#i'm so sorry this rant was so long
enobariasdistrict2 · 4 months
what're your thoughts on julian vs lucas as far as brookes romantic partners go?
i love this question because i could talk about either forever, and brooke davis is one of my favorite characters of all time. she has such a special place in my heart because often i feel the same way she does about a lot of things and approach the world with her attitude. i even experienced a lucas-like romantic partner once, but that's neither here nor there. this is going to be a long rant so buckle up!
brooke acts like a party girl but secretly craves connection and someone to value her/love her for all her flaws, not despite them. her attraction to lucas and their initial relationship in s1 was actually rushed and somewhat superficial, based more on chemistry and looking for fun than anything else - which there is nothing wrong with, but clearly they weren't ready to be together and lucas still had unresolved feelings for peyton, and also clearly he didn't really... respect brooke as a person and see her for how amazing she was? s1 brucas was hot, don't get me wrong, but as haley herself said it clearly wasn't serious and lucas didn't take brooke as a woman, or her feelings, seriously.
and after him going behind her back, the wise decision would have been for them to never go to that place again - buuut for the sake of suspending disbelief and how well they were written in s2, i am willing to ignore that. in s1 they jumped the gun too fast - however s2 was so amazing because they built such a deep and genuine friendship, bonding and discussing their problems and finding comfort in quality time without any sexual/romantic connotations.
i'm of the firm belief that this is where brucas should have first gotten together, because its such a good slow burn friends to lovers moment for them, and this was where lucas showed that he cared for, admired, and respected brooke beyond her sex appeal in a way that he didn't in s1. it would have been a much better relationship if the writers had left unresolved sexual tension and chemistry from s1 go ignored and develop into something more meaningful in s2 and then finally get together, but of course the contrived love triangle situation and pitting female characters against each other was more important? *eye roll*
and then they fell apart in a way that i appreciated for the sake of the realism and character development. lucas is loyal to one person only - peyton - and unfortunately has tunnel vision when it comes to her and has an inability to see beyond anything else, or value other relationships. it isn't a coincidence that the writers had to render leyton interactions nonexistent in s2 for brucas to flourish. after s1 he genuinely began to care for brooke as a person and see how incredible she was, and love certainly wasn't the problem: he truly adored brooke!
but as a male lead conditioned by the narrative to believe that everything he says/does is Correct with no need to grow, who has a predestined adoring leading female counterpart who will worship the ground he walks on (i do love leyton but they don't really push or challenge each other the way they did in s1 and she became such a doormat for his sake), he was never going to remain brooke's one and only because he was subconsciously always on the lookout for something better. he continued to admire her after their split, wholeheartedly telling her she was going to change the world - but because the writers had an agenda and he is defined by Leyton's Story, he and brooke would never last.
however, julian stepped in and became everything that lucas could not. he respected and was fascinated her from the start, and he remained consistently focused throughout his time on the show on only brooke's happiness. he never strayed - especially never towards peyton, unlike lucas, because he was clearly long over her - and her happiness was always his number one priority. the reason he was her forever also has to do with the stage in life where they met - brooke and lucas acted like the immature teens that they were, chasing chemistry and comfort and love that was genuine but not meant to last. brooke was wracked by insecurities while she was with lucas, and lucas was unable to use his common sense and realize what was right in front of him.
brulian, on the other hand, met as developed, successful adults who were, at the least, able to appropriately communicate what they wanted without pretense. julian was always upfront about the intensity of his feelings, never forcing her to doubt whether he truly wanted her. and the way he didn't give up when she was afraid to truly put herself out there for him... like regardless of your feelings about him as a "last minute boring addition character" (which is bogus imo because he's actually such an authentic gentleman and his romance with brooke flourished so organically) he was truly her match, compatible emotionally and physically, meeting her wholeheartedly on everything she wanted from a partner, and never forcing her to second guess him once!!
brucas were a sweet first high school love type of romance, but julian was her true love, best friend, and endgame!!
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blueskittlesart · 20 days
*sigh* thoughts on Nintendo's botw/totk timeline shenanigans and tomfoolery?
tbh. my maybe-unpopular opinion is that the timeline is only important when a game's place on the timeline seriously informs the way their narrative progresses. the problem is that before botw we almost NEVER got games where it didn't matter. it matters for skyward sword because it's the beginning, and it matters for tp/ww/alttp (and their respective sequels) because the choices the hero of time makes explicitly inform the narrative of those games in one way or another. it matters which timeline we're in for those games because these cycles we're seeing are close enough to oot's cycle that they're still feeling the effects of his choices. botw, however, takes place at minimum 10 thousand years after oot, so its place on the timeline actually functionally means nothing. botw is completely divorced from the hero of time & his story, so what he does is a nonissue in the context of botw link and zelda's story. thus, which timeline botw happens in is a nonissue. honestly I kind of liked the idea that it happened in all of them. i think there's a cool idea of inevitability that can be played with there. but the point is that the timeline exists to enhance and fill in the lore of games that need it, and botw/totk don't really need it because the devs finally realized they could make a game without the hero of time in it.
#i really do have a love-hate relationship with this timeline#because it's FASCINATING lore. genuinely. and i think it carries over the themes of certain games REALLY well#but i also think it's indicative of a trend in loz's writing that has REALLY annoyed me for a long time#which is this intense need to cling to oot#and on a certain level i get it. that was your most successful game probably ever. and it was an AMAZING game.#and i think there's definitely some corporate profit maximization tied up in this too--oot was an insane commercial success therefore you'r#not allowed to make new games we need you to just remake oot forever and ever#and that really annoys me because it makes certain games feel disjointed at best and barely-coherent at worst.#i think the best zelda games on the market are the ones where the devs were allowed to really push what they were working with#oot. majora. botw. hell i'd even put minish cap in there#these are games that don't quite follow what was the standard zelda gameplay at their time of release. they were experimental in some way#whether that be with graphics or puzzle mechanics or open-world or the gameplay premise in its entirety. there's something NEW there#and because the devs of those games were given that level of freedom the gameplay really enforces the narrative. everything feels complete#and designed to work together. as opposed to gameplay that feels disjointed or fights against story beats. you know??#so I think that the willingness to allow botw and totk to exist independently from the timeline is good at the very least from a developmen#standpoint because it implies a willingness to. stop making shitty oot remakes and let developers do something interesting.#and yes i do very much fear that the next 20 years of zelda will be shitty BOTW remakes now#in which botw link appears and undergoes the most insane character assassination youve ever seen in your life#but im trying to be optimistic here. if botw/totk can exist outside the timeline then we may no longer be stuck in the remake death loop#and i'm taking eow as a good sign (so far) that we're out of the death loop!! because that game looks NOTHING like botw or oot.#fingers crossed!!#anyway sorry for the game dev rant but tldr timeline good except when it's bad#asks#zelda analysis
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woodchoc-magnum · 4 months
idk. i'm annoyed.
i realise i am a fandom old at this point
and i have seen some shit in this fandom; witnessed the discourse.
and i don't post meta or spec or much of that stuff; i usually put all my ideas into fics.
but guys seriously. seriously.
eddie's current arc is not about buck.
buck and eddie are not currently dating.
buck is eddie's best friend and vice versa.
eddie is not cheating on buck.
eddie is lying to buck by omission, yes, but that is not a friendship ending offence.
eddie is on the very cusp of cheating right now. he went on a date with another woman, yes. he has not kissed her or slept with her. we are at a tipping point. we do not know what is going to happen next.
he only went on a date with another woman because she reminded him of shannon, who he is not over, who he has spent seasons trying to replace.
the point of this show is that none of the characters are perfect - and especially not buck and eddie. they all make mistakes. they have all made mistakes and will continue to do so because in real life, people don't always make the right decisions 100% of the time.
this black-and-white, morally righteous way of thinking, like eddie is suddenly evil now because he's on the cusp of cheating; that it's going to end his friendship, that buck is going to be angry at him for lying - do you have friends in real life? like, i am genuinely asking.
because if my best friend suddenly started cheating on her husband, i wouldn't be mad at her - i would be worried. am i alone in this? like i would be genuinely concerned and trying to help figure out what's going on.
all the shit i'm seeing in the fandom today, all of the spec posts and commentary about the episode and what might potentially happen, just feels like, once again, an attempt to paint eddie as the villain in the story to prop up buck. let's make eddie so terrible that buck has to have custody of christopher, right?
clearly none of you understand how a will works. it's for after you're dead. not for when you're alive.
but the main issue is this - now that buck has tommy, the people who tolerated eddie can stop pretending to like him. there's another option for buck now, so you guys don't need eddie anymore. right? am i fucking right??
i love drama as much as the next person, but in what world would buck turn on eddie because of this? in what world would the 118 shun him? he is their friend! they love him! they care about him! they are a family!
my god, nobody shunned hen when she cheated on karen. nobody shuns bobby and he indirectly killed 140 people!
eddie is a good person who makes mistakes, just like every single other character on the show.
that is the fucking point.
and the way ryan was talking in the interviews - isolation could mean any number of things. we know eddie has a tendency to isolate himself when he's feeling stressed out - does anyone remember season 3? season 5? buck literally broke down his door!
i'm just fucking tired of this bullshit.
eddie's not a bad guy because of this. he has done shitty things, yes. they all have. that's the fucking point of the show, and if you can't understand that or appreciate adult story-telling, then fuck off and watch riverdale.
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cherries-in-wine · 3 months
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒍𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒊𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝒔𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔 ‧₊ ☁️⋅♡ ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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People call Vladimir Nabokov a disgusting creep for writing from the perspective of a pedophile when in reality if you read the book, Humbert Humbert is not likeable in the slightest. He's an unreliable narrator that's so stuck in his own delusions that he can't see how miserable dolores is because of him. Nabokov is a great writer and lolita is really well written. It's a great satire in the sense that it's pathetic to see Humbert Humbert think he's sooo charming and these "nymphets" are soooo in love with him. Dolores' trauma is obvious to any competent reader, I don't know how people are so charmed by Humbert Humbert that they can't see how dolores' defiance which he refers to as "teenage rebellion" or "tantrums" is a very apparent cry for help. Lolita is a Gothic horror, a cautionary tale. It's a genius work of art and what's most horrific about it is how society reacted to it, how it's so normalised to sexualise little girls that blatant pedophilia is interpreted as a tragic love story. Nabokov himself referred to dolores as his "poor little girl". He had a lot of empathy for her and it must be so heartbreaking to see her getting sexualised.
When I first read the virgin suicides i thought it was a great work of satire. I adore the Lisbon girls with all my heart, I see a part of myself in all of them by varying degrees. The boys who claimed they loved these girls, only saw them as some fantasy. Even in death they never truly respected any of these girls. How when they found Cecelia's diary, instead of trying to make sense of why she killed herself, they selfishly searched for their own names. I loved the irony of the boys claiming they loved these girls when they didn't know anything about them. It showed how their "love" was really shallow and surface level. I thought Jeffrey Eugenides really understood me in that sense. But in reality he didn't mean any of the things the boys did to be interpreted as satire. According to him, peaking through windows, stealing used tampons, joking about groping dead girls, these grown men still picturing those little girls years later while they had sex with their wives etc was supposed to show that teenage boys are not disgusting horny dogs, but romantic softies (if anything this made me think teenage boys are much more repulsive than i thought). According to Eugenides the book is satire, but in the sense that you never know what was going through a person's head when they committed suicide and you can't make sense of it no matter how hard you try. Everything about how the boys viewed the girls was not satire and was to be taken at face value. This really broke my heart, an author who i thought really did get me and understood me, ended up making me feel watched instead of seen.
It's so interesting how lolita which is supposed to be from the perspective of an unreliable narrator was taken at face value and the virgin suicides which was to be taken at face value was perceived as satire.
The director of Lolita didn't get her at all, even he thought she was some kind of a seductress instead of a child that was abused repeatedly. While the virgin suicides movie was so much better than the book, Sofia Coppola, the director, understood the Lisbon girls so well and she did them justice.
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polorizetheory · 8 months
No Lilith is not "Evil" or a "Bad Mom"
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I said what I said. We don't know what happened to Lilith, we don't know why she and Lucifer split, and if you saw the pilot, you would know Charlie choose to confide in HER about her worries and fustrations. That is a clear sign that as the queen of hell, the woman whose songs brought hope to the demons in hell, had more confidence in her daughter than Lucifer was afraid to have. I saw a post that said "also how bad of a fucking mother does lilith have to be to ignore her daughter for 7 years jfc". As if that is the only reason Charlie hadn't heard from her? Not even a possibility something bad might have happened or had really very important business to deal with as the queen of hell?? And it's even more bizzare how people just assumed that flashback was her "keeping Charlie away from Lucifer". Like hello, it's called putting your child to sleep? And also
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Fautisse, the person whose been at the birth of Hazbin Hotel, even believes Lilith adored her husband just the same as he to her. But shit happens, and something caused her to leave. For reasons WE DON'T KNOW WHY! But unfortunately for her as a female character, the fans and even anti fans have reduced her to another "Stella". Despite the fact Charlie confides in her, and despite Lucifer having pictures with her in his office and still has his wedding ring on. There is a definite reason Lucifer acts this depressed, otherwise he would be acting like Stolas, someone who actually hates his wife.
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imerian · 20 days
My (very old) loscar brooch (?) that i just now made doodles for
More pictures under cut
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#loscar#logan sargeant#ls2#oscar piastri#op81#and now starts the rant#my fave detail is probably tge eye. there few beads like this and they were laying around until my friend said that they look loscar relate#so o started making making whole thing around that bc in my opinion it's genius (also sorry this is gonna have extremely long tags bc i had#run out of them once. maximum is 30 apparently)#I'll go by lains from here so first obviously eagle. i think it's hilarious and what's even funnier is that i bought those charms before#even knowing who Logan was. just for shit and giggles#also to coala i added a bead on top to somewhat match the height#also i love mixing up their colours bc I'm insane about that. how they ideal negatives of eachother and how orange fits logan while blue-os#so i also mixed it up with those animals charms and their attachments here#next stop - oscar lane. there not a lot of black which is bas but at least last heart is actually black. beads above it represents eyes#(you can see with doodles) and next one is for his hair but i couldn't find how to show it#and round see through bead i use for his helmet bc it shines with red yellow and blue#middle part - i talked about the eye but also beads above it. i tried to match tones so they won't clash#then fish and i love that it's in form of heart bc i associate both of them with water so much i needed something here#and bead underneath that is for Logan eyes ofc. for doodles there tried to use brown so oscar would have blond/logan brown but didn't work#AND READ HEART. “-WELL IT'S NOT YELLOW” “PREMA RED THEN?”#as you can see I'm totally normal about their prema times plus i love how it stands out with everything else and can be read as#usual meaning of red hearts. also made out of corals so it fits them too#and last but not least - Logan my beloved#first and foremost STARS#I added as much as humanly possible party bc of American meme party bc i fucking love stars and associate him with them#also added all williams shades of blue and even white so it covers all that#okay no I lied a bit bc i used a button for their dark blue#another thing i would like to mention is metal ring bc it has extremely small hearts on it that you need to look for to notice#I HIT LIMIT FUCK.last thing to say is how I tried to play with circles in middle of every lane. okay goodbye
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rivkae-winters · 4 months
You Will Rot
I adore this entire scene and their entire exchange and there are plenty of other posts out there on it but I’ve never come across the points I wanted to make hence why I'm writing this. Specifically on the implications of exactly what rots since that latched into my brain and would not let me go.
As always: this is only my interpretation of canon, there is no one true analysis to take as gospel. In fact please interact with your thoughts if you have any! I enjoy talking to other people about this sort of thing, fandom is all about discussion after all!
My stance on this line is one of nuance. I tend to think Sephiroth chose the worst words he could think of without fully considering the full implications.  He said the thing he knew that would hurt Genesis the most after the entire conversation beforehand.
What does it mean to be told to rot? Or even so told you will rot. 
In the FF7 universe, most explicitly displayed in CC, bodies dissolve. Corpses, both monster and human, are depicted as dissolving to return to the Lifestream. This is re-confirmed in the remake. 
Rot is not a term for humans, it’s not a cultural concept the same way it is for us in the real world. To decay and decompose are not processes that sentient beings undergo.
Rot is something for objects- things that live but aren’t alive enough or connected enough quote-un-quote to return to the Lifestream in the same dramatic manner. Rot is for things like food and flowers and things that are below the level of humans or animals or anything with general sentience. 
Sephiroth is telling Genesis here, he is not just a monster: he is insignificant. He is telling Genesis that he is not enough of a sentient being to return to the Lifestream and he’ll continue falling apart in real time just like a piece of fruit left forgotten and rotting on the kitchen counter. He is telling Genesis that at the end of the day he’s already dead in every way that matters and is no longer a person. Sephiroth is telling Genesis that he will have no mercy given to him at the end of the day: he will rot and waste like an object lacking sentience and then he will be left there.
Sephiroth is digging into Genesis’s own deepest insecurities here. Genesis fears not just being irrelevant but being rendered a non-entity, to be kept or out of control. Genesis has defined his entire life as a journey to be someone to be enough to be someone worthy of love and praise and being seen. Objects aren’t people, and Genesis is an object to Sephiroth with that statement. 
The only person who could help him no longer considers him a person- nor a thing with sentience. 
Obviously this is all over analyzing Sephiroth’s dialogue. This line was said with calculation, yes, but it was also somewhat reflexive. Sephiroth is under a lot of stress in this scene and Genesis has been slinging everything he never wanted to be told at him in a single conversation. Genesis then has the audacity to try to act as if he did something good. While Sephiroth’s world is collapsing around him and his other defected friend acts like he did him a favor. Sephiroth is angry, who wouldn’t be angry. Sephiroth thought the world of Genesis prior to his defection, he thought the world of both of them and those illusions have been crashing down around him.
So he uses Genesis’s own grief over his former friend’s tattered life that manifests as self deprecation and self dehumanization against him. He confirms the de-humanizing rhetoric that Genesis has been attaching to his own existence. Sephiroth in his pain and anger pushes past the fears that Genesis has been externalizing to what he knows Genesis is truly afraid of. 
If Genesis considers himself a monster than by the standards of the person Sephiroth thought he knew he is already living out his worst fears. He is nothing, he is nothing without his mind. If Genesis wants to be what he once considered a non-entity: wants to wallow in the rot and non-personhood so much then he can. 
Sephiroth turns his back on, in his mind, the moving corpse of the long dead Genesis Rhapsodos and walks away. 
You will Rot You are Nothing
There is also something to be said here for the Kanji used in the original!
I’m not touching on this as much as I would have liked to but it would be criminal if I didn’t at least pull out a Kanji dictionary.
I pulled Sephiroth’s line from here; warning the website is not in English at all but easy enough to navigate via context/knowledge of story events and the characters' Japanese names. 
Sephiroth’s line is: 朽ち果てろ kuchihatero
This is translated in the official English release as “You will rot” and in a pre-US release fan translation from May of 2007 roughly the same way as “Go decay”
朽  Decay; Rot; Remain in Seclusion
果  Fruit; Reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed
[1][2] [3 specifically for 朽][4 specifically for 果]
Thanks for reading!
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petitprincess1 · 2 months
the hateboners that the antis have for hazbin and everything related to viv is INSANE. can't scroll through any kind of social media (especially on twitter!) without accidentally stumbling upon the dumbest, most braindead takes. can't make silly little posts about hh or hb without antis flooding in. it's like their entire personality is to hate on viv and her works for some fucking reason
That's why I had to leave Twitter. It's just impossible to say even the slightest thing positive about HB and/or HH without the swarms of hate. Like I posted the small clip from the first ep of Hazbin with Adam wanting to be called "Dickmaster" bc I found Charlie's blunt af reply funny, especially since she's usually so perky. That's it. So many fucking QRTs of people either saying how bad or unfunny, commenting about Verbalase, and [insert stupid ass drama here]
And it's not even like I could block them. The moment I blocked 5 accounts there would be, no exaggeration, hundreds of others popping out of nowhere. It got to a point where it was bad for my mental health. If it weren't for HB and HH posting on Twitter, I would have no problem deactivating my account. It's so bad.
Don't even get me started on TikTok, even some of the fans there can be a bit much 😮‍💨
While Tumblr has hateful shit, it's not nearly as bogged down as Twitter is. Plus, I find so much more love here than I ever have on Twitter. (Not to say no one was nice to me. It just was a lot of hate that it was hard to separate the good from the bad.)
I'm not saying that they can't dislike Vivzie or anyone. It's just mind-boggling how antis/crits will literally HARASS ppl for watching a cartoon, even if that person also has misgivings for Viv. Which some fans do and that's perfectly fine. It's almost like separating art from the artist isn't hard.
I think it's even stranger when fans often echo the SAME CRITICISMS that they're saying, and yet....we dick ride Viv?? Um...sure....why not....
At this point, I just mainly say positive shit out of spite (and genuine love for the shows ofc). I'm just so done.
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vexy-hexy · 11 months
I hope this isn't a hot take, but Scott Cawthon is a shitty writer
The reason the lore makes no fucking sense is because he just randomly adds or retcons things with no explanation and, at this point, I think he just enjoys watching people (especially MatPat) go crazy theorizing
Like, the man may as well have confirmed dream theory a few years ago, only to go "wait, never mind, here’s Sister Location and everything is real, I promise"
I doubt even Scott understands his own story because it was written with the same grace and talent as an edgy middle school kid trying to write the next Jeff the Killer, so they shove everything they think is cool into the story, whether or not it fits
People say "oh, he didn't realize it would be more than (however many) games. He didn't plan that far ahead," but that excuse should only get you so far when you are writing a story
It's pretty clear that after at least game 4 (some say game 3, so I'm being nice), he stopped caring about the story and began just duct taping things he thought were interesting into a story that could've been wrapped up with MAYBE 5 games (1, 2, 3, 4, and pizzeria Sim with something in the other four to explain Baby and Molten Freddy, or get rid of them, I don't care), but instead it's a cluster fuck of weird details that DON’T MAKE SENSE
Look, I think a lot of us, myself included, can sometimes confuse a good CONCEPT with a good STORY
The storytelling of FNAF is dog shit, but the concept is just SO good, which is why people like the FNAF VHS tapes so much: these people are able to take a terrifying and interesting concept and make a truly good implied horror story with it in the way Scott NEVER could
And don't get me started on the books: First, they're not canon, then they're canon, but also, some stories may only be canon in another alternate universe or something, but if you actually want to understand something, you need to read some of the books
Your story should not have to be told across multiple different media for it to be even SLIGHTLY coherent. It's fine if you want to add in details that aren't too important to understanding the entire thing (like, we don't specifically need to know the names of each kid William killed, but it's a cool fact to know. Or maybe expand on how Freddy's and the incidents affected different people), but, as cool as it was, Golden Freddy being possessed by two children is a pretty crucial point to the rest of the series to be in just some activity book that so easily could've been overlooked as something fun to do related to FNAF (IMO)
Not to mention, we apparently can't even agree on the name of the Crying Child who, I think, was the catalyst for this entire story (because we can't even seem to agree if Elizabeth or CC died first)
TL;DR FNAF is a great concept, and it's been shown that it can make a great story by people who are much more skilled than Scott Cawthon (or maybe they just care more about this series than it's own creator, I don't fucking know)
Also, sorry if I'm incoherent or get anything wrong, I typed this while I was incredibly tired, but I did try to edit it as much as I could the past few days
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passingthetime · 4 months
Just a thing I'm curious about, would appreciate reblogs for sample size!
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lordoflucky · 4 months
Been working on a bit of an Albert Harebrayne character analysis/rant/opinion piece because he's my favorite, and there's something that I realized that's a bit too much of a van Zieks centered tangent to fit with the flow, but I still want to talk about it. (Spoilers for 2-3 & 2-4)
So, at the start of 2-3 Harebrayne has a lot that he believes in. He believes in his hypothesis and that his invention could help make the world better. He believes in Asman & Drebber and that they are genuinely working alongside him to make something great. He trusts them. He trusts the experiment. And he is taken advantage of because of it.
This is all solidified at the end of the first trial segment: Harebrayne's hypothesis is faulty, and Asman and Drebber were most likely using him to steal government grant money. Harebrayne is left at a complete loss because of it as everything he believes in is proven in a court of law to be faulty.
Except one thing.
He believes van Zieks has his best interests at heart.
Even after everything- being betrayed by his investor and engineer, seeing van Zieks's courtroom cruelty- he still trusts his old friend.
And! He's right! Van Zieks does care about him! He does have Harebrayne's best interests at heart! Shown no better than in the the iconic "Laudable not Laughable" scene:
As Harebrayne calls himself a fool for "Misguidedly believing he could do whatever he set his mind to, despite his lack of talent" and van Zieks rebuffs him in an instant: "To believe in yourself and work your fingers to the bone to realise your dreams… That's laudable, not laughable."
And then there's van Zieks himself.
Van Zieks can't trust anyone after the initial professor betrayal, and that's only enforced by the many attempts on his life while acting as the figurehead for the Reaper. He has reason to toss trust and belief in others aside, and that's exactly what he does for the majority of the game before finally agreeing to Ryunosuke's defense in the finale.
But when Harebrayne's belief starts to waver, and he's on the cusp of becoming entirely disillusioned, van Zieks is the one to pick him back up. He doesn't want to see Harebrayne lose that passion, the way he did.
Harebrayne's passion, how much he believes in people and himself, it isn't a flaw. It's his best quality. And van Zieks is the one to state that- in all his distrusting glory- he is the one to tell Harebrayne that.
Look I could say many words about van Zieks arc and it's pacing, but this sets up 2-4 so well.
When van Zieks finally agrees to Ryunosuke's defense and he says he can't trust anyone. Not the police, or the judiciary, or other lawyers. Despite that, there is one thing he's willing to believe in: Ryunosuke's determination to uncover the truth.
I can't help but feel seeing Harebrayne's willingness to trust Ryunosuke and van Zieks despite everything may have inspired him to finally open up in the finale.
Harebrayne chose to trust van Zieks, and now van Zieks chooses to trust Ryunosuke.
It's just so important to me how much respect van Zieks has for Harebrayne. Yes, that man is silly, and eccentric, and has his idiosyncrasies. He makes mistakes, he's forgetful, he's trusting to an arguably naive degree.
But that trust and passion is exactly why van Zieks respects him so much. What Harebrayne launches to call his greatest flaw, van Zieks sees as his greatest strength.
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nouverx · 6 months
just imagine charlie being the only other character in the hotel to understand Alastor's sayings and gripes about the modern world. She's even older than he is, those two could have so much to talk about. I'm still fairly young but I have plenty of gripes about the modern world, I just know those two old ladies could find something to share lol.
I adore Charlie and Alastor as characters, and I adore your art! All of your art is damn cute to me, it's great! I need more of charlie and alastor interacting and being silly in my life, romantic or platonic doesn't matter to me lmao.
You are just like me for real 😭 when the pilot came out I was so intrigued with Alastor and Charlie they immediately clicked for me and became my favourite pair of the show (tho now that the first season is out all of Alastor's other relationships stole my heart lmao but I still love them a lot) the "big bad villain who initially wanted to manipulate the sunshine character ends up accidently getting attached to them" trope is like one of my favourite tropes ever and they have the potential to become just that so I'm really invested in what their storyline will be I'M SO EXCITED
AND YEAH the fact that the hotel was already so has-been looking before Alastor showed up makes me think Charlie is similar to him, she's more up to date than him regarding new technologies ofc but I just know my girl loves vintage stuff ahah
(Also I want them to have a duo song in the next seasons SO BAD no offense to Heaven 2 Hell I love this song but I need something new it's been 4 years lol)
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ananxiousgenz · 4 months
okay now that I've had a night to sleep on it I just wanna take a minute and go absolutely buckwild over john doe in part 26 bc like. I was expecting the "I will not let you drown" line. I've seen the fanarts of it floating around, I knew that was coming. what actually fucking killed me was the second I realized john was reciting a robert frost poem to calm arthur down. and not just any robert frost poem, one that has been quoted over and over again, usually by arthur. that made me start SOBBING bc like.
this inhuman entity, who around 4-5 months prior, wanted arthur and the rest of humanity dead just because he had power and could kill them. learned so much from this broken mess of a man. learned about stories and poetry and music and mysteries and compassion and love and fell in love with all of it so deeply that it permanently changed who he is and how he sees humans and the world they live in. changed him so much that when he saw his friend crumbling under the weight of his own grief and guilt, chose to not only comfort him, but chose to comfort him with a poem. a fucking poem. when john has been so deeply invested in the stories and poems he's heard from arthur. he heard one that he liked enough to memorize and to keep close to his heart. and he chose to give it back again when his friend needed it most. to reach a hand out to arthur with a thing he loved and tell him he's heard. he's not alone. but he needs to keep going. most human action imaginable. do you think arthur ever recited that poem to john? to keep him calm when he got scared and lashed out? and that's how john learned it? and it brought him enough peace and comfort that he figured it would help arthur too??
literally the only equivalent I can come up with for this moment is something I saw once a long time ago. so my mom was sick. like really sick. normally she's a power-through-a-cold kind of person and she was laid out on the couch, so she wasn't doing great. and our dog, who was a lot younger then, knew something was wrong, and clearly wanted to make her feel better but didn't know how. so, she got her favorite toy, and gently shoved it into my mom's mouth. a kind of "I don't know how to make you feel better, so here's something I love and I hope it helps." it was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. and it wasn't that the bone itself helped, it was the act of giving it that made everyone feel a little bit better. and that is what happened here. it's not the thing that john gave, even though it is significant, it's the fact that he chose to give it.
nobody talk to me for the next 5 business days, I'm going absolutely insane
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metabolizemotions · 5 months
They only fetishize queer people. Especially our pain. We are not real, entire human beings to them. The celebrate the straight couples - their relationship, intimacy n all; fetishize the bodies of queer men; n fetishize the idea of queer women.
The extent to which they tolerate our sexuality is the short snippets in promo clips. They only want to exploit our online engagement. Ironically our viewership might be bringing in the ad buyers who r trying to erase us.
They try to erase the specificity of the "queer" part, but only use the pain, the convenient stereotypes, the virtue-signaling part to gain brownie points n for good drama. They joke about cultural appropriation n did exactly that during the pride episode with the straight couple's proposal. Same-sex marriage. What are you talking about? It's about queer hate n straight allyship.
They capitalize on the "women" part, to further fetishize our biology. So if it's 2 women in a relationship - it's double the drama about making babies, bad genes, n jokes about hormones n our body parts. But it's 2 women, how can they possibly manage w/o "big, strong, sensitive", straight men with good genes to contribute n overflowing empathy to deal with them being emotional n hormonal?
It's 5b, it's pride, it's the burning man all over again. First they elevate Jack, now Beckett. Pride was about cheating queer men n high queer woman. An intimate scene of Marina must be minimized n hidden among the others' or edited to death in a montage. It's as scary as a man burning to death.
The fact that they haven't even shared a proper kiss this season through any joyful or emotional moment... They just come up with more ways to obscure the kiss, if any. Bad lighting, bad angles n bad editing are prerequisites. They r also written into the script.
Of course they make an important life decision in the NICU, n it's completely inappropriate for a married w|w to share a quick kiss - which we saw via the back of their heads. Unlike a gay man having sex with an ex at the funeral of the ex's dad - while cheating on his partner - twice. Perfectly lit with no obstructions of course.
Even in their ugly kitchen they're assigned, with a perfectly good scene setup, nope. Too brightly lit for queer woman - save it for a long morning kiss b/w gay men in their nice kitchen.
Emotional scene about Carina's fertility issues and reciprocal IVF - okay a kiss allowed grudgingly - but just 0.5 sec. Their lips touched. You get the idea. Why are you fans so demanding? Time is reserved for the 101th proposal of the straight couple n their extended kisses. A proper Marina love scene? You perverts. More explicit sex scenes b/w straight couples are needed.
I don't want to rehash about Jack. I've said plenty about Beckett. Just that men's mistakes are dismissed and minimized. It is not enough to show every painful step of Maya apologizing and making amends. Maya and Carina must also be used to make the audience sympathize with Jack and Beckett. It is a deliberate yet thoughtless choice to use Carina's SA trauma to sympathize with Jack. Just as it is to use Maya's family trauma to sympathize with Beckett. Esp the context of the shot. It is esp violating. They might as well just get Jack to show up for this. They never really got it, did they?
However one chooses to justify these choices, it's not only unnec but wrong to include the men. Esp not Beckett - the man who bullied her for months till her breakdown. Even if he never apologized and they insist on using Maya's pain to make him look good in his redemption arc, idc at this point, but this is just not the time.
If it must be a man, get Travis. Make it a conversation b/w queer people, about queer hate, about their families. Travis sympathizing with Maya, about a journey he wouldn't know about. Way better than jokes on hormones with the guys. A cheap way to get a laugh at an arduous process. I thought we left 5b n mocking queer women behind.
It could have been one beautiful scene with Andy and Vic. They haven't had a proper one since s1 & 2. They would have understood about Mason, if not for their long friendship, there's 703. It could have been about the pain women go thru - Andy and Vic about their abortions or Maya about experiencing what Carina underwent... The show really isn't big on female camaraderie.
But it should really be Carina. Among all the scenes of Carina in the station bathroom - which have been a lot - this is probably the most appropriate if they must set it there. Definitely more so that her own insemination, which was ridiculous.
These are moments that they should only share with each other, privately n intimately. These precious moments that are dwindling - few n short to begin with. It's not irl, it's one scene in an ensemble show. They sure could have romanticized this. It doesn't even have to be half as dramatic as a regular scene of their golden couple. D & S will create magic.
Esp in this episode, there's so much to unpack. With everything they've been thru on their own, the ending could have been about them at home, checking in n sharing their day. Talking about the lawsuit, the hate on queers, their brothers, the boundaries they had to set with their families... Doing the trigger shot together - esp after their emotional scene in 705 n to cap off the morning scene. A perfect setup for their emotional n physical intimacy.
But of course it didn't happen. Other important moments in their lives about their new home n new baby were also short parts of wordless montages. They are even less important than scenes of the others having drinks n sex.
Queer women just don't matter.
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clerk427 · 5 months
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guys i think my kinito is depressed:( i'm trying to return to fanarting! and i had some matching stickers so yee!
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starzknight · 6 months
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Disney princess with a bit more accurate outfits...
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