#i'm sorry for not being normal about no more heroes i just have MANY thoughts.
malewifehenrycooldown · 8 months
uh oh no more heroes thoughts are back, time to be a menace.
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simpee9000 · 21 days
Not Just Friends - 10 -
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M.List : Prologue : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Part 8 : Part 9 : Words 3.1k
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? Also not edited!! CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
It was a turn back to normal after the long conversation between the two of you. Tears sliding down your faces, majority yours but you saw a couple fall from his. It was a necessary conversation. He opened up about his quirk and apologized for ditching you. You apologize for the same.
Easily enough, the two of you moved on from it quickly. Talking about the past two months when all the overwhelming emotions passed. You blabbed about how many new offers you were getting and he talked about how he was hiring more and more people to his agency.
Despite not being able to ignore the last two months, it was easy to move past.
Growing past it within the night, having everything off your chest. It still didn't make things go back to normal.
You continued to share a bed, but changed your schedules around again to see more of each other. Flipping back into your old routine as much as possible. Not without a few changes though. Lunches would only be once a week rather than daily, and you'd be working for another hour or two after he got home. Since you wanted to sleep in still.
But it still improved your relationship again. Building it back up slowly. You were able to eat a late dinner together each night and share an off day. Sharing your off day made it easier for you anyway. After the break-in it was hard to be home without him, so the last two months were rough. Your therapist said you were doing great though, so that helped.
The first days of going back to normal was rough, having to adjust to seeing each other daily again. Conversations between the two of you felt awkward, mainly on your side. You grew so much in those two months, no longer relying on him. It shifted the dynamic.
"Y'good?" Katsuki's gruff voice broke your train of thought. Your eyes flickered up to him.
"Been fuckin' playin' with your food," he points his fork at your plate, "Don't like it or some shit?"
"No, I like it," you looked back down. It was definitely not your favorite meal he made, but it was good.
His silverware claddered roughly against his plate, his arms crossing, "The fuck has been wrong with you?"
"Do you have to swear with every sentence?" you avoided, taking a bite of your food instead.
You could feel him roll his eyes along with his heavy sigh, "You've been off since."
"A relationship doesn't heal just like that," you pointed out.
"Will you look at me?" he asked annoyed. A glance up at his expression made you cut your attitude. He was trying, that much was obvious. And after all your talk of communication, you were doing nothing.
"Sorry," you set your fork down, engaging in the conversation, "I'm just lost? I guess. Hard to place it. I've changed a lot in the past two months-"
You glared at him for interrupting you. "I've stopped prioritizing you. I'm more focused on myself now. It's hard to go back to normal when the 'normal,' was me running circles around you."
He shuffled in his seat, "That's fine. I'm glad you've moved on in that sense, done you good."
"You're not worried how it'll change us?" you asked softly, it's been all you were thinking of for the past few weeks.
"I'm always fuckin' worried," he admitted, eyes drifting to look at the wall instead of you, "But we'll work it out."
You were glad he still viewed the two of you as a 'we,' heart melting slightly as you reached your hand across the table. "I'm not going to tip-toe around you anymore, Kats."
"Good," he gruffed out, uncrossing his arms and grabbing onto your hand. Changing his focus onto that, "I don't want you to."
"Good," you agreed, smiling at how he let his thumb trace over your knuckles.
"You, um," he fumbled for a minute, eyebrows furrowing, "You're still okay with us not doing shit right?"
"I'd never push that," you confirmed, shocked he even thought you would complain about that.
"Don't get me wrong, I would, just-" he pulled his hands back wiping them on his pants before running them down his face, "my dumb fuckin' quirk."
"You love your quirk," you pointed out.
"Yeah and I'd fuckin' love to touch my girlfriend but no, I gotta be a horny virgin 'cause of it," he groaned, crossing his arms again.
Stifling a laugh was difficult, but you managed, "Maybe we can just work up to it? Get you used to the baseline first before, that."
His quirk went off suddenly, "Can't even fuckin' think of it," he groaned, standing up to go wash his hands off.
"It's cute." You followed behind him to place dishes in the skin, having cleared your plates a while ago.
"Fuck you."
"Hey," you laughed, "At least you can tell Denki and Sero that you beat them at No Nut November. And have for the past 19 years."
He shot you a glare from the sink, "The one challenge I wouldn't want to beat, great."
"It's what makes you number one to me, baby," you teased, kissing his shoulder as you moved past him, wanting to pester him while the mood was light and he was already flustered. It was nice how easy it was to move past something with him. But you wanted to test how much he'd react to you not tiptoeing around him anymore.
With success, his quirk popped off again.
"Fuck off."
You let out a crackle of laughter, "You're too easy."
He finally stopped washing his hands, turning to dry them off. You watched from the counter, plotting. "Your back looks nice," you commented, his muscles have been more defined lately and you only got to appreciate it now. His tank top showcases his shoulders nicely.
He froze for a moment, side-eyeing you. "Do you want to get blown up or something?"
"No, do you want to get blown?" you asked back, letting Denki's crude humor influence you.
Like a charm, his quirk sparked off. "Quit it."
"Nah, it's too much fun," you smiled at him, kicking off the counter you were leaning on and moving to leave the kitchen. Hand squeezing his bicep when you walked by.
He didn't let you get even a step away before he grabbed your hand and pulled you into him. His hands grabbing at your hips and moving to push you into the counter. "Where do y'think you're goin'?" he smirked down at you.
Your face bloomed a deep shade, blushing harshly at how close he was. He hasn't been that close since you argued two months ago.
"Nothin' to say?"
You blinked up at him, trying to steady the rapid beating of your heart with the way he was tracing circles onto your hips.
"Might like you but that doesn't mean I'll let you say shit and get away with it," he crowded you closer to the counter.
"What happened to your quirk?" you whispered, losing your voice at the proximity.
"You offered to work up to it, right?" he brushed his hands clean on his shirt briefly before going back to your hips.
"Yeah," you looked down at his hands, trying to make sure the watch was off.
"It's off," he confirmed, twisting his wrist so you could see. When you looked back up at him, he held his gaze deeply, "What happened to that smart mouth?"
"Want me to show you?" you placed your hands on his chest, running over the span of his shoulders. Your body was on fire, the two of you flirted, sure, but this was different. His quirk was fully there. He was fully there.
His eyes lidded slightly, zeroing in his focus on your lips, "Fuck yeah I do."
Your lips closed the gap between the two of you. It wasn't as soft and nervous as all the past kisses, it was something you just threw yourself in. Stomach crazy with butterflies as your mind started buzzing. His hands tightened their grip on your hips as he stepped even closer to you.
Bodies curled into each other to get closer. Your hands digging into the hair at the base of his neck as you deepened the kiss. Full of passion and sexual tension. There was hardly any innocence to the kiss, and if there was, it faded within seconds.
A sigh of relief falling from your lips when his hands slipped under your shirt, brushing over your skin roughly. Fingers being callused and dry from work.
As soon as his hands met your skin he pulled away frantically. Pulling his body from yours completely before his quirk started popping off.
"Fuck me," he groaned in frustration, grabbing a dish towel and wiping his hands off.
"I wish I could," you teased.
He shot you a glare, blush flaring all over his face and coating his neck with a red. "Stop," he grumbled.
"Stop what?"
"Stop looking at me like that," he shied away, washing his hands in water for a moment.
You paused for a moment, considering how you looked. With how flushed his face was you could tell you were no better. Lips plumped and freshly kissed red as your shirt was ruffled up from his hands as you leaned back into the counter. "Why would I? You clearly like what you see?"
The confidence within you came from nowhere. There has been sexual tension between the two of you before, many times before. Even before he had the watch. But normally you had to be drunk as hell to make such obvious jokes towards him, especially ones about sex. Maybe it was the fact that it was on the table, when before it wasn't. You knew he wanted it as much as you did.
"Fuck off," he grumbled.
"Come on, Kats," you pushed your luck.
"I love you, but please stop whatever the fuck you're doing before we need a new apartment," he spoke without thought, freezing the second he realized what he said.
You barked out a laugh, he spoke so plainly. You didn't want him to get wrapped up in his head, so you ignored the rushing butterflies over his admissions. "Fine, fine," you gave in, smiling happily at him, "Hug?"
He looked at you, untrusting of you before he opened his arms, gesturing you near.
Taking the moment, you threw yourself in his arms. Wrapping your arms around his waist he pulled you in fully. Letting you rest your head on his chest as he rested his on yours.
Everything felt secure in your relationship, you'd move one step at a time together. With a lot of teasing between, but that was common between you and him, despite the lack of it lately.
"I love you too, by the way," you mumbled into his chest, having a happy feeling travel through your body at the small number of times he's actually said it.
"I know."
You moved slightly to look up at him, his eyes fell on yours before you spoke, "Are you hard?"
He glared sharply, embarrassment covering his features as you felt him grow hot. You were going to ignore the feeling of him pressing into your lower stomach, but decided you wanted the chance to rub it in his face that you have the upper hand here. He tried to pull away, only for you to keep your grip.
"Stop," he warned, his hands raised away from you.
"It's only a little spark, Kats," you tried to comfort.
With a roll of his eyes he smiled evilly down at you, "You asked for it," before you could protest, he wiped his sweaty hands on your face before rubbing the rest of it off on your sweater, down your chest.
"Katsuki! That's gross," you pulled away from him, using your sleeve to wipe away the damp residue of his sweat off your cheek before you pulled the bottom of your shirt out, seeing if he got sweat marks on it. "You just used that as an excuse to touch my tits," you glared at him, seeing the faint marks of his handprint on your shirt, right over your tits. It surprised you that he sweat enough to leave a mark.
He laughed sharply, walking out of the kitchen, "Got no proof, Brains."
"I literally have the proof of your hands on my tits," you called out to him.
He looked over you, "How do I know those are mine?"
"Really? Cause I'd let a random guy grope me and he'd be sweaty enough to leave a mark like you do," you snarked.
"No way to know," he shrugged.
"You're such an ass," you groaned.
His phone buzzing loudly cut off his laughter.
"This late?" you asked as you eyed his work phone.
"It's PR," he said as he furrowed his brows, answering the phone, "Dynamight."
You heard mumbling for a moment before he huffed and put his phone on speaker. "Can she hear me now?" the lady's voice rang through, the same manager you've spoken with before.
"Hello," you answered for him, "What can I do?"
"You've done quite enough," she spoke abruptly. It took a lot to get her mad, so to have pissed her off five words was a record. "People are spreading pictures of you crying in the middle of the street."
Katsuki's eyes shot to you, concerned.
"They also claim to of heard you talking to Deku, saying you said his name several times."
His concerned look turned to a glare quickly.
"I can explain that," you said quickly before Katsuki added his two cents, "I was having a rough time and decided to call a friend, simple."
She laughed, "It's not the simple. It was the night of your party. And with the lack of social outings between Dynamight and you, people are saying the two of you broken up."
"Why does this matter?" you asked annoyed. It was still a sore subject.
"It matters because bad things are being said about the two of you. It's not just Dynamight's image anymore, but yours too. They're saying he's abusive while also saying that you're sleeping your way to the top."
You've heard that said too many times to count. Both things. So filled with anger, you grabbed the phone from Katsuki's hand and hung up.
"The fuck?"
"I don't know! I'm annoyed," you huffed, tossing his phone onto the couch before pacing, "I'm sick of people talking."
"I get it's annoying but you're gonna hear it-"
"Not helping," you glared at him.
"PR helps get them to knock it off," he pushed.
"She hardly says anything but the obvious," you rolled your eyes, "We can just post a picture of us or something."
"How does that prove I don't hit you?"
You paused your pacing, "Under a truth quirk I said the worst thing about you was your socks. I think if you abused me I would have said that."
He gave up his fight with a shrug, moving to sit on the couch instead.
"Don't get me wrong, it pisses me off that they say that. There is just no way to prove otherwise. Nothing is ever enough for them," you corrected, not wanting him to get the idea that you were only concerned for yourself.
"If you think that, why are you so pissed right now?" he crossed his arms.
You shook your eyes off the flex of his arms, throwing your hands up in frustration, "Because everyone says that, I hate hearing it."
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone thinks you hit me or some bullshit," you huff.
"Like people that don't know you," you changed, "you're a softy and they ignore it.
"Who you callin soft?" he sat up straight.
You smiled at him, "Kats, you can't even look mad at me."
He glared at you, eyebrows being the only thing supporting it. His eyes were soft. "Die."
"Let's just forget about it," you sighed, not wanting to talk about the press or your relationship. Nothing stressful.
"Why were you even cryin' to Deku?"
"You," you admitted shamefully, looking away. Talking about this would be stressful.
When he said nothing, you turned back to him. He was staring out the window. The view was filled with city lights.
"I only called him 'cause I couldn't call you," you comforted, stepping closer to him.
"Could always call me," he spoke softly.
"Kats," at this point you were standing right in front of him
You swallowed quickly, "We don't need to do everything together."
He took a deep breath, "I know, just want you to know you can call me, no matter what."
"I already know that," you smiled fondly at him. It was one of the best things about him. No matter how mad he was at a friend or family, he would never ignore them if they needed anything, even a random call. He might ignore a stupid text, but he never missed a call from someone close to him.
"Maybe," he looked up at you, "We don't do anything publically? If they think I'm dating you then good, if they think I'm not, I don't care."
"If you want," he shrugged.
"You don't mind?" you step closer to him, him making space for you by manspreading further.
"Not really, just don't go making 'em think you're dating that damn nerd."
"Want somethin'?" he looked at you with a brow up. His eyes flickering from your chest to your face.
"Seems like you do," you smiled, inviting yourself more into his personal space by straddling him, both knees by his side.
"What are you doing?" his hands were pushed outwards, far from you.
"It's fine," you hushed him, sitting your weight on his lap.
"We didn't even do this stuff with the watch," he hissed at you, face flushed.
"Yes we did," you looked at him confused, "I made you cum y-"
"Shut it," he huffed, hands popping with the sound of his quirk, "Get off."
"Look, if you really want to, I will, but I don't think you want me to," you didn't want to force him into anything.
"What even put you in this mood?" he glared at you.
"You looked at my tits," you shrugged.
"Cause you still have my handprint on em," he smirked proudly.
You looked down at them quickly, "Bakugo."
"What? It's how it should be."
"Will it stain?"
"I hate you," you glared at him.
"Sure, cause one glance at your tits makes you wanna jump me, cause you hate me," he was too cocky.
"Shut up you can hardly kiss me without losing your mind," you fought back.
"Kissed ya earlier didn't I?"
"Barely, come on, kiss me like a man-"
Forgetting his prior reluctance, he pulled you into him. Connecting your lips in a messy kiss as his hand held you to him by the back of your neck. Slowly losing its grip before sliding down to your waist. Losing himself into the kiss just as you were.
You were shocked he was even kissing you, cherishing the win regardless. Moving more onto him. Wrapping your arms around him, scratching at his scalp as you pulled on his hair.
The groan that left his lips encouraged you to push down more in his lap, wanting something more. You could never get enough of him. Anything he'd give, you'd take.
A rough push of yourself onto him caused his quirk to go off, not just a small spark either.
It singed your top, burning your skin.
You jumped off his lap once he let go, holding your sides.
His hand was placed right over your old scar.
Posted late cause I forgot to finish the chapter, and the tag list is being a bitch rn. (phone is glitching and laptop is weird) if it's fucked up mb.
-Next Part-
In them m.list of this fic comment if you want to be added into a tag list <3
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chaepink · 1 year
mmmm imagine naga reader is doing smh at their desk with their tail hanging out the chair and izuku is horny so he just straight up starts humping the part of your tail that's on the floor
Impatient | sub!midoriya izuku
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wc: 520+ words | masterlist
dom!naga!reader, begging, humping/rutting, degradation, reader is kinda mean/ignoring izuku in the beginning, ruined orgasm
note: exam over, felt like posting something
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"Please [name]." You sigh, halting the pencil in your hand. Without turning around, you already know that your boyfriend is looking at you with pleading eyes.
"I'm busy, sorry baby. Now be a good boy and be patient till I'm done, okay?" You continue writing, ignoring the soft whines coming from him.
Normally he's a good boy and would be patient but today is different. After being busy with hero work for the last few days—weeks even— he's extremely horny for some physical touch. Your touch specifically.
"But [nameeeeeee]," he begs "I'm horny-" You abruptly turn around and give him a glare that sends shivers down his spine. You pretend to not notice the tent in his pants becoming even more obvious either.
"Baby, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm busy. I promise to get to you after I'm done okay?" You turn around and he huffs. Then an thought pops up in your head.
"If you're really that horny babe," you joke, "go ahead and hump on my tail." You add on by swaying your tail a little, knowing that your boyfriend is watching your every move.
Minutes pass and you hear nothing from him so you assume he fell asleep. But then you hear steps heading towards you and before you could say anything, something heavy sits on your tail and begins moving.
Your breath catches against your throat. You really didn't think he would take you seriously. Turning where your tail lays, you're met with a fantastic view.
Red, blushing, and eyes rolled back to his skull, there was midoriya rutting against your tail as fast as he could.
His pants were nowhere and the only thing covering his cock was some thin underwear that showed the outline of it with a damp spot on top.
You curse under your breath. Holy shit did you not expect that. Though you did joke about it, you never thought midoriya would be bold enough to actually accept the offer.
A choked moan escapes him as he starts to go faster and faster on your tail. You can't help but move your tail in order to help him, making a mewl leave his mouth as he ruts against the tail at an even faster pace.
"please ah!- please please fuck-"
"such a fucking slut aren't you." Another loud moan. He nods eagerly. He doesn't even try to deny it.
"yes! o-only for you!" He starts babbling as the pleasure gets too much and you start moving your tail even faster. He's not even moving himself anymore, only letting your tail do all the work as he sits there all dumb and pretty.
"gonna cum please-!" And then you stop. He whines and starts moving on his own, wanting- no- needing to chase his orgasm. But then you pull out your tail from under him, making an even louder whine leave him as he looks up at you with pleading eyes. You click your tongue.
"don't worry baby, I'm done with you. Especially not when you oh so misbehaved earlier." He gulps but you swear the tent in his underwear grows. Fucking slut.
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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vespertiliosworld · 7 months
Damian x Reader
Next Chapter
Previous Chapter
English is not my first language, forgive me if there is any mistake.
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Some time had passed since Diana Price adopted you. You were used to living with her, of course she didn't tell you how she found you. You started a new school in Washington.
Once you got to a pretty good school and a good life, Diana decided you were strong enough and started taking you on patrols with her. Along with this, you also started seeing Superboy and Robin more often.
There were times when you felt like they were redundant because they had met before you, but you were still used to them. Although Robin was a little rude to you. You felt a little relieved when Superboy told you that this was his normal self.
You still like to go on patrol and train with them. Of course, it was difficult for you to stay awake at night and do a lot of activities. Come on, let's be honest, you can't expect your mental health to stay good when you have a messed up sleep schedule and so many problems in your hero life.
On one of those similar days, of course, under Robin's leadership, you attempted things beyond your scope. You were hesitant about this because Diana had told you to only do the tasks they gave you."What if they get mad at us?" you said as you examined the strange underground tunnel you had entered.
Robin turned to you with a stern look. "Don't be a coward, it's just a mission." His voice showed how uncomfortable he was with you being there. He was leading you and Superboy as he walked in the front row.
You frowned but didn't respond to him.
"He's right Damian, we should leave this to the adults. They just told us to check if there was anything suspicious." Superboy said, defending you.
However, you were thinking about Superboy calling Robin 'Damian'. "Damian? Damian Wayne?" You asked in surprise, involuntarily raising your voice.
Damian turned to Superboy and wrapped his arms around his chest. "Great! Now he knows my identity, good for you idiot!" You were trying to digest this new information as he scolded Superboy.
“Me too Y/N!” You spoke to him with a big smile. "Y/N L/N! Nice to meet you." You offered him your hand with an awkward smile. "I promise your secret will be safe with me, Robin."
Damian glared at your hand and shook his head. "Second idiot! We are in an unknown place, they might be listening to us!" he said scolding you.
You bowed your head, realizing he was right. You felt stupid for making a mistake. "I am sorry."
Without saying anything, Robin just took a deep breath and turned and started walking. Superboy approached you and put a hand on your shoulder. “I'm Jonathan Kent, nice too meet you, Y/N.” When he looked at you with his smile as bright as the sun, you felt a little relieved.
After smiling at him, you quickly followed Robin, but after a few steps, you felt a breath on your neck and turned quickly. You put your hand on the back of your neck and stared into the empty darkness. You took a step with the uneasiness that surrounded you, but when the ground started to shake, you fell to the ground.
You quickly wanted to turn around and check on the boys, but you panicked when you realized you couldn't see any of them. You quickly stood up and ran towards the path you thought they were on, but you started to feel like you weren't making any progress.
"Look at that lonely little gazelle! How lost, how pathetic." When you heard the familiar voice, you quickly wanted to look around and saw him. Void was sitting in the air, watching you with amused eyes. You took out your sword and quickly got into a fighting stance, but Void did not move."Aw! Don't be like that little one, you're so wild."
"Shut up! Where are my friends? What did you do to them?!" You started yelling at him. You were afraid of the dark and this narrow space.
But why did the tunnel seem to be getting smaller?
Your hands holding the sword trembled as you felt yourself start to lose your breath. You ignored the Void and tried to run and find the exit. As you ran, the tunnel became smaller and smaller, reaching a size where you could no longer even stand.
"Aw! Is there something wrong, kid?" Void chuckled and mocked you. His eyes were shining dangerously. He looked like a hunter having fun with his prey.
You tried to hold the walls with your hands and push them, you were suffocating. Your phobia felt like it was going to kill you. As the walls got smaller, you felt like the day your parents died. When the screams of your mother, who put you in a small closet and locked you from the outside, and your father's crying reached your ears, you fell to your knees and started crying.
“Please…” You begged with your broken speech.
Void looked at you as if he was enjoying this situation. When he squeezed the black ball he held in his palm a little more, the walls became tighter. “Guess you got nowhere to go, huh?” He underestimated you. "Give me your power source and I'll get you out of here." He tried to talk you into a deal.
Instead of answering, you pressed your hands to your ears, trying to escape your family's screams. "Mom dad!" When you screamed, Void let out a breath of boredom.
"Come on kid, we don't have much time. You either stay here or give up your powers." he said in a serious tone. His facial expression had become more threatening, but you were too scared to see it.
When your sword glowed, it brought you out of that fearful memory. You tried to get out of this darkness by reaching out and holding your sword. You felt yourself coming to your senses as a warm and safe feeling seemed to radiate from the sword. You weren't on the day your parents died, you were in a situation the Void forced you into.
You clenched your teeth. "Go to hell!" When you tried to attack him with the sword in your hand, you noticed something. You weren't actually in a small, confined space! This was a very wide tunnel.
"Fuck!" He swore as he dodged your attack, realizing you were free from the effects of his powers.
He dodged back as you swung your sword at him. "You were lucky this time, but I'll catch you next time." When he threatened you as he disappeared into the darkness, the ground disappeared and you fell.
You looked around as your eyes suddenly opened and a large gush of black liquid came out of your throat. Robin and Superboy were looking at you. Robin was furious, but Superboy was worried. You hugged Robin, who was right in front of you, tightly and started crying. Your body was shaking with the fear you had just felt.
Damian wanted to push you away, but when he realized you were crying, he rubbed his hand on your back instead. When they realized that you were not following them, they turned and saw you drowning in a pitch black liquid.
Even though they tried to wake you up and make you vomit the black liquid, it didn't work and you went into a kind of shock and started shaking.
"Are you ok?" Superboy asked as he placed a hand on your shoulder and tried to help you calm down. "What happened?"
"Void," you said in a fearful voice. "H-He pinned me down to the day my parents died. I couldn't escape, I couldn't help them." you said as your sobs got louder. "It was so scary, there was blood everywhere."
"It's okay, you're okay now." said Robin dryly. He didn't know what to say, his relationships with people were not good.
As you started to calm down a little more, you felt like you had lost all your strength because you were crying. You tiredly turned away from Robin and wiped your eyes. "I'm sorry, I acted like a stupid."
Robin stood back and didn't answer you. "Let's go.
If you nodded and stood up, you walked to the exit. Meanwhile, Superboy reached out and held your hand, smiling at you. "Britain, I won't let anything like this happen again, Y/N, trust me." said.
You gave him a grateful smile and walked towards the exit.
Robin was walking in front of you with a grumpy look on his face."While you were unconscious, we checked ahead but there was nothing. Just a big wall." It seemed strange to suddenly see a wall where there was a dark road before.
You nodded. "Let's tell the adults, they know what to do." you said in a meek tone.
Superboy nodded in agreement. Your body was still shaking a little.
You felt relieved when you came out. You thought Void couldn't reach you anymore. When Robin got on his motorcycle you and Superboy flew side of him.
It was good to have the cold air hit your body and make yoı feel like you wasn't in a confined space anymore. Once a smile appeared on your face, you spent the rest of the night around the adults, telling them what had happened.
The next day, you spent all day thinking. Void wasn't going to leave you alone until he got what he wanted, there was no escape from him. You thought about what you could do, what path you would follow. Meanwhile, the window of the room was knocked once or twice.
You turned your head in that direction with fear, but you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Jonathan. You got up from the bed and opened the window for him, but Damian walked in before you did. With a relaxed attitude, he checked in as if he owned the place and sat on the chair in front of the desk.
When Jonathan came in, you closed the window and turned to them. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on patrol?" you said curiously.
Jonathan smiled widely. "Yes, but we want you to come too! Besides, there is a place called BatBurger in Gotham, we want to take you there too." he said excitedly. Then he stopped and put his hand on the back of his neck and bowed his head. "Of course, if you want to come too."
You smiled softly. "I would love that."
"Great then! Let's go." said Jonathan excitedly again.
Damian looked at him annoyed. "Idiot! She needs to get dressed!" he said scoldingly.
You giggled at them. You put on the relic and let the power flow through your body. Now that you were in your hero form, you put your hands on your hips and smiled strongly. "Let's go!"
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I saw your post and I think to ask you for a Yandere! Wild but Imagine this, isekai! Reader doesn't know anything about him or his game, is only a confused person who doesn't know how he got to this place.
Anyway, thanks for read this and sorry for my bad English, My first lenguaje is spanish and I'm not very sure for my English.
Order up!
I genuinely really like this idea so this was a lot of fun to write.
Tw: Yandere, obsessive, mentions of murder
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Long past were the days Link would protect anyone but himself. In the aftermath of the calamity, villagers were weary of those who traversed the land and of good reason. Many who did were simply were insane with the thought of leaving their inconsequential little hamlet to see the shattered world. Hatred for fellow man ran rampant, but the crazed look in the eyes of few who’ve lost themselves to Hyrule, Link couldn’t blame people’s cautiousness. Besides, it simply wasn’t within in his best interest being a protector anymore. There wasn’t much to really speak about the issue— Zelda probably would have if she were here, but she wasn’t, so blissful silence stood. He held no love in his heart for the people of Hyrule, much as they had none for him. They turned their backs on him, and so he does similarly to them. But you… you weren’t of Hyrule. So it was only natural to him that you’d be the exception.
Sent to him by strings of blue light, you awoke confused at first. You knew nothing of the lands nor people he spoke of, and eventually reached the conclusion that, you too were out of place in the world that now was. He couldn’t simply leave you at Hateno —they were cautious to accept him, they would never accept you as you are— so, instead, he just had to keep you. He played knight once before, so had hard could it truly be. So while you attuned yourself to your reality —while still ripping away for a chance back home, one he simply couldn’t permit— all he had to do was kill what turned their blades on you. It was rhythmic and mindless. But, as it turns out, He found it oddly more enjoyable to play knight when there was someone to kiss his wounds better after busting ass so you’d be safe. In reality it was you that made it worthwhile, not the work. You’d brush his hair and braid it so it wouldn’t mat, whispering stories of your home. Stories that much resembled myths with how far they were out of his hands. Stories you spoke through tight lips as he smiled. Stories that filled his head long after you stopped speaking. He’s never been much keen on people —or were they never keen on him?— and yet he couldn’t grapple if it was normal to feel this much over your friends.
His devotion to you was rooted deep within him, stiff and unwavering. It wound through his battered heart, patching it whole. As time passed and the roots grew deeper and deeper, lodging themselves more and more, he found his line of work expand. Monsters caused a threat, sure, but that begs the question— what really is a monster? That man who was following you? No way to tell what was going through his head. But it was better you’d be safe rather than him being alive. The mean shopkeep, patronising you for not fitting into a tunic? She’d ought to be nicer now she has no tongue. Homeless man lunging at your ankle? Can’t beg if he has no hands. All in the matter of keeping you safe. Hyrule was a very, very dangerous place. But you were lucky to have the Hero at your bidding. He waited on your call, on your order. Especially since you always made it worth it in ways of food and whatnot. He’d have given you his heart unseasoned if it meant you’d give him a kiss on the cheek. He’d forge the ring if it’d mean you’d marry him. He’d build a house where no man nor monster could find it so you’d live safe. He’d kill ganon a million times over so long as he could fall into your arms afterwards. You must understand how much he loves you. The time and care he’s put in, the blood he’s spilt in your name, he loves you. So much. Too much. Too much to let you go home to your stories. Your home is with him now.
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suitov · 4 months
"There's... no shrine here."
"Is too! I got the guidebook from Byakuya!"
"So he practically lives in that library. He's even got a secret room in there that we're not supposed to know about."
"And that's supposed to mean he's trustworthy?"
Makoto paused. "Well, not exactly always trustworthy, but his pranks are normally meaner than this... there'd be more people around to laugh at us."
"Haah? Are you trying to make me feel better?"
"I'm sure if we keep looking we'll find some sign of the shrine. It's supposed to have these big porcelain lion dogs at the gate."
"Yeah, this place," Hajime, arms outstretched, span in a circle, "just full of lion dogs." The hillside was not actually full of lion dogs. It was doing all right for grass, had made the effort so far as wildflowers went, and had stretched itself to a few shrubs. Distinct lack of statuary, though.
It was Makoto who, while they bickered, first stepped through. Hajime was close behind, loudly lifting up stones and calling "here, lion dog, here, boy".
"Uh..." Makoto rubbed the back of his hand across his eyes. "Does the sunlight look, like, wrong to you?"
"Would look a lot nicer from a café table in..." Hajime blinked and dropped the latest rock on his shoe. "Uh... it does look kinda... weird, all of a sudden."
"Well! I could say the same to you!" scoffed someone he couldn't see.
Hajime yelped and cast around for the speaker, but Makoto had been right: his vision didn't quite seem to be working. Colours were too bright. There was a haze in his periphery. He had an unsettling feeling that things around him were changing size as soon as he looked away from them.
And there was a weird red thing hanging in the air. It was like a... snake, or a string, or a ribbon - or maybe a talisman? - just... hanging in midair, gently twisting.
Until it spoke, sending waves of motion up and down itself. "Hey. Can you hear me?"
"I can! I can! Um..." Makoto was waving at it like a dummy. "Who... are you?"
Or what, Hajime thought.
"Well, obviously, I'm the spirit of this place," said the twisting slice of red. "It's been a long time. Not many humans have come here since my gate fell apart."
"Your gate?" Hajime repeated.
"My archway, yes. I'm afraid my shrine isn't what it used to be." It sounded like a sigh, if weird red spirit ribbons even had lungs. "It was always suffering one mishap or another until the locals gave up making repairs. Simply terrible luck."
Makoto had walked a full circle around the squiggly line by now. He stopped. "Poor spirit..." he said. Hajime groaned internally. This had better not turn into a repeat of the apologising-to-the-bench incident.
"Well!" said the squiggle. "You're here now! And I'm simply delighted to be the one to tell you. You two are highly honoured. You've got a special destiny!"
"A..." Hajime found his arms had crossed over his chest without conscious intent. "Special destiny?"
"Why yes! Special indeed. Bright shining lights you two will be in the world, very soon!"
"Wow! Really?" gasped Makoto, almost pathetically eager to believe this pronouncement.
"Us. Special destiny," he repeated. "I'm sorry, but can you be more specific?"
"Ah, well..." The spirit string wafted embarrassedly. "These things don't really... work in specifics. But you definitely are beacons of light! I wouldn't be so interested in you if you weren't. I wouldn't find you so... well, yes! And you do both have super-duper protagonist hair, after all, so that practically confirms it."
Hajime leaned down to Makoto. "I think this spirit's gone weird from being alone too long," he whispered.
The spirit ribbon curled up and span in a spiral. "Shall I give you the destined hero pep talk now?" it asked excitedly.
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Sorry if you've already talked about this but I just found your blog and I have a question. I basically stopped watching the show and Gang of Secrets but I'd like to know your thoughts on how the show handles secret identities?
Personally I really like secret identites as a trope and the way you can use it to make different character dynamics, and I feel like the show underutilizes it at best and at worst seem actively annoyed by the constraint they gave themselves.
Like this is somehow a show where when Alya and Nino found out each other's identities, it directly contributed to them each getting taken out in Heroes' Day, and when Marianne got Akumatized she instantly spilled the Guardian's existence, and both time the two leads have had identity reveals it lead to a world-destroying catastrophe, and yet half the fandom and seemingly the writers act like it's at most and inconvenience?
Let me know if I'm off or seasons 4 and later do anything to contradict me but it was one of my issues at least and I felt like there were so many fun things they could have done with the set up. Sorry again if this is too long/rambly or whatever lol
Long asks are fine! Heavens knows I tend to make long posts. It's why I use the queue instead of just posting things as I get them.
Anyway, secret identities and identity shenanigans are the things that brought me to this show. They're nothing new in superhero setups, but most shows in this genre have the identity stuff as more of a fun bonus element than the main focus. The idea of a show that was more centered around these concepts via a romance plot sounded like a blast!
It has not been a blast.
The main problem with the identity stuff is that the show's guiding rule seems to be maintaining the secret identities at all cost because a reveal means no more love square and, at this point, it's pretty clear that thy're going to drag the love square out until the bitter end. This means that they actively avoid anything which puts them into a position to push a reveal. The problem with that is that the love square isn't some cute running gag that has no real impact on the plot. The love square is the show's main focus, so you cannot treat it the way you normally treat an identity shenanigans setup.
To give an example for contrast, the show Phineas and Ferb has a running gag involving the titular characters' pet platypus Perry. Unbeknownst to the boys, Perry is a secret agent who saves the world on a regular basis while his "owners" remain oblivious to the fact that Perry is anything more than a normal pet platypus. It's a good running gag because there's no reason why the boys need to find out Perry's secret. There is no overarching plot that's in limbo until this moment happens. It's just a silly thing that could be completely removed from the show without any major impacts.
Consider the difference between that and the love square. You remove the love square and you have a wildly different show because the love square isn't a gag, it's a plot and plots need to progress to feel meaningful. Marinette and Adrien should be growing closer on at least one side of the masks and they should be doing so in a way that makes it feel like the reveal is drawing ever closer.
For example, the fact that they're now dating should be a source of tension. The last time these two dated someone, they both ended up single due to the lies that come with a secret identity. But while Lukanette and Adrigami both lasted a few weeks at most, Adrienette got a whole season without a single identity-based conflict because acknowledging the identity conflict means progress on the reveal and we can't have that because the reveal is apparently being saved for the end of the show.
We don't even get much in the way of developing their relationship because letting them grow closer in a meaningful way means knowing more about each other which, once again, means that a reveal becomes inevitable. This is probably why we got the Derision retcon where Marinette suddenly couldn't talk to Adrien while dating him. No talking means no growing meaningfully closer means no reveal.
It's incredibly frustrating because reveal plots simply aren't structured to be long running plots. This is why most identity shenanigans media either focuses on the reveal and ends up relatively short (ex: the movie You Got Mail) or does the running gag thing where the identity stuff is a source of comedy, but the actual plot is something else that would technically work perfectly fine even if you removed the identity hi-jinx (ex: the anime Spy X Family).
When it comes to the love square, my preference is to take the first option and make it resolve within the first few seasons, but if we must draw it out until the show's end, then I would make all of the following changes to turn the square from a serious plot to more of a running gag:
Do NOT let Chat Noir confess. Instead, make it that he's always setting up romantic dates or confessions for Ladybug that end up stopped because of an akuma or fans or whatever. This would make Marinette's ongoing failures feel more balanced as they're both doing the same thing. It would also turn the confession into more of a comedy element instead of a dramatic one.
Focus more on plot elements unrelated to the love square, distracting the audience from the romance with shinny subplots like a Lila take down.
Don't have the secret identities be a source of conflict. Have Chat Noir totally uninterested in a reveal.
Have Hawkmoth be someone other than Gabriel. The less serious the show's basic setup, the less serious audiences will expect it to be
Of course, all of those are pretty massive changes to the show's basic setup, which is why I say they should have just let the reveal happen. Then they could have actually let all sorts of fun moments happen as we build to the reveal because it's no longer a thing that they writers have to avoid. As someone who has written multiple stories with a reveal, the fun really is planning it all out so that the tension and/or the comedy builds and builds to a dramatic crescendo where everything feels oh so satisfying.
When you live in fear of the reveal and awkwardly shoehorn things in, you get boring things like Gabriel's identity being leaked from a random play, Marinette's crush being revealed by freaking Andre, and Nino's identity reveal leading to nothing interesting because it can't because then we'd be drawing closer to a love square reveal and, well, you know the drill. It's also why you get messed up crappy episodes like Chat Blanc and Ephemeral. Episodes that are just there to prove that the reveal is a bad thing you shouldn't want!
There actually is solid logic as to why a reveal might not be the best move, but we don't even get to see that discussed. Chat Noir just pushes for a reveal because love while Ladybug stays focused on risk mitigation and it's so boring because a good show would let them have an honest discussion of the risks verses the rewards to help drive the conflict leading towards a reveal as a lot of the rewards are only realized if these two already know each other, which is a great tension build! But we can't build tension like that because then you'd be letting them have actual team dynamics where they talk about things and talking about things means bonding which means a build up to reveal and I think you know the drill by now...
This was a bit of a ramble, but hopefully it addressed your question! This is a broad topic that has a lot of ground to cover, so feel free to clarify if you wanted my thoughts on something else. I love identity reveals, so I am happy to babble about them. There's nothing more satisfying then setting up a good one, even if it takes tens of thousands of words to make it hit just right!
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sannasruins · 1 year
my letters to you
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Aizawa Shouta x reader
type: fluff to angst
warning: major character death, non-descriptive violence, grief
a/n: i did not intend for this to be so long, i'm already working on the next part, i just wanted to get this out since it's already at this length, this is probably the saddest thing i have ever written, sorry in advance. reader is referred to with she/her pronouns
word count: 4.7k
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As a Pro Hero, you had known since your school days, the job held the risk of one day not letting you return home. While it was a scary thought, devoting your life to a job that very well may take it, you had no doubt in your mind that being a hero was what you were meant to do. So, from a very young age, you had decided you wouldn’t ever let yourself get too close to someone, especially not your fellow hero’s in-training, so you wouldn’t have to suffer the grief of losing them, and they not have to suffer loosing you, if it ever came down to it. That was, until you met Aizawa Shouta in your first year at UA high school. 
He sat two chairs behind you your first year of school, the quiet one in his loud friend group, and though many people didn’t seem to see it, you saw how incredibly kind that boy way. You saw in him what you hoped others might see in you, that he was truly born to be a hero. You decided, looking at that dark-haired boy who sat two seats behind you your first year at a high school for heroes, that he was going to be someone that you let get too close.
You spent your school days studying and training with your peers, and the evenings after school walking home with Shouta, and on those trips to and from school, you slowly fell in love with him, and him with you, not that you were aware. 
The two of you would often walk home as the sun was setting, along the river, on lookers would see the couple, bathed in the orange light. The girl, a large smile on her face as she talked excitedly about nothing in particular, looking forwards towards the sunset and their destination, and the boy, a small, barely noticeable smile on his, looking at her as she moved forwards with a bounce in her step. 
Walks home slowly morphed into afterschool dates, not that either of you had the courage to actually call them that, often stopping by things like bakeries and crepe stands. On your first visit to a crepe stand, you ordered the cult classic strawberries and cream, and much to your disgruntlement, Shouta ordered dark chocolate on dark chocolate, your face taking on an expression of disbelief as he took the first bite of his and seemed to genuinely enjoy it. He mistook your expression, and thinking you wanted to try his crepe, shyly offered you a bite. Feeling bad for judging the sweet boy standing next to you, you took a tentative bite from the crepe, maybe it wouldn’t taste as bad as you thought it would! Maybe now that you’re older you’ll enjoy dark chocolate more than when you last tried it! Alas, dark chocolate has remained the same, and so has your taste, as you make a displeased face and after swallowing, stuck out your tongue in disgust. He let out a little laugh at your expression, and asked you if you didn’t like dark chocolate, and you replied that no, nobody with normal taste buds should like dark chocolate, it tastes like dirt! He chuckled again and the two of you started back on your trek home, you finding solace in your normal and tasty crepe, and every few minutes for the rest of the walk, adding more reasons and defamation to dark chocolate. Even though you were dissing something he enjoyed, he didn’t seem to mind, as he listened with a small smile on his face, eating his crepe and watching you. 
The two of you often frequented an arcade that was on your path home, having almost weekly competitions on who could beat who’s high score, Shouta never seemed to the comparative type but when it was just you two, you could see a rare grin forming on his face as the levels increased in difficulty and he got closer and closer to the besting number, the glint in his eye wasn’t just from the reflection of the arcade game’s screen, and it gave you butterflies.
On the last day before summer break, your second year of school, you asked Aizawa Shouta to meet you behind the school building after classes had let out. It wasn’t too strange that the two of you were meeting after school, since you usually walked home together, but why behind the school instead of in front by the entrance gates was confusing to him.
You were waiting there for him, with a small white box in your hands, and as he approached you, you bowed and put your arms out, presenting him with the little package. “Aizawa Shouta,” your voice trembled but you continued on, “will you please go out with me?”. You felt him take the box, so you let go and quickly straightened yourself, but did not raise your eyes from the dirt you were standing on, too nervous to meet his. It was quiet for a long time, and your heart began to sink at the prospect of rejection. You finally looked back up at him, tears starting to sting in your eyes, only to have your eyes land on a Shouta Aizawa whose face was so red it looked as if it may start to glow.
“Are… are you blushing?” You questioned him, fear tinged the edges of your words. His eyes shot up to meet yours, only for a second before returning to the ground, and he gave a shy nod of his head.
“I,” his voice caught in his throat, like it wasn’t ready to yet talk, “I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Is that a no?” disappointment heavy in your tone.
“No!” he shouted, and then, looking as if his sudden outburst was a surprise even to him, he continued, “I mean, I think you’re really cool, and smart, and I really enjoy hanging out with you, and I think you’re so pretty.” As he lists his compliments towards you his volume lowered in embarrassment, his last word being barely above a whisper. 
“So,” he quickly started again, voice returned now to a normal volume, “I would like to go out with you, l/n y/n.”
The tension you didn’t know had built up in your body suddenly released, stress of rejection melting off of you and into the earth below. You let out a shaky laugh, tears that had been caught in your eyes spilling over the brim and down your cheeks, your throat slowly untightening from the adrenaline. “Thank you, I’m so glad.”
“Oh no nono,” he said worriedly, taking a step towards you, and reaching out an unsteady hand to brush a tear away with his knuckle. “Please don’t cry, why are you crying?”
You laughed, “I really don’t know,” and you grinned, “I’m just so happy.”
He blushed and looked away, a hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck, “yeah, me too,” he murmured. 
You two started the walk home from the back of the school, your hand shyly reaching for his.
“What’s in this, anyways?” he asked in reference to the little white box you had presented him earlier. 
“Oh,” you blushed, embarrassed again, “its homemade dark chocolate.” He looked down at the box in his free hand, and a smile played at his lips.
That day on lookers would see the couple, bathed once more in the orange light, next to the slow flowing river. The girl, a large smile on her face as she talked excitedly about nothing in particular, looking forwards towards the sunset and their destination, and the boy, a small, barely noticeable smile on his, looking at her as she moved forwards with a bounce in her step, but this time, they were hand in hand.
Having yet joined a hero’s agency to intern at since Aizawa hadn’t either, when you were offered a place at His Purple Highness’ agency along with him and your mutual friend, you jumped at the opportunity to have even more time with your boyfriend. The two of you had kept your relationship relatively quiet in fear of it affecting the opportunities you both would be offered in the future, not wanting to be barred from working along one another. It was the middle of your second year when one of Aizawa Shouta’s and your friend, Oboro Shirakumo, was killed during your hero work studies. You were there with Shouta but had been knocked out by the Villain Garvey’s stock quirk and left to watch in dazed horror though foggy vision the violence that continued. It started to rain. You watched your beloved Aizawa fight the villain by himself, a boy who never thought he was meant for solo combat, doing what he must to protect the nursery school children, knowing he truly was the last wall between them and the villain. You watched him defeat Garvey, and as back up arrived, watched as he was congratulated on his victory, alone. Your barely conscious body had been picked up at that point, paramedics moving you towards an ambulance. You saw your Shota’s gaze follow a pointed finger, to where Oboro’s body had been removed from the rubble and gently placed into a body bag, already stained with cool blood, mixing with the wet ground under him. Rain had started to pour by then, the cold missiles stinging the skin of your face, it mingles with the warm salt of your tears. You desperately, and weakly, push away the medics trying to help you, and stumble towards him, standing in the freezing downpour. When you reach him, you throw your arms around him, and the two of you sink to your knees. You press his cooled face into the warmer skin of your chest, squeezing him tightly as your body gently shakes with unsure sobs. If he cried, you couldn’t tell, the two of you sat kneeling in the rain for a long time, long past the point of soaking you to the bone. Hizashi joins you two at some point, mourning in the rain together in a way no children should have to, and when told to move out of the rain, he speaks for the three of you in saying that the weather and your place in it was befitting of the occasion.
After the shocking death of your friend, Aizawa changed, he was still the boy you loved, but he poured more and more time and effort into solo training, not ever wanting to have to rely on others in combat. He got it into his head that he, someone with a non-combat based quirk, still had to be able to protect even his fellow combat based quirk heroes. He never wanted to be weak like he was that day in the rain ever again. He never wanted to lose anyone else.
You changed after Oboros death too, it brought back your dated mentality of not wanting to get too close to anyone, but you knew, if you distanced yourself from your sweet boyfriend, it would be one the gravest mistakes you ever made in your entire life. So, instead, you thought about your mortality, how much you missed your dear friend already, and how this very thing could happen to you too one day. You were okay with the idea of losing your life in battle, it held honor, you had accepted that long ago. Now knowing the other side of the coin, being the one left behind when someone dear departed while in battle, you knew you couldn’t do nothing.
So, you started writing letters to Aizawa Shouta, for the just incase. And every year or so, you would rewrite them, having them updated to the most recent you. You did that for quite some time.
You and Shouta experienced many first together. You graduated, watched him start his underground hero agency while staying to side kick under His Purple Highness, working up the ranks until you yourself were ready to set off on your own as a Hero. Your time as a sidekick had allowed you to slowly rise through the popularity ranks, and when you debuted as a hero, you already had your standing in the top 100. You and Shouta moved in together 3 years after graduating, never having broken up, you had just decided it would be important to establish yourselves as individuals before you moved in with one another. Bright eyes 21-year-olds, charging their way into the world, establishing yourselves among the hero ranks. A year later he proposed, it wasn’t at a fancy restaurant on the top floor of a hotel, or a big spectacle with all your friends and family there, instead it was in the warm orange light of the setting sun, on the walk home from visiting a crepe stand, not too much unlike the one you visited when you were in school. It was mid spring, and along the river, covered in a blanket of pink petals, he got down on one knee. The backdrop of sakura trees in full bloom, and before you, your beloved presenting you a lovely ring only he could have picked, that suited you so well, you were the happiest person alive. You lowered yourself down onto your knees as well, ignoring the looks of curious onlookers, and threw your arms around his neck, knocking him over into the grass. With tears of joy in your eyes, you took his face in your hands and peppered enthused kisses all over his face, his cheeks, his eyelids, his nose, his forehead, his chin, until you reached his lips. You pressed a lingering kiss to them, before pulling your head up, and meeting his eyes, “Yes, yes a thousand, a million times yes.”
He grinned back at you, and using the pads of his thumbs, wiped away the tears staining your cheeks, “thank you.”
Onlookers this time would see the happy couple, walking in the light of the setting sun, hand in hand, but this time around, she had a ring on hers. 
At the ripe age of 24, the two of you tied the knot, the date was set to the day, 10 years ago, that the two of you had first met at the entrance ceremony of UA high school. He looked dashing in his best suit, and you looked ethereal in your dress as you walked down the aisle to meet him at the altar, both of you wearing face splitting grins. You were in the top 40 at that point in your career, and the media had a small field day with your wedding. The 34th ranked hero (y/h/n) and the elusive eraserhead were wed today at an exclusive venue, only close friends and family were invited! Read more to find out all the juicy gossip of the latest hero wedding.
After your wedding you moved out of your shared apartment and into a cute little two story in a residential area of town, with enough room for whatever the future may hold. You rewrote your letters for the last time in that house. 
It was 13 months after the two of you got married, that it happened, a balmy May evening. Villain activity had been on the rise and stronger villains were appearing everyday. He wasn’t on the scene when it happened, he wasn't able to do the thing he trained so hard to do.
He had heard your call for backup over the radio, when you encountered an especially strong opponent, and had been rushing towards your location, tuning out the reports that were constantly being fed into his ear, as you were the only thing on his mind. When he was only 5 minutes away, there was an explosive sound, and the whole neighborhood began to shake, and in the distance he saw a plume of dust and smoke rising into the darkening sky. 
You had been on the edge of being defeated, knowing that that was truly the end, and had decided to take the rising villain out with you. It had been in an abandoned warehouse in the business sector of the neighborhood, there probably wouldn’t be anyone around expect for you and the person you were fighting, you reasoned with yourself as you set your quirk off for the last time, making sure that if you go out, your last fight wouldn’t be one that you lost. 
The dust had started to settle by the time Shouta arrived, there were other heroes and rescue teams already there, several of whom were mere moments away from providing backup, but they would have been too late even if you didn’t decide to be as rash as you were. Many were shifting through the rubble as he swung his head from side to side, looking for you, deluding himself that you would be among the heroes on top of the rubble, instead of under it. He didn’t see you. 
Someone called out that they had found you, it was Hizashi, Shouta saw him cradling your broken and bloody form. A sound ripped from his throat, choked, horrified, bloodcurdling, and he rushed over to where his blond friend kneeled in the wreckage. Hizashi gently handed off your cooling form to his best friend, but remained next to him, as Shota murmured to you. 
He pleaded for you to wake, for you to move, for you to open your eyes, god please just breath please. There was nothing you could do though, you weren’t there anymore, not really. He clung to you, and wept, voice growing hoarse, till his cries were nothing but shakes of his body. Eventually, medics had to take you away, and he watched, as they zipped your lovely body up in the disgusting black bag. He watched you be carried off, though the medics were treating your body with the utmost respect, he could not help but despise them for taking you away. 
It was on the news when he got home, the tv having been left on. He carefully took off his shoes, stripped of his dusty uniform, and showered, going numbly through a routine he had established, which was missing an essential part, you. He dried and dressed, and made his way up to your bedroom, where he fell to his knees on your side of the bed, burying his face in the blankets you had slept in not even a day ago, inhaling the scent of you. He broke once more, realizing that soon, the smell would fade, and it would just be another memory he would unwillingly slowly forget to the passage of time. He fell asleep there, on the floor, after crying all the tears his body held and more. 
He didn’t leave the house for days, remaining in your shared bed, cradling the small stuffed animal you had gotten as a present for yourself after graduating from UA, you smiley excuse being “for when you’re not here, I still need something to cuddle,” he had thought it was silly, maybe a little immature, but had never said anything on the matter. But now he held onto the small stuffed friend as if it was his only salvation in the horrible world he was forced to live in since you had left. He didn’t eat, he didn’t move, he just drifted in and out of painful consciousness. 
Your funeral had come and gone, people and the media were shocked to see the lack of your doting husband at your wake. . After 4 days of no contact, Hizashi came by, and let himself in with the spare key you kept hidden under a rock by the entrance. Long ago, right after graduating from high school, you had told Hizashi that if you were ever to die in combat, to look for a construction paper covered shoe box in your closet, that it was for Shouta. When he asked you what it was, and why you had prepared something so morbid, you didn’t have much of a real answer to give him. “Please”, you had  asked your blonde friend, “it’s something I started doing after Oboro… after oboro’s death. There’s so many things I never want Shouta to have to experience alone, without me.” He had nodded in acceptance of your words, and not wanting to focus on such a pessimistic topic on your graduation day, changed topics with a smile, going on about where the after party’s after party might be taking place.
He walked to your bedroom, “I’m coming in,” he announced as he swung the door open, though he didn’t receive a response. His heart twinged at the sight of his best friend, huddled under the comforter on your side of the bed, clutching a well loved stuffed animal. Though he had lost a friend, he couldn’t imagine the pain Aizawa Shouta was going though, it was as if the man that lay before him had lost a part of himself. A puzzle that will never again be able to be completed. 
Hizashi sat on the edge of the bed, next to the owner of greasy ebony hair, which he ruffled. “You need to take a shower man, you know how y/n doesn’t like it when you let it get this dirty.”
“She’s gone.”
Oh, it hit him in the gut, the blonde flinched. She is gone, and she couldn’t ever come back either. The rest of their lives, they would have to live without the bright girl they had known for so long. They would keep on living, and she would not. They would have to remember her longer than they had known her. 
“It hurts.” Hizashi said, “it hurts so bad, and it feels so unfair, and if there was anything I could do to undo this, to even take away the pain you’re feeling right now, I would do it in a heartbeat.”
“But,” he continued, “but there’s not, there is absolutely nothing we can do to undo what has already been done. The only thing we can do is to live the way she would have wanted. Do you think she would have wanted you to lie in your shared bed, rotting away until you died? Do you think she would happily greet you at the gates of death if you let yourself end in that way?”
Shouta turned his head to look at his friend, dark eyes red and swollen from their endless flow of tears, that even now, dripped from them.
“Get up,” the blond stood and slapped the top of his thighs, “take a shower, brush your teeth, I’m going to go downstairs and cook something for us to eat.”
Shouta nodded, and slowly sat up, his hair falling into his face like a dark veil. He rose from the bed, and begrudgingly made his way to the bathroom, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror on his way. He looked haggard, stubble grown out, his heart hurt so badly at the thought of you seeing him like this, he decided he would shave too.
After his friend had left the room, Hizashi went towards the closet, feeling guilty about disturbing things the way you had left them, he tried his best to leave as much as he could untouched as he looked for the brightly decorated box he had been told about. He found it without much effort, tucked away in the very back of the top shelf, covered in cute scrapbooking paper and stickers, it really was quite the reflection of you, something you had made with such care and love. It hurt thinking about how you ever had to prepare this sort of thing in the first place, having been preparing for your own death since you all had been teenagers. He gingerly removed it from its place, and carried it downstairs to the kitchen with him, tucking it away to bring it up later, after he had gotten some food into his mourning friend. 
He opened the fridge, revealing a tupperware of something preprepared, just needing to be cooked. He opened the lid of it, taking a whiff to see if it was still good or if it had gone bad in the time that has passed since it was made, it hadn’t. He washed and put the rice in its cooker before tossing the contents of the tupperware into a pan, frying it until it was done, and serving it with the fresh steaming rice. 
Shouta came downstairs, the smell of your cooking hitting his nose, and for a few moments he forgot that you weren’t there, in your sunny kitchen, cooking one of your meals to share with him, a smile on your face as you greeted him entering. Instead of your smile greeting him, it was Hizashi, and Shouta lost his strength, gripping the doorframe as his slid to the ground, chest shaking in grief.
Hizashi quickly took the few steps that separated him and the crying man on the floor, sinking down to his level and grasping him by his arms, concern morphing his face. 
“This,” a sob stopped him from continuing, “this is her cooking, this is,” sob “this is the last time I’ll ever be able to eat something she made. I’m,” sob “I’m going to have to live the rest of my life without ever going to be able to taste her food again.” His body convulsed with the strength of his sorrow.
They cried together on the kitchen floor for a while, until the food had completely cooled. Hizashi lead Shouta to the table, sitting him down in his chair before picking up their plates and placing them in the microwave, warming them back up, until they once more had steam rising from them. 
He put the plate of food in front of your husband, placing fork in his hand, forgoing chopsticks for fear that Shouta would simply be too weak from his 4 days of laying in bed, forgoing food. 
Aizawa Shouta scooped up a small bite of the meal sitting in front of him, tentatively raising the fork before placing it in his mouth. As soon as the flavors hit his tongue he started silently crying again. He slowly ate, trying to savor every bite, ignoring the salty taste of his own tears as he swallowed. 
The blond watched him, while eating his own meal, tears came to his eyes as well, thinking about what his friend had said, this truly would be the last time he ate your cooking. Never again would he be invited over to your loving home, entering the warm environment you had made, and eating dinner with you and your friends. How you had loved to host little dinner parties for your friend group, those that you had known since your schooling days. He felt bad about being the only one of the group to get to eat your cooking one last time, so he took his time as well, wanting to enjoy it enough for everyone that wasn’t there with them in the room that was now cool and grey without your presence. 
When Shouta was done, he pushed his plate to the side and laid his head on crossed arms, trying to control his breathing as he cried, trying to be thankful that he got to taste it one last time, instead of only sorrowful that that would be the last time he would ever taste it.
“Shouta,” Hizashi started after a while of silence, “I have something to give you.” He got up from the table and walked to retrieve where he had hidden the box, and then returning and placing it between the two of them on the table.
“This is from her, from y/n”
The dark-haired man looked up, bleary eyes landing on the colorful box. “What is it?” he questioned.
“To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. Y/n just told me to give it to you if anything ever happened to her.” the green-eyed man answered. 
Shouta reached out and opened the box, reviling its contents. Letters.
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part two
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yumenotambourin · 2 months
do all 3 mouses for the character ask or im shaving elfilis 🪒🪒🪒
🩷First impression🩵
Very cute! I thought he was quite bland before release already, but I was like 100% sure that it was because the twist was gonna be that he was mass produced.
And then after finishing the game I had a little phase in which I hated him because he was super fucking plot important, yet he didn't do anything and this made me angry, lol
As soon as my eyes landed on it, I thought it was Elfilin after some horrific experimentations. But then they showed the actual Elfilin lmao. I thought it was really cute and I didn't want to fight it, thank god it transformed before we fought it. Then I was just awestruck.
Also my mom randomly asked me what it was and I didn't know what to say so I just said something like "a mental parasite species"
The first thought that crossed my mind after seeing them was "oh god they have my exact favorite color scheme I'm gonna be obsessed with them, aren't I?". Breathtakingly beautiful, of an angelicity(?) never seen before from Kirby. Throughout April 2022, I occasionally woke up in the morning wondering wether they were just a dream. The fact that something like them existed in the Kirby universe was astonishing to me.
🩷Impression now🩵
I still think he's severely underdeveloped, but I'm more cool with that now. He's cute and silly and fun, he's a nice contrast to Forgo, and generally an adorable sidekick. Tho I wish there was more of him.
Baby. It's very cute, strikes pretty well the balance between creepy and goober, and the superior gemini in my opinion. I like putting it in situations :3
A MOUS!!! As magnificent as the first time I saw them. Except they're now my muse, my guardian angel. My view of them has kinda shifted from "stereotypical perfect lifeform" to "the embodiment of life itself", which kinda recontextualizes them, especially given how hard each mous fought to stay alive, and I find that very inspirational.
I love Elfilis.
🩷Favorite moment🩵
They don't have that many moments so uuuuh
Finding the Light! Perfect way to end the mouces' arc, and goes to show how much of a sweetheart he is.
The iconic "everything shall be consumed" is iconic
The only thing that they do, their boss fight 😭 it's stunning and I find myself replaying it more often than normal
🩷Idea for a story🩵
Definitely a plotline where they tackle that he can learn something from Elfilis and/or Forgo as well. I don't like how y'all treat him like he's perfect.
I'd like to see it getting used to living a normal happy life :3 the baby has suffered enough
ELFILIS PROLOGUE PLEASE!!! About how they attacked earth and stuff and their capture and maybe even Neichel cameo!!!
(I will not let you forget about Neichel)
🩷Unpopular opinion🩵
As I said before, I hate when people make him out to be this little goody-two-shoes without a single flaw who's juts the embodiment of niceness and kindness and will always do the right thing. Like no??? It's not all black and white! Let him be a proper multilayered character! Let him make mistakes and learn from others! Let him learn from his literal other half!!!
Whenever someone says that Forgo is Elfilis an angel loses their wings. Starting from the fact that the game heavily implies if not downright states (I'm on plane I can't check I forgor) that Elfilis = Forgo + Elfilin, why would anyone choose to take two different characters in different situations with likely two different outlooks (ELFILIS WAS SPLIT INTO TWO FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT!!! ELFILIS HAS THE HERO OF THE STORY INSIDE THEM!!!) and reduce them to a single, more limited being? Plus, most people with this headcanon are also the "Elfilis/Forgo is pure evil and an irredeemable monster!!!!" people who also really piss me off. Like yeah okay YOU chose to headcanon the traumatized baby and the insane mous as the same character. YOU are the one taking away all the nuance they could possibly have. Also as I said before THATS A TRAUMATIZED BABY!!!
I strongly dislike the headcanon that Elfilis absorbs other creatures into their dna. I feel like it ruins a lot of the charm they have, at least for me, by making their ethereal presentation be stolen from other creatures rather than it just being who they are. Also, while I am a Good Elfilis defender, I love the idea of them destroying planets for fun. It just goes to cement how otherworldy and above it all this creature is. So yeah, I feel like this headcanon takes away a lot of their appeal for me personally.
I also don't like when people make them always angry and grumpy, like do you realize half of them is Elfilin?
🩷Favorite relationship🩵
This is entirely headcanon-based as the mouces don't really interact with anyone besides Elfilin with Kirby
Elfilis and Elfilin and Elfilis and Forgo. More than the three of them together, I prefer each baby mous with Elfilis on their own.
I'm gonna briefly summarize my hc dynamics for them cause I love mice.
Elfilis and Elfilin - Elfilin
As I said before, Elfilin's feelings on his big sibling are very conflicted. On one hand, he feels safe with them, and looks up to them. On the other hand, he fears them. The fact that they just wipe out planets without second thought disturbs him. Although he'd never admit it to himself because he loves them so much. Elfilis, however, is very much aware of Elfilin's feelings. And as much as they're devastated by the guilt of having hurt their little ones so much, they dismss Elfilin's compassion as naivete due to his young age and time spent with the beasts. They're sure he will outgrow it one day and see his superiority, ans in the meantime they remind him that he's their little one and that they'll always love him.
Elfilis and Forgo - Forgo
Forgo sees itself as nothing but a temporary form of Elfilis, unworthy of being seen as anything but. And it's not taking this whole "coexisting with the actual Elfilis" all that well. If the actual Elfilis exists, what purpose does Forgo have? This sends them down an existential crisis. Elfilis doesn't like that. And they're desperate to help it break free from these beliefs. Also, Forgo always saw Elfilis in a very idolized way, as a ruthless monstrous destroyer. But that's not all there is to Elfilis, they can be a little silly sometimes. And Forgo is SEVERELY disappointed. It often calls them an idiot and then feels bad about it because nobody should be reproaching the almighty Fecto Elfilis. Also it exclusively refers to them as "Great One".
🩷Favorite headcanon🩵
Can I be honest? No fucking clue. Maybe that Elfilis teaches him how to fight?
I'll make it quick so as not to repeat myself, that it sees itself as nothing more than a temporary form of Elfilis.
The idea that they have no motivation is very important to me. Specifically that they do things purely out of enjoyment. That they're just a force beyond our comprehension who sees everything as insignificant and is just trying to have fun.
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good-beans · 8 months
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HI @rainbowghostcat and @boxx-sama -- I have been enabled so I'm here to ramble a bit about my faves >:3 Top three are definitely Fuuta, Mahiru, and Yuno! Good taste gang !!🤝✨✨✨
It's a mix of enjoying their songs, genuinely getting into their stories, and relating to them just enough to go a little crazy asdfsd :') Shidou comes in at a close 4th, I love him a lot but I'm not as insane as I am about these guys lmao.
I was holding onto these asks to ramble when I had the time/energy but uuuuhhh I didn't mean to go on for so long sorry 😭 Woe, 03 06 02 thoughts be upon ye...
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Starting with Fuuta!! His character has everything – He’s cool, he’s lame, he’s terrifying, he’s tragic, he’s funny, he’s unbearably real, he’s my silly little guy, he makes me cry, etc. The core of his character that always gets me is how normal he is. How he’s probably closest to the majority of the audience – he (and Kazui) are the only ones who did not have murder on their mind at all. He anticipated harm, but the thought of someone dying never once crossed his mind. He’s right around teens/early twenties. He engages with the online world a lot. So many milgram fans are in that age range, on the internet a lot (in order to enjoy the project and its fanbase), feel a strong sense of justice (since they’re so engaged in a project about morality), and aren’t in any situation dramatic enough that they expect anyone to die. He’s so much like all of us. 
Continuing on that, his heart really is in the right place to start. He cares deeply about people and society, which is why he wants to fix it. His vision is a bit small, focusing on petty issues rather than huge social issues, but the point is he cares. He attacks Es because he’s trying to be the brave representative after hearing Haruka and Yuno were attacked. He yells at Kazui and Mahiru because they’re not helping the others. He takes care of Haruka. He gives Mahiru a birthday gift even when he has nothing to give. 
His biggest issue is, he doesn’t belong. I’ve written up a whole analysis on how he’s written very neurodivergent: he misses social cues, he’s on the outskirts of friendships and groups. It’s more clear in characters like Haruka and Muu, but Fuuta is just as incredibly desperate for attention. For love. For that feeling of belonging in a group. His knightly fantasies aren’t ones of violence and weapons – they’re mostly scenes of him surrounded by a close-knit party of adventurers who are cheering him on. 
All of this together is what makes him so compelling and so tragic to me. All the characters are human and real, but he’s the closest to a lot of viewers (myself included). He let the attention get to his head for just a bit too long, let himself get swept away in finally having friends. He got distracted thinking that the focus of being a hero was defeating, and not protecting. And all it took was a brief time of getting drunk on this attention, and now he has a little girl’s blood on his hands. It makes me absolutely insane.
I also think he’s such a cool special case because he truly got a taste of his own medicine. The other characters are being judged in an unfamiliar way, but he is being scrutinized in the Exact same way that Fuuta pried open others’ privacy. He was attacked and almost died because of Es’ judgment, just as his victim was attacked because of his judgment. The process of Milgram is putting him in his victim’s shoes, and it’s so cool to see.
Aaaaand on a lighter note – he’s just so fun!! He’s my little skrunkly fr!!! I love his shit-eating grin. I love his ridiculous laugh. I love his crooked teeth. I love the knight theme, and the fire symbolism. It’s pretty standard, but it suits him perfectly. He’s got such cool, badass songs! I’m obsessed with his voice, both his singing and vd performances are incredible. His vds are the only ones I’ll listen to often and out of the blue – Arthur Lounsbery uses such an interesting and fun voice for him ;--; His design is so fun (apparently I have a Type for redhead characters…), and his t2 development and design were amazing! There has been no other Milgram character that I want to reach through the screen and shake violently by the shoulders and also hug so badly 😂
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I’m so obsessed with her theme of ‘being so kind that it causes harm’!! Because it’s very easy to dismiss the other characters as unforgivable when you look at the harm they wanted to cause their victim, or disregard they had for their victim’s feelings. But Mahiru… she doesn’t want to cause any harm. At all. She took her boyfriend’s feelings into consideration so much so that she didn’t stop him when she definitely should have. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body and yet she fucked up big time!! It’s such a unique type of murder!! The other characters need to be sat down and told “don’t hurt innocents, don’t seek revenge, don’t be selfish, etc” and then Mahiru is over here like “don’t be… nice to people.” Because it’s not about being nice per se – it’s about not being a doormat. 
(I know her story is still a bit mysterious – my running theory is that her bf had health issues completely separate from their relationship. They started getting bad and he started to consider suicide. Instead of stopping him, Mahiru combined her need to copy her lover (as seen a lot in TIHTBILWY), her ideas that lovers do everything together, and her belief that one should do anything they set their mind to (as seen in her comments about Es/Kotoko and the attack). She says she’ll join him, make it a lovers’ suicide, but doesn’t follow through at the last second.)
She (and Mikoto) have really interesting themes of how not caring for yourself can actually hurt others. They put all their efforts into giving back to others, to society, fitting into the norms and expectations, not questioning others, and it backfires catastrophically. If she had stood up for herself and her relationship, she would not have assumed anyone deserved to die. She would have known that it wasn’t up to her alone to deal with her bf’s mental issues. She obviously wasn’t handling it correctly (rats….) but she didn’t need to! She should have pointed him to professionals instead of deciding she deserved to die along with him! But she was so poisoned by society’s expectations of being the perfect girlfriend and being considerate of others…
She’s just such a tragic case because the power of love is supposed to be perfect. She’s been taught her whole life that it’s wonderful and magical and pure. Who can kill with the power of love, after all? I can completely understand her denial of the situation, because I also wouldn’t picture a terrifying, dark scene if I knew I was only being nice for my whole life! 
And her crime aside – she’s super fun :3 She has The Most Fun songs, she’s full of energy and excitement and enthusiasm! (out of the various english covers I like, hers is the one I jam out to most often hehe). She’s the most stunning character there! I’m a sucker for sunshine-coded characters 🌻🌻🌻I think she has the best symbols out of everyone, between the birdcage and the carousel. The fact that both Mahiru and her bf could be the bird and the cage. The two symbols representing beautiful things that can be trapping. Representing cycles. Representing relationships. I know the hourglass is a popular one but I think this is Yamanaka's finest set of symbols. I am unwell about it. So yeah, rather than give her a good shake I want to yank her right out of there – Get in loser we’re gonna get you some self-love!!!!
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And a slightly shorter rant on Yuno because that was a lot adfsdf. Ad I'm aware of the irony that one of my points is that it kinda sucks how most rants on Yuno are cut short :( The thing is, she’s been very honest about her crime, and most people have considered her issue in a context outside of Milgram so they already have a pretty good idea on where their vote stands. Despite being the “obvious” innocent one, she really is the most emotionally charged character imo. It’s easy to relate to the other characters and feel knee-jerk reaction, but none have been so widely discussed as abortion and sex work. I can talk openly about everyone else and get into a nice discussion on morals and emotions, but Yuno is the one character I have to talk very, very carefully around. Whether I’m rambling about Milgram to my family or interacting with new fans, I never know what’s acceptable to say without falling into a whole debate on politics.
So, if it’s made me into someone who keeps quiet and skirts around things, I shudder to imagine the amount of lying/masking Yuno herself must do on a daily basis. I can easily avoid the topic if I choose to – she was dealing with that debate long before coming to Milgram, and is currently dealing with debates and judgements and insults and pity surrounding it. She’s naturally strong so I think fans often forget all the shit that this 18yo is dealing with on a daily basis, and how effortless she’s making it look <3
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alpydk · 3 months
Ok angst prompt.
Gale is so in love with his partner that he basically worships them, and can't stop gushing about them. That's a lot of pressure to be what he wants, especially when he wants nothing more than what he has!
What if Tav gets... Fed up with it? Starts seeing lies in the love? Wants him to be honest with her when she hurts him, instead of forgiving her immediately?
"You did the best you could!" "No, I didn't. I fucked up, and I'll thank you to acknowledge that."
"You say that like you mean it."
(Inspired by my first relationship where he worshipped the ground I walked on and that was great until it meant that his entire personality was about me and the dependency was *stifling*)
Thank you Anon for letting me wake up to this gem. This angst is hurt. There is no comfort because the only comfort that normally comes in this situation is the destruction of a relationship. I'm sorry you had to live through such a relationship.
Ink Stains
Word Count - 2400 - Gale x Tav (F) - CW - Hurt, Dependency issues.
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The black ink fell from the quill onto the parchment, another stain dotting the creased sheet as if it were the spattering of blood. So much blood. Why even use ink?
The sending spell came in before the next words could be written. Another unavoidable interruption during a moment of study. The bubbling of guilt merged with the annoyance as she heard the words spoken, words of curiosity and love, but a shackle, nonetheless.
Tav wasn’t sure how long she had been at the desk, deep in thought, but the light shining through the window suggested it had not been very long. Gale was clearly just growing anxious about her being away from him. Many a day had been spent together since the defeat of the Absolute, usually in the same room if not linked by touch, and in the beginning that had been exactly what she had wanted; it had been what he had needed after everything that had happened and she’d been happy to give.
It had taken one small passing comment from Gale to a colleague over dinner that had placed the creeping doubt in her mind. It was as if the tadpole had returned, placed there with little purpose other than to eat away at her, little by little.
“And then she stood in front of the arrow, a genuine hero, saving the life of the young, manipulated goblin.”
That hadn’t been how it happened. She’d stood there so that the goblin could lead them to its camp. She was using it and eventually killed it as it sided with its leader. A genuine hero? Were his memories really so skewed? More comments passed in a similar fashion. Her perilous tales being told with glee, the pedestal being built under her.
She sighed, putting the quill aside, knowing that now the sending spells had begun, she would get little time to finish the task which lay in front of her eyes. Alfira... She shook her head, the twist of her stomach as she glanced over the name making her regret what she had been doing. The click of the library door being pushed aside caused her to straighten up, the mask being set in place with a gentle smile. As Tav turned, she saw the face of Gale, his eyes as bright and devoted to her as they’d been the day he proposed to her.
His voice was soft. Apologetic, always apologising. “Tav, I’m sorry to bother you, but dinner is ready.”
She stood with a smile and approached him; the parchment left for another day when he would be at the academy or possibly at night when he slept, though that had been a disaster last time.
“Where are you, my love? I was afraid something terrible may have befallen you.”  
Now almost all hours were with him, his worship of her suffocating but unspoken. She’d once seen it as sweet, being valued in such high regard, being seen as a hero, as a goddess. But that was all he saw her as. She was his saviour from himself and now she could do no wrong. He smothered her, moulded her into something she wasn’t, lost himself to her.
They sat over dinner, an uncomfortable silence hanging over them both, the shuffling of cutlery breaking up the unwanted peace. Tav pushed the seared meat in front of her. My favourite, yet again.
“I hope it is to your liking, my love.”
It was, but it was not to his. It was never his favourite, or what he wanted. Everything was done to please her. A stray thought passed through her mind, a moment where she was glad the tadpole had been removed. Is this how Mystra had felt? Is this why she had grown bored with him? She nodded, a tired smile on her face. If he had been doing something wrong, hurting her, then it would have been a problem, but he was being nice, loving, the perfect husband that some could only dream of. Why couldn’t she be pleased to have this life after all that had happened?
“What are your plans tomorrow?”
She shuffled uncomfortably, either the wooden chair beneath her or the pedestal he had lifted her to causing her discomfort. Ideally, she wanted to return to the study and watch as the ink flowed so readily, but now that he was asking, this would not be the case. Now would be a day together, one where he would dote on her, agree to her words mindlessly and make her into something she was not. It crossed her mind to say something she knew would get a rise from him, a shove she’d been holding back on for so long for fear of rocking the boat. “I was thinking of painting the bedroom.”
He eyed her curiously. The bedroom had always been the dark shades he was fond of, and there had been no change in years. “Well, I suppose we could do that together. It would be nice to spruce the place up a little.”
Of course, he agreed to it. “I was thinking a deep lavender.” Another shove to provoke him. So long ago she had fallen for the wizard that would challenge her, the one who refused to talk to her after their meeting with Gortash. She was not the goddess he had pleaded and begged with, so why should she be treated as one?
“Lavender would be nice...” There was slight hesitation in his voice, but still he agreed.
She let out an exasperated sigh, trying to figure out what it would take for him to see her again.
“Or maybe not lavender, if you’d rather a different colour.”
The decisions would always be run by her first, from the big choices of employment to the everyday niggles of food and sleep. Always what she wanted so that he would feel needed.
Day turned into night, and she watched as Gale yawned, a subtle hint that he was ready to retire to bed but was waiting for her approval first. Tav kept her eyes on the book in her lap, a deep anger burning inside that she wished she could ignore. He didn’t deserve her anger, though, did he?
Time passed, and the shadows around the room increased. She fought her own exhaustion, longing for him to make the first move, to make a decision that did not require her acceptance. She could see him from her peripheral vision, eyeing her movements, contemplating taking her hand as he always would. No longer did she see his touch as a gentle reminder of his love, but as a binding, keeping her in place, because without her, what would become of him?
A warm palm was placed over hers. “I love you.”
He always said this when the silence was becoming too much, another reminder of how highly he held her, each time said with the same longing to be worthy enough for her acknowledgement. “I love you too.” She spoke, her eyes not lifting from the page until the last word had been uttered from her lips, a realisation arising that she had said the statement as a reflex. There were no feelings behind the words, no warmth as there once was. There was only the requirement to quell his needs.  
Tav sat with the parchment, the number of pages increasing with each scratch of the quill. She didn’t hear as the oak door was pushed open; she didn’t smell the sandalwood over the musty tomes. It was only as he spoke that the realisation came that Gale had come to spend time with her, yet again.
“What manner of research occupies your mind today, my love?”
My love, my love, my love. Always my love! She pushed the papers aside, an attempt to hide something from his prying eyes. This was all she had left of herself, something that hadn’t become a part of him like the interest in Throwknife, the dislike of fish, the identity. This was the one thing that reminded her she was still only human. “It’s nothing of importance.”
“Now Tav, maybe I can be of assistance. Let me aid you in this task.” His hand sat on her shoulder, no longer the comforting presence it once had been.
“No, Gale. This isn’t important.” She felt his rejection immediately, the way his body seemed to ooze a disappointment at being turned away, his value diminishing instantly.
He gave her arm a gentle squeeze. “If that’s what you wish.”
She bristled at his words. He would even take the rejection lying down. Her voice came out, a little snappier than she wanted, but the simmering rage hissing through. “And what do you wish, Gale?”  
He took a step back from her, his hand removed from her shoulder. She could see the confusion on his face, the hurt that already bled through his deep brown eyes.
“I just wish to be with you. To help you.”
“I do not need you help.”
The atmosphere was tense for the rest of the afternoon. Tav had tried to write further only for the frustration to stir in her thoughts, distracting her often. If it wasn’t his interruptions, it was simply now that his behaviour sat in her mind so freely, and yet a part of her wanted to keep pushing him. She wanted him to stand on his own as he’d once done. Each time she approached him, he would either back off giving her space, or he would turn the questions back on her, asking her what it was she needed. Was she struggling with work? Did she need a trip from Waterdeep? What could he do to help her?
Drip Drip
She lay in bed, her teeth gritted as she faced away from him, an icy chill wrapping itself around her shoulders where it had once been a warm embrace. She felt as he stirred, as the sheet pushed into her back, and he got up to leave the room. The shuffling papers in the study alerted her instantly to what he was doing, an intrusion into the one thing she had refused to give him. She felt a whirl of conflicting emotions in her. For once, he had done something without her approval, a glimmer of joy that maybe he was coming back to her, but also the anger that he would do it in this way.
Tav wrapped the blanket around her, tiptoeing through the bedroom and quietly pushing the door open. His broad shoulders glistened under the moonlight that shone through the window, his bed swept hair hanging over the back of his neck. He’d began tying it back for her, something he’d initially resisted but now did every day without thought. She hated it, but wouldn’t hurt him by saying so. The floorboard creaked under her foot, causing the wizard to turn to face her, an ink lined page gripped in his hand.
“My love, I was merely...”
She walked over, snatching the paper from him, a light tear forming in the bottom corner. Placing it back on the stack, she turned to him. “Merely what? Trying to help?”
He looked to the door, her stance in front of him blocking his path. “Yes. You have been so distant as of late. I simply wished to be of some use.”
He really sees no wrong in this. He doesn’t understand how stifling this is. Her instant reaction was to lose her temper with him. To push and push until she was free of his chains, but what he was doing was not through ill intent. It was simply Gale wanting to love her, to be loved. She felt trapped; once again the bad guy, no longer feeling as if she were the goddess he viewed her as, but the demon she tried to ignore.
“Tav. Why hide this from me?” He gestured to the pages, name upon name listed next to a date.
“Because this is mine. This is all I have of them, and I will not have it corrupted by your love.” The names lay as the bodies of those they belonged to, the ink as cold as the flesh, each one a victim slain by her hand. Alfira...
“But you are now past that. Why torture yourself in this way?”
The response was instantaneous, something she had longed to exclaim at him for so long, lost in the blinding light of his devotion. “Because this is who I am, Gale!”
“But none of what happened was your fault. I know you would have saved them if in your right mind. You did the best you could.” His words again were too understanding. People were dead by her hands and again he forgave her so easily.
If only she could wash away the blood as easily as he could. “No, I didn’t. I fucked up, and I’ll thank you to acknowledge that.” The cracks were appearing, the dam slowly breaking with every pent-up emotion. Worship would turn to contempt.
“Tav...” Gale had no agreement to her words, no validation for what she had done. All he wished was to support her, but agreement would be met with further disappointment. There was no right answer he could give at this moment, his own mask beginning to slip, his image of her faltering right in front of his very eyes.
“I killed those people, so many of them in my father’s name. I was at fault. I am the one with blood on my hands. No matter how you try to see me, I am and will never be the person you want me to be.” She looked into his eyes, already moistened at the realisation of what had occurred, at what was to come. “I cannot be that person for you, Gale. I'm sorry.” Her heart broke knowing that this was it for them. No amount of change would help them when their entire relationship was built on give and take. Neither of them could be free whilst they huddled together for warmth, the embrace now a prison of dependency.  
Drip Drip Drip
The black ink fell from the quill onto the parchment, another stain dotting the creased sheet as if it were the spattering of blood. Maybe in another life, I'd be worthy.
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vimara00 · 9 months
Hi everyone, it's Vi! ✨ Today I decided to write something with the trope "she fell first but he fell harder" because I can. Also, I wanna wish u a Merry Christmas!!! 🎅 🎄
Hope you enjoy! ❤️ (Again, sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙈)
Pd: It's gonna be a part 2
All characters reservations to Horikoshi
Warnings: jealousy
Too blind to see (Kirishima x F!reader)
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(Image created with AI)
Kirishima and y/n have known each other since birth as both of their mothers were friends. They dreamed of the two of them getting along and, in an ideal future, getting married and giving them grandchildren, but it was too early for the last part. They became inseparable and did everything together; They went to the same kindergarten, same high school, and even managed to enter the UA. However, because of y/n "sanation" quirk, she was at another class. But that wasn't an impediment for seeing each other every day. And when she wasn't with Kirishima and his friends, she would be helping on the nursery as part of her training. Her mentor, Recovery girl, always said that she'll take her place when she retired, so y/n needed to work extra hard if she wanted to be able to save heroes' lives during battle.
Kirishima was y/n's number one fan; she was his muse, his rock, and his 'best friend' while for her...he was way more than that. She was in love with her best friend and came with the realisation, at a very young age, that he didn't see her as a potential partner so she kept her mouth shut for all this years, scared of rejection.
However, lately, Kirishima's been more protective than normal; At first, she thought it probably had something to do with the LOV's recent attack, but certain actions made her think otherwise...
The other day, Deku came in with new injuries, and because he was a regular patient, he talked a lot with y/n while she treated his wounds. They became very good friends as she was one of the few who knew of OFA. Kirishima hadn't noticed how close they were till he came in later that day to check on Midoriya and found them siting next to eachother (shoulders touching and being VERY VERY close for his liking) reading and talking about his notes. He was standing at the door annoyed by the scene happening in front of him, and suddenly, a new sensation came with it, one he couldn't put into words, but it felt similar to fear. Of what? He was yet to find out...
He decided enough was enough and entered the room, making his presence known. Izuku might have noticed the intense look Kirishima was giving him cause he tensed and moved a little so his body wasn't touching hers at all; He knew that, even though the redhead was such a great guy, when it came to her, he sure as hell would beat someone up just because that person looked the wrong way (Midoriya has seen it many times). Y/n didn't think much of it as she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and kept doing some reports that Recovery girl has left for her. After she was done, they left so Izuku could rest, but not before she gave him a quick hug and said their goodbyes. Kirishima was rather quiet all the way to her doorm, and once they arrived, he said 'You are really close with Midoriya, ah?' 'Yes, he's a really nice guy! He comes almost every day so he's my favorite patient by now' His face turned into a frown to that and respond 'Is that so?' He hadn't stopped looking intensibly at her, and it was making the e/c girl nervous. <Why does he sound like he's jealous?> The girl was wondering when suddenly, he grabbed her forearm gently so her body was now facing him. His eyes were no longer on her but the floor, and he whispered 'I don't like you being that friendly with him. I'm supposed to be the one who receives your hugs and the one you tend their wounds of!' He paused for a few seconds and finally looked at her as he continued 'I don't like sharing your attention or you affection. I know it's selfish but lately, when I see you with others, it hurts and it annoys me...I feel kind of left out and I don't like it one bit' Someone would of assumed this 'sensations' Kirishima was having were of pure jealousy or envy because of the threaten of her finding someone else and that this might have been his confession but no. He's convinced himself, and her, that it was his mission as a 'big bro' that he needed to be sure the guy she settled for was a nice one. That night, both of them went to sleep with a huge weight of their hearts. Y/n because she realized that nothing has changed and that she'd always be his friend no matter how cute she dressed or how mature she acted, she'd never be his first option. As for him... He felt his chest tighten at the thought of her being with some other dude.
The next few days, he did everything in his power to not let Midoriya or any other of his friends near y/n, but he couldn't control everyone for too long, could he? It wasn't long enough until UA most handsome guy, had to pay a visit to the nursery and even took the chance to invite her to endeavors agency to work with them. She was very excited to tell him about what happened and that she accepted their offer, but Kirishima had to pretend that he was happy when he actually was feeling sad)?
Since then, mister cute face has spent too much time with her and did everything together; from eating lunch to going on missions alone and then having dinner at his house (Midoriya and Bakugou were there too but still) The redhead was going crazy to say the least. However, he began to wonder if these emotions were similar to the ones a brother would have for his little sister or more like a boyfriend would have for his girl. The word 'jealousy' came along with those thoughts and so he understood why he got so annoyed and anxious whenever she was with someone else or how worried he got by just the idea of her having a boyfriend or even marrying someone; marrying someone who wasn't him. He was in love with her! All this time, he actually thought he was doing the right thing by being protecting her from praying eyes but he was just keeping her to himself instead. He realized how mistaken he had been and needed to make his intentions clear for her even if she rejected him. He just needed to find the right time
Part 2 in a few days 😉
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myherotamademia · 1 year
Hello is it ok if I can request a bakugo x reader where during the entrance exam bakugo sees reader fighting and being super strong and he just falls in love immediately
If It Weren't For You
Sorry for the wait! I didn't even see this until recently. But, I hope you enjoy it! @ilikewafflesworld
Did I use Spider-Man's abilities because I'm unoriginal? Yep.
WC: 600
Genre: Pure fluff, just cuteness. But, there is swearing!
“Fuck yeah!” Bakugo shouted as another robot plummeted to the ground, his palms sparking. His breath was short, and his body was overheating. Yet, he continued. Just as he was aiming for a robot across the road, he was shoved out of the way.
“Woohoo!” Another voice popped up behind him, your body swinging past him.
“What the fuck!?” He yelled at you. The feeling of being pushed away from his target pissed him off. Before he could go after you, who rammed into him, the robot in front of him had fallen, shattering everywhere. Eyes quickly scanning the pieces of metal, he saw you standing over it, hand on your hips. String had been wrapped around its legs, causing it to fall flat.
“Sorry about that!” You waved at him, smiling. Your apology was genuine and it took Bakugo aback. During this test, he thought anything coming from the other students’ mouths would be nothing but sentences full of ego. Before he could open his mouth, your hand raised higher and you shot something from your wrist.
“I hope you do well!”
As much as he wanted to continue to search for other targets, he couldn’t help but want to chase after you. You’re the first one with such a simple quirk that impressed him. Figuring he’d find other robots along the way, he shot across the road, chasing you. As he continued to follow you, your webs wrapped around the limbs of every enemy you came across. Although he wanted to get as many points as possible, something about you captivated him. Deciding to disregard his score, assuming he already had more than anyone would, he sped past you with his sparks. Bakugo wanted to test you himself.
“Hey!” You giggled, keeping up with him.
Something about your shout brought a smile across his face. And for once, it wasn’t full of his ego. It wasn’t there because he was on the verge of beating someone at their own game.
“You told me to do well, idiot.” Bakugo called out.
The nickname made your heart skip a beat. It wasn’t malicious. It felt…cute.
“I’ll do better.” Speeding past him after your web stuck to a building several feet away, you took his breath away. The way the wind made your hair whip around, the soft smile that you had when you looked back at him, the huge spark in your eyes when one of your opponents was taken down rivaled any explosion he could make. And it made him feel light. Like he could float away when he set his eyes on you.
“Look out!” His eyes widened, watching you slam into a large piece of metal that had been sent flying your way after another student had destroyed a target.
“Fuck!” You cried out, beginning to fall from the sky. You were too shaken up to use your quirk. Bracing yourself for a severe fall, you felt two arms wrap around you. They felt hot. Like a furnace even. Looking up, you saw the red-eyed boy you were competing with carrying you. Sliding to a halt, he blew his hair out of his face.
“You okay?” Bakugo felt weird asking someone else if they were okay. He had realized that it’s something he doesn’t normally do and it made him reevaluate himself.
“Well, if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be.” 
Setting you down on the ground, he rolled his eyes at you. But, he felt his insides flipping around. He didn’t know what was happening. His heart wasn’t supposed to beat this fast. His hands weren’t supposed to shake like this. He was supposed to be calm, collected, focused.
“Then get your ass up, I still have to beat you.”
“Good luck…?” You didn’t even know your hero’s name.
“...Katsuki.” He whispered at you before taking off.
“Good luck, Katsuki.”
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I'm sorry can I be weird about platonic Yandere watchmen on main rn? I just think they would be so complicated and toxic and shit but they would tear each other apart for their kids attention. Rorschach would stalk and hunt down anyone who would hurt you. Dan would try so hard to be a normal father figure but he's just so paranoid all of the time? Laurie would try to get you out of being a hero so bad. Adrian would try his hardest to be a beacon of normalcy from the rest. Dr. Manhattan is y'know
I want to say that the Watchmen would be much more toxic towards each other but try for the most part to be pretty good for their kiddo. Neither party thinks the others are anywhere capable of being what their kid needs, each member being a hypocrite in their own right. At first, I could see Dan being the one to persuade everyone to come together and be a family that their darling needs only for that to really be what tears the group apart. It’s Dan, Laurie and Adrian who are the ones who really try and even then Adrian isn’t completely trying. To be honest he would much rather prefer not having this little so called family dynamic thing going on and has his own plans to help make it come to an end. Eventually it’s pretty glaringly obvious that this just isn’t going to work. Everyone has such different ways they want to go about bringing their bby up and their own version of what a family should or shouldn’t be that they all come to a begrudging agreement to co-parent individually, resulting in their obsession being pulled every which way like a crude game of tug of war.
Daniel especially seems to be the one who is really honestly trying to be a typical father figure. He really wants to give his bby the best, not just that but he wants to be the best for them. But he can’t turn off his paranoia, he can’t help but be overwhelmed by the many terrible thoughts and worries that cloud his mind when it comes to his bby’s safety and overall wellbeing. With his constant paranoia and need to protect his bby at all costs, Dan would grow to become smothering towards his darling. He knows they need their space, he knows he shouldn’t be hovering over them as much as he does but he can’t help it. He’s well aware that his actions could very well push his bby away from him and that thought alone scares the hell out of him but he can’t say he doesn’t understand it. Dan wouldn’t blame his kid for wanting some space and as much as he wants to give it to them he can’t bring himself to. At least not completely.
Rorschach comes off more as not being too involved, he’s more hands off than the others but that doesn’t mean he does know what’s going on with their darling. On the contrary, Rorschach is very much aware of everything going on with and around his kid. He keeps a very close eye on them, watching and taking notes of everything happening. It isn’t too often that Rorschach actually physically interacts with his kid but he does keep an excruciatingly close eye on them and protects them from anything he views as a threat. The most interaction Rorschach has with his kiddo is if they were a hero or trying to take on becoming a vigilante, then he would be more inclined to take on more of a mentor role for them in his own way.
Laurie, similar to Dan, tries hard to be the epitome of a good/perfect parent. She wants to be the one her bby can depend on for anything, the first person they run to when they need absolutely anything. She wants to be the one to comfort and love them, she knows she’s the only one who can truly give them that. She wouldn’t be nearly as paranoid as Dan is but she is very much worried about her darling’s safety. Especially if they were in fact a hero/vigilante themself. She would be extremely incessant when it came to trying to get her darling to give it up. She can’t fathom anything happening to them, especially without her being there to prevent it. She would of course seek advice from her own mother about what to do and how to go about things without causing her darling to pull away from her. Of course her greatest fear is anything happening to her darling at all but her second biggest fear was having her darling hate her. She didn’t want that, she couldn’t possibly bear it.
Adrian would try to give their darling more of a semblance of normalcy to a degree but he mostly just spoils the absolute hell out of them. He wants to make it very clear who the better parent is out of the Watchmen and it’s him. He proves just how much he can give and provide his bby. Anything they wanted, Adrian could give them easily. Out of all the Watchmen, Adrian is the most cunning and willing to sabotage his fellow Watchmen when it comes to gaining the favor of their darling. He’s not nearly as fearful of having his darling hate him, of course it would bother him but he knows he’s doing what’s best for them. Even if that means keeping them locked up against their will in his own personal oasis. But that wouldn’t be the first thing he does, no, he would work up to that later on. Baby steps after all. Adrian wouldn’t necessarily be accepting of his darling being a hero/vigilante but he would come off far more supportive and encouraging of it then he actually is. He’d even go as far as to give his bby the best tech needed to ensure their safety and help them with their heroic endeavors. But really, Adrian wants nothing more than for his bby to not be involved with crime fighting whatsoever. Maybe it’s him using reverse psychology on them or just him biding his time and trying to play himself off as such so that he’s seen as the more accepting and better Watchmen in his bby’s eyes because of it. Either way, Adrian would devise a plan to get his darling to stop crime fighting one way or another, whether by their own accord or he has to force their hand into doing so. Adrian wouldn’t be too opposed to formulating a plan to do just that even if it meant traumatizing and even scarring his darling in the process so long as it worked out in his favor. And of course he would come to save the day at just the right moment, further proving to the Reader just who exactly is the most dependable and caring parent out of the Watchmen.
Jon could very easily take the darling away from the other Watchmen members if he so wanted and he would. In the beginning he decides to go along with the whole family dynamic thing and sharing of their darling. For a while it’s alright and he could tolerate the others being so involved with his kid but when everything falls apart and the fighting starts up even worse then before, Jon would feel the need to take the darling away from the situation. When the prospect of co-parenting comes up, Jon doesn’t really want to take part in it. He knows a repeat of before is bound to happen and he doesn’t want his darling forced into the middle of it all. But reluctantly he would agree if only to oversee the other members’ interactions with his bby. It doesn’t take long for him to regret having not taken his darling after the first time. Sure things aren’t necessarily bad but they aren’t what their kid deserves either. It isn’t until the other Watchmen are at each other’s throats again when Jon decides enough is enough and takes the darling away right before everyone’s eyes. And he takes them far, far away. From everything unworthy of so much as being near his bby. He knows the others will come looking for them, they already started the second he up and left with their kid but he also knows it’ll take them awhile to find exactly where they are. Until then he has plenty of time with his bby all to himself.
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bhaalbaaby · 2 months
Keep Me in Love (3,454 Words)
Pairing: Minsc/Tav Warnings: brief stalking and mentions of harm/SA A/N: this chapter got way longer than i thought it would be so splitting it lol all smut next chapter Taglist: @spacebarbarianweird @tragedybunny @astarionsbeloved @razrogue
Read at AO3!
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Penelope's legs feel like jelly, but she powers through, returning to the stage area of Sharess'. She sighs as she sits at a corner table. Phantom touches dance across her skin, her eyes shutting as she lets herself remember him. She grimaces and scrunches up her nose as she leans forward, remembering she's still in public. Why does Minsc feel different than other romps?
She catches the eye of her old friend Rhol, her burning eyes dancing as she slips off the stage. Penelope perks up as her friend sits in the chair across from her. It's most likely against the rules for her to interact with Penelope casually since Penelope hasn't officially returned to work, but Amira doesn't notice, and neither do the Tieflings care.
"Penny! Or should I say the Savior of Baldur's Gate? You should be up there with me. People have been asking for a duo dance like old times." Rhol reaches for Penelope's hands, and Penelope smiles brightly as she squeezes her hands back.
"I don't know... But that's for another time." Penelope says quickly, the thought of working again making her stomach heave. Rhol nods quickly, their tails intertwining under the table. "I'm sorry I haven't visited in a little while," Penelope says, the panic easing as Rhol's eyes roll.
"I'm just happy to see you, friend."
Penelope's smile softens. "You too. We have a lot to catch up on, but not right now," Penelope says, her eyes shooting to the curtains.
"Don't worry about Amira. The bard for the evening is on his break, getting drunk and probably trying to flirt with Irena. We're safe." Rhol states. "And if Amira acts high and mighty because you don't want to work yet, then we can take a walk."
The statement doesn't help Penelope, but she smiles nonetheless. "No more talk of Mam. I just got laid!" Penelope blurts out, trying to keep her voice low.
Rhol's eyebrows raise. "My, my. For free?"
Penelope nods, letting go of her friend's hands. "You're never gonna believe who!"
"I know them?" Rhol asks, confusion starting to take over.
"Not exactly. Heard of stories. He helped me defeat the Absolute." Penelope says, dancing around Minsc's identity.
Rhol's eyes narrow, her lips pursed together. "I won't lie to you, Pen. I didn't pay much attention to the Absolute as long as they didn't try to tempt me."
Penelope smiles, trying to suppress her giggles at the honest answer. "If I didn't have to be the hero, I would have done the same... Well, try to." She doesn't have to bring up her late partner as Rhol starts guessing.
"I didn't hear anything from Nym or Sorn about it, so I'm guessing it wasn't Drizzt. Hmmm...."
Penelope's mind drifts as Rhol starts going down a small list of people she knows. The warmth of Minsc's lips between her thighs floods her mind; how hungry he was for her. She clenches her jaw to hide her shudder as the tip of her tail climbs Rhol's in excitement.
"Minsc of Rashemen."
Queen Rhol sits back in her chair, a smile dancing on her lips. "Oh, I wasn't expecting that. I thought he was busy being the Stone Lord. Was his hamster there?"
Penelope frowns, also sitting back. "He's back to normal. Jaheira and I helped get him out of the Absolute's clutches."
Rhol's eyes widen at the mention of another legend. "Wow, I suppose saving the world will bring you across many important people." Rhol muses, watching the curtain behind Penelope.
"I'm surprised I can walk right now," Penelope says, resting in her chair. "My poor legs," She whines, and Rhol rolls her eyes.
"He is a big man from what I've seen. Has it been a while between all the saving the world and whatnot?"
Penelope scrunches up her nose and shakes her head. "Not for me, but with him..." She sighs, "He already wants to see me again tonight." Penelope adds, watching her friend giggle.
"Of course. You did have a lot of repeat customers," Rhol replies.
"I don't know where to take him. I don't think he has a home, and I don't want to take him to my place. Mam would throw a fit if I had a free room again."
Rhol's eyebrows shoot up, "A free room? No wonder Amira was in a smug mood earlier. Take him to that bath house. They prefer it free there." Rhol suggests, her eyes flicking back to the curtains and then Penelope. "I'd suggest sooner than later," She says as the lute boy returns, smiling at Rhol before going to his corner to tune up. "My next shift is about to start... Come by more often, please? We need to catch up."
Penelope stands, her legs feeling better, pulling her friend into a hug. "I will! I promise!" She misses the hugs from her friends and the mischief they would get into, especially when some human would want to experience them simultaneously. She kisses Rhol's cheek before slipping from the Sharess' Caress through the back. 
Penelope takes a sharp breath as she stands in front of the grand bath house. Its facade matches the Wavemother's Temple nearby. She's never been, following Mam's strict orders not to go. Amira had an inkling it was another brothel house trying to take her business even though Nym and Sorn told her it wasn't.
"They don't even allow that sort of debauchery in their rooms," Nym assured while Sorn rolled his eyes. "I haven't gotten kicked out just yet, but they didn't like it when one of their sailors solicited me. Though sex without money is fine for couples."
It didn't ease Mam, but she allowed the others to go. Penelope never wanted to displease her adopted mother and thus stayed away. Until today. Rhol's assurance earlier calms Penelope down as she whispers a sending spell for Minsc. "There's a bath house in the Lower City. Let's meet here tonight." She sighs as she starts down the cobblestone path.
The last sending spell she cast was to Gortash back on the beach near Emerald Grove. How frantic she must have been, asking for his help, unsure of what had happened. The silence on his end haunted her until she found Shadowheart also on that beach. She shuts the thoughts of Enver down, shoving them in a corner. Tonight is about the future. She can't let Enver take that away. She shudders before she crosses the threshold, the yellowish marble and deep teal accents taking over her sight.
Every statue is dedicated to the Bitch Queen Umberlee, and the sea and Penelope notes mostly men lulling about, a stark difference from the temple itself. Must be where the sailors go when the priestesses tell them to fuck off, Penelope guesses as she decides to sit on the edge of the fountain.
Minsc's voice fills her mind, her heart skipping beats as she closes her eyes, letting his reply flow through her. "Ah, Minsc has been there before when he was the Stone Lord. The food is filling, and the mead is tasty. Boo also loves their--"
She laughs to herself as it cuts off suddenly. He must not know the word limit. Before she gets up, she casts another sending message. "Good to know. I will be here all night, waiting for your embrace." She hesitates, wondering if that was too forward, quickly adding, "And to see you."
She stands, smoothing her skirts as she approaches the receptionist. At first glance, she's a human, but her webbed sharp ears give away that she is not, as well as when she flicks up her dark eyes to look at Penelope. A water genasi. "Hello! Welcome to The Baths of Black Seas. Do you have an appointment or booking a room?"
"Appointment?" Penelope asks, trying not to stare too hard at the beautiful woman. Her eyes are bluish-green with black sclera; her shimmery blue-black hair is slicked back so that her prominent fish-like features can shine. A sailor could call her a siren incorrectly.
"Yes! We have appointments available for massages and our spa." Her voice is upbeat, though quiet. Penelope has to lean to hear the woman better. She vaguely remembers Rhol mentioning that in the past, saying they should go for a spa day, but they never got the chance.
"Oh, I'll have to do that another time, but thank you for the information," Penelope says politely, smiling at the woman. "I would like a room, however," Penelope says, sitting back on her heels. The woman goes to the keys, "How many people?"
Penelope's skin heats as she quickly answers, "Two. He'll be here later. Had a few errands."
The woman stiffens at the mention of a man, turning to face Penelope. "Ah, I see... Do you work for Sharess' Caress?"
The question turns Penelope's stomach, and she waves the question away. "It's not for that if that's what you're thinking. I'm not getting paid to be with him." She avoids saying his name, but the woman doesn't move further.
"We don't allow prostitution in this institute."
Penelope scoffs, "I don't work for Sharess' anymore. Am I not allowed to spend time here with my man? He spoke very highly about this place."
The woman shakes her head, "It'll be better if you and him were here together to reassure us--"
"I highly doubt Minsc would appreciate this," Penelope suddenly cuts her off, feeling tired. She would be spent if she had to cast another sending spell before eating something.
"Yes, Minsc of Rashemen." Penelope says, irritation starting to rise. It would be easier to take him to her loft at this point, but she isn't sure if she wants him to know where she lives just yet.
The woman relaxes. "He's never brought guests before, but he is also very respectable. The Stone Lord has been good to the Lady." She hands Penelope a key.
"He's not the Stone Lord anymore," Penelope says, raising her eyebrow.
"Oh, well, the Hero is welcome here any day, ma'am." She bows slightly, and Penelope brings her lips together in a thin-lipped smile. "Who is the owner of this establishment, by the way?"
The woman stiffens, knowing the reason Penelope would want to know. If the roles were reversed, she's sure the woman wouldn't spare Penelope from a lashing from Mam. 
The owner is a Priestess of Umberlee who profusely apologizes for the woman's questioning. "You are all welcome here. We get bad actors here sometimes, and we have to be careful. Please do not tell Minsc." She wonders why the woman would care what she tells Minsc, but Penelope reluctantly tells her she won't. 
Penelope closes the door carefully to their room, taking in the inn decor. It's mostly gold or marble, with hedonism dripping from the walls. She wonders what Minsc and Boo know about this place as she slips her clothes off, letting her garments fall to the floor. She muses when Minsc will join her, if he will get right to it, or if they will go to the baths and take their time. She lies on the bed, resting on the pillows, her legs spreading. She wants him now. Her irritation rises the longer she waits. Her hands find her breasts, massaging the mounds as her mind flits to earlier, his hungry mouth. A small moan escapes her lips, her other hand slipping between her thighs. She closes her eyes as she runs her fingers over her slit.
She stops herself, sitting up with a huff. She can't get worked up when he's not here. Not yet, at least. She slips off the bed and goes to the bath. The view of the Chironthar, a gray and muggy sight, hangs over the grand pool. She imagines that when building this suite, they wanted to invoke the grand sights of old. It doesn't quite work now, but she moves on, checking the oils and soaps they have available. She imagines massaging Minsc's back, his tensing muscles, and deep moans.
She runs water from the sink and splashes her heated face. How come one time has her in an uproar? She has slept with so many others, but it has been a while since someone was excited. Astarion does his best, but perhaps she's bored? She should judge Minsc more harshly this time. His skills could have been better and more comfortable. But he was eager. She goes back to the bedroom, checking the time.
The sun starts to hang lower in the sky, as does the brow on her forehead. They should have planned better. A specific time. Surely Boo wouldn't keep him out all night... Her stomach growls loudly, snapping her back to Faerun. In all the work from earlier and now, she's only had a nibble. She finds a fluffy white robe covering herself. Minsc did say the food here was good. She hopes he's correct as she follows the scent to the food hall. Penelope notes as she fills her plate with warm meat and fruits that the people primarily working here are men. She wonders why until she also sees mostly men walking around. She wonders if they hired mostly men to hammer in that this is not a brothel. She ignores the eyes of other patrons, sitting alone near the back.
Minsc would be here soon; they could dine together after worshipping each other's bodies again. She sighs, her mind filling with lust as she imagines getting on her knees, her mouth ready to worship, and Minsc's cock answering her prayers, stuffing her lips and throat. She stabs at her plate, bringing up a forkful of different meat. This will tide her over until her lover comes, and she will need the energy.
She ignores the man who sits in front of her, continuing to eat. She guesses he's a sailor from the scruff on his chin and messy brown hair. His skin is suntanned and windswept, slightly leathered. Must be older than her by a decade or so, the details not as attractive as they would have been if she still worked for Sharess'. He would not offer her anything she would indeed care about.
"I think you have the wrong place, lass. Where's your pap? Didn't he teach you not to go to strange places like this where strange men lurk?" He asks gruffly, a smirk on his lips as Penelope continues to eat, trying to ignore the nausea.
"He's most likely dead, saer. I can take care of myself." Penelope says, clipped, forcing herself to finish her food.
"Ay? You look like you can... Say, are you a succubus? Your horns... I's only seen those types in my dreams. I don't deal with devils often, though."
Penelope grimaces as the man does not go away. "Maybe there was a succubus or an incubus down the line, but I do not know." She says honestly, keeping her eyes lowered. The heart irises would only raise his ire or interest. She isn't sure which, only wanting him to leave her be.
"I see... You know, you're quite the looker. Some men here haven't seen a woman in months or years. And here you are, a vision. I reckon a smile from you would knock a few of them dead."
Penelope scoffs, still looking away from the man. "I'm sure you're telling the truth, but I'll keep my secret weapon to those who deserve it." Penelope replies, sipping her wine.
"Am I worthy then, lass?" He asks. Penelope admits his smile makes him attractive, but she is not easily overcome. Even though she no longer works for Sharess, it doesn't stop her from using payment as a deflection for men like him.
"I charge for that," Penelope says, taking one last bite.
"Charge? Are ye one of them whores? I should have known. Yer too pretty to be a normal lass." He chuckles, sitting back. "It don't bother me none. I like when you know what you're doing instead of flopping me noodle around like you've never seen a cock before."
Penelope grits her teeth, knowing her prices would make him swim away. She also glances around. The men around were indeed listening in. She knew they were. She noticed some shifting away when she mentioned charging for sex while others tuned in.
"Good to know it doesn't bother you, but unfortunately, I am not here looking for business. I already have a partner for the evening." She decides not to mention her prices in case he can afford it. The only cock she wants is Minsc's.
"But he's left ye by yerself. Are you sure he's a good partner?" He asks, fake concern thick in his sea-laden voice.
Penelope nods, "He had some errands to run but trusts I would be able to secure a room for us... He's a very jealous man." Penelope isn't sure if Minsc could be jealous but doesn't want to find out if she doesn't need to.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides, speaking to you has made me harder than a creation of Gond. A tug or two is all I need."
Penelope's cheeks heat, and she frowns. "Then do it yourself, saer. I am not going to anger my man for a vagabond."
The man's face turns red as he practically barks at her. If others weren't paying attention before, they sure are now. "A vagabond? You're a terrible liar. When your man doesn't show in one hour, I'll take what is mine."
Penelope rushes away, feeling awful that she didn't put her plate away, but worry takes over. She doesn't doubt the man's threat; if she went to her room, he'd surely follow her. Instead, she goes towards the bath halls, seeing the diverse bodies of people as they mingle in the water with the river sparkling in the distance. She takes deep breaths as she tries not to panic.
She sends one last message to Minsc, "When will you be here, my love? My heart aches for you." It's not a lie; she hopes it will urge him along.
His reply is faster this time, "Minsc is cleaning his mess, but we shall be together again within the hour. Did you eat? I recommend the roasted turkey. We can eat--" The spell cuts off again, and she relaxes. The thought of being with him makes goosebumps travel down her spine.
She sits down near the sauna room, looking down the halls. That man lurks, and Penelope stands quickly, walking around more as she sends another message. "Please hurry, dear Minsc. My beauty has bewitched a sailor. He believes I am lying about waiting for you and has threatened to hurt me."
Minsc's response is fast and loud in her mind. "DO NOT WORRY, PRINCESS PENELOPE! MINSC AND BOO WILL RESCUE YOU, AND THAT MAN WILL RUE THE DAY HE THREATENED THAT PRETTY LITTLE HEAD OF--" His yelling calms her heart as she returns to the front, seeing the genasi. She wishes she hadn't told on her, needing a friend like this. She is not as useless as she was months ago, strong enough to kill the Dead Three's chosen and the Netherbrain, but she doesn't want her spellcasting to get her kicked out before Minsc can get here. She doesn't want to cause a scene and decides to lure the man back to her room, Astarion teaching her something about daggers.
She locks her door and goes to her bag, pulling out the sussar dagger they made together. The silence spell embedded in it would help with the man's cries, and the Karabasan's Gift she drizzles on it would paralyze him before he could do anything more. She freezes when she hears someone walking near the door. She strains her ear, hoping it's Minsc and not her assailant.
"Ai, this room belongs to Minsc and his friend." Minsc's voice is far but clear.
"Says ye? Some Tief invited me for a tug. Are ye sure this is your room, big man?"
"My friend is indeed a Tiefling, but she told Minsc that some strange man has been bewitched and confused. Minsc rushed over to help her. I'm assuming you're the man trying to hurt my friend?"
The man yelps, and Penelope stashes her dagger away. She slips out of her robe, her nipples hardening at the man's pleas for mercy.
"When she says no, she means it! Never show your face here again, villain!" Minsc yells, and she hears the man shuffle away, the pitter-patter of his feet disappearing down the hall. She cannot wait for him to fuck her. 
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
Stormy Seas | Part II
Merman!Wrecker x GN! Reader
Part I
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After your strange encounter you're determined to find out more about the creature you had freed that faithful day. And after making new aquaintances your island is also hit with another tragedy that serves as the soil for looming shadows of the past
WARNINGS: GRAPHIC DESRCIBTION OF BLOOD, GORE AND DEAD BODIES, VIOLENT BEHAVIOUR AND INSULTS (in the last third), no use of Y/N, no describtion of outer appearance in any way
We start of with some sweet fluff before getting into the murder mystery part of this story. As always not beta read and I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes and typos. I hope you enjoy it any way.
You had remained out there for far to long. Out on the open ocean staring into the waves in hopes that he would return at any given moment for hours. Without success.
It took you a while to process everything. If you were honest, it still felt like something that had happened in a dream instead of real life.
Truth to be told, even now you somewhat believed you had hit your head or eaten something gone bad, mind now hazy due to toxins and sanity washed away by it.
This creature – Wrecker- had fully warped your reality in a way you never had imagined. And while still being rather vary of the whole situation and also somewhat suspicious you found yourself yearning with the desire to meet him again.
Maybe it was the little, heavy imaginative child that still remained deep in your chest. Causing those wishes, always dreaming of encountering a cryptical creature, befriending and going on adventures with it like the heroes in your favourite stories. You had grown up since then, learning that most of those stories were just, well, stories. Your new acquaintance however argued that.
You didn't tell anyone. Not that anybody would have believed you anyway but you doubted that Shep needed you running around the island telling stories about your supernatural encounter while people still remained missing. If you were honest, you didn't believed that they would return. It had been nearly a week by now. Everything that would be found now was probably not alive any more. Not that you dared to out right say that. Heavens above, not in a million years.
Instead you did your best to support your community. Staying off the ocean for a while, helping with more pressing matters on land. Cleaning up the streets. Helping getting rid of the wreckage scattered all across the lower city. Saving everything left to be saved. However, ever so often you found your gaze wandering. Always finding it's way back to the shimmering ocean surrounding you.
Now you knew about something out there, that many didn't. Your mind constantly pondering if he was out there, head just barely above the surface gazing towards the island.
A slight wave of embarrassment hit you every time you realised you had stopped what you were supposed to be doing while staring into the distance instead. There were more urgent matters that required your full attention right know. Shaking the thoughts of your head you tried to focus on the more importing things, pushing Wrecker back into the back corners of your mind. At least for now.
Another two weeks passed by in a blur and your life finally got back to a bit more of normality. Seizing the opportunity one faithful morning you sat foot onto your boat again. It felt like the first time in ages.
It was in the early hours of dawn as you reached your designation. Turning your engine off you
let the waves softly rock your boat while your eyes searched the ocean for a glimpse of him. Sun just about to wake up and rise from the ocean. You feared that during the days that had passed every chance of seeing him again had been snuffed out. It was a bit disheartening but since the feeling of being watched never had fully went away you were somewhat hopeful that not everything was over just yet.
So you waited. Pouring yourself a mug of caf you listened to the sound of the waves crashing gently against the body of your boat, ears catching the faint sounds of screaming seagulls echoing from the coast. Paired with the soft warm light dawn it was a truly peaceful atmosphere. Warming your fingers on your mug and gently blowing away the steam you took a light, testing sip. A mixture of the hot bitter caf and the admittedly large amount of sugar and cocoa you had poured into it hit your tongue in the most delicious way. You had adapted the way of drinking this beverage from your mother. Savouring the taste of caf and hot cocoa alike, it was a dream come true and a good way to start your mornings.
After aimlessly roaming the ocean's surface for a while your gaze eventually sat on the rising sun.
Enjoying the feeling of the first warm sun rays of the day your body shivered slightly. You had a good feeling about how this day would go. Fishing your generously filled lunch box out of your
waterproofed backpack you plopped a few pieces of fruits into your mouth, following up with one of the chocolate glazed oatmeal cookies. A few crumbs landed on your lap as you took a bite from the cookie, swiftly brushing it of your pants as sudden “clank” hit your ears. Your movement froze slightly, head faintly moving into the direction from which the sound had originated from.
Cautiously chewing down your cookie you turned around, eyes quickly falling onto front left gunwale. His scared, bald head barley glanced over the edge, one pitch black and one milky white eye focusing on you, glistening with curiosity.
Swallowing down the food which was left in your throat as well as a building lump of nervousness you softly nodded at him.
“Good morning”
You voice was soft, almost too quiet to make it over the sounds of the rushing ocean. But he seemed to have heard you, head slightly tilting and continuing to watch you closely. After another moment had passed, he mirrored your gesture, slowly repeating it. The shyest of smiles ghosted over you face. So your intuition hadn’t betrayed you.
The both of you continued to watch each other. He was definitely intrigued by you, disappearing for short fractions of time due to the rhythm of the waves. You felt like you should do something, say something but couldn’t think of one possible thing to let out of your mouth.
It was clear that he could understand you, hell he could talk but in opposite to you, his desire to voice any words seemed very slim. You tried to come up with something to do next, to get connection further than just starring at each other going. Dying for getting a closer look at him you felt your legs bounce while trying to figure something out. The movement of your legs caused your lunch box to move, nearly falling out of your lap. Hands catching it last minute, causing you to let out a sharp sound of surprise as your eyes fell on the lunch box.
Soft splashing could be heard, causing your gaze to shoot up back to Wrecker. His head peaked a bit farther over your gunwale, eyes glued onto what you were doing. Glancing between your food and him an idea bloomed in your head. Slowly not to startle him, you took out an oatmeal cookie.
“Want one?”
His head tilted a bit further, sharply eyeing the thing that you held in your hand. You doubted he
knew what a cookie was and internally face palmed yourself. He lived in the ocean. Obviously, there were no pastries down there.
You took a bite from the treat in your hands, before pointing it towards him yet again, hoping to get your point across. You noticed how his brows slightly peaked up, black eye lancing between you and the cookie you held out.
A few seconds past and you felt your heart pumping in your ears as you waited in with bated breath.
Very hesitantly he began to move. Head sinking and disappearing out of your sight, but you could
hear the sound of moving water and caught a quick glimpse of his dorsal fin. Now having a clear sight of it you didn't fail to notice that big parts of it where missing. Scars that matched the brutality of the ones on his head spread over it as well.
You stretched you neck in hopes of not losing sight of him, but you eventually failed, fin vanishing as well. There was a short pause, and you nearly didn’t dare to move, only your eyes roamed over the spot where he had previously been. Then he appeared directly beside you. Eyes peaking up from under the ships edge. It felt surreal to have him so near all of the sudden. Halting your breath your eyes examined every inch of his face, trying to burn his image into your brain for all times to come.
It was strange. He looked human, almost. If not for his eyes he could have one fooled. That and the strange aura radiating from him. Revealing that he was something greater than just human. It was impressive how perfectly still he remained in the water.
Remembering what had been your plan in the first place you blinked, hand holding the cookie moving towards him. Maybe the movement had been a bit to quick since he flinched, notably retracting into the waves. Limbs freezing for a second you continued your motion much more slowly, carefully placing the food on the boats edge. His body moved back up. Closely eyeing you and the offering. He was hesitant to take it. Movement tense and cautious.
Taking it he brought the pastry up to his nose, taking a few light sniffs. Meanwhile you stretched your neck slightly, eyes tracing the scars spread across his face and following them down his neck. Immediately stopping as his intense gaze was back on your face. You reached for another cookie out of your lunch box, offering a small encouraging smile before taking a bit of it. He studied you cosily as you chewed your bite, swallowing it down before taking the smallest bite from his.
Eyes growing wide in surprise as the sweet flavour bloomed on his tongue. With no further time wasted he greedily devoured the cookie. Watching his positive reaction earned you a victorious feeling. Yet again meeting his eyes it was hard to miss the plea for more in them. So you offered him another. And another. An another. Sharing almost all the food contained in your lunch box with him. Going over to he fruits after all the cookies were devoured. Pineapple seemed to be especially tasty for him.
You eventually had stopped laying the food on the gunwale and instead offered him the lunch box directly. All prior shyness and hesitance had left him by now. Your plan to coax him in with food had worked very well. Joy filled your veins as your inner child squealed internally, hardly containing it's excitement. Deeply hoping he couldn't hear the sound of your heart hammering against your ribcage.
“I cut you free that night, didn't I?”, you asked. It was much more an observation of connecting the dots but it couldn't hurt to ask for conformation. Swallowing down the last piece of pineapple he nodded.
“Which I'm thankful for”, he rasped. His voice sounded strange but not unpleasant in your ears. However, it also felt like it was resonating deep in your bones vibrating through every fibre of your body. It was unlike anything you had ever heard and you felt yourself strangely yearning for more. The thought of him being a siren crossed your brain. Though it was a stark contrast to what you had been told a siren was supposed to be while growing up.
“It's not worth mentioning”, you said. Suddenly it was rather hard for you to focus on which words to say. “You...You kept watching me?”
He nodded. A faint sheepish smile tugging on his lips.
The question fell from your lips as a whisper. Voice shortly to weak to be any louder. You were utterly mesmerized by him.
“I wanted to see who cut me loose”, he answered and you noticed how his expression changed. While the curious glint in his eyes remained something else you couldn't quite read tinted his face. You weren't aware of just how far you had leaned over to examine him closer until he abruptly rose up a bit. Starling you, causing your body to swiftly back up a bit. Blood rushing into your cheeks because of how close he suddenly was. The unforeseen action making you flustered for an unknown reason.
“A quite lovely saviour”, he purred making your heart stop. You had expected a lot of things but nothing could have had you prepared for those words. Abruptly choking on your own spit you coughed. Ears and cheeks now burning hot. If he hadn't noticed your flustered face before he did certainly now. If it looked as hot as it felt you were as red as a tomato by now.
He was about to eat you, wasn't he? Luring you in, making you come closer before pulling you over the gunwale to eat you alive while pulling you towards the oceans floor. Soft gaze trying to fool you.
You cleared your throat, felling embarrassment bubbling up your neck as you saw a cheeky grin flash over his face, teeth slightly flared. They looked quite imitating. Distorting the image of him smiling, remembering you that he was in fact not a random dude hanging on the side of your ship but a massive unknown creature which only should exist in tales of old drunk fishermen.
He clearly was amused by your behaviour. Very much aware that you were in awe because of him.
“You came back. For me”, he stated and there was no use denying it.
“Well yes. Like you, I wanted to see what – or better whom- I had freed that day. Especially after your little shell shenanigans”, you told him. A small smile appearing on your own lips as you recalled your first interactions. “Quite the sight I admit”
You seemed to have said the right words. Stroking his ego with flattery he also displayed delight. It was obvious by the way he couldn't hold your gaze, small smile growing into a wide grin. A low chuckle escaped from his throat. A sound quite lovely to your ear.
Quickly pushing himself up even more, causing your boat to stagger a bit more he suddenly didn't seem to have any more problems coming close to you. Personalty doing a complete 18o as he was all up in your face. Beaming at you joyfully and excited.
“That was fun, wasn't it? You surface dwellers like shells, don't you? I thought it was a good way to show my gratitude. Did you like them”, he said. Voice now loud and booming.
It took you a moment to get used to his sudden change of demeanour but you welcomed it. It felt like the ice was broken and the fear of him vanishing out of the blue disappeared. It was an actual kind gesture and you felt honoured by his consideration. The shells had been breathtaking, there was only one little problem.
“They were stunning, sadly I fear they're back on the ocean floor. Given that I pushed them over board during our little game”, you stated rubbing the back of your neck. He mirrored the gesture as he realised you were right, since he hadn't returned them in the last round. Unbeknownst to you his mind raced where he had put them instead.
“Well, I can get you more. As much as you like”, he offered rather ecstatic. His eagerness was something you hadn't expected and it made your hear flutter with joy. This whole situation made you scream internally. Were you just befriending a merman? Doing exactly what you had dreamed of as a little kid.
“I- that would be very generous of you Wrecker”, you tried to sort your words and not just spill them out in a wild mush. “I can bring you more snacks in exchange if you want to.”
It was a bold attempt to seal a deal and given how his eyes lit up you were successful
“Really? you would do that?”, he asked, voice ecstatic and booming over your offering and outlook
on more delicious treats. Your nods matched his energy.
“Could you also bring more if the yellow stuff? What is it called?”
You chuckled softly. “Pineapple”
“Pineapple”, he repeated. Words slowly falling out of his mouth. Testing the sound of it and trying
his best to replicate how you had pronounced it. “I’ll try to remember that.”
“You don’t have that much fruit down there, do you?”
He looked at you with a puzzled look, readjusting the position of his arms into a more comfortable
one, rocking the boat softly while doing so. “What’s fruit?”
Oh how relentless of you. Living in the depths of the ocean and just yet had discovered the existence of pineapple you could have known that he probably wasn’t aware what fruits were.
You sheepishly rubbed you’re the back of your neck, softly ruffling your hair. Brain trying to come up with an explanation that would make sense for someone who lived in the ocean and never had seen fruit before.
“It’s like...I don’t know how to explain this, ehrm...well some plants produce them. They’re many
different types, with many different flavours but most of them are usually very sweet”, you tried
your best to pick words that would make sense and given how his eyes lit up as you mentioned their usual sweetness you had done a good enough job.
“No, we don’t have that down here. Just fish, shellfish, jellyfish. Lots of crabs and anemones and
kelp. But nothing that tastes even close to this”, he said, rambling on but your brain stopped for a
moment. We? As in multiple individuals. There were more? The urge to immediately ask him about it was strong, nearly spilling out your mouth without a second thought. You managed to contain
yourself however, fearing that this simple question might could push your luck a bit too much. Not
willing to shatter the freshly formed bound you shared you bit your tongue. A question for a
hopefully other day. Focusing back on his words, you hoped he hadn’t noticed your short moment of inattentiveness.
“...-sometimes though I get my hands on those brown balls. They're sturdy and fuzzy but they taste
good when you crack ‘em open.”
You blinked at him, mind catching up with what he just had described to you.
“Coconuts”, you spurted out a bit inelegant, instantly rectifying yourself a bit, smoothing out your
words, “I think you described coconuts. If they are brown, they are already a bit old. They grow on
Pabu. If you want, I'll get you some fresh ones”
“Yes! Oh, you’re to gracious. I’ll get you enough shells to sink your boat" he exclaimed. Water
splashing as his fin wagged excited. Boat heavily shaking, you thought you would capsize any
moment, but it was also pretty funny. A laugh escaped your throat and a tingle echoed through your stomach. This massive hunk was adorable.
“That’s sweet of you, but I rather liked it if you wouldn’t sink my boat”, you said, squeaking as the
cold water hit your face. Wrecker stopped what he was doing, seemingly just realising what he was
causing as a small, slightly flustered ‘Oh’ escaped his lips. Letting himself slide back into the ocean a bit more he steadied your boat with ease. You were impressed. Sure, your boat wasn’t the biggest, but it weighed a ton for sure, maybe even more since the original engine was replaced by one of another type at some point. And while it had you in awe, a small part of your brain also concluded that he would have no issue in flipping ships over as easily as paper boats. It soured your mood a bit, thoughts unwillingly wandering to all those previously sunken fisher boats. And while you didn’t want to assume the worst nor speculate over things you definitely had no knowledge about you couldn't stop yourself from asking if he was involved in the sinking of those ships.
“Sorry, ‘got a little excited there”, he murmured, eyes avoiding, “You surface dwellers don’t really
like water, do you”
“I don’t mind a little swim from time to time”, he retorted. Cheeky grin playing on your lips to ease
the mood. A statement that earned you a boisterous laugh from him. Voice booming and all displays of his prior embarrassment vaporized into thin air. A reaction that left you a bit confused.
“That’s rich”, he called out in between laughs, “Your surface dwellers don’t swim. You splash around at best”
To emphasis his words he pushed himself away from your boat. Massive tail moving as he glided
through the water with at most ease and graciousness. Circling your boat and giving you a crystal clear sight of his magnificent body and incredible strength. You were in awe and failed to hide it
quick enough as your eyes fell onto the big smug grin plastered onto his face. Sharp teeth flashing
and all. Flicking his fin as he dove into the waves, splashing water into your direction. Drenching you on purpose this time. You squeaked. Hands trying to shield your face, clothes yet again soaked.
Oh so he was back again with his jokester attitude. And while he was probably right if one was to
compare the average human to him, a marine creature, you felt oddly hurt in your ‘surface dweller’ pride. Wringing the water out of a small strand of hair that had snug itself onto your forehead you eyed him with a displeased expression. Not that he seemed to care much. Face still beaming at you, well aware that you weren’t actually angered by his actions. He was correct of course, but you wouldn’t admit that out loud just yet.
“I would like to see you running a marathon. Or even better: climb a tree”, you retorted but your
words had little power over him. He continued to grin at you with a boyish smile, eyes holding a
familiar glint. This was the face of someone who was about to obliterate you with further teasing.
“You sound like a bickering seagull”, he said throwing you completely off guard, “look like one as
well right now.”
Temporarily at a loss of words over so much cheekiness your mouth opened and closed, mirroring a fish out of water. Your brain desperately trying to figure out an equally snarky comeback but before any words could make it past your lips your radio went off. Sheps voiced trickled out of it.
Calling you by your name, requesting that you responded.
Wrecker a short glance, you made your way over to the small radio, responding. Gaze fixed back on
Wrecker as you watched him making his over to where you were now sitting, curious about what
you were doing.
>>I need you to come back immediately, there is a situation<<
His voice while slightly distorted was strained with distress and you didn’t like the sound of it one bit. Something was very wrong, otherwise he wouldn’t have called you. A bad feeling made your
stomach drop.
“I’m on my way”, you said, ending the radio message. Instantly getting up to start your engine. Not
wanting to waste any more time. Whatever laid ahead of you wasn’t good. Shep rarely called in on
you. But whenever he did you knew it was urgent.
“Do you have to go? Now?”, Wreckers voiced echoed from the site of your boat as you sat down on
your console, and you couldn’t help to catch how disappointed he sounded. A little pang of guilt hit your heart as you looked at him. He in fact looked as saddened as he had sounded.
“Sorry, but yes: I must leave now”
He frowned at your answer. Clearly displeased by it. If you were honest you would also had liked it much better to stay with him for a little while longer. Especially since things were going so well right know. But you were needed elsewhere and judging by the dooming feeling pulsing in the bag of your head you really shouldn't let any more time pass by.
You offered your new acquaintance an apologetic look and a soft smile.
“See you tomorrow? Same place same time with some pineapple?”
His face lid up, softly nodding. You bet your goodbyes. Eyes lingering on him as he disappeared into the waves before set course to Pabu.
You already saw the crowd of people standing on the docks from afar. Bad feeling in your gut worsening. Slowing your ship down as you entered the harbours basin. A few familiar faces helped
you docking your boat, offering a hand to swiftly pull you up the dock. Stepping aside to clear a pass for you, you quickly came face to face with what had caused this commotion. Eyes opening wide your breath hitched in your throat as your stared upon the view of two bodies lying on the ground before you.
While covered up, the sheets did very little to cover up the gruesome sight under them.
Chests cracked opened in an unnatural way, limbs ripped off and flesh torn apart. And although the
sheets were wrapped over the heads securely you knew that the faces beneath didn’t exist any more given how weirdly the fabric stretched itself over them.
Tearing your eyes away from that brutal sight you searched for Shep. You spotted him next to the
bodies. Face worn down by grief, concern and guilt. Noticing your glare on him, his eyes shot up,
interlocking with your own. A silent order to come to him. You obeyed without hesitation, swiftly
making your way over to him.
“What happened?” you asked. Worried words breathed out in low whisper.
“Marlo found them earlier today”
You flinched slightly. Head snapping to the side over the sudden sound of another familiar voice.
She looked just as miserable as Shep and you wondered when she had returned to Pabu. Biting
down the questions about her whereabouts and arrival you focused back on what really mattered
right now.
Phee eyes shot up to meet yours. It was a glance you never had seen on her ever before. Her usual
foxy but joyful orbs were drained from any of it. Leaving behind nothing but stone-cold seriousness
“On the north side of the isle. Floating wrapped to wreckage just a few miles ahead of the shore”
Your mind wandered to the place. Not liking how close it was to the black waters. Even more so that it was just the direction you had scouted the days after the storm and then again just this morning.
How could’ve not detected them? Sure, there was the possibility that they had been dragged to
those rocks due to the tide pulling them there. It was actually highly likely. Still, a quickly louder getting part of your mind yelled that this was your fault. That you had been too inattentive to safe them all those days prior. Maybe even still alive.
You felt a soft touch on your shoulder. Blinking heavily, you stared directly into Sheps face. He examined you with a worried expression and you knew by the way his hand rubbed your shoulder that he was aware of what you just had thought. You gulped, avoiding his gaze trying to cover up your moment of weakness by focusing on the bodies on the ground.
“They lived in a small hut on the south cap of Pabu. For them to resurface by the black waters the tide must have dragged them there”, he stated, and you knew that he really meant to say, that this wasn’t his fault. He was just as good at detecting your inner turmoil than you were at detecting his. It didn’t help much against the guilt you experienced though.
“Pah! The tide didn’t drag ‘em out”, a voice yelled from somewhere, causing a lot of heads to turn around, including those of the three of you. Out of the crowed appeared Comar Seigh. His grim face twisted into a dark scowl. Teeth bared as he pushed himself passed the other islanders. “They did!”
Your brows furrowed and a quick side glance revealed that Phee and Shep were equally defensive with his sudden emerge. It was no secret that whenever Seigh showed his face in public trouble wasn’t too far off. He had been Shep fathers right hand man back in the days. Once a well respected and equally feared men. Because even is he called a quite lucky hand for business his own he was also an notorious choleric. He never had backed down from a fight and he fought them quite nasty.
You remembered an incident involving your father quite vividly. While you never got told the exact reason of why the fight broke out you recalled the bloody face of your father clear. Never again had you seen how nasty glass could get. Shards stuck in his skin, slicing up the left side of his face after Seigh had smashed a bottle against your fathers head. It had nearly cost him the sight of his left eye and after that your father forbid you and your siblings to get anywhere near this man. Not that you had ever indented to do so either way. Ever since that day you held an iron grudge against him. Something that hadn't faded one bit.
The dislike was mutual but then again you doubted that anyone on Pabu actually liked him. He was the ugly shadow of an ugly past. Wittering his days away with letting his anger out by torturing innocent fish or drowning it in liquor.
“Shut your mouth Seigh, before I do it. This is hardly the time for any nor place for your delusions”, Phee hissed at him. The look in her eyes made you believe she would jump onto his throat any second. Seigh eyed her in an up most derogatory way and you were ready to bash his nose in if any insult would escape his lips. It wouldn't be the first time Phee and him got in an argument. Not that the liberator of ancient wonders couldn't handle herself – heavens above she got her mothers skills when it came to handing a sabre – but you wouldn't let Seigh get away with insulting her. Not to mention the kind of insults he used.
“Oh look who's back. The sea rats daughter. Of course it would have been to much to hope for you drowning out there”, he spat at her. The muscles in your arms flexed, hands curling into fists you took a step forward but Shep stopped you before you could do anything else.
Your friend was gentle, reasonable man. A man of peace, always searching for a diplomatic solution first. Seigh hated his guts for that. He made no secret out of either. In his eyes Shep was a soft, not worthy stepping into his fathers footsteps. Up to this day he missed to admit the catastrophic consequences the prior major had caused. Actions that he had been an avid supporter of. Not to mention the delusions they both had given into. You were to young to understand much of what had happened back then. Not to mention that you parents had made an active effort to keep their absurd fantasies as far away from your family as they could. Of course you still had caught some eventually. It was impossible to not hear them at one point or another.
“Seigh, this is a tragic day for our island. We have just lost two beloved members of our community, don't you dare to use their deaths for feeding your stories”, Shep warned him. Voice unusual low and unyielding.
Seigh huffed. It was a mocking sound.
“I'm not using anything. There is proof everywhere but you refuse to look at it. The hand in the Inn and those poor souls right in front of you. Look at 'em. That's not the work of a shark or any other fish roaming the coastline. Flesh ripped open and limbs torn apart. Aye, I remember that sight. There was a time when this had happen before. A time where we had fought against them, nearly succeeding but you where to soft to finish what your father had started. Spitting on his legacy” Seigh spat out, spitting on the ground before Shep. Rage boiled in your veins and if Sheps hand hadn't still been on your shoulder, tightening to keep you in check you would have kicked out Seighs teeth right then and there.
A heavy whisper washed through the crowd. Tension thick enough to cut it. You side glanced at Shep. The rare sight of anger flared in his kind eyes, shoulders heaving and for a moment you thought he would loose his cool. But then he closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath and obtaining his usual calm, level-headed nature.
“Every death, no matter if back then or the recent ones, are tragic ones. It leaves behind great pain but we have to keep ourselves focused. Honouring them in caring on their memories in our hearts, keeping what's left of them alive instead of fuelling delusions and subduing to rage”
Sheps words made the docks go dead silent. Everone intsenly watching about what would happened next as Seigh and Shep glared each other down in a merciless manner. In the end it was a victory for your friend. Seigh backed down. Breaking his dark glare off.
“You will see what your incompetence will get you when the ships start to sink and the bodies pile up on the shores again Shep”, he taunted, gravest voice you had ever heard. He turned around without another glance, disappearing into the crowd.
You stared daggers after him. The rage in your blood only slowly leaving your system. Shep sighed heavy and tiredly. Giving you a pet he finally let go of your shoulders. You wanted to say something, anything. He needed comfort but failed to provide any. Thankfully Phee jumped in. offering her support instead and giving you a reassuring nod that she would handle this.
Eventually the crowd scattered and the bodies where taken away to get them prepared for a proper funeral. You remained by the docks. Eyes staring out to the horizon mind racing.
While you heavily disliked Seigh you couldn't help to ponder over his words. The stories that you had paid little mind to for so long certainly seemed much more likeable after your little mystical encounter. You didn't outright believe that Wrecker was responsible for this nor outright involved but then again you knew nothing about him. He was a stranger after all and just because he was nice to you so far didn't meant anything really on a broader scale.
A thought crossed your mind. Seigh had mentioned the hand. You hated it but you also felt like this could might reveal something useful to you, or better it's current owner. Determined to find out more about the past of the isle and Wreckers involvement in it a plan began to form in your mind.
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TAGLIST: @wenalena @sunipostsstuff @moss-tombstone @marierg @casualmonsterenjoyer @temple-elder @bambambunny
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