#i'm sorry to anyone who's been waiting for more art or stories
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kezibun · 3 months ago
Hello again tumblr ^-^
It's been a while...😅
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exoticb-utters · 7 months ago
So I saw that your requests were open, and would like to ask for a Hank McCoy (Wolverine and the X-Men) x Reader short story, if that isn't too much trouble. If that's not on the table, I'm sorry for bothering you.
YES OFC, I haven’t been writing much, and instead, I’ve been posting a lot more art so it’s about time I get back in touch with my roots 🙏🏽 (sorry this took me forever omg) pls enjoy 😘
Hank x Mutant Reader Word Count: 2.7k Words
Mutant Power: Water Manipulation
You’ve been a member of the X-men for the last 3 years. Yes, that’s almost 3 years you’ve had a crush on Henry McCoy. 
I mean, how could you not? He was so sweet, and always put aside time for you whenever you needed it. He’s also, like, insanely hot…
While you do have a huge soft spot for Hank, everyone had given you a warm welcome when you joined of course, this team was your family. More of a family than your parents; who called you a freak for doing ‘tricks’ with their drinks.
You’d make frequent trips to the lab, knowing all too well there would be a big blue hermit waiting for you. As you did this, Hank could never bring himself to admit the embarrassing fact- but your frequent visits were the highlights of his day.
The rest of the team were amazing family to him of course, but no one checked in or visited Hank as often as you did.
Most of the time anyone usually ever came down was if they needed something; nothing this personal. It was new, but it was nice for a change. 
Your jokes with him never got old, and your smile that came with it could only make it better. The willingness you had to sit around and let him rant about the latest experiment that had him losing sleep, to even offer a hand with whatever he was struggling with. Your innocent praises glorifying how smart he was had him hiding his growing blush by looking behind a microscope. 
“I’m afraid blue blushes too, my dear…” He would joke, causing you to smile and chuckle. Ugh who loves a hot, funny nerd. You’d chuckle to yourself. 
Oh who was he kidding, Hank was head over heels. While he tries to use his brain to rationally sugar coat things, he knew he was helpless. 
Your attention to detail was incredible, you somehow remember all of his favorite things without fail. You were just so…thoughtful. 
He couldn’t help but feel a bit selfish, wanting more than your visits down to his lab, the long talks, your presence. He was going crazy.
Then, every night you’d find yourself laying awake in your thoughts, knowing he couldn’t possibly feel the same.
You’d never put your friendship on the line for something so…selfish. 
The thought ate away at your conscious, the numbing sound of your fan tuned out by your busy mind. You sigh, rolling over to your side while pulling your blanket with you. 
You don’t know why you were like this.
You and Hank are…friends. Which is fine- even though it hurts. You are fine with it, and you’ve been fine for the past 3 years.
…for the most part anyway. 
♡ ♡ ♡
You were now hanging out with Hank in his lab, legs dangling over the edge as you talked to each other. Something about a new opera showing happening in town.
Suddenly, you hear Xavier telepathically call for the rest of the X-Men to meet him in the control room, suited up. Must be a mission.
You were informed the Jaggernaut had escaped custody, again.
All X-Men that were on stand-by were now assigned on this task. The team consisted of you, Hank, Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and of course Storm. Stacked team if you say so yourself.
Everyone was in the Blackbird with the sole goal of neutralizing the Jaggernaut before he caused severe harm. 
Cyclops was put in charge, giving direct orders as he looked to you and Ororo. “I need you and Storm to direct him towards us, we need to keep him separated from civilians. Meaning I need a tall wall of water, Storm you freeze it making sure he won’t be able to get through.” 
You both looked to one another with nod. Scott then turns around to Hank who was piloting the jet. “Hank you go with them and watch from above and make sure things don’t get to out of hand. If they do we need your strength to counter-attack.” 
Hank replies with a “on it” before tilting the jet to left, bringing the stealth instrument closer to the designated location. 
“Logan you’re taking the wheel while those three get dropped down. Everyone else is with me.” Scott said finally while Hank clicked some buttons before switching with Logan. The bottom hatch of the plane opened up, allowing you, Storm, and Beast to exit. 
Storm flew to her position in the air, leaving you and Hank free falling towards the ground. Hank turned to look at you expectantly, blue hair blowing wildly in the wind. 
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” You chuckle. You outstretched your arms towards a nearby pond you spotted earlier. Pulling your hands back to your chest in a stream-like manner, a large funnel of water shot out towards you and Hank. 
You grabbed Hank’s arm as the funnel reached you, changing the water into a shape similar to a slide with your free hand. You surfed down the water, holding onto Hank making sure he kept up- and knowing him, it was also preventing him from falling off.
As you neared the ground, you spun the water into a wide spiral to slow down your momentum for an easy landing. 
“I’m still impressed you can do that with your hands.” Hank comments as you reach the ground, earning an amused huff from you. “Well it took some practice,” You trail off, your eyes now looking at his crazy wind blown hair. 
“Actually, I’m more impressed your hair can take that shape…” You snort, biting on ur fist to hold in your laugh. It looked like he had an insane cowlick…well, maybe if the cow had 4 tongues.
“…what?” He said before quickly bringing up a hand to his hair. While he was busy fixing his crazed hair, you spot Storm flying over.
“I’ve located the Juggernaut, he’s down the street!” She briefly informs you before taking off, flying further down the street. 
“Right right, back to business.” You say, waving an arm around yourself to recollect your water. Hank takes off, leaping after Ororo as you ride your stream of water. 
You hear loud commotion around your surroundings the further you went, hopefully you arrived in time. You spot the Juggernaut on the street, wildly flipping cars as if he were in a mad rampage. One was now launched and flying in midair- towards you, specifically.  
You expertly weave around it, spinning upside down in doing so. Before he can flip anymore cars you jump, using all surrounding water to form a wall as Scott instructed. 
You hear a crack of thunder overhead as you land, the air chilling and the clouds growing darker. With a strong gust of wind, the walls you made froze over. You see Storm fly into view along with the rest of the X-Men behind you.
Beast jumps onto a light post, swinging on the end before propelling himself onto the large wall of ice.
The Juggernaut’s actions were now solely limited to facing the X-Men head on. Realizing this, he began charging with full force towards the rest of the team.
“Get his helmet off!!” Cyclops orders before bringing two fingers to his visor, firing off his laser beams.
Night Crawler bamfs around the brute, landing on his shoulders for brief moments, attempting to unlatch the dome.
You shape your water into a whip, ready to attack if the villain closes in. You see Storm raise her hands, calling down thunder as lightning begins to target the Jaggernaut.
You even see Jean pressing her temple with two fingers, using her telepathy with the other outstretched hand to slow down the pursuer.
He wavered just barely under her prowess, the strong bolts only slowing him down slightly before Wolverine decides it’s time he steps in.
With a growl, Logan leaps towards him with his adimantium claws extended before being swatted away by the Juggernaut’s large hand.
Not a moment later he grabs onto Nightcrawler and tosses him aside as well, throwing him on top of Wolverine.
The X-Men were losing options, and fast.
You had to do something.
You swing your water whip from underneath the Juggernaught before quickly whipping it back against his head, effectively tripping him and causing him to topple toward.
Before he could regain his footing completely, you call back all your water to blast him with as much force as you could muster.
And…It was working! He was regressing in distance.
…Until he took a step.
And then another.
And another.
It wasn't long before he began fully charging toward you.
Your concentrated expression quickly fell to one filled with fear and disbelief. “Watch out!” You heard Jean, Scott, and Cyclops warn in unison.
Their cries were all in vain, a large hand splashing out of the water had taken hold of your face. You felt your feet lift off the ground as you were directly dangling in the air, at the mercy of an unstoppable force. In this position, the Jaggernaught could easily crush your skull if he so pleased.
“I will find Xavier. And I will make him pay.” The brute speaks as his grip on your head steadily tightens, your chest burning as you screamed in sheer horror at the increasing pressure.
From above, Hank was almost hesitant to give away his position as the others before you attacked- he knew they could hold their own. But watching you face the Juggernaught head-on…Seeing how your life was in such jeopardy, hearing your screams, Hank had no second thoughts about intervening and saving you.
With a distant roar, you hear Beast come down on the Juggernaut. He releases you, but at the cost of you falling; and of course- hitting your head on the pavement.
Your head began pounding, ears ringing as the corners of your vision grew fuzzy with dark spots. All you could see was a flurry of blue viciously wrestling with a large brownish blob. More figures rushed into the picture before a redhead precluded your vision, concern written all over her face.
“Stay with me! Don’t close your eyes and just listen to my voice…“ Her words began to fade out as the black dots in your vision clouded the world around you.
Your head rolled to the side, your closing eyes finding the blue figure before your heavy eyelids inevitably shut.
♡ ♡ ♡
You slowly awoke to a steady beeping of a monitor nearby, your eyes softly fluttering open. Looking up to the ceiling, you recognized it as the flat cement ceiling of Hank’s Lab.
Before you could get up, you felt the intense throbbing pain coming from the back of your head. Had you really hit your head that hard?
Well if it had knocked you clean out it must’ve been…
“You’re awake!” You hear a familiar voice call out to your right. It wasn’t long before a blue face came into view, blocking the blinding glare of the overhead fluorescent lights.
“How are you feeling?!?” Your vision slowly focused in on the figure in front of you. “Good…I think.” You slowly sit up, rubbing the back of your head tenderly.
You notice you had an IV inserted into your right forearm. Without another thought you removed it, ready to go…to wherever you were needed.
“Woah, there- you should slow down it’s been…a bit and you're still recovering.” Hank warns, grabbing your wrist to keep you from moving any further.
You looked to his face…he was worried??? “Hank, I’m fine! See?” You said reassuringly; though, Hank himself didn’t find himself too convinced.
“Hey, what are you so worried about?” You ask, brows drawn together hoping to get a straight answer out of him.
He was worried about you, obviously. You suffered several traumatic head injuries within a short span of time! If you had not been a mutant…he didn’t even want to think of the possible outcomes of that situation.
Hank sighed heavily, organizing his racing thoughts. “I thought I’d lost you.” He managed to drag out.
That he lost...YOU?!?
“Hank, I think I’ve suffered greater injuries. You should know this.” You say with a small laugh before quickly stopping, his solemn expression instantly killing your attempt to lighten the mood.
His large hands grab your wrists firmly. “You have been out for a month.” His words shook you, so much so that you found yourself shaking your head in disbelief.
You hadn’t been out for longer than a day, right?
Hank must’ve sensed your reluctancy to believe your current situation because he started again. “You suffered several fractures to your skull, luckily, nothing broken or opposing threats to your brain. Unfortunately the stress your skull took on added with the hard contact of the ground practically split your head open.” He explained, running a hand down his tired face.
You hadn’t realized this had happened. “But I’m…I’m okay now, aren’t I?” You ask hesitantly, raising a hand up carefully to the back of your head. You felt stitches, running up the back of your head. Your stomach dropped.
“I performed an emergency medical procedure…which I won’t go into details with you so soon…” He sighed heavily once again, plopping down in his wheeled office chair.
“I hadn’t realized…” You quietly trailed off while fidgeting with your fingers out of nervous habit.
Hadn’t realized what? How bad the situation was? How worried the other X-Men must be? How much Hank went through to make sure you were well?!?
“Please, it isn’t your fault. If anything, this situation has made me realize something…” Now it was Hank’s turn to dramatically pause, his head in his large, blue hands.
“What? What is it?” You ask nervously, fearing your health was in critical condition at this point.
He grabbed you by the shoulders once again, looking into your eyes deeply, “Because…because I fear I’m falling in love with you.”
You stared in utter shock. Had you heard him correctly? He feels the same way?!?
“I-I want to come home to you, to kiss you like it’s been eons since I last saw your face. I need you safe, I don’t know how I’ll live with myself if you aren’t-” You didn’t need to hear anymore. 
You grabbed him by his lab coat, pulling him into you as your lips pressed together in a flurry of passion.
He held onto you, hungrily chasing after your lips as he poured all the love he’d helplessly held in for so long.
Your hands slowly slid up his broad chest and towards his neck, finding themselves tangled in his soft hair. “Hank” You sighed against his lips, the kiss ripping all oxygen from your lungs and leaving you breathless in the process.
He groans into your mouth in response, his tongue running against your bottom lip, silently begging for access.
Your heated ‘session’ was abruptly cut short by the lab door sliding open. Hank shot up, nearly taking a tumble trying to remove himself from you- to avoid any suspicion of…previous actions of course.
Though, the scene didn’t look too convincing; seeing how Hank’s glasses laid crooked on his face and his hair was well tussled. You had to cover your giggle at his appearance.
It was Morph, Cyclops, and Logan. They all start laughing, causing the rest of the X-men to come in, groaning in defeat.
“Woah, woah- were all of you just standing outside the door?!?” Hank exclaimed.
“Pay up, daddy’s waiting.” Logan holds out a hand expectantly towards the other X-Men, a smirk displayed across his face while completely ignoring Hank.
“I knew I should’ve bet with Logan.” Rogue mumbles, fishing out money from her pockets along with the rest of the team.
Oh yes. This was only the beginning of a long, beautiful (and heavily teased) relationship with Hank.
I hope you enjoyed this cute little one-shot! ;)
If you want more like this or want something written, please hit up my ask box! Requests are always open 💕 Until next time🫡🫡
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unofficial-underfell · 1 year ago
Hey guys, I've been thinking about making this post for a long time and I think its finally time I do so. After realizing that some of my last work was done over a year ago, I don't think I can really ignore it anymore. While I haven't quite thrown in the towel on this quite yet, it's pretty evident to me and I'm sure to everyone who still follows this blog that my fervor for the project has drastically decreased. And has been kind of dead for a while. The comic has not been a priority to me, or posting online much at all actually. I did some soul searching and found that I'd started relying on outside approval for my art instead of doing art for the sake of wanting to tell a story and express myself throughout my work. I have limited energy and depression and sometimes it feels like i get such little progress done even though it takes all of my energy. While I'm trying to go to the gym more and build better habits my energy levels and mood still have a lot to be desired, and I'd rather use the limited energy I have to work on something I'm more passionate about.
I've been trying to grow my skills and absorb more stories and I've moved around a lot and started to listen to what I really felt, and I found that a lot of the art I want to focus on deals with heavier and more mature topics. I do love this story, and all of the characters and I feel like I could make a really clever subversion of what is expected from an Underfell comic. But I feel like in these uncertain times with the world and with all of the stuff going on right now, I'd like to use my energy to work on stories that hit closer to the things that I feel are important. So that's why I've not been posting much.
I'm working on a book, and I've actually got quite a lot of progress done on it, but because of all the horror stories online about people stealing author's original works, I'm kind of holding off on publishing any chapters before I can copyright the first draft of the novel. So my online activity will still be pretty scarce for a bit, though I'll still post occasionally on my @cosmicpixel01 account. I'll try better to not be so radio silent though lol. Even if that means I'll post something boring about my dog or books I'm reading just so everyone knows I'm still alive.
I don't want to call it quits on the story. But I also feel like you guys have been kept waiting to see what happens for a really long time, and that makes me feel so guilty. I will try to finish up the pages I have in the works, and I'm probably going to switch to a different format that is some drawings, some writing to finish the story. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to finish it the way I intended for you guys, even with all of the support and kind words and even the fanart that I've kept in a folder on my desktop. I am letting a lot of you down, but I feel like the radio silence is probably more irresponsible than just going out and saying something. And I'm sorry I've kept you all waiting for a not-so-happy update on the blog.
I hope that some of you will continue to follow me for some of my other exploits and see whatever other things I have going on, but I understand that you all followed me for Undertale so I don't want you to feel any sort of guilt if you decide not to. I'm just happy you all supported me for so long.
I'll try to work on this blog again soon, and if anyone has any questions, my asks are open, though I'll probably keep the asks private. Until then I hope everyone stays safe out there. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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chronicbeans · 2 years ago
hello hello! I'm a little embarrassed to ask but could you please request a jealous (even somewhat possessive) Wally Darling x villain reader? the reader is the villain of the show although in reality they are just a goofy thing that likes to create chaos and trouble, and they usually show up at Wally's art sessions to ruin them or "kidnap" Wally for his friends to go look for him (when the reader does that it's just chatting about any subject with the reader wandering off, those days where the reader takes Wally made them close with Wally seeing that the reader is really someone kind and caring or something) but to the confusion of Wally, the reader has not appeared for weeks and when trying to look for him, he finds that the reader began to focus on someone else, taking away all the attention that was supposed to be for Wally (because he is the "star" the reader is supposed to just focus on him) I ran out of ideas and sorry it's so confusing! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) (also if you write it, could you add that Wally calls reader "his" villain?) (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) I'm so nervous about doing this
That sounds like a pretty cool dynamic! Okay, I'll give it a shot!
Wally Darling with a Villain Reader:
TW: Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Kidnapping
🍎 You are such a... sour person. Wally doesn't want to say "evil" person, just sour. Your actions tend to leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth, so that is what you are. However, Wally is slowly finding that he LOVES sour things.
🍎 It first started with you destroying his paintings. He would work so hard, sketching the painting, mixing the paints together, then lovingly brushing it all onto the canvas, just to have you ruin it. Splattering black paint all over it, breaking the canvas, or even just insulting him and making him feel bad about it, causing him not to share it with his friends. Mean bully. Villain.
🍎 So when you one day show up at his painting session, he is prepared for whatever you have in store for him. At least, he thought, because he wasn't prepared for you grabbing him by his cardigan and dragging him deep into the woods. He's terrified! What are you going to do to him? You treat his paintings so harshly, who knows what you are going to do to him?
🍎 After having such a huge shock, he gets yet another one once you sit him down by a waterfall and whisper "Shh... it is alright! I just want to talk. I'm sorry." His eyes widen, before he tilts his head "What?" You chuckle, once again shocking him as you say "Your paintings... I am just jealous. You are good at art. It makes me jealous. I'm still going to ruin them, though. Your expressions are funny! I do everything for the funnies!"
🍎 You keep shocking him with what you do! It is weird how it makes him feel. The neighborhood has been a peaceful place up until you showed up. It's like you ruined everything, but in a good way for Wally. The way it makes him feel so lightheaded and exhilarated whenever you show up is weird. You are so, so mean, even if you don't mean to be, so why does he like it when you act that way towards him? Is it the attention? Maybe...
🍎 He quickly begins enjoying these conversations. Despite you being a bit mean or chaotic on the surface, he quickly realizes you have a lot of nuance. You have motivations, hopes, dreams... the villain in his story has a lot of love deep down, but doesn't know how to show it! He wants to teach you how to express it! He can teach you how to make art, too! Or how to write! As far as he is aware, no one in the neighborhood is an author, unless you count Sally's plays. But writing books! He doesn't think there is anyone. You can fit in that way!
🍎 He becomes desperate to have you give him more attention, even before you focus on someone else. He will paint more with the hope of having you barge in and destroy it. He will sit out in the open, pretending to sketch the scenery around him. In actuality, he is waiting with baited breath for you to whisk him away.
🍎 So, when it all suddenly stops... he is in a panic. He will go out in search of you, still pretending to draw the area around him. Then, he sees you tripping Eddie, the clumsy mailman. He quickly realizes what has happened. HIS villain thinks that they can just abandon him and become Eddie's villain! Wally is supposed to be the one you go after... Like a damsel in distress! That's his role, right? The star who has been captured, with his neighbors as his saviors, and you as his loveable villain! You think you can just change it up, huh? That won't do... Actually, maybe it will?
🍎 Maybe you just got bored of the dynamic you both had? It does get boring to kidnap a willing victim all the time. Wait, maybe YOU want to be kidnapped this time? Where would he take you, though? It would be cheating to just take you to the same place you take him. He does have this secret place in Home, which is the basement nobody knows about. It would be so fun watching everybody trying to find you!
🍎 So, one day, as you are on your way to trip Eddie again, you see Wally nearby. Normally, you would grin and wave to him, but he doesn't look... normal. His grin seems darker and his eyes seem to be hiding something from you. He quickly walks over to you, asking "Are you looking for Eddie? I think I saw him by Home." You shake off the uneasy emotions, simply excited to go play your prank for the one millionth time. Eddie always seems to forget, which makes it even more fun than your pranks on Wally. Maybe Wally seems to off because he is helping you in your chaos.
🍎As you skip over to Home, you barely notice how Wally seems to follow you. The only moment you realize that something is wrong is when it is too late. As you pass by the front door, Home opens it, and Wally quickly grabs you and drags you inside. The second you try to scream, he clamps a hand over your mouth as he says "No, no... Be quiet. It will ruin the game. The others have to find us, remember? I think I found a good hiding place for you, my little villain. It's a bit cold and dark, but I put out a few candles and some blankets and pillows for you!"
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okay-babe · 1 year ago
Hiya Dot! Sorry for the random ask but I am so in love with your writing that it single-handedly got me into this accursed fandom, and now I'm wondering where to start with other authors. Do you happen to have any fic or author recs??
Hi there, anon! I'm so glad you asked because I definitely have some author/fic recs that I'm more than happy to share with you/anyone else who comes across this post!
Before we begin though, shout out to all of the people I mention below! I hope none of you mind being tagged/linked but let me know if you do and I'll remove everything asap :)
1. Starting off strong, we have the amazing @jyoongim! She's been my mutual since I think like day one or two of me creating this account, and I honestly cannot think of anyone more kind or welcoming. Plus, their writing is amazing! Like genuinely so good, I cannot recommend her highly enough. 2. Also, if you're into smut, I am always utterly baffled at the quality of @hazelfoureyes' work. Like, as someone on the ace spectrum, I can say very firmly that sometimes, I don't want to read smut, but even so, I will always read a new post from Hazel when I see it because they're just so well written that I simply cannot wait lol. Plus, their sense of humor is just *chef's kiss*. Love them, truly. (Note: I used they/them here because I don't know Hazel's pronouns, but if anyone does and they aren't gn feel free to let me know and I'll edit this post asap) 3. Additionally, if you like headcannon style writing @a-hazbin-reader is incredible. I've spent actual hours on her page just reading through some of the absolute art she posts there, and it is always a treat. Plus her interactions with her readers are usually either hilarious or incredibly sweet/kind, so it's a good time all around.
As for story/specific fic recommendations, I do have a few of those too!
1. The Deer Dolly series by @ohproserpine (Genuinely incredible writing and a killer story line). 2. You & Me for the worst eternity to come by Notafraidtosimp on AO3 (Definitely not your typical x reader series, but I love everything about it and would never forgive myself if I didn't use this opportunity to share it with everyone). 3. The Partners in Death... and Life series by @safination (This might just be my favorite Alastor series I have ever read, the writing is incredible and I simply cannot recommend it highly enough). 4. Even Death Can Never Part Us by JuliaRobHURTS on AO3 (This is an amazing ongoing long-fic that makes me gasp audibly every time I see that there's been an update. The way the characters are written is utter perfection every time).
I definitely forgot some amazing fics/authors here in my haste to get this posted before class, so everyone should feel more than welcome to comment some other recs if they want to! <3
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nocturne-side-blog · 2 months ago
˖⁺‧₊˚ WIP Tag Game ˚₊‧⁺˖
When you're tagged, share the names of each wip doc you have no matter how ridiculous! Tag as many people as you have WIPS, if you can. Open asks to talk about these WIPS!
Thanks for the tag, @aegon-targaryen! I've actually done this one before and it was so long, but it's somehow managed to get longer... Gonna divide it into categories this time to make more sense of my insanity. 💀
As always, I'm open to answering questions about them! ♡
Fic Update WIPs
WIPs for chapter updates.
The Mage’s Lantern (Doc 2)
Stone Fate
Forget me Not
Origins of Calamity
totk rewrite
Unreleased Fic WIPs
Multi-chapters I haven't posted yet.
my tloz 1986 lore abyss + ROG Plotline
crack au + crack fic
Age of Imprisoning
Wait for Me
The Ancient Era
well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
in another life
three eras
Hero's Awakening
calamity au
Spy x Family: The Unseen Files (not zelda sorry lol)
ace attorney thing idk
plumbing's our game
One Shot WIPS below the break, there's a lot. ^^"
One Shot WIPs
WIPs for one shots.
Voe & You
Voe & Me
I'm Home
Ash on the Wind
Divine Disappointment
Unsung Hero
Slow Dance
Something Human
Ballad of the Pirate Queen
(title something to do with colors)
Somewhere Before
To Wait for Millinnea
Mortal Growth
zelda borrows link's clothes or something
bokoblin study + monster ecosystem
If Boats could Talk (They'd Tell You Stories of the Wars They've Seen)
midna diary
albw zelda gets caught
Hero's Shade story thing
sage avatar therapy
Midnight at Hateno Bay
link sure hopes zelda's alive and not a dragon
Home Away from Home
A Prophecy Fufilled
knockoff zelink
Sheik's Lies
scrapper :(
Stick in the Mud
Circadian Rhythm
The Latest Rumors
Feeling "Thank You"
Fit for a Princess
My Voice
Condé's Hot Chocolate
Last Time We Met...
Foreboding Discovery
My Destiny
The Gift of Your Time
A Pirate's Grace
sick fic
Watch of the Descendant
Kiss and Tell
The New Guard (auru pov)
all the time in the world
legally blonde good ending (????)
Cut Strings; Princess's Lament
zelink hildavio double date
Save You from Me
Trials of Hylia
Tangled Bait
IAL Vignettes
About a dozen other unnamed concepts in my idea doc.
Original Legend Concepts
Worldbuilding and writing WIPs for original TLOZ stories. Many of them have multiple docs, so I went with the ones I have been using the most with them lately.
Modern AU Wordlbuilding + Modern AU Idea Dumping
Sea of the Hidden City
Dream Spinner Ideas
Imminent Darkness
fairytale aus
Era of Malice
wots out of order
Sages of Hyrule
Legends Crossed
zelda ttrpg + zelda fighting game
more I am too lazy to dig for
Wilting Heart
Strings of Darkness
Art WIPs
return of ganon sketch concepts
att refs
(insert all the sketches for tml cover redraws here I'm not listing all that)
fmn banner
other stuff I probably am forgetting
I think this most of it, I got a bit lazy here and there keeping track so I clumped things together. Most of my stuff has 2-4 docs. I definitely can't tag this many people because I don't know that many, but I'll try to tag as many as possible who I haven't seen tagged already. 🫡
✦ Tagging...
@cherrysalsa @hurricane105 @mistresslrigtar @leiladebees @zeldadiarist @aheavenscorner @linktheacehero @dubiiousfood @skyyknights @karama9 @amelias-hart @musical-chan @citrinediamondeyes @cetaseok @mailrebel @michpat6 @minstrelsmusings @ladye-zelda @isasan347 @pastelsandpining
And anyone else who would like to participate! :)
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ranticore · 5 months ago
happy anniversary STBH!! i bought both books while on a week break and read them both in two days voraciously despite my phone failing to decipher the epub files (squinting at a 200x zoomed pdf is a painful way to read but it was so worth it). i am periodically rotating the characters round my mind like the hypothetical apple number 1. Cain especially has been placed in my little mental cabinet of curiosity that i drop by during quiet hours to think about. love that man. number one cain fan. chewing him like an interesting stick. i love every other character as well though theyre all so fascinating and v human
anyway all this ramble to say i love your works and im patiently waiting for the moth release. ur prose is so lovely and i love love love the way you interpret folklore and mythology and your art
question for the stbh gang: what actually are their daemons? i know felix has estibarith the swan but im so curious as to the rest...
omg noo i'm so sorry the epub didn't work! i know you already suffered through it but for anyone else with this issue, i have a recommendation for google books app (if using android) but even if that doesn't work, you can always contact me and we can make something more readable (like a pdf with big font or something) that fits
i'm so happy that cain resonates with people, that old man is a favourite of mine even if i did forget to change his name from the original placeholder (whoops). he's a lil fucked up now but his story is far from over
as for tha daemons..
Islin: i narrowed it down to two potentials?? That i kind of bounce between. I tend to lean more towards a polled bull than anything else - a same-sex daemon which would be the only one in the cast i think, which i tried to parallel in pern story with him being the only one who doesn't match the canon rules for rider sexuality & dragon colour. but regardless the daemon is called Tarannach and the overall symbolism is a massive powerful dominant animal who is nonetheless "de-fanged" in some way (polled cattle naturally lack horns!) and appears more peaceful as a result. Tarannach is wilful and domineering, disagrees with Islin frequently (before Islin has his spine-growing moments), and unapologetically takes up space. would also be a massive inconvenience in day to day life but that's kind of the point. Before settling as a bull, Tarannach went through phases of wanting to be smaller and smaller.
Bowman has a dog daemon. It just has to be that way, there's no getting around it. I joked around that she would be a poodle but actually I would lean more towards a collie instead, a herding type. Something that looks rough and ready but is actually surprisingly high maintenance. Her name is Nell/Nellie. Her personality is irreverent, never takes anything seriously. She turns into a feral animal during the full moon.
We know Estibariz is a swan but some more about her - she wanted to be a lioness, something big and fierce, and Félix insisted that she would probably end up a serpent or a fox, something with connotations of being a sneaky liar, and he felt that when she did settle, it would be an externalisation of some inner ugliness he never wanted anyone else to see. when she did settle she enjoyed a big I Told You So. When he was taken by Puck and spat out again, she returned as a form-shifting daemon again, and had gained the ability to separate from him and travel long distances. She never shapeshifted willingly though. The first person to touch Estibariz aside from Félix was Bowman. The second person was Helena.
Clarion is the only one whose daemon was actually, for real, a horse. His name was Drey and he was a dapple grey draft breed.
Senca is obviously a witch so also had a daemon who could travel far from her. He was a bird, I thought maybe a nightjar or collared dove. Never got that far in the au so didn't pick a name. We'll just call him Namiliyath
Léa's was a thorny devil
Jean's is a ferret and her name is Missy. It looks like it could potentially be an ermine, a symbol of nobility, but no. It's a common hunting animal, white with black eyes.
Erica's is a magpie
Pascal does not have a daemon. There's something there that looks very swanlike, but it speaks with his voice. In a human au, it's a golden eagle.
I don't think I made anything for other characters, again I never got that far writing it
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orangepanic · 4 months ago
Finished Fic: Smoke
It's finally done! My fic for this year's @wipbigbang is one of my longest-running WIPs and also one of my personal favorites. My apologies and thanks to anyone still waiting to find out what happens to Equalist!Asami and her unexpected lover - I hope the ending is both satisfying and believable.
Story Title: Smoke
Fandom: Avatar: Legend of Korra
Summary: When General Iroh is captured during the Battle of Yue Bay, it's up to Asami to extract information from him that will win the Equalist revolution. By any means necessary.
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, major character death, suicide attempt, major character injury
Characters: Iroh II, Asami Sato, Hiroshi Sato, Amon | Noatak, Amon's Lieutenant, Tarrlok, Mako, Lin Beifong, Zuko, Izumi, Original Equalist Characters
Pairing: Iroh II/Asami Sato, other background pairings (some canon, some not)
When I Started: February! February 2021, that is. Eek.
How I Lost My Shit: Most people who know my writing know I'm a die-hard panster, so while I had a loose idea of how this fic would go from the beginning I of course didn't write that. This was my first time writing a real Enemies to Lovers (like literally they try to kill each other a lot) and I found that as a consequence of that I needed to make changes to the story along the way in order to fit the genre. A big decision was to slow down the action to make the romance believable, and another was to flesh out more of the Equalists and their operation in order to avoid a "good guy good and smart, bad guy bad and dumb" dynamic which wouldn't support the kind of story I wanted to tell. All this in turn led to a time skip and whole second half to the fic that I hadn't anticipated followed by a few long breaks myself while I tried to figure out where the story needed to go from there and who with. Mostly because the main characters both wound up killing people I hadn't planned for and so there was a whole legal thing I had to puzzle through that eventually ruled out the original ending I'd had in mind. Nobody listens to me, you know? And I now know an awful lot about immunity and extradition.
How I Finished My Shit: @chocolate-cringymuffin, an existing reader of this fic, incredible artist, and dear fandom friend, agreed to be my artist for the WIP Big Bang. I could NOT let them down. There's really nothing more motivating than fan art from someone who cares about your story. I might not have finished this fic without their enthusiasm. I certainly wouldn't have finished it today.
ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR BOMB-ASS ART!!!! HOLYYYYY CRAP!!! It's so beautiful I'm crying. They're so happy. I also love the choice of scene, which comes at a part of the fic where I think both of them really commit to letting the past be the past and their new life together.
A/N: Thank you so much to the mods of @wipbigbang for putting on this event again! It's a great forcing function. I also want to give a shout out to @alishatheninth who, while not a beta reader, gave me a lot of feedback that I needed to hear about what was working and what wasn't early in the fic and in general has been an invaluable critic and cheerleader on this grand adventure. Alisha, I'm lucky to know you and I'm sorry I killed your favorite LOK character in a truly horrible way. Mostly.
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Bungou Stray Dogs x Demon Slayer ideas
There are a lot of possibilities with this, so instead of just info dumping I'll just make a list and wait till someone asks me to expand on one of them
(pls I'm begging you I need someone else to see the vision)
Akutagawa as Daki's apprentice:
Either when Dazai leaves the PM or when Akutagawa gets the whole 'wheres your head at' treatment from Fukuchi, he gets picked up by Daki who teaches him how to master his ability. Time progresses and he gets ranked up/stronger and eventually returns to Yokohama on a mission and absolutely flabbergasts Dazai LMAO
Bsd characters as Uppermoon's children:
Like, Dazai is Douma's son, Akutagawa is Daki's son, etc. Dazai and Inosuke are raised as siblings throughout the century between their eras. Muzan is dead, so the Uppermoons are fighting for the spot as the Demon King/Queen. The current ranking is Douma as King, Daki as upper 1, Dazai as upper 2, Inosuke as upper 3, etc. Akutagawa doesn't know he's half demon, most don't even know they exist. Dazai has to train him in the PM, but he intentionally stunts his growth because Daki is already a major threat to the hierarchy but a mini-her would upset the balance.
Dazai's backstory as Nezuko Kamado:
I have. so. many. ideas.
(this highkey turned into a story halfway, MEGA TRIGGER WARNINGS, it's Dazai gang y'all know there's gonna be sewerslide mentions, but I went a little overboard and it became more descriptive rather than a mention. He has repeated mental breakdowns, sorry gang, also I'm really bad at angst.)
Kamado Tanjiro's only surviving family member is Kamado Osamu, his younger brother. Osamu is now under the control of a powerful ability that isn't affected by No Longer Human- not even Blood Demon Art is affected. Turned into a demon, he sleeps for two years while Tanjiro trains to become a demon slayer. Canon events play out, but Osamu is in Nezuko's place. Osamu doesn't age, just like other demons, and remains twelve until after the fight with Muzan. Here, things diverge from canon:
Osamu doesn't get turned back into a human. Whether he doesn't take the antidote or it just doesn't work, he's still very much a demon (He does begin to age again though).
Tanjiro gets turned into the demon king, and Osamu is holding on to him, begging his brother to stop, saying over and over again that he was scared. The remaining three Hashira are fighting him, trying to hold him off as they have been weakened significantly. Lower ranking Slayers point out that since Tanjiro is still turning into a demon, if they gave the antidote to him it would kill him. Some disagree on ethics, but the battle is raging and time is running out.
Tengen swoops in and says something about how none of the lower slayers should have to shoulder the burden and he takes the antidote. One of the other slayers (I imagine Murata) warns him that since he only has one hand, he can't carry a weapon with him and it would be too dangerous, but Tengen says he won't risk anyone else. Afterall, the guilt would be too much.
Not only was he going to have to kill the man who killed Muzan, he was going to have to do it in front of the boy Tanjiro had fought for.
(And, oh boy, it gets worse)
And with Tanjiro flailing his bone-tentacle things everywhere, barely held at bay by Giyuu and Sanemi who both looked half dead, the only opening would be through Osamu.
Tengen's feet were quick and his aim was true; the syringe of antidote went through Osamu just below his collarbone and hit Tanjiro directly in the heart. Osamu turned to look at him in shock, and recognition and trust dawned on his face. He thought Tengen could make everything all better.
Tengen said, "I'm truly sorry, Osamu," right before he injected the antidote into Tanjiro's heart.
Trust turned to horror as Tengen tried to pull Osamu away from Tanjiro, now curling in on himself in pain. The syringe was yanked out, but it was unclear who had done it. Tanjiro fell to the ground, Osamu still desperately hanging on as his brother writhed in pain.
"Niisan! Please, Niisan!" Osamu begged, to his brother, to god, to Tengen, to anyone who was listening, but the only reply was Tanjiro's body beginning to disintegrate.
The world was filled with screaming as it shook and trembled and shook and trembled and the world was dark and covered in blood and dead bodies littered the ground but there was no body for Osamu to bury or mourn and the world was dark and bloodsoaked and the world was falling apart in front of Osamu's eyes the world covered in blood and filled with screams-
Osamu didn't yet register, even when nothing but blood came from his throat, that he was the one screaming, he was the one shaking his own world with such powerful sobbing that his skinny, breakable frame seemed determined to destroy itself in his misery and grief.
When he finally would register later, on an infirmary bed fastened down until he had nothing but his thoughts and no outlet for them, that way he couldn't hurt anyone, he would be unable to cry again. Ever again. He'd lost his joy, his happiness, his light when Tanjiro died. He'd screamed and cried out every emotion he was capable of until there was nothing, nothing at all left inside of him. A hole where his heart should have been.
His heart hadn't been ripped out when Tengen stabbed him; no, he'd felt how bad that had hurt, it had still been there. He'd cried until there weren't enough tears, enough joy, enough anger or disgust to form a heart, and now he couldn't feel a damn thing.
When someone finally came to rescue him from his thoughts, it was Yushiro. He began to untie Osamu imediately, barely restraining from cursing whoever decided that was a good idea.
Osamu didn't sit up, didn't move at all when Yushiro was done. There was a pause as Yushiro took in the state of Osamu, seeing no resemblance to the boy who had been so spirited, so driven-
But, he'd been so driven to protect his brother, and now his brother was dead.
Yushiro wrapped his arms around Osamu, silent because he knew no words could console him. Osamu was limp in his grip, not hugging back, and they stayed like that for a moment until Osamu rested his head on Yushiro's shoulder, and they stayed like that for a very long time.
When Osamu started feeling drawn to death, Yushiro was there, a shoulder to collapse on when the weight of everything became too much. Osamu began aging again, and when he turned fourteen, he had convinced himself he was better, enough to find his own way. He ventured towards Yokohama, a bustling city. He stopped outside the city limits, in a homey inn that was just like their old home- Oh, how Osamu just wanted to be back home with Tanjiro, home was gone now, at least for Osamu, maybe Tanjiro had made himself at home in heaven, maybe Osamu could join him-
And suddenly he wasn't better, and Yushiro wasn't there to stop him and-
When Osamu woke up, he was fastened to an infirmary table again, but not one he recognized. Movement came from beside him, and a taller figure leaned over him. "Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
He knew it wasn't, he could see with his eyes this wasn't Lady Tamayo, but it was so comforting to close his eyes to reality for a second and let Lady Tamayo take care of him.
Osamu had a brilliant mind, but it was very adept at creating falsities- both for others and himself. His thoughts wandered, trying to come up with a scenario where this was Lady Tamayo. Maybe, she'd had to disguise herself to stay hidden from Muzan. No one would expect a middle-aged man to be the woman who poisoned the Demon King. Maybe, she'd grown to like her new form, and maybe, she knew Osamu would see that it was still Tamayo and so she didn't bother to explain herself to Osamu because sometimes you just weren't comfortable in your own skin, the body of a demon.
Osamu had taken on a more human form after the Battle with Muzan, making his eyes brown and turning the red tips of his hair back brown again. Every time he looked in the mirror or caught sight of his reflection, he wanted to rip it all up, destroy the mirror, destroy himself. That hadn't changed when he began to look more human, but he stopped getting looks from other people that made him want to-
Osamu looked down at the injury he'd given himself in hopes of escaping life, which hadn't healed with his regeneration because he'd stopped using regeneration the moment he realized he wanted to die. He should've felt shame for his actions, a stranger having to patch him up, but the only thing Osamu could feel in his hallowed out chest was his lungs still breathing, how disappointing.
Akutagawa as Daki:
Essentially Dazai and him are on a mission, they get chased by a demon, Dazai injures Akutagawa so that the demon will eat him and leave Dazai to escape. Only, the demon is Gyutaro and this stupid ah kid reminds him of his sister who never survived the transformation to a demon so he offers Akutagawa demonhood. Akutagawa accepts, falling into the role of Warabhime(the Oiran cover Daki uses in the house of Kyogaku) He makes bank and power, feeding off of foul customers and soon being revered as a sort of goddess amongst the Red Light District women. In Uppermoon meetings, he takes his knowledge from the Mafia and applies it to help them function like a team and actually get things done. Mori hears wind of Akutagawa's work and sends the Black Lizards -Gin to go 'take care of it'. A beautiful Oiran greets them and lets them into the Red Light District, apologizing that the Manager isn't there to greet them. Oop, turms out the pretty lady is actually Akutagawa LMAO sorry Tachihara (or not idc)
Reincarnation AU:
Uh Dazai is Giyuu, Yosano is Shinobu, Mori might be evil Tamayo idk, Atsushi is Tanjiro, Akutagawa is probably Genya, etc.
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angelltheninth · 19 days ago
Blood Soaked Pleasure
Pairing: Mizu x Akemi
Febuwhump Day 8: Bleeding Out
Tags: angst, injury, blood, enemies to rivals, hate/lust, kissing, sneaking around, banter, fingering, mild smut
Word count: 2.9k
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters | Commissions | Event Masterlist
A/N: Season 2 please let these two fuck out all of their problems. They would be worse people for it but I don't care.
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The night was quiet. Perfect to get a good night of rest after so much paperwork, ordering soldiers here and there, needing to make sure no one jumps and slices her throat from the shadows. She told Taigen she wanted to be great; happiness could wait for that. Besides he was still by her side, that was all the happiness she needed at the moment.
Happiness and safety. She was safe right?
As far as Akemi was aware her castle was impossible to sneak into. No human should be able to do so without being detected. Further testament to the fact that the intruder who lay at her feet was a demon.
What scared her more than Mizu's intrusion was the trail of blood she left behind her. The rain washed most of it away, at least what was outside her window and the walls, but the inside of her room was a mess.
"You look... like you've seen a ghost." Mizu snarked up at her, grinning with a smile that was too bloody and shouldn't have been charming. "Gonna help me up, Princess? Or call the guards on me? There's gonna be a lot blood in here if you do, and it won't be mine."
"I wasn't aware you demons could bleed." Akemi met the hostile words head on, a knife clenched in her hand, the other closing her robe. She was still a Princess, she had her dignity, even when dealing with a intruder. "How did you... climb all the way in here?"
"Demon arts. Your guards are also incompetent, I'd suggest paying for better ones." Mizu dragged herself to her feet, hand holding her bleeding side. She looked around, searching for someone. "Is Taigen not in here?"
"Taigen sleeps a few rooms away." She wanted to slap that smug smile right off Mizu's face. "However, he will be here as soon as I scream. Which I will do if you take another step closer."
Mizu chuckled even as she fumbled closer. "We both know you won't do that. I promise I'm not here to do anything bad to you, I only need some funds, and some alcohol and a needle."
A peculiar combination. "Ah. So, this is a robbery. I didn't take you for a petty thief."
"I consider it payment for saving Taigen's life. And not killing him the time before that. And the time before that. And not killing you in the brothel. Your cover sucks by the way." With every remark Akemi wanted to finish off the blue-eyed menace for good. It would surely safe her a lot of nerve, and spare her the conflicted emotions she felt when looking at that handsome face and breathtaking eyes.
"You need to be gone before morning. If anyone sees you in here it would be your head, demon."
"Sure, a demon who snuck in to have their way with the beautiful princess. I've heard that story a lot. I'm many things, but a rapist isn't one of them. I'm not like my father." She said it with so much hatred Akemi thought those blue eyes sparkled with it.
"I'm sorry." What else was she supposed to say when she learned that someone was made though such a despicable act?
"I'm sorry, Mizu." The name was very fitting. "Stay here. If you try to steal anything, if there's anything missing by the time I come back..."
"It will be my head, yes, yes, I get it." It didn't look like she was in the mood or the condition to rob anyone. Mizu leaned against the wall, her sword against her shoulder.
Akemi was only gone for a few minutes. When she entered her room again Mizu looked to be asleep. One side of her was illuminated by a candle, the rest cast in a shadow. Her face grimaced with a painful scowl. Akemi found herself reaching towards her. Only to feel firm fingers around her wrist. Blue eyes locked on hers, Mizu didn't lose any of her sharpness despite the blood loss.
"You might not be accustomed to it but you can't touch anything you want because you want it." She let go of Akemi's wrist, the princess rubbed it over. "Turn around. I need to take care of this."
Akemi raised an eyebrow. "Why? I've... seen a naked man before. And like you simply refused to let me forget, I worked in a brothel. I can help you."
"No. I've done this many times." That didn't sit right with Akemi. What kind of life did Mizu live up until now? "Turn around, or I will blindfold you."
"You wouldn't dare!" Oh, but she would. Akemi refused to give in. They were at a standstill. If Mizu wasn't bleeding out on the floor she would have stared at Akemi until morning. Promptly banishing that idea from her mind, she began stripping her clothes off. "You... you're a woman...?"
"I'm a demon. Nothing more." Mizu's voice became softer the more of her clothes she took off. She can count the number of people who have seen her naked on one hand. "Alcohol please."
Akemi blinked, too busy processing that this handsome man who has haunted more than a few of sinful thoughts, and her fingers between her legs, was actually a handsome woman.
"Alcohol, please." Mizu asked again in a harsher tone.
"H-Here, sorry, it's improper of me to stare when I promised to help." She composed herself and scooted closer. She picked up a clean cloth and soaked it with alcohol. When she moved in close enough Mizu moved her hand away fully. The cut on her side was deep, going from her hip to her ribs. It was a small miracle her guts didn't spill out. "Who did this?"
The samurai was quiet for a while. "A demon."
"A demon like you?" Akemi asked as she pressed the cloth against the wound.
"Similar to me. But he wasn't the one I've been hunting."
"A demon, hunting other demons. Not many stories like that." She smiled up at Mizu, who looked at her, then her eyes widened a bit and she looked away. There was a small blush in her cheeks.
Akemi was puzzled at the shift in behavior but as long as Mizu kept still, she could keep working. Her hands came away bloody when she was pretty sure she was done cleaning the cut. "I haven't done much needle work, so this will probably hurt a lot."
She didn't get a reply.
Fine. Silent treatment it was then. Mizu kept hissing and making little noises when the needle would go through. Now that she didn't have to put on a fake voice, she sounded much softer. "You really suck at this. I would do... a better job of it myself."
"Well, you certainly do have a man's ego." Akemi pressed her lips together and pulled the thread a little too hard. "If you want me to stop I will."
"...No." Mizu leaned her head back against the wall, her body a little more relaxed now that she was bleeding less. Or it could also be the exhaustion and the stress finally getting to her. "It... will leave a scar."
"And your looks will be all the better for it." Akemi teased.
No, she flirted. Flirted with the enemy.
"Please no. I have to shove women away from me as it is. Do you have any idea what it's like to have whores trying to get all of your money? At some point you want to go in just to see what they have to offer." It astounded her how freely Mizu could speak of such things. While Akemi was no stranger to having sex, to wanting pleasure, to lust, she had to keep her hidden most times. She was a princess.
"Have you ever been?" Mizu shook her head and pointed at Akemi.
"You're the only company I've ever had in a brothel." For some reason that made Akemi's chest filled with pride. Speaking of her chest, why was Mizu's hand reaching for it? Wait, not for her chest, her robe. Mizu's fist closed around the two sides. When Akemi looked down, she realized that it had come undone while she was showing up Mizu's injury.
She had been flashing her this whole time!
Akemi quickly fastened it back, her face scarlet red like her favorite lipstick.
"I think they're cute." Did she just... call Akemi's tits cute? "Careful there, Princess. Close your mouth or I might think you're offering it."
"Ugh! Just when I started to think better of you, there you go saying these vile things again! You should be honored to see a woman like me and not have your eyes gouged out for it!" She whisper-yelled at Mizu, still holding her robe closed.
"Is that the punishment? You should have told me earlier. It would have saved me a lot of bullshit. Can I have another look?" Something about Mizu's look wasn't right. She looked... flustered.
"Mizu, are you alright?"
"I'm bleeding out in your bedroom. The guy who wanted to chop my head off is sleeping in a few rooms away. And I'm no closer to finding the monster that made me. I'm so far from being alright. But having a pretty face to look at helps." Now she was flirting too. Akemi didn't know Mizu that well but she never got the impression that she was overly flirty.
Something was wrong. "Excuse me for a moment." She moved closer and pressed her forehead against Mizu's. Just as she suspected. "You have a fever."
When she opened her eyes, they were staring at Mizu's sky-blue ones. Her breath got caught in her lungs, her whole body froze when looking at her. "You're staring."
No, she wasn't. She was charmed. By the blue eyes. That was the reason she was so close. It was the reason she didn't move when Mizu kissed her. She was stunned. Akemi breathed in through her nose, she tasted blood on Mizu's lips. So, this is what it's like, to kiss a demon.
Suddenly Mizu pulled away, flustered, "A-Akemi... I'm sorry, the fever must be making me..."
"Is the fever stronger than you?" Akemi shivered as her lips ghosted over Mizu's. She was doing this. She had the demon flustered and losing control. Not a fever. Mizu shook her head. "Naturally not."
She wasn't pushing her away and Mizu... gods... she wanted... needed to feel warm, to feel human at least for a little bit. "It's raining outside. I'm cold." She stated it as a fact, but Akemi heard it as a plea to warm her up.
There was a huge part of her that felt powerful. She had a demon begging. Her, a princess. But... there was also the part of her that saw Mizu's secret self. Someone who was scared, lonely, desperate to feel something other than violence.
"You don't have to be cold while you're in here." Akemi looped her arms around Mizu's shoulders.
"Akemi... I..." Mizu's lips were nothing like Taigen's. They were much softer, but a lot less experienced. Has Mizu ever kissed anyone? Probably not the best question to ask right now. Whatever the answer, Akemi was determined to be the best kiss Mizu ever had.
Every bit of Mizu's skin was on fire, not with the fever either.
It was because someone was touching her after such a long time. She hadn't even realized that she was the one deepening the kiss until she heard Akemi moan against her lips, against her tongue. If Akemi hated the taste of blood in her mouth, she didn't voice it.
Just as well, Mizu wanted to keep kissing her.
When Akemi rose to her knees her hands moved across Mizu's shoulders, down her back, feeling the muscles flexing. "Princess." Mizu hissed when Akemi's nails dug into her skin, leaving red marks. Those were marking that Mizu didn't want to explain away. "Mmm, so soft."
Mizu complemented while her hands sneaked beneath Akemi's robe and flexed on her thighs. Akemi gasped in response, her legs parting voluntarily, encouraging Mizu more.
"If... if this keeps going, I'm might become like the demon from the story." Despite that she kissed Akemi's neck, then her bare shoulder, her hand closing between her parted legs. "Fuck, you're so wet. This all for me?"
Akemi bit her lip to prevent herself from responding. Yes, it was all because of Mizu, but her pride didn't allow her to say it. 'Get on with it."
"So, demanding. I was right to call you a brat." Her middle finger pushed in with ease. "Quiet now. What would the guards say if they were to walk in and see you like this?"
"They would probably... blame you." Mizu moved her finger in and out slowly, hooking it forward then straightening it back. She wasn't looking at where she was grabbing, she needed something to keep her body from falling over. One hand fisted into Mizu's hair, but the other pressed against her side, her wounded side.
Mizu yelped in pain and pushed forward; the palm of her hand fully pressed against Akemi. "Hold still." She grunted, her thumb finding the sensitive nub she was looking for and making Akemi moan. "Tch. Seems like even a princess can sound like a prostitute when she's getting fucked good."
"You're such a bastard." She pushed Mizu's head closer and urged her to kiss again. She didn't like that Mizu had just as much power over her as she had over Mizu. Akemi hated it in fact.
But she didn't hate the pleasure Mizu's hand made her feel.
She could never hate that.
"You're close, aren't you Akemi? I can feel you want it." She did. All it took for her to realize how much she wanted this was to look into Mizu's eyes again. Then she hugged her close, almost suffocating her as she rode out her pleasure on that rough hand. "Spoiled girl, you didn't even ask for it."
"Didn't need to." Akemi sighed against Mizu's forehead, the samurai held her close, helped her calm down, ease down from the pleasurable high she was on. "Should I... return the favor? I've never done it with a woman before but I'm a fast learner."
"I'm sure you are. My side is hurting as it is. And as much as I would love to experience it I don't think any orgasm is worth death. Not even one by your hands."
"I have a mouth too." Akemi cheeked.
"And what a mouth it is. Open it up for me." Mizu stood up on shaky legs, her loopsided grin still on her face. "You should be good at this. Open up." Her hand tangled in Akemi's hair and she pushed two fingers against her tongue. "Close and suck." Oh. That's why she was angling her hand between her legs like that. Akemi moaned at her own taste, this time conscious of where she was putting her hands as her lips closed around Mizu's long fingers. "Just like it's a cock. That's right, taste it, clean it up. The tip, at the sides, oh, such a good girl."
Akemi pulled back with a wet pop, "Hm. It's not really the same. But good enough."
She enjoyed antagonizing Mizu at every chance she got. Mizu might have made her come, but Akemi was as stubborn and prideful as the most famous Emperors. Perhaps more. They smirked at each other, not quite soft, but not quite as hateful as before.
"Sit down before you die over me." She made Mizu sit back down and gave her a pillow to lean against. Then she made sure she was presentable once more, a perfect image of a princess. "I... don't know where you're going after this or why you need it, but you can take as much money as you think you'll need. Consider it my debt paid."
"Much appreciated, Princess Akemi." Mizu bowed, much like a real samurai would to their Lord or Lady.
Akemi tried to stay awake, logically she still couldn't trust Mizu just because they fucked. That was stupid. But she was tired, she fell asleep with blue eyes watching her, and once she awoke, they were no longer there. The palace however was in an uproar.
"Akemi!" Taigen burst in through the door of her room, looking around frantically. "Miz- That blue eyed demon was seen around the castle. Are you alright?" Ah, her noble hunk of a bodyguard, there so save her from the big bad demon. "Akemi?" Taigen knelt beside her and touched her cheek. "Are you alright?" He asked again, his soft voice and gentle hand making her heart skip a beat.
"Perfectly safe. Thank you, Taigen." Quickly, before anyone else could see she kissed his cheek. The muscly man blushed and got the goofiest smile. Although they were no longer officially together their old habits died hard. The love and care they felt for each other was a flame that would never die out. "If there was a demon here it wouldn't be here for me."
"Uh... we don't know that. But don't worry, I'll protect you!" He nodded fiercely and with determination on his face. "We'll take another look around the castle. If anything seems suspicious to you, call me, okay?"
"I will." She wasn't as worried about her safety as she was Taigen's if he were to run into Mizu. But something told her that their blue-eyed samurai was far away from here by now.
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triassictriserratops · 10 months ago
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
@curiousthg (thank you for the ask! I have to say, it's still wild to me that ANYONE gives a shit about my opinion AT ALL.) AS A DISCLAIMER. THESE ARE ONLY MY PERSONAL OPINIONS. I FULLY RESPECT OTHER OPINIONS AND HEADCANONS. THESE ARE JUST MINE, PERSONALLY. Q.) What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children? A.) Just a few things I kind of like to think about: - There is a third toastbaby born after the epilogue. - Toastbaby girl grows up to become a veterinarian. She's quiet and serene but wildly clever. Dangerously smart. And Haymitch Abernathy is probably her favorite human being in existence. - Toastbaby boy is a wild menace to society and makes Peeta specifically tear his hair out. Constantly pulling him off of cabinet doors, scaling building walls, pulling him out of hiding places where he camps waiting to scare someone (usually Peeta) They judged parents who used child leashes until they had their boy. Likes to follow the Cresta-Odair spawn everywhere whenever he's visiting them.
Q.) How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter? A.) Just based on the math from the book she would have been 32/33 when her daughter was born.
Q.) How many years apart between them in age? A.) In my mind it's about 3-4 years. Katniss says that her Good Things List is tedious after more than 20 years and mentions that they teach the Hunger Games in school and that Toastbaby girl knows her parents played a part in them, so i'd say she's about 7 in the Epilogue. And she specifically calls out Toastbaby Boy's "chubby toddler legs" struggling to keep up with his sister, and that he'll be learning about the Games too in a few years, so i'm thinking he's anywhere from 3-4 at the time of the Epilogue.
Q.) Your headcanon for their name?
A.) I'm so sorry to say this, i don't actually have any! I personally don't like to give them names. I FULLY AND TOTALLY respect the names other people come up with and I've seen some that are quite popular. But I've actually always REALLY connected with the fact that Katniss specifically chooses NOT to give us their names. She was forced to give so much of herself to Panem, to other people, even (on a meta level) to us as readers. Within the 1st Person POV we are privy to her every personal thought and experience. The capitol denied her autonomy and privacy. The rebels did the same. And, in the end, so did we as the reader. It's a FASCINATING lens to look at the books through! (Especially if you follow the fun idea that this series are her memoirs.) But here, at the end, Katniss is choosing to close the curtain. We're not allowed to have her children's identities. Because those are precious to her. Because they belong to them and them alone. I just find that kind of beautiful and so I've made a conscious effort to never pick names for them. Q.) Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent? A.) Toastbaby boy is the singer (and hunter). The third toastbaby is the artist. Toastbaby girl loves baking with her poppa.
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav Everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic. I'm going to be lazy and direct to this post I just wrote where I include a list of Post Mockingjay Fic Recs!!!
(BUT one VERY specific callout recommendation, just in case people don't click into the link, for Us Among the Living by the WONDERFUL @vasilissadragomir. It's beautiful and I have so much love for that story. The characters are lovingly preserved and the tone so realistic I sometimes feel like i'm reading something Suzanne Collins might have written. HIGHLY recommend!)
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bababaka · 3 months ago
Tell me a story. And i'll tell you a thousand more.
Missed chap 1? Here it is.
Chapter 2 - Tests
word count ≈ 5.694
A/N: hm... yeah. That took sometime and a lot of effort. Please, appreaciate and be grateful. Things are getting interesting. And i have no idea how i'll develope Jade and Reader's relationship, but that's a problem for future me. Also, in this chapter, you'll notice i hate Robbie. If you like him, im sorry. Enjoy, guys.
Taglist: @gabriella-aesthetic
You woke up to your mother screaming your name, telling you to wake up or you would be late. You couldn't feel your body, or your soul. The previous day had been brutal, and it was only your first day of school.
You didn't want to get out of bed. Your comfortable, soft, and oh so cozy bed. But your mother quickly took away any hope of getting back to sleep. She opened the door like a hurricane and pulled the covers off you.
"You're going to be late! Wake up!"
And she left, as quickly as she came in. You groaned, completely tired and not wanting to go, but you persevered. You finally got up and ran to get ready.
You were going to be late.
Your mother, a beautiful soul, gave you a ride, and so you were saved and arrived on time.
But you were still dead. You practically crawled through the halls. You didn't talk to anyone, or even bother to acknowledge anyone's presence.
When you arrived at the classroom for your performing arts class, you threw yourself into the chair closest to the exit and lowered your head. Maybe you could sleep in this class. Surely, Sikowitz wouldn't mind. But apparently, you couldn't have a moment of peace. Someone called you.
– This is my seat.
In front of you was the goth girl (not exactly, maybe, alternative? Good sense of style? She did look good) from yesterday. Black eyeliner highlighting her beautiful green eyes. Black skirt, black combat boots, shirt and a loose black crop top. All black, and still beautiful. And still intimidating. She raised her eyebrow. Waiting for the answer.
Oh, yes, you had to answer.
– We don't have assigned seats.
The girl's expression became even more serious, however, she didn't give up, she shouted the teacher's name.
- Sikowitz!
And he fell from... somewhere. You only heard the sound of the fall.
– The seats are marked, aren't they?
– On the contrary, you can be free as birds and... - She kept her eyes on Sikowitz, who had stopped, and now looked scared. You couldn't see it, but if you had to guess, you would bet the girl was threatening him with her beautiful and assertive green eyes. And was successful, since the teacher spoke again, somewhat hastily. - Yes, the seats are marked. Then, the girl turned around, a smug smile on her face.
– Now, get out of my seat.
For a moment, you didn't know how to react. Had she really scared the teacher? This had to be considered some kind of crime, or misdemeanor. Could it be considered abuse? Harassment? Coercion?
– You clearly forced the teacher to say that the seats are marked. I'm not leaving.
She continued to stare. Thirty seconds, and then a minute. Complete silence. You didn't dare say anything, you just returned the deadly gaze and... Were those scissors in the girl's hand? Did she intend to use the object on you? What kind of psychopath was this girl?
She was trying to do the same thing she did to the teacher to you. The problem was that you had already been through yesterday, and she didn't hold a candle to your new ballet teacher, whose presence loomed over you, unlike this girl. It wasn't going to work. Finally, you had had enough.
– Look, either you can stare at me and we won't get anywhere or you can sit next to me and pretend it's your precious seat. I'm not part of the drama course, I'm only staying for the basics, so I'll go to my class and you can have the damn seat.
– How about you just get the hell out of here?
You shrugged.
– Nah, I like this seat. – You smiled. You weren't going to leave. You didn't mind confronting the girl, in fact, you were even enjoying it. The bully wouldn't be able to make you cry like the girl from yesterday. So, it was funny to see how the girl in front of you became increasingly frustrated at not getting the expected reactions from you.
(And it was also the closest place to the exit. You didn't want to be late for ballet. Nope. Nope.)
The girl glared at you, in a last futile attempt to scare you, but in vain. You weren't easily intimidated. And, after your ballet teacher, you reached a new level of boldness. In the end, she gave up. She huffed and sat in the chair next to you.
– Whatever, I didn't even want this place anyway.
The class started and Sikowitz stole everyone's attention, including yours, so you turn your visage to him.
He started talking about the bird scene. A test that everyone would take, and those who failed would not be able to participate in any school plays or projects.
That was bad.
School projects, especially those that took place outside of school, were an opportunity to be noticed by professionals from all over the world. Not participating in the projects meant saying goodbye to any chance of achieving something big without having any kind of connection with people who were already in the industry. Also known as being a nepo baby, which you very much wasn't. So, You couldn't, under any circumstances, fail that test.
The teacher handed out the book to everyone. And said that the tests would start tomorrow.
As soon as he finished, he yelled at the class to start playing superheroes with body aches. Everyone jumped out of their chairs to act. You remained in your chair for a while, still thinking about how screwed you would be if you didn't pass the test. Until a boy, with beautiful, silky hair and an alluring smile, pulled you to act with him, still in character complaining about how he dislocated his hip after defeating a battalion of dwarves. You smiled and let yourself get involved in the acting, starting to complain and limp around the room.
Some students joined you and acted alongside you, Beck and Cat being constant presences, but a skinny boy with curly hair (and you think you've seen him around with a puppet or doll, whatever) also participated in several conversations amongst you. Time barely seemed to pass until the bell rang. And quickly the smile that rested on your face disappeared.
Ballet class.
You ran to gather your things and make the quickest way to the dance room. Until you noticed movement next to you, and there was the goth girl, with beautiful green eyes and murderous personality, though her face didn't show it.
For a moment, you felt like saying something, anything, maybe even cursing her. Telling her that she wore too much black, or giving her a moral lesson about her attitude, but you looked at the clock. 10 minutes until class started, but you had 3 minutes to get there. You looked one last time at the girl, who was gathering her belongings.
You said your goodbye to Cat and Beck and ran out of the room. Ballet class was more important. And besides, you didn't even know what to say.
You arrived at the classroom with 5 minutes left before class started, promptly wearing your leotard, ready to stretch.
– I’m glad you managed to arrive on time today, Miss Tardy. – The girl from yesterday said, and you grimaced at the nickname. Danny(?) stood next to you with an amused smile, and you snorted, trying to calm down.
You arrived “early,” yes, but still, you felt nervous, anxious, as if at any moment the teacher would jump out of nowhere to scream and embarrass you in front of the class, again.
– Yeah, believe me, I’m happy too. – You looked from side to side.
– Did the teacher traumatize you yesterday?
– A little, yes. I’m just... paranoid.
– A lot of people are, believe me.
– And are you part of that group?
– Cautious, maybe, but not paranoid. – She smiled. – At least, not yet. Have you stretched yet?
Your eyes widened.
The girl next to you laughed.
– Come on, there’s still time. I haven't stretched either.
You looked at Daniela(?) and found yourself wanting to be her friend. So, you tried to make conversation.
– So, am I the only one who’s completely sore after yesterday?
– Wow! Yes! – Delilah says enthusiastically. – I’ve been doing ballet for years but still, yesterday was brutal. And we still had classes in the afternoon! Honestly, I fell asleep in history class, the teacher’s voice just lulled me to sleep. You laugh and nod.
– I understand you. I didn’t doze off in class, but if it weren’t for my mother, I wouldn’t have woken up for class today. Dolores groaned, frustrated and dramatic. You sympathize.
– Yeah, I just hope she’s not so strict today.
You laugh. But this time at the expense of the girl next to her.
– Being delusional is a choice.
– That I will choose! - she gasps, trying uselessly to defend herself. – And that is hope!
– Uh-huh. Of course.
But before Da..rla could respond to your sarcasm, the teacher entered the room. And at that very moment, the conversations ceased – as if announcing a bad omen – and everyone got into the correct position and posture. The teacher smiled sideways, appreciating the scene. But she soon stood in front of the mirror, ready to start the class.
– Good morning. Before we start our warm-up, I have an announcement for the class. - she paused, the room in a tense and absolute silence. Satisfied, after a few seconds, she continued. - You will have a test, a friendly competition between yourselves tomorrow. What you will do is simple, you will present an original choreography. The theme and music are free. Try to stay in ballet, but it will not be mandatory. For now.
Some murmurs spread throughout the room, and you, in a state of confusion, panic and anger, spoke out loud.
– Wait, what? But, tomorrow we already have Sikowitz's text!
– Can't you handle both of them? - The teacher's sharp and disdainful gaze fixes on you. For a moment, you shiver, shrinking into yourself. She looked like the grumpy girl in your drama class, yet much scarier. You took a deep breath. Trying not to stutter.
– But, it's the second day of school. And you both scheduled the test the day before it happened. There's not much time!
– Then you better start preparing. I don't accept anything less than excellence, I know that with Sikowitz it will be the same. After all, the school has a reputation to protect. – The teacher said with a rigid and stormy expression on her face and a tone that didn't allow for answers.
You fell silent. The teacher then started the warm-up. Giggles could be heard in your direction.
- Don't worry. You'll do fine tomorrow. - Da...ph stood next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder, no doubt with the goal of comforting you. It didn't have much effect.
The routine ended and the teacher dismissed the class to get ready for lunch.
Da...phne.. approached you, before you even finished packing your things.
You had to admit, you were feeling terrible. Daphne was being so nice, and you didn't even remember her name, it was unfair and rude of you. You also hadn't bothered to ask, but you hadn't cared so much yesterday and today it just seemed like a jerk of you.
"Hey, what's your name again?"
"You don't remember? After everything I've done for you?!"
Okay. Maybe it was a little dramatic, but still.
– Miss Tardy. – Daphne called as you approached you. You groaned. You hated that nickname.
– Are you seriously going to keep using that nickname?
Daphne laughed.
– To be honest, I only call you that because I forgot your name.
The relief was instantaneous.
– Oh! That's great! – You let out a little of your happiness with the information. This seemed to confuse the Scooby Doo girl. You decided to explain. – I also forgot your name, and I felt really guilty, you've been so nice to me.
The girl laughed, then approached you and extended her hand.
– Daisy. Try not to forget this time.
– Look who's talking. – You said in a joking tone, and introduced yourself. Again. Daphne (or Daisy, but you preferred your nickname, call it revenge) waved, and this time she accompanied you to the bathrooms.
– So, do you have any idea of ​​what you're going to do at tomorrow's test? – Daisy starts a conversation. You sigh loudly. 
– No, none. You? 
– Nothing. 
Daisy shrugs, without any concern, as she takes the items she needs for the shower out of her backpack. You look at the girl leaning over the bag, almost open-mouthed, your eyes slightly wide. 
– You're not the least bit worried? 
– Nope. – She turned to you, smiling. – And also, unlike you, I don't have two tests. I only need to focus on one. I'm sure that by tomorrow, I can think of something. 
– Wait, wait. What do you mean? Didn't Sikowitz give your class a test? 
This time, Daisy laughed. 
– No, silly. I just don't have drama class. – And upon noticing your expression of continuous confusion, she continues. – When I had to choose a class, I chose drawing. 
– Drawing? But I thought acting was mandatory for everyone! 
– Well, my parents have a lot of influence. So, they pulled some strings for me. 
– Who are your parents? 
Daisy smiled mischeviously. 
– Nah. It's more fun to let you find out. 
– What's your last name? 
Daisy laughed, leaving your vision. 
– I'll see you tomorrow, Tardy.  
And you were left, with only your belongings in your hand, and with a nagging on your brain. However, you already had enough things to worry about. You just say goodbye and turns to leave the room. 
In the cafeteria, you sit at the first empty table you find. You were sure Beck and Cat would join you later. You take a deep breath, trying not to freak out. Oh, you loved ballet, but you were actually freaking out. Damn teachers. Who passes a test in the first week of class?!
– Hey. How are you? – Beck Oliver sat (or should I say slid?) next to you, backpack on his back and no girl (or boy) glued to him.  
– Yeah, okay. – You sighed. – Just... A lot on my mind.  
– Do you want to talk about it? 
– It's just the stupid tests.  
– Tests? Sikowitz's test?
– Yeah, Sikowitz's and... – you realize you don't know your ballet teacher's name. Wow, you didn't even remember Daisy and now your teacher. Well, it's not like you made a point of memorizing them. You continued. – There's also one from my ballet class. Both of them are due tomorrow. – You banged your head on the table. Beck laughed.
– Everything will be fine. You'll do fine. You just have to... study.  
You looke at him with the best "seriously?" face you had. Beck raised his hands, in an act of innocence. You bang your face on the table again. Sighing.
– The problem isn't even the tests, but the day. They're both due tomorrow, both of them!   
– What did you expect? This is the best art school, after all, of course they're going to demand a lot from you.  
You look up at Beck and huff. 
– I don't know, I just thought I'd have more time to adjust before they throw me to the pigs like that.  
– That's a little dramatic.
– No, it's not. You're only saying that because you haven't met my ballet teacher.  
– If you want, we can rehearse the bird scene together, I just can't help with the ballet audition for, well, obvious reasons. 
As soon as Beck offers it, you light up.
– Oh! Yes, that would help me a lot!  
Beck smiles.
– BECK! – you hear someone shout, along with someone else shouting your name. For a second, you are confused where to look, but you obviously look for the person who shouted your name, and there was Cat, the little redhead you were quickly learning to like. She came to your side, squealing.  
– Hi! – she says, even though you had already seen each other in Sikowitz's class. You smile. She was so cute.  
– Hi, Cat. – you say back. – How was your singing class?
– Amazing! The teacher is really good! And very kind! – Cat sits down next to you. One thought only crosses your mind "I wish". But you don't say it out loud. Instead, you just keep a lighthearted tone.
– That's great, Cat. I'm happy for you. 
As the redhead sits down, only then you notice the presence of two more people at the table. More specifically, two boys, who you recognize from your drama class.  
– Girls, this is André and Robbie. - Beck introduces them, pointing to each boy. André was the dreadlocked boy, he had a charming smile and a calm and friendly temperament. While Robbie was more... eccentric. And you wished it was in a good way. The boy seemed kind, a little shy and clumsy, but nothing too much. The problem was Rex. The ventriloquist dummy. Controlled by Robbie. So, yes, Robbie, with glasses and curly hair, was strange. 
So, it's safe to say that you liked André better. 
Ignoring a sexist and disgusting comment from Rex, you ask:
– So, what courses are you taking? 
André quickly answers.
– Well, I've always been passionate about music, so. - he smiles sideways, positioning himself in the chair and taking up more space, while his arms pointed towards himself, as if he was showing off. You smiled. Genuinely.
– So, do you sing? - you ask and notice Cat perk up next to him, letting out a small “Yaaay”.
– No. I mean, yes. I sing, but that’s not my focus. I focus more on the instrumentation and songwriting part, like music theory. 
Beck turns to André. 
– That’s pretty cool! You didn’t tell me that. 
The boy with dreadlocks shrugged. 
– You didn’t ask. Unlike her. - he pointed at you. You winked in Beck’s direction, playfully. 
– The trick is to ask the right questions. 
Beck laughed lightly.
– Noted. 
That’s when Robbie butts in, making you jump, almost forgetting about him.
– Uh, yeah, I do performing arts, but I don’t want to be an actor. I want to be a stand-up comedian. - he says, to which Rex quickly replies “you’re not funny at all. You’re pathetic”. Robbie retorts, and for a moment the two argue, and in fact, it seems pathetic. 
– That's great, Robbie! - Beck – Bless his heart – is the one who finally breaks the argument between the boy and his doll. 
– Huh? Ah, ah, uhm, thanks. 
– So! – André exclaims, placing his hands on the table, making a slight noise, the smile on his face revealing his excitement. – Have you decided how you're going to decorate your locker? 
– Decorate the locker? What do you mean? – Beck asks. 
– It's a tradition. I heard it from some older girls. 
– Yay! Traditions! – You laughed at Cat's excitement. Sometimes, she reminded you of a puppy. 
– Yeah – André continued. – Apparently, it's like a rite of passage. Like officially being a Hollywood Arts student. 
– Interesting. – You hum. – What do you think, Cat? What would you put in your locker? 
– Purple giraffes. 
You frowned, confused. 
– Purple giraffes? 
– Purple giraffes. – the redhead repeated, solemn, staring at you. It was weird. 
– Hey, it’s valid. Giraffes are cool. – Andre spoke up, which made Cat smile, in that way that would melt any heart. 
– Yeah, they are! – Robbie joined in, as if his breath had been stolen from him. That brought the attention to him. 
– And what would you do, Robbie? – this time, Beck's the one who asks.
He shruggs. 
– I don’t know. Something that brings comfort, maybe something that reminds me of childhood? 
And again, the damn doll, “so, what are you going to do, hang yourself by your underwear in the closet?” 
You completely ignore him – you had a feeling you would do this a lot with Robbie – and turn to Beck. 
– And you?  What did you think of for the locker? 
– Nothing concrete yet, but I want something that reflects my personality, that shows something about me. – He stopped, his eyes traveling around the courtyard and the people around him, to return to you. He shook his head. – I’m still deciding. You smile. 
– I’m sure you’ll find something. 
– And what do you plan on doing? – Beck asks, but before you could even try to open your mouth to answer him, Andre’s voice rang out loud. 
– Man! I just want something classy! Musical! Something to jam to, you know? 
– That’s actually very creative! – Cat replied, with Robbie agreeing. You turned to Beck again, with a promise in your smile, and laughter in your eyes. 
– It’ll be a surprise. – and You turn back to the conversation at the table before you could see the brunette’s reaction.
So the break passed, between conversations and laughter, and small outbursts due to academic activities (mostly coming from you). The bell rang, signaling the return to classes. 
You say goodbye to your friends, but when you turned around, you felt a hand stop you, holding your forearm. Beck Oliver. 
– Wait. I meant it, when I said we could practice for Sikowotz's test. - he pauses. - Here. Put your number on my phone. That way, if you decide to take me up on my offer, you can text me. 
You take the phone. You hesitate for a second, your brain processing what was happening, but when you did, you smile. 
– Smooth. 
Beck smirks. 
– Whatever do you mean? 
You type your number, and save it on his phone. 
– I’m onto you, Oliver. 
You give back his phone.
– I have no idea what you’re talking about. – he shrugs and you squint your eyes, playfully.
– Sure you don’t.
He smiles this time, seeming to be genuinely enjoying himself. 
– I’ll text you. - he says goodbye, he waves, his back turned to you, now, definitely, going to his class, allowing you to go to yours. 
In the afternoon, you find out that you have history class with Daphne. 
– Will I ever get rid of you? - Daphne says, as she sits right next to you. 
– You say it like you’re not happy to see me. - You roll your eyes, smiling. 
– You’ll never know.
– Oh, really? Why did you sit next to me, then? 
– Maybe I just like this place. Have you stopped to think about it? 
– Uh-huh. Sure. Keep fooling yourself, Daphne. – you turn around, when the teacher starts to introduce himself to the class. 
During this same class, at the end, the teacher was kind enough to let the students talk and socialize with each other. 
At this point, a student, skinny and strange, with restless eyes and anxious hands, introduces himself to you and Daphne. Sinjin, the boy's name. He wasn't problematic, so to speak, but he was invasive, he got too close to both of you. And the way he articulated the words was strange, it made your hair stand on end. He was a creep. The last straw was when he talked about a website that everyone used, theslap.com, and suggested that you let him record you. Which in itself was aggravating, but the way he said it, instead of sounding attentive and helpful, just sounded like he would lock you in the basement and leave you for the rats, while leaving a camera in front of you. 
Your response to this was to simply say no, and push him away. 
– Don’t ever talk to me again. 
Daisy laughs, but commiserates since he indeed went about that shit like a creep. But then, she comments about how there really was a site where most of hollywood art students were, and how most of them became a bit famous in it, so it became something akin to something you have to do, to gather attention and have a sort of leverage over other unknown artists. 
That means…
You’re gonna have to be on this social media. Whatever. You might as well. It’s your future. You’ll have to be careful with what you post now. 
You can’t focus on this now. You’re sure you’ll be fine. Right now, if you have more important and pressing things to fuss about. Like your damned tests. 
Classes end, you say goodbye to Daphne who laughs at your expression of pure despair. 
When you get home, you inhale the food your mother prepared. And you almost ignore all the attempts to make you talk and consequently, steal your precious time. You excuse yourself from the table, explain in a few words that you had schoolwork to do for tomorrow, and she doesn’t bother you anymore. Thank goodness.
You didn’t have time to waste. 
For about 30 minutes, all you did was walk in circles around your room. In a panic, no idea came to you, nothing magically becoming obvious and clear. You started cursing the teacher and everyone involved in the education system, it didn't help at all, but it was good to simply get angry and let yourself be carried away by the feeling.
Your despair grew exponentially when your mother came into your room to tell you that it was very late and that you should go to sleep. You threw yourself at your phone. The numbers shone painfully before your eyes.
10:00 pm.
Shit. Shit. Shit. You put on Spotify and search for some song, some melody or lyrics that would give you even the slightest idea. Screw it. You had to come up with something. So, you just picked the song you listened to the most at the moment, and forced yourself to dance to something, and from there, something came along. You changed some steps that you didn't like. Again. Again. Again. And again.
You heard the damn song more times than you cared to count. Dance. Listen. Correct. Repeat. Dance. No, again. Correct. Again. Wrong. Bad. Again. Correct. Dance. Listen. Repeat.
When you realized, it was already midnight. And you hadn't even read the bird scene. But you had to sleep, or you ran the risk of simply forgetting the choreography or freezing in the middle of class due to exhaustion. And that couldn't happen under any circumstances.
It didn't matter. Your focus was on ballet, you would figure it out later in class. Sikowitz certainly wouldn't be that hard. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, despite all your anxiety, you were tired.
Waking up wasn't extremely difficult, after all, you were nervous and anxious. You almost jumped out of bed. But, since you had to go to school alone without your mother this time, the morning seemed long.
Every step you took seemed slow and groggy. The lack of sleep was taking its toll on you. Your eyes were heavy and you yawned every minute. You felt like crap. A zombie who, even dead, refused to accept its state and dragged itself through the school hallways.
You arrived at the place where your drama class would take place, and looked around the room, and your eyes landed on your chair. Contrary to what you would imagine, it wasn't empty. No. Quite occupied, actually. By the rude and probably psychopathic goth girl from yesterday. Her smug green eyes met yours, and deliberately and too forced to be casual, she slouched across the chair, trying to make herself comfortable. Trying to get a message across. Rubbing it in your face that the place was hers. This time.
You rolled your eyes. You were too tired and busy to even have the energy to feel angry. You just ignored her and sat down next to her. You sighed. Your mind wasn't there. It seemed foggy. Your movements slow, heavy.
God. How were you going to get through the day? You took a long sip of the coffee you bought on your walk to school, hoping it would sustain you through the day. For a moment, you wondered why you hadn't bought (or stolen) an energy drink. Surely, you knew it would be much more effective. Was there still time to get one now?
Your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening with force, and Beck with a frown on his face, walking towards you with long, heavy strides.
– I waited for you all morning! And you didn't show up! You didn't even answered me!
The rehearsal with Beck!
– I sent you a text.
You frowned. Did he? You opened your phone, and there it was, Beck's contact in big letters.
Hey, so im here already!
Are you coming?
Where r uuuuu?
R u okay? 
You try to say something, your mind slow and messy, looking for reasons or excuses to say. 
– I didn't say I was going to rehearse today. - is what you decide to say in the end. Which isn't exactly a lie, you didn't confirm it. But, it was the wrong thing to say, since Beck's already slightly closed face contorted even more. 
– Seriously? I said yesterday that..! – he cuts himself off, exasperated. - You didn't even tell me you weren't coming! You just ignored me! 
– No. I didn't ignore you! - but when you tried to explain yourself, Sikowitz came in, starting the class and putting an end to all the side conversations that were happening in the room, including yours. 
You hear a small laugh next to you, the psychopathic and idiotic girl. 
– Nice going. 
You just turn around, with hatred in your eyes, without the patience to deal with her. 
– Shut it. 
If she answered, you didn't hear, already having your attention directed to your teacher, who was in the middle of explaining how the test would take place. You only caught half of what he said. But, not too late, you move to another room, with the intention of just leaving the teacher and the student who would present alone.
The rest of the class wouldn't be watching each other's performances. You didn't know if that was a good thing or not. On the one hand, you'd have time to practice on your own if you weren't the first one to be called. On the other hand, you wouldn't have any other performances to base yourself on.
In the end, it didn't matter. You stuttered and stumbled between words. The enthusiasm and energy were gone. And the way you moved around the stage was nonexistent too. You stood there, reading the book in front of your teacher. It was just awful and pathetic. You weren't surprised when you looked up, uncertain, a little and almost faint "so?" leaving your lips, and in a second wkthout missing a beat, you heard the word, failed.
You didn't pass.
But what did you expect? You hadn't prepared. Still, it hurt to fail. At least you had the consolation of knowing at the end of the class that the whole class had failed too.
You tried, for a second, to meet Beck's gaze. Try to show something like contrition on your face, the regret of having left him alone at school waiting for you. But the boy simply ignores you, too busy talking to one of the girls surrounding him. You don't try more than once, your eyes landing on the clock, this time showing that you didn't have time to waste with Beck. You would apologize at lunch.
You arrive at the classroom, and are greeted by a sepulchral silence.
No one spoke, not even whispers could be heard. Everyone was in a state of nervousness and focus. And the ambience, this seriousness, only increased your anxiety. Daisy was also in the same state. And your few questions, if she was prepared, if she felt anxious, were all answered with nods. You keep quiet then and try to prepare yourself as much as possible.
When the teacher arrives in the classroom, upon noticing the atmosphere and the selene air, she nods in approval and begins the class, announcing that she would start calling names to take the test. Which would take place in front of the entire class.
You took a deep breath and shook your head and limbs, trying to calm yourself down and shake off the tiredness of a bad night's sleep.
You're doing badly in the dance. You don't need to see the teacher's reaction to know that. Your arms were heavy, your feet slow and out of rhythm, your expression dead and uncomfortable. You felt like you didn't do well because, for yourself, you didn't meet your own expectations. And that, on top of anything the teacher might scold you or argue with you about, breaks something inside you.
You feel your chest tighten and your eyes burn, your breathing ragged. You look up at the teacher, who remained silent and had a closed expression and a frown. She doesn't criticize you, she doesn't get lost in a long speech about how bad you were and didn't deserve to be there, no. She just lets out something like a slight sigh. And asks for the next one, whispering something about your movements.
You hold your tongue. You spent a good part of your night creating a choreography. You only had one night to prepare.
Asking for perfection from a freshman was basically sadism. It was like asking a child to cook a five-star meal in 10 minutes. Impossible. Asking someone who had learned to speak to recite tongue twisters without stuttering.
It just wasn’t fair.
The worst part was that you did poorly, but other people did well. It was a punch to the gut. Because it was one thing to fail at the impossible. It was another, frightening and painful thing to realize that all of that was possible, very possible, you just weren’t good enough.
– Very good, Jaqueline. You created the choreography by yourself, yes?
– Yes, i did.
You weren’t the worst—a small and slight consolation—at least you had tried. Some people simply danced famous choreographies shamelessly. Those were the ones who got a huge scolding and reprimand. You felt so bad for yourself, you couldn’t even feel bad for them.
When the tests were over, the teacher didn't say anything. Not a word. She just sighed and let the students out of class early. Which gave you more time to sit and think about everything that had happened and gone wrong from yesterday to today. Even Daisy, who hadn't done as badly as you, seemed shaken and preferred to keep to herself.
You had no choice but to be alone with your own thoughts. Which, on days like this, didn't usually go well. You couldn't stop replaying the scenes in your head. The bird scene, how you stuttered, Beck's hurt and angry look, Sikowitz's expression, your clumsy and sleepy dance, your teacher's sigh, which somehow cut through more than words could.
Failed. At everything. Beck. Theater. Ballet. You sighed. At this point, Cat had found you and was sitting next to you, babbling about something you didn't have the energy nor interest to pay attention to. Your head slipped through your arms to rest on the table. You only realize when you hear the shrill sound of the signal that you've slept.
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eemamminy-art · 2 months ago
hi! 5, 6, & 8 for the fandom ask game!
These are long ass answers so... under the cut they go!!
Fandom/fanfic asks
5. Favorite platonic pairing?
Okay so this might be just a thing between me and my friend, but we have this AU where Emet-selch hid away Ryne/"Minfilia" to keep her away from Hydaelyn's influence, but then he still dies as normal and Zenos is the one to find her alone and rescue her? 🥺 And long story short she's now his little sister who is single-handedly saving him from himself and all the trauma his father had inflicted upon him while trying to give her the childhood he never had. I…… am SO emotional about it!! 😭😭😭 They are THE found family siblings, I just get so soft thinking about them 🥺 Genuinely…!!!
I think the only other one that comes to mind, which idk how much this counts since one half of it is my OC, but I'm thinking very much all the time lately about the friendship between my OC Mal and Sebastian!! If you've been reading my fic you might say, "what friendship? Sebastian is a total dickhead to him!" But!! Trust me!!! It's gonna get there eventually!!!!! They are gonna be talking about their feelings and watching frogs together in no time (it will actually be. A long time. But you'll see!!) I haven't really talked about it much because I don't want someone to be like "ehehehe and maybe they are into each other? 👀" but they are strictly just friends and it is going to stay that way!! 😤 One day I'm gonna cave and draw something cute with them hanging out, just wait and see lol
6. Favorite headcanon?
I think the one I've been lingering on most lately is the one you brought up recently, of Zenos being autistic! It makes so much sense, and I already subscribed to it before but I've been thinking about it more since you brought it up! Thinking about him laying in the wol's lap in the royal menagerie, and they're counting the petals on the flowers together to calm him down. :3 Idk, little things like this!
8. Fandom you're a part of that's the most obscure?
Mmm here's where I wanna split hairs on terminology sorry haha okay so to me "fandom" is like, a community, a place of active participation with other fans: whether that's sharing fan works, looking at/reading fan works, or discussing the canon material. That to me is fandom!
So like, to me I would say something like utapri feels obscure, because I'm very passionate about it and don't really have people to talk to about it in much detail, I'm picking up little crumbs about it from pixiv or tumblr, but it feels so tiny to me. But I know it is a big series in Japan! It was popular in western spaces for a time too, like a decade ago-- is that obscure? I don't know, I don't think so, but it feels obscure in the sense of like, I don't feel as if there is all that much community for me to connect with about it.
There's also games like Omori, where the fandom is largely minors so I haven't wanted to interact with the larger fandom space and thus it feels small-- or games that I am deeply fascinated with like Dead Plate that I have no clue if there's any fandom at all and am a bit scared to look for one because it's a very small indie game and thus feels like any fandom would feel too intimate, somehow-- or games that are so old and obscure that I would love to draw art for (and even have in the past!) but finding anyone who has played them is like a needle in a haystack, like my favorite game of all time, Arcanum!
Is a fandom just "things I like that I like"? Or "things I make fanworks for"? Or "a community where I interact with others about this shared interest"? What's obscure in one of those definitions wouldn't be in another definition! Sorry this is a total non-answer but I can't find a way to answer the question in a satisfying way because the question varies based on how you would define fandom!!
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littleplasticrat · 5 months ago
Writer Interview Tag
I'm grateful to have been tagged by @tellmeallaboutit, @my-favourite-zhent and @beesht. Sorry it took so long for me to get around to. Honestly I am blown away that anyone would put me in a 'writer' bucket with the other word crabs
Tellmeallaboutit's interview
My-favourite-zhent's interview
Beesht's interview
My answers below the cut for some NSFW discussion
When did you start writing?
The most recent bout of writing started in December 2023 and was prompted by being insatiably horny for Gortash. This is the first time I've written fanfiction.
I wrote a short novel from 2012-2013 and would put that in the fantasy YA category about a magician who falls in love with a phoenix.
As a kid, I wrote a lot, up until around the age of 16 or so when I realised that I didn't want to live the life of a struggling artist and so set my sights on getting work with more consistent pay than writing books.
I actually do quite a lot of writing for my current job. It's industry-specific instructional writing but I feel that some of the meta-skills are applicable between the two genres.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I really only read horror short fiction recreationally, and I've only written one horror story - which I found super challenging and wouldn't really want to tackle again. Luckily, I'm able to excise the horrors by running TTRPG games and thus don't have to deal with the difficult challenge of making something sound scary.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I haven't been compared to any writers - I simply haven't written enough stuff that isn't solid filth XD
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Up until I moved house last week, I had a dedicated home office with a large drawing tablet and my mother's boarding school desk from the 1960s. Until I can get an office set up in the guest bedroom of the new house (I'm in no rush), I'm on my laptop at the dining table downstairs or a local cafe.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I try to preach that a hobby should be treated like self-care and so not be a source of stress, but I have the heart of a procrastinator and the bones of a perfectionist; if I waited for the muse to strike me with creative stuff, I wouldn't get anything done.
So, if I'm feeling wigged out about life, I'm not going to force anything, but otherwise I have a 'smash it out' approach of breaking down the work as much as possible and going from there. Any writing I do therefore starts life as a series of bullet points of what exactly I want to happen and in what order, and I build out methodically from there.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
The thrill of fancying someone a lot? Horniness? Butt stuff? LOL
What is your reason for writing?
I want to be the freak I want to see in the world.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any comment I get is like JAZZ HANDS. Seriously! It's so flattering to have someone slow down and look at my stuff, let alone acknowledge it.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I once read a shitty horror novel where the villain was able to destroy the protagonist's life, because she'd read all his books and so knew him. That rattled me so hard! There's no way I'm skillful enough to develop an authorial voice that isn't my own. So, like, don't think about what my disgusting fanfics say about who I am as a person please [jk]
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I'd say the action is pretty clear, and I can crack a joke at the right time. What more could a reader ask for?
How do you feel about your own writing?
I would like there to be more of it but my art will take priority for now <3
I think most people I know write on here have already been tagged several times, so I shall not tag further.
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lagacomicofficial · 2 months ago
LAGA Promo Short #2: Dependence
This is a canon short story for the upcoming webcomic I'm writing with the art part being handled by @lorddialtones! This story is about the relationship between Charlotte and Ida and the history of it. Here's the bios/designs for all the characters in the story: https://www.tumblr.com/lagacomicofficial/762357644240601088/art-by-lorddialtones-name-ida?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/lagacomicofficial/763711298361049088/a-curious-and-cunning-personality-with-a-strong?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/lagacomicofficial/761011380261388288?source=share hope you love reading!
Ida pridefully matches into the hallway with Skyla and Charlotte following behind. Charlotte looks happy and hyped up and Skyla, while she has a smile, you can't tell any other emotion as there's nothing in her eyes. 
IDA: Hello, how is everyone today? Lovely, I hope?
CHARLOTTE: Oh, you know I'm doing fucking awesome, Ida!
SKYLA: Doing lovely, in fact. 
IDA: Anyone know where Victoria is? 
Ida turns around confused, with both hands on her hips, standing in an aggressive stance.
CHARLOTTE: Probably couped in her room feeling sorry for herself again. Did a psychic with her earlier aaaaaaand she doesn't wanna go anywhere today, believe me.
SKYLA: Of course. Should we even waste the time inviting her anymore? 
IDA: Hmph, well, don't want to disrespect her. Besides, she's been doing a lot of work and has been improving a lot recently. Let's leave her alone today. 
SKYLA: I won't miss her. 
Ida, Charlotte and Skyla walk into the library with Ida giving Skyla the side eye with a glare. Skyla closes her eyes, but otherwise looks completely unaffected, while Charlotte is awkwardly holding both arms, looking nervous. 
IDA: Skyla, she's our friend. We’re supposed to help her. She learns you’re talking about her like this, she'll feel very hurt. 
SKYLA: What she doesn't know can't hurt her, yes?
IDA: Or we shouldn’t do things that could hurt her for no reason. 
CHARLOTTE: Uuuuuuuuuuuuh, ayo, if we supposed to be studying next? Let’s not get distracted and start a fight, kay? 
Charlotte now looks ahead confident, as Ida looks a lot more relaxed and happy, with Skyla keeping the same happy but guarded look. 
IDA: Excellent point, I’ll calm down and Skyla should do the same. 
SKYLA: Right. 
IDA: So let's study and study hard now. 
CHARLOTTE: Actually, before that, can we talk, one on one?
Ida looks back at her intrigued while Skyla gets a mischievous look on her face, and Charlotte goes back to looking nervous, pointing at Skyla. 
IDA: Oh, what about? 
CHARLOTTE: Uuuuuuuh, don't wanna spill anything in front of the school’s number one source for student news over here. 
SKYLA: Who, me?
CHARLOTTE: Wouldn't be talking about Ida! 
Skyla leans in towards Charlotte with a cheeky grin while Charlotte looks back at her annoyed, while Ida looks back at them annoyed and very awkwardly. 
SKYLA: Oooooooh, why not? C'mon, I don't bite.
CHARLOTTE: You don't bite but you yap! I ain't telling you shit! 
IDA: This is a library. Please be quiet. 
SKYLA: Right, apologies. 
CHARLOTTE: Yeaaaaaah, sorry. Let's go and talk now, okay? 
Charlotte and Ida walk away from the table while Skyla sits by herself reading a book. 
IDA: Yes, let's. Skyla, sit there and study please, we'll be right back. 
SKYLA: Ooooook, I'll be waiting for you right here. 
IDA: Good. 
CHARLOTTE: Yeah, yeah, let's hurry up. 
Charlotte and Ida stand in a secluded corner of the library, far away from anyone. Charlotte looks very disgruntled and Ida looks at her with a sharp confidence. 
IDA: So what is it? 
CHARLOTTE: Well… didn't get any sleep last night. 
IDA: Oh, that's not good. If you're here for an enchantment, I have many that could help, including some Beast of the week potions. I believe you love those, correct? 
CHARLOTTE: Oh, fuck yes! If you have one, I’ll take it! But… I wanted to talk to you about, uh, why I guess?
IDA: Please do. 
Now Charlotte looks very sheepish while Ida now mixes her fierceness with annoyance. 
CHARLOTTE: Well, I got to thinking about the last exam and how I didn't make the leap in rankings I thought I would. 
IDA: And I've told you it's not the expectations that matter most. It's if you’re getting closer to them and what work you're doing to reach them. And you’re doing amazing work and you’re getting closer. You can see the last exam results and compare, you’re closing the gap. 
CHARLOTTE: Well… yeah, I know that but all this and I ain't even close to getting first again. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I don’t know if I ever will and if I can’t. Then why the fuck am I even here, you know? 
IDA: Hmph, I’m disappointed. You already know better than to let such stupid doubts run around in your mind, Charlotte.
PANEL 10: 
Ida stands strong with a confident and happy expression, while Charlotte looks up at her in awe. 
CHARLOTTE: Uuuuuuuh, well sorry then, I-
IDA: No, no, no, no apologies. All you should be doing is hearing me out. You need to acknowledge that you're still years behind the class. You spent all those years going backwards while most of our classmates were making progress, which means the fact you’re making progress now is catching up to where you were supposed to be and therefore you’ll be back on top soon, then! 
CHARLOTTE: I mean… you definitely right but fuck, it's hard to feel like it. Especially with this new girl coming in and getting second. That changes those calculations, yeah? Didn’t have to worry about her before. 
IDA: Don't worry about her. Her attitude will catch up to her soon enough. And as long as you keep doing the work, your brilliant potential will shine again. And that’s what matters most to you and your family, isn’t it? 
PANEL 11: 
Charlotte still looks sheepish while Ida crosses her arms and looks extremely thoughtful.
CHARLOTTE: Hmmmmm… you right, but when will I catch up to where I should be then?! I can’t wait forever and my parents sure as shit won’t! And it sucks waiting for it all to pay off, one day. 
IDA: Right, well here's what you should do.
IDA: Look at me. 
Ida looks at Charlotte while she grabs one of his shoulders looking directly at her intensely,which gets Charlotte to shrink. 
CHARLOTTE: Uuuuuuuh okay, sure!
IDA: You've been the best in the world for your age, you're a teen, you still can be the best in the world again, you're doing the work needed to accomplish all that, and if you don't believe in you, then believe in my belief in you! 
CHARLOTTE:... Yeah, I mean it's paid off so far so-
IDA: Exactly. Progress isn't simple. Yes, there will be people who are far ahead of you and those who are also continuing to make progress, but they'll have their rises and falls and they'll fall because they abandoned their processes. So don't abandon or doubt yourself and you won’t fall again. And isn’t that what you want most? 
Charlotte looks back at Ida with a cocky smile and Ida looks back at her with a confident smile. 
CHARLOTTE: Yeah, you right. Alright, I'll put that energy back into me and turn it into focus and confidence and energy to get me back to that top, where I belong! 
IDA: Now that's what I love to hear, Charlotte! Now one more thing, dear! 
CHARLOTTE: Wassup, sister? 
IDA: You can't use me to gain confidence for you forever, you know that, correct? At some point, you have to have your own supply. 
Charlotte is now completely caught off guard as Ida stands there authoritatively. 
CHARLOTTE: Uuuuuuuh, whatcha mean, Ida? Kinda confused, not gonna lie! 
IDA: Every time you feel insecure, you come to me for help which I appreciate, but if you don't have your own supply of confidence, then you'll be surpassed by those who do. But you already know that, don't you? 
CHARLOTTE: Hmmmm, yeah I guess. 
IDA: Of course, but more importantly, it's because you're a hard-working, compassionate and kind genius who has every reason to be confident in themselves so therefore should be! 
Charlotte and Ida walk together towards the table. Charlotte blushes while scratching her neck looking away from Ida, who looks back at her with a very pleasant smile. 
CHARLOTTE: Oooooooh, uh, damn thanks. I really appreciate it, dude. 
IDA: Of course. 
CHARLOTTE: Riiiiiiight. 
IDA: Oh Skyla, thanks for waiting. Hope we didn't take too long! 
Skyla waves happily towards both Charlotte and Ida. Ida hitting her back with a happy wave of her own. Charlotte sits down looking very contemplative. 
SKYLA: Wasn't a problem at all! Got a lot of studying in, don’t you worry!
IDA: That's excellent. Let's begin studying together, then!
SKYLA: Yes, let's! 
CHARLOTTE (INNER THOUGHTS:) I know Ida’s right buuuut… 
Charlotte continues looking contemplative, while Ida and Skyla talk to one another excitedly.
IDA (FADING:) Let's focus today on form and poses. 
SKYLA (FADING:) So doing yoga and stuff?
IDA (FADING:) Correct. 
CHARLOTTE (INNER THOUGHTS:) She’s helped me out sooooooo much when I was down. 
Three years ago. 
Charlotte is dressed mostly in black and gray, and she’s in her room by herself, looking incredibly sad and disheveled looking out the window. Someone knocks on the door. Charlotte is sitting on her bed. 
CHARLOTTE: Not taking visitors.
IDA: Even me? 
CHARLOTTE: .. Uggggggggggggggggggh, fine, but don’t make it long.
Ida walks in with a smile, which picks up her mood a little now, smiling a little. Her eyes are still sad though. 
IDA: Hello, Charlotte. Why are your eyes so sad? 
CHARLOTTE: Oh, u-u-uh, hi and I mean, you know, how life's been and shit.
IDA: Well yes, but that's no reason to bring someone as great as you down. 
CHARLOTTE: Aaaàaaaàaaaàh, well, I don’t know about that. 
PANEL 20: 
Ida, now sitting on her bed in front of her, lightly grabs her chin and makes her turn to look right at her. 
IDA: Look at me. 
CHARLOTTE: Uuuuuuuh, yeah? 
IDA: You come from one of the most brilliant families in all of magic, yes?
CHARLOTTE: Well, yeah?
Charlotte now looks at Ida with no help, as she looks at Ida with awe, as she speaks to her with kindness and grace. 
IDA: And you've been at the top before, correct? 
CHARLOTTE: Hahaha, yeah. 
IDA: So then you're a naturally talented witch with all the resources to help train and grow that natural talent then, correct? 
CHARLOTTE: Uuuuuuuh, I suppose?! 
Ida looks back at her with a genuine but amused smirk, while Charlotte looks more sheepish than before! 
IDA: The correct answer is yes, Charlotte. 
CHARLOTTE: Aaaàaaaàaaaàh, well I mean… who the fuck are you to know?! 
IDA: I know you’re brilliant, so it makes me question why someone as brilliant as you wouldn’t believe the same thing?
CHARLOTTE: Gah, y-y-y-you can't say shit like that! 
Charlotte turns away from Ida, now a embarrassed mess, while Ida looks at her confused as fuck. 
IDA: Why wouldn't I? Isn't it a fact? Then I was merely stating facts. 
CHARLOTTE: No, and what do you mean it’s a fact? Says who? You?! 
IDA: Of course, not me, it's the world. I already told you why that's true. You have incredible natural talent and all the resources in the world to expand on that, so I’m curious why you aren’t taking advantage of that? 
CHARLOTTE: The fuck, what’s your problem then?! 
Ida softly grabs her shoulder looking very authoritative while Charlotte looks up at her, hopeful. 
IDA: Mmmmmm… veeeeery difficult for me to explain, but it’s hard for me to see someone so great hold themselves back so much.
CHARLOTTE: Oh, uuuuuuuuuuuuh thanks, I guess.
IDA: So I’m simply curious why you’re blinding yourself from these truths. 
CHARLOTTE: Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm lying to myself, then? 
Ida looks back at her with a lot of confidence while Charlotte has stars in his eyes. 
IDA: Yes, since you've lost sight of what you’re capable of. 
CHARLOTTE: Kay… I mean, I hope you're right. 
IDA: I am, so why not join me in training? Could be 15 minutes. Then I can show you or rather you can show me!
CHARLOTTE: Uuuuuuuh, sure, fuck it, let's go.
Charlotte and Ida walk out of her room. The sun shines on both of them as Ida looks at her with a big smile and Charlotte looks back at her with a small smile. 
IDA: Excellent! Please, follow me!
CHARLOTTE: You got it. 
SKYLA (Fading:) Charlotte, oooooooh Charlotte, Earth to Charlotte! CHARLOTTE! 
We're back at the library in the present day now and Charlotte looks like she's waking up from a nap, with Skyla looking at her amused but in contrast, Ida has a clear sharp annoyance. 
CHARLOTTE: Oh, uuuuuuuuuh, sorry guys, lots going on in my head, y'know? What we talking about again? 
IDA: If you were paying attention like you should've, you'd know we were about to go and do stretches to gain better flexibility that'll make us better at executing spells. 
CHARLOTTE: Aaaàaaaàaaaàh gotcha, awesome. Any specific stretches or parts we focusing on or is it whatever?
IDA:  Yes, we'd focus on finger joints mostly since that's what's most important for spell casting. 
Charlotte, Skyla and Ida get out of their seats. With Charlotte awkwardly smiling, Ida smiling back at her and Skyla turning away from both of them and stretching her arms. 
CHARLOTTE: Aaaàaaaàaaaàh, alright, ready to start captain!
SKYLA: And look at that, so am I! 
IDA: Let’s start. So Charlotte, Skyla, let's aim for greatness now! 
SKYLA: Of course!
Charlotte looks star struck at Ida who smiles at her. 
CHARLOTTE: Oh, I’m made of greatness! No way I’m doing any less! 
IDA: That's exactly what I want to hear, Charlotte! 
CHARLOTTE (INNER THOUGHTS:) Ida, don't you get it? 
Ida is showered in sunlight as she smiles in a very pleasant way as Charlotte looks on in admiration.
CHARLOTTE (INNER THOUGHTS:) You gave me the confidence to be me to begin with. Without you, I never would've climbed out of the hole I put myself in. And I guess I'm scared of falling back in and you not being there. And I know what she'd say, oh but that's not for certain and then it's still not my confidence, if I'm renting it out to her some other wise stuff. But I suppose that if I stay around long enough and see what makes her tick, I can have the same endless vat of confidence and motivation she does. 
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definitely-not-a-mew · 11 months ago
Heyo y'all! SO I made a decision to do a lot of writing alongside art, as the way I started with this kinda,, was very draining for me!! SO without further ado, the part got a little long so under the cut it goes!
The howling of the blizzard slowly fades away as the ragtag trio make their way into the cave. The light from the outside gets dimmer and dimmer, leaving them in the damp, chilly darkness. "So... whats our game plan here?" All eyes turned to the two glowing white pinpricks in the darkness. They flitted out of existence and reappeared as Egg blinked. "Can you not do that? It's.. creepy." The Mew shuffled in the darkness, cuddled up in the dirty labcoat they ended up stealing from Cole. "Do what?" it yawned blearily, flicking it's tail, not that anyone could see it. "Your eyes- they're just. Glowing. It's freaky." The two went back and forth about creepy caves, being tired, and glowing eyes for a bit, right up until they bumped directly into an obstacle. A.. strangely warm and fuzzy obstacle. "Is.. this some kind of cave moss?" The fuzzy wall began to shift, and tiny sparks of flame lit up the darkness. Several balls of flame appeared in the air, floating around the area and illuminating the cave. It became Very apparent the three had run into a pack of Arcanine, who were not happy to have been woken up. Egg, Cole, and Cheese all began to back up slowly, staring wide eyed at the large dog Pokemon. "We should probably go-" Several barks echoed through the cave, bouncing off the walls and ceiling, surrounding the three in a cacophony of noise and flame. Within seconds the pack had them surrounded, growling and nipping at them when they moved even slightly. "I don't suppose they'll let us go?" "Does the growling suggest they will??? Or perhaps is it the jaws snapping that screams 'mercy' to you?" Cheese shot a glare at the purple Mew. "They're Pokemon right? You're a Pokemon too, just. Talk with them or something." "Yeah okay, like they'll listen to me-" All at once, the growling stopped, leaving only the sound of crackling pyre. The circle around them parted as a very large Arcanine with several scars on it's face stepped towards them. "Why are you here." she growled menacingly, showing off her numerous fiery teeth. She seemed ready to rip them to shreds at a seconds notice.
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The three could only stare as the huge dog impatiently waited for an answer. After what felt like forever, Cole finally spoke. "Ah- I'm sorry. We didn't mean to disturb you or your family, we were lost and caught in a blizzard. We didn't know anyone was in here- we just escaped from somewhere and needed a place to stay." The scarred Pokemon paused for a moment, thinking this over. "How odd. You aren't here to hunt us then?" she pondered aloud. Cole vigorously shook their head in response.
The blaze in her mouth puttered out swiftly as she approached, deeply sniffing the human. "You smell of chemicals and.. like an old friend. You lack the necessary tools to capture us. What a strange creature. I believe your story." The fires in the air dimmed down to a cozy glow as the ring of Arcanine relaxed around them, and calmly dispersed. Growlithe could be seen a few paces deeper into the cave, huddled into a puppy pile. "You may stay here until the blizzard calms down. If you truly are lost, then I know a dear friend who may be able to help. If you are lying, I'm sure you know the consequences." She punctuated her declaration with the snapping of her teeth. The regal leader stepped back and padded over to her pack, turning around a few times before laying down once more. "That was... terrifying." said Egg, who was quivering and balled up as far as they could go into the labcoat. "How did you know what to say? I thought we were dead meat when you started talking." Cheese hissed out, still scrambling for their breath. "I... don't know, I think she just wanted to make sure we weren't a threat I guess? In any case she said we could stay until its safer outside... so I guess it all worked out." Cheese stared at Cole like they had grown a second head. "Okay.. I'm not going to ask how you know that. As long as we aren't dog food or freezing." Cole scooted over and picked up Egg, pulling both of the Pokemon towards the heap of sleepy fur. They propped themself up against a wall close the pack of Pokemon, holding Egg close to their chest. Cheese decided to curl up right next to them, shutting their eyes and slowing their breathing. Eventually Cole drifted off into an uneasy sleep, lulled by the warmth of the cave and the soft, rhythmic breathing the Pokemon nearby.
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