#i'm still crazy about jerry
illiana-mystery · 2 years
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He could teach me The Art of Suing any day. 
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
restroom attendant | jason todd
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Summary: Tonight is the worst night ever--you just got dumped on your birthday, and all you want to do is cry in the restaurant bathroom in peace. That is, until, the Red Hood bursts in. This city just won't cut you a break.
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!reader 
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings/tags: humor, mild angst, reader's ex-bf cheats and dumps her, jason is such a silly goose, flirting, meet ugly, canon-typical violence, awkward jason, comic relief dick grayson.
A/N: this is probably the silliest fic i've ever written LOL! i hope you guys enjoy it. please support your local jason todd enthusiast and reblog :)
the divider
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Tonight sucks. 
With a shaky hand, you attempt to soothe your swollen eyes. You’ve probably been in here for about twenty minutes. Your Uber has definitely left, as has your now ex-boyfriend of three years. 
Yoga instructor. It’s always the yoga instructor. They’re always fucking the yoga instructor.
You swallow a mouthful of tears and phlegm and try not to let the wet sink touch your dress. All you’d wanted was a little class on your birthday, maybe have some wine and play footsie under the table with your boyfriend. But no. That would’ve been too easy for you. 
You’re starting to think this city is cursed.
The door slams open. The force of it shakes the bathroom, rattles the mirrors. You spin around.
A man slides across the floor and smacks his head on the opposite wall. Red Hood appears in the doorway, the eyes of his helmet glowing eerily. 
Yep. Definitely cursed.
"Let's try this again," Hood says pleasantly, reloading his gun with a fresh magazine. "And in the interest of making myself transparent: when I ask you a question, Jerry, I expect a truthful answer."
He stalks over to Jerry and heaves him up by the lapels of his suit jacket. Hood's biceps bulge as he holds Jerry against the wall. You squish yourself against the sink. Water soaks the back of your dress. 
"You're crazy, I didn't do anything!" Jerry shouts, feet barely scraping the floor. 
"Volume, Jerry. People are trying to enjoy their meals.”
“Let go of me, Hood! I wasn’t anywhere near the Iceberg Lounge!”
“Yeah, see, words are coming outta your mouth, but they don't match the fact that I have three people who put you at the scene. How can we remedy this inconsistency? Any ideas?"
Jerry squirms, but he's no match for Hood's strength. Your heart pounds in your chest.
"Don't give me to the cops!" Jerry begs. 
"Cops are the least of your worries right now," Hood snarls. "You're damn lucky Nightwing wants to talk to you, Jerry, or your head would hurt a lot more."
Slowly, you reach for your purse, trying to pull out your phone. Instead, you knock it to the floor. Tears gather in your eyes because this night just can’t cut you a break.
“Motherfucker,” you whisper. 
Hood turns, those frightening white eyes now on you. Jerry also looks at you, legs still dangling.
“Hey,” Hood says without a sign of struggle. “Shit. Y'alright? Did I swipe ya?”
“No,” you say, voice shaky.
His posture softens. “Okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. Don’t be afraid.”
“I believe you. But, um… you're in the women's bathroom.”
Red Hood gives the room a onceover. 
“Huh. So we are. Dunno how that happened.” He shakes Jerry by the collar. “Why’d you run into the women’s bathroom, asshole?”
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Don't kill me!” Jerry wails. 
“Shut it, Jesus. I'm not gonna kill you. Not yet, anyway.” 
“It's fine, I was just leaving,” you say, bending down to get your purse. 
“Hey, no, don't let me push you out,” Hood says. “Sorry. I'll be gone in a couple minutes.”
Hood adjusts his grip so Jerry's face is against the wall, arms and legs restrained. Then he zipties Jerry and sits him down hard on the floor. Hood presses a button on his helmet. 
“Yo, N, I'm at Prescott's. Yeah, with Jerry. No, I didn't tell him to run in here, he did that all on his own! Well, I chased him for ten blocks, so I’d prefer if you’d keep your bitching to yourself. Thank you… Okay, we're in the women's bathroom, so—well, I didn't do it on purpose! No, I’m—will you just come here? There’s a side window.” Hood presses the button again with a grunt. “Dickhead.”
“Are you gonna erase my memory?” you ask. 
Hood jerks, turning back to you.
“What? Hell no, I'm not gonna erase your memory. I don't do that shit, I promise.”
You slump against the sink. “That's too bad. I would prefer it.”
He looks up from Jerry’s last ziptie and pulls it extra tight. Jerry whimpers. 
“How come?” Hood asks.
You shake your head. “It's nothing.”
“Hm. Doesn't look like nothing. If you're in danger—”
“I'm not in danger. I…”
You glance at Hood. You can't see his face, but his body language seems genuine. From what you've heard, Hood isn't known for mincing words or doing things he doesn't want to. And he’s good to Gothamites. Well, the law-abiding ones, anyway. He’s even been endorsed by Batman.
What's the harm in telling him about your disastrous night? Not like you'll see him again. Or Jerry. 
“I got dumped,” you say. 
“Ah.” Hood nods. “Been there.”
Somehow, the idea of Red Hood getting dumped is weirder than him beating up a guy in the women’s bathroom of Prescott’s.
You sniffle, and wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. 
“Yeah, um. It was our three year anniversary today. He took me here, told me he was in love with his yoga instructor, and then left.”
You tear up thinking about it. Hood makes a quiet noise.
“Shit. Well, I haven't been there,” he says. “But I know infidelity. I'm sorry. Dudes are trash.”
“And it's my birthday today,” you blurt, sniffling. 
“Happy birthday,” Jerry says, clutching his stomach. 
“What a fucking asshole!” Hood snarls, and lets go of Jerry, who crumples like a sack of potatoes. He’s out cold in a second, frozen on the floor.
Your brows rise. “Is he okay?”
“He’s fine. It’s his first time in Gotham.” Hood shrugs. “Anyway, where was I? Right, your asshole ex. Like it's not enough to publicly dump you, and then he goes and does it on your birthday? Who is this guy? I'll go talk to him right now.”
You laugh a loud, snorting laugh. It bounces off the tiles. 
Hood tilts his head. “What’d I say?”
You catch your breath and wave your hand. 
“No, nothing, I’m sorry. I’ve just had a crappy night and that’s probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever offered to me.”
“I mean it,” Hood says. “I’ll scare him if you want.”
“As tempting as that is, I don’t want to be an accessory to a crime.”
You also don’t want to put your ex in the ICU, no matter how much he might deserve it. Best to let the universe do its thing.
“You’d be acquitted, don’t worry.” Hood leans against the stall. “I’d never letcha go to jail.”
You smile, your ears growing warm. “You don’t even know me. What if I deserve it?”
“Nah. I got a good sense about people. I can tell you’re sweet. Probably don’t even run through red lights.”
“I try not to,” you say, heat spreading to your face. 
“Yeah, a good girl. I figured as much.”
Your eyes widen. Hood coughs and rubs his neck. Even his coughs sound intimidating through the helmet, but that’s negated by his scrunched-up posture.
“Fuck. Sorry. That wasn’t a come-on,” he says. “I mean, it sounded like one, but I’m realizing what a creep I am, flirting with you in a bathroom with a zip-tied criminal. Sorry.” He shakes his head. “I hate myself.”
You grin. “It’s okay. You made my night better, actually. Thanks.”
“That’s a testament to how terrible your night’s been if I made it better.”
You shrug. “Could always be worse. I bet Jerry had an even shittier night than me.”
“You’d win that bet. But I—”
The window swings open with a clunk. Nightwing pops his head in. He looks at Hood, then you. 
“Uh,” he says. “Evening. What’s going on?”
“What’s going on is it took you almost ten minutes to get here,” Hood says, back in Vigilante Mode. “Did you get lost?”
Nightwing smiles with all his teeth. “I was actually cleaning up your mess at the Bowery, Hood. You’re welcome.” 
He looks at you. “Hi. Sorry about this. I hope we didn’t ruin your night. If there’s anything we can reimburse you for…”
You shake your head. “It’s okay. My night was already sunk. Don’t worry about it. Thanks for keeping Gotham safe.”
Nightwing laughs. “The pleasure is ours.”
“Alright, enough chattering, Dickwing,” Hood says. “Take him.”
He lifts the unconscious Jerry, pushing him up to the window. He does so effortlessly, his jacket riding up to reveal his skin-tight jumpsuit. 
You look away before he catches you staring. There’s definitely something wrong with you. 
Nightwing takes Jerry and waves at you. Then he disappears.
“So, uh,” Hood says. “I gotta go.”
“Oh! Right, of course. Sorry to keep you.”
“Now what’re you apologizing for?” he asks, and it almost sounds like a tease. You wonder what his smile looks like. What color his eyes are.
“Well, I really didn’t mean to keep you…”
“You didn’t keep me,” Hood says, and you can hear the warmth even through his decoder. “This is probably the best arrest I’ve ever made.”
He starts to climb through the window, then stops. He digs into one of the pockets of his belt and pulls out a scrap of paper. 
“This is my number,” he says. “Well, it’s kind of the vigilante hotline. But you can reach me here, in case you ever need help.”
Hood walks over to give it to you. He smells like gunpowder and oranges. He’s even larger this close, the width of his shoulders dwarfing you. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly. 
He nods and backs up, clapping his hands.
“Right. So I’ll go… Bye.”
Hood looks at you for a moment more. Then he hops up onto the window sill and slides out, somehow graceful despite his bulk. The window closes. 
Your dress has dried, which is nice. You walk out of the bathroom. It’s a miracle no one else has come in. 
You get your coat and this time, when you see the empty seat across from yours, you don’t burst into tears, which is progress. You call another Uber and go to wait for it at the front. The hostess approaches you.
“Ma’am?” she says, and holds out a small, plastic container. In it is a slice of tiramisu. 
“I didn’t order this,” you say.
“It was called in and paid for by a Mr. R.H. He wishes you a happy birthday.” 
“Oh. Thank you.”
You’re definitely leaving a five-star review on Yelp.
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roosterforme · 1 year
How Could I Forget? | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Bradley met you in a dive bar in Virginia, he just knew he wasn't going to be able to stop thinking about you. Even a year later, he still remembers your laugh and the way you kissed him.
Warnings: Fluff, drinking and swearing
Length: 2800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
I wrote this for the 'Its not the prompt. It's the creator' challenge from @tgm-all4one. Check out my masterlist for more!
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Bradley flipped through the options in the ancient jukebox while he sipped a cheap beer. This had to be the shittiest bar he'd ever been inside, and that was really saying something, since he was a University of Virginia alumni. 
"Let's see..." he muttered. "Danger Zone? No. Take My Breath Away? Nah. Slow Ride? Absolutely not."
He finally selected Great Balls of Fire and turned to check where his cousins had disappeared off to. But the bar was packed with locals waiting for the fireworks to start over the Chesapeake Bay, and he couldn't spot any of them. 
If they ditched him in this sticky little hellhole on the outskirts of Norfolk, Virginia, he was going to be so pissed. He scanned the bar once more as the song started playing, and his eyes settled on the cutest thing he had seen in a long time. 
You were holding your beer bottle like a microphone and aggressively lip syncing along with Jerry Lee Lewis as his voice blasted from the jukebox. 
Bradley smiled. You were right in the middle of the crowded bar, but nobody else had seemed to notice how you were shimmying along to the song, looking adorable in your own little world. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you mouthed Come on baby, you drive me crazy! Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!
When Bradley laughed, you opened your eyes, and they met his immediately. You pressed your lips together, suddenly looking shy at being caught rocking out. You covered your mouth with your hand in embarrassment as your eyes went wider while Bradley tried to squeeze through the crowd to get to you. 
He was afraid you were going to try to sneak off, but you didn't. You were just nonchalantly drinking your beer when he reached you. 
"That was quite a performance," he said, and you looked up at him, clearly amused. 
"I don't know what you're talking about," you replied, but your smirk said otherwise. 
"That was my song," he said, nodding toward the jukebox.
"What do you mean?" you asked, pressing the bottle to your lips, and drawing Bradley's eyes down to watch the way you took a sip, the bottle lingering on your bottom lip for a beat.
"I selected it. On the jukebox," he grunted, and you laughed at him. 
"No, you didn't. I did."
Bradley scoffed as you squared your shoulders and jutted out your chin in playful defiance. "I chose it like three minutes ago," Bradley insisted. 
"I picked it like five minutes ago!" Your laugh was infectious, and Bradley just wanted to keep it going.
He shook his head solemnly. "It's still my song."
And you shook your head, imitating him. "If anything, it's Jerry Lee Lewis's song."
"Well, I can't argue with that. I did love your cover version though."
"Thanks." God, your smile was adorable. And your lips on that bottle had him thinking some scandalous things about your mouth. 
He cleared his throat. "Are you from Norfolk?"
You sighed deeply. "Unfortunately. You?"
"Virginia Beach."
You crinkled your nose and made a face that had him laughing again. "That might be even worse. You still live there?"
"For now," he replied. "I'm waiting on a new work assignment."
"Can I tell you a secret?" you asked, and when Bradley nodded, you coaxed him closer with your finger. Gorgeous. You were so pretty, Bradley was afraid he wouldn't be able to comprehend your words this close to your eyelashes and your mouth. "I escaped. I live in San Diego now."
"Bravo," he whispered, but he knew you could still hear him over the jukebox as it played Slow Ride. "What's it like to escape Virginia? I've only ever read about it in works of fiction. I've never met anyone who actually managed to do it."
You laughed again, and Bradley had to fight the urge to kiss you. He didn't even know your fucking name, but he was dying to feel your lips on his. 
"It wasn't easy," you promised. "Oh, no, my friend, it was not easy. My whole family still lives here, in Norfolk. My brother is in the damn Navy, if you can believe that. What a waste of a career, right?" you said with a massive eye roll. Bradley opened his mouth to respond, but you added, "Today is his birthday. Born on the Fourth of July, in the military, model citizen. I come home for his birthday every year and end up in this shitty bar every year." 
Bradley couldn't contain his smile. "I'm in the Navy."
Your eyes went wide. "Oh, shit. The Navy is the best!" you said brightly. "Oh boy, do I ever wish I had joined the Navy!"
Bradley tipped his head back and laughed harder. "I like you. You're brutally honest," he said, still laughing as you bit your lip, unable to stop smiling. 
"I'm so sorry," you said, trying not to laugh. "Come here. Let me buy you another beer to make up for the fact that you're in the Navy, you poor thing."
Bradley just shook his head, but then you took his hand in yours and gently led him to the bar. And you kept your hand linked with his while you ordered two drinks. But when you started to reach into your pocket to pay, Bradley took both of your hands in his larger one, and you looked up at him, surprised. 
"I've got it," he told you, pulling some cash out of his own pocket. "It's not every day you meet a celebrity."
"Celebrity?" you asked, and he pulled you closer by both hands. 
"You escaped Virginia! Buying you a drink would have to give me good karma! Who knows, maybe I'll even get stationed somewhere new." 
Bradley released your hands when the beers arrived, but you didn't move away from him. "Where do you want to get stationed?" you asked, and Bradley couldn't look away from the curve of your lips as you took the first sip from the bottle. 
"Somewhere warm," he told you. "But I guess I could learn how to brave some cold weather if I had to."
When the woman behind you bumped into you, Bradley could feel the warmth from your body through his clothes. You were that close. He wanted you closer. And then you were snug up against the front of him. "Well, I think you're brave," you told him with wide, teasing eyes.
"Because I'm in the Navy?" he asked, taking a sip of his beer as you shook your head. 
"No," you told him with a soft laugh. "Because you dare to sport a mustache. Almost nobody can pull that off." Now you were giggling as he ran his fingers along his facial hair. 
"I think you're having a lot of fun at my expense here tonight," he told you. "I think you like me."
You were quiet for a few seconds, and Bradley's heart beat a little faster when you said, "I think you like me, too."
"What's not to like?" he whispered, and your eyes fluttered closed as he ran his fingers along your cheek. "You stole my song. You hate my job. You made fun of my facial hair. And you managed to hijack my escape from this state, because surely the odds of two of us getting out are just too high."
And then you kissed him. Just a soft brush of your lips to his. But it was perfect. And then the fireworks started outside, but you stayed right there with him, your hand coming to rest on his chest. 
Everyone else rushed out to the deck or down along the water to watch the colorful display, even the bartender. But you didn't move an inch, and now Bradley was setting down his beer. This time he kissed you, and you nibbled on his lower lip as your other hand tangled in his hair. Bradley's hands went to your waist, as he tasted you. Beer and something kind of sweet. 
"What's your name?" Bradley asked between kisses, and when you told him, the sound of it echoed through his mind. He whispered it back to you, against your lips as you dragged your fingernails along his scalp. "I'm Bradley."
"Hi, Bradley," you said with a smile between kisses. "I'm sorry I stole your song. And I actually think your mustache is cute."
He was smiling so much against your neck as he kissed you there. "I'm really happy I came to this shitty bar tonight."
"Me too," you gasped as he sucked on you there before returning his lips to yours. These hurried, needy kisses turned more languid as they slowed down. You had pushed Bradley back onto an empty stool, your palms on his splayed thighs as he stroked your neck and face while you kissed. Every little moan and gasp had him coaxing you closer, and then the fireworks ended. The other patrons started trickling back into the bar as your lips nudged his in one final kiss. 
You pulled away from him, smiling and sliding your hands down to his knees. He leaned a little close to your face, ready to beg for one more kiss as he said, "Please, let me have your phone number."
You leaned in and kissed the corner or his lips before you backed away. Bradley was up out of the stool, chasing the warmth of your body, but you shook your head.
"That's not a good idea," you told him, gently pressing your palm to his chest, and it took you a few beats to meet his eyes. "And make you pine for me from afar?" you asked with a soft, teasing smile. "I couldn't live with that."
Bradley whispered your name about a dozen times in a row until your eyes closed. He kissed you softly and said, "I'm pretty sure I'll be doing that anyway. Pining for you."
You looked up at him, gaze darting between his lips and his eyes, almost like you were about to cave. But you shook your head and said, "You'll forget all about me by tomorrow."
Then someone called your name from the other side of the bar and stole your attention from him. And Bradley felt all the perfect flirtation and banter and kisses slipping through his grasp. 
"I need to go," you told him, and you looked so sad. "I hope you escape Virginia."
He nodded slightly, running his thumb across your soft cheek one more time. "I know this sounds weird, but I'm going to miss you."
And then you kissed him again, as if you understood exactly what he meant. And then you were gone. 
Bradley thought about you a lot. Sometimes he let your name grace his tongue with the sweet feel of it. Sometimes he would daydream about your laugh. But the moment he opened his mail in late August and read the line detailing the location of his new station, a slew of obscenities flew out of his mouth. 
San Diego. He was going to be stationed in San Diego. 
And he had no idea how to reach you. He only knew your first name. But he spent his first few months there hopeful that he would run into you somewhere. So he visited different grocery stores. He took different running tails. He went to the mall across town once. And each time he did one of those things, he felt ridiculous. Stupid. Idiotic. Until he remembered your smile and the way you made him feel so good while also poking fun at him. 
As the months wore on, he went on dates and kissed other girls, but he still thought about you sometimes. When he listened to Jerry Lee Lewis, he pictured you singing into your beer bottle. When he drank a cheap beer, he could almost hear your laugh. 
You had told him that you go to that same shitty bar every year on your brother's birthday. But just as Bradley purchased tickets for a roundtrip flight from San Diego to Norfolk, he realized you probably didn't even remember him. What was he going to do? Walk into that bar and tell you he missed you? You'd look at him like he was insane. Or worse, like you had no fucking clue who he was. 
He thought about not going. Just letting the tickets go to waste. But at the very least, he would be able to visit his cousins for the night. At the very least, he might just be able to see you again, just for a minute. 
You sat at the bar, across the room from your brother. You didn't know why you still bothered to come home for the weekend every year, but here you were. In Norfolk. Again. 
As politely as you could, you turned down the red headed guy who tried to buy you a drink. And you did the same thing to the blond, too. Because now you associated this shithole bar with wavy, sandy brown hair and big, brown puppy eyes. And you weren't about to override your memories from one year ago with some random loser who wanted to buy you a can of Miller Lite. 
You hoped Bradley was currently stationed somewhere warm, near a beach. It always made you smile to picture him with his feet in the sand, drinking a beer.
Your head swiveled to the jukebox as soon as you heard the opening piano chords of Great Balls of Fire playing, but there was just an older woman standing there snapping her fingers. 
Your heart sank a bit as you settled back into your stool and sipped your beer. It would have been too good to be true, and you were ridiculous for even entertaining the thought. But then that raspy voice was behind you, saying your name and making goosebumps break out all across your skin.
When you turned and met his warm eyes, your mouth fell open. He was here. And he looked so handsome and nervous. And your heart was hammering too hard, making it difficult to talk. 
"I don't know if you remember me," he said softly, looking at your face like you were the most precious thing he had ever seen. "But-"
"Bradley! How could I forget?" you breathed, and you watched his smile grow. "I was hoping you'd escape Virginia."
He laughed, and you wanted to kiss his mustache again. "I did. And I've been looking for you for ten months."
You leaned in a little closer and grinned. "Well I've been in San Diego."
"Me too," he said, and you tilted your head in question, but he just smiled more. "That's where I've been stationed since September."
"Oh!" you gasped. "You escaped to my city!"
"Mmhmm. And you made me come all the way back to shitty Norfolk, Virginia to find you."
You laughed. "You came back here for me?"
He nodded and stroked his fingers across your cheek just the way you remembered. "Yes. All I could think about was the way you told me you come here every year on this day. So I've been waiting months for the chance to try to see you again."
"That's really romantic," you told him, letting your palm come to rest on his chest. 
He covered it with his as he said, "My full name is Bradley Bradshaw. I live in Coronado, California on Pomona Avenue. And if you're single, I'm not leaving here without your phone number."
You were clamoring off your stool before he even finished talking, and he welcomed you into his arms. And then you kissed him, just like you had a year ago, his body warm and perfect against yours. You told him your full name between kisses, running your fingers through his hair and melting into him. "And yes, you can have my phone number, Bradley Bradshaw." 
He sighed against your cheek. "Even though I've been pining for you from afar?"
You laughed, remembering what you'd told him last year. "Apparently you've been pining for me from nearby. And that just won't do. Because I've thought about you... about the guy with the cute mustache who acted like he owns Jerry Lee Lewis's music catalog. About the only guy I ever kissed in the middle of a dive bar before I even knew his name," you whispered.
And then Bradley was kissing you again before he ended up sitting on the bar stool with you perched on his leg. He gave you his phone so you could save your number for him, and you sat like that until last call, just talking and laughing and occasionally kissing with the promise of more to come. 
When you got back to your parents' house with your brother, your phone illuminated with a new text message. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Meet me in San Diego.
They were both pining from afar! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls for putting up with me.
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allfattenedup · 5 months
Hello and what great progress, exceptional!!!
I see myself in you even if I'm just starting out... cause I was also a thin athlete, even too thin at certain times, I can ask you what pushed you to start and after the first phases what did you did it push you to move forward and never go back?
Thank you so much!
I've told this story a few times but not for a while. So I have always had this kink. But I was also pretty vain, lol. I don't mind admitting that. I wanted to look hot, it was important to me. So, I won't say I buried the kink - I definitely jerked off to pretty much only fat guys and girls, and even fantasized heaps about myself getting fat, but I was just really strict in my mind that it was a fantasy only and that I'd never actually do it to myself.
Eventually, it became overwhelming. In hindsight I realise it was a self sustaining cycle — I was working out more and taking better care of my looks to try to drown out the desire, but the more I did that, the more delicious the thought of ruining it all became in my mind. The pull became way too strong. It was all I was thinking about all the time.
So, I did eventually make a deal with myself that I would gain 20lbs, just to get it out of my system, and then lose it before anyone really noticed.
That was the best/worst/best/worst decision I ever made.
Because oh my god, if I thought fantasizing about myself with a belly was hard to resist, actually having one? Actually watching and feeling one grow and wobble and push over my waistband? A potent lifelong sexual fantasy coming to life like that? Fuck me, I didn't stand a chance.
It got out of control real fucking fast. I swelled like crazy. Got the heavy hanging stomach of my dreams and nightmares. Got a pair of moobs, got a double chin and a fat face. I quickly realised I also had an embarrassment kink and with that, the guardrails just came off. The safety net burned up. The thought of having to face people in this body was as delicious as it was horrifying so there was no way I could stop myself from making it worse and worse and worse. I've done a few different drugs in my life and I have NEVER been as out of my mind as I was during that period of time. Absolutely off my face on lust.
Although it's not quite true that I never went back. I exploded with fat so fast that it seriously freaked me out. And even though I was literally getting off on the panic of how obese I was, eventually it became too much and I did actually lose a lot of weight. Not down to my original weight but enough that people were congratulating me everywhere I went for how "good I was looking". It felt nice, honestly. I missed the erotic tornado of weight gain, but it was kind of nice to feel normal again, to feel a little bit confident in my looks again, and I promised I'd leave this whole surreal experience behind me. But then eventually... it was all I was thinking about all the time. It became overwhelming. The pull became too strong.
I should have known what would happen. I came back to tumblr. Explained myself, showed my weight loss. People were really kind and supportive. I admitted that I just wanted to be part of the community again but I'm not gonna be gaining any weight back. And then that became 'I'm only gonna gain a tiny bit of weight back'. And then for probably about a year I was "not gaining" while slowly getting fatter and fatter. I started a Patreon and the thought of being fattened for a living started to ping that overwhelming desire again. My body started to take on a different shape than it did in my first gain. So all of a sudden that made everything new and hot again. I was in denial for wayyyy longer than was reasonable. I somehow managed convinced myself I wasn't really gaining on purpose, meanwhile I was ordering a second pint of Ben & Jerry's while still shoving down the first. I'm sure half of you guys knew I was intentionally gaining again before I did. And that's where we are now. I gained slower this time. My body is handling it better. Seems to me the only way from here is up 😈📈🥵
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searchingforgravity · 18 days
Graceland Experience - PART 5
Fandom: Elvis/Elvis (2022)
Prompt: The next stop you need to make is one to the library to find out if you have any chance of making your way back home. Then, you explore Elvis' room.
TW: Brief mention of sex, mention of sex toys and objects, implied smoking, profanity
Word Count: 2801
A/N: Sorry for the slow burn with this series guys, but it will be worth it!
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"Hey, I'm sorry about last night. I just really thought you were a nutcase, Y'know?" Sonny laughs nervously before shoveling a plateful of food in his mouth.
Everyone at the table looks to the two of you. You, Sonny, Elvis, and Jerry all sit at the kitchen table. You are surprised that they let you sit to breakfast with them, but they've all seemed to accept the fact that you're not crazy. They still look at you with curiosity. You're the exciting new topic in the house. The girl with amnesia.
You absolutely hate it.
"Yeah, it's fine," you say quickly, focusing now on your plate of food, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.
"I mean, you really had me goin' there," he laughs.
Annoyed, you pick at your food refusing to respond. There is an awkward beat as everyone turns back to their food.
"Thought you were just batshit cr-"
"Sonny! Fuck off," Elvis grumbles, not amused.
Your body flushes in embarrassment. Looking across the table to Elvis, he meets your gaze, his cheeks flushed with anger.
You quickly look away.
God, how you wished there was another girl in this house. Most of the time, it's just the boys.
"Right," Sonny snaps, clearly offended.
Silence again.
You look over at Jerry. It's so odd, he's just a teenager. You recall all of the photos you've seen of his as an older man, and it's surreal. You watch as he makes a joke to Elvis, trying to win his approval. Elvis chuckles. Jerry's eyes light up as he shoves a forkful of eggs in his mouth.
It's so surreal.
After another moment, you let your gaze wander around the room. You haven't really had the chance to see it since you've been here. The house is buzzing. It's so full of life. This is what you've dreamed of.
You can feel someone watching you.
Looking back to the table, Elvis is watching you intently, like he's trying to read your mind. When he catches your eye, he doesn't look away. Instead he gives you a curious look, lingering.
You clear your throat in thought. Should you say something?
"So, do fans line up outside your door all the time?" You ask.
Stupid question.
Everyone looks at you again. Everyone looks dumbstruck by your question, like you don't live in 1961.
"Are you kiddin' me?! Every day! They love Elvis, it's almost scary. Gosh you aren't a fan are you?" Jerry suddenly pipes up, teenage boy energy bursting.
Your face flushes.
"No! I am obviously, you're amaz-" you start, then stop.
Elvis gives a smug grin, crossing his arms.
"I mean-."
Oh God, stop talking.
Before anyone can comment further, Elvis speaks up, sparing you the spotlight.
"Yeah, I really appreciate all the love. I don't deserve it sometimes."
"Aw, c'mon E, sure you do! Hey, remember those two girls that mailed themselves to the house? That was crazy, man. Now they were batshit. But they were cute girls. You're so lucky, you can get all the tail you want. And you did get some action with one of 'em right? Or was it both?"
Well, there's that. Elvis' cheeks flush as he shoves Jerry by his shoulder.
"Jer, come on, there's a lady at the table."
Jerry glances over at you looking like a dog with his tail caught between his legs.
"Oh, right. Sorry ma'am."
You tell him it's okay as you try not to laugh.
"Hey, Elvis?" You ask, catching up with him after breakfast as Sonny and Jerry go outside to the stables, him following closely behind.
Elvis turns to you.
"Yeah, what's up, honey?"
You hesitate. It might be a risk.
"Do you remember asking me if there is anything I needed last night?"
"Yes, I remember."
Here goes nothing.
"I was actually wondering if I could get a ride to the library."
"The library? I don't see why not. If you want some books, you can write down which ones you want and I have a guy that goes out and gets things for me."
That won't exactly work. You don't want written evidence of you requesting time travel books.
"Well, I actually wanted to go myself."
He gives you a sideways glance.
"Are you sure that would be a good idea? Don't you need some rest for your memory?"
"I think it might be good if I go out. Maybe it could help jog a few things in my mind."
Good thinking.
"Hm, maybe you're right. It seems you got some memory back. At least I know you're a fan," he teases, winking at you.
Your cheeks burn as you look to the ground. There's a brief awkward silence.
He clears his throat before continuing.
"Well I can't go with ya, but I'll tell Sonny to give you a ride. How does this afternoon sound?"
"That sounds amazing. Thank you."
Getting into the car with Sonny, you're suddenly nervous. You are about to go out in public in 1961. You still partially believe you are in some crazy dream. You look down at your outfit, making sure you look the part, and you do. You are wearing a simple pink shift dress. You aren't usually one to wear a ton of dresses, but you certainly can't wear your usual clothing now. And you have to admit to yourself that you are starting to enjoy wearing these dresses. Elvis had some ordered to the house once he realized you might be at Graceland for more than a few days.
"Hey, uh, I know I said it already, but I am sorry for acting that way last night. Just been high strung the past few days, I guess," Sonny says awkwardly as he starts the car.
"It's okay. I understand, I don't blame you, really. No one knows me here," you relent, looking out the window.
"Yeah. You don't seem too bad, though. It's been nice I guess having something to focus on. It was startin' to get boring around here. Elvis hates boring," he laughs, the southern drawl peeping out of his voice.
You hadn't noticed it before.
You aren't sure how you feel about Sonny taking you to the library, you aren't sure if you like him yet, but he was your only option and you had to take the opportunity.
Sonny turns the car, heading for the back of the house, to your surprise. The front entrance leaving your line of view.
"I thought we were going out the front way."
At this, Sonny gives a genuine laugh.
"No, honey, we almost never use the front entrance. Do you know how many people are out there? Hundreds. We wouldn't get to the library before it closes."
You turn your body as you try to look and see if you can get a glimpse of the fans out front, but it's too late, the entrance is already out of sight.
When you get inside the library, it's quiet. There are a few people wandering around, but other than that it's empty. It's not so different from a modern library, except there are no computers. Only books. It's insane to see. Everyone you see are either in dresses or the men in slacks. Some men wearing hats. You see an older man with a hat covering his face as he nods in an out of sleep on a chair in the corner of the non-fiction section. It's all so different and yet, somehow not.
You were preparing for Sonny to come in with you, which would be a challenge to hide what you're getting from him, but he said he'd stay in the car if you wouldn't take too long.
You make your way to the fiction section as you start your search. you hope they have something here that can help you. As you look through the limited selection, you're about to give up when you see A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury. You remember seeing this book while you were writing a paper about the author in high school. You pluck it out of its place and turn it to the back cover, skimming over the words.
Ah, yes. A man who travels back in time and discovers even small actions have big consequences. You make a mental note of that. You decide to pick out a random book as well in case anyone asks you what you got. Looking for a romance, you see a booked called Loyal and All by Mary Burchell. After taking a quick skim of the back, it looks to be up your alley.
You're about to head to the check out when one more catches your eye. A pebble in the sky. Hm. You pick it up and read the back. A man is accidentally sent to the future. Similar to your situation, only you went to the past. This could give some insight.
You decide to pick that one as well as you head to the front. A gentle looking older woman greets you.
"Hello, dear. Did you find what you were looking for today?" She asks pleasantly.
You smile.
"Yes, thank you. Just these three please," you say in return, placing the books on the table.
She glances at them.
"Ah, time travel. I love hearing those stories. I wonder if it will ever come to be one day. I would like to go back and see Louis Armstrong in his prime. I love that man's voice."
You laugh to yourself. That's what you thought about Elvis about a week ago. Now you don't know what to think.
"I'll need to see your library card, dear."
Shit. A library card.
"Oh, I don't have one, I just moved here recently," you say a little too quickly.
She doesn't seem to take note of it.
"Not a problem! I'll just have you fill out this paper and you can take these home with you today."
A paper. Then you think of the butterfly effect. Will something as small as filling out a paper change the course of history? You're not sure. But you need these books.
"Oh, you know what, that's alright. I'll just put them back. I might not be staying for too long, it's a little up in the air at the moment," you respond trying not to sound nervous.
"Oh, alright, if you're sure."
You assure her that you are as you head over to the shelves.
You can't leave without these books, but how are you going to get past the counter without her seeing you? You look around for a distraction and it isn't long before you find one. There's a kid's section with two children about the ago of three running around playing. Setting the books down on a shelf near the exit, you go back up to the check out desk.
"Hi, I'm so sorry, but I think I just saw a child get sick in the children's section. I saw him running around with a friend."
At this, she sighs.
"Sometimes I wonder if the parents watch their children at all while they're here. Thanks, dear," she says before leaving the desk and walking towards the far section of the library.
You're about to run out when you see complimentary bags on a table near the door. You snag one before shoving the books in the bag and exiting the way you came.
You huff as you get in the passenger seat of the car.
"That was a fast exit, what did you steal 'em?" Sonny laughs as he pulls out, turning out of the lot.
You laugh nervously.
"A kid got sick," you lie as you glance down in the bag.
Sonny makes a sound of disgust as he pulls a cigarette out of his breast pocket before lighting it.
"That's why I don't like libraries."
Good, you've got the books, now you just need to do one more thing before you can relax.
Get into Elvis' room. That might not be too difficult seeing as he's still rehearsing for the upcoming film. After dinner, while everyone heads downstairs, you say that you are going to read for a while in the living room.
As soon as you hear them moving around downstairs, you spring into action. Climbing the stairs two at a time, you hurry until you come to a halt at his door, firmly closed.
You take a deep breath, then a second one. You listen for a moment to make sure no one is upstairs. There is complete silence. Your hand shakes as you bring it to the door knob. You need to be quick about this. You turn it and it opens with ease.
Looking inside, you are awestruck. It's a spitting image of the pictures you've seen. You can't believe you're actually in here. A room that not even president's can enter in your own time. It feels magical. You can smell the scent of Elvis all around you. It's intoxicating. You feel invasive, like you shouldn't be in here. But you need to make sure.
First walking to the closet, you open it gently as to not make any noise. You crouch down and look to see if there are any hiding spots. You see a box.
Opening it hastily, it takes you a moment to realize what exactly you're looking it, then it dawns on you.
Pictures of his mom. other small trinket items that you assume belong to his mother.
You gently shut the box and put it back where it belongs. Okay, time to look somewhere else. You check briefly to make sure there are no more hiding places in the closet before getting off the floor and closing the door. Looking around, you spot Elvis' dresser. Quietly walking over to it, You decide to start at the top as you open the first one. When you open the top drawer, you see a polaroid camera. Hm. Then you see handcuffs? Polaroids? For the second time, it takes you a moment to realize what exactly you're looking at.
"Oh,"You gasp as you see what, or rather who, is on the polaroids, quickly shutting the drawer.
Multiple different women, and one or two of him. Nude. Your face flushes all the way to your ears in embarrassment. You've heard stories of him liking that kind of thing, but you never thought you'd actually see it. All the sudden, you hear something.
"One second man, I gotta piss," Elvis calls down to someone as he climbs the steps to his room.
Oh no.
Your heart leaps in your chest as your eyes go wide. Oh God, what are you going to do? You look around and see his closet. It's your only option right now. You run over and gently open it before closing it on yourself, blanketed in complete darkness. You close the closet just in time as you hear the door to his bedroom open.
You hear him sigh as he shuts the door behind him. All the sudden, he stops walking. You can't breathe. What if he opens the closet door to grab something?
"What in the hell?" he mutters, and you can hear him walk away from you and go to his dresser drawer.
That's when you remember. You didn't shut it.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You hear him open the drawer more, and look around in it. You wish you could tell what he was thinking. He is silent for a long moment before you hear the drawer close again and he makes his way to the bathroom. He shuts the door. Thank God.
You hear him start using the toilet and think this is your best shot at leaving. Opening the closet as softly as you can, you slip out before shutting it just as slow. Tip-toeing across the floor as gently as you can manage, you finally reach the door and grab the knob. Then you hear him starting to wash his hands. Eyes widening, you open the door.
You sigh silently as you quietly shut the door behind you. You walk over to the staircase just in time for him to open the door, leaving his room.
"Oh, hey, I didn't know you were up here. Thought you were readin' in the living room," Elvis remarks as he walks in your direction.
"I was, but I needed to use the bathroom," you lie, pointing in the direction of the room you've been staying in.
"Oh, yeah, me too," Elvis chuckles, but the humor doesn't fully reach his eyes.
Whether that's because he's suspicious of you or not, you don't know. What you do know is, that was too close of a call.
Way too close.
Series Masterlist
Tag List:
@horrorgirl4life @tantamount-treason @peaceloveelvis @sissylittlefeather @father-of-2cats @goldobsessionsworld @elvisalltheway101 @littlehoneyposts @atleastpleasetelephone @ccab @msamarican @presleyhearted
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aannonn · 4 months
the new episode aired today and, once again, i just lost the premiere. sgishwsh honestly my morning has been horrible so far so watching this episode really brightened up my morning, to be honest. <3
I made SO many gifs HELPP- MY POOR PC /lh
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Green has really come far with his musical skills... proud of him... really really proud of him....
(arhshhgshws they are growing so much i love them smm <3333)
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look at my baby doing his performance she's doing so well aren't they i love note sm omygosh
and Orange is there too?? aaaawwawa yayaaywyayayaヾ(•ω•`)o
(he's finally joining them in their bands!! <333 the development this show gives to its' characters its crazy... /vpos)
they look so adorable with these ties awn
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If younger me had seen this part, it would freak out so bad.... (I had a terrible fear of this mob back then. XD)
I feel bad for Green ngl- I know this episode is probably just meant to be comical and not taken all that seriously, but still; It was supposed to be his show, his performance.. I would be mad too. lol (Or maybe i'm just projecting since Green is one of my kinnies'^')
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why stand up to help your friend when you can always take advantage of the situation and form a band✨ /hj /lh honestly idk whether they took advantage of the situation to form a band, tried to help their friend by attracting the silverfishes with that banger song, or both- XD (probably both actually - they are silly like that /pos /aff)
i squealed so hard at this part--- sigshwsh THE BANDD LETS GOOO OHMYGOD-
(nice lil' detail; Red tried to call the silverfishes to them! :>)
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They are playing rush e.
i had the urge to scream when i heard the familiar note of Rush E AAWAAHEWAREAWWSW
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forget Build Battle; MUSICAL BATTLE LETS GOOO!1!
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The others are being the moral support guys dont worry💪👌
I love this battle sm ohgosh I will definitely come back later to watch this scene with such attention and precision ngl- (the movements and sounds are all so satisfying somehow- sigshwsh)
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It's nothing.. I just wanted to turn these scenes into gifs because oh woah ohmygod keep going i love this sm awn HOLYMOLY
squeals kicks feet giggles smiles happily
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Purple and Mango cameo!! >'<
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That's awesome...👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
the whole time i kept feeling bad for Green- sigshwsh bro just wanted to do his show in peace(っ °Д °;)っ
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I have mixed feelings about this
In a way, i love this episode, the songs, the Tom and Jerry reference, Purple and Mango cameo, and literally everything else (especially the band and the battles scenes<333 teheeshwshws)
In another way, I genuinely feel bad for Green... It is his performance, his show, his moment to shine. And now it's all... ruined. Technically speaking.
Well, it wasn't exactly ruined; The show was great and the audience loved it, but it wasn't exactly because of him, you know? He didn't shine when he should have shined, and that must hurt a lot.
I'm probably just overanalyzing this, but still. As someone who is also a perfectionist and has had moments when I should have shined but didn't, this hits hard. :>
(It's not selfish to want to shine, as long as it's not at the expense of others.)
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i feel like this whole episode was just a Tom and Jerry reference and, as someone who has spent their (almost) entire childhood by just watching Tom and Jerry, I love this.
New fav episode acquired!! ><
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catslvrr · 10 months
heaven sent — ??. alternate ending
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Three months into your second year of university and you were still questioning whether or not you should continue doing law.
“If I don’t finish my take-home exam of that imaginary guy and his crazy legal scenario, I might shrivel up and die,” you groaned.
You opened one eye to see Cherry blankly staring at you.
“I know, Cherry,” you sighed, closing your eyes again. “It’s my fault for procrastinating.”
You sat there, on the couch, debating whether or not you should drop out, when a knock on the door interrupted your thoughts.
You paused.
“Bro, are you expecting anyone?” You called out to Minji as you made your way toward the door.
No response. She’s probably taking a nap. You half opened the door to see a very pretty girl.
“Wrong room,” you said, moving to close the door. 
You made the mistake of letting your gaze linger on her a second too long, strangely drawn to her. The pretty stranger used this opportunity to stick her feet in between to stop you.
“I think I’m in the right room, actually,” she smiled, forcing the door open to enter the apartment.
What the fuck.
“I don’t know you.”
She chose to ignore you, gasping when she saw Cherry licking herself on the couch. She speedwalked over and sat down next to Cherry, starting to pet her.
You frowned as Cherry purred in satisfaction and nestled herself on the stranger’s lap. What. Cherry never likes strangers.
“You remembered,” she said, slightly breathy, and to your surprise, her eyes began to glisten with tears.
You glanced at Minji's room and wondered if you should call for backup.
“What’s its name?” There was a pang in your heart as your eyes met, and you struggled to understand why. She felt familiar, despite being a complete stranger who barged into your apartment.
“Cherry,” you answered hesitantly, still standing at the door awkwardly. “Who are you?”
“Cherry,” she repeated with a mutter. She then laughed to herself. You thought that maybe this stranger was a bit insane. “Just like Jerry.”
A few tears rolled down her face, and you had never been so puzzled in your life. She was still smiling despite the tears.
That smile was so disarming, and maybe if she wasn’t a delusional trespasser, you would find yourself falling for her.
“Who are you?” You asked again, a hint of frustration in your voice. You didn’t even know why you were entertaining this weird girl and her weird questions.
She seemed unfazed by your hostile tone, though, only tilting her head as she studied you. You hated how she made your voice shake.
“Still so mean to strangers,” she tsked with a teasing lilt.
“If you don’t answer my question,” you scowled, folding your arms. “I'm gonna call security.”
“Okay, okay,” she raised her arms in surrender. “One last question, though. Is that okay?”
You squinted, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Her cheeriness was alarmingly persuasive.
“Fine,” you huffed after a few seconds. “What?”
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
You coughed out of shock. “What?”
You could feel your face heating up, much to your embarrassment, and you averted your gaze to try and collect your composure.
“So what if I do?”
“Ah,” she said, her smile a little more sad now. She was staring at you intently. “So you do.”
“I didn’t say that,” you cleared your throat. “I don’t. Have a girlfriend, I mean.”
You weren’t usually the type to be so open and honest to complete strangers, but something about her made you want to be.
“You don’t?”
She was grinning brightly again and stood up after setting Cherry down gently, moving closer to you. Every step she took, you took a step back, until you were literally outside your apartment and she was standing in the doorway.
“How the tables have turned,” she giggled. “Now I'm the one in the doorway.”
You still had no idea what she was going on about. But you had to admit, this feeling of deja vu was hard to ignore. As if the two of you had stood in this exact spot many times before.
I got kicked out of my apartment by this pretty stranger. Minji, that useless rat, is too busy sleeping to save me. And Cherry suddenly loves strangers.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” she said softly, taking another step toward you. “Just trust me, okay?”
Before you could speak, she continued. “And yes, I know, I’m a complete stranger. But you’ll understand in a sec.”
You stood still, heart pounding, as she reached out to you, her fingers brushing against your hair. Her touch was delicate, oddly filled with love. Then, she let her palm rest against your forehead.
And in that moment, all of the memories came flooding back, along with a wave of emotions, emotions that you felt for her. You felt as though your heart could burst.
You stumbled forward from the sudden rush, holding onto the door frame to brace yourself, and your vision became blurry from the burning tears. She stood there patiently, biting her cheek as she held back from comforting you, giving you space.
She came back.
You roughly tugged her in for a hug, burrowing your face in her neck, refamiliarizing yourself with the smell of strawberries and vanilla.
“Danielle,” you whispered. “You came back.”
“Where else would I go?”
You clung onto her for a while, embracing the fact that she was here, in person, with you now. Everything felt so right again. You eventually and reluctantly pulled back.
“How?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “I mean, how did you come back? I didn’t make a wish. And how do I remember?”
“It’s a bit complicated,” Danielle scratched her nape. “Long story short, I gave up immortality and whatnot.”
“You did what?” You raised your voice, aghast. Her answer only raised more questions.
She waved her hand nonchalantly. “I’ll tell you the full story another day. I need to make Minji remember, too.”
You bit your lip. “Are you here to stay?”
She nodded, playing with your fingers. “I am.”
You were so overwhelmed, but the thought of Minji seeing evidence of you crying was mortifying. So you sucked your tears back in. God knows how long she would tease you for.
The two of you went back into the apartment and snuck into Minji’s room. She was half sprawled on her chair and her bed, mouth open as she snored peacefully.
“That can’t be good for her back,” you muttered. 
You shook her awake. Before she was fully conscious, Danielle touched her forehead with her palm. Minji slowly blinked her eyes with confusion, and you could imagine the gears turning her head as she started to remember as well.
“Oh my god,” Minji screamed, falling to the floor. She quickly scrambled to get back up, and practically jumped on Danielle. “You’re back!”
“I’m back,” Danielle laughed, somehow staying upright. “Permanently, this time.”
“That’s amazing,” Minji grinned. “Did you transfer universities, or something?”
“Uh,” Danielle glanced at you for help. You turned to look at Minji’s desk, suddenly finding it very interesting. “…I don’t know, I haven’t really figured that out yet.”
“That’s fine,” Minji patted her on the back. “You’re here, and that’s all that matters.”
She stretched, walking out to the living room. Both of you looked at each other with relief and followed Minji. “We have to celebrate! I’ll go shopping for dinner while you lovebirds reunite. And kiss, or whatever. Just keep it PG!”
Minji winked and left the apartment, slamming the door shut. You hated how she always had to get the last word. The two of you flopped on the couch on either side of Cherry, both petting her.
“You remembered to get the cat.”
“I can’t believe her name’s Cherry too,” you chuckled, repeating Danielle’s words from before. “Just like Jerry.”
Both of you sat there in silence, processing the fact that this was real and basking in each other’s company. You started the conversation after a while.
“It’s been three or four months, huh.”
Danielle didn’t reply, her eyes wandering on you. You could see the vulnerability in her gaze, and an inkling of fear as well, as if this could all disappear any second. Your heart ached at the thought of how much she had to go through in those months.
I love you, is what you wanted to say. You wanted to say it over and over again, for all the days you spent not remembering her, to say it until you physically couldn't anymore.
You felt a bit awkward though — it had been a while since you had bared your heart like you used to.
“Thank you for coming back. And being here to stay,” you said simply instead.
“Of course I would,” Danielle swallowed. “I missed you so much. More than you could know.”
You bit your lip. “I’m sorry I didn’t remember you. I really thought I could.”
What if she hadn't come back? I would spend the rest of my days forgetting everything. You didn't want to dwell on it for too long. She was here now, and that meant everything to you.
She reached over to squeeze your hand. “I didn’t expect you to, silly. But you have the rest of your life to make it up to me.”
“The rest of my life with you,” you leaned back with a small smile. “Doesn’t sound too bad.”
Your smile immediately fell. You could already imagine the next words out of her mouth.
“You are so cheesy,” Danielle cooed.
“I am not.”
“You totally are, end of discussion.”
Not giving you any time to defend yourself, she grabbed the TV remote. “Let’s watch Bolt!”
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anthrophobixx · 7 months
The name's Gina, pronouns are they/she/he (they preferred) I'm a trans genderfluid nb pan romanian/hungarian artist and u probably already know me for being that crazy bitch on twitter who's obsessed with olandy ^____^
I also have a bird app (duh) and an insta :]
if ur interested in commissioning me, here's everything you need to know ^^
ALSO ALSO I loooove making moots/friends !! I'm just very anxious, but I'm open to chat :DD
art - # gina's art shenanigans
inbox art requests - # inbox mischief
rambles n shi - # gina says stuff
animations - # gina's art shenanigans but...they're moving
★ dni/byf/interests/favs after cut ★
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No dni, I block freely. Pro/comshippers, zionists n bigots are an immediate nono though. I'd also prefer if people who sexualize Mingus Crown specifically would not interact, I can't stop you and I'm not going to, it's just a personal discomfort of mine
Just b nice 2 me n we good ☠️
I have anxiety so if u wanna talk to me in dms don't expect me to message u first
My main comfort is olandy and 75% of my page is gonna be about them
I don't engage in discourse cuz it's dumb and I hate it
I don't mind stuff such as post dsaf 3 flipside steter, harrysport, jakesport, etc etc if u don't like that pls refrain from interacting
You fit in my extremely short dni
You harass and attack other people for disagreeing with u totally not directed by the way
You constantly hate on olandy once again it's my main source of comfort and also my main hyperfixation so I don't take constant hate too well (this doesn't apply if ur uncomfy w the ship and express said discomfort from time to time [I love u to death aris mwah mwah])
You said weird shit 2 me or abt my art I'm still a kid lol
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Interests (bold italic = hyperfix)
Regular show
Garten of banban
Smiling friends
Poppy Playtime
Gravity falls
The walten files
Dialtown: Jerry, Callum, Randy, Oliver, Gingi, Karen
Dsaf: Peter, Roger, Jake, Steven, Henry, Matt
Regular show: Benson, Mordecai, Rigby, Cj, Pops
Garten of Banban: Jumbo josh, toadster, banbaleena
Pokemon: Brock, Misty, Ash, Cilan, Dawn, Serena, Kiawe
Also pokemon: Hypno, Sceptile, Azumarill, Quagsire, Voltorb, Skarmory, Primeape, Hitmonlee, Charizard, Croagunk line, Alolaichu, Garchomp and a lot more
Smiling friends: Allan, Charlie (obv)
Gingi, Randy, Roger, Jake, Rigby, Cj, Ash, Misty, Serena, Mabel, Stan, Dipper, Pim. Personalitywise it really depends on the ppl I'm around
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Oki I think that's all :33
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mirai-e-jump · 8 months
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+act Magazine January 2024 Issue ft. Hirakawa Yuzuki Interview (translation below)
Publication: December 12, 2023
Hirakawa Yuzuki plays the immovable Rita Kaniska (PapillonOhger) in the Super Sentai series "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger." In her first appearance in this magazine, she says that while her first priority is to complete this role, there are also things she wants to accomplish next.
"When did you first become interested in acting?"
Hirakawa: It wasn't until I joined my agency that I first became interested. Until then, I was attending a business high school in Kumamoto, my hometown, and wanted to become either a tax accountant or a certified public accountant in the future. Around that time, I learned about the "LDH Presents THE GIRLS AUDITION" and I told my parents, "I should enter like it's a commemorative entrance exam.*" I won the Grand Prix in the vocal and dance category, not the acting category. However, it wasn't until I joined the agency that I tried singing, dancing and acting genuinely. So, it was abit embarrassing being told that I was the Grand Prix winner in the vocal and dance category. (*exams taken for schools you have little to no chance of getting into)
"Your first performance was in a stage play."
Hirakawa: It was in "Moryo no Hako" starring Tachibana Kenchi-san. The play was set where the curtains rise on a scene between me and another girl, and I was so nervous that it caused my stomach to hurt every day. Once I said a few words on stage, I was okay, but until then…I guess that once I got on stage, I felt like I had no choice. But, until I was offstage, my heart would be pounding like crazy.
"Did the fact that it was your first time on stage, and your first performance, have a big impact on you?"
Hirakawa: I always thought that if I broke the tempo of the play in the first scene, things would become out of sync. Even during rehearsals I was told, "The beginning is important. It determines the quality of the performance." That's kind of scary. It's a big responsibility. But, I think they trained me well on that stage.
"What did you find interesting about the stage?"
Hirakawa: I always took lessons with two or three people at most, so more than anything, I enjoyed creating a production together with many people. I also thought it was fun to be with my dependable and kind seniors all the way through the rehearsal period, and that they started to feel like friends.
"Were there any memorable words that were said to you during rehearsals for the play or on the stage itself?"
Hirakawa: They'd say "Just try things out for now." I think I tend to worry about what other people think of me. If I think that I have to do something, I focus on only that. Still, I was told, "Just give it your all for now. It'll be easy to control things from there." This is often said on the set of the Sentai series that I'm currently performing in.
"Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger, right?"
Hirakawa: Their keyword is "Immovable," and I do what I can within that context and to "just give things a try." If I really deviate from the character, the Director will get me back on track.
"Have you seen any other Sentai productions?"
Hirakawa: When I was little, I watched "Tom and Jerry." I haven't really watched the previous series. In middle and high school, I was either doing practice lessons, club activities, eating meals, or sleeping (laughs).
"What kind of programs do you currently watch?"
Hirakawa: Since I started working, because I have alot to learn, I've been watching various things. I've only been alive for 22 years, so there are many things that I don't know. I'm learning about these experiences as I watch these works. What have I been watching…I really can't remember (laughs).
"(laughs). How do you remember your lines?"
Hirakawa: One of my strong points is memorizing things, but I'm the type of person who (intentionally) forgets them immediately (laughs). When they say, "We're done filming this scene," I instantly forget about it. So, I don't really remember much. Recently however, at the recommendation of a co star in King-Ohger, I watched the entirety of "Heaven and Hell: 2 Psychos," starring Ayase Haruka-san.
"Were you interested in Ayase-san and Takahashi Issei-san's personality changing performances?"
Hirakawa: It was interesting to see how the two of them came to know each other through swapping bodies. I also experienced performing a body swap in King-Ohger. Before we filmed it, it was recommended to me with, "This show, it's got body swapping," so I learned alot from it.
"For Rita, did they have the keyword "Immovable" from the beginning?"
Hirakawa: Since my role is that of the International Chief Judge, the words "always neutral" were there from the audition stage. When I was reading the script before filming started, the Director said to me, "Rita is Immovable. That's it." It doesn't mean that they shouldn't move, but that they're unwavering. I was also told, "There may not be much movement, but it holds various meanings. Please be extremely immovable this year." That's why even now, I'm looking for things I can do within being "immovable."
"What did you do at the audition?"
Hirakawa: It was an audition for two roles, the yellow Hymeno Ran, and Rita, who I'm playing. I played both roles in the first round, but when I entered the second round, in terms of her character, I thought, "I'm definitely not Hymeno." From there, I went after Rita.
"Did you feel any similarity between Rita and yourself?"
Hirakawa: I thought I could create something close to the calm and dignified feeling of the character. I'm also pretty tall (166 cm, 5'5"), so I thought that the darker color would also suit me in terms of image. Actually, I had auditioned for the Sentai series and Kamen Rider series multiple times, but most of the roles I've gone for up until now have been for the heroine. So, I thought it wasn't really suited for it. But, with Rita I thought, "That's definitely me." I was pretty enthusiastic, thinking that if I missed out on Rita, I wouldn't get a role like this for about four or five years. And then, until I started working in this industry, I hated my voice.
"But it's an attractive voice, with a deep bassy tone."
Hirakawa: When I finished my first performance, many people said to me, "Your voice is really nice." Do the people around me see this voice as my weapon? Rita's words are very persuasive, or rather, have weight to them. I knew from the audition that I could use my voice in this role. However, since filming started in King-Ohger, I felt that my voice has become even lower. I was trying to make my voice sound deeper, but I ended up sounding lower than usual (laughs). I might be stuck with this low voice. Maybe it'll go back to normal once this role ends.
"What do you currently find interesting about performing?"
Hirakawa: Rita only keeps their left eye visible, right? However, there's a limit to what can be expressed with just the eyes. They're a character that doesn't move that much and doesn't laugh. Things like the inflection and intensity of my lines and how they're conveyed are different from how it's been in the past. Still, by experiencing this kind of role, I feel that the range of my expressions have expanded in slightly different directions. I think I'm lucky.
"What kind of roles would you like to play in the future?"
Hirakawa: In episode 38 of King-Ohger, I performed with my face showing, but I was embarrassed since it had been awhile. A year ago, I would've been able to do it normally, so first of all, I'd like to "reset" that (laughs). I don't have much of a funny role now, so I'd like to play more energetic roles. Also, I want to wear a uniform! I want to be in a school story. It doesn't matter if I'm a class president, a bully, or some kid with a depressed personality. I just want to wear a uniform (laughs). I definitely want to make that happen. But for now, my first priority is to finish King-Ohger. It's been a year, and I think the real battle afterwards will be letting go of Rita and returning to Hirakawa Yuzuki.
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kokiriofthevalley · 8 months
My silly little Link headcannons
hii again I'm very bored rn sooo
again for Zelda, it's only the major ones, sorry obscure link fans
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also wtf is this gif I found 😭😭
Skyward Sword
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✯has the biggest crush on his Zelda bc they're so close
✯like it's VERY obvious how they feel about eachother
✯His fav flavour of ice cream is Oreo ice cream but he also loves toffee and vanilla too
✯He can talk but he prefers sign language (dialect of sign language may vary on preference ((like ASL or BSL or LSE, ect)) ) and talks to save time in an emergency in case the other person may not know sign, but DOES sign if they do
For this one, I thought about the cutscenes where he's explaining something (like the current location or condition of Zelda) to another character and we can see his mouth moving.
✯no because if video games existed in skyloft, i just know that he's playing stardew valley and papas freezeria. I can feel it in my BONES
✯Definitely woke up under his bed once and hit his head on the bedframe
✯him and Groose have insult battles but then they get ice cream together after
Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask
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✯somebody get this poor boy a therapist and a hug PLEASE
Twilight Princess
✯it felt natural to him when he transformed using the Zora mask in mm, because both the models for adult link and Zora link are the same size
✯i think he played the ocarina like a recorder (aka with no experience at all) and did each note individually and the magic of the ocarina of time was probably like "there is NO WAY that I'm letting this kid tarnish my reputation goddamit" and made the songs sound nicer after he had played all the notes
✯forgot once that he was a kid again and walked to Romani ranch to get some chateau Romani and was genuinely surprised when Cremia said no
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✯Had more of a genuine connection to Midna, but still had a friendship with princess Zelda
Wind Waker
✯felt a strange familial connection to the hero of shades when he met him and made link want to find out who the hero of shades was
✯does NOT like how short he is when he transforms into a wolf
✯Best poker face in history
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Breath of the Wild
✯Gives Aryll piggybacks when she wants
✯would gladly eat his grandma's soup for the rest of his life
✯His grandma gave him the recipe to her soup when he left to discover the new Hyrule
✯Has the most major and unhidable (that's not a word but who cares) side eye in the history of time
✯If the events of WW didn't happen, I think he would have grown up to be a cartographer or he would REALLY like making his own maps
✯sorry to get all angsty but I don't think he wanted to kill Ganondorf. I just don't. I don't think either of them wanted to kill eachother. I feel like Link feels guilty about it because it's so obvious that it was only self defense after the triforce was touched by king Daphnes and it literally drove Ganondorf insane
Tbh I'd go crazy too if something I had wanted so badly got taken by another person even tho I literally got SEALED IN ANOTHER FUCKING REALM FOR A LONG AMOUNT OF TIME for it
Again sorry for no totk for this one pls no spoilers
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✯Gets ambushed by Yiga so many times that he knows their names
*Yiga poofs into existence* "IM HERE TO KILL YOU LINK, IN REVENGE FOR MASTER KOHGA!!!!"
"oh hi jerry, nice weather eh?" -link
✯After he saved princess Zelda, he took a nap that lasted 4 ENTIRE days
✯not even the sound of kass' accordion could wake his ass up
✯very obvious but if he wasn't a knight, he would be a chef. Not sous chef. He would be head chef.
✯His hands are probably rough as hell from all that Hero Of Hyrule™-ing he has done
✯despite being able to lift heavy objects, his arms are still noodles
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
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Well, that was one hell of an episode.
I'll start with what we're all thinking: it's disappointing that the sweet moments that Rick and Morty shared in "A Rick in King Mortur's Mort" weren't real. "Little junebug" and the hug in particular were so loving. Admittedly, Rick seemed out of character, but I loved seeing his grandfatherly side.
However, I don't think it's entirely a bad thing. "Rick" changed way too quickly, and Morty forgave him too quickly. It let Rick off the hook when Morty deserves to tell Rick how much he hurt him. Rick needs to face what he's done, not make up with a quick hug and nice words.
And I mean--Rick could have programmed that robot to be cruel. He could've programmed him to mentally beat the family down so they wouldn't bother the real Rick. Or he could've programmed to be the same as he is. Why not? But he programmed that robot to be gentle and loving: the grandfather that Morty deserves. The one that Rick would've been in another lifetime.
I love how the robot also pointed out that anything that he did, Rick technically did himself. Rick programmed the robot to act that way.
"Rick and Morty is about how nothing matters!" Bullshit. The robot wasn't just a replacement Rick. Yes, Rick built him because he was being a petty asshole, but he could've made that robot an abusive piece of shit to be an even pettier asshole. Instead, the robot showed us Rick at his best.
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I was glad that the episode clarified that Rick made the robot at the beginning of the previous episode so that we didn't have to wonder how long we'd been watching a Rick stand-in.
Rick still did everything else this season. He willingly went to therapy, spent time with his family, helped Jerry when he didn't need to (and side-eyed the family for making fun of him), told Morty that he loves him, threw himself on top of Morty to protect him, showed him physical gentleness, told him that his life matters, tried to be a better father to his daughters, and abandoned his revenge quest in "Solaricks" when Morty called him "Grandpa." He's still changing.
And this is the same man that's making himself crazy as he tries to hunt down Prime Rick. He abandoned that for a moment for the Smiths.
Even in this episode, Rick was tame compared to his past behavior. He's still crabby and somewhat distant, but he's far from the monster that he was in "The Rickchurian Mortydate" (and again, another brilliant callback to season three.)
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Still, my heart breaks for Morty. All he wants is for Rick to love him. Rick does love him, but not in the way that he needs. His parents aren't exactly great, either--the Smiths might do more together as a family, but wake me up when Morty has another episode with Beth or Jerry. We've got, what, one of each? And his episode with Jerry was all the way back in season one.
Morty's repressed rage isn't going anywhere, either. I was shocked when he tried to kill the president. He's been racking up a body count since "Look Who's Purging Now" in season two, and I wonder how much worse he's going to get.
Not that I blame him after all the trauma he's experienced. The world had written him off as a nobody long before Rick showed up. Once, he was lonely and neglected. Now, Rick gives him plenty of attention and even affection, but he's also been selfish, abusive and just batshit crazy at times. When is it going to end?
I'm glad that this episode revived the tension between Rick and Morty--it's not a good thing, but it shows that Rick hasn't magically become a saint. It also shows that Morty's continuing to stand up for himself. And let's face it: we've got four more seasons to go. Their issues can't end here.
Maybe they'll split up for good. Maybe Morty will try to kill him. Maybe Morty will snap and carve a path of destruction throughout the galaxy. Maybe Morty's love will save him.
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On a lighter note, I LOVED it when Rick said that the president and his inventions would give him "neurotypical cooties." I thought the writers had forgotten that Rick is autistic before season six. Nope, they haven't--and the series is blatant about representation.
No "Haha we code Rick as autistic! We won't state that in the show though lol!" No accidental portrayal, like Sheldon Cooper, that's offensive to the autistic community. Rick is autistic, and the show's going to rub your face in it. Cry about it, dudebros who say that Rick is neurotypical (and yes, they say that. I've seen it!)
The cliffhanger also made me ecstatic. It's everything that I wanted from a cliffhanger. Season five had a decent one, but it wasn't about Rick's character or backstory. It was just the usual "Damn, how are they going to get out of this?"
I can't wait to see Rick chase Prime in season seven. I'm also hoping that the show will become more serialized as it goes on. I've been saying for a while that making it increasingly successive and going full serialization in season ten would be gutsy and thrilling to watch.
Overall, this was a great season that seems to be building up to something even greater. The new writers clearly love and respect the show. They brought up concepts that I thought the show would never touch again, like Morty liking science (has that ever come up before? He has a bunch of science stuff in his room, but the show didn't touch on it.) All the callbacks were great and never seemed like nostalgia bait. They were loving tributes to the series.
And the new writers seem to like us, lol. They were clearly trying to please our "side" of the fandom.
Rick paused his revenge quest for his family, but he didn't end it. He'll do almost anything to kill Prime. Anything to eliminate the suffering that he can't drown with abuse and alcohol. Anything to make the pain go away for the last time.
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Who do you think are the most OP members of the FlashFam? I think it's difficult, the majority of them has almost the same powers.
Oh easy.
Wally, Bart and Barry.
I think we forget sometimes that the vast majority of the crazy feats of godlike powers we see from speedsters are coming from these three. Wally, Bart and Barry have insane connections to the speedforce and their skill level is unmatched. What these three can do is by no means normal or average. They are op as fuck.
You have to remember that even... let's say Max Mercury is nowhere even remotely near their skill level. And we're talking about Max Mercury. The guy who knows more about the speedforce than anyone else and trained for years to master it. But Max (although he was faster than Bart when Bart was a child) isn't on the same playing field as Wally, Bart and Barry. Max couldn't enter the speedforce without Bart's assistance, Max couldn't leave the speedforce without Barry and Wally's assistance, Max can't time travel to a destination of his own choice, Max can't speed steal or fully pause time, ect ect. Max is one of the most skilled, most knowledgeable, most trained and most respected speedsters of all time. Max is the cream of the crop. You won't find another speedster better than Max. He's a shining example of what's humanely possible for speedsters to achieve.
But Wally, Bart and Barry aren't humanely possible. Those three are insane.
I'm actually going to make a tier list to explain this
(AKA actually gods. Can do literally every speedster ability. Faster than literally everything. Beyond op.)
Wally West (now), Bart Allen, Barry Allen
(AKA the top of the top. Insane skills. Insane knowledge. Insane speed. Likely has a vast amount of speedster abilities other than running. Likely faster than most other speedsters. Op af)
Max Mercury, Jay Garrick, Savitar, Eobard Thawne, Thad Thawne, Irey West (future)
(AKA one of the following: above average speed, above average connection or above average abilities. Likely has one or two speedster abilities other than running. Slightly op but still beatable)
Irey West (now), August Heart, Edward Clariss, Jess Quick, Alinta (future), Hunter Zoloman (when connected), Lia Nelson, Jai West (future)
(AKA average connection, average speed, average abilities. Potentially an additional speedforce ability but no crazy speedforce abilities. Not op.)
Wally West (past), Ace West, Avery Ho, Jesse Chambers, Daniel West, Christina Alexandrova, Jenni Ognats, Jai West (now), John Fox, Red Death, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Meena Dhawan, Anatole, David Edwards (after), Judy Garrick, Bar Torr, Fastbak, Swoosh, Terri Magnus, Sela Allen, Jonathan Allen, Carrie Allen, Barry West, S'Kidd Flash, Thondor Allen, Jace Allen, Blaire Allen, Nora Allen, Agent Flashling, Danica Williams, Cherub
(AKA normal connection but below average speed and abilities. Extremely beatable.)
Baroness Blitzkrieg, Johnny Chambers, Bebeck, Cassiopeia, Harold Christos, Inertia 2, Killspeed, Mayfly, Millie Heyday, Runaround Sue, Wind, Pellmell, Poprocket, Velocity, Gabriella Rossetti
(AKA needs outside assistance to access speedforce (suit, drugs, formula), faulty connection, connection is killing them, can only access powers for short periods of time, ect)
Jai West (past), Alinta (now), Owen Mercer, Eliza Harmon, Jerry McGee, Meloni Thawne (*see notes), Gregor Gregorovich, Boleslaw Uminski, Joanie Swift, Mas, Menos, David Edwards (previously), Keigo, Ezra Gill, Henry Cosgei, Jaculi, Jaculi 2, Jimmy Olsen, Xane Swift
So yeah, as you can see by this, although all speedsters with a functioning speedforce connection are technically capable of being op, speedsters rarely actually are op.
We're just really used to op speedsters because we're used to whatever the fuck Wally, Bart and Barry have going on. But they are very much not representative of speedsters as a whole.
Do you guys remember how fast Wally used to be? When he was younger and struggling with his speed and stuff? THAT'S THE GODDAMN AVERAGE. Wally AT HIS SLOWEST was still faster than every single goddamn speedster he came across, including Jay, Johnny, Jesse, the Blue Trinity, the Red Trinity, ect. HE JUST WASN'T FASTER THAN BARRY OR EOBARD SO HE THOUGHT HE WAS THE WORST. Because Wally is fucking insane. He's an insane human being. Anyway, Wally at his slowest is the typical representation of an average speedster. That's how they typically are.
#dc#dc comics#speedsters#speedforce#flash fam#ranking#k to explain some things. first none of the names are ranked by order. so I'm not ranking them 1 Wally 2 Bart ect#they're only ranked by category. not ranked within the categories#Irey isn't in the insane category because she's actually not supposed to be faster than Wally. she's just more skilled than him#so shes good (like really good) but she doesn't surpass her fathers speed. so im putting her in top until proven otherwise#lia is in above average despite not having super speed because the stuff she has going on is INSANE#the same thing applies to Jai#Meloni is in oh no because she is technically a speedster?? she's just never used her powers in a comic? but she's listed in universe as#being a speedster and Owen inherited his speed from her. so. idk. my only conclusion is that she doesn't know how to use her speed#or she doesn't use it to spite her father.#mas y menos are in oh no because they need to hold hands to access their powers#oh and Hunter's ranking is soley off of his speedforce connection. not his time powers. Hunter's time powers are insane#i tried to stay main universe but i couldn't resist putting in some alt universe speedsters#oh and Eobard and Thad aren't in the god level because Eobard has been reset meaning that he isn't really timeless like Wally and Bart are#and hes not literally the speedforce like Barry is (no matter how hard he tries)#and Thad isn't there because... well he was a good match for Bart when Bart was really little. but i don't really think Thad is any more#like... even remotely. Bart has surpassed Thad by a lot.#Bart was literally the speedforce at one point. hes insane#also Hunter WAS a god? but for unrelated reasons (his time powers) but getting connected to the speedforce nerfed him
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
I have a very important ask to send you...
I took my baby Lilly on her first walk today ^^ we went to the store.
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I promise I didn't leave the flap open the whole time xD and even so, she has a little leash inside the backpack for her own safety.
Lilly was very well behaved at the store, helped me pick out some soap, and she got plenty of attention from the clerks ^^ she was silent the whole walk, which kinda scared me, but she was more fascinated with the whole world than scared ^^ and yes, I gave her treats when we came home. That is very important 🤍🖤🤍🖤
(Ngl now that I'm home, I can't help but imagine myself with my responsible F/O's like "Your mission, should you choose to accept it," *hands over kitty backpack and the baby* "You must take Lilly on a walk and give her lots of love while I'm at work." XD also, for you, Moony would be going insane over pet backpacks and would get one for Cake.)
Oh my goodness, Lilly's big day out <3 Of course the clerks loved her!! XD I bet she was the highlight of their day! ☀☀☀☀
And that thing the backpack) is SO CUTE XDD I've only ever seen pram versions, I didn't know their were backpack versions that is adooorabe!! Omg, Moony with one of these 💥💛💥💛💥 ! ! ! Thats it, thats the cute overload for today-
Also- below, find your responsible F/O's (Plus Ryan- I'm not sure if he counts XD) reactions to their mission XD
You; "Your mission, should you choose to accept it," *hands over kitty backpack and the baby* "You must take Lilly on a walk and give her lots of love while I'm at work."
Jerry: He is not wearing that, but he will take the BEST care of Lilly I promise XD She will live in his lap or on his shoulder for the duration of your work day. Imagine Jerry walking around his house doing his thing (Whatever that may be, when he is not luring in dinner or scaring off teenagers) with LILLY ON HIS SHOULDER-
Imagine him talking to her. Should I have the O Negative or the AB Negative for lunch? Come on, you're a soulless creature of the night, too, don't judge me. // Do you like MTV? // Oh look, Peter Vincent on channel 9- Still an idiot I see... Sure is entertaining, though.
Imagine Billy telling on him for all his chatter when you get back XD
Kingston: Kingston's gonna end up with scratched up hands you're going to need to wrap up because he lets Lilly use him (His hands, his arms, his back, whatever) like a cat toy. Its like he doesn't even feel the pain, he's having too much fun playing with the kitty XD
RJ: "... okay." *Has Lilly living on his shoulder all day while he works, givin her treats and neck scratchies*
Tiffany: "Oh baby, you got it! C'mon, Lilly, come with momma."
Lilly my come back with painted claws, but she sure as hell was loved during her time with Momma Tiff XD
Of course he accepts the challenge, and he takes it very seriously, and treats Lilly with the utmost softness; taking extra care not to hurt her.
He lets Lion visit with the little cat, but watches painfully closely and takes Lilly away the instant that he notices the look in Lion's eyes change from adoration and amusement to hunger.
Wheezy (And Ryan!): These two go and hang out with Terry at his place for the day to get away from their crazy roommates and they all watch TV for the day taking turns holding and petting Lilly. Ryan and Terry make Wheezy take regular smoke breaks so he wont smoke around her (Yes, make. I dunno about Terry but Ryan throws things at Wheezy if he doesn't go. He's taking his new friends health very seriously, here!! XD It is a baby, after all. Damn. (Wheezy goes though, he agrees its a good idea. But fuck is it hell. Lucky yer cute, he says, holding the kitten).
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blush-and-books · 2 months
Apologies if you already answered this, but I’m curious what you think Donna and Harvey’s wedding is like in Seattle. What’s her dress like? Where did they get married? What was their song?? Was Jessica there?? I feel like they could have thrown us a short epilogue at least 😩
Hi babes!! I answered a similar question about Donna and harvey's life in Seattle here, but let's talk about the wedding pt 2.
Firstly, I sort of expect them to have their real wedding on the East Coast still, since that is where most of their family is. They kinda feel like they'd have a chill, but classy, wedding at Martha's Vineyard or a similar place that is less touristy/widely known. If they were to get married in Seattle, they'd most likely either do it in the city at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel!! If they wanted to get out of the city they would go to the San Juan Islands or something and have their wedding at a hotel by the water.
I'm tempted to say Donna wouldn't wear a white dress, but also she looks so good in white when she wears it on the show so I kinda think she might lmao. Jessica is absolutely there and Rachel obviously would be too as maid of honor!! Jessica makes a toast at the reception actually. Like she's known these crazies for over a decade and has watched them dance around each other, she deserves some last words about it lmao.
I have No Idea what their song is lol. Probably a romantic jazz song tbh!! The reception music is definitely a lot of jazz and the vibes are really good. It's low lighting, kinda deco, very chill but elegant. There are flowers EVERYWHERE!!! That's probably what Donna stresses about the most tbh is the flowers. I just know in my gut she was pulling her hair out about the perfect arrangements and how big they should be on the tables vs at the entries etc. I seriously doubt anything else stressed her out as much as that did. Harvey actually also is pretty involved and once they mutually decide on food/color scheme and stuff he is the one scheduling the caterers and whatnot and it is definitely not all on Donna's shoulders. They try hiring a wedding planner and soon fire them bc they both have a hard time handing over that much responsibility to a stranger.
uuuhhh other little things:
one of marcus's daughters is the flower girl
jim walks donna down the aisle but still kinda glares at harvey as he does it and harvey just smiles lmao
MOST IMPORTANT THING ACTUALLY: harvey, in his vows, tells donna "you had me at hello" which is a reference to the film Jerry Maguire. Harvey canonically loves this movie and I curse God every day for not having him make this reference bc it just would have been perfect for them??? fuck his gambling analogy i wanted movie quotes!!
anyways yes thank you for this ask this is so fun to think about!!!! <3333
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im-not-a-l0ser · 8 months
I’ve seen a couple posts of yours pop up on my dash, and (absolutely no hate here) I’m getting the impression that you don’t really like Grace? Now, I am incredibly new to the Hatchetfield community (as in, I watched early Starkid, fell out of it because Darren Criss left, and am just now returning), so I’m not sure what all has happened in all multiverses.
With characters like Grace, maybe I tend to project a little bit of my old high school self onto them, because I used to exude an air of moral superiority since I was vocally and unapologetically Protestant in a classical Catholic school. I find ultra-religious characters interesting to play around with, especially in predominantly queer spaces like Starkid, since I was that ultra-religious kid (who is now vocally and unapologetically queer).
So, I guess what I mean to ask is: What is your opinion of Grace, and why? You seem to know a lot about this universe, so I’m hoping to grasp at the general attitude of this fandom towards women before I jump back in.
Oh, so you're... you're going to make it about gender then.
I actually had a whole thing typed up about why I don't like Grace and people's perception of her, but I suppose I'll just post it separately. Maybe I'll link back to this idk. Good base for a post I was already planning on making.
So here's the thing. I don't hate Grace because she's a woman, I hate Grace because she's a fucking psychotic bigot who people need to stop perceiving as something she's not.
I've gone on a whole rant already specifically about this. But there are spoilers in it, so if you haven't seen NPMD bc you're waiting to get a grasp on the vibe of the fandom, you shouldn't read it. Or you should at least watch NPMD first.
So, just a rundown. I hate Grace because she is hyper-religious and I have religious trauma. I hate that people don't see her religion as a core part of her identity, making her fundamentally for and against some things, but still joke about her being christian.
And, before someone get's at me about how I still like Mark. I really didn't, but Curt Mega posted this, which made him a much more complex character in my eyes. I'm sure he was joking, but Mark being gay and having a double life that causes him guilt in both directions is forever embedded in my head.
And sure, Grace is a complex character, she really is. But parts of the problem are 1, people don't pay much attention to her actual complexities, and 2, she's seriously psychotic. And that's not me being like 'women be crazy,' that's me watching the show and thinking... 'oh my god, she's fucking insane' at the end of act one, and at the end of Virginity Camp.
But Grace is really the only girl character in Hatchetfield that I dislike, especially so passionately. I like Emma and Steph and Becky, although Linda I'm not really a fan of actually. But y'know, another "she's a fundamentally bad person" thing there. I even like Ruth, who I initially didn't (I'm asexual and her whole thing made me really uncomfy watching it). Jeri's a weird case, but mainly because both her and Jerry are fucking stupid. Like... just get married! Just get married, you two have liked each other for over a decade, just get married!
So, if you want my attitude on women, there it is. I like good characters and I dislike bad characters. I dislike characters who are against things that I stand for, like being queer, and... idk, not starting cults.
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boatem-probler · 2 months
These Aliens Have Been Watching Too Much Anime in... Tokyo Soul!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / You Are Here!
It's been a while, huh? Yeah, I'm taking a summer class, and that started, so I've been a little busier than I was when I started doing this. This report is actually backlog, I wrote it up... I don't even know, like a month ago or something? So yeah, these are definitely gonna come out slower from now on.
In these episodes, the Chupacabra summons Cthulhu to find out the winning lottery numbers, Taurtis hits explosives with a gun, and the most useless aliens fail to invade Earth (not the aliens from last time, different ones).
This report contains mentions of: stalking, violence, guns, death, and splarging (i.e. sexual humor).
Previously on Tokyo Soul:
Sam: “You guys have problems, you know? I just wanna point that out. Everyone here, except for myself, clearly, has very serious mental problems.”
This Time...
Episode 33 – SHES BACK!
Dom and Jerry have gotten the house a new TV. It’s a motivational poster with a sign pointing to it that says “TV”.
Taurtis is still missing.
Jerry has one of the giant alien swords now, which he apparently got by strangling some random old guy.
Sam decides to wake Grian up by making out with him. Grian is distressed by this.
Sam and Grian open the front door to go to school and BAM! Taurtis with a giant gun!
It seems like Taurtis was captured by aliens, given a gun, and told that Sam and Grian had been replaced by aliens, or something like that. Correction from later: he stole the gun.
Regardless, they all head to school together. Grian and Taurtis share an umbrella.
Also, Sam got a letter in the mail from a “secret admirer” telling him they’ll be looking for him at school. Grian points out that Sam having admirers hasn’t tended to go well for him or the admirer.
Taurtis: “That’s why I don’t admire you. Too dangerous.”
Geode has stolen and is wearing Señor Loro’s Christmas sweater.
Invader is at school! She’s in town to see her uncle, who is apparently Dr. Nurse MD. He’s also “technically” not related to her.
Mr. Chupa has Igbar von Squid in a cage in the middle of the classroom. Mr. Chupa says he found some old books in a back room of the school and recreated a ritual from one of them.
Grian insists this is a very bad idea, while everyone pressures him to read out the ritual text.
Grian: “Are you not listening to me?” Taurtis: “We never listen to you.”
Grian reads out the ritual text. It’s basically a bunch of nonsense that’s obviously meant to sound more comedic than ominous.
Igbar starts moving around in the cage. His eyes are red now. Mr. Chupa picks a random student to go in the cage too. “Igbar” eats the student. Specifically “swallows him whole” according to Grian. Or “consumes his soul” according to Sam. Eyewitness accounts differ. Either way, Igbar is now Cthulhu.
Also, today I learned that Cthulhu is spelled with two H’s. Actually maybe I didn’t learn that, because it was autocorrect that told me to spell it that way and it’s been a bit unreliable. Whatever.
It turns out that Mr. Chupa summoned Cthulhu because he wants to know the winning lottery numbers.
Episode 34 – JERRY IS CRAZY!
Mr. Chupa allows the students to ask Cthulhu some questions. They’re pretty much entirely inconsequential. Taurtis wants to know Sam’s “true motives” for being friends with him and Grian, but Sam’s secrets, if there are any, are saved by the bell.
Dr. Nurse has started thinking about how valuable the elderly are after some “pranksters” killed a bunch of them at his hospital, so he has the class interview an old man who is very obviously an alien.
Sam, for some reason, has two of the “wire” textured head blocks from a few episodes ago in his locker, and they are in fact named “C4”. Grian is a bit horrified to learn that he recently had a bomb strapped to him.
Also, Mr. Chupa has been running around in the background for a while, as he has apparently lost Cthulhu.
I’m pretty sure whatever explosive these kids have isn’t C4, which means Taurtis definitely shouldn’t be smacking it with a gun. C4, as we all know, is a stable exp-
Grian gets shot in the leg again getting the bomb away from Taurtis.
Invader was apparently rummaging around in Sam’s closet, and found his old school uniform.
Geode is participating in gym class for some reason.
Jerry announces they will be playing Monster Tag, which is basically like sharks and minnows or zombie tag, and involves Jerry chasing everyone with his giant sword while wearing a monster mask.
Episode 35 – TERMINATOR!
Monster Tag turns out to be pretty mundane and not sinister, but we do get to hear Grian having a very good time being on the chasing team.
Geode and Dom are just playing Splatoon in Geode’s classroom. Also, the old guy from Dr. Nurse’s class is in the test tube in the back.
Geode tries to teach the class how to identify aliens, but he only knows one type of alien, so he can only conclude that the old man isn’t that type of alien.
As the bell rings, someone named Rowan Artifex types in the chat that they’re looking for Sam and Grian. Sam and Grian are confused and a little disturbed by this, because Rowan is dead.
Taurtis has been neutralized, Rowan says, which the boys figure is because the original, non-cloned Taurtis is in fact dead.
Also, Rowan is the Terminator now.
Also also, J the Star from the FUTURE is outside the school, he’s here to take the boys to the FUTURE in his FUTURE car. Unfortunately, he crashes the FUTURE car.
Also also also, there’s a giant spaceship hanging in the sky in the middle distance.
They run to the police station to get help from Okami.
The SWAT members try to hold Rowan off, but he is naturally unfazed by being riddled with bullets and just starts killing his way through.
FUTURE J the Star blows a hole in the police station wall with FUTURE TNT so they can all escape. FUTURE TNT looks a lot like a powder keg.
Okami drives them all away in the SWAT van.
Okami parks directly under the spaceship. This also happens to be right in front of the hospital, which Dr. Nurse is NOT happy about.
J the Star fucks off.
Okami explains that in order to defeat the Terminator, they’ll have to destroy the “source”, which is probably in the spaceship.
Grian: “I hate getting all SWATed up, I usually get shot.”
Taurtis has somehow changed into a One Punch Man cosplay instead of a SWAT uniform. He’s even shaved his head.
They head into the hospital to get up to the roof, now being chased by Rowan, but Sam decides to hang back and shoot at him for some reason, which means Rowan is able to shoot Grian a couple times.
They get in a helicopter on the roof and fly up to the spaceship. Okami tells them to destroy the “core”. Jerry stays on the helicopter, but he throws Taurtis his giant anime sword.
The insides of the ship are… Fleshy.
They come across some aliens standing around in front of a tube of lava labeled “Free Alien Repellant”. These aliens are not little green guys. They are Doraemon, the Pillsbury Doughboy, and someone named Jeice who I think is supposed to be from Dragon Ball Z. They are all wearing uniforms.
They attempt to defeat the humans, but they accidentally end up killing two of their own number with an off-screen buzzsaw in the process, and the humans quickly dispatch the third.
Grian is pretty sure these guys have nothing to do with the Terminator. He’s still up for killing them though.
There’s another Doughboy. He says he’ll give them a “splarging” if they let him live. They come across two other aliens “splarging”, which apparently involves one of them hitting the other one with a stick.
Guys I don’t know what the hell’s going on anymore. I would say it was probably just because this is a special but I’ve watched bits and pieces of the episodes after this and it all just turns into mush, guys. I am in miseryyyyyyyyy-
Anyway the boys get Doughboy 2 to lure the splarging aliens into a hallway so they can kill them.
Wait oh my god is that Joel Smallishbeans’s old Shrek skin. It’s not exactly the same but like, there’s definitely a resemblance. It might just be that they’re both supposed to be Shrek though.
Anyway there’s a room with a bunch of aliens in it and Grian shoots one while the leader guy is doing an Anime Villain Speech. Leader Guy starts charging up, but all that does is kill all the other aliens in the room. Leader Guy dies in one hit.
They get a different alien to show them where the core is, but this turns out to be a trick, and they’ve just been led directly to the actual leader, Boros. Boros pretty much just wants to fight one of them. Apparently it was foretold by prophecy. Sam and Grian volunteer Taurtis.
Boros wants to know his “terms”.
Taurtis: “How about, the first person to kill Sam wins.” Grian: “Ooh, I like that one!”
They just end up fighting to the death like normal though.
Grian decides that he’s “the prize”. He jokes that he’ll give Taurtis “a good splurging” if he wins. Then he takes it back when Taurtis and Boros take a break and just start chatting.
Also they’re on top of the spaceship now, so Grian runs over to where Okami’s helicopter is.
Taurtis and Boros decide to fistfight instead of swordfight, and Taurtis kills him in not one, but two punches, which is still pretty impressive.
Grian: “I changed my mind, Taurtis, I’m gonna splarg you real good tonight.”
Taurtis wants to keep the ship, but Sam put the rest of the “C4” in the control room, so they helicopter out of there before it blows up.
Doughboy is still with them. Grian tries to assign him the basement dungeon room, but Doughboy decides he likes Grian’s room better, and says Grian should have the dungeon. Sam and Taurtis insist Grian should go in the dungeon as a “sign of trust”. Grian reacts very strongly and violently to all of this, and he mentions Sam locking him in the dungeon as a reason why he feels so strongly about it. They’re not backing down though, so Grian runs upstairs and locks himself in Sam’s room instead and starts going through all his stuff.
Grian Trauma Count!
Deaths Witnessed:
1 Student
An Indeterminate But Large Number of SWAT Team Members
10-ish Aliens
Injuries Sustained:
Shot a good few times (there is NO way this kid's legs are normal after all this)
Traumatic Events:
More harassment from Sam
Peer pressured into performing an eldritch ritual which gets someone killed
In the process of this, his friends straight up tell him they never listen to him
Also he finds out he had explosives strapped to his head yesterday
More guns and being shot at, yippee
Teacher from his old school is brought back to life specifically to kill him and his friends
Whatever the hell is going on with these aliens should count I think
The way he reacts to Sam and Taurtis trying to pressure him into giving up his room is telling I think
Next Time... Minions.
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