#i'm shayna
homoeroticgrappling · 1 month
Okay yes we all want the striped tank top, but consider:
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chainsawmascara · 9 months
It's safe to assume at any and all times I'm thinking about getting railed by a wizard
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pussinbuss · 8 months
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SHAYNA??? BASZLER???? SHAYNA BASZLER???? pic.twitter.com/yL5iiWLkqx
— k! (@rheassinner) January 26, 2024 h1>
oh hey mrs baszler… 😏 pic.twitter.com/073cMHDoPG
— k! (@rheassinner) January 26, 2024
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biancabelairs · 2 years
that nattie/shotzi vs shayna/ronda match was shockingly good
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goofyrpmaniacs · 1 year
Sh: *looking over lyrics and looks up* Oh hey Wakko. I'm just helping Yakko with lyrics. I don't exactly have a part yet in this musical. But I am trying to come up with one!
W: Hmmmm....how about you and Dot sing together in the chorus bits parts? Gekko's already playing guitar, the others are doing duets together, and I can do some belches. Choruses are the most important part of a song. Plus, I know you and Dot love being the center of attention.
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twcbelts · 1 year
*        finally    getting    to    watch    mitb     ,      i’m   so   !!!!!!!
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ripleylove · 4 months
The light of the group.
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requested by: @princessthatcantfuckingsleep saying: Omg hiiiii I love Ur writing 🩷🤍idk if you do The Judgment day x reader [platonic] BUT IF YOU DOOOOcan you please make a story where reader is young like 19 or 20 and everyone loves her and she’s a pretty close with The Judgment day as she's in the group, but she's like a more bubby/girly add on ,but one day Somone makes fun of her for standing out so much/being different than the rest of the group and she gets kinda insecure about it?Like just some platonic comfort ISTG I LUV IT SM, IF YOU DO THIS TYSMMM🤍🩷
pairing: the judgement day x fem reader (platonic)
summary: Shayna decides to make you feel insecure, but Rhea,Dom,Damian and Finn are here to tell you otherwise.
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Well,let's say that you were kinda different from the judgment day.
They were dark,serious and intimidating, while you were the exact opposite: you were bubbly,optimistic and girly.
You stood out from the faction,because you were young and happy,and this was never a problem to you and to the members of the judgment day.
They loved you for being yourself,the light that contrasted with the darkness of the group.
The five of you always had the best fun together, and,in the ring, you all were unstoppable.
Until,during Monday Night Raw,you heard Rhea and Shayna Baszler talking backstage.
"I don't think she fits the group really well," Shayna mumbled to Rhea, "She's just so different,why did you even let her join?" Shayna said with an annoying tone,while Rhea was starting to get irritated.
"Listen,Shayna, i really love you and all but her difference from us and the reason why she joined are none of your business. So please,shut the fuck up." Rhea answered with a sarcastic smile,while getting up to do her entrance for a promo.
You hurriedly ran off,trying not to get caught,but you were stopped by Shayna's hand gripping strongly your arm. You tried to break free,but you weren't as strong as her.
"So,listen to me,for once and for all. You do not belong here and in the judgment day,get this in your head. You do not fit that faction and you must leave. You,a clingy and annoying good for nothing,stole my place in the judgment day. I hope they make you leave,because you don't deserve to be in that faction and in WWE at all. Got it?"
Her cruel words felt like daggers in your heart. Did you really not belong with them? Do they want you to leave? Are they faking it all because they're waiting you to leave?
Tears started to flow,and Shayna finally let go of you.
You started to ran,with no destination at all,just trying to get away from there as soon as possible,until Damian saw you.
"Princesa! Wait! What's happening?" He shouted while chasing behind you.
Your breath was shaky and your nose was blocked form all the snot that formed while you were crying,so you started to slow down.
Damian took advantage of this,and he catched up to you,holding your arms.
"Y/N,what happened to you? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you? Tell me,mi amor." He said softly after he noticed your tear stained cheeks and your red face.
"You come here just because you're pitying me right? Because you all want me to leave!" You chuckled,while tears were still flowing down your eyes.
"What?" Damian was confused: why did you even think about that?
"Oh,you know well what I'm talking about. You all want me to leave because I don't fit the standards of the judgment day and because I'm annoying. Right?"
"What the fuck?" Damian started, "Who told you that?" He asked,but he didn't even give you time to answer.
"Listen,amorcito,everything you said is completely wrong. What's the problem of being different? We love you the same,and your talent is unmatched. Do you think we would fake all the laughs,the hugs and the tears? Who told you that?"
Your lips started to wobble again,and Damian quickly pulled you in his embrace. "We love you,Y/N. Never doubt about that. Without you we would be like a puzzle that missed a piece,you're special to us. Do you want me to call the others so we can cuddle all together?" He asked with a soft tone,and you nodded,wanting to feel the comfort of your best friends.
After almost 5 minutes,you could see Rhea,Finn and Dominik running towards you. "Baby! We're here now." Rhea almost instantly hugged you tight,comforting you in one of the best ways.
"Damian told us what happened. We love you,lass,don't even think otherwise. You're the missing piece of our puzzle,you make us feel complete." Finn said while carefully stroking your hair,and Damian quickly exclaimed: "That's what I told her too!"
"The husbands are telepathic again." Rhea said while teasingly rolling her eyes,causing the five of you to giggle.
"Dulceza,did you think about those bad things by yourself,or somebody told you that?" Dom asked while stroking your cheeks.
You just mumbled "Shayna",not even wanting to remember the moment.
"Puta",Damian said under his breath.
"Oh,she's gonna pay for this" Rhea said,but she got interrupted by Finn.
"Okay okay we got it,we're gonna let her pay for what she did but first let's eat something!"
"CHICKEN TENDERS!!!!!!" Dom excitedly exclaimed, with his eyes lighting up.
So you really do belong there.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx
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hindahoney · 1 year
If you want to code-switch so often that you are nearly incomprehensible to goyim, here is a list of my favorite and most-used Jewish terms:
Schvitzing - Sweating. (Ex: "I'm schvitzing so much it's showing through my clothes.")
Schlep - A tedious and long journey, depending on usage it can mean that you were carrying something. (Ex: "I had to schlep all the way across campus, my backpack was so heavy." Usually denotes a long walk, but other forms of transportation are acceptable too. "You drove all the way to New York from Florida? That's quite the shlep.")
Shtati - Something really cool. (Ex: "I visited my friend's place and they had a shtati mezuzah!")
Neshama - Soul. (Ex: "Mazel tov on your conversion, you have such a strong Jewish neshama!")
Balagan - A big mess, chaotic, confusing (Ex: "Moshe forgot to bring challah for shabbat dinner, and it turned into this big balagan")
Achi/Achoti - "Achi" literally means "my brother," but can also be used like bro or dude, "achoti" is the feminine equivalent meaning "sister"
Yalla - Come on, let's go (Ex: "Yalla yalla, you're going to make us late again")
Mishpacha - Family. Doesn't have to be literal blood relatives, usually a sign of warmth or friendship. (Ex: "I care about every Jew, they're all my mishpacha.")
Pshhh - Interjection sound, to express respect or agreement with what someone is saying, but can also be playfully poking fun at someone taking themselves too seriously, can be used sarcastically.
Achla - amazing, awesome, great, the best (Ex: "You graduated from university? Achla!")
Sheina Punem (Shayna Punim) - Pretty face (Ex: My bubbe kept pinching my cheeks and calling me a sheina punem) Can be used ironically, in which case it means "a disgrace."
Ahavat Yisrael - to love your fellow Jew (Ex: "I firmly believe in ahavat yisrael, even if it's hard sometimes.")
Schande - Shame, dishonor among the nations, meaning a Jew who represents Jews badly, a serious insult. (Ex: "He's a schande, he feeds into antisemitic stereotypes.")
Schmutz - Dirt, stain. (Ex: "Use your napkin, you've got schmutz on your face.")
Amalek - Any enemy of the Jewish people. ("[Fill in blank] is the modern Amalek, they hate the Jews.")
Lanceman/Landsmen - Two jews from the same place, a point of connection between two Jews who now live far away from their hometown. (Ex: "Your grandma is from Crown Heights? Mine too, our grandparents are landsmen!")
Goyisch - Something not Jewish (Ex: "I don't listen to Taylor Swift, her music is too goyisch for me.")
Goyischekop/Goyische-kop - Goyisch head, a jew who thinks/sounds like a non-jew. (Ex: "How could you say about your fellow Jew? Do you have a goyische-kop or something?")
Kindaleh/Kinderlach - Little children (Ex: "I passed by the school and saw the kindaleh on the playground, they're so cute!")
Chamud/Chamuda/Chamudi - Sweetie, cutie, usually aimed at children, but can be a term of endearment between a couple. Can be condescending when said rudely to another adult, like "Sweetheart" can be in English. (ex: "Goodnight, Chamudi. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.")
Daven - to pray ("Are you going to join us for davening?")
Frum - A religiously observant Jew. ("He's frum, he davens three times a day.")
Treif - Unkosher, generally something not good, doesn't have to literally refer to a food. ("I trained my dog to stop barking when I say 'treif!'.")
Bubkis - Zero, nothing, nada ("Moshe got a gift from bubbe and I got bubkis.")
Kvetch - To complain ("I'm just kvetching, I'm not that upset about it.")
Kvell - Extreme pride. ("I heard your daughter made it into her top school, you must be kvelling!")
Mensch - A good, admirable person. ("He volunteers every week, he's a mensch.")
Chillul HaShem - Disgracing God's name, someone who does something that makes Jews look bad.
Kiddush HaShem - Something that sanctifies God's name, brings honor to God. ("I love seeing you wear a kippah, it's a kiddush HaShem!")
Bubbe meise - Little white lies ("He told his teacher a bubbe meise about his dog eating his homework.")
I should acknowledge that these are mostly Yiddish words, as my experience is primarily with Ashkenazi Jews. If you would like to add common slang from your community (like Ladino phrases, Judeo-Arabic, Italki, etc) I would love to learn about them!
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sydsaint · 8 months
My favorite NXT man <3
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Summary: The reader and Bron reunite when Breakker shows up to enter the royal rumble. Secrets come out and feelings get confessed.
"I can't believe she tossed you out like that." You stand and talk with Zoey backstage after the women's rumble is over. "You were doing so good against everyone too! And you know I'd of loved getting you at Mania, girl." You joke with her lightheartedly. 
"Ugh, I know!" Zoey groans. "Oh well. Looks like it's back to tagging with Shayna. Not that I don't love her to death." She sighs. 
You nod and pat Zoey's shoulder. "Hey, the draft is coming up soon. Maybe I can see if I can put a good word in with Aldis and get you on Smackdown." You offer a hopeful outlook on everything. 
"That'd be awesome." Zoey cracks a small smile. "Thanks, girl." 
You and Zoey chat some more since you rarely get to chat anymore while you're on opposite shows. Zoey is telling you about her latest escapades with Shayna when someone coming through the door at the far side of the room catches your eye.
"Bron?" You ask aloud, looking over Zoey's shoulder. 
"Bron?" Zoey furrows her brows at you. "Breakker?" She asks and turns around in the direction you're staring. 
Zoey turns around just as Bron fully comes through the door dressed for action. She turns back to you and raises her brows at your blatant staring. "YN! You alright?" Zoey asks you. 
"Hmm?" You blink a few times before turning your attention back to Zoey. "Yeah, I'm fine." You nod. "Just surprised is all." 
"Breakker must have a spot in the men's rumble," Zoey replies. "You should go talk to him." She adds. 
You agree and walk away from your BFF. You weave through various backstage personnel to make it to Bron standing what seems like a world away on the other side of the room. It's been ages since you've seen Breakker. Not since last year when you got called up to Smackdown and Bron got stuck in NXT for another year.
"Bron? Hey, Bron!" You call Breakker once you're about halfway across the room.
You watch Bron perk up when he hears his name. He glances around at everyone working around him for the source of the shout and his gaze lands on you in the middle of the room. "YN?" You hear a faint call back to you.
You manage to break through the sea of people keeping you from greeting your former best friend and travel partner and hurry over to him. "Bron! I knew I recognized that bad tan and broad shoulders." You joke.
"YN!" Bron snorts. "Shit. It's been too long." He leans down for a hug.
"I know!" You agree and gladly allow Bron to wrap those ungodly broad arms around you. "How have you been? Here for the men's rumble, I assume?" You ask him.
Bron lets you go from his warm and inviting hug reluctantly and nods. "Yeah. It's me and Carmelo representing NXT." He explains. "Where you in the women's rumble match?" He asks you. "I didn't catch all of it. But I didn't see you."
"Me? No." You laugh and remove your jacket to reveal the Smackdown women's title hanging from your waist. "Those girls were competing for a chance to get at me. Not the other way around." You brag.
"You're the champ?" Bron eyes the title belt with intrigue and surprise. "Damn, YN. Congratulations. How long have you had it for?" He asks you.
You pat the belt with pride and a wide smile on your face. "I took it off Bianca about three months ago." You explain. "And thanks. I heard that you dropped your title to Carmelo. And then Melo lost it to Ilja?"
"Yeah." Bron nods.
"I've been seeing Melo around backstage on Smackdown these past few weeks." You add. "And I see he's still a cocky flirt." You add. "What about you? Last I heard you were dating Cora Jade. How's that going?"
You notice Bron's jaw clench slightly as he shakes his head. "Cora and I have been over for a while." He explains.
"Oh." You nod. "Well, anywho, what number are you?" You switch back to talking about the Rumble match.
"I'm up next." Bron nods to the tunnel entrance on the other side of the room. "But stick around yeah? I'd love to catch up some more." He asks you.
You agree to hang around with a nod and Bron heads off so he doesn't miss his cue. You make your way back over to Zoey who's been hanging around this whole time waiting for you to come back.
"So? How is our large friend?" Zoey jokes when you walk back over to her.
"He seems good." You shrug. "You were right. He's here for the rumble match." You explain. "Hey, did you know that he and Cora broke up? I know that you still talk to her and Roxanne sometimes." You ask her.
Zoey nods and observes the way you intently watch the monitor now that Bron is out in the match. "Yeah, I remember her mentioning it a few months back." She confirms. "Why?"
"No reason." You shrug, eyes still glued to the monitor.
"Right." Zoey nods nonchalantly.
A while later Bron is finally tossed over the top rope and eliminated from the match. You snicker when he takes out JD who's entering the match next. You've never been a fan of McDonagh. Especially back in NXT.
You hang around and wait for Bron to come backstage again from the side entrance of the stage. You spot him a few seconds later and head over to greet him. "Nice work out there, Bron. You looked great!" You compliment him. "And nice touch running over JD on the way out."
"Thanks." Bron chuckles. "I figured that you'd get a kick out of that."
You and Bron walk through the backstage area to some place where fewer people are milling about. The two of you chat about what you've both been up to as of late. Eventually, the conversation manages to wander back to dating.
"Nah, I haven't been with anyone." You wave your hand dismissively when Bron asks. "And hey, I'm sorry about you and Cora. I know you two had a good thing going." You add.
"Ah, it's alright." Bron shrugs. "It was a mutual thing. And for the best." He insists.
Bron's answer piques your interest and you can't help but ask. "Why'd you two split?" You ask him. "If you don't mind me asking?"
"I realized that I was in love with someone else," Bron replies gazing down at you and the oblivious look on your face.
"Yeah?" You laugh. "Who's the lucky girl?" You ask him. "Anyone that I know?"
Bron is the one to laugh this time. "Yeah, I think you know her pretty well." He answers you. "Though I haven't been able to tell her how I feel yet. Hell, I haven't even seen her in like a year." He adds.
"Really?" You reply, still not taking the hint. "Well, you should seize this chance now, Bron!" You encourage him. "She's bound to be here tonight, right? It is a PLE after all."
"She's here." Bron chuckles, loving the oblivious glint in your eye. "Standing right in front of me matter of fact."
"Right in front?" You furrow your brows then realization finally hits you like a truck. "Oh." Your eyes widen and you stare up at Bron. "Oh. Me?" You point to yourself.
Bron grins and nods. "You're the only one here, aren't you?"
"How come you never said anything before, Bron?" You ask him, not sure how to feel just yet.
"It took me some time to realize it," Bron explains. "You know I always loved hanging out and having you around back in NXT. But it wasn't until you were gone that I realized just how much I missed having you around. And why that was. So...what about you?" He asks you. "I know this is kind of a dick move springing it on you like this." He admits.
You shake your head and take a step forward. "No. It's sweet." You insist. "And there was a reason I was always hanging out with you in NXT, blockhead." You tease him with a small laugh. "I was down bad for you back then. Still am. You just didn't get the hint."
"Looks like we're both oblivious idiots then." Bron laughs.
"Looks like it." You agree. "Now can you lean down here so I can finally get the kiss I've been waiting so long for?" You ask him.
Bron grins with a mischievous shimmer in his eyes. "I've got a better idea." He explains before swiftly picking you up off your feet. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck before crashing your lips to his.
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madhatterbri · 2 months
All Fell Down | D.P. Part 3
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Summary: Can there be a part 3 of All Fall Down? I need to know what happens. What does Rhea have to say?!
Damian Priest Masterlist
Requested by: @judgementalghost29
Taglist: @magicalbuttertarts @theworldofotps @smallestsnarkestgirl @mrsarcherofinfamy
Y/N stood in the busy women's locker room, getting ready for her match with Rhea. The others were making tik toks or chatting about recent events. Normally, she'd be in the Judgment Day locker room, but that ended last night. She never felt more out of place.
Her phone lit up. Y/N was about to ignore it. She wanted to be free from any distractions. Curiosity got the better of her. She grabbed her phone to see a text from Mami.
"Hey, come to the clubhouse. Damian isn't here,"
Y/N sighed and replied back.
"What about Finn?"
"Just the girls:)"
Y/N checked herself in the mirror. She was ready for their match tonight. Her stuff was placed neatly in a locker. Within moments, she was in front of the Judgment Day clubhouse. Nervously, she knocked on the door.
"Hello, darling," Rhea greeted when she opened the door. She only poked her head out.
"You wanted to see me?" Y/N questioned.
"I can't see my friend before a match and fix everything like always?"
Rhea opened the door wider. She grabbed Y/N's wrist before she could run off. With little struggle, Y/N was forced in the clubhouse. The door was closed quickly behind her. Damian and Finn stood next to each other.
"Rhea, this isn't funny. Let me go," she begged and tried to push past her.
"There won't be anymore fighting, Y/N," Finn told her. Y/N turned to look at him. This was the most he had spoken to her for a while. She bit her lip nervously.
"I had a heart to heart with Finn last night. Sneaking around and Damian telling Finn to ask you back out wasn't the smartest, but we are all adults," Rhea pointed out. She sat on the black couch.
Y/N felt tears spring to her eyes. "I'm sorry about lying to you, Finn. It sort of just happened. I would never do anything to hurt you or lie to you. I was just worried about losing our friendship and it backfired,"
"I know, and I'm sorry too. I just wanted to protect you, but Damian is a good guy," Finn smiled briefly and patted Damian's back. Damian nodded to his friend.
The old friends aired out their grievances. The room felt lighter the more they talked. Damian hadn't spoken yet. He wasn't sure what to say. Rhea took notice.
"Come on, Finn. Let's see what's going on in catering. I haven't seen Shayna's new review on it yet," Rhea announced and stood from the couch. Finn looked at her oddly yet saw her expression and left with her.
The room immediately felt tense once more. "I should go,"
"Damian, wait," she spoke quickly. He stopped and waited for her to continue. Her thoughts drifted back to their time in the elevator. "I think I need your help. I have a match with Rhea. My ego is getting too big again. All the air in my head,"
Damian turned to her. The corners of his lips tugged into a smile. A genuine smile for the first time since they broke up last night. "The air never left your head, princesa. You look like Megamind,"
"Damian!" She shrieked and shoved his chest. His laughter boomed in the clubhouse. The noise eased her troubled mind. He wrapped his arms around her. "I miss you,"
"I miss you too. Rhea set this all up. She kind of got Finn's head out of his ass last night. We talked it all out before she texted you to come over," he told her. Damian brought up some of the events that happened before her arrival. All the hurt and anger that was spilled.
"Would that mean you and I.... could be you and I again?" She asked nervously. His rejection would hurt her.
"I'd like that more than anything," he answered and kissed her.
"Let's make up for lost time," Y/N winked and led them to the couch. Damian sat down. Y/N sat on his lap. They started to kiss.
The door suddenly opened. "Hey, our match is next. Oh, bloody hell!" Rhea spoke and smacked her hand to her face. The couple separated. Y/N blushed and hid her face.
"Like bloody teenagers. We can't even leave you two alone in the clubhouse. Come on, Y/N,"
They kissed one last time. "I'll be watching,"
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fandomfucker · 10 months
hey! I hope you are doing well.
I was wondering if you would like to write a rhea x femreader x Dominik? (reader is a very young wrestler) do you remember when Rhea told Dom if he doesn't get the title he doesn't have to come back? Dom and Reader both get scared that she really means this and comfort each other. When Rhea realizes that she has seriously scared both of them, she tries to get their trust back.
If you don't like it, it's no big deal. have a great day ! I really Love you're writtings!(ps. Its my First request for you) 💖
I went back and watched the episode for the exact dialogue and everything cause I'm insane. So, please enjoy
Word Count: 3,182
Reader’s POV
As a pretty new wrestler, I jumped at the chance to join the already established and successful team of The Judgment Day. It was definitely overwhelming at first but the blossoming relationship between Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley, and me made me much more confident in myself and my abilities, knowing that they were all there to help me should I need it.
It was now Monday Night RAW and Rhea was finally back after having been gone for a little while after Nia Jax had injured her. And because of that, I was just itching to get into a fight with that bitch.
Damian, Dominik, and I all stood backstage waiting for Raw to start. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler were going to kick off the night with a fight and I wanted to watch Nia get her ass kicked. But before the actual show had even started, we saw on the screen as Shayna and Nia began fighting just outside the entrance, nowhere even near the ring yet.
Nia dragged Shayna's jacket off of her, both dragging and pushing her toward the ring. Shayna clutched her arm in pain as Nia threw her into the ring before climbing in herself.
Despite me and Shayna not being friends, at all. I was still rooting for her to win over Nia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Even if they don't know that they're my enemy.
I started doing little happy claps to myself as Shyana got the upper hand and jumped onto Nia's back. Dominik was standing next to me icing his eye again and I could see him give me a soft smile out of the corner of my eye.
Nia managed to get Shayna off, screaming at a ref in the process and went to keep going when Raquel's music began to play and she was shown jogging up and into the ring.
I groaned in annoyance, locking eyes with Dominik who shared my grievances.
Raquel tried to attack Nia but missed and wound up hitting Shayna instead. Nia, seeing the open opportunity, kicked Raquel to the ground. She stood there with her two opponents on the ground and began to smile at the camera, oh so proud of herself.
And then Rhea's music started playing.
My eyes widened as I looked at Dom before turning around towards Damian. "Did you know she was here?"
Damian stalked over from where he was sitting on the couch behind us, a look of both confusion and anger swirled on his face, "No, I didn't."
I watched as my and Dominik's girlfriend ran down the walkway down to the ring. She slung herself up in the ring and immediately went after Nia Jax.
Raquel and Shayna were already out of the way so she started pummeling Nia.
Raquel pushed her off of Nia and they began to fight as Shayna got up and began to fight Nia again.
Rhea and Raquel fought to one side of the ring while Shayna and Nia were on the other.
Multiple security guards and a few referees ran out from backstage and attempted to get all the women off of each other and out of the ring.
The guards managed to pull apart Nia and Shayna but had to swarm Rhea and Raquel as they struggled to get them off of each other.
The guards now had Rhea in that corner with the other three women against the ropes across from her.
My eyes widened even further as I watched Rhea kick one of the refs in the face, Nia slipping out of the ring in the corner.
One of the guards holding Raquel started to make his way towards Rhea as everyone else left the ring. I continued watching in horror as Rhea grabbed the guard and riptided him, leaving him to shake in pain on the floor of the ring. "Holy shit," I breathed.
Dominik slung an arm over my shoulders, bringing me into his side as he stroked his hand up and down my shoulder in comfort. I fell into his side as he held me, resting my head against his chest as we watched our girl.
She was livid.
We watched in silence as Rhea continued to scream at the women outside the ring who were now making their way back to the gorilla.
Nia was dragged backstage by the security guards, meanwhile, Raquel and Shayna were trying to fight each other and Rhea continued screaming like a maniac.
The crowd started chanting 'Mami' which only fueled her. I could see her arm outstretched for a mic just before the camera cut to the announcers.
I wasn't listening to anything the announcers were saying as I looked up at Dom to see his reaction.
His jaw was clenched while his mouth was turned slightly in a small frown. I turned to glance at Damian, to see his expression solid and unreadable as stone.
Turning my attention back to the TV screen, I watched as the announcers kept speaking only to be interrupted mid-sentence by Rhea.
"Mami's back on Monday Night Raw," cue the cheers from the crowd, "And I'm not done yet, so I'm staying in this ring because I got somethin' else to handle."
Her Australian accent came out thick as she still struggled to even out her breathing, from both being so mad and from the little show she'd just put on.
"Judgment Day! Get out here. We need to talk."
My breathing stopped for a second, only starting back again when Dominik squeezed my shoulders from behind me, gently directing me towards the gorilla.
Damian was in front, with me and Dom flanking either side of him. He held one of his belts while the other was around his waist, his Money in the Bank Briefcase in the other hand.
Our song, The Other Side, began playing throughout the arena and we began our walk out.
I made sure to drop any and all expressions from my face, no matter what was going on between us, I still had a show to put on.
Faintly, I heard one of the announcers say "Mami is in a mood. Hell hath no fury like Rhea Ripley scorned."
The camera came in close on the belt around Dom's waist as we walked. I kept my head up and my eyes forward as I saw Rhea yelling at us from the ring the entire walk-in.
I followed behind Damian, in front of Dom up the metal stairs and up to the ring. Damian went in first and held the top rope up for me as Dom took Rhea's belt off before sitting on the middle rope for me.
I slipped in right as the cameras cut off. Standing slightly off to the side, Rhea and Damian glared at each other as Damian walked around to the other side of the ring. She turned back in my direction when Dominik grabbed her attention with a small "Mami", handing her her belt back.
She stalked over, grabbing the belt from him and then my arm, shoving the belt at me as she turned around, wordlessly demanding that I help her put it on.
I tapped her lower back, just above where the top of her belt lay to let her know I had finished securing it.
She turned around and gave me a small, secret, wink before turning back around and making her way to the middle of the ring.
I made my way back over to Dominik and he and I stood about a foot away from each other, facing Rhea in the center of the ring with our backs to the entrance.
Damian faced Rhea from the other side of the ring as our music played out and the noises of the crowd could be heard.
Rhea paced back and forth in the aisle between the two sides of JD members, saving whatever she had to say for the cameras.
The lighting soon changed to our signature purple hue, and the signal went off for us to know we were going back on air.
Rhea said something into the mic, addressing each of us in turn with an aggressive outward arm gesture, the crowd booing loudly when she said Dom's name and gestured to him.
"Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I have some Judgment Day business to attend." She looked between the three of us, ultimately starting her walk towards Dom.
"Now we all know, that there is no leader of the Judgment Day. Correct?" She turned and made her way toward Damian, "Correct?" And then made her way back to Dom and me.
No matter how many times it's said, Judgment Day does, in fact, have a leader, whether some of the members wanted to get their head out of their asses and admit it or not, there's only one person that every single person will listen to without question. And that's Rhea even if she herself denies it.
"But we each have our own responsibilities to handle." She spared a glare at Dom, softening slightly as she looked at me before focusing on Damian.
"Someone has to come up with a game plan so things don't go down for the Judgment Day. Right, Dom?" I shot a look over to Dom as Rhea addressed him, seeing him keep his eyes locked on the floor as he nodded his head quickly in agreement.
"Right. Correct.  So what happens? Mami gets taken out for two weeks by Nia Jax, and all of a sudden things start falling apart for the Judgment Day."
While she was gone, Dom had lost his title, Finn and Damian were now both hurt, and I had been taken out by Bayley on my way to the ring to fight Iyo Sky for her title and now still not yet medically cleared either.
"Because Mami is the one that makes the pla-plans." Her accent slipped up and she had to correct herself mid-word which I had to keep myself from laughing at. I'd for sure be bringing this up backstage.
"But at the end of the day, me being out, I left that responsibility to someone and they disappointed me. I left that responsibility to you, Priest." She spat, stalking right up to Damian. She stood right in front of him, making sure not to remove her focus from him as he uncomfortably looked away.
They stared at each other for a heartbeat more before Rhea brought the mic back up to her mouth. "I go and you can't handle the job."
Damian idly scratched his face nonchalantly, still refusing to look her in the face.
"After the brawl last week, Finn's out injured." She shoved her finger against his chest. "You can't even compete tonight against Jey because you're not medically cleared."
Damian looked down towards the side, a pissed-off smirk growing on his face as the crowd 'ooh'ed in response.
"And what else happens, Priest? What else happens?" Rhea outstretched her arm, gesturing towards both Dom and me. "Y/n gets hurt and Dom loses his NXT North American Championship to Trick Williams at No Mercy." At this the crowd began to cheer again, causing Rhea to outburst at them, "Shut up!"
"All because you weren't there to help him like I told you to. And now we have a Cody and Jey situation. They don't fear us Priest. You know why? Because there's tension here. Because we're not a threat to them. And you know what they're going to try and do? They're going to try and take your tag team championships away from you. What are you going to do, huh? You can't even do anything about it." The crowd cheered in response to her little speech.
Damian drew up the microphone, bringing it to his mouth, finally looking at Rhea. "With all due respect, Rhea, you're not saying anything I don't already know. Yeah, Cody and Jey are coming for the titles. But when push comes to shove, I will push harder. With that being said, screw Cody Rhodes. Screw Main Event Jey Uso. While we're at it, all these talks about the Judgment Day falling apart, screw that too." The crowd cheered.
"You know, the way I see it, I have my titles. I have my contract. I'm not trying to point fingers and start nothing but, Mami, where's Dom Dom's title?" Damian pointed towards Dom with his briefcase, and I saw Dom looking back at Damian like 'What the fuck man?'.
I couldn't see Rhea's face from where I was standing but I could see her body tense up before rolling her shoulders and slowly turning her head around. I caught a glimpse of the glare she sent his way and a shiver went down my spine. And not in a good way.
She actually looked pissed to high hell.
Fully turning her body around, she shot one last glare at Damian over her shoulder before stalking up to Dominik. I could hear the crowd chanting something unintelligible in the background as she made her way over.
"Dom, I'm your Mami, right?" Dom nodded his head in response.
"What does that make you? That makes you my Papi. So tomorrow night at NXT, you have a rematch against Trick Williams. You're welcome." She leaned into his face, inches apart, and put her finger under his chin to make him look at her when he turned his head.
"But if you don't come home to me with that championship, then don't bother coming home."
The crowd cheered and 'ooh'ed at her words. However, my breathing stopped short and the blood drained from my face. I did my best to keep the bored, neutral look on my face for the show as I darted a quick look over at Dominik to see him secretly scared shitless too as Rhea yelled in his face away from the mic, not letting me hear what was said.
Jey's music began to play and Rhea walked away from Dominik and over to me, gripping my arm and dragging me behind her as all of us from Judgment Day stood in a rough line on one side of the ring, now facing the gorilla as Jey made his entrance and hopped into the ring.
He paced in front of us for a second as the crowd continued to cheer and chant before he finally brought his mic up and began to address Rhea.
"Hey, hey. First and foremost, importantly, can we please welcome back Miss Rhea Ripley." He held onto the top rope, hanging off of it as his legs were crossed. "Hey. We missed you. We all miss you."
Rhea sneered at him from my right as Damian told him off from my left, "Take it easy over there."
Jey continued his monologue despite the mixed reactions, "Because it looked like there was a new tribal chief on Monday Night. And apparently, she has bigger balls than Roman Reigns ever did."
My eyebrows raised in surprise at the words that just came out of his mouth. This would undoubtedly cause issues but it was really not my problem.
The rest of my time in the ring was a blur as I was more focused on trying not to completely freak out over what Rhea told Dominik about not coming home at all. She seemed super serious about it and as a throuple I was terrified.
Rhea kinda just dragged me behind her the whole time the boys were fighting, keeping me behind her protective shield until our segment was up.
As a group, the four of us made our way back up the walkway and into the gorilla. I could feel the tears beginning to well up behind my eyes as we walked.
Once we made it back, Rhea stormed off God knows where with Damian following quickly after her. Dominik and I managed to make our way to the Judgment Day locker room before I broke down in tears, having to have Dominik hold me up.
He guided me over to the armchair on the far wall, taking a seat in front of me to better be eye level with me.
"I d-don't like her b-being mad at us." I hiccupped through my sobs to Dominik. He had both hands resting on my biceps and gently ran circles over them with his thumbs to try and calm me down some.
"I don't either, Cariño." Dominik soothed me.
I could see the worry in his own eyes and the tears forming. I stepped forward so I was standing between his legs and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, resting my cheek against his head as his arms came to snake around my waist.
We held onto each other tightly for what felt like hours but was realistically only minutes.
We paid no attention to anything that wasn't each other until the door opened, Rhea's worried face and frenzied breathing.
"There you two are, I've been looking all over for you." She sighed in relief as she came in, closing the door behind her.
I lifted my head from Dominik's and she stopped dead in her tracks seeing my red-rimmed eyes and wet cheeks.
Her gaze flitted to Dominik's face, seeing his face matching mine.
"What's wrong, my loves?" She asked gently, cautiously stepping towards us.
My arms tightened around Dom's shoulders in fear as she came closer.
Seeing this, she immediately stopped, a hurt look overcoming her face.
She held out her hands in a gesture of peace. "Y/n," she started cautiously, "What's wrong, Love?"
I sniffled before responding, my voice quiet and breaking, "You're gonna break us all up."
Her expression turned devastated. "No. No, no, no. Baby, that was all just for the show. I wasn't allowed to tell you guys because they wanted your authentic reactions. I'm so, so sorry." Her voice cracked as she tried to hold back her own tears.
Gingerly, I unwrapped Dominik's arms from my waist and walked over to Rhea. Hesitantly, I held my arms out to her.
She immediately ran into my open arms, rushing into me so fast she almost knocked me over. Taking a couple of steps back to steady us, I hugged her back tightly.
"I'm sorry. It wasn't real I swear, I didn't actually mean it." She croaked into my hair, her voice full of emotion.
I hugged her back tightly, sticking my face in her collarbone and breathing in her scent.
"Mami," Dominik spoke up from where he was sitting. Pulling away from me, Rhea turned to look at him, apologies swimming in her eyes.
He stood up slowly, never looking away from her. Rhea began to nervously pick at her nails, not saying a word. He made his way over to her and just fell into her arms. I could hear him crying into her shoulder in relief that it was all just for show as Rhea also sagged into him in relief that he trusted her. "It won't happen again, Dom, I swear."
I let them hug and cry it out by themselves until Rhea held out an arm for me to join the hug with them. I bounded over to them, squeezing myself between the two of them, holding onto Rhea as Dominik held onto me from behind and Rhea.
"You say 'plans' weird," I laugh-cried into Rhea's chest as I squeezed her mid-section tighter.
She chuckled into my hair, giving the top of my head a lingering kiss as she squeezed me in return.
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1-800-sinister · 6 months
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( Shayna Baszler x Fem!Reader )
Warning: Shayna almost beats the shit out of Austin, Austin Theory needs a warning itself, and I hope you enjoy.
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You were Shayna's girl. Everybody knew this, and everybody knew not to mess with you, and if they did, Shayna would be on their ass. But here was the Austin theory, and of course he didn't listen.
"Hey doll." Austin comes up to you as you peacefully are trying to enjoy your food in the cafeteria. You look at him and roll your eyes. "Not your doll, never will be." 
"Oh, come on, I'm the hottest thing around here. You so want me." Austin went to sit down when you slid the chair out, making him almost fall over. "Somebody's sitting there." Austin laughed. "Yeah, like who?"
Shayna walked up. "Me." Austin turned and looked, seeing Shayna. Oh boy, was he scared. "Now get the hell out of here before I break your not-so-pretty face in, then I tear your damn limbs off for even coming close to her." 
You never saw Austin scramble to get away so fast in his life. It made you laugh. Shayna sat down and said, "I don't know why he thinks every girl wants him. He's not all that, and you are clearly mine." Shayna crosses her arms.
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kyleoreillylover · 9 months
Chapter 4- Jealous
Series Summary/Masterlist
tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant @raya-hunter01
warnings: wrestling related violence, manipulation, mentions of cheating (kinda??)
word count: 14, 722
Chapter Summary: Everything is going wonderfully, and you are on top of the world. No one can stop your reign, you and Jey are together, and it feel like no one can stop you or the Bloodline, and everything is perfect. That is, until Sami does what he does best, and sticks his head where he doesn't belong, by trying to join the Bloodline. You try to scare him away, but it doesn't work. Tensions rise between him and Jey almost immediately, and you feel caught in the middle. Roman makes you the one to get them along. But it inadvertently almost costs him the stability of the Bloodline.
a/n: not my best work, but I hope ya'll don't mind. Hope ya'll enjoy!!
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liked by y/n, jimmyuso, trinitywwe, themercedesvarnado, samizaynwwe and 700,000 others
uceyjucey: the bloodline coming to yo city👆
tagged: y/n
view all comments
user: the pretty privilege these two have is killing me
user: cutest couple ever
user: I'm in love with both of them
↳user: did they ever confirm their relationship to the public tho?
↳user: baby, look at them, and then stop asking stupid fucking questions.
y/n: photo creds for my fav person to take pics of ;)
↳uceyjucey: I better be your fav person period. 😒
↳y/n: lemme drive the car and then you will be <3
↳uceyjucey: anything for you ♥️
↳jimmyuso: oh hell naw I aint' agree to a death ride
↳uceyjucey: shut up we aint gotta ask you
↳y/n: exactly, stay in your place jimmy.
↳user: do we need anymore proof??? or ya'll still need them to confirm it?
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APRIL 2022
The arena was bustling with excitement and nerves as Friday Night Smackdown was about to begin. Staff were prepping for script changes, wrestlers were getting ready for their segments, cameras were positioned strategically to capture every moment, and the crowd buzzed with anticipation.
Kayla Braxton was standing outside, cameras following her and mic in hand as the show started, and she waited as an SUV pulled up to the arena's entrance. Flashing lights from cameras greeted the opening car door as it parked, and a crew member quickly opened the door.
Out stepped you from the drivers seat, clad in a black tank top and a sleek black leather jacket, adorned with the Raw Women's Championship around your waist.
You smirked as you moved to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door. Jey emerged, looking every bit as confident as you did, with a smiling Jimmy in tow with him, the tag team titles around your waists. Then Paul, and, the crowd's excitement escalated as the reigning Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, stepped out from the back seat.
You smirked from next to Roman at Kayla as you made your way towards her, the camera crew capturing every move. Confidence, glamour, and power exuded from you as you approached Kayla. Kayla smiled as the four of you passed her, holding the mic towards you all, your Raw Women's Championship catching the glint of the spotlight.
"Bloodline, an explosive Wrestlemania for the 4 of you. After all of you retained your gold, Roman against Brock, Y/N against Shayna, and The Usos against Nakumara and Boogs, what's next for the Bloodline on Smackdown tonight?"
Roman paused for a moment, his piercing gaze fixed on Kayla before he took the microphone from her hand. The arena hushed in anticipation as the Tribal Chief prepared to address the question.
"What's next for the Bloodline?" Roman repeated, his voice oozing authority. "What's next is dominance, Kayla. We did what we said we'd do at Wrestelmania, and that is solidify our dominance over this entire company. The Universal Championship, the Raw Women's Championship, and the Tag Team Titles—all held by the Bloodline. That's not just gold; it's power. And tonight, SmackDown will witness the continuation of our reign."
Kayla nodded at Roman's words, the atmosphere heavy with the weight of the Bloodline's presence. She then turned her attention to you, the Raw Women's Champion.
"And Y/N, after a brutal match against Shayna Baszler at WrestleMania, what's your mindset coming into SmackDown?"
You took the mic from Kayla, a confident smirk playing on your lips. The arena was filled with a mix of cheers and boos, a testament to the polarizing effect of your allegiance to the Tribal Chief.
"My mindset, Kayla?" you responded, your voice steady.
"It's simple. I'm here to dominate. Shayna threw everything she had at me, but I'm still standing here with this championship around my waist. The darkness within me is stronger than ever, and tonight, I'll prove that I'm not just a champion, I'm not just the princess of pain; I'm the queen of this division.
And Shayna thought that she could break me like Ronda tried to break me, but all she did was fuel the fire within. And the only way she's gonna get another shot at this title, is if she wins the 4 way match tonight. But trust me, I'm not planning on letting go of this gold anytime soon."
Shayna had thought you were still the same women who Ronda beat 2 years ago, and thought it would be a cakewalk to take your title from you. But you quickly proved her wrong when you fought her in a street fight and made her pass out in her own hold and regret underestimating you.
The scars from that match still adorned your body, but they were badges of honor, that not only marked your resilience but also sent a message to the entire Women's Division that you have been sending for the past 2 years—that you are willing to break anyone who stands in your way.
You laughed, a confident and almost menacing tone to it, as if daring anyone to challenge your reign, and Kayla shifted her focus to Jey and Jimmy, the Tag Team Champions, who stood beside you with smirks mirroring your own.
"And what about The Usos?" Kayla inquired. "What's next for the Tag Team Champions?"
Jey took the mic, his voice filled with the same confidence that you had. "You know, Kayla, it's like this. We're the best tag team in the world, and them titles around our waists ain't going anywhere. We proved it at WrestleMania, and we'll keep proving it. Ain't nobody gonna take these titles from us." Jey finished by wrapping an arm around your shoulder, making you automatically lean into his side, a small smile playing on your lips.
Jimmy nodded in agreement, a smirk playing on his face. "That's right. We're here to dominate the tag team division. Ain't no team stepping up to the Bloodline and coming out on top. We're family, and that bond makes us unstoppable."
Kayla nodded, turning back to Roman. "And Roman, Drew Mycintire has made it clear that he wants another shot at the Universal Championship. What are your thoughts on that?"
Roman chuckled, a low and menacing sound. "Drew McIntyre wants another shot, huh?"
He shook his head with a smirk. "Drew, you had your chance, and you failed. This is the Bloodline's era, and I'm not wasting my time on someone who couldn't get the job done the first time. If he wants another shot, he needs to prove himself. Maybe he can start by going through Jey here." Roman gestured towards Jey, who nodded in agreement.
Jey stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the camera. "Drew, if you want a shot at the Universal Championship, you gotta go through me first. And I promise you, it won't be an easy task."
Jimmy chimed in, "And even if you manage to get through Jey, I'll be waiting for you. Y/N will be waiting for you. Roman will be waiting for you. The Head of the Table doesn't waste his time on anyone who doesn't deserve it."
You leaned in, the Raw Women's Championship glinting in the arena lights, as you added your final words. "So, Drew, Shayna, if you guys want to have another shot at our titles, try to fracture our dominance, just know that you'll have to go through each one of us before you even get close."
Roman paused before continuing, a smirk on his face. " Good luck tonight, cause wherever the Bloodline goes, goes, gold follows, and we don't plan on letting go anytime soon."
With those final words, you flipped your curly hair and joined the boys and Paul in leaving Kayla, who watched as the 4 of you walked away with an air of dominance and confidence.
You were on top of the world, as you had been for the past 2 years. Women have tried to dethrone you, but none succeeded. Kevin was finally no longer a thorn in your side as he had gone to do his own thing on Raw, and you were glad for that. You wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but you missed him, and were glad when his feud with Roman ended, not wanting him to keep getting hurt. But you now had The Bloodline, who you trusted and knew wouldn’t stab you in the back, unlike him.
You were the epitome of dominance, the queen of the division, and with the Bloodline by your side, there seemed to be no end to your reign, and nothing was gonna stop that.
Yet there was a certain someone watching you on the screen that would beg to differ.
It was Sami Zayn, who was trying to become the number one contender for the universal Championship.
"How dare Drew try to take my spot?" Sami angrily muttered to himself. But then a lightbulb went off in his head, and an idea quickly formed If he couldn't beat Drew directly, maybe he could indirectly influence the outcome, and in the process, get his best friend back.
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You sucked in a breath as Jey pressed the cold ice pack onto your rib, pushing it when you tried to move away.
You were still hurting from your match with Shayna, and despite you claiming you were fine, Jey insisted on taking care of you. Roman and Paul were talking amongst themselves, while Jimmy was talking to Trinity on the phone, and you and Jey were sitting in the cor ner of the locker room.
“You’re taking it easy tonight.” It wasn’t a question, it was a demand from Jey, his voice firm. You rolled your eyes but winced at the movement.
"Fine, Nurse Jey," you teased, earning a playful glare from him. He continued to apply the ice pack, his touch gentle despite the playful banter.
“I’m serious, Y/N. No getting physically involved with Drew or any of the women. I don’t want you getting hurt any more than you already are,” Jey said, his tone firm and protective.
You sighed, recognizing the concern in his eyes. “But I know Drew is gonna already be mad and take it out on you. I can’t just stand there and watch.”
“I said no.” You opened your mouth to protest but Jey cut you off with a stern look. “Baby, you gotta listen to me on this. We got this handled. Roman is dealing with Drew, and Jimmy and I will take care of anyone else. You need to focus on healing up.”
You huffed, not entirely happy with the decision, but you knew Jey had a point. You leaned back, wincing slightly as you adjusted your position.
“Alright, Nurse Jey. I'll behave tonight.” You gave him a half-smile, acknowledging his concern.
“Good.” Jey finally seemed satisfied, setting the ice pack aside. He then leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “I just don’t like seeing you hurt. I’m sorry if I gave you some lip. I just don't want you getting yourself hurt."
You softened at Jey's words, the protective side of him always managing to melt your defenses. "I know, Jey. And I appreciate it. I just don't want anyone to hurt you." You leaned in and kissed him softly, a gesture of reassurance.
Jey chuckled into the kiss, the tension in the air dissipating. "I can take care of myself, princess." He mumbled against your lips as he pulled away.
"I know you can," you replied with a playful grin. "But it doesn't hurt to have a little extra protection."
Jey raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Extra protection, huh? I like the sound of that."
You playfully swatted his chest. "Not like that, dumbass. I meant keeping your hot headedness in check.
Jey rolled his eyes playfully, but brought you into another quick kiss. "I can't promise to tone down the hot-headedness, but I'll try to be careful for you."
You smiled, appreciating the compromise. "That's all I ask."
Jey smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Can't wait to see yo fine ass on commentary, tonight. This top is gonna be the death of me."
You chuckled, feeling the warmth of Jey's playful banter. "Maybe I should start my own commentary on your matches. 'And here we have Jey Uso, looking all fine as he kicks some ass in the ring.'"
Jey laughed, a genuine and carefree sound. "You'd make a great commentator, princess. Better than those clowns on TV."
You grinned, enjoying the lighthearted moment before the intensity of the night's events. "Well, maybe I'll consider it after I retire from in-ring action."
Jey nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Be at commentary for my match too, not just the ladies?" His voice was soft, a hint of vulnerability beneath the playful tone.
"Of course, Jey," you replied sincerely, meeting his gaze. "I'll be there for your match too. Cheering you on from the commentary table."
Jey's smile widened, a genuine appreciation in his eyes. "That's all I need, princess."
"Are you lovebirds finally done with your little chat?" Roman's deep voice interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips as he entered the conversation.
Jey rolled his eyes at Roman's teasing. "Just making sure she doesn't get involved where she shouldn't."
Roman chuckled, his gaze shifting to you. "He's right. Don't get involved physically, Y/N. Drew is expecting that. Mind games are more effective. Let him get frustrated, and we'll handle the rest in the ring."
"Yeah, lovebirds. Listen to him." Jimmy smirked as he joined the conversation. You rolled your eyes at his teasing. "Says the person who was just talking to Trinity on the phone," you retorted, earning a playful glare from Jimmy.
"Alright, Alright." Roman interrupted the banter, standing up and stretching. The atmephosre immediately turned serious. You hopped off the bench, feeling a bit more refreshed after the ice treatment.
"Let's get ready," Roman declared, his authoritative tone taking over. "Y/N, remember what we talked about. Jey, Jimmy, be on the lookout for any interference. We don't want any surprises tonight."
The three of you nodded in unison, and you dapped Jimmy and Roman up, and when you did the same with Jey you intertwined your fingers and brought him into a quick but reassuring kiss. "See you guys later." You smiled at them before heading towards the gorilla position, where you'd make your entrance for the night and make sure Shayna didn't win.
The arena was buzzing with energy as your music hit, and you walked out with the Raw Women's Championship draped over your shoulder, the crowd's cheers and boos echoing through the arena.
You mockingly blew kisses at the fans as you waved at Shayna, Rhea, Sonya and Liv. Liv was the only one to wave back, the others maintained a stern expression. Shayna glared at you, screaming about how she was gonna beat them and take your title.
You made your way to commentary, smirking as you settled into the commentary chair, slipping on the headset. Michael Cole greeted you with a professional smile.
"Welcome, Y/N, It's great to have you here on commentary tonight," Michael Cole said, his voice carrying through the arena's sound system. "Who here would you want to face and defend your title against?"
"Well it's definelty not against someone like Shayna Baszler again," you responded with a confident smirk. "I've already proven that I can handle her. As for who's next, well, I'm open to challenges. Anyone who thinks they can step up to the queen and take this championship, feel free to try."
You made sure to keep an eye out for anyone else, you weren't stupid, you knew where Shayna was Ronda was likely not far behind, and you were tired of facing them.
So, you waited for the perfect time. When you saw Shayna was about to steal the victory on Sonya cause Liv and Rhea were too focused on each other to notice.
That's when you decided to make your move and disqualify everyone from the match. None of them would get a clean win, and you'd walk away with your title still intact and not have to defend it from them.
Standing up from the commentary table, you grabbed the Raw Women's Championship, a wicked grin on your face that fell when seemingly out of nowhere, Drew stood in front of you, a smirk on his face as you glared at him.
"Move." You snarled at him, trying to move past him, but he held his ground, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Not so fast, Y/N," Drew said, his tone taunting. "I saw what you were planning. Trying to save your title by getting everyone disqualified? That's not how a true champion operates."
You scowled at Drew, frustration building up. "Stay out of my business, McIntyre. This doesn't concern you."
Drew chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. "Oh, it concerns me, all right. Cause earlier Roman said I have to go through all members of the Bloodline if I want another shot at the Universal Championship. And well, starting with you seems like a good idea."
You gritted your teeth, annoyed at Drew's interference. Time was ticking, and you needed to act fast to salvage your plan. Before Drew could react, you swung the Raw Women's Championship, aiming for his head. However, he ducked just in time, and the title belt collided with the steel ring post, creating a loud clang.
You tried to capitalize off your distraction and go to the ring but Drew was quick to grab your arm, pulling you back. It wasn't enough to hurt, Drew wouldn't injure you on purpose, but it was a firm grip to keep you from escaping.
"Let go of me, McIntyre!" You growled, struggling against his hold. Your frustration grew as your plan unraveled.
Drew smirked, enjoying the control he had over the situation. "Make me."
The two of you were so caught up in your struggle that neither of you noticed Ronda slipping inside the ring from the back and holding Shayna's feet on the ropes as she pinned Sonya, the ref not noticing her interference.
The bell ringing made you and Drew turn to the ropes to see Shayna and Ronda out of the ring and laughing gleefully at the win. Your frustration reached its peak as you realized your plan had not only failed but backfired spectacularly, and it was all Drew's fault. God, why couldn't Ronda and Shayna just leave you alone?
As Shayna and Ronda gloated outside the ring, Drew released his grip on you, a satisfied smirk on his face. You shot him a furious glare, your initial plan of costing everyone the match so you wouldn't have to deal with the 2 of them ompletely foiled.
"You might want to focus on your own problems, Y/N," Drew taunted, pointing to your belt that laid on the ground, a visible dent on one side from its collision with the ring post.
You seethed with anger, feeling the frustration boiling inside you. Drew had not only disrupted your plan but also humiliated you in the process.
You screamed in anger, slamming your fist against the barricade as you watched Shayna and Ronda celebrate their underhanded victory. "Jey is gonna destroy you!" You yelled at Drew, who was leaned against the ring apron, a smug expression on his face.
Drew laughed, seemingly unfazed by your threat. "Let him try. I'm not afraid of the Bloodline. And as for you, Y/N, take this as a warning to not concern yourself in in my business with Roman like you have done with his other competitors. Cause I'm not like other challengers. I won't let anyone interfere in my quest for the Universal Championship."
You shot Drew a venomous look but decided against engaging in any further confrontation. He was twice your size, and a direct physical altercation wouldn't end well, especially with your current state after the match with Shayna.
With a final glare, you picked up your dented Raw Women's Championship, ignoring Drew's lingering presence, and made your way backstage.
The anger and frustration lingered, simmering beneath the surface as you walked through the backstage area. You slammed locker room doors, your mind racing with thoughts of revenge and payback.
"Asshole." You yelled out as you slammed open the locker room door, not looking at the guys and pacing angrily.
"Did you see what that idiot did to me!" You bellowed out, dropping your title on the table. You still hadn't looked up, still too deep into your frustration. "He messed up everything, and now Shayna and Ronda are celebrating a win they didn't earn!"
You kicked the chair in frustration, sitting down on the bench with a huff and running your hands across your face. "And then he damaged my title! Then he had the nerve to give me a warning about staying out of his business with Roman! Can you believe that?"
You were handed a water bottle and, you took it and took a long swig, the cool liquid doing little to ease the fire of anger burning within you as you finally looked up.
"Thank you Sami- Sami!?" You choked on your drink as you saw Sami standing in the locker room, Roman, Jimmy, and Jey sitting there, their faces also a mix of confusion.
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But Jey's also had a hint of anger as he stared at Sami, who was standing with a mischevious grin, but also scared look in his eyes, like he didn't know whether you were gonna beat his ass or not, but he was willing to take the risk anyways.
"What is he doing here?" You turned to Roman, who was sitting with a raised eyebrow, his gaze shifting between you and Sami. Sami, sensing the tension in the room, cleared his throat nervously.
"I came here to acknowledge the Tribal Chief, and acknowledge his position as the Head of the Table," Sami declared, attempting to sound formal but failing miserably under the intense scrutiny of the Bloodline.
Roman leaned back, his expression unreadable. "Is that so?"
Sami nodded, still trying to maintain a composed demeanor. "Yes, and I wanted to propose a truce. A collaboration, if you will."
You couldn't help but scoff at Sami's audacity. "Umm, did I suddenly fall and hit my head? Is this some kind of alternate universe of delusionalness that Sami is living in?"
You stood up and glared at Sami, your frustration with the earlier events now directed at the unexpected presence of the master stragestist and your former best friend.
Roman held up a hand, signaling for you to calm down. You huffed at him, but Jey grabbed you and sat you on his lap before you would do something you would regret later.
"Explain yourself, Sami," Roman demanded, his gaze piercing through Sami's attempts at diplomacy.
Sami shifted nervously, realizing the need to provide a convincing explanation. "Well, it's simple. Drew has been a thorn in my side, and I know he's coming after Roman. My reputation has been blown because of Drew these past few weeks, and everyone thinks I'm scared of him but I'm not!
And I know he's w he's coming after Roman. If we take him down together, it benefits both of us. I get rid of Drew, and you maintain your dominance. Plus, I can help you deal with any other nuisances that might come your way, such as R-Kbro. You didn't hear it from me, but they are planning on taking the tag titles from the uses and unifying them, and if you ask me, they are the most undeserving self centered pieces of shit ever."
Roman raised an eyebrow, considering Sami's proposal. "And what do you get out of this, Sami?"
You scoffed, but Jey tightened his grip on you, silently signaling for you to let Roman handle the situation.
Sami's eyes darted between Roman and you, his confidence wavering. "Well, besides getting rid of Drew, I was hoping we could, you know, rekindle our friendship. I've realized the value of having powerful allies, and I think being on good terms with the Bloodline could open up new opportunities for me."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. The past 2 years you had spent building your own empire within the Women's Division, and had to make the difficult decision to leave Sami behind.
And now he was here, acting like the past didn't matter, proposing a truce and pretending like everything could go back to how it was. Was he planning revenge on you for abandoning your friendship, or was this just another one of his schemes?
Roman's gaze remained fixed on Sami, a thoughtful expression on his face. After a moment of silence, he leaned forward, his voice low and authoritative. "And you would take out Drew for us? Just like that?"
Sami nodded eagerly, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "Yes, exactly! I know his weaknesses, his strategies. I can be an asset to the Bloodline in taking him down."
Roman leaned back, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Interesting proposition, Sami. But let me make one thing clear. We don't need anyone's help to handle our business. If we decide to take down Drew, it'll be on our terms, not because we need you."
Sami swallowed nervously, sensing the skepticism in the room. "I understand, Roman. I just thought it could be a mutually beneficial arrangement." Sami's eyes went to you at the last line, a hint of sadness and regret in his gaze. Jey glared at Sami when he looked at you, his protective instincts kicking in.
"Mutually beneficial my ass. You're just trying to save your own skin, dumbass." Jey spat at Sami, jealousy and annoyance evident in his tone. Damn, you could feel the tension between them rising, and they barely even had any interaction. Sami shifted uncomfortably under Jey's intense gaze.
"Yo, Jey chill out." Jimmy interjected, trying to diffuse the growing tension.
Roman raised a hand, signaling for everyone to calm down. "Enough, all of you." The room went silent, and Roman's gaze shifted between you, Jey, Jimmy, and Sami. "Sami, we'll consider your proposal. But don't think for a moment that you're indispensable. We've handled our business just fine without you."
Sami nodded, looking relieved that Roman didn't outright reject his proposition. "Thank you so much for considering Roman! I just want a fair chance to prove myself to you," His eyes shifted to you, and sadness filled them when he saw Jey rubbing your back soothingly. "And to her."
Jey glared at Sami, but before he could say anything, Roman spoke again. "We'll let you know, Sami. Now, leave us."
Sami nodded and quickly exited the locker room, leaving you, Jey, Jimmy, and Roman in a tense silence. Roman broke the silence with a sigh.
"Say what you want to say, Y/N." Roman knew you were dying to express your thoughts on Sami's unexpected appearance and proposition.
You took a deep breath, your frustration still lingering, but you knew this wasn't the time to let it out on Roman or anyone else in the room. "Roman, are you seriously considering teaming up with him? After everything he did?"
Roman leaned back, his expression serious. "I'm considering all options, Y/N. Sami might be a snake, but if he can help us take down Drew and further solidify our dominance, I'll use him for that purpose. We don't need to trust him, but we can use him to our advantage."
You huffed in frustration, not entirely satisfied with Roman's response. Jey's grip on you tightened, a silent reassurance that he had your back.
"I don't like it either, Y/N, but if it helps us deal with Drew, then it's worth considering," Jimmy chimed in, his voice calm but firm. He was always the peacemaker of the group, trying to find common ground. "We'll keep an eye on Sami. If he tries anything, we shut him down. Simple as that."
You shot Jimmy a look, still unconvinced. "He's just gonna stab me in the back the first chance he get's. He wants to get revenge on me for leaving him behind." You didn't let yourself believe anything else. You knew Sami was very forgiving, but you couldn't get caught up in past sentiments. You had built your own path, and Sami's sudden return threatened the stability you had achieved.
Roman nodded, understanding the concerns. "We'll be cautious, Y/N. No one gets a free pass, especially not someone like Sami. But for now, our focus is on dealing with Drew and maintaining our dominance on SmackDown."
Jey finally spoke up, his voice a low growl. "If Sami tries anything against you, he's gonna have to deal with me." You moved off of his lap and sat beside him, seeing the angry look on his face. "I saw the way his dumbass was looking at
you. I shoulda beat his ass."
"Jey," Roman interrupted, sensing Jey's hot headed side about to get the best of him. He didn't need any uncessary fights. He needed Jey to focus on taking out Drew. "We handle things strategically. Tonight, you focus on Drew, not Sami. Get ready for your match. And Y/N, keep an eye on Sami. We don't trust him, but if he can be useful against Drew, we'll use him."
You internally scowled at Roman's decision, but you knew better than to argue further. The Bloodline always had a plan, and you had to trust Roman's leadership.
"Fine," you replied, your tone still tinged with frustration.
"Good." Roman clasped his hands together, the air in the locker room heavy with the weight of the upcoming battles. "Let's focus on tonight. Jey, handle Drew. Y/N, stay vigilant with Sami. We'll deal with each challenge as it comes. This is our show, and no one gets in the way of the Bloodline."
The intensity of Roman's words resonated in the locker room. Jey nodded, a determined look in his eyes. Jimmy chimed in with a supportive nod. You sighed, reluctantly accepting the plan, but your mind was already racing with thoughts of Sami and the potential risks he brought to the Bloodline.
"Good luck, baby." You turned to Jey and gave him a good luckkiss, the lingering frustration momentarily replaced by a mixture of concern and affection. Jey smiled, appreciating the support, and then stood up, ready to face Drew in the upcoming match.
You ran your hand over your face and let out a groan when everyone dispersed. You know what? You were gonna take care of this Sami problem before it even became a problem. You stood up, heading towards the door with determination in your steps. The arena was still buzzing with the aftermath of the chaotic match, but you had your sights set on finding Sami.
As you walked through the backstage area, the anger and frustration that had been building up since your failed plan and the unexpected encounter with Sami continued to fuel your determination. Spotting Sami in the corridor, you quickened your pace, the clacking of your boots echoing through the hallway. Sami turned around, a surprised look on his face, realizing that you were heading straight towards him.
"Y/N, hey!" Sami greeted, attempting to sound casual, but the nervousness in his eyes betrayed his facade.
You stopped in front of him, your expression stern. "Sami, we need to talk."
Sami gulped, glancing around as if searching for an escape route. He knew a slap was probably coming. "Talk? About what?"
You took him by the arm and pulled him into an empty room, shutting the door behind you. The atmosphere in the room became tense as you crossed your arms, fixing Sami with an intense gaze. "Just get it over with."
Sami shot you a confused look. "Get what over with?"
You rolled your eyes, losing patience. "The whole 'rekindling our friendship' act, Sami. If you wanted to get revenge, you should have just said it outright. Don't play games with me."
"I'm not playing any games." Sami shot back at you defensively, his eyes wide with genuine surprise. "Why would I try to get revenge on you?"
Your eyes narrowed at Sami, skepticism evident in your expression. "You're telling me that after all these years, you suddenly want to be friends again just out of the blue? After I left you behind? And you conveniently when you need something from the Bloodline?"
Sami sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Y/N, I get it. I messed up when you left, and I went down a different path. But I've realized that I need powerful allies, and the Bloodline is the most dominant force in the WWE, and if aligning with them also means being best friends with you again, then so be it."
You scoffed, finding it hard to believe Sami's sudden change of heart. If you were him, you wouldhave a hard time trusting someone who had left you behind for their own ambitions. "I don't buy it, Sami. You're not fooling anyone with this act. What's your real game here?"
Sami sighed again, frustration evident in his expression. "I told you, I'm not playing any games. I need the Bloodline's help to deal with Drew, and if it means mending our friendship, then fine. But there's no hidden agenda here."
You remained skeptical, the tension in the room palpable. His soft voice was threading to break your resolute stance. You needed to believe that Sami just wanted to get revenge, cause if you didn't that would jeopardize the stability you had worked hard to achieve within the Bloodline.
"Look, Y/N," Sami continued, his tone sincere. I get why you left, I really do, and I don't fault you for it. But ever since you did, I've lost matches, opportunities, and respect. I don't want revenge on you; I just want a chance to make things right and maybe, just maybe, be a part of something powerful again."
You stared at Sami, conflicted emotions swirling within you. The past memories of your friendship with Sami clashed with the skepticism born out of the betrayals you experienced. Could it be possible he actually forgave you for your rightful wrongdoings?
You didn't answer him, and Sami sighed, licking his lips nervously. "Look, I miss my reputation being intact, but I also miss you. And I know you missed me too."
You glowered at him. "I do not miss you."
Sami raised an eyebrow at you, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Then why are you here, listening to what I have to say?" he asked, a confident yet desperate glint in his eyes. "Why did you drag me in here and let me plead my case if you don't care at all?"
The room fell into a heavy silence, tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Sami's gaze bore into you, searching for any sign of vulnerability, while you grappled with conflicting emotions.
You thought of something you could say to rebut his plea, something that would assert your strength and independence. But for the first time in a long time, you were speechless.
Sami leaned back, his confident demeanor faltering as he waited for your response. The room seemed to close in around you, amplifying the intensity of the moment. Finally, you broke the silence, your voice measured and cold.
"I am not here for you, Sami. I am not even here for myself," you declared, your eyes narrowing. "I am here for Roman, and that's the truth."
Sami's eyes widened in a mix of frustration and realization. He leaned forward, placing his hands on the table, attempting to regain control of the situation. "And what did he tell you?"
Sami drummed his fingers impatiently on the table, his gaze piercing through you. "He told you that he could use me to hurt Drew and then he could discard me like the trash he thinks I am right? But you don't want me to get hurt, which is why you are trying to stop me from even aligning with the Bloodline."
Damn him and his ability to read you like a book.
You remained composed, refusing to let his words shake you. Instead of denying his words, you set your hands on top of his on the table, holding them firmly to stop his agitated drumming.
Your eyes locked in a heated stare down, your hands were burning with each others touches, and you let out a calm exhale before responding. "Stay away from the Bloodline, Sami."
Sami just gave you a wry smile, his eyes still searching yours for any signs of weakness. He slowly pulled his hands away from yours, maintaining eye contact. "I can stay away from them, but I can't stay away from you." He bit his lower lip, a mix of frustration and longing in his eyes.
You scoffed at his declaration, disentangling your hands from his. "Don't mistake my concern for weakness, Sami. This isn't about you and me. It's about protecting what matters to me, and that includes Roman."
Sami leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression replacing the frustration on his face. "You know, deep down, you still care about me. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, trying to convince me to stay away from the Bloodline. And you know I care about you too."
Your patience was wearing thin. "Goodbye, Sami. If I were you, I would realize that my loyalty lies with Roman, not with the shadows of our past."
That was a lie, but you needed to assert your allegiance to Roman, even if it meant distorting the truth. Sami's gaze lingered on you for a moment, and you could sense the internal struggle within him. As you turned to leave, he spoke in a softer tone, devoid of the usual confidence.
"Ronda and Shayna are planning to attack you in 5 minutes in the B-Hallway. Be careful."
You halted in your tracks, your back still turned to Sami. A mixture of surprise and suspicion crossed your face. "Why are you telling me this?"
Sami sighed, his tone genuine. "I told you, I care about you. I overheard them talking, and I couldn't let them catch you off guard. I don't want to see you get hurt."
He stood up and grabbed something from next to him, and tossed you an ice pack from a small cooler, and then a kendo stick. "Just in case," he added. "I know you never back down from a fight."
You caught the ice pack and kendo stick with a reflex honed through years of combat. Despite the situation, a small part of you acknowledged Sami's concern.
As you turned to face him, you questioned, "Why didn't you just let them get the drop on me? I just yelled at you, didn't I? It's not like you owe me anything."
Sami's expression softened, and he ran a hand through his hair, a nervous habit of his. "Because even if you hurt me, I'll take the pain if it means keeping you safe. Call it whatever you want, but that's the truth."
You hesitated, the conflicting emotions resurfacing as your hand tightened around the ice pack. Sami's words echoed in your mind, and for a moment, you saw a vulnerability in him that you hadn't expected. The past rushed back, the shared history and the complicated emotions.
Your eyes landed on the TV behind you, which was showing Drew attacking Jey after Jey lost the match. Your eyes went back to Sami, and despite your brain telling you to just leave and not trust him, there was a flicker of doubt in your heart.
"Go help him." Your words made Sami freeze for a moment, surprise evident on his face. You nodded toward the TV, where Drew was beating Jey to a pulp. "Grab that other kendo stick, take out Drew, and get your reputation back."
Sami studied your expression, searching for any deception or hidden agenda. After a tense moment, he nodded, a mix of gratitude and determination in his eyes. "Thank you."
You nodded in acknowledgment, and knew if you smiled at him you would be betraying the stoic facade you worked so hard to maintain. "Don't mention it."
With that, you turned on your heel and left the room, leaving Sami to his thoughts and the impending confrontation with Drew.
God, what did you just do? You didn't have time to dwell on it, cause you saw Ronda rounding the corner, and accompanied by Shayna.
You tightened your grip on the kendo stick, focusing on the immediate threat in front of you, and when they approached, went to town on beating their asses.
Damn Sami and his kindess, was the last thought you had before the chaotic brawl consumed you. He makes it so hard to hate him.
But you would try your hardest to pretend like you did, not just to protect yourself, but also to protect him.
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Over the next couple of months, Sami had been trying everything to get accepted into the Bloodline, but you remained steadfast in keeping him at a distance.
Jimmy liked Sami- he thought he was funny and charismatic. Roman wouldn't admit it, but he appreciated Sami's skills in the ring and knew Sami was growing on him. Solo, the new edition to the group who instantly clicked with you and took a liking to you and saw you as a sister- liked Sami. A lot.
Even Paul was secretly amused by Sami's persistent attempts to join the Bloodline. Despite their initial rejection, Sami had managed to secure matches against common adversaries, and his performances were impressive.
But the only people that didn't accept him were you and Jey. Everyone knew you and Sami's relationship was strained, and weren't surprised when you continued to resist his attempts to be part of the Bloodline. Jey, on the other hand, had his own reasons for holding a grudge against Sami.
He was jealous. Point blank and simple. Jey couldn't stand the idea of Sami, someone from your past, trying to weasel his way into the tight-knit circle of the Bloodline. He didn't like someone trying to get into HIS FAMILY. And he didn't like someone pushing up on HIS GIRL.
Everyone could see the chemistry between you and Sami, even if you tried to keep him at a distance. When you guys had tag matches together, it was undeniable that you two moved with a synchronicity that spoke of years of partnership.
Sami took hits for all the members of the Bloodline, but it was no secret he took the most hits for you from the women. Whenever you were backstage, Sami would be there, offering you a bottle of water or a supportive pat on the back.
Then Jey would glare at him from a distance, clenching his fists in frustration. He would tell those stupid jokes that made the rest of his family break character, and he would see you try not to laugh.
It bothered Jey to no end that Sami could make you smile, could break through your tough exterior even after everything that happened in the past. That should be him making you laugh, he thought. That should be him offering you support and being by your side.
You would reassure Jey that there was nothing between you and Sami, that it was all in the past, that you guys were friends and nothing more in the past, but Jey couldn't shake off the jealousy that gnawed at him. He knew you wouldn't try anything, but he couldn't ignore the undeniable connection between you and Sami. It fueled his resentment and made him act out in ways that even surprised himself.
It all came to a head one night during a promo where you, Roman, Jimmy, Jey, Paul, Sami and Solo were in the ring, and Roman finally decided to address the elephant in the room. The tension was palpable as Roman stared at Sami, his gaze unwavering.
"Let's address the obvious," Roman began, his voice commanding attention. "Sami, you've been persistent in trying to join the Bloodline. You've proven yourself in the ring, and some members of this family seem to have warmed up to you." Roman's eyes flickered toward Jimmy and Solo, acknowledging their sentiments. "But there are others who aren't so sure."
He turned to you, and for a moment, his stern expression softened. "Y/N, Jey, Sami, you guys are each gonna say your piece, and then we'll decide."
The spotlight shifted to you first. You licked your lips, gathering your thoughts for the impending revelation. The atmosphere in the ring was thick with anticipation as all eyes focused on you.
"Sami," you began, your voice measured but firm. "I've known you for a long time, and our history is complicated. You've made choices that hurt me, choices I can't forget. But," you paused, locking eyes with Sami, "I also can't deny the times you've had my back, especially recently."
Jey shot you a sharp look, his jaw clenched. You continued,"I won't pretend that there's no bond between us. We've been through too much together. However, my loyalty lies with Roman and the Bloodline. And if Roman think you are worthy to be a part of this family, I'll respect his decision. But," you emphasized, "if you ever betray us, Sami, you won't get a second chance."
Sami nodded, understanding the weight of your words. You could feel Jey's glare on you, and you gave him a stern look, silently conveying that you were doing what you believed was right for the family.
The spotlight shifted to Sami, who took a deep breath before speaking. "So uh, I'll start with Y/N. Look, I know your expecting me to get revenge on you, to hurt you. And I get that, I get why you've been dodging me. But I don't want to get revenge on you! I don't know how many times I need to spell it out for you before you believe me. I like you! I care for you! I want to be your best friend again! I want to be there for you like I used to be. I know our past is a bit messy, but I have never betrayed you in the ring. Yeah, I've made mistakes outside of it, but in that squared circle, I've always had your back. And I can keep having it, not just for you, but for the whole Bloodline."
Sami stepped closer to you, his eyes pleading for understanding. "Whatever doubts you might have about me, Y/N, just give me a chance to prove myself. We've been friends for over 20 years. Don't you think that means something?"
Sami moved closer to you, and Jey was seething with anger on the sidelines, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles turned white, and turned even whiter when Sami placed a hand on your shoulder, his brown eyes boring into you and making your own eyes soften. "Don't I mean something to you?"
You stiffened at Sami's touch, the conflict within you reaching its peak. The weight of his words and the memories of your shared history tugged at your resolve. You shot a quick glance at Jey, who was practically seething with jealousy.
"Jey." Roman warned him, who looked like he was ready to pounce on Sami right then and there. Sami took a step back, removing his hand from your shoulder as the tension in the ring heightened, and turned to Jey.
"So, uh, look, I’ll be honest; I don’t understand what’s going on here. I… I like you! Man, I like you; I’ve always liked you! And we’ve always gotten along, and ever since I started hanging out with the Bloodline, I don’t know what it is, but you just… can’t seem to stand me, and I don’t understand it! Everybody- Jimmy seems fine, Solo seems fine, Y/N, well, she's got her reservations, but she's willing to give me a chance. But at least she doesn't get in my face and try to intimidate me all the time!" Sami's frustration was evident as he addressed Jey. "Thank you." Sami told Paul who patted Sami's back in a comforting manner as Jey scowled, ready to explode.
"Seriously, whatever… whatever I… whatever I did, I’m sorry. Can we just be cool? Can we just… can we bury the hatchet once and for all?”
Sami extended his hand to Jey, a gesture that surprised everyone in the ring. The tension was thick, and all eyes were on Jey as he contemplated Sami's outstretched hand.
But you knew Jey better than anyone, and you saw the storm of conflicting emotions in his eyes. Pride, jealousy, anger, and a hint of vulnerability, and knew he wouldn't be too receptive of Sami's outstretched hand.
"Sami, you got about two seconds to get your hand out my face." Jey threatened, his voice dripping with hostility. "I don't like you! Huh? I don’t like your hair, I don’t like your face, I don’t like that shirt you wear! Hey hey, I don’t like him being around my family every single week! My dawg this, my dawg that! Hey,” he moved towards Sami, who had lowered his hand and was now facing the full force of Jey's ire. "How you think you’re part of the Bloodline, if you ain’t blood?!”
Your heart dropped at Jey's harsh words, and your face betrayed a mix of frustration and sadness. Guess Jey truly thought weren't apart of the Bloodline, after all.
Jey didn't notice your face fall, as he kept ranting at Sami. "Hey hey hey! Newsflash for you, Sami: you never will be, Uce! You don’t belong here! Don’t nobody in this group like you; I’m just the realist one to say it out loud — you’re a fake ass Uce!”
Sami's face fell at Jey's words, but Jey continued. The tension in the ring reached its peak, and everyone could feel the impending explosion.
“You know what the difference between you and me is? I shed blood for every single one of my family members in here, because it’s my family! Not yours! Huh?! Would you do it? Will you?!” he questioned angrily. “I’m asking you a question! Will-”
"Jey, calm down!" You tried to interrupt, stepping forward, but Jey's rage had reached its peak. He shoved you aside gently, not even sparing you a glance, and focused all his fury on Sami.
"Answer me! I told you to answer me!-"
“Why- Why are you yelling at me, huh?!” Sami shouted, his frustration boiling over. "Why are you yelling at Y/N, huh? What did she do?" The mention of your name from Sami made Jey's rage intensify. He stepped even closer to Sami, their faces inches apart.
"Don't think you can talk about her, Uce! You don't get to mention her name, you don't get to-" Jey's voice was a low growl, his anger barely contained.
"Why can't I mention her, huh? I've known her for 20 years, Jey! Longer than you have! So I'm pretty sure I have the right to talk about her! She's my friend, she's been my friend before you even knew her, Uce!" Sami shot back, refusing to back down.
Jey's eyes narrowed, his nostrils flaring with anger. "You're not her friend! You think I'm stupid? You think I ain't see the way you look at her? How you always tryna ki ki it up with her backstage? You think I'm blind?"
Sami's jaw clenched, his frustration giving way to a more somber expression. "Yeah Jey, that's what friends do. It's not my fault if you're too blinded by your jealousy to see that."
Oh god. You knew this was not going to end well. Jey's jealousy had reached a point where it was clouding his judgment, and Sami's persistent attempts to be a part of the Bloodline had triggered an explosive confrontation.
Jey's eye twitched at the word jealousy, and he moved closer to Sami, practically nose to nose. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"Jealous? You think I'm jealous?" Jey scoffed, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "You the one that keeps trying to weasel your way into my family, into MY LIFE. Tryna get up on MY GIRL. Now you wanna act like you ain't tryna push up on her, huh?"
Jey bellowed out, and Sami's frustration turned into a mix of shock and disbelief. Jey wasn't wrong, but Sami wasn't actively trying to get Y/N right this second. He just wanted his friend back right now.
“Your girl? Jey, we've been through this. Y/N and I are friends, nothing more. And you're delusional if you think otherwise. If you are insecure about our friendship, that's on you, not me."
Jey's face contorted with anger, and he looked like he was about to explode. "On me? Yeah, it's on me! ou don't know what it's like to be a part of this family, to shed blood, to sacrifice for each other. You don't know what it's like to protect what's yours, do you?" When Sami didn't answer, Jey snarled, "Answer me!"
“Why- Why are you yelling at me, huh?!” Sami glowered at Jey, his frustration reaching its peak. "Y/N was trying to make peace! I’m trying to make peace! The Tribal Chief says, he wants peace!”
“Man I don’t give a damn what the Tribal Chief say!”
You didn't know what was worse. Your heart that was rending apart at the sight of Jey and Sami at each other's throats or Roman's face that contorted into anger as he picked his head up at Jey's outburst. The atmosphere in the ring became unbearable as the tension escalated, and you felt a knot forming in your stomach.
"What did you say?" Roman, standing tall as the Tribal Chief, stepped forward, his eyes locked on Jey. "Nah, don't be quiet now. What did you say?"
Jey hesitated for a moment, the weight of Roman's gaze pressing down on him. He swallowed hard, realizing the gravity of his words. Roman moved closer to Jey, and it looked like he was about to deliver a reprimand that Jey wouldn't easily forget. The entire atmosphere in the ring shifted, and even Jimmy, Solo, and Paul, who were usually more laid back, became tense.
"He didn't mean what he said!" Sami surprisingly interjected, trying to defuse the situation. You blinked at Sami, you weren't expecting him to be the one to help Jey. Roman turned his piercing gaze toward Sami, his expression demanding an explanation. "Jey was just caught up in the moment. We all say things we don't mean when emotions are high." Sami clasped his hands together nervously, looking between Roman and Jey. "He was just venting his frustrations, and I get it. He just, wasn't being himself." Sami grabbed Jey's shoulder, giving him a look that silently pleaded for him to play along. "He just… wasn't feeling very ucey."
Jey, still seething with anger, shot a glare at Sami but reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, uce. I… I was just caught up in the moment. It's just…Sami's been getting on my nerves, and I let it get to me. My bad, Roman." Jey's tone was begrudgingly apologetic, but Roman's stern expression didn't waver.
Roman took a step back, his gaze shifting between Jey and Sami. "Is that what the problem is, Jey. You ain't feeling…ucey?" Roman's voice was calm, but the disappointment in his eyes was evident.
Jey shifted uncomfortably, not meeting Roman's eyes. Roman crossed his arms, the arena seeming to hold its breath at what Roman was about to say.
"You two need to work out your differences." Roman declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "We're family, and family doesn't break over personal issues. The two of you will have a match next week, and I expect that despite whoever wins or loses, you settle your problems in that ring. Leave it all there. If you don't, there will be consequences."
Roman's gaze lingered on both Jey and Sami before he turned to you. "Y'know what, to make sure we're all on the same page, Y/N, you're gonna be the special guest referee for that match. Keep things in order."
Your heart sank at Roman's decision. Being the special guest referee meant you would be in the middle of the chaos, responsible for maintaining order between Jey and Sami. Whoever lost would blame you for their defeat, and the tension among the Bloodline members would likely escalate.
You nodded in acknowledgment, not daring to voice your concerns. Roman's decision was final, and you had no choice but to fulfill your role as the special guest referee, even though you would be caught in the middle of 2 people you loved.
It felt like they weren't just fighting to settle their differences, they were fighting for a spot in your life.
And you didn't know who would win.
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"So I'm not in the Bloodline, huh?" Jey took a second to process your words, but when he did his soft gaze he always had with you turned into a glare.
"Baby, you know I ain't meant it like that!"
"Really? Cause it sounded pretty clear to me." Your tone was sharp, hurt bubbling under the surface.
"I thought you'd get it!" Jey scoffed, his hand reaching out to touch your arm. You pulled away, not willing to let his touch soothe the hurt he had caused.
"Get what? How I'm not blood so my loyalty doesn't matter?" Your voice trembled with a mix of anger and sadness. "Do you really think that little of me, Jey?"
"No! Of course not!" Jey exclaimed, frustration evident in his expression. "It's not about that, and you know it."
"Then what is it about?" You crossed your arms, waiting for an explanation.
"It's about Sami tryna get on you, and get in this family, and everyone in this family is fooled by him. They don't see what I see. They don't see the way he's trying to play you, trying to use you to get what he wants, tryna use the family to get to the top."
You shook your head, disbelief written all over your face. "Again with Sami?" you sighed, feeling the frustration build up. "Jey, Sami, whether you like it or not, has proven to be a valuable allay, and has proven to be loyal-"
"Loyal?" Jey snorted, interrupting you. "Y/N, you're too blinded by your past with him to see what he's doing. I know him, and I know that he is just a fake ass uce."
Your frustration reached its peak. "Jey, you need to let go of your jealousy and trust my judgment. This isn't even about Sami, it's about you hurting me and you not acknowledging that. Did you know how I felt hearing you say I'm not part of the Bloodline? It hurt, Jey. I've been by your side, supporting you, and for you to dismiss me like that…"
Jey's expression softened as he took a step closer to you. "Baby, I didn't mean it like that. You are a huge part of my life, and I didn't mean to hurt you. I just… I'm trying to protect you. Sami is pushing my buttons, pushing you away from me, and I don't want him messing things up between us."
You looked at Jey, your eyes searching his for sincerity. "I get that you're protective, and I appreciate it, but you can't just dismiss my feelings. We need to communicate, Jey, or we'll keep hurting each other. And that means not jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst about Sami or anyone else."
Your words fell on deaf ears as Jey's stubbornness persisted.
"I don't care. I will communicate with you, but I don't want him around you, around us. "
You rolled your eyes, feeling the exhaustion of the ongoing conflict come back. "Oh my God, Jey. The only person pushing us apart is you. I can handle my relationships, and I can make my own decisions. If you can't trust me, then we have a bigger problem." You grabbed your bag and headed towards the exit. Jey followed you, frustration etched on his face.
"Where are you going, baby?" he called after you.
"I need some space, Jey. We both do," you replied, not bothering to turn around. The weight of the argument hung heavily in the air, and you needed time to clear your head.
Jey caught up to you, blocking your path. "You can't just walk away every time we have a disagreement."
"I'm not walking away; I'm taking a moment to breathe. We can't keep going in circles like this," you explained, your voice strained.
He reached out, grabbing your arm. "You ain't listening to me, Y/N. You're letting him get in your head."
You pulled your arm away, a mix of anger and hurt in your eyes. "Jey, this is not about Sami. This is about us and how we handle our issues. I need time, and if you can't respect that, then I don't know what else to say. You can room with Jimmy tonight, I'll find somewhere else to sleep."
Without waiting for a response, you pushed past Jey and made your way out of the building. The cool night air hit you as you stepped outside, but it did little to ease the turmoil inside you.
You sat in your car, not bothering to start the engine. The argument with Jey replayed in your mind, and the ache in your chest grew. You knew deep down that the issues between you and Jey went beyond Sami, and it was a reflection of the larger problems in your relationship.
As you sat there, lost in your thoughts, a light tap on the car window startled you. You turned to see Sami standing there, an apologetic look on his face.
"Y/N, can we talk?" Sami asked, his tone sincere. You hesitated for a moment, then nodded, opening the passenger door to let him in. Sami slid into the seat, and a heavy silence hung between you for a moment.
"Look, I don't want to add to your problems," Sami began, genuine concern in his eyes. "But I overheard your argument with Jey, and I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I appreciate the concern, Sami. It's just… it's a mess. Jey, the Bloodline, and now you… I feel like I'm caught in the middle of a storm, and I don't know how to get through it." You sarcastically chuckled and looked at Sami, who was gazing at you with concern and something else in his eyes. "I don't even know why I'm telling you any of this. It's not like you and I have been best buddies lately."
Sami leaned back in the seat, giving you a knowing look. "Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone who's a bit more removed from the situation. I get it, Y/N. And I'm not blind to the fact that I've been a source of tension."
You shook your head. "It's not just you, Sami. Jey and I have our own issues, and adding you to the mix just makes it more complicated."
"I'm not asking you to choose sides or anything," Sami said, his gaze sincere. "But if you need someone to talk to or just vent, I'm here. I've known you for a long time, and I hate seeing you like this."
You sighed, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Your phone dinged, and you saw a text from Jey that read, "Fine, I'll room with Jimmy. Do whatever you want." The message only fueled your frustration, and you set the phone aside.
"What did he say?" You quirked an eyebrow at how Sami knew it was Jey that messaged you.
"You had that look on your face," Sami replied with a small smirk. "I'm not trying to pry, but if you want to talk about it, I'm here."
You appreciated Sami's offer, even though it felt odd considering your history. The genuine concern in his eyes was hard to ignore.
At your lack of a response, Sami gently placed a hand on your shoulder and switched gears. "Who are you rooming with tonight? I'd say Jey, but considering the heated argument, I'm guessing that's not an option."
You shook your head. "Definitely not Jey. He's rooming with Jimmy."
Sami nodded understandingly. "Well, you're not alone in this. If you need a place to crash or just some company, I've got a spare room in my hotel."
You arched an eyebrow, a mix of surprise and skepticism. "You have a spare room? Why?"
Sami chuckled. "Well, I always book two rooms just in case. I like having my own space. But in situations like this, it comes in handy. Consider it an insurance policy."
The offer was unexpected, and you couldn't deny the sincerity in Sami's eyes. You considered your options, weighing the pros and cons.
Spending the night alone in your own space could provide some much-needed solitude, but at the same time, the thought of facing your own thoughts in isolation was daunting.
Jey would not be happy with you sharing a room with Sami, but it was his fault considering he didn't apologize and left you roomless. And it's not like you would do anything bad with Sami.
"Alright," you finally conceded, "I appreciate it, Sami. I could use a distraction tonight."
Sami smiled, a genuine expression that seemed to lift the heaviness in the air. "No problem. Let's switch seats, and I'll give you a lift to the hotel. We both know you can't drive angry."
You glared at Sami for his accurate assessment, but a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "Fine, but I'm driving back."
Sami chuckled, "Deal."
As you both switched seats, you couldn't help but wonder if Sami's offer was a genuine act of kindness or if there was something more to it. It felt like old t
imes when Sami would drive you for hours to the next city, and let you pick the worst music you knew.  The familiarity of the situation brought a mix of comfort and uncertainty. As you drove through the city, Sami kept the conversation light, discussing everything from random anecdotes to shared memories.
Upon reaching the hotel, Sami insisted on accompanying you inside, stating, "I want to make sure it's a decent place. Can't have my friend staying in a dump."
The hotel lobby was adorned with dim lights, giving it a cozy ambiance. After confirming that the accommodations met Sami's standards, you headed to the room.
Sami opened the door, and you were greeted by a surprisingly spacious and well-decorated room. It seemed Sami had a knack for choosing decent places. 
"Seems like your taste hasn't changed since the last time we traveled together," you remarked, half-teasingly.
Sami grinned, "Why fix something that ain't broken?"
You both chuckled, and as you settled into the room, there was a moment of awkward silence. The weight of unspoken words lingered in the air. Sami broke the silence, "Look, I know things have been weird between us, but I miss this, you know? Just hanging out, like old times."
You bit your lip, your nerves in overdrive. Do you admit that you missed it too, or do you keep your guard up? Sami's sincerity was evident, but there was still a layer of uncertainty. Taking a deep breath, you decided to be honest.
"Yeah, I miss it too," you admitted, meeting Sami's gaze. "It's been a while since we've just... hung out."
Sami's smile widened, and it seemed like a weight had been lifted off both your shoulders. "Good to hear." Sami sensed that there was more to be said, but for now, he opted to let the conversation flow naturally. "Do you wanna order some food? I'm starving, and room service here is usually pretty good."
You nodded in agreement, appreciating the diversion from the emotional tension. As Sami picked up the room service menu, you couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected turn of events. The night had started with frustration and anger, and now you found yourself in a hotel room with Sami, rediscovering the ease of your friendship.
"Do you mind if I shower? I feel like I've been on the road forever," you said, breaking your thoughts.
Sami shook his head, "No problem. Take your time. I'll order something for us in the meantime."
After a refreshing shower, you emerged from the bathroom to find the aroma of food wafting through the room. Sami had ordered an array of dishes, and the sight of it made your stomach growl.
"Hope you like a bit of everything," Sami grinned, handing you a plate. His eyes widened at the sight of you in a hoodie and pajama shorts that left little to the imagination. He choked on his food, and you quickly went to him and slapped his back to help him. Sami coughed a few times, still recovering from the surprise.
"Are you okay?" you asked, genuinely concerned.
Sami nodded, his eyes wide, "Yeah, just... you caught me off guard." You raised your eyebrow at the very poor excuse but he continued, "I wasn't expecting you to look... like that."
You rolled your eyes, "Well, I didn't pack an evening gown for an unexpected hotel stay. This is what you get."
Sami cleared his throat , attempting to regain composure. "No complaints here, just wasn't prepared for a fashion show tonight."
You both laughed, breaking the tension further. As you sat down to eat, the atmosphere shifted from the earlier heaviness to a more relaxed and familiar one. It was as if time had rolled back, and you were once again sharing a meal on the road.
The conversation flowed effortlessly, moving from reminiscing about the past to discussing recent events in each other's lives. The more you talked, the more you realized how much you had missed these interactions with Sami. The ease with which he could make you smile, the shared jokes, and the understanding that seemed to transcend words. Your guard was still up, but it was slowly starting to crumble in the face of the genuine connection you and Sami once shared. As the night progressed, you found yourselves engrossed in conversations about everything and nothing.
After finishing the meal, Sami suggested that you both watch a movie to unwind. You agreed, and Sami scrolled through the available options on the hotel's TV. Eventually, you settled on a classic film that held sentimental value for both of you. You both sat on the comfortable hotel bed, the soft glow of the screen illuminating the room. The movie brought back memories, and you couldn't help but smile at the shared nostalgia.
As the movie played, Sami shifted closer, and there was a subtle warmth in the air. The initial tension that hung between you two seemed to dissipate with each passing moment. It felt like a step back in time, a familiar comfort settling in.
In the midst of the movie, Sami spoke up, "Remember when we used to argue about who got control of the remote?"
You chuckled, "Yeah, and you always managed to win somehow."
Sami grinned, "Well, it's a skill. Takes years of practice." He gave you a smile that made your heart flutter,  a mix of playfulness and genuine warmth. The movie continued, but your attention was now divided between the film and the unspoken connection resurfacing between you and Sami.
As the night wore on, the initial awkwardness transformed into a shared comfort that felt almost effortless. You found yourselves laughing at inside jokes, finishing each other's sentences, and reveling in the familiarity that had defined your friendship. The room, once filled with unspoken tension, now resonated with a renewed sense of camaraderie.
Eventually, the movie ended, and you both sat in a comfortable silence. Sami broke the quietude, "You know, I've missed this, just hanging out and being ourselves."
You nodded in agreement, "Me too. It's been too long."
Sami's gaze softened, "I know things have changed, and we've both moved on, but there's something about tonight that feels like a glimpse of what we used to have."
You took a moment to absorb his words. There was truth in them, a shared acknowledgment of the evolving nature of your relationship. The night held a unique magic, a bridge between the past and the present.
"I agree," you replied, "Tonight has been unexpected, but in a good way."
Sami smiled, "I'm glad you agreed to stay. I was worried you'd say no."
You chuckled, "Well, you do have a way of being convincing."
Sami's expression turned more serious, "Look, I know things have changed between us, and I don't want to overstep any boundaries. I just... I miss having you around, as a friend. If this is too much or if it makes you uncomfortable, just let me know, and I'll understand."
You appreciated Sami's honesty, and the sincerity in his eyes was undeniable. The air was thick with unspoken emotions, and you found yourself grappling with your own conflicting feelings. Admitting that you missed Sami's company was one thing, but acknowledging the complexity of your history was another. And you had to wrestle away the thoughts when his arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you into a gentle embrace. It was a gesture that felt both familiar and foreign, stirring a cascade of emotions.
For a moment, you hesitated, feeling the warmth of Sami's embrace contrasting with the cool uncertainty within. It was a delicate balance between the past and the present, and you weren't sure where the boundaries lay. But as you looked into Sami's eyes, you saw not just the history you shared but a genuine desire to reconnect.
You leaned into the embrace, allowing yourself to be enveloped by the comforting familiarity of Sami's presence. The unspoken words hung in the air, the weight of past grievances mingling with the hope of a rekindled friendship.
"I missed this," Sami whispered, his voice barely audible above the subtle hum of the hotel room.
"Me too," you replied, a quiet admission that echoed the sentiments of the night.
In that moment, surrounded by the remnants of shared laughter and the glow of the TV, it felt like a small step towards rebuilding what had once been lost. The complexities of your relationship lingered, but for now, you chose to focus on the shared warmth and the simplicity of being in each other's company.
"Do you remember the last time we roomed together?" Sami's hot breath tickled your ear as he spoke, the shared memories flooding back. You couldn't help but smile, recalling the countless adventures and misadventures you both had experienced on the road.
"Yeah, how could I forget?" you chuckled, "That one motel with the neon sign that kept flickering, and the weird noises all night?"
Sami laughed, "Or the time we got lost in that small town, and the only person we could find to ask for directions didn't speak a word of English."
The nostalgia washed over you, and it felt like a bittersweet journey down memory lane. The distance and time apart seemed to fade away, leaving only the echoes of a friendship that had weathered its storms.
"Or that time there was only one bed and we had to share." Sami's voice lowered, and you involuntary shivered at the tone of his voice. It was low and sensual, a stark contrast to the lighthearted reminiscing. The room suddenly felt charged with a different kind of tension. 
"Sami..." Your voice creeped up like a warning, but Sami ignored the subtle shift in the atmosphere. His gaze locked with yours, an intensity that left you breathless.
"I always wondered what would have happened if we recreated that night again." He admitted, his fingers tracing idle patterns on your arm. The air crackled with unspoken desire, and the weight of the past collided with the magnetic pull of the present.
You swallowed hard, torn between the history you shared and the uncertain territory ahead. The lines between friendship and something more blurred in the dimly lit hotel room. The pull of attraction simmered beneath the surface, a palpable energy that refused to be ignored.
"Sami..." You warned him again, but this time your voice held a mix of uncertainty and caution.
Sami's gaze softened, and he withdrew his hand, respecting the unspoken boundaries. "I'm sorry," he said, his tone sincere. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just... I've been thinking a lot about us, about what we had and what we lost."
You took a deep breath, trying to navigate the complexities of the moment. The room felt charged with a different kind of tension now, a lingering question hanging in the air.
"I appreciate your honesty," you replied, your voice steady. "But we can't ignore the history between us, Sami. Things changed, and we both moved on."
Sami nodded, a solemn expression on his face. "I know. I just couldn't help but wonder... what if? What if we had taken a different path?"
The weight of the unspoken "what ifs" settled in the room, creating a palpable silence. It was a question that lingered in the space between you, a testament to the complexity of your shared history.
"I think it's natural to wonder," you admitted, "but we can't change the past. We can only move forward."
"What if I What if I told you that I still have feelings for you?" Sami's voice hung in the air, heavy with vulnerability. The admission echoed through the room, challenging the carefully constructed boundaries that had defined your relationship.
You felt a mixture of surprise and a subtle acknowledgment that maybe the lingering tension wasn't one-sided. Sami's gaze searched your eyes for a response, the intensity mirroring the unspoken emotions that danced between you.
The weight of his words settled on your shoulders, and you took a moment to gather your thoughts. The honesty in Sami's admission deserved a genuine response, but the complexities of your history made it a challenging decision.
"I...," you began, but the words caught in your throat. You met Sami's gaze, seeing a vulnerability that matched your own. "Sami, we had something special, but we also had our fair share of challenges. I can't deny the connection we shared, but a lot has changed."
Sami nodded, understanding etched on his face. "I get it. I just needed you to know how I feel."
You sighed, the weight of the moment heavy on your shoulders. "I appreciate your honesty, Sami. It's just... complicated."
He gave you a small, understanding smile. "Yeah, it always has been with us, hasn't it?"
The air hung with unresolved tension, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken feelings that lingered in the room. The night had taken an unexpected turn, weaving through the threads of nostalgia, friendship, and the potential for something more.
"If it was me instead of Kevin that you had to hurt to prove your loyalty to, would you have done it?" Sami's question cut through the atmosphere, introducing a new layer of complexity to the already intricate dynamics between you two.
The weight of the question hung in the air, and you could sense the sincerity in Sami's eyes. It was a direct challenge to the choices you had made, and it demanded an honest response.
The room seemed to tighten, and you tried to distract yourself with  the remnants of the meal on the table, avoiding eye contact momentarily. Sami grabbed your shoulders gently, urging you to meet his gaze.
You took a deep breath, grappling with the intensity of Sami's question. The honesty in his eyes demanded a genuine response, and you couldn't evade the weight of the inquiry.
"I don't know, Sami," you admitted, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "It's a hypothetical scenario, and emotions are complicated. I can't say for sure how I would have reacted in that situation."
Sami's expression tightened, a mix of disappointment and understanding in his eyes. He knew you better than you knew yourself, and knew you were lying.
"Y/N..." He grabbed your hands and interjected with a sincerity that left no room for evasion. "You can't tell me you didn't have a choice in that moment. I know you, and I know you well enough to know that loyalty matters to you. If it was me, would you have chosen to hurt me to prove your loyalty to Kevin?"
The room seemed to shrink, the weight of Sami's gaze intensifying. You felt a knot tighten in your stomach, torn between acknowledging the truth and shielding yourself from the raw vulnerability of the moment.
"Sami, I..." Your voice wavered, the internal struggle reflecting in your eyes. The truth lingered on the tip of your tongue, a confession that could alter the course of the night and the delicate balance you were trying to maintain.
Sami's grip on your hands tightened, a silent plea for honesty. The unspoken tension hung between you two, an unresolved question that demanded a response. He intertwined his fingers with yours, grounding you in the intensity of the moment.
"I need to know, Y/N," Sami urged, his eyes searching yours for a glimpse of the truth. "Would you have hurt me to prove your loyalty?"
The room was silent, the weight of the question settling over you like a heavy shroud. You took a moment to gather your thoughts, feeling the vulnerability of the truth clawing at the edges of your consciousness.
"No." You breathed a sigh, the admission hanging in the air. "No, Sami. I wouldn't have hurt you to prove my loyalty to anyone. It was a difficult situation, and I made a choice. But hurting you would something I couldn't live with."
Sami's eyes softened, and you could sense a mix of relief and gratitude in his gaze. The truth, though heavy, seemed to have lifted a burden between you. He moved closer to you, your faces mere inches apart, the shared vulnerability creating a palpable connection. The unspoken emotions lingered, and for a moment, it felt like the weight of the past had been lifted.
"Thank you for being honest," Sami whispered, his breath mingling with yours. His thumb gently brushed against the back of your hand, a subtle reassurance.
You nodded, the air thick with a newfound understanding. The complexities of your shared history remained, but the honesty in that moment had carved a path towards reconciliation.
"I've missed this," Sami admitted, his eyes searching yours. "Missed these talks, these late nights with you." Sami's eyes dropped to you lips, his gaze intense and filled with a mixture of emotions. The unspoken tension crackled in the air, and you found yourself caught between the familiarity of the past and the uncertainty of the present. 
"Sami," you whispered, your voice barely audible. The room seemed to hold its breath, the weight of the unspoken hovering between you. Sami's thumb continued to trace idle patterns on the back of your hand, the touch sending shivers down your spine. 
Then his lips were on yours, and for a moment, it felt like time stood still, unmoving, like you. 
Then your brain starting working again.
"Sami!" You pushed him gently away, surprise and confusion written across your face. Sami's eyes widened, the realization of what he had done sinking in.
"I... I'm sorry," Sami stammered, a mix of embarrassment and regret in his expression. "I didn't mean to... I just... I thought..."
You held up a hand, stopping his explanations. "Sami, if you wanted to get back at Jey, you didnt' have to involve me in it."
Sami looked taken aback by your accusation. "No, it's not like that. I wouldn't do that to you. I... I got carried away. I didn't mean to use you as some kind of revenge."
You sighed, the weight of the situation settling on your shoulders. You couldn't deny that there was still a lingering attraction between you and Sami, but the context of the situation made everything more complicated. The boundaries were blurred, and it was evident that emotions were running high. You were with Jey. You loved him, and getting involved in a messy situation with Sami was the last thing you needed.
"Sami, we can't go down this path," you said firmly, trying to convey the seriousness of the situation. "I appreciate our friendship and the nostalgia, but it's not fair to Jey, and it's not fair to us."
Sami nodded, remorse etched on his face. "You're right. I messed up, and I'm sorry. I should have respected the boundaries."
You took a deep breath, attempting to diffuse the tension in the room. "Let's just call it a night. I'll sleep in my room. Have a nice day tomorrow, and we can talk about this when things are calmer."
Sami nodded again, a mix of regret and understanding in his eyes. "I understand. I never meant to complicate things."
As you gathered your things and headed towards the door, the air was thick with unresolved emotions. Before you could leave, Sami spoke up, "Please don't tell JJey about this. Jey already hates me, and I messed up, and I don't want to cause more problems for you."
You paused, considering Sami's request. It wasn't fair to keep secrets, especially in a relationship, but you also understood the potential consequences of revealing what had transpired. Jey would be hurt, and it might escalate the tension between him and Sami. On the other hand, honesty was crucial in a relationship.
"I can't promise that, Sami," you replied honestly. You believed in being truthful with Jey, and keeping something like this from him would only make things worse if he finds out later.
Sami nodded, acknowledging the difficult situation. "I get it. Just... take care of things on your end. I don't want to make your life more complicated."
"I will. Take care, Sami." You bid him goodnight once more before  leaving Sami's room and closing the door behind you.
As you walked back to your own room, a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts raced through your mind.
God, this is why you didn't want Sami to join the Bloodline in the first place. The tangled mess of emotions and history between you two had resurfaced, and now you were left grappling with the aftermath of an unexpected, charged moment.
"Y/N." Solo's voice made you jump in the hallway. He was leaning against the wall, a knowing expression on his face.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Solo held his hands up in a placating gesture. "Just wanted to check if everything's alright. Jey was worried when he saw you actually didn't come to the room."
You rolled your eyes, "Well, you can tell Jey I'm fine. Just needed some space."
Solo raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "You good? You acting kinda spacey."
You sighed, your face betraying the internal turmoil. "It's just been a weird night, Solo. And all I wanna do is sleep it off."
Solo tilted his head, his eyes narrowing in concern. "Do you want to talk about it? I know I'm not the best with emotions, but I'm here if you need someone to listen."
You appreciated Solo's offer, knowing that despite his tough exterior, he genuinely cared about the well-being of those close to him. However, the complexity of the situation made it difficult to put everything into words.
"Thanks, Solo. I might need some time to process everything. Let Jey know I'll talk to him about it tomorrow. I just need a bit of space for now."
Solo nodded, understanding the need for space. "Sure thing." You turned to go into the room, but Solo grabbed your arm and pulled you into a brief, supportive hug. It was rare that he showed such a side of him, but it felt comforting yet so guilty in that moment.
"Take care of yourself, Y/N. If you need anything, just let us know," Solo said, releasing you from the hug.
"Thanks, Solo," you replied, managing a small but guilty smile. With that, you entered your room, the events of the night echoing in your mind.
Sleep felt elusive, and the weight of the unresolved emotions lingered, making it a long night of introspection and contemplation. You texted Jey that you were fine, got into the covers, and closed your eyes. The events of the night replayed in your mind like a never-ending loop. The mix of nostalgia, tension, and unexpected intimacy left you grappling with conflicting emotions.
Would you tell Jey, the week before his match against Sami, when you knew when he got mad he would lose matches, or would you keep it to yourself, avoiding potential complications and protecting Jey's focus for the upcoming match?
Only time would tell.
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ghelgheli · 6 months
Depending on who you ask, the trans woman sex worker might be a mere stereotype. Or her job might be an unfortunate product of deprivation, as it often is in anti-sex-work feminism. Trans women would do a wide range of work, according to such arguments, but they cannot because transphobia in the labor force remains an obstacle. In this view, sex work is perhaps a last resort for trans women, just as it's seen as the last resort of all women down on their luck. These anti-sex-work answers all presume that doing sex work somehow degrades or sullies trans women from lives they otherwise were destined to lead. Trans womanhood is, accordingly, made respectable when it's stripped of labor and money. Yet people still line up to pay trans women for sex, or to watch them in porn. Those two transactions are widely perceived to be how many non-trans people, especially straight men, form their first relationship to trans womanhood.
When it comes to answering these questions, trans women themselves aren't nearly as evasive as the men who jerk off to them under the covers at night or who pay them for blowjobs in their cars—or as the liberal feminists who want to rescue them from sex work to prove their value. Many have spoken with great sophistication when asked. In ethnographic research with Black trans sex workers in Chicago, Julian Kevon Glover stresses that they "have numerous work options and engage in sex work by situating their labor in the sexual economy alongside, rather than outside, other types of work." Adding sex work to other kinds of labor, these Black trans women were most like the non-trans Black women in their lives, rather than standing apart from them. Taking up sex work as a form of "self-investment," Black trans women may have a higher price tag than many attached to their needs and desires, but they refused to exceptionalize their situations. "I look at everything in my life as customer service," explained Shayna, one of Glover's informants. "Because if you want me to do anything for you, I'm giving you my customer service." [...]
For Europeans or Americans contemplating living as women in the nineteenth century, giving up recognition as a man meant transition was primarily a loss of status and wealth. On the female side of the gender line, neither of the two prevailing contracts available to non-trans women—marriage or unskilled labor—were there to cushion the dramatic fall. Both demanded a degree of passing that was difficult to maintain over a lifetime. Besides, as wage labor came to dominate the global economy, simply to be an unmarried working woman was already an impoverished life. Little remained for unmarriageable trans women other than the lowest-paid service work, whether dancing in a bar, performing onstage, or selling sex. These services were patronized by growing populations of working men with a little money to spend. From the perspective of moral reformers, or the police, "public women" were all guilty of prostitution, regardless of what they did for money. Understanding trans womanhood as a way of life built into the modern service economy goes a long way toward explaining its enduring relationship to sex work.
A Short History of Trans Misogyny, Jules Gill-Peterson
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siren0writer · 7 months
Hi! I was woundering if you could write some headcannons where shayna is dating someone significantly younger than her? Like they have a 10 years age gabe and her s/o is also in wwe. It's totally fine if you don't feel comfortable with it...
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GN!Reader pookies
At first Shayna felt a little weird about dating someone a decade younger than her, but as time went on Shayna learned that it really wasn't that big of a deal
She was really afraid about what people would say about you guys, but pretty much everyone and their mother was happy for you guys
There was one incident tho, whenever you guys decided to go public some troll commented on your Instagram post calling Shayna a 'Cradle Snatcher'
You laughed it off because the name 'cradle snatcher' is hilarious, Shayna did not laugh at all
Really protective of you, in and out ring, not in a controlling creepy way tho
She likes to be on commentary for your matches just to make sure nothing goes wrong, or just on ringside
She tries her best not to cheat for you tho (CEO of distracting the ref)
Celebrates all your wins and comforts you after all your losses
Whenever you guys are at home Shayna likes to play video games with you, and she always claims she's letting you win (she's not, your just better)
Shayna is like 40 years old I think (she looks nothing of the sort, voodoo? Witchcraft?), and sometimes she gets paranoid that you'll leave her for someone younger or better
But let's be real here, who's better than Shayna? Exactly
As per the photo above^^^ Shayna likes to listen to Dad Rock, sorry
Shayna never really wanted kids, nor does she really like them
Whenever you guys are on the road she drives and you navigate, you also have aux but it MUST be on Shayna's playlist or she throws a hissy fit
I'm gonna leave this here for now, I might update this with more later
Idk if you wanted smut hcs as well, but I can update this if you would like 😁
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toriluvsnickwayne · 2 months
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Memory Lane
Nick Wayne x Reader
Requested : yes/no
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You snuggled deeper into the hotel bed, feeling Nick's warm arms around you. You'd known him since 6th grade, and since then he'd become more than just a friend - he was your rock, your confidant, your everything.
"Hey, remember that time we got lost in the arcade?" Nick asked, his voice low and husky.
You giggled. "How could I forget? We were stuck in there for hours!"
Nick chuckled. "And then my mom had to come find us, yelling at us for being irresponsible."
You playfully rolled your eyes. "You got us lost on purpose, Nick!"
Nick just laughed and pulled you closer. "Maybe a little. But it was worth it to see you smile."
(December 17, 2019)
You walked through the crowded arcade, the sounds of buzzing games and laughter filling the air. Nick's mom, Shayna, led the way, with Nick and you following close behind.
As you stopped to play a game, Nick's mom said, "I'll go grab some tickets, you two keep playing!"
But when you turned around, Shayna was nowhere to be seen. You looked at Nick, panicked. "Where's your mom?"
Nick shrugged. "I don't know, I thought she was right behind us!"
You both frantically scanned the crowd, but Shayna was gone. You were lost in the arcade.
Nick grabbed your hand. "Don't worry, we'll find her. Let's go up to the front desk and wait for her to find us."
You nodded, and together you climbed the stairs to the ticket counter. The staff barely gave you a second glance as you sat down on the edge of the counter, swinging your legs.
Nick started making silly faces at you, trying to get you to laugh. "Hey, look at me, I'm a lost arcade kid!"
You giggled, feeling a little better. "You're such a goofball, Nick."
As you sat there joking around, the minutes ticked by. You started to worry that Shayna would be frantic with worry, but Nick reassured you. "She'll find us, don't worry. We're not exactly stealthy."
Just then, you heard a familiar voice calling out your names. "Nick! Y/N! Where are you two?"
Nick grinned. "Right here, Mom! We were just... um... supervising the ticket counter."
Shayna chuckled, shaking her head. "Well, I'm glad I found you two. Let's get out of here before you get into any more trouble!"
As you climbed down from the counter, Nick whispered in your ear. "That was kind of fun, getting lost with you."
You smiled, feeling a flutter in your chest. "Definitely an adventure."
(Present Day)
You both laughed, reminiscing about old times. "And what about when you just showed up at my house unannounced?" you teased.
Nick grinned mischievously. "Hey, I just wanted to hang out!"
(June 27, 2017)
You were lounging on the couch, watching TV on a lazy Sunday afternoon, when the doorbell rang. You got up to answer it, expecting it to be a neighbor or maybe a delivery.
You opened the door to find Nick standing on your porch, a persistent grin on his face. You had given him your address weeks ago, and you had been wondering when he would finally show up.
"Hey, I'm here!" Nick announced, like he was conquering new territory.
You raised an eyebrow. "I see that. But my parents don't know who you are."
Nick shrugged. "That's okay, my parents are coming too. They couldn't resist my charm."
Just then, Buddy and Shayna got out of their car as well. Your parents appeared behind you, curious about the commotion.
As the adults introduced themselves, Nick whispered, "Let's sneak off and grab some snacks." You nodded, and while the parents talked, you both snuck upstairs to your room.
You spent the afternoon watching movies, joking around, and having the best time. As the hours passed, you both drifted off to sleep, exhausted from laughing.
But your peace was disrupted when Nick's dad, Buddy, burst into your room. "Nick, wake up! Time to go home, kiddo!"
As Nick groggily opened his eyes, Buddy noticed you were awake too. "Hey, sorry to disturb you. We had a great time talking with your parents. Actually, we're planning something for tomorrow..."
Nick sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What's tomorrow, Dad?"
Buddy smiled. "We're coming to pick up Y/N and you two can hang out some more. How does that sound?"
You exchanged a thrilled glance with Nick.
(Present Day)
As you talked, Nick's fingers traced gentle patterns on your skin, making you shiver with delight. You'd started dating in 9th grade, and now, here you were, wrapped in each other's arms.
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