#i'm remembering how my dad's beard is looking and i think it makes sense now
uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Man I wish I could grow a goatee, my first year of T gave me a neckbeard 😵‍💫💀😂😂😂
People have slandered neckbeards for too long and I for one cannot stand for it any longer. If you've been growing a neckbeard on testosterone: I (platonically) love you I will blow up the entire world just to make y'all happy
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walrus150915 · 1 year
Do you guys remember this post? With the Goldenheart fankid?
Remember how I talked about Bal and Ambrosius as parents??
Well, here's basically what I think they'd look like in their deep 40s, early 50s even. Kid, no kid: doesn't matter - that's old men yaoi for ya!!!
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Should I... Like... Elaborate on the design choices?😭😭
Let's start off with Bal, shall we?
- I made him as hot as I could
- GLASSES BC he's an aging man let him live guys...
- beard bc I think he's grow one out eventually
- a golden earring to pay respects to Blackheart
- some cool tools to accentuate his job
- I feel like Bal is a type of guy to have a lot of body hair for some reason so uhhh I couldn't resist okay😁
- little scars on his fingers bc his job has a lot to do with creating mechanical stuff
- grey long shirt inspired by the city fashion of townsfolk in Nimona
Now, to Ambrosius
- he's kinda younger-looking since I think he still dyes his hair (doesn't bleach - dyes) his natural color and uses make-up to cover wrinkles bc he's kinda afraid of aging
(he doesn't mind Ballister aging like fine wine tho👀)
- my man's growing out his hair!!
- lavender on the ends since I think he's be a type of an adult (dad too in that sense???) who tries to understand youth's culture and stuff. Also bc lavender is the gayest color and it'd suit him so well
- a silly moustache bc I wanted to make him more dad-ish if it makes sense
- an ugly white polo shirt since HE HAS NO FASHION SENSE I'M SORRY😭😭 HAVE YOU SEEN HIS HOODIE???? BOY-
- yeah his and Bal's rings match bc silver for Bal&golden for Ambrosius except they're switched to show that they belong to each other blah-blah-blah all that romantic stuff
Them as dads would be such a chaotic duo tbh😭😭 neither of these mfs had permanent good parental figures who didn't die (in Bal's case) or weren't using them (in Ambrosius's case) and they have NO IDEA what they're doing
I know for the fact that Aquila's classmates would be head-over-heels for Ballister. HAVE YOU SEEN HIM. GOD. DAYHM
Ambrosius oh so agrees
Some memes ig- I refuse to elaborate on them
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Gn!! Lemme know what you think of these designs jzjsjsjsjsja-
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bjfinn · 1 year
for @themorons
(contains a reference to the events in "Beetlejuice: Family Plot" by @jenniferstolzer)
One morning, shortly after breakfast, Lydia knocked on the door of her father's office. "Dad," Lydia she said, opening the door and looking in, "can I talk to you?"
"Of course, Pumpkin," Charles replied, folding his newspaper and setting it down on his desk. "Come in. What is it? Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong -- not exactly." She entered and sat in the client's chair, moving it closer to the side of his desk. "It's BJ."
"What's he done now?"
"Nothing! It's not like that -- it's just ... I don't know. I just wish you two could actually get along instead of just ... avoiding each other, you know? I mean, you're my father and he's my friend, and you agreed that he could stay here."
Charles nodded. "I know. But how am I supposed to relate to a ... a demon?"
"Half demon, half ghost. And you seem to be relating to Barb and Adam well enough."
"Yes, well ... they used to be human," he pointed out. "And they're decent, good-hearted people. BJ, on the other hand ..."
"Saved all of us -- twice. First from his own mother, and then from his father. Remember?" She put both hands on top of his. "Dad, I need you two to be on good terms with each other. I need you two to be friends."
"What would you suggest?"
Lydia shrugged. "I don't know -- maybe some kind of activity the two of you could do together?"
Charles smiled. "All right -- I'll do my best to think of something."
"Thanks, Daddy!" she squealed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You're the best!"
"BJ," Charles said, putting an arm around the demon's shoulder, "now that you're a ... uh, a member of our family, so to speak, I think we should get better acquainted, you and I. Wouldn't you agree?"
Beetlejuice's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Uh, yeah ... okay, that makes sense, I guess."
"After all," Charles continued, "it wouldn't do for us not to get along when we're living in the same house, now would it? And for that to happen, well ... we need to get to know each other."
"Yeah, sure ..." Beej replied warily, scratching at his beard.
"Excellent!" Charles clapped his hands together in a gesture that clearly meant that the conversation had reached a satisfactory conclusion -- at least for him.
Beetlejuice, however, had no clue what had just happened.
"What's wrong, Beej?" Lydia asked, noticing her friend's purple hair.
"Your dad was ... nice to me," Beej said, frowning. "He said that me and him should get to know each other better -- almost like he wants us to be friends. Is he planning something? Do I need to be worried?"
"Don't be silly -- Dad just thinks that, since you're part of the family now, that you and he should ... I don't know, bond or something," Lydia explained.
"That's so sweet," Adam said.
"It's weird," Beetlejuice grumbled.
"BJ!" Barbara chided. "It's not weird. It's nice -- he's trying. He wants the two of you to get along."
"It's weird and I don't like it. We had a good thing going, him and me -- like ... like ..."
"Like oil and water?"
"Yeah! Like oil and water!"
"Oil and water don't mix," Adam pointed out.
"Exactly my point," Beej replied.
"Beej, come on -- just give him a chance," Lydia said. "Meet him halfway. For me?"
Beetlejuice scowled, his hair becoming purple. "Oh, all right!" he agreed at last. "But I'm only doing this for you!"
"Thanks," Lydia said happily, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Beej's hair turned pink. "You're the best!"
"Yeah, yeah," he growled. But he was smiling -- he always felt good when he could make his best friend happy.
"Hi, Chuck! Whatcha doing?"
"I'm just finishing up some paperwork," came the reply. He set aside the sheaf of documents and turned his attention to the demon. "Can I help you with something, BJ?"
"I was thinking about what you said before," Beej said, "about how you think you and I should spend more time together. I think so too -- now that we're family, we should, like, get to know each other better."
Charles smiled at that. "I'm glad to hear you say that."
"So what did you have in mind?"
Charles thought for a moment. "Do you like birds?" he asked.
"Yeah, sure ..." Beej replied -- he had no idea where this was going, but he figured it might be interesting. Besides, he'd promised Lydia that he'd give Chuckles a chance.
"Then perhaps we could go birding on Saturday," Charles suggested.
"Okay," Beej said. "Sure - why not?" Birding??? he thought to himself.
"Chuck wants me to go birding with him -- what's birding?" Beej asked.
"Bird watching," Adam told him.
Beej looked confused. "Bird watching? Like ... watching birds?" he asked.
Barbara nodded.
"Watching 'em do what?"
"Watching them do what birds do," Adam replied. "Flying, singing ... you know, that kind of thing."
"It's a very popular hobby," Barbara explained. "Lots of people do it."
"Lots of people," Beej repeated. "Watching birds flying and singing and stuff."
The Maitlands smiled and nodded encouragingly. Beej frowned, completely bewildered. "Why?" he asked finally.
"It's fun," Adam replied. "You get to write down all the different kinds you see, and what they were doing ..."
"Why?" the demon asked again.
"To keep a record of the ones you've seen."
"Okaaay ... but why?"
"Just give it a chance, BJ," Barbara said. "Who knows? Maybe you'll enjoy it."
Beetlejuice looked unconvinced. "Sounds stupid and boring -- right up Chuck's alley."
"Do it for Lydia -- you did promise her that you'd try."
The demon frowned. "Okay, okay," he said with an exaggerated sigh. "I'll go 'birding' with him. But I'm not gonna like it!"
"I hear you and Daddy are going birding," Lydia said.
"You're coming too, right?" he said.
"Sorry, it's just you and my dad this time."
"Ah, come on, Lyds! You gotta come! I'm begging you!"
"How are you and him supposed to bond if I'm there?" she asked. "No way, pal -- this is gonna be quality time for the two of you. I'd just get in the way."
Beej looked like he was about to cry. "But you have to come!" he whined. "Please? I'm your BFFFF, remember? Don't do this to me-he-he-heee!" He was sobbing now, fat tears running down his cheeks, his nose running. He pressed both fists to his eyes like a little kid. "I -- I thought I was your f-f-friend! "
"You are my friend," she said, putting a firm hand on his shoulder. "That's why I'm doing this. You and my dad have to spend some time alone together to get to know each other -- it's the only way." She gathered him in a hug. "It'll be okay -- he's really not so bad once you get to know him, you'll see. You might even have fun."
Beej sniffed loudly. He was still whimpering, but at least he was no longer in full meltdown.
That Saturday, Beej and Charles headed to the park. Beej had dressed for the occasion in a safari outfit -- khaki shirt and shorts, knee-socks, even a pith helmet. He looked so ridiculous that even the normally staid Charles had trouble keeping a straight face.
"Do you know anything about birds, BJ?" Charles asked.
"I know that they fly and sing. No birds in the Netherworld."
"More's the pity. They're beautiful creatures."
"Is that why you like them?"
"Partly, yes," came the reply. "But mostly it's ... the freedom they represent -- the ability to go anywhere they want at a moment's notice, the ability to break free from gravity's hold without a care ... it's something I wish I was able to do.
"It's why I left New York to come to Winter River -- after my breakdown I needed some place where I could be free. Where Lydia could be free. I only regret not having done it sooner. Before Emily passed. She would have loved it here."
He looked at Beetlejuice. "I never asked you why you came to the house in the first place."
"Babs and Adam," Beej told him. "I was there because they were about to die, and I was supposed to be their guide to the other side. But I had other plans -- I didn't wanna spend eternity helping the newly dead cross over! That was my mom's idea! She wanted to punish me, and that was how she did it. Well, I showed her! "
"Ah, yes," Charles said. "Your mother. Delightful woman," he added, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"You said it."
"And your father left before you were ... uh, born."
Beej nodded. "Fuckin' deadbeat piece of shit. I showed him too, didn't I?"
"Yes, you certainly did," Charles replied. "And we're all very grateful to you, BJ -- and that's why I want us to get better acquainted. You saved my daughter and myself -- and the Maitlands - not just once, but twice. That was very noble of you. Especially after Lydia had killed you."
"Yeah, well ... I deserved it."
"And you also deserved a second chance."
"Thanks. But I'm still a demon."
"Well, we all have our burdens to bear."
Beej chuckled at that. Then suddenly his head snapped to the right. "What was that?" he asked.
"That, I believe, was a redwing blackbird," Charles told him, raising the binoculars to his face and following the flight path of the bird they'd glimpsed. "Ah! See?" he said, pointing. "There -- among the cattails at the river's edge!"
Beej looked at the spot Charles had indicated. "I see it!" he said excitedly. "God, it's beautiful! "
"Kon-ka-ree! "
"What was that? " the demon asked, stunned.
"That was its call," Charles explained. "He's claiming his territory and trying to attract a mate."
"Kon-ka-ree! " the bird said again.
Beej was nearly beside himself with excitement. "Wow! " he said softly. "That's amazing! "
"Your first official bird sighting," Charles said, smiling like a proud father. "Congratulations!"
"Kon-ka-ree! "
"Seems like our friend is congratulating you, as well."
Beej grinned. Then he saw a family of ducks, quacking softly as they emerged onto the riverbank. "What are those?"
"Mallard ducks," Charles said. "The one with the green head is the male, and that's his mate and their four -- no, five ducklings."
Beej stared open-mouthed at the waterbirds. "Wow! " he said again. "A whole family! "
Then a thought occurred to him. "Are male birds always better looking than the females?"
"Well, a lot of birds look the same regardless of gender," Charles told him. "But in those species where there's a difference, the male is always flashier."
Beej nodded approvingly. "Guys like to show off."
Charles chuckled at that. "Yes, I suppose that's true, isn't it?"
"You really know a lot about birds, huh?"
"I'm hardly an expert, but I think I'm reasonably knowledgeable for a layman."
"Can you teach me?"
Charles smiled. "It would be my pleasure, BJ."
"What's that one called?" Beej asked, pointing towards an oak tree.
Charles swung the binoculars around. "Which one? I don't see it."
"That one there," Beej replied. "In the tree -- the blue bird."
"That's a bluebird."
"I know -- the blue bird. What's it called?"
"That's it's name."
"What's the blue bird's name?"
Charles began to laugh. "It's called a bluebird."
"Really? Seems kinda too obvious." Beej grinned -- he didn't quite get what Charles was laughing about, but it felt good knowing that he was the cause. Then it hit him -- he'd been saying the bird's name all along. He started laughing as well.
Suddenly Charles stopped. He pointed to a spot under the oak. "Look!"
Beej looked. A brown bird with black head, wings and tail, a white throat spotted with black, and a vermilion breast was looking for something in the grass.
"A robin," Charles informed him. "Hunting worms."
Beej was stunned. "How many kinds of birds are there, anyway?" he asked.
"Thousands worldwide," came the reply. "But here in the Northeast there's about four hundred and fifty or so, I think -- maybe a bit more."
"How many have you seen?"
"Nearly two hundred so far," Charles said.
"Looks like I got a lot of catching up to do."
"You'll get there. In the meantime, how about lunch?" Charles asked. "Lydia made sandwiches for us."
Beej agreed, and they went over to one of the picnic tables sat down. Charles set his shoulder bag on the table and opened it. He pulled out a thermal bag, and from that he took several sandwiches wrapped in waxed paper and placed them on the table, followed by a thermos and two plastic cups. He filled the cups from the thermos and handed one to the demon.
Beej looked in the cup and smiled. Iced tea. His favourite.
"Now then," Charles said. "Lydia told me she made egg salad and chicken."
"Wait -- aren't chickens birds? And don't eggs come from chickens?"
"Yes, of course."
"So we're gonna eat birds while we're out here watching birds? That's sick! I like it."
Charles laughed so hard he nearly choked on his iced tea.
"So, Chuck," Beej said, "what else do you like to do for fun?"
"Oh, probably nothing that would interest you."
"Ah, come on. We're supposed to be getting to know each other, right?"
Charles nodded. "Yes, you're right. Okay, well ... let's see. I play golf, I collect stamps and coins, I played baseball in high school ..."
"Baseball, huh? What position?"
"Pitcher -- I was pretty good, too, if I do say so myself. I even thought about turning pro."
"Really?" Beej was intrigued. "So what happened?"
"I was injured in a car accident -- two weeks in the hospital and six weeks in rehab learning to walk again. After that, I decided on another, surer, path to success."
"Real estate. Sounds boring." He took a bite of his chicken sandwich.
Charles nodded. "I admit it's not the most exciting career, but it's given my family financial security. People will always need a place to live and a place to do business." He sighed. "I was quite the success, mind you -- u-until my breakdown, that is. But by then I'd amassed a small fortune, made some good investments -- enough to keep us comfortable. Now it's just a matter of tying up some last loose ends, and then I'll be out of that game forever."
Beetlejuice grinned at that. "So we're both retired."
"I suppose we are," Charles said, nodding. "Here's to retirement."
They raised their cups and drank.
A small brown bird hopped up onto the table and cocked its head at the demon. Beej froze and looked sidelong at Charles.
"That's a sparrow," Charles told him. "A male -- see the black throat patch?"
Beej nodded almost imperceptibly -- he didn't want to scare away their visitor. "I've seen sparrows before," he said, "but never up close." The sparrow hopped closer. "What do I do?" he asked.
"Just stay still," Charles replied. He watched as the tiny creature continued its cautious approach -- clearly its curiosity about Beetlejuice was stronger than its fear. "Let him decide what he wants to --"
The sparrow hopped onto Beej's left hand, which had been resting on the table. Beej's eyes flew open wide and he inhaled sharply -- thankfully, the intake of air was almost silent and the bird wasn't spooked.
The bird cocked its head from side to side for a moment, and then flew away, apparently having satisfied its curiosity.
Beej let out his breath. "Holy crap! " he exclaimed. "That was amazing! "
"It certainly was," Charles agreed, awestruck by what he'd just witnessed. "I've never seen one do that before."
"Really? Wow! " Beej was grinning from ear to ear, his hair bright green.
After lunch, the two of them continued rambling through the park. Beej was completely taken by the various birds (and other wildlife) they saw, asking Charles question after question. Charles, for his part, was more than happy to answer all of Beej's inquiries as best he could.
But all too soon they noticed that it was getting late, and soon it would be time for dinner.
"Did you enjoy yourself, BJ?" Charles asked as they headed home.
"Are you kidding? That was great! " Beej enthused. "I love birding!" He stopped, frowning in surprise at what he'd just said. "Never thought I'd hear myself say that." Then he shrugged. "Thanks for inviting me, Chuck -- uh, Charles."
Charles grinned. "You can call me Chuck if you want," he said. "I'm glad I asked you along -- it was fun, wasn't it?"
"That was SO much fun! Can we do it again next Saturday? Huh? Can we?"
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cevans-is-classic · 3 years
Between The Stitches
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Ted Lasson x Enby Reader
18+ only, please. Warnings: sexual content, language, and me trying to my hardest to explain football
Other works can be found at My Masterlist
Head over to JD/TL to get more!
(One month ago)
"American football makes no sense to me." You comment without thought, twirling the carrot between your fingers around. 
Beard glances at you, "Aren't you from the United States?" 
You paid him back with a shrug. "I left when I was barely out of nappies. It doesn't count." Ted was unusually quiet on his side of the office, face open and expressive enough that you could tell the wheels were turning. 
"Yet soccer makes sense to you?" Beard nodded, "Wise." 
With a smile, you leaned back, "Thank you." 
The room fell silent once more than everyone tucked into their food. Ted kept looking up at you and down again until something seemed to snap into focus his eyes, "As I once said to Tammy Patchett in the seventh grade when she said she couldn't kiss me because I have her Dad's name — I respect your opinion, but I'm confused as a bumblebee. How in the world does soccer make more sense than Football, Sugar?" 
(Far too late into the evening for this conversation)
“Ted, Darling.” He’d wheeled the whiteboard into your living room, positioning it until he could reach the laptop as well as write across the face, “Honey, what is this?” You were hoping the answer was not what you assumed it was.
His mustache twitched, “Lessons.”
“Uh, huh?” He was wearing his trainers, the blue Nike ones he wore to practice and his AFC Richmond puffer coat, unzipped to show his Coaches jacket underneath, his hair was still slicked back and primed as if he’d gotten dressed and ready for training.
“Do you remember the other day when you made the comment of not understanding American Football?” He didn’t look up from the laptop as he prepared — what you can now see — is a presentation.
You stepped into the living room proper, arms crossed as your partner shuffled back and forth between his bag and the whiteboard. “Yes?”
“You said soccer rules made more sense than American Football,” He finally looked up, eyes wide, a well-pleased smile painting his face as he motioned to the tools behind him, “You spent a short — undetermined amount of time — explaining the rules to me-”
“Two hours-”
“- I thought I'd return the favor. Give you everything and the kitchen sink of American Football, yeah? Really go all in.” His cheeks flushed with glee. The excitement in his eyes drove you wild in a worrying way.
“Ted, it’s eight o’clock at night? You have training in the morning, Dear and I have to be in the office.” That didn’t seem to deter him. It made his smile grow even wider. He moved towards you, one hand coming up to touch your jaw and tilt your chin until you could look him in the eye.
“I’ll be quick, Sugar. You can call me Flash. I'll be so quick.” He pulled you in for a kiss, drawing your air from your lungs with a breathtaking swoop of his tongue, then promptly backed off and stepped back to the board.
All you could do was sit down, watching the man stand before you, arms wide, hands moving as he spoke, going into his pocket every few moments as he lifted on his toes and gleefully allowed the presentation videos to show you examples of his stories.
Ted came very prepared, ready to teach you something, and that very thought made your stomach squeeze and tighten. When your partner spun around, you allowed yourself to watch the line of his body from shoulders to legs thinking of him 'teaching you a lesson'
Well, that's a kink I didn't know I had. You thought, startling yourself at the image of Ted in his khakis with glasses perched on his nose, calling you a good little student who deserves a reward for paying attention so well-
Something on the television screen caught your attention, snapping you back into reality.
He was pulling up a picture of a professional football team with black and white colors. “Wait-” He stopped, pausing the video to look back at you with raised eyebrows.
You missed a step as you fantasized. “You were talking about football practices. Why are you showing me a football play?” His mouth opened, closed, eyebrows doing a rather intense dance as he thought over your question.
“I wanted to show you the greatest play in NFL history to give you a whopper of an example.” He clicked the laptop again, turning his back to you as the words ‘IMMACULATE RECEPTION’ flashed across the television. He talked in between the explanation and clips of the play, accent getting thicker and thicker, the more excited he got. When he explained how he used a ‘Fool’s gold’ version of the play his first year of coaching Collegiate Football, his entire demeanor changed.
Ted seemed to shift from Coach Lasso with witty quips and banter to Professor Lasso whose eyebrows bunched together, his puffer coat being shed, Coach’s jackets set down on top of it and the sleeves of his shirt as he pushed up his forearms. He became more confident about how he explained the inner workings of the game; shuffling around the room on the pads of his feet giving full bodied shows of players passing the ball, players positioning on the field, plays being drawn on the board (Which looked similar to how his plays looked during training, only the players stayed in a more controlled order than with Football here)
He was beautiful.
You couldn’t look anywhere but at him, watching his fingers grip the ball he’d pulled from his bag, watching them tap at the keys or grip the marker as he scrawled across the board. It was mesmerizing seeing him fall deep into what he loved, explaining it with exquisite detail — detail that was also painfully long and drawn out in a way that had your eyes drooping despite wanting to watching him run those fingers through his hair again, messing the style up allowing strands of it to fall across his forehead.
He was breathtaking, but bollocks it was damn near midnight, and you had to work in the morning.
You could see him gearing up for another speech about team dynamics on the field. Taking the opportunity, you stood and moved towards him.
“Theodore-” You touched his arm, drawing his hand away from the board. He turned with you, eyes going soft as he looked your way, “It's getting late, Darling.”
Ted nodded, “I’m almost done-” He turned back around, and with a desperate move, you reached for the football and held it up.
"Would you show me how to hold this?” His eyebrows bounced, “I don’t believe I’ve ever touched one before.”
“That's sacrilegious, Sugar.” Ted placed his hands over yours, warm and calloused in the right way, his fingers moving yours until you held the ball with one hand, your own fingers draped over the laces of it, “Keep your fingers tight.”
He moved behind you, lifting your hand up, pulling your arm back until it rested in the stance you’d seen the players on the screen use, “Don’t slip between the stitches, Sweetheart.” His voice had dropped, speaking low into your ear.
Blood rushed through your body at the feel of his facial hair brushing your ear, Ted’s own fingers still placed over yours, keeping you steady. You’d meant to distract him enough to pause the ‘lesson’ but the way his body pressed into you, his hips slotting into your backside to help move your leg back and straighten out your arm had your body thrumming with need.
“There you go, a regular Drew Brees, I say.” Ted’s hold on your hip was loosening, making you whine. You hadn’t realized you were pushing back into him until he was putting space between you to keep your body straight — he paused when the sound left your lips, his fingers tightening.
"You okay?” He pressed back against you; worry laced his words until you tipped your head to look at him.
Brown eyes looked down with concern, melting into understanding when you pressed your hips back into his, wanting to feel him grip you tight again.
“Sugar,” He moved the football out of your hand, “Thought it was getting late.”
It wasn’t a question. His mouth was twitching under his mustache again, only this time with a glint of mischief. A gnawing pit in your stomach wanted to have his hands moving around your waist once more. It made your knees shake, remembering how deep his concentration had gone into his lesson the way he’d single mindedly focused on giving you an accurate account of the sport.
His focus was intoxicating.
No matter whom he spoke to, whom he interacted with, Ted gave 100% to them, and each time he pointed that attention towards you, it made you throw caution to the wind.
“I think I need one more lesson, Coach.” His eyes followed your lips.
You moved to face him, reaching for the hand, holding the football, removing the object, and tossing it towards the couch, allowing you to bring his fingers to your lips.
“Yeah?” He breathed, “What kind of lesson do you need?” His fingers twitched, pads dragging over your bottom lip, letting you nip at them.
“You said not to slip between the stitches, Coach Lasso.” His pointer and middle fingers push into your mouth, your tongue laving at the digits with vigor, looking up at him as you hum in anticipation. Ted’s cheeks were burning red, eyes wide as he watched you and you felt him curl his fingers against your tongue, letting you suck on them until he dragged them, his own mouth opening in a breath.
“That's right.” His chest pressed into yours; you felt his heart pounding even through the layers of clothes, “Could cause you to fumble the throw.”
“Oh,” you looked at his fingers, spreading them wide until you could press your palm against his, tugging it towards you, “Have you ever fumbled before Coach Lasso?” Your shirt was thin, an old tee that should pair with a tank of some sort — now you were happy you’d foregone the undergarment as you moved Ted’s hand over your chest, his fingers catching on your nipple through the thin material, “You always seem to know where to place your fingers.” He pinched your nipple, rolling the bud, pinching it again, making you shiver as a spike of pleasure shoots down your spine.
“I’ve fumbled a few times.” His other hand moves towards your hip, looking at you waiting for a confirming nod before slipping his hand under your shirt, across the bare skin of your hip until he could pull at the ties of your shorts, loosening them enough to dip his hand inside, touching your thigh, then back, back, back gripping your ass in his palm and pushing you forward until you feel his erection against your stomach.
“Maybe you need more — training.” Ted kisses you, soft, all-consuming, making you light-headed with a dip of his tongue, his hands, those fingers, pressing into your skin dragging you closer and closer until you both stumble onto the couch. Ted moved you with care, helping you sit on his lap comfortably without pulling his lips from yours.
You tug at his shirt, pulling it from his pants and shifting until Ted pulls back and lets you slip the shirt off.
“Coach,” You bite your lip, sliding your hand through his chest hair, “I have another question.” His breath hitches when you slide your fingers over his nipple, down his stomach to undo the buckle of his belt.
Ted swallows, hands spasming against your hips, “How may I help you?” Fuck, his voice is low, that drawl digging into parts of you that burned hot and pulsed between your legs.
“Are you as good with your mouth,” You undo his pants, tugging the zipper down and reaching inside to wrap your hand around his cock, "as you are with your hands?”
There's a moment, a pause, as you stroke him where Ted doesn’t make a single sound, his breath seeming to be held in his chest and it sets panic inside you — then you're lifted into the air, Ted’s hands beneath your thighs making you squeal, release him and wrap your arms and legs around his body in shock.
In a matter of moments you were tossed onto your bed, Ted climbing over you in a flurry of movement, his lips and tongue attacking your throat in between bursts of apologies for startling you and his own fumbling to get your shirt and shorts off.
It was fucking intoxicating, seeing the rushed passion in the man that had been prominent during his lesson. Ted was single-mindedly taking you apart, and he hadn’t even done anything besides strip you bare and kiss you breathless.
“Te-Ted.” You stutter when his fingers spread you open, diving in and out, making you squirm into his palm, aching for more but not wanting him to stop.
“It's all about precision.” He murmurs into your neck, teeth biting in your pulse making you gasp, moaning out his name when he curls his fingers inside of you and fucks them deeper, the heel of his hand rubbing against your clit, “Knowing where to put your fingers, how tight to press them-” He hit that spot that makes your toes curl, his kisses dragging from your neck, over your stomach until he licks at your clit making you jump and drag the sensitive bud over his facial hair and you lose it. Legs tightening around his head, pussy pulsing around those fingers as Ted lick at you, fucking his digits in and out and in again until you trembled beneath him, “-and knowing when to let go.”
You groan, eyes rolling as you reach for him, “I think I get it now.” You tug him towards you, allowing him to reach for your night stand and search for a condom as your own hands grip him again, moving until your left leg wrapped around his waist and the head of his cock pressed into your hole.
Ted groaned, his hips jerking, but your fingers stopped him from going any deeper. “It's all about control.” Ted’s hand shakes when he gets the condom on. You let him move back long enough to spread you open again, his cock pushing into your inch by agonizingly delicious inch until he bottomed out; his forehead flush against yours.
“The end goal.” He breathes moving, moving, moving until you fall into a rhythm that drags your mind from your body. Ted could read you like a damn book, knew when to grab you, when to push you, how to go faster and harder, and he did it all with a smile on his face. He’d whisper words of praise into your ear as he fucks into you, murmurs sweet nothings against your skin, leaves his mark inside and out until all you knew was Ted and Ted alone.
When you felt the brink growing closer, you could feel him grab your right leg and pull it up against his hip to push deeper until you reached back, grabbing his ass and grinding yourself against him as his thrusts turn shallow.
“Thank you, Coach.” You groan, eyes closing as your stomach tightens.
Ted curses, “Sweet Jesus, fuck, you feel amazing, Sugar, better than ice cream on a hot day.”
“Ted-” You dig your nails into his ass making him hiss and thrust harder, “Ah, fuck, yes- yes-” Ted doesn’t stop, repeats the movement again and again until you-
“Fuck, yes, Coach, yes.” He groans, loud, head dropping into the crook of your neck, and between the waves of your orgasm, you feel him come, twitching inside you and jerking until — nearly simultaneously — both of you stop, taking deep breaths and rest there Ted’s cock softening inside you and your breath slowing down as he nuzzles your jaw.
Neither of you talks when he pulls out, depositing the condom and moving to kiss your forehead before leaving to grab a wet cloth and clean you both up. His touches are careful, caring, making your chest constrict as you look at this brilliant man.
“How do you feel?” He asks as he climbs in beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist and resting his lips against your shoulder.
“Like I still don’t know shit about American football.” Ted laughs out loud and with a bright, unhindered smile.
I'm so scared this isn't as good as I think it is 😅
It took a whole other turn than where I originally started, but I got excited while I was writing.
@theultimateslashgirl @wonderbreadbucky
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
I’m drawing future/adult designs for the ML characters right now, and I have fairly solid ideas for most of them, but there are a few that I can’t quite picture in my head. For Alya, I’m think of maybe drawing her with natural hair or some sort of hairstyle that reflects the implication that canon present Alya is relaxing it. For Nino I’m thinking of giving him a mustache because I think he was right in Rocketear. But I’m not 100% on the hair, clothes, accessories, details, all that. As the CEO, how do you imagine them looking in the future?
The thing about my characterization of Alya that's so wildly different from basically everyone else's is that I don't think she has a good fashion sense. And there's a healthy dose of projection in there but before you redraw Alya with a cool outfit consider that the most exemplary outfit she has is a short sleeved flannel shirt. That's not a cool shirt. That's a shirt you wear on laundry day, or when you dress like shit every day, and I love that for her.
So I like adult Alya designs that lean a little bit more into the casual side of things. Even when she's dressed business casual for work, I think Alya would be very relaxed — casual, with lots of layers (flannels over T-shirts is a common thing I write her with which is definitely projection), and outfits that are ready to spring into action at any time.
I like the idea of her having short hair! Natural hair with locs or braids would be good for that, I think — lots of time getting it in that style, but once it's styled, it's ready to go at any time and can quickly be adjusted to be put into action or look more formal. I also love Alya who dyes her hair lots of colors.
A lot of adult Nino designs give him facial hair which I love in basically every form, honestly. Goatee? Yeah, that's a man who had a short film in an indie film festival. Full beard? Absolute dad, he deserves it. Pretentious-looking mustache? Alya refuses to kiss him for three weeks. Teenage Nino with super patchy facial hair that he doesn't care to shave? I'm sure it'll grow out in a few years it's fine--
As for his hair..... Look, I'm sure you know that Nino is my blorbo. Everyone needs to know that. So you need to know that I say this with love: I headcanon that male pattern baldness runs in his family. It makes sense! It does! That's why he's so insecure about having his hat on, and why he keeps his hair cut short -- because he thinks it'll bother him less when he loses it.
(It's also worth noting that while I'm not personally affected by it, male pattern baldness does run in my family. The one thing I'd say is that hopefully Nino never looks like my dad did in his and my mom's wedding photos with the ponytail and bald spot all in one. God, Dad, why did you ever grow out a ponytail? What was the point? And tbh my grandpa's ever so iconic combover is another thing Nino hopefully avoids.)
As far as Nino's style goes, I really can't imagine he cares that much. Between the tragedy that is the Bubbler's costume and how freaking low his neckline is, oh and the Christmas special where his "winter outfit" is a vest over his normal outfit, it really doesn't seem like he puts much thought into his clothes. Alya goes for convenience, but it's strategic convenience -- she buys clothes because she knows that not only will they be convenient to wear, but convenient to style. I really do think she could help him with that, but I don't know if he'd ever grow out of day-to-day T-shirts and jeans. (I could see him adopting skinny jeans, though.)
They'd also be a total shoe power couple, which is not projection at all because I HATE that. I own like 3 pairs of shoes fit for regular wearing. But they'd collect shoes and have like special shoe cleaners and resent Adrien for buying adult light up Sketchers. (Okay not resent but...)
As for accessories, that's not really something I think about? I'm not a fan of jewelry so I never remember it for designs lmao. I think they'd both like beanies.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
in holt's voice: Pain. That's it.
He looked exhausted like he hadn’t slept at all.
I'm already sad and ready to murder
the baby...
David had never lost someone he loved.
this is fucking foreshadowing isn't it
But real strength was not in surviving the presence of pain. Real strength was in suviving the absence of love.
despite the chaos I'm glad to see these two interacting
The Consul leaned back in his chair and ran his hand through his beard. David had to admit, he looked damn good with it. Even if it made him seem even more intimidating than before.
yes boy YES
it's really hard not to smile right now but my camera is on and im supposed to be finding meanings of foreign words based on my own knowledge so-
“Max is too old for me to tell him what he is and isn’t allowed to do,” the Consul said – although he didn’t sound very happy about it.
It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay.
let's hope so
Facts and figures, babe, Max had kissed his cheek last night. Dad likes facts and figures.
deep breathes
it'll be ok
“You’ve done your research,” the Consul nodded. There was a hint of approval in his voice that made David want to do a cartwheel.
“I’d like to take care of the New York institute,” David said now. “Because Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild took care of me.”
And for the first time that evening, the Consul smiled. David wanted to burst into song.
this is beautiful
David couldn’t help but find that endearing. He wondered what it felt like to be loved like that. He wondered what it felt like to have a father like that – a father who couldn't stop loving his child even for a moment.
A love that was endless and tireless.
Every time he was in the presence of the Lightwood-Bane family he was reminded of what he had lost and what every child deserved.
It made him sad.
But then he would remember. He would remember that Max had grown up knowing nothing but this. Max had grown up with nothing but love.
It made him happy.
alright come here let me hug you
UHUHSCUICDUH "Why do you not like me"
“I know I worry too much about Max,” the Consul said, his smile sad now. “But I can only worry now. I won’t always be there to worry over him.”
it's 9 am boy
"Why are you scared of me" HSUHYUKDUMKDS WELL YOU SEE-
all we can really do is replace the bad memories with happier ones...
“No,” the Consul said, and David’s heart almost stopped. “I mean, of course I care. But I don’t have to be hard on you to show you that I do. There are many ways to show people we care about them without hurting them.”
David thought of his father then. He remembered the way his father had drawn the agony rune on his wrist and promised him it was because he loved David and wanted him to be strong. The memory hurt.
Jace and Clary bestest
“I’m sorry for whatever I did to intimidate you,” the Consul apologized.
that is so alec oh my god 😭
David looked him in the eye. “You’re Alec Lightwood.”
The man looked confused. “Is that supposed to mean something?
I'm smiling so much right now because yeah
yeah I get what he's saying
David hadn’t known that boys were allowed to kiss other boys – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood’s Accords Hall kiss.
David hadn’t known fairy tales existed outside of books - not until he heard about Alec Lightwood adopting a warlock baby with Magnus Bane.
David hadn’t known love can literally change the world – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood changing the world for the man he loved.
don't make me cry during linguistics
“Well,” the Consul chuckled. “To be entirely honest, I did all of that for Magnus.”
as he should
“Everything I have ever done has always been for Magnus,” the Consul said, his voice oddly soft.
we're talking about some wall in class and im here trying not to cry
my teacher just asked why some of us have our cameras off WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY
“I don’t want to be a hero,” David confessed honestly. “I just thought if I ran away to a city full of heroes, they would protect me if someone tried to hurt me again.”
“What’s that?” the Consul frowned, pointing at his neck.
By the angel! David was going to have words with Max when he saw him again.
“Uh,” David said. “Mosquito bite.”
“Do you remember when Izzy got attacked by a demon in Edom?”
“And you drank my blood,” the Consul rolled his eyes.
“Aw,” the Dean of the Academy chuckled. “You do remember.”
poor David is stuck between them talking like this IM SCREAMING
He remembered the way Consul had blamed himself when Max had found the spoils room at the York Institute. The way he had believed he should have done better when his eldest son had been traumatized by foul rumours of the Clave.
oh honey no
There were people who got mad at themselves when things went wrong.
There were people who got mad at everyone around them when things went wrong.
While Alec Lightwood was the former, his son and David’s boyfriend, was definitely the latter.
I'm definitely both
“It wasn’t your fault,” David spoke up then. “When bad things happen to people, it’s because of the people who did those bad things. We shouldn’t atone for someone else’s sins.”
“Yeah. Stop atoning, dude,” the Dean said chuckled. “Listen to the boy.”
“And be careful,” the Consul said, his tone a little different now.
“I will keep an eye on-”
“No,” the Consul said and pointed at the hickey on David’s neck. “With Max. Be careful.”
David was pretty sure his face on fire.
“Um, we have the internet,” David pointed out.
The Consul blinked. “Right. Of course. The internet.”
ao3 and Wattpad
“If he gives you a hard time, don’t give up,” the man whispered like it was a secret. “You just need to weasel your way into his life.”
David chuckled. “Is that what you did?”
“Yeah, and then he had the audacity to get accidentally get drunk and confess his love in the middle of the night.”
“I did have a latte,” her mother said with a straight face.
Georgia didn’t find that funny.
I almost said "BECAUSE IT'S NOT FUNNY" before I realized that is exactly what I would've said
She knew her mother, like so many other people in her life, preferred to use humour to cope with the pain. They preferred to hide their pain away from other people.
Georgia never understood why people did that. Did they think others didn’t know what pain felt like? Everyone was in pain all the time – some kind of it at least. Everyone knew how to cope with it. So, it made more sense to share it than to carry it all by yourself.
i...I never look at it that way
Apparently, hand holding had special healing abilities at times like this.
yeah it really does
Georgia had hoped to find out herself. She had wondered so much about the baby.
tears. literal tears
It didn’t matter that Georgia had wanted to name the baby Abigail after the first iron sister. It didn’t matter that her father wanted to name the baby Jonathan to piss off Uncle Jace.
Abigail Jonathan Lightwood-Lovelace
People said that poison was a coward’s weapon. But Georgia didn’t think so. It wasn’t easy to make poison. It wasn’t easy sneak it into the right place at the right time.
Whoever did this, they were not cowards. They were smart and they should be feared.
yeah, what did happen during the trial?
uh is Selena ok?
like genuinely
is she just a very heavy sleeper or...
Because sometimes the only comfort you needed was your mom.
Except for random parts of the house that were incredibly organized – a sign Uncle Jace had been there
“I’m staying in New York, mom. I’m going to help Selena and the centurions find out who did this to me,” her mother said, her words a promise. “And once I do, I’m going to strangle them with my whip.”
Yes you will
Anjali and Rafe
please be ok. please
ok I know that's not how it works but IM DESPERATE
her bedroom seems amazing though
Rafael gave so much shit to his dad because the other man had the habit of watching his husband sleep.
But now he sort of understood the fascination.
“You do ballet?” he asked, holding up the ballet shoes.
slightly reminds me of rosa
the red binder
it's fucking genius
David can keep his flowers and cookies and scarves.
This, what he held in his hands right now, was the best thing anyone could ever give him. A file full of reforms to make the clave better.
“You think I want to die and leave the Council in your cishet hands?”
“I don’t care what the Clave needs,” Rafael snapped, and Anjali momentarily looked taken aback. “I need you.”
he needs her
“Bulgaria is known as the land of roses,” Rafael told her. “The Sofia Institute is built in the middle of a rose garden.”
“Oh,” Anjali’s eyes momentarily softened. “I like roses.”
you know that tiktok trend? the one which goes "listen it's a good joke it's a great joke even but i need you to stop" or smth like that?
His hand was itching to reach out and hold hers. So, he did just that. He reached out – very carefully – and took her hand in his own.
“I need you to get better, Anjali,” he whispered. “Cause I would very much like to take you there.”
no she's not becoming a vampire
The part that was the shadowhunter – which told him she didn’t deserve to die over some angelic mishap.
The part that was the future Consul – which told him he needed Anjali on his side.
The part that was a Lightwood-Bane – which told him he should never give up fighting.
And then there was the part that was Rafael – just Rafael.
It told him he had to save his heart – no matter the consequences.
we're talking about some powerplant in geography and I'm crying over this
Anjali please please don't die
“Not everything,” Rafael told her. “I know someone who can help.”
“Well, now we don’t know that for sure!” Max grinned. “Who knows what they get up to? Maybe there is someone occasional boning in the bone city.”
“How does manage to get more insufferable every time I meet him?” Jackson demanded.
i...never looked at it that way
Max grinned widely at the other boy. “You wanna be my immortal buddy, Jack-Jack?”
“The boys are back” he yelled, hugging David and Jackson. “Ty, our boys are back! Yas! The London Boys are back!”
“Okay it’s a little disrespectful when you call her by the same name you call me,” Max pointed out.
“True,” Jackson nodded. “Irene shouldn’t be disrespected like that.”
"It’s hard being a celeb,” Max sighed dramatically.
“He is referring to the chaos you unleashed the last time you went there,” Jackson rolled his eyes. “People still remember you.”
“I’m memorable. It’s not my fault,” Max shrugged.
Max no more gambling bestie
“If the assassination attempt on Magnus had been successful, we wouldn’t be sitting and talking like this,” Kit pointed out. “The nephilim and downworlders would be at war.”
As they should. No one hurts Magnus
“So the target isn’t just Magnus Bane?” Jackson asked.
“Possibly,” Ty nodded. “The Consul and his husband…They are the ones who united the shadow world – with the Alliance. With their marriage. So, it’s not surprising that someone – seelie or not – wants to break it all down.”
with every line, I get closer to a breakdown
“There are people all around me to protect me from demons and crazy assassins,” Max smiled. “But you…You protect me from myself. So, don’t give me that I’m not good at protecting bullshit.”
so precious...
“Now let’s go find out which dumbass thought it would be a good idea to try and kill Magnus Fucking Bane.”
i have a few torture methods in mind
If shadowhunters couldn’t fight demons, it would put both downworlders and mundanes in danger. His father’s Clave – small as it was – did their best to keep the demons at bay. They were the only thing keeping the shadow world safe from demons.
Ikr?? Like David said earlier Alec's clave is literally the one doing the actual shadowhunting.
“Jackson is incredibly smart and perceptive. He knows what is good for him, David. He chose you to be his best friend. He has accepted that his family is gone for good and is finally focusing on his future. If this is what he wants to do and if this is who he wants to be, then you should trust that he has thought this through. He wouldn’t have chosen this life if he thought he wouldn’t be happy with it.”
i just want to talk 🙂
“Great,” Max said, feeling frustrated. “So, someone created a fancy new poison just to kill my parents.”
“They did say something else,” Kit said, his tone worried. “The poison…It’s not entirely made of demonic properties.”
“Oh?” David said.
“It’s a mixture of angelic and demon properties,” Ty Blackthorn said. “And we know that-”
“Seelies,” Max whispered. “They have both angel and demon blood.”
Is anyone else scared?
It's an angel and prince of hell working together?
ok that seems highly unlikely
“I don’t think you have a choice, bud,” Kit giggled. “Mina will have your head if you don’t get married. She has been working on a Pinterest board for years now.”
I'm absolutely loving all this angst so much. You said chapter 9 was the most angsty and frankly I can't wait :p
I love how you are complaining but also thirsting for angst yall crazy.
I hope you are taking care of yourself and working on your entry for the competition!!!!!
Also the "we're talking about some wall in class" killed me lmao I laughed so hard fdhvjd.
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Twelve)
Tumblr media
Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Eleven ※※※※※ Chapter Thirteen
I approach my boyfriend seeing him completely tense. The long, callused fingers from the guitar strings tightening in distress. His eyes didn't know where to look, staring into the spotlight like they were monsters from his childhood.
The thick brown coat was a few sizes too big for him, but he's still beautiful all the same. On the eyelids, a black eye shadow ending with a pink tip gave it a charm. The lip balm seemed to bring out the color of his lips, making me restless to kiss him.
“I don't know if it was a good idea.” Luke, let out all the air as I wrap my arms around his neck.
“It was a great idea! You look awesome.” I bite my lip, controlling the urge to take him into a room and do various indecent things. “Just relax and enjoy. As in a play.” I advise him, trying to calm him down."
Ever since the invitation for him to be the face of this perfume had arrived, I was bursting with pride and anticipation to see him doing his photo shoot, following something completely different from the band.
"Don't you think it's too exaggerated?" he asks, unsure of the look. I hold his face in my hands, touching our foreheads. I allow myself to drown in his blue eyes.
“You look handsome.” I say slowly, so he can record my words well. “Now, let's get this quick, because seeing you like this is making me very excited and I don't know how long I can take it.” I sigh, uneasy. Hemmo gives a nice laugh. Glad to see him more relaxed.
Watch out when the photographer yells for them to start. I give my boyfriend a little kiss, ready to pull away, but Luke holds me in his arms still.
“I love you!” he whispers, like a secret.
“I love you!” I give him a little kiss on the tip of his nose. "Anything just scream, I'll be right there." I blink at him.
I take a few steps back, not taking my eyes off his. So as not to bump into anything and make a mess of his work, I turn around, running behind the spotlights and flashbulbs.
I watched the photo shoot totally proud and delighted. Little by little Luke was loosening up and having fun. I don't wipe the smile off my lips, so every time he looks at me, he smiles more.
Nearly three hours later, my excitement was already making me irritated that photo shoot wasn't over and I feel like I lost all control when in the last costume, where Luke rips the white blouse. I hold my breath, staring at the ceiling, wondering how I'm going to make it home and calculating which is closest.
We left the elevator hand in hand and in hurried steps, we weren't running, but whoever passed us realized we were in a hurry. I squeeze his hand seeing the door with the number 609.
"Thank God." I comment euphoric as Luke opens the door.
He walks in and pulls me to his chest. His hand tangles in the hairs on the back of my neck, enveloping us in a desperate kiss. Urgently, I open the buttons on his shirt, feeling his other hand find my ass, squeezing hard.
I force the fabric to slide down his arms, enjoying the texture of his warm skin. The tequila flavor still inhabits our mouths, which makes the kiss better, plus the soft touch of his lips pressed against mine.
I roll my eyes as his beard scrapes my neck, along with his hot mouth, giving me goose bumps.
“The door.” I say with difficulty, noticing it ajar.
Together, we staggered back a few steps, closing it. Without much patience and with a lot of desire, we ended up staying there. Hemmings presses me against the wood, pulling me into his lap. I scratch the back of his neck when I feel his erection against me, releasing the electricity that seems to rush through my body.
It was amazing how seeing him on stage, with those tight pants and silk shirts moving me. Honestly, he can wear anything, and at the end of the day I'll be falling for him. Not to mention the eyes full of glitter. He had me in the palm of his hands like that. So beautiful. So magnificent.
Luke always knew this look messed with my hormones and destroyed my self-control, and in the end it always ended up like that, having sex, because I couldn't help myself.
Of course, the drink has a big weight in this, but I'm not going to take our blame for this story, after all, we teased each other from the moment we stepped into that dressing room.
The desperation and excitement is such that we reach our first orgasm right there, against the door. No foreplay, no undressing completely, and not caring if anyone passing in the hallway heard anything.
It was something far above lust or desire. Despair to feel our skins against each other. Taste and touch. That feeling of feeling incredible, loved, wanted, as if the only chance to stay alive was there inside of us.
I wake up in a jump. My heart pounded, causing pain. My body seemed to boil, prompting me to kick the covers off quickly. The fresh memory of the dream causes shivers. The way I felt his touch, all those sensations and reactions my body gave.
I lie down on the bed again, wanting to calm down and not think too much about the dream, or what else seemed like, memories. I don't know how to handle it, these are the first sexual memories I have with him. My God, how am I going to look at Luke now?
I pick up my phone, which poin just over an hour earlier than I planned to wake up. Since I know I won't be able to get back to sleep anymore, so I start getting ready for today's meeting.
I decide to have breakfast first and once again review my past contract to get a sense of what will be discussed. Between one paragraph and another, I browse my social networks seeing what's going on.
Without being impressed anymore, I watch a little video or two that some fans make about Hemmo and me. Slightly, I melt at the way we look and smile at each other.
I go back to my room, and head for a shower. I hope that water takes those memories from earlier today down the drain, but the steam seems to open more fields in my brain.
I close my eyes, feeling various parts of my body tingle, as if he's there, touching me, holding me. My breath heaves and my belly tightens. What the fuck is going on?
Cheating on me yet again, my brain presents me with the two of us on the floor of that hotel room. In my kitchen. In the car. In some bathroom. Some of the countless times we'd lost ourselves in each other's arms.
The many times I ran my hands over his chest, drawing a new path, as I thought in that hospital hall. The times his mouth wandered over my body, his hands took me with such force and conviction.
The phone ringtone brings me back to reality. I turn off the alarm and hurry my shower. With Noah's guidance, I change into something comfortable and a bucket hat Calum gave me to hide my pink hair.
After a few hours, I find myself analyzing a huge photo of myself at the Hastings agency reception. With Noah, I follow a huge hallway to a conference room, where Mr. Hastings and a lawyer would be waiting for us. The twin next to me has a hard face, which is weird since Noah is always so excited and smiling.
“Marnie, dear! Long time no see! How have you been? Did you receive my basket?” Mr. Hastings question me without waiting for me to walk right into the room.
“Hi! I'm great and yes, I loved the basket, it was very kind.” I squeeze his hand, not knowing quite what to do.
“Hello son!” it's not exactly a warm welcome, but I want to believe it's just because we're in a work environment, dealing with serious matters.
“Hi Dad. Can we start?” my friend guides me to a chair.
During the meeting, Mr. Hastings clarified some news of the new contract. Things like: salary increase, partnership with new brands and the whole process of publicizing the names that already worked with us.
“Closing here, you will go to the closet to take new measurements. These numbers will be sent to the brands that hired you and they will send you clothes for you to use on a daily basis. For example: if you go out with Leah for coffee, you must wear a Louis Vuitton coat, so the photos you take will publicize the coat and well, nowadays young people find everything and want everything you wear. You will get a scale of which brands to use, so it's easier for you.” Mr. Hastings explains by summarizing a contract sheet.
As for photo shoots, until my arm gets better and I can get rid of the cast, I'll be limited to rehearsals on jewelry, makeup, glasses and shoes. On my hair, if the contracting brand determines, I will have to wear a wig.
I keep mentally reading every line of that contract, wondering if I could handle it all. Well, you’ve handle it for the past two years, it shouldn't be that hard.
As determined, after the meeting, Noah walks me to the closet. A huge space where had several clothes and accessories, as in The Devil Wears Prada. My measurements are taken and I get annoyed when the guy who's putting the measuring tape around my waist grumbles that I've put on weight.
The bad thing about being a model is it, this constant imposition of a perfect body. Since the accident, I don't remember seeing anyone on Leah's foot for her to lose weight or keep her body. I always watched her nervous appetite, not caring if it would add to her number on the scale.
Okay that Leah's biotype was skinny and maybe that made things easier for her. But since I understand myself by people, I've always been short and broad hiped and never cared. And even if I erased a few years, I don't think I've changed much.
From the reflection in the mirror, Noah sinalized for me not to care what the guy says, but I think it's kind of difficult. It's not just him talking about my body, it seems like everyone on the internet has an opinion about my weight, especially some Luke fans.
Blocking in my mind, the offensive words that I always end up reading through social media. However, I keep watching my body in the mirror, wondering if it wouldn't be better to lose some weight.
Soon after having my measurements taken, Noah is called to a meeting with his father and a french businessman, leaving me alone. As I wait for the car to arrive, I consider what I can do on my last day off. Everyone is working and I don't want to disturb anyone.
Finally, I decide to go to my mom's office and have lunch with her. I go down at the door of a huge, mirrored building. At the front desk, I ask about her office, getting a badge before I go upstairs.
The frosted glass door holds a huge space, which occupies one/quarter of the eighth floor. The various prints, fabrics, furniture and color palettes create a fun atmosphere, contrasting with the white walls of the place.
"Marnie! Hey!” a woman with curly hair, tied up in a purple turban, approaches with a huge smile.
“Hi.” I reply politely, but having no idea who she is.
“Oh, sorry.” she seems to notice. “I'm Dominique, your mother's partner.” I open a bigger smile, now informed. "Have you come to see her?" she guides me in the office inside.
“Oh yes, I came to have lunch with her.” Dominique smiles broadly and sympathetically.
"She's going to love the surprise. She's just finishing up with a customer. Want something while you wait?”
“Oh no, thanks!”
Dominique walks away, making it clear that anything was just asking, that I was home. I'm amazed at how things evolved for my mom, before she just had a small room away from the center and now she had all this space and staff.
I watch several people go from one place to another, making projects, budgeting, designing furniture and spaces. My mother's laugh brings me back just in time to see her in her office doorway, rosy cheeks, awkwardly in Mr. Marshall's company.
I open a smile finding the scene adorable. I look for Dominique, hoping she hasn't shut up in her office yet, as she might know something about the two of them. I find the brunette, leaning against the reception desk smiling like me.
"Marnie?" I turn quickly, finding Mr. Marshall next to me. “How have you been?” I hug him while my mother stands wide-eyed in the door.
He hadn't changed much. The face that was once smooth now had a very charming gray beard. The hair was still dark.
“I'm great, thanks. It's great to see you.” I keep my smile, finding it all wonderful, unlike my mother.
“I'm sorry about the accident. I would have send you something, but I didn't have your address and it was a little difficult to reach your mother.” he admits sympathetically. Have I told how much I like him?
“No problems. I’m grateful for your consideration and about you have found my mother again. Isn’t, mom?” her gaze at me turns withering. I'm screwed.
“Well, I'm also very happy to have found Debra again.”
I hold the 'awn' who insists on wanting to leave, when he smiles delightedly at my mother. Man, he's so into her.
“Hm, sorry to be rude, but taking advantage of our meeting, I want to invite you to a new restaurant location opening. It will be this Wednesday.”
“Oh, I'm honored. It will be a pleasure. Right, mom?” I watch my mother want to sink into the ground and disappear, and I can't help think how funny is it. "Do you mind if I invite my friends?"
“No! Of course not! Feel free.” he opens a gentle smile. His gaze flies to my mother and there they stare at each other for a few seconds. “Well, I have to go. Debra, thank you so much for the project, it's beautiful. Marnie, it was a pleasure to see you. Until Wednesday.” he hugs me again. With my mother, I notice them without knowing how to say goodbye.
I wait for Mr. Marshall to leave the office to let out the sigh caught in my throat, which my mother doesn't like.
“Stop this!” she slaps me on my back. I walk into her room laughing at the whole past situation.
“My God, you guys are so in love. Why don't you just assume it?” I ask, sitting in the chair across from her desk.
"Because there isn’t nothing to assume. It's a professional relationship.” she replies angrily, setting the table.
“Mom?” I call her, until she looks at me. I raise an eyebrow, emphasizing that I don't believe her.
Her shoulders slump, letting go of the tension. I watch her hide her face in hands after a sigh. Her eyes catch mine and a nasal laugh breaks the silence, then I see her there, shy and unsure, a small smile, which soon opens, reflecting all over her face.
"I don’t have age for this anymore. I mean…” she takes a bunch of flowers from behind the table. “Look at this.”
"Awn." I cover my face, not taking it. “Of course you have agr for this. If my father can find someone and be happy, then of course you can too. Mom, you're young and beautiful, and there's an amazing guy who's into you. He's clearly in love and apparently he's been doing everything he can to demonstrate, you should give him and… you a chance.” I finish in a whisper, touching myself that those words were good for me too.
I replay in my mind everything Luke has been doing, trying to win me back, and I'm glad that, somehow, I giving both of us a chance, even if it's a non date. I let out a laugh at the memory of the invitation, before letting my mind drift back to this morning's memories.
“I think you're right. Maybe on Wednesday, I can talk to him.” her red cheeks make me smile more.
“It's a great idea. How about we discuss this over lunch?” I suggest, listening to my belly come alive.
“Great idea.” she picks up the phone, dialing something.
Since I had nothing to do, I stay until early afternoon with my mother, gossiping about her crush on Mr. Marshall, about my relationship with Luke, about the meeting and our Wednesday night outfit.
Dominique joins us in a few moments, having fun with my passionate and nervous mom.
Around 3pm, Ashton calls, inviting me out for coffee, just him and me, like old times.
“Why can't I go? Do you not love me anymore?” I cover my mouth, stopping the laughter from coming out, when I hear Calum yell..
“Yeah! I can't take you anymore. How am I going to talk bad about you if you're there?” Ash replies.
"You are talking here. What does it matter to talk there? At least that way you buy me coffee.” Calum rebuts. While the couple argue, I listen to the fight, paying attention to the details of the ceiling.
"Are you still arguing? What the fuck is just coffee? Who is so important for all this? The pope?” I hear Luke arrive and realize he doesn't know I'm the guest.
“It's actually Marnie and from my experiences she's very important to some of the people here.” I don't need to see Ash's face to know he's making fun of Luke.
"Can I go?" I bite my lip, holding back the laugh.
“If you let him go and I don't, I'll never look you in the face again.” Calum gives the ultimatum.
“I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm still here and would like the DTR resolved if possible.” I say out loud, hoping it works.
“Sorry, Marnie. Five seconds.” Irwin asks. I think about making a joke with the band's name, but it's better to leave it alone.
"Is she listening?" Luke speaks in amazement. “Why do you…” then everything becomes too muffled and I can't hear.
“Enough! Nobody goes but me. I want to go out with my friend and I will. Marnie was right, I shouldn't have introduced you.” I hear Ash mumble, causing me to laugh. “Give me your address, I'll be there in a few minutes.”
We ended the call and I return to questioning my friendships. Why God? Why?
Sitting at a small table on the sidewalk, Ash and I discuss which coffee to drink. It wasn't very difficult to know that he loves coffee and understands a lot about the subject, which gives me complete confidence in letting him choose which one I should try.
When the cup reaches the table, I taste the drink under his hopeful, curious gaze. I open a smile, approving of my best friend's choice. I hi-five him, celebrating.
"It was the coffee you had the first time we went out together." he comments with a cute smile.
“Awn, Ash!” I can't stand the way they always remember everything. "So, ready to officially become older tomorrow?" I crack a smile, excited about our dinner tomorrow.
“No! I found a white hair this morning.” he grumbles, eliciting a laugh from me.
“I don’t see anything.” I comment, trying to cheer him up.
"I wasn’t talking about my top hair." he comments, drinking his coffee next.
"Ashton!" I reprimand him, covering my eyes, traumatized. “I don't want to think about it. I don't want to think about it.”
I hear his laugh, letting me laugh too. The problem with having intimacy is exactly that, your friends no longer filter out what to say to you.
“So why didn't you bring Cool Guy Cal?” I change the subject.
“Because I spend the whole day with them, I can't stand to look at those disgusting faces anymore.” I laugh, imagining what a mess that studio must be. "And how am I going to speak ill of him with him here?" I complete this last part with him, laughing. “Exactly.”
“And you have something bad to say?” Ash shakes his head.
“No! Cal is an amazing guy.” Boys… “But I wanted to spend time with my best friend. After the accident it was difficult to have time alone. How are you?” I shrug.
"Surviving. It's only been a month and it seems like, I don't know, six. There's still so much I'm discovering.” I look at my coffee thoughtfully as I twirl the spoon in it.
"Finding out what? Your feelings for Luke?” he mocks. I scold him softly, laughing. This is a sensitive subject. "So how was the kiss?" I spit half the hot drink back into the cup.
I look at my friend in full alert. I can't believe Luke told him. We had agreed to wait a while. Irwin kept his smile curious, waiting for my answer.
“I’m sorry…?” he raised his eyebrows and then it hit me. He played and I delivered. "Ashton!" I kick your shin.
“Ouch! You who kiss and I who get beaten?” he rubs his shin, confused.
“How did you find out?” My God, does everyone know already? "Have you told anyone?"
“No! I didn't say anything and I didn't even try it with Luke. But how do you think I wouldn't notice? I've known him for years. He comes down Sunday morning, all smiling, all silly, more than usual. Super in a good mood after a party like that. Hemmings never wakes up in a good mood.”
I take a sip of my coffee, wanting to hide my smile.
“And about you?! You're my best friend! It's easy to see what's going on. Even more after what I already followed the first time. So?” the australian asks curiously, causing me to laugh.
"It was just a kiss. I don't know, it was automatic, and I ended up giving him a little kiss, and he took advantage of the break and kissed me. And I left.” my cheeks heat up as I hold in the sassy smile.
“And what does that mean?” he drops into his chair. I shrug.
“I do not know. I like Luke's company. I really like! He makes me feel safe and so unique. He's fun and so silly.”
"That he is!" Ash comments in a whisper, making me laugh.
“And I like it all, but…” the words don't come out anymore.
“You are afraid.” he completes.
"What if he gets to know me better and he doesn't like this Marnie?" I dry swallow. Ashton grimaces thoughtfully, considering my question.
“Nah!” he shakes his head, dismissing the possibility. “Luke loves you, Marnie. And you know this.” He points a finger at me. I look down, embarrassed. “The only thing left is for you to understand and accept how you feel about him. Of course, in your time, no pressure.” he adds quickly.
My heart speeds up with the direction of the conversation. I organize in my mind all the events that happened between Luke and me. All your discreet and indiscreet advances. All his looks and smiles at me, his shy, goofy way.
On the other side, I put everything that we lived before the accident. Everything I saw and remembered. I stare at Ashton, slumped in his chair, waiting for my answer. I take a deep breath, nodding my head positively.
“I think I already know how I feel about him.”
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 17 - watching notes
Okay ... here we go. I'm dreading this a bit
And I still miss Lan Wangji 😔
Okay wait. I know it's hard to remember because this goes on for like 20 (?) Episodes, but this is still a flashback. So technically, wwx's memory flashback is a flashback within a flashback. This show, man...
Oh no, 3 minutes into the episode and I'm emo again 😥
New preferred endgame btw: wwx brews Hefeng Liquor near a beautiful lake in the mountains. Lan Wangji lives there with him, but since cloud recess is nearby, can still go there daily to fulfil his duties. They go on night-hunts together whenever possible and are the adoptive dads of about a dozen Lan disciples. How close am I? 😁 (Rhetorical question!!! I don't want to know!)
Who gave Wei Wuxian permission to look so devastated!?! 😫
Or Wen Ning to be so pure, for that matter? 💚
Thos scene, of Wei Wuxian cradling Jiang Cheng to his chest, asking helplessly and in an almost childlike way, where they can go, reminds me of something my mother recently said to me in conversation. She said that, no matter how old you are, be it 15 or 50, when your parents die, you will feel like you are now orphaned. And the part of you that could be someone's child and be loved like a child and that still craves that love, will feel utterly and hopelessly alone. I'm sure you could make arguments against this, for example in situations where parents couldn't act as parents do before they died anyway (for example, abusive parents or parents who need care themselves due to age or illness), but I think she has a point. A part of us, I think will always crave the unconditional love and trust one (should) feel in early childhood. And while parent's death at some point in one's life is to be expected, it will still leave a whole that no other form of love can ever fill. The way the three siblings are reacting to their (foster-)parents deaths really drives that feeling home, imo. Jiang Chang's blind rage, Jiand Yanli's illness that renders and shock, as well as Wwi Wuxian's frantic attempts to hold everything together. In the scene I'm watching right now, he really looks like a child, and oldest sibling (even though I know, he's not. But he is acting like one), trying to step up and fill the role of the parents, but still, being a child himself, feeling absolutely inadequate, lost and helpless. And it breaks my heart.
Sorry for the long tangent, but I've got feelings you all 🙈
I ADORE Wen Ning so much 😫
*Nelson from the Simpsons voice* Haha!!! @ Wen Chao for being outsmarted by him
Aaaaahhhh!!! Can I just say I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! The fact that Wwi Wuxian once helped Wen Ning, which Jisng Cheng criticized him for (!!!) now saves them!
I love it how the music and the way it's shit tells us to be shocked when wen chao says "[I will] kill them all" and I'm sitting here going
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So wait, has Wen Qing abandoned the rest of the Wen clan?
I've catalogued two versions of scary Wwi Wuxian so far: 🔥🔥🔥 and 😢😢😢
This is sadly the latter kind
Okay no, wen Qing didn't abandon the rest of the wen clan, but she still helps the Jiang siblings
Wei Wuxian continues to break my heart 💔💔💔
He's so desperately trying to hold them all together, even though he himself is breaking apart 😔
Wen Qing is a straight up badass and I won't hear otherwise!
Nooooooo nnonononono
This can't be!!! I KNOW jiang Cheng is alive in the present timeline
Or is he alive? ... I'm not sure I understand what's going on
(Quick aside: I'm pretty sure that wei Wuxian dodnt wear purple before. Now he does. A purple belt and a white and purple inner robe ... which are the Jiang colours... JUST RIP MY HEART INTO EVEN TINIER PIECES, SURE!!! 😭😭😭)
So he is breathing... and moving ... but something is wrong, right?
Okay so he isn't dead but he lost his golden core ... argh shit. And I thought that situation couldn't get worse. (In retrospect, that's probably a though I shouldn't have at all while watching this show :/)
But ... that doesn't seem right either from what I remember from the present timeline. Wasn't he cultivating again? I'm honestly not sure
And now, apparently, its Jiang Cheng's turn to crush my heart
Ok, I'm easily distracted today, bear with me: wen quing's talk about the wen clan's actions not being who they are. That they, fir generations, have only healed people, never killed really reminds me of how in Avatar: The last Airbender, the Fire Nation forgot that fire isn't only angry destruction, but also nurturing warmth, life and healing. The comparison kind of lends itself easily thanks to the Wen Clan's similar role in the story, as well as their fire and sun symbolism. Maybe Wen Qing and Wen Ning could also serve as this story's Zuko and Iro, reconciling the two interpretations and saving their clan. (This is wild speculation based on an arbitrary comparison. I'm probably wrong 😅 again, don't tell me ;))
Has Wei Wuxian slept, once, since he woke up in that field?
Oh honey ... :'(
He isn't eating either :'(
I did not expect this show to show this many varieties of grieve in such a realistic way
At least his beard is making me laugh 😂
Just the thought of Lan Wangji gives him hope!!! 😭
at least one person still has some sense
Finally!!!! Finally someone comforts him too! Finally he LET'S himself be comforted
Wen Quing helps him woth the research and now he brings her food. I'm soft! 😭
Oh oh ...
Is he ...?
Is he going to try and give Jiang Cheng his core?
(Lan Zhan ... where are you? 😥
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony 💚
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seadragonjade · 4 years
Chapter 1:A new team for a new beginning
     Note: So one of the characters has two nicknames which I use both of them. So if it annoys you, I am sorry but I’m using both because I want to and I feel like it's easier for me.
 BEEP...BEEP…BEEP...BE-"*Groans* Fuck" The alarm is still ringing as the young boy tryed to find it. "Make it sstop." Screech a bearded dragon who was in a little reptile tank with a heating lamp over it that was on. "What the hell do you think I'm doing, mate?" Said a green hair teen who was groaning at this point as he finally hit his BB-8 alarm clock.
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Upon doing this his roommate/ best friend walked in. "Raise and shine sleeping beauties." Said the black haired boy as he put on his glasses. "We don't want to be late on our first day." He walked off as he pulled up his school uniform shirt. "*groans* Yeah...yeah." The green haired boy replied as he got up out of bed and walked over to his closet to grab his school summer uniform. "Jaden, are you going to leave me here or what?" 
"Can you wait until I put on my uniform, Draco?" He asked him as he put on his pants. "No." The bearded dragon said as he watched the dark white boy put on his shirt. "Really...you can be a brat at times, you know that?" He said as he took him out of the tank. "I know." Draco said with a smile, well what looked like a smile. Jaden sighed as he did the rest of what he needed to do to get ready. He walked out with his book bag and the bearded dragon in it. "You sure about bringing him? What if the home room teacher gets a panic attack from seeing it?" The black haired boy asked looking at Draco. "I see your point mate, but what else can we do." Jaden starts up. "What if we have a mission at school and besides Xander he's going to be hidden in my desk anyways. So he'll be fine as long as he stays hidden." 
        "Yeah, and when have I ever got out of his bag back at our old school?" Draco asked looking Xander in the eyes. "Fine but remember," He looks towards Jaden. "Keep him hidden. And” he points at Draco. "don't make any noise. It will be hard for us to pretend that we didn't hear anything." He tells them.
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"Alright Xan." Jaden said. "Weird, usually you're the one giving leader like orders." Draco said as he looked at Jaden. He just rolls his eyes at the creature as they head off to their new school, Syujin Academy. They get on to a subway to their new school. 
*time skip* 
They finally made it to Syujin. "Woah. This place is kinda big." Draco said. "Shh and stay down till lunch, mate." Jaden tells Draco as he pushes the dragons head gently down back in his bag. Both boys shook their heads as they walked into the building. They look around for a bit looking for the principle. When they found his office they went inside. The principle looked up from the papers he was looking at. "Ah, you two must be the new students. Come in and sit down." He said to both of them." As they both took a seat the principle started up again. "So you two must be Jaden-Drake Etheren and Xander Auditore, correct?" They both nodded without really saying a word to him. "Awfully quiet but I understand since it's both of your first day of Syujin Academy." He told them with a smile.
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Just then the door opened to reveal a girl in her summer school uniform walking in. "Ah, Ms. Niijima. You're just in time I was about to call you. Can you show Mr. Etheren and Mr. Auditore around the school and then take them both to their respected home rooms." He asked the girl. She nodded. "Of course. Please follow me, you two." They both got up and followed her out. "I'm Makoto Niijima and both of you are?" She asked them. "I'm Jaden-Drake Etheren, you can call me Jaden and or Drake, and this guy is Xander Auditore." Drake said to Makoto. "Well nice to meet you two. Well, let's get started."
They began to walk around and Makoto showed them the different classes. They were walking to the home room building when Jaden-Drake accidentally bumps into a tall black haired boy with messy hair and glass in his summer uniform. "S-sorry I didn't-" he began but got cut off by the boy. "It's fine. I should be the one to say sorry since I didn't see you." While talking to the boy, Draco popped his head out of Jaden's bag to see a black cat with blue eyes. They both stared into each other's eyes. Both sensing something familiar about one another while the humans carrying them walk away. "That boy had a cat in his bag but...something feels...strange about them.” Draco told Drake and Xander. “I can tell what you mean. That boy felt strange as well but I guess in a nice way.” Jaden said to them. “Agreed.” Xander said. After that Makoto walked them around some more then led them to their home room classes. First was Xander both him and Drake said their goodbyes. Then she leads him to his class. “If you have any questions you can always ask me.” she told him. He nodded and thanked her. He then walked into his room home and saw a young looking woman with a yellow shirt and blue jeans skirt and fluffy black short hair. 
“Oh, You must be our new student. I am your homeroom teacher Ms. Kawakami.” She said introducing herself to him. “Everyone calm down. This is our new student. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?” She looked at him with a force smile. Um, is she okay? Jaden thought to himself. He shakes his head a little bit. “Um, Yeah...Well My name is Jade-Drake Etheren I go by either Jaden or Drake, it doesn’t really matter. I love to draw and do artsy stuff. I, uh, also love Japanese animation. They're really good in my opinion. I also love reading manga. That should be it. I hope that we can be good friends.” He finished off with a small smile.
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“Alright, thank you for that. Go sit behind Akira Kurusu. Uh, Akira can you please stand so he knows where you sit.” Akira stood up as he nodded. Drake was a little surprised and kinda embarrassed as he saw who he was. The boy he had bumped into early when Makoto was showing him around. As he walked to his desk he gave the boy a small smile. Akira watches him the whole time as he sits down. He turns around when the teacher starts back teaching. As soon as he settled down in his seat he passed out due to the lack of sleep.
*time skip: lunch time*
    As their last period before lunch ended, hungry students filed out of their classes and into the cafeteria to get their food or take out their lunches and sit down with their friends to talk. Drake slowly walked up to the cafeteria with a nervous expression since he hadn’t been in a school cafeteria in almost a year cause his old high school had an open lunch period. “Nervous much Drake?” said Xander walking up to him. “What? Oh, yeah.” They walked in and found a table away from a lot of the nosey students but close enough to people they’ll soon meet. As soon as they sat down at their seats and take out their lunches, Jaden asks them. “So do you think there is someone at this school that has a distorted desire?” “Probably, however it could be difficult for us to find one. We can’t just fiddle around the Matenav.” Xander explains to him. “That’s true” Draco sighs out while eating dumplings Jaden had made for him the previous night. Jaden thinks for a moment before he suddenly remembers something important. “Wait, I know who would have a distorted desire.” He states with a smile on his face. “You do?”Both Draco and Xander said in surprise. 
    “YEAH. MY DICK BAG RELATIVE. JONATHAN BRADEMIRE!!!” He yells in a medium tone without realizing that, like perusal. What he didn’t know was that there was a group of people who heard this and their leader turned his head to see the green haired boy standing up looking happy...well what he could tell since he can only see the back of his head. Xander shakes his head trying to signal Drake that there are people watching him. He looks down and sees this then sits down in embarrassment. “Okay so now that we have the person we just need to find him. Thankfully I just know where he is.” Drake tells the other two. Nodding they go back to eating and go talking about their classes with Jaden earning a scowling from Xander for sleeping in his homeroom on their first day unaware that they were still being watched. 
*time skip after school*
    The trio walked to a giant ancient looking museum. Upon entaining they all were very surprised by the inside. The inside held the most beautiful paintings, statues, and other artworks that have been kept by the man who, for over the years, that he has stolen from others and has profited. Jaden-Drake looked around and sighed. I knew he wouldn’t put that painting up. I'm so dumb. “What painting are you talking about? Is it a baby photo?” Xander asks, looking at him. Drake turned around and looked at him. “What? Oh, Kinda. It’s a family painting that he really did paint just when I was a baby for me as a gift for when I got older. My dad explained to me that he never gave it to us and that he found out that he was stealing others paintings and selling them.” He sighed out while looking at a painting of a knight. Xander then started to look around the room. “Are you using that eagle sense of yours again?” Drake asked him. “You always have a weird glance in your eyes and that mask of yours doesn’t help it.” Xander just glanced over at him. “I know but if it’s important to you then we got to find it.” he told him. “Alright but we’ll get it back when we change his heart, come on let’s get into the metaverse.”  The trio didn’t notice a group of six walking in, due to their conversation. Both groups say what they needed to get into the metaverse without noticing each other. The palace looked like an old medieval castle. It had paintings and statues of Jonathan and the people he once considered beloved everywhere. 
     “Huh, I didn’t expect this.” Drake said. The three of them looked up to see a painting of him as a toddler dressed in princely attire.
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“I wonder if this is how he views you.” Xander said. “Yeah.” Draco agreed with him. “*sigh* Maybe.” Jaden saids. All of a sudden they hear voices coming from down the hallway. It didn’t sound like any of the mini bosses or the hinch men. “What the?” Draco said in confusion. The voices got closer and they got into their fighting positions just in case they were foes not friends. They got closer to reveal a group of five humans and one humanoid cat all in different matevese suits. Jaden and Xander look at each other before the group finally notices them. “Who-” Before Jaden can finish that the cat interrupted him. He looked at the boy with black messy hair. Which Jaden could tell it was like the boy he met early today and had that strange feeling with. The cat looked at him and askes. “Are these guys? Could they be friend or are they foe?” Looking up the group saw what the strange talking cat was talking about. Confused but a little bit scared Jaden puts his sword down on the ground then puts his hands up signaling his peace as he slowly rises from the ground. “Friends. Trust me.” Everyone just looked at him a bit confused. Getting out of his confused state Xander raises his hands as well. However, as a precaution the blades are concealed ready to attack.
    Draco follows them by dropping his axe and raising his hands. But notices something odd about the black masked feline. “We’re not going to hurt you guys, We’re just here for someone’s heart to change it. That’s it.” Drake explains to them. “And how do we not know you're lying. You could be someone ready to destroy us or the distortion hinch men.” The girl that had a metal looking mask said to them. Drake gave them a WTF look. “...Okay first we don’t even know who you guys are. Second, why in the hell would we kill people that we barely just meet today mind you. Also how do you think we got in here without saying the requirements needed. I mean you can follow the person in but we didn’t really see you until now. And how do we know you aren’t going to do the same thing.” He said. “I...I don’t think they are..something about the blue eyed feline feels familiar.” Draco said to the two humans he knew. “You guys seem to be rather recognizable, Makoto Niijma. My vision is quite useful in identifying people.” Xander told them. “H-how in the effin’ hell?” The boy with spiky blond hair with a skull masked explained. “For someone who pretty vulgar I didn’t expect you not to say fuck. Ryuji Sakamoto.” Jaden said looking at Xander if that was correct. “He appears to be holding back his language.” Xander said looking at Jaden. “Like someone I should now.” “Hey! Anyways to answer your question, Him and I both got unique talents after we made contracts with our respected personas.” Jaden explains to the group. “That is quite interesting.” The bluenette boy with a japanese style fox mask. 
    “Thank you.” Jaden said with a smile. They all looked at each other trying to see if the other group would run or fight. Realizing that the situation wasn’t going anywhere Draco thought of something. “Wait! I got an idea.” He said. Everyone looked at him. “What if we all worked together.” He told them. They all looked at each. The black haired boy nodded in agreement. Suddenly they heard footsteps coming from the hall where the trios back faces it. When they turned around they saw three huge bodyguards like knights coming towards them. The knights were wearing what looked like a bodyguard’s uniform but had a more knightley apprentice. Right behind them was a man who was wearing a grown and a kingly outfit. Right in front of him was a toddler who looked just like the painting. They stopped as soon as they saw them. “Who are you and what are you doing in my castel?” The king asked the group. The group looked at each other. Most likely due not expecting to meet the main guy that fast. The black masked feline spoked up. “We are the Phantom thieves, come to take your heart.” He points to the group of six. Draco grabs his axs and spins around. “And we are the mysterious ones, the ones once called the hidden ones, we are groupless now but we come here to steal your heart so we can change what you have become.” The humanoid bearded dragon said. 
    The king took a good look at the three and sneered. “Weren’t you the group that was in America? What happened to the lot of ya?” he asked, having some idea what happened but not the full story. Drake looked at him with a serious expression on his face. “...That really ain’t any of you business. Just give us your treasure and we’ll be on our way.” he said in a serious tone. One that even surprised Xander. The poor nicely dressed boy from the painting looked very uncomfortable/ upset. He doesn’t seem to like the situation at all and is very scared. “Agreed it is none of your concern.” Xander said to the king. Drake could see the little toddler and he in a way understands how he feels. He used to be just like him. Love Jonathon without a care in the world till he found out he had stolen others works of art for himself and claimed it. He sighed to himself as he tries to regain himself before anyone sees. Unfortunately the black messy hair leader saw him and walked up to him. The boy can tell who he is just by the hair color. “Uh, Jaden-Drake are you alright? You don’t seem as calm just like you were a few moments ago. You seem more uncomfortable.” The boy said while putting a hand on the shorter boy’s shoulder and looked at him with a concerned look. “What? Oh, yeah Akira I’m fine. Just wish I didn’t have to deal with this right now since I just transferred here in all. Also like I already said you don’t have to call me by my full first name” He tells Akira. Wish more and more for the infiltration to end so they can do the rest the next day. 
    Getting back to his zone Drake bent down and grabbed his sword. Swiftly pointing and the shadow regaining his serious expression. Surprised with his action the king chuckled. “I know who you are now. It should have been obvious from the start.” The Shadow began. “It’s nice seeing you again, Jaden-Drake. My little nephew.” He points at Jaden with a smug look on his face. Most of the whole group looked and the two. Jaden looked around trying to find a way out of the situation. While they were busy no one noticed that Xander was missing, He decided to sneak around trying to find the treasure. 
-To be continued-
Words: 3009
Posted 3/23/2020
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Safe Haven 3/?
Co-written with @scream-qween
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair
Warnings: Violence, Language
Word Count: 1799
Summary: After an 8-year absence, 25-year-old Seth Rollins returns home to his pack but in no way resembling the Beta Werewolf that ran away after a violent misunderstanding with his brothers.
Seth is feral, and trapped in a form the bitten wolf shouldn't even be capable of, it turns out that he is the victim of a powerful curse that would make him a mindless slave.
Meanwhile Alpha Werewolf Drew McIntyre and his Part Banshee, Part Sea Witch mate Becky Lynch have joined the unorthodox pack of Haven in search of the final member of the Triad a seer told the pair they were destined to be apart of.
Taglist: @sethsevolution @feathers-and-flesh-and-wrestling @deepdisireslonging @writtingrose @pikapuff316 @hitory--chan @finnsauroraborealis @the-beastslayers-queen
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Becky took a step back, "What the hell is that?"
Finn sighed, closing his eyes until they returned to blue. "It's a long story"
"I got time, explain" Becky demanded, Drew stepping up next to her
Seth whimpered and licked Finn's face, causing Finn to smile, and lean down to rub his head against the wolf's.
"You know he doesn't like that story" Elias says gently
"I know" the vampire replied "Go play with Baron, Seth. Ember should be around somewhere as well."
With a huff and one last lick to the face of each vampire Seth ran off though the mansion to find his other friend, Baron following closely behind him.
"I recognize you as well, Cailleach na Mara and you are supposed to be very much dead." Finn says standing up and brushing off his black slacks before reaching down and helping his wife to her feet.
"So the hell are you cousin." Becky says with a snort
"Cousin!" Everyone exclaimed
"How…" Stephanie started to say
"I'm older then I look." Becky says easily, "MUCH older"
"You were killed by a Vampire." Becky says as if putting the pieces of a puzzle together "The clan told stories about seeing you still walking around after you'd died but…"
"Attacked by a vampire? Yes. Killed? Not so much"
"Prince Devitt did die that day, remember your memory problems?" Violet said.
"If you hadn't found me, I'd gone completely feral" Finn remised, kissing her head.
"Explain" Becky said
"I found him." Violet says "Dying. My sister attacked him and I saved him but his transition was….brutal and he lost a lot of his human memories. Balor has been slowly healing that part of his mind for well over a century"
"Now somebody explain why our child is a fully shifted wolf" Finn says
"Paul Heyman. He tried to turn Seth into...a slave for whatever reason. It didn't work out so well, but Seth's been like this for a while" Elias answered, making sure to step back.
Finn took a shaky breath, his eyes flashing between blue and red before finally settling on red. "Really Bálor?" Violet asked
"That....walrus, he tried to enslave our Puppy?" Balor roared causing everyone to wince and take a huge step back from the demon king. From somewhere in the house you could hear a howl and heavy four-legged footsteps, then from a corridor came Seth running, followed by Baron and a smaller wolf with orange-tipped black fur.
Seth, much to the discomfort of both Drew and Becky ran straight for the demon, who in a surprising show of strength caught the huge wolf.
"He's close with a demon...cool" Becky said, uneasy.
"We need to tell Shawn about this" Violet spoke up. "Tell a broken hearted fire sprite, 'Hey, the thing that killed your wife and twins? Yeah, his buddy tried to enslave your youngest nephew!' That? Is a death sentence" Eilas argues
"And it'd be better for him to find out later?" Violet asks
"I would highly suggest we save that conversation for after Seth is back in human form" Hunter says knowing his adopted brother well. "Seth is one of the few people who can keep Shawn calm, "
"We need your summoning circle and we need Balor to put one of his Shields around it, so we can turn him back" Stephanie explained to the pair, before asking Seth "How big are you now, so I can conjure you up some clothes"'
Elias looked down in surprise "Really? Finally had that growth spurt?" he smirked at the wolf before telling Stephanie "He says he's 6" 2" and kinda beefy?"
"Can finally fight me brother" Mox grinned, Seth growling playfully. Bálor set him down gently before summoning a ring of black fire around him. "How are we doing this" he gestured to Becky
Becky stepped forward and gestured to Stephanie,"Guide me through the counter-curse?"
Stephanie nodded "Are you ready, Starshine?"
"He's ready." Elias answered for the wolf
"Everyone back up, and keep that shield up Balor." Stephanie says taking the sea witch's hand and beginning to chant, her own golden magic soon being joined by Becky's ocean blue.
Stephanie began to pant with exertion as gold, blue and black magic surrounded Seth, who howled in pain
The magic flared almost all the way to the top of the high vaulted ceiling, completely obscuring the form within before finally fading and revealing a tall, tanned man with long dark, blond tipped hair and a thick beard, shivering and panting, with sharpened nails and fangs.
Stephanie magiked clothes on him before collasping into Humter's arms.
"Welcome back baby brother" Mox said.
"Glad to be back" Seth replied in a voice raspy from disuse, before he started to laugh for a few minutes until his eyes landed on Becky, who was now sitting on the floor with Drew wrapped around her from behind holding her up
Almost in a single leap Seth crossed the room and landed in front of the pair, startling them.
"Here we fucking go" Elias murmured
As soon as the pair locked eyes with the man crouched in front of them sonething…clicked.
"Son of a bitch" Drew swore. "You can only sense your mates for the first time when their in human form."
"Bingo" Elias says with a smirk, "Seth knew as soon as he was in his right mind"
Stephanie's eyes darted between her son and the newest members of their pack, "Goddess Above" she whispered "Xavier was right"
Everyone looked at the witch who was being held similarly to Becky by her own mate. "What?!" Mox says looking at his mother.
"Xavier had a vision about 3 months ago. He said we had to let the next two people who came to us for sanctuary into Haven, that they would be the key to getting Seth back. You two showed up about a week after that."
"We were told to come here to find our third" Drew muttered.
"Sorry we had to meet like this" Seth said. "With me all growly and shit"
Becky leaned forward and petted Seth's beard much like she had petted him in wolf form, Seth leaning into the touch "It's okay. You were kinda cute. Much cuter this way though"
"Anyone else notice that the redhead has a type?" Mox asks, pointing out the similarities in Drew and Seth's appearances
"All werewolves kinda look alike though" Violet argued.
"True but two mates looking like they could be related? Kinda a stretch" Mox replied
"I have to talk to Uncle Shawn" Seth said, turning to Stephanie "Mom. The twins aren't dead. Heyman has them under some kind of mind control spell. They both wear these amulets that they aren't allowed to take off for any reason. I managed to snatch Rhea's off of her when I was in wolf form and she recognized me, that's how I escaped from his compound. She blasted me out but The Beast caught up to us and Heyman put it back on her."'
Stephanie covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my god, Shawn always said he knew they were alive, but...we could never prove it" Seth hugged her tightly.
"What made Heyman target you?" Drew asked
"I'm not what I thought I was." Seth said quietly "Heyman's spell didn't work right on me...because I'm part warlock. Remember Mom? We always wondered why I was so good at seeing magic?" Seth waved his hand in the air creating a shower of silver sparks. "My birth mother was a Wolf and my birth father was a Warlock, they worked for Heyman but escaped when they found out they were gonna have me. That's why Heyman was here the day he killed Aunt Chyna and took the twins. He was looking for me"
"He will never have you again" Violet says. "You are our son, my baby." she caressed his cheek, Seth grabbing her hand.
Ember nudged Bálor, who scratched her head."You're gonna have to be careful Seth. Heyman won't just let you be free"
"That's why I'm here, he's going to try and get an pure Alpha. He think Omegas and Betas shake off his magic too easily and it isn't just Wolves that are vulnerable The Beast was a Dragon before Heyman fucked with him" Seth explained "When I was here the only Pure Alphas were Roman, Dad, Xavier, Charlotte and Renee"
He looked up at Drew "I'm gonna assume you are too?" He asked "Honestly, don't know for sure" Drew replied. "And I don't really care. Alphas have to protect everyone, I just have to protect Spitfire"
Seth nodded and continued "Whatever Heyman's magic did to me I have no fucking clue what I am anymore, I know it broke the seal my birth mother must have put on my magic, cause I can actually do shit now"
"I can help teach you" Becky quietly offered walking toward her new mate.
"Thank you" he says gently, with a slight bow. "I know I come with a fuckton of baggage, so I do understand if neither of you want to be mated to me"
Their impromptu meeting was interrupted when a golden blonde Wolf came barreling into the house and ran straight to Elias barking furiously
"Slow down, Renee what's wrong?!" The siren knelt down and placed a hand on her head. "I'm just gonna look okay honey?" he says gently as he closes his eyes only for them to snap open in horror a moment later.
"Elias?" Stephanie asks
"The Beast was here. Heyman took Roman."
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Of course. I gotta say, this kinda makes me think of the song Pity Party, so I love it.
Josuke X Reader: Happy Birthday To You
It was a lovely morning in Morioh when you woke up, the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon greeting you. You got up, washed your face, put on your favorite outfit, brushed your hair and went downstairs. Your dad was reading the newspaper while your Mom set your place at the table with your special breakfast.
"Happy birthday!" shouted Mom and Dad. You smiled. It was your 16th.
"Thank you guys!" you said sitting down to your meal, instantly drowning your pancakes in syrup and devouring them.
"Imagine that." said Dad in surprise "16! Almost a grown-up." He and Mom smiled proudly.
"Hurry up and eat, then we'll get the decorations put up." You beemed and you finished your breakfast, appetite invigorated.
As you went around the house putting up balloons and streamers in your favorite colors, your mind wandered. Your family had only moved to Morioh a few months ago. You ended up starting highschool in town as a first year, one of many new kids, and you ended up making a few new friends there. Your best friend was Josuke Higashikata, a classmate of yours. He was a pretty nice guy, though if someone were to make fun of his hair, he'd kick their ass. He had a unique pompadour haircut, and while you were a bit nervous to say so, you thought it was cute. You thought HE was cute. Okay just admit it, you were totally crushing on him, hard! You liked everything about him, his hair, his sapphire blue eyes, his smile, and on your first day of school, he saved you from a group of bullies that were trying to shove you into a locker. You've been wanting to confess your feelings to him, but you've been so nervous. You shook your head. Today's not the day to think about mushy stuff like that. Nope! Today's the day for celebration! It's your party and your day to shine!
After putting up the decorations, Mom told you to go ahead and relax in the living room for a few hours until the time that guests would arrive. You played some Mario for a bit, but after falling down and dying for the umpteenth time, you decided it'd be better to watch a few anime videotapes for the time being. But as you went to plug in the VCR, you heard Mom slam the phone in frustration.
"Just great!" shouted Mom. She shook her head and calmed her voice down to not upset you as much. "I'm sorry sweetie, but Grandpa is sick and can't make it, and I just got off the phone with your Aunt. She had an emergency meeting that's running late and had to cancel."
"Oh!" you said a bit surprised. "I'm sorry. That really sucks! I hope Grandpa gets better." You felt bad, but you also knew that your parents would try to get them together again and you all would get to do something special altogether, like a movie or dinner at a restaurant.
"I'll tell Grandpa you said that." said Mom. "It's about time for your friends to start arriving, why not wait in the sunroom to greet them." You glanced at the clock, about 5 til 4 pm, realizing she was right.
"Okay" you answered. You grabbed a copy of Shonen Jump to read as you awaited your friends arrival. 10 minutes, no one yet. That's okay, it's only 5 after 4. 30 minutes went by. Huh that's weird, but they must be running late. 45 minutes now. You start getting a little worried. An hour. You ended up finishing your Shonen Jump magazine. Out of fear and anger, you start pacing the floor in front of the door. Tears start to well up under your eyes. It's 5:15, more than an hour and no one shown up! Without giving it a 2nd thought, you cross to the phone in the kitchen. Mom asked you a question, but you ignored her, all you could think about was knowing why the hell you got stood up at your own party.
You dial Josuke's number at rapid fire speed, hearing the dial tone indicating the phone was ringing. You heard the gentle click as Josuke answered on the other end.
"Moshi moshi, this is Higashikata!" answered Josuke. You couldn't help but feel an odd sense of joy hearing his gentle voice, followed by anger and hurt that he wasn't at your party.
"Where were you!" you said suddenly shouting. Josuke was taken aback.
"(Name) is that you?" asked Josuke. "Where we supposed to hang out or something today? What's wrong?" All of the sudden you couldn't take it anymore and tears burst from you, not being able to hold it in anymore.
"I can't believe you didn't show up for my party!" you shouted "Nobody shown up, the party has been going on since four, and nobody came! Not even Grandpa or my aunt could make it!" you were heaving in-between sobs, shaking before you realized you heard Josuke ask something. You calmed down a bit before you asked him to repeat what he just said.
"Today's your birthday?" he asked.
"Yes of course it's my birthday! I sent you the -" you cut off when it clicked in your brain. You realized what might have happened, why nobody had shown up.
"You didn't get an invitation, did you?" you asked Josuke.
"I don't think so!" answered Josuke, "I wouldn't forget your party if I did."
"Oh my God!" you said feeling weak. "Of course! Something must have happened with the invitations! I'm so sorry. I should have known you'd make it. Well now the party is ruined and it's all my fault."
"Not yet!" answered Josuke. "Don't cancel the party yet. Give me about an hour, I promise."
"Okay." you answered, taking a deep breath. "I believe you, just get here as soon as you can." You hear the dial tone that the line is now dead. You breathed a sigh as you sat on the floor waiting. It was now 5:25. You waited some more. It was 5:55. You called Josuke's house again, but his mom picked up. However she did confirm that Josuke left awhile ago. You said thank you and hung up. At this point Mom looked in the front room where you were waiting.
"I'm sorry honey." she said hugging you. "It's been a couple hours, why don't you join us and we'll cut the cake."
"No mom, I know Josuke for sure is coming." You explained how you found out there was an apparent mailing mishap that prevented the invitations from reaching your friends. Mom shrugged.
"Okay." she said. "But if he doesn't show up before 7, we're cutting the cake without him."
"Deal" you said. You looked at the clock, it was now 6:15, nearly an hour since you spoke to him. Where could he be? Of course! He must be going to get me a present, you reasoned. No sooner you finished your thought, there's a knock at the door.
"Hello", you say as you answered the door. You opened it to find not only Josuke had arrived like he said he would, but he brought some friends with him too. There was Okuyasu and Koichi, two of your friends from school, and two people you didn't recognize, an old man with a white beard and glasses, and a man in his late 20's wearing a white hat that had "JO" on it. Everyone's arms were loaded with giftbags.
"Oh my gosh!" you gushed, "You guys made it! Josuke thank you for bringing everyone here." you said giving him a hug. "C'mon in guys." you motioned for everyone to come inside.
"Sorry we're late," said Josuke, "I called Koichi and Okuyasu, along with my, er, relatives, this is Joseph Joestar and Jotaro Kujo by the way." he said motioning to the old man and the man in white respectively. You remembered Josuke saying he had family members in town recently.
"Hello there," said Mr. Joestar.
"Hello," said Jotaro with a small smile.
"Nice to meet you. Thank you both for coming." you replied.
"We realized that we didn't have any presents." said Koichi.
"And we weren't sure what to get you." admitted Okuyasu.
"Yeah," said Josuke a bit embarrassed. "We kinda panicked and went to different stores. Sorry we didn't have time to wrap anything."
"That's okay!" you laughed. "You didn't have to get me all these presents. I'm happy to have you guys present! (God that's such a terrible pun lol) I'm so glad everyone's here." You led everyone to the kitchen, having the guests put their gifts on one of the tables. There was a whole table with pizzas and potato chips and soda pops, you told the guests to help themselves. You made conversation with your friends and Josuke's relatives as you enjoyed your pizza. Jotaro talked about his marine biology work he's been doing in town. Later you opened presents from your friends. After that, your parents brought out the cake, frosted with pastel buttercream and had 16 candles all aglow. Everyone sang Happy Birthday as you blew the candles, making your wish.
Shortly after the cake and ice cream, the guests started to leave. You said goodbye and thanked everyone for coming. Josuke decided to hang around a little bit before going home. The sun had set and it was nighttime. You and Josuke decided to sit in the backyard and look at the stars.
"I'm so sorry I yelled at you earlier," you said a bit embarrassed.
"Hey, don't worry about it." said Josuke. "I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. I probably should have called earlier, but I forgot, I've just had a lot on my mind lately." You nodded understandably. You couldn't exactly put your finger on it, but a lot of weird stuff was happening lately in town.
"Anyways," said Josuke, pulling out something from his jacket pocket, "I kinda lied. I had something special I've been wanting to give you. I got this awhile ago." It was a small rectangle shaped box. You opened it and inside was a gold medallion necklace with two gold charms, a heart and a peace sign, just like the gold pins he wears on his uniform.
"Oh my, this is beautiful!" you exclaimed. "I love it. Thank you!"
"I'm glad you love it!" said Josuke blushing a little. You sighed. Guess the time is now to tell him.
"So, I've been wanting to tell you for awhile. I've had a crush on you since I started school here. I think you're cute, I love your hair, and I ended up making friends here thanks to you, and I want to be more than friends, but I was so nervous to tell you because I'm afraid you wouldn't like me that way and then things would be awkward and - "
You were interrupted when Josuke suddenly gave you a quick kiss. Both of you blushed a bright red.
"I'm sorry." said Josuke blushing a bit. "I've been wanting to tell you too. That's why I got you the medallion."
"Thank you so much." you say happily. "Now that we're together, you want to see a movie or something this weekend?"
"That sounds great!" says Josuke. You put on the madallion necklace, smiling at Josuke.
"You look beautiful!" said Josuke smiling. You happened to look at your watch, it was about a quarter to 10.
"Oh crap! It's late! You got to get home!" you said in surprise.
"Oh God you're right!" said Josuke looking at the time. "Meet you at the movies this weekend?"
"Of course." you answered. You gave him a kiss goodbye and walked him to the front door. You waved goodbye as he left, then went to help Mom clean up and put away the party decorations. While it had a rocky start, it turned out to be an amazing party. You thought about the wish you made when you blew out the candles, it had come true. You wished to kiss Josuke.
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asdfjklqwert · 4 years
So hi. It's your friendly neighbourhood trans-support anon. I get that it's a lot right now. But you have to remember; you have plenty of time to come to terms with who you are and how the process of transitioning might look for you. Breathe, you're going to be okay. I'm not going to say it's going to be easy, or smooth, because we both know that's a lie. What is going to help is getting yourself a good support group- people you trust to vent to or just reassure you or whatever you need- 1/?
(continued + response below readmore)
Because that's always the hardest part. Not feeling alone. Making sure you've got people to fall back on when it does get hard. But you'll be alright, I think. You're a pretty neat person, by all accounts. So try not to be too hard on yourself. Maybe do a little research on some LGBT+ friendly resources in your area- be it gathering spots for post-virus, doctors who'll help you out, that kind of thing. Also. Just a tip. Arda Wigs is good for longer hair in the short term.> If that's something you're down for. And make up is fun to dip into to feel feminine- and can start pretty cheap. 
In any case, I wish you the best of luck with this- yell into the void if you need anything. I'll be around to help however I can. And the most important advice I can give you is this- don't feel you have to change your interests, or your fashion sense, or anything in light of this. The happiest you will be the one in which you embrace all of your likes and dislikes. <3
well thankfully i’ve been rolling with long hair for uh... 7~8 years(?) at this point, so. that’s cool. it’s not _especially _voluminous unfortunately... but at least it’s always had some good natural curls. wigs would be kinda nice for exploring unnatural hair colors though and getting hair closer to what i’d want (kinda wanted blue hair even when i was a teenager...)
actually, hair is... kind of one of the bigger worries honestly. not head hair though. talkin’ body hair. facial hair. all that stuff. there’s so much. too much. hell, my dad is a little jealous of how thick a beard i can grow. even when i start HRT that’ll still be there. seriously, there’s so much and it’s all over my chest, my stomach, my back, my... literally every part of my body. i know removal is an option, but i just, i guess, worry about it not being viable, whether it’s financially or due to the time investment it’d require, or anything else.
i think that leads into the other big fear. going out in public. which is a thing i don’t really do except when i need to go to a store for whatever reason (this was the case even before the pandemic). i don’t think i’d generally have to worry about being like... assaulted or anything, but i hate feeling like people are staring at me or really doing anything but ignoring me. being obviously-transitioning-and-definitely-not-passing would just magnify that and i’m... not looking forward to it at all.
don’t really forsee any issues telling friends, just sort of not sure when to do it or if i should wait until i actually start transitioning physically. like being referred to as a guy never bothered me, it was just never... something that excited me either? if that makes sense? so i don’t really feel much pressure to tell anyone other than the people i already have, for right now at least...
at least interest-wise i don’t really feel a need to change anything there besides, like, whatever stuff comes to me naturally. i ain’t gonna stop being a dumb fucking nerd with a huge RPG backlog. just, a dumb fucking nerd with a lot more cute skirts and dresses. and tiddies.
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jaimelanniser · 7 years
Hi, I'm loving these ficlets! Could I ask for Jon x Satin or Theonsa if you prefer please? 👌
under the cut for nsfw c:
The first time Sansa heard about sex, she was eight years old and Robb’s best friend Theon Greyjoy had been over at the cabin for the weekend.
“Do you know how babies are made, Sansa?” he’d asked her cockily, sitting down next to her where she was braiding her favourite doll’s hair.
Sansa had looked at him like he was stupid. “Of course I know. Mum and dad give each other a special kiss.”
Theon’s eyes had glinted, and he’d shaken his head. Robb had looked sheepish next to him, but had stayed there with them anyway. So Theon had lowered his voice and beckoned Sansa closer like he was going to share a secret.
Excited that she was being let in on the big boys’ club, Sansa had crawled closer to the twelve year olds, eyes bright with curiosity. The three heads were close together near the fireplace, creating a little cave of enlightenment between them.
“The man takes his penis,” he whispered excitedly to her, holding up his forefinger in between them. “And puts it in the woman’s vagina.” He made a circle with the fingers on his other hand and moved his forefinger through it.
Sansa had been shocked into silence while Theon and Robb laughed amongst themselves at her face, and she’d angrily stomped off after declaring that they both sucked and that they were wrong.
Of course, when she’d approached her mother about it a few days later, the rumours turned out to be true, and she was mortified by the whole thing.
Every time that Theon came over to the Stark household from that day on, he’d hold up his forefinger to her and wiggle it a little, and Sansa would run screaming from the room.
A decade later it had become a bit of an inside joke between them.
It thrilled her to know that when Theon came over and lifted his finger at her, he was looking at her and thinking about sex. She’d always been Robb’s little sister, she was sure, but they had that, at least.
Sometimes she went out with her friends in a low-cut dress and she walked by where Theon and Robb were playing X-Box, and Robb would yell something at her about making safe choices and she could swear that Theon looked her over.
But he never actually did anything about it, so Sansa brushed it all off as her own wishful thinking. After all, Theon Greyjoy had a hell of a reputation, and if he wanted to make a move on her, he already would have.
That’s also what she told herself when they were at the cabin in the woods one night after Robb had decided he wanted to get up early to go biking the next morning and tucked in, and everybody else had gone to bed so it was just the two of them with the remnants of the board game they’d all been playing, and the fireplace and glasses of wine.
“Are you not going biking tomorrow?” Sansa asked him, lolling her head on the back of the couch to face him.
Theon shrugged and tossed a bit of newspaper towards the fireplace, watching the flames eat it up. “Yeah, but I don’t need fifty hours of sleep.” He turned to look at her with a grin. “Plus, sleep is boring.”
She smiled to herself. “In comparison to what? We’re not exactly doing anything.”
“We could do something,” he shot back, shifting on the couch to face her.
A thousand scenarios came to mind, and Sansa had to physically hold her breath for a moment so that she didn’t blurt out something like ‘do me’. Instead, she bit her lip and looked at him pensively. “Like what?”
“I dunno,” Theon returned, stroking at the little wisp of beard on his face. “Everything I can think of is probably off-limits with you.”
Her heart jolted and she raised her eyebrows at him. “Off-limits?” Her voice sounded shaky even to her own ears, and she cursed herself. Why was she such a child around him?
He let out a laugh. “Come on, you’re all pure and innocent,” he challenged her, even as he leaned forward on the couch, his arm sliding around the back of it towards where her own elbow was, fingers skirting against her skin.
Sansa’s mouth felt dry. “I’m not a child anymore, you know.”
Theon’s eyes were fixed on her, and her stomach made another leap as she watched them flit down to her chest before back up to her face. “Oh, I know.”
Everything inside her was twisting and turning and her skin felt like it was on fire. “Try me, Theon. I’m not off-limits,” she whispered, locking eyes with him boldly.
His touch on her elbow became firmer, until he was dragging his palm up her arm, around to the front of her neck, all the way up to her jaw, and he cradled her face, thumb ghosting over her lower lip.
Sansa held her breath again, and slowly brought up her hand, pressing her forefinger and thumb together into a circle between them. Theon’s eyes turned to it and he grinned devilishly, dropping his hand from her face to slide his finger into the hoop she made for him. “Don’t offer something you’ll regret,” he whispered, leaning in closer until they were only a breath away.
“How can I regret something I’ve wanted forever?” she sighed, and then his lips were on hers, and Sansa’s mind went blank as all her senses became alert, and her skin tingled with want. She grasped at his clothes, tugging him closer until her back hit the couch on the other end and he pressed her down into it with his body, firm and lithe on top of her.
They kissed each other fervently, hands roaming over each other’s bodies, hips grinding up and down, legs splayed and clothes quickly being discarded onto the floor until they were stripped bare.
Sansa’s chest heaved as Theon mouthed his way down her throat to her breasts, which he was fondling with his hands, palms open as he pressed them down onto her, circling her nipples with his fingers and making her mewl into the back of her hand.
It wasn’t her first time having sex, but it was Theon, and she had been fantasising about this moment since she could remember having any sex drive at all. And it was happening here and now.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Theon mumbled into her chest, his mouth coming over one of her nipples and sucking it into his mouth. She saw fire behind her eyes and she dug her fingernails into his scalp. “What do you want?”
She almost couldn’t speak, panting, gripping tightly at his hair as he worked at her nipples. His other hand had gone down between her legs and he curled his fingers into her; those long, perfect fingers that she’d been so fiercely focused on for so long.
Sansa felt ripped open with want, and she let out a quiet moan, because there were people sleeping on the second floor and she might die if any of her family came down and saw her like this. “Fuck me,” she gasped at him, clenching around his fingers.
Theon turned his hand around inside her and he looked up at her from her chest. The sight of him, hair messy under her hands, eyes dark with lust, lips parted around her tits into a grin, was enough to make her shut her own eyes and dig her head back into the couch.
“Theon,” she groaned, licking her lips and arching her hips up.
“Sansa,” he teased back, but he removed his hand from her. She whimpered a little at the sudden emptiness and looked up, to see him moving on the couch, leaning over the edge to reach into his trousers’ pockets for a condom – why he had one that handy, she didn’t want to know.
Nothing really mattered anymore, because he’d aligned himself with her entrance and was pushing in, and Sansa’s chest tightened as a flash of pain and arousal shot up her spine, her legs tightening around his hips as she took him in, all the way in.
They fucked like they had the cabin to themselves, Theon driving her into the couch with mastered thrusts, and Sansa had to turn her face into a cushion to bite it to stop herself from making sound.
It was hot, much too hot, and they were sweating, and Sansa was so close, and Theon could tell, apparently, because he shifted his position to brace himself on one elbow and reach between them for her clit to rub against her, quickly, matching his thrusts with the rhythm.
It didn’t take her long after that, and Sansa came with Theon’s name a ghost on her lips, and the clenching around his cock with her orgasm drove him forward to completion as well until they were both spent and limp in a tangle of limbs on the couch.
“Oh my god,” Sansa breathed out, facing the ceiling, and let out a soft giggle.
Theon peered up at her, still breathing heavily as well, and smiled widely. “I’ll take this over biking any day,” he quipped.
Sansa laughed and shoved at his head gently, and wondered how all those years of wishing and wanting and pining had finally paid off, and paid off so well.
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simptasia · 7 years
Okay I HAVE to ask what your headcanons are for Sideways Verse science team!! We get such a small piece of their lives and I'm always up for knowing more haha
Okay, wow, thank you. I just gotta collect my thoughts.
Well, first of all, they all grew up with both parents, which resulted in them being happier people, I notice (uh… odd message there, LOST) but basically, they all have good relationships with their parents in this ‘verse.
But also can we just address that in LOST, every character ends up with two separate lives? And when they remember they have all the memories together?
That’s really trippy and merits thinking about.
Even richer than he was in life,  grew up in mansion. Lives in a modern penthouse as an adult. (And it looks, the way you’d imagine Dan-as-a-musicians’ penthouse would look, no matter which life: paper everywhere)
in this life Dan is less timid and more sure of himself. He wasn’t pressured all his life to do something he didn’t want to do, he played piano like he always wanted. And like, he’s great at it. Basically whatever Dan focuses his energy on, he becomes an expert on. That genius mind but with music
He’s on good terms with his alive and well ex-girlfriend Theresa, who’s a fellow musician. She plays cello. They’re still friends. 
Limbo Dan says in the show that he had a friend who’s a scientist, so I figure that science lingered within him all his life. He never actually pursued it but whenever he happened to meet a scientist he felt interested, it felt familiar… for some reason
this Dan is more openly a fan of Driveshaft. the exasperated but fond way Charles talks about Dan, tells me that Dan has been an… odd boy with weird music taste for a long time. quirky rich kid
He’s on speaking and phone call terms with his half-sister Penny. I like that because they never met in living life, so once again, limbo land provides chances for bonding that we never got irl. (holy shit, limbo verse is basically fanfiction… lost’s own personal fanfiction verse)
She saw Dan staring at her at the museum (I imagine he was pretty obvious) and while she’d normally be creeped out or annoyed at guys staring at her, due to the soulmate thing, she’s strangely okay with it. Same thing happens when they meet and keep accidently meeting over and over after that, she feels this natural sort of connection and trust and she doesn’t understand why, it’s like they already know each other
Her life is closer to her living life than Dan and Miles is. as in, she has the same job. But she had a dad and none of that island mess, so she wouldn’t have grown up being gaslighted by her mum
You know what I noticed about limbo Miles? He’s, like… nicer! Which makes sense, the reasons he put his walls up in life aren’t a problem here. Now, alive Miles isn’t exactly mean, he’s more snarky and bitchy. But recalling limbo Miles scenes, he’s far less so. he’s still quippy tho!
With both his parents, he wouldn’t have grown up poor and angry
Hell, he became a cop! (tho i like to imagine he still had a punk phase)
limbo Miles mentions having a girlfriend. I’m going to ignore this. Ooh, wait, unless it’s Naomi and they’re friends but they’re dating so Miles can be like, Naomi’s beard (i headcanon her as a lesbian)
He didn’t grow up with the burden of his powers in this life
All together now!
One way or another, they’re all linked by that musuem
Miles and Char are already friends in this life, which I love! Char meets Dan at the concert, then they run into each other a couple times after that (destiny, motherfuckers!) and this completes the trio.
And that’s even before they all remember
Dan and Char remember together, one day they’re having a friendly conversation (from their POV they just started dating) and Dan, absent mindedly pets Char’s hair. BOOM MEMORIES. they’re left standing there in shock for a moment… “My mother… shot me??” and Char just starts laughing and says “I die and you try to set off a hydrogen bomb?!” and she grabs Dan’s face and kisses him repeatedly, while happily calling him “stupid” in between kisses. Everybody is dead so something like that just comes across as absurd instead of incredibly immoral.
I’d like to point out… that Char slept with Sawyer on the first date. And Dan is Charlotte’s soulmate… and they love each other… sooo…
Miles remembers when he goes to Sawyer’s funeral (he disappeared), being surrounded by all those dead people, he starts hearing the voices again and remembers he’s felt this before and BOOM MEMORIES
He immediately calls Charlotte (since he has her number in his chunky early 2000s mobile phone) to like, freak out about it. She’s in her bed with Dan sleeping on her chest. She confirms, yes, they remember
(i just realised if that scene happened on TV, dan would have to have his hand on her tit for censoring purposes. dan’s tactile as heck so yes)
long story short, all end up staying at Char’s house. basically, most of the time I imagine this OT3, they’re living together in Char’s house. as poly roommates. now, how they get from 0 to 60 is beyond me
Miles died when he was 97, contrasting Dan and Char who died quite young. so when he remembers, he feels waaay more disorientated. Dan & Char are giddy with getting time together, meanwhile Miles is happy but kinda weirded out because now he has memories of a long life in his head
Dan, with all his scientist memories now, likes to scribble equations on Char’s bare body… like on her back or tummy. It tickles!
Basically at this point, it’s all adjusting to her lives together and general polyamory stuff… sigh, they make a great triple. like, that dynamic?
well, quadruple, because Miles finds RIchard at some point. and remember that I think they became a couple post-finale, and that they spent their lives together so Richard matters a lot. basically in my head, Miles bounces between Dan/Char/Miles and Richard/Miles (my theory that RIchard is Dan’s actual biological dad makes this a bit amusing. Miles has been married to and is fucking Dan’s dad. I imagine Miles, being the way he is, invites Richard to join their little love nest one day and Richard looks horrified and empathically refuses for reasons Miles doesn’t know)
they all move on together one day, after a long time. but that goes without saying. everybody has to move on at some point. it doesn’t matter when (there isn’t even a when in this world) just as long as it happens
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[MS] The Ground Was Wet (Chapter 1 of a story I'm writing) - Details in Comments
It was ten years since my sister went missing, I still remember the day. I came home from school thinking she was there, maybe she went home early sick or something, I told myself. Checking each room of our house, I started to get a bit worried – not enough to start signalling any alarm bells, though. It was a warm afternoon in May, my sister was fourteen and I was twelve. We got along as well as any siblings did: a superficial hatred for one another, but a mutual love and understanding that we would always be the ones who the other could go to when the going got tough. And it got tough a lot.
When our parents would come home from work, pissed off because they felt they didn’t get the respect they deserved in their jobs, that would come out on us. But our parents weren’t hateful people, in fact, they were loving. Their biggest flaw, however, was that they raced into having a family without becoming people in their own right. They were high-school sweethearts, if there ever was such a thing; they got engaged on their prom night and married two years after. They had my sister after that, and then me two years later. Before having me, my mother’s dad passed away, and then soon after that so did my dad’s.
My sister and I were the bread of a dead father sandwich.
I checked the time and saw that it was 4PM, which meant my mother would be on her way home. I called her up and asked her where Holly was.
‘She’s not at home?’ my mother asked, a slight tinge of worry in her voice, before she relaxed a bit. ‘It’s the fourteenth today, isn’t it? She was going into town to get some things that were on sale.’
Made sense, I didn’t even think about questioning that. Hanging up the phone, I ran upstairs to change out of my school uniform and into something comfortable; I replaced the unnaturally yellow mustard tie and black slacks with a pair of grey shorts and a hoodie, before getting the box of cornflakes from the cupboard. It was my turn to do the dishwasher, but I couldn’t be bothered, I just wanted to get my homework done and be outside.
The sequence of events that followed are, in honesty, a bit fuzzy. I remember doing the dishwasher, then doing a bit of homework, before sleeping for an hour. When I woke up, Holly hadn’t returned and it was 6PM, way after the weeknight curfew and the time at which my dad came home. My mother was cooking something: chicken breast with savoury rice, a weeknight staple. I woke up because my dad was getting annoyed at my mother for something.
‘I know she’s a teenager, but this is too late,’ he said in a heavy tone. At the time, it seemed this anger was misplaced and came from his usual place of distrust of children, the children that he chose to have and that he brought into the world. It seemed like he said to himself: “I didn’t choose to have these kids so, if they’re going to exist, they’re going to exist on my terms.” And that was his justification for how he treated us at times. But, at other times, he wasn’t like that at all.
I remember it getting to 9PM and Holly hadn’t returned. Then, it got to 9:30PM and the police were informed. At this point, the panic set in; panic for what, I wasn’t quite sure. My mother cried, though she cried for everything, and my dad was just pacing. My mother wiped away tears with her slender fingers and tried to speak through her caught voice. She told the police officers what she told me; I’m pretty sure she already told them that though.
When they approached me, I had a rock in my throat. I gulped and told them that I checked the house when I came home and spoke to my mother, I didn’t think anything was wrong at that point. Nobody went missing in Little Yeadon, it just wasn’t the thing. I realised though, at that point, it wasn’t that nobody went missing; it was that nobody went missing yet.
As the years went by, our lives moved on. My parents sold the house, too many bad memories, they said – but I knew it was because they needed the money. I went to university and did alright; I got a job at a tech start-up in London that developed search engine optimisation algorithms for small-to-medium businesses. All of that was way above my head, I only worked in business development. That being said, I still went to Little Yeadon every two months. My parents were getting to their late forties, though they felt like it was time to retire.
When it gets to May, people at work always walk on eggshells around me. They never wanted to address it; it was just this unspoken thing that was a part of me. I had to basically beg the guys at the interview to let me work there despite the potential negative association my name would carry. I think I sold it as, ‘Well, how good would you look as a company that wants to give people with complex backgrounds a chance at a normal life?’ which I think they liked. They must have done, because they offered me the job the next day.
This year was a big one, it is ten years since Holly disappeared. I think the foundation my parents set up was planning on releasing some new mock-ups of what she would look like now, but those always terrified me. My parents needed me back in Little Yeadon for a vigil which was going to be held at the park, renamed for Holly as Hope Park. There, people were going to be given leaflets on child protection and posters to hand out to others they knew. That stuff annoyed me because I was trying to be realistic, I knew she was dead – she had to be. Nobody who went missing after ten years suddenly reappeared.
I left the office and got into the lift, hoping nobody would catch me before I got out. Hope wasted. ‘Danny,’ said my supervisor, ‘before you leave, do you mind just looking something over with me?’ She absolutely knew what she was doing, but I couldn’t blame her for it – I sold myself on the basis that my history as the Brother of the Missing Girl wouldn’t interfere with my work, so I helped her out.
When I was done, she tried to make small talk about our plans for the week – apparently the heads of departments needed to meet with some ministers about compliance regarding GDPR, or something like that. I told her that I was going home, just that. I confirmed she knew that ‘going home’ meant I was going home to the vigil of my sister who had been missing for ten years, but in a more implicit way. Though, when I got back to the lift, I wished I realised that subtlety was one of her few weaknesses. I checked my phone and saw an email from her asking me to read over these draft service agreements when I had time, which was code for when I had a desk nearby.
I jammed my phone into my pocket and walked outside, dragging my hand luggage bag behind me. I checked my phone to see the car number of the taxi I ordered to take me to my parents’ – I couldn’t be bothered with a train and I needed a few moments to myself. When I found the guy, he was standing outside smoking his vape. He signalled two minutes to me as he was on the phone, so I walked to the grey sedan and started loading my bag in, mouthing ‘It’s fine’ to him so he could carry on his conversation. He was a few years older than me, he looked Pakistani and spoke with a thick Northern accent. His stubbly beard would crease whenever he laughed, which was a lot, and his hair was slicked back with an inane amount of product. I just got in the car and waited a few seconds before he returned.
‘Sorry about that,’ he said, bounding in and slamming the door shut. ‘Right, Daniel. Just double-checking, you want to go to Little Yeadon?’ he asked, tapping away at the price controller, attached to the windscreen, on his right side. ‘Should take us about two hours so do you want to make a stop on the motorway about halfway?’
‘Sounds good to me,’ I said. I loved the services; I don’t know why but there’s something so exciting about stops like that. The intersect of people there who are all doing the same thing, all feeling the same way. It’s the same reason I love airports, and the same reason I loved the library at midnight during exam season at university. Petrol station Costa, overpriced KFC and all the sweets I could spend a tenner on.
We drove out of London for a bit and hit the M25 services before stopping. I checked my phone and saw a text from my mother, ‘Have you seen this write-up x’ she asked, sharing a link to a true crime blog, which had a link to a YouTube video. In that video, I saw someone try and do what people did five years ago – capitalise on the disappearance of my sister.
‘Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel,’ he started. ‘Today, we’re going to be talking about the tragic disappearance of Holly Ranger, a fourteen-year-old girl who went missing ten years ago almost to this day. Before we begin, I’d like to thank our sponsor for this video,’ she said, explaining that her viewers could get ten-percent off this subscription service if they used her code: ‘MISSTERRI10’. That was clever, her name was Terri Knowles and she caused my family a bit of unintended stress a couple of years ago because she brought Holly’s disappearance to an audience of over 750,000 people at once. It made everyone feel a bit on edge because of the unwanted comments, it was the main reason I almost didn’t get the job. Over the past few years, though, my parents reached out to her to get their side across. She accepted their invitation and it was the best business decision she ever made, because she started getting brand deals and gaining influencer status – she was known as the true crime buff.
‘The case of Holly Ranger is one I feel incredibly connected to,’ she started, her voice dancing softly on the quiet melody she used in all of her videos. ‘Part of what makes this case so interesting is the sheer lack of evidence and seemingly no motive by anyone, there aren’t any concrete theories. All of this has led police to slow down their search.’ That was true, there wasn’t any of that. Every time there was a lead, it was immediately severed because it led to nowhere. There were seventeen persons of interest, my father and uncle included, but nobody was officially ruled as a suspect because there was nothing tying anybody to Holly.
I carried on watching the video because, whenever I saw something about my sister, it didn’t feel like it was about someone I knew. They took her personality, her love and her flaws and used them as markers. She was a statistic; she was a product, something to be put on display for views, for reads, all to generate money. My parents didn’t mind, they thought that the more exposure she had the better the chances would be at finding her. Though that did make sense, the commercialisation of my sister didn’t sit right with me.
When I saw the picture of Holly that Terri put on the screen, I started to laugh. It was one that I took when we went to Margate and Holly wanted to do a handstand on the sand. Her brown hair was mid-fall, cascading onto the golden sand. Her face was skewed, and I remember showing her the picture, only for her to call me a dick and tell me to take it again – even if her face was red from all the blood rushing to her head. Our parents walked back to us with some churros and slush, I loved the blue one. It was a really nice day, a good memory. Over time, I grew to resent that my mother shared that with Terri; it was ours, not hers. Not anybody else’s, but I couldn’t be bothered opening up that can of worms. I just wanted to move on.
When the driver came back after his piss, he filled up about forty quid and ran in to pay. I followed him in and bought some low-quality, high-price gummy sweets and chocolate, and a Coke for good measure. The little bits of my childhood that I try to hold on to are the only ones that are mine and mine alone, everything else is just mired with Holly. There are moments in your life that help to define who you are, but there is only one for me. My life is divided into moments that are BH – before Holly, and AH – after Holly. Everything that is part of AH, I try to keep in my short-term memory, I can’t be bothered dwelling on it. I started doing that once I got to university, making friends on my own terms and living with people I wish I’d known my whole life. I never spoke to many people about her because of the unspoken ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ rule at university. You can be who you want to be there, but I’d spent so long in the shadow of my sister’s disappearance that I had no idea who I was. The first few months, I spent doing work, maybe I was going to be the person who just excelled at everything. Then, I spent a month just going out, maybe I was going to be the person who loved to party. Eventually, it got to the exam season and I realised how much work I had to do. Before I knew it, two more years had passed and I graduated, unsure of who I was and just going through the motions of a life I accidented myself into. Though I knew this was the case, that I was on autopilot to some degree, I still felt like I had a bit of autonomy, which I suppose is why I never wanted to change what I was doing, it was just what it was.
When the car started up again, the radio turned on. It was a news report about how tomorrow was the ten-year anniversary of Holly’s disappearance. The driver looked at me, then at my name on his screen, and he made the connection.
‘I’m so sorry, boss,’ he said, more restrained than I thought he would be. After some discussion on what he thought, which I don’t think he realised was a discussion I was trying to avoid, we wound up at my parents’ house – a small cottage illuminated by the mid-evening sun as it set over the hills. ‘I’ll tell you what, no charge.’
I’d already paid a £20 deposit, but this was nice. I told him that I’d just send him the rest as a tip and closed the door. Walking my bag to the house, I could see a horde of people through the window, all of whom were comforting my parents. My mother sat on the couch with her arms latched tightly onto her friend from work, my father was flitting in and out of the room getting people teas and coffees. I walked up to the entrance and, for some reason, rang the doorbell, like I didn’t belong.
My dad opened the door wearing a fleece jumper with some brown trousers, his hair started greying slightly. He hugged me asked how I was, before ignoring my answer and leading me into the living room. ‘Look who’s back,’ he said to the room, announcing me – I was on display for him. Everyone turned and rushed towards me, all hugging me, creasing my suit jacket. Holly would hate this, I thought. But then I thought a bit harder and realised that she would absolutely love it, the idea of people coming from all over just to be there for her – it was something she’d relish in. And that’s not a knock on her, but she was a fourteen-year-old girl who was reasonably popular, attention came like to oxygen to her. She so naturally basked when all eyes were on her; she would tell a story and have everyone balancing on the ends of her sentences, it was an art form really.
I finally managed to clear my path a bit and made my way to my mother. I sat next to her and hugged her, ‘How’ve you been keeping?’ I asked. ‘Did you enjoy the thing I sent you last month?’ I couldn’t come to Little Yeadon that month because I had a pitch to prepare for a potential client – I sent her a care package instead. I put in some colouring books because she told me she found them soothing, I threw in a candle or two because there’s no video on how to make a package for your mother whose daughter went missing, funnily enough.
She turned to me, taking my hand into both of hers, and smiled. ‘I’m much better now that you’re here,’ she said, stroking my face. ‘I’ve missed you a lot, how’s work going?’ It wasn’t unusual for her to be this candid in front of everyone, but I felt awkward having a small-talk conversation with my parents while everyone else listened in. I told her that we can discuss that later, I just want to unpack my stuff and get ready for tomorrow. I saw her face drop slightly; why, I couldn’t be sure. If I had my cynical hat on, it would be because I stopped her from having the opportunity to flaunt me in front of everyone else; if I had my caring son hat on, it was because I didn’t want to let her into my life. Often times, it was somewhere in the middle.
I pulled my bag upstairs and walked into my room, the spare room as it became known. My parents sold our old house a few years ago, while I was at university, so they didn’t need to redecorate a whole room that I’d only use once in a few months. They kept Holly’s old room though, almost a perfect recreation, in the event that she returned. I’m sure a twenty-four-year-old woman would just love the room she had when she was fourteen. But still, they kept it; I think my mother changed the sheets every two weeks. They used to spray her perfume in there too sometimes, just so they would walk by and catch a glimpse of it and feel alright – even if only for a split-second. I begged them to stop that and that wound up in an argument again. It wasn’t healthy, which they agreed. Sometimes it felt like I was the only rational person here, which I couldn’t really blame on them. A missing daughter and a son who wants nothing to do with them, that’s on me.
When everything was unpacked, I heard someone call my name. No, it wasn’t my parents, it was someone else. I peeked my head out of the door and looked to the bottom of stairs to see Arielle, my sister’s best friend when she was younger. She never left Little Yeadon, her parents owned the estate agents and she worked in there instead of going off to university. She was pretty, her hair was a dark blond and she had a nicely tanned complexion. It was weird, but the older I got the less attractive I found her. She was always in my sister’s shadow; when we were younger, she wore these thick “old lady” glasses as she called them. Her hair was always in two ponytails and she used to have retainers. I found her to be a really non-threatening member of my sister’s group of friends, she was the one I could geek out with about things and I loved that. After Holly went missing, she used to come home every so often to check up on us but, like everything, it started to peter out and it turned sparse. Out of everyone close to Holly, she was the one who wanted the least to do with the sensation that it brought our town.
‘Ari,’ I said, smiling. ‘Thanks for coming, how’ve you been?’ I asked her while walking downstairs. She took my arm and pulled me close to her, like a hug she couldn’t commit to.
‘Same old,’ she said, ‘I can’t complain.’ There was something else, though. She never wanted to make eye contact with me, and I could tell that her voice held some restraint. ‘There’s something I wanted to talk to you about. Can we go somewhere private?’ she asked.
I nodded and led her to my room. While walking, my mind raced through the possibilities of what she could want to talk about. I thought it was maybe something my parents, specifically my mother, did that I wasn’t informed of. That was something I appreciated about the relationship I had with Little Yeadon; people tried to keep me out of things unless I wanted to be involved. The town acted as a filter for me, and I loved that. Except at times like this because I knew my mother was volatile at times. I’d rather know about it when it happened than find out however many months or weeks later.
Ari sat on my bed while I closed the door, pressing it hard to make sure it was shut properly. ‘Everything alright?’ I asked her, half-jokingly.
She breathed, ‘I’m not sure. I didn’t want to speak to your parents about it because it could just be some kids playing a nasty prank, but you know how to handle things like this.’
My head was pounding. ‘What is it?’
She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope that was folded in half. Handing it to me, I noticed there was no handwriting; there was, however, a label. It was addressed to ‘The parents of Holly Granger’. The envelope itself didn’t look like it had ever been sealed, the lick-and-stick seal was unused and there was no stamp. I opened it and found a typed note which said only one thing:
submitted by /u/ahumanmadethis [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2riibsD
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horrorrob39 · 6 years
A short story by Robert Perks.
Underground, a short story by Robert Perks.
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Copyright of this story belongs to Robert Perks.
"Oh fuck, fuckety  fuck" why do we all think that when the alarm goes off, that same daily routine of getting up at stupid o'clock, going to fucking work that you hate, but hey ho you need to work for that one thing you know money, that helps you live.
Rushing to catch that fucking train, you know will be overcrowded, full of the same daily faces, that have lost the ability to have any social interaction, "oh yeah I forgot I live in London" a regular feature here unfortunately.
Only today was different, the train pulled into the station late as always, already seriously overcrowded with the usual types, the city folk dressed in their finest shiny suits, students with their backpacks, with earphones plugged in, noticing that all men these days even though incredibly young have massive amounts of facial hair.
Massive bushy beards that ages them, with tattoo sleeves. Shit I'm only in my thirties yet I've turned into my dad, 'bloody kids eh....' But secretly thinking I'm older and my youth is well beyond me.
The train pulled out of the station, ready for the 20 minutes of hell being pinned in like sardines, you could hear the rustling of newspapers, the occasional sneeze or sniff, the squeak your rubber Soled shoes sometimes make on the floor, apart from that and the sound of the train, everyone is deathly quiet, the one thing that has always surprised me about London, being from Wigan, Lancashire is how no one speaks in London.
The train was about 8 minutes from destination, just about to head into the tunnel, and although the carriage lights are on, it is always a weird feeling as the train goes into what seems like instant darkness, now everyone will deny this, but everyone has this instant feel of anxiety, the tiny flickering of lights from the tunnel walls, the way the sound of the train seems so different, and the strange echo you get, although the carriage is quiet, this makes the carriage even more quieter.
Only today the train came to an unexpectedly sudden jolt, not enough to throw people into each other, but still enough to make strangers drop their papers, mobile phones, which was a strange thing, as the only light seemed to be flickering off them, was that strange white, blue glow you get, the carriage had turned into complete blackness, for the first time I heard talking, muffled screams, I felt movement, a panic enveloped the carriage.
Sensing everyone else reaching into pockets, and backpacks, handbags for their phones, in the vain attempt of bringing any light to the situation, suddenly the emergency lighting came on, to reveal the strangest thing, the carriage suddenly wasn't full, people who were standing just wasn't there , newspapers where commuters were, left by the seat in the same open position.
A woman screams ' it's the rapture' yes always some religious nut that screams that, I remember working with another colleague who left my previous place of work, and always went on about the bloody rapture. Yet I've seen every film about that bloody subject yet this seemed entirely different. Muffled sounds could be heard but was completely inaudible, strange flashes of lights could be seen, but never actually improved the light in the carriage, they seemed distant, but so near.
Suddenly a face from nowhere from outside the carriage pressed against the window, with the look of terror I have never seen before, she was screaming for apparent help yet no sounds were audible from her mouth, suddenly something moved in the darkness around her, the darkness enveloped her, and she was gone.
The panic from the other passengers, and even myself was immense now, "what the fuck was going on?" "Is this the fucking end of days?" 
A woman was hysterical screaming " I need to get home to my babies" not knowing if they were her children or pets. Another noise could be heard outside the carriage, a distant sound of rustling, like wings flapping, a man who was crying, looks up in complete terror, then is surrounded by the same darkness we all witnessed, suddenly he was gone, then it happened again and again, person after person disappeared into this darkness that suddenly engulfed every person on the train.
Yet it was at this bizarre time a calming atmosphere filled the air, suddenly people were not terrified, but instantly at peace. Probably the same atmosphere of a crashing plane, when everyone suddenly accepted their fates. A woman on the floor, suddenly appeared as if from nowhere, covered in blood, but silently gasping for air, a man was then on top of her attending to her wounds, wearing what seemed like a uniform, the flashing lights and noises could clearly be heard, " we've got a live one here, thank fuck"
Suddenly the darkness enveloped me, but all seemed fine, I didn't feel scared, just a peaceful feeling of being taken away, looking at the carriage my last sight was of a carriage on its side, with the lights of emergency workers pulling out one person, the woman. Then I saw the light.
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