#i'm sorry if there are any capitalists following me
rant, anti-capitalist internet hot take
the worst thing about old games is that they are hard, but the best thing is that there are game guides online that are actually helpful and correct bc they were made before articles on the internet were all just for making profit :( i'm playing RE1 remake rn and i've looked up walkthroughs bc i keep getting confused and i just find lil guides on neoseeker and game faqs (also steam community, but that's newer i assume?), but i see stuff from 2002 posted on the internet and it's so cute to me and also "wow" bc we didn't have the internet at my house until maybe 2007? (I was born in 2000, so obviously i wasn't using the internet in 2002). it's like your friend's big brother or dad sitting on the couch with you and your friend and helping you beat a hard level of a game 🥹 like it's just some cool guys you know and look up to when you're a lil kid playing the gamecube and they help you out and idk shit like that gives me happy tears bc everything sucks these days!!!! (in my holden caulfield era, my therapist called it)
instead of big companies (ew capitalism) like ign and gamerant which consistently give 1. less information than what i needed and 2 wrong information - verifiably incorrect, like, i was looking at something about RE4 remake (mind you, i have 150-200 hours, and i'm working on getting 100%, so i know a lot about the gameplay at this point) and there was something blatantly wrong on one of those sites, plus, they have fucking endless ads, so if i'm on my phone (bc i don't wanna use my computer on the couch) loading it is impossible!!! (i have horrendous wifi bc i live in SC).
i hate that like every article on the front page of google is written for profit (and half of them by AI)!! i look up writing advice a lot and i almost never find anything useful. but once I found like the best page ever and i looked to see when it was published and it was clearly a super old webpage (tbh kinda hard to read) and it was someone's advice from their book published in 1999. back when we could have good advice.
also, people really discount fanfiction but all the romance related fanfiction that i've read is so much better than contemporary romance writers (colleen hoover et al.) and it's bc we don't get paid to do it! we're literally just getting excited about things we like and bonding (and even the people who do commissions and stuff are people who actually care, not like a big shitty corporation)
i should ask ign/gamerant for a job as a fact checker of some sort. i'll be like "please, ill literally do it for free bc it pisses me off so much". me emailing them: your articles are so bad i want to kms
also, fuck ign for giving until dawn a 7.5/10, that game was at least a 9 if not a 10 and i'm strict with my 10/10s!!!! reading that article i can truly say, wholeheartedly, that i rarely see worse opinions than that
basically, in conclusion, the industrial revolution and its consequences yadda yadda
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gunpowder-arti · 9 months
🌄 gooieduck-enjoyer Follow
look i live in outer expanse so who am i to talk about the current situation over the wall but to any facility grounds dwellers following me: i am convinced your kingdom is cursed + i am so sorry
🌄 gooieduck-enjoyer Follow
like?? first disease starts raining from the sky? and then there's this massive earthquake and you all just get out of your shelters to discover one of the two local gods literally fell over? and now there's a fucked up red slugcat trying to kill you all for no discernible reason? i think someone pissed off a god--oh, right, someone did! your shit ass king
Shut the fuck up. The Traitor God is a betrayer and a thief and a murderer and Our King is a noble scavenger.
🌄 gooieduck-enjoyer Follow
l + i never said I liked the Traitor God + capitalist + opinion discarded + touch wormgrass + get eaten by said wormgrass + no bitches. + ratio
🌄 gooieduck-enjoyer Follow
got a lot of bootlickers in my notes for this one
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🎭 fuckyeahmaskmaking Follow
everyone go block and report @/cat-redeath it is Literally the scarlet death's blog
#i'm already seeing his posts on my dash and im?? #girl it's IN THEIR BIO #not maskmaking
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🌌 twovoidssayfuckyou Follow
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look at my pet lizard
🌌 twovoidssayfuckyou Follow
🦎 lizardkiller [mutuals 👥] reblogged your post "look at my pet lizard" #OUHHHHH THE HER #i need to move to industrial complex. so i can See Her
my dear friend scavblr user lizardkiller i love you but your url makes that latter comment a little bit ominous
#friends tag
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② cat-redeath Follow
Reblog to explode prev.
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⚔️ spearsgender Follow
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me and who
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Broke witch tips
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So, if you've been practicing for a while, you may already know how expensive it is to be a witch. With spirituality on the rise, america has obviously found a way to make connecting with yourself and the world around you expensive, with metaphysical shops overpricing herbs, crystals, and even candles for deities, it's really becoming harder and harder to find things that won't break your bank but also provide for your craft as well. So I've decided to make a post about how to avoid spending all this money on watered down capitalistic spirituality. Let's began
Connecting with your surroundings...
Whether you live in a bustling city, a quiet beach side town, or maybe you might be surrounded with country hicks (aka, southern Texas lol), there will always be a way to connect with your world. I understand that it might be harder to connect with your surroundings if you live in city filled with concrete instead of lushious green fields. So here are some ways I've connected with my surroundings while living in the city.
- find near by forests, whether it's a national park or just a regular forest, this will allow you to not only connect with your local plants and nature spirits. Finding a forest near you will also allow you to gather resources for your craft as well (more on this later).
- connect with your community, this could be your neighborhood, gsa clubs, really any school clubs, going to community events. Just find any way to connect with the people in your area. The community Ive made in my small town allows me grow stronger with my surroundings. We go on walks, to shops, thrift stores. I recommend this because getting out in the world and walking next to people you can relate to will make you feel more at home.
- go on walks/drive around. This might be far fetched but I connect more with my surroundings when I'm looking around for places to go. I get to see how my surroundings react to the world around me and I start to become more familiar with the wildlife and plant life of my town.
I honestly didn't live in the city for long. Once I moved out of my mother's house I immediately went back to rural towns. I've just always felt more at home here. So I'm sorry if this doesn't really help
Why I avoid metaphysical shops...
I love a good witchcraft store don't get me wrong, but a lot of the stores in my area are just wayyyyy to new age wiccan and are riddled with appropriation, so I just tend to avoid it. And alot of the time the people who work there aren't even practicing practitioners, which is ok, people need money, but it's just weird for me to see idk idk maybe I'm weird. Here are some ways I avoided spending tons of money and metaphysical stores.
- walmart, walmart doesn't actually sell any witchcraft stuff, but it can be used for witchcraft, such as herbs, Walmart has so many kitchen herbs for like super cheap, I literally get all my herbs from Walmart. I also get my candles and incense from Walmart too. They sell a wide variety of candles I love it so much
- family dollar, like walmart, they sell herbs for super cheap (its not a large variety like Walmart) BUT!!! they have a wider variety of actual good incense, I mean yeah it's supposed to be used to cover up the smell of weed (blunt effect incense), but they smell so nice and have alot of smells (lavander, dragons blood, frankincense), they also sell huge candles of all different colors, which can be used for all sorts of things. They offer room decor for cheap as well, and their room decor is really cute too. I useally use it to decorate my altars. I love family dollar
- POPSHELF!! i don't know if popshelf is just a Texas thing but they are so so so cheap. They sell beautifully made candles for super cheap, they sell really cute room decor that follow the seasons. Right now, since it's summer, everything is ocean themed and I love it so much, so much inspiration for Aphrodites altar lol although i do not recommend buying their incense, its really bad quality.
But if you don't have access to any of those....find your local forest and research invasive herbs, then create relationships and correspondences for them. I RECOMMEND DOING THIS SOOO MUCH!!! The more you become knowledgeable on your environment the more you will connect. I started creating my own correspondences with herbs that are local to me around three years ago, and since then I don't think I normally go out to buy herbs unless I absolutely have to. I use everything I find in the forest, whether it's sticks I make into a pentagram, or some ferns wrapped around a stick to make a broom, I will always try to find a way to go out and forage before I spend money on things I will evidently need again.
Creating your own relationships and correspondence with herbs in your area
Literally practitioners have been crating their own correspondences for herbs for centuries, it's how we got the correspondences we have now. But why stop this?? I recommend buying books on medicinal herbs. I have only ever bought one book on magical herbs and I don't even use it as much as I do my medicinal herbal book. Like if we take the magical properties of herbs and look at the medicinal properties of herbs they are basically the same thing (little tip for closeted witches, just say you are interested in herbal remedies), like the medicinal properties of lavander are relaxer, used to go to sleep faster and then the magical properties of lavander are dream work, anti anxiety. They are literally the same thing. Just buy the book you'll thank me later. The more you research local herbs in your area the more you will develop a relationship with them.
Some Tumblr posts I recommend looking at
Broke witch tips
Witchy stuff to add to your room
In the end....
Don't let people tell you "you need expensive items for witchcraft because it'll make you stronger" because that's not true, I hate that ideology. Use what ever is available to you, get crafty, explore, connect. Ok bye.
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eastgaysian · 1 year
Sorry this is a dumb question but can you explain why tomshiv is not abusive? Shiv seems to hit a lot of textbook behaviours of emotional abusers
thank you for your follow up clarifying this was in good faith bc i checked my inbox yesterday right after getting high and was like man come on. don't do this to me. but yeah i can talk about it, it's obviously something i have a fair amount of thoughts on
on a fundamental level, i take issue with the assertion that there are 'textbook behaviors of emotional abusers' in the first place. distilling abuse down to a set of behaviors is, imo, effectively meaningless and totally unproductive. it's not the behavior of an individual that defines abuse, it's a specific and intentionally cultivated imbalance of power and control within a relationship. victims of abuse can and do resort to survival mechanisms that could be considered in isolation as 'abusive behavior', the point is that you can't consider them in isolation. there's a gulf of difference between the same actions when they're coming from a person in a position of significant financial or physical or social power over someone else, or when they're coming from the person at a disadvantage.
i think viewing abuse as a set of behaviors also encourages you to treat interpersonal abuse as if it's discontinuous with systemic abuse, which is inaccurate and unproductive. a key part of succession's premise is that, because the family is literally the business, the familial abuse within the roy family is inextricable from the broader systems of capitalism, patriarchy, and the sexual violence and abuse endemic to them. with regards to how the show satirizes and critiques these systems, i think it's very telling that all of the characters are to some degree complicit and/or participants in abuse, but logan is the only one i'd say is unambiguously and intentionally presented as 'an abuser' (whose abuse is not an isolated product of him as a person, but integrated into/inseparable from the capitalist system which persists after his death). still, logan isn't reduced to a one-dimensional angry, abusive dad, he's given depth and complexity. his continued insistence that he loves his children isn't treated as something that's untrue, but that doesn't make it inherently good, and it certainly isn't incompatible with him abusing them.
circling back to tom and shiv. their relationship is unhealthy, it's not good for either of them to be married, shiv does fucking awful things to tom and tom does awful things right back, i'm not questioning any of that. but at my most cynical and bitchy, what it comes down to is quite simply: shiv doesn't have enough power over tom to be abusive, systemically or personally.
the thing is sometimes you see people say 'wow, if the genders were reversed people would say tom and shiv's relationship is unambiguously abusive!' which... hrm, but really the issue is that. the genders are the way they are, that's for a reason, and yes, that does make a significant difference in how we perceive their relationship and power dynamics. tom holds very real and present power over shiv as a man and as her husband, proposing to her when she was vulnerable in a way that placed huge pressure on her to accept and then trying to get her to have his baby so he can become patriarch. shiv's the heiress with the legitimacy of her family name and generational wealth but she is continuously, unavoidably subjected to gendered discrimination and violence. she's never allowed direct access to real power - she has to rely on the men around her, her husband or her brothers, and if they don't feel like humoring her she's shit out of luck.
this doesn't cancel out like a math equation, but it definitely makes things much more complicated than shiv being an Evil Bitch Wife to her Poor Pitiful Husband. when shiv finally does push tom too far, he immediately, successfully, goes over her head to her abusive father to fuck her over. maybe shiv wants to be her father in her relationships and exert the same kind of control he does. but she doesn't and she can't! she does not have that power! she cannot stop tom from kicking back and his hits are significant. as much as she might like to pretend otherwise, tom not only has always had the power to leave in a way shiv doesn't, he had and has the power to fuck her up badly, and he's used that power. that is simply not the power dynamic between abuser and victim to me.
i also have to say that abuse is not always going to be definitive black and white. in real life there are plenty of unambiguous situations but there are also plenty of complicated situations, and applying judgments to fiction is not always straightforward. i can't exactly call someone 'wrong' for personally being uncomfortable with tom and shiv's relationship or believing shiv is abusive, but i'm very skeptical of the viewpoint and the motivations or assumptions that are often contained within. if shiv is abusive, she definitely isn't uniquely so among the cast, so you had better be applying that label and any associated moral judgments equally across the board.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Do you think those influencers who dramatically switch from very left wing Marxist alternative etc to very trad Christians (specifically in homophobic/transphobic way) have ketu influence?
You were talking about ketuvians and their struggle to find a sense of self and it made me think of these types of people. I know someone with ketu 1H and magha moon who did this to an extent. She used to identify as non binary and was constantly shifting through different names and pronouns but then one day she just kind of stopped and started saying how she thinks pride is pointless and a waste of time or whatever😭 it wasn’t *that* extreme but I still thought it was a significant shift in belief in such a short time.
I think a lot of people have this dramatic shifts not only out of a need to identify with something due to a lack of sense of self, but also because they like going back to what their parents believe for comfort. I guess those two are interlinked but it’s interesting how my friend is a magha moon and magha is associated with ancestors and whatnot.
I guess mula is somewhat similar as “the root”? Idk about ashwini though
Sorry I haven’t actually had the chance to look into examples since it’s hard to find birth data for influencers and I don’t know that many examples irl 😶‍🌫️ so this is me just going on a tangent and hoping you get what I’m trying to say LMAO
I’m also not sure if anyone else is familiar with this phenomena or if I’m just too engrossed in niche internet drama.
In terms of influencers I guess a somewhat prominent example is Freckle Zelda on tiktok? I never followed her but she went from making cutesy safe space liberal type content in like 2021 and now she’s a Christian and is using it be to super controversial. But like I said I’ve never followed her so idk if this is dramatic enough of a switch to count as what I’m saying.
I also feel like this a rahu trait to switch between extremes🤔 idk lmk what you think
I feel like the capitalist commodification of identity has most adversely affected Nodal people.
If you think about it, spirituality's aim is to transcend the "self" entirely, you stop identifying with labels and attaching yourself to this or that thing. I'm not saying you cease to be a person but you stop trying to "accumulate" identities to hold on to.
9/10 times the reason we identify with something is to feel a sense of belonging but searching outwards for it will only lead to disappointment, when we search within and feel at home within ourselves, we lose the need to externally confined ourselves to rigid "identities"
Yk how people dye their hair, get piercings/tattoos etc to mark a new chapter or the end of an old one or whatever??? It is an attempt to claim something as "yourself" and "solidify yourself". Everything changes all the time, everybody changes yet there are many people who will never dye their hair or change their name or join a cult or whatever (not that all these things are the same) its just that if you're at peace with yourself and truly grounded, you will no longer be shopping for different identities or things to associate with.
Yk those people who have IG bios that read like "Mother, Pluviophile, ESFJ, Petrolhead, UJC'22, Missourian, Ancient Spirit, 1/4th Cherokee, Bitcoin Enthusiast, EDM Lover"
like what do any of those terms say about them?? how on earth is any of this central to your identity? all of these are external ??? is loving rain and being a petrolhead central to your sense of self?? im not trying to demean anybody's interests, im only trying to point out that what we choose to make the focal point of ourselves is up to us and its possible to not be defined by anything?? i think a truly ugly consequence of capitalism is how people try to define themselves by things outside them (their interests, hobbies, job, income level, marital status etc etc) because there is more to a person than all that.
when we retreat within, we base our sense of self on our qualities like kindness, compassion, creativity (this becomes the essence of who we are) so we don't feel the need to claim 87373 other things to describe ourselves
some people overly identify with others like their partners, friends or even strangers and kind of become them. this is also the root of stan culture, by being obsessed with someone to that extent and giving them all your time and energy, you are losing your own qi and harming your Sun (the same way criticizing the appearance of others ruins your Venus)
Rahu is prone to taking things to extremes and Ketu is prone to trying on different identities and losing interest in all of them one after the other. so your observations are right.
i dont really use social media so i dont know any influencers that i can quote as examples ;-; but im thinking of certain celebrities who have had drastic style changes in the past and all of them have nodal influence lol
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in the 2000s, the Olsen twins were known for their boho chic hippie style and over the last decade or so they have become known for their "quiet luxury" style. They are Magha Moon
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Julia Fox is Ardra Rising and she went from basic to avant garde
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Jared Leto, Mula Sun, Ashwini Moon & Rising , he's also the leader of a cult allegedly so👀i guess it all adds up
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Adele, Mula Moon & Ardra Rising
im not just talking about her weight loss, just her overall change in style. she got married young and had a baby and in a couple of years she got a divorce and revamped her look to that of an ig baddie
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Kylie Jenner, Swati Moon she's changed her style/demeanour every other year since the early 2010s lol
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Taylor Swift, Ardra Moon has also had many diff lewkzz throughout the years
before anybody says dont celebs change their styles often?? no they dont, not everybody for sure. look at Jennifer Lopez or Sarah Jessica Parker, theyve been dressing the same since the 90s. constantly evolving style/looks/personality is a Nodal thing. its also a big part of the reason why Nodal people succeed in the entertainment industry and in the material realm (a lot of rich people including Bezos have Nodal placements) because entertainment = illusion, pretending to be someone you're not and for Nodal people, this is pretty much second nature.
im sorry that my response is kind of all over the place. your question provoked some thoughts within me lol and i just had to shareee
i cant think of celebs who have drastically changed their life paths like the example u cited ;-; EXCEPT Bridget Mendler who is an actor, singer, and entrepreneur, has a PhD and went to Harvard Law and now runs a satellite company?? she also adopted a kid during all this? She has Mula Sun
anywayyys thats it for now
tysm for sending this ask!!! its a very thought provoking and interesting question<33hope u have a good day<33
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continentalblue · 1 year
A continuation of your all tomorrows headcanons?
i said I would do these yesterday but it's like 12 am so it still counts #slay
also lemme know if u want me to rewrite/clarify any of these I'm typing all that comes to mind
also I wouldn't mind writing more of these lmaoo. this one got a teensy bit long
🌌 Bug Facers had a bartering/trade system rather than a cash system. This trade system was highly complex; people who tried to pass off their goods as being more high-quality than they really were were punished severely. They also had a monarchy, with the Queen being 25% larger than the other people. Her citizens were taxed and the best food went to her. Her function was the same as that of an ant's queen. Actually, more to the point, I picture their monarchy as being similar to that of ant's. However, after their invasion, the monarchy was dissolved and turned into a democracy.
🌌 Despite their relative immobility, the Temptors actually developed some form of culture. Males would spread ideas between females, who rued the fact that they could not meet other members of their species. I also feel that the males could talk, though their enunciation wasn't really that good. Based on the sharpness and shape of their beaks, it's possible they were all-purpose feeders who preyed on insects, nuts, and other worms. The females required three times the amount of food as males in order to provide enough energy for their brains.
🌌 The Lopsiders actually experienced some sexual dimorphism. The reason for this is because their designs remind me of anglerfish. Females were markedly larger than males, and the males depended on the females for sustenance. This was slowly phased out as they evolved, as the species would cannibalize others for food. They had no trade system; they operated under a "it's yours if you're fast enough mentality."
🌌 Because their experience became so automized, the Tool Breeders actually evolved away from actually having blood at all! As a result, their flesh became more gelatinous. While a drought would have slowly but surely dehydrated the species' flesh and caused the end of the species, they learned how to make water from seemingly thin air. They have a capitalistic system that constantly pushes new inventions.
🌌 Much of the Titan's mythology focused on figures who were more mobile; ie., those that had two legs. When a Titan was born with two limbs, they were hailed as a god. They were seen as prophets and harbingers of good luck. They emphasized an ideal that the species could no longer go back to.
Since they lived in a savannah, they also grew thick skin on their bodies to account for the insects and the spikes on their favorite plants. They also transferred to a more vegetarian diet, consuming foods similar to those that giraffes and African elephants eat.
🌌 Hand Flappers had mating dances similar to those of birds-of-paradise. Had they developed sapience, Hand Flappers would have pioneered acting as an art form, using their wings to emphasize their stories. High-class Hand Flappers wore bracelets of precious metals that surrounded their wings. Wing care became an important social aspects; to groom someone else's wings was tantamount to declaring your love for them.
🌌 Satryiacs had fairly short lifespans, which accounted for the amount of parties that they had. As a result, their minds matured remarkably quickly: by their first birthday, their minds were already fully developed. Their bodies followed soon after, and six months later, they were already considered adults. They had very loose views on monogamy; as a concept it simply did not exist. They had relationships with whomever they wanted, whenever they wanted.
🌌 Despite their lack of sapience, the Blind Folk actually had fairly defined parental relationships, mirroring that of humans on Earth. Blind Folk babies were born helpless and unable to do much of anything. A cry from a baby would inspire all the adults in the surrounding area to come to their aid, a fact that was occasionally exploited by predators.
🌌 If put on Earth's atmosphere, Spacers would get crushed underneath their own weight. Also, since they have such modified internal systems, they do not need to eat. However, they need to sleep for fourteen hours in a day to recuperate enough energy to move.
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lowqualitygarbage · 7 months
So what is the wasteland like in your AU? Is life slowly crawling back in? Or is it being stamped out by petty conflicts and the Jesus freaks? How the hell do Gamma storms even still exist? What lives out thier besides people?
!!! Hi!
So, this AU is a pretty direct Fallout adaptation, and I'm not sure how familiar you are with the games so sorry if I over or under explain.
It does kind of bother me that in the games like 200 years have passed since the War, and people are still basically in the stone age and eating centuries-old mac'n'cheese despite so much of the Old World being in a semi-recoverable state.
The sort answer is, the Wasteland could actually be built into a functioning society pretty easily, if people weren't The Absolute Worst.
Settlements are kept small and lower-tech, because you're right, the Army of Righteous does prioritize places that look like they could become a threat. Water treatment plants, armories, power stations, commercial farmlands, etc. The only large settlements that can survive are the ones that are basically fortresses and not worth the effort to wipe out.
This is part of what allowed the system of Overlords to form - they were basically Raiders who were able to survive long enough to amass enough fortifications and followers to the point they aren't easy targets any more, which in turn brings even more settlers to agree to serve under them for protection.
Wildlife is standard Fallout fare - mole rats, mutant dogs, radstags, yao guai, deathclaws, brahmin, giant insects of all kinds, mirelurks, robots, ghouls, and super mutants (along with whatever else I've forgotten). There are a few other animals I'll throw in mutated variations of as needed. Only major homebrew species is Razorbacks - mutated descendants of pigs and boars, I'll do a little writeup on them when I post Fat Nuggets.
As for the radiation storms, they're a gameplay element from Fallout 4, which I think they explained as there being the hyper-irradiated Glowing Sea nearby, which was ground zero for a massive nuke. Storm fronts coming into the Commonwealth over it would pick up the radiation and cause an extra hazard during storms. Most people and animals would either take shelter from the storms, or are already too irradiated/mutated to really be bothered. It's a convenient device to force people into places and in close quarters for a period of time, so I kept it. Let's just assume Pentagram City was a major target for nukes like other major cities, so there's a similar issue.
Additional worldbuilding thoughts below the cut:
The people who do make advancements/big recoveries in technology are people like Vox, and are just basically cut-throat capitalists who will murder their competitors and burn down/steal their stuff, to keep a monopoly on what they offer.
So VoxTech in the Vault 666 universe does offer a bunch of modern conveniences, but he also owns the local power stations and such to make them work, and runs the Vees' territory like a glorified Company Town where everything just goes back into his pockets. Anyone who tries to innovate is either bought out by him, or killed off so they're not a threat. Same with other Overlords who run an industry. No altruists can survive in this environment, which makes Charlie's dreams that much crazier.
technically anyone could probably run a radio broadcast. Alastor is so full of himself he doesn't see others as being even close his level, but people are too freaked out by him to really try; doesn't help that he overrides Vox's broadcast (which is commercials with some music now and again) for funsies whenever he feels like it.
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spitzchi · 8 months
i've got like. five different books i'm in the middle of reading right now LOL they all scratch different itches. im going to try to read 52 books this year which seems like a lot but half of what i read are graphic novels so it's not that bad, im already ahead of schedule. maybe i'll post little blurbs on my thoughts as i finish each (would probably be a good brain exercise). "shelving" anything i don't plan on finishing any time soon.
At 30 I Realized I Had No Gender - a memoir by a 50 y/o intersex person living in japan. it's been interesting to see cultural similarities and differences, as well as a perspective from an older trans person, and is usually what i pick up when i want something lighter. it's fun to read just hasn't sunk its claws into my brain like some other books (including books i've read recently that i hated)
Akira Vol 1 - reading through the entire series this year. hasnt grabbed me quite the same way the movie did, i think because what got me obsessed (and i mean a literal obsession) with the movie was a lot of the mood set by music and artistic choices. sup early on, but again my hang up here is just that it hasnt hooked me emotionally so far
The Dispossessed - ok SORRY. im having trouble with this one. i havent read a lot of le guin, my main engagement with her work is omelas. still very early into this one, but the writing style feels very detached and reserved compared to omelas. i assume of course the voices for each piece were developed specifically for the needs of each, which are VERY different but idk. i hope it picks up, if it doesn't i'll try earthsea and if i don't like that le guin just may not be for me:/
goodnight punpun vol 1 - grabbed this on a whim at a local bookstore today, has been on my list for a LONG time. it's great so far as expected. i generally know that the story gets really dark, and seeing the tone i understand why people get so distinctly unsettled by it. excited to keep reading:) since this one has my attention the most right now it's my book of the week
capitalist realism is there no alternative - i have like one chapter of this left LOL. im awful about reading theory but im just trying to remember how to use me noggin right so i'll worry about nonfiction later. might finish this as a commute audiobook. would shelve this but since i have so little of it left i might as well try and finish it soon
house of leaves - i was so excited to read this last year when i decided to start reading again i picked it up immediately. unfortunately i am still regrowing the brain cells necessary to follow this competently for the time being. SHELVED!
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thetreetopinn · 8 months
Oh hey, I should make a pinned post. Might be a good idea.
Hi, I'm Smokey.
I'm a dragon. I used to write a hell of a lot and I'm trying to get my mojo back. Burnout is a serious ass bitch.
I don't identify as trans offline, but to quote Thought Slime: "I'm not fancy, I'll use whatever pronouns ya got lyin' around."
So, you can use: He/She/Any/All
My favorite pronoun joke, since I live in a particular state, is: "My pronouns are yee/haw."
I do however stan all my trans brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings. You better respect trans folks or your pronouns are gonna be was/were.
A lotta of folks put "AGE IN BIO OR YOU'RE BLOCKED" or "MINORS DO NOT INTERACT" or something like that.
Here's my answer. I'm an elder millennial.
If that's not good enough, here. I'm older than this:
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No, I'm not going to put my actual age in my bio. No, I'm not going to put my birth year in my bio. If "Elder Millennial" or the "I'm older than $Movie" isn't good enough, well, sounds like a 'you' problem. Sorry.
"yOu cOuLd bE lYiNg aBoUt aLl oF tHat!" So could someone who put a number in their bio.
I live in the United States (for my sins) and I'm a frothing, foaming, shrieking, screaming leftist.
Being an elder millennial that lived through: A) 9/11 (I was in high school at the time) B) 3 consecutive, once-in-a-lifetime, economic disasters (2000's oil price bubble, 2007-2010 subprime mortgage crisis, 2020 stock market crash) C) The pandemic (and seeing people lose their fucking shit and prove that zombie movies are ENTIRELY plausible) D) Just... well... everything that's happened with my country's government at various levels ...You could say I've been radicalized.
So, let's get the obvious political talking points out of the way and watch my follower count shrink a bit!
✊🏿Black Lives Matter✊🏿
🏳️‍⚧️Trans rights are human rights🏳️‍⚧️
🏳️‍🌈Stonewall was a riot🏳️‍🌈
Sex work is real work
Forced birth is a form of torture
Cars suck Give us public transport, walkable cities, & high speed rail
N@zis can fuck right the hell off into a god damned volcano Same with t3rfs, biological essentialists, crypto douchebags, "AI" techbro fucksticks, and libertarians who think age of consent means "mental maturity"
Palestine will be free This doesn't make it okay to be an antisemitism Supporting Palestine does not mean "Eradicate the Jews" Protesting antisemitism does not mean protesting Palestine The Israeli State does not equal The Israeli People Hamas does not equal The Palestinian People
Trumpists and MAGA are fascists and white supremacists Same with Qanon Same with all the far right schmucks like the oath keepers, the 3 percenters, the proud boys, the KKK, and other similar groups
Capitalism is just feudalism with extra steps When forced to choose between money and a sustainable world, Capitalists will always choose money and let the rest of us burn Eat the fucking rich
I believe in pursuing the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum number of people
This is, of course, not a complete list.
Heh, I'm sure that'll piss of a LOT of people. And I'm totally down with that. If you're offended by any of this, please, cry some more. And feel free to leave nasty comments or mean asks or whatever. Just lets me know who to block! Thank you for outing yourself!
If you wanna show solidarity with any of this, just reblog with a 🐉or a 🐲. Why a dragon? Because dragons are cool. No I'm not biased.
I'm probably going to include a broad mix of things. Some of it will be suitable for all audiences, but a lot of it VERY MUCH NOT.
Things I will likely reblog:
Funny memes
Important news/posts/political updates
Wholesome stuff
Plenty of generally queer affirming stuff This includes aro/ace folks, ya'll are valid too
Plenty of explicitly trans affirming stuff
Art that I like (cute)
Art that I like (impressive)
Art that I like (adult/kink related)
Adult/kink related posts in general
Furry stuff I would say "LOTS AND LOTS OF FURRY STUFF" but it feels like Tumblr isn't all that prime a spot for furries, but I stan what I can when I find it
🫷You said adult/kink--is this a PORN blog!?!🫸
Not explicitly, because Tumblr is a coward. I'm old enough to remember when this place used to allow straight up porn. Then the great puritanical purge happened. Still, this blog stans sexytimes and those who create stuff in that vein.
Kinks/fetishes you'll see me reblog (if I find it and I like it):
Vore (Soft, safe, endo, almost exclusively consenting) Various forms that can fall under this, like unbirthing
Pregnancy (fpreg, mpreg, nbpreg, tpreg, it's all good)
Gender transformation I honestly don't know if this is the right term for this Someone's sex/gender changing through sciencey or magical means
Big strong dudes/ladies/enbies
Twinkish dudes/ladies/enbies
Size difference
Other weird things that I can't think to include here
All of this is stuff that I've written smutty stories about in the past (and I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing, again, burnout is a bitch). If you wanna know more about that, feel free to ask about it.
Things I am NOT into and will almost assuredly avoid:
Vore (Hard, cruel, fatal)
Pregnancy, specifically birthing
Non-consensual stuff
Piss, scat, vomit, blood
Macro/Micro aka Giant/Giantess
Underage characters (minimum age: 18)
"Aged Up" characters that are clearly just an excuse to get around the underage problem
This is, of course, not a complete list.
Porn bots
Fascists, racists, t3rfs, zionists, ✨CHRISTIANS™✨
Crypto assholes
"AI Art" and ChatGPT assholes
This is, of course, not a complete list.
I think that's plenty to put in a pinned post... probably too much, very TL;DR I'm sure. But whatever. If someone complains to me about something that they could have learned by just reading it here, well... it's their own damn fault.
Anyway, be kind and stay weird.
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gayvampyr · 1 year
Do you support prison abolition /paying prisoners a living wage / making being able to vote more accessible to everyone?
I like your stances and opinions and your jokes but I'm genuinely curious on this one.
(This is inspired by some of the comments under one of your posts talking about how we should just make democracy more livable under capitalism, and while I disagree with that being the ONLY thing we need to do, it does kinda make me think about how many people think we need to get better without abolishing prisons or at least treating our prisoners better than we are treating them currently.)
hi! i'm not sure which post you're referring to but I'm actually anti-capitalist. I think we need to dismantle capitalism as a system because it is inherently inhumane, working exactly as intended and therefore cannot be "fixed" without restructuring it entirely from the ground up; the devaluation of human labor and environmental destruction for profit is not a bug, it's a feature. i could delve into the kind of economic system that i think should replace it after dismantling it, however it's more of a thought exercise and until it becomes a plausible reality, i would rather focus on how we can make capitalism livable for the time being because we have no other choice. for example we could start by lowering rent, instituting a 4-day work week, and establishing support networks for homeless people. i'm not an economist so it's not like i have all the answers but according to the results from other countries who have applied these practices, it improves quality of life and the economy significantly.
as for prisons, i'm pro-abolition. you can check out my prison abolition tag for more information, but essentially prisons exist in this day and age as an industry that profits off of slave labor. many of our laws and their enforcers unfairly target minorities and lower class people, and the denial of convicts the right to vote is just another way our government strips vulnerable communities of their political power, autonomy, and supposedly inalienable rights. aside from the conviction of innocent people and people who did commit a crime but ultimately did no harm, i don't think it's the right of any individual (or government, for that matter) to imprison others. i think people tend to forget that "criminals" are human beings and deserving of the same rights as everyone else, and it is human nature to make mistakes. the important thing is the opportunity to do better. militarist propaganda has done an incredible job of convincing us that convicts are amoral and undeserving of our sympathy, turning society in general against them and destroying any sort of safety net they might have had or needed otherwise. and people are too busy clinging to the notion that criminals are subhuman and deserving of whatever punishment is dealt that they can't see that this is a slide into fascism, and that they can just as easily become "other" should they find themselves on the receiving end of the system. we are very close to living in a surveillance state, which means any minor offense or slip-up has the potential to completely decimate your chances at getting a job, applying for college, getting a loan, receiving housing, and especially being able to have a say in elections. it also makes you more likely to be arrested again on account of "suspected illegal activity", so your record follows you around for the rest of your life.
sorry this got so long but yeah, essentially capitalism and the prison industry are inhumane and should be abolished.
#voter suppression#prison abolition#militarism#capitalism#52018#racism#classism#1312#also before anyone brings up r/pe or other genuinely awful crimes that endanger people i have to posit the question:#how can we account for those crimes when the people arrested for them are are mainly minorities?#need i remind you that white women used to accuse black men of assault just to weaponize their white privilege?#to exert power over them out of fear or hatred? people convicted for violent crimes are disproportionately trans poor and POC#while the rest of people actually committing those crimes walk free because of the privileges of being cis/het/white/upper-class#and like. thats not to say that those crimes should go unrecognized. but the system we have and the people enforcing it are just not#capable of doing so fairly. they look for signs of abusive behavior in race. gender. sex. age. class. sexuality. religious beliefs.#very little investigation is performed and hardly any empirical data is used in ruling. if they cared about victims at all they would focus#on preventing abuse before it happens and giving us support and access to people and services who can help. as a victim and survivor#the gov did not give a shit about my abuse. we cant make a system built on suffering care about any of us.#and like. yall are so confident you'll be able to decide who is 'good' and who is 'bad' but you can't. its like the shit with amber heard.#everyone was so caught up in defending their favorite actor they disregarded a woman's account of her abuse and made her out to be crazy an#evil#and i know you think youre different and we can do it differently but it happens over and over and over again#tldr we cant use a system to prosecute the ''evil people of society'' that is built on defining those traits through a racist misogynistic#etc lens#if we could we wouldnt even be in this mess
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10holmes · 1 year
Thanks for the fanfic ask game qs, now it's your turn! :D
I hope these aren't too many qs, but I'd love to know your thoughts:
C, K, M, S, T, V, Y
Thank you :)
Yay! Thanks so much for asking! So excited to answer these questions 😍🙏🏼🎉
The full (very long - sorry!) answer to be found below the cut! 😁
C: What character do you identify with most?
Oooh that's a tricky question... I think I can't boil it down to just one character but a blend of characters? I think the characters I tend to stan and ship are a good indicator bc I usually fixate most on ships and characters that somehow speak to me or that I relate to.
For example with XueXiao, I really identify with Xiao Xingchen in the way that he is kind and helpful to others and follows this ideal of wanting to make the world a better place and leaving the mountain for that, aka a place he could stay placid and content in, to instead do something about the injustices he knows about in the "real world", even if that means facing hardships and pain and struggles.
As for Xue Yang, I really relate to him and see him as my deepest darkest side if I could throw my morality over board. I am someone who whole-heartedly proclaims "eat the rich" and means it, so if I was any more like Xue Yang in the way not to give a fuck, I'd also just kill the people that hurt me or others and go unhinged... 😅🙈 Slight difference between us being I would not kill indiscriminately and for the fun of it or for the slightest offense but really only target corrupt rich people and super capitalists and fascists that have it coming for them 🤭
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
I really don't want to spoil anything, but it has to do with an alternative chapter / ending I came up with for my LiuJiu A/B/O fic. I love happy endings as much as the next fanfic reader but sometimes I just want to make myself and others hurt. And this one will hopefully make my readers scream.
Also there's a XueXiao reincarnation fic WIP I can't wait to post. It's nearly finished and I wrote it while listening to Tom Odell's "Another Love" on repeat - which should give you enough of a vibe to imagine the angst level of this fic. I'll just say this much: unrequited love 🤭👍🏼
Sorry I can't be more specific but I really don't want to spoil anything more😅🙈
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd like to share?
Maybe it's because I'm too young to know that phrasing or maybe it's a native speaker thing but I had to google what this meant first and hope Google got it right 😅🤣
My WIP file is massive... To give you a glimpse: Next to the ones mentioned above I've also started:
- an angsty post-canon Beefleaf fic, where SQX is haunted by a hanging ghost and made to kill herself but HX intervenes and they start their journey of reconciling, don't know if I'll ever finish it...
- a VegasPete vampire / vampire hunter AU based on a Tumblr prompt and gif-set post but I'll very likely never continue that...
- a LiuJiu AU where SJ is present during the events of SVSSS and LQQ knows SY is an imposter and now tries to bring back SJ into his former body. This has angst and hurt written into every line. Sadly it's merely all in my head...
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
Enemies to Lovers always hits! It's my jam!
Also the angstier the merrier! Hit me with the feels, the pain, the hurt, the agony! Doesn't even have to have a happy ending, I'm a sucker for being emotionally destroyed and also emotionally destroying my readers (though I tend to give them a happy ending at least) 😈🤣👍🏼
And, like you, omegaverse is my guilty pleasure - the smuttier the better 😏
And speaking of guilty pleasures I also have to say monster-fuck AUs are on the menu as well... There have been some really good SongXueXiao ones, I've read. Didn't know that was something I'd ever be into - my 14 year old self would probably be appalled. But here we are 🤣🤣
Soulmate and Fated Pair AUs are something I like to dig into as well.
And I'm also really into mermaid AUs. Especially when one is human and the fic gives off The Little Mermaid vibes.
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
I don't know why but any modern day AUs especially High School AUs... I just can't read it. The most I will do is mob boss / mafia or reincarnation where they slowly uncover their past, but if canon events are set in modern times/contexts I don't really like it for some reason 😅
But I'm actually quite open to a lot of fics and it's mostly not the tropes I can't stand but characterisation or writing style 😅🙈
V: If you could write the sequel/prequel to any fanfic out there (not you own) which would it be?
Bruh... What a difficult question... I haven't ever thought about writing continuations or pre-quels for existing fic as I love them the way they are and mostly just in between imagine possible canon-divergences if the characters had made different choices...
But I guess, from the top of my head, I'd like to write a sequel to "Mark of Jasmine" to give LiuJiu an alternative or reincarnation happy ending because they've really been played in that one... 🙈😅
Y: A character you want to protect?
So many. All my little blorbos and meow meows. On the top of that list - obviously - Xue Yang. But I'd also step in front of my best bois Loki and Shen Jiu to shield them. They deserve so much better 💕😭
Now thanks again for the ask and for reading this long-ass reply, it was my pleasure 🤣
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A lovely sight
Timari January: Day 20 (This is a date, isn’t it?) by @maribat-calendar-events
Summary: Breaking and entering at the same time is definitely a date.
Back to Timari January 2023 Masterlist
Marinette laced her hands behind her back, following after Red Robin like she was a puppy that was eyeing up the treat in his hand.
“Don’t you have better things to do?” He sighed, glancing around a corner before nodding – mostly to himself – and continuing forward.
“Nah, I’ve got everything I came for,” she said, swinging her bag for emphasis.
“Then why aren’t you leaving?”
She grinned. “I'm not stupid, Red, I know that anything you’re after would be worth quite a lot.”
“Won’t be worth much if you don’t know how to use it.”
“I’m not a bat,” she reminded him. “I’m perfectly willing to get help. I’ll hire someone if I have to.”
“Yeah? Then I guess I’m going to start applying for a specific job position hundreds of times.”
“Aw, you want to spend time with me that bad?”
He rolled his eyes (they were gray) and went back to ignoring her, trying door after door in search of… well, something. Marinette wasn’t really sure. She knew that there was a goldmine of information on site – the people running the place were decently important members of the Court of Owls, and most rich people were absolutely arrogant enough to keep classified documents without proper defenses. She didn’t know the nature of the information, but she knew she could use it as leverage or sell it for personal gain, so she would like to get her hands on it.
“Well, it looks like we’re out of the bed and guest rooms…” she said, quietly relieved. She had already walked in on people ‘making the most of the night’ enough to last a lifetime. In fact, walking in on people zero times would have been enough to satisfy her for life. She was not having a good time. “I’m guessing we’re looking for a study? Or an office?”
“Why do you ask?” He sighed, glancing up from the room he had opened up. It looked to be a greenhouse of sorts. Rich people.
“Because I want to help, obviously,” she said, smiling sweetly.
“You don’t even know what to look for,” he reminded her carefully. “You need me to find anything of use.”
“I’m just going to steal the CPU and every file I get my hands on.”
A simple method, maybe, but hey, it works.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Don’t do that.”
“You could always tell me what we’re looking for,” she said.
“I am looking for stuff that can put them behind bars.”
She hummed a little, nodding to herself. Yeah, that could definitely be used to extort them. Especially since there was no way that a family as rich as this would actually go to jail. Sorry, Red Robin, she should probably tell you of her doubts, but she’s a realist and a capitalist.
They got approximately three doors down before Marinette’s ears picked something up. She blinked and glanced back at the end of the hallway, where she could hear the steel toe boots of the guards clanking as they headed their way. They were moving fast – not quite running, but certainly moving with urgency. Which meant they were suspicious.
She glanced back at the door she had just unlocked. It was a study, almost definitely the one that they were looking for based on the sheer amount of filing cabinets there, but she couldn’t see any hiding places. Besides, the place was supposed to be locked. If they so much as tried the knob, they would realize where they were hiding.
But if they were suspicious already then it would be difficult for them to get into the room later. If the guards didn’t see Red Robin and Marinette there, and saw nothing out of place, then they would expect for them to head there later.
She tipped her head from side to side, considering.
She rushed in and threw open some cabinets, tossing aside manila folders and individual papers alike.
“The hell are you doing?” Red Robin hissed. “They’re going to check here first, we need to go.”
She didn’t bother answering. She glanced around, making sure the place looked sufficiently ruined.
He held a hand out for her, jerking his head in a way that screamed ‘hurry up’ without actually screaming because they didn’t want to get caught –.
She nodded to herself before taking the hand and allowing him to drag her to the door.
They poked their heads out the moment the guards stepped into the hall.
There was a beat as the two pairs locked eyes, frozen in a mix of shock and horror.
And then Red Robin yanked on her arm and they were stumble-running for the nearest place to hide.
They slipped into the greenhouse, and Marinette threw the door closed behind herself, locking it.
Marinette breathed a tiny sigh as she stepped back. It wouldn’t hold them for long, but it would hold them.
“We know you’re in there!” The person yelled, and there was a terrible clanging sound as they beat against the doorknob.
“Get fucked!”
“Open up or we’ll make you!”
“Yeah? Do it!”
The knob broke off, and with it the lock. The door started to open.
Okay, well, yeah, that one was on her.
“Occupied!” Marinette yelled through the new crack, pushing the door closed again and throwing all of her weight into holding it. At least the hinges were on their side. It was much easier to hold the door closed that way.
Red Robin wrung his hands, looking around. There was plenty of vegetation to hide in, but would that really matter? They knew they were there.
And then his eyes lit up with something that might have been realization.
“Hold the door!”
“I’m sorry, the fuck did you think I was doing before?! Leaning against it for fun?!”
He started moving aside plants frantically, shoving a few in front of the door as if a tiny pot of aster was really going to help her hold back the people ramming into the door as hard as they could.
An alarm started to blare.
“Well, I guess this is a lovely place to die,” she muttered.
“We’re not dying here. I am not dying with you.”
But it didn’t work like that, they both knew.
Her eyes slid from place to place, drinking in the sights. They would be the last ones she’d ever see, after all. No one comes back from screwing over rich people.
So, she should enjoy it while she can.
Flowers of all colors. Blues, purples, yellows, whites, and greens. She recognized a few as aconite plants, though she couldn’t move close enough to see what type.
There was a stone bench crowded underneath a gorgeous cherry tree in the center of the room. Maybe the tree would have been a problem, as it made it difficult for the sun to get through, but in a place like Gotham it didn’t matter.
Sun lamps shone down on them, and it was the closest she had ever been to actually feeling sunlight in a long while. It was nice.
A couple of butterflies fluttered around, disturbed by the banging on the door. One landed on her shoulder, and she smiled at it.
Through the glass wall on the opposite side of the room, she could see bright smears of neon lights.
“What a waste,” she breathed. “That such a lovely, romantic sight should be wasted on us.”
Red Robin pulled back to look at her, his skin flushed from all of the rushing he had been doing. “Well, who says we can’t be romantic? This is a date, isn’t it?”
She giggled. It sounded a little manic, even to her own ears. “Oh? Take all the girls to do B&E on your first dates, then, Red?”
“I mean, why not? What better way is there to tell if you’re compatible than to try and work your way out of a life-or-death situation together?”
She laughed, and this one was far less strained. “Oh, and how are we doing?”
She had expected him to banter back, to say something about how they weren’t meant to be, but he drew back from his spot and revealed a vent he had unscrewed.
“You tell me.”
Marinette’s eyes widened.
And then she glanced back at the door, the butterfly fluttering off in protest of the sudden motion. But she didn’t care.
“Move the bench over here.”
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mityenka · 1 year
do you have any theory recommendations?
hi i'm not sure if you were asking for marxist theory specifically or just theory in general because this was sent after i answered an ask about marxian economics and tbh i haven't read a lot of primary sources on most other topics so i wouldn't trust myself to give recommendations on those. still prefacing this by saying that i'm in no way an expert on marxist theory either so this list is bound to change as i read more works from lesser known marxist writers. for now i'm just going off what i myself found most helpful when i first started engaging with theory. if you want a broader reading list that includes more advanced theory, i found this one to be pretty good.
personally i think when you're just starting to read up on marxist theory it's a lot easier to not throw yourself headfirst into primary sources but instead find an introductory podcast to listen to or a beginners guide to read. my favorite podcast is linketheorie which is unfortunately only in german but there are a lot of english ones available on spotify, maybe someone else has any recommendations on those. another work i found really helpful was 'politische ökonomie' by holger wendt which gives a concise overview of marxian economics and is a valuable read if you're trying to get an understanding of how the capitalist system functions (and where its limits lie).
if you haven't read it yet, lenin's 'the state and revolution' is in my opinion one of the best works on the question of the bourgeois and socialist state and the necessity of the dictatorship of the proletariat as a political system following the socialist revolution. lenin's writing in general is in my experience a very good place to start if you're already familiar with some basic marxist theory because his writing style is a lot easier to read than that of marx or engels (lenin also frequently cites marx in state and revolution so reading his work can be a good way to get familiar with marx' writing style as well)
if you want to read more on the relationship between capitalism and imperialism i'd recommend walter rodney's 'how europe underdeveloped africa' and zak cope's 'the wealth of some nations'. these are both more contemporary works (the walter rodney one is from 1972, the zak cope one from 2019) and should be available online as pdfs.
that's all i have from the top of my head (<- has been sitting on this ask for over half a month) but it should have you covered i think! if you're already familiar with most of the works i mentioned and were actually looking more advanced theory recs i am so sorry but like just send me another ask!
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ludiharambasha · 1 year
Hey just want to firstly say that I'm sorry of you're getting any hate you don't deserve that over expressing an opinion, secondly I would just like to give me perspective of someone who from a former colonised country as the ending to the hunger games has some interesting parallels to my country's history post independence firstly even tho we got independence our country was destroyed we had our language our culture our social structure everything almost completely eradicated under colonialism for centuries and then a war of independence that killed and destroyed even more, the colonisers when they left obviously did everything in their power to make it as hard as possible for us to form a new country and people were so traumatised and left with nothing that it was immediately followed by a civil war over how to rule the country/how to get revenge on what had been done to us with family members and friends fighting turning on each other this obviously devastated the country even more so when the violence finally ended we ended up with a power hungry leader similar to our colonisers leaders which lead to several more decades of suffering that we are only starting to more away from so for me the ending demonstrated how difficult it is to rebuild after something as devastating as colonialism, oppression and war and how there will always be some power hungry asshole ready to exploit the situation which for me is important to acknowledge as formerly colonised countries often get called backwards or seen as lesser for having poverty civil wars corrupt leaders gang violence etc but its because of how hard it is to rebuild (again just my perspective not trying to take away from yours just wanted to share)
Thank you for a thoughtful ask. This one is prettly lengthy and messy, but I wanted to submit a response as soon as I could.
I am not trying to undermine what has happened in your country, but dictatorships enstated after armed conflicts vary from case to case depending on historical circumstance. The situation in my country is very different, as a country that has both been colonized and a country that has acted as a force of heinous crimes against humanity un the Yugoslav war on the other hand. The current president of my country has ruled here for more than 30 years, due to the backing from the West, as they benefit from Montenegro being a powerful drug cartel and a human trafficking hotspot. The thing is, the referendum for my country's independence from Serbia was led by Milo Đukanović, a man who is one of the leading people responsible for several crimes against humanity in the Yugoslav war. Europe has no qualms with him, or with Montenegro getting away without soiling its reputation in the world for its misdeeds, because the EU leaders and Đukanović are business partners.
The thing is, these faux-revolutionaries have one thing in common, and that is that they are capitalists, backed by other, more powerful capitalists. That is why Coin was not the right character to get this point across-she is not their equivalent, yet we are meant to read her as such. Coin and District 13 aren't just opportunists who used the situation, they organised the revolution. Without them, nothing happens. They played a huge part of the revolution's success. This does not mean that Coin is a good person in my book or has clean motives (she doesn't; and I don't think it really matters as I'll elaborate on further) but rather that she is an incongruent character created through a lack of understanding of how people she is supposed to mirror come to be and what their actions mean. Which is a shame, because I do believe that Collins is a competent writer, and President Coin is the only character that I can name off the top of my head whose characterization was weirdly contextualised for the readers to be coddled. This is where most of the people who replied to my post missed entirely what I was trying to say- Coin is a symptom of a writer from a certain background. There are other elements that are evidence of Collins' rather western perspective on revolution and rebellion, such as the sheer amount of people from Capitol aiding the revolution (which is not very realistic). Coin is a bad person who does morally dubious things, but that is entirely irrelevant- she is someone who challenges the western reader and their comfort. She is a force to be reckoned with, and someone who does not shy away from gruesome violence to return to the citizens of Capitol, to make an example out of them the same way they tried to do with her people. She is brutal and will stop at nothing to achieve her ambitions; this challenges the Western reader to question their fate-to ask themselves whether they deserve such a fate because of what they turned a blind eye on for decades, centuries. Narratives are meant to challenge and not coddle, and Katniss killing Coin is exactly that- coddling, reassuring the Western reader that of course they don't deserve any such thing to happen to them, regardless of how much harm they do and contribute to actively every single day. I am saddened by the fact that an incredibly interesting character concept is turned into a moralizing device that ultimately cheapens her characterization in order to follow a very hollow, stale red-scare narrative pattern. Instead of being an exploration of such circumstances, Suzanne opted for simply making her a "power hungry" propaganda character.
Not all revolutionary leaders are going to be positive for sure, but media like The Hunger Games, AtLA, Naruto, etc. (and I am a fan of Naruto, and also someone who greatly enjoyed The Hunger Games series, and I liked AtLA) created in first world countries perpetuate this standard of goodness for a "proper revolution" that is incredibly difficult to achieve, in turn creating anti-revolution propaganda. It is not a coincidence that up until recently the label "terrorist" stood next to the names Che Guevara and Gavrilo Princip on their Wikipedia pages- regardless of why you portray your antagonist revolutionary character to be bad, ALL revolutionists will be judged by this standard, as these narratives are part of a very old and ingrained propaganda machine. Real life revolutions are never perfect, they're messy and complicated, and a lot of the times revolutionists do morally dubious things out of justified anger; but fiction like this helps perpetuate this idea that revolutions have to be morally perfect in every regard to be valid, and the standard for said validity is set by the most immoral, selfish people who ignore their complicity in horrid systems that are worse than anything Suzanne Collins wrote about in The Hunger Games. It is almost impossible to pass this test of goodness, made by western suburbanite consumerist assholes who are also complicit in the crimes against humanity their countries commit every fucking day. It is hypocrisy at its finest. This discourse around Coin and Gale remind me a lot of the discourse around Sasuke Uchiha, a boy constantly judged for his moral "misdeeds" of... going against a fascist system and seeking justice for the genocide of his people? And he is consrantly being judged for stabbing Karin, trying to kidnap Killer B(who many forget is also a part if a fascist system and a war criminal) as if it compares to anything the Konoha adjacent characters have done at any point of the story. It is as silly as it is repulsive.
While I think The Hunger Games is a good introduction to leftist media, more people should advance from it. It is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But it is scary to me that a lot of ignorant people reared their heads at a half-baked post where i didn't go in depth into any of these issues. I don't know where they got their education from, that they cannot understand the simple concept of red-scare narrative. I hope that this will be one of the last responses I make on this.
P.S. Tublr is a hellsite. Lots of people attacked my integrity and called me unintelligent over a couple of posts they didn't even bother to read carefully. Great stuff. Glad that the neolibs exposed themselves though
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
Hi, military-bad anon here again, hopefully for the last time. I spent the last 24 hrs reflecting over this whole discourse and I realized where I went wrong. I wanted to apologize for my ignorance and for the words I said.
Someone else had guessed it, I had a dumb-american moment, where I forgot that other countries had militaries, and that those militaries are not used for terrorism like the US uses their military (for example, aiding Latin American dictators in their coups, our 20 year invasion of Afghanistan for their oil, and our part in the Vietnam war), but instead are used to help the public in their times of need like natural disasters.
And if I've ever expressed distaste for the US military, it's never against the individuals who are following orders, it's always against the capitalist machine who gives the orders.
That first ask was a culmination of a 30 second word vomit and I just hit sent without much thought. When everyone believed I called service men and women sick, I was confused on how anyone came to that conclusion. After thinking about it and reading it over with fresh eyes, I realized I wasn't as clear as I should have been.
When I said "You're not bad for being sick, but being sick isnt very good for you." I didn't mean service people being sick, I meant people in general being sick. And by "sick," I didn't mean there was something wrong with you in your head, I meant like your immune system was compromised and you've got the flu or something. And everyone knows you're not a bad person just because you got the sniffles. So essentially, what I was trying to convey, is that there are good people who are in a bad situation. (And by "bad situation," I mean in actual war, which I realize now that not everyone is actually fighting.)
It was an attempt at an analogy but 1. It was a bad analogy and 2. I didn't even let y'all know it was an analogy, I just jumped into it, and reading back, yeah I should have proofread.
Also, about the children shows mention, I was just trying to explain how we all know war is bad because it was taught to us from an early age that we should be kind to another. But this was irrelevant as I now know; military does not equal people going to war.
Even calling myself "military-bad anon" is problematic because it's assuming the military is bad, but that's how you guys know me so 🙃
I know I tried earlier to explain myself, but I never actually apologized. So again, I'm sorry.
I'm very exhausted by the entire conversation that ensued after your ask, there's a lot of things I want to say and there's actually a couple of points I want to argue but I really cannot be fucked.
I think the point is that, while I can't answer for what the US Military has done, neither can they really.
Any military is like a handgun. It can be used to protect you and it can also be used to commit a straight up crime, but at the end of the day- it is ENTIRELY DEPENDANT on the person wielding it.
Whoever wields the military decides what it does. The people who joined are there to protect and defend the nation. That's what I know and that's what I'll stand by, whatever the suits and the politicians want to do outside of that main objective is another conversation entirely.
Thanks for apologising about the wording in your ask, I think it'll clear up a lot for most people and it takes a big person to apologise for something being misunderstood so I really appreciate it
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
@astral-runic i hope you're ready for this <3
i'm not gonna explain the lore in-depth because i am BEHIND on it, but i'll explain who the gods are! and also the fun fact that the gods on flight rising have their own accounts and used to interact with players sometimes!!!! that was fun :> (i say as if i was active on the site at that point). also it's like a thing where people jokingly refer to the gods as their parents- yeah <3
for context, each dragon god on flight rising is affiliated with a specific element, or flight, and every dragon clan is associated with one of the gods. my account has been a shadow clan since day one babeyyyy so i will have a lot to say about the shadow goddess.
okay under the cut! content warnings: the plague goddess looks a bit gross at first glance and i can't spoiler tag her image, so tread lightly. if zombies make you uncomfortable, pls be careful!
first up; the earth god, the earthshaker!
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from what i understand, the earthshaker is kind of a sad old man. he's the oldest of the gods and one of the gods that helped create the world of sornieth! he wishes the other gods would still be friends and not just kick the shit out of each other all the time.
a cursory glance at his profile tells me that his followers call him variations of rockdad. fair!
next up: the fire goddess, miss flamecaller!
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the flamecaller is the fire goddess! she's one of the oldest gods and also helped create the world! we love a girlboss!!! she seems very cool, idk my clan isn't fire affiliated. i'm sure she's done some atrocities though because like all the gods have.
idk what her followers call her but i think. well. firemom is good.
next up: the wind god, the windsinger!
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hello noodledad. anyway the windsinger is pretty dope! he's all about adventure and learning new things and exploring and making the most out of life! he's also another one of the oldest gods who helped create the world. from what i gather he's not that interested in the petty disagreements between the other gods and just wants to have fun.
next up; the water god, mr tidelord!
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so this is the only part of the lore i'm up to date on lmao and that is that the tidelord's fucking missing??? or dead???? what the fuck. anyway he's cool. he lives in the ocean and he has visions all the time and goes "yikes" and i love him. unfortunately i think someone killed him. sorry, water dad.
next up: MY MOM MY MOM MY MOM- the shadow goddess, the shadowbinder!
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so i originally picked shadowmom because i liked her design the most, and that still stands. i love her. she is so goopy. those are liquid shadows dripping out of her body and i love her so much. shadowmom's philosophy is that sometimes secrets should stay secret and knowledge can hurt. which uhhh y'know isn't actually something i really agree with but it's okay she's fine-
shadow mom is a younger goddess, but she's still comparatively old as fuck compared to the newest ones.
also she calls her followers her children and i'm 🥺🥺 ily shadowmomma
next up: a bitch! the ice god, the icewarden!
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he's a cop! or something! that's kind of a reduction but this bitch made all the prisons in this world and is all "ohhhh i am holding so many horrors away from killing the world" and then in the same breath makes fun of my favorite dragon breeds. i hope he chokes /lh
i do love his design, i just think he's a little hater and deserves to be bullied mercilessly.
i will not call this beast father.
aaand next up: the capitalist, the lightning god, the stormcatcher!
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so the stormcatcher is the only god that players don't refer to as dad! i think that's neat. no, he's The Boss. he treats his followers like his employees, for better or for worse. he is all about PRODUCTIVITY and INDUSTRIALISM and i wanna push him into a locker- i'm kidding.
he's cool, i like his design a lot.
aaand next up, the worst of the bunch (/lh), the light goddess, the lightweaver!
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so as a loyal son of shadowmom, i have to bully this motherfucker. lightweaver is a punk-ass glittery hoe who creates fucked up zombies and then goes "ahaha not my problem lol." fuck you.
(this is a joke, i actually think she's super cool and has a fun design and interesting lore, but i'm a good son to shadowmom ok-)
i call her glitterbitch <3
next up: the nature goddess, the gladekeeper!
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the gladekeeper is one of the youngest deities, and i think she's super fucking cool. she's all about survival and perseverance, and she's spent millennia warring with her sister, the plague goddess. she was created in the wake of an apocalypse and has been focusing on repairing the world. i love u beardmom even if ur not my mom.
and next up: her sister, the plague goddess, the zombie plaguebringer!
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so, looking at plaguebringer, you may think she's evil. but she's really not. her whole deal is that she also wants to repair the world, but she has a very different philosophy on how to do that. the plaguebringer believes only the strongest can survive, and that strength and resilience must be cultivated for the world not to fall again.
she is so fucking cool and i love her <33333 also her followers make the funniest memes, don't @ me.
and finally, my actual favorite aside from shadowmom: the arcanist! the arcane god!
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so the arcanist is the youngest god and also the smallest, but he's bigger than every single mortal dragon breed lmao. he's caused he apocalypse three separate times and i'm fucking obsessed with him. spacedad <33333
he was born in a nuclear reactor (long story) and i highkey headcanon that his magic is just pure radiation.
he's my favorite and i have an oc i ship with him because i'm attached to him a completely normal amount (lying)
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