#i'm so angry lately
cametotheshowinsd · 4 months
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Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? (2024) written & directed by Taylor Swift
So tell me everything is not about me …but what if it is?
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ilovepannacotta · 3 months
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And they talked until the dawn.
At one point during the night Darius threw a rock at Ling to make him shut up for laughing so hard.
first day of the @edling-week 2024, happy gay week everyone.
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kaiserouo · 1 year
OOC: V1 doesn't want Gabriel to get hurt
(also post 6-2 Gabriel)
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(that wound wasn't made by v1 he fought other machines for practice)
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redwinterroses · 1 year
The implications of the Watchers literally being the viewers get really meta and strange really fast if you actually follow through to some of the logical conclusions and then put them in lore-speak.
For example: the fact is that the Hermits spend a long time, sometimes years, creating a world for the entertainment of faceless beings whose names are incomprehensible strings of letters, numbers, and random words. These faceless beings leave messages that range from exclamations of delight and approval to unhinged demands, judging and consuming the hermits' work as fast as they can produce it.
And then, at the end of a season, Xisuma and co. package up the world and gift it to the Watchers to entertain them until the hermits can travel to a new realm and begin their work anew.
When you take the traits of viewers and paint them over the lore of Watchers, you create a creature (species? monster? being?) that's far more fay and uncanny than pretty much any of the usual interpretations. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again: embrace the Watcher within you. Become the unsettling eldritch being you want to see in the world.
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embers-of-the-league · 3 months
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Crying real fucking tears because of this He was reaching out because he needed help He was 5-years-old, scared out his mind and he needed help And instead, he gets hurt once again. His mother ran towards him to try and comfort him, even though it cost her her life His father treated him like a villain
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naomiknight-17 · 3 months
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ABittersweetThing on Ko-Fi requested a "Round Cat"
And I could think of no cat rounder than the majestic manul/pallas' cat
This drawing is part of my current Doodles for Donations Drive that I'm doing to raise money to cover unexpected repairs.
We have to start paying as of July 11th, and I'd really like to have a good chunk ready to pay down by then, so please have a look at the post linked above!
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shannonsketches · 11 months
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He's just my favorite bastard yknow?
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arctic-hands · 2 months
My parents were shit to me as a kid but I'm like one hundred percent sure they never read my diaries, at least because I would have been in a hell of a lot more trouble if they had
Anyway I don't care how stellar your record as a parent is or how you're justifying this invasion, if you read your kid's diary without their consent you're an automatic piece of shit and your child has every right to never trust you again
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crisisaur · 1 month
Me: Getting ready to scroll up to check notifications one last time on tumblr before bed
Me: Sees gorgeous fanart of Wei Wuxian as I hit the home button and it vanishes forever
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angelsdean · 1 year
dean "the angry man in the house" winchester ??? WRONG. dean is the HEART of the house. he always has been. he became the fictional mother that never was, he pushed himself to fill the role of the mythical mother mary. he played mediator between the two who were always butting heads. he was quiet and seemingly obedient and when on the rare occasion he rebelled he was cast out by the Real angry man of the house. and while dean was gone, the metaphoric house was without heart. without joy. because dean did more than just take care of sammy, he was there. he made sure sam didn't feel alone or neglected. when sam says he was a lonely kid and dean feels it as a slap in the face that's because to dean, they weren't lonely because they had each other ! like "what do you mean you were a lonely kid you had me?" so dean, he tried. as the heart of the house, he tried to make sure sam felt cared for and then later, with every found family member, dean dotes on them and tries to help them however they can and he wants them to stay where he can see them and care for them and keep them safe. and when they finally have their first permanent home since lawrence, dean nests. and he cooks and decorates his room and keeps photos of his loved ones nearby and he likes a clean house. and does he get angry and upset sometimes ? yes. because those are human emotions and he also has decades of unresolved trauma and few healthy coping skills bc he's never been given a chance to just stop and take care of himself and address these issues and the only emotion he learned was allowed to be expressed was anger so often what is fear and worry gets filtered and comes out as anger. but HE is not the angry man in the house. that will always, always be john. john's ghost looming over them. john's influence like a shadow. john's ways ingrained in them but that they both (hot-headed sam, esp early seasons hello remember him !!) need to unlearn. but neither of them are that angry man. that man is always going to be john. people misunderstand and misuse that "angry man" quote all the time. it's not about becoming the angry man that was once there. it's about being haunted by him, even when he's gone. and both of them, but dean specifically, are haunted by john.
the quote appears in the short story "Cut" by Cathrine Lacy and it's a poem within the story that goes like this:
if you’re raised with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. you will find him even when he is not there. and if one day you find that there is no angry man in your house— well, you will go find one and invite him in!
and in the story one of the characters asks the meaning of the title which means ‘womanly qualities’ or ‘womanhood’ and in the context of the poem the "angry man in your house" is meant to be this recurring male figure. you're raised with an angry man in your house. then you're haunted by that figure, "you will find him even when he is not there." and then when you are finally free of him, you will go out and find someone just like him and invite him inside. it's about cycles. and in the context of the poem it's about women mirroring and repeating patterns of their mothers, dating men that are like the angry men they grew up with, because it's all they know. it's not about becoming the angry man. and dean does not become that angry man either. he's haunted by john. he's internalized certain things about john but he's still a victim of john's abuse. and when he lashes out, that's more about unresolved trauma and needing better ways to express his emotions that aren't actually anger than it is about him becoming anything.
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gay-otlc · 1 year
People online like to pretend adhd is a funny quirk and not a disability and it's so fucking annoying
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kazoo-goddess · 1 year
So, I've wanted to make a post like this for some time, but I only just got the motivation because of an ask I got recently. I want to give a piece of advice to everyone, in general, to keep in mind when using any social media platform--advice that I wish someone had given me way back when, that I feel is important to pass on:
Not every post you see is for you. Not every post is about you.
This is not meant to be a negative thing, or a put-down! It is not meant to dismiss anyone. It's really what it says on the tin: When you see a post cross your feed, and you disagree with the post or it upsets you because you disagree with the message it has, try and keep in mind that you may not be the target audience for the post. In particular, take this into account for advice and positivity posts--The OP doesn't have anything against you personally when they share words that are meant to be uplifting that you don't agree with. A post that says "Keep going! You can do it, even if you think you can't!" probably isn't meant to put down people who are in a position where they very literally cannot do it or think their way out of their situations. Like this post, it's more likely that the OP is sharing positivity or advice that they themselves would have liked to hear.
Even this post, the one I'm writing now, might not be for you or about you! If you disagree with my viewpoint, that's okay, and there's nothing wrong with that! But I, personally, am writing this post for people who might need to hear it--people like me, who are easily upset or hurt by things they see or hear in passing, whether on the internet or real life. I'm not writing it because I want to spark an argument, I promise.
Posts aren't always meant to spread outside the OP's original circle of followers and friends. But that's a hazard of posting to public social media websites--a joke originally meant to have an audience of 12 people close to you can suddenly explode, getting thousands and thousands of views and reposts and going completely out of the OP's control overnight! It's no one's fault; it's not done maliciously. Sometimes a post or joke just resonates with others. But maybe it doesn't resonate with you--that really is okay! Just try and remember, if it gets under your skin, that it isn't for you. And if it's not for you, it's okay to just ignore it and move on! It can definitely get annoying when it's something you keep seeing over and over from friends and acquaintances reposting it, and I'd never fault anyone for losing their temper over it--but sometimes, just taking a second to remind yourself that you weren't the audience for something can really help calm you down and help you feel better and move on with your day.
While this goes for advice/positivity posts, it also goes for opinion posts! And in this case, to be completely, perfectly clear: I mean harmless opinions. A ship they like that you don't; a tv show they enjoyed that you didn't; a character they really love that you absolutely cannot stand. The kind of opinion you disagree with so much that makes you feel absolutely steaming mad. (Again: This does NOT extend to these things when they go into a genuinely harmful category. No homophobia, no pedophilia, nothing like that. I am talking about harmless, mundane disagreements.)
Maybe you see a post talking positively about a manga that makes you feel ick. The OP more than likely didn't write that post with the hopes that it would reach you specifically just to make you upset! (And if they did, that's rude, and an entirely different can of worms that this post is not about! >_>;) But the post upsets you anyway, even if it wasn't MEANT to. It's understandable, it happens! But the thing is: You don't need to engage with that post if it makes you feel bad! If you have a post blocker, you can block the post or blacklist the tag; if you don't, you may just have to scroll past. It can be so, so, so tempting to try and get in a biting comment in the replies to snap at the OP and tell them, "No, you're wrong, your opinion makes me mad and I don't want to hear it!" Trust me. I know. I get it, because I've been there! But in the grand scheme of things, it's not worth it or healthy to burn yourself out over it. It wasn't for you, and it wasn't about you! And you're better off doing what you can to take care of yourself, and preserving your health and happiness where you can.
I feel like I'm writing this with sort of childish language, and it might feel like I'm talking down to others. But really, I think I'm just writing it in a way that a younger me would have understood and taken to heart if she'd seen it. I hope that, if you read this, you can see it that way too! There's a part of me that feels scared that this post in itself could explode with notes that will be very upset with me for my thoughts on this, whatever their reasons may be, but I wouldn't be making it if I weren't prepared for that possibility. If the message I intend to get out can reach even one person who it can help, then I think that's worth writing it for. Because, I want to reiterate it one more time, because it can be so easy to forget it and get yourself furious in a self-destructive way, sometimes you have to remember:
Not every post you see is for you! Not every post is about you!
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jackassbrainrot · 3 days
I come to you on my knees… asking for a ryan dunn fic where he’s jealous and protective … im dying this is the only thing that will save Me
bite like a dog [ryan x f!reader]
desc: A guy flirts with you at the bar, and Ryan doesn't take too kindly to it
a/n: experiencing immense amounts of Ryan brainrot so I had to write this asap. angry Ry <33 it's a bit of a cliche situation but hope you like it!!
warnings: drinking, creepy flirting, semi graphic depictions of violence
It was your first time experiencing the glitz and glam of the LA party scene, or at least as much of it as a seedy club had to offer. Music flooded your ears as your eyes adjusted to the low light of the club, following your friends to a booth that was situated across from the bar. Ryan's arm was wrapped around your waist as you walked through the crowd, his grip seemingly tighter than usual, but you didn't think much of it as you all pilled into the little booth. No sooner had you sat down than Steve and Chris brought over a round of shots.
After that first round of shots, the alcohol kept coming, the table filled with empty glasses and beer bottles, covered in a sticky mix of liquor and beer. Your head was swimming, leaning on your boyfriend as you listened to the guys talk among themselves. "Hey, babe. can you go grab me another beer?" Your boyfriend's voice snapped you out of you little daze and it took you a moment to register what he said before getting up and heading towards the bar, leaving him to continue his conversation with the others.
You pushed your way through the crowd, finally making it to the bar, leaning on it as you waited for the bartender to finish the drink he was making before ordering. You felt someone slide in next to you, not paying it any mind. "Just one Blue Label, please." You said to the bartender, reaching for your purse before the person standing next to you put a five dollar bill down on the bar. "It's on me." The man smiled at you as the bartender took the money and handed you your beer, not giving two shits about who was pays.
"There's no need, here, let me pay you back." You said, handing him the money you'd just pulled out of your purse. "No, no, your company is all the pay back I need." He said, leaning into your personal space. "What's a pretty girl like you doing out alone?" You couldn't even retort to his previous comment before the question left his mouth, making you laugh a little at the corny pick up line, if you could even call it that. You could feel his eyes burning holes through your clothes, looking you up and down as he waited for your answer.
"I'm here with my boyfriend, actually." You said, trying to scoot away from him and get back to your group but a hand on your waist stopped you. "Oh? Well, I don't see him." The guy pulled you towards himself, clearly not caring about what you had to say, probably assuming you were just trying to find excuses to get away from him, which wasn't entirely wrong.
"How about you get your hands off her, bud?" That familiar voice calmed your nerves instantly. He sounded oddly calm, but you could hear the anger bubbling inside him, threatening to spill over any moment. "Is that the little boyfriend you were talking about?" The guy raised an eyebrow, looking Ryan over with a cocky expression, pulling you even closer instead of loosening his grip. "You're better off going home with me, sweetheart." And boom, there goes the eruption.
Ryan's fist connected with the guy's skull before you could even see him swing, the sound of bone hitting bone filling your ears over the music. They exchanged a few punches before Ryan grabbed him by the hair, smashing his head against the bar. The sound of bone on wood was worse than you could've ever expected and the guy looked more than done with the fight by the time the bouncers made their way to you. "Warned you, fucker." Ryan spat at him before getting dragged out of the bar by the bouncers, while you trailed behind them.
As soon as you were outside, you saw your boyfriend leaning against the brick wall, already surrounded by a cloud of smoke, examining his bruised and bloodied hands. "I know it's not the time but you look really hot right now." Your voice broke him out of his daze, making him laugh lightly. "Good to know." He said, reaching his hand out towards you, beckoning you closer. "Should let random creepy dudes hit on me more often, huh?" You joked, leaning on the wall next to him. He looked down at you with searing eyes, his arm wrapped possessively around your shoulders.
"Jeez, I'm joking! You're like an angry guard dog!" "So what if I am?"
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ferronickel · 4 months
I have covid :(
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sysig · 1 year
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Hazing (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#The Captain#DAX#Who's hazing who? Yes :)#I'd like to say this is early on in their relationship but let's be honest they'd take the opportunity to rib each other at any point lol#Hehe I had fun with DAX's eye and tendril expressions in this one ♪#I mean I have a lot lately with the curls and swirls and thick lines and shapes and fully-up and angry hehehe ♪ It's all fun!#But these were especially fun hehe#Still yet inspired by WOY lol - believe me I was least of all expecting to be hit this hard but I'm not about to complain lol#I still can't get over the fact that DAX and Peepers are both Commanders who are in love with their superior and have beef with a Captain#Hilarious ♥ Love that for them ♪♫#But yes! Captain Tim was what inspired these! Lol ♪ The fact that Peepers is 3rd in command to a pet is very funny haha#And obviously it doesn't quite transfer over since the Captain is y'know - a human and DAX is ranked under ZEX specifically#I guess if you really wanted to get into it the Captain could be bragging about sleeping with ZEX but that seems even a little too mean#And also would he be so brazen about that to DAX - would he even know? I guess it Really depends on when this is lol#I do love DAX's subtle rudeness hehe ♪ He puts up with you Captain and that's about it#I had a lot of fun with his pained/freaked out expression as well haha#I also forget if I've talked about my headcanon about VUX strength? :0 I feel like I have but I have no idea where lol#I also don't remember where I got the inclination from but at some point my mind settled on the thought that VUX arms are weaker than human#At least pound-for-pound - but their strength comes from their specificity :D That their grip strength is much more evenly spread!#I mean humans have what our hands so fingers - and our arms - we can grab and hold but they can /coil/#So holding a human in an arm lock like that would be hard to break especially if he held onto the Captain's shoulder or lifted :3c#Why are you picking fights person-to-person Captain don't you have a ship and crew to pilot right about now lol#Goes and tattles to ZEX maybe hehe ♪ Fair's fair!
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amplexadversary · 1 month
"We've many of our finest, who have been out in the field battling Vanguard powers, gathering intel on their movements, seeking answers in the frozen ruins of Eiselcross as of late.
"Yet our attempts to scramble through Ludinus's long-plotted chaos keeps us on the back foot. Even now we've lost our footholds in the Hellcatch, and many lives along with them, waiting for you all to get YOUR SHIT TOGETHER."
-Keyleth, CR Campaign 3 e104, interrupting a squabble between other Exandrian leaders.
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