who openly dislike one or more of the boys on here and i don't want that❤️
Hiya honey 💙 Thank you so much, I am in fact The Coolest. It's true though, I have surrounded myself with an absolutely baller ensemble of people and I am more than happy to share some of them with you!! Welcome to the fandom btw. Feel free to reach out personally at any time if you want.
1. Katt ( @haveufoundwhaturlookingfor ) Katt is a necessary addition to your tumblr timeline for all your Ashton Irwin stan needs. You'll never find a bitch who loves him more and is more passionate about it. (Also really gorgeous fanart here and there).
2. Anna ( @ashtcnirwin ) Every 5sos fan has to have Anna on their timeline. It's required by law, I believe. You will find some fucking unreal edits from her and, also the best fics in the entire fandom (in my professional opinion). If you haven't already, please see her ao3 page.
3. Molly ( @staticsounds ) Fucking great human being and number one Luke's Neck Fan for some reason. Lovely gifs out of her and some unreal cake fics. Like,, woahhhhhh. I can't express enough how talented she is in so many forms.
4. Meg ( @kaleidoscopeminds ) CRUCIAL CRUCIAL CRUCIAL. Best gifs in the fandom right here. Meg provides for us. She feeds us. 90% of the 5sos gifs on this hellsite are hers. And another just crazy talented writer that I highly recommend.
5. Maya ( @calumsash ) Honestly the funniest fucking person I know on this app and I don't say that lightly. I can't say enough good things about her. Like,, I couldn't even try. Number one Calum stan.
6. Noah ( @ladybugnoah ) One of my best friends, so fucking talented, so fucking sweet. An absolute goddamn joy to be around. I highly recommend a friendship.
7. Nik ( @valiantnerdtm ) Literature major (affectionate). Nik is also one of my best friends and the first person I ever interacted with directly inside the fandom!! He's funny, witty, and a fucking pain /j
8. Aria ( @calumthoodshands ) A sassy one for sure. Aria is funny, sweet, and provides me with the cake content I need. And also, appreciation of Calum Hood's hands.
9. Em ( @redrattlers ) FUCKING ANGEL !!! Mostly love and affection for Luke on this blog and absolutely fucking killer gifs. Very important to your timeline!!! Must have!!
10. Emily ( @pixiegrl ) Such a fucking sweetheart. The kind of person you want to put in your pocket. And, if you liked Red Light, you may be a fan of other Scantily Clad Luke Hemmings works, and Emily has a lingeriesos series.
11. Hazel ( @allsassnoclass ) Hazel is so goddamn lovely as a person and such a wonderful writer. I seriously fucking recommend her and I love her blog.
12. Mimi ( @werewolfashton ) Darling. My petite radish. Lovely moodboards out of her.
13. Bente ( @bente-gifs ) Necessary. Beautiful gifs!! So sweet!! Highly recommend!! I can't even say how much I love!!! Like !!! Must have!!
14. Amanda ( @lifewasradical ) Amanda is so so kind and she writes some fucking incredible stories. And I adore her blog!!
15. IActuallyDontKnowTheirNameI'mSoSorry?? ( @ijustdontlikepeople ) Funny!!! Great 5sos blog, great fucking memes, seems like a dope ass person and I highly recommend if you're new to the fandom.
I hope that gets you started at least !!
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