#i'm so glad you are getting into them. i always thought they would be a band you'd like because they're quite landscapey
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whitecompri · 2 days ago
But I got an idea request for youu!!
Okay so dad hedgehog's when their kid gets a crush at school? Like they're all like "mom, dad! I got a crush!" Or anything like that yk? And they're all excited Abt it
Daddy Jealously
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Pairing: Sonic x Reader; Shadow x Reader; Silver x Reader; Scorge x Reader.
Genre: Comedy
Rating: G (General Audience)
Warnings: Light Swearing
A/N: Thanks for the request! I have to admit that I didn't think people would like these dad hedgehogs scenarios that much. But I'm glad that so many people enjoy them, I always have a lot of fun writing about them.
The blue hedgehog was at home, lounging on the couch, enjoying some chili dogs while watching TV. You were sitting beside him, just keeping him company. It seemed like a peaceful day as always, until his daughter approached, her little hands behind her back, her green eyes sparkling with excitement.
Sonic raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.
“What’s up, kiddo?” he asked, finishing his chili dog and licking his fingers.
“Dad, Mom, there’s a boy I like at school,” the little hedgehog said, completely excited, a big smile on her muzzle.
Sonic’s eyes widened at that moment, and he felt a strange chill run up his stomach, an odd sensation washing over him. A thousand thoughts ran through his head as he stared at his daughter blankly. Finally, he let out a small smile, crossing his arms.
“Oh yeah…? And what’s so great about him, huh?” Sonic sat up straight on the couch, fully focusing on her, one eyebrow slightly raised.
You just watched with a smile on your face, obviously noticing that he wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but he was still handling it in a calm and relaxed way.
“He’s cute, Dad, and he’s nice. He plays with me during recess,” she said softly, a blush appearing under her fur.
“And is he cooler than your dad?” he asked, his tone a bit more serious.
“Hmm, I think you’re cooler, Dad,” she answered after thinking for a moment.
“If he’s not cooler than me, then there’s no reason for you to like him,” Sonic replied with a smug grin. You let out a nasal laugh at their interaction.
While your daughter made an incredulous expression, Sonic turned to you and whispered, “If I knew this stuff started so early, I would've put her in a school for babies.” His tone was way too serious, making you playfully punch his arm.
“Sonic, no. This was bound to happen sooner or later. We just have to be careful and deal with it.”
“My daughter is way too young to like someone…” He narrowed his eyes.
“Sonic… It’s just a school crush,” you laughed, while he just sighed.
“Fine, but I’m meeting the kid first.” He closed his eyes, accepting the situation. You nodded at him before turning to your daughter.
“We’re happy that you like someone at school, sweetheart, just be careful, okay? And if he ever does anything to hurt you, don’t hesitate to tell us.” The little girl’s eyes lit up with happiness at your words, and she eagerly nodded.
“If he does anything to hurt my daughter… I’m gonna run around him so fast that he’ll be sent flying,” Sonic murmured.
“Is this all just jealousy?” You laughed, intertwining your arm with his. The hedgehog simply gave you a little grin.
The next day, despite your requests for him not to do it, Sonic went to casually pick up your daughter from school. He leaned against a wall, waiting for her to come out of the classroom. When the little hedgehog finally walked out with her backpack on, her green eyes widened upon seeing her father.
“Hey, kiddo, how’s it going?” He flashed a big grin, approaching her, placing one hand on his waist as he looked at her. “So, where’s this boy you like?” he asked casually, hiding the fact that he had already been keeping an eye on practically every boy walking out of the classroom, analyzing each one meticulously to see if any of them seemed decent—and if any of them were the boy she liked.
The little girl looked timidly at her father before shifting her gaze toward a boy at the end of the hallway. Sonic’s eyes followed hers, landing on a small Mobian opossum who was walking clumsily while chewing gum. The boy stopped, pulled the gum out of his mouth, stuck it under a bench, then spat on the floor right after. He then walked up to another boy and pushed him for no particular reason.
Sonic watched the scene, jaw slightly open. He wasn’t sure if this was just a normal kid or a reformed criminal who somehow ended up there.
The blue hedgehog clenched his fists tighter and tighter with every bad thing the kid did. He narrowed his eyes and turned to his daughter.
“Hey, kiddo… You sure it’s that one?” She nodded, making her father sigh. “You don’t wanna pick someone else? Look at that one, he looks shy and nice.” He gestured toward another classmate sitting timidly on a bench in the hallway.
“No, Dad, I like that one,” she said determinedly. Sonic was in complete disbelief at how his daughter could like a kid who had so much potential to be a future villain. But he understood that young love was incomprehensible.
“That one? Your dad doesn’t approve of him, got it? Let’s go home.” He casually grabbed her hand.
She pouted at him for a second but then started walking normally. Until she suddenly stopped.
“Wait, Dad, I forgot my water bottle in the classroom!” She quickly ran back to grab it.
Sonic crossed his arms, leaning against the wall, watching the boy from afar. The little troublemaker walked past a girl, snatching a juice box from her hand before running off. Sonic furrowed his brow, but then a little smirk appeared on his face.
The blue hedgehog closed his eyes, keeping his relaxed stance as the boy ran past him. Suddenly, the little opossum tripped. The smug grin on his young face vanished into panic as he crashed onto the floor, sprawling out as the juice spilled all over him.
“Oh, what a shame, champ,” the hedgehog murmured. “Pulling that kind of stuff on others isn’t cool, you know?” The boy shivered slightly at Sonic’s words but remained on the ground.
Sonic kept his eyes closed, his smirk widening slightly, until he heard the familiar sound of his daughter’s footsteps. He opened his eyes to see her smiling.
“All set, Dad…” She paused, looking down at the floor and at the juice-covered boy. Her gaze shifted to Sonic, now filled with suspicion.
“What’s wrong, kiddo?” He smiled at her, holding her hand.
“Dad…?” She looked between him and the crying, sprawled-out boy.
“It wasn’t my fault, he just learned his lesson. Let’s go home.” He started walking, stepping around the boy. The little girl glanced back for a few seconds before looking at her father, narrowing her eyes.
“He deserved it, didn’t he…?” she asked softly. Sonic raised an eyebrow at her.
“…Hmm, yeah, quite a lot. But I’m not stopping you from liking him, kiddo. You’re free to choose… but that doesn’t mean I won’t feel like teaching him a lesson every now and then if he keeps acting like that.”
The little girl just smiled at him, shaking her head. Then, she suddenly hugged him tightly. Sonic stopped in surprise, but soon, his arms wrapped around her.
“If you don’t like him… Then I trust you, Dad. I won’t like that boy anymore.” Sonic felt an unexpected wave of relief and a deep warmth in his heart at her words.
“That’s good, kiddo. That makes me happy. Now let’s go home.”
And so, the two of them peacefully walked home, laughing and talking along the way.
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The black hedgehog was in the kitchen with you, helping prepare dinner. He kept his usual serious expression, focused on making a sauce. But deep down, it was clear that he was enjoying spending that time with you.
Then, suddenly, you both heard the sound of little footsteps approaching. Your daughter stopped in front of the table, dragging a chair close to you and sitting down. You both turned to look at her.
She had a happy expression, her little legs swinging since they were too short to reach the floor.
"Mom, Dad, I have something cool to tell you. I like a boy at school," she said, cheerful and excited.
You smiled at her, then turned to Shadow, already aware that his reaction might not be the best. The hedgehog had the same serious expression as before, but his brow was subtly furrowed, and his arms were crossed tightly. Before you could say anything, Shadow responded seriously.
"Who?" he asked, expressionless.
"He's just a nice boy, Dad. He helped me carry some books," she said happily, holding her hands together.
"This is an unnecessary distraction," he said briefly.
"Shadow, be nice," you nudged him lightly with your elbow, to which he only responded with a characteristic "hmph." You knew you would have to talk to both of them later to handle this situation better.
You just hoped things wouldn’t get too complicated with Shadow.
Later that night, you woke up to get a glass of water and noticed that the black hedgehog wasn’t beside you in bed. Instead, he was at his desk with the lamp on, writing something. Approaching him, you stopped nearby, watching as he scribbled things in his notebook.
"Shadow… What are you doing?" you asked quietly.
He turned his attention to you, shifting his gaze briefly.
"Gathering information," he answered, returning to his writing.
Growing curious and confused, you decided to peek at what he was writing. Your eyes widened when you saw everything.
The paper had the name of the boy your daughter had mentioned earlier, his address, a background check on his parents, and several other highly personal details. At that moment, you started regretting ever teaching Shadow how to use social media and search things online.
"Shadow, don’t you think this is too much? It’s just a school crush, it’s normal at her age, you know? There’s nothing to worry about, she’ll probably change her mind soon."
"When it comes to my daughter’s safety, nothing is too much," he said with determination, continuing to write.
"Just take it easy, okay? This is completely normal." You turned to leave the room and get your water. The black hedgehog only let out a deep sigh, placing his pen back on the desk before getting up and returning to bed to rest.
The next morning, Shadow casually stood at the entrance of the school, waiting for his daughter. He closed his eyes. It would still take a little while for her to finish class. Crossing his arms, he remained deep in thought, then suddenly used Chaos Control, reappearing inside the school, hidden in a dark corner of the hallway. He stayed there, observing. He already knew the boy’s face, so it would be easy to recognize him.
After waiting for some time, a group of boys passed by, and in the middle of them was the boy his daughter liked. He was the shortest of the group, walking awkwardly and shyly.
That’s when the boy looked to the side and saw a pair of red eyes and the imposing figure of Shadow standing there, staring at him. The boy let out a small yelp, stepping back, trembling, before turning around and running down the hallway crying.
Shadow raised an eyebrow, confused by the boy’s reaction. Then, he heard someone clearing their throat behind him. The hedgehog turned around and saw his daughter standing there with her arms crossed and a serious expression. His ears twitched to the sides.
"Dad, why are you scaring the boy I like?" she asked quietly.
"I wasn’t…" he started to answer, but she cut him off.
"It doesn’t matter if you were or not, you’re being scary to kids right now, Dad." She put her hands on her hips, looking at him sternly.
Shadow sighed. The little girl stepped closer, taking his hand.
"I know you’re trying to protect me, Dad, but can you go easy on him? He’s… sensitive and gets scared easily," the small black hedgehog said softly, pulling him along as they left the school.
"He doesn’t seem like a threat, but I’ll keep watching… If he hurts you… He’ll learn a lesson he’ll never forget," Shadow said in a threatening tone, narrowing his eyes as he followed his daughter.
"Dad!" she said, exasperated, as they walked away from the school. It would be harder than she thought to convince Shadow that this was something completely normal.
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The white hedgehog was sitting on the couch with you, holding you in a side embrace while his other hand held a book. He was reading peacefully when your daughter appeared at the doorway of the living room. She looked very happy as she took light steps toward you and then sat on the couch, hugging Silver.
"Dad, Mom, I have some news to tell you," she said sweetly, looking completely delighted.
"Hm? News? Tell us, sweetheart," Silver said softly, closing the book and setting it aside as he ran a hand through her quills.
"I like a boy at school."
At those words, Silver completely froze, his golden eyes widening in surprise. Then, he started shaking his head vigorously.
"No, no, no! You're way too young for that!"
"But Dad, all my friends like boys too," she frowned at him.
"But you don’t have to, you don’t have to copy everything they do, sweetheart."
You placed a hand on his shoulder, making Silver pause and look at you.
"Your dad is right, sweetie. You don’t need to start liking boys just because your friends do. Focus on your studies for now," you said softly, and your daughter paid close attention.
"Yeah, besides, dating at your age isn’t a good idea. There are relationship problems, we don’t know the boy, we don’t know if he has bad intentions, he might hurt you, he could leave you for another girl…" Silver was counting on his fingers until you cleared your throat to get his attention.
"What your dad means is that at your age, it's okay to like someone, but dating is more complicated. There are many problems and things that only older people can fully understand."
You tried to summarize what Silver was saying. The little hedgehog simply nodded briefly, understanding the situation. Silver let out a small sigh of relief.
However, that didn't put an end to his worries.
You had just tucked your daughter into bed when you returned to your shared bedroom and found Silver on top of the bed, glued to his laptop. One hand rested on his chin as he frowned in deep concentration.
Curious, you sat down beside him, glancing at what he was searching. The sight made you let out a nasal laugh.
"At what age do girls start liking boys? Is this normal?" You repeated what was written in the search bar. Silver turned to you with a concerned look.
"I need to be sure… I also don’t want her getting involved with someone dangerous," he clenched his fists, determined.
"Silver… She just likes a boy, it’s just a childhood thing."
"But she’s too young!" he said, clearly worried.
"It’s normal, completely normal," you reassured him, closing his laptop and placing it on the bedside table. "Let’s sleep, stop worrying about this."
Even though you tried to comfort him, Silver was still tense. It was obvious he wasn’t prepared for this.
Lying down beside you, he couldn’t close his eyes, thoughts swirling in his head. One last idea crossed his mind before he finally managed to relax enough to sleep.
"Am I overreacting? …No. I’d better see for myself."
Silver approached the school, his face set with determination. He was determined to find out who the boy was and see him with his own eyes.
The white hedgehog stopped in front of the school, waiting for his daughter to come out. His golden eyes scanned every child in the area until they finally met his daughter’s. He smiled.
She ran up and hugged his leg.
"Hi, Daddy. Look, that’s the boy I was talking about."
Silver’s eyes followed where she was pointing and landed on a boy sitting on a bench, reading a book. The only problem was that the boy looked a few years older than her.
"I still think you should wait at least 20 more years before liking boys," he said, crossing his arms. "Have you two… held hands?" Silver asked cautiously.
"…No? Dad, I just like him, that doesn’t mean he knows about it or likes me back."
"Even so, I need to know all the details…" He gently held her hand, turning to head home. Then, he sighed briefly.
"He seems… harmless… But if he ever hurts you, I swear I’ll make him float in the air for a whole month," Silver narrowed his eyes, glancing back.
"Dad, are you jealous?"
"Jealous? Me? No… I mean… That doesn’t matter right now! What matters is that I’m protecting you!" Silver immediately blushed at her accusation.
She only giggled and hugged her white hedgehog father again.
"I love you, Dad. Thank you for caring so much about me."
Silver completely melted at her words, letting out a small, appreciative murmur at his daughter's affection. At least he knew she would always be the best daughter he could ever have.
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Scourge was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. He had just woken up and hadn’t even put on his jacket yet. From the corner of his eye, he saw his eldest daughter skipping to the bathroom door, stopping there with a smug little grin.
He looked at her, not stopping his brushing, waiting to see what she would say. Soon after, the youngest appeared behind her sister, a baby bottle in her mouth, her blue eyes focused on her father.
“Hey, Dad, I want to tell you something.” Her little grin only grew, making it clear she was very happy. “I like a boy at school.”
Almost immediately, Scourge’s eyes widened, and he choked on the toothpaste, coughing uncontrollably as he turned to the sink, scooping water with his ungloved hands and rinsing his mouth. Then, he spun around, walking up to his daughter, still breathless.
"Who’s this punk? Who da hell he think he is?" Scourge said, irritated, crossing his arms.
“Dad, I’m the one who likes him, he doesn’t even know about it.” His daughter frowned.
"I don’t give a damn. I sure as hell didn’t authorize him to make ya like ‘im." he said quickly.
“What?” The little girl raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Oh, so my baby’s already gettin’ herself a boyfriend now? Big freakin’ deal, ya barely know how ta tie ya damn shoelaces!"
That was when you happened to pass by the hallway, stopping to check the commotion, looking at Scourge curiously.
He pointed at your daughter.
"She’s got a crush on some kid at school!" he said indignantly.
“Yes? That’s normal…” you replied, smiling at him.
"Ya kiddin’ me, right?" he muttered, his ears lowering slightly.
“I’m completely serious.” You let out a nasal laugh at his reaction.
“Come on, Dad, you don’t even know him,” she said with a smug little smile.
"And I don’t wanna!" He crossed his arms again, clearly uncomfortable.
You tried pulling him away, giving him time to calm down and process the situation better, but he remained on the couch, arms crossed, sulking.
“Scourge, you don’t need to act like this just because your daughter has a crush at school.”
"…I’m gonna snap dat little punk in half…" he muttered threateningly. You grabbed his ear firmly, making him hiss in pain.
“No, you’re not. Leave the boy alone.”
"Ain’t no way! No suitor's survivin’ this. And what if dey’re delinquents, huh? Ya think I’ma let my girls run ‘round wit’ some two-bit punks? Hell no!" He looked at you, exasperated. You simply blinked at him, staring seriously before bursting into laughter.
“Scourge… Have you ever looked in a mirror?”
"Listen, I know my type, and THAT’S exactly why I ain’t lettin’ my girls anywhere near a damn delinquent!" he said with determination, making you laugh even harder.
Scourge stood in front of the school, arms crossed and wearing a scowl, sunglasses covering his eyes. His daughter appeared at the entrance, running toward him happily.
“What’s up, Dad?” She got close and exchanged a little fist bump with him, waiting to head home, but he remained still, pushing his glasses up onto his forehead.
"Where’s the damn kid?" he asked in a low, menacing voice.
“Dad, I don’t want you to kill him… Let’s go home.” She grabbed his hand, trying to pull him away.
"I swear, I ain't gonna touch ‘im, kiddo, just point me in the right direction…" His tone was obviously threatening.
“Dad, you’re going to scare him.”
"That’s his problem, not mine. I’m gonna be his worst nightmare."
“Dad, I’m telling Mom if you kill him.”
Scourge froze at her threat. His shoulders tensed as he turned to face his daughter.
"That little bastard’s lucky I ain’t in da mood ta get locked up again." He held her hand, finally starting to walk home.
“My little sister likes a boy at her preschool too, did you know that?”
Scourge stopped in his tracks, his jaw dropping.
"Ain't no damn brat takin’ my princesses away from me." He looked at them with determination. Then, he just closed his eyes and sighed. "I’ll be watchin’ ‘em real close… If any of ‘em even breathe funny ‘round ya, I swear, this world ain’t gonna be safe for ‘em no more…" the green hedgehog said in a low, gravelly voice before continuing to walk.
"And listen here—ya better be ready to throw hands. If some punk tries anythin’ and I ain’t ‘round, ya punch first, ask questions later."
The little girl giggled, nudging her father with her elbow.
He knew his daughters were growing up, he knew these things would happen. But Scourge didn’t want them to, and he would do everything in his power to make sure they stayed far away from boys for as long as possible.
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 3 days ago
This is probably gonna be a weird one, so here goes:
I'm not ace and (probably) not aro, but I haven't had any luck in with non-platonic relationships (largely due to my own social anxiety). I'm 19 and I haven't gone on a date or kissed anybody.
I used to feel really ashamed/lesser bc of that, still struggle with that sometimes (societal standards are a hell of a drug) but what's helped me largely feel better about this is talking to and being around aspec folks :)
Seeing people talking about allonormativity and amatonormativity, that worth isn't defined by relationships, that I'm not "childish" or "falling behind", has helped me so much, as well as just being around other people who haven't had any romantic/sexual experiences.
I beat myself up for "failing" these social standards, but by that standard most of my close friends have failed too! But I would never be so cruel to think any of the shit I've thought about myself about someone else, especially not one of my beloved friends. If anyone told one of my friends anything like that, I'd kill them! So if the standards are nonsense, why am I being so cruel to myself?
Being surrounded by aspec people always makes me feel at home (maybe partly bc my childhood friend group turned out to be me and 3 aroaces, so being the token allo is just the dynamic I'm used to lol)
Aspec people are not just part of the queer community, they are important and valued and crucial for conversations of queer theory.
Anyway I don't know what I'm doing here and this is probably super weird (sorry), I just wanted to share and say how grateful I am. For aspec people existing, for the aspec people in my life, for every person who's ever written a Tumblr post pushing back against allonormativity/amatonormativity: thank you from the bottom of my heart
This is so well said, Anon. I think media makes people think everyone who wants to is hitting these kinds of milestones before they're done high school, but it's actually a lot more common than most people realise to get around to them as adults.
Similarly I think a lot of people are harder on themselves than others, but we deserve kindness for ourselves too.
Thanks for sharing your experiences! And I'm glad to hear the a-spec community and culture has been so helpful to you.
All the best!
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butterflys-corner · 1 day ago
You went too far (pt.2!)
Part one here: pt. 1!
Summary: The monster trio finally track you down and apologize for the dumb fight you had. Warnings/Tags: swearing, mention of fighting, slight violence, fluff and apologies
Note: I'm so sorry this is super late! I hope you like it!
Monkey D. Luffy
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Luffy spent time on the island with the crew to figure out what was even here to no avail. It was a hunk of rock just sitting in the way of more land ahead.
He scratched his head, the feeling of something being off stirring an unfamiliar knot in his chest. He wasn't hungry so it wasn't that.
All of the crew was here, and you were watching the ship, so clearly everything was fine on that end of things too.
But, then that tightness in his chest got worse as he looked across the island to where the Sunny was supposed to be docked. The ship was gone. And you with it.
"Huh?" Luffy's eyes darted around the coast for any sign of the ship, but there was nothing but ocean.
You would have told him you were leaving- even if you were that upset with him.
Now that he thought about it.. what were you upset at him for? He called himself the captain, sure, but he always did.
The little- albeit cobwebbed- wheels start turning in his brain as he sits cross legged on the ground.
It wasn't your birthday. It wasn't your anniversary. No one recently passed away. He didn't eat your food.
The captain sighed out, instantly understanding that you were upset that he used such a serious tone toward you.
"Hey. Nami," he calls over to the redhead and she turns on her heels, arms folded over her chest as she undoubtedly searched for the ship as well.
"The ship can't be far. We would have seen it by now. Was there anything suspicious or something around here?" He was deadly serious, voice full of confidence as his eyes glanced around the desolate rock they were standing on.
"That's Monkey D. Luffy's woman!"
"Yeah? So-"
Your captors spoke, pretty loudly at that, as you leaned against the ancient cell they stuck you inside. The bars lightly dug into your forearms as you held your hands together outside of them.
"You guys are so fucked." Your voice echoed against the spacious prison, the guys jolting in place.
"You shut your damn mouth! We ain't scared of that kid-"
"He's going to break me out of here and beat the hell out of you." You were firm in your words, even through the anger you held over your boyfriend being a jerk earlier.
It was a wonder how he wasn't here yet, but you know he makes it to where he needs to be eventually. Especially when you or the crew were involved. Your captain would come through for you, just like he did every time.
And as you pressed your face against those uncomfortable bars, you heard him.
"Gum gum, pistol!" And those chumps were done. Knocked out cold on the ground in front of the cell from the impact.
"Took you long enough," you were still upset with him, he in turn just glad to see your face after the few hours apart. The door to your cell gets blown open courtesy of Usopp's exploding stars and you cough on the shaken clay dust.
You take no more than three paces out of the cell before familiar rubber limbs coil around you. You stand still and take the impact of his limber body with a few stumbles backward.
"Lu, hey, come on-" you teeter to stay upright, your goofy captain just laughing.
"I'm sorry for being a jerk and saying I didn't care. I'm just glad you're okay." He made your upset melt away with his infectious laughter, your chest rumbling with chuckles of your own.
"Yeah, okay. I forgive you. Get me out of this stuffy cave already."
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Roronoa Zoro
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"Oh, you'll miss me so bad, Roronoa. I'm going into the village. Stay here with your precious swords."
Those three sentences haunted his thoughts as he felt the night grow later and later.
"You'll miss me so bad-"
You never came back from the brisk adventure into the village. He knew he shouldn't blame himself for it, but he was responsible for you. He felt responsible for you.
He'd never admit it to you, but your words stung the more he waited for you to come back. Why weren't you back yet?
"Luffy," his rough voice hid his concern well, it came with practice he supposed. "I'm heading into the village. Be back soon." And he was met with a quick wave as the captain was occupied in a game of tag.
The swordsman obviously didn't know where you were, just that he needed to find you. He had that stupid mistake to apologize for. Damn, his poor sense of direction! This was the third right he'd taken into a dead end.
The village wasn't particularly a maze, but Zoro was so determined to find you in this sea of people that he'd taken to asking around now. Him! Asking for help!
Much to his misfortune, you were already walking up the gangplank with a rare bottle of sake for the idiot. You returned from the village after painstakingly picking out, haggling, and paying (less than half price, lucky you!) for it. And this was after handling those shitty pirates who bothered trying to kidnap you for a couple Beri.
The fight left you with bloody knuckles and a sore wrist, but that was all. The precious bottle of Sake was worth it. You didn't even pay with your own money. You used those morons' money.
You knew the fight was dumb, really just wanting him to apologize for it so that you could get on with your night. It wasn't fun going to sleep mad at each other.
So when you looked around the Sunny in his usual spots and found him gone, you asked around to find he left.
"Idiot," you sighed out and left the ship to retrieve the green-haired musclehead.
It took you hours to find the directionally blind man, the poor guy covered in a thin sweat from the worry he worked up. You tap his shoulder and easily avoid a sword handle to the gut.
"There you are." You smile at Mosshead and his alerted face melts into a much more relieved, ever so slight smile.
"There you are, troublemaker." He shot back, just glad he finally found you. Or you him, he didn't pay attention to the details as you receive a nearly bonecrushing hug.
"Ah! No, Z, you're all sweaty!" You squirm under his arms to no avail, but the hug was short lived anyway. He rested his left over his hip, the right on his swords as always.
"C'mon. I'm tired of being in this village."
And you left with him, eventually having his arm over your shoulder as he usually rested it.
He didn't verbally apologize until much later when you were alone in your cabin. He always did it that way, not needing the others to overhear his vulnerability with you.
Even then, it was enough for you. He apologized in his own way after by doing some extra lifting when you needed it- with much less complaints- and even scoring you an expensive bottle of your drink of choice. And of course he tended to your bruised knuckles and cleaned up your face.
You wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He was your stubborn as a bull swordsman and you loved him that way.
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Sanji Vinsmoke
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Sanji had immediately jumped into action when he found that you never made it to the ship. He searched high and low, in different bars and restaurants and shops, but you were nowhere to be found.
He screwed up- he knew that. He screwed up horribly by letting his tendency to fawn over women get in the way of the most important person to him. You.
Curly brows lit a cigarette to calm himself down, his blue eyes looking around for anything that stood out.
Long strides to the alleyway he hadn't spotted before and he finally found you at knife-point. Who did these bastards think they were?
"Back off." He grumbled with a puff of smoke, hands snaking into his suit pant pockets like they always did during serious fights.
"Hah, what're you gonna do, pretty boy?"
"I should fillet you for even thinking about hurting that woman right there. You're deplorable for such an atrocity. I'm teaching you a lesson, but first-" Your hopeless romantic jumps from his spot, your assailants looking around in absolute confusion. You knew better however, expecting the sweet embrace of his arms underneath your knees and behind your back.
"I'm sorry I kept you waiting, Dearest. I won't ever do it again. Wait here," Sanji sets you down delicately nearby and you take the chance to lean against a wall to watch him kick ass. Literally.
Those three guys were no match for the cook's speed, being thoroughly punished by his flaming kicks in record time. You could swear it was a personal best of his now.
When the other men fell to the ground, your lover spun on his heels and checked on you intently. He circled you, held each of your arms up to his eyes to be sure, put your cheeks in his hands to tilt your head how he needed to-
Oh. He just wanted to kiss you.
"I'm so sorry, Mon tresor," he tested his forehead against yours, his soft eyes closed in shame. "I should have left with you. I just wanted to get you a few more things before we left the island. Will you ever forgive me?"
"How could I not, you silly cook?"
Taglist: @siraxealot, @kyllium, @exoticrasin, @mrharringtonsbae, @penguinsravioli, @cousinconnie, @ellisaworld, @xcriaturex, @bluevenus19, @augghhgghhh, @silentscream2022, I hope I didn't miss anyone!!
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alexanderlightweight · 3 days ago
Hi Lumine! I’ve always wanted to send a prompt but never had any ideas I liked. But I was thinking about your ‘the bitter trap of truth’ verse and love the concept but then I was like you know what would be fun? if Alec was actually trying to kill him but like more as a way to get his attention? And everyone is like Magnus this shadowhunter just tried to kill you and Magnus is just like *heart eyes* and it was such a good attempt. Wherever you want to go with it really!
i'm so glad you took the chance and I probably had a little too much fun writing this. in my defense, Magnus is having the best time of his life and that needs to be respected.
i really hope you like it as much as I had fun writing it and enjoy <3
this deadly bouquet of love
”Shouldn’t you be a little more proactive,considering the Clave is actively trying to kill you?”
Ragnor loves Magnus, he truly does but it’s times like this that have him truly questioning Magnus’ lifestyle.  Purposefully baiting Clave assassins is just a bit too much, in Ragnor’s humble opinion.
“It irritates him when I go somewhere obvious, I think he feels as if I’m cheating on his behalf.” Magnus raises his glass into the air, tipping it in obvious salute in a direction that Ragnor once thought empty.  “So I thought a rooftop brunch at a fancy restaurant would be perfect.  I even rented the entire space since as much as I enjoy giving him an obstacle course, fatalities can be the worst distraction and mundanes are so clumsy.” 
“Why?” Ragnor desperately hopes that this isn’t going to go down the road he thinks it does.
“Well he has to prove his sincerity in wanting to go out with me.”  Magnus seems utterly bemused by Ragnor’s slowly increasing ire.  “If he just came up to show off his stately arms and wooed me like that, what could be said of my reputation?”
Ragnor takes a deep inhale of his pipe, refusing to even consider what kind of an answer Magnus expects given they both know exactly what Magnus�� reputation is.
“He’s not a Clave assassin at all, is he?”
Magnus’ titter filled with glee does not encourage Ragnor’s sanity at all.
“How exactly did,” here Ragnor makes a twirling motion with his hand, “whatever this is between you and a shadowhunter turn into him trying to kill you?”
“He’s going for maiming, not killing.” Magnus isn’t even trying to soothe him, the gleam in his eyes proving that he knows exactly what this is doing to Ragnor’s nerves and constitution. “Isn’t that so much better? I tried to convince him I’d take him more seriously the more deadly he tried.  However, apparently the mere idea of aiming something so accurate to my heart made him cry.”
Ragnor deeply regrets asking.
With a truly despairing sigh Magnus stares longingly in the direction of his earlier salute, “he’s so pretty when he cries. I wonder if I don’t dodge his next attack, how beautiful he’ll look after.”
Ragnor coughs and tries very hard to remind himself that while Magnus knows more than most about nephilim society and culture, it’s also outdated by anywhere from two to four hundred years.
“Duckie—” Lowering his pipe with a sigh, Ragnor looks at Magnus with tired eyes, “that kind of courting is considered rare and outdated by current standards.  Even the ones that do try to keep the traditions alive can’t keep them from being changed.  I’m fairly certain, duckie, that instead of assassination attempts they just all out brawl. Or challenge each other to demonstrations of skills.  I’m not sure your paramour quite knows what either of you are doing.  It seems to me like he’s just following your lead.”
Ragnor will later wish that he’d taken the time to keep his gaze on Magnus.  As it is, he was in the middle of re-filling his pipe bowl and missed the look of unholy and terrifying glee that crossed Magnus’ face.
Alec hasn’t seen a glimpse of Magnus in what feels like days.
It’s barely been a dozen hours but time apart from Magnus stretches across the divide of reality, making it pass too slowly.
It’s his own fault, however he’s hoping that at least this time, his sincerity will make it through. 
Poems written by warlocks long forgotten have been carved into the rosewood shaft of Alec’s arrows.  Each tip has been personally carved from magical gems, runes changing them from mere trinkets to artifacts.
Hopefully the reaction of passing through Magnus’ wards won’t cause these ones to explode, Magnus had sent him a rather scathing fire message after that.  Something about ‘having to hear about all the work Alec did and then not even getting to enjoy it’.
Magnus had spent seventeen hours tearing apart and relayering his wards, not to make it harder for Alec’s weapons but to keep them ‘intact enough to be saved’.
If Alec had ever been in doubt about Magnus' sincerity, it was hurriedly fed to the rabid flames of Magnus’ prideful obsession in Alec’s abilities. Alec still isn’t sure how Magnus got his number, but he can’t deny how much he enjoys waking up every afternoon to see a new picture of something Alec made on display in Magnus’ lair.  
Apparently — and while Alec is curious about reading it for himself he hasn’t had the time — trophy walls filled with courtship attempts were popular a few centuries ago.  It hadn’t really seemed all that interesting until Magnus sent him a picture, the first arrow Alec shot at him as the gleaming centerpiece of a magical sculpture.
One that Magnus had made by hand and magic, to cradle Alec’s accidental but sincere declaration of interest.
Since then, Alec has tried to be more careful and considerate of the weapons he uses to strike Magnus down with.  If these are supposed to be trophies, proud mementos to memorialize the start of their relationship, then Alec is all for it.
After he makes them perfect of course.
“What are you working on now, Alexander?”  Magnus’ voice is smooth even coming from the bluetooth Alec’s set up.
“If I tell you and they get ruined will you be more upset or less?” Alec actually wants to know, it’s important information that will affect the success and failures of his future projects. 
“Oh, so it’s for me then?”
“I’m not exactly hand-making threat displays for anyone else, Magnus.  Do you know how hard I’ve had to keep this hidden from the Clave? If we’re lucky everyone will just think I have a grudge.  A very deep grudge.” Alec really doesn’t want to be the one to explain that he’s using his personal adamas allotment to create love poems to someone he hasn’t even held hands with yet.
“Oh yes, because while the Clave will dilly-dally about one of their Commander’s trying to assassinate the local High Warlock, they’ll move rather fast when they realize it’s a traditional courtship to said warlock.” Magnus’ voice is as flat and unimpressed as any time they talk about the Clave and Alec nods, forgetting Magnus can’t see him.
“Legal loopholes and subterfuge, it’s the best way to tie them up in their own laws until it’s too late for them to do anything without breaking a bunch of their own laws.  And as you so brilliantly pointed out at me, the Clave raging bias and discrimination means that they didn’t write anything into the laws that doesn’t allow them to be used for and by downworlders.  Now we just need to get that far.”  If Alec sounds huffy then it’s entirely MAgnus’ fault.  They could have been official weeks ago, but as a warlock who hates nephilim and has lived centuries, Magnus often proves that he knows more than Alec about his people's own history. 
And while he doesn’t know much about nephilim culture — he still knows more than most — and most surprising is that Magnus seems to know everything Alec doesn’t about traditional courtships.  It’s a relief because while Alec is now interested enough to look into it someday, he really doesn’t have the time to be hunting down all this information that Magnus conveniently already knows and so helpfully shares.
Still, while he does want to indulge in and respect tradition, Alec finds it harder and harder to hold his patience.
“Most courtships are accepted after the first few tries, Magnus. Among the shadowhunters I know, none of them just get a kiss on the cheek and are given pointers on ‘how to try harder’.”
“Just because I’m most willing to be caught by you doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the chase.” There’s laughter on the line and Alec can imagine how Magnus’ lips would curve in a pleased smirk, how the amusement would brighten his gold eyes.
It really is a pity that Alec can’t be there to see it.
It’s with an agreeing sigh that he  keeps his last thoughts to himself.
He knows full well that this entire venture is just a game to Magnus. It’s not that Magnus is playing with Alec, but they’re both playing with the Clave in a way.  The minute Magnus gets bored Alec will no longer be after Magnus.  
He will just be had.  
By Magnus.
Despite knowing that he’s on the losing side of an unwinnable game, Alec is enjoying the entirety of it. 
Even if he wants to lose a little faster.
It helps that while he may not be able to be with and next to Magnus, they do talk and often.
At the beginning it was Magnus complaining about Alec’s lack of flair, the poor quality of his weapons — not the integrity, but the design — and even the fact that Alec had the perfect opportunity to throw a knife at him and he hadn’t.
— it was because the knife was used for a far more important purpose, actually killing the Circle member behind Magnus — 
Now Magnus creates accolades for Alec’s handiwork, murmurs lilting words of wonder and admiration through the phone, all praising the craftsmanship born of Alec’s hands.
Alec is used to not winning.  
He’s accustomed to fighting as hard as he can but never being good enough even when he’s at the top.
This is different.
Perhaps for the first time in his life he doesn’t mind the looming certainty of failure.
Never before has failure been accompanied by such a sweet reward.  It’s really only Magnus’ utter fascination with nephilim courtship and then insisting he wouldn’t think Alec was serious if he didn’t do the same.
Which again, Alec really wasn’t expecting the man of his interests — a warlock with bad blood between he and Alec’s entire race let alone the tensions between Magnus and Alec’s parents — to be so interested in having Alec try and kill him.
It’s not as common as it used to be, but in some of the more strict families — those based and pledged and bred for the code of a hunter — marriage was dictated by strength even over blood ties.
Alec still isn’t sure how Magnus found out this particular courtship but he’s relieved he knew or accidentally shooting an arrow at Magnus because Alec was so overwhelmed with his beauty could have gone quite differently. 
Magnus was in fact playing with alec. He already won his round with the clave.
Magnus and alec are like officially betrothed and practically married just without consummation by nephilim standards and Magnus is just like: wow, being the center of Alexander’s attention and devotion is something i’m not willing to give up yet.
Magnus mentally: ... did he just shoot at me???
Alec outloud but thinking mentally: aklejrfklaberlhfb i didn’t mean to propose so suddenly but i have no regrets but fuck i almost hit him
Magnus: ... oh it’s that ritual.... My, my aren’t i flattered. But also if he’s going to do it, he should do it properly (magnus heard about this ritual like in its beginnings and has forgotten that with time comes change. The ritual is a lot more lax than when he learned about it. Alec is like: he’s worth the effort
alec: I am tired of trying to kill you to appease your fucked up sense of humor.
magnus: you enjoy my humo, Alexander
magnus without even trying to pretend to be sad: oh... am I not worthy of shadowhunters sincerity, Alec?"
alec: ... i'm polishing my best throwing knives
magnus: good boy. now, I will be taking a walk in Time's Park at dusk tomorrow. Try not to miss this time darling
(the true reason behind this all)
Alec: -apologized for shooting at him because while he doesn’t regrets the intent he’s horrified at the thought of hurting magnus-
Magnus: I will never forgive him for apologizing for his proposal! the audacity of men! regretting something important the moment its done.
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rarepairdumpster · 2 days ago
Councilor Silco Vignette 1
(A/N: So, I've been struggling with how I want to present these because we have several councilor Silco snippets but it's not quite a cohesive story. Thus, Vignettes. Enjoy!)
Pairing: Viktor/Silco (Arcane) Rating: M C/W: Canon Divergent, Exhibitionism, Bathroom Sex, Their real kink is the fall of Capitalism
Councilor Silco taking Viktor to a gala and Viktor is absolutely stunning and is being an absolute tease, maybe flirting a bit with others. But both of them know whose bed they'll be in later that night.
Whispering filthy things into each other's ears while dancing. Viktor not showing any reaction but a soft flush and a slight giggle behind his hand.
At one point in the night, Silco pays the bathroom attendant a little extra to not let anyone in while he and Viktor have a quickie in the stall.
Silco is glad he thought ahead and fingered the fuck out of him before the gala
Viktor is also absolutely wearing a plug
Silco teasing it in and out of Viktor while he's straddling Silco's lap, gown hitched up past his thighs.
Viktor whining about how much he wants Silco in him. Nails digging into the shoulders of the jacket Silco complained about spending far too much on.
Silco teasing him, "Look at you. So desperate for me, aren't you? Can't even wait until the end?"
Viktor insisting that he wants to have Silco's cum in him during the stupid speeches.
Viktor reminds him how much Silco likes it when Viktor is sitting next to Cassandra Kiramman at dinner and he's full of Silco's cum.
Cassandra asking Viktor if he's unwell because he looks a bit piqued.
Silco smirking around his fork, then dabbing the napkin around his mouth before speaking. 
"He was feeling a bit peculiar earlier," Silco sighs. "Perhaps it would be best to head for home early. The air up here is so thin after all."
Cassandra making a funny face, which is basically just thinly veiled contempt.
"I suppose if one must...but I hear the speeches will be particularly rousing. It would be a shame to miss them."
"A shame, dear," Viktor repeats, smirking at Silco over his wine glass. "I'm sure I'll be fine for a little longer."
They get so much joy out of mutually hating Cassandra
The speeches are the dullest piltie nonsense Silco has ever heard, and it's only Viktor's facial expressions that keep him deeply entertained.
Especially the ones that come from where Silco is touching him stealthily under the table.
Silco leaning over and reminding Viktor to be careful since half the council is sitting at their table and of course, it just makes Viktor want to squirm more.
A soft noise escapes Viktor at one point and Shoola shoots him a confused look.
"Viktor, dear; are you in pain?" 
"Yes," Viktor hastens to answer, glad for the excuse being handed to him. "A great deal of pain. I think it would be best to retire for the evening."
"Ah, well," Silco adds quickly, also very glad for a reason to leave, "best get him home to rest." They excuse themselves once the next speech ends and swiftly leave before the applause ends. 
They can barely keep their hands off each other till they get to the car. Viktor falls into Silco's lap in the back seat, arms around his neck, kissing Silco's neck and jaw as the baron ordered the car home.
Silco almost doesn't wait to reach home before fucking Viktor again. 
It's a very near thing.
Silco fucks him against the front door, Viktor's legs hiked high on his waist
Viktor's makeup is completely smeared and his hair is an undone mess as Silco fucks him hard and deep. His voice is hoarse from screaming Silco's name, hoping they could hear him all the way across the bridge.
Silco almost mauls Viktor's delicate, tempting neck.
Viktor cums all over his gown, before Silco is done with him, and Viktor moans as Silco uses him to finish his own climax. Silco holds Viktor close as he cums, reminding Viktor how perfect and good he is.
Because Viktor lasted longer at the gala than Silco had expected.
His boy was always exceeding expectations, magnificent as he is.
Arch + Woods
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andersonsgf · 4 hours ago
i LOVE modern roommate!abby 🥹
could we get more about them spending time together? like going to the gym, or abby becoming more interested in reader’s nerdy hobbies?
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modern roommate!abby
aa thank you im so glad youre enjoying it! very much enjoyed writing this series link
requests are still open for this series, and if anyone wants to be part of a taglist for it lmk :)
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modern roommate!abby was a sucker for doing anything and everything with you. she needed to pick up some ingredients for tomorrow? she would definitely ask you to be a passenger princess for that five minute car ride, even if you were in your pyjamas already. sure, the fact that you two live together and date meant there was a tricky little line that hovered on codependency but it was managed well even with abby dragging you around everywhere. she'd go to mannys for the evening a couple of times a week, and you'd take yourself on little shopping walks around the city. it worked.
there were plenty of activities that you and modern roommate!abby had in common: going to the gym, hiking, late night drives, reading. fuck, you and abby had a lot of books. the equivalent of 'moving in together' was when you and abby combined your solo book collections into one big communal bookshelf. now that was commitment. working out together was abbys favourite thing though, the gym was definitely her happy place, where she felt most confident, felt the most at home in her skin. and you there too, practically drooling at watching her bench? that made her feel ten times more happy.
abbys pr for the bench press was 92.5 kilos, which you thought was simply fucking insane. what you thought was even more insane was that abby always asked you to spot her. of course you said yes, but you would always stare down at her whilst she did it with your nose scrunched knowing that you being the spotter meant a trip to the hospital for abby if she did fail her set. "you do realise that you're asking me to like... bicep curl or upright row 90 kilos if you fail, right?", you said to her one time as she sat up on the bench.
"i'm not gonna fail".
her attitude made you laugh a little, if she was going for new pr's then there could very well be a time where she can't finish the set. and you were supposed to be the thing between her and the barbell crushing her neck? "no but genuinely what happens if you can't get it up?".
abby snorted and stood up to take some of the weights off ready for your turn. "that's what she said".
"oh you are foul", you grumbled a little and lay on the bench, ready to do your lighter, yet respectable 30 kilo push. abby simply did that adorable shit eating grin in response before locking in when you started your sets. that 30 could still do a lot of damage if it dropped on your head.
modern roommate!abby earned more than you. it was a known fact. she had a full time job plus a second income from her rugby sponsors. you worked more than part time but not quite full time, enough to pay your half of the high seattle apartment rent prices, but still not enough to buy everything on your wishlists. which is where abby came in with her giant heart, and hungry eyes. gym clothes were expensive. and they were kind of non-negotiable, the cheaper gear never quite fit properly, always having weird baggy areas that you hated.
it didn't take long when you started dating for new gym sets to appear in your room, nicely folded with a piece of candy on top. she got them for you to see you smile, see how happy and confident you were in the gym when wearing clothes that felt comfortable and, in both of your opinions, made you look good. she also straight up just liked gawking at you in them though. you're her girlfriend, she finds you attractive, sue her.
she still vividly remembers the image of you in a new workout tank top she got you, watching you wear it on the assisted pull up machine, the muscles you'd been toning up on your back were a sight for sore eyes with that shirt. her cheeks had puffed out as she blew air out. man did she love working out with you.
that truly was secondary when it came to just being at the gym with you in general though. it really was just nice sharing that space with you, celebrating each others wins, pushing each other to do more even if your heart wasn't in it that day. she felt like she had her own little team. she really loved that team.
that being said, modern roommate!abby didn't really understand a lot of your other interests. she wasn't keen on video games at all. one of her mates back in college was obsessed with them. whitney always had her old psvita to hand and the incessant little noises that played from them grated her to no end. she could hear similar noises coming from your room a lot, you were an absolute fiend for playing games when you should be sleeping, or straight up playing them for 8 hours straight on a day off.
she didn't know what to expect with the genre of games you played. in all honesty they were kind of all the same to her. it took weeks to bring her around and get her to at least acknowledge that many games were vastly different. it then took another few weeks to get her to sit down and watch you play some games.
it was surprisingly successful. she still was adamant that she would never play any herself, but she enjoyed watching you. enjoyed watching you get excited at completing different things, levelling up, explaining story lore. she really got into some of the story games you played, looking genuinely shocked at the uncharted 4 twist, and she liked watching you swing around the open world new york in the spiderman games.
the first cozy game you showed her was spiritfarer. at first she was bored without the same action that story games had, but once again she was soon won over when she realised how great they were to play late at night. how it soon became satisfying to see the mini stories in the game progress, the little tasks you had to do, gathering resources. stanley ended up being her favourite spirit, claiming that she didn't "normally like mushroom themed things but he was an exception". you laughed at that one. abby was tough as nails but she was full of random bullshit like that.
then you whipped out the second "cozy" game. stardew valley. she looked more confused than ever when you pulled out your laptop too, pulling up a series of spreadsheets. "what the fuck is that for?".
she full belly laughed when you showed her your little pixel farm and explained that all the spreadsheets were for your farm efficiency and keeping track of pelican town relationships. "that's so much effort for what? virtual farming?". she was soon eating her words though when her eyes had practically gone square from intently watching you play for five hours straight into the early hours of the morning, half a litre of cola missing from the giant bottle in her hand.
you giggled slightly when finally finishing for the night as you had to basically drag her away from the sofa, reminding her about the morning training session she planned that she was now already tempted to skip to try and start her own farm.
you promised to buy a second controller for a co-op farm tomorrow.
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darkfictionjude · 2 days ago
I just read EC and it was quite interesting!
Very happy that my "natural choice" indeed leads to the path where Luce doesn't get kidnapped, since it means I can play fully organically (really wanted to avoid that specific path like I mentionned in a previous ask)! Funnily enough though, I struggled with the choice to respond to Dante or not, and in the end I went with the option to do so. I'm curious how it'll affect the beginning on the next chapter, with Luce having fainted due to the injury but still not kidnapped.
Very happy about the ability to have a "fully artsy" Luce, with the option to study art and to be into rock and roll. Sort of makes it an even more inadequate person for everything that will happen, except maybe to have a good visual memory and be able to draw maps or portraits for stuff and what not.
That aside, I'm so SO happy with the fact we can decide if Luce is in love with Sam or not. Considering if it isn't the case it was all because of dad dearest, it makes it even more delicious to have Lazlo as the chosen RO, with what Antonio thinks of THAT. Extra points for my Luce being a cis man - make it one more layer of messy.
By the way, was it always planned for us to be able to decide if our Luce is in love with Sam or not? I was under the impression them being in love with Sam at the start was canon, and now I'm wondering if I dreamed it up (especially considering Sam is always the opposite gender of Luce's agab) or if it's indeed a change from prior plans that you could have mentionned.
And finally... damn it was hate at first sight for Dante haha! Not saying this as a bad thing since I think he's interesting, and the kind of character I "love to hate" - as in, he makes a compelling villain to me. I think it's quite interesting that I was given the option to chose if my Luce regretted not kissing him. Considering my playthrough I obviously picked "no", though part of me is curious as to why an amab Luce would feel regret over not kissing Dante if they didn't do so, since Dante didn't want to kiss them to begin with (I assume with afab Luces, Dante wants to kiss THEM, right?).
Anyway, all in all I'm very intrigued, though upset at the cliffhanger! Really excited for the next chapter!
Yeah it was always the plan for Luce’s relationship to Sam to include optional feelings. Especially given what Sam ends up doing. I also thought since unless I make an MC bisexual, I can’t very well have a gay Luce love Sam who’s the opposite gender
Honestly I have to go back and look at that code for amab Luce haha it shouldn’t say that specifically or as I am prone to do I might’ve accidentally deleted what it was supposed to say, ugh thanks for telling me tho
Glad you liked it!
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serickswrites · 8 hours ago
Eyes Like Fire XIII
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Warnings: destruction, self sacrifice
"No, no, Villain, wake up! Wake up!" Hero called as they rushed to Villain's side, Villain's hellhound on their heels.
The little fires around Villain had gone out. All the flames in the area had gone out. It was as though anything that was flame was controlled by Villain and it had all gone out. "Come on, come on," Hero muttered as they dropped to their knees next to Villain's body.
Villain didn't stir.
Hero carefully rolled Villain onto their back. Villain's body rolled limply, offering no resistance to Hero's touch. The hellhound whined and licked Villain's face. But Villain didn't respond.
They lay there, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, completely unmoving. "Come on, Villain. Open your eyes. Say something."
But Villain didn't respond.
Hero tried to feel for a pulse. Did demons even have pulses? They cursed themself for not paying more attention in their demonology class. Villain was pulseless. Whether that was an always thing or a right now thing, Hero wasn't sure. But it wasn't good.
"Please, Villain. I need you to say something. I order you to open your eyes and speak."
Villain didn't wake.
The hellhound whined again and licked Villain's cheek aggressively. "Hey, gentle with them," Hero chided. They weren't sure if the hound would hurt Villain's possessed body or not. But they weren't going to take any chances.
The hound gave two weak barks. Hero watched in horror as they watched the hound fade away. Hero knew that could mean one thing and one thing only: the link between this plane and the hell plane had been severed. Permanently.
"Oh, Villain," Hero said with a sob, realizing what Villain had done. Villain had given their life to seal the gates to Hell. Supervillain, and all the demons they ruled over, had been stopped for good.
"I am so sorry I wasn't there to help you," Hero whispered as they closed their eyes against the tears that were flowing down their face. "I wish we had more time together. I'm...I'm sorry I tried to exorcise you. I didn't know. I....I wish we had more time, Villain. You're not that bad, for a demon. I am sorry. I'm sorry I failed you," Hero sniffed, "but I'll be sure you get a nice burial. A hero's burial."
"I would hate that. I don't want to be buried alive," Villain's weak voice came.
Hero wrenched open their eyes. "Villain! You're alive!"
Villain blinked up at Hero, their fiery eyes dimmer than before. "Course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"
"When your hellhound faded away I thought that meant you were dead, too, and you had faded from this body." How was Villain alive? How was this possible?
Villain looked sad for a moment. "Hell beings can't exist on this plane for long once the gates to Hell were closed. I'm sad I didn't get to say goodbye."
Villain sat up quickly. They listed sideways and Hero caught them. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah....I....I'm just not used to being like this." Villain swallowed and leaned on Hero.
"Like what?" Hero didn't know what Villain was saying.
"Human." Villain's voice was so soft and distant, Hero was sure they had misheard Villain.
"How are you--"
"I gave up my divinity to close the gates. Supervillain and all hellspawn will no longer roam this plane."
"So why are you still here? And did you say divinity?" Hero said incredulously.
"I chose to stay with you, Hero. I could have gone back to where I was before I landed in Hell. But I chose to stay here. With you." Villain smiled up at Hero, glad they made the choice to stay with the more than human that was easy on the eyes. "And yes, I did say divinity. No, I won't be taking questions on that matter for now."
Hero nodded. They had plenty of time to ask Villain about everything. But for now they just wanted to go home. "What do you say we both go home?"
Villain's grin grew, their fiery gaze growing a little brighter. "Home. That sounds nice. It's been a long time since I've had a home."
Tags: @wankusbonkus @st0rmm @pigeonwhumps @eyehartart @sowhumpful
@mousepaw @jumpywhumpywriter @knightinbatteredarmor @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 @anightmarishwhump
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @celestialsoyeon @ay5ksal @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe @pepeniascat
@fireandpapercuts @seagulleater @genuinelythioehat-is-whump
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deadbeatbirdmom · 1 day ago
I didn't think I'd manage to write anything for Bumbleby Week this year. I'm glad I was wrong, and have something to tag @bumblebyweek-blog with.
This is also a sneak peek of a little over 600 words from the next chapter of my fic for last year's Bumbleby Week, The Baby Plot. That's why this is being posted here but not to AO3 yet. That'll wait until I finish the chapter.
There's not really anything I consider to be spoilers for Baby Plot. Only minor ones if any. The fic itself is hard Mature rated, but this snippet is Teen at most.
Day 1: Past & Future / Imagining A Future With You
Yang sighed heavily, absentmindedly stroking the Bumblebaby bump. It became more of a conscious movement to soothe the wriggler within when she felt movement.
“Something wrong?” Blake asked, setting their drinks down on the coffee table before sitting next to Yang.
“Just thinking.”
“Oh? Lien for your thoughts.”
Yang raised an eyebrow. “They’re worth that much?”
“They are to me. If you want to talk, I want to hear it.” Blake gave her an encouraging smile.
“My birthday had me thinking… I’m twenty nine now, and my future is so different to what I thought it would be this time last year. Because of this,” Yang patted her bump. “I know we planned to have kids eventually, I just… I didn’t realise that would mean being benched as a huntress.”
“Nor did I, but that last mission of mine was a nasty wake up call.”
Yang shivered. She took Blake’s hand and tried not to squeeze as hard as she felt she needed to. “Yeah. We can’t risk that sort of thing going wrong again. Not until our kid doesn’t need us. So, yeah, I was thinking about how much things have changed.”
“That was what made you sigh like that?”
Yang sighed again. “What was I, seventeen or eighteen when Doctor Oobleck asked why I wanted to be a huntress? I thought I wanted adventure, and saving people was a nice bonus.”
“Oh Yang…” Blake kissed her. “By the time we were reunited in Haven it was clear to me you weren’t in it just for the adventure any more. You were there because you wanted to support your friends, and protect people. Your actions prove that whether you’re benched or not, you’re a true huntress. Adventure became the bonus, saving people became your goal.”
“I know.” Yang kissed her back, a quick but affectionate peck. “I just… What’s my goal now? Besides do my best to raise our Bumblebaby. Sure, I knew I wanted kids, but I want to be more than ‘just’ a mother. But being an active huntress isn’t something either of us can be. Not yet. So what do I do after maternity leave is over? Until I can be a huntress again, I mean.”
“If you want to save people, then there’s always search and rescue. It’s safer than being a huntress. Or you could join me in the White Fang. That offer’s always open.” Blake cleared her throat. “No pressure, but it might fit better with having a kid around. The Fang’s been a safe place to have kids around ever since my parents and Ilia took charge.”
“Doesn’t it sometimes get violent?” Yang winced, but she had to ask.
“Rarely these days.” Blake shrugged. “If it does, then kids are protected. It’s still a lot safer than taking kids on huntress missions would be. Besides, having kids around makes bigots think twice; it makes them look bad, although that’s not why the Fang welcomes kids. That would be because it makes childcare far more affordable for faunus.”
Yang nodded slowly. “That makes sense. And I guess I could help with security…”
“That you could. But neither of us needs to worry about working until the baby is older, maybe even weaned if my parents have their way.” Blake kissed her again. “Whatever we do, it’ll be better if we’re together. I don’t mean to put any pressure on you—”
Yang chuckled. “No pressure, I know. Don’t worry: I want to be with you too, we’ve been working together as partners within a team of huntresses for over a decade. Whatever the future brings, I want to face it with you.”
Blake beamed. “Together.”
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azaharinflames · 1 day ago
I was genuinely shocked to see the scene in 811 where the two characters kissed and took off their clothes. OS and Lou's acting was great, but more than that, I was surprised that such a scene appeared in 9-1-1.
Did any couple in the OG version have a scene like that? I always thought 9-1-1 portrayed such moments in a rather subtle way. But the way they presented it this time felt confusing. If they are broken up and not a couple that will eventually reunite, was it really necessary to frame it like that?
Since 806, I've been watching with a cautious and skeptical perspective. But for a GA who doesn’t follow any interviews, just based on the story being told right now, it seems obvious that these two will end up together. Of course, the fact that this is 9-1-1 under Tim’s direction is the tricky part.
Hi, Nonnie!
Same, ngl. I fully expected an insinuation and perhaps a fade-to-black, and then the morning after. But I am very glad with what we've got, and the episode's ratings have, thankfully, been very positive, so maybe ABC takes some notes.
Also, it's been a long time since we had anything close to that. Athena had some steamy scenes in the first season, and Henren had a really great scene as well, but since then? Not that I recall. Madney hooking up in Season 6 had the fakest kiss of all time, and they didn't even kiss when getting engaged. This was definitely the first time in a while that we got a hot scene like this.
Was this necessary? Well, let me ask you - was 805 necessary? When they were breaking up an episode later? Well, Nonnie - the answer is: not necessary, unless it has a specific use.
And by this I mean - it wouldn't have been necessary, and in my opinion, wouldn't have existed, if they didn't want the GA to care about Bucktommy. As it is, people are now invested and want to see if these two crazy kids can finally figure things out.
So - do the other couples need scenes like we got in 811? Not really. Because they have already been established, therefore the audience knows the implication of a fade-to-black or an insinuation. With Bucktommy sure, they knew, but now they have something that further proves it and makes them care. Do I make sense?
If I was a member of the GA I would fully expect for Buck and Tommy to get back together. Writing's on the wall and all that. We're all (understandably) skeptic and untrustful about it because of Tim, but, objetciely? Unless they pull a 180 - this is couple on the road to reconciliation 1.0.
My inbox is open for ranting, venting, giving your opinion (unpopular or popular, I'm happy to receive and discuss both), and even confessions! Though if you don't want yours posted, please make sure to say :)
Take care <3
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jtl07 · 4 hours ago
JT happy to see you friend! my prompt is — bea giving ava a massage and the halo some TLC :)
oh gosh thanks for waiting for this one! this was such a lovely prompt, i'm so glad to close out this round of shenanigans with this <3 thanks for sending this in!
For Ava, sometimes it's the "okay" days that can be the most difficult to deal with. 
She knows that every day can't be amazing, that no, she's not wasting the gift she's been given by living life "normally" - that normal is a gift when you've died and come back to life several times over. 
And yet.
There are days when the sun is shining and all she feels is okay. Nothing aches, there's nothing on fire - literally or figuratively - but there also isn't anything of note to look forward to. Not that she isn't grateful, not that she doesn't still love the life she has, that they've built together. 
It's just ... okay.
Get up and brush her teeth and eat breakfast okay. Ignore her daily crossword and sit at the window and watch without watching okay. Spend the afternoon drifting in a haze of memories and half-thoughts and clenching her trembling fists okay. 
It takes a moment for Ava to surface from her mind, finds that the energy she needs to smile at Beatrice just isn't there. But that's fine too: Beatrice smiles for her. 
She holds up a bottle of lotion. "This came in today. I was wondering if you'd like to try it." 
Ava squints at the label. Ah - remembers lounging on the couch with Beatrice, eagerly coaxing Beatrice into doing an at-home spa day, complete with bath bombs and face masks and, of course, lingerie. They'd gotten distracted from their online shopping, of course, but apparently Beatrice had taken her request seriously; just as she always does.  
Ava lifts her shoulder in a rough approximation of a shrug. "It doesn't have to be today. I'm not in any pain." 
Beatrice steps closer, eyes soft. "You don't have to be in pain to be cared for, Ava." She holds out her hand, palm up in offering. "Will you let me?" 
Ava has no words for this, for the way Beatrice looks at her, the way her heart aches against her chest, as if it would tumble out into Beatrice's hand if it could; knows it would be safe there. 
"Okay," Ava manages to whisper; takes Beatrice's hand. 
Ava drifts. It's okay. 
The combination of Beatrice's touch and the warmth of the lotion is enough to lull Ava into a light doze, one where she's still aware of Beatrice kneeling behind her, of the way her hands trace along old scars and press into tight muscles. 
So she notices when Beatrice pauses every now and then, pressing her hands flat against her body, followed by her lips and a murmur that sounds familiar. When Beatrice pauses at Ava's shoulder, she finally asks, "Are you praying? 
Hears Beatrice hum. "Expressing my gratitude," she says, her hands sliding down Ava's back, her waist, down to her calves. "For bringing you home, for carrying you day after day." Feels Beatrice pause at the back of her thigh, feels her lips press and linger, recognizes the shape they take against Ava's skin: thank you.
Ava breathes in deep; echoes it in her mind as she drifts again. 
She wakes to the feeling of Beatrice's fingers tracing the halo, feels the halo's warmth chasing after them, giddy and electric. Ava smiles to herself and thinks: I know the feeling. 
Ava stays as still as she can, listening to Beatrice's hums of amusement as her tracing changes speeds, changes directions, changes patterns. All the while, the halo follows - if it could, Ava knows it would be laughing. 
She lets the moment sink in - the warmth that surrounds her, the home they live in, the love of her life at her side; a life she loves. Feels a wellspring of her own gratitude rise up, a tide near overwhelming as she thinks of all she has, all she's been given, all because of the miracle in her back, that chose her, has fought for her, that loves this life as much as she does. 
Ava opens her eyes when she hears Beatrice gasp. Sees the room bathed in the halo's golden light.
She smiles and thinks: I love you too. 
The light dims after a few beats, leaves a quiet wonder in its wake. Ava shifts to reach back and take Beatrice's hand. Presses a kiss into her palm. Hears Beatrice let out a content sigh before shifting to lay down next to her. 
Ava's eyes trace over Beatrice's smile, let's herself drift once more. 
It's okay. 
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otienosdatieno · 3 days ago
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I have really missed the feeling...
I have a dream. It flickers on and off sometimes. There are days I wake up feeling fullfilled. Other days? Well, nonplussed. As a kid, I used to imagine—a lot of things. Lately, I have been thinking of the details and my heart breaks every time (partly because I do not have the childlike delusion of believing everything is possible anymore) I do. I want to feel like a superhero again (spider man's control and batman with his feast). I want to notice when tea burns my lips—again. I know it didn't get any cold. I just hardened myself until I couldn't feel anymore. I want to cut my food into tiny pieces—again.
I have really missed the feeling of wearing my favourite outfits to church. Maybe it's just me but church doesn't feel the same anymore. Like when we used to wake up so early and hurry up so we could get a seat. Church used to be a whole congregation. Min Toti would usher us in and children would leave seats for the adults anyway. Church used to be so packed. Balloons of weddings that normally happened on Saturday would lighten up the room as if to confirm Jesus is indeed, the way and the light. Stickers of 'who weds who' would make me want to get married one day. Min Gabbie (my step mum) would make sure I pertake in the holly communion. I would sock the sacrament with saliva—I didn't want to chew the body of christ(that would be pain to the most high,so I thought). That's not it anymore. Mostly, I'm always waiting for the mass to end because I'm in the midst of strangers (I'm sorry). Maybe, I missed out on the whole point of church. Still, I want to feel it —again.
The excitement of visiting new places. I want to drink my grandmother's magira only that she already passed way. I miss her a lot but that's partly besides the point. Listen, do you know I still watch spongebob? At 21? It hurts mostly when I watch. Not that Patrick is no longer my favourite. Thing is, I miss the remote fights with my siblings. I miss how we used to laugh until it hurts. I want to get annoyed at the numerous reminders that would pop and switch channels. We used to watch TMNT and Bob The Builder. I want to shout (can we fix it!) and hear Gabbie (my brother) shout (YES WE CAN!).
I want my father to lift me from the ground and make goofy sounds as he throws me in the air.
I miss the feeling of christmas. It just doesn't feel the same anymore (I'm sorry Jesus,how dare I!). Mum would style my hair with chemical and buy us new clothes. Fidel (my brother) would stay in the kitchen whole time and count the chapati-rolls from the dough. Dad would sit in his couch (it was his couch). Food would be served and I miss saying— when I grow up I'll eat a whole 'superdrum' of chips. Mum would smile and say that's impossible. I would sharply interject—it's possible. Now that I confirmed, it's impossible, it's not the fact that I can't tell mum because she passed away that hurts me the most. Maybe they were right—It's the thought that counts.
Nobody is stopping me from doing these things. Infact, if I wanted to, I would do them all over again and again. Doing and feeling are very different. I know you know as much as I do. But I digress.
I have been looking for myself. I have been hopping, stepping and jumping. There goes another memory. Anyhoo, welcome to my world. I hope we connect through the words of my writing. I am hoping to find myself. I'm glad I found you in the process. I want to step into the universe, literally. I have been reading books. I've been looking in the shelves—for myslelf. I want to connect with you all. The world is filled with talented, educated, and beautiful people. We meet them everyday. They are all around us. You are them.
I decided to finally come to a conclusion that I am and will forever be writing for the world to the world. I hope, we connect. Through the words of my writings. Let's jump into this❤️✌️
With love,
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marielle555 · 5 hours ago
There is not a single line in that scene, which a normal loving person would say. This is not an RPG. These lines gave me a concrete facepalm when I saw them in the first playthrough. It's sad to see such a set of lines in a AAA RPG, it's low quality writing. That scene is deliberately done that way, to make the player look like a “sexualizer” and give a “feel bad ending”. “Admitting that you failed to think of him beyond a sex object” is achieved by the author by using extremely negative lines for the player. It's as if the author thought that simply enforcing the “I want your body” line was enough to make the player's motivation real. Because for the whole “sexualization” thing, they also needed to “write” a player suitable for the story. With the classic approach to RPG game writing, such a story wouldn't be possible.
On the Larian forum, players created a thread asking to change the lines in this scene. Just to give you an example of what the players suggested:
“I'm happy is over and you finally get to live again!"
 "I'm happy that you are free, and is enough for me to be by your side".
'Now I just want to get rid of the tadpoles' - Astarion could say: 'That's the next step, of course. Thanks to the ritual our chances of survival have grown exponentially... And they still can grow further. You could become something more as well, my dear. One little bite...'
"I want to be with you' - Astarion could say: 'Darling, that's exactly what I want as well. To be with you, always. And I have the means to make it a beautiful reality. We could be together for an eternity...'
'You don't have to do anything for me, I'm just glad he won't bother us anymore and we can relax now. We're finally free of him.' - Astarion could say: 'Oh my dear, you truly are the sweetest. We are free, yes, and we'll never have to worry about it anymore. Just like I never have to fear anyone again... so can you become stronger and see all your foes fall before you. You could be so much more..."
'I think we should toast to our victory. I've been saving a bottle just for the occasion.' - Astarion could say: 'You are just so adorable. You even thought of that... awww. We'll do it eventually of course. But don't you want this night to be truly memorable and one of a kind? You could become mine forever...'
'We could go for a midnight stroll in some dark alleys and look for trouble. Not like I'll have to worry about getting hurt with a mighty vampire lord by my side.' - Astarion could say: 'Haha, what a delightful idea, we should definitely do it one night. You could actually become untouchable yourself, you know. I can make it happen... You could join me in immortality and be mine forever...'
'I just want to be with you my love'.
Nicolean Complex:
"I just want to be with you"
My five cents:
"You're free! You feel alive again! You've had your revenge and you've gotten everything you deserve - all the joys of life are open to you, and they're yours. Can there be a greater reward for me than this?"
Just for comparison, what did people, ordinary players, write and what did the author write?
Fortunately, there is a good mod: “Astarion Post Ascension Dialogue Fix”. The author of the mod did a much better job of writing lines for Tav (in particular the line about wanting to become a vampire is: “I want to be with you forever. Make me a vampire, like you.” - which is exactly what it should sound like, to become a vampire for the sake of being together, not as if Tav helped Astarion solely for the sake of becoming a vampire themselves). I prefer to use this mod in my playthroughs.
How I hate Tav/Dark Urge's lines after the ritual. Several rails to choose from, on which they offer you to ride: "I want your body / I want to use you to become a vampire," or creating conflict out of nowhere. Is this an RPG? For heaven's sake, he called you "pet" before. I can definitely feel how I'm being manipulated, but the manipulator turns out to be the writer themself, making sure I don't stray from the path they've set.
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months ago
I read your post about if nightmare gives up his boys & my heart was aching so badly ;w;
Dadmare want what's best for his boys 😭
He does!! As much as he hates to admit it, they mean the world to him and he wants them all to be happy. Not only because of what they've done for him in helping him not hate the world anymore, but after all they've been through themselves.
Even if it meant he wouldn't see them anymore, he couldn't stand the idea that he was hurting them by keeping them trapped with him y'know? If you love somebody you have to let them go and be free. But also, maybe he could come and visit sometimes if they moved out? Or they could visit him? Please 🥺
Thankfully it doesn't come to that though, they like staying outside the castle sometimes for a little break but none of them plan on leaving, it's what they all consider home <3
Or, as Dust would put it if Nightmare asked, "we haven't paid rent in like 6 years, what kind of idiot would move out??"
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respectfulrebel · 2 days ago
The moment I saw the title and the song choice I knew this would hurt 😭
It started so fun and silly and then…
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"Yeah, last time we saw him he was with a group of freshmen telling them, and I quote "The best secret places to jerk off in this house where no one can catch you."
Jesus loool I feel like that’s something real Noah could have said in his twitch days lol
"Give me your car keys." you reached out your hand, but instead of doing what you said, he high fived your palm with his.
So silly 😂😂 I love him
"What?" you asked.
"You're my friend."
"I am."
"And I like you."
"I like you too Noah, you're my friend too."
🥺🥺🥺🥺 he is so soft when he’s drunk
Every time he looked more drunk and every time he walked through the main room he made silly faces at you.
I can just imagine him wobbling around sticking his tongue out to her or crossing his eyes 🥺😭 such a goof
The group around him hyped him up and he started to lift his t-shirt while doing something that should've probably been the dancing part.
Oh, Noah… 😂 he would regret this in the morning
"Be gentle. I'm always gentle with you." he said, offended by the way you were handling his body.
Ohh stooooop 😭😭😭
"Kids can't drink alcohol Ella."
"Yeah, maybe you shouldn't too."
"That's rude."
I love their banter 🥺
"It's getting close to Christmas." was his answer that cut you off.
Ohh boy, here we go… *getting my tissues ready*
I always saw it on my grandmother's face how sorry she felt for me. Poor kid without parents. I don't blame them, they did their best. It wasn't them who ruined my life." he scoffed and you saw his father's face when you closed your eyes.
Oh my god 😭😭😭 baby nooo 😭😭😭
"When they died and it was just me, I felt happy for the fucking first time on Christmas. They didn't have to set up everything for me anymore and spend all their money on gifts for me. I felt free." his voice cracked at the end and you felt a teardrop on your skin where your t-shirt has ridden up.
WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS???? 😭😭😭 that broke me what the fuck 😭😭😭😭
Her last words before she died were "I'm sorry Noah, I'm sorry we couldn't give you a better life." and I fucking hate that. It wasn't her who should've given me a better life. It wasn't her fault that they didn't want me."
Sttoooooooooopp 😭😭😭😭😭
"But I'm not okay Ella, I'm fucking broken. You shouldn't be here, you should be somewhere else with someone else who can give you more than me."
Poor baby 😭😭😭😭 I’m so glad he has Ella to care for him and trust in him, because she won’t let him down like his parents did 😭😭 right????? Right????????? 😭😭😭😭
"I was thinking a million thoughts a second, but I knew that if the test would be positive and you'd want to keep it that l'd do it with you. I'd never leave my kid."
He’s nothing like this parents, and just the fact that he is afraid of being like them means he won’t ever be, just like Ella said 😭😭😭
His body was shaking from sobbing so hard and you did everything you could to calm him down. You kept rubbing his back and whispering sweet reassurances in his ear, but he wasn't there with you.
He’s been through so much, he doesn’t deserve all this pain, why are you doing this to himmm 😭😭😭
"You have me now Noah, you'll always have me okay? You're not alone." you lifted his head from your chest, his red and tired eyes looking at you with lots of unspoken words.
He’s not alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love them so much 😭😭😭
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broken, you know that I've always been
Pairing: frat boy Noah x female reader
reader has a name (Ella Thompson, but the story is written in 'your' POV)
Warnings: 18+ MDNI / alcohol consumption / drunk male character / mentions of death and thinking of lost family members / child abandonment / let me know if there's anything else
Words: 4k
Author's note: so I'm just gonna leave this here and sleep off my hangover, hope you won't hate me much when I come back haha🥹
frat boy Noah masterlist
‼️ This story is a work of fiction, the plot and characters entirely made up. The appearance and name of the main male character are inspired by Noah Sebastian Davis, but the storyline bears no connection to the real person. The character's history, personality, and actions are entirely fictional and do not reflect the life or experiences of the real person.
“What if I get wasted tonight”
Noah’s message lit up your phone. You were currently in your biology class, not really paying attention.
“Are you asking me for permission or what?”
“Do you see a question mark in that message?”
“Then why are you telling me?”
“Just making sure you won’t get mad”
“Why tf would I get mad Noah?”
“Because that means no sex tonight”
“Worst day of my life then”
“Shut up”
“But I do need something from you”
“I’m staying at the frat house after school, but I drove here. Will you drive me home tonight?”
“Are you seriously letting me drive your stupid expensive car because you wanna get shit faced?”
“Amazing, that’s better than sex. Looking forward to being your chauffeur tonight.”
What you didn’t know was that those were Noah’s last sober words for today.
Knowing that you’re not going to drink any alcohol tonight and will end up as Noah’s babysitter, you went to the library after your last class and continued with your school work.
Before you even knew it, it was 6PM and you had missed calls and texts from the group chat.
Molly: Ella where are you? You’re gonna be late
Clara: We’re having pre drinks, come home asap or there won’t be any left for you
Molly: We’re leaving in an hour!!
Molly’s last message was sent an hour and half ago, meaning they’re already at the frat house. You sent them a quick “I’ll come later.” message and started packing your things.
Back at your dorm you considered not going out tonight and just wait until a drunk Noah calls you to pick him up. You were not in a mood for a party tonight, let alone sober one.
Molly: Your boy is getting wild tonight!
Molly: Get your ass over here or we’re gonna come for you
You rolled your eyes at Molly’s messages. The worst part was that they would really come back just to drag you to the house full of people.
You pulled the first clothes out of your wardrobe, 100% sure that if there would be a contest for the most boring outfit you’d win tonight.
But grey loose jeans, basic black t-shirt and a hoodie was your choice tonight.
As you dragged yourself over to the frat house, as slowly as you could, your phone buzzed again in your pocket and you were ready to throw it away if it was another message from Molly. But it wasn’t.
Noah: ae you conihg togt.,?
You stopped walking and focused on the words on your display. He was wasted and it wasn’t even 10PM.
“I’m on my way.” you quickly replied and continued walking in the direction of your today’s nightmare.
As you were closer and closer, you could hear the loud music and soon enough you also saw people in front of the house with red plastic cups in a few different groups.
You avoided all of them, making your way straight for the main door.
The inside of the house was even louder and packed with people. You scanned the room without a care if you’re going to find Noah or your friends first.
“Here you are!” Clara hugged you from behind and yelled in your ear.
“What took you so long?” Molly asked and then eyed your outfit, “And what the hell are you wearing?”
“You look very nice today too Molly.” you shot her a sarcastic smile, “I’m not drinking tonight and I’m not even in a mood to be here. I promised Noah that I’m gonna drive him to his place in his car so he can drink tonight.”
“Cute.” Molly and her annoying comments.
“Shut up. Have you seen him?” you continued searching for him behind your friends.
“Yeah, last time we saw him he was with a group of freshmen telling them, and I quote “The best secret places to jerk off in this house where no one can catch you.””
“Oh god.” you rolled your eyes. Something like that was so out of character for sober Noah. “I’m gonna try to find him and then I’ll come back.”
You didn’t wait for their answer and started walking through every room on the ground floor, but with no luck.
You tried the first floor and also the backyard, but there was no sight of Noah. Well, if he was hiding in any of his secret spots there’s no way you’ll find him.
You went to the last place you could think of, your place.
No sight of Noah again.
You sat on one of the swings and took out your phone. You started typing a message for Noah that said “Our place right now.”, keeping it short and simple so his drunk eyes could read it.
You didn’t expect any answer, so you were surprised he managed to send you “Pk” back, hoping it was meant to be Ok and not anything else.
After a few more minutes of swinging and scrolling through your phone you heard heavy and unsteady steps coming towards you.
“Hi!” a hiccup, “I was scared that you, you wouldn’t come.” he stopped in front of you, but only for a second before the spinning inside his head sent him to the right.
“My god Noah sit down.” you guided him to an old bench and watched him fall on his ass.
“You’re the best!” he pointed at you and you heard another hiccup.
“Give me your car keys.” you reached out your hand, but instead of doing what you said, he high fived your palm with his. “Noah, give me your car keys before you lose them.” you were trying to be reasonable with him, but he wasn’t getting it.
“You have to find them.” he said with a smirk.
“Did you lose them already?” you asked in shock, the idea of you and him trying to find them sending you into a coma.
“No, no, no, no.” he leaned back against the back of the bench and with a smirk on his face said, “I have them on me, but if you want them, you have to find them.”
“I’m not trying to flirt with you Noah, give me the keys.”
“Mhmhm.” he nodded his head no and your patience started running out.
“Okay.” your hands went for his front pockets, touching them with your palm over the fabric. You only felt his phone there. “Stand up.”
“Bossy.” he chuckled to himself, but followed your orders.
You did the same with his back pockets and found his wallet and the car keys. When you were taking them out of the stuffed pocket you heard him say “I like it when you touch my ass.”
“Oh I’m so telling you that tomorrow morning.” you let out a laugh for the first time tonight.
You used your pointer finger and poked his chest and he was back on his ass. He was looking up at you with a big smile.
“What?” you asked.
“You’re my friend.”
“I am.”
“And I like you.”
“I like you too Noah, you’re my friend too.”
Something in his face changed, the smile was still there, but his eyes turned sad.
He was thankful to have you in his life, but it reminded him that not everyone always cared about him like you do.
“Are you okay?” you asked him when he didn’t speak up again.
“That’s not very convincing.” you whispered and reached out to push his hair out of his face. “Why are you drinking like that tonight?”
“I felt like it.” another hiccup. His answer was quick and something in the tone of his voice told you that you’re not going to get more out of him.
“Okay, but be careful and don’t do anything stupid okay?” you pulled him up from the bench by his hands and he kept holding them to stabilize himself.
“Yes captain.” he booped your nose and together you started walking towards the door that led you back inside.
You sent Noah off to his friends and went to find yours too.
Thankfully that was easy, they were where you left them before you went to find Noah.
You didn’t like being the sober one in a house full of drunk people. It made you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.
You and the girls found a quiet corner and after a few more comments from Molly about you not drinking tonight you fell into a nice conversation.
You saw Noah a few times throughout the night, but he was mostly outside or with his friends in Matt’s room. Every time he looked more drunk and every time he walked through the main room he made silly faces at you.
You were thinking you’re never going to leave, because despite the amount of alcohol he had in his system, Noah didn’t look like he was leaving any time soon.
You didn’t even know that he was back downstairs since the last time you saw him go to Matt’s room with more beers, but suddenly he was on the kitchen table with a group of people around him.
They were chanting “Noah! Noah!” and something told you that you should get over there to find out what was happening.
“What is he doing?” you asked Nick when you reached the group.
“He picked a dare.”
“Dare to do what?”
“Do a shirtless dance on a table.” Nick said it as if it was an obvious fact and continued to watch Noah’s show.
You didn’t know if you should take a video so you could use it against him later or get him down before he stumbles over his own feet and falls down.
The group around him hyped him up and he started to lift his t-shirt while doing something that should've probably been the dancing part.
He threw his t-shirt to his friends and his toned and tattooed chest was on full display for everyone.
You looked around you and saw girls from different years, looking at him with hungry eyes. They shouldn’t look at him like that, they shouldn’t even see him like that.
Your eyes found Noah again, his hips were now moving in a weird way and he was singing the song that he chose for his performance.
He must be pretty drunk, because he wouldn’t do this even after a few beers on a normal occasion.
When you saw him catch his balance at the last minute before he almost fell from the table, you pushed your way through the group of people and yelled “Show's over!”
You got to the table and saw Noah jump on his friends. They caught him, but you stopped breathing for a second.
“We’re leaving.” you took his t-shirt from Matt’s hands and tried to put it back on Noah.
“I don’t wanna yet.” he couldn’t stand still, making it harder for you to put his t-shirt over his head.
“Noah, you’re ready to go to bed.” it was as if after you said those words a wave of tiredness hit him.
His head was hanging low and his eyes suddenly looked heavy. He stopped moving around and you finally slid the black fabric over his upper body, ending the show for those girls that were still watching him.
He said goodbye to his friends as if he’d never see them again. You just waved at Molly and Clara, because once you left the kitchen Noah’s arm was around your shoulders and he needed your assistance.
“Come on, we’re almost there.” you had your arm around his torso, trying to hold as much of his weight as you could so he wouldn’t fall on the ground.
“My car!” he yelled when he saw his black Range Rover parked in the same spot since this morning.
“Finally.” you mumbled to yourself.
You opened the passenger door and literally threw him inside. His body was folded in a weird angle and you had to help him with the seatbelt.
“Be gentle. I’m always gentle with you.” he said, offended by the way you were handling his body. He was right though, he was always gentle with you, but sadly you couldn’t carry his drunk body as he did with you when you were too drunk to walk.
“Sorry.” you brushed his hair out of his face and traced your fingers on his cheek as an apology.
You quickly sat behind the driving wheel and started the car.
“I trust you to get my baby home in one piece.” and a hiccup followed. His head was resting on the backrest and his eyes were closed.
“That makes one of us.” you said, suddenly not feeling very confident in your driving skills.
You managed to get out of the parking lot and follow the GPS you had on.
“Can we play Mario Kart when we get home?” Noah asked.
“I think we should go to bed.”
“That’s boring.”
“We can play tomorrow.”
“But I want to play when we get home.” he said with the attitude of a little kid.
“I didn’t know alcohol brings out your inner child.”
“Kids can’t drink alcohol Ella.”
“Yeah, maybe you shouldn’t too.”
“That’s rude.”
He cut your next answer off with the radio. He turned the volume to a maximum and started dancing in his seat. You reached to turn it down a little before saying “I also didn’t know you love dancing this much.”
“I’m a dancer, can’t you see the moves?”
“Oh my god.” you said with a laugh. Never did you expect to see Noah like this.
“This drive was actually like Mario Kart in real life.” Noah stated when you helped him out of the car.
“Shut up, we got home in one piece.” you locked the car and made your way inside the building.
“Keys?” you asked Noah when you reached his apartment.
“You know where they are.” he winked at you and you rolled your eyes at him.
Your hands made their way to his back pockets again, looking for his home keys.
“You’re touching my ass again.” he laughed at his own joke.
You finally made it inside, not even bothering to take Noah’s shoes off you took him to his bedroom where he fell into his bed without your help.
You used it as a chance to take the shoes off, one by one when he said “Cuddles?”
He was laying on his front, but his face was sideways, kinda looking at you over his shoulder with a little pout.
“Give me a minute yeah?”
“I want cuddles.”
You threw his shoes on the bedroom floor instead of bringing them to the front door and crawled next to him on the bed.
“Come here you drunk mess.” you said and laid on your back so Noah could lay his head on your chest.
Silence took over the room and you knew Noah would soon fall asleep, so you used the chance to ask him again.
“Do you want to talk about why you got drunk tonight?”
He remained silent, but his movements and breathing got him away that he was still up and heard you.
“You don’t have to, but you never do this so I wa-”
“It's getting close to Christmas.” was his answer that cut you off.
“Yeah, and?” you asked gently.
“It always makes me think about my family.” his words were muffled by your clothes, but you heard him.
“Of memories of how you used to celebrate Christmas?” you asked.
“No. Memories of how fucked up my childhood was.” before you could say anything he continued. “After my parents left me with my grandparents my father came back a few times to celebrate it with us. It always ended with a loud argument and me hiding in my room from all the chaos. When he stopped coming back it was just the three of us. It was calm, but it was fake as fuck. I always saw it on my grandmother’s face how sorry she felt for me. Poor kid without parents. I don’t blame them, they did their best. It wasn’t them who ruined my life.” he scoffed and you saw his father's face when you closed your eyes.
You played with his hair, something to calm him down and to give you something to focus on from stopping you from crying.
“When they died and it was just me, I felt happy for the fucking first time on Christmas. They didn’t have to set up everything for me anymore and spend all their money on gifts for me. I felt free.” his voice cracked at the end and you felt a teardrop on your skin where your t-shirt has ridden up.
“Noah-” you wanted to comfort him, but he didn’t let you.
“Don’t you dare say you’re fucking sorry for me Ella.” so you stayed silent. It was like words were pouring from him for the first time since you met him.
“You know what I always ask myself? Why did it have to be me? What did I do that they didn’t want me? I was barely a three years old when they fucking left me.” a sob left Noah’s throat and his hands gripped the fabric of your t-shirt.
“I remember asking my grandmother when they’ll come back for me, when will I go back home, but they never came back for me.” he took a deep breath before saying more, “And all of those nights I heard my grandmother cry for me. Her last words before she died were “I’m sorry Noah, I’m sorry we couldn’t give you a better life.” and I fucking hate that. It wasn’t her who should’ve given me a better life. It wasn’t her fault that they didn’t want me.”
And he was right. The only people that should be blamed for all of his trauma were his parents. Could you even call them that?
“I don’t know how to talk about this when I’m sober and I just needed to get it out tonight, so I got drunk. I’m sorry I dragged you in it.”
“Don’t say that, I’m glad you wanted me to be the one that takes care of you. I like doing that. I like knowing you’re okay.” you tried to reassure him with every word you spoke.
“But I’m not okay Ella, I’m fucking broken. You shouldn’t be here, you should be somewhere else with someone else who can give you more than me.”
“I’m not gonna let you say that, there’s not a place I’d rather be than here right now with you. Okay?” you felt your own tears running down your cheeks. You didn’t expect this night to end like this. This was the most intimate moment you two shared so far and you wanted Noah to know that he can talk to you about this anytime, even when he’s sober.
Silence took over the darkened room until Noah spoke up again.
“Remember when you did the pregnancy test?” you just hummed in a response, “I was thinking a million thoughts a second, but I knew that if the test would be positive and you’d want to keep it that I’d do it with you. I’d never leave my kid.” he whispered the last part and you had to hold your own sobs. You closed your eyes and let the tears run down your cheeks.
You knew he wasn’t saying that he wants kids with you, or that he loves you or that he wasn’t relieved when the test was negative, he’s just saying that he knows he wants to be better than his parents.
“Noah, you’re nothing like your parents okay? Saying something like this makes you a much better person than they are. You’ve been through a lot, but you made something of yourself. You turned all the bad things into good things. Look at you, having your own apartment, a fucking car and going to college. You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met and I know you don’t want to hear it, but it’s true.” you thought if saying the next thing wasn’t out of line, but you felt like he needed to hear it. “I’m sure your grandparents would be proud of you.”
Noah didn’t give you an answer, he just hid his face in your skin and cried. You cried with him.
His body was shaking from sobbing so hard and you did everything you could to calm him down. You kept rubbing his back and whispering sweet reassurances in his ear, but he wasn’t there with you.
His mind was somewhere else, thinking about all the good times he got to live with his grandparents.
How he helped his grandmother with her garden, laughing at her enormous joy from new plants he got her. He continued with bringing her new plant or flower each time he went to visit their grave, imagining her happy face and how she would hug him and kiss his cheek.
Or when his grandfather took him to see local races. How he was passionate about the cars and pilots who were driving them. How he would love Noah’s car and want to drive it himself. How Noah would buy him his own dream car so he wouldn’t have to drive the old blue small car they had anymore. How he never stepped a foot to another race after he died.
How they attended every single one of his school events even though he told them they didn’t have to. When they got old it was hard for them, but they still came. Every time.
How he had to sell their old house, because he couldn’t even look at it without breaking down. He thought about the box full of things that he kept to remind him of them and how he hasn’t touched it for years. Scared of his own reaction.
They gave him everything they had and made up the mess his parents made. And they didn’t have to. And he felt like he didn’t show them enough how grateful he was for everything and how much they meant to him.
His body was soon tired from the crying and his sobs calmed down. He was starting to fall asleep.
“You have me now Noah, you’ll always have me okay? You’re not alone.” you lifted his head from your chest, his red and tired eyes looking at you with lots of unspoken words.
“Thank you.” he managed to say and you brought him in for a small forehead kiss.
You helped him out of his clothes, leaving him in his white boxers and threw the blanket over his body.
He laid on his side and you sat next to him.
His hand found yours, the grip he had on you begging you to not leave him.
You couldn’t find a single reason why someone would leave Noah behind and didn’t fight for him. How could someone do this to a little child that wanted nothing more than a gentle touch from his parents.
You laid down next to him and watched him fall asleep.
There were no more tears and his breath became steady.
You pushed his brown locks out of his face and then traced his facial features with your fingers.
You ran them over his eyebrows to make the frown go away.
You traced the shape of his nose until you reached his lips. They were slightly open and warm to touch.
His cheeks were still a light shade of pink and you gently caressed his skin there.
His chest was going up and down and the white blanket had slid down to his waist.
You let your fingers slide down to his chest, tracing some of his tattoos. Tracing each word of the desolate tattoo. He was not a desolate. He had you and his friends. They were always joking with each other and making fun of everything, but you know they have his back. He’s not alone in this life anymore.
You left your hand where his heart is, feeling the steady beating of his heart lull you to sleep.
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tenok · 10 months ago
The point (one of them) is that both Aziraphale and Crowley actually think they the smartest one in any given situation. And since I relate to Aziraphale much more today I get fixated on his brand of superiority. He starts his journey with rebellion from pretty tame "I don't get why they makes this desisions and it's look horrible on surface evel but I'm sure that they get best ineterests of everyone involved in their hearts and it's probably me the one that didn't get some oblivious detail" to "oh okay I'm sure it's some kind of misundestanding and we can all talk it out as adults because we there work on same goals" to frustrated "they won't ever listen to me and I will get in trouble for arguing and it will be better for everyone if I will make my desisions in secret and go behind their backs because I just can't let THEM make desisions that will destroy everything". It's not straightforward, I'm 30 and still circulate sometimes between "what if it's me the one that wrong aout everything" and "god HOW people can be THAT stupid", but I remember going throught this stages first as good and obedient kid with really stupid parents making stupid desisions and later with school, govermnet, activist spaces etc.
And the problem is, I was the smartest person in the room enough time to develop issues, and Aziraphale lives like his for 6000 years at least. I can only imagine how many times he thought "if only Starmaker listen to me and didn't Fall", "if only God listened to me and didn't make an Apocalypse happen", "if only Heavens listened to me and didn't did this or that that thing", "if only Crowley listen to me and understand in what kind of danger we can get", "if only that human listened to me and haven't dig the body", etc etc. It's awful, to be the one who always gets to say "I told you so", especially when there's such awful consequenses you can't even feel satisfaction, and you will be the one to clen this mess up (and Aziraphae will clean, or better try to prevent). Now, it's of course leads to issues. BIG issues.
1) It's really hard to stop being plotting and maciavellian and communicate things properly when you expect that person will at best argue with you, at worst punish you and double down on their stupid desisons and you will clean this mess up. It also really hard to stop trying to control everything because you already accepted that everything is your responsibility and everyone else would just make things worse. (as someone that relates to Aziraphale I think he did so much progress there, the levels or trust he shows Crowley are amazing for two beings that probably last time heard of psychotherapy when Freud was alive. but such trust is fragile thing, one misstep and you back on your "it will be better if I do everything alone" bullshit. I'm not saying it's good. I'm also not saying that it's bad. it's just how things work)
2) It makes you overstep other people authonomy, because, again, it would be better for everyone if they did what you think best for them. It works funny wih Aziraphale because yes he's all for free choices for humanity!! NOW GO AND DO SMART CHOICES DAMN YOU!!! WHY YOU DON'T PICK THE THING THAT WOULD BE SMART TO PICK I HATE YOU ALL. That's where me and Aziraphale difer a little because at least I somewhat good at stepping into other people shoes and understand why they do what they do. But angel there is autistic (or bad at this specific thing for other reasons), so I think when people he consider reasonable doesn't agree with him for their own reasons he ge's really baffled, like, there arE correct opinion and it's mine, WHY are you being difficult?? to spite me?? And I'm sure that half of the reason why Aziraphale's so comfortable with Crowley is that he perfectly happy to let him buly or manipulate him into doing things Aziraphale picks as right. Usually Crowley know where pick his battles and how to play long game to make Aziraphale agree for really important stuff he wants from him, but otherwise? Sure he will complain how he hates Hamlet but they will watch Hamlet, and Aziraphale will be very pleased with himself. (and than there goes final fifteen and we back at "but WHY won't ypu agree with thing I pick or us IT'S GOOD AND RESONABLE THING" and we should be happy that consent is something that imporant for our angel ok? he would be angry with Crowley for picking wrong but he won't make him do what he doesn't want. they respect each other like that.)
3) It makes you really really tired and tense. You control everything, unfortunately the longer you do it the more things starts really depedend on you, you can't let go, you don't know anyone that can share this burden with you because first they should prove that they won't blow his up and for this you should share at least something with them, but what is they would blow it up? Better be safe than sorry. And look when it's my problems it's credit cards and doctor appointmens and with Aziraphale we talk about people dying. Crowley dying. Now, as I said, he actually shows Crowley so. much. trust. for someone with such issues. Because Crowley was there for 6000 years, and he proved himself capable enough times. But still there's areas where let go and not worry would be impossible for Aziraphale, Crowley's safety being one of such things (you see, you can risk with your life when you deal with your problems because whatever you will clean shit up if needed, but if someone close to you hurt themself?? it's YOUR problem too but it will be SO MUCH HARDER to clean. I think when Aziraphale points to Crowley that hell would be harder on him than he can expect heavens to punish him, it's partially because he believes it's true and partially because he knows how to minimize harm when heavens angry with him but HOW can he do this for Crowley??). Anyway. Lol. The more I think about it the more I sure that Crowley without Aziraphale would be a miserable angry dick, and Aziraphale wihout Crowley would be dead, because it was the one person that kept him one tiny slip away from total burn out.
So yeah there's a lot of posts about how angry heartbroken etc Crowley will be with Aziraphale (I don't agree but that's for other post), less posts about how sad and heartbroken will be Aziraphale, but I hope to see Azyraphale being angry too (it they will be angry with each other at all). Not only for not picking him or leaving or making everything messy and emotional and wasting their first kiss at their fight etc, but also because Aziraphale was trusting him! Trusting that he get another resonable adult in team with him! Someone who he can trust to make resonable desisions and see his ideas as clever and him as capable and being willing to go to the end of the world with him with mild complaints and than!! When he did trust him to understand!! He was like everyone else!! Unresonable and emotional and angry with him and why he asked him at all he should've do it secretly and alone as always and it would've be as usual and it wouldn't hurt but it was Crowley that taught him to trust and to ask him for help!! Breaking his perfectly fine coping mechanisms!! It's all his faut if you think about it huh?? (but of course he's already forgiven. but also Aziraphale would do what he needs to do alone this time, as one and only capable adult in the world.)
Anyway it's not a meta it's just some late night thoughts. And it's in no way whole analizis there's so much more problems inside this angel. It's just something in particular that resonated with me today. Also it's not in any way critisizm of him, mind you, because a) he does really the smartest person in the room most of the time and b) I LOVE how fucked up in the head he is!!! I think he needs to become even more fucked up actually!!! and Crowley should love him for that and I will cheer for him from sidelines!!!
#good omens#Aziraphale#does it counts as meta if it's half projection but also you're the smartest person in the room and always correct hmm?#I'm always afraid to talk about how trauma made aziraphale not only the most suffered being in world but also a huge insufferable bitch#because no one gets him like me no one wants to love him for that!! aside of Crowley#I'm like 'can't relate to religious trauma but remember being super fucking tired at like 8 yo because parents beat me hard enough to leave#bruises for weeks and I was angry with them because of course they didn't remembered that I'll have a medical exam at school next week and#now I need to be a resonable one and invent a cover up good enough so there won't be Questions'#and don't get me started on money thing#*sigh* if only Aziraphale was also good at getting people. but I guess Goddess desided he'll be too powerful#also *for me* it'll be beautiful if Aziraphale would be angry with Crowley for leaving and not with himself for asking at all#I want them have a long talk about motives and why Aziraphale thought it'll be good idea and why Crowley said no and how they could prevent#this in the future....but the worst lesson Aziraphale can learn there is 'actually I should never again trust him with big desisions and#I should never again ask him for things that's Big and Important for me'#so yeah that's where Crowley will need to repair things.#tdh I'm glad that final fifteen blow up and Crowley was the one being angry and explaining nothing and running away#because I love Aziraphale but I'm almost sure that even with Crowley being calm and resonable there he would've make same choise#because situation was attuned to his weak spots just too good. I can't imagine scenario where he's not leaving#but it'll be much harder for me to see if Crowey was resonable one lol. not like fandom doesn't pretend that he isn't but you know. not by#my standarts. (now in perfect world they would talk to each other calmly compromise and make backup plans together. but they're still#learning so it's fiiine they'll get there. I hope to see them communicate flawlessly while bullshitting heavens and hell in season 3)
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