#i'm sure I've mentioned it in other posts but her son is grown up in the first because he came from the TL where the WOL (her) died
menphinaswhitemage · 10 months
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Decembhyur2023 | Day 6 | Memory
"I know you must not believe me but I am your son I- I never thought I would see you again-"
Audrey places her hands against his face, looking into his bright red eyes, "Of course I believe you. Any mother would recognize her own son no matter how much he's grown. You may still be an infant in my own world but I see it in your face. Your eyes, your ears, your hair-" she beams, stroking his bright colored locks, "Your are my son. My Estel"
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marvel-ousmondays · 9 months
Iron Man (2008)
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As mentioned in last post, when I went to Iron Man I literally had no idea that such a superhero existed. (I thought Sherlock Holmes with RDJ came out first but apparently not so I had essentially no knowledge of the actor either.) My friends and I decided to spend the day out at the nearest town big enough to have a book store, craft stores, and a Target, as well as a Drive-In movie theater. I was now a college student and enjoying the freedom of no curfew, rebel that I was. I'm pretty sure the movie prior to Iron Man was the Narnia: Prince Caspian movie. I mention this because I hated that movie. It bastardized the book something awful and after the first movie was so faithful an adaptation, this was incredibly disappointing. However, this meant I was doubly primed to appreciate the awesomeness that Iron Man ended up being. I've watched it a few times since then, but usually as background to something else. I decided for this challenge I did REALLY want to watch the movies/shows. No other distractions- just it. I can take breaks (it took me 3 days to finish Iron Man due to various constraints last week) but when I'm watching, I'm JUST watching.
Here were my takeaways this time
The differences in Terrence Howard's Rhodey and Cheadle's Rhodey are always a bit mind boggling and part of what makes Iron Man feel really different from the later films. We're also just starting MCU so while they aren't LACKING budget, it's not the level it would be later. This doesn't hurt the movie at all for the record, if anything I think it meant the story had to be more well-developed and the actors better.
But this first film has a seriousness and a somberness that most of the other films only flirt with (notable exception being Infinity War of course).
The scene where Tony goes back to help Gulmira, Yinsen's home, and we see the 13 year old boy screaming and crying as his father is pried away from their family, the soldiers clearly planning to execute him and all the other grown men. The young boy tears himself away from his mother to his father, determined to keep him, to save him. His father, begging his son to go, so that he will live even though he knows- he KNOWS he will not. This moment of utter terror made personal just before Tony shows up is incredible and all the more so when put into historical context. The U.S. was still in Afghanistan and Iraq at this time and it was easy for citizens here to paint everyone in those areas with the same brush. But in this moment you CAN'T. You HAVE to see the family ripped apart right alongside the terrorists and be forced to realize that race, ethnicity, language don't make terrible people- actions do.
A common criticism of Marvel movies is they don't let a moment sit- that they always break a serious moment with a joke. But this one doesn't do that. There are multiple heavy moments- after Yinsen's death for one and when Pepper nearly quits (because she can't watch Tony self-sabotage and possibly die) and he tells her:
"I shouldn't be alive... unless it was for a reason. I'm not crazy, Pepper. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right."
This moment sits between them so clearly, so starkly and it is not ended with a joke, but with Pepper grabbing the flashdrive and asking what to do. (Thinking back, I'm wondering how many of those MCU "broken" moments are by Tony. He's the one uncomfortable with emotion. Him breaking those moments with humor is actually 100% in character. Something to pay attention to as I watch.)
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, some of the key themes of this movie just strike to the heart.
Death from a distance is easy to ignore or even be complicit in, but death up close rips us apart. Tony sold weapons that he knew took lives for years but it wasn't until he watched Yinsen die that I think he really understands what that means. Yes, his parents had died before but he wasn't THERE, he didn't SEE it. This death, this is the one that makes him really know what it means.
You don't have to change everything to be a better person. Tony is still self-centered. He still likes attention. He's still arrogant and as we will see next movie, open to playing the field as Pepper and him haven't committed. But not only has he stopped being complicit in the deaths of the innocent, he's taken on the mantle of protecting them.
Lastly, who the good guys are is largely a matter of perspective. This obviously gets hit harder again in Ultron (oh that glorious train wreck- I'm looking forward to writing about you), but it matters here. Tony was fine manufacturing weapons because he assumed he was supporting the "good guys", the 'Muricans. But not only was Obadiah dirty dealing, he is forced to learn the good guys aren't always as discriminatory with their weapon use as they purport to be. That it's easy to start painting with broad brushstrokes in areas where precision is actually called for.
Overall I'm really glad I PAID attention to this one this round. The grittiness and the depth really hit the way they did the first time or even more so. Onward to The Incredible Hulk, even though it's only semi-canon now.
Note for me:
Directed by: Jon Favreau
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Request for an Alex fic!
I've always wanted to see some heavy whump put on this character-
Maybe a sick fic?
Or just a senerio where he is hurt/exhausted/thirsty/hungry etc.
Tired • Alex DeLarge
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⚠️Content warning: Implied & mentions of t0xic relationship dynamics, ch3ating, Alex being an asshole (as always), mentions and mild descriptions of injuries, description of (consensual) s3x and cursing (yes, theres SMUT in this one). 
*These characters do not belong to me, all rights to their respective owners, this is just a piece of entertainment by and for fans. 
Summary: After one of his outings with his droogs, Alex finds himself being injured. As his long-time girlfriend you feel the urge to take care of him. 
Reader’s pronouns: She/Her 
Keys: Y/N = Your Name. Nadsat glossary. 
Author’s notes: If you want to send your own request, please check the Disclaimers & Rules post and the MASTERLIST post to see more content and which characters are available. 
This is somewhat of a continuation to this fic: “in the aftermath” or at least I wrote it with the same MC in mind! However, this time she is less submissive and has grown to be a bit more confrontational with Alex and his shit! But is not necessary to read the first one, this can be enjoyed as a standalone if you want! 
I'm not here to judge why you are consuming this type of content (I'm the one doing the writing after all) I know from personal experience that this type of content (as weird as it sounds to some of you) might be used as a coping mechanism to a similar situation some of us might've experience or are currently experiencing irl; but just in case, I want to encourage you to reach for help, so please, if you're going through a tough time or experiencing some kind of violence, here are some resources that I was able to find and might be of help, please stay safe everyone: 
List of countries and their helplines for d0m3stic abus3, s3xual as5ault and other resources. 
List of other resources for immediate help. 
List of countries and their respective helplines for su1cid3 prevention/crisis. 
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"He's been in there all week! Barely eats, barely goes out...I might knock the door down and put an end to this worry!" 
You hear Alex's mom tone through the phone slowly rising making her concerns quite apparent. 
 “I don’t think that’s necessary, I’m sure he’s fine, Ms.-”  
“Y/N dear, wouldn’t it be possible for you to come by the house this mornin’?” 
A slight pause is settled as you ponder her request. Truth be told, you haven’t talked with Alex much as of lately, the reason being you two breaking up (again) over him continuously flirting with another woman (again) and since you were already used to such behavior it wasn’t really the flirting that set you off (having Alex as your boyfriend had made you grown desensitized to many things), it was more the time and place that angered you, and though you knew you’ll get back together eventually, you had grown quite comfortable as a single woman, it was like allowing yourself a breather and would like to stay that way at least for a little bit longer... 
“I don’t think-…" 
“Please, dear...I- I noticed you and Alex haven’t talked much but maybe is time to patch things up?” 
You fall silent. The lady on the other end of the line has always been kind and warm to you even when her kid really wasn’t. Though perceptive she’s unaware about the true nature of your relationship with her son, only knowing the brighter side of the whole ordeal, it’s natural that she asks for your help, believing you to be a positive influence in Alex’s chaotic life. 
She asks; the undeniable worry dripping in her voice tugging at the heartstrings of your own weak and sensible heart, you comprehend her pain and to be quite honest...you had been worried too...after all it is hard to break old habits...  
“I’ll be there as soon as I’m finished with school” 
You announce with a heavy sigh, hoping you won’t regret it. 
“Thank you dear! I appreciate it!” 
The door to Alex’s home is right in front of you, the apartment is unusually quiet even knowing that his parents are most likely at work at this hour; you open the door with the spare key Alex gave you long ago and enter, his room it’s right down the hall of the apartment and before you knock there’s a slight hesitation as you wonder if this is really the best choice...maybe you can still turn back. 
You measure your options and become unaware of the movement in the rotary combination lock and only come back to reality as the door suddenly springs open. 
You haven’t seen his blue eyes in a couple of weeks, maybe that’s why you freeze in place as his surprised gaze meets yours, his brows narrow in confusion but soon a smirk on his face appears. 
“Well, well! Hi, hi, hi there! ‘Been a long time, innit?” 
He seemingly mocks you and visibly sizes you up with his eyes as he leans his body in the doorframe; it takes you a couple of blinks to get out of your trance and when you do you can’t help but feel angered at his smug attitude; you didn’t expect an apology, it’s been a long time since those stopped coming for every time he cheated. In fact, you don’t know what you expected...but definitely something better than this, your brows furrow and take a quick glance at him only to notice the state he’s in: bruises, most of them in the left side of his body, part of his chest on that side even seems quite swollen and some small superficial cuts on his right cheek. 
“Something wrong?” he asks dryly  
“You look like trash” the words come out of your mouth, hoping to hurt him even if just a bit, but instead he scoffs while leaning this time in your direction, his gaze looking for yours as he closes the distance. 
“My, really?” his voice drops in to a suggestive but slightly threatening tone, mocking smile never leaving him. 
The closeness of it all making you realize the man in front of you has been half naked from the beginning if only for a pair of underwear to cover him. 
As you roll your eyes and aggressively walk into his room you hope your cheeks aren’t flushed in case, he decides to tease you any further. As you enter you notice the messy state of the room which strikes you as odd since you know Alex usually tries to very careful when it comes to it but you figured he might’ve just thrown a tantrum recently. Then you see Basil sitting calmly in his usual spot by the poster of a naked woman, you immediately approach it. 
“Oh, hi there!” your baby voice coming through as you pet the top of the snake’s head. 
You hear him walk and feel him right behind you, his chin eventually touches the top of your head, his arms wrap around your body just right below your breasts and although you’re still mad you don’t make any attempts to remove him. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of viddying* you here?” 
“Your mom called; said you wasn’t coming out of your room like some pathetic hermit. Figured it was serious if there was no record of you and the boys in the last few days”  
“Were you worried then?” 
“No” Yes, you were but won’t admit it so easily, he scoffs once more, he can see through you and as he holds you tighter, he bows his head just slightly to kiss your temple. 
“Then...why is that you’re here? More than welcomed to ignore her, are you not?” Whispers in your ear and you only try to calm the goosebumps by focusing your attention ever harder on the reptile in front of you. You hear him laugh lowly at your reaction. 
“My kisa*, you’re not being quite honest...” His declaration carries on with his mouth now traveling down your neck peppering small kisses. You hate how quick the urge of being all over him invades you, turning around quickly you reach to kiss him but as your hands rest on his chest for support he suddenly winces in pain and pushes you away. 
“bloddy cal*!” he mumbles as he tries to soothe his pain by covering the affected area with his hand, though startled by his sudden action you take the time to examine what exactly is wrong. Walking towards him you place your hand over the one he holds defensibly, subtly asking him to lower it to which he complies. 
Your hand explores the swollen side of his chest gently, it takes you a couple of minutes to realize the reason he is in pain:  
“Jesus, Alex your rib is fucking broken!” his brows furrow once more in an annoyed expression as he hears you exclaim. 
“Quite the sharp one are you, eh?” sarcasm present in his voice, maybe a bit bothered you didn’t notice it sooner. 
The thought of asking “what happened?” crosses your mind, but seeing the state the room is in, you pick up on the fact that it might be a sore topic for him and you don’t want him throwing another tantrum as he might injure himself further; instead, you scoff at him in a mildly angered expression. 
“Lay down, let’s treat it before it gets worse or Mr Deltoid finds out and questions you about it” you command and are satisfied with how quick he obeys at the mention of Mr Deltoid. 
You surprise yourself with how many times you have helped Alex with his injuries it’s almost second nature to you at this point and though you pride yourself in your impeccable first-aid abilities you can’t help but see just how sad this really must be. 
Alex lays on his bed, eyes closed and wearing a pained expression that you know comes from the sensation of cold he feels through the bandages you had applied in his chest moments before; you hold a frozen bag of peas covered with a random woman’s blouse you found lying in his bedroom and take note it is not one that belongs to you and most certainly not his mother... 
“careful” he warns as he feels the pressure shifting; out of spite you disobey him and apply more pressure, making him wince once more. 
 “Ah! What you think you’re even doin’?!?!” in anger he almost sit up, but the pain knocks him back down. 
“Asshole” you declare throwing the clothing item in his face, setting the frozen bag aside, you sit by his side as you try to calm your own frustration. Alex gets strangely quiet but doesn’t move a muscle at your sudden vent and there’s a brief silence before it breaks. 
“You don’t need to take it so seriously” he says, seemingly in an attempt to comfort you without lying telling you that “it won’t happen again”  
“...” you look at him in frustration, he looks back at you and even through his expression is serious at the beginning, a smile grows on him as he notices your gaze, probably taking pleasure in your aching in some way. 
“C’mon, my pretty kisa, are you jealous?” he lightly tugs at the fabric of your dress as a way to secure your attention. 
“You don’t know what I’m feeling” you mutter. It’s true, you’re not jealous, just tired of the same shit, yet he’s so sure of his assumption he chuckles at your denial. Holding your elbow, he guides you to lay beside him, you don’t fight his action, deep down wanting the comfort he extends. 
“Now, now, my kisa, you can’t be jealous at some starry sooka who can’t even compare” 
You sigh, already overwhelmed by his sweet-talk, you just want him to shut up. 
“Don’t” he looks at you, one eyebrow raised in confusion as you interrupt him in the middle of his speech to kiss him lightly. 
“I don’t want to hear it” you whisper as your voice seems to falter slightly by the lump in your throat.  
He smiles his ever-dashing smile, those bright electrifying blue eyes staring at you with a hint of amusement, but this time you don’t really care about it. 
He stares at your lips, holds the back of your head tightly and finally kisses you roughly, it’s hard for you to keep up with him when you feel so close to crying; none the less you continue, allowing yourself the opportunity to block everything out; right now you don’t want to think how bad he really is for you. 
He caresses your leg, his hand lifting your dress allowing him easy access to your ass which he squeezes firmly enough to hurt you just slightly and as you react by throwing your head back to allowing yourself to moan, he quickly takes the space to kiss your neck this time even leaving a trail of bite marks on it and you make a mental note to find a way to cover those later. 
You can feel his hand trying to unfasten the top part of your dress and so you help him, allowing for your exposed breasts to be tasted by him, you moan even harder when you feel him suck especially harsh on one of your nipples. 
“Shit” you curse at him, this time you decide to get back at him by sliding your hand past his underwear and taking his cock in your hand making harsh up and down motions earning you a sudden grunt from him followed by a small laugh. 
“Quite the baddiwad* are you, my kisa, eh?” He manages to let out in between all the groaning 
Your only response comes in the form of a mocking smile, one similar to the many others he had given you 
“I can be even worse” you declare, in an act of petty revenge you press lightly at his injured spot, just enough for the pain to leave him lying on his back once more as you act quickly and climb right on top of him, you make eye contact with him and can tell that he is not only surprised but curious to see where this new found side of you might lead him. You lower yourself until your entrance falls just above his length and start grinding on it. You moan along with his grunts; you can feel him trying to hold himself back from cuming right then and there by gripping your ass and thighs with so much force you can tell he’s trying to anchor himself. 
You make a slight pause as you place your own underwear aside, leaving yourself partially exposed as your dress still hangs by your waist. You lower back onto him, this time allowing him to enter you; you watch as he looks at you with that beastly gaze of him, one full of determination and lust. Wasting no time, you begin riding him, but unlike many times before, this time you only care about your pleasure. 
You can’t tell how many times you danced up and down his cock, whatever the number might be you fasten your own pace when you feel so close and finally you reach it, your head and body naturally lean forward asking for a kiss as you moan a random curse you can’t even remember now. He complies kissing you and allowing yourself a few seconds to catch your breath, but only that...seconds, as he grabs your hips and tries to replicate your movements from moments before. 
But before he can do so, you act faster; pressing once more the sore spot on his chest he is thrown back in bed by the pain and you take the chance to come down from him, stand up, quickly fix your clothes and walk towards the door without allowing him any release. 
You hear him curse at you behind your back and maybe make an attempt to grab you but instead you get the pleasure of slamming the door right in his face. As you bolt through the hallway and out of flatblock 18A where your long-time boyfriend lives, you smile to yourself.  
It might be time for a change in your life... 
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andiatas · 6 months
I would love to know more about your thoughts on the Danish Royal Family. Is it that you dont like Margrethe or Fred or you are neutral?
I'm not sure what prompted this but thank you for the ask, nonnie! The easy answer is that I'm Swedish & it's in the DNA of Swedes & Danes to hate one another. There, ask answered!
Okay, no, to be serious. There is this joke amongst the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Åland, Iceland, Faroe Islands & Greenland) that Denmark is the USA of the Nordics & among the Scandinavian royals (Sweden, Norway & Denmark), the Danish have always been my least favourites. I'll post a deeper discussion around my thoughts under the cut & people; remember that these are my personal opinions. I'm not talking facts or trying to be objective here.
Not just the fact that they've done some questionable things (the same could be said for many of the European royals), but it has always struck me weird how borderline worshipped the Danish royals are - especially Margrethe & Mary. It reminds me a bit of the stan culture around some singers & bands where the fans don't simply like the person; they adore them & to the level where you're not even allowed to criticise the person. Then we have Margrethe's approval rating - in a democratic country (Denmark) & its territories (Greenland & Faroe Islands), there is no way someone can continuously have around 80% or higher approval rating.
Up to 2022, I didn't necessarily dislike them & I had no personal issue with Margrethe. The Danish royals weren't my cup of tea, but I found Margrethe very cool as a person & I still do to some extent. There was this public narrative of Frederik, the golden boy, Mary, who could do nothing wrong & Joachim having difficulty finding his role & purpose in the family. As someone who has grown up with Nordic tabloid culture, I assumed it was a Victoria vs. Madeleine situation where the tabloids make a hen out of a feather & try to create drama where there is none. Then that statement around the titles of Joachim's children was published & all the puzzle pieces came together for me...
Now I've seen a lot of people here on Tumblr point towards Nikolai & claim it's all his fault. But that guy has been working as a model under the name of Prince Nikolai since at least 2018. Maybe even earlier, I can't remember. But anyway, the only time his grandma told him off was when he was doing ad work for some car brand & used his royal title. If his modelling career was the problem, Margrethe would have done something years ago & not suddenly, out of the blue, make a decision in autumn 2022.
No, for me, the puzzle pieces all fell together. Joachim struggling to find his place within the Royal House & no one really helping him carve out a position for himself; it being public knowledge that Margrethe favoured his first wife; Marie saying that it wasn't her or Joachim's choice to move to Paris & they weren't happy about it; Marie being painted as the bitter step-mother who wouldn't allow Nikolai & Felix to be with their father & instead, they were kept close to their grandmother; & yeah, the car crash that was Margrethe stripping Joachim's children of their titles a.k.a. she legally changed her grandchildren's names behind their backs without talking to them about it. These are just some instances from the last couple of years that were at the top of my mind.
I've mentioned it in messages to @cambridgemadness @lizisanamimal & @world-of-wales (maybe other people as well, sorry if I forgot to mention you), but to me, it feels very much like Margrethe favouring one son over the other & also doing everything she can to coddle him. It's not just the Nordic tabloids pitting family members against one another. It's very much based on Margrethe's behaviour & her leadership.
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I recently discovered @grandadtwelve 's wacky polycule au and it inspired me to make up a slightly weirder au cus that's what I do best
I'm gonna include twissfle and osgate cus all of them are objectively hot as fuck
Warning this will mention vaping briefly so if you dont like that just be warned
Also be warned this is mostly just gonna be me projecting my depression onto all of these characters (but mostly clara, osgood and kate)
So in this 12 clara and missy are all dating and osgood and kate are secretly dating
In this clara is chronically depressed and vapes to cope
Shes basically the depressed friend who always has dark circles under their eyes and is fucking hilarious
Shes also luciferian cus why not lol
Bill is here too
Bill is a poor college student who's Clara's gay bff
Who am I kidding nobody in this au is straight
I may as well just list them
Clara - bi and she/they gender questioning, possibly genderfluid
12 - he/they agender, pan and demisexual
Missy - she/her pansexual
Kate - she/her bi (leaning more towards women)
Osgood - any pronouns GNC lesbian
When I said nobody was straight I mean it
So in this au missy is less, well, abusive to clara since obviously they love each other
And I think shed empathize a lot with Clara's struggle with depression
I'll expand on Clara's depression a bit more but itll include mentions of sh so I'll put that in another post with a warning
Missy still teases obviously but shell occasionally "check in" on clara in subtle ways
12 is his usual self, completely clueless when it comes to affection and just a general goofball
I decided to add that hes into more heavy metal cus why not lol
River pops into their little polycule every now and then for a quick fuck
Clara, bill and missy may or may not get together to get more stoned than a fucking quarry every weekend
Bill has a little side gig where she may or may not grow and sell weed
Dont mess with 12 and his 2 weed smoking girlfriends
As for osgate, kate canonically has 2 sons, Gordon or Gordy (19) and Harry (they dont actually have a canon name so I'm giving them one) (15)
Given that osgood has been dating kate for about a year she found it much easier to adapt to parenthood with already grown kids, she doesnt know if shed be able to handle young kids lol
Kate and osgood are huge movie buffs and love watching and critiquing movies/tv shows together
Their favorite show is breaking bad cus of course it is lol
Osgood is autistic and one of their hyper fixations is on minecraft but specifically advanced redstone engineering
One of the biggest ways she bonds with the kids was thru gaming
Shes a pretty serious gamer too lol
Shes played skyrim, oblivion, fallout 4 and new Vegas, GTA 5, most of the doom games including the classics, smash bros (which she loves playing with the kids), overwatch, and a shitload more
Being a technician she naturally has a super advanced pc setup which is duelly a gaming setup
She built Harry and Gordy's pcs with them and it spawned some of their favorite memories together
Back to talking twissfle, Missy will occasionally let harry and Gordy take a ride in her tardis as a treat
Clara always makes sure to supervise for obvious reasons
Clara is like the cool aunt that always has a cigarette (or in this case a vape) in her mouth and will let Harry have a sip of her wine when the parents arent looking
That's all I've got for now lol
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readerofoddities · 3 months
I want to post a bunch of my old warriors OC art here, so be prepared for that for the next little while
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There are three Clans in my story: WillowClan, BirchClan and RowanClan. WillowClan is led by Whitestar (first cat), BirchClan used to be led by Lakestar (second cat) but is now led by Featherstar (not pictured), and RowanClan is led by Tallstar (third cat)
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The current deputies of the Clans have been having a TIME lately.
Darkstep (first cat) is the deputy of WillowClan and he hasn't been great. Recently, he lost his wife to war and in the current arc, his daughters keep getting hurt! It's just crazy. The deputy of RowanClan is Tansytail (second cat) and they have also lost a lot. Their brother turned out to be even worse than they thought he was (to be elaborated on another time) and then they were thrust into the deputy position after their brother died. The deputy for BirchClan, Roseheart (third cat), is fairly new and hasn't been having as bad a time. Their adopted son has been growing well in his training and they're proud to say that he's going to be announced as a warrior thanks to his help during the fire that scarred them. Only downside right now is being half-blind now thanks to the fire.
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Speaking of Roseheart's family! Here they are!
Roseheart has a partner they are very happy with named Tawnyfeather (genderfluid & uses any pronouns). They adopted an abandoned kitten that they named Chickenkit, after the birds that used to live in Tawnyfeather's old Twolegs' yard. Chickenkit used to be really shy but as he has grown into Chickenclaw, he has become more outgoing. Roseheart and Tawnyfeather couldn't be more proud of him.
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These are Fallenbranch's step-sisters (and adopted step-sister)
Vinefur (first cat) and Stoneheart (second cat) are Violetstorm's (Fallenbranch's step-mom, not pictured) biological kits. Silverspots (third cat) was adopted into their litter after being brought back to the Clan. They get along great and usually hang around each other.
Vinefur is the goofy one who makes sure everyone is laughing. Stoneheart is the adrenaline junkie who always looks for something fun and dangerous to do. Silverspots is more reserved and tends to just do as she's told.
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These three are the litter I call the CrowMist kits. Because their moms are named Crowfoot and Misteye.
Anyways. Ivorypaw (first cat) is the oldest and is named after her dead aunt (who died as Ivorypaw, btw) who looked very similar to her. Ivorypaw has a very short attention span and is usually distracted by a specific butterfly that she claims is her aunt hanging around her. Daypaw (second cat) is the middle child and usually doesn’t have an opinion on her sister's distractedness. She gets embarrassed from time-to-time, but most of the time Daypaw is focusing on being a great warrior like her moms are. Stormpaw is the youngest and acts like it. He likes being the center of attention, which is hard because his sister Ivorypaw is such a nuisance in training. He looks up to his adopted big brother, Firestorm, a lot and wants to be just like him
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Nothing much to say about this drawing, I'm just super proud of it. It's the biggest scene of cats I've ever done
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Another scene, but this one focuses on a ship!
Meet Heatherflower (brown w/ purple eyes) and Flowersong (white w/ green eyes). These two met when Heatherflower's Clan attacked BirchClan and they were both hiding to avoid getting hurt. Heatherflower eventually became friends with Flowersong's brother, Quickbreeze, and they became closer. Later, after the fire I mentioned earlier, Heatherflower moves from RowanClan to BirchClan in order to stay with her girlfriend, now wife. But that hasn't happened canonically yet
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Speaking of ships, here's Rocktooth (grey w/ blue eyes) and her wife Pinefur (black w/ grey eyes)!
They became mates shortly after Pinefur got out of an unhealthy relationship. Pinefur was pregnant around this time, so Rocktooth helped raise her mate's kits as a second mom. Rocktooth, as a medicine cat, can't have kits of her own so she put all her mothering energy into Pinefur's babies (BTW, they're named Smoketail, Blacklight and Coalleap currently, but 2/3 of them are dead)
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Here's a drawing of Tansytail's brother, Halffur, getting what he deserves.
I'll elaborate more on what exactly he did in a different post, just know his entire family hates him (including his now ex-wife, four kids, sister, sibling, nieces and nephews and also his parents beyond the grave)
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Lastly for this post is Smokesong (first cat) and her son Blackpaw (second cat)
Smokesong had a fling with a loner and it didn’t end well when she told him she was expecting, so Smokesong got to be a single mom! Yay! Luckily, her sister Tallstar was expecting her kits around the same time as her so she had a little help from her sister and her sister's partner in the mom department
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hi lol how would the twist guys react to meeting DMC!yuu's family?
I swear you guys spoil me (Also I'm only going to do Heartslubyul at the moment)
How ever it happened, Yuu's Dad, Uncle, and Cousin all came to Twisted Wonderland
Dante's first words upon seeing Ramshackle are "Well it's not as bad as Devil May Cry!"
The ghost are terrified of Vergil, they don't know why and they aren't gonna ask
Nero is just worried for Yuu's safety
"Are you sure you're okay? This place is a shit hole." "I've put time and effort to make this place livable! Call it a shit hole again, I dare you."
Grimm, oh poor Grimm. When he starts mouthing off, its Vergil who responds first?
"Hm? Yuu! How do you live with such a creature?"
Grimm also witnessed the first family fight!
"DANTE!" "Oh no what did you do now dad?" "How should I know?"
Grimm legit thought Vergil murdered Dante in front of him
Dante:*walks around with a large summon sword through his chest* "Hey little kitty, what's up?"
Yeah Grimm thought he saw a zombie
And that's how the rest of NRC found out about the Sparta family reunion!
Grimm ran out to Heartslubyul to cry to Ace and Deuce, overheard by Riddle, Cater, and Trey
And once they all get to Ramshackle, the first thing they see is two grown-ass men trying to kill each other (In their eyes atleast) and another trying to angrily break it up
Cue the meme of the son and father sitting infront of the mother telling them off
How many rules has they broke? No one knows! But Riddle is about to have an aneurysm
Yuu is just watching this all go down while sipping some tea in the background
Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater are talking to Nero and Yuu trying to get the full story
"Listen, I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but those two fighting like that isn't something to worry about." "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THAT IT ISN'T SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT?!" - Ace
After explaining the family dynamic and all the boys processing it, Trey was the first to respond
"Are you sure it's really okay? It doesn't hurt?" " Nah we're all used to it!" "Yuu, I don't think that's healthy."
Once they finish talking, and Riddle finish telling the twins off (Thankfully magic held the twins in place) Deuce recognize them
"Hey wait! You're Yuu's dad, uncle, and cousin right? She's shown us photos of you!" "You really only just put two and two together Deuce?" -Ace
"So regularly people have magic here, huh? And you're sure there isn't any human sacrifices?" - Dante
While they are all talking it out Cater takes a photo and puts it on Magicam (Yuu gave him permission)
Cue said post blowing up because A)Literally every Sparta is hot and B) Yuu and Nero are just adorable acting like chaotic siblings in the background
"Is there a library here? I wish to find out as much about this world as I can." "NRC has one of the best libraries around! I'll bring you there right away!" Yeah surprising, Riddle and Vergil get along well together!
"Yuu mentioned how the only one who can match her in a fight is her cousin!" "Let me guess, you wanna see us fight?" "Yep!"
Leave it to Ace to ask for a fight
Sitting on the porch of Ramshackle, the occupants of Heartslubyul and Grimm made themselves comfortable. Watching as Yuu and Nero where getting ready for a fight.
"Weapons or no weapons?" Yuu asked,
"Of course weapons! They want a show lets give 'em one." Nero said the last part sarcastically.
"Alright, ready?" Yuu pulled a thin, decorative sword that's blade was shaped like a moving serpent.
"Really the 'Setan Kober'*?" Nero asked,
"Hey! He hasn't been used for a while and he's itching for a fight."
"If I may ask, what's so special about that sword?" Trey raised his hand, asking the question they all wanted to know.
"It's an old Kriss*, when it was being made the blacksmith was interrupt by a pretty nasty demon. The blacksmith was trying to put more power into it and because the demon interrupted him, the power got corrupted. So if a regular person were to use it they'd get arrogant and reckless, causing them to be killed." Yuu explained
"And since Yuu went on a mission and killed a Djinn* that was harming a family, they asked her to take the cursed weapon of their hands." Nero added,
"Wait, so why isn't Yuu affected?" Ace asked,
"Simple, I'm stronger than it." Yuu put her hand on her hips, looking proud.
"Whatever you dork, lets fight already."
Yuu flipped the Kriss in her hands, holding it in a reverse grip. Nero pull a large sword off his back and held it in his hand. Nero leaped forwards, quickly closing the gap, trying to slice at Yuu. Quickly moving out of the way, Yuu sliced Nero on the arm. Nero gripped the handle of the sword and turned it.
The noise of an engine came out of it. Nero swung the sword at her once again, this time with flames trialing the blade. Yuu got hit in the side in with the sword, getting knocked of her feet and skidding across the ground. Yuu quickly twisted her body so she could land on her hands and feet, then quickly launched forward. She quickly stabbed Nero in the arm not holding the sword. Nero, upon being stabbed, let go of his sword and reached out to grab Yuu. Wrapping his arm around the front of yuu hips, he picked her up into the air and slammed her into the ground. On the ground Yuu kicked her leg out getting in between Nero's. Bending her knee around his, she knock him off balance and rolled on top of him, pointing the tip of the Kriss at his neck.
"I win!" Yuu teased.
"Yeah, yeah, now get off of me, my arm hurts." Yuu stood up and offered a hand to Nero, which he took.
"Is this how you two usually fight?" Deuce asked, eyes wide.
"Yeeaah, why?" Yuu asked, yawning.
"We thought you two where trying to kill each other? And what the fuck is up with your sword?!"
"Ahhh, don't worry about them! This isn't even them really fighting..." Dante patted Ace on the back
"I really don't want to see you guys when you're angry..."
Now that most of the Spartas are in wonderland, what mischief will they get up to?~
* The Kriss is a dagger (also sometimes referred to as a sword) from Javanese origin. Mostly know for its wavy blade, its also commonly used in Pencak Silat, a type of martial arts native to Indonesia
* The Setan Kober is the name of a Kriss from a Javanese folk tale
Also to note: I'm not an expert in Java/ Indonesian folk lore nor in any marital arts
This was really fun for me to write! If anyone asks, I'll do the other dorms in the future!
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bvnga-aprikot · 2 years
Art dump of my OCs (feat. my inconsistent art style)
i've always wanted to do a tour of what i've drawn the past couple of months but haven't really got to it because 1) most of my sketches are just heads and 2) my art style changes a lot depending on my mood. so i decided to just cave in and just dump all my sketches here for those of you who are curious.
also tw for bad and inconsistent art
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i drew this Jennette back when i was really into my reincarnated!Jennette phase and despite the bad watercolor job, i kinda like it. of course i'm no expert in watercolor, this was done in a thinner piece of paper which was a very bad idea looking back.
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an earlier design of my OC Olga and her aunt Maharani. i mentioned before that they were from a separate story before i incorporated them into my noble!Lucas au as his family. it was another isekai story where Olga is the protagonist and has to save the characters by turning back time and making sure the story had the right outcome.
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this was when i decided to redesign Olga (girl on the left) alongside another OC from my old story. she was her older sister and was basically the person Olga looks up to the most other than Maharani, funny how she is now the older sister to Lucas.
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this is one of the most recent ones, inspired by the "what your male lead is" post created by @alicehattera03. i named him Julian and i remembered that i made him a Grand Duke who is the son of a demon. his design is actually ripped off from an old VADD OC i made two years ago so points if you remember who i'm talking about.
fun fact: i showed him to a friend who also read WMMAP and they said he looks like he could be Jennette's brother, and now i think it'll be a good au to make where they're twins and Julian basically become's Athy's biggest competitor for the throne. coincidentally he looks similar to Anastasius so i guess the similarities were glaringly obvious from the start.
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finally, a grown up version of my oc Olga from my noble!Lucas au if she were to attend Athanasia's coronation. i have been wanting to draw her in an Indonesian kebaya for a while, but i hated how detailed batik patterns are which made it worse because i draw traditionally. honestly bless batik makers for having the patience of designing and detailing them with such precision and elegance.
ANYWAYS, that's all for now thanks for scrolling by have a nice day i'll now be going back to simping for Athy
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transitofmercury · 2 years
Horrible Histories Movie ✧ Fanfic Recs!
There aren't many fics for this fandom, but of the few out there, there are some that I absolutely adore. These are all great and I've tried to keep my thoughts as brief and coherent as I can manage. I just thought I should mention that this post has been crossposted to Dreamwidth. If you do check any of these out, don't forget to give some love to the authors, I'm sure kudos and comments (even short ones) would be appreciated!! <3
One ✦ Catullus Spinning in his Grave by misura
Title: Catullus Spinning in his Grave Author: misura Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Atti/Orla Words: 2066 Author Summary: "In hindsight, Atti definitely should have said it with flowers."
Atti attempts to confess his feelings for Orla with a very lengthy poem he has written for her, keyword attempts. This is just brilliant, Atti and Orla sound so much like they do in the movie, and it feels like a very natural romantic development on their friendship at the end of the movie. It’s adorably sweet and awkward and there are so many parts that make me laugh. I’d start listing all my favourite lines, but people should experience it themselves (and also, at that point I might end up copy pasting the whole fic here).
Two ✦ Everything I Need to Know About Love I Learned From Latin by Acacia_May
Title: Everything I Need to Know About Love I Learned From Latin Author: Acacia_May Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Atti & Orla, Atti/Orla Words: 1384 Author Summary: "Completely fed-up with Atti's utter obliviousness, Orla attempts to take matters into her own hands and get him to express his feelings with a Latin grammar lesson. Things do not go as planned... Or Storytime with Rattus Rattus/Horrible Histories' Twisted Fairy Tales: The Fairytale of the Amazing Celtic Warrior Princess and the Intelligent Yet Somehow Totally Oblivious Roman Legionary. Atti/Orla pairing, naturally. This is just super silly fluff for fun as well as kicks and giggles! Hope you enjoy this! Thanks for reading!”
Orla tries to get Atti to express his feelings through a Latin lesson. This also plays with a fairy-tale style type of storytelling in a similar way to the Twisted Fairytale sketches used to do in older seasons of Horrible Histories. This fic never fails to make me smile when I reread it because it is so fun and has so many hilarious parts, but it’s also a really sweet take on an Atti/Orla love confession. Something I especially love about this one is the way that, even if she isn’t as clueless as Atti is, Orla isn’t 100% confident in herself either.
Three ✦ Lost In Translation by Acacia_May
Title: Lost In Translation Author: Acacia_May Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Atti & Orla, Atti/Orla Words: 3814 Author Summary: "Atti's plans for a quiet and unusually uneventful afternoon at home are thwarted when his daughter begins to sing an old, familiar song and insists on telling him a story--ironically his story--whether he wants to hear it or not... OR It wasn't so much the fact that Timidius had taught his son, Marcus, a particularly personal and embarrassing song of Atti's from back in the day or even that Marcus had then gone on to teach it to Atti's own daughter, it was more that he had taught her the wrong words... Domestic & Family Fluff and Humor. Atti/Orla pairing. A bit of a sequel to "Everything I Need to Know About Love I Learned from Latin," but the stories can each stand alone and one is not needed to understand the other. Honestly this is just for fun and kicks & giggles! Thank you for reading!"
Domestic fluff future fic, very sweet story about a grown-up Atti and Orla, their kids, and Latin being an annoying language. There’s something about seeing Atti and Orla grown up, but still themselves that brings me so much joy. The way they are with each other, and their kids makes it so clear that they’re still the same idiots we see in the movie, but just a little more mature and surer of themselves, and it’s just lovely. It makes me want to bite something in a cuteness aggression, I-swear-I-wont-actually-bite-anything kind of way.
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Final Part, PART THREE
Also, sorry this is so long. I just wanted to post the whole thing this weekend. So enjoy babes!
Warning: smut, violence, gore, breaking and entering, sarcasm. So much swearing. Mentions of Shane c*ck.
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A/N: funny story, I've hated Shane since the Walking Dead aired originally because I thought he was cocky and I was like fourteen. Well, now I'm a 22yr old adult and GOOODDDAMMMN it, Jon Bernthal is a great, wonderful actor and so, so easy on the eyes.
@thewhitewolfownsme thanks for getting me hooked ;)
Kennedie gets up to look out the window, not one for hospitals, when she sees Walsh heading to his cruiser. She almost knocks, but she didn’t want to make it seem like she actually liked him.
“Where’s Walsh going?” She asks, looking to Rick. He shakes his head and scowls, he didn’t know either. Rick joins her, watching out the window as the horror unfolds before their eyes. A small, petite nurse jogs up to the car and he greets her with a hug and a kiss. He hands off something small, she can’t quite see it, but she can deduce by the way the woman wagged them at him and the way he smiled exactly what they were. Shane looks around to see if anyone saw them before he heads back inside.
“Rick, I don’t want him in here.” She whispers, tears falling down her face.
“I don’t blame you.” He assures, patting her shoulder she sits down. Rick heads out the door to meet Shane before he can get in the door. “You’re a liar too?” He growls as he pushes Shane back down the hallway.
“What?” He asks, his body getting chills.
“Go outside.” Rick orders, jabbing a finger at the door. Shane tries to go back to Kennedie’s room but Rick just grabs his collar and drags him out.
“Rick, what’s goin’ on?” He stammers.
“Tell me you didn’t respond right away because you were eating your lunch.” He seethes.
“I told you, when I was eating the keys fell between the seat.”
“It had nothing to do with little miss muffet and her little lace panties?” He asks, pointing to the cruiser. Shane’s eyes blast wide, nothing but whites as he takes a step back.
“Rick, I can explain-”
“Well you better, because you’ve got Kennedie up there so mad she’s crying.” He jabs a finger up to the window with the half-open curtain.
“Shit!” He shouts, slamming his fist into the hood. “Rick! I messed up once!” He cries, fists quaking at his sides. He paces back and forth in front of the cruiser until it’s black outside.
“Shane, go home.” Rick calls as he walks down the lot to their car.
“I can’t, Rick.” He huffs, sitting on the hood.
“She doesn’t want to see you.” Rick shoots into the night.
“I know. But that doesn’t mean I don’t wanna see her. When I got there, she was laying in a pool of her own blood, Rick. I’ve seen dead bodies and I’ve seen a lot of blood, but that made me sick. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t help her. I--I fucked up.” He cries, wiping his face with the back of his hand.
“Yeah, you fucked up, Shane. Unfortunately, I can’t fix this fuck up. She hates you.” He breathes a shaky breath out watching Rick leave. As the lights leave the street, Shane heads inside and slips into her room just to see her, to make her real.
“Pussy. Pussy. Pussy. The only thing that lives in Shane Walsh’s mind. Even when someone is breaking into his best friend’s house, pussy. That must be the way to live, huh? Why don’t you worship me like that? Huh? The way you worship the pussy? I wasn’t even worth a ‘sorry I gotta go’.” She throws her stress ball at him, hitting him upside the head.
“Kennie, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, comes out smooth to me. Didn’t come out at all to nurse Panties.” She hisses, rolling away from him.
“So we’re back to this? The insults and anger?” He asks. She jerks into a sitting position and looks at him with a wild look in her eyes.
“Yes Walsh! We’re back to square one because I trusted you! And you were too busy getting laid in a hospital parking lot to respond to a burglary at Rick’s! So yes! We’re back to the beginning! I trusted you because you said you really weren’t that bad and here we are in a hospital because you couldn’t keep that precious Shane cock to yourself. You gotta share that shit with everybody!” She screams, Shane just stands there and takes it. He didn’t know what to do, he didn’t want to leave.
“Listen, I’m sorr-”
“I don’t want to hear another fake apology come from those stupid lips! Get out Walsh!” She cries, tears pouring down her face.
“Kennedie please don’t make me go.” He whispers, his bottom lip quaking.
“I don’t want you here! Hell, maybe I’ll get lucky and you and nurse panties’ll be fucking on the empty bed there! Wouldn’t that be a goddamn sight!” She roars, kicking her feet.
“Kennedie, I-”
“Quit saying sorry, Walsh. Get out.”
“Please don’t make me-”
“Like you made me trust you and fall in love with you to find out you’re still the same womanizing dickbag you’ve always been? No. You made me. So get out. I swear to god I’ll call security.” She threatens, grabbing her call button.
“Fall in love with me?” He asks, breath hitching in his throat again, that familiar burning sensation in his throat.
“Does it matter now?” She asks, rising to her feet and walking passed him to open the door. “Leave please.” He faces her and sits in the chair.
“I can’t leave.”
“You can and you will.” She grabs her phone and calls Rick. “Please just make him leave. I-I need him gone. I don’t want to call security and make a scene, but dammit he won’t leave. She sits on the edge of her bed crying, sobbing uncontrollably. How dare he make her fall in love with his stupid smile, and those stupid pools of dark chocolate, and that stupid fluffy hair. He stands in the corner by the door, unable to get any closer, but he just looms, watching her cry.
“Shane?” Rick coos, heading into the room. He finds the large man standing in the corner, a terrified look on his face. “C’mon buddy. We gotta go.” He grabs the other man’s elbow and pulls him towards the door. Digging in his heels, Rick hears a small whisper.
“Please don’t. When I leave, all I see her laying in that pool of blood, Rick. I can’t.” He cries, trying to go back.
“Shane, she doesn’t want you in there so you gotta go. You gotta leave.” He pulls Shane from the room. Her strangled sobs mangle his emotions and he steps into the hallway to breathe. Rick’s hand finds his shoulder. “Shane, it’s okay.”
“It’s all my fault. I went by at eight every day but today. Every other day. I checked four times a day just to be sure.” He begs, trying to make it make sense.
“Shane, they got the guys okay?”
“They did?”
“Rick. I’m in love with her, Rick. I’ve been in love this whole time. I was excited about cold pizza and movie night. I made breakfast. I took Carl to school. I was nice.” He stammers, listing off everything he did right.
“I know, Shane. But she’s mad at you right now, okay?” Rick tries to reason with this grown man the way he’d reason with his five year old son.
“Kennie?” Lori’s soft voice breaks through her sobbing. She looks up, swiping away the tears and sniffling. “Shane is pretty beat up over you.” She smiles gently, a hand on her best friend’s knee.
“I bet. So am I.” She cries, letting Lori hug her tightly.
“He fucked up, he knows that.” Lori tries to reason with her, but when she realizes what she’s trying to do, she sits up and frowns.
“No no. Don’t you dare try to stand up for him. He did this to himself. And unlike everyone this man child has ever met, I’m not giving into him that easy. He made his bed, let him lay in it a while.” She retorts, rolling her eyes.
“Listen, I know you’re mad at him. I get it, but Shane isn’t good when he’s mad like this. He starts to drink and make bad choices.”
“And who’s fault is that? Mine? I should just cast aside my anger because Shane might get drunk and pass out? He’s a grown man, Lori! He’s not your child!” She shouts, shaking her head in disbelief.
“I know that. I’m just asking you to --”
“To forgive him for getting pussy instead of answering a call to your house, where your son was, and where I was shot. I’m sorry Lori, I don’t know what kind of hold the Shane dick has on you too, but I’m forgiving him yet.” Lori’s hand smacks across Kennedie’s face before she can stop herself.
“I would never-”
“Oh shut it! I’ve seen the way you look at him sometimes, like he’s a fresh piece of steak. I see it. You two probably had some fling before you and Rick got married and now the Shane dick has the almighty power over you.” Kennedie rolls her eyes as Lori stands and stomps out. Kennedie just laughs. Lori would ruin twenty years of friendship over her husband’s best friend’s dick.
“Rick. Let’s go. Shane, get up and leave. You’re being a child.” She hisses, grabbing Rick’s arm and storming for the door.
“What happened?” He asks, looking to Lori with confused eyes.
“I slept with Shane ten years ago, before you ever thought about dating me. Okay? Please don’t be mad. Anyway, I was trying to talk to Kennie about forgiving him but she won’t.” She huffs, getting it all out in one breath.
“Because Shane was fucking a woman in the backseat of the cruiser when he should’ve been responding to a burglary at your house where your son was. Your best friend was shot. And you think she should just forgive him? He fucked up, Lori. He messed up. I know you like to see the best in everyone, but Shane really needs to reevaluate, hunny.” He offers, explaining to her. “And I’m not mad, it was ten years ago.” He chuckles.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She heads back into the room and looks to see Kennedie getting up and dressed. “I’m sorry.” Lori calls from the door.
“It’s fine. I didn’t mean what I said to you, but I’m not forgiving Walsh. So if that’s what you’re here for, I don’t have anything to say.” She pulls on her jeans and Walsh’s tee shirt that she’d stolen at a party long ago.
“I know. You don’t have to forgive him, but please forgive me.” She asks, sitting next to her and hugging her.
“I could never stay mad at you.” Kennedie chuckles, hugging back. “The doc let me go, so. I guess I’m outta here.” She pats her knees as she rises and heads out the door.
“Let me drive you home.” Shane begs, grabbing at her hand.
“Let you drive me anywhere? No. Fuck you. I actually never wanna see you again. So.” She shoves him away and walks out the door.
“You can ride home with us. Your car is still in the driveway.” Lori calls as Shane gets into the cruiser. He follows them to Rick’s. Rick gets out and gives Shane a confused look.
“Walsh, go home.” She bites, throwing a fist at him. “Oh my god, Lori. I gotta clean the blood off the floor.” She calls, jogging inside.
“No no, we had cleaners come in hunny.” Lori chuckles, hugging her tight before they go in the house. It was spotless, like nothing happened.
“Wow.” She whispers, taking in the memories of the weekend.
“Tell me something though. Were you and Walsh really hanging out and like, not hating each other?” Rick asks as she grabs her bag.
“Yeah, kinda. He was almost nice.”
“Aunt Kennie says uncle Shane is a woman fighter.” Carl states from the edge of the hallway. Walking tiredly to Lori, he gets up on the counter. “Uncle Shane came and made breakfast one morning. He even spanked aunt Kennie, but she spanked him back. Then they both had white on their butts.” Carl gives a sleepy little smile. “Uncle Shane came back for pizza and they laid on the couch like you do with daddy.” He points to Rick and she feels her cheeks flame.
“I thought you were sleeping you little stinker.” She laughs, tickling him as he erupts into giggles.
“Did you know all my other friends have aunts and uncles who are married. How come you and uncle Shane aren’t married?” He asks, yawning and curling against Lori. She looks ove her son expectantly with a smirk.
“It just wasn’t meant to be little dude.” She smiles sadly, patting his shoulder.
A month goes by without so much as a sound from Walsh. As she’s walking to his apartment, she hears a thump and opens the door to find Shane laying on the floor.
“Wow, look what the cat dragged in.” He gives a drunken whisper as he tries to stand up.
“Yeah, lookie there.” She coos, smiling sadly at him.
“You-look--” He covers his mouth a moment before he sucks in a breath and vomits on the hardwood floor.
“Not as good as you.” She laughs, pulling him up off the floor and getting him into a shower. Tugging off his black tee shirt and his jeans, taking a deep breath before pushing him under the water. “C’mon Walsh, stand up.” She coos, trying to help him. Finishing his shower, she gets him walked to his bed and laid down, tugging off his sopping wet underwear and putting on basketball shorts. He’s snoring soundly when she steps out of the room. Her eyes land on the pizza boxes and beer cans like a frat party had been tossed there in his living room.
“Christ, Walsh.” She whispers, folding up all the boxes and stuffing them into a bag, shoving all the bottles and cans into another. Tidying up the couch, she even vacuums the floor for him. Hearing a groan, she looks up to see Shane standing in the doorway, staring at her with the most bewildered expression.
“Ken?” He asks taking a step into the living room to find it clean. “Kennedie, what are you doing here?” He asks, stepping a little closer.
“You called me and told me you had the perfect idea for Carl’s birthday. And when I got here, you were on the floor drunk. I showered you, not fun.” She snorts, scrubbing the couple of dishes in the sink.
“Did you put these shorts on me?” He asks, raising a brow.
“Yes.” She nods, heading for the door. She turns on one foot daintily and gives him a smirk. Eyes dropping to his crotch and back up, “and I really don’t understand the hype. It’s not that big.” He just laughs, leaning against the hallway wall.
“Bah, you’ll sing a different tune someday.” He crows, wagging a finger at her.
“Shut up, Walsh.” She chuckles, grabbing the handle and heading outside.
“Hey, slow up a minute.” He coos, heading towards her. Cornering her against the door, he leans in, his breath warm against her face.
“Walsh, what are you doing?” She asks, looking up at him through her lashes, her cheeks flushing red.
“Ssh ssh ssh.” He hushes, putting a thick finger against her lips. Instinctively her tongue swipes against her lips and his finger.
“Shane.” She whispers, careful where she put her hands. Planting them on his chest was the wrong move. He leans his weight against her now, her hands pressed into his chest.
“Sweet girl, I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you.” He whispers, getting so close to her lips his ghost across hers.
“Walsh, I need you to take a step back.” She whispers, pushing him gently away.
“Why? Can’t you see that I’m in love with you?” He asks, looking to her with glossy, dark brown orbs.
“Because you are still drunk and tomorrow you’ll have that cock slamming into some other whore, so I’m sorry Walsh, but your drunk ass is not kissing me.” She steps out and shuts the door. Leaning against the cool wood door to breathe, she hears a thump behind her.
“I love you sober.” He whispers, sending chills down her back.
Carl’s birthday party was at one, and she was there at eleven with the cake. When she got there, Shane’s Jeep was parked in her spot. Typical Walsh.
“Walsh! Your Jeep is in my spot!” She shouts, seeing Shane’s curly top poke above the sofa. He jumps to his feet and her breath hitches in her throat. His sheer size and chest width made her heart patter, but the button up half buttoned and the denim clad thighs. The silver necklace around his neck placed perfectly against his chest.
“What’s the matter?” Shane asks, looking at her and winking.
“N-nothing. Walsh, can you help me?” She points over her shoulder toward the door. His smirk is sexy and sweet, her eyes drinking him in as he saunters out the door. “The uh, the cake-here.” She slips between him and the door of her honda pulls it out. Carefully handing it off to him as her arms start to shake.
“This all you needed?” He asks, eyes drifting to her as he tries to hide a smile. His eyes drink her in; that yellow floral sundress riding high on her thighs, the sandals on her feet, her curls falling over her shoulder.
“Yeah, of course it is. Thank you. At least you’re good for something.” She chides.
“Better be careful, lady! I’ll drop this cake!” He threatens, calculating a wobble in his step.
“Walsh, if you drop that I promise you I will drop you.” She giggles, pulling open the door.
“Ooh, do it baby. I wanna see you try.” He chuckles, daring her to do it. Sitting the cake on the counter, she heads out to her car to get Carl’s gift. Shane follows her out this time, his hand slips down and grabs her ass, gripping tight.
“Shane!” She jumps, holding her breath.
“What baby? You don’t like that? Sh, I know you do. I love you. And I meant that shit. I can’t explain to you how it felt to kneel in your blood and hold you, not knowing what to do.” He whispers, shivering at the trauma.
“Shane Walsh. Stop it.” He leans her into her car and presses his lips firmly, sweetly, promisingly against hers.
“Just say it. You were right.”
“Aw thank you Walsh, I knew I was right.” He pushes her into Rick and Lori’s garage, pulling the door shut behind them. He drives her against the wall, lips soft and sensual against hers as he holds her against him.
“I saw how you were looking at me earlier. You wanted me.” He huffs into her ear as he lets her hands drift across the bare part of his chest.
“Yeah. No shit. I think you're hot.” She stammers, yanking at Shane’s shirt.
“That’s a first.” He coos, wriggling his knee between her legs. “I think you’re hot. Sometimes when I bang other women, I think of you.” She’s taken aback for a moment before she just laughs.
“Shane, shut up.” She grinds through her teeth as she hooks her arms around his neck and tugs his lips to her neck. His lips go to work and her hands massage his bare shoulders. Shane gets them into a spot between the shelves and totes where they couldn’t be seen and he lets her scoop up her skirt and he grabs her panties. When he pulls them down he chuckles, the same black panties he’d teased her about.
“Goddamn you are beautiful.” He hushes as he leaves open-mouthed kisses across her exposed collarbone and up her neck. He stops on her lips, pressing a hot, delicious kiss there.
“Shane. Will you please do your job and fuck me?” She nips through shivers as he takes his time. Her fingers fumble with the belt and she undoes his jeans in record time. Sliding into her, he takes his time to get comfortable firsrt, before his thrusts are fast and hard, a hand covering her mouth because currently there were about twelve little kids inside screaming. “Shane. Shane please.” She whines softly, gripping his hair as he drives up into her, legs quaking as she reaches her orgasm, she grips his ebony locks so tight his scalp starts to tingle, but he likes it. Ramming into her as she clenches and spasms around him, making his heart slam hard into his chest before he sinks into her once more, spilling his hot seed in her. Slipping out with a soft groan, he tucks himself away and tugs . his shirt back on, buttoning it up like before. Half open shirt, necklace hanging around his neck and his heart still pounding, he looks to her to find her still leaned against the wall, eyes closed and breathing heavily. Leaning forward, he grabs her waist and pulls her against him. Gingerly pulling up her panties, he pulls a dark blue hankerchief from his pocket and wipes his seed from the inside of her legs before pulling her panties on the rest of the way. Her arms around his neck, he stuffs the kerchief back in his pocket and starts to hum, swaying with her.
“I do love you.” He coos in her ear, his wide hands splaying to cover almost her whole lower back.
“I love you too, Walsh.” She giggles, softly sighing as she sifts her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Will you quit calling me Walsh? At some point, when we’re married, people will think it’s weird if you’re still calling me Walsh, and not Shane. Or hunny. Hunny works, or baby. But not Walsh.”
“Hey Shane? Get used to it. It’s hard to even call you Shane. I just wanna throw insults at you but it seems wrong now, cause like Walsh dick really is that good.” She laughs, letting him kiss her face; her cheeks, her nose, her lips, and her favorite, he places the gentlest kiss on her forehead and adjusts her dress before he checks his watch.
“It’s twelve-fifteen, baby.” He whispers, sending chills down her back.
“Goddamn it, Walsh. You truly gotta ruin everything.” She whines heading back into the the house through the back door that leads into the kitchen. Lori’s eyes meet hers with a knowing grin as she hands Kennedie some plates and a basket of silverware. Screeching kids come flying into the kitchen in party hats and swimming trunks all kinds of different colors.
“Carl! Not the kitchen!” Lori yells as she grabs a bowl of pasta salad.
“Sorry mom!” He shouts, racing into the living room. Shane’s hand grips her ass as she walks passed the grill with her hands full and she gasps, eyes burning into him as he grins and he and Rick laugh.
“Those two are trouble.” She huffs to Lori as she sees her best friend chuckle with the men. “You too?” She asks incredilously, staring at Lori as though she’d been betrayed.
“Hey Lori! I’m just dropping off Gavin!” A sweet, high pitched voice calls. As she looks to see who it is, Shane stiffens and holds his breath. “Hi Shane.” She coos, giving him a sultry wave. He nods back and wraps his arms around her waist.
“Let it go. I love you.” He whispers into her ear as he holds tight to her, his lips pressing into her neck.
“Shut it, Walsh.” She nips, slipping from his grip and stepping into the house to breathe. He follows closely behind, stepping in with her and leaning her against the door.
“I love you, don’t you get that?” He coos, thumb smoothing her cheek.
“I just--it feels surreal, Shane.” She whispers, letting him pull her against his chest.
“Listen to me, baby. I love you. The minute you shot back at me with insults I was done for. It was infuriating, it was beautiful. And you packed me lunch like some kind of domestic, sweet little house wife, and don’t take offense to that, but I loved it. Every minute. I was the proudest man in King County to go to work with your pink lunch box in the passenger seat of the cruiser. I wanna marry you. I wanna marry you and--and--get old with you. I love you, you fiesty lil thing.” Tears fall down her face as she grips his face and kisses his lips warmly and happily.
“I love you, Shane. I love you so much.” She coos, hugging his neck.
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
I'll state from the beginning that the images below display the sort of sweet synchronicity to which only love can give life:
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MaAndPaShipping is the best ship, and here are five reasons why:
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1. It Made James
Like the boy do yer? Ever felt the slightest tingle of warmth at the mention of his name?
Well get down on yer knees and give thanks to his mother and father for gifting him to the world!
Where would we be without their remarkable commitment? Could James have grown into the dandified dream boat of your desires if deprived of the safety provided by his parents?
Had they not brought him up, he'd be dead, The Dog of Flanders fantasy made reality. If miraculously he survived, foraging in the wild is not conducive to a foppish personality.
Is that to yer fancy? No? Then let's have a little respect. The luxury Ma and Pa gave enabled his macaroni tendencies to reach such heights.
Their love created him! How can it not be celebrated?
You lot would ship Jessie's parents but you can't, because she has no dad, and I don't suppose you'll ever assent to his obvious identity of Windy Miller, although 'Jessie Miller' has a wonderful ring to it, so what can be done?
Should a Pa Jess be conjured for the purpose, he still buggered off, didn't he? Where's the allure in a faithless git?
I can't comprehend the obsession with Ma Jess. As soon as here she's stiff, and what is there to remember but coercing her daughter into eating snow?
Hey, I named her. What more do you want from me?
I'd rather have the living, visible ancestors, if you don't mind.
Yeah, says the history fanatic.
Why not make the most of the chances offered, and follow a devoted couple whose love made a difference to your existence?
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2. Canon!
There are many ships which I find repulsive for involving depravity, or absurd as the subjects haven't met, or don't inhabit the same fictional universe.
Video et taceo: I see and I say nothing.
Neither does anyone. Forcing decent folk in to incest, bestiality etc. is quite alright.
Perverted ideas are left alone, but woe betide a Rocketshipper, because that's offensive.
It may be the only original ship left standing, with proper evidence and sanctioned by Nintendo, but no, it's fair game for undermining. People pick at your arguments, quibble constantly and NEED to register their objections NOW. You MUST be made aware of opposition. You're not to be permitted your views the way those with twisted tastes are indulged.
Why, out of tens of thousands of combinations, does making Jessie and James an item provoke hostility?
The strength of negativity actually serves as validation, for why be so concerned if it's an impossible relationship?
However sick they are, I'm not anti any ship. I can't muster sufficient interest to do it, and if I scroll on, I forget. I certainly don't attack those responsible.
Anti-Shipping is inherently nihilistic for promoting loneliness. They aren't against Rocketshipping through wanting Jessie and James to be with someone else, as an alternative is not readily available, so the outcome of it is neither finding a companion.
MaAndPaShipping attracts no sourpuss silliness, for 'tis canon beyond question. There's nothing about being 'just friends' when married with a son.
How's the state of your O.T.P.? Not looking too clever I expect, and what's your contribution: wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying?
Cast it off! None of that longing is necessary in these quarters, as MaAndPaShipping is a fait accompli.
Hallelujah! Wallow in that Love!
Don't you yearn for at least one ship that all of us accept by default, to the extent these aristocrats are spoken of as a single unit?
Across the internet, Ma and Pa are bracketed as 'James's parents', never 'he' and 'she', always 'they', barely counting as distinct characters. That's how undeniable the love is between them. Sheer indifference has awarded it a blessing from everyone.
Of course, now I've drawn attention to it the moaning will start, but we all know a spoilsport when we see one.
If they had any legitimate complaints they ought to have mentioned 'em before this piece highlighted the marriage!
Except it won't have occurred to 'em previously, proving the eternal, indissoluble quality of MaAndPaShipping.
You get good value with this one.
Find a post referring to Ma and Pa as individuals and I'll have written it, for that's what you call ironic.
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3. It's a Fine Rocketshipping Proxy
I was at primary school when Pokémon hit the West like the bright, bearded meteor it is, atomizing all competition for a child's attention.
I have shipped Jessie and James before I knew anyone else did it, unaware shipping was even a thing.
There are other pairs where I think: 'That seems to fit', but it's incomparable to what I feel for them.
It is part of me. I bleed it.
I have shipped it longer than most Tumblerries have dwelt upon the earth.
I used to believe, what with the hints and manga finale, that this resolution was  inevitable, and all I had to do was wait.
Well I've been patient for two decades now, thus when I look at the modern incarnation, and realise it's no nearer to that goal, and instead is further away, waiting starts to wear a bit thin.
I resent the lack of appreciation shown to the fans by the cretins in charge, how any meagre shippy inclusion is done not with an interest in deepening bonds, but with the blatant cynicism of moulding us into performing monkeys dancing to their manipulative tune.
I dislike being treated like a sea lion, expected to clap me flippers at the wave of a fish, or as a panting dog begging at top table, where, because they're desperate to maintain the status quo, every scrap flung down from above now comes with an Anti-Ship kick in the teeth, just to be sure nothing progresses. Not whilst the franchise can still be milked for all it's worth.
I have lost faith Rocketshipping will happen. What passes for Pokémon today carries not the remotest indication of any intention on the so-called writers' part to finish it that way.
Even if it did, it's not my Team Rocket, it's those skeletal, gargoyle bastardisations. My Jessie and James never got the reward they deserved.
I'm somewhat in the market for a replacement. Beneath this loathsome carapace of acid and ice beats the tender heart of a true romantic, and it must have an outlet!
Shipping Ma and Pa provides a certain spurious relief, because it's as close as you can get to Jessie and James without it being them, both biologically as his parents, but they're so similar to the duo it counts as proof in itself.
Holy Matrimony! is prime Rocketshipping territory, not merely the balloon lift, but many slight additions are as important, like the haircuts matching.
Ma and Pa are therefore Jessie and James in the past, present and future:
The past for representing Jess 'n' Jamie gone Victorian, and we've all wondered how that'd turn out.
The present as it's there right now, absent of suffering the shameless whims of morons to get what you want. 'Tis yours to savour.
The future as a glimpse of Jessie and James once married with children, and they agree:
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That's how they play it given the opportunity!
What, James in blue, for his and Pa's hair, and Jessie wearing purple, like Ma's, with a red shawl for her own, and Ma Jess's orange earrings to copy the beads?
• Money!
• Bun!
• 'Tache!
• Classy pad!
• Fancy gear!
• Pampered pet!
• Identical cups of Earl Grey!
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4. Original Blend
Ma and Pa have only got two fans! We care more than the entire fandom has in twenty years!
Rocketshipping art is ten a penny, so why not display a pioneering spirit, sharpen up those pencils and be inspired?
Let your mind expand and marvel at the possibilities of these unchartered territories, and I'll reblog it if it's nice.
Pay attention to the condition of it being nice. I'm not putting up with any old toss.
Real Ma and Pa is what I want too, not those Sinnoh coffin-dodgers.
It's never been done! Every drawing breaks new ground!
I don't like fan fiction, but I wouldn't say 'no' to that either. Recall the 'nice' stipulation again.
Come on, be the first amongst your friends and get ship shape!
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5. It Gives Us All Hope
Suppose your favourite amour one day became canon: you imagine that's the end of the matter?
Well it ain't.
Between Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, James, Gary and Tracey, there are three-and-a-half out of fourteen parents (Flint doesn't count as a complete man) and one out of twenty-eight grandparents, and that's not enough!
If the series drew to a close with your beloved couple apparently walking into the happily-ever-after, there's no guarantee it'll endure. In fact, the odds are they'll split up within a few years and leave another generation to fend for themselves or starve.
That's right, so don't presume the final episode is all you need to worry about. Can you rest easy knowing it'll go pear-shaped once the camera stops rolling?
It's futile soothing one's worries with:
Oh, but they know what it's like to be alone. They'd never inflict such stress on their children.
Oh really?
Look at that poor showing of grandparents. Either Pokémon has a system reminiscent of the sci-fi film Logan's Run, where everyone over thirty is vapourized, or these disappearing maters and paters were themselves victims of abandonment.
I bet when they settled down, they thought it'd be different for their kids, they'd make sure of it, but no, off they went down that same route of feckless self-indulgence, and that's being kind assuming they intended not to repeat history.
Depressing eh? What's the good in any of us surrendering to romance, real or otherwise, if love is but a mayfly of emotion, and all dreams are doomed to die?
Then Ma and Pa arrive, and suddenly the storm clouds part for a ray of heavenly light.
It's not only that they made the effort in what was probably an arranged marriage and have stayed together from youth, it's that they've stayed together when no one else has, which augments its value.
When separation is commonplace, sticking it out becomes rarer and rarer as any belief in the sanctity of wedlock erodes with every failure.
If they didn't bother, why should I? What's the use when it won't work?
Once that idea enters your head, it's over, and your gloom-laden attitude fulfils itself.
Society is collapsing about Ma and Pa's ears, but they persevere nevertheless, refusing to buckle under the turgid malaise engulfing the arrogant and weak.
It's bloody beautiful, man!
You may suggest an environment of supreme wealth erases normality, and to their class and time period divorce is still taboo, so they don't really have much of choice but to remain wedded.
Ah, but it's not as if they simply tolerate one another for appearances, or carried on for the sake of their son (which is more than anyone else did besides), not when he walked out on them.
They've been married longer than James has lived, so at least eighteen years (don't all squeal at once), and they're still blissfully contented!
They hold hands!
They use terms of endearment like 'dear' and 'my precious'!
They were made for one another!
They work as a team!
They want the same thing for James!
It could bring a stone angel to tears it's so beautiful!
See what success can be achieved when you try? When you endeavour to love the one you're with and make yourself worth loving in return?
Better that than chucking 'em at the first sign of trouble.
Ma and Pa is such an irrevocable union even the despair of losing their only child failed to tear 'em asunder, and that'd defeat many, but not this husband and wife.
Be grateful, for it means all is not in vain.
It doesn't have to be misery and pain: love can last despite the pressure of a wretched, hollow culture bent on self-destruction. Your ship might just succeed too.
God bless 'em for keeping the magic alive!
Why do I have the presentiment that I'm going to regret encouraging support?
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ghost-chance · 5 years
Excerpt from "The Demon King and the Half-Breed Hermit"
Gotta log off for a while after this but first, I wanted to share this (unedited and incomplete) scene. It's for an upcoming (in-the-works) chapter of my Piccolo/OC-centric ▶Dragon Ball post-GT◀ fic, found on my FFnet account. Why am I sharing it? Firstly, it's proof I'm still writing (...trying...) and despite the long wait for new chapters, DK&HBH has NOT been abandoned. (NOTHING has been abandoned!) Secondly, THIS is what happens when I tell myself "I need to start writing characters who can effectively communicate and deal with their emotions like functional adults!" 😑 Yes...AUBERGINE happens.
Hopefully the "Queen of Issues" can make someone smile.
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Life as a single mother was generally a struggle; as a single mother of two half-Saiyan boys, life was a never-ending catastrophe. Fortunately for Son Chi-Chi, both her boys were grown men capable of running their own lives; unfortunately, that left her to manage her household alone. Oh, sure, Gohan and Videl regularly offered to move her into their home and take care of her, but she wasn't quite ready to accept that offer. She was quite capable of taking care of herself…at least, that is, when she wasn't weighed down with groceries and being chased down by a saber-toothed wildcat.
Winded, she stumbled and landed hard on her knees, her bags falling and the contents scattering. One moment she could practically feel the beast's rancid breath on her neck; the next a warning shout split the air, quickly followed by a pained yelp. Chi-Chi scrambled onto her back and stilled at the familiar silhouette cast by the afternoon sun through the trees. Black hair as ragged as ever and eyes dark as pitch, Aubergine held the struggling wildcat by the throat, leaching away its strength. She drained it a little longer before letting it slink away in shame, then looked to her fallen sister-in-law over her shoulder. "Are you hurt?"
"No," Chi-Chi answered as she gathered the spilled goods, then belatedly added "thank you." Aubrey shrugged and hoisted the bags onto her shoulder as the black faded from her eyes.
"Well, someone's got to shield the squishies," she replied instead. The familiar retort used to irritate Chi-Chi, but now she recognized it for what it was: you're welcome. I don't mind. Aubergine's long silences, half-answers, and silence took a while to adjust to but by now it was like a second language to her sister in-law. 
The remainder of the journey to Chi-Chi's home passed in a silence midway between comfortable and awkward, and before she knew it, the matron was stowing away her groceries. Aubergine sat at the table, brooding and fiddling with a small shaker jar from the revolving rack in the middle. Recognizing the speckled contents, she pried the lid open, sniffed at the contents, and sneezed; her eyes and sinuses burned in protest as she jammed it closed and shoved it back on the rack. Yes, she identified it correctly. "So how's Piccolo settling in?" At the resulting silence, she turned to find Aubergine scowling like someone who just chewed five lemons in a row without stopping to sweeten them. "That well, huh?" Chi-Chi teased. I
Aubergine shot her a deadpan glower then exchanged the speckled powder for a jar full of tiny seeds. As if it explained everything, she grunted, "he's not dead yet." These seeds didn't burn her nose but they had a rather unpleasant smell somewhat like rank body odor. Nose scrunching at the stink, Aubrey exchanged the jar for a tall shaker full of tiny white crystals with a much sweeter scent. Over by the table, Chi-Chi gave a knowing smile as the half-breed examined her spices. "I don't understand how one person can require so many of these things," Aubergine muttered surveying the multitude of tiny jars and shakers on the Lazy-Susan. "What's the point of all this crap?" 
"Spices?" Chi-Chi asked, and upon receiving a blank look added, "they make food taste good. As for the number, different dishes require different spices—you can't cook everything with the same ingredients." Aubrey stilled, eyes wide and locked on the three jars she investigated before. "What brought you here anyway?" If Chi-Chi didn't know any better, she'd say the half-breed was embarrassed.
"He quit complaining," Aubrey mumbled. "He used to whine that I was poisoning him; now he doesn't say anything…but…he doesn't have to. I thought…" She fell silent, cleared her throat, then collected the other two bottles and shoved the lot toward Chi-Chi. "Fish. It was worse than usual."
Chi-Chi was used to getting only half the picture from her half-Saiyan sister-in-law but this was even less information than usual. Those three spices were never used in the same dish; then again, this was Aubergine, and Aubergine was quite possibly the worst cook in the realms. "Correct me if I'm wrong," Chi-Chi asked, "but are you saying you cooked fish…with black pepper, cumin, and sugar…?" The half-breed glanced at the jars, read the fading labels, and gave a wary nod; Chi-Chi felt her breakfast threaten reappearance. "No wonder, then," she sighed. "Cumin and pepper can be used on fish but generally not together, and you don't use sugar on seafood."
"This is so stupid." …and so began Aubrey's usual response to statements regarding food as anything beyond life-preserving sustenance. After so many years of hearing the same thing over and over again, Chi-Chi easily tuned out the increasingly loud rant and gathered a few more appropriate seasonings for fish. "Food doesn't have to taste good!" Aubergine spat without regard. "Its only purpose is to keep you from dying of hunger, anything beyond that is friv—" Finally, she went silent. Of course, taking Chi-Chi's frying pan to the skull would shut anyone up.
"There's more to life than just existing," Chi-Chi scolded as Aubergine rubbed the already swelling lump on her skull and growled under her breath. "There's more to life than just survival. We were put on this Earth to thrive, not just not die."
"We were put on this Earth because my dumbass brother didn't have the balls to kill that midget Pilaf from the start." This time she ducked the frying pan. 
"You're missing the point as always," Chi-Chi huffed. "I swear, you're so much like my Goku. Aubergine, when your life's over, you'll have an eternity to look back on what you did. If all you have to look back on is not dying, then what's the point?" Aubergine went silent, glaring at the wall beside her as if blaming it for everything that ever went wrong in her life. It didn't escape Chi-Chi that said wall stood between her kitchen and the home Goku and Aubergine grew up in. Not for the first time, she wondered what the half-breed's life was like in those early years, and what molded her into the distant, bristly woman she was now.
"Life was always enough before." The admission was quiet—half-muffled in Aubrey's mostly flat chest and aimed into the polished tabletop—but to the human matron it had the same impact as a battle cry. "Stay out of danger," the half-saiyan muttered as though reciting some sort of task list. "Find and maintain shelter, locate reliable sustenance, protect your brother…" ..wait for me to come find you. I promise, I'll come find you! Bardock may have been a visionary, but an honest Saiyan, he was not. He never came for them… "That used to be enough…" …until said brother ran off with a blue-haired teenager in search of adventure and left Aubergine behind. Sure, she caught up after a while and tagged along for a few misadventures—living alone in the wilds got boring, after all—but at the end of the day, she couldn't even accomplish the most important of these tasks. She couldn't protect Goku. One hand strayed up to brush her bangs out of her dead eye. She couldn't even protect herself. "Why isn't that enough anymore?"
"Perhaps it never really was enough." Chi-Chi's smile held no judgment and her voice no censure. "Perhaps you're only just realizing it now." Perhaps…Aubergine turned to the window, eyes trained on the distant misty peak of Mt. Paozu. After so many years of feeling stuck in place, maybe it was time to change. "I've offered before and the offer stands—I'll teach you to cook if you'll let me." For the first time, the offer was answered with a long silence instead of some bitter retort or evasive remark, proof in Chi-Chi's mind that the other was finally considering it.
"A year ago none of this would've…" Aubergine fell silent; again, she was driven to brush her bangs away from her blind eye though they weren't impairing her sight. That nervous tic would be the death of her someday… She cleared her throat and tried again. "Nothing mattered a year ago. It still shouldn't matter." Chi-Chi faltered. She recognized where this topic was leading as easily as she knew how Aubergine must have reacted to Piccolo's resurrection. She smoothed the skirt of her long dress and seated herself at the table. The rest of the groceries could wait a bit longer.
"The first time I lost Goku…" I lost Goku. Even after so many times of saying those words, her throat still caught around them; even after how many times Goku died, the very mention still triggered an echo of the day Krillin brought her the news. Her son, missing – her husband, dead – worst of all, the threat wasn't even over. "Well, I was a mess," Chi-Chi finished mildly. The past was in the past—let it lie there in peace. "Every time I lost him, I felt sure it was my fault for not being strong enough to keep him. Every time he came back, I tried harder than before to make him stay…and every time, I lost him again anyway…the last time, for good. He refused to be revived." Even now, the words made her eyes burn and her throat clench, so it was a comfort when Aubergine broke the tense silence.
"He was an idiot like that." The dry remark earned a weak chuckle.
"Indeed. Even now, were he to walk through that door, I'd still take him back. He left us all behind when he refused resurrection, but I'd still welcome him home with open arms." She hummed softly, leaning on her elbows and looking out the nearest window. Already the blue of the sky was deepening and the days, shortening—harvest time might come early this year. "For all his faults, and there were many, Goku was always so much stronger than I ever could be. I could never leave behind those I love, even to keep them safe…he did so without a second thought."
"But when the danger's gone, how does staying dead solve anything?" Aubergine cut in—an unusually long sentence from an unusually brief speaker. "The people he left behind—they still needed him—they depended on him, and he turned his back on them!" Chi-Chi hazarded a glance at her company; Aubergine was off in another world, her vision trained somewhere far beyond the woodgrain of the tabletop. "Didn't he know? Didn't it matter?" Chi-Chi's wrinkle-framed lips tilted into a sly smile.
"He knew there were such people, I'm sure," she answered. "I have a feeling he didn't quite understand what it would put you through." Aubergine gave a faint nod, eyes distant, then startled as she realized the subject change. Both women knew they were no longer talking about Goku; neither was ready to admit it, either. The half-Saiyan's cheeks darkened in embarrassment, but the effect was lessened by the venomous glare aimed out the window. "You never told him, did you?" Chi-Chi pressed.
"Why bother?" Aubergine muttered. "He knew what he was doing. He had to know I'd—" She fell short, remembering vividly the searing pain in her chest from the day the earth was destroyed—the fracturing of a heart timed to the shattering of a planet. From the first wince to the last breath, she felt Piccolo die, and it was a feeling she'd never forget…or forgive. "...I never should have marked the bastard."
Once again, Chi-Chi was given only bits and pieces, but this time she was content with it. If the scars on Aubergine's throat were any indication, the whole picture wasn't one she cared to see.
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