#i'm not really after unusuals but the fact they should be possible with this IS exciting
LaDS Zayne Imagine
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Zayne x reader/mc
angst, fluff, pregnancy and labor
You had gone into labor before you knew it. Everything was planned and carefully organized for the big day that your little one would arrive.
No one is ever really READY though. Your excitement and nervousness was getting the best of you. While Zayne whom was often on the other side of that spectrum, calm and collected as ever, was quite the nervous wreck himself.
He'd been at work all day, not too busy. Regardless, he hated leaving you at home. Prayed in hopes that he would conveniently be home by the time you went in labor. His heart dropped receiving a call from the obstetrician gynecology department of the hospital.
"Dr.Zayne, your wife is in labor."
Throughout the months of the pregnancy, there were several talks with your obgyn about this being possibly high-risk. Every possible scenario surged through Zayne's head. During the whole experience, you often were met with doctor Zayne rather than what you needed the most, your partner.
The second the call hung up, he was quick to run to your side. He'd already given notice to his colleagues prior to your arrival just in case. He was almost always prepared. Almost.
His eyes gleamed upon seeing your already exhausted but seemingly relieved look. While he's obviously glad to see you're okay, his attention turns to the doctor, another colleague.
"How is she doing, Dr.Turner?"
"Oh Dr.Zayne, it's been a while! How have you been holding up?"
Silence sweeps the room for what felt like an eternity. Zayne clearly was not in the mood for a reunion. The doctor opting to answer his question instead.
"She is one centimeter dilated. No imposing risks so far. It's been smooth sailing. However she's not progressing nearly as fast as we would like.
"How long has she been here?"
"3 hours, sir."
"Why wasn't I called earlier.."
His tone deepens, irritation seeping from his obviously overworked body. The doctor stayed quiet, knowing the words 'too busy' wouldn't have been a good enough answer.
"My love, I tried calling you first but you didn't pick up. I remembered you had a 6 hour surgery this morning. I chose to call an ambulance instead. I'm sorry."
Guilt stung his chest. Of all hours of the day, why. He walked to your side and took your hands in his, pressing your fingertips to his lips and whispered.
"You always come first. No matter what."
His words were meaningful and for a moment you had the man you had been longing to have for months. It was short-lived however.
Like the doctor predicted, it was an unusually long process. You didn't dilate your second centimeter until 6 hours after your partner's arrival at your room. It's been about 30 hours of nonstop cycles of contractions. Unbeknownst to him, Zayne hasn't been making things easier.
Both of you were completely worn out, haven't ate or slept. Zayne's surgeon mode was still on and you were about to combust. Talks with the doctors about your condition like you weren't in the room, like you were just another one of his patients. Looking over your chart and giving demands to the nurses as if he were still working.
You knew he was trying his best to keep his composure for you. Making sure you were in the best health at all times and he was doing an amazing job. It didn't change the fact it was making you feel a little alone in this. What you needed was his hands on yours, telling you that you were going to be okay. That you can do this. A kiss to your forehead every now and again for reassurance maybe?
Nine centimeters. Finally. You were close to the end and soon you'd be holding the proof of yours and Zayne's love. At least it's what it should have been but you were at your breaking point. Zayne had his back towards you still keeping up conversations with nurses.
He tensed hearing your strained shout. He turned to look at you with that oh so familiar concerned gaze. Everything was quiet once again. All that was heard was the sound of the monitors beeping. It was your turn to feel guilty.
You closed your eyes briefly and sucked in a deep breath before holding out your hands for him to take. Understanding your gesture, he walks to your bedside crouching slightly to your eye level.
You fought hard to keep the tears from spilling out of your water line. You spoke in the softest tone possible, in hopes to forget how you just yelled at him.
"You are an amazing doctor and I couldn't ask for a better one these past few months." You paused for a moment, letting a tear shed your cheek and huffing another breath. "But I would like to have my husband for this.. please.."
His eyes widened at the implication of your words and letting out a soft gasp of realization.
He stands up finally relieving himself of his white coat he had been wearing since yesterday and removed his glasses to set on your bedside table. It showed how disheveled he was underneath. Hair was a mess, tie crooked from his constant fidgeting and tugging, and two buttons at the top of his shirt undone.
Zayne motions you to scoot down your bed a little, sitting behind you to cradle you with his strong legs on both sides of your body. His fingers traced the back of your arms before resting them on your shoulder and giving them a tight squeeze. Small kisses made their way from your shoulder to your neck.
Your body reacted immediately, letting loose the tension you didn't know you even had.
"I'm sorry." Zayne's voice a little shaky but gentle and clear nonetheless. "I'm sorry I've left you alone in this. It was never my intention. I love you so much." He repeats those same two words over and over.
While you can feel your gown dampen from his own tears, you can't help but smile. This. This is what you needed to relax. Before you could open your mouth to respond, the obgyn breaks the moment.
"Alright, ten centimeters dilated. Are you ready to start pushing?"
Zayne drops his hands to your side, signaling for you to take them into your own as support. Placing more kisses to the top of your head, he whispers reassurances. 'You've got this' 'You can do it' 'You're so strong'.
You have a tight grip on his wrist threatening to break his arm, but he didn't seem to care. If he could take all your pain, he would. Dilation was a tiring process, everything after seemed to flow rather quickly. The head, then shoulders, and finally legs.
Within seconds of the doctors clearing your baby's nasal passage, you and Zayne hear that oh so beautiful sound you had been waiting for. Before moving on any further, the baby was placed on your now naked chest. You admired every inch of your baby, in awe. Thick black hair sat on top of their small head. Eyes glowing hues of orange and green.
You have a Zayne mini me. Speaking of which, distracted by your own emotions, you forgot to see how your husband was hanging on. And it definitely wasn't like you expected, he wasn't saying anything but he didn't have to. His expression said enough. Your baby already had him wrapped around their finger.
His hand came to rest upon yours that was cradling the back of the baby's head. "Thank you for this new chapter in life you've given me, my jasmine."
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Li, it's a—"
a/n: I never intended this to be a fic, it was just meant to be an idea for a better fic writer. one who writes more. It just rolled this way. however if anyone wants to use this, please do. Just give me a little credit ❤️
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breadcrxmbs-reblogs · 7 hours
weeee i finally have over 100 cases stockpiled for my birthday unboxing
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bigification · 6 months
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I feel strong, but these protein shakes haven't been helping my bulk as much as I want. I'm still too skinny. Maybe I should give them more time though, I've only been taking them for a couple weeks after all. I'll try bumping it up to two a day, and I'll eat more, that should help.
I pick up my phone as I leave the gym and stare at the Grindr app. Should I? Is it fair to Dean that I keep bringing back guys to our place. This would be the fourth time this week, I think I can hold off for his sake. Anyway, I put away my phone and head back to my apartment.
"How was the workout?" Dean asked when I got home. I'm shocked, he's never really been interested in my workouts before. We used to go together before we were roommates but now that we live together, the gym is a rare activity we do apart. Besides, he hasn't really been going that much recently.
"Oh, it was good... I'm just not bulking as much as I want to." I reply.
"That must be why you got those protein shakes, huh?"
Why is he taking so much notice of this stuff now? We can share the shakes if he really wants to, he might just be trying to motivate himself to get back in the gym. But he could just ask if that's what he wants. "Ya, I'm gonna try to drink more, maybe that'll help." I say as I go to the fridge and grab one.
"That's good." Dean says in a flat tone, he usually does this when he's lost interest in a conversation.
I get distracted from the conversation anyway as I drink the shake. Something seems different about it, it's got a bit of a bitter aftertaste now. I figure it's probably just me getting tired of the taste and shrug it off.
I wake up in a cold sweat. This was unusual given that I get up every day at this time to go to the gym. I look to the clock and it's... 10 o'clock. Holy shit, I slept in. I'm usually at the gym by 8. I calm down a bit when I remember it's Saturday, so I have nothing to do anyway.
I roll out of bed and hobble my way to the bathroom. My head is spinning and my stomach is growling, I felt hungover. I didn't drink last night did I? I don't really remember. However, all of that leaves my mind in an instant when I look in the mirror. I rub my eyes and look again. Where do I even begin. An itchy beard now covers my face, despite the fact that I shaved yesterday morning. My sweat glistened on my distended stomach, my six pack buried under a soft bloat. My pecs are swollen and slightly rounded.
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What the fuck. My mind is trying to process what's happening, but it can't. I turn to the side and see the subtle S shape in my stomach and my ass. Was it the shake? It couldn't have been, it hasn't done shit for me in weeks and now it does this! You know what, this is fine. I pinch my stomach. It's mostly bloated, just a small layer of fat, nothing I can't work off in a couple weeks. If anything this will give me a head start on my bulk.
I throw on some of my loose gym clothes that do a decent job at hiding my physique, but I still look different. I grab my gym back and try to sneak out, I don't want Dean seeing me like this. I quickly try to rush out the door, but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear Dean.
"I didn't know you were still home, you usually leave before I get up." He says nonchalantly.
"Oh ya... I just decided to sleep in today." I pull my bag to cover my stomach.
"Okay, have fun at the gym. Nice beard by the way, when did you decide to grow it out."
"I've just been a bit lazy with shaving it, that's all." I'm sweating buckets.
"Well it looks good, you should keep it." He smiles at me.
I can feel myself blush, so I smile and get out as quickly as possible. I chug a protein shake on the way to the gym, noting that bitter aftertaste again. It's probably nothing, I have bigger issues to deal with.
Once I start my workout, I feel pretty self conscious about my body. I know no one else could know that something is off, but I still feel off. But as the workout goes on, I start feeling more and more comfortable. I start hitting more reps than I ever have before, though cardio is a bit of a slog. It doesn't matter, I feel surprisingly great. I finish off the workout great, and flex in the mirror for a bit of a confidence boost.
I drink another shake on the way home. As I get home, Dean seems to be waiting for me. He asks how my workout was again. He's acting so weird again. I decide to spend the rest of the day out, drinking the night away. I am bulking after all.
I wake up feeling like I got hit by a truck, with no memory of how much I drank last night. I've never felt like this after a night out though. The more I think about it, the more my mind points me to the shakes. They have to have something to do with this. I don't have time for this right now though, I have to get to the gym.
I brush my teeth and shave, I'm shocked at the beard I grew in just two days. I try throwing on some clothes, but I feel some resistance. My largest gym shirt no longer fits, there's always a sliver of skin showing and it goes past my belly button when I reach up. My shorts fit a bit better, but they hug my ass very tight. I think I'll have to buy some new clothes on the way home.
The workout goes similarly to yesterday. I start self conscious of the fact that my belly is showing and my shorts look like they're about to rip. But the worry escapes my mind when I destroy my routine. I feel so strong.
I feel great by the time my workout ends. I head to the locker room and take off my shirt. Yeesh, I have a full on beer belly now. This is no longer just a bloat, my stomach is covered in a thick layer of fat. I didn't even know you could gain this much fat in only a couple of days, and I'm not even eating that much. And what's with the beard, I shaved this morning and it's already coming back in. Although my arms are looking massive, I could even feel my sleeves stretch from my biceps when I was working out. I stare at my belly a bit as I think about what to do.
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I throw on my shirt again and head out. I pull up to a clothing store and pick out a few loose gym clothes that should fit me if I bulk even more.
"Hi, where are the change rooms." I ask an employee.
"Oh.." he pauses for a moment, looking at my belly. I notice that my shirt is riding up more than it was this morning. I instinctively cover my exposed belly with my arms and shrivel up in embarrassment.
"Just over there sir." He awkwardly points to the back of the store.
I grab a few larger clothes on the way out and leave the store as fast as humanly possible. I instinctively down another shake on the way home. Dean didn't say anything to me when I got home, but he glanced at me and then looked away. He is acting so strange.
I woke up in the middle of the night, there was a rattling coming from the kitchen. I walk out to investigate and see Dean doing something with the protein shakes. Is he secretly drinking them at night? He could just ask and I would give some to him. But I see him pour something into the shake and then close it back up again before putting them back in the fridge. What the hell? I try to think of what he could be doing. He stashes something away in the bottom of the cupboard and starts walking back to his bedroom. I quickly hide in my room until I hear his door close, and then I go back to the kitchen to investigate. I look at the protein shakes in the fridge and notice their seals have been broken, I can't believe I never noticed that. I move over to the cupboard and find a small bag with white powder in it. It looks like coke, but why the fuck would Dean put coke in my shakes. And besides, I don't think fat, muscle, and hair growth are symptoms of coke. Maybe I'll give him a taste of his own medicine. I go back to the fridge and pull out the jug of orange juice that Dean drinks every morning. I have no idea how much he put in my shakes, so I just pour a bunch in. I kind of feel like a secret agent, sneaking in a mysterious powder into his drink. I would feel worse, but he already did this to me so I'm fine ignoring my morals this time.
I head to bed, lying awake in my bed for a while. Thinking about what I just did, thinking about the results. It's making it hard to fall asleep, but I eventually do.
I wake up feeling better than I had the past few days. I go through my normal routine, throw on my gym clothes, and grab a bite to eat. When I open the fridge, i see the orange juice and protein shakes and I'm reminded of my situation. Every morning I get a few moments of blissful ignorance before it's ripped away. I think for a bit, then grab a couple shakes and put in my bag. I'm kinda liking this new me, the strong me, and the belly is definitely growing on me. I catch my reflection in the mirror as I head out, I'm really committing to this aren't I? I ask myself as I look at the bushy beard that has engulfed my face and the belly and moobs that are unmistakable under my shirt. I smile and then head to the gym.
Every day that I spend at the gym, I get less self conscious. I almost forget about the fact that my hairy gut I exposed to the world whenever I reach up. I only care about the fact that I have been increasing the weight on my workouts every day and it feels amazing.
I take a shower and get dressed for work... Oh shit. I never bought work clothes that fit me, I'm reminded when I try in vain to button up my dress shirt. I stop by the store again and grab a couple shirts and pairs of pants. The thought of the protein shake in my car makes me think of the future, so I buy a few clothes in larger sizes too.
I barely make it to work on time. The day went by fast, but all I could remember were the stares and the comments from coworkers. "You forget to shave this morning Santa?" "Might want to lay off the doughnuts in the break room buddy." "We're concerned about your health." "Did you forget to stop bulking?" That was all I heard today. It was embarrassing at first, but it soon turned to encouraging. Each sly comment just makes me want to grow more. It honestly makes me realize how much I'm enjoying growing, and makes me even more excited to see what happens to Dean. It was hard to keep my dick in my pants today, I think the only reason no one noticed was because they were too busy staring at my gut.
I make it back home after work and dress down to my underwear first thing. Damn I am getting hairy, I run my hands through the forest of hair that has grown all over my body. As I'm doing so, an amazing idea runs through my mind. I'm gonna surprise Dean. There's no way I can hide the changes in my body regardless of how baggy my clothes are, so I'm just gonna show it off. I lay down on the couch by the front door, still only in my underwear, and I wait for him to show up.
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"I'm hom- Oh hey..." Dean stutters as he sees me.
"Hey bud, what's up." I say nonchalantly.
"Just tired from work, where are your clothes?"
"I had a crazy workout today, just figured I'd air out a bit. Ever since I started this bulk, things have really taken off for me at the gym." I say while I rub my gut. In trying my best to make him uncomfortable and it seems to be working.
"Okay, well if you need me I'll be in my room." He quickly scurries into his room.
I just chuckle to myself and continue rubbing my belly. I wonder if there's any leftovers in the fridge?
Same old same old. Get out of bed, get dressed, shave, grab a shake and head to the gym.
I feel so imposing at the gym now. I think I've gotten taller, because I look down on almost every now. I have a beard and a deeper voice than I used to, and not to mention the big gut and strong biceps. I'm like the biggest guy here, and people treat me like it. Women and men stare, and people tend to let me use the machines I want. I also notice myself grunting when I work out, I wonder if the entire gym can hear it. Anyway, the point is I feel amazing. This is the first day I dropped cardio because who fucking needs it, I sure don't. Now I focus purely on mass gain. I'm tired of holding back and I don't care what other people think, I want more.
I arrived at work, rocking far more confidence than I did yesterday, and people noticed. I don't care if they stare or comment, and I don't care that my dress shirt is already too small for me. People even asked me how I gained as much muscle as it did that fast. I just tell them to eat a shit ton and drink protein shakes, but maybe once the jig is up with Dean I'll ask him how to get the powder. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing some of the men at work blow up like I did. This is not the time to think about it though, it's getting hard to hide my boner at work. The only thing hiding it when I sit down is my gut.
I get home and notice Dean is home too. He must have stayed home, I wonder if it's because of the powder. He won't seem to leave his room though, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see the results.
I just decide to change into some comfortable clothes and eat my heart out. Though I'm shocked at how small my once 'baggy' clothes are. They barely fit past my stomach, and they ride up past my belly button when I lift my arms.
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Fuck I'm getting fat. There is nothing hotter to me right now than the thought of my body growing. I make my way to the kitchen and grab a few more shakes and start chugging, feeling my dick harden with each gulp. I feel like a fucking pig, what has come over me. The shake is dribbling down my beard and onto my shirt, but I can't stop. Once I've had enough protein shakes for a lifetime, I stumble to my room and promptly fall asleep.
I wake up in a pool of sweat, similar to a couple days ago. My mouth tastes awful and my body feels heavy. I question what happened last night as I roll myself out of bed. I drag myself to the bathroom and freeze in shock at my image in the mirror. Holy shit. I pull up my shirt to see a massive ball belly, covered in a thick layer of hair. I pull my shirt up further and see a pair of soft man tits that now lay on my gut. Every part of my body looks swollen, my arms, my hands, even my face looks puffy.
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I let out a loud burp that reeks of protein shake, and suddenly I remember last. I walk to the kitchen and see six empty protein shakes on the table. I chuckle in a surprisingly deep voice before opening the fridge and grabbing a shake. I down it before getting ready to head to the gym. I put on my largest gym shirt and it only reaches halfway around my gut, I try to put on my shorts but I can't get them to cover the top of my ass crack. That's alright, I don't particularly care if anyone sees, it's their fault for looking.
I spend the day at the gym enjoying all the attention from shocked gym goers. They watch in amazement or contempt as this fatass walks around like he owns the gym.
I go to work with a similar energy, though I do have a dress shirt that still barely fits me so at least I'm not half naked going to work. My clothes still leave little to my coworkers imaginations, as I confidently strut my fatass around the office.
I get home and stand in shock as I walk through the door. Is that Dean!? Across the living room stands a morbidly obese man wearing nothing but boots, a baseball cap, and a ripped towel around his waist.
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"You did this to me!" The man yells in a gruff southern accent.
"Dean, is that you?" I respond.
"Yea, you dumbass! You gave me some of that powder didn't ya." He turns to face me and reveals the damage the powder did to his body.
"Hey you did it to me first! I was only returning the favour."
"I only put I bit into your shakes, how much did'ya give me!? Look what it's done to me!" He grabs a handful of the fat on his belly, and it jiggles like jello.
"Well I didn't know how much to give you."
"And you're only s'posed to take it when you're workin out, otherwise it only grows fat and not muscle. Beside, why d'ya keep drinking it after you knew?" He asks
"Because I like me this way, it just felt good to get revenge. Why did you even do it in the first place?" I ask in return.
"Because I thought if you got fat you'd stop hooking up with so many guys, and you'd notice me. It was only s'posed to be a bit, but then you started drinkin the shakes like crazy and now look at ya." He responds in a genuine voice. I don't know what to say, so I stand silent. He grabs his phone and approaches me. "This is what I looked like 2 days ago!" He shows me a picture of himself. "I was so happy that I could finally grow a beard. Little did I know why."
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"This is what I looked like yesterday." He shows me another photo. "My hair was falling out and my hairline was receding. I woke up looking like I was pregnant, and my pants couldn't fit anymore."
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"I was so scared that I ate some of that powder, but I didn't know what to do, so I stayed in my room all day and drank nothing but orange juice. Then I woke up this morning as a bald 350 pound man. That's when I knew you put that powder in my orange juice." He seems frantic.
I didn't know what to do, so I grabbed him and kissed him. "I never realized how hot your accent is until now." I say as I pull away from the kiss, he smiles in return. In the moment, another terribly amazing idea comes to my head. I grab the bag of powder he had left on the table and pour some of the powder into his mouth before snorting some myself. He looks at me in shock for a moment before swallowing it. I smile before dragging his fatass to my tiny king sized bed.
Then next Monday,
I just hit 300 today. I still go to the gym everyday, so that keeps my gut from growing out of control. Though I have had some interesting conversations with my family since. But the shocked faces of my family when they see me and their concerned comments if my weight gain only fuels the fire. Though my dad seems to be the only one who says he likes the new me, says I look manlier. It's funny coming from the next fattest man in the family, only behind me of course.
The scale stopped working on Dean after last Thursday, but he has to be pushing 500. I really gave him an insane dose of that powder, and the more fat he got the less capable he was to workout and thus reduce the fat gained. He just sits around and pigs out all day now, and I wouldn't want him any other way. I usually bring home a few meals from a couple fast food restaurants for his first dinner, and when I feel up to it, I'll add a little bit of powder to his meal.
I'm also enjoying work far more. I told all the men at my work about the powder, and within a few days I was seeing results. Some became as fat as Dean by the end of the week, clearly they neglected the part where it said to workout while consuming the powder. Some look like me, with big arms and an even bigger belly. And some have just become muscle beasts, almost like they spent hours a day at the gym. I also feel more imposing at work, people respect me more, even if half of them are bigger than me now. It even helped me get a raise, which funds all of the fast food trips for Dean and I. One day I hope to be the big boss with a silver bushy beard and hulking gut that spills out of my suit.
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brickmvster · 7 months
new look [leon kennedy x gn!reader]
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(fanart in the middle from tanya.gavva on instagram)
synopsis: leon kennedy grows out his hair for the first time in a long time... and you cherish every moment of it.
word count: 1,190
tags: long haired re4r leon, established relationship, tooth-rotting fluff and cute domestic stuff, slice of life, short and sweet
author's note: ya'll know those long hair leon kennedy mods. yeah. yeah those. thank the modders for inspiring me to write this. 😭😭😭 (seriously he is so beautiful with long hair i am Crying)
as per usual, this was posted at a time when i should be sleeping lol. this has been proofread but some grammatical errors may have still slipped by me. apologies in advance, any and all mistakes are mine!
please enjoy!! feedback is always appreciated.
(this has been crossposted on ao3)
Sometimes, Leon goes quite some time without hearing from the government. On the rare occasion he gets extended breaks, he gets a little lazy when it comes to keeping his hair short. Short hair stays out of Leon's face, and prevents any evil residents from grabbing it when he's on missions, but when he doesn't have any hostile enemies to fight and he spends most of his time with you, he likes to let it grow just a little bit – after all, it's nice to save some money on haircuts and it gets some pretty entertaining reactions out of you.
When you first noticed Leon's longer hair, you didn't comment on it; you assumed that he'd cut it fairly quickly. But several days had passed, and his hair only grew longer, much to your surprise (and delight). You brought it up to him one night while he was helping you cook dinner, his shaggy blonde hair falling into his eyes.
"Are you growing out your hair?" You had asked him. Leon looked away, almost in a shy manner that you found absolutely adorable.
"Yeah… I know it's unusual of me to keep it this long but it's been a while since my last mission and I haven't really felt like going to the barbershop, so…" he trailed off, running his fingers through the locks in a way that made your heart skip a beat.
There was a bit of silence before Leon spoke again. "Do you like it?" He asked you, to which you could only chuckle in response, walking over to him and running your own fingers through the strands before letting your arms rest on his shoulders, playing with the hairs on his nape.
"Leon Kennedy. Is that even a question?" You replied incredulously. Leon just smiled, chuckling softly as he placed his large hands on your waist. The two of you leaned in and shared a sweet kiss, momentarily forgetting about dinner altogether.
Leon eventually pulled away first, but his face remained close enough to yours that you could still feel his breath on your lips. Your fingers were still playing with his hair tenderly as your eyes admired the gorgeous sight directly in front of you.
Leon had always been handsome – that was just a known fact. The sky is blue, the grass is green, and Leon Kennedy is attractive as all hell. But with the way his long hair was framing his face, you were falling in love all over again.
"Somehow you've gotten even more beautiful. I didn't even think that was possible." You teased, tucking some hair behind his ear.
"You're really loving this, aren't you?" Leon playfully asked, grinning warmly at you.
"To say that I'm loving this is a massive understatement – I am obsessed." you said with a smirk, saying the words against Leon's lips before pressing yours against his once more, this kiss a bit more passionate than the first one and making you feel light-headed in the best way possible, butterflies viciously attacking your stomach as Leon still somehow managed to sweep you off your feet years into the relationship.
Leon tried to pull away again after several minutes of lazily making out in the middle of the kitchen, but every time he tried you would chase his lips, never keeping your mouths separated for longer than a second.
"Baby," Leon whispered against your lips, and eventually you leaned back, but not without great reluctance.
Leon just kissed your cheek. "We should probably get back to preparing dinner, yeah?" He asked. With a pout, you nodded.
"Right." You said, remembering the poor vegetables that still needed cutting.
Before you turned your attention back on cutting vegetables though, you stepped back and took in Leon's now messy hair after your fingers had run through the strands a million times, giggling to yourself quietly. It looked like a cute little bird's nest.
"God, I am going to be all over you." You muttered under your breath. But your boyfriend's trained government agent ears picked up on your words.
"Aren't you always all over me already?" He replied, teasingly.
You added the chopped vegetables into a boiling pot as you responded. "Well, yes. But even more now. Watch out." You threw a wink his way, and Leon just rolled his eyes, but couldn't fight the fond smile from taking over his lips.
Eventually, the two of you got back into the tranquility of cooking, moving around each other almost as if dancing in harmony, a comfortable quietness filling the kitchen. At some point, though, when the food was simmering and you began cleaning up the kitchen, Leon had left for a moment. You didn't think anything of it, assuming he just needed to be off of his feet for a bit.
But then he came back, his silky blonde hair pulled into a small ponytail, some of the more disobedient strands framing his face in the most endearing way. You were wiping the counter when you suddenly froze, your face feeling as warm as the pot of stew on the stove as you shamelessly ogled at your boyfriend's good looks.
Leon sensed your staring, quickly meeting your gaze. "Something on your mind?" He asked playfully.
You wanted to throw your wash cloth at his ridiculously charming face. "Leon. You look so adorable right now. I'm going to explode."
Leon chuckled. "Please, don't. The counter will get dirty again."
You walked over to him, hitting him gently with the washcloth still in your hand before surprising him with a chaste kiss against his lips.
Eventually, dinner was served, and after the two of you ate, it was about time for bed. You both did your usual nightly routines before jumping into your shared bed, holding each other close. Leon was usually the big spoon, as per your request on most nights, but you weren't passing up the opportunity to hold his head close to your chest and to run your fingers through his soft strands.
Leon hummed contentedly, and it was so quiet you almost didn't catch it; but you did, and the sound instantly brought a smile to your face.
"That feels nice, sweetheart." He said lazily, as he was very obviously trying to fight sleep.
This man will be the death of me, you thought.
"It does?" You asked. Leon nodded.
"Mhmm." Was all he replied with, melting into your touch once more.
Some silence passed, the two of you on the very edge of being pulled into the embrace of a deep slumber, but not for long as you expressed one more thought that had entered your mind.
"You know, with your hair this length, I got some style ideas…"
"Oh yeah?" Leon replied groggily.
"Yeah. I have to see you in pigtails."
Leon's half open eyes were now fully open at your comment. A sharp laugh escaped you immediately.
"Leon, please. Do it for me?"
He shook his head, laughing along with you. But the next morning, he let you put his hair into two cute pigtails with a couple of your hairties. And of course, you took photos.
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Mi estrella (Valentino x reader)
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synopsis: Valentino and you have a fight. Nothing unusual about that. Only this time the resolution is a bit different and definitely more up his alley.
warnings: my 9 year unpracticed spanish lol, Valentino being a teasing son of a b should be a warning on his own, smut, p in v sex, orgasm denial, forced orgasms, dumbification (if you squint), afab reader
word count: 2.2k
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
A/N: Thank you to my beautiful tumblr friends for encouraging me to write this! This is for y´all. And also thank you @zaldritzosrose for helping me by bouncing ideas. Love you guys!💜
Dividers by @saradika
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Mi estrella = my star
Mi amor = my love
Tesoro = (my) treasure
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“Oh, go fuck yourself, Val!” You scream, flipping him off as you storm out of the studio.
The large doors fall closed behind you and you are immediately met with a wall of rain. Cursing under your breath, you press yourself against the wall to stay under the little awning and light a cigarette. Your hands are shaking still from the boiling emotions that had been unloading between Valentino and you seconds ago. Of course, the moth demon couldn´t even give you the moment of rest it took to smoke that much needed cigarette.
A few deep drags in, you feel his breath billow over the side of your neck and a hand sneak under your chin to lay on the opposite cheek. Meanwhile, two others lay on your lower back, to pull you closer to him. You can´t help but to stumble closer, but instead of giving in to him like usually, you turn your head away from Valentino even more. He should be the one struggling with having to apologize for once.
“You can hug me as close as you want. I´m still mad at you, Val.” I say in a sharp tone.
There is a small break, the silence filled with a low, confident chuckle from Valentino and the sight of pink smoke wafting around you.
“That´s fine, mi estrella. I know you still love me.” He purrs in that teasing tone, leaning in even closer. “I know you can´t resist my touch.”
You suck on your teeth and bite your tongue in response. He wasn´t wrong. No one´s touch had ever made you feel as good as his did and even though he knew that, giving in now would be equal to letting him win just another fight.
“Come on… You can't possibly pretend to be mad for much longer.” Valentino´s voice is sweet and thick as honey, which makes it hard to not at least turn around any longer. “There we go. I know you can't resist me for long.”
“Oh yeah? Are you sure about that?” You tease back with an equally provoking smile and arched eyebrows.
“Oh yes. In fact, I bet you can't hold out for five minutes after I start kissing you.” Valentino smirks and gently taps your chin to make you look up just a bit more, thus bringing your lips only inches apart.
The challenge certainly catches your interest.
“Hm, let's make this more interesting. I bet I can make it without a single touch from you until we leave the studio.” You raise the stakes.
“Oh oh, you are so confident, lovebug. Alright. I'm up for the challenge.” Valentino lets go of your face, takes a deep breath and smirks. “But if you fail… my hands have free reign to roam wherever they please.”
“You say that as if they don´t already do that day and night.” You shoot back. “Alright, I accept the stakes.” You throw the filter between your fingers onto the streets and with a perhaps too confident sway of the hips the two of you head back inside.
It was easy enough to stay away from him in the beginning, as you were both focused on work, but the hours dragged by more than anything. Hours in which you watched Val´s lips wrapped around the cigarette holder in his hands, giving directions in that deep voice that could melt ice cubes in seconds. And after only that short time your confidence begins to waver, wondering if you could really hold out without his touch under these conditions.
Watching the actors perform, ignited a burn in your body. A longing for Val to treat you like the actors were treating each other in the scene. The way they go at each other in such a primal way, with such intensity, made you yearn to receive the same treatment and hearing Valentino´s voice direct them to act in such a way made it only harder to resist.
However, you are able to take a deep breath and pull through until Valentino begins to play unfair.
He began to accentuate every little thing that made you go wild. And after an especially intense scene, when he blows a heart shaped cloud your way…
You are overcome by your shallow breath and a wildly beating heart.
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“Well well well, that didn't take very long now, did it love?” His cerise eyes shine with the knowledge of how easily he had won.
“Only because you were playing unfair…” You grumble under your breath as your nails rake over his chest.
He turns his head and leans close as if to kiss you at that but stops at the last moment. “How needy are you for my touch?”
“So much… Need you more than anything right now.” From behind him you nuzzle your face in his neck to show him your need in the most desperate kisses. “Can we go somewhere else now?”
Valentino laughs at your desperation, purring at the attention you lay on him. One of his hands takes yours to lead you onto his lap. You looked stunning as your lips quivered and chest heaved.
“Only if you ask nicely. Tell me what I want to hear, tesoro.”
You sigh, but can't resist the seductive, low rumble of Valentino’s voice. “You were right. I can't go without your touch. Please, Big V. Please take me upstairs and fucking help me put out the fire you ignited in my veins.”
“Such a good girl.” He leaned forward and put the tips of two fingers to your lips and immediately you know what to do.
With an accelerating heartbeat and burning cheeks, your tongue begins to swirl around the long digits. A muffled whimper escapes your lips, when you feel Val rub the fingers along the wet muscle, pressing down on it ever so slightly.
All too soon he pulls his fingers back out with a wet pop, gently taking your chin between them. “I think you earned yourself a reward.”
A tingling feeling of giddiness runs through your body from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.
Pushing you along behind Valentino, who leads the way to the lounge area above the studio, with fast steps. You don't even realize the way the actors and crew are looking at you. All your focus is on him.
The heavy door hasn't even fallen close when Valentino sweeps you up in his arms and sits the two of you down on one of the large sofas, with you comfortably straddling his lap.
The upper pair of his arms each hold either your chin in a controlling grip or a cigarette between his fingers, while the lower ones rest on your hips, to guide them into a steady rhythm when you start to grind against him. The motions your own body produces are far to desperate and have you whining like a puppy, yet you haven´t got enough restraint left to control it yourself. Seeing it brought a dark chuckle from Valentinos lungs. Your hands wander restlessly up and down his slender body, pawing at his belt.
“My my, you really must have missed me. How long has it been, huh? One hour? Two?” The demon playfully taunts, pulling your face closer by the chin and letting his long tongue caress the shell of your ear.
The question only earns him an impatient whimper from you. “Please, mi amor. No more teasing. I already admitted you were right.”
“And yet it sounds better and better every time you say it. Let me hear it again…” The demand rumbles in your ear in a velvety voice, at the same time he stops your hips from moving even the slightest bit.
“You were right. I need your touch. It feels like I´m literally burning up with need right now.” Your eyebrows furrow and the words get broken up by a sob. That look he gave you already told you that you wouldn´t come for another while, but my, was hope a nice thing.
“See? Doesn´t that sound good? And doesn´t it feel even better to be able to admit to your deepest need?” Val closes some of the distance between your faces. With the widest grin on his lips. “Why don´t you say it one more time, hm?”
“You were right, Val. You were right. You were right, I love your touch and I need it more than anything.” Tears begin to prick in your eyes, however before they can slip down your burning cheeks, they get swept away by a wet tongue.
Without a warning Valentino pulls your face down to bridge the last few inches, to connect your lips for the first time after what feels like forever. With a sigh of relief your hands move up, to run through the soft fur around his neck, which in turn made Val slip his tongue into your mouth.
The long muscle traces over your own tongue and teeth, before you entangle them in a dance that very much perfectly mirrors the passion and neediness between the two of you. And with your colliding lips keeping you just calm enough, you finally manage to open the heart shaped belt buckle, pulling your lovers white dress pants down just far enough to free his cock. Equally hasty your panties get pulled to the side and you sink down on his hardness. Val revels in the moan that leaves your lungs upon it, growling as the sweet, hot, tightness that is your cunt wraps around his length.
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“P-please, mi amor. Please, let me come… Can´t take anymore.” There is a thick cloud of pink smoke not only filling the room, but also your brain. Since he had bottomed out in you, Valentino had brought you to the edge countless times and filled you with the thick ropes of his seed half as often. Your begging has become more of a mindless babble at this point and your needy hole aches for relief. Relief that you have spent the past, you don´t even know how long, begging for.
“Awww, baby.” The taunting coo reaches your ear, though you barely understand the words meaning anymore. “Where has your mind gone, huh? Have I fucked you stupid already? And you haven´t even come once yet…”
“Please… Need it. Need to come.” You sputter, weakly fucking yourself on your lover’s cock.
In truth your legs had wanted to give out about the same time that your brain did, but Val had refused to help you and so there was nothing left to do but to follow the one coherent thought left and continue to slide up and down the hard, twitching length.
“Not yet, baby. I know you can keep going longer. I know I can fuck your brain out just a bit more.” The smug smile on his face practically backs to be wiped off, but you have no mind for it. You have to concentrate on getting yourself close to another orgasm that would never come.
Despite the way your legs give out underneath you and your wet eyes are barely staying open on their own, you get yourself up to that cliff again. Even daring to look over the edge as Valentino warns you not to come, but when he pinches your clit, it is over.
Your legs give out and you plop down in Valentino´s lap, mouth open in a weak, high pitched squeak, as the painful release washes over you, shaking your entire body along with it. Once you feel a bit more stable again, you place little kisses to Valentino´s neck again. This time to apologize for having disobeyed his orders.
“´m sorry, Val. I´m so so sorry. Just couldn´t take it anymore. Was too much.” You mumble against his lavender skin.
But all the frantically murmured apologies in the world couldn´t save you from your punishment.
“That´s okay, mi estrella.” The moth demon reassures you eerily calmly, one of his hands tracing soothing circles into your back. “You really needed that orgasm really bad, huh? And you couldn´t think right anymore…”
You nod along with what he is saying, having been so far gone before that the release couldn´t entirely bring back your mind.
“Hm, sadly you still disobeyed me and you know what that means. I´ll have to punish you.” Before you can even think about protesting or begging for mercy, Valentinos four arms hold you close to his lean body as he shifts the two of you until your back is on the red cushions and he leans over you. “Since you wanted to come so badly that you even disregard my words, now you won´t stop coming until I say so.” He grins, wiping away some of the tears and the sweat that were sticking to your skin.
Your back arches and you cry out when Val first starts to slowly thrust into you all over again, but you are also smarter than to try to protest. So all that´s left to do now is to mentally ready yourself as much as possible for however extensively he thought you needed to be punished.
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maritotoy · 8 months
MAUGA X Support/Medic Reader ((Part. 1))
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NOTE: Believe it or not, I never realize how long I've written this one.
This narrative tracks Mauga's obsession with Y/N as it grows to the point where he is prepared to kill everyone who stands in his way. With this in mind, Mauga's commitment would gradually grow. He would start out softly and then this need on you would get stronger.
It all began when your talents were initially utilised for recruitment. You were a terrific help, willing to assist your teammates in whatever way they needed.
Your main issue was that you could never truly let them handle things on their own. As a result, it became increasingly difficult to care for yourself.
They promised you riches if you helped them fight back against their threat. There were only so many ways to profit from rival worlds, after all. You were aware that you were going into a whole new universe when you agreed, but you also felt that you had no choice but to accept them.
Ultimately, you didn't wish to pass away, did you?
It was stated to you when you first joined TALON Organization, that you should concentrate only on the battlefield. Up until you met Baptiste, an exceptional combat medic, it was great with you. Your shared enthusiasm for curing illness is what unites the two of you. It turned into a shared passion. As you try to acquire experience in several areas, like medical supplies, you both hope to discover some more useful abilities, like healing or even a unique kind of combat capability.
But you can hardly ever get to Baptiste, he's constantly at the top. Both a combat mercenary and medic. You're always looking for ways to sharpen your skills.
Even after meeting him again at your base and on missions, you are still determined to improve your ability to deal with any possible emergencies. Not until later do you find out what happens when a member of your unit gets injured.
Baptiste surged in, carrying an imposing stature and a solid, muscular frame. His voice sounded desperate, asking, "I'm sorry if I came to you! I know you are busy, but I need help with my friend, please, Y/N!" The urgency was so obvious that there wasn't much resistance. Even if he was a doctor himself, it must have seemed urgent enough.
Besides... You were in the right place to help.
You rushed over to his side and helped him stabilize his huge friend. "What happened, Bap? Are you hurt?" He didn't reply, but his eyes told you all you needed to know.
You fix your sight on his pal. He does not appear to be hurt or seriously damage. However, the man's body is completely soaked, which looks very suspicious to you. "Is he alright, Bap? I don't see anything wrong." He shook his head and gave a sigh.
"We were attacked. Mauga and I found the source of the enemy attack and got separated."
"How long has it been since then?"
"Four hours, maybe five."
"Do you have any idea of what may have caused the damage?"
"I'm not sure. However, I had already discovered him unconscious but unharmed on the ground. It should not take long for him to awaken.." You glance at the unconscious man again before you say, "Let me take a look at him." He nodded and stepped aside.
"Mauga could never be wounded by shots like that. Despite his size, he could easily absorb one hit thanks to his physique." He explains.
You crouch down and check on his comrade. He seems fine to you. There's nothing unusual about him, other than the fact that he's a bit too heavy.
You knew Mauga.
And with such.
You just don't know how to engage with him.
On a conversation? Yes. Your profession is your duty.
You don’t really get along with those who rely solely on themselves as an advantage, even though you respect their abilities.
The feeling is mutual. Every time someone gets hurt because of something beyond their control, you are there to help them.
Because that's your job as a medic.
You both have quite a difference in interests, though. You can't stand the fact that he’s so reckless, you can't understand why he doesn't think more carefully before he acts. As soon as he sees blood, it's always the most important thing.
Mauga stands tall, towering over his opponents with an impressive height of 7'5 ft tall. (My headcanon)
Mauga is a formidable opponent on the front lines thanks to his strong, muscular physique. His broad shoulders and thick neck gives off an air of strength and power, and his body is well-built, demonstrating his strength and capacity to deal severe damage to rivals.
Did I mention he has two hearts?
Unlike you, Mauga is a ruthless and cunning individual, driven by his own motivations. He never lets anyone interfere with his goals, whether or not they involve you. While he might act with reckless disregard sometimes, he is also able to calculate the best course of action.
Not anyone knows this. But you knew nontheless with Baptiste.
You may be underestimating him in some way, or you may have witnessed the genuine thing, up close and personal, but he always brags about his achievements without hesitation or shame. His fighting style turns wild and unpredictable when he fights. If Mauga doesn't want to win, he will take his time, before using ChaCha and Gunny, his chainguns, to grab the victory, and he won't give up until he achieves his objective.
He definitely is careless, isn't he?
"He's breathing just fine, Baptiste. I would say he is in perfect health, aside from the injuries, I can't detect any signs of any damage injuries either." You said as you stood up. Baptiste sighs relief. "I'll leave him to you doctor. Don't worry, I trust that you have everything under control." He says this to you while nodding in satisfaction.
This gesture of his is a way of gratitude towards the medic's work.
"I will be back later," he says as he leaves to make a round to prepare for battle.
While Baptiste was gone, you sat next to the downed mercenary soldier and begin to observe him. In the midst of his unconsciousness, he seems to be in a good state. There was no sign of discomfort or pain. His pulses are fast but steady, knowing that Mauga have two hearts, one that allowed him to replace his damaged, organic heart with a cybernetic one. That way, his heart will beat twice as fast. You can easily tell that Mauga is in his natural state.
Your eyes began to feel heavy after observing him for some time. You weren't sure if it's due to fatigue from watching him, or simply exhaustion from your duties as a medic.
Before you knew it, you fell asleep.
When you awoke, you find yourself staring back into the face of Maugaloa Malosi, whose lips formed into those flashing, same pasted smile as usual. “Ah, Doctor. How nice to see you again.”
You quickly wake up, sitting straight up on the chair. “M-Mauga!" You exclaimed, alarmed. "H-How is you- I mean are you feeling alright?”
He grinned at you. “I am feeling rather fine.” You let out a long, sigh of relief. However, you didn't anticipate that this would happen frequently. “I see..." You replied.
Silence takes over for a while. Mauga stared at you intensely before taking a step forward. “Your Y/N, correct? Baptiste little assistant. I've heard much about you, but never expect that I would get to get treated from you.”
You flinched slightly at his words 'assistant' and the word 'little', but you remained calm. “I'm glad that you feel better now. You should rest and recover. If you still need them..."
“I appreciate the concern,” he says as he reaches towards your shoulder. You instinctively raise your hands in preparation of blocking. This caught him off guard, causing him to pause in his movements, then booms laughing.
“My apologies, Teuila. I thought that you might have forgotten what I do here,” he said in that familiar, friendly tone.
“If I recall correctly, I haven't given you permission to touch me.” This comment caught him off guard as he chuckles deeply.
He stares at your hand for a while longer. You're beginning to become worried. After a brief silence, he reaches forward and lightly holds onto your wrist.
“That’s a very sensitive spot…” He whispers gently. Your heartbeat begins to accelerate. “And your pulse is fast. Is this normal?” he asks. “Yes,” you respond in a soft voice.
“Then why are you afraid? You know I'm not going to hurt you...” He grinned. His sharp teeth glinted menacingly in the dim light. "Surely you've already made a friend? You also gave him a lot of attention than you do with me. Or have you grown to dislike me?"
"...I... I beg your pardon-" your speech is interrupted by Baptiste with a tired expression.
"Hey... Sorry that I took so long. I went to gather supplies. Mission was a success." He sighed in relief as he approached you.
"Mauga, I'm glad your awake bud." Baptiste sighs in relief and smiles at Mauga. Mauga returned the gesture before looking back at you.
He still has that huge grin plastered across his features while his eyes darted towards yours. "You're crazy out there Mauga. Do you really think that you can defeat the enemies single handedly?" Baptiste says with a chuckle. “You know me Baptiste, I never do things without planning them out.” He grinned, revealing that row of dazzlingly white teeth. “I still don't understand how you've been knocked down so easily. It's hard to believe that you can be beaten like that.” Baptiste gives a half smirk, half frown.
You listen to their conversation, and you try to make sense of it. Mauga laughs at the situation, as if it's all so obvious. "C'mon, Baptiste, we have bigger problems than me right now. The mission is a success because we finally found the enemy camp. But it was a close call, and we needed your medical expertise to treat the wounded," Mauga explains to Baptiste while looking directly into his eyes with a sly smile. "I carried your massive ass in this camp with support of your weight alone. You ought to be pleased to have a subordinate with such skill." Baptiste smirks. He was referring to you. Mauga laughs at his friend's criticism, displaying his amusement at the circumstances.
"So yeah. It was pretty rough, but we managed to secure the objective! Isn't that great news?"
It's not really a surprise to you.
Mauga does tend to put himself in danger, especially when he's in an unfamiliar place.
This guy is completely reckless, which is why you can't believe that he managed to survive so many battles without falling apart or breaking down.
"Your a loose-canon, but I hope ended well..." you say calmly, hoping that you sound convincing enough.
"I can assure that I have the highest respect and admiration for your abilities as a medic. I would never doubt your skills, even if I hadn't personally experience how skilled you are in dealing with wounds." Mauga comments, he sounds sincere as ever.
Baptiste grins again. "That's a big ego of yours, my friend. You should consider giving a few compliments to the people who did more than you."
"I would love to, my friend, but there's nothing wrong with being modest about our accomplishments."
"Alright," Baptiste said, sounding annoyed.
After several hours, days, months of treating your patients at base. You cannot help but wonder seeing Mauga quite often, whether that is purely because of duty or something else. Although it is difficult to tell what he's thinking, there are moments where you notice the way that he is constantly staring at you. Like he's trying to figure out something about you:
studying your appearance, facial expressions, mannerisms. Sometimes he gets lost in his thoughts, sometimes he appears to be lost in his own world, occasionally, you could catch him smirking knowingly, or even smiling to himself. These small gestures usually only occur during times when it's with you with him. Sometimes, the man is just too cheerful, or too energetic in general.
You could hardly handle the stress of handling all these patients in the infirmary on your own. You're starting to miss having Baptiste around to keep him occupied while you go through patients. You sighed loudly not until Mauga appears behind you
You found him with wounds on his chest and torso. You turn to look at him, "What happened?"
"Nothing serious..." He grins, showing his sharpened teeth.
"Just a minor injury, eh?" You raise an eyebrow at the mercenary, crossing your arms over your chest. Mauga simply shrugs as he sits on a table.
There was another period of silence between you two, and the atmosphere seemed to tense up considerably. This time, it's you who breaks the silence. "I'm sorry that you got injured. I don't know how I should react seeing someone else getting hurt so casually. You could have died out there. And that's not the worst thing that can happen," you said sarcastically and sternly.
He chuckles. "Oh really? Tell me more." He leans closer to your face, gazing deeply into your eyes. "Ah. So that's how it is."
You glare at him angrily, but he ignores you as you continue working. "Are you seriously going to mock me for worrying about you?"
"Not at all," he replied, with a hint of sarcasm. "But there is one thing that concerns me."
"What? You're going to insult me too, aren't you?" Mauga laughs while Y/N tends his injury.
The felt of your touch sends shivers throughout his entire body. He tries hard to suppress the sudden urge to grab her hand and hold on tightly. It's becoming harder to control these urges though. He shakes his head rapidly as he pulls away from you. He looks at you with narrowed eyes. "I'm not mocking you, you know?"
Your gaze flicks briefly to his. "Hm."
There was a short silence between you two, until you began to clean a cut on one of his legs. You noticed his gaze follow every movement of your fingers. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
"I'd prefer that you didn't ask questions so frequently, Teuila."
"Teuila?" You face him. "You know, I never asked you of this... But why do you call me that?" He lets out a deep chuckle and replies. "Because you look like Teuila. It fits well, doesn't it?" He flashes you a warm smile before turning his head away again.
You shrugged of his answer, continuing your work without saying anything further, although you were extremely curious. "Teuila... What does that word mean?" There's a brief moment of silence in between the two of you once you finished cleaning up the blood staining his leg. A faint smile plays across his lips again. "I thought you were better than that."
"And you think that you're better than me?"
"Yeah," he replies smugly.
"Then... You've obviously underestimated me, don't you?" You give him a challenging smirk. He returns the smile with a smirk of his own, but he then turns serious again. His eyes narrow. "Let me enlighten you. That name means 'flower'. Do you understand what kind of flower it means?"
You gave him a blank stare. He continues to smirk, waiting for you to understand his meaning. Eventually, you sigh, putting your hands on your hips. "Do I look like I care to know?" You scoff, rolling your eyes lightly.
Mauga laughs. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter what you think of it..."
There was silence between you two for a few seconds, and you looked away with furrowed brows.
You finish patching up the mercenary, placing some bandages around him and securing them securely. "Now that I finished helping you, you're dismissed." You professionaly said after you made sure that everything was covered properly. Mauga laughs at this. "Really? Now? Just like that?" He asks mockingly.
"Yes Mauga, I don't have any other duties besides tending to your wounds. I've been doing that for quite some time now," you responded coldly.
Mauga raises an eyebrow at this. "You know, if you start beginning to care about those wounds, you might find yourself losing them. If you want me to leave your clinic quickly, then you'll have to earn my trust first, which requires some work."
You sigh heavily. Of course Mauga will insist on making things difficult for you. "I am no doctor Mauga, I cannot cure your injuries." You sarcasticly said.
"Oh I know that. But you're still willing to take the risk." He chuckled.
"You wouldn't had to waste precious time coming here in order to talk shit."
Mauga laughs at you again, grinning like a cat that ate the canary. "I wouldn't waste too much time coming here either, but I also wouldn't be able to enjoy it quite as much because you'll be gone by then," he says confidently. "Besides, you're not exactly known for your patience." You roll your eyes, turning back to the table in front of you.
"You know I've always wondered what it feels like to be your patient," Mauga mused. "To be the one receiving the attention of the most skilled medic in your battalion."
"You must be joking," you replied, you know what he meant, not wanting to think that you would ever become his patient.
"No. You know me... " He grins. You groaned. "Don't' make such assumptions, we don't know each other all that well yet."
You glared at him as he laughed. "Whatever. It seems like there's no stopping you, is there? We haven't even officially met yet, and already you're acting as if you have a good relationship with me." You sighed exasperatedly, massaging the area of your forehead in irritation.
"Listen, Mauga. My job is simple, I care for my patients and treat them well. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Oh yeah? Well, maybe I'm different," he said cockily.
"How? Are you not afraid of dying?"
"No... No I'm not... I've done so much more reckless things than death." His expression suddenly shifted to an emotionless one. For a moment, it felt almost as if he wasn't looking at you anymore. Then he chuckled softly, giving you a playful wink. "But I'm no saint."
"It must be hard to admit being human." You shook your head slightly.
"Sometimes." His grin returned to his features.
You couldn't help but stare directly into his eyes for a little longer, taking in how dark they actually are.
Mauga shows a huge plastered face. His still wearing his dumb smile.
You blinked at him.
He blinked back.
You rolled your eyes. "Stop smiling so much." He continued to laugh, as you turned away from him again. Mauga stood up and stretched lazily, "I have something to attend to, I'll be seeing you later," Mauga teasingly said as he made his way towards the door. He opens it, but he glances back.
A small smirk forms on his lips.
You watch him disappear outside the door, closing it behind him with a click. Once the door closes you let out a heavy sigh, resting your back against the wall behind you. Your heart is racing a mile, a minute, both at the prospect of having finally been alone with Mauga again, and the strange feeling within you after you spent several hours alone with him.
This feeling...
It's definitely not normal.
End of part 1
Part 2- ???
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hannieween · 11 months
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obsession | backstage series | l.sm
The truth was, he liked whatever he had with you. Friends that fuck. But to everyone else you know, you're sort of a thing. And that is what Seokmin himself suggested, a fake relationship. A fake relationship between two friends that fuck, no romantic feelings in between. How could this possibly go wrong?
♡︎ pairing: lee seokmin x afab!reader ♡︎ genre: angsty romance, smut 18+ mdni you'll get blocked♡︎ aus: theatre performer seokmin, fake dating with benefits ♡︎ word count: 10.6k
↣ part 1, navi post
₊🎧: dope lovers – dpr ian | drown – baekhyun
₊ nsfw tags under the cut
♡︎ warnings: swearing, pet names: baby (hers), smut with plot, soft dom seokmin, big dick seokmin, masturbation (f, m), making out, multiple unprotected sex scenes, sex in a semi-public space, multiple orgasms, creampie, oral sex (m), a bit of praise kink (f), seokmin is down bad, reader sends him mixed signals | also, a weird time jump in narrative and minor mistakes this isn't proofread
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part 2
Seokmin barely got through his day.
He wasn't the kind of person to dwell to much on conflict. If he couldn't avoid it, he'd fix it. If he couldn't fix it, he'd let it go.
But right now, the conflict in his mind was you.
Joshua sat on the couch letting out a sigh. The tv was on, it had been since Seokmin got home from script readings. He was tired and couldn't get his mind to switch off, so he thought watching tv might help.
It did not.
The noise from the tv had turned into a weird white noise in his head, Seokmin was good at pretending to pay attention to the screen.
"Since when do you watch Love Island?" Joshua asked, furrowing his brow as he munched on his cereal.
"Wh- what?" Seokmin blinked, and moved for the first time in what felt like hours, turning his head to see his roommate.
"And in Spanish dub? Since when you know Spanish?" he laughed.
He handed the remote to his roommate without saying a word.
"What's up with you, Dk?" he asked.
His character, Dk, became a sort of alter ego after he and his friends wrote a play as a joke. Only someone close to him would call him that as a nickname, and that included his roommate, Joshua.
"Dunno what you mean," Seokmin mumbled as he rubbed his face with both hands.
"Uh... you've been acting weird," he said as he rummaged through the collection of movies on Netflix.
"'M just tired, that's all," he said and that could be true.
For the past month he has been doing auditions and a few days ago he got the lead role in a musical and since then he hasn't stopped to rest peacefully.
That and the fact that he was going crazy with the thought of you. Whenever he felt like he could escape the memory of you, something on his mind brought it back again. Even when his phone buzzed, he thought that it might be you.
"Hey, if the quick nut you had last saturday has you like this... maybe you should talk about it, man. Don't know," he muttered, looking absentmindedly at his bowl of cereal.
"What?" Seokmin cringed at the language. It was unusual to hear Joshua's ever so polite mouth express his thoughts in a vulgar manner. But from time to time it happened.
"I'm jus'saying man. Doesn't hurt to talk about it."
"Don't call it that, a quick nut?" he exclaimed.
Joshua's mouth dropped in a mocking gesture of shock. "Scandalous," he smiled before laughing cheekily. "Well, you know what I mean."
"It's driving me insane," he finally confessed.
"Why?" Joshua's brow furrowed again as he took another spoonful of cereal. "You used protection?"
Seokmin groaned. "I really don't want to talk about this," he mumbled.
"So, no? You went in raw?"
"Shit, stop it." Seokmin laughed at his roommate's bluntness.
"What, there's nothing wrong with a little bit of post nut clarity, but yours has gone way too long," he tried to play cool but broke in laughter again.
Seokmin could count the times he has had talks revolving around sex with Joshua. They normally would just tell each other when they brought someone home for the night, so they would take their precautions. And they were pretty much content with their dynamic, since none of them actually abused it.
Joshua was a pretty chill dude. Except for his random bouts of madness, which Seokmin never knew when to expect them.
"I can't tell you, Hyung," Seokmin concluded, sounding a bit deflated.
Joshua's shoulders dropped slightly. "Why, do I know her?"
Seokmin considered replying to that question. "Uh, yeah I think so."
No, you haven't actually met. You knew that Seokmin lived with a roommate named Joshua. But Seokmin has talked about you with him casually. Besides, there were a lot of Instagram posts on his page that had pictures of you together. So Joshua must know about you.
The expression on Seokmin's face must've made Joshua realize something. "If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to tell me."
"I'm fine," he mumbled, and rubbed his face once again.
"Are you going to be a dad?" Joshua asked abruptly.
Seokmin laughed with his face buried in his hands. "God, no," he lifted his head to find his roommate laughing soundlessly.
If there was something that he could always be grateful for, was his friends. It didn't mattered what he was going through, he always had his friends to back him up.
It was pretty evident that Joshua saw that Seokmin was just a bit conflicted about something, so he decided to act dumb for a bit and make Seokmin smile.
Joshua knew that Seokmin spent the night at yours because it was unusual of Seokmin to not come home. And when Seokmin returned home at noon on sunday in the same clothes he'd seen him in the day before, looking tired but in cheerful mood, Joshua figured it was a girl.
Seokmin reflected on his reaction when he woke up alone on your couch, feeling like he was still dreaming. Disoriented, he looked for you and heard you were in the shower, and fought against the idea of following you in there.
But no, that is not how one night stands worked. Seokmin was supposed to get out of your apartment out of courtesy, right? At least that was what he knew from his own experience.
This, however, wasn't a one night stand like any other he's had. And that made him nervous. He didn't know exactly why. But he couldn't decide on how to act now. Should he wait for you? Should he buy you breakfast?
Sure. That is what he'd do anyway. Even if he hadn't fucked you into the couch the night prior. He would do those things. Friends don't shower together, so he waited for you. But was that what you wanted? He wondered.
He sat up on the couch and picked his shorts from the floor. He wore his underwear through the night, and he remembered you didn't wear anything but his hoodie to sleep.
"Hi there," you told him as you came out of your room, his hoodie folded in your hands.
"Hi," Seokmin replied, pressing his lips into a smile. He stood up to put his shorts on.
"D'you wanna go grab breakfast?" you asked, as you handed him his hoodie, which he put on before thanking you.
"Uh, I have to go. I have to get ready for headshots," he told you, and it wasn't an excuse.
He searched your face with his eyes, looking for some signs of stress or doubt. But you gave him a sweet smile and that might have shattered him a bit.
"Oh, okay."
Seokmin wanted you to tell him something, anything about what happened last night.
"See you later, then," he mumbled with a smile.
He just decided to pull you into a bear hug, and patted your head like he always did before pulling away and say goodbye. The scent of your fresh shampoo invaded him for a while on his way back home.
Later that sunday evening was when Seokmin started to slowly lose it.
It all started when Seokmin begun assessing the messages from Soonyoung and Seungkwan. Lying on his bed after a long shower, Seokmin decided to venture himself in the texts that his two closest friends had sent the night prior, when he first kissed you.
In short, Seungkwan was... alarmed. It wasn't weird for him to panic under the slightest bit of change in their dynamic as a friend group. Even when Soonyoung had a girlfriend who turned out to be a bit toxic Seungkwan panicked.
But even you panicked a little, seeing Soonyoung change under the toxic regime of his crazy ex. Anyone would've. However, Seungkwan had every right to panic, his two best friends started snogging out of the blue in front of everyone, that must've been a bit weird for him.
Seokmin sighed, looking at the messages. Decided not to reply yet.
Soonyoung's messages were brutal in contrast to Seungkwan's.
[10:45 PM] hoshi: YOU AND Y/N ???????? [10:45 PM] hoshi: I KNEW IT [10:45 PM] hoshi: KNEW YOU HAD A CRUSH ON HER [10:46 PM] hoshi: DK LET'S GO! [10:46 PM] hoshi: DUDE !!! [11:31 PM] hoshi: i'm so drunk rn [11:32 PM] hoshi: dude [11:32 PM] hoshi: i'm happy for you [11:33 PM] hoshi: you guys deserve this
Suffice to say, that is what tipped Seokmin to madness. It was simple. All he had to say was 'thanks man'. Or nothing at all. But what unnerved him was the fact that Soonyoung had mention he knew Seokmin had a crush on you.
Seokmin didn't have a crush on you. That's the first thing he told himself. But as he lied on his bed and went through his messages, in the back of his mind, all he could thing of was you. He was convinced that he could still smell you, he could still hear you in his ear.
If that isn't madness, then Seokmin didn't know what it was.
But that is just what happened on sunday. Fast forward to thursday, no calls, no texts from you so he didn't want to pry. You didn't text regularly anyway so Seokmin didn't find it entirely odd. But should he?
He found himself lost in the memory again when he heard Joshua settle his bowl of cereal on the coffee table and watched his roommate sit back on the sofa.
"Well, whenever you feel like it, we can grab a beer and talk about it," his roommate offered with a friendly smile.
Seokmin stook from the sofa and before heading to his room he replied. "Yeah, I might take you up on that soon, Hyung."
He dragged himself into a cold shower. The second shower of the day. It helped him clear his mind off things, of the things he needed to learn for his new role, the soreness of his muscles after gym, it cleared his mind off the thought of you.
But he couldn't help it. He lived in the memory of you, crying out his name, moaning and whimpering under him. The way your body trembled when he went down on you while you called out his name. He could feel himself grow hard. At the thought of you, of how good you felt.
And suddenly his hand was grabbing his length, a sigh escaping his lips as he started pumping himself to ease his growing ache for you. But the torture that ensued in his mind didn't stop there. He could feel his sanity slip from his mind as he imagined it was your hand, that it was you touching him.
His freehand found support on the shower wall, letting himself close his eyes to see you in his mind.
The feeling of you lingered on his memory as he relived how tight you felt when you rode his fingers, how you trembled when his hand circled your neck. Seokmin dropped his head forward, letting the stream shower his back, as he pumped himself with his eyes closed.
But in his inner eye, he was watching you look up at the turned-off screen, watching your two bodies melt together. The mere thought of you finding the reflection of him fucking you into the couch arousing almost sent him over the edge.
What did it for him was the memory of you cumming on his cock, you trembling and whimpering desperately, asking for him not to stop. The sight of the base of his cock dripping with your cream and his cum. Seokmin groaned and squeezed his eyes harder as he came on his hand, and the water from the shower washed his cum from his skin.
Panting, he stood under the stream of water realizing what he had just done.
"Fuck," he muttered and his hand snapped the tap shut.
For a minute he entertained the idea of grabbing his phone and just texting you to meet up. It didn't mattered how tempting the idea was, he had to decide whether his growing obsession of you was just that or was a real crush.
But how could he have a crush on you? You've been friends for years now. He would've noticed if something within him change, right?
He promised you he only wanted the attention. He just wanted to have fun. Nothing more.
Mind racing, he made a quick plan in his head. His roommate would be out most of the night since it was thursday, which meant that he would be having a gig with his band Midnight Haze at a local bar, like every week. He could go pick you up after your shift and bring you over to his apartment.
He could ask you then if you're losing your mind the same way he is.
He brushed off those thoughts, including the stupid plan.
The truth was, he liked whatever he had with you. Friends that fuck. But to everyone else you know, you're sort of a thing. And that is what Seokmin himself suggested, a fake relationship.
A fake relationship between two friends that fuck, no romantic feelings in between. How could this possibly go wrong?
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Seokmin didn't tag himself as the obsessive type either. He never did. He was more the kind that went with the flow. If he had something to say to a girl, he would. He didn't dwell too much in it.
He also wasn't overindulgent.
So, why was he sitting in the last rows of your show? If he really wanted to see you, he could just tell you. Seokmin just wanted to stop thinking about you, and going to the theatre did that, and as a bonus, he got to see you. So it was a win win. Kind of.
Soonyoung was the first person he found behind the stage. His friend threw his arms up in the air, a gleeful expression on his face.
"DK! Are you here to see me or you're here to see your girl kill it on the stage?" Soonyoung cheered loudly making sure everyone heard him.
Seokmin pressed his lips together in a smile and replied sarcastically. "I'm here to see you, obviously."
He didn't want to think too much on how Soonyoung addressed you as his girl.
Soonyoung pulled him into a hug. "Ah, I knew it. You didn't have to."
"Ew, you're sweaty," Seokmin said, pulling a face while hugging his friend.
Soonyoung made an attempt to rub his sweaty body against Seokmin's, but he pulled away. "Well, if you're looking for her, she must be changing."
Seokmin wanted to play it cool, but he left immediately to look for you in the dressing rooms.
As an actor, seeing people half dressed, or naked even comes with the job. So as he walked up to your dressing room he saw a few people in the midst of changing out of their costumes. He was fairly popular among the community, and a lot of people already knew that you and Seokmin were a thing, so no one asked what he was doing there.
He waited outside in silence, his heart was pounding on his chest. Scrolling through his phone absentmindedly, he could hear your voice and your laughter coming from the dressing room's door.
Most of the women had left the backstage already, and you were talking to one of your friends, still completely dressed in a voluminous 18th century French dress. The makeup you had was already cleaned off from your face and your hair was lose.
Then Seokmin knocked on the door. And a girl whose name Seokmin didn't remember opened it, eyed him once and smiled.
"Your boyfriend's here," she chanted.
Seokmin heard you gasp, and that made him smile slightly.
"Come in!" you chimed.
As soon as you saw Seokmin you smiled, and the girl in your room scoffed.
"Alright, that's my cue to leave," she said, grabbing her things and promptly saying. "See you next friday, y/n!"
"Bye Mina," you replied and watched your friend leave the door open for Seokmin, who was still waiting in the hallway.
You closed the door of the dressing room as Seokmin stepped in. The scent of his clothes invaded you now that he was standing in front of you.
"You came to watch the show?" you asked him, looking up to find his eyes.
"Yeah, I figured I could treat you to dinner since I left quite abruptly last sunday," Seokmin scratched the back of his head.
"Oh, sure! I'm going to change out of this and we can go."
Seokmin stood there in the middle of the dressing room as he watched you disappear behind a curtain. And struggled against a semi at the mere act of being in the same room with you. He scolded himself in his head, trying to get a hold of himself for a minute.
But then the curtain parted just enough to see you struggle a bit with zippers and layers of skirts. He didn't care that was staring now, his mouth agape just slightly when he saw your bare back, and your hair brush your shoulders.
You dropped the layers of skirts and let them pool at your feet as you scrambled for your things, an exasperated sigh left you when you realized that you didn't bring all your things.
You looked to the ceiling, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Seokmin, can you pass me the purple bag that's on the chair?" you called.
Seokmin tore his eyes off of you, feeling his heart pounding in his chest so hard that he was convinced that you could hear it. He grabbed your bag from the chair that was placed near the door, he locked it and walked to you.
You covered your chest with your forearm as you parted the curtain to grab the bag. All Seokmin noticed was that your arm was squeezing your tits up, making them bulge.
"Thanks," you whispered and looked up to find his eyes.
Seokmin found it cute that you tried to cover yourself, while the only thing you were wearing was a pair of white stockings that went with your outfit. They were translucent, so Seokmin could clearly see the thong you were wearing under them.
"Don't look at me like that," you muttered.
He understood what you meant. Seokmin remembered that he himself told you that, when you were practically drooling at the sight of him naked.
But he saw your rosy cheeks and your eyes searching his face anxiously, waiting.
All he heard was a gasp coming from you when your mouths clashed, lips locking in. You dropped your bag to cup his face in your hands and his hands found your hips quickly, giving you a squeeze.
"You're not really here to take me to dinner, are you?" you whispered as soon as you broke the kiss to breathe.
"I am," his voice was raspy. "Can't I have you and then dinner?"
To his surprise, you laughed. "You're greedy, mister."
"You're the one who tempted me first," Seokmin muttered in your lips. "Leaving the curtain open for me to see you. Casually forgetting your things."
"I only meant for you to watch a little," you smiled. "I did forget my things."
"And you expect me to watch and not do something?" he asked in a whisper. "Have you actually seen yourself?"
You arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
His hands found yours and he dragged you in front of a vanity mirror.
"Seokmin!" you whispered and turned back to him.
"Take these off," he said in a low voice.
You eyed the door briefly, noticing that it was locked. When did you lock it? Or was it him without you noticing? You suppressed a smile.
You took of your stockings off, not without some great effort to not tip over. Seokmin held out a hand for you to help you remove them completely.
When you finished taking them off, you felt your whole body tingling under his lascivious gaze. He took a step towards you, so close now that you could feel his breath brush your face softly. The scent of his clothes could drive you crazy.
"Face the mirror and put your hands on the table," he ordered with a low husky voice.
You did exactly that. Your eyes didn't dare to meet the reflection, knowing what you'd find.
"I love it when you look this flustered," Seokmin said as he leaned on your shoulder to plant a kiss, his fingers parted your hair to the other shoulder, and continued to drag his lips across your shoulder to kiss your neck.
Seokmin found a faint hickey. It was the one he had made when you had sex in your couch. You saw him smile slightly at the memory and he leaned in to press his lips softly on the spot.
Your eyelids fluttered shut.
"You're so pretty," he whispered, sounding a bit aloof. His fingers travelled from your shoulders all the way to your lower back, stopping before the band of your thong.
A soft kiss landed on your cheek, his nose nuzzled in your ear briefly. "Open your eyes, baby," he whispered and your body shivered.
You searched on the reflection for Seokmin's face first. He was looking at you, at your rosy cheeks, the way you were biting your lower lip, your prickled skin and hardened nipples. Your eyes met.
"There you are," he smirked, his hands resting on your hips moved to your lower abdomen. "See how pretty you are?"
"Seokmin," you whispered.
His eyebrows rose a bit. "Yes?"
"P-please, just..." you whimpered and swallowed hard.
"Please what, baby?" he purred as he kissed your shoulder.
You turned your face to meet his and landed a chaste kiss on his lips. "I need you inside me."
His lips formed into a smile that didn't fully show his teeth. "You want me to fuck you right here, baby?"
You pushed your ass back to meet his hips, finding his clothed cock so hard already that you almost moaned.
"Yes, please."
His lustful eyes searched your face once again. "Will you be quiet?" he asked.
You nodded, but then replied with. "Yes. I'll be quiet."
One hand that rested on your lower belly quickly made its way down between your thighs. You bit your lip at the sight on the mirror when his hand buried beneath your thong. You bit harder when his fingers found your wet core.
Seokmin sighed heavily. "You're so wet already," he whispered more to himself than to you, leaving another kiss on your earlobe. He started rubbing circles on your clit expertly, as if he remembered exactly how you liked to be touched just from one night of you having sex.
His other hand cupped one of your tits, squeezing it gently to then circle your nipple with his thumb. Your skin bristled and you sighed softly, watching the motion on your reflection.
"Seokmin, please. Stop teasing me," you pleaded.
The hand that was teasing your nipple cupped the side of your face, angling you so that his lips found yours, he kissed you fiercely, but slowly. His tongue brushed your lower lip and then it met your tongue.
"Do you want me to fuck you in these or you want me to take it off?" he asked, and his fingers tugged at the lace of your thong.
"Fuck me in them, tear them off me. I don't care," you whimpered.
Smiling, he planted a kiss on your lips before saying. "So impatient."
Ignoring him you turned to unbutton his jeans at the same time that he took his white t-shirt off. You glanced at him up and down, still marvelling at the sight of him. Seokmin noticed, and smirked while he watched you pull his underwear down to grab his large hard cock in your hand.
A sigh escaped his lips when your thumb rubbed at its tip, smearing the precum all over the head. Your mouth watered in anticipation but before you could do more, you were being turned around.
"Spread your legs, and keep your hands on the table," he commanded and as you did so, he pressed his hand on your lower back so you bent for him.
Seeing Seokmin's lust-blown eyes made you burn inside, it was so different from the sweet, cheerful friend you've always known. It drove you insane just how much he would change when he was like this with you.
His fingers parted the wet fabric of your thong to the side, his other hand grabbed his large cock and you moaned quietly when he ran the pinkish red tip along your wet folds a couple of times before aligning with your core. His other hand placed down your back, holding you in place.
"Quiet, baby," he reminded you before he eased himself inside you, slowly stretching your tight core open.
The feeling of having him raw was so good, it made your eyes water, but you couldn't blink away from his reflection on the mirror. His brow was furrowed slightly and he, like you, bit his lip to keep from making noises.
Two half strokes in, and you were already holding back your sobs. Seokmin heard you, and sent a warning look your way, but smiled softly when he saw just how desperate you already were.
"You take me so well," he whispered once his cock was sheathed deep within your pussy, you felt your walls tighten slightly at the sound of his words.
And he noticed.
"You like that, don't you baby?" he purred softly when he started thrusting his hips into you deliciously.
You could only nod with your head. Pressing your lips shut as his pace started to pick up speed, hitting you in your soft spot. The sound of skin slapping together, paired with your agitated breath were the only things you could hear.
Your hands gripped at the edges of the desk hard, but it served as a good support as Seokmin slammed into you, making your whole body tremble, robbing you of air as you tried to keep silent.
The reflection on the mirror allowed you to see how Seokmin looked when he fucked you from behind. His free hand caressed your back, pushing your hair from your shoulders to look at your skin fully, his eyelids fluttered a little when his hand grabbed your ass, making you whimper quietly.
Seokmin bent down to kiss your back, his breath landing on your skin so softly that it made you shiver. He left wet kisses along your shoulder, sucking and licking at your sweet spot.
"You feel so fucking good," he muttered, his hand made its way to find your tits, teasing your nipples some more. "So hard for me to pull out."
"Don't," you replied a bit too quickly. "I want you to cum inside me. Please."
His eyes burned into yours through the reflection. If Seokmin thought that fucking you again might sate his need of you, he found out that we couldn't have been more wrong.
"Fuck," Seokmin muttered through his gritted teeth. The hand that grabbed your hip clenched, fingertips digging on your skin. The other hand was still busy pushing your thong out the way. "Rub your clit for me, baby."
Seokmin left a quick kiss on the back of your neck before standing upright again. You did what he asked, rubbing your clit as you watched him pound on you with his exquisite pace. You watched his tongue hung slightly on the corner of his mouth, his brow furrowed in deep focus.
"Seokmin," you whimpered. "Fuck, don't stop."
You were so close to your orgasm, you could almost taste it. Your walls clenched hard at the electrifying feeling rushing inside you, tingling in your limbs and face.
"Shit, baby," he hissed. "You're so fucking tight."
You succumbed under your orgasm easily. It took over you in hot waves, and you thought for a moment of just crying out but the only thing you could do is clamp your mouth shut with your free hand. Watching him with watery eyes as you told him silently that you were cumming.
Seokmin smirked and threw his head back slightly, you watched his throat bob and his eyes flutter close, his jaw clenched tight in an attempt to be quiet as well while he pumped his load inside you.
When you both finished, your knees were shaking uncontrollably. Seokmin's cock was still buried inside you, his gaze was lost in the reflection of your naked body.
It was only when you felt hot liquid dripping down your thigh that you ripped your eyes off of his. You looked down to find cum trailing down your skin.
Seokmin pulled out of you slowly and you winced at the change. But then he was cleaning you off with some tissues he found on the vanity desk.
He landed a kiss on your thigh before standing up to discard of the used tissues. Then he turned and cupped your face with his hands, his thumbs brushing off the tears from your cheeks.
"Are you okay? Do you want me to help you get dressed up?" he asked, surveying your body with his eyes.
"I think I can do it," you replied, feeling your throat hoarse from the silent screaming.
"Okay. But be quick. We need to get out of here," he said softly, and then remembered that the crew was still dismantling the equipment on the stage upstairs.
Seokmin put his t-shirt on again and fixed his underwear and jeans to then gather your clothes while you got dressed in record time. You made sure that you didn't look too dishevelled before leaving the dressing room.
Seokmin threw your duffel bag over his shoulder, and you thought that he it was so cute of him that he always tried to do small acts of service. You followed closely as he was walking a few paces in front of you while you two made your way out of the theatre.
"Maybe we can still find that ramen place open, wanna go there?" he asked.
"Sure," you said, feeling your stomach wake at the mention of food.
Seokmin felt elated, just like he felt the night he fucked you in your couch. As you walked beside him, he wondered if you felt the same way.
When you got to the ramen restaurant, you and Seokmin sat facing each other. Seokmin heard you ramble about a play you've always wanted to do, and every now and then he would interrupt you to agree. He heard you talk about your role you were playing currently, and then he noticed a glint in your eyes.
The glint that Seokmin thought you lost when you and your ex split.
It made him feel warm inside, to know that you were finding hope again in the things that you liked doing. But he thought nothing more of it. He didn't dare to.
"Anyway, I ordered a new mattress," you said in an aloof manner, gathering enough noodles to stuff your mouth with.
"Oh?" Seokmin wasn't unfamiliar with your abrupt way of changing the subject, which you did too often.
He had already finished his food, and he was just hearing you ramble freely.
"It's arriving on monday," you said with nodding your head. "I wanted to ask if you want to come by and help me assemble the bed frame."
You stole a glance at him, a small smile had appeared on his lips.
"Sure, I'll help," he said, blinking lazily.
"Are you dozing off, Lee Seokmin?" you questioned.
"You take ages to finish your food," Seokmin laughed.
But Seokmin wasn't dozing off. He was just happy.
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Seokmin had rehearsals on monday morning. They were still in the early stages of putting the show together, so the rehearsal consisted more of reading the script and putting together his scenes.
So the cast and crew was relaxed. Some people were sitting on the floor, some were lying as lines of the script were read aloud and modified accordingly. He felt he had an easy job, despite being the lead actor, he felt at ease with his character.
After Seokmin and you left the restaurant friday night, he walked you home. You two talked some more about your jobs, and reminisced after the few shows you had the opportunity to do together. When he walked you to your building, he pulled you into a tight hug, hoping that his obsession of you was sated.
But as soon as he saw you sitting alone, watching him rehearse, he felt his belly lurch. It wasn't exactly a surprise for him, he knew you were coming since he was the one who told you to meet after rehearsal for lunch..
He glanced at the smartwatch on his wrist, which was notifying him about a change on his heartbeat and indicated he might want to take a breather since Seokmin was experiencing an anxiety attack.
Seokmin found that funny.
The rehearsal went on for fifteen minutes. As they were wrapping up, he glanced again to where you sat. But now there was another person beside you, and Seokmin recognized your ex straight away. His mid long black hair, the tattoos on his shoulders, Seokmin couldn't see his face, but he imagined your ex would have a sly smile plastered on his mouth as he talked to you.
Seokmin knew that your ex was part of his castmates, he played a minor role so Seokmin didn't see him frequently. And didn't think to tell you because the thought never crossed his mind.
He made an attempt to keep gathering the props around the stage while keeping a watchful eye on you. Your body language was relaxed, but your brow was slightly furrowed as you listened to whatever your ex was telling you.
Seokmin wanted to jump off the stage and go investigate what was going on. To everyone you knew, you were Seokmin's girl. His girl. So, it wouldn't be weird to walk up to you and get you out of your ex's claws, right?
But, Seokmin was alarmed at his own thinking. He was jealous. He knew that, and he would face that fact later. He quickly went backstage to collect his backpack and things and went to meet you on the seats.
When you looked up to see him making his way up the rows of seats, you felt a wave of relief wash over you and Seokmin noticed your brow relax. He didn't want to look at your ex, out of fear that he would lose what little control he could muster on himself.
"Hey baby," Seokmin said to you softly, and he turned to your ex, giving him a curt nod. "Youngho. Mind if I steal her from you?"
Before your ex could say anything, you were standing up, grabbing your bag and walked to his side.
"Sure thing man," he said nonchalantly. "We were done talking anyway."
"Good," Seokmin snapped. "See you then."
And with that you and Seokmin made your way down to the back exit of the theatre. Seokmin had an arm over your shoulders, which he used to pull you to kiss your head, a move that gave him the chance to give your ex a final deadly look.
"What happened?" Seokmin demanded when you got outside the theatre.
Hot tears were stinging your eyes, and you couldn't bring yourself to speak, you just continued walking to nowhere in particular.
Seokmin grabbed your wrist and pulled you aside on the sidewalk. "Hey, hey, don't cry. Look at me. What happened?" he cupped your face, his eyes scanning you.
You shook her head, feeling tears stream down your cheeks.
"What did he say to you?" his gaze was deadly serious.
"I'm fine, he didn't say anything important," you sobbed. "Just more of the same."
His thumbs brushed your tears away. "Then why are you crying?"
You licked your trembling lips, breathing deeply so you could actually speak. "I'm just angry that I couldn't say anything to him. I'm so fucking weak."
"Don't say that," he hushed. "You're not weak."
"All this time I wished to tell him how much I hate him for what he did to me and now that I had the chance I just couldn't bring myself to it."
Seokmin's heart shattered a little, he pulled you into a hug, your face was staining his shirt with tears. "It's fine. You're okay, you're okay."
You clung at his shirt, his large hands soothing you in your back as you stopped sobbing. "God, I'm so sorry for that."
Seokmin's brow furrowed slightly. "For what?"
"Crying," you smiled, wiping your tears with your hands.
"You don't have to apologize for that, dummy," Seokmin said.
"I thought I was under control."
Me too, Seokmin thought to himself, thinking of how he reacted. But he just shrugged. "I don't blame you. I think it's normal."
But he was so close to you what he could smell your breath of honey cough drops and your sweet perfume. He couldn't help but feel a tight knot on his stomach when he saw the rosy tip of your nose and cheeks.
"You're pretty when you cry," he said, before he could hold a reign in his mouth.
But he was relieved when he saw you smile. "That's a bit sadistic of you, don't you think?"
"Made you smile," he shrugged again. "You feel better now?"
You nodded with your head, wiping the wetness from your face. "I'm hungry, actually. And you promised to take me to lunch before you assembled my bed frame."
"Ah, I always keep my promises," Seokmin said, with a sharp tug at his heart.
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Lunch was quiet. You both decided to grab something to go and eat it peacefully at the park. It was something that took you back to your university days, when you, Seokmin, Soonyoung and Seungkwan were broke, but always hopeful to make it to the stage.
Seokmin couldn't stop going back to the memory of how he felt when he saw your ex talking to you. The sharp pain in his stomach when his first instinct was protecting you.
And he noticed you were immersed in your thoughts too. It wasn't uncomfortable silence. It was just two friends enjoying each other's presence.
"Oh, the package just arrived," you muttered as you were finishing your sandwich, looking at your phone screen.
"Should we go?" he asked, but you were already on your feet. So he followed, he had already finished his food anyway.
Seokmin smiled, watching you run to the nearest station, only stopping to wait for him. "Come on, dummy. I don't have all day."
"Oh, right. You work today?" Seokmin remembered.
"Not really, I asked someone to cover for me," you smiled cheekily.
"Then you do have all day," he said as they boarded the tube and sat down together.
"I want to make the most of it," you shrugged. "I have no time for myself lately, and besides what if we can't finish setting up the bed today? It would have to wait until next week when you're free."
His lips pursed into a pout. "So you're using me to help you?"
You laughed. "I'm sorry you find out this way."
He watched you lean towards him when you laughed, placing a hand on his knee. He broke his act and found himself smiling with you.
When you two arrived to your building Seokmin grabbed the packaged mattress from the foyer, and carried it to the elevator and then to your apartment.
You quickly kicked off your shoes and went to the kitchen, and Seokmin watched you return with scissors in your hands.
"What are you doing?" he exclaimed, holding out a cautious hand for you.
"Why, I want to open it," you shrugged.
"You do that when I finish setting up your bed, okay?" he said laughing at you.
"Right," your shoulders decayed a bit. "Sorry, I'm just excited about finally sleeping on a bed."
"Yeah, I noticed," Seokmin laughed. He set the rolled up mattress down and kicked off his shoes, hanged his things on a rack in the entrance of your apartment.
Your bedroom was partially decorated. It had two nightstands, large piles of books accommodated on a corner next to an arm chair and creamy white curtains that were opened to let in the warm autumn sunlight.
Seokmin frowned whenever he had to stop to reread the manual. The bed frame was halfway done in under an hour. You were instructed to stay put and watch him, since you were of no help at all. So you sat on your armchair and watched him get to work.
He took off his grey plaid shirt, which he was wearing on top a white tank top. You found amusing how focused he was, whenever he stopped and sighed, removing his cap to run a hand over his hair and putting on the cap backwards.
"Now, you can open the mattress," Seokmin said when the bed frame was put together in the middle of your room.
"Nice," you hissed excitedly, grabbing the scissors and slashing the plastic holding the rolled up mattress.
His hands came up to help you remove the plastic off completely before propping up the mattress on the frame as it slowly unfolded.
"Well, it's done. You have a bed now," Seokmin said sounding tired, his hands on his hips.
"Thank you, mister," you said, holding out your hand up for him to give you a high-five, which he did with half a smile on his face.
You had some sheets ready, but the mattress was extending slowly over.
"Well, you want to order some food?" you suggested, turning to him.
He searched your eyes for a minute. Seokmin was realizing that he liked spending more time with you and making plans, but he also found it conflicting, since he couldn't shake off his doubts over his obsession of you.
But he decided to indulge, yet again.
"That'd be nice," he nodded with his head.
You two sat at the couch close together while you chose what you wanted to order on Seokmin's phone.
"Now we wait," Seokmin announced as he finished ordering.
You both sat in silence for a minute before turning to Seokmin only to find his eyes on you, staring at you silently. As your eyes set on his, Seokmin felt something pulsating inside him, it was hungry, eager to satisfy.
"We never stablished ground rules," you muttered nervously.
"Don't you think we're way pass that?" the corners of Seokmin's lips rose slightly.
A hand touched Seokmin's cheek, sparks ignited inside him. "Yeah, maybe," he heard you whisper, before pulling him into a tender, hot kiss.
Seokmin swore he could've melt right there, on your lips. He reached for your face with his hands at the same time as he pushed you back against the couch, trapping you with his body. He positioned himself between your legs, kissing you deeply.
"You can fuck me in a bed now," you muttered playfully on his lips, your fingers caressing the sides of his face softly.
"Who said I was going to fuck you?" he quipped with a grin.
You pouted. "Pretty please?"
The hands that were resting on his face travelled down to his back and found his clothed butt, giving him a squeeze pushing him down to meet your hips. You bit his lower lip as you did that, prying his mouth open to give him a deep kiss, your tongue lapping on his.
"Mmm..." Seokmin pretended to ponder over it, while he busied himself kissing your face. "You know, with all this fucking I might start to think that you might like this a little too much."
Seokmin's lips were on yours before you could muster a response. His lips moved to your chin, and then under your jaw, and in no time they were sucking at your sweet spot, marking you again.
"Don't get any funny ideas, mister," he heard you mutter shakily.
Seokmin laughed dryly, and heard you moan when he nibbled at the soft skin on your neck. "I'm not the one begging to be fucked."
You couldn't find a response, Seokmin's hands were rolling up your hoodie to reveal your tummy, placing wet kisses above your bellybutton. He undid the button of your jeans, and with one swift move, he took them off you and toss them away.
"I like these," he muttered, running a finger over the band of your black lacey thong. "Did you wear it for me?"
It was a bold question, one that Seokmin would not have asked in his better judgment.
But to his surprise, you nodded. "Thought you might like it."
Seokmin smiled, a fluttering sensation filling his chest.
With a curious glance at your face, he cocked his head slightly to the side before rolling up your hoodie above your tits. Seokmin discovered you didn't wear a bra today.
He ran his tongue over his lower lip before bending down to plant a chaste kiss on your mouth. "You're so fucking hot," he muttered.
"Likewise," you found yourself saying, and couldn't help but feel your heart flutter in your chest.
Seokmin just laughed, placing another kiss on your lip before turning his attention to your neck. "You're a bit needy today, aren't you baby?"
You tried saying no. But just at the sound of him calling you that you knew you had no case. Your walls throbbed, making you gulp.
He placed his elbows to your sides, so his hands were just a few centimetres from your chest. His thumbs found your nipples and started massaging them in circles so softly that your skin prickled.
You bit your lip as Seokmin licked, bit and kiss your neck and collarbones.
"What happened?" he cooed when you didn't come up with a response.
You shook your head. "Take me to the bed," you muttered under a shaky breath.
A small huff came from Seokmin's lips as he pressed them to a smile, a small dimple appeared beneath his mouth. "Someone's getting bossy," he quipped, but stood up from the sofa and extended a hand out to help you stand up.
Seokmin grabbed your hand as you made your way to your bedroom, and used that hand to pull your body close to his, cupping your face with his hands as he turned to kissed you.
Then, he felt your hands flat on his chest pushing you to the edge of the bed, where he sat down and lifted his head to see you, his eye twinkling with excitement.
Seokmin watched you take your hoodie off and drop it to the floor, leaving your body completely bare to the exception of your panties. His swallowed hard at the sight of you, his intense gaze scanning your body up and down as you sat on his lap, straddling him.
"I want to make you feel good," you mumbled, and Seokmin thought he heard a tinge of endearment in your voice, but decided that it was just the heat of the moment.
"Oh, yeah?" his voice became a raspy whisper.
Your hands tugged at the white tank top he was wearing and Seokmin leaned back a bit to give you room to take it off his body. Once his torso was naked you pushed him again, and with a faint laugh, Seokmin laid the upper half of his body on your naked mattress.
The sight of him lying beneath you made your core wet. His lustful eyes followed you as you leaned forward to kiss his face and under his jaw, testing and exploring his neck. He let out a soft sigh when you found his sensitive spot on the crook of his neck, and decided to suck on it.
His hands finding your bare back and dragged them to cup your ass, squeezing and massaging firmly, making you groan in his mouth against his neck.
Seokmin felt intoxicated by the smell of your hair falling on the side of his face. Your chest was so close to his that he felt your hardened nipples brushing his skin ever so slightly, making him shudder.
He had his eyes closed, breathing you in, feeling your skin against his.
Your mouth returned to his to kiss you fervently. And he decided to use his hands to push your hips down on him so you could feel his growing boner behind the thick fabric of his jeans.
You pulled your head back, propping yourself with your hands on his hard chest a bit to see him fully and grinded on the bulge of his dark jeans, feeling your slick rub in the thin fabric of your panties.
Seokmin watched your face broken in lust and concentration while you grinded your hips against bulging cock, and realized he loved the faces you made when you were aroused, when he had you like this.
You bent forward to capture his lips with yours, tongue slipping on his lower lip, earning a throaty moan from him.
"Can I suck you off?" you asked almost sheepishly.
Seokmin used a hand on the side of your head to get more kisses from you. "You can do whatever you want to me."
And that much was true.
Scooting back, your fingers undid the button of his jeans and stood back on the floor to undress him completely. Seokmin smiled and helped you through it, lifting his hips so that you could get rid of his underwear.
Seokmin saw your face the moment his large cock hit his lower abdomen with a soft thud, the way your eyes opened and you bit your lip. You eyed him once before dropping to your knees Seokmin propped himself on his elbows as he felt your hands on his length, you rubbing your thumb along his reddened tip.
A sigh escaped him when he saw you spit on the tip of his cock, using your hand to smear your saliva on his length before stuffing it in your mouth. His hand came to pull your hair back to see your face as you took his cock in your mouth.
What followed then was Seokmin's voice softly calling your name, and the noises that your mouth made on his cock, whenever you would swirl your tongue or suck on his tip.
You wanted to feel shy at the sounds that came from your mouth as you bobbed your head, taking him fully, but didn't care. You felt yourself grow more aroused, to the point that you could feel your juices smear on your crotch.
"That feels so fucking good," he groaned when your tongue swirled on the tip of his throbbing cock and pushed your head down on him and then up at the same time you hollowed your cheeks.
"Shit," he hissed, and the hand clutching your hair tightened.
That made you moan, and went in to do that same movement with your mouth to get him to the edge. But then you were pulled back by Seokmin's hands, so unexpectedly that you almost gagged when his cock left your throat.
"I don't want to cum just yet," he muttered as he grabbed your wrists and pulled you into his arms, so now you were both lying on the mattress, him pinning your body under his to kiss you fiercely.
His hands tugged at the band of your thong, pulling away from your mouth to yank your thong from you. But you were so wet that a thin string of your own arousal fell on your thigh when Seokmin removed the only thing that covered your cunt.
"Fuck." Seokmin muttered at the sight of it. "Spread your legs, baby."
You complied, swallowing thickly at the sight of him on his knees of your brand new mattress, his thick bare thighs, cock hard and glistening wet of your saliva. His strong veiny arms hooked under your legs and he tugged you down towards his body on the mattress, making you squeal from the sudden movement.
Seokmin shoved one of his middle fingers in your wet core and you moaned instantly. "You're so fucking wet. From sucking me off?"
"Seokmin," you whimpered as his other middle finger joined in, feeling embarrassed that you were already squirming under him with just two fingers shoved inside.
Your walls clamped around his fingers when you saw Seokmin take his large cock in hand to give it a few pumps to ease his ache as he continued to finger you, his lip trapped behind his teeth and eyes burning with lust.
"Just tell me what you want, baby," he put in simply when you started squirming.
"I- uuhhm-fuck," you muttered when his fingers curled inside your walls, hitting on a sensitive spot. "Want you inside me."
A throaty chuckle came out of him. "Ah baby, where are your manners?" he pulled out his fingers as he watched you scramble for him, causing his mouth to curve into a half-smile.
You ignored the way his cooing made your cheeks feel hot in embarrassment. "Please," you whimpered. "Please, just fuck me."
Seokmin battled against the idea of making you beg a little more. He liked this look on you, flustered, your chapped lips, rosy cheeks and glistening eyes. But he couldn't deny that he wanted you as much as you wanted him.
And with that, Seokmin lowered his hips to meet yours but stopped to grab one of your legs to hold it up his lean shoulder, and landed a wet kiss on the side of your knee.
"Ready?" he breathed as his cockhead pushed at your entrance.
You sucked in a breath. "Yes."
Seokmin pushed his cock in you, slowly, his eyes committing to the memory of the expression on your face, brow furrowed, eyes closed and your mouth agape.
"Breathe, baby," he muttered and you did so along with a sob. He moaned and nuzzled his nose in the crook beneath your knee. More kisses fell on the side of your knee as a way of comfort for you.
The leg that was supported on Seokmin's shoulder gave him more room to go in deeper in you. His hips met yours fully, his cock buried deeper inside you than ever before.
"Are you okay?" he asked in a strained voice, waiting for your signal to move.
"Yeah," you sobbed with a nod of your head. "Just... move, please, Seokmin," you urged him on, feeling desperate as your walls throbbing around his length.
Seokmin waisted no time and dragged himself out your cunt and pushed in again, slowly. He earned a few cries from you as you adjusted to his size and the new position he was fucking you in. It felt more intense and raw, even when he was thrusting in and out slowly.
"Faster," you breathed, and then added, "please."
Seokmin bit his lip as he grinned at you and said something about your manners again before leaning forwards to your body, his hands sinking into the mattress at your sides.
He started thrusting in you faster, and harder. You also heard him groan in pleasure, but the room was soon flooded by your cries and moans.
Your hands needed to hold onto something, desperately wriggling under his hips as you quickly felt tension building up between your thighs.
Quickly you grabbed his wrists, since your leg was still resting on his shoulder and between you and him. Tears accumulated on the corners of your eyes as his hips rammed into you, hitting you in your golden spot hard and fast.
Then a wave of pleasure washed over you, suddenly, almost brutally. You called his name and cried out, as Seokmin rode your high with precise thrusts, biting the soft flesh behind your knee.
But he didn't stop, he kept pushing in and you were aware that you zoned out for a minute. Tears sprung out of the corners of your eyes as you tried to gain composure by dragging deep breaths in your mouth along with weak moans.
"Did you cum?" Seokmin asked, the tone of his voice sweet but you could tell he was mocking. "Aw, baby. I just got started."
He lowered your leg and leaned his upper body forward so that his body hovered over you. His lips locked with yours once before continuing to slam his hips against yours.
"You still with me?" he asked, a small smile rising on his lips.
Seokmin's smile widened when you nodded with your head. "Uh-huh," you hummed, but cringed visibly when his hips buckled over yours, changing his pace to a slower one.
He wanted to savour the moment, savour you while he fucked you silly.
Now that his body was within your reach, you slid your hands on his back to trace soft lines on his column, earning a deep moan from him, he dipped his head to clamp your mouth with his.
A hand slid under your head, Seokmin grabbed a handful of hair at the base of your head as the other hand tapped at your leg, motioning you to wrap your legs around him.
When you did, he began to move his hips faster again, now that his body pinned you completely to the mattress. You moaned loudly into his mouth as he kissed you fiercely, his hand gripped your hair tighter, as if he wanted to merge into your lips.
Seokmin stopped kissing you only so that he could hear your moans, and he slammed his hips on yours to hear you cry out his name.
Deciding he wanted to test something, the grip on your hair tightened and you cried out in pleasure. "Fuck," you gulped, "That feels so good."
Your hands cupped his face, bringing him to another kiss, and you could tell that he was smiling on your lips.
His forehead dropped on yours at the same moment that his hands slid down your ass to angle your hips towards his, fucking you deeper, faster; almost in an animalistic pace.
You cried out, nails digging hard on the soft skin of his back, making him groan and grit his teeth.
"Are you going to cum again?" he asked when your moans got louder.
You tried to nod with your head, but his forehead was still pressing against yours. "Yes," you hissed cupping his face again with your hands. "Keep going. Please, don't stop."
His lips ghosted over yours, strangled moans coming out of his chapped lips. "Cum with me, baby," he whispered.
It was all you needed. You moaned on his mouth as another wave of sweet release shook your body as hard as your first orgasm. His name on your tongue, chanting it on his lips as if it were a mantra. Seokmin also moaned in your mouth, as he pumped his cum deep inside you.
Seokmin showered you with sloppy kisses as his hips came to a stop and you laid limp under his warm body, feeling like you wanted to fall sleep right then and there.
When he pulled out and his arms slid under you to hug you and then he was flipping you over, resting your body on top of his and snapping you out of it just a bit.
A hand pushed your hair back, his lazy eyes surveying you closely. "Are you okay?"
"'M okay," you mumbled languidly, resting your forehead on his again. "Perfect, actually."
Seokmin smiled and kissed you sweetly, his hands trailed gently up and down over your back. "I'll get the shower ready."
He laid you back on the mattress and you watched him leave the bed and disappear on the bathroom. The sound of the shower followed next, and Seokmin reappeared again. You laid watching him fully naked, his heavy lidded eyes and his hair dishevelled.
"Can you stand?" he asked.
For a second you pondered, and when he saw you hesitate, he pulled you into his arms in one swift movement. A yelp slipped out of you, but you realized that you liked being manhandled by him.
"Wrap your arms around my neck," Seokmin muttered before lowering you to the shower floor and you did what he said, finding support on his body.
The warm water washed your body and Seokmin's, his wet bangs stuck to his forehead, and you watched droplets of water fall from the sharp tip of his nose. He was beautiful. The freckles on his face, his sweet brown eyes, and the dimples that formed under his lips when he smiled.
"What?" he muttered, almost in a shy tone.
"Stay with me tonight," the words came out of you before you could stop yourself.
Seokmin hesitated for a bit. He knew he wanted to say yes the minute he heard you, but he still had a lot to think. However, he probably was more self-indulgent than he initially thought.
When you finished cleaning yourself up, Seokmin announced that the food was delivered to your doorman and went to get it. That gave you a chance to make your bed while you waited.
You ate dinner on the couch while watching Twilight. Seokmin had never watched it, and you knew he just had to watch it at least once in his life. You had to experience him watching that mess for the first time.
"Well, that was... really bad," he determined as soon as the credits rolled in.
"What?!" you exclaimed, feigning shock.
"Why did you make me watch that?" he complained, matching your fake shock.
"Cause it's a classic!" you laughed.
"That was probably the worst ninety minutes of my life," he said, pouting his lips to avoid breaking into a smile.
"The next one is better, I promise."
His eyebrows rose. "There's more?"
"Yeah. And we're going to watch them all."
His lips pressed together in a smile. "Fine. But I'm going to ask for some compensation for sitting through this."
Excitement tingled deep inside you when you crawled on the sofa over to him. You straddled his lap and pulled him into a kiss with your hands over his shoulders. His hands quickly found your hips and groaned again when you licked his lower lip.
"You can tell me how you'd like to be compensated in bed," you hummed, running a fingertip over his lower lip.
Seokmin sighed, but it wasn't a sigh of exhaustion, but of the feeling in his chest. "You're really needy, you know that right?"
You shrugged, one hand stroking the hair at the base of his head. "I mean, you could always just say no."
He laughed dryly, but his hands cupped your face. "Come here," he said in a low voice, pulling you to his lips.
Hours later, the autumn rain was pattering against your bedroom window, filling the room with a continuous soothing sound. Seokmin laid on your bed, a hand buried on your hair as your head rested on his chest.
You were breathing softly. Seokmin realized you had fallen asleep after you stopped talking for what seemed like hours, your arm draped over him, your naked bodies huddled under the sheets. He let out a deep sigh.
His thoughts went through everything he'd been experiencing since he first kissed you. His mind was even more conflicted than before. It wasn't just the sex, though he knew it was a huge part it.
Because now, he had to face the fact that he was breaking his promise to you. He was no longer doing it for attention, or for fun. He knew that nothing could satiate his obsession for you, because maybe he was the one that liked this―you a bit too much.
And he still wasn't sure what he would do about it.
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♡︎ a/n: auuughh, i love seokmin sfm u-u. thank you for reading! i'd appreciate it a ton if you give it a like, rb or comment. click here to read pt 3 (。- .•)
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tlonista · 9 months
A whole mess of Astarion hurt/comfort fanfic recs
OK fine I've read so much Astarion hurt/comfort-adjacent fic that I should really put together an incomplete rec list. Be warned that with Astarion's canon backstory there's a lot of abuse and assault references of varying explicitness, so check the AO3 tags. I'm also limiting myself to one fic per author because otherwise I'd end up with several pages of Asidian and FlowerCitti. In case you're wondering, my personal contribution to the field is Seducere.
Ongoing Fics:
innocence died screaming by FlowerCitti
Comprehensive pre- and in-canon Astarion character study. Contains possibly the most heartwrenching post-Astarion-locked-tomb-era turn I've ever read. Very good.
Another Path by Asidian
A sweet Wyllstarion monster hunter x monster no-tadpole AU in which Astarion gets captured/rescued by Wyll straight out of a year in a coffin and navigates basic human kindness for the first time in a couple centuries.
Seen by ayvaines
Modern Bloodweave AU where Cazador is Astarion's cruel, controlling boyfriend and Gale is the kind D&D GM who's hosting them both in a game. As makes sense for a modern AU, it's a more-understated-than-canon take on Astarion coming to terms with the fact that he's in an abusive relationship, working out his feelings about Cazador through tabletop roleplaying, including some clever scenes dealing with the bleed of intense RPG sessions.
Heartbeats by LadyRagnelle
Canon-divergent Durgestarion fic where Astarion was recaptured by his siblings, memory-wiped, and then rescued by a team of companions he no longer remembers. A lot of well-executed (and sometimes surprisingly funny) angst around Astarion, charlatan that he is, trying to pretend he hasn't forgotten absolutely everything including how to be a non-level-1 rogue and have friends.
The stars began to burn by peregrinefeathers
Gale is trapped in fantasy nullspace and gets Astarion free of Cazador's clutches, after which they navigate an odd-couple relationship while trying to kill Cazador and pull Gale back into the physical world. Another classic "Astarion learns what human decency is" no-tadpole AU.
Memoir by IzzyIzGay
An Interview with the Vampire-style fic in which Astarion tells Gale about his time under Cazador, playing with that series' trademark unreliable narration and an unusually literal version of Cazador's creepy family dynamic.
Starved by neo7v
A modern non-magical Bloodweave AU featuring Astarion and the lonely degradation of a precarious service industry job! Only a few chapters so far, but seriously, it takes the "vampiric starvation" theme in a direction that's very mundane and miserable and compelling and it's one of my favorite recently started fics.
Unexpected Guests by Erandir
Another "get loved and cared for, sucker" no-tadpole AU featuring a non-Tav druid OC taking care of a lost Astarion who's escaped Baldur's Gate. Astarion and druids, the perfect foil.
Through The Night Dark And Drear by JJJSchmidt
Astarion is accidentally bargained off to an archfey by Cazador and taken to the palace of infuriatingly confusing fair folk magic! There's still a lot of story left to be uncovered, but I love the worldbuilding and fairy-tale premise.
snare by parsnipit
A Halstarion fic where Astarion never got tadpoled and the gang ends up rescuing him from Cazador, post-game, with his compulsions very much intact. Which leads naturally to hissing wet cat Astarion reluctantly learning to trust Halsin while they plot to take down Cazador.
Quick Step by starkraving
starkraving's another person who could have made up a big chunk of this list, and this character study plays really well on the classic "how the hell does Astarion know how to be a rogue anyway" fandom conversation. My favorite entry in a good and growing series of Astarion-centered fics.
Gifts by Feena_c
Astarion gets caught by Cazador before the confrontation at the palace. Impeccable "Cazador doesn't realize Astarion didn't just come back to Baldur's Gate, he came back loved" vibe, as Cazador tries to break Astarion by taking away the gifts the tadpole gang gave him along the way.
What is Affection but the Absence of Cruelty by Aztec24
One of my favorite tropes is "Astarion tortures himself by obsessively imagining how awful these perfectly nice people will be to him," and this very much delivers. Featuring a rare two-Tavs-plus-Astarion throuple!
The Mimic by ForsakenFlyingCircus
This is really hurt-no-comfort, but I'm including it because it's a good super sad take on dehumanization with an awful Tav confirming all the worst things Astarion thinks about himself and the world, touching on the whole problem of sentient monsters in D&D.
Peel the scars from off my back by WitchyBee
A Spawn Family fic in the aftermath of Astarion getting Cazador's contract on his back - lots of antagonistic but grudgingly caring sibling interaction and Astarion being satisfyingly ambivalent about it all.
Complete Multi-Chapter Fic:
Just A Taste by NightmareGiraffe
The tadpole gang gets imprisoned at Moonrise Towers and Astarion accepts an offer from Araj Oblodra in exchange for their freedom. A very dark yet totally in-character elaboration on the canon blood merchant encounter, plus a cool dragonborn Tav.
The Accountant’s Guide to Taking Down an Evil Vampire Lord (and maybe bagging Astarion while you are at it) by Cinnamontails
A charming f!OC-who-isn't-Tav/Astarion longfic that combines hurt/comfort with het romance novel conventions, which I feel like is rarely pulled off.
And I know there's a ton I missed here -- god this fandom is big.
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑳𝒖𝒔𝒕
Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader
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Synopsis: The story of how you accidentally became fuck buddies with your best friend... who is a werewolf. Tags: Omegaverse, slick, ruts, knots all that stuff. VV minor manipulation, stressed out best friend, begging, cursing, short story mainly smut Author’s Note: This is my first time writing like this so pls be gentle w me. Inspired by a post my queen made a while ago @lovelykhaleesiii Not my best work but it's a filler while I update some other wips and series.
8:30 pm 
Aegon was going to be late as usual. In the long years of friendship, you had with him he was never on-time to anything, although neither were you. You sunk into the couch and scrolled through your phone, searching for something to pass the time. At the very worst he would be an hour late, at the best he would be here soon. 
9:30 pm
Tiktok was quickly becoming uninteresting and so was any discourse on Twitter you tried to read. The clock ticked on, and Aegon was nowhere to be seen. Your patience was wearing thin, and you couldn't help but wonder what could have possibly caused such a delay. Did something happen to him? Should you reach out to check if he was okay? 
10:30 pm
The minutes turned into hours, and fatigue began to set in. Sitting on the couch, your mind drifted to various scenarios, from Aegon getting caught up in an unexpected event to simply forgetting about your plans. Regardless, his disappearance was unusual, even for him. Normally, he would have texted you with an excuse or promised to hang another there. 
11:00 pm 
As the night grew darker, your concern transformed into frustration. You considered calling or texting Aegon, but a part of you hesitated, not wanting to appear too eager or needy. You were proud, far too proud to let him know he was stressing you the fuck out. Still, you couldn't shake off the worry that something might have gone wrong. You stalked all of his socials, inactive. You tried to check his location, but he turned it off, bastard. You messaged Aemond who politely left you on read, as always. 
By now you should accept the fact he’s ghosting you… After years of friendship, it ends like this. What a load of fucking bullshit, a game only Aegon would play. You’re overthinking, maybe he really was hurt or drunk or lost. Too many possibilities raced through your head as you were getting dressed. 
12:00 pm
Your anxious nature took over as you stepped into his ancient apartment building made of old brick. In the past he’d been known for going on all types of benders. Even though he had been sober for quite some time it did not quell the thought he may have relapsed. Your worst fears grew more prominent each step you took towards his door. What if he was dead? What if he was missing? What if he really was just ghosting you to fuck another female? All of the above were causing your heart to race and stomach churn.
Bang bang bang
“Aegon! Are you in here?!” you shouted from outside the door, digging into your purse for the spare key. “Aeg! If you don’t answer i'm coming in!” From outside you could hear the sounds of… something inside. You weren’t sure if it was a groan or a moan but neither boded well for you. ‘Fuck it,’ you thought to yourself as you jammed your key into the door. The inside was the same, plain and simple. The black couch still sat in front of the flat screen and the kitchen by the door was completely untouched. As you stalked further inside the small whimpers from his bedroom became more and more clear. He was alive, but he must be with someone else. That almost hurt worse. Even if you were just friends, it was painfully obvious how much you fancied him. You were practically fuming, who the fuck was he with now? Your steps turned into long strides as you neared his door, slamming it open with one hand. 
“What the fu-” The scene before you sucked all of the air out of your body. He was alive and… “This isn’t what it looks like!” He jumped, falling off the bed with only a sheet covering him. You were stunned, shocked, confused, and utterly dumbfounded. There he was humping a pillow wi- with a tail? “What the fuck—” you drawled out your words trying to comprehend the situation at hand. There Aegon was, as bare as a baby, with a fluffy tail and ears… 
“I can explain, just- just-” Aegon paused to sniff the air, for the first time he noticed your scent. The pheromones you were releasing immediately threatened to drive him crazy. His rut was horrible this year, reaching the worst today. He took to fucking a pillow and was crying trying to ease the pain… You had no idea how much worse you had made it for him by walking inside. Had you been in heat this entire time and it took a transformation for him to notice your sweet smell? It was intoxicating, mind dumbing and exhilarating all at once. His thoughts became a flurry of all the things he wanted with you. Aegon wanted to ravage you, devour you whole and claim you as his mate. Did you even know you were in heat? 
He stood up, with the sheet poorly covering his erection. His eyes were blurry with tears and his lips formed into a permanent pout. “I need you- I need your help, just please don’t run.” Your eyes drifted down to his bulge; it isn't wrong you were only human after all! “H-how can I help?” There are no words in any language to describe what you were feeling. You were shocked, scared, turned on, and in awe of the tail wagging behind him. Never in any lifetime did you expect the term “human golden retriever” to become a reality. “It hurts- so so bad.” He whined making slow moves towards you so as to not startle you. 
This was odd, he was odd, you were having a fucking fever dream or something. You pointed a finger at his crotch, eyeing him up and down. He nodded his head vigorously and you swore his ears perked up. I can’t fix it without your help.” Was he drooling or was that the tears still falling from his eyes… “w-why?” His voice cracked, “Its- Its a wolf thing.” Ah, he was a werewolf not a dog. He took a step forward and you circled around him, back facing the bed. You weren’t scared, just overwhelmingly confused. Of course, you always wanted him, always thought of him begging but not like this… 
Your breath was sucked out of you once more as he fell to his knees, hand gripping at your sides. He stared up at you with the worst case of puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen. “I’ve always wanted you- I’ve always needed you, but I-I was so scared. P-please! Let me prove it to you.” A bit manipulative, but what else could he do? His cock was throbbing, and you were the most beautiful prey he had ever laid eyes upon. “I… ok, I’ll help.” 
His eyes turned primal, making you automatically realize there was an error in your decision. Aegon, acting purely on instinct, pounced on you. His weight pushing you fully onto the bed, squirming beneath him as his lips devoured yours. A guttural growl escaping his throat as he grinded himself against your clothed cunt. 
Aegon's fingers dug into your thighs as he pulled them apart. His tongue lapped hungrily at your neck, making you shudder as goosebumps erupted across your skin. A moan escaped your lips as his hands moved to rip off your clothes. Of course, he couldn’t just remove them normally. With two quick tears they were gone along with your bra and panties leaving you completely naked under his gaze. Superhuman strength, that’ll take some getting used to.
The feel of his hot breath sent shivers through your body as he moved downwards. He was panting, inhaling the sweet scent of your slick. Aegon needed to taste it, to feel it cover his tongue. His fingers trailed over your cunt before pressing firmly into your slit, causing you to arch upwards. Oh god, were you this wet from him crying? 
You felt the tip of his tongue press against your clit. At first it was just a taste, to test if you were as sweet as you smelled. It was better, so much better than anyone could imagine. His mouth pressed firmly against you, Aegon’s tongue mercilessly lapping at your pussy. The way he devouring you drove you insane, sending shocks shooting throughout your entire being. 
He began to lap faster at your sensitive flesh, desperate to swallow you whole. He behaved like a man starved and this was his last steak. He didn’t care about anything else; all he cared for was satisfying his hunger. His claws pricked your ass cheeks as he knelt between your legs, forcing you open wider. His tongue dipped into your hole causing your legs to shiver. 
"Ahh!" You cried out, buckling as waves of pleasure shot through your core. Your cunt began tightening around nothing as his tongue moved to do circles around your clit. The vibrations of his low growls sending a new pleasure throughout you. 
He pulled back, his face glistening with your slick. Aegon licked his lips lazily, as he stared down at you. "Baby," he purred, baring his fangs you did not know existed. "I’m gonna claim you." His words made you blush, wait how was he gonna? 
He quickly shoved his lips onto your own, sucking every word out of your mouth. His teeth nipping at your bottom lip as he thrusted his hips forwards, grinding against your slick. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as he prodded at your entrance. 
Aegon let go of your face snaking his hands down to your waist… Without notice, he flipped you onto your stomach causing you to yelp. Before you knew it, he was straddling you, one knee on either side of your body. His erection rubbed against the crease between your ass cheeks as he held himself above you.
You looked up at him, watching his chest rise and fall rapidly. He stared at you for confirmation, even in wolf form consent mattered. You nodded, unable to speak. Aegon gave you a feral grin before shoving himself inside you. 
"Oh fuck!" You moaned loudly as he pushed deeper, stretching you wide. This wasn't going to be easy. But then again, neither were any of the things Aegon did. He began thrusting harshly, giving you no time to adjust. Each deep push forced another scream to escape your lips until he dropped his full weight on you, pulling your face up by your hair. 
Aegon’s head dipped into the crook of your neck, near your collarbone and he fucking bit you. From this point on, you were claimed, forever and always his omega. His movements became rougher as he neared his finish. It felt as if his cock was growing inside you. 
Your hands gripped the sheets tightly, as you whimpered and moaned different curses. Your body acting without you as it tightened around him. As if your very essence wanted to give him what he desired most. Allowing him to fill you up and make you his.
"A-A-Aegon!" You screamed out as you came. Your muscles clenching around his shaft. He growled, a real growl this time as his cock began to form a knot, securing himself deep inside you. His arms wrapped unbearably tight around you, squeezing your breasts roughly while he slammed hard into you, burying his cock fully within your womb. Your cunt tightened around his knot as his seed spilled out inside of you. 
You landed in unison, slowly he eased his grip on you so you could sink into the bed. “A-Aegon are you going to move?” You were absolutely clueless as to why you were still stuffed to the brim. His cock must have grown which goes against human biology but apparently so did his very existence. 
He peppered kisses along your shoulder as he moved to pull you into a spooning position. “We’re gonna be stuck like this for a while.”
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xuzuitengenx · 1 year
Iguro Obanai x Top!Male Reader Oneshot (Wattpad)
Title: "Not her."
AU—Modern Au
Quick Info: M/N and Mitsuri are siblings
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Iguro was sitting in his and his fiance's dining room at 2am, waiting for his fiancée to come home as this was an unusual behavior for him.
Iguro perked up at the sound of keys jiggling as the front door unlocks. Getting up from the table and walking over to the front door where he saw the (H/C) hair male taking off his shoes.
"Where have you been, M/N?" He asks, crossing his arms.
"Out with friends. Thinking." He gave a short answer, walking pass the shorter male to the kitchen. As M/N walked passed Iguro, Iguro didn't smell a strong scent of alcohol so he knew that M/N wasn't drunk.
"Thinking about what that made you come home at 2?" He said, annoyance heard in his voice as he followed M/N to the kitchen.
M/N didn't answer as he opened the refrigerator, looking for something for him to heat up and eat.
Iguro was growing more annoyed when M/N didn't and still haven't gave him an answer.
"M/N-" Iguro was about to raise his voice at M/N before M/N finally gave him an answer.
"I was thinking about us." M/N said, closing the refrigerator as he looked at Iguro who now had a confused expression.
M/N sighed as he gave up on trying to find something to eat and started to walk towards the bedroom. Of course, Iguro started following him while he asked what he meant.
"Iguro, I don't want to talk about it. Let's go to sleep, okay?"
"No, not unless you tell me what you meant." Iguro walked up to M/N who was picking his clothes to go to sleep in.
"I said I don't want to talk about it." M/N repeated, walking to the bathroom that they had in the bedroom.
"Just tell me what you mean, M/N-!"
"Fine! I know you don't love me!" M/N yelled as he turned around to Iguro as Iguro didn't expect his outburst and what he had to say.
"Yeah. I know you don't, from the time we have been together." M/N said, throwing his clothes on the bed and looked back at Iguro.
"M/N, I.." Iguro started, but was cut off by M/N.
"Don't bother, Iguro. We were getting married and you still haven't said the words 'I love you' to me.. Years of being together and still nothing. It hurts, not getting an 'I love you' back after having the courage to say it in the first place!"
Iguro listened what M/N had to say, knowing that its true and what stuck with him was the word "were".
"That's not the worse part.. I know you don't love me, but I know you love her.." M/N says, sadness in his voice instantly heard.
Iguro had a shocked look on his face when M/N said that. Shaking his head and was about to talk and again, was cut off.
"I seen the way you look at her.. The way you look at my sister is the way I look at you. You don't want me, you want her." M/N's voice was slowly going lower as he talked.
Deep down, Iguro knew that M/N wasn't wrong.
He loved Mitsuri.
"I know I'm not her and you know, but I really wanted us to have a chance over the years, y'know. A small possibility that you love me, but you dated to me because of Mitsuri." M/N says, pushing away that the fact his heart was hurting as he talked, facing the truth.
"Iguro, I'm letting you go. We are done and you should be with her..." M/N says, sadly smiling before walking over to the bed and grabs his clothes, mumbling that he is going to sleep at his friend's place.
Iguro stood there, stunned. He didn't know what to do, but to slowly accept the fact that he and M/N are done.
Yes, he did love Mitsuri, so why he felt tears in his eyes and his heart breaking?
He is free. He is free to go to the one he loves, but why does he want to chase M/N?
Does he love M/N? If he did, it was already too late as he heard the door closed loudly.
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
Let's go!
Warning: the reader is a college student; age difference; the reader is a little shy
I love Leon and no one will do anything to me for this. So here are some more headcanons:
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You met Leon only because you lost the desire of your friends, and as punishment they sent you to chat with this gloomy drunk sitting in an embrace with an expensive bottle of whiskey.
It was really shitty, you drank two more glasses of liquor before you plucked up the courage to sit next to him and say, "Hi, handsome."
Damn, you literally blush after every word you say, and alcohol doesn't help at all. Leon, on the other hand, laughs nervously at your inept attempts at flirting, considering your friends as shitty as possible, since they did this to you by sending you to flirt with a man 10-15 years older. But on the whole, he likes you.
Leon will order you a coffee, because cheap alcohol only makes you worse. However, you're so cute when you blush at a compliment he says.
You have a strange relationship that should have been interrupted a long time ago, but you talk to him on the phone for a long time on various topics.
You are comfortable with him as well as with your friends. Therefore, embarrassment aside! You can talk to him about anything.
His humor can be terrible, just like yours
"I was told that to solve the problem you need to sleep with her, but my problem is you!"
oops, someone drank too much…
Leon wants to be your problem, but not when you're drunk. He doesn't like too much that you drank more than your norm.
You will laugh a lot and make indecent jokes, and in the morning you will be ashamed of your behavior. "Did you really tell him so many vulgarities?"
"You seriously proved to me that my middle name is not Scott, but Sexy Kennedy. Leon Sexy Kennedy."
He really likes it, he wants you to talk about it more often, and not shyly look away.
You're fucked. You cover your face with your hands, begging him to forget about everything you said last night, but he doesn't want to forget about it at all. Moreover, he thinks that his shirts will look sexy as hell on you.
Leon will ask if you want to solve your "problem", or is it better for him to take you home? If you stay, he'll be glad. And yes, his shirts look great on your naked body!
He likes it when you stay with him all day or all weekend. To do this, he specifically buys you a bar of chocolate so that later he can watch you lick your fingers while watching TV
You feel uncomfortable when you notice the gaze fixed on you. Leon clearly has something obscene on his mind, you can see it by his grin. At night he will tell you what it is, or show you…
"Come on, baby, I'm not one of those college guys who, after spending the night with a girl, pretend they don't know her."
However, Leon is happy to spend more than just nights with you. It seems to me that he is quite a homely person. He doesn't mind your things in his house or the books you read while you're with him. In fact, he likes it when you read aloud to him.
He doesn't want to be an unusual "relationship experience" in your life. He's already got enough shit because of work, so he asks you to think about whether you need a relationship with him. He wants to love and be loved in return, so think about it carefully, princess.
If you agree to a relationship with him, he will be immensely happy, but he is unlikely to show it. However, taking care of you will be a priority for him now. Leon is clearly a defensive type.
You'll be his little spoon when you sleep in the same bed with him. Leon will kiss the top of your head and draw contours on your back. You instill in him a forgotten sense of calm that alcohol will never give him.
He likes the idea that he can protect at least one loved one.
So don't be scared when he wakes up at night with the desire to hug you tightly. You'll get used to it very soon, because you know that he has some kind of super-complicated job that he doesn't like to talk about.
His worst nightmare - you were killed or you got infected.
Leon definitely likes to kiss you between the shoulder blades when you're lying on your stomach.
He is so grateful to you for treating his simple wounds. It may be a bruise or a small cut, but the way you tenderly treat the wounds makes his heart flutter. Leon doesn't believe in God, but then why are you his angel?
He understands that you want to have fun with friends from time to time, but please be careful! If you have any problems or someone bothers you, then immediately inform him.
He doesn't have anything against your friends, but he's still worried about you, and he definitely doesn't like that guy…
It's not jealousy! Leon trusts you, but he's also learned to be a good judge of people, so he can't stand some of the people around you
He likes to watch movies with you when you're both wrapped in a blanket and lying on the couch. Even if it's boring, Leon likes being with you, so he's ready to watch your favorite movies/series/shows as much as he wants. But when you fall asleep yourself, he will take you to bed, or maybe he will fall asleep with you.
Maybe someday he'll marry you.
It's okay if you don't want to.
He doesn't want to rush into serious offers, but if you want to move in with him, he'll be happy.
Sometimes he will make fun of you, but more often he will call you by affectionate names. So often that you will begin to think that he has forgotten your real name. Leon will laugh at this, making it clear that he has no problems with his memory.
Leon will gradually open up to you more and more, but don't wait for everything at once. It's hard for him too, and he's not the kind of person who takes out his problems on others. He is ready and willing to take care of you, but prefers to keep to himself what is bothering him.
none of you will ever say it out loud, but Leon puts you above himself. This is a simple truth that makes no sense to discuss. Don't waste your time, because Leon won't change his mind. He loves you and will only love you more because you also love him and care about him.
And yes, he still doesn't trust your friends, although he's glad they made you sit with him that day at the bar.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 7 months
Huskerdust babies?? Please say more
GLADLY oh my god there was no way I was going to be able to restrain myself until I made time to write a fic. and right off the bat, so much credit goes to @minky-for-short who came up with this with me
Okay, I'm going to bullet point it for structure. And first off, whether you want this to be a trans Angel Dust or demon magic making it possible or Angel being a porn demon giving him different genitals, go crazy, I don't mind any interpretation
So the fact that this happens is a result of their gradual redemption. Demons aren't supposed to be able to reproduce but as Angel and Dusk slowly improve themselves, they start changing in ways they don't notice and the curse they have in Hell starts to weaken
Charlie is actually the first person to find out, she clocks that Angel is feeling sick which is pretty unusual because he's actually been cutting way back on his general debauchery, having a much healthier coping mechanism over behind the bar. He insists he's fine because he's used to powering through pain and discomfort with a smile on his face. But she won't have it, she's going to get him checked out
Healthcare is very hard to come by in Hell but Charlie can get him access to the facilities in the Sloth ring. But the doctors there are just as stumped, no one can figure out whats wrong with him, it's not a bad batch of drugs, its not a hangover, he's just throwing up and miserable and exhausted
They're back at the hotel and it's Charlie who notices the barest of little sentient sparks when Angel Dust moves but it's not coming from him, it's coming from inside him. And she's the one who realises. And Angel Dust is convinced she's spouting idealistic bullshit but he can't deny it
It's a while before he can bring himself to tell Husk, he's terrified that it means he'll just want to call things off with him, that he's clearly not a winning hand. But eventually they're sat together and Husk mentions casually that whenever he's ready to tell him whats bothering him, he'll listen. Like, he's realised he's scared but he still gave him the space to deal with it and thats what makes Angel Dust brave enough to say it out loud. And after a moment of quiet, Husk just shrugs and says well lets hope he makes a better daddy than he did an overlord, huh?
They have twins in the end, a boy and a girl. Both dads got to name one twin each so Husk calls their son Howard, Howie for short, after a famous magician and Angel Dust calls his daughter Belladonna, Bella for short, because he wanted to give her a name that made her sound strong and able to defend herself
The twins are utterly adorable, no one can deny it. They have the multiple arms from their pops and little heart shaped pink patches on black fur from their daddy, each with a set of wings like his too. They act a lot like kittens, rolling around and hissing and pouncing on whatever moves in the hotel
They're also unashamed trouble makers, they really only listen to their daddy and their pops, everyone else has to bribe them. Fortunately they're cute enough to get away with everything and anything.
The twins also have a super close bond with their Auntie Charlie. I can go into more detail about this in another post but she ends up with the contract for their souls to protect them from both Heaven and Valentino (Alastor has no interest in the babies, beyond not really minding as much as he should when they climb up him, knock his hat off and call him Uncle Al)
But yes I have many many ideas about these two being dads and their little demons and all of that so feel free to bug me about them!
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 2 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
Spoilers ahead. Not proofread.
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Afterward, we carried Galileo, who was on the brink of death, into the mansion.
Arthur and Charles, who know their way around medicine, and Faust, who's an expert in anatomy and pharmacology, took over the treatment.
Arthur: "He barely made it. Luckily, he missed the vital spot."
Mitsuki: "Really? That's good to hear."
Charles: "But it doesn't change the fact that he's still in a dangerous condition. It's a wonder he's alive even now."
Faust: "Being half-vampire, his natural healing ability should be better than a human's, but he's unusually weakened."
After hearing their gloomy remarks, Comte thought it over.
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Comte: "It might be the influence of the progenitor's miasma."
I recall the suffering Galileo and Vlad endured.
Comte: "The progenitor's miasma was painful even for us who were just there."
Comte: "Galileo's body was taken over, albeit for a short while."
Comte: "It's possible that his body was directly weakened by that time."
Mitsuki: "Is there no way to cure it?"
Comte: "I don't know. I hope it's something that will heal over time."
Comte shook his head apologetically.
With so little information about the progenitor itself, no one likely knew the solution.
Vlad: "That's probably why the progenitor sought a vessel."
Vlad: "I saw the body of an old man rotting away in that throne room. It's likely that the body couldn't withstand the miasma or the tremendous power."
Vlad: "The progenitor survived by transferring to a new host."
Leonardo: "Plus, the weapon Galileo used to stab himself is actually designed to kill vampires, which makes things even worse."
When the weapon was brought up, several people glanced over at Drake, who was also at the mansion.
Vlad: "There should only be one weapon in the world capable of killing a vampire, and it's a spear."
Vlad: "So, what exactly is your knife?"
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Drake: "There's a lot of history behind it."
He shrugged his shoulders and gave a wry smile.
Drake: "Well, given the current situation, I have no intention of harming any of you."
Drake: "But we were driven by a desire to destroy the world. It's true that we were investigating you all."
Drake: "If you consider me dangerous, do whatever you want with me. I'm not going to run."
Drake: "Galileo probably has the same resolve."
(No way.)
Listening to their conversation, Leonardo sighed.
Leonardo: "I can't overlook what you were trying to do, but it's not our call to label you as dangerous."
Comte: "That's right. No one here has that right."
Mitsuki: "Also..."
After listening to their exchange, I spoke up.
Mitsuki: "I'm sure that simply judging someone isn't the answer."
Scenes of persecution and discrimination that I've witnessed flash through my mind.
I remember the kids whose lives were cut short just for being dhampirs—Miguel and Mireia, stuck in the slums, and Galileo, who got labeled a heretic.
I've seen the horror of judging based on race, ideology, biased information, and limited perspectives.
(I've pursued the truth with my own eyes since meeting Galileo.)
(I won't repeat the same mistakes from the past to stop the cycle of negativity.)
Mitsuki: "We mustn't turn away from the truths that Galileo and the dhampirs have experienced."
Mitsuki: "I want to embrace both anger and hatred and think together about the future of this world—regardless of the country, era, or race we come from."
Drake: "Mitsuki..."
(It'd be great if we could all be a bridge to everyone, just like Galileo wanted.)
(So, please live, Galileo.)
(This world may have made you despair many times, but there is surely a future where you will smile again. I will definitely find it for you.)
I want you to live. I want you to be happy.
I want to make you happy.
As I held on to these thoughts, the long night began to break.
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Comte: "Regardless of the country, era, or race we come from, huh?"
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Vlad: "Those were Mitsuki's words just now."
As the sun began to rise, Vlad and Comte exchanged words in front of the door that led to all beginnings, the one that guided the historical figures and Mitsuki.
Comte: "Hey, Vlad. We've crossed time through this door and resurrected historical men as vampires."
Comte: "I've started questioning our actions since the door began to warp. However, after hearing Mitsuki's words, it felt like continuing to walk even through this distorted fate would connect us to the future."
Vlad: "Yeah. And, beyond the differences in races, we will walk together."
Vlad: "Even if the idea of living forever goes against the principles of the world, everyone is still living in this world."
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Galileo's condition repeatedly fluctuated, and he gradually began to stabilize.
However, no matter how much we tried, he didn't wake up, and many mornings and nights had passed.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, I'll place these blanc flowers here."
I placed the flowers in a vase on the table.
Right now, Galileo is sleeping in his room at the hideout.
Comte: "You want to take Galileo back to his home?"
Mitsuki: "Yes. He has a precious garden there."
Mitsuki: "It might be just a comfort, but I want to at least let him be close to it."
Comte: "I see. I understand. Maybe it'll have a good effect."
Comte: "I'll make preparations right away."
---------Flashback Ends--------
With Comte's arrangement, I continued to take care of Galileo at the hideout.
(Maybe the dhampirs can help him wake up through his dreams.)
I know it was a baseless and faint hope, but I was ready to believe in anything if there was even a small chance.
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Mitsuki: "Do you remember? When I had a fever, you took care of me. Hehe, now it's the other way around."
Mitsuki: "Back then, your presence made me feel less anxious."
Even though I spoke to him and smiled, there was no response.
(If he were awake, I wonder how he would react.)
(He'd probably say 'I see' or something equally indifferent.)
Remembering his calm demeanor made me miss him, and a sense of sadness welled up.
After tidying up Galileo's stuff, I left the room.
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
In the living room, I noticed some unfamiliar luggage.
As I pondered what was happening, Draco suddenly flew in and placed his toy on top of the luggage.
Mitsuki: "Is this your luggage?"
Draco: "Captain! Sail! Captain! Sail!"
Mitsuki: "Huh? Sail?"
Drake: "You're a bit too early, Draco."
Turning around, I saw Drake smiling broadly.
Mitsuki: "Drake, you're leaving?"
Drake: "I was thinking of going on a journey after Galileo wakes up."
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Mitsuki: "Where are you planning to go on this journey?"
Drake: "Hmm, where to? I haven't decided yet, so I don't know."
Drake: "But a journey without a destination can also be fun, yeah?"
His ambiguous response gave me a bad feeling.
(Could it be?)
Mitsuki: "Drake, are you planning on not coming back?"
He showed a thoughtful expression, then looked around the room as if to take it all in.
Drake: "Who knows? But I no longer have a reason to be here."
Drake: "I still think this world should be destroyed, but I don't have any reliable means to make that happen now."
Drake: "Whether I find a new way or not, I'm better off wandering in the sea."
Mitsuki: "But what about Galileo?"
Drake: "He has you."
He looked me straight in the eyes.
Drake: "You really are the woman of destiny, Mitsuki."
Drake: "In the end, you saved Galileo's life. No, you saved our lives."
Drake: "You changed the disastrous fate we were destined to follow."
Mitsuki: "But I hindered the paths you both were taking."
Galileo and Drake had joined hands because of their despair. You could say I hindered their wish.
Mitsuki: "Do you hate me?"
Drake: "No way."
He shrugged his shoulders as he said these words.
Drake: "I knew he was carrying too many burdens, but I chose not to interfere."
Drake: "No matter how heavy they were, he would never put them down. It was his reason for living."
(His reason for living? That might be true.)
The many regrets that were too heavy to bear but impossible to let go were keeping Galileo alive.
Drake: "But if there's someone like you who understands everything and is willing to accept even his desire for destruction, then he might be able to gradually let it go."
Drake: "You've constantly clashed with Galileo's stubborn heart without giving up."
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Drake: "You brought him back when he was about to get lost. Thank you, little fawn."
Mitsuki: "Drake..."
I wasn't sure if it was the joy of hearing those words or the sadness of the sudden farewell, but my eyes started to well up.
Drake: "Oh, by the way, I've got a stash of gold and silver hidden somewhere here. Feel free to use it if you find them. My parting gift for you."
Mitsuki: "Hey, Drake..."
Drake: "And Galileo will wake up soon! It's just a hunch, but even a bit of hope is better, right?"
Mitsuki: "Come on, listen. Galileo needs you."
Mitsuki: "You were the only comrade he saved, a companion who shared the same hopes and dreams."
Drake: "......."
My persistent words are met with a determined silence.
Mitsuki: "But still, if you're really going to leave, then be sure to come back someday. Galileo and I will be waiting for you."
When I conveyed my heartfelt wish, he gently patted my head.
Drake: "Well, if I feel like it."
Drake laughed like he didn't have a worry in the world.
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It was a bright, sunny day with a clear blue sky.
Mitsuki: "It's a nice day today, Galileo. Look, the midday moon is out."
Sidereus: "Woof!"
I visited his room and opened the window.
Sidereus, who had followed me, sniffed the gentle breeze, while Galileo's silvery hair swayed and shimmered faintly in the wind.
However, his eyelashes didn't flutter at all.
(How long has it been since I've seen Galileo's eyes?)
A dark shadow started to fall over my heart, but I shook it off.
Mitsuki: "Maybe I'll do some cleaning. Though it's already tidy and clean."
I gave Sidereus a treat and sent him to another room, then started to clean.
While dusting off the desk, I accidentally knocked over the flower vase.
Mitsuki: "Crap!"
The spilled water trickled down to the drawer, so I opened it to check if any had gotten inside.
Mitsuki: "Yeah, it's wet. Huh?"
I noticed an old, folded paper crane stored inside.
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Mitsuki: "This origami crane..."
It was a plain origami crane folded from white paper with no distinguishing features.
But the moment I held it, distant memories came rushing back like twinkling stars.
Galileo: "Are you okay?"
Mitsuki: "I-I'm okay."
Galileo: "Ah, at last I—"
Hearing the gentle voice from above, I lifted my head.
Galileo: "Have I managed to save someone?"
---------Flashback Ends--------
Mitsuki: "No way."
The warmth of his embrace, the paper crane I offered to express my gratitude, and the beautiful eyes from my memories, now overlapped with his amethyst eyes.
(Was he the one who saved me when I was a kid?)
Mitsuki: "Could it be..."
Recalling the last words we exchanged, I looked back at him sleeping.
(Did he know?)
Did he know that we had met long ago?
Did he know that he saved me back then?
This miraculous fate brought us together once more across time.
Mitsuki: "It's unfair that you kept it a secret all this time."
How should I express this feeling?
How should I tell him that these precious feelings born within me were all directed towards him?
Mitsuki: "Galileo."
I knelt beside the bed and held his hand.
Mitsuki: "Please wake up, Galileo."
Mitsuki: "I have so many things I want to ask you and talk about."
Through my blurring tears, his profile looked pale, and the hand I brushed against my cheek felt cold.
At that moment, as I fervently wished for his awakening, his fingertips moved slightly.
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Mitsuki: "Galileo!!"
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Previous Part ╎ Romantic ╎ Dramatic
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thehollowwriter · 5 months
Summary: Azul meets Finn's father, and he is very afraid.
Word count: 3872
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤️)
Mister Clearcove
"Papa wants to meet you." Said Finn, and Azul nearly choked on his tea.
"Papa wants to meet you." Finn repeated, munching on a biscuit. "He thinks you should come over during the holidays."
He was so casual about it, as if he were telling Azul it was going to be sunny tomorrow, and not that the possibly most terrifying man Azul had ever seen wanted to meet him.
Azul gazed at Finn wordlessly for a moment. Was this a joke? Was Finn trying to prank him?
"I...I see." Azul said slowly.
Finn did not say "just kidding" as he had hoped. Instead, he licked the crumbs from his lips and carried on sketching the possible menu designs he and Azul had brainstormed.
"You're sure he wants to meet me?" Azul blurted.
Finn put his pencil down and raised an eyebrow at him. "Of course. Papa doesn't ask to meet just anyone. Don't tell me you're scared now."
"Of course not!" Azul exclaimed, frowning. "I'm just... surprised. I didn't think he would be interested in meeting me at all."
Finn sent him a small smile. "You underestimate how interesting you are."
Azul flushed. "I suppose so. Shall we set up a date, then?"
Finn nodded. "Yeah. I'll ask Papa when he's available."
The two of them went back to what they were doing, and silence reigned once more.
Azul was awake long after curfew that night, staring at the incomplete nautilus shell earings he had spent days painstakingly crafting by hand.
He planned to give them to Finn sometime, but... should he? He didn't know.
If he were to end up in Silas Clearcove's bad books, it would make any attempts at a relationship or gaining a potential seafood supplier for the lounge quite difficult.
If they were to meet, Azul wanted to make the best impression he could. Naturally, making a good impression meant knowing the person you wanted to impress, and in order to know the person you wanted to impress, one needed to do research.
Unfortunately for Azul, Finn's father was an utter mystery. Most Atlantica residents did not like Silas and preferred to avoid him, fearful of him and his origins.
"The... the abyssal mer? I can't believe some people buy food from him, if you ask me."
"Silas? I had to move my daughter to a different elementary school because that monster's son was attending hers."
"Tainted blood, that's what he is."
Rumours, often wretched and gut-churning, did their rounds often.
Azul wasn't stupid enough to believe them, of course. Call him a sceptic, but he was quite sure Silas did not murder Finn and cause Finn to become a ghost.
Most of what Azul himself knew about Silas was through osmosis and from Finn. The basic facts were: he was a cookie cutter shark from the Abyss, he was a butcher, a single father, and was married to a powerful mage named Morrigan who died before Finn was born.
"He was a mage, too." Finn would say if asked about Morrigan. "He went to Night Raven. He was a Savanaclaw student, and then he became a teacher. He was quite talented."
The cause of Morrigan's death was something not even Finn knew, and most of the city pretended it didn't happen.
"Oh, you know, Morrigan was like, fifty when he died." Some would say. "Who knows what health complications he could've had."
Azul also attempted to ask his mother about it, but she became unusually cryptic.
"It was awful." She had said sadly, dabbing her eyes. "Simply awful. Oh, poor Silas, he was heartbroken..."
Azul made a mental note to steer clear of the topic of Morrigan in case it was a touchy subject.
Azul's own memories of Silas were few and far between. They were fuzzy, blurred by time, and unreliable. Finn swam to and from school by himself most of the time, so Azul didn't see Silas every day.
All Azul could really remember was vague parts of his appearance and a presence that made crowds part and parents whisper.
There was only one clear memory that stood out, but even that one had been tainted by age.
Azul remembered cowering behind his mother, taking a peek every now and then at the large, looming shark speaking to his mother in a low, gruff voice.
He was scarred and a bit odd looking, but what truly drew Azul's attention was the ribs of... something that decorated Silas' tail, and the twin sets of orca teeth necklaces around his neck. It was terrifying to see back then. Now, though, he was concerned his seashells would be an inadequate courting gift, considering Silas was apparently very traditional.
The lack of reliable memories left Azul to rely on individuals close to him for information, although it didn't turn up much. Silas was like his son. He kept to himself and wasn't prone to chatting .
"Old man Silas?" Floyd's expression turned thoughtful when Azul asked him about him. "Don't see him a lot. When he comes to Ma and Pa's parties, he just hangs out in the corner and stares at his glass till it's over. Then we never see him until the next one."
"He'll engage in conversation if we initiate it." Jade added. "But he doesn't say much. He's not a very talkative fellow."
Azul sighed. "Do you know anything else?"
"Well," Jade tapped his chin. "He's from the Abyss. But everybody knows that."
"He's got a legendary resting bitch face." Floyd chimed in, grinning. "It puts Finn's to shame. He looks like he'll snap your neck if you look at him wrong."
"I see."
He asked his mother about Silas next, during one of their biweekly phonecalls. She had more to say than the twins, and definitely more pleasant things too, but none of it was particularly helpful.
"Oh, Silas is a dear!" Azul's mother sounded delighted. "So helpful and hardworking, and so very polite. I keep saying he should come for dinner sometime, but he's always so busy."
"Do you know anything about his preferences?"
"Hmm. No. Sorry, dear."
"No no, it's alright. Thank you, Mama."
It seemed the only one who knew anything at all about Silas Clearcove was Finn, and Azul most certainly did not want to ask him and risk his intentions coming to light early.
Azul was frustrated that his research was inconclusive, and far more nervous than he was originally. When he finally returned home for the holidays, and the reality truly hit him, the nervousness became utter stress.
It seemed he wasn't doing as a good a job at hiding it as he hoped, since when Finn arrived to fetch him one early morning, he tilted his head to the side with a bemused smile.
"You don't need to be so nervous." Finn said as he began to lead Azul to their destination. "Papa won't bite."
The Clearcove property was far away from the city, starting at a sand bank and stretching on to the edge of a cliff. Only the faintest tendrils of sunlight reached down there, but it was promptly snuffed out by the towering kelp forest that stretched on for miles. The kelp swayed eerily in the ghostly quiet, lit up by only a few lanterns strung about.
It was a stark contrast to the sunlit streets and bustling noise of the city.
It gave Azul the creeps, and he suddenly understood why the rumours that spread were always so supernatural in nature. It was like they were swimming through a haunted patch of sea.
They followed a stone path through the maze of kelp and rocks and fish, keeping to the light of the lanterns. It was a long swim, and Azul wished he had better endurance.
Then, the faint scent of blood made Azul stop swimming, concerned.
Finn tugged him forward. "That's just the abattoir, don't worry."
The scent got stronger the further they went, and Azul had to clench his teeth to stop himself from darting away in terror until they got to it.
The abattoir did not look quite how Azul expected it to. Rather than a dark, dilapidated building, it was a large cave with an entrance marked by the gaping maw of a whale skull. Lanterns lit the area up brightly, making it look just a little less daunting.
Mers darted about the place, lugging in fresh kills, nets of crustaceans and molluscs, and large containers.
A few of them waved at Finn as he passed by and gave Azul a curious look, but other than that, they didn't pay their presence much mind.
Finn and Azul carried on for another half hour or so until finally, they came to a circular clearing, and the small stone path led towards a garden of coral, seagrass, and seasponge.
Nestled amongst the garden was what one could supposedly call a "house." Really, it was a large rock that had been carved into, its walls etched with little patterns that Azul was sure Finn was responsible for.
Finn swam forwards to unlock the purple coral door, then let Azul inside.
"Papa, we're here!" Finn called as they swam in. Well, Finn swam in. Azul squeezed himself in through the door, coiling his tentacles close so he didn't knock anything over. He was skinny, but the Clearcove home was undoubtedly cookie cutter shark sized.
The first thing he noticed was the smell of food. It didn't have quite as strong an aroma as food on land, but he could definitely smell it. The next thing he noticed was the cosy little lounge slash dining room he found himself in.
Pictures and paintings that were probably made by Finn when he was a child were hung up on the walls, and large clumps of sea sponge, coral, and bone formed couches and chairs.
Azul didn't have much time to take it in, as Silas then swam into the room and dusted his hands, crossing his arms, and Azul went still.
"Hello, Finn." He said. His voice was as soft as Finn's, but deeper and more gravelly. He nodded at Azul. "Ashengrotto."
"H...Hello, sir." Azul greeted, his voice coming out far more wobbly than he wanted it to.
Silas... didn't look quite how Azul remembered. From his child perspective, Silas was large, larger than life, even. Now, though, as a teenager, Azul could see Silas was not much larger than Finn. Azul himself was several times bigger than both of them.
When Azul was trying to research Silas, his mind filled in the blanks and created an image of an older looking Finn. Now, though, he could see how different they were.
Finn was chubby. Soft, pudgy, and round. His skin was absent of any marks aside from the scars on his shoulder, the freckles on his face, and the stretch marks on his stomach. His hair and body were a lively forest green that blended perfectly with his surroundings.
Silas, on the other hand, was very thin. His skin stretched just a little too taught in some places. His body was littered with scars of various degrees of severity. On his face, his abdomen, his tail, his arms, his neck... even his gills. The long, jagged scar that sliced across the gills on his neck made Azul's own gills itch.
His fins were riddled with holes and tears that hadn't healed properly. It looked painful, and it made Azul wince when he looked at them.
He was purple in hue, and his face, aged and weathered, housed the only thing he had in common with Finn appearance-wise. A pair of bright amthyst eyes that shone like gems in the light of the lanterns.
It was then that Azul knew he was looking at someone who had seen and done things he could not even begin to comprehend. Someone very dangerous and very powerful.
Azul's gaze eventually drifted to the necklaces that hung around Silas' neck. The teeth that were strung up on them were quite obviously orca teeth. Each necklace had a volute shell and a skeletal murex shell, respectively.
Courting gifts. One belonged to Silas, the other, his late husband.
Silas' necklaces were difficult to make. There was a risk involved, a certain amount of power and skill required to get the materials. Orca teeth were not small trophies.
Azul felt like Silas' gaze had frozen him in place with magic. Those eyes, so deep and knowing, made goosebumps ripple across his skin, and his heart jump into his throat.
His unique magic had a benefit that few knew about. It allowed him to sense others' magic and said magic's essence or power, and dear Seven could he sense Silas'.
It was dark and twisted, rolling off of Silas in waves of power that made something primal in Azul's mind begin to panic.
It was ancient. Pulsing. It bubbled just below the surface and promised a taste of the horrors found leagues down below.
Abyssal magic.
Silas' magic was far stronger than Azul's, far stronger than Finn's, far stronger than some of the professors at Night Raven, and it filled Azul's heart with a mix of awe and terror.
The familiar urge to take it for himself was strong, tugging at the back of his head. But he knew better. By the Sea Witch, did he know better.
Finn once told Azul that Silas never had any proper magical training of any kind. In fact, Finn was the first person on Silas' side of the family to attend school at all.
The fact that Silas still held this much power despite that... it was incredible and terrifying all at once.
The fear that filled Azul turned his veins to ice. The overwhelming knowledge that he did not have the advantage, that he did not have the most powerful magic, and that he was neither the smartest nor the strongest in the room made him feel like a guppy in the jaws of a great white.
"Azul, you look pale." Said Finn, though he was clearly more amused than worried, the bastard. "Are you alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine." Azul said quickly. "Just tired from the trip here."
Silas hadn't said a word at all. He simply stared at Azul, and Azul stared back.
Then Silas hummed, a deep rumbling sound, and swam back into the kitchen. Azul let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and shot a glance at Finn.
Finn smiled. "Don't mind Papa." He said. "He's not big on conversations. It might not be obvious, but he's happy to have you over. He's even letting you eat with us today."
Azul looked towards the kitchen, then back at Finn questioningly.
"That's not something he usually does." Finn clarified. "Sharing food that he hasn't sold, that is. He always says it's safest to be selfish when it comes to meals."
Azul nodded slowly. "I... I see." He murmured, overcome with the dreadful realisation that he could not skip out on whatever would be served without looking like an ungrateful brat with no manners.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Silas returned with a number of plates and platters in tow, piled high with all kinds of food.
Finn perked up, finns fluttering. "Oh, he used the vents. We're lucky today."
The... vents?
The platters were gently placed down with magic, as well as three empty plates. Azul stared at the vast amount of food, trying to see if there was anything small with few calories he could eat.
Seaweed wraps, crab rolls, whole crabs, shrimp, lobsters, mussels, clams, scallops, abalone, tuna, hake, even sushi, and so much more was available to choose from.
Azul's mouth opened and closed in surpise, and for the first time since greeting them, Silas spoke.
"I was not too sure what food you preferred. Finn told me you're quite strict with what you eat. I hope this is suitable."
Azul looked at Silas and once again felt frozen in place by that stare. Floyd wasn't kidding about him looking like he would snap your neck at any moment...
"I-" Azul had to swallow so he could try to speak clearly. "It is. Thank you, sir. You're very kind."
"Alright, then. Sit down. Choose what you want."
Azul obeyed, wondering how on earth the twins managed to make Silas sound like a stone faced introvert when he seemed more like a retired soldier or something.
Silas and Finn seated themselves opposite him. Finn, ever the food lover, happily began piling up his plate. Silas simply watched Azul, silent once again.
Azul avoided his gaze and selected some Sushi (where did Silas get rice from?) and a few oysters.
He paused when he got to the lobster, which he was not going to eat due to the hugh cholesterol by the way, and stared at it. It... it wasn't raw. It was cooked..?
"Hypothermic vents." Said Silas, noticing Azul's confused expression. "They work like an oven or a place to boil food if you use them correctly."
Azul's eyes widened in surpise. "Really? That's... That's incredible. I would never have thought to use thermal vents to cook food. How do you not burn anything?"
"I use magic to alter the heat." Silas explained quietly, his lips quirking up a bit. "It's something my grandfathers taught me."
"So I assume you alter the heat to different temperatures to allow for different methods and cook times?" Azul asked curiously.
Silas nodded.
"Incredible. Have you not thought of selling this? You would intrigue a lot of people with something as rare as cooked food. I-" Azul hesitated, realising Finn was raising his eyebrows at him. "I-If you want to, of course."
Silas gazed at Azul for a moment, and Azul began to panic internally, cursing at himself and his inability to shut up about business.
"You are your mother's son," Silas finally rumbled, sounding more amused than angry. "I'll tell you what I've told your mother. I have no interest in monetizing this."
Blood rushed to Azul's cheeks, and his fear and panic turned into embarrassment.
"Idiot." He snapped at himself. "You ruined a nice conversation."
Silas didn't say anything further, so Azul went back to picking at his sushi, taking little bites every now and then.
The urge to say something, anything, to fill the awful silence was overwhelming, but neither Silas nor Finn were particularly talkative, and Azul didn't want to be the irritating chatterbox of the group.
Finn was currently tearing through his meal, absolutely delighted at the special use of the vents. He cracked open a scallop and popped the meat into his mouth with a happy sigh.
Silas hadn't eaten a single thing. Apart from the occasional glance at Finn, his eyes were completely trained on Azul.
His gaze was intense. Terrifying. It was as if he were mentally taking Azul apart, looking for flaws, for weakness. Azul wondered if this was how his fellow classmates felt when he made deals with them.
"Finn's told me a lot about you." Silas said suddenly, and Azul gulped.
"He... He has?"
"Yes. He quite likes you-"
"Papa!" Finn squeaked, flustered. "You didn't need to say that part."
"-and I hear you're starting a restaurant of your own at school?"
"Ah- yes." Azul nearly choked out, relieved. Now, this was something to talk about. "Mostro Lounge. An establishment for gentlemen, neutral ground between the dorms of Night Raven College where you can wind down after a long day."
Silas hummed. "What a clever idea. My husband attended Night Raven when he was your age. I remember he once told me he wished he didn't have to go all the way to town to eat something that wasn't served at the cafeteria."
Azul puffed up at the compliment, glad to finally feel like he had some semblance of control. "Why yes, it is a pain, especially if you don't have time for such trips. The comfort and satisfaction of my fellow students is my primary goal, and I hope to achieve that with Mostro Lounge."
Silas' lips quirked upwards again. "How kind of you," He said, and Azul was pretty sure he didn't entirely mean it. He sounded too... knowing. "I hope you're successful."
Azul couldn't hold back the smirk that crossed onto his face. "Believe me, sir, I will be."
Silas nodded but didn't answer, and Azul went back to eating.
"Finn," Silas said after a while, turning his head to his son, who had been quietly listening to the conversation while digging into a small lobster. "Could you please tell Timo to move his hunt to the fourth quadrant for me?"
Finn looked a little confused, but he nodded anyway. "Sure." He said, then sent a small smile Azul's way. "I'll be back in a bit."
He disappeared out the door, and Azul was suddenly very aware that he was alone with Silas Clearcove watching him like he wanted to take a bite out of him.
Azul put his hands on his lap to hide the fact that they were shaking and stared back at Silas like a deer in headlights.
"You've built quite a reputation for yourself around here over the years, Azul." Silas said. "With those little deals of yours. Your magic is quite impressive, I must say."
There was a long pause, and Silas tapped his long black claws against the table.
"I was concerned at first when Finn started telling me about you." He said. "You're quite a greedy young man. But... I trust Finn's judgement. I'm not going to sit here and threaten you or tell you not to hurt Finn. I know you won't. However,"
Silas' eyes narrowed. "I'm well aware that you like... collecting magic, shall we say. Abyssal magic seems to have piqued your interest recently. Listen to me carefully. Finn is not to make contracts with you, and you are not to try to convince him to do so. You're a smart boy, Azul. I'm sure you understand."
The unspoken implication hung in the air, and Azul understood it all too well. He's heard the rumours, and while he wasn't sure how true they were, he'd rather not risk having his magic sucked dry.
'He's like a magic parasite.'
'He'll suck you dry until you're nothing but a husk'
'If he can't take your magic, then he'll take your soul.'
The voices of Azul's old classmates echoed in his mind.
"I understand, sir." He said, feeling a little sick.
Finn returned shortly after, informing Silas that Timo had moved his hunt.
"I hope you didn't scare you too much." He whispered as he swam past Azul.
Azul just laughed.
After Silas gave Azul that little warning, the old mer was much more relaxed, though most of the conversation was still carried by Azul and Finn.
The day seemed to fly by now that the fear that had swallowed Azul whole began to ebb, and soon it was late afternoon and time for Azul to leave. He needed to be home before sundown.
"I'll come visit you." Finn said softly before Azul could exit through the door."
Azul smiled a bit. "Thank you, I suppose." He murmured, feeling his cheeks burn once again.
"Thank you for having me over, Mister Clearcove." He said to Silas, bowing his head. "I greatly appreciate your hospitality."
Silas hummed in acknowledgement. "I'm always happy to Finn's friends over. Get home safe, now, Azul, and..." His voice suddenly dropped to a whisper. "Be careful with those contracts of yours, alright?"
Azul blinked, confused.
"Of course, sir."
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the fear of god being put in Azul! I had a lot fun writing this.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly
@jovieinramshackle @galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00
@krenenbaker @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @am0nline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @ramshacklerumble @elysia-nsimp
@skrimpyskimpy @casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @the-banana-0verlord @skriblee-ksk
@poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch @tixdixl @ghostiidasponk
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ahedderick · 2 months
Monday Meow
Good grief.
Meadow-cat is the queen of disappearing. Inside or out, if she doesn't want to be found you're highly unlikely to find her. This is only made worse by the fact that I have a lot of old, HEAVY wooden furniture that is next to impossible to move. So, knowing that she (and big-guy Rocky) had an appointment for shots this morning, I confined her Saturday evening to one bedroom. She had a litterbox, food, water, and a reasonable amount of petting. I just didn't want to get to Monday morning and find that she was doing her invisible cat routine . . and they seem to know the night beforehand when an appointment is scheduled. (Other cat owners - agree? It's like they can read your calendar!)
There was rather a lot of meowing, and not nearly as much using-the-litterbox as I expected. However, when Monday morning came around, I knew right where she was. Into the carrier she went. Rocky really should have a small dog crate; he is awfully big for a standard cat carrier. Off we went! Listening to the Song of Meadow the whole way!
She trembled her way through a brief physical, got weighed (good weight), and got her vaccines. Rocky seemed calmer about it all, but did hiss several times. Highly Unusual for my chill-boy.
After agreeing with the vet that, yes, our pastures are WAY too dry, we headed home. When we took her out of her carrier - disaster! She had peed and pooped on the way home; there was an appalling mess in her long fur. I took her in to the bathroom for the second cat-bath I've had to give this month. My normal number of cat baths is zero, and I like it that way.
Oh, the yowling. The clawing. She was, bless her heart, trying to avoid outright clawing my skin, but she very much wanted to catch hold of my clothes and climb up out of the water. I crouched in the tub (again) very gently trying to wash fur (again) and not get lacerated (again). There was a dingleberry that distressed everyone involved. My daughter the aspiring vet tech Dealt With that while I held Meadow down as gently as possible. I'm pretty good with Kit-jitsu holds.
Now she is holed up under my bed, and may never speak to us again. Poor girl.
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reashot · 1 year
Day 8 of 9 days of Lancaster. Meeting the family/ How Jaune almost lost his Life.
PSA: Hey sorry for the really late post but I been really busy with life. But not to worry the last one will be posted soon enough.
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Two people can be seen sitting together in a couch. A boy and a girl. The boy for some reason can't seem to shop shaking from his seat. While the girl sitting next to him are trying to calm him down as best as she can.
Ruby: Jaune please stop shaking.
Jaune: I-I can't Ruby I'm too worried about what will going to happen. What if they don't like me.
Ruby: You worry too much. They will like you.
Jaune: Oh, here they come. I hope you're right Ruby...
The door opens to reveals two adults entering the room. The two then quietly walks towards them and sit across from Ruby and Jaune.
Summer: So is this the famous Jaune Arc I keep hearing about?
Ruby: Oh yeah, so anyway mom I want to introduce you to Jaune.
Jaune: H-hello mrs. Ruby's mom. I-I mean mrs. Rose. My Name is Jaune Arc, a pleasure to meet you.
Summer: Oh such a charming young man. And it's a pleasure to meet you too Jaune. Hey dear, why don't you go and say Hi to Jaune too?
Tai: *grumble, grumble*
Summer: Oh Tai my love, please be nice to the handsome young man. Or else you'll be sleeping on this here couch for the night.
Tai: Hrmmm.... Fine, okay I'll do it! Hi Jaune...
Jaune: It's nice to meet you too Mr. Xiao Long, sir...
Tai: Growl!
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Jaune: Eeep! I'm-I'm sorry for being born, sir!
Ruby: Dad you're scaring him!
Summer: Really, dear. Is this how you're going to act everytime he comes to visit?
Tai: That remains to be seen...
Jaune: I assure you, sir. That I have every intention to continue my "meeting" with Ruby for a long time.
Ruby: Jaune... *blush*
Summer: Oh my.... What a daring man you are.
Tai: Why you!!!
Summer: Now, now. My dear please try not to kill every boy that try to get close to our daughter. We don't want a repeat of last time. Here have something to drink.
Tai: Fine... *drink*
Jaune: *gulp* Last time?...
Ruby: There used to be a boy that i'm a close friend with but he and his entire family suddenly have to leave after I invite him back home.
Jaune: W-what happened. To make him suddenly leave like that?
Summer: Trust me Jaune. It's not something you want to know.... Anyway let's talk about the most important stuffs. How many times you done "it" With Ruby?
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Jaune: Oh, how many times I did "it" with Ruby? A lot I guess.
Summer: Oh my, such a healthy young boy you are. And Ruby did you enjoy doing "it" with him?
Ruby: Y-yes mom. He's so great in fact that we ended up doing "it" all Night.
Tai: (internally screaming)
Summer: Ahh. Young love... So Jaune what do you think about our little Ruby does she satisfy you in everyway possible?
Jaune: Yes in fact she does thing that I didn't know was possible.
Tai: *going into shock*
Summer: He, he, he. I see. So Ruby did he do the same thing to you?
Ruby: Of course he did. I didn't know that Jaune was so open-minded in trying new things. He's even cool with me in letting me bring other people in.
Summer&Tai: Wait, what?
Jaune: I told you Ruby, just because I let others join in with us doesn't mean that I like doing it. I mean Pyhrra, Weiss and even Blake. At the same time even.
Ruby: Oh. But I thought it's every boy's dream to be doing it with a bunch of girls?
Jaune: Well not this boy that's for sure. I prefer to be doing it with a single person. And I would like that person to be you Ruby.... That is of course, if you want it?
Ruby: Oh... Jaune~ Of course I want it. I want to that person.
Summer: Oh my, I guess it's true that you shouldn't judge a person by their appearance. Say honey, you been unusually quiet for some time now...
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My little girl.... He not only defiled my beautiful baby girl. But he treats her like a side chick in his own harem.
Summer: Uh Tai. We can hear what you're thinking.
Ruby: Please dad you're freaking us out.
Jaune: I think you should calm down Ruby's dad...
Tai: Dad? Dad? Dad!!!!! I'll fucking kill you if you use that word on me. Listen here fuccboy! I will never approve of your relationship with my daughter. Let alone giving you my blessing to marry Ruby.
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Ruby&Jaune: Wait, what!!!
Tai: You heard me I will never let you have Ruby's hand in marriage!
Jaune: W-wait please stop. Ow! L-let me explain. Please stop shaking me before I can explain!
Ruby: Me Marrying Jaune? What are you talking about dad!
Summer: Ruby please stop with this innocent act. I admit that it's cute for a while but it's way over played. We know you want to introduce us to your boyfriend.
Ruby: B-bo-boyfriend!!! Mom, Jaune is not my boyfriend!
Tai: Really?!
Jaune: That's what I been trying to tell you...
Tai: Shut up. I'm not talking to you!
Summer: Then why did you tell us that you want us to meet Jaune & give us our blessing?
Ruby: Oh that's because we want your blessing for us to join a gaming competition.
Summer: A gaming competition?
Jaune: Yeah there's a huge prize if we win the game... Holy shi!!!
Summer: You... Brought us all here together saying you have something important to tell us about your relationship with Jaune. And you have all of us thinking that the two of you are finally getting together for real. Do you have any idea how much I wanted the two of you to be together?
Ruby: Mom please stop it. you're hurting Jaune.
Jaune: Please I can't breathe....
Tai: Sum-Sum I might not like the boy but I think you're going too far here.
Summer: Okay Jaune you want to live another day, right? Then you and Ruby need to give me grandchildren right now!
Ruby: Mom what are you saying!?
Summer: It's the only way for me to have grandchildren! Now let me start by taking off your pants.
Tai: Summer what are you doing!?
Jaune: I do not consent, I do not consent! Please stop it. I need an adult!!!
Summer: I'm an adult.
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Summer: Now stay still... Wow. You can split a person in half with what you're packing. Do you think Ruby mind if I borrow you sometimes?
Tai: Summer No!!!
Ruby: Stay away from Jaune!!!
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