#i'm so excited for the mv
moonbinu · 2 years
the concept photos make perfect sense to me. i think pure/impure is related to the creation (perfume/scent in this case). over the process of creating the perfect “pure” scent they lost their sanity. that’s why they look normal in the impure ver. and dark in the pure ver. 
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mahealinskis · 6 months
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dOpamine's first ending fairy
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foolishsweet · 7 months
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I don't trust the people who say this card is ugly/boring I really don't. People don't get this card like I do.
Unlike Rui, Emu and Meiko who have artificial sources of light in order to create ambiance, Tsukasa can't rely on it, the lights are too far from the center of the stage, he should need to stand on the spotlight. And yet here and now the spotlight won't focus on him, so instead he is gonna take over the stage tru his pure presence. He looks at the audience like he is ready to pounce and devour it whole at any moment. He gives way tru the shadows and dominates the space he has. The confetti ribbons fall around him in celebration, welcoming him completely. Bc when it comes to the stage, to the theater, both the lights and the dark belong to him and make him shine on his own all the brightest. but people don't get it THEY DON'T GET HER LIKE I DO I'M SO SORRY BBG THEY DON'T GET IT SHE LOOKS SO COOL UGH 😩
The name of the outfit is phantasmagoria btw. This is phantasmagoria Tsukasa (or Shadowkasa for short if you will, for the kasaverse). He went from King, to commoner, to jester, to literally just a shadow. my mans disappearing good god.
On a funnier note I really think they went like:
employee: boss, we did a dark choreography with wxs in Love Ka!
boss: splendid! This 3DMV is one of our best ones yet! but do they have outfits for that?
employee: ahhh no we don't :(
boss: mmmmm...Hey Tsukasa mind going thru it for your next focus event?
employee: sir idk if one clown outfit is good enough, we need one for Rui.
boss: what about his fes?
employee: ...
boss: ...
boss: Tsukasa, mind going thru it twice?
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roseofcards90 · 8 months
Thinking about the similarities between Amane and Kotoko…thinking about how they had to go through a hellish childhood (very likely in Kotoko's case tbh based on her behavior) and grow up too quickly as a result...thinking about that one timeline conversation where Amane appreciates Kotoko for not treating her as less then just because she's a child and Kotoko brushing it off with her saying "at your age I was already the person I am today" and that she wouldn't let Amane off the hook just because she was a child...and yet Kotoko didn't attack Amane even though she was a guilty prisoner between T1 and T2....thinking about how Kotoko mainly targeted those who would hurt "the weak" (most specifically children and young girls) and how the last "Ko" in her name means "child"...thinking about how Kotoko probably sees a lot of her childhood self in Amane and how Kotoko is a reflection of what Amane could become if she continues to go through her suffering in the cult 😭😭😭
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punainenmarlii · 10 months
Some of the photos are from tommys instagram and some from käärijäs
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hotasfahrenheit · 12 days
i was excited when i saw Mike and Jeff (and Ten and Jackson) were going to be on Chuang Asia together but i did not EVER expect multiple shows and projects from them and i'm SO stoked.
i know not everyone in the BL fandom spheres know who Mike is yet but he was in one of my fave dumb Chinese dramas (My Little Princess, and listen it does a really great job of inverting a bunch of popular romance tropes and it's great and funny and cute actually) and i love himmmmmmmm
he's also in one of PP Krit's mvs and it's real pretty so go watch that if you haven't seen it!
Mike was primarily acting in China before the pandemic and until a couple years ago, but he has a young son and the rest of his family is in Thailand from what i know, and it seems like he's shifting into working in Thailand instead of working internationally. and we don't have any actual -confirmation- if either of these shows are going to be BLs or QLs or anything that i know of (tho Happy Ending seems the most likely because of Jeff's and Barcode's characters) but i'll take whatever he's ready to work on because he's great.
i'm so ready for the beautiful things that this beautiful friendship is already turning out like we are all just going to be BLESSED. i hope Mike and Jeff work well together and have a great time and everything they touch turns to gold (and that Jeff talks Mike out of making any more bad mvs) and we get two besties making shows together for a long time. i hope they get to work with all their friends whenever they want and keep pulling in ridiculous collections of actors and talented people to work with them because WHAT THE HECK EVEN ARE THE CASTS FOR THEIR SHOWS like it's actually insane?
i'm also super here for Jeff having been like “i'm out of BOC to focus on singing” and after doing a bunch of successful music stuff, concerts, dropping an album, now he's doing a bunch of acting on his own like yes, get it king, follow your heart and make your own shows since BOC didn't appreciate your talent or give you enough work to do! make all the shows you want, play whatever kinds of characters you want! we're all here for it.
anyway i'm ready for all of it. let's go.
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12am-motivation · 2 months
HIHI Mo!! It’s so nice talking to you again 😊😊 Even though I don’t keep up to date with any big lore or plot from Enstars or Obey Me I still casually stay in the loop so feel free to let me know about anything big 😉 like I saw there were new Enstars characters?? after HOW LONG?? I was so shook
(Also the Triworlds song is such a classy banger they have been COOKING)
Heya, Avery! Thank you so much for the ask! Nice to see you too~ ^^
Now that you ask me about recent Enstars and Obey Me developments, I have... much to say about them so I'll put them under the cut; brainrot time!!
I have a massive, MASSIVE Enstars brainrot to the point that I even made a sideblog to dump my RyuseiP stuff because I don't wanna overshadow my Obey Me stuff here lol
In case you missed it, there are new albums per unit with new songs and solos
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And YEAHHH HappyEle really went and had us adopt 5 new kids just recently and they're adorable! I found myself immediately attached to Yume (the purple-haired one) when he was first introduced in the 9th anniv livestream because we share a birthday, not to mention he also plays piano and does cosplay??
It made me a little giddy about it like did they put my OC on Enstars or something /j what are the odds I suddenly have a buncha things in common with an Enstars character— (Plus coser representation!!)
I haven't read much but based on a few simple translations, the new main story arc involves certain ES idols auditioning for a worldwide(?) dream unit in a show called "4piece" and we even have a new producer!
I think what's interesting about this arc is that it would focus more on the idols' individual strengths outside of their respective units
Also, I think Chiaki's also part of the audition based on how he appeared on the PV they showed in the 9th anniv livestream so I'm looking forward to it~
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I'm not sure if you've seen this one too but JPstars' April fools gag this year was so WILDDD they even have a full song for it
They basically collaborated with Yagami Chitose, who is an actual shoujo mangaka artist, for the story and illustrations in the MV
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The story itself involves a ton of shoujo manga tropes (including Hajime / the MC somehow bumping into 4 people at once) and it was a fun read lol
You can even change the characters while the text and their voices change accordingly so imagine the opportunities for both yumes and shippers 👀
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Unfortunately for Obey Me Nightbringer, I've yet to catch up to the Main Story again because of the card grinding ;w;
But aside from Anniversary and All the Feels, they've been cooking with cards too! It takes a toll on players' funds because you need card dupes for them but the new Premium Picture feature looks so divine?? Don't even get me started on the shower pics—
Even though I was a bit iffy about the sudden story reboot in the new game, I still appreciate some of the details they changed, including MC living with Solomon at Cocytus Hall instead of them staying with the brothers (since it makes a bit more sense that they'd be closer to Sol as a fellow human), and Satan's more evident wrath compared to the OG game
We even get to enjoy random domestic moments with Sol like this one~ Since we pretty much live together with him, we sound like a married couple (though a lot of those moments involve banning him from the kitchen)
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sorry for the really long answer— here's a niki beena
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iris-drawing-stuff · 10 months
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Today!!! Today is the day!!!
Some predictions/hopes:
Actual appearance of one of the other cult leaders (the yellow one, probably)
Amane is a system theory confirmation (I think it's a really cool theory).
Victim Reveal (please let them have colorful hair/eyes)
I would also like to find out where she got the medkit (the cult hates modern medicine, right? She had to have gone out of her way to obtain it).
Disturbing Imagery!!! Could you imagine if she had a moment like Kazui's dove scene or Mahiru feeding her BF rats? It has to happen.
Shidou mention maybe? Or at least an allusion to the other prisoners
Members of a marching band = soldiers.
Holy war? (A lot of religions and cults talk about there being a war against them; it would be really fitting.)
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cruell-summers · 5 months
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kittykatkazui · 11 months
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Posting 0507 kittification in preparation of cat dropping in less than 6 hours
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shiningwonho · 2 years
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wonho • don’t hesitate
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hwiyoungies · 2 years
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SF9 ✧ SCREAM mv teaser
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candescentkpop · 1 year
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If possible, hold me and Let me in
EXO: Let Me In
Exo Part 66 / ∞
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jebeplanet · 2 months
ZEROBASEONE (제로베이스원) 'Feel the POP' MV Teaser #1
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94erz · 24 days
Having Never Let Go be the next BTS related release after the brilliance that was RPWP like… idk man. It’s like big hit said “don’t worry, we still here for mainstream pop, namjoon was just going a bender there, don’t mind him, everything is back to normal now.”
Which begs the question, what is this group even going to sound like in 2025? Because I still have hope Namjoon would regain control of the group sound but considering the commercial performance of all the member efforts during chapter 2, I fear we are going to get songs more in the vein of never let go…
I have a feeling it'll just be more of what we've been getting since 2020. I have no doubt that Namjoon will keep a strong hold on HIS music, as in the shit he writes himself along with the others, but we're also going to continue to get songs written by a team of various Western writers and handed to more Western producers to ensure BTS still has chart popular songs for the US. 'Cause with how anti-Namjoon ''ARMY'' are now I doubt they'll ever chart songs written by the members again. I think those days are unfortunately over where the fandom as a whole values the work put into the music by the RL, and instead values success and if that means supporting literal garbage music with their name on it then so be it. To a lot of these people as long as it's catchy and says all the right things, nothing else matters.
All the praise I'm seeing from some JK fans/ARMY on Never Let Go (here on Tumblr only) is about being told how much THEY are loved, as fans. They care more about the idea that the song is a ''gift'' to them and expresses his love to them that it's enough for the song to not only be good, but it's amazing, they love it. Whereas all the people I know who know music, like actual production and mixing and shit, they all agree this song is bad, it just sounds bad.
So the fandom is split, and the members are split, and the team at BigHit are split, and until something finally gives we're going to continue to get a mix of good music trapped as B-sides and then commercial hits solely for the purpose of chart success.
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lovetune · 2 years
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la la la la... la la la la... whoa whoa whoa~oh!
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