#i'm not saying i deserve to be tumblr famous or whatever
This isn't over, I hope you know.
Price x Male Reader Requested: Yes! But there were some technical issues. Pt 1 (Here! :])/ ??? Warnings: Break-up, Argument, Angsty angst angst A/N: *Drops this and scuttles away* This was intended to be longer but I'm cutting it in half to see if Tumblr will actually let me post it. If it does the 2nd-supposed-to-be-this-part will be out soon after :]
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"Look, [Name], I get you need attention-" John started, following your pacing form as you quickly walked back and fourth in his office. Whipping your head to meet Johns gaze dead on. Your eyebrows raised as you stalled for a second. Jaw dropping as you quickly caught up with what he said, your blood boiling with nothing put resentment and frustration, "Attention? Atten-" Taking a deep breath you summoned all you had to just keep yourself from yelling. This was something that stayed between you, and him. "John when was the last time we slept in the same bed? Hmm?" You snarled, arms uncrossing so you could use them to accentuate your point. Anything to try and convey your anger to him, to somehow shove his own actions into his thick skull. John's eyebrows furrowed as he sat back in his seat. A calloused hand coming up to rub his beard like he did whenever a missions plan changed last minute, or a recruit did something stupid. He looked exhausted, and annoyed. Fucking. Annoyed. Like you were just a child that was having a tantrum over not getting a treat. Not like you were his boyfriend of 6 years. Like you weren't the man he'd laid in bed with, whispering honey sweet words of a distant future where you'd settle down and marry. Like you weren't justified for being upset that he'd been ignoring you for months in favor of his beloved taskforce.
"When was the last time we kissed, John?" You spat, "Do you even remember? It was a month and a half ago. 45 days ago." Throwing your hands up you began to pace again. Quickly walking back and fourth to try and do, something. You weren't even sure why you were anymore, your thoughts too muddled to make out anything coherent even if you tried. You were probably working yourself up, probably making yourself more angry then the situation called for. But at this point? You deserved to be angry. You deserved to be fucking pissed. You weren't even looking at Price, "Do you really have nothing to say, John? Do you-" John stood up, slamming his hands on his desk with a harsh slam. Making you jolt to a stop, eyes wide as you stared at him. Johns usual calm, even soft demeanor around you turning into something you didn't recognize. "[Name] for god's sake I don't have time for your shit. I have things to do and that doesn't include you having a tantrum in my office. Get your fucking act together or get out, lieutenant." John practically yelled through gritted teeth as he glared at you standing there. Probably looking like a deer in headlights. With a long exacerbated sigh he sat back down in his chair. His eyebrows knitted together as he looked down to whatever paperwork he was busying himself with. You simply stood there in shock. He looked so much different now then he did when you'd first met. Johns famous mutton chops were starting to grey and all the stress he constantly held made him look 10 years older. His soft baby blue eyes now were jaded and grey. Filled with a hardness you could only get through time. Then it just, clicked. John, your John, was always a workaholic. Against his best interest he'd work himself into burnout just to be overworked and under-appreciated the next day. Only to wake up in the morning and do it all again. But your John would always make time for you. He'd always make sure, even if it was 10, hell, 5 minutes, some part of his day was spent with you. That John would be the first to seek you out after missions and check you over for injuries. To make sure you were alright. His hand resting on your shoulder just a second longer then it should as he passed you a loving look. Grinning ever-so-slightly before going back to his normal stoic appearance. But the man in front of you wasn't your John. Your sappy lover was long replaced by Captain Price, smothering John with his overwhelming force until there was nothing left of the man.
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
I want to preface this by saying I hope this does not come off mean of hateful as that is not my intention. I can see that you are an incredibly talented writer and deserve all the praise that you get! With that being said, would you not consider it wrong to write smut about real people? Take Cillian Murphy for example, his characters I see no issue with as ultimately they are fictional but to write smut about him in my opinion is wrong. He cannot consent to this and i can’t imagine having strangers write their fantasies about me let alone their sexual ones. It feels inappropriate. Again i don’t mean this in a hateful way but i really want to understand your perspective on this.
I wanna thank you for being so respectful about this, I'm always happy to engage in a good faith discussion with people who are honestly trying to understand something better.
and mainly, I understand what you're saying and don't even really disagree with most of it. I can't deny it's definitely less ethical to write about real people than characters. but when I write about "cillian murphy" I'm not, in my mind, writing about the actual person but a fictionalized version-- similar to those who write about cillian's portrayal of oppenheimer or austin butler's elvis or whatever, you know? I understand it's still, ultimately, pretty creepy lmao. but I also think it's meant to be kept in this space where he has a 0% chance of finding it and that's how I am able to write it without feeling too bad about it. it, like everything else on this blog, is fiction and doesn't intend to really depict anything serious.
so, I obviously see your point, but to me it's still fictional and separate from the real person. the reality is that famous people will be the object of fantasy (like you said) and writing it down is really only taking it one step further, to me it's fine as long as you're not fucking harassing the person or whatever.
frankly I just wouldn't consider my blog the most moral place to hang out. there's plenty of stuff more offensive here than fanfiction about a random dude who probably has no idea that tumblr exists lmao so it just seems like it would be a pretty arbitrary line in the sand to draw.
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skitariiposting · 1 year
Been thinking about trying to get some non-tumlr skit-shit stuff going on. Maybe doing a PM Seymour and reading funny tumblr posts or saying funny things for people to share and stuff. I've been working on a 3D skitarii avatar to potentially use for Vtubering/VR chat/animations or whatever. Because of this, I'm just going to make this blanket statement for everybody to hold me accountable to:
If I ever start streaming/making videos or whatever and they start taking off and you are a mutual of mine prior to them getting popular, please message me and be like "Hey I liked you before you were famous." I will personally give you a shout out/include you in my video/livestreams and you can come on and show off your OCs/products/services/ whatever you want to talk about. I fully believe that everyone deserves a piece of spotlight, and I want my fellow tumblr gremlins to get their fair share of it.
I doubt I will ever get famous, though. If I do I'll do some weird and wacky shit. Idk, I'll get a skitarii tattoo or something.
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keyboardinpain · 1 year
news flash: "racism is bad!!!" Doesn't work against a racist. They don't give a single fuck 💀
if you're trying to change a fandom by attaching yourself to every drama and complaining about the racism and putting everyone who doesn't draw a certain character in the same category, I'm sorry to tell you, you ain't doing shit for representation!!! You want to change the fandom? You want to see more poc countries being depicted? Do it yourself!! Post!! Talk about whatever!!
"oh but people don't pay attention to poc countries :(( my account won't grow if I do that.. is because everyone is so racist"
1- that's the same reasoning big companies have for never depicting minorities, so let's immediately start this by saying, bullshit. People who care WILL find your account and isn't that what matters? The people who care? Not 20000 people that look at your posts in annoyance because they don't actually care and were guilt tripped into following you
2- who....who are you posting for?? Yourself to have fun and interact with people who have similar interests or to get famous?? Who cares if somebody posting Twink Italy gets more followers, post about Nigeria with passion and peace and have fun!!!
3- not everyone who doesn't pay attention to your account or poc countries is fucking racist omg. Yes, ofc, racism in geopolitics and history has caused lots of people to not have access to a full picture of the world and this will show in the interests but also .. maybe they haven't found your account? Most poc countries have to be ocs and finding hetalia ocs is hard. Even harder finding them interesting when they're barely posted about or if they are drowned with drama. It's not racism, it's not knowing it could even exist! And still, if they don't care that's ok. It's still not racist. And same thing if they are canon. Not everyone has to care
Shit I have a bunch of mutuals who don't reblog my Venezuela art, does that make them racist?? No! They don't care and that's fine!!! It's ok!!! I don't care about the Nordics they don't care about Venezuela, it's chill! Not everyone has to have your same interests in the same way
And also, constantly posting about drama instead of actually working on your goddam OC's makes people immediately be turned off by your account.
People don't need extra negativity "it's not fair white people get to ignore this while we suffer constantly" MF you were the one that posted that!!!! You can block people!!! Fucking Tumblr makes bubbles specifically to create echo chambers of yes man, you don't have to deal with the negativity either!!! And also the whole point of wanting equality is so nobody has to suffer, not so everyone suffer the same!!! There are multiple ways to keep yourself safe that I myself use because my own country gets treated like shit 💀 this is a fandom, you don't have to interact with everyone you don't like or correct them nobody out there will stop dying if you do.
You are fighting a random person behind the screen not actually dismantling centuries of racism. This just makes it stressful for poc people or non poc people who want to draw poc characters, you know why? Because it feels like we constantly need to interact with drama and we can't look at tags that aren't filled with it. I hope nobody in this fandom has anxiety or OCD cause the way so many posts are formatted is nauseating!
Its the same bullshit as "if you listen to this song you're a bigot" 🍅
You are drowning in a drop of water. Racists exist everywhere but if you constantly go looking for them and interact with them, guess what? More racists will find you. The algorithms will literally bring them to you 💀💀
I am not saying racists don't deserve criticism, obviously they do. It's important to hold people accountable (especially in this fucking fandom) but once you see they won't start changing... block them. Don't base your content around calling racists out cause every racist who has been called out is still posting and being racist. Your time would be much better spent doing the content you like and creating a safe place for others who wish to do the same, even if it's only 5 people.
I know I sound very angry in this post, frankly I am. It's not targeted at anyone specifically tho. There is a lot of imbalance in this fandom but making huge rants (like this one lol) won't make up for the lack of a certain country, only making content with them will, and guilt tripping other people into making it will give you shitty results.
This rant was all over the place and if you read it that's great, it's probably nonsense. I am not expecting anyone to change their mind, I do not care, I just needed to get this off my chest. Once again, this is not targetted at anyone and if you feel targetted, talk about it with yourself cause I'm not going against you. Have a great day/night and remember to have fun
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shallowseeker · 1 year
You said one of your early metas sparked discourse. Can I ask what that is?
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I rarely even know when Discourse is happening now. Through some miracle, I got adopted by the coolest mutuals, so. I usually only see the amazing stuff.
One day last year, I kept getting weird rando tags that said stuff like #wait is this the post that sparked all the discourse? #it can't be because this is so sensible and #I don't think the op is saying cas DESERVES to be homeless???? I didn't even know what "'Discourse" was at the time.
Anyway, Someone somewhere apparently called me a Republican. And some others said I blamed ppl for their own homelessness. Some accused me of hating the poor etc etc. And stuff. Anyway, someone was NOT having a good time on Tumblr! I can only imagine that I must have been a stand-in for something someone was Going Through in Real Life.
As for the post...
I can't actually find the post (it was on my vent blog, and I'm real bad at tagging, esp back then), but the gist of it was that Castiel is a stubborn asshole, but he's got keen emotional intuition, despite his "lost in translation" shtick.
After he knew the full scope of Sam's terminal illness and the Gadreel-hostile-hostage situation, he pretty immediately and intimately understood the bunker-kick-out situation. (He'd just been tricked by Metatron, too. I mean, hello? He gets it.)
I also mentioned that Castiel has, as far back as season 6 at least, had a tendency to want to be self-sufficient to the point of detrimental self-reliance. (I mean, dude hid key battle tactics from the rebel angels willing to go up against an archangel with him. *cough* Hello, Rachal. Balthazar.) And some ppl hated that. They wanted the root of all of his issues to be solely Sam and Dean.
Anyway, I don't think it's completely out of character for him to get a stiff upper lip about being seen as weak. Plus, he has a history of going radio silent and being cagey about situations, especially when his feelings and pride are hurt, so I simply mused that it's not outside the realm of possibility for him to stuff a bag with whatever cash and cards he's given and jump on a bus ASAP without telling them where he's going.
And Hell, it's not like Sam was never gonna get better. In 9x09, Dean refers to their separation as temporary. "Now, if that means that we keep our distance from you for a little while, then..."
Regardless, when Cas found out the deets of the situation, it all clicked for him.
I even pointed out that it seems like Cas walks away from the human experience...*gasp* proud of himself rather than weepy n' traumatized. After he fights the RitZien, he stares down death and says, "I want to LIVE." After that, he gets himself a lil' suit and a car and starts actively going out on cases.
I'll leave you with a thought by one of my fave little dudes: Rob Buckman. He wrote the incredibly famous Breaking Bad News and writes a LOT about weakness and resilience in the face of it. (I found out about him on 99% Invisible podcast btw.)
“The great thing about being ill from my point of view was that I found out that I could tolerate … a fair amount of pain and handicap … total ostracization from my friends and family ... and I didn’t collapse, and I didn’t turn into a different person. I didn't fold like a wet blanket. People can withstand a lot ... isn't that wonderful?"
That's Cas, on the other side of things, after dealing with the struggle of humanity. Sometimes getting to your lowest makes you feel weirdly secure. We get real hung up on, "Well, if it was ME, I'd have been traumatized and melted into a puddle of goo and held a grudge and had intense trust issues over it. " But it's not always a one-to-one-this-trauma-means-you-get-that-type-of-hang-up. Sometimes, we make good meaning from shitty situations, too.
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zalrb · 1 year
Red White and Royal Blue Review
I'm sorry but as the president's son, wouldn't you know not to get drunk at an official engagement like this?
Is that cake about to get ruined because it feels like the cake is about to get ruined. I didn't see the trailer.
2. Yes, it was ruined. I feel like I should be drunk for this.
3. I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT MY REPUTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. I was like what’s going on with Uma Thurman but I realize she’s trying to do an accent. I do not think it’s working.
5. This ... looks weird to me
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It almost looks like photoshop, idk.
6. I’ve only been watching this for ten minutes but .. why can’t I remember his name, whatever president son dude, I think he’s the weakest link. The dialogue isn’t as snappy as it thinks it is although I did chuckle at the “you’ll act like the sun shines out of his ass and you have a vitamin D deficiency” but Zahra sells the quick “snappy” wit with more ease than he does. He isn’t comfortable with it.
7. Equerry dude is hotter than both of them.
8. Alex. His name is Alex.
9. Honestly, out of the two of them, Alex is acting like the bigger jackass.
10. Yeah, Alex kinda irritates me.
11. He flirts better with Miguel. Those eyes?
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like I know we’re not at the flirty part with Henry yet but I can already tell we’re not going to get the same energy.
12. I don’t think you understand the laugh that came out of my mouth when I saw this
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because it’s basically like they each got their own Black Best Friend and I know this is supposed to be like DIVERSITY.
13. “Omg people would kill to come to my NYE party” so far, this is a pretty basic party, sir.
14. So Henry is supposed to be uptight and posh and Alex is supposed to be more carefree, the drunk partier dude, but the thing is, the actor doesn’t come across carefree, he feels like he’s trying to be carefree so he actually makes me feel more uptight than Henry because I’m like, you’re not letting loose but you’re supposed to be the loose one.
16. LMAOOOOOOOOO. Honestly, I don’t know if them choosing Get Low as the song they’re supposed to see each other across the dance floor and look at each other longingly is brilliant or terrible.
17. Aww Henry wanted a NYE kiss. Sad face.
18. Henry, I just feel like you could do better than Alex?
20. Well at least they’re not Malec when they kiss.
21. He’s reminiscent of a a young Al Pacino -- I’m actually thinking of Al Pacino in Scarface but they did darken his skin for Scarface, which is you know.
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22. “He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football” this line is wasted on these two. Jesus, give it to people with chemistry.
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he deserves a better scene partner.
24. I can’t believe I’m not even an hour in.
25. Alex, do some work!
26. Oh, this banter is terrible. People are comparing this to Merthur?
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27. Wait, but I want to know which other famous boys he’s shagged.
28. This is probably the most I’ve cared about them so far
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29. And he's blinking rapidly to show he's nervous but it should be in the body language, Alex is kind of just standing there. It should be nervous and exciting and intimate and thrilling, it's just ... kind of happening. Like the dude who plays Henry, his back must be TIRED from carrying all of this.
30. Ah yes,
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it's giving
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but way less intimate.
31. OK. So. I was going to add a screenshot but I was afraid tumblr would block it if I did so when they're making love, Alex -- who I almost called whatshiface -- says "I can't believe how wrong I was about you" and here's my thing with dialogue during sex scenes and I feel really bad for comparing these two movies because no one deserves this but it reminds me of when anons were like please watch some clips of the um, what's that movie series based on Harry Styles fanfiction -- After -- WE ARE GOING TO PAUSE TO BRING ATTENTION TO THE PROCESS I WENT THROUGH TO GET THE NAME OF THESE FUCKING MOVIES:
I typed in movie based on harry styles fanfiction and then Google was like Anne Hathaway and I was like what no, there's another movie based on One Direction fanfiction?? HOW MANY ARE THERE? then I was like wasn't Jughead in the movie? but then I forgot his real name so I had to be like Riverdale cast and it was like Cole Sprouse and I was like RIGHT! then looked up his fucking filmography and it wasn't there and I was like I swear I saw a clip with him in it and then I was like RIGHT, he is a twin so then I Googled his brother's name then I got Dylan Sprouse and then I looked up HIS filmography and got the name of the movie JUST FOR THIS BRIEF MENTION IN THIS STUPID POST and I was like, but anons can't search the masterlist??????????
anyway there's that scene where they're having sex in her office or something and like in the middle of them having sex he's like "SAY I'M THE ONLY ONE" or something and it just made me laugh because his voice is unaltered, he just delivered the line like they were having a regular conversation and that's what happens here, Alex just says this line and it takes me out of the moment because I'm like you're not being breathy or moaning or something as you talk, you're just talking like normal? THEN DON'T SPEAK.
32. But what does Alex do? Is he in school? Is he ... what does he do? I know he wrote a memo that nobody read and will probably end up being a huge meaningful contribution down the line but he's talking about wishing he could help more and I'm like what's your job? Like you can still help people in whatever job you're doing, like are YOU going to hospitals and talking to dying children? Like what's happening here?
33. And he's going on and on about making his dad proud and being someone who can do something but you're the guy who got drunk at a wedding and made a 75,000 pound cake fall. I...
34. Ah he's a law student. Volunteer at a free law clinic then, jesus christ.
35. OK their together texts are infinitely worse. "I CAN'T HAVE SMUT FILLING MY INBOX".
36. I mean, Miguel is a journalist, Alex, I...
37. So I'm guessing Miguel will break the Alex/Henry story. Because duh.
39. "Dad, what is this music? It's so not the vibe" I'm sorry but I find Alex insufferable.
40. Oh so Henry DOES read nonwhite authors, jfc.
41. Ohhhhhhh whatshisface, Alex, is having the IT ALL MAKES SENSE moment, which MUST happen when the love interest is singing, HENRY IS HIS FOREVER BOO. And then of course, princes can't be gay so even though Henry feels the same way, I'm sure he'll be all I TOLD YOU NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME.
42. This movie seems like there'll be a rain kiss in it.
43. "Yeah, he's tougher than he looks." You guys were drinking tequila shots, doing karaoke and playing volleyball, not chopping wood for your only source of heat during winter in the Appalachians. Relax.
44. "You can understand my life a little more" which is cool but what about HIS life, Alex? I don't know I just find him extremely self-centered.
46. Aww, he's in the pool with his hand over his heart. I needed a better couple for this.
47. And here we go with the downturn before the uptick.
48. He's trying so hard to be melancholy and this is what we get?
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A furrowed brow?
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I mean are you? What is this, Stefan about Caroline? Please be serious.
50. Well, there's rain. But they're not kissing.
51. "I flew across an ocean" which would be more impressive if you weren't the president's son, Alex.
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You didn't actually storm the castle, though. Who are you now, Damon?
53. This should be way more frenzied than it is. He should be yelling, out of his mind, and Henry should be doing exactly what he's doing now.
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Well that's because he's amazingly self-centred.
55. ON. HIS. BACK.
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56. Stephen Fry being in this is kind of perfect though. I just wish the movie was better.
57. OK well that's over.
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i think the bracket looks great, its impossible to make any bracket 100% balanced or you risk taking down half of your strongest contestants in round one which also kinda ruins the rest of the poll cause the remaining strong contestant will just sweep. i think not having the strongest against each other round 1 was a good call!! people will always complain about brackets, you see it with every poll blog.
id like to add, though, that sometimes the seemingly weakest link sweeps anyway, you see it a lot w niche fandoms where everyone knows each other, it takes one of them to reblog the poll and get everyone voting, like the infamous match up in noncanongayestbitches with delia/jessie winning. A lot of ppl harrassed op and claimed it was botted or whatever but literally theres one very famous artist who every shipper follows so ofc the fans go crazy and share it w everyone!! a tweet or a link in a discord server can change everything too. so i dont think the "weaker characters" are necessarily doomed.
tldr i think ur bracket is great actually and im v excited to campaign for my faves, especially the ones up against powerhouses
ough... thank you so much for your kind words anon. i'm a nervous person and planning bracket matchups, especially the early round ones, make me EXTRA nervous. but I do think I did okay on this one!! I'm sticking by it
I only heard about noncanongayestbitches poll situation after they deactivated :( I think it's a huge shame that bracket polls sometimes lead to a small sect of people thinking is okay to harass other users and say vile shit. when you're so right actually, the beauty of a tumblr bracket is that they can go in unexpected directions!!!!! I think it's wonderful when niche fandoms all gather round the campfire and share headcanons about their blorbos.
for this poll specifically it doesn't even feel accurate to say "weaker/stronger characters", a better word I should have used is "more well-known characters". all girlies on the bracket are undeniably autistic to me
I hope everyone is getting excited to platform their faves! I'm currently working on propaganda masterposts for Round 1, Side A which will either go up before or alongside the relevant character polls. and will be added to whenever I get more propaganda sent my way, so that everyone gets their voice heard on why their fave deserves to be crowned autistic girlie of all time!!
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 years
I know I've been guilty of this too so, like, stones and glass house or whatever, but i get SO frustrated when people only talk about goncharov in relation to Martin Scorsese, and Matteo is left COMPLETELY out of the conversation.
It's always "goncharov (1973) directed by martin scorsese" and YES he produced it and is a great director but he is NOT the one who wrote the film and not the only director. It's like when you watched the credits your eyes just glazed over after you read "Martin Scorsese" and don't even see the "Matteo JWHJ0715" RIGHT BELOW IT!
It's like coraline with Tim Burton all over again. Henry Selick both wrote and directed Coraline but the big bame gets all the credit. Or really, Coraline and Tim Burton was Goncharov and Scorsese all over again, since coraline came out over 30 years later. But at least in 1973 critics and media acknowledged both somewhat equally, though the bias for Scorsese was definitely already there. But only now that Martin Scorsese has gone down as one of the most famous filmmakers of all time and Matteo Jwhj0715 is no longer active in the industry, right as people rediscover his most famous work, they completely ignore his involvement in it!
And it's strange because tumblr is one of the platforms where people are most vocal about Henry Selick and the credit he deserves. (By the way, go watch wendell&wild, it's an amazing movie and if you love stop motion or animation in general even a little you owe it to yourself to experience it) and yet you are all COMPLETELY silent about Matteo JWHJ0715, and I won't stand for it!
Matteo is actualy FROM Naples, and Russian on his mother's side. Yes, Scorsese is italian-american and it's been widely documented how that has impacted his filmmaking. But the movie is set in Matteo's hometown. And the reason goncharov has been praised for its nuanced portrayal of russian characters in a time when they were mostly one dimensional villains in american cinema (remember, this film came out in the middle of the cold war) Is thanks to him! A lot of Katya's story, her strugle with missing her homeland yet not being able to let go of her new life, was inspired by his mother who illegally left the USSR to be live with her husband in Naples, and was never able to return.
That's why Katya has so much more humanity to her than is usual for Scorsese's female characters. (Look, he's a great director, but his track record with women in his movies is... not the best. Could be worse, but certsinly could be better) If you love Katya, that's because of Matteo JWHJ0715. And I'm sick of people erasing him.
Also if I hear one more of you say his name is "unpronounceable" because it's not americn enough for you i am going to commit homicide.
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nururu · 2 years
that "not funny haha but funny weird" joke/trend/meme whatever is 100% stolen from usopp (he deserves credit) but i s2g sometimes he says stuff and I'm like "this was a viral text post on tumblr" also not attributed to usopp tho... usopp 100% would be tumblr famous
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lillotte17 · 5 years
Debating whether or not I think it’s worth it to offer commissions for September. I’ve actually gotten a fair few new followers recently, but my activity hasn’t changed much, and, at the risk of sounding like a Pissy Content Creator on Main, the ratio of likes to reblogs on my stuff has literally been something like...4/1. Which is INSANE. My most popular post on this site ever (which ended up being art and not a shitpost, surprising everyone, but especially me) has nearly 800 likes and less than 200 reblogs. And I’m?????
Look, I will be the first one to admit (loudly and with a great deal of bitterness) that the tiddy ban had a lot of creators jumping ship. But this kind of thing?? This is on the user base, and it’s killing off what few content creators we have left. Tumblr isn’t an art gallery or a library, it is a social media website (in theory). What’s the point of even having a blog on here if you don’t want to interact with anyone else? And I don’t mean jumping into someone’s inbox to rant at them, bc I’m too shy for that shit 95% of the time myself, but like... If I read something I like? I’m gonna share it. If I see a pretty piece of art? I’M GONNA SHARE IT. This site is a platform for SHARING MEDIA. *throws hands up*
*cough* Sorry, got a little off track there. My initial point was actually that, the last time I bothered putting up my commission post, it got less than 20 notes, and most of them were (you guessed it) likes. Which means that almost no one saw it. And, for me personally, it’s not the biggest deal because I do have a 9-5 job, but it is emotionally draining and disheartening to put yourself out there and be answered with...silence. I mean, if I thought I could actually make a living off commissions, I would be ALL OVER THAT. But that’s not feasible. I’d like to be able to keep my freelance stuff as a hobby, but it’s looking more and more like that’s not going to happen either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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warlordess · 2 years
Y'know, I kinda get bugged by Geraskier fics that tend to gloss over the ship dynamic pre-mountain with lines like "Jaskier had brought light to Geralt's world and Geralt had only ever treated him poorly" or whatever.
I'm sorry, and I know we say one can't control matters of the heart, but I just find it unfeasible for Jaskier to fall for a man who shit and spat on him at absolutely every turn. He may lack survival instincts but nobody is THAT much a glutton for punishment. (Also, on the other side of things, I get a bit frustrated when the writing tries too hard to make Jaskier seem so unselfish. Nah, guys, he's human. He literally begged to use Geralt so he could become famous off his witcher identity, even if the bard claimed later that they'd become best friends. Not to mention the countless times he would have dragged Geralt into his cuckolding problems by seeking protection. Etc etc.)
I know the Netflix adaptation has done fuck all to give us much more than that but come on...
Gotta admit, this is part of why I do greatly enjoy fics by @penandinkprincess, because they make a point of writing a Geralt who can absolutely be a bit of a caregiver (specifically pre-mountain and not as penance after the mountain), or who can be sympathetic or considerate. Even if he can be emotionally constipated or snarky in the same breath.
Another prime example would be this fic by leaveanote (@welcomemysentence here on Tumblr), which makes a point of creating a dialogue in chapter-flippin'-one where Geralt voices his concern that he doesn't deserve to even try and be happy and make Jaskier happy because all he's ever done is cause Jaskier pain and Jaskier shuts that down himself.
I love me that shit. (I had at least two other paragraphs written on this post but I cut them because I don't want it to seem like I'm harking on the fandom. I absolutely adore the fics, I'm so grateful for all the creativity and laser focus Geraskier fic writers have utilized. Sometimes I just see a trend and it bugs me a bit.)
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amedetoiles · 4 years
i just finished the drama and i'm having severe emotions about jiang cheng's sacrifice, i am begging for any thoughts you have on this!!
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@ first anon: I’m so sorry, and we welcome you to this hell. But also, hey, how did you know to come to my humble blog like this? Has my vocal incoherent crying become this famous across the vast MDZS tumblr spaces? XD I’m extremely amused by this development.
Every single day I cry about this. For the majority of the story, we have Wei Wuxian’s sacrifice, downward spiral, and vilification at the forefront. This makes sense. He is the narrator. The main character. The one whom this story is about. We don’t learn about Jiang Cheng’s sacrifice until the very end. Until the moment we, the audience, think all the pieces of Wei Wuxian’s story have finally been neatly picked up and tucked away and Wei Wuxian gets the happy ending he most assuredly deserves at long last, we discover that one of the driving catalysts of Wei Wuxian’s entire story is actually because of this singular moment right here:
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A little brother who loved his shixiong so fucking much. A little brother who, in the wake of losing his home, his parents, and his entire clan down to his very last shidi, consumed by grief and anguish and vengeance, with the burden and responsibility of rebuilding the honor and memory of his family’s sect now on his shoulders, looked at his brother in danger and chose his brother. He fucking chose him!
The haters of this fandom can argue again and again that Jiang Cheng did not choose or stand by Wei Wuxian “when it mattered” or whatever cockamamey logic drives the anti-grape agenda, but the fact of the matter is, Jiang Cheng absolutely did. He absolutely unquestioningly fucking did. Despite society, despite his awful parents, despite his insecurities telling him that they are not brothers, that they are not blood, Jiang Cheng decided Wei Wuxian was his anyway. Jiang Cheng looked at his brother and decided getting hurt, losing his core, and dying, hurt far less than watching Wei Wuxian get hurt. Just look at this fucking face! The grief. The sadness. The concern for his brother’s life. The resolve when he comes to his decision. The realization of what he is about to do. The fact that he can’t say goodbye to either his brother or his sister and neither of them will ever know why. The fact that he knows he will die and that is okay because his siblings will live. Take care, he says. I’m sorry and thank you and I love you.
Fuck it all to hell. The greatest and worst things Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian do to each other were out of love. And Jiang Cheng never fucking tells him. It pisses me off so much that he never tells Wei Wuxian, but it also breaks my heart into thousands of suffering pieces. Because even at Jiang Cheng’s angriest, at his most cruel, even in the face of Wei Wuxian’s most hurtful words and moments and actions, Jiang Cheng never once holds this moment against Wei Wuxian. A man known to say the absolute worst things at the absolute worst times buries this secret so deeply in his heart and doesn’t say a goddamn thing ever. And Wei Wuxian never tells him about the golden core transfer. Granted Wei Wuxian’s secrets are by far the most detrimental, but GOD THEY’RE SO STUPID YOU GUYS! SO SO STUPID.
And I get why Jiang Cheng doesn’t tell Wei Wuxian. I do! There’s so many factors to his decision to keep this secret, the fact that he wants Wei Wuxian to choose him for him instead of out of some guilty obligation notwithstanding! And @howdydowdy wrote an extraordinary meta about it all. BUT HEY, you dumb ass grape, I think maybe your equally bruised and insecure brother would also very much like to know how much you loved him! That it would also help him understand even if it hurts, even it paints the back end of your entire first lives together in a terribly excruciatingly painful light. Even if he gets extremely pissed off at you! Hey, maybe it would do some good for you both if the roles are reversed and Wei Wuxian gets mad at your reckless disregard for your life. Huge, huge, absolute losers, and I love these idiots so much.
Basically, everything is Jiang Cheng and everything hurts. MXTX/MDZS/CQL was like, hey, here’s a wonderfully complex story about an idealistic chaotic kindhearted little gremlin who would dig his own heart out of his chest for the people he loves and how he finds the love of his life, but spoiler alert, you’re actually going to spend most of your foreseeable days crying about his extremely well-dressed and prickly purple grape little brother instead! SURPRISE!
Anyway tl;dr Jiang Cheng loves Wei Wuxian so fucking much, pass it on.
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mimisempai · 3 years
The beat of your heart soothes me to sleep
5 times where Loki falls asleep in Mobius' presence and once where Loki helps Mobius to fall asleep.
Answer to an anon prompt request on tumblr
"Loki falling asleep with Mobius around"
As always when it goes on this trope, I got carried away.
2597 words - Rating G
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As Mobius emerged from the shelves of the archives, deserted at this hour of the evening, his gaze fell on the tables, and one table in particular.
The table that reminded him of the first days of his meeting with Loki, and the very first time he had realized how much Loki trusted him.
They were both still in the taming phase at this point in their relationship, each gauging the other's reactions.
They were doing intensive research. Mobius, immersed in the files, had not noticed that Loki had become silent while a few minutes earlier he was commenting on every sentence of what he was looking for. He yawned and at that moment noticed something unimaginable, Loki had fallen asleep.
Moreover, it was not a light nap. From the sound of his steady breathing, it was a deep sleep.
For someone as suspicious as Loki, the fact that he slept in this way in the presence of someone was a miracle in Mobius' eyes.
To sleep in front of someone you barely know. How much trust does that take?
At that moment Mobius knew that something had changed, at least for him.
He didn't know at the time what the future would hold, but before waking him up, Mobius told himself that he would do everything in his power to preserve the trust that Loki seemed to have in him.
Whatever it takes.
He recalled the memory fondly as he stroked the table with one hand in passing, right where Loki had fallen asleep that day.
As he looked up to continue on his way, he was surprised to see Loki waiting for him on the doorstep. He wondered, blushing slightly, if Loki had seen his gesture and if he too remembered.
Mobius didn't have to wonder for long, Loki leaned over, kissed him on the cheek and simply said in his ear, "I remember, too." Then Loki straightened up, took Mobius' hand and added, "Come on love, let's go home."
"Okay, tell me what are the top 3 laws to avoid breaking?"
Loki sitting at his desk, let out a deep sigh before protesting, "Mobiuus, I can't take it anymore, you've been making me repeat the laws and workings of the TVA for two hours."
Mobius replied firmly, "Even if you think you don't need them, it's important that you know them, you're going to be responsible for training recruits in the field and while I have no doubt about your teaching skills, you'll be a role model and as such you-"
"Do not disrupt the flow of time," Loki began to enumerate in a sullen voice.
Mobius smiled fondly and nodded approvingly as Loki continued, "Avoid time travel and do not contact people in the past to save them from their future."
Loki yawned ostensibly to show his annoyance.
"Perfect!" replied Mobius who walked away from the desk as he spoke, "Now we will review some of the punishable crimes by the TVA, such as time theft, time misconduct, or time jumps that can destabilize the continuity of space-time. What can you tell me about that last one, Loki?"
Silence answered him.
"Loki, stop being a child and answer," said Mobius in a slightly irritated tone.
Still no reaction. Mobius turned around and couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of his eyes.
Loki had fallen asleep, his head on his arms crossed on the desk.
Mobius approached and looked with tenderness at the black locks that had slid down his lover's face, the little puffs of air that came out of his mouth and made the sheets of paper in front of him tremble, but above all the look of complete surrender.
Mobius shook his head and looked around before finding what he was looking for. He went to grab a blanket folded on the arm of a chair in the corner of the room. He unfolded it and laid it gently on Loki's shoulders. He leaned over, placed a kiss on Loki's head and whispered in his ear, "I'll come back later..."
Loki answered with a groan under Mobius' amused look.
"According to Hesiod, Eris is the daughter of Nyx and gives birth alone, like her mother, to many children, all evil. She is the relentless Discord, both companion and sister of the murderer Ares, who at first rises timidly, but soon touches the sky with her forehead and treads the earth with her feet. The most famous story of Eris tells that she started the Trojan War by provoking the Judgment of Paris. The goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite had been invited, along with the rest of Olympus, to the forced nuptials of Peleus and Thetis, who would become the parents of Achilles, but Eris had been dismissed because of her tendencies to cause trouble.So she gives birth to the worst calamities and seems to announce the apocalypse."
Mobius paused in his reading as he felt Loki fidgeting, shaking his head in Mobius' lap. They were enjoying what was probably one of Mobius' favorite activities since they had been living together.Loki lying on the couch, his head in Mobius' lap while Mobius read aloud, one hand in Loki's hair or in Loki's hand on his chest.
Loki, surprised to learn that Greek and Roman mythologies had many similarities with Norse mythology, had asked Mobius to read him the story of the goddess Eris, Loki's Greek equivalent.
"Of course, there's nothing good about my Greek equivalent!" snapped Loki. "Whatever our origin, we can only do evil."
Mobius grabbed Loki's chin to turn his face upward and said in a scolding tone, "Loki, I thought you knew by now that this was not the case. That you didn't have to live up to this destiny. After all this time, you still don't believe it? You still don't believe me?"
Loki sighed and took hold of the hand that held his chin and intertwined his fingers with it, "Of course I believe you, it's just hearing that, brings back memories that taste bitter."
Mobius leaned over, pressed a kiss to Loki's mouth and resumed reading. "I think you'll like the next part... Eris is also the one Zeus sends to awaken the fighting spirit of the warlords so that they will throw themselves into battle.She is therefore also the goddess of emulation.  Eris is a portal that opens to individual energies. It generates the pioneers, to move the collective energies. She unconsciously forces us to take a direction, to take a path."
"Hm you're right," Loki interrupted him, "I really like that. "Go on."
Mobius chuckled and continued, "Eris forces action, reaction.  Eris causes chaos to prepare the necessary future mutation. Eris is a trigger, a revealer. She participates in the tragedy of life."
Mobius felt Loki's head get heavier on his lap and Loki's hand clutching his own slowly loosened its grip. He leaned forward a little to see that Loki had fallen asleep. This was no longer a rare occurrence, but it never ceased to amaze Mobius as to its deeper meaning. He pulled the plaid that was at the end of the couch over Loki's legs, taking care not to wake him up, then resumed his reading.
"Eris turns our lives upside down, plunging us into chaos. If she spreads mischief through all, she also throws the trouble in oneself. It is to open a new way. A new life where we will never be the same again."
These last sentences made Mobius smile, because this is exactly what Loki had done in his life. He had opened a new life for Mobius that had changed him forever, for the better.
He closed the book carefully and put it on the armrest. Carding his fingers gently in Loki's hair, who purred in response, he let himself be lulled by the sweetness of the moment and fell asleep in turn.
"I am exhausted, ex-haus-ted!" exclaimed Loki as he entered their apartment.
Mobius, busy preparing the meal, watched him enter the kitchen, smiling at his lover's antics as Loki continued to talk while undressing.
8 hours training new recruits in combat techniques combined with magic!  8 hours! Mobius you are the boss, you could do something!"
He had arrived in front of Mobius, planted a kiss on his lips before continuing to unbutton his shirt without giving him a chance to respond. "I'm going to shower and come eat, love."
Mobius followed him with his eyes and shook his head before returning to the dinner preparation.
Later, sitting at the table, they ate dinner and talked about their day. Loki was much calmer and more relaxed after showering.
Although the training had indeed exhausted him, Loki was nonetheless enthusiastic about his students' progress. But towards the end of the meal, as Mobius told an anecdote about one of his day's events, he saw that he was losing Loki's attention. His head was nodding as he visibly struggled against sleep.
"Loki, sweetheart, let me put the dishes away and you go to bed, I can see you're really exhausted," Mobius said in a gentle tone.
Loki didn't protest, got up and gave Mobius a gentle hug before saying, "Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone as caring as you."
To which Mobius replied, "Nothing, you're just you and I'm just me."
Loki smiled and gave him one last kiss before walking off to their room like a robot.
Mobius went to put the dishes away, turned off the lights and headed for their room. When he entered he was surprised to see Loki sitting on the edge of the bed.
Receiving no answer, he walked over to find that Loki had fallen asleep like that. He must have really been exhausted.
"Loki, sweetheart, you should go to bed."
Loki groaned in response. Mobius laughed silently. He opened the sheets, gently helped Loki to lie down, carefully removed his sweatpants and T-shirt, Loki malleable as a disarticulated doll in his arms. The degree of trust and acceptance that Loki had in his arms was something new for Mobius every time. Something absolutely extraordinary.
Mobius laid down beside him, covered them both before taking Loki in his arms and after a tender kiss on his forehead, let himself be carried away by sleep.
Loki knocked gently on Mobius' office door before poking his head through the doorway.
"Ready to go home?"
Mobius looked up from his work sheepishly and replied, "Loki, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to leave right away, I have some urgent reports due tomorrow, so I'll be staying late. It's not even worth waiting for me."
Loki didn't hold it against him, he walked over to him, took his face in his hands, kissed him gently before pretending to wipe the creases on Mobius' forehead with his fingers. "Don't worry like that, love, take as much time as you need. I'll leave you a piece of dinner in the fridge for when you get home."
"Thank you for being so understanding."
"You're welcome." replied Loki as he walked away.
Mobius followed him with a grateful smile on his lips before getting back to work.
Three hours later he walked through the door of their apartment, the living room was in darkness except for a small lamp lit near the armchair where Loki was sitting.
He gasped as he approached, Loki was sleeping, that was something he was used to, but what surprised him was that Loki was wearing one of his shirts. Mobius swallowed when he saw that he wasn't wearing any pants, just the shirt and his underwear, bare feet curled under him on the chair. He looked so vulnerable like that, that Mobius' throat tightened. Mobius crouched down in front of the chair and lightly placed his hand on Loki's bare knee so as not to startle him as he called softly, "Loki... Sweetheart... our bed is much more comfortable to sleep in."
Loki's eyes flickered before slowly opening, a smile lighting up his face when he saw Mobius.
"Mobius, you're finally home."
Mobius nodded, stood up and held out his hand to Loki, "Come on, the bed is more comfortable."
He accompanied him to their room, watched him go to bed before going to get ready for the night, also feeling exhausted.
A few moments later, he joined Loki in their bed. He lay on his back and Loki came closer, resting his head on his chest and wrapping his arm around his stomach.
"Loki..." Mobius had a question burning in his mind.
"Why are you wearing my shirt?"
Loki cleared his throat, obviously embarrassed, "I tried to fall asleep in our bed, but without you I couldn't, so I thought if I wore something of yours, maybe I could, but no, the bed is too big without you, so instead I waited for you in the living room, and finally fell asleep in the chair."
Mobius tightened his arm around Loki's shoulders and said in a voice hoarse with emotion, "you can go to sleep now, I'm here, sweetheart."
Loki snuggled up to him in approval and it wasn't long before Mobius felt the weighted head and steady breath against him, which in turn lulled Mobius into a deep sleep.
Mobius sat at the kitchen counter, clutching a cup of tea. He couldn't stop shivering.
It was the middle of the night,  it was half past two in the morning. He had been awakened by a nightmare and could not get back to sleep. He didn't want to wake Loki, so he came to the kitchen to try to calm down with a cup of tea.
The nightmares of Mobius were often the same, reminiscences of the lives that he had erased in the name of the previous TVA. It was often the conversation with Sylvie that came back to haunt him.
"All that time, I really believed we were the good guys."
"Annihilating entire realities, orphaning little girls, classic hero stuff."
Of course Mobius had never thought of himself as a hero, but he thought he was doing good and now realized how blind he had been.
And it was hard because there was no way to make amends, no way to redeem himself, because most of the people he had taken had ended up in the void and had not survived Alioth. At night Mobius could not think beyond the throbbing pain of guilt.
Suddenly, hands rested gently on his shoulders.
"Mobius? Are you okay?"
Then without waiting for an answer the hands slid forward and Mobius found himself with Loki's chest pressed against his back and Loki's chin resting on his head.
"I had another nightmare," he whispered, hoarse and vulnerable. Loki hummed, moved back and gently rubbed the back of Mobius' neck..
"Come back to bed with me," Loki's voice was warm and sleepy. Loving. Soothing. He took the cup from Mobius, discarding the now cold tea and rinsing the cup, before taking Mobius' hands and dragging him towards their room. Loki made him lie down before tightening his arms and legs around Mobius who in turn tightened his arms around Loki.
"Thank you," he whispered into Loki's soft hair.
Loki simply tightened his arms around him, and said softly, "Sleep my love, I am here, this time I am the one protecting you."
Mobius fell asleep, a dreamless sleep, only aware of Loki's presence shielding him from the world and from himself.
Whole series of one shot here : X
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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Dear anon, I'm sorry but I have deleted your ask unintentionally 😅 But I have still made a screenshot of your ask before. I still hope you somehow see this.. 😬
Well, of course I won't say any names here, but for me famous AO3 authors are those who post regularly new stories/chapters and/or are also present here on Tumblr. Again, no offensive to any of these "famous" authors - I have never said that they don't deserve the attention, clicks, kudos, comments whatever (the complete contrary actually!), it just makes me sad, when I see a great story (no matter if it's a OS or a multi chapter story) from a not so famous author or someone who has decided to post their work anonymously, and which hasn't got that much or any feedback at all.
I have read some time ago that many, who would like to join the fandom, find it difficult to do so, because they don't feel accepted or welcome here. They feel like the "famous" authors/members of this fandom are some kind of exclusive club and there is no place for someone new.
That's what I have been trying to say with that post of mine. I think it's just sad that so many of those talented authors don't even get a chance, just because they aren't here since the beginning or whatever. Especially when it was maybe their first story they have ever published and not getting any feedback makes you question everything.
Everyone has started small, don't forget that!
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I genuinely feel at ease whenever I send an ask and you reply. Not only are you a very easy and fun person to talk to, the first impressions were great and you're respectful and mature towards other people. Some people I've talked to on here were so abrasive and petulant, so you're one of the people I respect and take a genuine liking to :D
Here, I know first hand how horrible it feels when you want to share something with someone and you get excited and that person just rejects you or is annoyed or is mean to you.
And that's a feeling I don't to ever make someone feel, because I firmly believe everyone deserves to get excited and overshare and feel their emotions and don't have to do it alone because everyone thinks they're annoying.
So even if I don't agree with them, as long as people respects others and treats them in a polite way, they are free to talk to me and interact and send me messages.
Now, I'm a real mess. I forget to reply and when I want to reply I feel a little ashamed. When I feel sad it can takes me more to reply because I don't like to interact with people if I don't have the energy to get excited about what they're getting excited, because they deserve someone like that. And most than anything, I'm really slow. I know the world these days is flying pass and everyone is in a hurry up, but tumblr is my space to be slow. Write that meta even if everyone already said what you're saying. Share that old new, be dumb and mess around.
And there's another thing: I really care, even if I'm terrible at showing it. I care so much for people that if I feel I'm making someone sad, I'm immediately going to feel like I'm the worst, because I don't like making people sad.
I don't care about age or nationalities or skin color or whatever. For me every person that talks to me deserves to be respected, and so it fucks me up when some people are mean to others in front of me.
All this to say that: You are safe in my asks. If I ever do something wrong, please point it out. I'll take full responsibility, apologize for it and change. But please tell me. There's a lot going on in my life and I really don't have the time or the energy to take care of my very step.
I'm always going to treat people equally well, regarding if they are anons or best friends or mutuals or super famous blogs or whatever. I must admit, I'm very prone to joking around with people on the internet like we're long time friends, once they give me their permission of course.
So there, you have it. I'm glad I can make people feel safe in my blog and help them feel happy. That's more than enough for me, really.
I hope you're having a nice week and remember to stay healthy!
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treasure-hwa · 4 years
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Hi, everyone! I saw some accounts doing this and got inspiration to do one too, so let's go!
– about 2020 –
This year was difficult for everyone, for ones more than for others. For me, it affected the way I studied, I had never thought I would ever have online classes, but that's what happened. Other than school, I was okay, I lost all the fun a last year at school has, but at least everyone I know from school is healthy.
I started writing on Tumblr on August and I'm not a famous account nor do I receive many notes, but I hope who is reading my writings, like them.
About my moots: I'm not the most social person and I don't talk here that much, but the ones I talk to are amazing. Almost all of them are writers here too, let me tell you you all SLAY! 😘
@ateezstanlove, you were my first moot, the first one I decided to message and I don't regret!! Found one of your reactions and fell in love; when you posted you wanted to talk, I saw an opportunity. You're so fun, even if we don't talk too much, you'll always be special to me. Let's talk more!
@hongjoong-a-holic, I reblogged a post you reblogged about not having asks and few minutes later, you were in my asks saying you would talk to me and fill my ask box. That got me emotional ngl. You're a sunshine ball, you deserve happiness and a prince charming, but until that you will live with me on our cottage for the singles with high expectations.
@winterviolet1, you are amazing, really! I love our endless roleplay and how it's so easy to make things flow. You also always like my posts and leave lovely comments, that's so important to me. I think you deserve great things. I kind of see you like a big sister
@little-precious-baby, I saw today you're going on hiatus :( hope you get well soon! But let me tell you how I admire you for talking with every single account. I think I speak for everyone on our big family and out of it when I say you are very appreciated and cherished. You are amazing, Mei, you have a brilliant future ahead.
@daisyteez, you are so nice! You struggle with some things, but you are so sweet, I really like you and hope you aren't upset with me, I swear I never meant to let you down. Also, I love your makeup abilities, hope someday I can use eyeliner like you!
@hwaddict, I want to give you all the caresses on your hair now! I don't remeber how we met tbh but I just know I want to protect you and like you a lot!
@ateezinmymind, thank you SO MUCH for liking my posts and hyping them with sweet comments! It means a lot to me, you are really sweet!
@mingkiii, hey! Let me start by saying you made me so happy talking to me first! Your writing is as wonderful as you, I love seeing you freaking out about "mister Gi", you deserve someone as romantic as him, someone who WILL COURT you.
@hwastreasure, the pisces to my capricorn, my almost user twin, you are so sweet! We don't talk much, but want you to know that I'm always here! Also, you're so beautiful!! And we are destined ;)
@ursaurora, your imagines were awesome, your moodboards are awesome, you are awesome, I see you're very in love with "big bird" hihi we don't talk much, so that's what I think, hope you get all the love you deserve.
@ all my followers, thank you for giving my blog a chance and giving love to my writings. I write for myself, but, still, I hope my imagines don't disappoint you! 🥺💕
Right now, I can't remember everyone. I'm sorry if you expected your name here, I just forget things, but know that you are in my heart. If you come to me saying you need to vent, to just talk, to whatever, I'll be here ;)
Thank you all for making my Tumblr experience this year more enjoyable and making me smile!! Let's keep it up next year 💘 have a happy whatever you celebrate, happy new year, remember that you are all amazing and deserve love and happiness!
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