#i'm sure they cuddle too they seem very snuggly
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bitchslapblastoids · 2 months ago
Random parasocial phan lore speculation; do you think that when they had seperate bedrooms they were actually sleeping in different beds? Bc ive definitely seen the sentiment floating around since BIG first came out, and even before, that the different bedrooms were just for show, but to me that just doesnt make sense. Like yeah they were both very closeted but also when they moved to london they were also extremely broke and it doesnt make sense to me that initially they only rented a two bedroom apt for show. Like i know this is the "whole fake apartment" duo we're talking about here but that was when they were already mega rich and has started building a million dollar forever home. When you're broke and 21 years old even internalised homophobia and being closeted doesnt seem to me like a good enough reason to rent a whole extra room that you dont plan on using. Personally i think when they were younger they very much utelised having seperate areas for themselves. I think dans room was His room. His own space. And phils was the same. And they probably just picked a room at night and slept there. Or slept in their own beds. I know we joke about dnp being completely codependent, but its also very clear from an external pov that they have a really healthy relationship. And they have worked, lived and spent all their free time together basically since dan was 18. I dont think its possible for any couple, not even dnp to do that without having strong boundaries for personal space, and the physical space to enact that. I dont think they really started to cohabitate in that sense until like. 2016/17. They 100% shared a bedroom in the second london apartment and they obviously definitely share a room now, but i dont think that was the case in the early days at all. And I think probably even now in the phouse they have their own spaces where they can exist by themselves and text each other from across the phouse.
(P.s they uploaded right as I was typing this which is so rude of them to interupt my important thoughts)
to no surprise i've yapped about this before, as someone who is rocking a happy healthy separate bedroom longterm relationship!
yeah i've always been firmly in the camp that having their separate spaces has protected their own sanity. they both really are introverts with different habits about how to keep a space. thinking specifically about sleeping - they are large men, one of whom we've learned snores very loudly. their manchester and london beds were doubles (maybe queens?) which, while fine for some snuggly nights, does not provide much space to spread out when you're long-limbed.
other reasons i think they prob slept separately a lot - phil has said he likes to sleep with many pillows, while dan's manchester and london beds (which definitely seemed used (not used in a weird way just like consistently rumpled whenever we saw it which was often for many years)) always only had 2 pillows max. phil's london bed had 4. they had some text exchange that i can't be bothered to track down in one of the wdapteos about hearing a beeping noise in the night or something, and phil saying he thinks it's something in the kitchen. to me, it read like what you'd text someone when you're in different bedrooms in the same home. plus, the different hotel rooms on tour (instead of just one room w/ two beds, which would be a totally normal thing to do). i know it seems like they often ended up in one another's rooms, but they could spend their evening together and then sleep separately if one of them really needed the rest. snoring can truly drive a person mad.
but also, all that aside, i do think that no matter what, they would have had two bedrooms in manchester & london to protect their own privacy while they were closeted. there's just no world in which they would have moved into a one-bedroom apartment for their first london spot. i doubt that was ever even a question. they were closeted to what seems to be almost everyone in their lives. meanwhile, they had guests over fairly often, and their careers were filmed out of their own home. trying to hide a one bedroom apt would have been way too much of a risk, and they basically wouldn't have been able to have anyone over without outing themselves.
i agree that it seems they shared a bedroom in that second london apt, bc we never saw an actual phil room, only the set, and barely saw the 'dan' one. and it does seem like now in the phouse, the 'dan room' is the primary bedroom. but i'd imagine phil also views the green room as 'his' in that his wardrobe seems to be in there, it's a space he can retreat to, and it's a separate bed he can sleep in. ok long answer done!
tldr yes i think they've taken advantage of sleeping in separate beds
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jaylleoo14 · 1 year ago
Sometimes I like to think that the guys in NRC that have intimidating auras like Riddle, Leona, Malleus, and Floyd for example all get shy and fidgety to initiate more physical touch towards their s/o in the beginning of their relationship ukno? Like dont get me wrong, anyone can think or say otherwise that that may not be the case. BUT LIKE, imagining them being all shy at first and giddy in the stomach as they fidget their fingers and look over at you or maybe looking away with their cheeks a little red🤭 (The envision is envisioning):
Riddle: If you don't mind, can I perhaps scoot a bit closer to you?
You: of course you can Riddle haha
Riddle scooting closer to you with a shy smile on his face, his cheeks going red: May I also perhaps uhm, if you don't mind, held your hands too?
You with an animated cartoon piercing through their heart: godyouresocutethisiswhyiloveyousomuch *AHEM* of course Riddle. I'd love to
Cue a happy Riddle holding hands with you as you both lean into each other comfortably. He lets out a gingerly smile as he rubs his thumb against your hand and squishes next to you ever the more ^^
Leona watching your back as you do your homework, his tail swishing around in a lazy yet obvious eager manner as he lays on his side
You: I can feel you staring you know
Leona: But you don't feel my arms around you, do you Herbivore?
You: Did you want to put your arms around me?
Leona: I would like to, yes. Can I do that?
You let out a little snort, a chuckle escaping you as a small grin spreads on your face.
Leona: What's with that reaction? >:(
You: Nothing, I just find this side of you to be very nice
Leona: All my sides are always nice
You: Sure sure whatever you say
Leona comes over from behind and peers over your shoulder as you lean into his touch and his arms wrap around you snuggly. He nuzzles his cheek against the crown of your head as you continue to do your homework and you could swear he was purring...
Malleus: Child of Man, there is something I want to try and do with you
You: Hmm? What is it?
Malleus looking deep into your eyes all seriously: I want to attempt doing that with you
You turn to look at where he was pointing and see another couple in the far distance. The lady was holding her girlfriend up in the air and twirling her in her arms as they looked at each other, the look on their faces seeming so in love with one another with their warm smiles.
Malleus: I reassure you that I'll keep in mind of my strength if that helps ease you. I ask for permission to hold you
You let out a small giggle: Oh Malleus, i'm not scared. I'd love to be in your arms
After giving him the green light he does just that, doing as the couple did earlier as he lifts you into his arms and twirls you into the air. You go in for a hug and he gladly reciprocates with a big smile. Though he may be starting to squeeze a little too hard-
Floyd just resting his cheek on his arm as he leans on one of the counters in Mostro Lounge, watching you study for an upcoming test.
You: Why are you just looking at me like that?
Floyd: Cus' yer so cute
You getting all red in the face: What? Floyd dont you have a shift right now? I came over to study because you said you wanted to see me
Floyd coming up to your booth and sitting in front of you: Yea but now that ya here, I wanna squish you so badly :(
You: Is that gonna make you focus back onto your shift?
Floyd: Maybe~ So? Can I squish ya?
You: Fine. Just for a short moment because I have to focus on this material and you need to go back to work
Floyd: Yay!
Floyd hops up and comes over to your side at the speed of a bullet train, wrapping his arms and legs around you with a tight cuddle session. Time seems to have passed fairly fast and you didn't even notice that until Jade came over to tell you that you had just spent close to an hour cuddling Floyd. Close of an hour worth of study time missed and close to an hour of Floyd's shift gone.
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wands-natsthing · 6 months ago
Snuggle Bug
This story was on my old acct @wandanatsthings I made a new one (aka this one) which will be the acct I use from now on.
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Hey, anon I hope this is what you wanted and that you and everyone else enjoy it as well. and remember clinginess is adorable and I love all my snuggle bugs!! Feedback is more than welcomed. New writer
(P.s Im dyslexic i'm trying my best)
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: I really don't think there are any maybe missing someone and clingy reader? It’s just really fluffy!!
Summary: Wanda gets home from a tiring mission to a very snuggly reader who missed her.
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Wanda’s Pov
I had just gotten home from a tiring mission that involved a lot of heavy lifting. Everything went fine but I had to pick up a lot of heavy things with my fingers and I know It may seem like nothing but not only does that take a lot out of me physically but mentally as well. All I wanted was to cuddle up with you. I had some making up to do after how early I left you this morning for said mission.
When I walked through the door of our apartment. I saw you lying on the sofa in the living room wearing my favorite burgundy hoodie with white and gray stripes on the sleeves. You also happened to have on my favorite gray sweatpants to match. You loved wearing my clothes, you said it made you feel closer to me which I thought was so utterly precious.
As I approached you I saw our pet cat (Someone should name the cat) jump off your lap to come and greet me. “Hi sweet girl, did you watch over your mama hmm,” I said bending down to pet the fluffy cat that by the looks of it had been given just one too many treats. I heard TV playing so I looked up to see that you were watching my favorite sitcom “The dick van dyke show.” Before we started dating you had no interest in sitcoms and said that they were too “cheesy” but with a lot of convincing, I got you to watch one episode with me and from then on you've been hooked. I might even go as far as to say you liked them more than me. When I walked closer towards you I saw you had dried tears running down your face.
My heart broke at the sight. You had always taken it hard when I had to leave you alone for anything. Whether that be a mission or just to go to the bathroom you hated when I left you by yourself; If you could be with me then you were and to be honest I had no problem with that. Deciding that I was no longer going to make you go through the torture of my skin not being on yours. I reach down and place a hand on your cheek with a soft kiss on your forehead. “Detka…detka love wake up im home.”
That was enough to wake you up. You were never a deep sleeper unless I was sleeping with you, you could sleep almost anything then. It was something about me being close to you that made you feel safe you once said that time I asked. You opened your eyes, squinting a little to adjust to the light.
As soon as you noticed that it was me, you immediately jumped up from your place on the sofa and wrapped your arms around my neck and legs around my waist. “You're home, I missed you!” You exclaimed a smile taking over your face, erasing any evidence of the tears that once took that smile's place. “Yes I am home and I missed you, more sweet girl,” I said while placing my arms under your thighs making sure you wouldn’t fall as I made my way over to sit in the chair that was in the corner by the TV. “How was the mission? Are you hurt or anything?” You asked while checking me over. “No no I'm fine don’t worry love, the mission went well. I'm tired but okay I promise.” I say holding out my pinky finger knowing that pinky promising would be the only way to ease your anxiety.
“What about you hm? How are you, what'd you do while I was gone?” I asked you to bring your head to my chest. “I didn’t do much. Just watched TV, took a nap, and waited for you.” You said looking up at me with your y/e/c eyes through your lashes. “Mm that sounds peaceful, how about we continue that minus the waiting for me of course after lunch? Have you eaten yet?” “No, I haven’t, I was trying to wait for you.” You reply. “Okay let's go have some lunch and then we’ll continue your amazing peaceful day. How does that sound?” I asked, looking down at you in my lap. You nodded up at me. “Sounds good.”
With that, I stand up off the chair with you still in my arms kola style not even thinking about having you let go knowing that would just upset you. It was a task making us lunch with you in my arms but not impossible. We make our way to the dining room table with you holding one plate and me holding the other.
I set you down in your usual seat that is straight across from mine. I picked up my fork ready to dig into the Caesar salads I prepared for lunch when I noticed you were pouting and not even attempting to start eating. “What’s wrong with love?” I asked you with patience in my voice. You look up with the face you do anytime you want something. “Can I sit in your lap and eat please?” I look at you with nothing but love on my face. “Of course, you can love to get over here,” I say while pushing my chair back to make room for you. You clamber in my lap already with your frown turned right side up making it into a smile digging into your lunch. When we finish lunch I get you off my lap so I can put our dishes in the sink to be washed later. I then grab your hand so that we can head upstairs to finish the rest of our day with cuddles.
When we get to our room I head off into the closet so that I can change into something more comfortable. While taking off my shirt, I feel you come up behind me and wrap your arms around my waist. “What are you doing lovely?” I ask, sounding muffled because of the shirt covering my face. “Um, I have an idea.” I hear you sound nervous. “Oh yeah and what’s that?” I ask while taking my shirt off completely. “Do you think we could cuddle naked? I just really wanna feel your skin on mine.” I look down at you and say. “I would love to cuddle naked with you.” We both walk over to the bed while taking off our clothes on the way. When we reach the bed we get under the covers. I bring you into my chest and within minutes you're asleep. I gently kiss your forehead “You will forever be my snuggle bug.” I say then drift off to sleep myself without a thought or worry.
Feedback is welcomed and very much appreciated!!
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wandanatsthings · 1 year ago
Can I make a request of being a secret cuddle bear and would instantly run to Wanda everytime she comes after a tiring mission? Fluff please! 🩷
Hey, anon I hope this is what you wanted and that you and everyone else enjoy it as well. and remember clinginess is adorable and I love all my snuggle bugs!! Feedback is more than welcomed. New writer
(P.s Im dyslexic i'm trying my best)
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: I really don't think there are any maybe missing someone and clingy reader? It’s just really fluffy!!
Summary: Wanda gets home from a tiring mission to a very snuggly reader who missed her.
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Wanda’s Pov
I had just gotten home from a tiring mission that involved a lot of heavy lifting. Everything went fine but I had to pick up a lot of heavy things with my fingers and I know It may seem like nothing but not only does that take a lot out of me physically but mentally as well. All I wanted was to cuddle up with you. I had some making up to do after how early I left you this morning for said mission.
When I walked through the door of our apartment. I saw you lying on the sofa in the living room wearing my favorite burgundy hoodie with white and gray stripes on the sleeves. You also happened to have on my favorite gray sweatpants to match. You loved wearing my clothes, you said it made you feel closer to me which I thought was so utterly precious.
As I approached you I saw our pet cat (Someone should name the cat) jump off your lap to come and greet me. “Hi sweet girl, did you watch over your mama hmm,” I said bending down to pet the fluffy cat that by the looks of it had been given just one too many treats. I heard TV playing so I looked up to see that you were watching my favorite sitcom “The dick van dyke show.” Before we started dating you had no interest in sitcoms and said that they were too “cheesy” but with a lot of convincing, I got you to watch one episode with me and from then on you've been hooked. I might even go as far as to say you liked them more than me. When I walked closer towards you I saw you had dried tears running down your face.
My heart broke at the sight. You had always taken it hard when I had to leave you alone for anything. Whether that be a mission or just to go to the bathroom you hated when I left you by yourself; If you could be with me then you were and to be honest I had no problem with that. Deciding that I was no longer going to make you go through the torture of my skin not being on yours. I reach down and place a hand on your cheek with a soft kiss on your forehead. “Detka…detka love wake up im home.”
That was enough to wake you up. You were never a deep sleeper unless I was sleeping with you, you could sleep almost anything then. It was something about me being close to you that made you feel safe you once said that time I asked. You opened your eyes, squinting a little to adjust to the light.
As soon as you noticed that it was me, you immediately jumped up from your place on the sofa and wrapped your arms around my neck and legs around my waist. “You're home, I missed you!” You exclaimed a smile taking over your face, erasing any evidence of the tears that once took that smile's place. “Yes I am home and I missed you, more sweet girl,” I said while placing my arms under your thighs making sure you wouldn’t fall as I made my way over to sit in the chair that was in the corner by the TV. “How was the mission? Are you hurt or anything?” You asked while checking me over. “No no I'm fine don’t worry love, the mission went well. I'm tired but okay I promise.” I say holding out my pinky finger knowing that pinky promising would be the only way to ease your anxiety.
“What about you hm? How are you, what'd you do while I was gone?” I asked you to bring your head to my chest. “I didn’t do much. Just watched TV, took a nap, and waited for you.” You said looking up at me with your y/e/c eyes through your lashes. “Mm that sounds peaceful, how about we continue that minus the waiting for me of course after lunch? Have you eaten yet?” “No, I haven’t, I was trying to wait for you.” You reply. “Okay let's go have some lunch and then we’ll continue your amazing peaceful day. How does that sound?” I asked, looking down at you in my lap. You nodded up at me. “Sounds good.”
With that, I stand up off the chair with you still in my arms kola style not even thinking about having you let go knowing that would just upset you. It was a task making us lunch with you in my arms but not impossible. We make our way to the dining room table with you holding one plate and me holding the other.
I set you down in your usual seat that is straight across from mine. I picked up my fork ready to dig into the Caesar salads I prepared for lunch when I noticed you were pouting and not even attempting to start eating. “What’s wrong with love?” I asked you with patience in my voice. You look up with the face you do anytime you want something. “Can I sit in your lap and eat please?” I look at you with nothing but love on my face. “Of course, you can love to get over here,” I say while pushing my chair back to make room for you. You clamber in my lap already with your frown turned right side up making it into a smile digging into your lunch. When we finish lunch I get you off my lap so I can put our dishes in the sink to be washed later. I then grab your hand so that we can head upstairs to finish the rest of our day with cuddles.
When we get to our room I head off into the closet so that I can change into something more comfortable. While taking off my shirt, I feel you come up behind me and wrap your arms around my waist. “What are you doing lovely?” I ask, sounding muffled because of the shirt covering my face. “Um, I have an idea.” I hear you sound nervous. “Oh yeah and what’s that?” I ask while taking my shirt off completely. “Do you think we could cuddle naked? I just really wanna feel your skin on mine.” I look down at you and say. “I would love to cuddle naked with you.” We both walk over to the bed while taking off our clothes on the way. When we reach the bed we get under the covers. I bring you into my chest and within minutes you're asleep. I gently kiss your forehead “You will forever be my snuggle bug.” I say then drift off to sleep myself without a thought or worry.
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whentherewerebicycles · 9 months ago
How is motherhood (so far)? It seems like such a crazy shift from one life to another!
it is SO good so far!!! here are some scattered feelings & thoughts:
i have been warned that a big hormone crash is coming and i am sure that will be tough to weather! but right now i am feeling so good - still just riding that endorphin high. i feel physically good too, like tired and a little sore, but really way better than i expected to feel three days after giving birth.
my transition into parenthood has been majorly eased by the fact that my mom is here and is doing virtually all of the newborn care tasks for me right now - nighttime feedings (i take over around 5am but my hands are so bad in the night), diaper changes, tracking how much he's eating, making food, etc. she is even helping me breastfeed because it involves a level of manual dexterity i am not currently capable of most of the time. i am so so so so so so grateful to have her here. part of me feels kind of guilty, like i'm probably supposed to be feeling way more stressed out and overwhelmed trying to manage the cognitive and physical demands of new parenthood, but i am trying to quiet that voice in my brain by reminding myself that there are going to be PLENTY of times in the future where i'll get to feel overwhelmed and exhausted and in over my head as a single parent. she is so happy and so excited to do this for me, and i am trying to just let myself rest and enjoy it.
it is so special to do this with my mom. i was saying to her yesterday, like, i can totally see how taking care of a new baby with a partner would be a richly meaningful experience, and i can see that there are things i am missing out on on that front. but also if i were doing this with a partner i wouldn't get to be doing this with my mom, and i would be missing out on an experience that i am finding just as richly meaningful and rewarding. i feel so close to her and i love her so much and i know that for the rest of my life i am going to remember how special it was to get to watch her love owen so much and take such good care of him (and me) in his first days of life. i feel so lucky. i thought i would feel SO overwhelmed but instead i just feel really loved and taken care of, and i feel really close to my mom, and i feel like we are the happiest little family unit right now. i love it so much. also she calls him "my little guy" and “my best friend” and i almost cry every time. hormones but also love, you know.
owen is perfect. i feel like i felt intensely close to him right after the birth, and then i had kind of a hard first day after in the hospital where there were just TOO MANY PEOPLE coming in at all hours and doing exams on me or on him, and there was no time to rest and bond with him, and i started feeling very overwhelmed and kinda like do i even KNOW this baby? this baby is a STRANGER to me and if i hadn't had a baby i would be at HOME right now in my own SPACE without anyone coming in every 15 min day and night to bother me. that first long hospital day was really rough and then i was relieved to finally get home that night but also super cranky and tired, and i couldn't figure out how to get my pump to work, and he got very fussy in the night and i was like AAAAAAA. but then we spent all of yesterday doing so much skin-to-skin cuddling and napping in bed which is just the nicest thing imaginable, and now i am like this is my BABY he is PERFECT look at him!!!! he is so snuggly and good.
i am glad that my brother had a newborn a couple months before i did because i think it helped prepare me for how gently boring the newborn stage can be lol. not in a bad way! it's so sweet and i think will involve lots of wonderful sleepy snuggling!! but they are awake so infrequently and do not have personalities yet, and you are kind of like hm. should more be happening, or...? but no. nothing more should be happening lol they will just be sweet sleepy lumps for a good long time. my nephew is nine? ten? weeks old now and is definitely starting to become way more alert/engaged, so i know a personality is coming haha and i will just enjoy my little sweet lump right now because he won't be like this ever again!! also it's nice to be able to just let him sleep next to me while i do other stuff. i think it will ease the transition a bit... like yes now we are on this endless cycle of pumping, attempting to breastfeed, bottlefeeding him, changing him, watching him sleep, pumping again, etc but i can read or watch stuff in between because he requires so little attention while sleeping (except for LOTS OF KISSES he requires LOTS OF LITTLE KISSES because he is so SWEET!!!!). also idk i am sure i will get bored of being off work but right now it has been so restful to delete outlook & teams from my phone and just be like who cares about weird office politics i have way more important things to do like kiss a sleeping baby on the forehead a hundred times and tell him he is the best and handsomest boy in the whole world. life is very good lol.
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blackhakumen · 2 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1256: The First Wonderful News of the Brand New Year (Persona X SSBU)
It was bright, calm, and beautiful morning in the city of Shiyuba. The citizens are seen walking around the sidewalks and across the road, the multiple sounds of car' engines and a few horns are heard, the smell of hot, freshly coffee begins to suffice in the air, and our two newly proposed couple, Ren Amimaya and Makoto Niijima, are peacefully sleeping together upstairs at Ren's old bedroom.
Last night, an hour after the arrival of the brand new year has begun and everyoneof their friends head back home for the rest of the day, Ren convinced Sojiro to let him and Makoto stay the night at the café alone together.
And really now, what better way for the two to celebrate this wonderful ocassions than to make passionate love with one another for hours on end till they eventually knocked out sleep? The funny thing about all of this is that it was Makoto who suggested the idea to Ren beforehand. She has slowly, but gradually been showing off her adventurous side more often these days, than she's willing to admit. Not that Ren minded. In fact, that makes him attracted to her even more than he dos the day he first fell for her and ten times more beautiful in his eyes. But speaking of observing beauty.....
Ren: (Finally Wakes Himself Up with an Arm Stretch and a Yawn Before Smiling at his Fiance Laying Right Next to Him) Good morning, beautiful.
Makoto: (Starts Wakimg Up as Well by Letting Out a Cute Sounding Yawn) Good morning, Ren-Ren...You had yourself a good sleep?
Ren: (Puts on a Satisfied Smirk on his Face) Oh yeah. Especially after all the work you made me have to do to you all night~ (Lightly Smacks Makoto's Covered Rear) Hope you had as fun as i did.
Makoto: (Giggles Ticklishly by the Light Rear Smack Before Letting Out a Sigh of her Own) I did, very much so~ This was the one thing I thought for us to celebrate the new year and a successful proposal, believe it or not. (Starts Smirking a Bit) That being said~ Come here~
Ren: Huh- Woah! (Suddenly Gets Pulled into a Very Loving Hug and is Now Chuckling Ticklishly by his Fiancé's Kisses) Geeheeheez, Makoto!~ At least warn a guy before you get all snuggly and happy like that~ Now that I mentioned it, this might be the happiest I've seen of you yet. Cute.
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) Sorry, I can't help myself. We're gonna get married real soon!~
Ren: (Chuckles Some More) Hey, no need for apologies! I'm just as excited as you are right now. There's gonna be a lot of planning to do that's for sure.
Makoto: I'm certain we'll have plenty of help along the way. Which reminds me, we gotta head to the Smash Mansion today and tell everyone there the news.
Ren: Sounds like a reasonable plan to me. (Turns to his Buzzing Phone Sitting on the Dresser Next to his Bed) They're probably blowing up on my phone right now as speak. But first! (Hugs Makoto Back) Few more minutes of cuddle time?
Makoto: ('Sigh') Alright. Five minutes. (Starts Snuggling onto Ren's Warm Embrace) After that, it's off to the mansion to start the new year off.
Ren: Roger that, Mrs. Amimaya~ (Winks at Makoto)
Makoto: (Mrs. Amimaya.....) (Smiles Lovingly While Blushing) (It has a nice ring to it already~)
Six and a Half of Cuddling Later.......
Makoto: (In the Showers) Ann wants us to share the wedding service with her and Shiho-san?
Ren: (Standing by the Restroom Door) Yep! Says it would save Momma Peach from spending too much money on us. Does that seem like something you'll be okay with?
Makoto: (Smiles Softly) Yeah, I don't mind. Could be fun. Do you think we'll share the same honeymoons as well?
Ren: Probably. Here's hoping wherever it is, isn't too expensive to go to.
Ren: (Standing in Front of the Bathroom Mirror, Combing his Hair) So how you feel about Futaba being our DJ?
Makoto: (Standing Outside and by the Restroom Door This Time While Raising an Eyebrow in Confusion) Futaba can use the turn tables?
Ren: No, but she has been wanting to play on one for a while now and claimed to memorize almost every hand movement the DJs make on TV. (Puts the Comb Down to the Side and Picks his Tooth Brush From a Cup) She even try to turning Sojiro's old record player set once before she got caught red handed and had to clean around the café for three weeks tops.
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) Kudos for her finding unique ways to practice at least~ She's hired.
Ren: (Raises an Eyebrow While Blushing his Teeth in a Muffled Sounding Voice) You sure you wanna do that? She'll have the after party sounding like alien space ship after a while.
Makoto: It's gonna be fine, Ren. All I want is for her and everyone invited to have themselves a fun, good time. Hopefully not too much to where it leads to chaos and destruction down the line, but...('Sigh') Fingers crossed for that too I guess.
Ren: Alright, she's hired. (Gargle Mouthwash in his Mouth Before Spitting it All Out in the Sink in Front of Him) We should probably hired a few bodyguards while we're at it.
Makoto: Way ahead of you, Mr. Niijima~
'Door Opens'
Ren: (Sticks his Head Out of the Opened Restroom Door While Snickering at his Soon to be Wife) Did you just called me Mr. Niijima just now?~
Makoto: (Smiles Sheepishly) I just wanted see how it sounds is all~ You like?
Ren: (Starts Nodding a Bit) Not too shabby I must admit. Which do you prefer our last names to be now? Niijima or Amimaya?
Makoto: (Crosses her Arms While Thinking) Hm.....I've been a Niijima for all my life and I'm still proud of being one to tis very day......(Smiles Sweetly) But I'm really, really, really, really, REEEALLY loving how "Mrs. Amimaya" sounds, so I'll go with that one instead~
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) Amimayas it is! You're adorable~ (Starts Kissing on Makoto's Cheek) You know that?~
Makoto: (Giggles Ticklishly) And you're still as handsome as they come~ Now go and get dressed already!~
A Few More Minutes of RenGetting Dressed Later
The newly proposed couple are now seen walking down the stairs together, hand and hand, when they suddenly Notices two familiar faces down at the café.
Sojiro: (Smiles Brightly at the Duo While Standing Behind the Bar Stand) Well, look who finally decides to show up?~
Dark Pit: (Simply Waves at the Two While Standing in Front of the Bar Stand, Drinking a Cup of Cofee He Ordered) 'Sup, lovebirds.
Ren/Makoto: Pitto-san!~ (Happily Sprints Over and Hugs Their Favorite Moody Angel Together) Happy New Year!~
Ren: Heard you guys had one hell of a party from the other side.
Dark Pit: (Shrugs) Yeah, it's what you expected most of our gatherings would go, except with more dancing.....(Starts Blushing a Bit at the Thought of Receiving Mutliple Kisses From his Girlfriends After the Countdown Was Over) and kissing. Everyone was missing you guys like crazy by the way. What's up with that?
Ren: Wait. Our Witch and Goddess Mom didn't tell you the news last night?
Dark Pit: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) I...think so? They were crying the whole night, I could hardly understand either of them. Why, Is that news of yours' that big or something?
Ren: (Playfully Shrugs) Wellllll, it's nothing enormous. Just that-
Makoto: (Already Has a Very Excited Smile on her Face) WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!~
Dark Pit: I'm sorry- (Eyes Widened in Complete and Genuine Surprise) What!?
Ren: (Snickers at his Soon to be Wife) Makoto, you could've at least let me play into this bit a little longer.
Makoto: (Smiles Sheepishly) Sorry~ I still couldn't get over wonderful that night was~
Ren: ('Sigh') I know. I'm excited about it too, hon. (Kiss the Top of Makoto's Forehead Before Turning Back to his Angel Brother) Your future sis in law speaks the truth, bud. We're finally getting hitched in the future. We haven't decided the date yet. Or...much of anything besides the last name and who gets the DJ spot.
Dark Pit: Holy crap, this is actually happening......(Shakes his Head a Bit as He Starts Coming Back to Reality) Okay, so....who propose to who exactly?
Makoto: Me~ Shiho-san and I planned propose to our respective partners months prior as we went jewelry shopping together. ('Sighs in Pure Relief') It was so nerve-wrecking just by thinking about it beforehand, but I'm so glad I've pushed through in the end. (Hugs Ren's Arm) Now I can finally live the rest of my life married to the man I love so much, as Mrs. Amimaya!~ (Happily Kisses Ren's Cheeks Again)
Ren: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Makoto's Kisses Again) She's been like this all morning, it's adorable~
Sojiro: (Smirks While Whispering Something to Pitto) You should've your brother the moment Makoto proposed to him. Poor kid was crying his eyes out, asking if marrying him was really a good idea or not.
Dark Pit: (Turns to Sojiro) And you didn't think to record and send a video of it to me afterwards!?
Ren: (Gives Pitto a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Pitto, can't you go one day without using something to blackmail people with?
Dark Pit: (Shrugs Again) Hey, my life would significantly be more boring if I stop doing that now. (Smirks a Bit) Still, congratulations, you two.
Makoto: (Smiles Brightly) Thank you!~ We're planning on tell the others in the family the news as well if you like to some with.
Dark Pit: Sure. (Tosses his Dimensional Ring and Have it Expanded Into it's Giant, Transporting Size Midair) I was planning on coming back there anyways. (Turns Back to Sojiro) Wanna come along too, Uncle Sojiro?
Sojiro: Can't. I just opened up the café the moment you came in here. You three can go on ahead without me.
Ren: If you say so. We'll bring you something nice back later on! (Waves Goodbye to his Coffee Dad as He Follows Pitto Into the Ring)
Makoto: (Happily Waves Goodbye to Sojiro While Walking into The Ring as Well) Have a good day, Uncle Sojiro, if you don't mind me calling you that for the foreseeable futuuuuure!~
Sojiro: (Watches the Giant Ring Spins Around and Disappears into Thin Air with a Sincere Smile on his Face) I don't mind that at all, kid.
'Door Open, Bell Ring'
Sojiro: Hm? (Turns to See Sae and Tae Rushing Themselves into the Café with the Former Covered in a Few Kiss Marks on her Face)
Sae: Sojiro, were Makoto and Ren here just now?
Sojiro: Yep, you just miss them. They left to visit the Smash Family at the mansion before you two came in here.
Sae: (Snaps her Finger a Bit in Disappointment) Figures. I was hoping we could congratulate them both of them on the successful proposal.
Tae: ('Sigh') Even more so considering we've missed seeing it happen in person last night....
Sojiro: Work got you both in a bind last night, didn't it?
Tae: For the most part. (Rests the Side of her Head onto her Girlfriend's Shoulder) They got my poor Empress here to near exhaustion all night, so I had to keep her company~
Sojiro: (Starts Smirking at Sae in Particular) Ahh, so that explains the kiss marks on your face then, Ms. Prosecutor?~
Sae: (Eyes Widened a Bit Before Turning Away From Sojiro) I don't believe that's any of your business, Sojiro-
Tae: You've guessed it, boss man.
Sae: (Bashfully Glares at Tae) T-Tae!?~
Tae: (Casually Shrugs) What? It's the truth, isn't it? It's my duty as your beautiful, doctor of a girlfriend to take care of my beloved~ (Gives Sae Another Kiss on the Cheek)
Sae: (Starts Blushing Some More by Tae's Affections) A-And I appericate that very much~ (Starts Pouting and Pointing at a Smug Looking Sojiro a Few Feet Behind Her) T-That still doesn't mean he gets to know about it though!!
Tae: Hey, there's no shame in telling him a little a bit about our business for today. Especially now that it's the- (Happily Pumps her Fist Up in the Air) New Year, baby!!
Sojiro: (Chuckles Lightly) Now that's something we can all make a toast to. (Walks Back Behind the Counter) I'll make you two drinks, on the house.
Tae: (Smiles Brightly) Much appreciated, Sojiro-San. (Turns Back to her Girlfriend) Let's savor this day of freedom while we, yeah?~ (Gives Sae a Kiss on the Lips While Making her Way to the Stand) WOOOOO!~
Sae: (Sighs with a Small Smile on her Face) You are so lucky that you're cute yourself right now, doctor~ (Follows Behind Tae)
Meanwhile at the Smash Mansion's Dining Hall...........
The Dimensional Ring transported our trio on the hall's stage, where most members of the Smash Family are seen partying beneath them.
Ren: Good to see that they're lively as ever.
Makoto: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Is this an after party of sorts?
Dark Pit: Yep. It started a few minutes ago. The last party was so good that they decided to throw another for good measures. I get their attention.
Pitto nods at the DJ at the other side of the stage, silently telling him to turn the music off. The Dj, in question, did what he was requested which in turn, Instantly causes everyone in the room to start complaining and even booing at this sudden notion.
Dark Pit: (Walks Over to the Microphone and Speaks on It) Alright, everybody SHUT UP! I have the floor here!
The room finally goes silent thanks to Pitto loud, demanding voice echoing the room.
Kyoko: (Happily Waving at her Boyfriend in Front of the Stage While Standing Next to her Girlfriend, Misako) HIIIIII PITTO-KINS!~
Misako: (Smirks at her Boyfriend) We love you, babe!~
Dark Pit: (Snaps his Finger and Points at his Two Girlfriends in the Crowd) Right back at your, babes! But that's beside the point. Guess who finally decides to show up? (Presents Ren and Makoto to the Crowd)
Ren: (Steps in and Speaks on the Microphone Next) Yo, what's up, my peeps! HAPPY NEW YEEEEEAR!
Crowds: (Cheers For Ren and Makoto in Rejoice)
Dedede: Boy, where in the hell were y'all two been last night!?
Kamui: We were missing you both like crazy!!~
Ridley: (Angry Shakes his Fist at Ren in the Background) YOU OWE ME FIVE BUCKS!
Makoto: (Speaks on the Microphone Next) We're so sorry we made you all worried all night! There's a perfectly good explaining for why we-
Ren: MAKOTO PROPOSED TO ME LAST NIGHT AND I SAID YES!!...(Turns to Makoto with a Sheepish Smile on his Face) Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Makoto: (Smiles Back at Ren While Gently Patting his Cheek) It's okay, we're even now. (Gives Ren a Peck on the Lips)
The crowd stare at the couple in surprised andd silence for a few seconds before they erupted by to cheering in rejoice once more, sounding even louder than it they were previously.
Dark Pit: (Claps his Hands While Making his Way Back to The Microphone) Yes, yes. This is truly an amazing news to discover today. I'm surprised myself.
Toon: (In the Crowd) Hey, wait a minute!
'Record Scratch'
Toon: Ren, did you say...Makoto was the one who proposed to you?
Ren: Yep. Even planned for it and everything.
Ness: (Eyes Widened in Horror) Oh no.....
Dark Pit: Heheheheheheh.......Ahahahahahahaha!
Hades: (Sighs While Pinches the Bridge of his Nose) Look at what you two have rot?....
Dark Pit: (Takes The Microphone Off the It's Stand and Continues to Speak on it With a Very Evil, Shit Eatting Grin on His Face) YOU'VE GUESSED RIGHT, FOLKS! While you were all so confident that your Ren-Ren her would make the first move, I was the only person in this equation, SMART ENOUGH to pick the other side.
Viridi: (In the Crowd) You being smart is debatable at best!
Dark Pit: Shut up! My intelligence doesn't matter in the conversation. What does though is that I'm the only one in the room who chose wisely. (Slams Down a Silver Bucket on a Nearby Stool) So step right up and PAY UP! All of y'all who participated, come on!
The collective groans of those who part take in this bet, begins to surface as they reluctantly make they're up to thr stage in a line.
Dark Pit: (Turns his Attention Back to his Girlfriends While Pointing at Them) Girls, get your makeups ready. We're going shopping today!
Kyoko: (Happily Squeals While Jumping Up and Down and Clapping her Hands) Shopping Spree on the New Year, I can't wait!!!~
Misako: (Smirks at Pitto) Look at you calling the shots up there~ It's a date!~
Yoshi: (Walks Over to the Place his Cash into the Bucket) First day of the year and you finally managed to win a bet for once. I'm happy for you, man.
Dark Pit: Much appericated, my good dinosaur. (Gives Yoshi Fist Bumps Before Watching him Walk Off)
Hades: (Walks Up to the Stage Next, Dumbfounded) I don't believe this. The first bet I've lost in eons and it's to you of all people. This has GOT to be a fluke of some kind.....
Dark Pit: Uh-huh, sure. Or MAYBE lady luck wasn't on your side for once. Now, cough up the dough already!
Hades: (Groans in Defeat as He Drops his Money onto the Bucket) You won't get so lucky next time, my boy. (Walks Away) That, I can promise you.
Dark Pit: (Rolls his Eyes) Whatever you say, Hades.
Ren/Makoto: PITTO!
Dark Pit turns to see the soon-to-be married couple now glaring at him.
Makoto: You guys betted on us this whole time!?
Ren: (Raises an Eyebrow) You seriously thought I couldn't propose Makoto myself?
Makoto turns to Ren in silence with a deadpinned Look on her face.
Ren: What? I wanna know.
Dark Pit: We've been betting between you guys for like what? Three to four years now? Everyone was so convinced Ren would make the proposing move, but I had a feeling you love Ren enough to do it yourself, so I chose the opposing side: You, big sis.
Ren: (Shrugs) Can't argue with that logic. I'd probably do the same if I was in his sandals.
Makoto: ('Sigh') I'm very touched that you think highly of me, Pitto-san, but don't you think these bets you all been making are starting to run stale at this point?
Dark Pit: Yeah, definitely. (Starts Grinning Victoriously) But my losing streak has finally come to an end now that I WO-
?????: PITTOOOO!
Dark Pit: (Instantly Recognizes Three of Certified Moms' Voices a Few Feet Behind Him Before Letting Out Defeated Sigh) Nevermind. That ship has now sunken...
Hades: (In The Background) Ha!
Bayonetta: (Gives Pitto, Stern Motherly Glares Along with the Others) Young man, I thought we raised you better than to participate in these silly betting games.
Peach: Especially against your own family!
Pit: (Gets on the Stage Along with his Girlfriend, Viridi and Kirby) Yeah, Pitto, family always comes before betting money.
Viridi/Kirby: (Nodding in Agreement) Mmhmm.
People in the Line: (Turns to Pitto) YEAH!
Peach: (Comically Glares at the Others in the Line) Don't you "Yeah" him! This goes for all of you as well!!
People in the Line: Aww......
Dark Pit: HA!
Palutena: (Notices the Amount of Cash Raising Up on the Bucket, Most of Which are Fifty and Hundred Dollar Bills) You know, this amount of money could be enough to cover most of the expenses for two weddings-
Makoto: A wedding, actually. Ann wants to share a big one with us together, if that's okay with you-
Peach: (Beams Herself with Excitement) That would ve perfect!~ (Happily Claps her Hands) We could have ourselves the most beautiful conjoint wedding ever!~
Dark Pit: (Couldn't Believe What He's Hearing Right Now) Oh come on, aren't we already rich enough to pay for one ourselves?
Palutena: (Turns Back to Pitto) Honey, most of the stuff for the wedding here almost cost a large amount of fortune, even more so than what we could afford alone.
Bayonetta: (Immediately Gives Pitto the Sad Puppy Dog Eyes Along with Palutena) Pleeeeeease let us use the bucket of money for the conjoint wedding, darling?~
Palutena: It could benefit us all~
Peach: (Puts on the Sad Puppy Dog Eyes as Well) And Makoto and Ren-Ren are a part of our Smaah Family after all~
Makoto: (Follows Pursuit on the Sad Puppy Eyes Madness Along with Ren) And you DO love us very much~
Ren: Right?~
Pit: (Starrs Doing the Sar Puppy Dog Look aa Well) We'd really appericate it a lot if you take one for our happy family~
Kirby: (Does the Puppy Dog Eyes as Viridi Picks him Up) Poyo Poyo~
Everyone in Line: (Starts Doing the Puppy Dog Eyes as Well) PLEEEEEEEEEEASEE !?~
Dark Pit: ('Groans in Pure and Uttee Annoyance and Defeat') Alright, alright, FINE!! You win! You can have the money for the wedding expensives. (Turns Away While Blushing a Little) Hope it helps out or whatever.....
Everyone cheers once again in rejoice..
Ren: (Puts on a Satisfied Grin on his Face While Giving Pitto a Thumbs Up) Arigato, little bro!
Makoto: (Smiles Brightly at her Soon to Be Little Brother in Law) I knew you have a big heart~
Dark Pit: (Rolls his Eyes Again) Uh-huh. There goes that shopping spree plan.........
Misako: (Appears Right Next to Pitto on One Side) I wouldn't be so sure about that if we're you, babe.
Kyoko: (Appears on the Other Side with a Bright, Reassuring Smile on her Face) We can still go shopping together even if we're able to buy a few things. Our allowance came last night.
Misako: (Puts on a Reassuring Smirk on her Face) And for being a thoughtful boyfriend as you've always been, we'll treat you to something nice afterwards, on us. Sounds good?
Dark Pit: I don't want either of you to spend too much on me, but sure I guess-
?????: Not so fast!
The trio turn their attention to Princess Zelda walking up the stage, with Mewtwo and Owain following her behind.
Zelda: We need to have ourselves a Smash Meeting first.
Misako/Kyoko: Smash Meeting?
Dark Pit: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) For what exactly?
Zelda: (Gives Pitto a Sisterly Like Glare) For all the bets that's been going on around here! It's been getting out of hand and i think it's high time we put an end to this once and for all!
Peach: (Happily Cheers for Zelda) Atta girl, Zelda dear!~ Show 'em whose boss!~
Zelda: (Happily Waves Back at Peach) Sure thing, Momma Peach!~ (Turns Back to the Trio with the Same Stern Look on her Face She Has Previously) Now then, off to the living room we go. (Turns to Everyone Else in Line) That goes double for the rest of you too, let's go!
Everyone in Line: ('Groans in Annoyance and Defeat')
Zelda: Less 'ahhing', more moving, people! No time to waste!.
And so, everyone who participated in the bet and a few others in the past along with it, reluctantly follows Zelda and Co to the living room to their first Smash Family Meeting of the new year.
Dark Pit: ('Sigh Heavily') It's not even the afternoon yet and this year already sucks......
Misako: Oh don't be such a drama queen, DP. It can't be that bad. Can it?
Kyoko: Only one way to find out.
Dark Pit: Unfortunately....
Kyoko: (Pouts at her and Misako's Dark Angel) Hey, none of that negativity nonsense, mister. It'll all be over soon, just you wait.
Missko: Yeah, what she said.
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Yes, ma'ams.
Makoto: (Watches Half of the Crowd Walking Out of the Halls) Well, that's one way to spend the rest of the morning.
Ren: (Casually Shrugs)There's never a dull moment in this wacky family. I'm glad we can take breather for no-
Ren's eyes starts to widen up in fear as he slowly turns to see his new family (Palutena, Bayonetta, Pit, and Viridi) are now staring at him, in a menacing like fashion.
Ren: Uhhhh....(Smiles Awkwardly While Waving at his Family) G-Good morning, you guys.
Ren's family slowly begins to approach Ren with each step they take.
Ren: (Steps Back) H-H-Hold on now! Let's not do anything rash he-
Ren's Family: (Launches Themselves Onto....) RENNYYYYYYYY!~
Ren: Goddammit, no!
Ren tries running away....only to get hug tackled one by one before heading straight to the stage's floor.
Ren: (Winces a Bit in Pain In Multiple Arms Around) God, would it kill any of you to warn me before doing this!? I'm desperate here.
Bayonetta: (Already in Tears Along with Everyone Else) Well, excuse us for missing you like crazy all of last night, young man!!~
Palutena: And to hear that you're finally getting married with the girl of your dreams.....('Sniff') How else are we supposed to react!?~
Pit/Viridi: (Starts Snuggling Up on Ren) CONGRATULATIOOOONS!~
Ren: Thanks, really. I'm never gonna get out of this, am I?
Pit: ('Sniff') Nope! There's no escaping.
Viridi: You're gonna stay here and cuddle with us whether you like it or not, so DEAL WITH IT!~
Ren: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah, I figured you'd say tthat. Love you guys.
Ren: (Wonces Some More) Ack! H-Hey! Easy on the hugging!!
Makoto: (Giggles a Bit While Watching a Sweet Family Bonding Moment Unfolds in Front of Her and Peach) Good to see some things hasn't change around here.
Peach: (Giggles as Well) Of course! The year maybe new, but our love for one another will never go away. (Turns to Makoto) How do you feel now that you've finally proposed?
Makoto: (Sighs in Satisfactory Before Smiling) Amazing....Don't I'll ever be any happier than this right now. (Turns to Peach) Thank you again for your words of encouragement last year. And please, take all the time you need to get everything accounted for and ready. The last thing we want to do is be any more a nuisance-
Peach: (Immediately Gives Makoto a Very Loving Hug) Don't say that! You two are not nuisances to any one of us, Makoto Niijima, and you never will be~ (Gives Makoto a Soft, Determined Smile on her Face) We'll make this the best wedding you and your friends will ever have in your whole lives, so just leave everything to us from here on out, okay?
Makoto: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness Before Nodding to this Request) Will do, mom. (Gives Peach a Peck on the Cheek, Making her Giggle Some More in Return)
Peach: Okay!~ (Points Over to the Hug Pile in Front of her and Makoto) Now, how about we join in on the hugfest over here? Something tells me our dear Ren-Ren needs all the love he can get right now~
Makoto: (Smiles Brightly) You don't have to tell me twice. Let's go.
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rose-edith · 3 years ago
I'm very tired and feel all needy and I would like some soft cute Gibbs lots of cuddles, standing up for you 🥺🥺🥺
You can always have soft Gibbs. Hope you like it! (And I hope you feel all snuggly and warm and have some huggles to feel better.)
Gibbs being all protective and snuggly with you would include:
Tumblr media
•Gibbs didn’t often get involved in defending you- usually you had it covered. You are a badass, formidable individual! But today something was off- you were a bit sluggish, a bit tired and it looked like you were just going to take it.
•and Gibbs most definitely was NOT having that! Not you, he’s not having you hurt.
•so he jumped straight into defence mode. He shut that SOB down, and spat furious words at them until they were quaking in their boots! The ‘enemy’ swiftly ended up making a hasty retreat, tail between their legs.
•and only then did Gibbs turn to you. Your lips were wobbling, your eyes heavy with unshed tears and burdened with huge bags- you look utterly exhausted! Clearly the day had taken its toll on you.
•which left Gibbs with just one thing to do: to take the best of care with you. He gently guided you into his car, and then drove you back to his place, humming and singing gently to cover the silence. As much as he had to focus on the road he did also have to keep checking on you, you seemed to almost be swaying your seat from tiredness.
•he all but carried you into his house, and settled you down on his sofa- he dragged the coffee table closer, knocked the empty coffee cups off it and dropped your feet onto a cushion on the surface. But he knew there was something missing.
•he grabbed his spare hoodie from the hook off the wall, and helped you drag it down over your arms and head. There, almost perfect. You did look much more comfortable it had to be said.
•but still something was missing- a blanket! He padded down into the basement and grabbed the blanket he’d slept with the night before. It was covered in saw dust, so he shook it out as well as he was able to before taking it back upstairs to drape it around you.
•he couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to your forehead. And he couldn’t help but smile as he saw how it made a little glow appear in your cheeks, you were looking a little more like yourself.
•Gibbs hurried to turn the TV on for you, and he turned it to face you. He even managed to rustle up some snacks and junk food, which he deposited on a tray.
•only then did he strip down to comfortable trackies and a hoodie that matched the one he’d put on you. And he flipped onto the sofa beside you, pulling you into his arms for a long hug. You felt so much better after that. And he didn’t move a muscle when you dropped your head onto his shoulder, even if you fell asleep he’d stay still. He was just glad to hold you close- it made him feel better, so he was entirely sure it was making you feel better too. And he was right.
•you did end up dozing off into dreamland with a smile tugging at your face. You felt peace, and you were able to sleep, at last.
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pickled-fics · 2 years ago
Your Favorite
A snuggly night in with the tsundere (ex)boss himself. [old fic] [ao3 reupload]
After closing the apartment door behind you, it doesn't take long for you to smell something incredible coming from the kitchen. Your exhausted body dragging itself towards your small, but workable kitchen, you hear some quiet music in the room. Coming around the corner to find your boyfriend standing at the stove cooking something, unable to see past him to see what exactly smells so good. “Hey Smartass, set your stuff down and take a seat. I’ll bring you your food in a minute, it's almost done cooking.” 
“Well, if you would sit down and wait a minute, you would have your answer. I’m aware you’re not exactly one for patience, but I know you’re at least capable of it.”
“Oh shut up and sit down already. Let me surprise you for once.”
You watch as Aaron turns the stove off and removes something from the heat, making sure to keep it hidden from you. He really wasn’t giving you any hints on this one. He pauses, turning his head to look at you and smirks a little.
“Close your eyes.” “...”
“Please? Trust me on this one okay? I want this to be a true surprise for you.”
Begrudgingly, you close your eyes, hearing the clanks and tinks of dishware and silverware, the mystery scent still hanging in the air. In the moments of waiting in your chair, you realize how tense you are. Your job had been going great, and it still is, things have just recently picked up around there. A lot more deadlines than you were used to and a lot more work being piled onto you. You still loved your coworkers and the job itself but all in all it was still a job, a job that was in a busy season. This little surprise of Aaron’s feeling like a much needed break from it all. Hearing the dishware clink onto the table in front of you, your thoughts of work stopped. 
“Okay, go ahead and open your eyes.” Eyes opening, you look down immediately and upon seeing the food in front of you, you were thrown into a memory from not too long ago. A memory of Aaron asking what your favorite food was. A memory of showing him how to make it exactly how you liked it and spending a night in the kitchen with him. A smile immediately dawning your face. 
“I know I’m not the greatest chef and that you usually do a lot of the cooking, but this seemed like a fitting addition to your shitty sounding day.” His eyes serious, awaiting your response. 
“Of course I remembered! We had a whole night dedicated to this, of course I remembered. You told me about your terrible day at work on your lunch break and with the way you look it doesn’t seem like it got any better.”
“I didn’t think so. Now, could you try your food? I want to make sure I did it correctly.”
A laugh and nod on your end and you pick up the silverware, excited to eat a good dinner after a hard day. The taste hitting your tongue and it was exactly as you remembered, just how you loved. Your feelings towards it apparent on your face earning a laugh from Aaron.
“So I’m going to say that you like it?”
“Good, I'm glad, you deserve something good in this long day. I was thinking after dinner you could take a shower and I could set up a show or a movie for us? Something to help you unwind.”
“Alright, perfect. It sounds like a plan, Smartass.”
After finishing your dinner, you left Aaron to clean up the kitchen, after much argument of why you should be able to help him with that. Leaving him to get the dishes cleaned up and get your show set up on the tv. The warm shower only helping to remind you of the pent up tightness in your shoulders from the week.
Getting out of the shower, you find yourself in the living room staring at the coffee table. A few of your favorite drinks and snacks laid out on it, your favorite show queued up on the tv, and your boyfriend. Your boyfriend sitting on the couch, blanket at the ready, ready to cuddle with you. A very welcome sight. 
“Are you going to stand there and gawk in surprise all night or come sit down with me?” 
His lips pulling up into a teasing smile making your love for him deepen just a little bit. Curling up into him on the couch, taking him in as he wrapped the blanket around the two of you. Settling in, eyes coming to rest on the tv as he clicked the play button. His arm around you, holding you close. It doesn’t take long for him to shift his arm on your shoulders though.
“Jesus, it’s like I’m holding a brick wall right now.”
“Yes, a brick wall, you’re still so tense. Turn sideways.”
“Just do it, I'm going to rub your shoulders for you. Maybe after that you won’t feel so rigid and I can properly hold you.”
His hands carefully digging into your shoulder and neck, quickly pinpointing the exact locations of the pain. Pain you didn’t even realize was there anymore, it had just become a dull ache in the back of your head. His thumbs pressing into spots that shot pain straight to your skull but in the best way possible. Feeling the pressure from his hands loosen the muscles in your shoulders and neck slowly. Your quiet hums of relief making him laugh to himself. After a long few minutes, his hands come to a stop, resting on your shoulders.
“Is that feeling any better?”
“...” A laugh from him, his hands dragging down your back and rubbing softly as he pulled down and away.
“I’m glad it’s feeling better for you, you feel a lot less like a wall and a lot more like a person.”
His arms looping around your waist and pulling you close to him again. Your head now resting on his chest, faintly hearing his heartbeat as he pressed play on your show again. Your body and eyes now even more tired than before you tried to focus on the show. Your attention soon shifting to the repetitive sound of his heartbeat. The sound slowly bringing your eyes shut and leading you into a peaceful sleep against Aaron.
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princesskokichi · 5 years ago
Hi, postgame kokichi anon here, basically just scenarios revolving about Kokichi and S/o in the winter months, watching cheesy movies, cuddling during the cold, watching snow fall, that kinda. I'm just really missing winter rn
Postgame Kokichi and S/O in the winter months
This was very cute !!! I love postgame Kokichi so very much that frankly, I think I’m going to make an RP / ask blog just for him and a character named Yuno Shion. Yuno is just there to voice Kokichi’s inner thoughts most of the time because he himself is selectively mute. But Yuno basically takes the place of S/O. I’ll let everyone know when the ask blog is up for him !
I’ve also tried editing Kokichi’s sprites because he’s 20 in my ask blog and his appearance has changed from the game. - Mod Kokichi
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- Kokichi seems to be more agitated in the winter months than in the summer months
- He’s often more restless than any other time of the year, like he can’t sleep
- You figure that it’s about the cold and how uncomfortable it is for him
- But you can’t be too sure, so you just take care of him as normal
- Even though he’s more prone to problems, he tries his hardest to be supportive, too
- He’ll come home extra early just to make some food for you when you get off work
- Because most of the time, you’re the one doing that kind of stuff
- So he likes the idea of flipping the switch and making sure you’re taken care of as well as he is
- Sometimes he’ll get it done just in time and gets so excited to show you what he did
- He’s still pretty bad at being patient and will waltz around aimlessly for a while before he hears the front door open
- After you’re home, you have his attention
- He treats you like you would expect a puppy to if they had a human form
- So it’s really hot and cold for him in the winter months
- Unless he’s having a bad day, he’s very snuggly during the winter
- He just,, simply does not vibe with the cold
- That’s the entire reason, you presume
- Sometimes he won’t even give you in incentive that he’s coming
- He’ll just dive in for your lap because that’s his favorite way to snuggle with you
- That way, you can both do something different and still be close
- He just likes hanging out with his best friend, even the silence is nice
- Sometimes you’ll talk to fill up the silence, sometimes you won’t
- It depends on how you feel
- When he is having a bad day,, he wants you as far away as possible
- And you need to be careful not to overstep your boundaries there.
- On one of his truly bad days, if he doesn’t isolate himself correctly, there will be a massive meltdown in his near future
- He needs that time to recuperate 
- Afterward, he’ll come to you when he’s ready to be helped
- On those days, he’s hard to deal with
- He won’t eat, he won’t leave his bedroom, he won’t change his clothes or brush his teeth
- He’ll just sit in his bed, curled up
- You make sure his clothes are laid out for him and that he has a sticky note on the mirror as a reminder to brush his teeth
- It wasn’t really necessary, he can do the stuff himself
- It���s just a thing you got into the habit of doing that you don’t really plan to stop doing any time soon
- He’s very thankful that you’re there for him
- It kind of makes him want to cry when he thinks about how much you do for him
- So he’ll shower, and brush his teeth, and put on clean clothes
- For you, so you don’t have to remind him every day
- You can always brush his hair at a later date, but those are the things he needs to take care of
- He rather likes when you brush his hair, just do it softly
- If it feels like you’re yanking at his head, he’ll just get up and walk away
- Sometimes that’s what is needed to brush his hair, so you just have to deal with it
- Other times, he wants you to brush his hair so he can have a nice moment with you
- Kokichi’s life isn’t normal by any means
- But he gets to sit on the couch with you while you’re talking and put on a cheesy movie
- Or he can go outside with you when you’re both off and build snowmen
- Either way, life isn’t perfect, but he’s learned to enjoy it.
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